Sample Sacco Internal Controls Policy
Sample Sacco Internal Controls Policy
Sample Sacco Internal Controls Policy
Internal Control is the coordination between the Accounting System, employee duties,
and management procedures, whose purpose is to get reliable information and to
protect assets. An internal control structure thus aids Management in running the
SACCO in the most efficient manner, avoiding possible risks, and ensuring benefits
for the members.
In order to prevent fraud and detect errors, the main goal of any SACCO management
is to run it in such a way that results are positive, that is, generation of institutional
capital that provides security for its members. This is achieved through ensuring the
quality of the services offered, so management should promote maximum efficiency in
all the operational areas, such as attraction, management, and use of financial
resources. It is thus necessary to institute policies which will allow:
Common kinds of fraud include:
The following list includes a series of conditions and circumstances which should be
kept in mind in order to reduce the possibility that the safeguards of the control
systems are violated:
b. Ensure that the efforts to correct deficiencies in internal control are successful;
d. Make sure the Accounting Department has sufficient and qualified personnel;
i. Pay special attention to payments for services received which appear excessively
large, whether these be technical or administrative. Examples include: lawyers,
consultants, electric utilities, phone service, etc.
j. Inadequate records, for example:
Misplaced files
Excessive adjustments
Entries in the general ledger not reconciled with auxiliary records,
Lack of authorization;
Document alteration;
Documents that do not fulfill legal requirements, etc.
The following is a brief list of control actions and procedures, related to credit services
and their relationship to the handling of liquidity.
operation codes;
books of unused cheque stubs;
issuing cheques which support payment orders and verified receipts;
cheque protection machines;
protection of cheques issued, and
ensure numeric order of both issued and voided cheques.
Accounting personnel should have a daily cash-box audit for each recipient to
ensure that there are no significant shortages or surpluses.
At the end of each day, the Head Cashier should collect the funds assigned to
each recipient and deposit them in the safe or vault. He/she will also be
responsible for removing excess cash and providing cash when recipients ask
for it.
Adequate function segregation should be achieved in the following way:
One person shall be appointed to maintain control of the keys for the cashier
The Board of Directors shall authorize the set of signatures registered for
issuing checks, and in no case may signatures from accounting personnel be
Always issue checks payable to a specific person or institutions and never issue
a check payable to the bearer.
All issued checks should be non-negotiable to protect the issuer and recipient.
Forbid the signing of blank checks. No responsible employee may sign checks
without the corresponding supporting documentation.
All checks received must be deposited and verified daily so that the total
deposit matches the amount stated in the daily income report.
Apply to all checks received the Usual Collection Reserve to ensure that there
will not be withdrawals on resources not yet verified by the Bank.
Income and withdrawal receipts and slips should be signed by the entering
There must be written guidelines which regulate the maximum amount of cash
to be kept in the cash-box by each recipient. In any case, it must be ensured
that the cash amounts never exceed the amount covered by loss insurance.
The SACCO should have the appropriate protection (adequate bonding) for
those employees who handle funds and valuables.
There should be dual control of the vault and safe combinations and keys.
Upon replacement of those personnel in charge of vaults and safe
combinations, the combinations should be changed forthwith.
Documentation of the vault and safe combinations and duplicate keys should
be secured in a location apart from the SACCO.
Entries and postings in auxiliary registers (Cards) and notebooks are valid if
they are:
Payments made for savings withdrawals, contributions and loans should match
the entries in the auxiliary registers.
Bank Conciliations
Loans made to directors and employees will not be disbursed unless there is
authorization from the Board of Directors.
For each loan either the Financial Department or the Credit Department must
issue a payment order prior to disbursement.
Document Safeguarding
There should be two files for each approved credit:; legal documents and
administrative documents.
The legal files should be kept apart from the administrative files. Ideally, the
legal files would be microfilmed or recorded on magnetic media.
Accounting will post the real guarantees accepted into order accounts and will
randomly spot-check appraisals to ensure that all the documents are there and
that no mortgages have been released in a disorderly manner.
No guarantee deed may be given to the member unless written proof of total
payment is provided, whereupon member may remove the lien from the
property. The documents returned and the issued Letters of Total Payment will
be cross-referenced to ensure validity.
The filing system must provide adequate physical protection for files.
The custody of loan files should be the responsibility of a single employee, who
will keep a detailed log of the exit and entry of all loan files.
There shall be periodic and random reviews of the quality of the information
kept in delinquency, purged credits, and recovery of written-off loan reports.
The Board of Directors will be informed of and act upon delinquent loans of
employees and executives and will take action.
The Chief Financial Officer will supervise transactions between the auxiliary
registers and the general ledger and will inform Management of any differences
found in order to take pertinent actions.
Access to cashier’s screens are visible or where visible transactions take place
shall be restricted to avoid unauthorized transactions.
The system will keep a log of all people who access the different levels and
workstations for auditing purposes.
Backups should be made in accordance with the following timetable:
Whenever possible, have two disks with the same information so that service
will remain uninterrupted even while problems are being tended to.
Fixed schedules shall be created for receiving data and for issuing the reports
obtained from the processed data.