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Seismic Response of Bucket Foundation and Structure Under Earthquake Loading

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Seismic Response of Bucket Foundation and Structure Under Earthquake


Article  in  Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering · April 2014


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1 author:

Waseim Azzam
Tanta University


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Seismic Response of Bucket Foundation
and Structure Under Earthquake Loading

Waseim Ragab Azzam

Assistant Prof., Structural Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering,
Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt.

The main objectives of the present research are to study the effect of using a skirted
foundation system to improve the deformation characteristic of the supporting soil and the
superstructure resistance. The effects of increasing the subgrade stiffness using such skirts on
the foundation subgrade and the structure stability during an earthquake are investigated.
This practice is investigated numerically using finite element analysis. A four story reinforced
concrete building rests on a raft foundation is idealized as two-dimensional model with and
without skirts. A two dimensional plain strain program PLAXIS, (dynamic version) is used. A
series of models for the problem under investigation were run under different skirt depths
below the foundation. Nodal displacement and element strains were analyzed for the
foundation with and without skirts. The research results showed a great effectiveness in the
structural stability due to confinement effect and increased the subgrade stiffness. The
existence of such skirts can modify and decrease the under-laying response. Consequently, the
increasing foundation stiffness can alter and decrease the horizontal deformation of the
building in addition to reduce the induced straining action on the structure elements. This
technique is also, considered a good method to increase the inertia stability, improve the
kinematic stiffness of the building during an earthquake and drop off the structure acceleration.

KEYWORDS: Bucket foundation; Earthquake; Numerical analysis.

Earthquakes induced ground deformations that transmitted to foundation of buildings may
cause failure. The overall structural disturbance was depending strongly on cyclic stresses
produced by strong shaking and the engineering properties of the liquefiable soil layer in addition
to foundation types. Cyclic and permanent building deformations are also affected by soil-
structure interaction (SSI) effects. The interaction of building deformation with cycles of pore
water pressure generation that soften soil response followed by reductions in pore pressure that
stiffen soil response is a complex phenomenon. There are presently a few of well calibrated
design procedures for estimating combined effects of deviatoric and volumetric-induced building
settlement due to cyclic soil softening/stiffening under static and dynamic loadings of the
building. This is in contrast with evaluating liquefaction-induced settlement in free-field, for

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Vol. 19 [2014], Bund. F 1478

which several widely accepted procedures have been proposed e.g., Hatanka et al., (1987) and
Azzam and Nazier, (2012).
Earthquakes are natural hazards under which disasters are mainly caused by damage or
collapse of buildings and other man-made structures. Experience had shown that for new
constructions, establishing earthquake resistant regulations and their implementation is the critical
safeguard against earthquake-induced damage. Failures associated with any applied earthquakes
were related to soil state and susceptibility to liquefaction, where many of investigators were
studied the liquefaction mechanism and their effect on the model foundation models( Seed and
Idriss1971; Yasuda 1997; Karamitros et al. 2013; Chu et al. 2004). The methods of liquefaction
mitigation were mainly focused on increasing the soil liquefaction strength by improving in situ
ground or soil conditions to safeguard foundation from collapse. Liquefaction mitigation can be
done using a selection of soil improvement technique as dynamic compaction, vibro stone
columns and wick drains (Dise et al., 1994, and Luehring et al., 2001). Also, improving
liquefaction potential strength by using different methods is investigated by McManus et al.
(2003), Naein and Moaye (2006) and Krishna and Madhav (2009). Using deep foundation aspect
is also a good method to mitigate the liquefaction and correspondingly increase the foundation
stability Martini and Madabhushi (2005).
These techniques of soil improvement against liquefaction aim to increase soil density and
develop the ideal densifications that avoid large increases in pore water pressure. Based on this
approach of densification, lateral confinement technique of soil underneath foundation was
adopted using structural skirts that fixed rigidly to the foundation edges.
Bucket or skirted foundations are normally cylindrical units or extensible sheets made by
steel or concrete. The term "skirted foundation" is widely used in marine structure and
communication towers that subjected to dynamic loads. The skirts are similar to a bucket
foundation which has been used as an effective foundation system. In this research, it has been
used as a new tool to improve the bearing capacity under shallow foundation as stated by Bransby
and Yun (2009) and Bienena et al. (2012). It can be executed in the form of piled raft or
diaphragm wall-like structure in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the model.
The skirts technique was also used to improve the soil resistance against earthquake and the
induced liquefaction as reported by Azzam and Nazier (2012) and Azzam (2011). In this trend,
modal analysis of pile-supported structures during seismic liquefaction is investigated by
Lombardi and Bhattacharya (2014), it showed that the pile-supported structure can improve the
dynamic performances of the system during earthquake.
The previous technique of using such skirts in conjunction of foundation was mainly focused
only on studying the behavior of foundation without considering its effect on the performance of
the structure as using method of deep foundation aspect. Therefore, the present paper was aimed
at study the effect of increasing the subgrade stiffens using skirted foundation on the deformation
characteristics of superstructure. In addition, to show that, the adopted technique considered as a
new strategy of build liquefaction resistance structure.
In order to avoid the scale effect and the problem of shaking table, full-scale testes were used
to simulate the actual foundation building behavior. The finite element analysis using Plaxis
dynamic version, (2002) was adopted to model the earthquake and the structure.
Vol. 19 [2014], Bund. F 1479


The plane strain model was used with the six node element. The mesh was generated by the
program and refined in the area around the footing. The subsoil is consisted of a deposit of sand
layer of 20 m thickness. It assumed to be linear elastic in dynamic analysis. The properties of the
adopted sand (γ =17 kN/m3, ν = 0.3, E = 40000 kPa, the Raleigh damping is considered at vertical
boundaries and with α, ß = 0.01).
The Rayleigh damping is considered at vertical boundaries with α , β = 0.01 in order to resist
the Rayleigh waves. While the plastic properties of soil (viscous properties) are defined by using
material damping, which is defined in Plaxis by Rayleigh (α and β), where a damping term is
assumed which is proportional to the mass and stiffness of the system (Rayleigh damping) such
that: C = α M + βM, C damping coefficient, M mass, K stiffness and. (α and β) Rayleigh
coefficient. The Rayleigh damping is considered to be object-dependent in material data set to
consider the plastic properties of soil during the dynamic analysis in Plaxis.
The ground water table is assumed at 2 m below the ground surface to consider the excess
pore water pressure so the soil material is assumed to be undrained. The adopted building consists
of basement and 4 floors. It is 6 m wide as simulated in program PLAXIS, 2002. The building
and foundation are simulated as plate properties, Beam elements of elastic material. The floor and
wall plate properties are (EA = 5 x 106 kN/m, EI = 9000 kN/m2/m with weight of 10 kN/m/m and
Poisson’s ratio ν = 0).
The building foundation is assumed a reinforced concrete raft, it modeled as an elastic beam
element, the raft is 0.5 m thickness its plate properties are (EA = 105 kN/m and EI = 21.875
kN/m2/m). The skirts are simulated as beam elements, elastic material. The steel skirts are
adopted with thickness of 4 mm and varied in depth, the studied skirts depth (L) was taken a
function in foundation width (B). The ratio L/B were modeled in the program in values (0.5, 1 ,
1.5 and 2) . The skirts properties are axial stiffness and bending stiffness where, EA = 63000
kN/m and EI = 8.4 kN/m/m. The earthquake is modeled by imposing a prescribed horizontal
displacement at the bottom of boundary in contrast to standard unit length (Ux = 0.01m and Uy =
0). The interface element was used between the soil and skirts plus foundation. The interface
strength Rinter was taken 0.67, sand steel interfaces.
The geometry of finite element model adopted for the analysis is shown in Figure 1.The
selected monitored points along building and foundation was used to identify the performance of
both foundation and building during earthquake. These points are selected on the top of the
building and at foundation level within the confined subgrade.
Vol. 19 [2014], Bund. F 1480

Figure 1: The element of the adopted finite element model.

A series of dynamic numerical models were run at different skirts depth. The calculation
procedure involves two phase. The first one is a normal plastic calculation in which the building
is constructed. The second is a dynamic analysis in which the earthquake is simulated. In this
phase the displacement are reset to zero and the time interval 10 sec, the sub step is set to 1. The
acceleration of the input earthquake is chosen from the default acceleration data file in program
(225smc) (SMC, Strong Motion CD-Rom). The acceleration time history used as a default in
program with maximum horizontal acceleration of 2.3 m/sec2at time of 2.53. Before the mesh
generation, the water pressure can be activated for considering the pore water pressure to obtain
the state of soil liquefaction.


Effect of skirts on the behavior of foundation subgrade
The existence of skirts along the sides of foundation is considered a good method to increase
the subgrade stiffness during dynamic loading. The skirts can significantly limit and control the
horizontal soil movement underneath the foundation and increase the soil stability. It has a great
effect in liquefaction mitigation. The skirts can modify the pore water pressure and safeguard
foundation from collapse as studied by Azzam (2011) . For the current research, it has been found
that, in the free field, an earthquake will cause soil displacement in both horizontal and vertical
direction. If the foundation and structure on the surface, or embedded in a soil, the deposit is so
stiff that it cannot follow the free field deformation pattern, its motion will be influenced by
kinematic interaction, even if it has no mass. While the skirts can increase both the subgrade
stiffness and effective foundation depth thus, the foundation and confined subgrade acted as
coherent mass, one unit. The flexural stiffness of skirted foundation prevents the subgrade soil
from flowing in horizontal component of free field displacement. The confined subgrad between
skirts was performed as a rigid block which prevents and controls the horizontal movement of the
subgrade soil particles. In general, the axial stiffness of the foundation preventing immediately
the under laying soil from deforming incoherently and acted as vertical obstruction that resist the
shear stress from the applied earthquake. As a result, the foundation subgrade behavior was
modified. Figure 2 confirmed the effectiveness of skirts to limit the subgrade displacement
Vol. 19 [2014], Bund. F 1481

causing ideal densification during loading stages and distinctly decreasing the induced shear
strains associated within the confined zone. This Figure presents the principal direction and
location at which strains were took place. It noticed that the skirts can be modified and transferred
the distribution of induced earthquake strains to adjacent soil. This again justified the efficiency
of skirts to resist the induced shear stress from earthquakes. The strains were mainly found
outside the confined region. This behavior is indicated that, the skirts and confined subgrade
acted as if embedded foundations, rigid block compared to the case of the foundation without
skirts. Furthermore, these limitations in strains were backed to the kinematic interaction which
decreases the net overturning moment applied in foundation.

Figure 2: Principal direction of total strains for building

foundation with skirts (L/B =2)

Figure 3a: Contours of Incremental shear strains for

building foundation with skirts (L/B =2)

Therefore, the existence of such skirts prevented the system to rock as well as translated, even
though the foundation stability is increased. While Figure 3(a) shows the incremental shear
strains which are densely found in left part in the free filed and below the confined zone, it can be
indicated that the skirts can effectively transferred the stress to adjacent soil in the earthquake
direction. Contrary in the right region the contours convergence are noticed.
Figure 3(b) also illustrates and confirms the effectiveness of skirts in transferring the
outgoing shear stresses to adjacent soil where the extreme shear strain shading locations are
mostly founded outside in the left part of skirts. The distribution of extreme strain within the
confined zone has a little strain. This means that, the skirts and confined subgrade behaves like
embedded foundation or densified zone. This embedded block can be moved simultaneously as
Vol. 19 [2014], Bund. F 1482

shown in the relevant Figure ure. As a result, the strains are typically appeared outside the
confined block at adjacent soil. It can be concluded that, the soil shear failure is considered
outside the confined block. The confined subgrad stiffness is improved and resisted the shear
stresses induced from the earthquakes.

Figure 3b: Shading of extreme shear strains for

foundation with skirts (L/B =2)

Figure 4: Shading of excess pore water pressure within

the confined zone for building foundation with skirts (L/B

The subgrade densification can be induced due to the higher increase in the pore water
pressure inside the confined zone as shown in Figure 4. This increase in the pore water pressure
within the subgrade particles can liquefy the soil beneath the footing. However, the existence of
skirts can be sustained the pore pressures and limited the horizontal migration of the pore water in
the horizontal direction. For this reason, the subgrade is densified and the migration of the pore
water is only induced below the confined zone. Also, the failure associated with liquefaction is
noticed below the confined zone as dissipated in Figure 4.
Vol. 19 [2014], Bund. F 1483

Figure 5: Shading of extreme horizontal acceleration for

building foundation with skirts (L/B =2)

In addition, Figure 5 justified the important of skirts in decreasing the foundation subgrade
acceleration due to confinement effect. It clearly show that the shading of extreme horizontal
acceleration zone which was modified by the skirts. It is noticed that the foundation and confined
subgrade acceleration was remarkably reduced compared with case of without skirts. The extreme
acceleration values were found outside the confined zone and under the confined block. It
concluded that the skirts also provided a fixed base structure and increases the inertial interaction
therefore the deformation behavior was modified.

Effect of skirts depth on foundation response

The skirts depth can also play important role in modification of foundation behavior as
clearly shown in Figure . 6(a to d) which presents the variation of skirts depth (L/B) with
measured dimensionless ratio in case of foundation with and without skirts.these ratios are'
extreme shear strains (γxy), extreme horizontal acceleration (amax), extreme horizontal velocity (V)
and induced maximum horizontal force at foundation level, (Fx). It has been found that increasing
the skirts depth provided a sufficient anchorage depth that effectively densefied the subgrade and
increased the subgrade stiffness. Consequently, at the foundation level within the confined zone,
the induced shear strains, maximum horizontal acceleration and subgrade velocity were
significantly decreased with the increase of skirts depth. However, increasing the skirts depth
significantly increased the horizontal foundation capacity that represented in the induced base
foundation force as illustrated in Figure 6(d). The foundation resistance to lateral load from
earthquake significantly increased the degree of improvement reached to 200% of its initial value
of non-skirted case.
Vol. 19 [2014], Bund. F 1484

1.2 1.2

Shear strian with/without

Max horizontal acceleration

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

c Max horizontal base force 2
Max horizontal velocity


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

Figure 6: Variation of skirts depth ratio with: a- maximum shear strains, b-

maximum horizontal acceleration, c- maximum horizontal velocity and d-

Effect of skirts on the building response

In this part of study, the effect of using skirts on the behavior of building is investigated to
show the benefit of increasing subgrade stiffness of foundation. Also this study is performed to
verify the formation of confined block and subgrade densification to resist the earthquake
loading. The value of the lateral deformation for the structural (δ) at the top point on the relevant
structural model was determined and extracted at different skirts depth then compared with lateral
deformation (δo) of non skirted case in the form of ratio Rδ = (δ/δo), R may be referred to
reduction factor which indicted to improvement in the building response.
Figure . 7 shows the variation of this ratio with the skirts depth (L/B). It has been found that
the skirts can significantly reduce the lateral building deformation with the increase of skirts
depth, the reduction in horizontal displacement was reached to 50% at (L/B = 2) compared to its
initial value of normal case. This behavior is showed that, the existence of skirts is provided an
effective foundation fixation. The confined region is increased with the increase of skirts depth,
resulted in an increase of the structure inertia.
For extent, the relation between the maximum lateral acceleration of the structural at the top
point (amax) and the skirts depth was recorded and then compared with the lateral acceleration
Vol. 19 [2014], Bund. F 1485

(amax,o) for the normal case without skirts in the form of ratio Ra = (amax/ amaxo) as shown in Figure
. 8. It noticed that, the maximum lateral acceleration of the building is decreased with the increase
of the skirts depth. It has been found that the skirts can significantly reduce the maximum lateral
acceleration of the building with the increase of skirts depth, the reduction in lateral acceleration
was reached to 60 % at (L/B = 2) compared to its initial value of normal case. This trend is
attributed that, the skirts were considerably increased the soil structural interaction and produce a
significant fixation as stated before. Here, the skirts increased the effective foundation depth. This
also confirmed that, the foundation and the confined soil between skirts were acted as a coherent
mass which increase the building stability and absorb the ground excitation. It may be considered
a damper connected with foundation. This coherent mass prevents the acceleration amplification
from occurrence. This Figure ure confirms that the skirts were decreased the building lateral
acceleration. This refers that the skirts can provide an effective increase in superstructure
Wherever the maximum induced bending moment at the top point on the building (M) was
extracted at different skirts depth and compared with induced bending moment of non skirted
condition (Mo). The variation of the ratio RM = (M/Mo) is shown in Figure . 9; it observed that the
existence of such skirts decreases the bending moment with the increase of the skirts depth. This
demonstrated that the skirts can significantly increase the building stiffness as a result; both the
lateral deformation and acceleration of the structure are decreased. Also, it has been found that
the skirts can significantly reduce the bending moments with the increase of skirts depth, the
reduction was reached to 66 % at (L/B = 2) compared to its initial value of normal case. It can be
concluded that the skirts that fixed to the foundation edges are more valuable and economic in
design the concrete section of the building and considered a good method to increase the building
stability during the earthquake shaking. Also, Table 1 gives the degree of improvement in
maximum lateral deformation of the top of the building, lateral acceleration and maximum
bending moment as a result of using such skirts. The table shows that the improvement for the
lateral deformation is pronounced than that for maximum acceleration and maximum bending
moment when the footing is stiffened by skirts.

Table 1: Degree of improvement due to using skirts in the form of reduction factor R
Reduction of Maximum Reduction of Maximum Reduction of Maximum lateral
lateral deformation δmax lateral acceleration amax bending moment, Mmax
Ratio of
with skirt/without with skirt/without with skirt/without
% % %
0 100 100 100
0.5 91.5 92.3 94.5
1 75.5 76.3 81.1
1.5 62.3 72.8 75.7
2 49.05 59.3 65.65
Vol. 19 [2014], Bund. F 1486

120 120

100 100

80 80

Ra %
Rδ %

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Ratio of (L/B) Ratio of (L/B)

Figure 8: Variation of (Ra) % with skirts depth.

Figure 7: Variation of (Rδ) % with skirts depth.
Damping ratio, D

RM %


40 1

20 0.5

0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Ratio of (L/B) L/B
Figure 9: Variation of (RM) % with skirts depth. Figure 10: Variation of damping ratio with skirts depth.

Effect of skirts on dynamic characteristics of subgrad

The influence of adopted skirted technique in the conjunction of foundation on the shear
modulus and damping characteristics of subgrad soil is well established. Mionterd points at
foundation level and within the confined zone between skirts were selected to determine both the
shear modulus and damping coefficient at different skirts depth. These parameters were obtained
by back analysis in which the shear wave velocity (Vs) of subgrade can be extracted from the
numerical analysis at different skirts depth. Once shear wave velocity was obtained, the shear
modulus (G) of subgrade can be determined from the following equation by back calculation,

Vs =
G (1)
Vol. 19 [2014], Bund. F 1487

where (ρ) is the soil density , ρ = γ/g. Therefore, the values of damping coefficient (C) of
subgrade were also determined relative to obtained values of the shear modulus from the
following equation.
C= Gρ (2)
1 −ν

where ro is the equivalent radius of foundation and ν is poison's ratio of soil. In order to study the
effect of skirts on the dynamic subgrad properties, the relationship between damping ratio and
skirts depth ratio (L/B) is shown in Figure 10; the damping ratio D is defined as the ratio between
the damping coefficient of skirted system to damping coefficient of normal subgrad without
skirts. It has been found that, the confinement effect due to skirts was modified and increases the
shear modulus with upon increase in (L/B) ratio. As a result the damping ratio increases with
increasing skirts depth. Because the installation of vertical skirts within the subgrade is
significantly produced a regressive densification during the earthquake. Hence the subgrade
density is increased and the damping coefficient is also increased. It indicated that, the confined
soil between the skirts acted as a coherent mass, one unit which may be tended to damper. This
damper can absorb,alter of ground motion and increase the foundation stability during earthquake.

Based on the finite element analysis for skirted foundation subjected to an earthquake, the
following conclusions can be drawn:
1. The finite element analysis of the problem under investigation is helped in better
understanding the deformation behavior, failure pattern and induced building deformation
under the effect of earthquake.
2. The foundation and soil between skirts behaves as a coherent mass and a progressive
densification is achieved therefore, the soil shear strains associated with earthquake
loading is taken place under and outside this treated densified zone.
3. The skirts can improve the kinematic interaction that decrease the net overturning
moment applied in foundation. Hence, the existence of such skirts prevented the system
to rock as well as translated, even though the foundation stability is increased
4. The extreme acceleration values were found outside the confined zone and under the
confined block therefore it provided a fixed base structure and increases the inertial
5. The installation of the skirts along each side of the foundation has a good effect in
increasing the kinematic stiffness of supporting subgrade due to densification effect and
decreasing the liquefaction potential within the confined block.
6. The skirts have a considerable effect in decreasing both the building lateral deformation
and acceleration in addition to increase the building stiffness. Therefore, it considered an
economic in superstructures design.
Vol. 19 [2014], Bund. F 1488

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© 2014, ejge

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