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Sept 2016 TNT Rules Update

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September TNT PDF Update

This document delineates the changes made to the most recent edition of the rules.
Accounting for further playtesting and the input of the TNT community in general, changes
were made to fix both editing issues as well as provide better play balance. The changes here
are also reflected in the physical edition of the rules.

Descriptions of the changes are in black and the literal changes made are in red.

Thank you.

Joey McGuire
World’s End Publishing

Page 22 Replaced the entry for Prone with the following:


Models may drop to the ground at any point in their movement. This is a free action and does
not cost AP, but does count as a movement action. Models move at half Move when prone. To
indicate a prone model, the player may place the model on its side or place a marker to indicate
its status. For line of sight purposes, a prone model’s height is approximate to the height of its
base (or about 1/8 of an inch). Standing costs 1 AP and counts as a move action. Going, or
standing from, prone never counts towards double moving for the purposes of being shot at.

Page 22 Replaced the entry for Climbing with the following:


Models may climb any surface that is greater than 1" high. Models move 1"* of vertical height
per AP. Models at ground level may climb to the next level high without fail. However, any time
a model that begins its action above ground level climbs any higher and spends more than 1 AP
doing so, it must pass an Agility test (MET/TN 10) or Strength test (STR/TN 10) (the player may
choose which test to take) at the end of its activation, or the model will fall. Models may end
their turn partially up a wall, however, is they are hit by an attack, they must test (as above) for
climbing or fall. Models may use ropes, ladders, etc., to climb buildings without testing for
climbing, though if they take any action beyond moving, they must take a climbing test or fall.

*Note that building height is not universal. One building might have 2" between levels and
another may have 2.5 or even 3". As a general consensus, a model should be able to spend 2 AP
to climb up a single building story. The rule of 1" per AP is not hard and fast and players should
modify it to meet the needs of their terrain.


When a model falls any distance, it risks serious injury. Models that fall are placed prone and
they take a hit with a Strength equal to 2x the distance they fell. So if they fall 4” they take a
Strength 8 hit, etc. Any armor bonus that model may have does not apply, except for power

Page 26 Added this section to close combat after the paragraph on Charging

Base Contact

Models that end up in base contact with an enemy model (normally from charging), are
considered locked in combat. While locked in combat, models may not make ranged attacks,
and may not take move actions, except to disengage (discussed later on) or stand up.

Close Combat and Cover

Models in cover, such as low walls or fences, may be engaged in close combat, even if the
terrain prevents direct base contact. As long as the attacker can reasonably reach their target,
treat the attacker and defender as if they were in base contact. Attempts to attack an enemy
in cover suffer a -1 penalty in melee.

Page 33 Added the following to the entry for Ranger:

A warband may never have more than three models with the Ranger skill. If multiple warbands
have Rangers, roll off to determine who will use this ability first.

Page 38 Added the following to the end of the description for Burrow
There is no limit to the number of turns a model may stay underground. However, a burrowing
model may not claim, or carry scenario objectives with them while underground; dropping
them if they do. Furthermore, should any scenario conditions require a warband to specifically
attack or engage that model and the game ends while the model is underground, the enemy
warband gains full Victory Points (or other positive conditions), as if the model burrowing
model was taken out of action. The burrower need not roll on the Survival Table if this occurs.
Page 40 Replaced the paragraph for Healing Touch with the following:
The mutant can use its mental energy to stimulate the healing abilities of allies. The TN for the
Will test to use this ability is 11 instead of the normal 10. If successful, one model in base
contact that has gone out of action may be brought back into play. The model comes back into
play with one wound and is prone. The psychic may also use this ability to return one wound to
any multi-wound model currently in play, though this can never take that model above its
starting wound total. This ability does not work on models with the robot type.

Page 40 Replaced the paragraph for Mind Shield with the following:
Mind Shield – This ability allows the psychic to create a psychic shield to protect itself. If
successful, the psychic receives an Armor Bonus (+2) that lasts as long as the mutant can
maintain concentration. To do so, the mutant must a pass a Will test at the start of its
activation. This does not cost AP and does not count as using a psychic power for the turn. If
they fail this test, the Armor Bonus is lost. This ability is also automatically lost if the psychic
fails any type of Will test.

Page 43 Under the Medical Skill entry, changed Injury Table to Survival Table. Add “Does not
work on models with the robot type.” to the end of the entry.

Page 48 Add musket to the list of weapons that a bayonet may be fixed to.

Page 48 Replaced Improvised Weapon ability paragraph with the following:

Improvised weapons can be lamps, bricks, signposts or small rocks. Any model may spend 1 AP
to scrounge around and immediately pick up an improvised weapon of its choice (light or
heavy). Models armed with two-handed ranged weapons may use the butt of their weapon as
an improvised weapon. Improvised weapons cannot also be used to gain a +1 bonus in melee
for using two one-handed weapons.

Page 48 Added the Anti-Armor weapon ability to the Ranged Weapon Abilities list:

Anti-Armor – Purpose-built for use against military vehicles, anti-armor weapons use
specialized means to destroy armored plating. This can be explosive shaped charges, hardened
projectiles, or something more esoteric like plasma blasts. When used against a model with the
Armored Plating special rule, the targeted model may not roll the extra dice they are normally
Page 50 Replaced the Flammable entry with the following:
Flammable – Flamethrowers were built to sweep enemies out of cover and to cause horrific
injuries, a tradition that continues to this day. Models hit by a weapon with this ability, suffer
the following effects. First, instead of taking the normal Grazed test for being hit by a ranged
attack, they must take a Morale test (MET/TN 10); however, a Fumble on this test is treated as
a normal failure, i.e. they are not removed from play. Two, there is a chance they will ignite
and take secondary damage. Any model hit by a weapon with the Flammable rule, whether
wounded or not, must pass an Agility test (MET/TN 10) during the Cleanup Phase of the game
turn or suffer a D6 Strength hit. If the Agility test is passed then the flames are put out and no
additional damage is taken.

Page 50 Replaced the Flamer Template entry with the following:

Flamer Template - Some unusual weapons do not fire singly, but instead spray out their deadly
payload over multiple targets. To use the flamer template, take the teardrop-shaped template
and place its small end so it is touching the firer’s base at any point. All models (enemy and
friendly) even partially covered by the template are possible targets of the weapon. All models
with their bases fully covered, or Large/Huge models with half or more of their bases covered,
are hit automatically. Models with their bases only partially covered, or Large/Huge models
with less than half of their bases covered, may make an Agility test (MET/TN 10) to avoid the
attack; if the Agility test is successful move the model outside the template area by the shortest
means possible. Since flamer template weapons do not roll to hit, all range modifiers are

Page 50 Replaced the Large Blast entry with the following:

Large Blast – Weapons with this ability explode upon hitting their target. When fired, the
shooter should designate a single model as the target. If hit, place the large 5" template over
that model; all models at least partially under the template are affected by the weapon. When
first setting the template, it may be shifted about to catch other models as long as the original
target continues to be fully covered.

Page 50 Added the Pistol weapon entry to the list of Ranged Weapon Abilities, it will be after
Move or Fire:

Pistol – Pistols are very effective weapons at point blank range and count as one-handed melee
weapons. If used in close combat, resolve any attacks with the user’s Melee stat instead of
Ranged, but use the Strength of the pistol instead of the user’s Strength when rolling to wound.
Brawn skills cannot be used in conjunction with pistol attacks. Any weapon ability of the pistol
still applies, but ignore any ability that specifically affects making ranged attacks (such as Burst),
and fumbles still result in jams.
Page 51 Replaced the Aerosol Gun entry with the following:
Aerosol Gun – First developed by a particularly precocious member of the Wasteland Girls, the
aerosol gun has since spread into common use. Consisting of a tube holding a potent mix of
chemicals, a release valve, and can of aerosol propellant, the gun can be deadly, but is generally
used by those lacking more traditional firearms. The aerosol gun uses the flame template for

Page 53 Added the following to end of the Missile Launcher entry:

At the beginning of each game the missile launcher may start in anti-personnel or anti-armor
mode. In anti-personnel mode, it uses all the rules listed on the Support Weapons Table. In
anti-armor mode, it uses the same rules, except the Small Blast ability is replaced with the Anti-
Armor ability. The firer may switch between modes freely. When rolling for Limited Ammo, do
not roll for each mode individually, all shots may be of either type.
Page 51 Added the following to the end of the Bow entry:
Maximum allowable Strength is 7, this cannot be improved.
Page 52 Added the following to the end of the Compound Bow entry:

Maximum allowable Strength is 8, this cannot be improved.

Page 53 Replaced the Flamethrower entry with the following:

Flamethrower – During the End War, flamethrowers made a resurgence among the world’s
militaries. Designed to throw gouts of flame over short distances, the flamethrower is a sinister
weapon that inflicts horrific burns on its victims. The flamethrower uses the flame template for

Page 55 Replaceed Armor Special Abilities section with the following:

Armor Special Abilities
Armored Plating – Heavy armor of exceptional density, armored plating is generally found on
military vehicles and famously on power armor. Able to withstand attacks from most
conventional arms, armored plating is only reliably defeated by purpose-built anti-armor
weaponry. A model with armored plating may roll a D10 and a D6 when making Defense rolls
and may choose either result.

Shield – Models equipped with a shield gain a +1 bonus to their Melee stat when defending in
melee, and if also equipped with armor (excluding power armor), the model may add +1 to that
armor’s melee Armor Bonus. However, shields count as a one-handed weapon for Carrying
Capacity. Models equipped with shields do not gain the melee bonus for having two one-
handed weapons, though the shield may be used as a light improvised weapon.

Page 55 Added the following to the end of the BS Cost by Wounds entry:
Should a model gain more wounds through advancing, the cost of any armor they are equipped
with will increase. The player must add this to the model’s Barter Cost, but this does not
actually cost any BS. Instead, it will simply increase the model’s value and overall warband total.

Page 56 Deleted the following phrase Biohazard Special Rules entry on the Armor table, “-1 to
Move stat”.

Page 56 Replaced the Biohazard Suit entry with the following:

Biohazard Suit – This model is equipped with a fully sealed environment suit that protects from
airborne dangers and other hazards. When hit by weapons or hazards with the Gas special rule,
this model is only wounded or affected if it fails its Defense roll (or relevant Survival test) on a
Fumble. Due to their bulkiness, models wearing a biohazard suit count as having the Ungainly
general ability.

Page 57 On the Equipment Prices table, changed the cost of Large Caliber from 5 BS to Double
BS Cost.

Page 58 Added the following to the end of the Masterwork Upgrade entry:

A model may only ever have one weapon with the Masterwork Upgrade at a time.

Page 60 Replaced the Malfunction Prone paragraph with the following:

All relics are fragile, given their long exposure to the harsh wastes. Because of this, relics have
the Malfunction Prone rule. Whenever a model rolls a Fumble when using a relic (such as
making an attack), the item breaks and gains one Malfunction token. If the relic is a weapon, it
will instead gain a number of Malfunction tokens equal to its Reliability stat. While
malfunctioning, the relic cannot be used until the model removes all Malfunction tokens. To
remove a token, the model must spend 1 AP and pass an Intelligence test (MET/TN 10). This
represents the model making field repairs on the item. If the test is successful, one Malfunction
token is removed. If failed, the relic continues to not work, but the test may be attempted
during later activations. For passive items that are not used directly, such as armor and
equipment, a Fumble on an Activation test (MET/TN 10) will cause the item to malfunction and
cease to work, as above. In the case of a model having multiple passive relics, the player’s
opponent may choose which relic breaks.

It is important to note that when a relic weapon malfunctions, the relic rules supersede the
jammed rules. Relic weapons do not jam in the normal sense; weapon relics gain Malfunction
tokens instead of Jam tokens. For example, a model fires a plasma rifle and rolls a Fumble. To
use the plasma rifle again, they must pass two separate Intelligence tests to fix the broken relic.
These tests need not be consecutive.
Page 60 Replaced the Laser weapon ability with the following:

Laser – Laser weapons were developed decades before the Great Fall, but never saw
widespread use due to the difficulty in manufacturing them. The limited numbers in the field
were praised, both for their high accuracy and great dependability, but when they did fail, they
did so spectacularly. Laser weapons allow the shooter to roll 2D10 and choose the highest
result when making Ranged attacks. However, the weapon will Malfunction whenever any
double result is rolled, not just on 1’s.

Page 60 Add the following weapon rule under Relic Weapon Special Rules (will be last entry in

Thermocycling – High energy output weapons use heat sinks to avoid catastrophic heat stress
on the weapon’s containment reserves. Under continuous use, the heat sinks can place the
weapon in a brief period of reduced activity to prevent the operator from accidentally blowing
themselves up. A weapon with this rule may not use the Burst ability on consecutive turns.

Page 60 – Added Thermocycling to the list of Special Rules for the Plasma Caster and Laser
Gatling entries on the Relic Support Weapons table.

Page 60 Replaced the Plasma weapon ability with the following:

Plasma – Plasma energy weapons were among the newest technology developed before the
Great Fall. Plasma weapons are a type of ray gun that uses streams of excited energy to cause
horrendous damage to their victims, sometimes rendering their targets into glowing gelatinous
goo. Plasma weapons have the Anti-Armor weapon rule and, whenever a model scores a
Critical hit with a Plasma weapon, it receives a +2 Strength bonus when rolling to wound.
Page 61 Added the following column to the Relic Melee Weapons table, between Strength and



Page 61 Under the Chainblade entry on the Relic Melee Weapons table, changed the Thrown
range of 6 to N/A.
Page 62 Replace the Zephyr Industries Nanite Gun (ZINGer) entry with the following:
Zephyr Industries Nanite Gun (ZINGer) – The increasing presence of advanced weaponry,
powered armor, and even robots, among military forces led Zephyr Industries to develop the
so-called ZINGer as a means to counteract these threats. The ZINGer works by shooting a
stream of nanobots that attack any solid object they come into contact with. These nanobots
have a short lifespan, but upon expiration, release a final discharge of energy that is designed
to overwhelm the circuitry of electronic objects. Besides being possibly wounded, when a
model is hit by the ZINGer they must roll a D10. On a score of 1 through 5, one relic* as chosen
by their opponent (or the model themselves if they have the robot type) counts as
malfunctioning per the Malfunction Prone rule.

Page 62 Replace the entry for the Thunder Gun with the following:

Thunder Gun – Designed to incapacitate riotous civilians, the thunder gun is a rifle-sized
shockwave projector. The thunder gun lets out a thunderous boom of near invisible energy
waves that will knock down nearby targets or even render them unconscious. During the
civilian protests during the last years of the End War, the thunder gun saw widespread use
among police and security forces. The thunder gun uses the flame template for range and when
determining hits for the thunder gun roll a D6 only once and apply that Strength when rolling to
wound for all possible targets. Any model hit by the thunder gun is automatically placed prone
if it is not taken out-of-action.

Page 62 Changed the BS cost of the Laser Pistol on the Relic Ranged Weapons table from 23 to
Page 63 Replaced the entry for Plasma Caster with the following:
Plasma Caster – The initial deployment of the plasma rifle proved quite popular with the units
lucky enough to receive them. However, the most common complaint was its slow cycle time
and lack of punch against multiple targets. The plasma caster was a prototype that was issued
in limited numbers to home front troops, and was developed to address these concerns.
Created with heavier plasma coils and a larger containment reserve, the caster increased the
devastating effect of the original plasma weapon, but not without certain drawbacks.

Page 63 Under the Plasma Caster entry on the Relic Support Weapons Table reduce the range
from 36 to 24.

Page 64: Replaced the Power Armor entry with the following:
Power Armor – Power armor (or more correctly, power-assisted armor), was one of the
pinnacles of scientific achievement prior to the Great Fall. At its most basic, power armor was a
pressure-sealed, self-powered armor suit covered in hundreds of layers of micro-polymers and
powered by a self-contained micro-fusion power plant. In the wastes, power armor is one of
the rarest of relics and its repair and maintenance is barely possible. It is so valuable that entire
battles and thousands of lives have been sacrificed for the possession of a single suit. Power
armor gives the wearer an Armor Bonus (+4) and confers the Armor Plating rule. The user also
receives a +2 to Strength, and counts as being equipped with a biohazard suit; though they do
not suffer any Agility test penalties for the latter. However, power armor is still prone to failure.
If it malfunctions, the wearer counts as immobile and may not fire any weapons or perform any
abilities that require motion, and is hit automatically in melee. The model may use psychic
abilities if it possesses them, the suit still provides its protective abilities, and naturally they may
take the Intelligence Test (MET/TN 10) to repair their suit.

Page 83 On the Raider Warband Purchase Table, under the Mongrel Special Abilities entry,
replaced the phrase “Frenzied and Unfazeable” with the word Frother.
Page 85 Replace the Special Abilities for the Mongrel entry with “Starts with the Frother skill.
Mongrels come equipped with natural weapons for free.”

Page 97 Replace the Special Abilities for the Warbeast entry with “Starts with the Leap skill and
comes equipped with natural weapons for free. A warband may only have one Warbeast for
every two non-warbeast rank and file models.”

Page 117 For the second paragraph under Zombie Nests, changed the number of zombies that
are deployed at the start of the game from four to two.
Additionally added the following to the end of the same paragraph

There is a cap to the maximum number of zombies that can be in play at any time equal to
twice the current number of all player controlled models on the table. For example, if there are
two warbands of eight models each, then the maximum number of zombies would be 32.

Page 130 Added the following subheading and paragraph right before Creature Special Rules
Creatures and Experience
Wasteland creatures not part of any player’s warband count as enemies for the purposes of
models gaining experience. Wounding or taking a creature out of action awards 1 Experience
Point, unless the scenario being played gives more. A model may never gain more than +5
Experience Points for killing creatures in any single scenario, unless that specific scenario allows
Page 136 Under the Mutant Horror Entry replaced the Ranged stat of 0 with 3 and deleted
Spastic Muscles under Skills and Mutations.
Page 145 On the Injury Table, under Long Recovery, replaced “The model misses the next D3
campaign games.” with “The model misses the next campaign game.”
Page 145 On the Injury Table, under the Mugged result, replaced “The model is uninjured, but
all of its equipment is considered lost.” with “The model is uninjured, but all of its items
(weapons, armor, etc.) are considered lost.”

Page 147 Replaced the Advancement Table with the following:

Advancement Table
1-2 Choose a Skill or Mutation
3-4 Gain +1 Melee or +1 Ranged
5-6 Gain +1 Move or +1 Strength
7-8 +1 Defense or +1 Wound
9-10 Promotion or Choose Any Other Result

Page 147 Replaced the Promotion paragraph with the following:

Promotion – This model has been noticed by its superiors and has been given more duties
within the warband. The model gains a permanent +1 to its Mettle stat and its level goes up a
rank. So, a Rank and File becomes a Specialist and a Specialist becomes Elite. Elites and Leaders
can gain promotions, but their actual level does not change. Instead they only get a +1 bonus to
their Mettle. Rising in level does not change the model’s character type.

Choose Any Other Result – The model may choose any other result (stat raise or skill/mutation)
on the table, instead of accepting the promotion. However, the model must still abide by the
stat raise limits of its level. A model can never raise its Mettle without accepting a promotion.

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