Tailor Made Marine Cranes
Tailor Made Marine Cranes
Tailor Made Marine Cranes
The Konecranes-Munckloader gantry cranes
travelling along the rails on the ship deck are
used to load and unload containers, unit cargo
and bulk material. Vessels are typically equipped
with two cranes working independently and
reaching an unloading capacity of approximately
2,000 tons/h each.
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4 Konecranes
Tailor-Made Marine Cranes
2700-ton Barge
Handling System for
Lifting platform
Main parts: > Hoisting capacity 2 x 1,350 tons
> Hoisting/lowering speed
> Lifting platform with an area of approximately with full load 5.7 m/min
1,000 m2, which lifts two fully loaded barges to without load 12.0 m/min
the appropriate deck level. > Lifting height 21.5 m
Barge transfer trolley:
> Hoisting machinery arrangement (2 x 4 units) > Hoisting capacity 1,350 tons
for raising and lowering the lifting platform. > Travelling speed
> Two trolleys travel along the rails on the with full load 5.7 m/min
without load 12.0 m/min
barges, powered by hydraulic cylinders from the
platform, and convey them into the ship. Time needed for loading
> Railed crossing beams at the rear edge of each 26 barges into the ship 13 hours approx.
deck connect the trolley rails on the platform
and on the decks; the crossing beams are
hoisted hydraulically.
> Sea-stowage equipment for the lifting platform.
List 3 deg
Trim 1.5 deg
Roll ±3 deg in 10 sec period
Pitch ±1 deg in 7 sec period
Heave ±1 m in 8 sec period
Wind load max 400 N/m2
Temperature max +34 °C min -25 °C image
6 Konecranes
Tailor-Made Marine Cranes
ton cranes for
crane vessel
These 600-ton revolving cranes are mounted on
catamaran-hulled vessels for offshore work. The
cranes incorporate two independent main hooks,
each with a capacity of 300 tons; an auxiliary
DESIGN CRITERIA: Roll ±2 deg in 5 sec
hook of 150 tons; and a trolley with a 20-ton Load x outreach Speed Pitch ±1 deg in 5 sec
hook that travels along almost the entire length 2 x 300 tons x 39 m 0–3 m/min Heave ±1 m in 5 sec
of the box girder boom. The maximum outreach 1 x 150 tons x 69 m 0–6 m/min Static loading in
is 69 m and the lifting height is 92 m above the 1 x 20 tons x 67 m 0–30 m/min plane of boom 5 deg
> Travelling speed of the 20-ton trolley: Static loading
water level. The main hook block can be coupled perpendicular to
up to 30 m/min.
together by a hoisting beam with one four-prong > Slewing speed with full load plane of boom 5 deg
600-ton hook. 0–0.25 rpm Calculated wind thrust 400 N/m²
> Boom hoist time with full load from > All environmental loads simultaneous
Due to the eccentric position of the crane, weight 39 m to 26 m outreach: approx. for lifts up to 600 tons and fully
has to be reduced to a minimum, and so the 12 min. Without load from boom rest revolving.
to 25 m outreach: approx. 20 min. > The cranes have been designed by
counterweight has been omitted. Instead, the Gusto Engineering BV.
total crane movement is taken up by a tower-and-
pintle slewing system. All hoisting and travelling
winches, as well as the slewing gear, are driven by
DC motors with a total output of 2,020 kW. The
total power installed is approx. 2,300 kW.
The 1,200-ton revolving crane, designed by Gusto
Engineering BV, is mounted on the stern of a
self-propelled crane vessel and is equipped with
two 600-ton main hooks which can be operated
separately, a 300-ton auxiliary hook, tugger
winches and a trolley with a 30-ton hook, which
can travel along the length of the box girder crane
As the vessel has an active ballast system and a
minimum draught was required, the weight of the
crane is minimised by omitting the counterweight
and by using high tensile steel.
The crane moment is taken by a well-proven bogie- Load x outreach Speed
and-counterbogie system. 2 x 600 tons x 39.5 m 0–3 m/min
1 x 300 tons x 71.5 m 0–6 m/min
The hoisting, travelling and derrick winches, as 1 x 30 tons x 70 m 0–30 m/min
well as the slewing gear, are driven by DC motors > Travelling speed of the 20-ton trolley: up to 30 m/min.
with a total power of 3,400 kW. > Slewing speed with full load 0–0,2 rpm
> Boom hoist time with full load from max outreach to min
outreach of 23 m: approx. 20 min.
Roll ±2.29 deg in 8.5 sec
Pitch ±1.77 deg in 8.5 sec
Heave ±1.6 m in 8.5 sec
Wind load 400 N/m²
The 1,600-ton revolving crane is mounted on the DESIGN CRITERIA:
stern of a self-propelled crane vessel. The crane, Load x outreach Speed
designed by Gusto Engineering BV, is equipped 2 x 800 tons x 48.5 m 0–3 m/min
with two 800-ton main hooks which can be 1 x 400 tons x 86 m 0–6 m/min
1 x 30 tons x 67 m 0–30 m/min
operated separately, a 400-ton auxiliary hook,
> Travelling speed of the 30-ton trolley: up to
and a trolley with a 30-ton hook, which can travel 30 m/min.
along the length of the box girder crane boom. > Slewing speed with full load 0–0,3 rpm
> Boom hoist time with full load from max outreach to min
To lift the maximum load of 1,600 tons, the two outreach of 23 m: approx. 40 min.
main blocks can be used independently, allowing Roll ±2 deg in 7.5 sec
an angle with the vertical up to a maximum 15 Pitch ±1.8 deg in 7 sec
Heave ±1 m in 7 sec
degrees, or they can be coupled together with a Static loading in
hoisting beam and a 1,600-ton hook. plane of the boom 7 deg
Static loading
As the vessel has an active ballast system and a perpendicular to
minimum draught was required, the weight of the plane of the boom 5 deg
Wind load 400 N/m²
crane is minimised by omitting the counterweight
Environmental loads simultaneous for lifts up to 1,600 tons fully
and by using high tensile steel. revolving.
The crane moment is taken by a well-proven bogie-
and-counterbogie system.
The hoisting, travelling and derrick winches, as
well as the slewing gear, are driven by DC motors
with a total power of 4,300 kW.
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Cranes Cranes Stackers trucks trucks Carriers Unloaders Cranes
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