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Arantza Vazquez

Ms. Moss

English 10 Honors P2

03 October 2018

Inside an Introvert’s Mind

There’s a hidden world within an introvert’s mind. Someone’s thinking process, actions,

and choices are affected by introversion, “blending in,” and extroversion, “standing out” to focus

people’s attention on them. In Robert Stevenson’s novel, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr.

Hyde, Dr. Jekyll, who is a scientist with a hellish discovery, chooses to have two main friends

that he confides in and can focus on his fact-finding. The author of Orbiting Jupiter, Gary D.

Schmidt, formulates Joseph, one of the main characters, as being extremely introverted where he

only has one friend and doesn’t trust anyone else but him, and he has a main goal that revolves

around the whole plot. Both Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Orbiting Jupiter show their principal

characters as being introverted or overlooked by others.

A lot of the time, an introvert will have longer-lasting relationships than extroverts.

Korones writes, “Instead of spending hours engaged in small talk at a party, introverts generally

prefer small gatherings with close friends” (Korones, 1). Introverts tend to have a much smaller

group of friends than extroverts do because they feel more comfortable talking to a smaller group

of people rather than numerous, big group of people. Introverts are more likely to trust close

friends that clearly express concern for them with delicate or secret subjects than an extrovert

that will trust anyone that comes along their way. Dr. Jekyll and Joseph both choose reliable

friends to consult with gentle topics. Stevenson states, “On the 8th of January Utterson had dined
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at the doctor’s with a small party; Lanyon had been there; and the face of the host had looked

from one to other as in the old days when the trio were inseparable friends” (Stevenson 29). Dr.

Jekyll organized the communion and particularly chose people he enjoys being with and can

easily talk to. Dr. Jekyll, Utterson, and Lanyon have been “inseparable friends” for a really long

time, just like “in the old days.” Later in the story, Jekyll confides in Lanyon and Utterson about

him turning into Mr. Hyde, a murderer, even if his issue is controversial and extremely

confidential. In Schmidt’s novel, Jack says, “...We watched Joseph lean and skate, lean and

skate… Until he slid into the bank by the three of us and the firelight lit him and his face was so

tight and my mother said what mothers are supposed to say… Joseph looked at me and he said,

‘I have to see Jupiter. Will you help me?’ My parents looked at him… and then under the sharp

stars and the silver moon and glowing jupiter, Joseph told us everything. Everything” (Schmidt

68). Joseph has never told anyone the story about his past and, even though he met Jack and his

foster family recently, they were the only people Joseph could completely trust. Joseph doesn’t

associate with people unless he’s forced to by adults. Him and Jack know that they will always

have each other’s back which makes Joseph feel comfortable and open with Jack. Having a small

amount of friends instead of being popular or outgoing creates a stronger bond between

introverts and their friends, but sometimes introverts may separate themselves and send the

wrong message.

Introverts tend to isolate themselves to allow them to focus on themselves and think,

since they’re thoughtful and enjoy being on their own. Mudore states, “... Introverts focus on

thoughts and ideas; think before they speak; often prefer writing to speaking; like to have several

deep friendships instead of many relationships; tend to be reserved; study topics in depth; have
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strong powers of concentration; and enjoy one-on-one interactions with people” (Mudore, 9).

When an introvert is “reserved,” they’re able to avoid the outside world and focus on their main

goal without being interrupted or disturbed. Being alone can help someone be precise and think

critically to create their research or thoughts be more in depth and faultless. Stevenson writes,

“The doctor, it appeared, now more than ever confined himself to the cabinet over the laboratory,

where he would sometimes even sleep; he was out of spirits, he had grown very silent, he did not

read; it seemed as if he had something on his mind. Utterson became so used to the unvarying

character of these reports, that he fell off little by little in the frequency of his visits” (Stevenson

31). By isolating himself in his “cabinet over the laboratory,” Dr. Jekyll was able to study more

his fact-findings relating to Mr. Hyde. He took a break from everything he enjoyed doing in

order to concentrate on “something on his mind,” referring to how to rid Mr. Hyde out of his

mind and body. Segregation allows a person to rethink choices and actions they’ve done and

future ones. Too much separation can make a friend or relative feel unwanted.

People could misunderstand an introvert’s reasons of separation by thinking that the

introvert doesn't want to associate with them anymore because they did something wrong. Herr

states, “Others may find you unexpressive or even a tad unfriendly, when you’re merely busy

thinking” (Herr, 2). Taking too long of a “break” or “alone time” can make an introvert’s

acquaintance or relative believe that they aren't worth their time. It can even make people believe

that they’re being bad friends towards the introvert or that the introvert has a communicating

disorder or problem. Jack says, “And it stayed with us the rest of Christmas vacation. Joseph

didn’t play anymore. We didn’t talk about his father coming, but it was like that feeling you have

in dreams, when something is on its way and there’s nothing you can do about it except to hope
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you wake up before it comes” (Schmidt, 122). Joseph “didn’t play anymore” with Jack which led

him to believe that Joseph may have started to feel inderrent about him. Joseph would always tell

Jack anything personal because he found Jack trustworthy, but because he’s giving himself some

space to think about his past and possible future, Jack believes that Joseph doesn't see him as a

dependable person. Excessive aloof distance may created an introvert’s confidant to feel replaced

or unliked.

Blending in with other people is not a bad thing since it can make an individual be

successful because there’s not a lot of distraction. People are less likely to pay attention or even

notice an individual who is not outgoing or has a generous amount of friend. An introvert should

not be judged as being “weird” or “awkward” because of having a small group of friends.

They’re in their own world prioritizing themselves to be successful.

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Works Cited

Herr, Laurie. “Turn Your Flaws Into Fine Points.” ​Health (Time Inc. Health)​, vol. 17, no. 7, Sep

2003, pp. 112-118.



Korones, Sarah. “Just Be Quiet.” ​Psychology Today,​ vol. 45, no. 1, Jan/Feb 2012, pp. 23-23.



Mudore, Constance Faye. “Are You An Introvert?”​ Current Health 2,​ vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 17-3.



Schmidt, Gary D. ​Orbiting Jupiter.​ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, 2015.

Stevenson, Robert Louis. ​The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde​. Illustrated by Edmund J.

Sullivan, Publishing, 2016.

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