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Output: Pile Cap Beam Calculation For Most Critical Zone 1

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Note : DRS = Doubly Reinforced Section, SRS = Singly Reinforced Section, NA = Not Applicable
Rqd. tensile Steel Reinforecement, Ast 1280.00 mm
Provide 16 Ф bar 6.37 Nos. Say 7.00 Nos.
Rqd. Compressive Steel Reinforecement, Asc 1280.00 mm
Provide 16 Ф bar 6.37 Nos. Say 7.00 Nos.
Stirrups Provided:
Provide Ф bar Spacing
10 175.00 mm @ C/C Leg = 6
Crack Width Calculation:
Stress in tensile reinforced level fsb 2799.75 N/mm
Spacing of reinforcement S 110.667 mm
acr = ((S / 2)^2+d'^2)^0.5 - Dia /2 = 79.669 mm
Ɛ1b = [fs*((a' - xu) / [(d-xu)*2*10 ^5] 0.0195032
Ɛ2b= bt*(a'-xu)*(D-xu) / [600000*Ast*(d - xu)] 0.0003497
Ɛmb = Ɛ1b-Ɛ2b 0.0191535
Wcrb = 3*acr*Ɛm/ [1+2*(acr - Cmin) / (D - xu)] 3.6731769
Stress in tensile reinforced level fst -55.333 N/mm
Ɛ1t= fs*(a' - (-D)) / [(d- (-D))*2*10 ^5] -0.0003024
Ɛ2t= bt*(a'-(-D))*(D-(-D)) / [600000*Ast*(d - (-D))] 0.0009107
Ɛmt = Ɛ1t-Ɛ2t -0.0012131
Wcrt = 3*acr x Ɛm / [1+2*(acr - Cmin) / (D - (-D))] -0.2699209
Wcr =Wcrb+Wcrt 3.4032559 < 0.2
INPUT DATA:- Governing Load Case For Design 0
INPUT DATA:- Axial force, Torsion Moments, Bending moments and Shear force:
Design Shear force, Fy, Critical Zone 1 Data 349.79 KN
Design Torsional Moment for shear Tu=Mx 131.31 KNm, Consider 10% of Muz
Moment M'uz Critical Zone 1 data 1313.14 KN
Design Torsional Moment for moment Tu=Mx 131.31 KNm, Consider 10% of Muz
Axial Force, Fx Critical Zone 1 Data 106.24 KN C
Bending in another direction Muy 0 KNm
INPUT DATA:- Material Properties :
Characteristic Strength of concrete, fck 20.00 N/mm
Grade of Steel, fy 500.00 N/mm
INPUT DATA:- Material Properties and Dimensions of Beam:
Thickness of flange, Df 0.00 mm
Total Depth of T- Beam, D 400.00 mm
Width of Flange, bf 800.00 mm
Width of web in compression fibre, bcw 800.00 mm
Width of web in tension, btw' 800.00 mm
Layer of bar in tension zone 1.00
Cover, C 50.00 mm
Stirrups of Design purpose 10.00 mm
Dia of bar for design purpose 16.00 mm
Spacer for vertical spacing 25.00 mm
Calculations of required Design Moments, Shear forces:
Resultant Moment of ( Muy and Muz') = M''uz 1313.14 KNm
Design Moment Mu 1429.00 KNm
Design shear force Vu 612.42 KN
Calculations of required Section properties:
Width of web in reiforcement level in tension, btw 800.00 mm
Width of Web, Average btw 800.00 mm
Effective Depth , d (Calculated) 332.00 mm
Width of small portion in the flange, bs 0.000 mm
Centroid of Section from Compression fibre Cc 200.000 mm
Centoid of section from tension fibre Ct 200.000 mm
Df/d (Calculated) 0.000


1. Condition: If Neutral Axis lies in the flange? GO TO 2 (C)
Muf, lim= 0.36*fck*bf*Df*(d-0.416*Df) 0.00 KNm DRS-NA
Test : Muf,lim > Mu for Neutral in flange -1429.000 KNm DRS-NA
Neutral Axis lies in the Flange? NO DRS-NA
For Mu or Mu,lim Area of Steel, Ast 0.00 mm DRS-NA
For Tension Area of Steel, Ast2 0.00 mm DRS-NA
for BM+Tension, total rqd. Steel, Ast 0.00 mm DRS-NA
Neutral Axis Ratio, Xu/d 0.00000 DRS-NA
Neutral Axis, Xu 0.000 mm DRS-NA
Due to Mu Compressive strain Ɛcc 0.00000 DRS-NA
Total Strain due to (Mu+Fx) Ɛcct 0.00012 < 0.0035 DRS-NA
for BM+compression, TrialTotal Rqd. Steel, Ast 10455.000 mm DRS-NA
Due To Fx, Additional compressive stress fsc 29.41 N/mm DRS-NA
Additional compressive stress fcc 1.053 N/mm DRS-NA
Pu 633.297 KN DRS-NA
Hit and trial, Extra Comprssve strain due to P, Ɛcc 0.00012170 NA DRS-NA
Test : Fx-Pu =0 0.000000 DRS-NA
for BM+compression, Extra Increased area Ast 0.000 mm DRS-NA
Required Ast 10455.000 mm DRS-NA
2. Condition: If Neutral Axis lies in the web
Neutral Axis lies in the Web YES
Neutral axis depth ratio α = Xu,max/d 0.4560
Maximum Neutral Axis for balanced design Xu,max 151.40 mm
yf,max 22.71 mm
Compressive force for straight portion, C1 463.03 KN
Compressive force fo rParabolic portion, C2 411.58 KN
Compressive force Trap. Web, Cu = C1+C2 874.61 KN
Compressive force for Flange portion, C3 0.00 KN
Compressive force for Small Flange portion, C4 0.00 KN
Total Compressive force, C 874.61 KN
Moment of C1 about Neutral Axis, Integration I1 55080.54 KNmm
Moment C2 about Neutral Axis Integration I2 22254.76 KNmm
Moment f Cu about neutral axis Integration Iu 77335.30 KNmm
CG of Cu from Neutral axis ,Y 88.423 mm
CG of Cu from Extreme Compression fibre X 62.978 mm
For average web only X/d 0.18969
CG C from
Capacity Extremeweb
if average Compression
+flange Muw,fibre
lim= X 62.978 mm
0.36*fck*bw*Xu,max*(d-0.416*Xu,max) + 0.446*fck*(bf- 235.28 KNm
Capacity Mu, lim (Only for trapezodal Web) 235.29 KNm
Capacity Mu, lim (trapezodal Web + Flange) 235.29 KNm
Test, Mu > Mu,lim (Doubly or Singly), Mu - Mu,lim= 1193.71 KNm DRS
for average web Lever Arm z= jd 269.017 mm
for (Trap. Web+ Flange) Lever Arm z= jd 269.022 mm
For avg. web +flange balanced section Ast,max 2010.587 mm
For (web +Flange) balanced section Ast,max 2010.587 mm
a= - 0.14976*fck*bw - 0.0050175*fck*(bf - bw) -0.002396 DRS-NA
b= 0.36*fck*bw*d + 0.00669*fck*(bf - bw) 1.91232 DRS-NA
c= 0.2899*fck*Df*(bf - bw)*(d-0.325*Df)-Mu -235.288 DRS-NA
Neutral Axis Xu=(-b+√(b -4*a*c))/2*a
151.980 mm DRS-NA
yf=0.15*xu+0.65*Df 22.797 mm DRS-NA
Lever Arm z = jd 268.776 DRS-NA
For Df/d > 0.2 Ast 2012.429 mm DRS-NA

2 (A) IF Df/d > 0.2 DRS-NA GO TO 2 (C)

Hit and Trial α = Xu/d 0.300000 DRS-NA
α is chosen to make Test : C = T 0.00000 DRS-NA
Neutral Axis for balanced design Xu 99.60 mm DRS-NA
yf,max 14.94 mm DRS-NA
Compressive force for straight portion, C1 0.00 KN DRS-NA
Compressive force fo rParabolic portion, C2 0.00 KN DRS-NA
Compressive force Trap.Web, Cu = C1+C2 0.00 KN DRS-NA
Compressive force for Flange portion, C3 0.00 KN DRS-NA
Compressive force for Small Flange portion, C4 0.00 KN DRS-NA
Total Compressive force, C 0.00 KN DRS-NA
Moment of C1 about Neutral Axis, Integration I1 0.00 KNmm DRS-NA
Moment C2 about Neutral Axis Integration I2 0.00 KNmm DRS-NA
Moment f Cu about neutral axis Integration Iu 0.00 KNmm DRS-NA
CG of Cu from Neutral axis ,Y 0.000 mm DRS-NA
CG of Cu from Extreme Comprssion fibre X 0.000 mm DRS-NA
For average web only X/d 0.00000 DRS-NA
CG C from
average webExtreme
+flange Compression
Muw= 0.36*fck*bfibre X *(d-
w*Xu,max 0.000 mm DRS-NA
0.416*Xu,max) + 0.446*fck*(bf-bw)*yf*(d-0.5*yf,max) 0.00 KNm DRS-NA
Mu(Only for trapezodal Web) 0.00 KNm DRS-NA
Mu,lim (trapezodal Web + Flange) 0.00 KNm DRS-NA
Test, Mu > Mu,lim (Doubly or Singly), Mu - Mu,lim= 0.00 KNm DRS-NA
for average web Lever Arm z= jd 0.000 mm DRS-NA
for (Trap. Web+ Flange) Lever Arm z= jd 0.000 mm DRS-NA
For avg. web +flange balanced section Ast,max 0.000 mm DRS-NA
For (web +Flange) balanced section Ast,max 0.00 mm DRS-NA
For Tension Area of Steel, Ast2 0.00 mm DRS-NA
for BM+Tension, total rqd. Steel, Ast 0.00 mm DRS-NA
Force of Tension, T 0.00 KN DRS-NA
Neutral Axis, Xu 0.00 mm DRS-NA
Due to Mu Compressive strain Ɛcc 0.00000 DRS-NA
Total Strain due to (Mu+P) Ɛcct 0.00002 < 0.0035 DRS-NA
for BM+compression, TrialTotal Rqd. Steel, Ast 1300.000 mm DRS-NA
Due To Fx, Additional compressive stress fsc 4.68 N/mm DRS-NA
Additional compressive stress fcc 0.172 N/mm DRS-NA
Pu 60.908 KN DRS-NA
Hit and trial, Extra Comprssve strain due to P, Ɛcc 0.00001938 YES DRS-NA
Test : Fx-Pu =0 0.000000 DRS-NA
Extra Increased area 0.000 mm DRS-NA
Required Singly reinforced Ast 1300.000 mm DRS-NA
a= - 0.14976*fck*bw - 0.0050175*fck*(bf - bw) -0.002396 DRS-NA
b= 0.36*fck*bw*d + 0.00669*fck*(bf - bw) 1.91232 DRS-NA
c= 0.2899*fck*Df*(bf - bw)*(d-0.325*Df)-Mu -1429.000 DRS-NA
Neutral Axis Xu=(-b+√(b -4*a*c))/2*a
yf=0.15*xu+0.65*Df #NUM! mm DRS-NA
Lever Arm z = jd #NUM! DRS-NA
For Df/d > 0.2 Ast #NUM! mm2 DRS-NA

2 (B) IF Df/d < = 0.2 DRS-NA GO TO 2 (C)

Hit and Trial α = Xu/d 0.2500 DRS-NA
α is chosen to make Test : C - T = 0 -43.2430 DRS-NA
Neutral Axis for balanced design Xu 83.00 mm DRS-NA
yf 12.45 mm DRS-NA
Compressive force for straight portion, C1 253.84 KN DRS-NA
Compressive force fo rParabolic portion, C2 225.63 KN DRS-NA
Compressive force Trap.Web, Cu = C1+C2 479.47 KN DRS-NA
Compressive force for Flange portion, C3 0.00 KN DRS-NA
Compressive force for Small Flange portion, C4 0.00 KN DRS-NA
Total Compressive force, C 479.47 KN DRS-NA
Moment of C1 about Neutral Axis, Integration I1 16553.85 KNmm DRS-NA
Moment C2 about Neutral Axis Integration I2 6688.42 KNmm DRS-NA
Moment f Cu about neutral axis Integration Iu 23242.27 KNmm DRS-NA
CG of Cu from Neutral axis ,Y 48.475 mm DRS-NA
CG of Cu from Extreme Comprssion fibre X 34.525 mm DRS-NA
For average web only X/d 0.1039916 DRS-NA
CG C from
average webExtreme
+flange Compression fibre
M = 0.36*f *b *X Xmax
*(d- 34.525 mm DRS-NA
uw ck w u,max
0.416*Xu,max) + 0.446*fck*(bf-bw)*yf*(d-0.5*yf,max) 142.22 KNm DRS-NA
Mu (Only for trapezodal Web) 142.63 KNm DRS-NA
Mu,lim (trapezodal Web + Flange) 142.63 KNm DRS-NA
Test, Mu > Mu,lim (Doubly or Singly), Mu - Mu,lim= -1286.37 KNm DRS-NA
for average web Lever Arm z= jd 297.472 mm DRS-NA
for (Trap. Web+ Flange) Lever Arm z= jd 297.475 mm DRS-NA
For avg. web +flange balanced section Ast 1099.034 mm2 DRS-NA
For (web +Flange) balanced section Ast 1102.233 mm DRS-NA
For Tension Area of Steel, Ast2 0.00 mm DRS-NA
for BM+Tension, total rqd. Steel, Ast 1102.23 mm DRS-NA
Force of Tension, T 4803.77 KN DRS-NA
Neutral Axis, Xu 83.000 DRS-NA
Due to Mu Compressive strain Ɛcc 0.00192 DRS-NA
Total Strain due to (Mu+P) Ɛcct 0.00206 < 0.0035 DRS-NA
for BM+compression, TrialTotal Rqd. Steel, Ast 3000.000 mm DRS-NA
Due To Fx, Additional compressive stress fsc 33.60 N/mm DRS-NA
Additional compressive stress fcc 1.197 N/mm DRS-NA
Pu 480.216 KN DRS-NA
Hit and trial, Extra Comprssve strain due to P, Ɛcc 0.00013902 DRS-NA DRS-NA
Test : Fx-Pu =0 0.000000 DRS-NA
Extra Increased area 0.000 mm DRS-NA
Required Singly reinforced Ast 3000.000 mm DRS-NA
a= -0.14976*fck*bw -0.002396160 DRS-NA
b= 0.36*fck*bw*d 1.91232000 DRS-NA
c= 0.446*fck*Df*(bf - bw)*(d-0.5*Df)-Mu -1428.99985 DRS-NA
Neutral Axis Xu=(-b+√(b -4*a*c))/2*a
Lever Arm z = jd #NUM! DRS-NA
For Df/d < 0.2 Ast #NUM! mm2 DRS-NA

2 (C) Condition: Doubly Reinforced Section YES

Number of Layer of Comression bar 1.00 No.
Dia of Main reinforcement in compression 16 mm
Spacer for Vertical spacing 25 mm
Dia of Stirrups 10.00 mm
Clear cover, C 50.00 mm
Charactertistics strength of Concrete fck 20.00 N/mm2
Yield stress of steel fy 500.00 N/mm2
Helping calculation, d'' 41.00 mm
Effective depth from in compression side d' 68.00 mm
Effective depth at tension side d 332.00 mm
Neutral Axis depth ration Xu,max/d 0.479
Neutral Axis Depth Xu.max 159.06 mmm
Compression level strain Ɛsc Or Ɛcc 0.00200
Compressive level stress of steel fsc 373.521 N/mm2
Compressive level stress of concrete fcc=446*fck*(Ԑcc-250*Ԑcc^2) 8.920 N/mm2
Area of compressive stress Asc 12401.604 mm
for Asc, Area of tension steel Ast2 10394.561 mm
For DRS Total Area of tension steel Ast 12405.148 mm
for Tension, Area of Steel, Ast3 0.00 mm
for BM+Tension, total rqd. Steel, Ast 12405.15 mm
Neutral Axis, Xu 159.064 mm
Due to Mu Compressive strain Ɛcc 0.00368
Total Strain due to (Mu+P) Ɛcct 0.00380 < 0.0035 OK
for BM+compression, TrialTotal Rqd. Steel, Ast 1280.000 mm
Due To Fx, Additional compressive stress fsc 28.79 N/mm
Additional compressive stress fcc 1.031 N/mm
Pu 365.509 KN
Hit and trial, Extra Comprssve strain due to P, Ɛcc 0.00011915 YES
Test : Fx-Pu =0 -259.269036
Extra Increased area -11125.148 mm
Required Double reinforced Ast 1280.000 mm

Check for Shear force

Design Shear force 612.42 KN
Shear stress 2.306 N/mm2
Percentage of tension steel, pt 0.530 %
Percentage of compressive steel, pc 0.530 %
Percentage of tension and compressive steel, pt 3.152 %
α=0.8*fck/6.89*pt 0.737

tc = 0.85*SQRT(0.8*fck)*(SQRT(1+5*α)-1)/6*α 0.895 N/mm2

Permissible shear stress,
1.00 x 0.895 = 0.895
K´tc =
> 2.306 Not OK
Shear Reinforcement is required.
Dia of of Vertical Stirrups 10.00 mm
Number of leg 6.00
Planned area to Provide Asv 471.24 mm
Required spacing of stirrups Svreqd. 181.687 mm
Plan to Provide, spacing of stirrups Sv 175.000
Minimum required Asv 0.4*b*Sv/0.87*fy 128.7356 mm
Ф 5.2267 mm
Rqd. Stirrups Ф 10.00 Leg 6.000 175.00 mm C/C

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