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Avaliação Ultra-Sonográfica Das Técnicas de Punção Da Veia Jugular Interna em Crianças

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Ultrasound evaluation of techniques for internal jugular vein puncture in children1

Avaliação ultra-sonográfica das técnicas de punção da veia jugular interna em crianças

Sérgio Tomaz SchettiniI, Luiz Fernando Ybarra Martins de OliveiraII, Harold Ruiz HenaoIII, Henrique Manoel LedermanIV

Associate Professor, Division of Pediatric Surgery, Department of Surgery, UNIFESP, Brazil.
Medical student, Scientific Iniciation Program, Division of Pediatric Surgery, Department of Surgery, UNIFESP, Brazil.
Radiologist Member of the Division of Diagnostic Imaging in Pediatrics, Pediatric Institute of Oncology, UNIFESP, Brazil.
Full Professor of Radiology, Department of Diagnostic Imaging, UNIFESP, Brazil.

Purpose: To determine by ultrasound which access and position the child must stay to obtain the best transversal section of the right
Internal Jugular Vein (RIJV) allowing a safer puncture. Methods: Three possible accesses to the RIJV, anterior, lateral and posterior,
from 57 healthy children, were analyzed through ultrasound images in a sequence of positions of the head, in supine position, with or
without a roll under the scapula: head centered in neutral position with and without a roll (NPP and NP); contra lateral rotation with and
without a roll (CLRP and CLR), neutral position and the patient raised in 30° in Trendelenburg position (TDG). To analyze the results it
was applied one statistic method, with variation analysis to the same individuals. Basic Procedures: Ultrasound evaluation in each one of
the proposed positions. Results: The statistical analysis of the results observed that the lateral puncture with the patient in the neutral
position, in Trendelemburg without a roll, offers a bigger area in comparison to all the other options of puncture and positioning of the
patient (p<0, 0001). Conclusion: The safer way for the puncture of RIJV in children is obtained in neutral position in Trendelemburg by
lateral puncture, without a shoulder roll.
Key words: Jugular Veins. Ultrasonics. Child.

Objetivo: Determinar pelo ultra-som qual o melhor acesso e posicionamento da criança com o intuito de se obter a melhor secção
transversal da veia jugular interna direita (VJID), permitindo uma punção com maior segurança. Métodos: Três possíveis acessos a
VJID, anterior, lateral e posterior foram analisados pela ultrassonografia em uma sequência de diferentes posições da cabeça, estando o
paciente em posição supina com ou sem um coxim sob a escápula; cabeça na posição neutra; (NPP E NP); rotação lateral da cabeça
(CLRP e CLR), posição neutra com o paciente em posição de Trendlemburg a 300 (TDG). Para analisar os resultados foi aplicado um
método estatístico com análise variada sobre os mesmos indivíduos. Procedimentos básicos: Avaliação ultrassonográfica em cada uma
das posições propostas. Resultados: Pela análise estatística dos resultados observou-se que a punção lateral estando o paciente em
posição neutra, em Trendlemburg sem a colocação de coxim sob a escápula oferece uma área maior em comparação a todas as outras
opções de punção e posicionamento do paciente (p<0,0001). Conclusão: A melhor técnica para a punção da VJID em crianças foi a
posição neutra em Trendlemburg, por punção lateral , sem a colocação de um coxim sob a escápula.
Descritores: Veias Jugulares. Ultra-som, Criança.
Research performed at the Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), Brazil.

Introduction shock, severe dehydration, respiratory failure, intoxications, great

burn wounds, convulsive illness and brain trauma.
The catheterization of the internal jugular vein (IJV) is a * At non-emergency situations the main indications are:
procedure usually done in children and easily applied at the most monitorization of the central venous pressure, long term infusion
clinical conditions with the usage of a simple technique. The main of irritative medication, uniform drugs infusion, extended
indications are: parentheral nutrition, venous access for transfusions, impossibility
At the emergency room, in the situations of hemodynamic to obtain a peripheric vein access and chemotherapy
instability or when the occurrence is foreseen mainly in those administration via “port-a-cath” in oncology patients.
children whose disease presents a progressive worsening of vital The possible complications of the IJV puncture are:
functions. For instance we can mention the following situations: accidental puncture of the common carotid artery (4-10%)1 puncture
respiratory and cardiac arrest, sepsis, hemorrhagic and cardiogenic of the nerves, of the main lymphatic duct in the left hemithorax,

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Ultrasound evaluation of techniques for internal jugular vein puncture in children

malposition of the catheter with hydrothorax, hemothorax, venous Concerning the puncture of the internal jugular vein is
thrombosis, pseudo aneurysm, arteriovenous fistula. The incidence preferable the right side because we have a straight way from the
of these complications are directly related to the skill and the vein, the brachiocephalic trunchus and the superior vena cava,
physician’s experience whereas the incapacity of obtaining the lowering the risks and improving the chance to reach the right
catheterization of IJV through puncture is referred in 19, 4%2. atrium, whereas on the left IJV, there is an acute angle between the
The success rate in the catheterization of IJV is lower vein and the brachiocephalic trunchus.
and the number of complications is higher in children than among The purpose of this study, using the ultrasound, is to
adults due to the smaller size of the vein, the close proximity of determine which would be the best way and patient position in
the common carotid artery and the variation of the vein position order to obtain the larger transversal section of the right IJV (RIJV)
related to the artery and to the cervical muscles not fully for catheterization, allowing a safer and precise access.
developed, which makes difficult the characterization of anatomical
landmarks in order to due a precise puncture. We must also Methods
consider the lack of cooperation from the small patients, and the
risks related to their sedation. The study was held at the Department of Diagnostic
Therefore the larger the diameter of the IJV the easier will Imaging, UNIFESP, from January of 2004 to June of 2006, with
be to obtain catheterization, because there is a significant relation volunteer patients from the outpatient clinic of the Division of
between the increase diameter of the IJV and the success rate at the Pediatric Surgery, in healthy condition, almost all of them bearers
first attempt to catheterization3. of phimosis, inguinal or umbilical hernia or cryptorchidic testes.
There are three sites or ways to access the IJV for puncture. Informed consent was provided by the parents or responsible tutor.
The landmarks are the margins of the sternocleidomastoid muscle: All procedures were done without sedation.
(A) anterior, (B) lateral and (C) posterior (Figure 1). 57 healthy children were selected, 21 girls and 36 boys
with ages between 8 months and 16 years-old (average age of 5,9
A) The puncture is done in the anterior margin of years-old). The criteria of exclusion were the existence of previous
sternocleidomastoid muscle (ECM), at the middle from the access of IJV or primary or secondary affections in the cervical
mastoid process and the clavicle. region which could change the anatomy of the IJV.
B) The puncture is done in the apex of the triangle formed The three possible ways to access the RIJV, anterior,
between the clavicle and the ECM margins. lateral and posterior, were analyzed through ultrasound images
C) The puncture is done in the posterior margin of ECM obtained with a linear transductor (10mHz) in a perpendicular
towards the jugular sternal incisure. section to the vessel, applied with the minimum pressure in order
to obtain a good image4.
These options are illustrated bellow: The ultrasound equipment that was used in all patients
was a SiemensR Sonoline Antares, Sie Scape, 3 Scape.
The sequence of examination was:
1) Supine position with the head in neutral position
without the use of a roll under the scapula (NP);
2) Supine position with contra lateral rotation of the head
without the use of a roll under the scapula (CLR);
3) Supine position with the head in neutral position with
the use of a roll under the scapula (NPP);
4) Supine position with contra lateral rotation of the head
with the use of a roll under the scapula (CLRP);
5) Supine position with the head in the neutral position
with the patient in Trendelenburg (patient raised 30° related to the
floor) without the use of a roll under the scapula (TDG).
The study was limited to the right internal jugular vein
due to aforementioned reasons.
The rolls were standardized for all patients according
to their weight and height. The head was positioned with the
auricular pavilion below the shoulder level and the chin at 90
degrees in relationship to the floor.
Images were performed in each position, in three different
locations, in relation to the ECM muscle, anterior, lateral and
posterior (Figure 1).
During the examination the carotid artery and jugular vein
were identified by their anatomical locations, ultrasound
characteristics and patterns of pulsation. Measurements of the
transverse section of RIJV were obtained during the examination,
FIGURE 1 from a frozen image on the monitor screen, using calipers. Also,
measurements of the average distance from the skin to the center
of the RIJV were obtained in each different acquisition.

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Schettini ST et al

All exams were performed

by a single radiologist and data were TABLE 1 - Average of the transversal section (diameter in cm) of the RIJV obtained at the
ultrasound in 57 children
registered in a pre designed table.
To analyze the results it was Average Diameter (cm)
applied a statistic method of analysis Position / Approach
Lateral Posterior Anterior
with variation to the same individuals.
It was established in 0,05 or 5% the NP 0,68 0,49 0,52
rejection level of annulment hypothesis,
with trust periods of 95%. CLR 0,71 0,64 0,62

Results NPP 0,56 0,44 0,46

CLRP 0,65 0,5 0,47

Measurements of 855 images
were obtained. TDG 0,9 0,85 0,8
It was not found in this study
any patient with anatomical alteration
or congenital abnormalities.
The average measurement of
each way of access of the RIJV in each
position is demonstrated in the Table 1.
From the statistical analysis 1,2
of the results it was observed that the
lateral puncture with the patient in the 1

Trendelemburg position without a roll

under the scapula is the one that offers 0,8

largest transversal section area (diameter

in centimeters, cm) of the right internal 0,6

jugular vein in comparison to all

the other options of puncture and 0,4

positioning of the patients (p< 0, 0001).

Concerning the distance from
the skin to the center of the vein, the 0
average in the each position was from




























1,0 to 1,3 cm or 3,0 mm. (Figure 2).
This difference was considered without lat post ant lat post ant lat post ant lat post ant lat post ant
np clr npp clrp tdg

Discussion FIGURE 2 - Average of the transversal section (diameter in cm) of the RIJV and the distance of
the center of the vein to the skin (in cm) obtained at the ultrasound in 57 children
The easy access, the superficial
localization related to the skin (1,0 to
1,3 cm in this study) and the low
incidence of pneumothorax in comparison to the puncture of accidental puncture of the artery8. The extreme rotation has the
the subclavia vein, make the IJV one excellent option to obtain a inconvenience of making difficult the IJV puncture9 and also
central venous access1. It is well established the puncture on the interfere in the ventilation, increasing the risk in critical patients.
right side it is easier to reach the vena cava due to better anatomical The use of ultrasound for puncture the RIJV is an easy
conditions, practically a straight way. That was the reason we have procedure10,11. Adequate transverse diameter is necessary for small
limited this study on the right internal jugular vein. children.
There is a straight correlation between the diameters In patients suspected to have injury in the cervical column
of IJV with the success in the first attempt of catheterization or in the initial treatment of the infantile trauma that needs the
by puncture 3. central venous access we can use the NP position, which becomes
The position of the TDG increases the venous return and very important despite reducing the vision field and presenting
consequently the transversal section of IJV, increasing the success smaller average diameter in comparison to the TDG position.
of the puncture. Also minimize the chance of gas embolism1,5,6. On the contrary, as the referred by Parry10, the use of a
Nevertheless, is not recommended in the cardiac pulmonary edema roll under the scapula which is a very common practice among
and in situation of reduced brain perfusion7. several professionals, did not determined any benefit, in any of the
In these conditions we can try CLR, which give the positions studied.
second largest diameter. On the other hand it may superimpose the Lukish et al.12 have the same conclusion in regard to
RIJV to the common carotid artery, which increases the chance of the subclavian vein in children. Their conclusion are against the

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Ultrasound evaluation of techniques for internal jugular vein puncture in children

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Conflict of interest: none

Financial source: none

Rua Butirapoã, 111
05050-030 Sao Paulo – SP Brazil
Phone/Fax: (55 11)5539-4621
Received: March 28, 2008
Review: May 29, 2008
Accepted: June 30, 2008

How to cite this article

Schettini ST, Oliveira LFYM, Henao HR, Lederman HM. Ultrasound evaluation of techniques for internal jugular vein puncture in
children. Acta Cir Bras. [serial on the Internet] 2008 Sept-Oct;23(5). Available from URL:

Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira - Vol. 23 (5) 2008 - 472

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