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Laws of Thermodynamics

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Laws of thermodynamics

Main article: Laws of thermodynamics

Thermodynamics is principally based on a set of four laws which are universally valid when
applied to systems that fall within the constraints implied by each. In the various theoretical
descriptions of thermodynamics these laws may be expressed in seemingly differing forms, but
the most prominent formulations are the following:

 Zeroth law of thermodynamics: If two systems are each in thermal equilibrium with a
third, they are also in thermal equilibrium with each other.

This statement implies that thermal equilibrium is an equivalence relation on the set
of thermodynamic systems under consideration. Systems are said to be in equilibrium if the
small, random exchanges between them (e.g. Brownian motion) do not lead to a net change in
energy. This law is tacitly assumed in every measurement of temperature. Thus, if one seeks to
decide if two bodies are at the same temperature, it is not necessary to bring them into contact
and measure any changes of their observable properties in time.[24] The law provides an
empirical definition of temperature and justification for the construction of practical
The zeroth law was not initially recognized as a law, as its basis in thermodynamical equilibrium
was implied in the other laws. The first, second, and third laws had been explicitly stated prior
and found common acceptance in the physics community. Once the importance of the zeroth
law for the definition of temperature was realized, it was impracticable to renumber the other
laws, hence it was numbered the zeroth law.

 First law of thermodynamics: The internal energy of an isolated system is constant.

The first law of thermodynamics is an expression of the principle of conservation of energy. It

states that energy can be transformed (changed from one form to another), but cannot be
created or destroyed.[25]

The first law is usually formulated by saying that the change in the internal energy of a
closed thermodynamic system is equal to the difference between the heat supplied to the
system and the amount of work done by the system on its surroundings. It is important to note
that internal energy is a state of the system (see Thermodynamic state) whereas heat and work
modify the state of the system. In other words, a change of internal energy of a system may be
achieved by any combination of heat and work added or removed from the system as long as
those total to the change of internal energy. The manner by which a system achieves its internal
energy is path independent.

 Second law of thermodynamics: Heat cannot spontaneously flow from a colder location
to a hotter location.
The second law of thermodynamics is an expression of the universal principle of decay
observable in nature. The second law is an observation of the fact that over time, differences in
temperature, pressure, and chemical potential tend to even out in a physical system that is
isolated from the outside world. Entropy is a measure of how much this process has progressed.
The entropy of an isolated system which is not in equilibrium will tend to increase over time,
approaching a maximum value at equilibrium. However, principles guiding systems that are far
from equilibrium are still debatable. One of such principles is the maximum entropy
production principle.[26][27] It states that non-equilibrium systems behave such a way as to
maximize its entropy production.[28]
In classical thermodynamics, the second law is a basic postulate applicable to any system
involving heat energy transfer; in statistical thermodynamics, the second law is a consequence of
the assumed randomness of molecular chaos. There are many versions of the second law, but
they all have the same effect, which is to explain the phenomenon of irreversibility in nature.

 Third law of thermodynamics: As a system approaches absolute zero, all processes cease
and the entropy of the system approaches a minimum value.
The third law of thermodynamics is a statistical law of nature regarding entropy and the
impossibility of reaching absolute zero of temperature. This law provides an absolute reference
point for the determination of entropy. The entropy determined relative to this point is the
absolute entropy. Alternate definitions are, "the entropy of all systems and of all states of a
system is smallest at absolute zero," or equivalently "it is impossible to reach the absolute zero
of temperature by any finite number of processes".

Absolute zero, at which all activity would stop if it were possible to happen, is −273.15 °C
(degrees Celsius), or −459.67 °F (degrees Fahrenheit) or 0 K (kelvin).

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