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The Suffering of Farmed Cattle

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The Suffering Of

Farmed Cattle
The size of the total cattle herd in the UK – including both dairy and
beef animals – was about 10.4 million in 2003. Of these, 2.2 million
were adult dairy cows.
In order to produce commercial quantities of milk, dairy cows are
forced to endure a constant cycle of pregnancies. Lactation does not
occur unless this cycle is perpetuated. Calves are usually removed
from their mothers within 24 hours of birth, after suckling their mother’s
first antibody-rich milk, known as colostrum. Separation of mother
and infaant causes acute anxiety and suffering for both animals.

four to six occasions. The mother produces less

than 1,000 litres throughout the duration of her
lactation, storing approximately two litres in her
udders at any one time.

In modern dairy farming, cows can be expected to

produce between 6,000 and 12,000 litres during
their 10 month lactation. This means she may be
carrying in excess of 20 litres at any one time – ten
times as much as would be required for her calf.
(Webster Animal Welfare – A Cool Eye Towards Eden
1995 p169 - 170). • tel: 01732 364546

The average lifespan of modern dairy cows is only

about five years. Naturally, they live to an age of
25-30 years.

Exploitation Of The Reproductive

The most common technique used to impregnate
Before the BSE crisis, half a million baby calves were dairy cows is artificial insemination (AI). But,
transported on marathon journeys to continental increasingly, powerful hormones are being used to
European veal crates – a trade the dairy industry force high quality cows to produce large numbers
is keen to resume. In more recent times, the of embryos, which are surgically removed and
youngsters were killed and destroyed under the “calf inserted into lower grade females who then bring
processing scheme” and a subsidy paid to the the calves to term.
producer. The CPS is now defunct but because
there remains a reduced demand for British beef
most dairy calves (without much meat on their
bones) are considered a waste by-product and are Dairy cows are usually kept outside on pasture for
killed within a week or two for baby food, or for the duration of the summer months. For the remainder
of the year they are kept indoors, typically in concrete

cheese and pie ingredients. Other offspring join beef

herds, will follow their mothers and become dairy cubicle houses. Each cow has a cubicle to stand or
animals themselves – or are reported to be shot and lie in, which should have straw or wood shavings
buried in the vicinity of the farm. provided. Behind each animal a passageway collects
urine and faeces, requiring cleaning twice daily.
Accumulated waste is stored in huge slurry lagoons,
Milk-producing Machines later to be spread on the land.
Dairy cows in the UK are typically black and white
Holstein/Friesians, genetically selected to provide Many cubicles still in use were designed decades
maximum milk yields. In an unfettered state, a ago and have become too small for the modern,
cow will feed her calf for approximately six to eight larger animal. This has compounded welfare
months. Milk is secreted at a maximum rate of about problems, resulting in cows standing in the dunging
eight to ten litres per day, which the calf suckles on passageway. It also has major health implications.
Lameness Most cows are spent by the age of four or five –
though a great many are played out younger than
Around 20% of British dairy cows are lame at any
that due to the increasing incidence of stress-related
one time. In fact, inspections of the feet of cull cows
infertility and lameness. Because of the BSE crisis,
at slaughter reveal evidence of past or present foot
no cattle older than 30 months are permitted to go
damage in nearly all animals. Lameness is caused
into the human food chain. Instead, they are killed
by a number of factors. These include the quantity of
and burned and their remains stored in giant
bedding available, the move towards cubicle housing
warehouses around the country.
and the now near universal practice of feeding animals
wet, fermented grass (known as silage), rather than
dry hay. Silage produces wet faeces and acidic Beef Cattle
slurry in the dunging passageway, which eventually There were nearly 1.7 million adult beef cows in the
softens the feet and causes infection. UK in 2003. As well as suckling their own calves,
around 70% of youngsters born to dairy animals are
Also implicated in lameness is the reliance on also raised within beef herds. From the beef farmer’s • tel: 01732 364546

concentrated feed supplements, which are difficult point of view, the heavier and “beefier” his calves the
for these slow-digesting ruminants to cope with. better. Specialist companies dealing in bull semen
The result is the release of inflammatory substances for artificial insemination (AI) provide the means to
into the bloodstream, which lead to a condition achieve this.
known as laminitis, an acutely painful foot disorder.

The most popular breed chosen to provide semen is

Another important reason for dairy cow lameness
the Belgian Blue. This animal carries a recessive
is the vast size and weight of the modern animal’s
gene for “double muscling”, so-called because
udder. It is so large and distended that most cows
of the enormous muscles, particularly on the
simply cannot stand or walk properly.
hindquarters. Belgian Blue stud bulls have to be
born via Caesarean section because their sheer
Mastitis size makes natural delivery impossible.
Dairy cows are prone to infection of the udder
caused by bacteria and other environmental Mutilations Performed On Cattle
pathogens entering via the teat canal. This acutely Male calves reared for beef are often castrated,
painful condition is known as mastitis. Incidence despite being slaughtered before they reach sexual
varies from between 30 to more than 60 cases in maturity. Methods commonly used include surgical
every 100 cows during a year. castration, tight rubber rings that restrict blood flow,
and appliances that crush the spermatic cord of

each testis – the so-called “bloodless castrator”.

Milk Fever And Other Diseases
About 5%-8% of cows suffer from the condition Both dairy cows and beef cattle are de-horned – a
known as “milk fever”. This is caused by the sudden painful procedure – to prevent animals injuring each
depletion of calcium reserves each year from the other. Horns contain both blood circulation and
heavy burden of calf-birth and lactation. nerve endings, and so local anaesthesia and
cauterisation are necessary to stem bleeding. If
Many also get “grass staggers” from lack of horns have already developed, they are removed
magnesium in the diet. General depletion of nutrients with saws, horn shears or cutting wire.
caused by increasing intensification also triggers
cases of brucellosis and viral infections and Young animals whose horns are not established
susceptibility to salmonella bacteria. can be disbudded. A hot iron is applied to the
Worse criticism was reserved for the system used
for cutting up carcasses: “The action of plant staff,
when contamination occurs is often incorrect. Major
faecal contamination on the carcass, due to poor
dressing practices, is a serious cause for concern.”

This condemnation of British abattoirs is one in a

long line of reports. In 1986, EEC inspectors found
a “frightening picture of poor hygiene, slapdash
organisation and blood and gore all over the floor”,
whilst at the beginning of the ‘90s, nine out of ten
of the nation’s 900 slaughterhouses fell below the
standard set down by EU inspectors.

Of cattle farmers’ total income of £2088 million in
2003, £928 million came by way of subsidies from
the taxpayer.

horn-forming tissue when the calf is 4-6 weeks old,

permanently preventing growth.

E. Coli And Filthy Abbatoirs

The BSE crisis was followed in the winter of 1996/97
by a serious outbreak of food poisoning created
by meat infected with E. coli 0157 bacteria. Twenty
people died in a series of outbreaks in Scotland.

E. coli 0157 is a relatively new organism, first

identified in 1982, and is an example of how the
routine use of antibiotics in meat production is
developing increasingly dangerous pathogens that • tel: 01732 364546

are resistant to conventional drug treatment.

Publication of a report compiled by seven inspectors

for the Meat Hygiene Service in March 1997 (it
was actually completed in December 1995, but
suppressed by government) has shown how
potentially fatal organisms such as E coli enter Live Transport
slaughterhouses on the skins of infected animals
Current EU rules allow cattle to travel for 14 hours
and how procedures within abattoirs are likely to
without a rest or water. They must have a rest period
result in pathogens spreading to other animals and
of at least one hour after a 14 hour journey, after
eventually to the consumer.
which, they may be transported for a further 14
The Report showed that workers on cattle slaughter hours. If the destination can be reached within
lines often used “dirty knives”, and the same hands another 2 hours then they may go a full 16 hours.
to touch both hides and meat without washing. It After the second 14 hour journey, if the destination
criticised “poor access to sinks and sterilisers”. has not been reached the cattle must be unloaded,
given food and water and rested for 24 hours. The
journey times can then be repeated and this pattern
can be repeated infinitely.

At the end of March (2004), the European Parliament

voted to impose a 9 hour maximum overall journey
limit for animals travelling to slaughter. Before this
can become law the measure requires the approval
of the Commission and the Agricultural Council of
Ministers. A final decision has been deferred until

While a maximum journey length of 9 hours will be a

considerable improvement on current legislation, it is
still a long time to be spent in a confined space with
no room to turn around, lie down and without
access to water.

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