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Students' Perspectives Towards Innovation of Technology in Teaching and Learning of Language

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Students’ Perspectives towards Innovation of Technology in Teaching and Learning of


Indonesian Journal of EFL and Linguistics

Vol. 2 No. 2, 2017
eISSN: 2503-4197, pISSN: 2527-5070

Students’ Perspectives towards Innovation of

Technology in Teaching and Learning of Language

Nor Shahila Mansor, Hazlina Abdul Halim, Normaliza Abd Rahim
Faculty of Modern Languages and Communication
Universiti Putra Malaysia (MALAYSIA)
Corresponding author:

This study provides a discussion of the innovations, in particular students’
perspectives towards the use of technology in teaching and learning. The study
aimed to (1) identify methods of teaching and learning that can be applied in the
classroom to engage students, (2) to determine factors in selecting the methods of
teaching and learning by respondents. The data of this study were collected through
questionnaire. The respondents of the study consisted of 150 undergraduate students
from various programs aged between 19 and 23 at Universiti Putra Malaysia. The
race or ethnicity of the respondents is disregarded as it is irrelevant to the objectives
of the study. The results were presented in qualitative and quantitative. From 7 types
or options of technological innovation listed, all of the respondents (100%) tend to
prefer the use of various media as well as computer-assisted teaching as innovations
in teaching and learning. Meanwhile, a total of 139 respondents (93%) prefer the
use of overhead projector and the use of VCD in the classroom. 123 students (82%)
choose the video teleconferencing approach, 113 students (75%) choose the use of
interactive video and 90 of the respondents (60%) favour the use of printed media
such as advertisements in newspapers, magazines and etc. In line with the
development of technology, innovation in teaching and learning is viewed as a
prerequisite in optimizing the output of education. This study also shows to the
importance of the innovation to ensuring the continuity of education.
Keyword: Innovation, technology, teaching and learning, continuity of education

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In order to ensure continuity of education, innovation in teaching and learning is
essential. Innovation in teaching and learning needs to be done at all stages from the
management and administration up to the implementation stage. In response to the
government's call to establish Malaysia as a hub for education, innovation in
teaching and learning should not be taken lightly. Innovation enables educational
institutions such as universities and schools to keep pace with the current world
Innovation in education can be seen as an attempt to reform the teaching and
learning process performed by a group of individuals. According to Carless (2013),
an example of educational innovation that has been done in this decade is the new
pedagogical approaches such as 'task-based' language teaching, exchange of
teaching material, the use of technology such as computer-based teaching as well as
alternative assessment methods. In addition, the expanded use of language options
(English for example) as the medium of instruction in educational institutions,
including the primary level is also an element of educational innovation.
Innovation is an important step as it is fundamental to the development and
advancement of education. Innovation viewed as a process of improvement, to the
existing system or practice. In other words, the implementation of innovation will
not change the primary principle of a system or practice, but it will improve it
(Waters, 2009). Markee (1997) categorizes the innovation of education into two
types: Primary innovation and secondary innovation. Primary innovation involves
changes in teaching materials and pedagogy, whereas secondary innovation involves
organizational changes that provide support for the primary innovation. As
limitation of the study, this paper focuses only on the primary innovation.
Usually, instructors either at school or university conduct the process of teaching
and learning by using teaching aids deemed suitable for students. The educators
would apply the approach and teaching techniques that they learned in teacher
education institute or university (Yahya Buntat & Lailinanita Ahamad, 2012).
However, the methods used by the educators in the classroom are not necessarily
compatible with the student’s requirements, needs and aptitude. As a consequence,
the student cannot comprehensively follow the process of teaching and learning
because those methods do not appeal to their interests.
Thus, this paper will discuss the methods that are more attractive to students among
the list of methods of innovation, particularly technological innovation. In addition,
this study also reviews the factors that cause the students more likely to opt a
particular method, for example opting for A method compared to B method.
1.1 Innovation in Teaching and Learning
The study of innovation in teaching and learning began around 1980 (Carless, 2013).
Research on innovation in language education, particularly in English language is
pioneered by scholars such as Kennedy (1988), which focuses on the perspective of

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Students’ Perspectives towards Innovation of Technology in Teaching and Learning of

teaching of English in the United Kingdom and Henrichsen (1989), which views the
perspective of English language education in the United States.
In implementing and ensuring the success of an innovation, a teacher or an educator
should have a solid understanding of the methods that will be used. Lack of training
and exposure to teachers is also one of the factors that led to the failure of the
innovation process in an educational institution (Azizah Abdul Rahman, 1987). The
shift of era also led to changes in the educational system, from the 'chalk and talk', to
technology-assisted teaching, the use of overhead projectors, OHP, media and so
forth. Therefore, teachers' understanding and openness to some extent would help in
implementing the innovation process to perfection. In addition, their passion and
trust are also important in determining the success of the implementation process of
innovation in teaching and learning (Clark & Yinger, 1977). In this regard, the
failure of teacher to interpret the purposes of innovation would also cause the
changes in the process of teaching and learning less successful (Brown & McIntyre,
According to Carless (2013), there are also challenges in ensuring the success of the
educational innovation process, much the same as the process of reformation in
other fields. These challenges are classified into 3 categories:
 Teacher-related challenge: this challenge involves issues such as the
negative attitude of some teachers towards innovation, lack comprehension
of the innovation concept, contradiction between the innovation concept
with practices and existing principles, perceive innovation as a change that
would only increase the workload, hence it becomes a threat to career a
 System-related challenge: miscommunication between the drafters and the
implementers of innovation, overemphasize on the theory but not in the
practice, namely emphasis too much on the ins and outs of the innovation
process (in the paper) and have no specific focus on how innovation should
be implemented, lack of appropriate resources to help the innovation trial,
insufficient training of the implementers such as teachers and lecturers, and
the failure to adapt the pedagogical practices and assessment practices.
 School-related challenge: lack of positive culture towards innovation, fixed
with conservative practices or traditional in educational institutions, the
management of the educational institutions do not offer decent
opportunities to the implementers, the use of inappropriate educational
resources that would cause the students hard to accept the changes.
Yahya Buntat & Lailinanita Ahamad (2012) conducted a study on innovation in
teaching and learning among technical teachers of secondary technical schools in
Malaysia. The study was carried out to identify teacher's perspective on innovations
in teaching and learning. There are four aspects emphasized in this study: the
practice of innovation in teaching and learning in schools, the type of training that
was attended by technical teachers, factors that become obstacles and opportunities
or incentives for technical school teachers in implementing innovation in schools.
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Based on the results of the study, it was found that the teachers teaching in technical
schools have adopted several innovations in teaching and learning. Furthermore,
technical school teachers in Malaysia are also given proper training and exposure to
smoothen the application of innovation process in schools. Furthermore, the study
found that there are some obstacles in the implementation of innovation in schools,
for instance, there are a number of teachers who are unprepared to implement
innovations. Time constraints and lack of interest make the teachers do not get
adequate exposure hence become one of the limiting factors of innovation among
teachers in the technical school. Overall, it can be concluded that innovation in the
technical school was successfully done with the support and full cooperation from
the school management.
Technological innovations can be categorized as sub-skills of the 21st century and it
is a necessity that must be instilled in students to meet the demands of the emerging
digital era. According to Wahyu Idayu & Yahya Buntat (2002), technological
innovations include the use of electronic networks such as the Internet, intranet,
interactive tv, the emerging digital text, animation, graphics, simulations, video as
well as audio. Technological innovation also allows students to learn independently
at appropriate time and in accordance with their capabilities (Rahimi Md Saad,
Zawawi Ismail & Wan Nordin Wan Abdullah, 2005). Furthermore, technological
innovation also saves time and teacher's energy in providing teaching and learning
The innovation in teaching a foreign language will bring effects to the students’
motivation in class. According to Bi (2005), the positive learning enviroment
including the support from the intructors will stimulate the students’ interest in
acquaring a foreign language. Lund (2004) states that, “technologies increasingly
form a crucial part of the learning enviroment”. Consequently, by using the
technology, the foreign language instructors are able to presented the material in a
creative manner and by doing that they help the development of cognitive processes
(Camilleri, 2000).
The study was conducted by using descriptive qualitative method. The data were
obtained from questionnaires. Respondents consisted of undergraduate students from
various programs who enroll in foreign language courses at the Faculty of Modern
Languages and Communication, Universiti Putra Malaysia. A total of 150
respondents aged between 19-23 years were asked to answer the questionnaire. 100
respondents were female and the rest 50 are male students. The gender imbalance is
not a problem as it is not relevant to the objectives of this study. Since the number of
respondents is not too large, the percentage was calculated manually without using
any support software.
Haverlock (1971) has listed five variables that support innovation which are
attributes or characteristics of innovation, types of innovation decisions,
communication channels, the natural characteristic of the social system and the role
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of agents of change. In this study, only the first variable is accounted since other
variables are not correspond to the objectives of the study.
Attributes of innovation can be defined as characteristics or factors that support the
innovation. There are five characteristics of innovation that would lead to social
 Has a relative advantage - relative advantage refers to something that is
better. Briefly, something that is innovated should be more advance than the
existing ones. For example, the use of an overhead projector is more advance
than the use of chalk and whiteboard.
 Compatible with receivers - the compatibility in terms of teaching and
learning, includes the compatibility of ideas, practices or materials used by
teachers with the needs of the teachers and students at a time. For example
the use of computer-assisted instruction in this age of technology and internet
is seen more practical than the use of textbooks.
 Does not cause complexity – innovation introduced should not cause
difficulties to the adopters or require them to have additional skills.
 Easy to try - early exposure to an innovation could appeal to teachers' and
students' interest.
 Easy to observe - positive effects, increased learning outcomes and
improvement in exam grades could be felt by teachers and students after the
use of innovation that is introduced.
These five aspects of innovation attributes are listed in the questionnaire and
respondents were asked to make a selection based on their needs and personal
experience as a student who is taking foreign language proficiency course.
This section discusses the types of approaches and methodologies of innovation,
particularly technological innovation which is attempted to be applied in teaching
and learning. Moreover, the tendency of students to choose a particular method of
technological innovation compared to other methods is also discussed.
4.1 Innovation in Teaching and Learning of Language: Approaches and
4.1.1 Communicative method vs Traditional method
Communicative method began to grow in the 1970's. Communicative method in
teaching and learning of language was introduced, considering the traditional
method that is less helpful in students performance as it tend to use textbooks and
emphasis on grammar as well as translation (Burn & Joyce, 1999).
The data obtained showed that 120 respondents (80%) prefered communicative
compared to the traditional approach.

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4.1.2. The use of technology vs. traditional teaching

The second part of the questionnaires dealt with the tendency of students on teaching
and learning methods used in classroom. To answer the question in this section, the
researchers gives preference for students to choose whether they are more likely to
use technology (the use of online websites, the use of CD-ROM, video from
'youtube' channel, film and animation, online chatting, the use of online dictionary
and also 'google translate'). Whereas the second option focuses solely on the use of
textbooks and exercise books (with or without picture) as well as printed
advertisement clipping either from the the newspaper or magazines.
The survey data showed that the majority of respondents, a total of 135 students
(90%) tend to choose the first option: the use of technology. The remaining
respondents, a total of 15 students (10%) are still comfortable with the second
option: the use of textbooks. the respondents are interested more in using the
technology in learning a foreign language because the technology is integrated in
almost every aspects of our life (Marcinek, 2014).
4.2 Type of Technological Innovation in Teaching and Learning
Under the big umbrella of technology there are many of tools, among other a
projector, videos and online dictionaries (Negoescu & Boştină-Bratu, 2016). In the
questionnaire, there was a list of 7 options of technological innovation in teaching
and learning: the use of overhead projector, the use of various social media,
computer-assisted teaching, video teleconferencing method, the use of interactive
video, VCD and also the use of printed media. Each of the respondents were asked
to answer the questionnaires and they were allowed to choose more than one answer.
Table 1: List of technological innovations in teaching and learning
No. Types of technological innovations Number of Percentage
respondents (%)
1. Use of overhead projector 139 93
2. Use ov various social media includes laman 150 100
website, social chat site, ‘blogspot’ and etc.
3. Computer-assisted teaching 150 100
4. Video teleconferencing method 123 82
5. The use of interactive video for example 113 75
from ‘youtube’
6. The use of VCD (screening of film and TV 139 93
7. The use of printed media such as printed 90 60
advertisements, articles in magazines and

Table 1 above indicates the seven types of innovation involving the use of
technology in teaching and learning of foreign language. As stated earlier, in
answering this questionnaire the respondents could select more than one answer for
this section. From the questionnaire returned to the researchers, all 150 respondents
(100%) tend to choose the use of various media and computer-assisted teaching. In

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addition, 139 (93%) respondents chose the use of overhead projector, 123 (82%) of
the respondents prefer the method of teleconferencing video, 113 (75%) respondents
chose the use of interactive video, 139 (93%) respondents chose the use of VCD and
only 90 ( 60%) of the respondents chose the use of printed media.
4.3 Acceptance Factors of Method of Teaching and Learning
Havelock (1971) listed five variables that could influence the adoption and
implementation of innovation: the attributes or characteristics of innovation, types of
innovation decisions, communication channels, the natural characteristic of social
system and the role of change agents. In the questionnaire, the researchers only
focused on the first variable which is the attributes or characteristics of innovation,
since other variables are not correspond to the objectives of the study. .
To view the aspects that could make the respondent accept an innovation, the
researchers have listed five characteristics of innovation: has relative advantage,
compatible with receiver, does not cause complexity, easy to try and easy to observe
as suggested by Havelock (1971).
Table 2: The Number of Respondents who Choose the Use of overhead projector
and the factors of selection
No. Type of technological Factors of selection Number of Percentage
innovation respondents (%)
1. The use of overhead Has relative advantage 43 31
projector Compatible with receiver 29 21
Does not cause complexity 34 24
Easy to try 22 16
Easy to observe 11 8
Total 139 100

Table 2 above shows the number of respondents that tend to prefer the use of
overhead projector as a method of teaching and learning. Of the 139 respondents, 43
of them (31%) prefer the use of overhead projector because it has relative advantage.
Whereas 34 respondents (24%) prefer this method because it does not cause
complexity. 29 respondents (21%) choose this method as it is compatible with the
receiver, 22 respondents (16%) choose it because it is easy to try and the remaining
number of 11 respondents (8%) believe that this method is easy for observation.
Table 3: The Number of Respondents who Choose the Use of various media and the
factors of selection
No. Type of technological Factors of selection Number of Percentage
innovation respondent (%)
2. The use of various Has relative advantage 43 29
media Compatible with receiver 29 19
Does not cause complexity 23 15
Easy to try 44 30
Easy to observe 11 7
Total 150

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Table 3 above shows the number of respondents who choose the use of various
media, as technological innovation. The data shows all 150 respondents tend to
prefer this type of innovation in teaching and learning foreign languages. The
number of respondents who choose the use of various media because it has a relative
advantage is 43 respondents (29%). 29 respondents (19%) choose the use of various
media because it is compatible with the receiver and 23 respondents (15%) choose it
because it does not cause complexity. Of the 150 respondents, a total of 44
respondents (30%) opt this method because of its features which is easy to try and
only a total of 11 respondents (7%) opt it as it is easy to observe.
Table 4: The Number of Respondents who Choose the method of computer-assisted
teaching and the factors of selection
No. Type of technological Factors of selection Number of Percentage
innovation respondent (%)
3. Computer-assisted Has relative advantage 41 27
teaching Compatible with receiver 35 23
Does not cause complexity 22 15
Easy to try 38 25
Easy to observe 14 10
Total 150 100

Table 4 above shows the data of computer-assisted teaching method. As well as the
the use of various media, computer-assisted teaching method is also a major
preference of respondents. The data shows that all of the respondents tend to choose
this method as a teaching aid in learning of foreign language class. Out of 150
people, a total of 41 respondents (27%) choose the method of computer-assisted
teaching because it has relative advantage. 35 respondents (23%) choose it
considering its compatibility with the receivers, while 22 respondents (15%) opt this
method because it does not cause complexity. In addition, 38 respondents (25%)
believes that this method is easy to try and the remaining respondents, 14
respondents (10%) opt this type of technological innovation as it is easy for
Table 5: The Number of Respondents who Choose the method of video
teleconferencing and the factors of selection
No. Type of technological Factors of seletion Number of Percentage
innovation respondent (%)
4. Video teleconferencing Has relative advantage 11 9
Compatible with receiver 12 10
Does not cause complexity 32 26
Easy to try 35 28
Easy to observe 33 27
Total 123

A total of 123 of the respondent choose video teleconferencing as a method of

innovation in teaching and learning. As shown in Table 5, 35 respondents (28%)

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choose the method of video teleconferencing as it is easy to try, 33 respondents

(27%) choose it because it is easy to observe and 32 respondents (26%) select this
method as it does not cause complexity. Data shows that only 11 respondents (9%)
choose this method because it has relative advantages and the remaining 12
respondents (10%) opt it as it is compatible with the receiver.
Table 6: The Number of Respondents who Choose the use of interavtive video and
the factors of selection
No. Type of technological Factors of seletion Number of Percentage
innovation respondent (%)
5. The use of interactive Has relative advantage 28 25
video Compatible with receiver 19 17
Does not cause complexity 17 15
Easy to try 21 18
Easy to observe 28 25
Total 113 100

Table 6 shows the number of respondents who choose the use of interactive video as
a technological innovation. Out of 113 respondents choosing this method, a total of
28 respondents (25%) choose it because it has relative advantages whereas the same
number of 28 respondents (25%) choose it as it is easy to observe. Of the remaining
respondents, 19 of them (17%) prefer this method as it is compatible with the
receiver, 17 respondents (15%) choose it because it does not cause complexity and
21 respondents (18%) believe that it is easy to try.
Table 7: The Number of Respondents who Choose the use of VCD and the factors of
No. Type of technological Factors of seletion Number of Percentage
innovation respondent (%)
6. The use of VCD Has relative advantage 39 28
Compatible with receiver 32 23
Does not cause complexity 24 17
Easy to try 22 16
Easy to observe 22 16
Total 139 100

A total of 139 respondents choose to adopt the use of VCD in the process of
teaching and learning. Table 7 shows the total of 39 respondents (28%) who choose
this method because it has relative advantage. 32 respondents (23%) assume that this
method is compatible with the receiver, and 24 respondents (17%) agree this method
does not cause complexity. Whereas, the number of respondents selecting 'easy to
try' and 'easy to observe' are equal, which is 22 respondents (16%).

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Table 8: The Number of Respondents who Choose the use of printed media and the
factors of selection
No. Type of technological Factors of seletion Number of Percentage
innovation respondent (%)
7. The use of printed media Has relative advantage 18 20
Compatible with receiver 16 18
Does not cause complexity 21 23
Easy to try 19 21
Easy to observe 16 18
Total 90 100

Table 8 shows the number of respondents who prefer the use of printed media in
teaching and learning of foreign language. This method is the least preferred method
for technological innovation compared to other methods. There are only 90
respondents selecting the use of printed media and out of these respondents, a total
of 21 respondents (23%) choose it because it does not cause complexity. 18
respondents (20%) choose this method as it has relative advantage and 19
respondents (21%) consider that it is easy to try.
From the results, it can be concluded that innovation in teaching and learning is
essential in ensuring the continuity of education. Young generation is more inclined
towards online education as compared to conventional education. Innovation in
teaching is an added value to increase students' motivation in learning languages.
The language acquisition and learning in schools and universities are a stepping
stone in realizing government policy to establish Malaysia as a multi-lingual
Based on the answers of the respondents in the questionnaires, these variables are
indeed significance in the acceptance of innovation for teaching and learning of
languages. Among the factors that influnece respondents' preference on the use of
technology in teaching and learning of languages is the accessibility of the learning
materials. The factor of unlimited access of information is also one of the stimulant
that causes the respondents tend to prefer the use of technology as compared to the
use of textbooks. Broadband services (wifi) facility provided by university also
catalyze the tendency of students to choose technology as a teaching aid in foreign
language proficiency. With the advent of broadband services that can be accessed at
any time and anywhere, the motivation for students to learn the target language is
In addition, the use of films and videos in the classroom provides more opportunities
for students to learn and experience the real situation of the culture and the language
they study. The language intructors can engage students outside the classroom by
using the videos. Film and video screening to students would also expose them to
the application of the target language in the actual communication and help to
stimulated learners’ interest. Students' access to native speakers of the target
language is very limited. Therefore, the access to online chat ("online chat',

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‘facebook’ and ‘blog’) provides opportunities for students to communicate with

native speakers of the language. It also helps students to learn and comprehend the
target language 'naturally'. Outside classroom learning environment makes the
students more enthusiastic and motivated in learning foreign languages.
This is due to the fact that textbook-based learning provides a fairly limited
opportunity for students to learn and experience the real application of the language.
On the contrary, online input enable the students to access the information without
boundaries and allow them to experience live chat with the native speakers of the
language through the application of 'online chat'.

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