BDO Indonesia Company Profile
BDO Indonesia Company Profile
BDO Indonesia Company Profile
u Foreword 04
u A Legacy of Perfection 06
u Our Culture 07
u Our Services 10
Audit & Assurance 11
Tax 12
Advisory 13
Business Service & Outsourcing 14
Valuation 15
Corporate Finance 16
Branding & Marketing 17
Hospitality 18
Human Capital & Training 19
Our founder, Mr. Richard B. Tanubrata had a dream when he established the firm
39 years ago, and he was certain that this dream will come true. By the blessing of
our Almighty God, his dream is now a reality as we have been and will continue to
grow as one of the largest accounting and advisory firms in Indonesia. This wonderful
achievement is also a result of the dedication, loyalties and commitment from our
lovely partners, directors and professional staff in delivering exceptional client service
to our valuable clients.
Wawat Sutanto
Executive Chairman
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In life, change is inevitable. In business, change is vital. “We do not sell products nor provide services. We are in
In the past, Exceptional Client Service has been a business of relationship.” I do believe quality of services
differentiator for us, but surely we will evolve our that we present to client is important. However, what
offering for clients by transforming into the first digital makes BDO Indonesia different from our competitors
organisation. The insight and value that we provide to is the way we treat our clients. Our tagline−because
you will be based on recent and trusted data. relationships matter−always becomes the guideline to
Welcome to the new era of BDO Indonesia. serve you, not only as our client, but also as our partner.
On it’s 30th anniversary, BDO is represented
in 66 countries with 496 offices
The BDO brand is strengthened when all
member firms adopt the single global
trading name, BDO, and a new visual
BDO Indonesia is one of identity is rolled out 2012
BDO celebrates the 50th anniversary of its
understanding of local
The Future BDO Future Growth
and global market.
As per 2017
8 BDO Indonesia Company Profile
but also an opportunity Methodology, helps you to focus on u Review of Financial Statement
business drivers, the associated risks,
to recognize major issues and potential effects on the financial u Reporting Accountants &
affecting your business statements. Initial Public Offerings
and to identify new With rapid changes in today’s business u Other Assurance &
world, companies constantly face new Attestation Services
perspective for future and increasingly complex risks. As part
improvements. of our audit process, it is our role to
assist you to deeper understand your
business and financial risks, and provide
you with the best solutions on how
these risks can be best addressed and
Irwan Kusumanto
Managing Director of Tax
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Ariston Sujoto
Managing Director of Advisory
14 BDO Indonesia Company Profile
Compliance Services
By having BDO as your chosen
compliance business partner, you will
be supported through the process BDO Entira has three platforms,
of drawing up the company’s tax of which consist of a project
returns and all related upstream and management platform and payroll-
downstream tasks. HR related platforms on offer,
which may assist you in the payroll
Corporate Secretarial service that you are looking to
BDO's corporate secretarial team ensure provide this particular client.
that compliance requirements of the
u Client Project Management
For inquiries on BDO's Business Services company's own articles of association
& Outsourcing, please contact: are complied with, both in terms of the u Employee Self-service
filing of statutory forms and the correct
drafting of documents to record the u Payroll Engine
actions of directors and shareholders.
Our corporate secretarial services are
designed to support management’s
tasks in particular maintenance of
statutory records, AGMS, general
company law compliance, appointment
and resignations of directors &
IGA Erna Dwi S. commissioners, liaising with notary, etc.
Director of Business Services &
BDO Indonesia Company Profile 15
Panca A. Jatmika
Managing Partner of Valuation
16 BDO Indonesia Company Profile
u Capital Raising
Our professionals in corporate finance
understand the full complexity of deal • Debt Financing
issues, capital structures, and strategies.
• Equity Financing
With deep experience across industries,
our teams can offer companies a full • Refinancing
range of financial advisory services,
For inquiries on BDO's Corporate and our uniquely qualified perspective u Other Transaction Services
Finance Services, please contact: allows us to provide the exceptional • Business Plan Preparation/
insight and independence necessary to Review
render objective opinions.
• Financial Modelling
We can provide tactical guidance during (including Model Review)
every phase of the transaction process, • Financial Projection Review
including analyzing strategic liquidity
alternatives, assessing value, marketing • Feasibility Study
the deal through our global network,
and negotiating favorable terms for a
Athanasius Tanubrata
successful closing.
Managing Director of Corporate Finance
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Sylvester Wali
Chief Marketing Officer
18 BDO Indonesia Company Profile
Debora Winata
Managing Director of
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u Retaining:
Benari Saraswardini • Retirement
Managing Director of
Human Capital & Training • Retrenchment Analysis • Bench Strength Strategy
20 BDO Indonesia Company Profile
BDO is passionate about the positive BDO’s Public Sector services is As innovation is indispensable to
changes that non-for-profit and supported by our distinctive depth of triumph in the wide range of technology
development projects can bring to capabilities and expertise. Our local and industry (software and hardware),
the communities and the country’s global resources allowed us to better media and telecommunications, BDO is
economy at large. We realize that understand the issues and challenges ready to grow with you.
Non-for Profit organisations are and provide the adequate tools to
founded upon strong relationships meet public objectives. We have strong
which is a value that BDO believes credentials working in public sector
and is known for. engagements for government, national
and multilateral entities and we have
also helped government entities in
developing tailored strategies and
implementing practical solutions to
make the most of the limited resources.
Do not copy or reproduce the content of this
document or using the identity or any design entity
of BDO brand without the knowledge and written
permission from BDO Indonesia.
Contact Us
Phone : +62-21-57957300
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