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Software Requirement Specification: Online Job Portal

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Software Requirement Specification


Md Yasar Khan-CSE/15/310
Table of Contents

Revision History…………………………………………………………………………..
1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………..
1.1 Purpose…………………………………………………………………………..
1.2 Document Conventions………………………….................................................
1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions………..........................................
1.4 Project Scope….....................................................................................................
1.5 References……………………………………………………………………….
2. Overall Description…………….................................................................................
2.1 Product Perspective…………………………………………………………………..
2.2 Product Features………………………………………………………………………
2.3 User Classes and Characteristics……………………………………………………..
2.4 Operating Environment……………………………………………………………….
2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints…………………………………………….
2.6 User Documentation…………………………………………………………………
2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies………………………………………...................
3. System Features………………………………………………………………………….
4. External Interface Requirements…………………………………………………........
4.1 User Interfaces……………………………………………………………………….
4.2 Hardware Interfaces…………………………………………………………………
4.3 Software Interfaces………………………………………………………………….
4.4 Communications Interfaces…………………………………………………………
5. Other Nonfunctional Requirement……………………………………………………..
5.1 Performance Requirements………………………………………………………….
5.2 Safety Requirements…………………………………………………………………
5.3 Security Requirements……………………………………………………………….
5.4 Software Quality Attributes………………………………………………………….
6. Other Requirements……………………………………………………………………..
Appendix A: Glossary…………………………………………………………………………
Appendix B: Analysis Models…………………………………………………………………..
Appendix C: Issues List……………………………………………………………………….

The project Online Job portal is aimed at developing a web-based and central
Recruitment Process System for the HR Group of a company. “Job portal” is a web-
based application, which help end user to find a job with searching criteria like preferred
location, job type, work profile . One can post his/her details on this portal with all
relative information. There are many respective facilities given to end user. As we know
or see the functionality of “”and other popular jobs portals. This
application provides logins to the end user and Employer type.

End user can

1. Create,
2. Edit and
3. Delete
information by using his/her Unique USERID and PASSWORD. Whereas Employer
can search the profiles. Application takes care of all the security issues so that only the
authorized one can login.

This project is aimed at developing a web site for Online Job Portal. It is of great
importance to the unemployed people. This site allocates the right job information for
suitable persons. All the jobseekers as well as job providers’ information are stored in the
database.This project is aimed at developing a web-based and central Online job portal
for the HR Group for a company. Some features of this system will be creating vacancies,
storing Applicants data, Interview process initiation, Scheduling Interviews, Storing
Interview results for the applicant and finally Hiring of the applicant. Reports may be
required to be generated for the use of HR group. This system automates the manual
recruitment process. We believe that once the organization chooses to use this system, it
will eventually recognize the value and necessity of this system and understand the
problems involved in the manual process. This document provides details about the entire
software requirements specification for the online job portal.
This project presents an investment opportunity in setting up an Amusement Park/Joy
Land. Major product in this case would be the service, which would be provided
throughselling joy rides and providing pleasant environment to the people visiting this
facility. In order to attract a cross section of population, a combination of eleven (11)
different rides is uses in this study. This combination can however, vary according to the
final site selection and amount of investment with individual investor. Although for this
particular project study only joy rides are included, however, Video Games, Mini Zoo, etc
are some of the other options that can also be incorporated in the project. In addition to
joy rides, foods and beverages stalls, advertisement sites, and car parking are other
sources of revenue for this particular unit.

1.1 Document Conventions

This SRS is pretty straightforward, divided up into sections detailing an overall

description, the external interface requirements, system features, and other nonfunctional
requirements. We have used simple text and standards that were followed when writing
this SRS, such as font so highlighting that have special significance. We have not used
any special type of document conventions. As this is the final draft, any future
modifications of this document would involve adapting the product to changing systems
and uses. We hope to have the product evolve to changing times as to ensure continued
use and success.

1.2 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

The document is intended to be a guide for developers, content managers and publishers.
The goal of this document is to identify the requirements of online amusement park. A
developer may directly want to know the requirements by reading the section of
SYSTEM FEATURES, INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS and skipping other sections if
required. Anybody can use this website those who are interested to explore on the rides .

1.4 Project Scope

The scope of the specification includes the following scenarios:

Some of the Key Success factors that will determine the success of this project include:

 Rides selection and introduction of unconventional joy rides.

 Selection of location.

 Pricing strategy.

 Understanding of target customers; alternatives available

 Launching time.

 Branding/perception of the park (right mix of advertisement and promotion).

 Incentive schemes (e.g. Wrist band of rs.100; can take all rides as many times as
you wanton single entry basis).

 Cleanliness.

 Availability of good quality food; normally not available at this kind of locations.

 Provision of related facilities e.g. Mini zoo and/or Mini Park etc

2. Overall Description

2.1 Product Perspective

This project is useful for any individual who is interested in any type of riding and want
to participated in fair. Through this website we can provide them more fun and rides on
low cost.
This phase starts when a user visits the website and explore on each rides. After visiting if
the user want to explore on each rides then he first login into the website and register
himself/herself. After that he select the rides those who want to explore and then click on
coupon ticket. After one click he can take enjoy of each rides.
2.2 Product Features

The core features of Online Amusement Park are :

 User can register themselves to explore on each rides.

 User can register themselves to take advantage of all rides and fun.

 Administrator have total control of the system like number of users participated
on each rides.

2.3 User Classes and Characteristics

Any user can use this website. It makes the registration process easier in ONE CLICK.
Everyone in this world who is interested in riding he/she can use this website.

2.4 Operating Environment


Server Side:

 Hardware recommended by all the software needed.

 RAM :1 GB or more

 Hard Drive: 128 GB

Client Side :

 Hardware recommended by respective client’s operating system and web browser

 RAM 1 GB or more

Server Side :

 Apache Tomcat Server

 Database : MYSQL

Client Side :

 Web browser

2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints

There are no limitations to it we can add many more features to it and also no hardware
or software issues as its compatible with all operating system of any architecture such as
x32 or x64.

2.6 User Documentation

There is no such requirement of user manual to use this application. One should have a
proper knowledge of computer system and have the proper internet connection is

2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies

 The interface is designed in Net Beans with the help of many classes, packages,
functions, methods etc. so it can’t be run on any other software.

 The different changes can be provided to the functionality of it if required in

future such as it is not uploaded to any domain but if we want to have our project
run live on internet using a domain and a server then certain changes has to be
made to it.

3. System Features
 User Module

 Park Module

 Rides Module

User Module

This module manages all the details of all the users who have participated in riding or
other fairs. This module also manages all the transaction and operation related to the

Park Module

This module manages all the information of the location of the park that in which place
what is ? and also provide security system.

Rides Module

This module describes all the details of the rides that which type of rides in the online
amusement park. What are the charges of each rides? How much cost ?

4. External Interface Requirements

4.1 User Interfaces

The equipment that we are using for designing a web applications are:

Various interfaces for the product could be-

1. Login Page
2. Registration Form.

4.2 Hardware Interfaces

 CPU: Intel Pentium IV

 OS: Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows 7

 RAM: 512 MB Free

 Storage: 10 GB of free disk space

4.3 Software Interfaces

Along with the hardware, used in the system it requires software to make a system as
well as to run a system with the computer hardware. Collection of different types of
hardware into a specific type can form a computer but it cannot execute different process
on its own. For efficient and proper working of any system software must be installed.
This software’s may be in the form of operating system or application software. To make
the system one also needs to use software.
The software’s used in the proposed system are the latest versions of them and can give
up-to-date and perfect result of every process in the system. This software comprises
operating system and application software used in the system.

4.4 Communications Interfaces

Java standard library itself has many inbuilt interfaces like Serializable, Clonnable,
Runnable or Callable interface in Java.

4.5 Other Nonfunctional Requirements

4.6 Performance Requirements

Checking the fact that the system must perform as what every user expects. So in every
action-response of the system, there are no immediate delays. Incase of opening windows
forms of popping error messages and saving the settings or sessions there
isdelaymuchbelow2 seconds, Incase of opening databases, sorting questions and
computing there are no delays and the operation is performed in less than 2 seconds for
opening, sorting, computing >95%.

4.7 Safety Requirements

This application should run on a virus free computer system so that every feature should
work properly.
4.8 Security Requirements

Do not type and share your password and username with others so that other can see your
account stored by you and make misuse of that.

4.9 Software Quality Attributes

Availability: Checking that the system always has something to function and always pop
up error messages incase of component failure. In that case the error messages appear
when something goes wrong so to prevail availability problems.

Usability: Checking that the system is easy to handle and navigates in the most
expected way with no delays. In that case the system program reacts accordingly and
transverses quickly between its states.

Functionality: Checking the system provide the right tools for editing question databases,
creating session test sand analyzing the test sessions. In that case the tools that the
Database editor provide are the ones that provide that attribute.

5. Other requirements

Appendix A: Glossary
 Extensibility – the online amusement park is flexible and configurable by the
user to make customizations without additional costly programming.
 Content reuse - ability to reuse content across multiple documents without
duplicating it and to have immediate access to reused content
 Authorized access control - system administers assign user privileges and roles,
allowing users to only access the content they are authorized to use.

Appendix B: Issues List

Since, every system has some limitations so our proposed system is also not untouchable
in this regard. Although it includes every kind of features, but it can’t be used in a huge
traffic where number of user access are very large, because the database used in this
system is an average one. Also it doesn’t have different kind of access feature for
different users.
Though it was planned for this system to be absolutely perfect but everything as such has
some limitations, so does the System. Following may be the drawback in this system.

 Though this system is developed as a multi user system but it is not a real time

 The interaction with the database, every time they are loaded thus the system
tends to be a bit slow.

5.1 Revision History

Version Name Reason For Changes Date

1.0 Initial Revision

5.2. Approved By
 Approvals should be obtained from faculty/ HOD/ Manager

Name Signature Department Date

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