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Vegan Basics Guide - The Complete Guide For New and Aspiring Vegans

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The Complete Guide

for New and Aspiring Vegans
Welcome to Vegan Basics, a one-stop resource for those
interested in exploring alternatives to food and other
products made from animals. Because you are reading this
guide, you may already be taking your first steps toward
choosing veganism; or maybe you’re just thinking about it.
Either way, good for you! The public has the perception that
eliminating the consumption of all animal products can be
unhealthy or at least very difficult, but this is simply not
true. As you’ll find out with this guide, veganism is the
healthy choice for you, the planet, and animals. With so
many animal-free options readily available, going vegan is
easier today than ever before!

Veganism is...
good for you
Research on vegetarians (including vegans) shows them to
have lower rates of heart disease, obesity, high blood
pressure, rheumatoid arthritis, and possibly some cancers. It
also reduces the chance of food poisoning. And of course
you avoid all the hormones and antibiotics that are pumped
through animals raised for food.

good for the animals

If you’re already a vegetarian you’ve undoubtedly helped
reduce animal suffering, but the dairy and egg industries are
no picnics for the animals involved.

Cows must be repeatedly impregnated

for the production of milk, and their
offspring sent straight to the
slaughterhouse or reared for veal, milk, or
sold for their flesh. Both male and female
calves are kept in confinement and are
unable to walk. The male, if being raised for
veal, will be slaughtered after only 4 months, while
the female calves will be kept in a similar setting
until they are able to produce milk. Then they are
turned into milking machines. Cows’ udders are
often infected and swollen from the abuse of growth
hormones and multiple milkings every day. Dairy cows
are killed at about five years of age and sold for ‘low
grade’ products such as burgers, sausages and other

processed foods. Their natural life span would be at least suffocate to death or they are
twenty years. disemboweled with a gutting knife. In
addition to this, countless other sea
And as for typical (battery cage) egg production, since only creatures who are not the targets are
the females lay eggs, 200 million day-old male chicks are caught in fishing nets.
killed every year, many suffocated in garbage bags. The
industry average is less than one-half square foot of space good for the environment
per bird. They have the tips of their beaks cut off to Vast expanses of wilderness are
prevent feather pulling caused by the intensive converted to pastureland, resulting in a
confinement. These poor animals live with barely enough loss of habitat for countless species.
room to move for up to two years until their egg Commercial fishing of the oceans has
production goes down. Then they are either killed or forced decimated the aquatic environment.
into molting. To induce a molt, egg producers take away Shrimp nets, which are dragged through the
food and water from the birds, which then forces them into water, catch everything in their path – thousands
another egg laying cycle. of sea turtles are killed this way every year. A branch of
the USDA kills wildlife, such as coyotes and bobcats, to
Life for pigs on factory farms is dreadful too! Over 80% of protect farmers’ livestock.
pigs who are raised for food (like sausages, hot dogs, bacon
and ham) live their lives in sheds thick with the The factory farming industry is creating environmental
overwhelming smell of urine and feces. A mother pig (sow) problems of its own. According to the Environmental
is forced to give birth in a tiny crate where she cannot walk Protection Agency (EPA), dairy farms have created an
or even turn around. This is also where she will spend her environmental crisis in California, the number one dairy
pregnancy. She moves between these two small crates for producing state. In fact, California alone produces an
four to five years until she is killed. The piglets spend their astounding 30 million tons of manure each year. EPA states
lives in squalid conditions until at six months they are that a single cow produces approximately 120 pounds of
shackled by one leg and their throats slit. wet manure per day. Estimates equate the waste produced
per day by one dairy cow to that of 20-40 humans per day.
Chickens and turkeys raised for meat are crammed by the Manure lagoons designed to contain livestock waste can
thousands in windowless sheds. Breeding has caused them leak or spill over into waterways, contaminating our
to grow at an incredible pace, one that their bodies have a drinking water. Pig farms with 100,000 animals produce as
hard time catching up to. Turkeys have the tips of their much waste as a city of a quarter-million people; but the pig
beaks and some toes cut off. Chickens have been known to farms have no wastewater treatment system. Pig waste
be boiled alive during the slaughter process. often spills into nearby rivers, sometimes killing many
thousands of fish.
And the label ‘free range’ does not mean that they are
cruelty-free; in fact, free range hens live in very crowded good for the planet’s people
conditions, have the tips of their beaks cut off, and are not Every day, 840 million people around the world, including
slaughtered in any ‘humane’ fashion. 200 million children, go hungry. But much of the world’s
grain harvest, 40%, is used to feed livestock, not people. U.S.
Billions of sea animals are caught each year. Those fish who livestock alone consumes about one-third of the world’s total
are still alive by the time they make it to the decks of fishing grain harvest, as well as more than 70% of the grain grown
boats have one of two fates. Either they are allowed to in the United States. In fact, the more a cow is milked, the

4 5
more grain concentrates she needs. High quality foods such
as wheat and soy, which could be fed to humans, are being
fed to animals. On average, you can get about five times as
much biologically available protein from eating plant foods
directly as you can from using them to produce meat.

Slaughterhouses may be the worst workplace in the U.S. The

workers are poor, often illiterate, and often unable to speak
English. They are treated almost as callously as the animals
dying by the billions in those same facilities.. The pay is low,
turnover is high, and injuries and illnesses are frequent and
often severe. Turnover rate at all processing plants runs close
to 100% per year.

What is a vegan anyway?

So, now that you’re convinced that veganism is a beneficial
lifestyle, you’ll want to know what it involves, won’t you?
One thing it doesn’t involve is deprivation and martyrdom —
there really is no need to sit around munching your way
through a head of lettuce and feeling sorry for yourself
(unless, of course, you REALLY like lettuce). Ask any vegan
what they eat and they will look at you in astonishment.
The foods available are so varied, so tasty and so easy to
prepare, it’s a miracle that we do anything other than eat!
(Truth be told, some of us don’t!)

Now we aren’t saying you won’t miss a few things at first -

cheese and milk chocolate are always the hardest to kiss
goodbye, but there are vegan alternatives available, so
don’t despair.

What’s the difference between a

vegetarian and a vegan?
Well, a vegetarian simply does not eat any dead animals, or
parts of them. So this means no meat, poultry (chickens,
turkeys, ducks, etc.), fish or other watery creatures (like
shrimp and crabs), or any by-products of these animals, like
gelatin or animal fats. This also means eating only
‘vegetarian’ cheese, as some cheeses are made using rennet
(taken from the stomachs of calves - yuck!).

A vegan will not eat any of these either but will also strive

Microgram = "µg"
to avoid all animal products to avoid partaking in the Vitamin B12 or "mcg"
exploitation, abuse, and slaughter of animals. This includes Vitamin B12 prevents permanent nerve damage (e.g.,
eggs, milk, cream, yogurt, cheese and anything that contains blindness, deafness, and dementia); keeps the digestive
these products or derivatives of them. system healthy; and reduces the risk of heart disease by
lowering homocysteine levels. Early deficiency symptoms
Vegans also avoid honey, because bees are frequently killed sometimes include fatigue and tingling in the hands or feet.
during its production, and finally, a vegan will not wear No unfortified plant foods (including seaweeds and tempeh)
wool, leather or silk, or use personal care and household are reliable sources of B12. Vegans who get a regular source
products that contain animal substances or are tested on of vitamin B12 through fortified foods or supplements can
animals. In fact, a vegan won’t eat, wear or use anything have even better B12 status than many non-vegans who do
that comes from any animal, dead or alive. Cane sugar is not supplement. B12 intake is especially critical during
sometimes processed through bone char so some vegans pregnancy, lactation, childhood, and old age.
avoid eating it. If you’re interested in finding out which
products definitely do not have bone char, please see Vitamin B12 can be found in fortified foods such as soy milk and breakfast cereals.

Sounds like a lot to remember, huh? To begin with you’ll One of the following daily recommendations should
be reading every label in the cupboard, looking up things maximize B12 status:
like ‘lanolin’ in your dictionary and trying to remember • fortified foods (in at least 2 servings, spaced 6 hours
why you decided to go vegan in the first place! But it does apart): 3-5 µg
get easier and no one will blame you if you make a • 1 supplement: 10-100 µg
mistake. We all do. Just take things at your own pace and • 2 supplements spaced at least 6 hours apart: 5 µg
remember why you’re doing this, for yourself, the planet,
and animals.

A balanced vegan diet can be extremely healthy. Some
people still have a few concerns about whether they will
receive all the nutrients that they require. Read this guide
and check out our sources to put your mind at ease.

Protein is essential for growth, repairing tissues and protecting
against infections. The American Dietetic Association states
that the vegan diet provides enough protein.

Protein is most concentrated in legumes (peas, beans, lentils,

peanuts, soy products), but can also be found in nuts
(brazils, hazels and almonds etc.) and seeds (sunflower,
pumpkin, sesame), grains (rice, wheat, oats, barley, millet,
buckwheat, pasta, bread), and vegetables. Tofu and other
soy products are high in protein.

8 9
Vitamin D The calcium in kale, broccoli, collard greens, and soy milk are
Regulates calcium absorption and excretion, especially when all absorbed about the same as cows’ milk. The calcium in
calcium intake is low. Vitamin D can be made by the action spinach, swiss chard, and beet greens is not well absorbed
of sunlight (UV rays) on skin. Light-skinned, non-elderly due to their high content of oxalates which bind calcium.
adults exposing their hands and face to sunlight for 10-15 Many non-dairy milks are now fortified with calcium,
minutes, 2-3 times/week can get enough vitamin D. Above vitamin D, and/or vitamin B-12. Many orange juices are
the 42nd Latitude (which runs through Denver, Indianapolis, fortified with calcium.
and Philadelphia), vitamin D is not synthesized during the
winter. Vegans who do not get much sunlight exposure The Daily Value for calcium on food labels is 1,000 mg for
should supplement with vitamin D, especially during the adults. If a food label says 25% of the daily value, it has 250
winter or cloudy months. Elderly people may need up to 4 mg of calcium per serving. Vegans should ensure a good
times the amount of sunlight exposure listed above, and source of calcium on a daily basis. A cup or two of fortified
dark-skinned people may need up to 6 times this amount in soy milk is an excellent option.
order to meet vitamin D needs through sunshine alone. The
Daily Value for vitamin D is 10 mcg (400 IU). If a food label Fats
says 25% of the Daily Value, it has 2.5 mcg (100 IU) per Higher fat foods like nuts and seeds (and their butters),
serving. Typical fortified soy, almond, or rice milk has 2-3 avocados, and small amounts of vegetable oils (especially
mcg (80-120 IU) per cup. canola and olive) should be part of a healthy diet. These
foods are particularly important for meeting children’s
Calcium caloric needs.
Finally, calcium. There are many sources of calcium available
to vegans – broccoli, collard greens, kale, legumes, nuts, A large body of scientific evidence shows that omega-3 fatty
seeds, fortified soy milk, hummus, and figs. acids have anti-blood-clotting, anti-inflammatory, and
cholesterol-lowering properties. Vegans can most easily
As a child, you were probably told to drink cow’s milk for obtain omega-3 fats by eating 1–2 tsp of flaxseed oil per
good strong bones, but studies of bone fractures have failed day. The oil may be added to warm food, but cooking will
to show that milk protects bones and in some cases is damage it. Flaxseed oil, sold in many natural food and
actually associated with increased fractures. grocery stores, should be kept refrigerated.

Factors that can prevent osteoporosis (a disease that makes Iodine

bones brittle): Needed for healthy thyroid function, which regulates
• Weight-bearing exercise throughout one’s lifetime is one metabolism.Does not appear to be as much of a problem
of the most important. for U.S. vegans as it is for European vegans, whose food
• Adequate calcium, vitamin D, vitamin K, protein, supply contains less iodine. North American vegans should
potassium, and magnesium intakes. take a modest iodine supplement on a regular basis to
• Adequate estrogen levels (for women) ensure they are meeting requirements because it’s very hard
to predict how much is in any given person’s food supply.
Factors that can contribute to osteoporosis: 75-100 mcg every few days should be ample. Do not take
• High sodium and caffeine intake more than 150 mcg/day.
• Smoking
• Too much, or too little, protein Iron
Iron-deficient anemia is probably one of the most

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Please note that Please note: Most
products by the inaccurately self-diagnosed illnesses. It is a serious disease, balanced diet and follow the recommendations above. Safeway products
Hain Celestial Group and those who think they may be suffering from it should are listed in a few
(which includes: see a doctor. Iron deficiency symptoms include pale skin, If you want to know more about nutrition, read Viva!’s places in this guide.
Hain, Westbrae brittle fingernails, fatigue, weakness, difficulty breathing Guide Nutrition in a Nutshell. Safeway products
Natural, Earth Best are also sold under
upon exertion, inadequate temperature regulation, loss of
Baby Food, Near these labels: Vons,
East, Garden of appetite, and apathy. Nutritional information reviewed & edited courtesy of Jack Dominick’s,
Eatin’, Terra Chips, Norris, RD ( Remarkable,
Casbah, Hain Kidz, Iron in vegetarian diets is a somewhat controversial topic because: Genuardi’s, and
Celestial Seasonings, 1. Vegetarians’ ferritin (the storage form of iron) levels are So what do you eat? Randall’s/Tom
Health Valley, Nile Thumb.
normally lower than non-vegetarians, even though The thought of preparing a vegan meal can be daunting -
Spice, Arrowhead
Mills, Little Bear
vegetarians are no more likely to have iron deficiency where do you start?! Most vegetarian and even meat-based
Organic Foods, and anemia. meals can be easily modified and turned into vegan delights.
Bearitos to name a 2. Low iron stores are associated with higher glucose And if you feel lost or frustrated, there are always lots of
few) use only non- tolerance and therefore could prevent diabetes. resources you can access to find your way. There are some
animal natural 3. High iron stores are associated with cancer, and to a great cookbooks out there, including everything from simple
lesser extent, heart disease. meals for single vegans to gourmet feasts. The Internet is
also a great resource for recipes, and there are many
Vegans tend to have iron intakes at least as high as non- websites completely dedicated to vegan fare.
vegetarians. However, plant iron is generally not
absorbed as well as iron from meat. Vitamin C Many of the products listed in this guide are made by
significantly aids in plant iron absorption (they must be conscientious companies whose products are vegan
eaten at the same meal). intentionally and the integrity of their products can
generally be trusted. However, some products listed here
You do not need to worry about iron if you are otherwise (under ‘Vegan by Accident’) are not intentionally vegan and
healthy and eat a varied vegan diet. If you suspect an iron- ingredients of these products will quite often change
deficiency, see a doctor. If your doctor thinks your iron stores without notice, so be sure and double-check those labels!
are too low, he/she may suggest you start eating meat
(which is unnecessary) or that you take an iron supplement. Keep in mind that this list is not complete – there are loads of
Eating 100 mg of vitamin C with 2 meals a day should help vegan foods out there…we hope this helps! Also, some of these
cure the anemia. products are regional and may not be available everywhere.

Consider a multivitamin Milk

Many well-respected health professionals suggest that Soy milk is made from... wait for it... soy beans, and is
everyone (including meat-eaters) take a modest (25-100% of available in many supermarkets and all health food stores. It
the RDA) multivitamin supplement for insurance purposes. A comes in a variety of types: sweetened, unsweetened,
typical multivitamin and mineral supplement will ensure an enriched, organic, and as flavored milk shakes. It can be
adequate source of vitamin B12, vitamin D, and iodine. The drunk as it is, or used in hot drinks and cooking in the same
only other nutrients you would need to concern yourself way that you would use cow’s milk. You can also find milk
with are omega-3 fatty acids and calcium. substitutes made from rice, oats and nuts! They all taste
different, so if you don’t like one, pick another brand or
There is little chance of a deficiency of calcium, or any other style until you find the ones that suit your taste. We
food group, vitamin or mineral, as long as you eat a recommend Vitasoy, Edensoy, Silk (in the refrigerated

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Vegan Cheese Sauce
section; it comes in different flavors – the Chocolate Silk is a Cheddar, Jalapeno, Italian Herb)
⁄4 C nutritional yeast delight!), WestSoy, Wild Wood, Rice Dream and Chicago • VeganRella - Hard cheeses in both Cheddar and
flakes Soydairy soy milks. Mozzarella styles
⁄4 C flour • Vegie Kaas – Cheddar and Mozzarella style blocks (it melts)
1 t salt
⁄2 t garlic powder
2 C water • White Wave - Silk Creamer (great in place of half- &-half Vegan by Accident
⁄4 C vegan – delicious and creamy!) • Tofutti - Sliced as well as shredded cheeses, the garlic
margarine • Westsoy - Crème de la Soy slices are great!
1 t mustard
Mix dry ingredients
in saucepan. Whisk
Vegan by Accident: Cream Cheese
in water. Cook over
• Farm Rich - Non-Dairy Creamer (Fat Free, Original) • Soymage - vegan cream cheese that is non-hydrogenated
medium heat,
whisking until Butter Vegan by Accident
mixture thickens Butter is obviously made from milk, so it is easiest to switch • Tofutti - ‘Better Than Cream Cheese’ in French Onion
and bubbles. Cook to margarine, many of which are vegan. Some margarine (yum!), Herbs and Chives, and Original flavor
an additional 30
contains milk derivatives such as whey or vitamins from an
sec., remove from
heat. Stir in animal source, but there are plenty that do not. Most Nutritional Yeast can also be used to give foods a cheesy
margarine and supermarkets stock at least one suitable margarine. kick. Make your own!
mustard. (note:
Cheese will thicken • Shedd’s – Willow Run (these sticks are great for baking) Yogurt
as it cools, or you
• Smart Balance – Smart Beat Super Light, Smart Balance As with most things, there are vegan
may add water to
thin it).
Light, Earth Balance non-GMO All Natural Buttery alternatives available to the usually
Spread, and Soy Garden Buttery Spread. milk-based yogurts. Again, some are
• Soy Garden - Natural Buttery Spread better than others, but there’s
• Spectrum Naturals – Which are expeller-pressed nothing wrong with trying them all,
• The Natural Food Store – Soy Bean Soft Margarine just to be on the safe side!
• Tree of Life - Margarine
• Nancy’s – A very fruity soy yogurt
Cheese in raspberry, strawberry and plain
Cheese is also made from milk, and in some cases uses an flavors, flavors, among others.
extract from calves’ stomachs, called rennet, to curdle the • Silk - Cultured Silk Soy Yogurt,
milk, and so often cheese isn’t even vegetarian. However, variety of flavors
there are more and more vegan cheeses available these days • Wholesoy – a wide variety of
that are made from vegetable sources instead of milk. different fruit flavors, also makes
drinkable soy drink
• Follow your Heart - Vegan Gourmet cheese blocks in
Jack, Nacho, and Mozzarella (it melts) Ice Cream
• Road’s End Organics - Nacho Chreese Dip - Mild and Dairy ice cream obviously contains
Spicy; Chreese Packets - Original, Mozzarella Style, dairy products, usually in the form of
Original Gluten Free, Alfredo Style Gluten Free milk or milk derivatives. If the label on
• Soymage - Vegan grated Parmesan, Vegan Singles and your ice cream, however, reads ‘non-
Vegan Chunk Cheese (flavors include Mozzarella, dairy’ or uses the phrase ‘non-milk

Vegan Sour Scrambled Tofu
“Cream” fats’, don’t assume that this makes it vegan, these may contain Whipped Cream
animal by-products. The good news is there are loads of • Hip Whip - Vegan whipped cream in a tub 1 –1 1⁄2 teaspoons
1 lb. firm silken tofu scrumptious vegan ice creams widely available! If you find it olive oil
3 Tb oil 2 cloves garlic
difficult to get hold of vegan ice cream or prefer something Vegan by Accident
⁄2 Tb lemon juice 1 package tofu,
fruity, you could try sorbets and frozen fruit snacks instead. But • Safeway – Lucerne Non-Dairy Dessert Topping Ultra crumbled
⁄2 tsp unrefined
sugar (more to more and more regular grocery stores are starting to carry Pasteurized Lactose Free (7 oz. can) 1
⁄2 onion, minced
taste) these vegan ice cream treats! 1 teaspoon turmeric
1 tsp salt Sour Cream 1 Tablespoon
Braggs Liquid
• Double Rainbow Soy Cream – all varieties are vegan. We • Soymage - Vegan Sour Cream
Blend until smooth Aminos or soy sauce
have heard that Butter Pecan, Cookie Vanilla and Mint (optional add 1⁄2
Chocolate Chip are a dream! Their sorbets are also vegan Vegan by Accident teaspoon cumin)
(Chocolate, Lemon, Mango Tangerine, Marion Blackberry, • Tofutti - Sour Supreme, sour cream substitute Add black pepper to
Rainbow and Raspberry). Both are available in parlors taste
featuring Double Rainbow Ice Cream and some health Sauté the garlic and
Or make your own with our easy recipe.
onions over
food grocery markets and specialty grocery markets.
medium-high heat
• Rice Dream (Imagine) - In tubs, Rice Dream Bars, Rice Eggs until the onions are
Dream Nutty Bars, and Dream Pies How do you replace eggs? Well, if you’re hoping for a vegan translucent and
• Soy Delicious (Turtle Mountain) – everything Soy hard-boiled egg you really are out of luck. No one has tender. Add the
Delicious makes is vegan. Purely Decadent soy cream to invented the ‘soy egg’ yet (thankfully!), but the good news is tofu, tumeric and
Braggs (or soy
ice cream sandwiches and cookie sandwiches. Cookie that you can buy egg-replacers from most health food shops.
sauce), continuing
Avalanche is a vegan version of the favorite. Cookies n‚ These are really only useful as a binding agent in baking, but sautéing until tofu
Cream. They also make Sweet Nothings which includes it does mean you need not go without your cakes. is light golden.
delicious non-dairy fudge bars. Garnish with sliced
• Soy Dream - Sold in pints as well as Lil’ Dreamers (ice However, there are many ways to bake fantastic cakes tomatoes and serve
cream sandwiches) without using eggs - Rose Elliot, the renowned vegetarian with whole wheat
• Whole Soy - Glacé soy ice cream (very rich and creamy and vegan cook, suggests mixing in orange juice to give a
soy ice cream) light sponge effect, very similar in texture to one that is
• Let’s Do...Organic - Organic Waffle Cones, Waffle Bowls, made with eggs. Bananas or applesauce work just as well.
Chocolatey Sprinkelz, Confetti Sprinkelz
There is also the Ener-G Foods egg replacer that also does
Vegan by Accident the trick. See or call toll free at
• Dreyers Sorbet (west of the Rockies)/Edy’s (east of the Rockies) 1/800-331-5222.
– vegan products include whole fruit sorbets: boysenberry,
lemon, mandarin orange with passion fruit, mango, peach, If you miss your morning scrambled-egg on toast, try making
raspberry, strawberry; whole fruit bars include lemonade, lime, scrambled tofu instead. You can buy packaged Fantastic
strawberry, tangerine and wild berry. Foods Tofu Scrambler, Nasoya Tofu-Mate Tofu Scramble, or
• Howler Sorbets – All flavors make your own with our easy recipe.
• Safeway - Sorbets that are vegan (Lemon, Mango,
Raspberry, Chocolate and Pineapple Passion). (Non-) Meaty Products
• Tofutti - In tubs (except for Honey Vanilla Chamomile), Not every vegan wants to replace meat with a ‘meaty’
Tofutti Cuties (ice cream sandwiches), Tofutti Too-Toos alternative, but there are so many yummy products out
(ice cream sandwich cookies) there that chances are you’ll be tempted by some of them.

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Vegan Tofu Fajitas
Although the words sausage and burger suggest meat, or at • Natural Touch – Vegan Burger Crumbles
the very least ‘meat flavor’ it is important to bear in mind • Yves – Veggie Ground Round (Original, Italian, Mexican) 1 lb. extra-firm,
that quite a few will taste nothing like meat, especially if fresh tofu
they are made with nuts or tofu. Try the following... TVP 1
⁄2 C tamari or soy
You can also use Textured Vegetable Protein (TVP), which 1
⁄4 cup water
Sausage can be bought in most health food stores in either chunks or 1 Tb maple syrup
• Lightlife – Gimme Lean sausage pieces. TVP needs to be rehydrated in water before use. You 2 Tb nutritional
style in a tube, Italian Style Smart Links, can also just simply add TVP to foods such as chili or yeast (optional)
Lean Breakfast Links, Lean Italian Links spaghetti sauce while heating them up. Just remember to
⁄2 tsp cayenne
pepper (optional or
• Loma Linda – Soyage (all varieties), add extra liquid if you do.
more for spicy)
Linkette’s and Little Links 1-2 Tb oil
• SoyBoy – Tofu Breakfast links Gravy (depending on the
• Yves – Veggie Breakfast Links Now you’ve got your sausage and potato dinner, all you amount of veggies)
need to complete this gourmet meal is gravy. Favorite veggies
Burgers sliced thinly

• Amy’s – California Veggie Burger, Texas Burger • Hain – Vegetarian ‘Chicken’ Gravy, Vegetarian Brown
Slice the tofu thinly
• Boca Burgers – Organic Vegan, Vegan Original Gravy Mix Mix the next five
• Gardenburger – Garden Vegan, Flame Grilled Hamburger • Loma Linda – Gravy Quick-Brown ingredients and
Style, Black Bean • Natural Touch – Gravy-Mix Brown, Chicken Style, Country pour over the tofu.
• Natural Touch – Vegan Burger Style, Mushroom, Onion Bake at 350 degrees
for about 30
• Turtle Island – Super Burgers • Field Roast – Porcini Mushroom gravy (available in
minutes, turning
• Loma Linda – Vege-Burger, Vita-Burger, Redi-Burger certain deli’s) twice.
• Morningstar Farms – Better’n Burgers, Grillers Burger Heat oil in a frying
Style Recipe, Harvest Burger Original If you prefer to make your own gravy using stock instead, pan and sauté
• Wildwood Natural Foods – Tofu Burger – Original, here are some ready made options veggies for 5 min.
Mexican and Southwestern Add tofu and fry
until sizzling.
• Worthington – Gran Burger, Vegetarian Burger • Imagine – Organic No-Chicken, Organic Vegetable Broth
Put fajita fillings in
• Yves – The Good Burger • Rapunzel – Vegan Vegetable Bouillon a warm tortilla.
Garnish to taste!
Hot Dogs Cheatin’ Meats
• Lightlife – Smart Dogs, Wonderdogs, Tofu Pups Breakfast
• SoyBoy – Not Dogs • Lightlife – Smart Bacon, Fakin Bacon Smokey Tempeh
• Yves – Veggie Dogs, Tofu Dogs, Good Dogs, Jumbo Strips
Veggie Dogs, Hot & Spicy Veggie Chili Dogs • Yves – Canadian Veggie Bacon, Veggie Breakfast Patties
• Wildwood Natural Foods – Wild Dogs
Ground Beef Substitute • Health is Wealth – Buffalo Wings, Chicken Free Nuggets,
• Boca Burger – Original Meatless Ground Burger and Chicken Free Patties
• Gardenburger – Meatless Crumbles • Now & Zen – UnChicken
• Lightlife – Gimme Lean beef style in a tube, Smart • White Wave – Chicken Style Seitan, Chicken Style Wheat
Ground Meat
• Morningstar Farms – Ground Meatless Crumbles • Yves – Veggie Chickn’Burger

18 19
Jerky Savory Mushroom
• Natural Touch – Vege Frank • Yves – Veggie Meatballs
• Tofurky – Tofurky Jerky
Turkey Substitutes
Misc. • Celebration Roast (by Field
• El Burrito Mexican Food – Soyrizo (Meatless Soy Chorizo) Roast) – Roast with sausage
• Field Roast – Thin Sliced Lentil Sage Field Roast, Ground style stuffing made from
Wild Mushroom Field Roast, Ground Lentil Sage Field butternut squash, apples and
Roast, Thin Sliced Smoked Tomato Field Roast, Thin Sliced mushrooms
Wild Mushroom Grain Meat, Ground Smoked Tomato Field • Tofurky (by Turtle Island
Roast, Lentil Sage Patties, Breaded Hazelnut Herbaceous Foods) – consists of four parts:
Cutlets, Lentil Sage Field Roast Loaves, Wild Mushroom one Specially Seasoned
Field Roast Loaves, Barbequed Smoked Tomato Field Roast, Stuffed Tofu Roast, four
Sunflower Country-Style Cutlets, Smoked Tomato Field Hearty Tempeh Drummettes,
Roast Loaves, Wild Mushroom Patties, Smoked Tomato fourteen ounces of Tofurky
Patties, Sliced Field Roast Deli Meats. These can be used in "Giblet" Gravy and a set of
burgers, sandwiches, salads. Can be found in deli sections two WishStixs made from
(at some health food stores) and the refrigerator section. Tofurky Jurky
• Gardenburger – Meatless Riblets (incredible!) • Un-Turkey (by Now & Zen) –
• Loma Linda – Dinner Cuts, Tender Bits Fully stuffed seitan covered
• Mother Earth’s Baked Goods – Vegetarian Chorizo with a skin made from soy. The
(Mexican sausage) stuffing is made of organic
• Natural Touch – Tuno bread and comes with gravy.
• Now & Zen – BBQ Unribs, UnSteak Out
• Worthington – Tuno (vegan version of tuna), Chic-kettes, Tofu
Choplets, Cutlets, Multigrain Cutlets, Vegetable Steaks, Tofu is the Japanese word for bean curd. It is made from
Vegetable Scallops soybeans, which means that it’s very high in protein.

Sandwich Stuffers You can buy tofu either in packages where it is submerged in
• Lightlife – Smart Deli Slices (all varieties), Smart Deli liquid, or in shelf-stable packages. It is also available in bulk.
Pepperoni, Smart Menu Chick’n Strips and Steak-Style
Strips Silken tofu is often used as the base for salad dressings, soups,
• Tofurky – Tofurky Jerky and Tofurky slices and for cooking and baking. Firm tofu, which comes packaged
• Vegi Deli – Original, Hot and Spicy, and Zesty Italian or in bulk, is good for frying. A number of companies also
Pepperoni make already prepared tofu in a variety of flavors.
• Wildwood Natural Foods – Soyful Choice Vegan Slices
(peppercorn & hickory smoked) • SoyBoy – Baked, seasoned and smoked tofu, Tofu Lin,
• Yves – Deli Slices (Veggie Bologna, Ham, Turkey & Salami) Caribbean Tofu and Italian Tofu
Veggie Pizza Pepperoni • Soy Deli – Hickory, Savory, and Five Spice tofu. Watch out
for honey in other flavors.
Soy Meatballs • White Wave – Tomato Basil, Thai, Lemon Pepper, Italian,
• Nate’s – Meatless Meatballs, Original, Zesty Italian and and Barbecue Baked Tofu

20 21
• Wildwood Natural Foods – Baked Tofu (aloha, teriyaki,
royal thai, and savory), Braised Tofu (peanut, original, thai
grill, mexican and curry), and Tofu Cutlets (pineapple
teriyaki), smoken tofu (mild szechuan, garlic teriyaki)

Just add tofu

You can also replace meat with tofu in seasoning packets.

• Nasoya Tofumate – Breakfast Scramble, Mandarian Stir

Fry, Szechwan Stir Fry, Texas Taco (all flavors are vegan).
• Mori-Nu Tofu Hero – Tofu Hero Eggless Salad Seasoning
Mix, Hero Shanghai Stir Fry Seasoning Mix

Tempeh is a fermented soy product that has a somewhat
nutty flavor and is great for using in place of meat. You can
buy it prepared in a variety of flavors, or raw. It marinates
well and if you break it apart and cook it with soy sauce and
seasonings, it can be used in place of ground beef in tacos. It
is a very versatile food and can be quite wonderful when
prepared properly. Enchilada Whole Meal, Mexican Tamale Pie
• Mother Earth’s Baked Goods – Tamales
Convenience Foods • Starlite Cuisine – Soy Taquitos (Original Beef Style,
You can always find vegan foods that take very little time Meatless Chicken Style, Chorizo & Spicy Black Beans) and
and effort to prepare at health food stores. Many are now Soy Flautas (Garlic Style Chicken, Santa Fe Chicken Style,
being carried by mainstream grocery stores. Soy Chorizo & Spicy Black Beans)

Frozen Italian
Breakfast • Amy’s – Roasted Vegetable Pizza
• EnviroKids – Waffles – Koala Choco Waffles, Gorilla • Celantano – Non-Dairy - Lasagna Primavera, Eggplant
Banana Waffles Rollettes, Spinach and Broccoli Manicotti, Spinach and
• Lifestream – Waffles – Buckwheat, Mesa Sunrise, 8 Grain Broccoli Stuffed Shells
Sesame, Soy Plus, Flax Plus
• Van’s – Organic Original Blueberry, Wheat-Free Original, Vegan by Accident
Blueberry, and Apple Cinnamon • Tofutti – Frozen Pizza
• Waffle Heaven – Wheat-Free Gluten-Free Waffles –
Original, Blueberry, and Multiflax Other
• Amy’s – Asian Noodle Stir-Fry, Thai Stir-Fry, Teriyaki Stir-
Mexican Food Fry, Shepherd’s Pie, Brown Rice & Vegetables Bowl,
• Amy’s – Non-Dairy Bean and Rice Burrito, Breakfast Teriyaki Bowl, Roasted Vegetables in a pocket sandwich,
Burrito, Black Bean Vegatable Burrito, Black Bean Tofu Scramble in a Pocket Sandwich
Vegetable Enchiladas (Family size too), Black Bean • Cascadian Farm – Vegetarian Meals – Aztec, Indian, and

22 23
Moroccan. Szechwan Rice Veggie Bowl Ready Made
and Teriyaki Rice Veggie Bowl. • Amy’s – Black Bean Chili, Medium Chili w/ Vegetables,
• Gloria’s Kitchen – Jerk Tofu, Mu-Shu Medium & Spicy Chili, Vegetarian Baked Beans
Vegetables, Pumpkin Curry, Won Ton, • Bearitos – Original Chili, Black Bean Chili, Refried Beans
Orange Peel Soy Chick, Spice Thai Rice (all varieties)
Noodles with Peanuts • Ginny’s – Vegan Soy Chili, Mexican Fiesta Stew, Roasted
• Health is Wealth – Veggie Egg Rolls, Oriental Pepper Chili, Ratatouille
Chicken-Free Egg Rolls, Oriental Vegetable Egg Rolls, • Tasty-bite – Jodhpur Lentils, Punjab Eggplant, Bombay
Spinach Egg Rolls, Steamed Dumplings Potatoes, Simla Potatoes
• Yves – Veggie Chili, Veggie Country Stew, Veggie Penne,
Veggie Lasagna Pasta
Pasta is a cheap, healthy and delicious food, and can be
Vegan by Accident miraculously turned into a vegan gourmet meal. Eat your
• Ethnic Gourmet – Vegetarian Teriyaki normal spaghetti dish with some vegetarian meatballs or
• Taj – Channa Bhaji, Vegetable Korma, Bean Masala, TVP mixed in or make a light peanut sauce or a simple
Eggplant Bharta, Papadums (flavors original, garlic dressing, cook the noodles, mix and serve!
masala, spice’n pepper), Bombay Curry Sauces, Dal
Bahaar, Aloo Samosa, Tofu Samosa, Subzi Samosa. • Rising Moon Ravioli – Tuscin Tomato Ravioli, Spinach
• Thai Chef – Thai Sweet & Sour Vegetables, Pad Thai with Tofu Florentine, Galic & Roasted Veggies. Vegan varieties are
marked on packages.
Canned or dry convenience foods • Road’s End Organics – 123’z Chreese for KIDz, Mac and
Just add water Chreese, Shells and Chreese, Penne and Chreese (gluten
• Casbah – Potato Pancakes, Falafel, Hummus and other free), Alfredo Style Mac & Chreese (gluten Free)
mixes • Soy Boy – Tofu Ravioli, Ravioli Rosa, Ravioli Verde
• Fantastic Foods – Entrees – VegetarianTaco Filling,
Vegetarian Sloppy Joe Mix, Nature’s Burger – Original Rice
Flavor, Vegetarian Chili, Tofu Burger. International Dishes Rice is a great basis for many meals - Indian, Spanish,
– Fantastic Falafil, Hummus, Instant Black Beans, Instant Chinese and
Refried Beans, Tabouli Salad. so on. Brown
• Breakfast – Hot Cereal Cups – Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal, or white,
Cranberry Orange Oatmeal, Banana Nut Barley, Maple long/short
Raisin Three Grain, Wheat ‘N Berries. grain,
• Harvest Direct – Soy Taco Mix, Soy Chili Mix, Soy BBQ basmati, boil-
Mix, Soy Burger Mix, Soy Ball & Loaf Mix, Veggie Ribs Mix in-the-bag —
(really good), and Seitan Quick Mix & others. whichever
• Health Valley – Rice in a Cup - Shitake, Thai and Spicy you buy,
Black Beans you’ll find
• Natural Touch – Taco Mix, Vegetarian Chili foolproof
• Near East – Rice Pilaf with Lentils, Spanish Rice, Long instructions
Grain and Wild Rice on the
• Road’s End Organics – Chreese Packets - Original, Mozzarella packet.
Style, Original Gluten Free, Alfredo Style Gluten Free

24 25
Hearty Chili Cornbread from
• Fantastic Foods makes a few that we wanted to mention: Soup Cups – Chicken Free, Vegetable Curry, Vegetable "The Peaceful
1 15 –oz can chili Arborio Rice, Basmati Rice, Couscous, Jasmine Rice, Miso, Vegetable Tomato. Hearty Soup Cups – Cha-Cha Palate" by Jennifer
beans, undrained Whole Wheat Couscous, Four Grain Pilaf with Wild Rice, Chili, Country Lentil, Couscous with Lentils, Five Bean, Raymond
1 18-oz can stewed Hacienda Spanish Rice Pilaf, Jamaican Black Beans & Jumpin’ Black Bean, Split Pea, Vegetable Barley. Rice &
tomatoes or 1 1 1⁄2 cups soy milk
Brown Rice, New Orleans Red Beans & Brown Rice, Bean Soup Cups – Cajun with Red Beans, Spicy Jamaican
medium tomato 1 1⁄2 Tbsp vinegar
chopped Basmati Rice Pilaf, Veg. Chicken Rice Pilaf. with Black Beans. Chile Ole! Cups Black Bean Chili with 1 cup cornmeal
2 Tbs. chili Corn, Couscous Soup Cups – Black Bean Salsa, Creole 1 cup unbleached
seasoning mix or Creole Vegetable, Sweet Corn. flour
1 teaspoon Mexican Vegan by Accident • Health Valley – Split Pea, Lentil 2 Tbsp unrefined
seasoning, 1 sugar or other
• Zatarains produces many vegan Creole entrees and • Mori-Nu Creamy Soups – Creamy Butternut Squash,
teaspoon chili sweetener
powder and 1⁄4 tsp
seasoning mixes. Don’t be fooled by the meaty name, Creamy Tomato, Creamy Corn, Creamy Garden Pea Soup 1
⁄2 tsp salt
garlic powder they’re guaranteed vegan: Black-eyed Peas and Rice Mix, • Shari Ann’s – Vegetarian French Onion, Spicy French Green 1 tsp baking
1 Tbs. minced onion Black Beans and Rice Mix, Brown Rice Jambalaya Mix, Lentil, Spicy Vegetable Bean Soup, Indian Black Bean and powder
⁄4 cup water Dirty Rice Mix, Dirty Brown Rice Mix, Red Beans and Rice Rice Soup, Tomato with Roasted Red Bell Pepper 1 tsp baking soda
Mix, Spanish Rice Mix, White Beans and Rice Mix, Red 2 Tbsp oil
Combine all
Bean Seasoning Mix, Creole Seasoning, Blackened Vegan by Accident
ingredients in a Preheat the oven to
medium skillet. Seasoning, Blackened Paste Mix, Jambalaya Pasta Mix, • Walnut Acres – Four Bean Chili, Cuban Black Bean, 425º
Bring to a boil, Red Beans Paste Mix, Jambalaya Mix, Vegetarian Mediterranean Lentil.
cover and simmer Jambalaya Entree (frozen). Combine the soy
10 minutes. Salads milk and vinegar
and set aside. Mix
*Some of these items may contain ‘ham flavor’. This Yes we know that everyone thinks vegans eat nothing but
the cornmeal, flour,
flavoring does not contain any animal source ingredient. salad, indeed why should we eat anything else when there sugar, salt, baking
are so many interesting combinations available?! powder and baking
Soup soda in a large
Vegan soups are delicious and easy to make. Many prepared The easiest way to prepare salad is to go to the bowl. Add the soy
soups are available, and old soup recipes are easily supermarket, buy one of their pre-packed salads and add milk mixture and
the oil. Stir until just
converted using vegan alternatives, or simply omitting the your favorite dressing, but where’s the fun in that?!
blended. Spread the
animal products. Use soy milk in milk-based soups, veggie batter evenly in a
stock instead of meat stock, and TVP or seitan in place of Begin with a choice of leaves (spinach leaves make a greased 9x9-inch
meat in soups. nice change from lettuce), then go wild! Add nuts, baking dish. Bake
seeds, apple, pear, avocado, grated carrot, celery, until the top is
golden brown, 25 to
• Amy’s – No Chicken Noodle, Black Bean Vegetable, mushrooms, peppers, spring or red onion, raw red or
30 minutes.
Lentil, Minestrone, Split Pea, Vegetable Barley, white cabbage, watercress, cauliflower, zucchini, bean
Vegetable Broth sprouts, mint, etc.
• Imagine – Organic Creamy Broccoli, Organic Creamy
Butternut Squash, Organic Creamy Potato Leek, Organic Salads make a delicious and vitamin-packed accompaniment
Creamy Tomato, Organic Creamy Sweet Corn, Creamy to any meal, but are especially great with a baked potato
Portobella Mushroom (add vegan sour cream), pizza, or pasta dishes.
• Fantastic Foods – Big Soup Noodle Bowls – Hot &Sour,
Sesame Miso, Spring Vegetable, Miso with Tofu, Condiments
Mandarin Broccoli. Soups & dips – Onion, Onion Vegan Mayonnaise
Mushroom, Garlic & Herb, Vegetable. Fantastic Noodles • Follow your Heart – Vegenaise vegan mayonnaise

26 27
(refrigerated). Our favorite! Beans and Lentils
• Miso Mayo – For the truly adventurous Where would we be without them? Packed with protein,
• Nasoya – Nayonaise vegan mayonnaise vitamins and minerals, they are cheap and can be
used in loads of meals. There’s a huge choice of
Other Condiments beans available and they are easiest to use
• Annie’s Naturals – Original Recipe Barbecue Sauce and from a can (although you can buy them dried,
Smokey Maple but do follow instructions carefully). Lentils
• Bac’Uns – animal free bacon bits (Frontier Natural Foods) are great and easy to cook (35-45 minutes)
• Field Roast – Smoked Field Roast Crunchies (vegan and can be used as a meat substitute in
bacon bits) casseroles, soups and stews, or make a Dahl
• Premier Japan – Organic Ginger Tamari, Garlic Tamari, (puree) with them.
Wasabi Tamari and Thai Soynut
Snacks, Munchies and Treats
Because Worcestershire Sauce contains anchovies (little fish) There are plenty of snack-type foods available, so you
it is not vegan. But there is an alternative: don’t need to feel that you miss out on the finer things in
life. First, the sweets ...
• The Wizard’s – Organic Vegetarian Worcestershire Sauce
(it’s vegan!) Cookies
• Alternative Baking Company – Cookies, 11 yummy &
Salad Dressings chewy varieties to chose from their incredible chocolate
• Annie’s Naturals – Basil & Garlic with Extra Virgin Olive chip to the snickerdoodle.
Oil, Black Olives & Truffles with Extra Virgin Olive Oil, • Barbara’s Bakery – Snackimals Animal Cookies
French, Goddess (!), Organic Green Garlic, Organic • Boston Cookies – All Varieties
Horseradish with Echinacea, Sea Veggie and Sesame, • Frookie -- Frookwiches - Chocolate, Duplex, Lemon,
Shiitake and Sesame, Smokey Tomato and Porcini, Peanut Butter, Vanilla and Funky Monkey Cookies -
Tuscany Italian, Yellow Peppers & Sun-dried Tomatoes Chocolate & Vanilla
w/Extra Virgin Olive Oil • Hain – Kidz All Natural Animal Cookies
• Nasoya Vegi-Dressings – all flavors (such as Creamy Italian • No Cookie – Scrumptious varieties including Peanut
and Sesame Garlic Dressings) Butter, Oatmeal Raisin, Chocolate Brownie with Nuts
• Now & Zen – Chocolate chip
Vegan by Accident • Organica Foods – Double Chocolate coffee toffee, Peanut
• Bacos – Bits, Chips butter almond chocolate chip, Oatmeal Coconut
• Whole Foods – Balsamic Vinaigrette, Lemon Tahini, Cranberry Chocolate Chip, Ginger Walnut Cherry
Sesame Vinaigrette, Italian Vinaigrette Chocolate Chip
• Sunflower Baking Co. – All varieties are vegan
Many other dressings are often vegan, usually • Uncle Eddie’s – Vegan Cookies (nice and chewy)
vinaigrettes, and Italian dressing can be found almost
anywhere. Ingredients to watch for are anchovies Vegan by Accident
(small fish), and dairy products. If you miss Ranch • Country Choice – Sandwich Cremes
Dressing, you can use vegan mayonnaise as a base and • Keebler – Droxies Crème-Filled Chocolate Cookies,
make your own! Chocolate and Vanilla, Vienna Fingers
• Mi-Del Snaps Cookies – ginger, chocolate and vanilla are

28 29
Please note that Make your own!
when items are in all vegan • Veggie Booty and Fruity Booty – puffed rice and corn Short Cut Shortcrust
bulk bins (such as • Safeway –Tuxedos: Chocolate Sandwich Cookies, Double snacks – yummy!
Sunridge Farms) the Filled Chocolate Sandwich Cookies, Chocolate Crème Although it’s a lot
labels may not be Chocolate Sandwich Cookies, Mint Chip Chocolate Dips/Spreads quicker to use
updated as often as ready-made frozen
Sandwich Cookies, Maple Leaf Cookies with Maple Syrup. • Affi’s Marin Gourment – Eggplant Dip, Sundried Tomato-
they should be. Do puff pastry dough
check with your Porcini Mushroom, Pesto Provence, Garlic & Balsamic (find it in the frozen
grocer. Snacks Vinegar, and Caper Hummus. section of any
• Affi’s Marin Gourment – Soft crackers • Wildwood Natural Foods – spreads (garlic aioli, tomato store), it’s also quite
• Amy’s – Organic Toaster Pops – Apple, Strawberry basil), lowfat hummus, spicy lowfat hummus, mideastern easy to make your
• Barbara’s Bakery – Fat Free Wheat Free Fig Bars, Fat Free hummus, basil pesto hummus, baba hanooj, tabouli)
Wheat Free Raspberry Bars, Low Fat Traditional Blueberry 1lb or 4 cups plain
Bars, Low Fat Traditional Fig Bars, Fat Free Apple Vegan by Accident flour,
Cinnamon Bars • Carr’s – Hob Nobs, Tea Biscuits, and Table Water Crackers 1
⁄2 teaspoon of salt,
• Belsoy – Organic Pudding Snacks 8oz or 2 sticks
• Boulder Bars – Original Chocolate, Apple Cinnamon, Go Nuts margarine and
6 tablespoons of
Peanut Butter, Boulder Berry, Choco Chip Peanut Butter Not surprisingly, nuts are vegan! Eat them au natural, or try
ice-cold water
• Bumble Bars – all flavors vegan ready salted mixed nuts (but watch out for honey - this
• Brown Rice Snaps – Unsalted Sesame, Tamari Sesame, means avoiding honey-roasted nuts too!). Rub the margarine
Toasted Onion, Vegetable into the flour and
• Deli-Style – Sesame Thins And for the chocolate lovers… salt, then add the
water slowly to
• Edward’s Organic Fine Confections – Organic Chocolate
Covered Fondants (Peppermints and Orange Mints. Chocolate form a dough. It’s
best to refrigerate
Organic Chocolate Dipped Jellies (Banana, Orange, At the risk of stating the obvious, milk chocolate contains the pastry for half
Strawberry) milk. However it’s easy to get vegan chocolate from your an hour before
• Health Valley – Amaranth Graham Crackers, Chocolate health food store. rolling out on a
Chip Granola Bars, Date Almond Granola Bars floured board.

• Let’s Do...Organic – Organic Jelly, Classic, Super Sour, and • Ah!laska – Chocolate Syrup
Black Licorice Gummi Bears • Chocolate Decadence – vegan chocolates (order at
• Now & Zen – cinnamon rolls
• Odwalla Bars – Superfood, Chocolate, Super Protein, • Sunspire – Earth Balls (available in bulk), chocolate chips
Cranberry C Monster, Peanut Crunch, (Grain Sweetened, Organic)
Chocolate Peanut Butter, Carrot • Tropical Source – Chocolate bars (all varieties), baking chips
• Ryvita – most of their crispbread is
vegan (crackers) Vegan by Accident
• Stonewall’s – Vegan Jerquee • Chocolove – All dark chocolate flavors are vegan
• Stretch Island – Fruit (cherries & almonds, orange peel, raspberries, etc)
Leathers • Endangered Species Chocolate Company – Tiger Bar,
• Sunridge Farms – Organic Rainforest Bar, Grizzly Bar, Chimp Bar, Wolf Bar, Sea
Sunny Bears, Black Licorice Turtle, Dark Chocolate Bug Bites and Chimp Mints.
Chews, Red Licorice Chews (to • Ghirardelli – Double Chocolate Chips, Semi-Sweet
name a few) Chocolate Chips
• Tofurky – Tofurky Jurky • Goldberg’s – Peanut Chews

30 31
Vegan Banana Chocolate Pie
Bread • Green & Black’s – Organic dark chocolate, Organic vegetarians. Don’t forget to check the ingredients for ready Recipe
Hazelnut and Currant Dark Chocolate, Maya Gold made sauces for you to mix in.
1-1⁄4 C white flour Chocolate and Dark Chocolate for cooking. 2 - 10.5 oz packages
1-1⁄4 C whole wheat • Newman’s Own – Sweet Dark Chocolate Bars, Sweet Desserts of Soft Silken Tofu
flour 1 - 10-12 oz bag of
Dark Espresso Dark C Traditional desserts can usually be made using vegan
1 C unrefined sugar vegan chocolate
1 tsp. baking soda • Rapunzel – Pure organic swiss chocolate (Semisweet ingredients, but if you’re more interested in buying them chips
⁄8 tsp. All Spice Chocolate, Semisweet Chocolate with Almonds, than making them, there are plenty of choices available: 1 - vegan graham
⁄8 tsp. nutmeg Semisweet Chocolate with Hazelnuts) cracker pie crust
1-3⁄4 C ripe banana • Santa Cruz – Organic chocolate flavored syrup • Emes Kosher-Jel – Plain, Lemon, Strawberry, Lime, (store bought or
4 Tbs. water homemade)
• Scharffen Berger – Bittersweet Bars, Nibby Bars, Moch Orange, Cherry, Raspberry, Grape, Pineapple, Black
6 Tbs. margarine
⁄4 tsp. vanilla extract
Bars, Semisweet Bars, Cocoa Powder, Cacao Nibs, Cherry, Black Raspberry Puree the tofu in a
Chocolate Chunks • Hain – Chocolate and Vanilla Pudding – boxed mixes, blender until
Preheat oven to • Sunridge Farms – Chocolate Almond Raisin Clusters, Superfruits dessert mix (vegan jello) completely smooth.
375° Chocolate Macadamias, Chocolate Cashew Clusters, • Harvest Direct – Soy puddings – boxed mixes: French Put the chocolate
Mix the first six Chocolate Nut Clusters, Chocolate Peanut Clusters, Vanilla, Banana, Chocolate Fudge, Lemon Creme Soy chips in a pot or
ingredients. double boiler and
Chocolate Pecan Clusters, Chocolate Almond Clusters, Pudding
Mix remaining heat them just
ingredients in a Chocolate Pretzels, Chocolate Ginger, Chocolate • Hip Whip (Now & Zen) – vegan whipped cream and a enough to melt. (Be
separate bowl. Pineapple, Chocolate Raisins, Chocolate Peanuts, chocolate mousse careful not to burn
Combine all Chocolate Apricots, Carob Peanut Clusters, Carob • Mori-Nu Mates Pudding Mix & Pie Mix – Chocolate, them). Once the
ingredients and Almond Clusters, Carob Apricots, Chocolate Apricots (to LemonCreme & Vanilla (dry packets) chocolate chips are
pour into greased melted, blend them
name a few) • Mother Nature’s Goodies, Inc. – Whole Wheat Pie Shells
muffin pan or bread into the tofu. Pour
• Trader Joe’s – Pound Plus (Bittersweet Chocolate, the mixture into a
Bake 12-15 minutes Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds, Dark Chocolate) Vegan by Accident pie crust. Chill for at
for muffins or 60-90 • Whole Foods – Dark Chocolate, Dark Chocolate with • Keebler – Graham Cracker Ready Pie Crust (also sold least 2 hours and
minutes for bread. Almonds, Dark Chocolate with Currants and Raisins under the name Food Lion) then serve.
• Marie Callender’s – Fruit pies (Apple Pie, Cherry Crunch
Biscuits and Breads Pie, Dutch Apple Pie, Peach Cobbler, Razzleberry Pie)
Optional: Add a few
Tbs. of peanut
Both health food stores and most fresh bakeries will have • Pepperidge Farms – Apple & Raspberry Turnovers butter to the
vegan bread, since fresh bread is quite often vegan by • Trader Joe’s – Apple Strudel (seasonal) mixture while
default. But do be sure to look out for ingredients such as blending or add
honey, eggs and dairy products (whey) – the same is true Interesting Vegetables nuts or berries to
the mixture once it
for bagels. If you find yourself cooking the same old vegetables
is in the crust. Enjoy!
day in, day out, why not take a trip to your nearest
Vegan by Accident supermarket and see what other vegetable delights
• Sara Lee (also under the brand name Food Lion) – Texas grace their shelves? Choose from artichoke, eggplant, or
Style Artificially Flavored Butter Biscuits, Texas Style daikon. No, we don’t know what to do with them
Artificially Flavored Buttermilk Biscuits. either, but we have fun trying! Or visit your local ethnic
food shops and see what they have to offer - we
Ethnic Cuisine guarantee you’ll find something there you’d never
Open up a new world of food and explore Indian, Chinese, heard of before and the produce workers may give you
Italian, Mexican, Thai, French, African or Caribbean cookery. some tips.
Lots of refried beans state if they are suitable for

32 33
Easy Rise-’n’-Shine Blueberry-Orange
Pancakes Eating Out If you’re on the move, it’s not always so easy to eat out. Gas Sauce (for
Until recently, eating out was a total nightmare for vegans - stations and airports are falling behind when it comes to pancakes, etc)
1 C unbleached you could have a baked potato (no butter) and green salad (no providing meals, but the airlines are at least making an effort.
white flour (or split dressing), and the only choice was to take it or leave it. Things Makes 2 cups
half wheat/white) 2 cups fresh or
have improved since then, but there’s still a long way to go. Book your vegan meal well in advance and each time you
1 Tbs baking powder frozen blueberries
⁄4 tsp salt Vegetarian and even vegan restaurants are popping up in most speak to someone from the airline, ask them to confirm it. It 1 cup fresh orange
1 C soy or nut milk sizeable cities, and even in some smaller ones. Your average is best to ask for non-dairy vegetarian, strict vegetarian and juice
2 Tbs canola oil bar, cafe or restaurant will not usually advertise that its food is some airlines now even understand the term vegan. When 1 teaspoon minced
2 Tbs maple syrup or vegan, but most will have a vegetarian option or two that you you’re on board with your tummy rumbling, you’ll be orange zest
other liquid sweetener 1 teaspoon minced
can ask to be made vegan. Questions that may cross your lips thankful that you asked.
canola oil for frying fresh ginger
are, ‘does it contain any milk, cream or eggs?’, ‘could you hold
Combine dry the mayo?’, and ‘can I see the package?!’ Don’t be afraid to ask When traveling, it’s usually best to take a packed lunch, just Place all ingredients
ingredients in a bowl the chef to make you something specific. If you want to be sure in case you find yourself in a Vegan Free Zone. in a saucepan. Cook
and wet ingredients that there will be food available, phone in advance and ask over medium heat,
in a separate bowl. them what they can do for you. You might be surprised to find Our sister group Viva! in England and the Vegetarian stirring occasionally,
Add soy milk mixture for 15 minutes, or
that some of the cooks are excited to try something new! Resource Journal both sell travel guides. From Brighton,
to flour mixture and until the blueberries
mix just until England to Berlin. You could be munching happily from are soft and the
moistened; a few Indian restaurants are extremely easy to find vegan food in, London to Ireland. remaining liquid is
lumps are OK. (Don't but remember to ask about the creamy curries (some use syrupy. Serve warm.
overbeat or pancakes dairy cream instead of coconut) and some dishes may See Vegetarian Resource Group:
will be tough.)
contain ghee, which is a dairy butter.
Heat a nonstick
griddle or frying pan
Viva! (click under books)
over medium high Good Chinese food restaurants have a large vegetarian
flame until a few selection; you just need to work out which ones are vegan. Meal Ideas
drops of drizzled Some may have egg in their noodles, or may put egg So now you know how vast the options are for a vegan
water bead up and separately in the dish. Other than the noodles, you can meal. But how do you put it together? It just takes a little
bounce. Pour a little
easily ask for the dishes without egg. bit of creativity to get the ball rolling and then you will have
oil (2 tsp.) onto the
griddle and heat no trouble at all. The internet is a great resource
until hot. You can check with pizza places and see if their crust is for ideas as well, and vegan recipes are all
Pour batter onto vegan (just watch out that there’s no milk or milk proteins in over the web, if you just type what you
the griddle to form the crust) and make sure their sauce is animal free too. Just want into a search engine, chances
circles about 4
ask them to use extra tomato sauce, and if you smile are you will find a recipe for it.
inches in diameter.
Cook the pancakes for
sweetly, they’ll usually pile the toppings on as well. Here are some ideas for meals to
a minute or 2 on one spark your imagination.
side or until bubbles A list of fast-food options can be accessed at the Vegetarian
appear on the Resource Group’s webpage (VRG) Breakfast Ideas
surface. Flip pancakes Strangely enough, a common
and cook on the
question you will be asked as a
other side for another
1 or 2 minutes. Check out these websites for a listing of veggie friendly vegan is ‘’what do you eat for
Continue until golden restaurants around the world! You can even search by state. breakfast?’ Rest assured,
brown on each side, whatever your taste first
about 4 minutes in all. thing in the morning, a vegan

34 35
Oatmeal Chocolate
Chip Cookies breakfast is a great way to start the day. • Marinated, grilled Kabobs with seitan and
1 Cup Soy • Fantastic Foods Tofu Scrambler with potatoes (or other • Vegan cutlets and potato salad
Margraine, softened vegetables) • Chili and tortilla chips or cornbread
1 1⁄2 Cup Unrefined
• Barbara’s Bakery Cereal Bars • Spinach salad with avocado, nuts,
⁄4 Cup + 2Tb Warm • Fresh fruit, either whole, cut and mixed, or in a smoothie veggies, veggie bacon bits and
water • Toast with margarine and/or nut butter (peanut, almond, dressing
2 Tsp Vanilla cashew) • Chicken-free patty, with mashed
1 Tsp. Baking soda • Mexican breakfast burrito, stuffed with hash browns, potatoes and Hain gravy
1 1⁄2 Tsp. Egg
tofu scramble and veggie sausage, topped with Tofutti • Brown rice and steamed vegetables with a
replacer or 2 Tb.
Sour Supreme sauce
1 Cup Flour • Arrowhead Mills Pancake and Waffle Mix with Lightlife
1 Tsp Salt Smart Links or Yves Canadian Bacon (lots of pancake & Drinks
3 Cup Uncooked waffle recipes are easily adaptable – see one in this Most soft drinks are vegan; but watch out for colorings
Oatmeal guide) which can be animal derived, honey or cochineal (crushed
1 Cup Vegan dark
• Frozen waffles with fresh fruit insects). Smoothies and juices are also usually vegan, the
chocolate chips
(semi-sweet) • Cereal and soy milk with fruit exception being with honey or whey protein in some
• Biscuits with Gimme Lean sausage and gravy ‘power’ smoothies. Many wines have been ‘refined’ using
Preheat oven to 350 • Oatmeal with fresh peach chunks one of a whole range of nasty bits: blood, bone marrow,
degrees & lightly chitin, egg albumen, fish oil, gelatin, or milk casein. Beers
grease cookie sheet.
Cream first four
Quick Lunch Ideas too can be cleared with isinglass (obtained from the air sacs
ingredients together
• Veggie Burgers or hot dogs with all the fixin’s of freshwater fish). Keg, canned and some bottled beers are
until smooth • Peanut butter and jelly usually OK. But here’s the good news - most liquor is fine.
In a separate bowl, • Avocado, tomato and mayo sandwich (Vegenaise or
mix next five Nayonaise) Don’t be discouraged – there are lots that are vegan! Go
ingredients (if using • Tempeh Rueben sandwich (with vegan cheese) ahead and crack open a bottle of Heineken, Rolling Rock or
tofu, mix with
• Falafel (chick pea patties) with salad and hummus Sierra Nevada. Just to name a few!
ingredients). • Hummus (chick pea and garlic dip) with lettuce in pita
Combine contents bread For a long list of animal free alcoholic beverages see:
of both bowls by • Prepared tempeh with lettuce, tomato and mayo
hand or with • Veggie ham with mustard or salad
electric mixer.
Add chocolate chips.
• Tuno sandwich (vegan version of tuna) Toiletries and Cosmetics
Drop by spoonfuls
Reading labels is one way to find out what exactly has gone
onto cookie sheet Larger Meal Ideas into your shampoo, but unless you’re a trainee chemist, you
and bake for 15-18 • Vegan lasagna probably won’t know what most of it means. A few words
minutes. • Rice pilaf with vegetables to look out for and avoid like the plague are: beeswax,
• Spaghetti with tomato sauce and veggie meat balls chitin, collagen, elastin, keratin (if human, they typically list
• Bean burritos, roasted vegetables, and guacamole this), lanolin, oleic acid, propylis, shellac, spermaceti wax,
• Tacos with ground tempeh or vegan ground beef and and stearin. This is not a comprehensive list, and some
shredded Vegie Kaas cheese ingredients listed above can be obtained from a non-animal
• Tofu, tempeh, or seitan stir-fry with sweet and sour or source, but it may give you a clue on what to look out for.
peanut sauce Below is a very abbreviated list of cosmetic, personal care

36 37
and household products that are not tested on animals.
• Avalon – shampoo, soaps and hand lotions
• Clear Conscience – Contact lens solution
• Desert Essence – toothpaste, deodorant, mouthwash,
• Dr. Bronner’s – Castile Soap
• Earth Friendly Products – cleaners & detergents
• Earth Science – skin and hair products
• Jason – toothpaste, mouthwash, and deodorant
• John Paul Mitchell Systems – hair care products
• Kiss My Face – soap, shaving cream, deodorant, shampoo
• Nature’s Gate – toothpaste, soap, deodorant, shampoo
• Seventh Generation – paper and cleaning products
• The Body Shop – do not test anything on animals, stores
have a listing of vegan products
• Tom’s of Maine – toothpaste, mouthwash, deodorant
(one type does carry propylis)

As you may have already realized, just because the finished

product is vegan, it doesn’t mean that it hasn’t been tested
on animals. Companies have different policies - some test
blatantly (e.g. L’Oreal with their ingredients), others have a
‘rolling year’ policy which means that they won’t use
products that have been tested within a certain number of
years, others have a fixed cut off date, so that no animal
tests have been conducted for that product since that time.
A comprehensive booklet can be obtained from The
Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics (CCIC),
which is a coalition of several animal rights groups.

CCIC (888) 546-CCIC

Vegan Clothes
It may sound obvious, but leather, fur, wool and silk all come
from animals. And they don’t just politely ask the animals to
hand it over either. The leather industry is a highly profitable
part of the meat industry, and you cannot support one without
the other. Furs are well, fur, which is boycotted by many of the
top models and all sane and compassionate people. Wool, you
may say, is okay as sheep need to be sheared, but sheep are
kept for their wool, skin meat, the meat of their babies (lamb),
and milk. Once a sheep’s wool or lamb productivity has started

to decline the animal is sent Vegan by Accident
to slaughter. As for silk, • Stores like Payless sell a good variety of non-leather
millions of silkworms are shoes.
killed by baking, steaming
or electrocution in order Vegan/Animal Rights Products
to extract the silk. They Other great sites to get some great animal rights garb:
may not be as cute as • (stylish t-shirts!)
lambs, but they still •
deserve a break! •
Instead of wool, choose • (You can order t-shirts, pens and other
man-made fibers or materials from us!)
cotton. Many products
now being made, such as Go For it!
fleece, are a more than adequate So that’s it! Easy isn’t it? We hope this Guide will help you
replacement for wool. Remember that wool is often see that making the vegan transition is easy and fun! If you
blended with other fibers, so you may need to start label want more information, just contact Viva! We can give you
reading again! more to read and what we
have to offer. We do sell a
Vegan Shoes few cookbooks and have
Men often find it harder to buy vegan shoes, but try materials to help you spread
different stores and look for ‘man-made’ or ‘synthetic’ the word. The world is full of
labels, or buy canvas shoes and boots - not too practical in vegan items!
the snow, but great for summer wear! Many shoe stores
carry shoes that are not leather. Ethical
Alternatively, you can buy good quality leather-look Please note that the products
shoes, boots and sandals mail order from the companies featured in this guide have
listed below. These companies don’t just limit themselves been included purely on the
to shoes. They carry synthetic leather jackets, as well as basis that they meet the
a large assortment of shoes, belts, wallets, and other criteria of a vegan diet and
and hard to find vegan products, such as non-leather contain no animal products.
baseball & softball gloves! You can also request a guide
to vegan leather-look clothing from PETA at We appreciate that many vegans also wish to take
into account the ethical
Ethical Wares (UK) policies of the companies
MooShoes (212/481-5792) they are supporting when
Heartland (800-441-4692) they buy a particular
Pangea (800) 340-1200 product. However, we have
Shoes With Souls (619) 216-5804 omitted a few companies
Vegetarian Shoes (UK) due to ethical concerns.

40 41
Boo-Hiss Glossary arteries, organs and muscles of animals, used in cosmetics
albumen egg white, used in food as a binder felt cloth made from wool and/or fur
anchovy small fish, often used in Worcester sauce gelatin(e) is pure protein derived from boiling beef and veal bones,
angora fiber obtained from goats or rabbits cartilage, tendons and other tissue.
aspic A savory jelly, usually clear, made of clarified meat, fish or glycerin(e) or colorless liquid which can be obtained from animal fats
vegetable stock and gelatin. Gelatin is pure protein derived glycerol (E422)
from beef and veal bones, cartilage, tendons and other hide animal skin used in the clothing, footwear and upholstery
tissue. So you can have a tomato derived aspic jelly, but it industries
would not be Vegan because of the gelatin. isinglass is produced from the swim bladders, and less commonly the
beeswax (E901) secreted by bees, used in polishes and cosmetics gills, of certain species of tropical and subtropical fish.
bristle animal hair used for brushes keratin protein found in hair, horns, hoofs and feathers, used in
carmine red pigment obtained from cochineal. Has been used for shampoos and conditioners
cosmetics, pharmaceutical coatings, dry mixes, surimi, L’cysteine obtained from animal hair, cow horn, and chicken feathers,
fillings, cake icings, and hard candy. In the liquid form, it has hydrochloride used in shampoos, baby milk formula, dietary supplements,
found application in coloring bakery products, icings, (E920) and as an improving agent in white flour. Can be produced
yogurt, candy, ice cream, gelatin desserts, various milk-based synthetically or derived from human hair
and alcoholic beverages, fruit syrups, pet foods, fish cakes, lactic acid (E270) acid produced by fermenting lactose (milk sugar). Can also
jams/preserves, meat products, marmalades, hair and skin be obtained from non-dairy sources
care products, lip sticks, face powders, rouges, and blushes lactose milk sugar, is often added to baby foods, and used as the
casein milk-derived protein, which coagulates with the addition of base for some prescription drugs. Some products labeled
rennin and is the foundation for cheese. Casein is also used nondairy, such as powdered coffee creamer and whipped
in the production of nonfood items such as adhesives, paints toppings, may also include ingredients that are derived from
and plastics. milk and therefore contain lactose
cashmere wool from the cashmere goat lanolin(e) fat extracted from sheep’s wool, used in cosmetics
chitin derived from the shells of insects or crustacea, used in lard fat surrounding stomach and kidneys, most commonly from
shampoos and moisturizers pigs and sheep
chamois soft leather, made from the skin of antelope, sheep, goat or leather tanned hide, used in clothing, accessories and upholstery
deer lecithin (E322) fatty substance found in nerve tissues, egg yolk and blood.
cochineal (E120) red dye made from the dried bodies of insects Can also be obtained from vegetable sources
collagen – protein found in a number of tissues, but is lutein (E161(b)) dye obtained from egg yolk. May also be obtained from
particularly abundant within and around joints of animals, marigolds, red peppers, kale, mustard and spinach
used in cosmetics mohair cloth made from hair of Angora goat
colors it seems there is no fast rule on color additives according to oleic acid fatty acid found in animal and vegetable fats
the FDA. You would need to contact the companies to find estrogen female sex hormone, used in cosmetics and estrogen
out if they are from animals or not. replacement drugs (such as Premarin), derived from urine of
D3 vitamin derived from lanolin or fish oil. Added to vitamin pregnant mares. It can also be manufactured synthetically.
and food supplements. Vitamin D3 is produced in the skin parchment skin of sheep or goat, prepared for writing on
after exposure to sunlight, the human does not have a untanned skins of animals, especially of the sheep, calf, and
requirement for vitamin D when sufficient sunlight is goat, prepared for use as a writing material.
available pepsin enzyme found in gastric juices, used in cheese making
down feathers from fowl, used in quilts and pillows progesterone sex hormone used in hormone creams, can also be derived
elastin the insoluble, elastic protein found in the ligaments, walls of from wild yams or made syntheticallypropylis/propolis - bee

42 43
glue, used in toiletries and cosmetics of omega-3’s; especially important for a healthy vegan diet.
rennet extract of calf stomach, used in cheese making Flax seeds must be ground to get the full nutritional value.
roe eggs obtained from slaughtered female fish Flax seed oil (unheated) is a convenient way to reap the
royal jelly food upon which bee larvae are fed, used as a food health benefits from flax and can be sprinkled over cooked
supplement food or added to smoothies.
sable fur from small mammal, the sable marten hummus dip made from chickpeas and garlic, a regular in most vegan
shellac (E904) insect secretion, used in hair spray, lip sealer and polishes sandwiches
silk fiber produced by larvae of certain bombycine moths kohlrabi unusual vegetable from the cabbage family
sodium 5’-inosinate (E631) – prepared from fish waste, used millet tiny grains, use instead of rice
as a flavor enhancer miso mineral-rich paste made from fermented soybeans
squalene/squalane found in the liver of shark and rats, used in toiletries and nutritional yeast a rich source of B-complex vitamins including a naturally
cosmetics and as health food supplement. fermented, non-animal source of vitamin B12 (essential for
stearin(e) general term for glycerides formed by combining stearic acid vegans) and folic acid. Use as a condiment, sprinkled over a
and glycerin. Used in medicines and toiletries meal of rice and veggies, or on popcorn for snack time.
suede kid, pig or calf skin, made into clothes and footwear Makes a great addition to gravies and sauces
suet fat prepared from the loins and kidneys of cattle and sheep, seitan (or wheat- is a low fat, high protein, firm-textured meat substitute
used in cooking or processed to yield tallow meat) made from gluten; the insoluble protein in wheat
tallow – hard animal fat, often obtained the tissues of shallots small, delicate onion-like vegetable
animals, used in soap and candle-making tahini ground sesame paste, used as a spread or to thicken sauces
testosterone male hormone, used in bodybuilding supplements tamari sauce naturally brewed soy sauce
urea waste nitrogen formed in the liver, used in toiletries and (nama shoyu)
cosmetics tempeh protein rich soy bean product, gives a nutty taste
velvet fabric usually made from silk, but can also be made tofu soy bean curd
synthetically TVP textured vegetable protein, comes in pieces and chunks
whey milk derivative. Used in margarine, biscuits, chips, and vegan someone who does not eat, use or wear any product that is
cleaning products obtained from dead or living animals
wool fiber made from the fleece of sheep

Hurray Glossary
agar flakes thickening agent derived from seaweed
Bragg liquid a liquid protein concentrate, derived from soybeans,
aminos containing a host of essential and non-essential animo acids.
Used as a replacement for tamari and soy sauce
bulgur cracked wheat
celeriac celery root, eat it grated in salads, or boil it Remember that this list is not definitive, nor is this guide. There are plenty of
couscous tiny pieces of semolina, use it as the basis for a salad vegan foods and suggestions for vegan meals that have not been mentioned.
Ener-G Egg - available at natural food stores use in place of eggs as a
Replacer binder, especially in baked goods recipes. Homemade egg It is not unknown for companies to alter the ingredients in certain products, but
replacer recipes are available at the time of writing this guide, all products mentioned as being vegan are
falafel a spicy patty made from ground beans, seasoned with vegan. We’d love to hear if you know more.
toasted sesame seeds and salt, often served in pita bread
flax seeds/oil flax seeds are the richest, commonly available plant source By Viva!USA Staff & Friends

44 45
About Viva!USA
Viva! is a vegan non-profit organization that aims to save
animals by converting more people to its ‘no animals on my
plate, I’m vegan’ cause.

Viva! produces masses of information on becoming vegan

Campaigning for Animals
and campaigns against factory farming, slaughter, and on
health and environmental issues.
Fighting for Change
We also run youth campaigns, such as mobilizing students to Knowledge is power! Contact Viva! for additional information on how veganism
gain access to vegan foods in their school cafeterias and is good for your health, the planet and the animals! We have campaign materials
have materials directed specifically for teens! and resources specific to students and teens! And videos and campaign leaflets to
help you educate others.
Viva! has a variety of mail order products, from books and
T-shirts to campaigning literature, to help you speak out to Get involved in our campaigns to make changes for the animals.
be active in the fight for the animals!

If you want to help Viva! save animals, please join us as an

activist and a supporter. Please contact us! We love to add Make a difference
your voice to speak out for the animals!

PO Box 4398
Davis, CA 59617
Tel: 530/ 759-VIVA (8482)
Fax: 530/ 759-8487

Join our e-mail alert list to keep updated on our campaigns

and what you can do. Just e-mail us at and
ask to be signed on!
Viva! is a registered nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. All
donations are tax deductible.
P.O. Box 4398
Davis, CA 95617
530/759-8487 fax

Guide completion date: 10/02. To subscribe to our e-mail alert


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