"Project On Battery Rickshaw in India": Disha College
"Project On Battery Rickshaw in India": Disha College
"Project On Battery Rickshaw in India": Disha College
Satya Vihar, Vidhan Shabha – Chandkhuri Marg. Raipur
Certificate of Approval
Prof. Ambarish
Ghosh Principal-
Raipur, (C.G.)
Certificate of Guide
The project or any part of it has not been previously submitted for any degree
Raipur, (C.G.)
Certificate of Declaration
for the partial fulfillment to the requirements for the award of the
degree of Bachelors Of Business Administration under the guidance of
Mr. Bharat Bhushan Gupta , branch head, Raipur C.G.
BBA-6th Sem
Raipur, (C.G.)
The project of this magnitude would not have been completed singly. Firstly I want to give
my heartily thanks to all mighty who made us.
During the course of this project, valuable assistance and guidance has been rendered to me
by various persons, some have contributed directly while other have provide indirectly.
It gives me immense pleasure to thank to all staff of BBA. Department for their assistance
and Co-operation, in particular, to as my guide for making all efforts in bringing out this paper
expeditiously and in excellent form.
I take this opportunity to express my sincerest thanks to Mr. Ambrish Ghosh for their
unstinting help and efforts in completing this project successfully.