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Synchronization and Artificial Insemination Strategies in Beef Cattle

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S y n c hron i z at i o n an d

Artificial Insemination
Strategies in Beef Cattle
a, b
Graham Clifford Lamb, PhD *, Vitor R.G. Mercadante, PhD

 Estrus synchronization  Artificial insemination  Beef cattle  Economics

 Development of fixed-time artificial insemination (TAI) estrus-synchronization protocols
limit animal handling and eliminate detection of estrus to provide users an opportunity
to more readily incorporate artificial insemination (AI) into their herds.
 Annually, the Beef Reproduction Task Force ( updates recom-
mended estrus-synchronization protocols for beef cows and heifers.
 The development of the AI Cowculator economic decision-aid tool allows producers an
opportunity to determine whether they should consider AI rather than purchasing herd
 As a result of continued use of intensive reproductive management tools, such as estrus
synchronization and AI, producers will note a benefit in calving distribution, enhanced
pregnancy rates, and increased subsequent calf value.


Advances in reproductive biotechnologies and enhanced understanding of the dy-

namics of the bovine estrous cycle have made possible the development of protocols
to manipulate the estrous cycle and control ovulation using natural and/or artificially
synthesized hormones. Utilization of estrus or ovulation synchronization and fixed-
timed artificial insemination (TAI) has facilitated the widespread utilization of artificial
insemination (AI) and can greatly impact the economic viability of cow-calf systems
by enhancing weaning weights.1 Implementation of TAI programs by beef producers,
however, depends largely on 2 key factors:
1. Limited frequency of handling cattle; and
2. Elimination of detection of estrus by using TAI.

The authors have nothing to disclose.

North Florida Research and Education Center, University of Florida, 3925 Highway 71,
Marianna, FL 32446, USA; b Department of Animal and Poultry Sciences, Virginia Tech, 3470 Lit-
ton Reaves Hall, Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Vet Clin Food Anim 32 (2016) 335–347
0749-0720/16/$ – see front matter Ó 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
336 Lamb & Mercadante

Currently only 7.6% of beef operations in the United Sates use AI as a reproductive
management tool,2 whereas 72.5% of all pregnancies in dairy females are the result
of AI.3 When queried as to their reluctance to use AI, more than 53% of operations
cited labor concerns or complicated estrous synchronization protocols as primary
reasons for not implementing this reproductive technology.2 During the past decade,
TAI protocols have been developed that eliminate detecting estrus and yield satisfac-
tory pregnancy rates. Most of these TAI protocols depend largely on the use of exog-
enous progesterone (P4), gonadotropin-release hormone (GnRH) to induce ovulation,
and luteolysis via administration of prostaglandin F2a (PGF).4,5


A single injection of PGF to induce luteolysis followed by detection of estrus and AI in

heifers was one of the first attempts to synchronize estrus.6 Conception rates did not
differ between control (21 days of detection of estrus) and treated heifers. However,
induction of luteolysis via injection of PGF can be achieved only during diestrus,
when a corpus luteum (CL) is present7 and injection of PGF in females during metes-
trus failed to induce luteolysis due to the refractoriness of the young CL during this
phase of the estrous cycle.6 In addition, no estrus response would be observed in
anestrus or prepubertal females, because of the absence of a CL.8
Administration of GnRH to cows successfully increased concentrations of luteiniz-
ing hormone (LH) and ovulation of the dominant follicle was achieved within 24 to
32 hours after GnRH injection.9,10 A combination of a GnRH injection followed by
PGF injection 7 days later was used to synchronize the follicular wave and induce
luteolysis, respectively, allowing a concentration of estrus activity and increased num-
ber of females exposed to AI.9 A second injection of GnRH 48 hours after PGF injection
was introduced to induce ovulation of the dominant follicle, allowing TAI to be per-
formed, excluding the necessity of detection of estrus. This TAI protocol was termed
“Ovsynch.”9 In the Ovsynch protocol, the first GnRH injection is administered to
induce ovulation of the dominant follicle, resetting the follicular wave. However, the
ovulation response to the first injection of GnRH was 31% in anestrous beef cows11
and varies according to the day of the estrous cycle,12,13 diameter of the dominant fol-
licle,14 and stage of follicular development.9 When ovulation from the first GnRH fails,
the second GnRH injection may cause the dominant follicle to ovulate at unexpected
intervals before AI impairing fertilization and pregnancy success.15


Later, the inclusion of P4, supplemented by a controlled internal drug release (CIDR)
device, to prevent ovulation before PGF injection was extensively investigated.4,15–17
Comparing conception rates between protocols with or without exogenous sources of
P4 indicated that fertility was improved when the device was applied (7-day CO-
Synch 1 CIDR protocol).4,15,18 In addition, pregnancy rates of anestrus cows synchro-
nized with the CIDR were similar to cyclic cows.15,16,19 However, follicles that fail to
ovulate to the first GnRH in the 7-day CO-Synch 1 CIDR protocol4,18 may become
persistent during the 7-day period in which the CIDR is present, thereby reducing
fertility to TAI. The proestrus phase in the 7-day CO-Synch 1 CIDR protocol may be
defined as the interval from the administration of PGF to the second injection of
GnRH, which may have a duration of 60 to 72 hours.4,15,17 Recently, in an attempt
to improve fertility, research focused on increasing the length of the proestrus in
estrous synchronization protocols from 66 hours (7-day CO-Synch 1 CIDR) to
72 hours (5-day CO-Synch 1 CIDR).17,20,21
Synchronization and AI Strategies in Beef Cattle 337

Extensive research has been done and is still being conducted by several research
groups to enhance the understanding of physiologic processes involved in the estrous
cycle and to enhance fertility and pregnancy success of TAI protocols. In an effort to
combine expertise in reproductive physiology and estrous synchronization and
encourage research cooperation across the United States, the Beef Reproduction
Task Force (BRTF) was formed in 2002. The BRTF is a multistate team of reproductive
physiology experts from 7 to 9 universities across the United States (http://beefrepro. The objectives of the BRTF are as follows:
 Improve the understanding of the physiologic processes of the estrous cycle, the
procedures available to synchronize estrus and ovulation, and the proper appli-
cation of these systems.
 Improve the understanding of methods to assess male fertility and how it affects
the success of AI programs.
Every year the BRTF releases an updated chart of recommended estrous synchro-
nization and TAI protocols that have been tested and are proven to be effective for
beef cows and heifers, including different protocols for Bos taurus and Bos indicus
cattle (Figs. 1 and 2). These charts are an excellent source of information and serve
as a guideline for beef producers and industry leaders in the United States.


Anestrous and Concentration of Progesterone
Postpartum anestrous is the major contributor to infertility in cattle.22 The resumption of
cyclicity, with the development of a functional CL that is capable of producing P4, earlier
in the postpartum period increases the number of estrous cycles and the chances of a
cow becoming pregnant during the breeding season. Reducing the postpartum interval
may be accomplished by managing nutrition, body condition score (BCS), disease, and
the suckling interaction between cow and calf.23 Resumption of postpartum estrous
cycles relies on increasing LH pulse frequency and overall concentration of LH in blood
and the increasing LH secretion stimulates follicle growth and ovulation.24
It has been suggested that a decrease in concentrations of P4 and an increase in E2
at the initiation of synchronization protocol may be important in initiating an increase in
LH release and consequently ovulation in cattle.25 In beef cows, presynchronization
(PGF administered 3 days before initiating a 6-day CO-Synch 1 CIDR TAI protocol)
improved follicle turnover in response to the first GnRH and subsequent pregnancy
success compared with a 5-day CO-Synch 1 CIDR treatment.26 In addition, heifers
were more likely to display estrus and had better follicle turnover after the first
GnRH when presynchronized with PGF.26 Recently, it has been reported that suckled
beef cows with concentrations of P4 of 4 ng/mL or more at the initiation of a synchro-
nization protocol had a 7.6% increase in pregnancy to TAI than cows with concentra-
tions of P4 of 0.5 ng/mL or less.27 In that same study, pregnancy to TAI for cows with
concentration of P4 at CIDR insertion of 0.50 to 3.99 ng/mL did not differ from cows
with concentration of P4 of 0.5 ng/mL or less. In contrast, beef cows with reduced
concentrations of P4 at the onset of TAI protocols have been shown to enhance preg-
nancy to TAI success.26

Follicle Development
Several ovulation-synchronization protocols use GnRH at the time of CIDR insertion
to induce ovulation and reset follicular waves to improve pregnancy outcomes.5
338 Lamb & Mercadante

Fig. 1. BRTF chart of recommended estrous synchronization and TAI protocols for beef cows.
The time listed for “Fixed-time AI” should be considered as the approximate average time
of insemination. This should be based on the number of cows to inseminate, labor, and fa-
cilities. (Courtesy of Beef Reproduction Task Force, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln,
NB; with permission.)

Ovulation induced by GnRH is dependent on the stage of follicular maturity when

GnRH injection occurs28 and ovulation of follicles smaller than 11 mm in diameter
resulted in compromised pregnancy rates to TAI.29 In addition, replacement beef
heifers were more likely to become pregnant when follicles induced to ovulate with
Synchronization and AI Strategies in Beef Cattle 339

Fig. 2. BRTF chart of recommended estrous synchronization and TAI protocols for beef
heifers. a The times listed for “Fixed-time AI” should be considered as the approximate
average time of insemination. This should be based on the number of heifers to inseminate,
labor, and facilities. (Courtesy of the Beef Reproduction Task Force, University of Nebraska-
Lincoln, Lincoln, NB; with permission.)

GnRH ranged from 10.7 to 15.7 mm in diameter.30 Nonetheless, recent studies inves-
tigating the effects of different follicle ages by manipulating the duration of proestrus
and comparing mature larger follicles with young smaller follicles in beef cows and
heifers determined that the age and maturity of the ovulatory follicle did not influence
pregnancy to TAI outcome.31,32
340 Lamb & Mercadante

Body Condition Score

Body condition score during the peripartum period also affects fertility. Previously,
we15 demonstrated that a single unit increase in BCS, especially from poor BCS to
adequate BCS, resulted in a 23% point increase in the proportion of cows pregnant
to TAI. Cows calving in poor BCS experience longer postpartum intervals to first estrus
than those cows calving in moderate to good BCS.33 The quantity of fat tissue is an
indicator of BCS and energy reserves, but is not only an energy source tissue but
also an important endocrine organ that synthesizes several hormones.34 Leptin is syn-
thesized mainly by white adipose tissue, commonly referred to as fat tissue35 and it
regulates body energy metabolism and food intake.36 Concentrations of leptin are
positively correlated with amplitude and frequency of LH pulses.37 In addition, the in-
terval from parturition to first ovulation was positively correlated with the leptin nadir,
indicating that a delay in the rise of leptin in blood is associated with an increase in the
interval to first ovulation.38 Furthermore, in a review combining data from 3269 suckled
cows exposed to estrous synchronization protocols, as BCS increased from 3.5 or
less to 6.0 or more, the percentage of cows cycling increased linearly by
18%  2% for each unit increase in BCS, and pregnancy rates were greater in
cows that calved during the first 7 weeks of the calving season, even though they
had a lower overall BCS than later-calving cows.39

Days Postpartum and Parity

The effects of days postpartum (DPP) on pregnancy rate to TAI in suckled beef cows
have also been previously shown, with improved fertility in multiparous cows and
when DPP was greater than 50 days.4,15,27 Differences in pregnancy responses of pri-
miparous versus multiparous cows can be attributed to more than the continual pres-
ence of a suckling calf that prolongs anestrus and delays the reinitiation of estrous
cycles.40 In a review of several studies including 3269 suckled cows, regardless of
parity, cyclic activity increased curvilinearly from 9% at 30 days or less to a peak of
70% at 81 to 90 days postpartum.39

Recent Findings on Factors Affecting Pregnancy Success of CO-Synch Programs

In a retrospective study41 to determine the effect of the P4 environment preceding
the onset of the estrus-synchronization or ovulation-synchronization program in addi-
tion to the well-documented influence of parity, BCS, and DPP on resulting preg-
nancy rates per AI, experimental data were combined from 73 herd-year studies
consisting of more than 8500 suckled beef cows exposed to 5-day or 7-day CO-
Synch–like programs. The P4 environment preceding synchronization was assessed
using 3 different methods based on P4 concentrations measured in blood samples
collected at 10 and 0 days before initiating the CO-Synch program and its tested
Few head-to-head multiple-location or single-herd comparisons of the 5-day
versus 7-day CO-Synch 1 CIDR programs are available. Overall, results have
favored the 5-day CO-Synch 1 CIDR program over the 7-day program; with either
increased pregnancy outcome in the 5-day program,17,42 or similar pregnancy rates
between both programs.21 Nonetheless, results substantiated by data analyzed by
Stevenson and colleagues (2015)41 detected no advantage for the 5-day duration
CO-Synch 1 CIDR program compared with the 7-day program. In addition, preg-
nancy rates after timed AI were superior for treatments that included a progestin
source (ie, melengestrol acetate, norgestomet, or P4) compared with programs
that included GnRH 1 PGF or PGF alone.
Synchronization and AI Strategies in Beef Cattle 341

The most desirable pregnancy outcomes indicated in the review41 were noted in
older, early calving cows in better body condition, and the poorest outcomes were
in primiparous, late-calving cows in the poorest body condition (Table 1). Progester-
one status at the onset of synchronization was not critical to pregnancy outcome in
multiparous cows, whereas pregnancy rate per AI was suppressed in primiparous
cows starting in a low-P4 environment (proestrus, metestrus, estrus, or anestrus), rein-
forcing the necessity of developing heifers adequately for early puberty to increase the
proportion that calve early in the calving season,43 which is related to their postpartum
reproductive performance.

Economic Implications of Combining Artificial Insemination with Estrus

Possible outcomes from the combined use of estrous synchronization and TAI include
shortened calving season, increased calf uniformity, and earlier births during the
calving season. Previous models have evaluated the economic benefits derived
from estrous synchronization and TAI based on heavier weaned calves with a potential
increased return of $25 to $40 per calf born from AI breeding for producers who decide
to dedicate the time and effort required to successfully implement an AI protocol.44 In
an analysis that investigated the incorporation of TAI compared with natural mating in
a cow/calf production setting, 84% of cows exposed to TAI subsequently weaned a
calf compared with 78% of cows in the natural mating group.1 Calving distribution
also differed, resulting in the mean calving day from initiation of the calving season
to be 26.8 days for cows exposed to TAI and 31.3 days for cows exposed to natural
mating.1 According to these data, not only are more calves weaned per cow exposed
to estrous synchronization and TAI, but calves may be older at weaning and have had
the opportunity to gain more weight.
This increase in weaning weight may have the greatest potential to offset the cost of
estrous synchronization and TAI systems. Although the improvement in genetics is a
significant and long-term improvement, many producers have a desire for an immedi-
ate recovery of costs. Such costs can be recovered with the increase in total pounds
of calf produced. The increase in total pounds produced was due to cows producing
more weaned calves, which tend to be older and heavier. It is clear that the benefits of

Table 1
Influence of parity, days postpartum, and body condition score on resulting pregnancy rate
per artificial insemination in 8500 suckled beef cows exposed to variation of the CO-Synch

Parity Days Postpartum Body Condition Score n Pregnancy Rate

Multiparous >72 >5 2154 51.7a
>72 5 2054 43.8b
72 >5 1056 44.2b
72 5 1676 41.8b
Primiparous >72 >5 496 43.8a
>72 5 623 43.5a
72 >5 166 40.7a,b
72 5 284 33.3b
Within parity, means without a common superscript differ (P<.05).
Adapted from Stevenson JS, Hill SL, Bridges GA, et al. Progesterone status, parity, body condition,
and days postpartum before estrus or ovulation synchronization in suckled beef cattle influence
artificial insemination pregnancy outcomes. J Anim Sci 2015;93:2119; with permission.
342 Lamb & Mercadante

estrous synchronization in combination with AI will continue to be realized and incor-

porated into beef production systems, with a subsequent improvement in efficiency of
beef cattle operations.

Artificial Insemination Cowculator

Using this economic model of estrous synchronization and AI, we developed the AI
Cowculator Smartphone Application. The AI Cowculator may be downloaded free of
charge and is a decision-aid tool to assist producers to determine whether they should
consider TAI rather than purchasing herd sires for their cow herds. Producers and
members of the allied industry are encouraged to download the AI Cowculator and
use this tool to assist in making bull buying and breeding season decisions. Since
inception, the AI Cowculator has been downloaded 3429 times in 42 states and 4
countries. Features of the application include the following:
1. Simple calculator including 18 entries divided into 3 categories (natural service
sires costs, herd-related costs, and AI-related costs) to assist producers decide
whether to use AI or purchase a herd sire.
2. Push-pin locator that allows users to locate representatives who perform AI ser-
vices or suppliers of semen and AI supplies.
3. Resources icon that allows users to access helpful resources for reproduction
planning including future cattle prices.
4. Gallery of pictures and estrus-synchronization protocols recommended by experts
in the field.
5. Social media icon that directs to Facebook and Twitter pages with relevant repro-
ductive management information and technical assistance, and allows users to
share their results.

Utilization of Fixed-Timed Artificial Insemination to Reduce Breeding Season Length

and Its Effects on Subsequent Calf Value: A Case Study
An example of the influence of using reproductive technologies, such as estrous syn-
chronization and TAI on the subsequent value of the calf crop is reflected in a case
study conducted at the University of Florida–North Florida Research and Education
Center (NFREC) located in Marianna, FL. The development of TAI protocols has
resulted in the opportunity for increased application of AI in commercial cattle opera-
tions; however, the long-term production and economic impact of implementing a TAI
protocol in beef cattle operations has not been evaluated. This case study was con-
ducted during an 8-year period in which we evaluated the impacts of TAI to reduce
the length of the breeding season and its effects on subsequent calving distribution,
calf value, and breeding season pregnancy rates.
The NFREC consists of a beef herd containing 300 cows of Angus, Brangus, and
Braford breed origin. During the 2006 and 2007 breeding seasons, the cows were
exposed to a 120-day breeding season by natural service. In 2008, and every subse-
quent breeding season to 2013, all females were exposed to TAI using either the 5-day
or 7-day CO-Synch 1 CIDR protocols with the goal of reducing the breeding season to
70 days, to expose every female in the herd to TAI, improve fertility, and calf crop uni-
formity and weaning weights. To achieve this, it was decided that all females in the
operation would be exposed to the following criteria:
1. Replacement heifers must become pregnant during the first 25 days of the
breeding season
2. Every cow will be exposed to estrous synchronization and TAI
Synchronization and AI Strategies in Beef Cattle 343

3. Each cow must produce a live calf every year and calve without assistance or they
will be culled
4. Every cow must provide the resources for the genetic potential of the calves and
each calf she produces must be genetically capable of performing
5. No supplemental feeding was offered to cows that failed to maintain body
6. Any cow with an undesirable temperament or disposition was culled.
Initially, calving season length resulted in cows being inseminated in 3 TAI groups (in
the 2008 and 2009 breeding seasons), subsequently reduced to 2 TAI groups (in the
2010 and 2011 breeding seasons), and eventually to a single TAI group (in the 2012
and 2013 breeding seasons; Fig. 3). Following the initial TAI for each group, females

Fig. 3. Timeline of events and length of breeding seasons at the NFREC from 2006 to 2013.
344 Lamb & Mercadante

Fig. 4. Cumulative calving percentage during each calving season at the NFREC from 2006 to

were detected for estrus and inseminated artificially after an observed estrus until day
23 after TAI. On day 23 after TAI, bulls were introduced and cows were naturally mated
for the remainder of the breeding season. All bulls passed a breeding soundness ex-
amination before being introduced to females.
As a result of incorporating estrous synchronization and TAI, in addition to other
reproductive management practices, the breeding season was reduced from 120 to
70 days in the course of 5 years. Furthermore, currently almost all cows calve before
initiation of the subsequent breeding season and are exposed to a single TAI on the
first day of the breeding season. The effect of using estrous synchronization and
TAI on calving distribution can be observed in Fig. 4. In 2006 and 2007, before initia-
tion of the TAI program, it took 90 days for 50% of the calves to be born. In 2013, how-
ever, it took less than 30 days for 50% of the calves to be born. Mean calving date from
the first calf born during each calving season was reduced from 80.9 days from the
2007 breeding season to 38.7 days from the 2013 breeding season. In addition, overall
pregnancy rates, including AI and natural service, increased from 81% and 86% in the
2006 and 2007 breeding seasons, respectively, to 92% and 93% in 2012 and 2013,
respectively (Table 2).

Table 2
Breeding season length, final pregnancy rate, mean calving day, and change in calf value at
weaning, after initiation of an estrous synchronization and fixed-timed artificial insemination
program at the North Florida Research and Education Center

Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Breeding season length, d 120 120 110 88 80 75 70 72
Pregnancy rate, % 81 86 84 86 82 94 92 93
Mean calving day 79.2 80.9 59.2 56.2 53.7 47.2 39.5 38.7
Difference from 2006/2007, d 0 0 21.7 24.7 27.2 33.7 41.4 42.2
Per calf increase in value, $a 0 0 87 99 109 135 166 169
Herd increase in value, $1000b 0 0 21.9 25.5 26.8 38.1 45.8 47.1
Assuming an average daily gain of 0.91 kg/d, a fixed calf value of $4.41/kg.
Values are based on a 300-head cow operation and adjusted for the overall breeding season
pregnancy rates for each year.
Synchronization and AI Strategies in Beef Cattle 345

Assuming an average daily gain of 0.91 kg per day, a fixed calf value of $4.41/kg
across years, the mean value per calf increased by $87 per calf resulting from the
2008 breeding season to $169 per calf resulting from the 2013 season. Overall, the
net result of a more compact calving season with increased value of calves (in current
dollars) by $169 per calf resulted in an increased net result of $47,151.00 per year for
the 300-head herd and 94% pregnancy rate at the NFREC (see Table 2).


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