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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health

Risk: A Research Strategy (2018)


122 pages | 8.5 x 11 | PAPERBACK

ISBN 978-0-309-46869-5 | DOI 10.17226/24960


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National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine 2018. Environmental

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Environmental Chemicals,
the Human Microbiome,
and Health Risk
—   A R e s e A R c h s t R At e g y   —

Committee on Advancing Understanding of the Implications

of Environmental-Chemical Interactions with the Human Microbiome

Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology

Board on Life Sciences

Division on Earth and Life Studies

A Consensus Study Report of

Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

THE NATIONAL ACADEMIES PRESS   500 Fifth Street, NW   Washington, DC 20001

This project was supported by Contract EP-C-14-005, TO#0012 between the National Academies of Sciences,
Engineering, and Medicine and the US Environmental Protection Agency, and Contract HHSN263201200074I,
TO#HHSN26300097, US Department of Health and Human Services. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or rec-
ommendations expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the
organizations or agencies that provided support for this project.

International Standard Book Number-13: 978-0-309-46869-5

International Standard Book Number-10: 0-309-46869-8
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Copyright 2018 by the National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Printed in the United States of America

Suggested citation: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2018. Environmental Chemicals,
the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy




RONALD M. ATLAS (Chair), University of Louisville, Louisville, KY

KJERSTI M. AAGAARD, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
ELAINE HSIAO, University of California, Los Angeles, CA
YVONNE HUANG, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
CURTIS HUTTENHOWER, Harvard University, Boston, MA
ROSA KRAJMALNIK-BROWN, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
SUSAN LYNCH, University of California, San Francisco, CA
WILLIAM W. NAZAROFF, University of California, Berkeley, CA
ANDREW D. PATTERSON, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
JOHN F. RAWLS, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC
JOSEPH V. RODRICKS, Ramboll Environ, Arlington, VA
PAMELA SHUBAT (Retired), Minnesota Department of Health, MN
BRIAN THRALL, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA


ELLEN K. MANTUS, Project Director

ANDREA HODGSON, Associate Program Officer
MIRSADA KARALIC-LONCAREVIC, Manager, Technical Information Center
RADIAH ROSE-CRAWFORD, Manager, Editorial Projects
IVORY CLARKE, Research Assistant




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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy



WILLIAM H. FARLAND (Chair), Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO

RICHARD A. BECKER, American Chemistry Council, Washington, DC
DOMINIC M. DITORO, University of Delaware, Newark, DE
DAVID C. DORMAN, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
CHARLES T. DRISCOLL, JR., Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
ANNE FAIRBROTHER, Exponent, Inc., Philomath, OR
GEORGE GRAY, The George Washington University, Washington, DC
STEVEN P. HAMBURG, Environmental Defense Fund, New York, NY
ROBERT A. HIATT, University of California, San Francisco, CA
SAMUEL KACEW, University of Ottawa, Ontario
H. SCOTT MATTHEWS, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
ROBERT PERCIASEPE, Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, Arlington, VA
R. CRAIG POSTLEWAITE, Department of Defense, Burke, VA
MARK A. RATNER, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
JOAN B. ROSE, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
GINA M. SOLOMON, California Environmental Protection Agency, Sacramento, CA
ROBERT M. SUSSMAN, Sussman and Associates, Washington, DC
DEBORAH L. SWACKHAMER, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN
PETER S. THORNE, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA

Senior Staff


ELLEN K. MANTUS, Scholar and Director of Risk Assessment
RAYMOND A. WASSEL, Scholar and Director of Environmental Studies
SUSAN N.J. MARTEL, Senior Program Officer for Toxicology
ELIZABETH BOYLE, Program Officer
TAMARA DAWSON, Program Associate
SUZANNE THILENIUS, Administrative Coordinator


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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy



JAMES P. COLLINS (Chair), Arizona State University

A. ALONSO AGUIRRE, George Mason University
ENRIQUETA C. BOND, Burroughs Wellcome Fund
ROGER D. CONE, University of Michigan
NANCY D. CONNELL, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School
JOSEPH R. ECKER, Salk Institute for Biological Studies
SCOTT V. EDWARDS, Harvard University
SARAH C.R. ELGIN, Washington University, St. Louis
ROBERT J. FULL, University of California, Berkeley
ELIZABETH HEITMAN, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
JUDITH KIMBLE, University of Wisconsin–Madison
MARY E. MAXON, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
JILL P. MESIROV, University of California, San Diego
KAREN E. NELSON, J. Craig Venter Institute
CLAIRE POMEROY, Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation
MARY E. POWER, University of California, Berkeley
JANIS WEEKS, University of Oregon

Senior Staff


JO HUSBANDS, Senior Scholar
JAY LABOV, Senior Scholar
LIDA ANESTIDOU, Senior Program Officer
KATIE BOWMAN, Senior Program Officer
KEEGAN SAWYER, Senior Program Officer
AUDREY THEVENON, Program Officer
ANDREA HODGSON, Associate Program Officer
BETHELHEM MEKASHA, Financial Associate
JENNA OGILVIE, Research Associate
ANGELA KOLESNIKOVA, Senior Program Assistant
AANIKA SENN, Senior Program Assistant


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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy


This Consensus Study Report was reviewed in draft The committee gratefully acknowledges the follow-
form by individuals chosen for their diverse perspec- ing for their presentations to the committee during open
tives and technical expertise. The purpose of this in- sessions: Tina Bahadori, US Environmental Protection
dependent review is to provide candid and critical Agency; Lisa Chadwick, National Institute of Environ-
comments that will assist the National Academies of mental Health Sciences; Jay Garland, US Environmen-
Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine in making each tal Protection Agency; Elizabeth Grice, University of
published report as sound as possible and to ensure that Pennsylvania; Kerry Kinney, University of Texas, Aus-
it meets the institutional standards for quality, objectiv- tin; Laura Kolb, US Environmental Protection Agency;
ity, evidence, and responsiveness to the study charge. Tamara Tal, US Environmental Protection Agency;
The review comments and draft manuscript remain Peter Turnbaugh, University of California, San Fran-
confidential to protect the integrity of the deliberative cisco; and Vincent Young, University of Michigan. The
process. committee is also grateful for the assistance of Norman
We thank the following individuals for their review Grossblatt who served as the report editor.
of this report:

Gary Ginsberg, Connecticut Department of

Public Health
Elizabeth Grice, University of Pennsylvania
Karen Guillemin, University of Oregon
Rob Knight, University of California, San Diego
Kun Lu, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Linda McCauley, Emory University
M. Allen Northrup, MIODx
Howard Rosen, AcelRx Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Joyce Tsuji, Exponent
Lauren Zeise, California Environmental
Protection Agency

Although the reviewers listed above provided many

constructive comments and suggestions, they were not
asked to endorse the conclusions or recommendations
of this report nor did they see the final draft before its
release. The review of the report was overseen by Mi-
chael Ladisch, Purdue University, and Charles Haas,
Drexel University, who were responsible for making
certain that an independent examination of the report
was carried out in accordance with institutional pro-
cedures and that all review comments were carefully
considered. Responsibility for the final content rests
entirely with the authoring committee and the National


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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy



1 INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………………………………..............…...….….9
The Human Microbiome, 9
Risk Assessment, 11
The Committee and Its Task, 12
The Committee’s Approach to Its Task, 12
Organization of the Report, 14
References, 14

2 MICROBIOME VARIATION…………………………………………………………………………............…...…….16
Factors That Contribute to Variation in the Human Microbiome, 17
The Gut Microbiome, 17
The Skin Microbiome, 20
The Respiratory Microbiome, 21
Variation Between Human and Animal Microbiomes, 23
Findings, 25
References, 25


ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICALS……………………….........................................………………...............…......….34
Direct Effects of a Chemical on Microbiome Composition, 36
Alterations in the Functions of Epithelial Barriers, 37
Direct Chemical Transformations, 38
Transformation of Host-Generated Metabolites, 40
Alterations in Expression of Host-Tissue Metabolic Enzymes, 41
Interindividual Variability and Microbiome Metabolism of Environmental Chemicals, 42
Findings, 43
References, 43

4 CURRENT METHODS FOR STUDYING THE HUMAN MICROBIOME………………………...............…...…....49

Systems for Studying the Human Microbiome, 50
Technologies for Assaying the Microbiome, 57
Analyzing Microbiome Population and Exposure Data, 60
Strengths, Weaknesses, and Gaps in Technologies for Studying Relationships
Between the Microbiome and Chemical Exposure, 62
Findings, 63
References, 64


The Risk-Assessment Process, 71
Data Sources and Requirements for Risk Assessment, 72
Major Risk-Assessment Issues Related to Chemical–Microbiome Interactions, 73
Addressing Exposure Challenges, 74


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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

xii Contents
Research to Address Risk-Assessment Needs and Implications, 79
Identifying Health Risk Assessments That Might Need Re-Evaluation, 79
Findings, 80
References, 81

6 RESEARCH STRATEGY…...............…....................................................................................................................…….84
Selection of Chemicals for Experimental Approaches, 84
Effects of Environmental Chemicals on the Human Microbiome, 86
The Role of the Human Microbiome in Modulating Exposures to Environmental Chemicals, 91
The Importance of Microbiome Variation and Variability, 95
Tool Development, 99
Opportunities for Collaboration and Coordination, 101
Concluding Remarks, 102
References, 102



HUMAN MICROBIOME….................…...…...........................................................................................................................….106



1-1 Statement of Task, 12

1-2 Definitions of Selected Terms, 13
6-1 Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic or Pharmacodynamic Models, 92
6-2 Resources for Research Collaborations, 103


S-1 Standard four-step framework for risk assessment, 4

1-1 The gut microbiome plays important roles in human physiology and metabolism and functions as an ecologic niche that has an
interface with the environment, 10
2-1 (A) Gut microbiome development in infancy is influenced by early-life events, and (B) acquisition of microbiota in early life is
thought to shape infant development, 18
3-1 General mechanisms by which a microbiome might directly or indirectly modulate the exposure–response relationship of an
environmental chemical, 35
4-1 Culture-independent molecular approaches to study host–microbiome interactions, 57
5-1 The standard four-step framework for risk assessment, 72
6-1 Parallelogram strategy (blue boxes) for predicting human response to chemical exposure that incorporates in vitro and in vivo
data into PBPK-PD models, 93
6-2 Susceptibility to environmental-chemical exposure and associated health risks might be affected not only by developmental
stage and baseline health status but by the variation and variability in the human microbiome, 96

Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy


A great number of diverse microorganisms in- Implications of Environmental-Chemical Interac-

habit the human body and are collectively referred tions with the Human Microbiome, which prepared
to as the human microbiome. Until recently, the this report.
role of the human microbiome in maintaining hu- Here, the committee highlights key aspects of
man health was not fully appreciated. Today, how- the human microbiome and its relation to health,
ever, research is beginning to elucidate associations describes potential interactions between environ-
between perturbations in the human microbiome mental chemicals and the human microbiome, re-
and human disease and the factors that might be views the risk-assessment framework and reasons
responsible for the perturbations. Studies have indi- for incorporating chemical–microbiome interac-
cated that the human microbiome could be affected tions, and outlines its research strategy. The com-
by environmental chemicals or could modulate ex- mittee emphasizes that this report is not a compre-
posure to environmental chemicals. Given those hensive review of all microbiome research. The
findings, some fear that we might be missing or research strategy presented here focuses on ad-
mischaracterizing health effects of exposure to en- dressing questions about the interactions of envi-
vironmental chemicals and have therefore argued ronmental chemicals with the human microbiome
that chemical–microbiome interactions should be and the implications for human health risk. It is not
considered in assessing human health risk associ- a research strategy for directly investigating asso-
ated with environmental-chemical exposure. Such ciations between the human microbiome and vari-
considerations would add substantial complexity to ous diseases.
an already complex analysis. Given the complex-
ity and resource constraints, the US Environmental THE HUMAN MICROBIOME
Protection Agency (EPA) and the National Institute
of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) asked The human microbiome is an all-encompassing
the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, term that refers to all microorganisms on or in the
and Medicine to develop a research strategy to human body, their genes, and surrounding environ-
improve our understanding of the interactions be- mental conditions. Because of the vast diversity
tween environmental chemicals and the human mi- and sheer amount of microbial life that colonizes
crobiome and the implications of those interactions the human body, human beings are now regarded
for human health risk. They also asked the National as ecosystems that are comprised of distinct eco-
Academies to identify barriers to such research logic niches or habitats, each housing a discrete
and opportunities for collaboration.1 As a result collection of coevolved microorganisms that inter-
of the request, the National Academies convened act extensively with each other and with the human
the Committee on Advancing Understanding of the host. Coevolution has led to interdependence: the
human microbiome contributes a vast array of es-
sential functions to the human host and influences
1The full statement of task is in Chapter 1 of this report.

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

2 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

a variety of physiologic, immunologic, and meta- level at which microbiomes are characterized—
bolic processes. Perturbations of the composition whether at the strain, species, genus, family, order,
and function of niche-specific microbial communi- class, or phylum level—and possibly on techni-
ties have been implicated in an array of neurologic, cal differences among study protocols, which can
gastrointestinal, metabolic, oncologic, hepatic, car- vary substantially. Although most studies have not
diovascular, psychologic, respiratory, and autoim- compared functional attributes of the microbiomes,
mune disorders or diseases. such comparison might indicate greater similar-
One key aspect of the human microbiome is the ity than simply comparing microbial composition.
variation in its composition and function observed However, given the differences between humans
among populations, over the human life span, and and animals, observations made in animal models,
between body sites. The variation between body although informative and foundational, might not
sites is particularly noteworthy. Each body site is capture the full breadth of microbial interactions
associated with the presence of a relatively con- that occur in humans. The strengths and weakness-
served microbial community (a microbiome) that es of animal models for research into chemical–mi-
has adapted to the environmental conditions of the crobiome interactions are discussed further below.
site. The site-specific differences in microbial com-
position yield differences in metabolic capacity and INTERACTIONS BETWEEEN
in the aggregate function of the human microbiome. ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICALS
Multiple factors also play roles in the variation ob- AND THE HUMAN MICROBIOME
served among individual body sites. For example,
age and diet play primary roles in the variation ob- Scientific research is beginning to elucidate the
served in the gut microbiome, and local ecologic various ways in which environmental chemicals
conditions, particularly water and nutrient avail- might interact with the human microbiome. Studies
ability, drive the site-specific community states of suggest that exposure to environmental chemicals
the skin microbiome. Numerous physiologic and can alter the composition and potentially affect the
anatomic factors play roles in determining the com- function of the human microbiome. Other studies
position and regional variation in the respiratory indicate that the human microbiome can modulate
microbiome; research suggests that important fac- environmental-chemical exposure. For example,
tors include differences in oxygen tension, airway evidence of involvement of the gut microbiome
luminal temperature, mucociliary clearance mech- in the metabolic transformation of environmental
anisms, and other innate defenses. All those factors chemicals in broad chemical classes is compelling.
and others—such as genetics, sex, socioeconomic Many molecular mechanisms likely underlie
status, disease state, geography, pregnancy status, microbiome interactions. However, research sug-
diet, and environmental exposures—appear to play gests that the human microbiome might modulate
roles in shaping the composition and function of the exposure–response relationships of environ-
microbial communities. mental chemicals by a few general mechanisms, as
As discussed throughout the present report, described below.
animal models provide valuable experimental
platforms for studying microbiome structure and • Direct effect of a chemical on the human
function, but it is important to note that the human microbiome. Distinct microbial compositions can
microbiome differs from the microbiomes of other have specific effects on host biology. If exposure
species in which microorganisms are present, in the to an environmental chemical (or any other factor)
relative abundance of dominant microorganisms, causes a perturbation in the microbiome, that per-
and in how the microbial community responds to turbation might have distinct effects on the host.
a given perturbation. The degree to which microbi- It is also conceivable that changes induced by en-
ome composition differs between species (and be- vironmental-chemical exposures can result in an
tween humans) depends partially on the taxonomic altered capacity of the microbiome to metabolize

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Summary 3

• Altered epithelial-barrier functions. Epi- sure changes activity or function of a microbiome

thelial barriers form the interface between many and the breadth of potential pathways for metabo-
host tissues and the external environment. Increas- lism of environmental chemicals represented in a
ing evidence suggests that there are intimate bi- given microbiome. Furthermore, it is important to
directional interactions between the microbiota note that each interaction can conceptually increase
and epithelial cells, wherein the composition and or decrease chemical exposure, and that the role of
activity of the gut microbiota, for example, mod- the interactions in modifying human susceptibility
ulates the structure and function of the intestinal to toxicity at environmentally relevant exposures
epithelium and vice versa. The ability to regulate remains largely uncertain.
epithelial permeability and integrity has important
implications for the absorption, transport, and ex- RISK ASSESSMENT: INCORPORATING
cretion of environmental chemicals. CHEMICAL–MICROBIOME
• Direct chemical transformation. As noted, INTERACTIONS
the gut microbiome has been shown to metabo-
lize broad classes of environmental chemicals. Research indicates the important role that the
Microbial metabolic transformations have been human microbiome plays in human health and
generally categorized into reduction and hydroly- raises the question of whether some consideration
sis reactions and have been classified further into needs to be incorporated into risk assessment. Risk
five major enzymatic families—azoreductases, assessment is a process that can be used to estimate
nitroreductases, β-glucuronidases, sulfatases, and the human health risk associated with exposure to
β-lyases. an environmental chemical. Although risk assess-
• Transformation of host-generated metabo- ment used in regulatory programs in the United
lites. In some cases, detoxification and elimina- States and globally has been reformed and advanced
tion of environmental chemicals by host liver en- over the years, the core elements established in the
zymes might be reversed by microbial hydrolases 1980s—hazard identification, dose–response as-
in the gut. For example, deconjugation reactions sessment, exposure assessment, and risk character-
by gut β-glucuronidases promote reabsorption ization—have remained the same (see Figure S-1).
of some drug metabolites, which potentially al- EPA has developed numerous guidelines for the
ters their pharmacokinetic profiles, toxicity, or conduct of risk assessment; the guidelines describe
efficacy. Because a wide array of environmen- the optimal evaluation and use of data that often are
tal chemicals might be subject to elimination via inconsistent, and they indicate proper treatment of
β-glucuronidation, this mechanism might be more uncertainty in extrapolating results from animal or
common than is now appreciated. human studies of limited scope to policies designed
• Altered expression of host-tissue meta- to protect the general public.
bolic enzymes and pathways. Recent studies have Animal toxicology studies have traditionally
demonstrated that the gut microbiota can regulate provided the data for hazard identification and
host genes involved in chemical metabolism, al- dose–response assessment, but epidemiology (hu-
though more research is needed to understand the man) studies have provided the primary evidence
mechanisms by which the gut microbiome and its on a few chemicals, such as arsenic and formalde-
products interact with host nuclear receptors and hyde. In vitro assays and computational approaches
whether similar processes can alter expression are also being developed in light of scientific and
of other types of host-gene pathways that are in- technologic advances in biology and related fields
volved in toxicity. and substantial increases in computational power.
The hope is that the new approaches can predict
Although research has provided important clues toxicity on the basis of an understanding of the
regarding microbial transformation of environmen- biologic processes that lead to adverse effects.
tal chemicals and vice versa, there are substantial Exposure science has also undergone remarkable
gaps in the understanding of how chemical expo- advances in the last few decades; technologies for

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

4 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Hazard Dose‒Response
Identification Assessment
What adverse health effects What is the relationship
might result from exposure to between the dose of the chemical
the chemical of interest? and the probability of adverse Risk Characterization
effects (risk) in the range of
doses occurring in populations? • What is the risk of toxicity
(adverse health effects)
in exposed populations?
• What are the significant
STEP 3 uncertainties?

Human Exposure
What doses of the chemical
are occurring in exposed

FIGURE S-1 Standard four-step framework for risk assessment.


developing rapid and comprehensive exposure pro- lation variation in microbiome composition and
files, from the use of remote and personal sensors function. Given the recent research on the human
to identification and sampling of key biomarkers, microbiome, it is reasonable to hypothesize that its
are contributing copious new data for risk assess- adequate consideration in risk assessment could
ment. Regardless of the approaches used to provide improve the understanding of health risks posed by
data for various risk-assessment elements, none has exposures to environmental chemicals.
explicitly considered or incorporated the human
microbiome. Therefore, risk assessments might RESEARCH STRATEGY
mischaracterize the nature of a hazard associated
with an exposure or overestimate or underestimate Development of a research strategy to un-
the risk associated with the exposure, particularly derstand the interactions between environmental
when the results from studies in animals or in a spe- chemicals and the human microbiome and the im-
cific population are used to characterize risk to an- plications of those interactions for human health
other species or population that has a microbiome risk is a complex task. One reason is that our un-
different from that of the studied population. derstanding of how perturbations of the human mi-
Studies on chemical–microbiome interactions crobiome might cause or contribute to the develop-
and their consequences suggest that further re- ment of various diseases is in its infancy, so the task
search could substantially advance understanding of understanding how environmental chemicals fit
of human health risk posed by exposure to envi- into the picture is even more difficult than it might
ronmental chemicals. Specifically, research might otherwise be. Initially, the committee envisioned a
explain differences between animal toxicology research strategy that was similar to a flowchart or
studies and human responses, provide greater con- decision tree in which the results of one or more
fidence in extrapolating findings of animal studies experiments would lead naturally to a next set of
to humans, and identify unrecognized health conse- experiments. However, such a straightforward ap-
quences of environmental exposures. Furthermore, proach is not feasible given the state of the science.
differences in responses to chemical exposure re- Thus, the committee determined that the research
ported in epidemiology studies conducted on dif- strategy should focus broadly on the three general
ferent populations might be explained by the popu- topics: the effects of environmental chemicals on

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Summary 5

the human microbiome, the role of the human mi- ual microbial physiology can be detailed robustly,
crobiome in modulating environmental-chemical no end points for microbiome toxicity have been
exposure, and the importance of variation in the established. Thus, defining quantifiable end points
human microbiome in modulating chemical–mi- that reflect toxicity to the microbiome are of para-
crobiome interactions. The discussion below pro- mount importance, and comprehensive approaches
vides the primary goals of the research, identifies will be needed to capture all aspects of microbi-
some possible barriers, and highlights the need for ome responses to a given toxicant. Establishing
collaboration. A more detailed discussion of ex- toxicity end points for the microbiome will enable
perimental approaches and barriers related to each the development of high-throughput bioreactors
topic can be found in Chapter 6 of the committee’s that can screen environmental chemicals in a uni-
report with criteria for selecting chemicals for form manner for their ability to perturb microbi-
experimental approaches. It is important to note omes. Once chemicals that perturb microbiomes
that the committee is not recommending that all have been identified, they can be investigated in
the research described in this report be undertaken animal models and in epidemiology studies.
at once. Discoveries made in trying to understand Epidemiology studies constitute a considerable
the relationships between microbiome perturba- undertaking, so it is important to note that existing
tions and disease will influence the course of the epidemiology and population studies could be lev-
committee’s proposed research strategy, and vari- eraged for this research. For example, one could
ous agencies and organizations will have differ- identify a human population in which a chemical
ent priorities and interests in pursuing various re- exposure of interest has been tracked and collect
search topics described here. The committee hopes new samples appropriate for microbiome analyses,
that the near-term research will help to elucidate one could generate new microbiome-relevant data
whether the microbiome is an important contribu- from stored samples from such a cohort, or one
tor to human health risks associated with exposure could add measurements of environmental-chem-
to environmental chemicals and the need for and ical exposures to a human population that is being
direction of research in this area. followed for other purposes, including microbi-
ome measurements. Simple measures of microbi-
The Effects of Environmental Chemicals ome structure might be sufficient to identify cases
on the Human Microbiome in which a perturbation occurs in tandem with or
after chemical exposure and manifestation of ad-
The question for this research to answer is verse health outcomes; the microbiome changes
whether environmental-chemical exposures or would then need to be investigated in more detail
doses that are in the range of known or antici- to characterize their functional or clinical conse-
pated human exposures can induce microbiome quences, if any. In such cases, it will also be cru-
alterations that modulate adverse health effects. cial to separate health effects mediated by microbi-
As noted, recent evidence indicates that exposures al activity from those induced directly by chemical
to some environmental chemicals can alter the mi- exposures of the host.
crobiome, but there is little evidence that the al-
terations have adverse effects on health status. To The Role of the Human
address the question posed, the research program Microbiome in Modulating
should focus on defining toxicity end points for the Environmental-Chemical Exposure
microbiome, on identifying environmental chemi-
cals that can perturb the microbiome structurally The question for this research to answer is,
and functionally, and on using animal and epide- What is the role of the human microbiome in mod-
miology studies to demonstrate that microbiome ulating absorption, distribution, metabolism (acti-
perturbations by environmental chemicals cause vation or inactivation), and elimination (ADME)
or modulate a change in health. Although individ- of environmental chemicals? The research pro-

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

6 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

gram would focus on generating pharmacoki- comparative studies that assess functional simi-
netic–pharmacodynamic data from animal and in larities and differences of the factors known or
vitro experiments. The animal experiments would hypothesized to affect microbiome diversity. The
assess the effects of the microbiome on ADME studies should emphasize populations that repre-
processes in vivo and the magnitude of the effects. sent key windows of potential vulnerability—such
The in vitro experiments would be used to define as pregnant women, infants, adolescents, and geri-
functional traits for a microbial community that atric populations—and resilience, such as healthy
transforms an environmental chemical, to identify adults. As discussed above, existing epidemiology
microorganisms and microbial interactions impli- and population studies could be leveraged for this
cated in chemical transformations, to identify mi- research to obtain results in the near term.
croorganism-modified metabolites, and to obtain The second aspect of variation that needs to be
microorganism-specific chemical transformation explored is that between species. One question is
rates. The data generated from the experiments whether the differences are so great that effects are
could be used to develop a microbiome compo- being missed or mischaracterized by using animal
nent for physiologically based pharmacokinetic models to predict human health risk associated
or pharmacodynamic models that would permit with environmental-chemical exposure. Another
better assessment of human responses to chemical question is whether the interspecies uncertainty
exposures. factors that are used to extrapolate effects in ani-
Another aspect of the research program would mals to humans account adequately for the mi-
be identification of specific microorganisms and crobiome variation. The research program would
their enzymes that mediate chemical transforma- focus on comparative studies that ultimately could
tion processes by using new chemical probes and reveal the functional capacity encoded by the hu-
chemical screening technologies. Ultimately, link- man microbiome so that animal species and study
ing the specific microorganisms, genes, and en- designs that are most appropriate for extrapolat-
zymes to particular chemical transformation pro- ing to humans could be identified. Specifically,
cesses is essential if substantive progress is to be near-term research could focus on identifying
made in addressing individual susceptibility and functional pathways that are uniquely encoded by
interspecies extrapolation at a mechanistic level microbiomes of select model organisms and hu-
and in understanding the degree of functional re- mans, on understanding differences and similari-
dundancy that exists within a microbiome. ties between model-organism and human-host re-
sponses to environmental-chemical exposures, and
The Importance of Microbiome Variation on assessing the redundancy in the microbiomes of
various model organisms and humans.
Two aspects of microbiome variation need to
be investigated. The first is the microbiome vari- Barriers to Research
ation in the human population; the question is
whether knowledge of population variation in the To accomplish the research described in the
human microbiome improves understanding of in- committee’s report, tools will need to be devel-
dividual health risks and susceptibility to effects oped, and barriers will need to be overcome. Some
of environmental chemicals. The research goals barriers are specific to the research described, and
are to understand the importance of human micro- others are broadly applicable. A few overarching
biome variation at any given life stage or among barriers are highlighted below (further details are
specific populations and ultimately to ensure that provided in Chapter 6 of this report).
studies consider such variation adequately and ap-
propriately when assessing the human health risks • Resources. Many experiments that the
posed by exposure to environmental chemicals. committee describes are likely to require substan-
Variation will be best understood by conducting tial investments of time and resources, are explor-
atory and thus unlikely to be supported through

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Summary 7

traditional funding mechanisms, and require mul- function, and associated characteristics of micro-
tidisciplinary expertise not found within a single biome sources to enable understanding of micro-
laboratory. biome dynamics. Large-scale data generation and
• In vitro model systems. Despite advances, data-integration efforts will be required to develop
in vitro model systems that faithfully model, for computational models that can predict chemical–
example, the gut environment have not yet been microbiome interactions and their consequences.
developed. Current in vitro model systems are un-
able to incorporate microbial communities that Collaboration
represent naturally occurring microbiomes fully,
and researchers do not yet understand how vari- In the United States, several agencies play
ous factors change microbiome gene expression roles in assessing health risks associated with ex-
and metabolism and which factors need to be re- posures to environmental pollutants. Similarly,
capitulated in an in vitro system. Furthermore, in microbiome-related research is being conducted
vitro systems are not yet able to capture fully all by several agencies and sectors. Progress in fields
the functional diversity of a microbiome and its related to risk assessment and in microbiome re-
interactions with its host. search has occurred largely independently, and
• Standardization. Lack of standardization the segregation of such research programs poses
in experimental approaches results in an inability a major barrier to advancing knowledge on inter-
to reproduce findings related to chemical–micro- actions between environmental chemicals and the
biome interactions. Investigators need to control human microbiome and the implications of the in-
and disclose variables relevant to microbiome as- teractions for human health risk. Funding mecha-
sessments, including animal-care procedures and nisms that promote interdisciplinary research and
conditions, choices in laboratory reagents, and specifically encourage collaboration are vital for
methods for processing samples and measuring implementing the research strategy detailed in the
outcomes. committee’s report.
• Microbial reference communities. There is To support such efforts effectively, agencies
no consensus regarding reference strains or micro- and research entities that conduct microbiome and
bial communities. Past initiatives have provided human-health research are encouraged to devel-
data on the composition of microbial communities op collaborations with their counterparts in risk-
from healthy adults, but additional microbial ref- assessment fields and vice versa. For example,
erence communities and standardized microbial collaborations between the National Institutes of
populations that faithfully recapitulate the varia- Health and EPA or state agencies that have a long
tion present in the human microbiome are needed; history of assessing the health risks posed by en-
their development and use will allow comparison vironmental-chemical exposures are encouraged.
of study results among institutions and increase That type of interdisciplinary collaboration should
reproducibility of results. be sought out, encouraged, and supported to make
• Reference information. The vastness and the best use of available knowledge and resources
complexity of the microbiome has resulted in ge- in each agency or organization. Likewise, initia-
nomic databases that contain scores of unannotat- tives similar to the Center for Children’s Health,
ed genes about which scientists know almost noth- the Environment, the Microbiome and Metabolo-
ing. Similarly, much in metabolomics databases mics at Emory University, jointly funded by EPA
remains to be annotated and identified, including and NIEHS, should be considered as vehicles for
chemical structure, metabolite source (human vs stimulating and fostering the types of interdisci-
microbe), and metabolic pathway. Genomic, tran- plinary research needed. The participation of ex-
scriptomic, and metabolic databases and librar- perts in diverse research disciplines during the
ies will need to expand their coverage of relevant entire research cycle—planning and designing
strains, genes, enzymes, metabolite identities and studies, conducting the experiments, and analyz-

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

8 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

ing the data—is likely to result in studies that are explicit consideration of microbiome interactions
well suited to address the research recommended in the study of environmental-chemical toxicity
by the committee. Such interdisciplinary initia- yields information that is not available from tra-
tives could also serve as an ideal training environ- ditional studies (ones that do not explicitly con-
ment for the next generation of researchers whose sider microbiomes). Within a similar time frame,
expertise spans several fields. it should also be possible to determine whether
new information is gained by studying the effects
CONCLUDING REMARKS of chemicals on the human microbiome, the role
of the human microbiome in modulating chemical
Implementation of the committee’s proposed exposures, or both. The research should lead to the
research strategy should substantially advance type of information needed to assess the impor-
understanding of whether and to what extent the tance of the human microbiome as a contributor
human microbiome affects the nature and magni- to human health risks associated with exposures to
tude of adverse health effects caused by exposures environmental chemicals and thus permit informed
to environmental chemicals. In the relatively near decisions about the need for and nature of continu-
term (2–4 years), results of the proposed research ing research in this field.
should allow judgments to be made about whether

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy


The human body is host to a great number of discusses the human microbiome and the risk-
diverse microorganisms, and researchers have only assessment framework and provides the commit-
recently begun to appreciate the many influences tee’s statement of task, its approach to the task, and
of these microorganisms on human health. Rapid- the report organization.
ly advancing technologies now allow scientists to
investigate the human microbiome—the microor- THE HUMAN MICROBIOME
ganisms, their genes, and the environmental con-
ditions that surround them—and to elucidate the Human microbiome is an all-encompassing
important roles that it might play in a wide array of term that refers to all microorganisms on or in
diseases, such as diabetes, asthma, and inflamma- the human body, their genes, and surrounding
tory bowel disease. Because the human microbi- environmental conditions (see Box 1-2). The mi-
ome has been shown to metabolize environmental croorganisms are found in large numbers on skin
chemicals and could itself be affected by chemi- and mucosal surfaces and can exist as attached,
cal exposure, some have argued that it should be mixed-species biofilms and as detached, free-
included as a component in human health risk as- swimming cells—two distinct states of microbial
sessment (Dietert and Silbergeld 2015). The US life that strongly influence gene expression and
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the microbial activity (Singh et al. 2010). The human
National Institute of Environmental Health Sci- microbiome collectively encodes more genes, by
ences (NIEHS) recognize the possible importance several orders of magnitude, than the human ge-
of the human microbiome in human health and the nome (HMP Consortium 2012a,b; Li et al. 2014).
complexity of incorporating interactions between Because of the sheer amount of microbial life that
the human microbiome and environmental chemi- colonizes the human body—the gut microbiota,
cals into a risk-assessment framework. Given the for example, is composed of several trillion micro-
complexity and resource constraints, EPA and bial cells—and its vast diversity, human beings are
NIEHS asked the National Academies of Sciences, now regarded as ecosystems that are comprised of
Engineering, and Medicine to develop a research distinct ecologic niches or habitats, each housing a
strategy to improve our understanding of the inter- discrete collection of coevolved bacteria, archaea,
actions between environmental chemicals and the viruses, and lower and higher eukaryotes (Oh et al.
human microbiome and the implications of those 2014) that interact extensively with each other and
interactions on human health risk. As a result of with the human host (Belkaid and Segre 2014).
that request, the National Academies convened Coevolution has led to interdependence: the
the Committee on Advancing Understanding of human microbiome contributes a vast array of es-
the Implications of Environmental-Chemical In- sential functions to the human host and influences
teractions with the Human Microbiome, which a variety of physiologic, immunologic, and meta-
prepared the present report. This chapter briefly bolic processes. For example, the gut microbiome

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

10 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

ferments dietary complex carbohydrates, and this ic, gastrointestinal, metabolic, oncologic, hepatic,
results in the production of anti-inflammatory cardiovascular, psychologic, respiratory, and auto-
short-chain fatty acids that modulate adipose, immune disorders (Lynch and Pedersen 2016).
skeletal, and liver tissue and improve glucose ho- Since completion of the first phase of the Hu-
meostasis (see Figure 1-1; Canfora et al. 2015). In man Microbiome Project sponsored by the Nation-
contrast, gut microbial metabolism of L-carnitine al Institutes of Health, three basic truths that are
produces trimethylamine, which is oxidized in generally accepted as important for human biology
the liver to trimethylamine-N-oxide, increased have emerged, as described below.
concentrations of which promote atherosclerosis
(Koeth et al. 2013). The metabolic products of the • First, the human microbiome has consid-
microbiome, such as those described above, also erable body-site specificity. For example, the oral
shape the microenvironment, which exerts a strong microbiome is distinct in composition and function
selective pressure on microbial colonization. For from the microbiomes of the distal gut, various skin
example, Lactobacillus species in the vagina pro- sites, and the vagina (HMP Consortium 2012a,b).
duce lactic acid, which promotes a low vaginal pH Even within anatomic sites—for example, within
and inhibits several vaginal pathogens, including the oral cavity or the vagina or along the length of
herpes simplex 2 virus (Conti et al. 2009), Neis- the gastrointestinal tract—there are distinct patterns
seria gonorrhoeae (Graver and Wade 2011), and of microbiota composition. Although there is some
uropathogenic Escherichia coli (Juárez Tomás et consistency in bacterial phyla that inhabit the sites,
al. 2003). Thus, research is showing that the human species or strain variation related to age, geogra-
microbiome is fundamental in the maintenance of phy, genetics, diet, and health status is also present
human health, and microbial perturbations are be- (Lozupone et al. 2012; Greenhalgh et al. 2016).
ing linked to an ever-increasing array of neurolog-

Nutrient Metabolism
• Synthesizes secondary bile acids.
• Metabolizes indigestible carbohydrates, such as
complex oligosaccharides and dietary fiber, which
(a) provide energy for intestinal cells, (b) stimulate
fat metabolism, and (c) have anti-inflammatory

Host Immunity
• Maintains gut homeostasis.
• Stimulates host production of antimicrobial peptides
and secretory IgA.
• Maintains gut mucosal barrier.

Drug and Environmental-Chemical Metabolism

• Eggerthella lenta, for example, inactivates orally ingested
• Metabolizes environmental chemicals, such as polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons.

FIGURE 1-1 The gut microbiome plays important roles in human physiology and metabolism and functions as an ecologic niche that has an
interface with the environment.

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Introduction 11

• Second, perturbations of the composition RISK ASSESSMENT

and function of niche-specific microbial commu-
nities are associated with disease, both locally at The 1970s saw a growing awareness and con-
the site of the perturbation and distally. For exam- cern that some environmental chemicals could
ple, studies in mice have shown that perturbations cause adverse health effects. Government pro-
of the composition and function of the gut micro- grams were created to protect against harmful
biome can lead to neurologic dysfunction charac- exposures, and agencies developed methods for
teristic of autism-spectrum disorder (Hsiao et al. estimating risks posed by chemical exposure.
2013), and a perturbed gut microbiome in early life However, controversies arose over the various
in humans has been associated with asthma devel- methods and their results, and Congress asked the
opment in childhood (Arietta et al. 2015; Fujimura National Research Council to evaluate risk-assess-
et al. 2016). Furthermore, rodent studies have in- ment practices. The request resulted in the report
dicated that metabolites derived from gut microor- Risk Assessment in the Federal Government: Man-
ganisms influence precursor immune cells derived aging the Process, which established a framework
from bone marrow (Trompette et al. 2014); these for risk assessment (NRC 1983). Over the years,
findings support a mechanism by which the gut many articles and reports have been published on
microbiome might exert a systemic and pervasive risk assessment, including some from the National
effect on host immunity through programming of Academies, the most recent being Science and De-
hematopoietic populations. The research indicates cisions: Advancing Risk Assessment (NRC 2009).
that the composition and activities of at least the However, the core elements of risk assessment—
gut microbiome have the potential to elicit both lo- hazard identification, dose–response assessment,
cal and systemic effects, and this underscores the exposure assessment, and risk characterization—
critical role that it plays in defining host health. have remained the same.
• Third, increasing evidence indicates that Animal toxicology studies have traditionally
the human microbiome expands and diversifies in provided the data for hazard identification and
a niche-specific manner from early life to the senior dose–response assessment for exposures to envi-
years, when it loses diversity. The precise timescale ronmental chemicals, but epidemiology (human)
over which that occurs is still a matter of much de- studies have provided the primary evidence on
bate; recent reports suggest appreciable functional some chemicals, such as arsenic and formalde-
diversification and microbial niche specialization as hyde. In vitro assays and computational approach-
early as about 4–6 weeks of life (Chu et al. 2017). es are also being developed in light of scientific
That finding implies that exposures before and and technologic advances in biology and related
around conception, during gestation, and through- fields and substantial increases in computational
out early development are likely to have a lasting power. The hope is that the new approaches can
effect and that those periods are fundamentally im- predict toxicity on the basis of an understanding of
portant. The senior years are also important when the biologic processes that lead to adverse effects.
characteristic compositional instability and loss of Regardless of the approaches used to provide
community diversity correlate with declines in im- data for various risk-assessment elements, none
munocompetence (Claesson et al. 2012). has explicitly considered or incorporated the hu-
man microbiome. As noted above, the gut micro-
The early research indicates the important role biome can affect chemical metabolism, and there
that the human microbiome might play in human is growing evidence that perturbations of the hu-
health and raises the question of whether some man microbiome can affect health. Those findings
consideration needs to be incorporated into risk lead to many important questions; the answers to
assessment. which could have profound implications for risk
assessment. Are potentially adverse health effects

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

12 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

of chemicals that can be transformed by the human identify possible barriers to understanding and to
microbiome or can directly affect its composition describe opportunities for collaboration. The com-
and function being missed or mischaracterized be- mittee’s verbatim statement of task is provided in
cause the human microbiome is not being explicit- Box 1-1.
ly considered? Because animals and humans have
intact microbiomes, are any adverse effects that THE COMMITTEE’S
would involve the microbiomes already being cap- APPROACH TO ITS TASK
tured in animal and human studies? If animal and
human microbiomes differ substantially, do the To accomplish its task, the committee held
differences themselves need to be considered? If five meetings, which included two open sessions
a microbiome component needs to be incorporated to hear primarily from sponsor representatives
into a risk-assessment framework, how should that and a few invited speakers on various topics. The
be done? One question leads to another, and the committee found, as it began to draft its report,
complexity soon becomes clear. EPA and NIEHS that different people attach different meanings to
recognized the challenges and asked the National various terms. To ensure clarity in this report, Box
Academies to develop a research strategy to im- 1-2 contains the committee’s definitions of sev-
prove understanding of the interactions between eral terms used throughout the report. Regarding
environmental chemicals and the human micro- the terms variability and variation, the committee
biome and the implications of the interactions for acknowledges that there clearly is overlap of the
human health risk. terms as it defines them. However, the key distinc-
tion between the terms is that variability is used
THE COMMITTEE AND ITS TASK when one would not expect there to be substantial
differences between states or conditions, such as
The committee that was convened as a result the microbiome compositions of the same body
of the request included experts in microbiology, sites of healthy people, and that variation is used
metabolomics, clinical medicine, exposure sci- when one would expect there to be differences be-
ence, toxicology, and risk assessment (see Appen- tween states or conditions, such as the microbiome
dix for the committee’s biographic information). compositions of different body sites, life stages, or
As noted, the committee was asked primarily to species.
develop a research strategy but was also asked to

BOX 1-1 Statement of Task

An ad hoc committee will develop a research strategy to better understand the interactions between environ-
mental chemicals and human microbiomes, including the intestinal, skin, and lung microbiomes, and the implica-
tions of those interactions on human health risk. The committee will assess the state of the science regarding
the health implications of chemical metabolism by microbiota and chemical exposure on microbiota diversity and
function. It will also assess what is known about how effects might differ depending on, for example, life stage or
interindividual differences. The committee will then develop a research strategy that identifies the types of studies
needed to improve understanding of how different microbiome communities can affect chemical absorption and
metabolism, how population variation in microbiome activity might affect individual chemical exposure, and the
effect of chemical exposure on microbiome functions and possible implications for human health risk. The commit-
tee will also identify methodological or technological barriers to advancing the field, discuss possible opportunities
for coordination or collaboration, and indicate which research investments might provide the most information for
improving understanding of microbiome implications for human health risk.

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Introduction 13

BOX 1-2 Definitions of Selected Terms

Biomass refers to the quantity of microorganisms as a cell count or density in a given region or sample.
Environmental chemicals are chemicals that have entered the environment as a result of human activity and are
subject to regulation (see Chapter 6 for further discussion).
Ex vivo refers to an experimental process that is carried out by removing biologic specimens or materials—such as
primary cells, tissues, or organs—from an organism and using them directly in an artificial setting.
Gnotobiotic animal describes an animal maintained in the absence of any microorganisms (that is, germ-free con-
ditions) or a germ-free animal that is colonized with a microbial strain or a defined multispecies community of
In vitro refers to an experimental process that is carried out in an artificial setting by using biologic specimens or
materials that have not been directly isolated from an organism—such as immortalized cell lines, laboratory
microbial strains, or purified proteins—or by using microbial communities outside their typical setting or by using
any combination of those components.
In vivo refers to an experimental process that is conducted in a whole organism, such as a rodent or primate.
Metabolomics is the scientific study of small molecules (metabolites) that are created from chemicals that originate
inside the body (endogenously) or outside the body (exogenously) (NASEM 2016).
Metagenome refers to all genomes or genes encoded by a microbiota.
Microbiome refers to “the entire habitat, including the microorganisms (bacteria, archaea, lower and higher eukary-
otes and viruses), their genome (i.e., genes), and surrounding environmental conditions” (Marchesi and Ravel
2015). The term microbiome is often used in conjunction with a specific body site—such as the gut, skin, or
respiratory microbiome—or as an all-encompassing term to refer to all microbiomes on or in the human body,
that is, the human microbiome.
Microbiota or microbial community is a collection of microorganisms in a habitat.
Resilience is the ability of a microbial community to maintain or return to a steady state in the presence of or after
some stress on or perturbation of its composition or function.
Variability refers to a measurable distribution of a state or condition that would typically be considered nominally
homogeneous. For example, differences in the function or composition of the gut microbiome in a population of
healthy adults would be described as variability.
Variation refers to differences between or patterns of change in two or more conditions or states. For example,
differences between species, life stages, or body niches would be described as variation.

Although not included in Box 1-2, exposure sure-science concepts might be needed to incor-
and dose are used in this report. NRC (2012) noted porate the possible role of the human microbiome
that exposure can be considered as “stressors, re- in modulating the health risks associated with ex-
ceptors, and their contacts in the context of space posure to environmental chemicals. Like NASEM
and time.” For the present report, the stressors of (2017), this report uses the term exposure primar-
primary concern are environmental chemicals, ily but also uses dose in conventional phrases, such
and the receptors in the case of external exposures as dose–response relationship.
might be populations, individual humans, labo- Several points should be noted regarding the
ratory animals, or their microbiomes. In the case focus of the present report. First, this report is not a
of internal exposures, the receptors might be host comprehensive review of all microbiome research
cells, tissues, organs, or individual microbes. As and is focused on answering the questions set forth
discussed in Chapter 5, some expansion of expo- in the committee’s task. Accordingly, the research

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

14 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

strategy that the committee proposes is directed at REFERENCES

addressing questions about the interaction of the
human microbiome with environmental chemicals Arietta, M.C., L.T. Stiemmsma, P.A. Dimitriu, L. Thorson,
and the implication of the interactions for human S. Russell, S. Yurist-Doutsch, B. Kuzeljevic, M.J. Gold,
health risk. It is not a research strategy for directly H.M. Britton, D.L. Lefebve, P. Subbarao, P. Mandhane,
investigating associations between the human mi- A. Becker, K.M. McNagny, M.R. Sears, T. Kollmann,
crobiome and various diseases. Second, the state- The CHILD Study Investigators, W.W. Mohn, S.E. Tur-
ment of task asks for a research strategy to improve vey, and B.B. Finlay. 2015. Early infancy microbial and
understanding of “how population variation in mi- metabolic alterations affect risk of childhood asthma. Sci.
crobiome activity might affect individual chemi- Transl. Med. 7(307):307ra152.
cal exposure.” To address that point, the commit- Belkaid, Y., and J.A. Segre. 2014. Dialogue between skin mi-
tee has focused on understanding how exposure is crobiota and immunity. Science 346(6212):954-959.
modulated by the microbiome and how variation Canfora, E.E., J.W. Jocken, and E.E. Blaak. 2015. Short-
in microbiome activity affects chemical–microbi- chain fatty acids in control of body weight and insulin
ome interactions or human health risk, which is re- sensitivity. Nat. Rev. Endocrinol. 11(10):577-591.
ferred to explicitly in the opening statement of the Chu, D.M., J. Ma, A.L. Prince, K.M. Anthony, M.D. Se-
committee’s task and is seen as the ultimate goal ferovic, and K.M. Aagaard. 2017. Maturation of the
of the overall research strategy. Third, although the infant microbiome community structure and function
committee acknowledges that some interactions of across multiple body sites and in relation to mode of de-
environmental chemicals and the human microbi- livery. Nat. Med. 23(3):314-326.
ome might be beneficial, the primary focus of the Claesson, M.J., I.B. Jeffery, S. Conde, S.E. Power, E.M.
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of such interactions because that is the traditional minarayanana, O. O’Sullivan, G.F. Fitzgerald, J. Deane,
focus of risk assessment. Fourth, the committee M. O’Connor, N. Harnedy, K. O’Connor, D. O’Mahony,
acknowledges that the report appears to focus on D. van Sinderen, M. Wallace, L. Brennan, C. Stanton,
the gut microbiome and the bacterial components J.R. Marchesi, A.P. Fitzgerald, F. Shanahan, C. Hill, R.P.
of the human microbiome, but that focus reflects Ross, and P.W. O’Toole. 2012. Gut microbiota composi-
the current state of the science and the sparseness tion correlates with diet and health in the elderly. Nature
of the literature on other body-site microbiomes 488(7410):178-184.
and on the viral and fungal components of the hu- Conti, F., S. Sertic, A. Reversi, and B. Chini. 2009. Intracellu-
man microbiome. lar trafficking of the human oxytocin receptor: Evidence
of receptor recycling via a Rab4/Rab5 “short cycle”. Am.
ORGANIZATION OF THE REPORT J. Physiol. Endocrinol. Metab. 296(3):E532-E542.
Dietert, R.R., and E.K. Silbergeld. 2015. Biomarkers for the
The committee’s report is organized into six 21st century: Listening to the microbiome. Toxicol. Sci.
chapters and one appendix. Chapter 2 further de- 144(2):208-216.
scribes the human microbiome and focuses on its Fujimura, K.E., A.R. Sitarik, S. Havstad, D.L. Lin, S. Levan,
variation and variability. Chapter 3 explores how D. Fadrosh, A.R. Panzer, B. LaMere, E. Rackaityte, N.W.
the human microbiome can affect chemical expo- Lukacs, G. Wegienka, H.A. Boushey, D.R. Ownby, E.M.
sure. Chapter 4 discusses methods for studying the Zoratti, A.M. Levin, C.C. Johnson, and S.V. Lynch. 2016.
human microbiome, and Chapter 5 continues the Neonatal gut microbiota associates with childhood mul-
discussion of risk assessment and the impetus to tisensitized atopy and T cell differentiation. Nat. Med.
include a human-microbiome component. Chap- 22(10):1187-1191.
ter 6 presents the committee’s research strategy Graver, M.A., and J.J. Wade. 2011. The role of acidification
and discusses possible obstacles to the research in the inhibition of Neisseria gonorrhoeae by vaginal lac-
and opportunities for collaboration. The Appendix tobacilli during anaerobic growth. Ann. Clin. Microbiol.
provides biographic information on the committee Antimicrob. 10:8.

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Introduction 15
Greenhalgh, K., K.M. Meyer, K.M. Aagaard, and P. Wilmes. Lynch, S.V., and O. Pedersen. 2016. The human intesti-
2016. The human gut microbiome in health: Establish- nal microbiome in health and disease. N. Engl. J. Med.
ment and resilience of microbiota over a lifetime. Envi- 375(24):2369-2379.
ron. Microbiol. 18(7):2103-2116. Marchesi, J.R., and J. Ravel. 2015. The vocabulary of micro-
HMP (Human Microbiome Project) Consortium. 2012a. biome research: A proposal. Microbiome 3:31.
Structure, function and diversity of the healthy human NASEM (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering,
microbiome. Nature 486(7402):207-214. and Medicine). 2016. Use of Metabolomics to Advance
HMP Consortium. 2012b. A framework for human microbi- Research on Environmental Exposures and the Human
ome research. Nature 486(7402):215-221. Exposome: Workshop in Brief. Washington, DC: The Na-
Hsiao, E.Y., S.W. McBride, S. Hsien, G. Sharon, E.R. Hyde, tional Academies Press.
T. McCue, J.A. Codelli, J. Chow, S.E. Reisman, J.F. NASEM. 2017. Using 21st Century Science to Improve
Petrosino, P.H. Patterson, and S.K. Mazmanian. 2013. Risk-Related Evaluations. Washington, DC: The Nation-
The microbiota modulates gut physiology and behavioral al Academies Press.
abnormalities associated with autism. Cell 155(7):1451- NRC (National Research Council). 1983. Risk Assessment
1463. in the Federal Government: Managing the Process. Wash-
Juárez Tomás, M.S., V.S. Ocaña, B. Wiese, and M.E. Nader- ington, DC: National Academy Press.
Macias. 2003. Growth and lactic acid production by vagi- NRC. 2009. Science and Decisions: Advancing Risk Assess-
nal Lactobacillus acidophilus CRL 1259, and inhibition ment. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
of uropathogenic Escheridchia coli. J. Med. Microbiol. NRC. 2012. Exposure Science in the 21st Century: A Vision
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Juncker, C. Manichanh, B. Chen, W. Zhang, F. Levenez, tome of the mouse brain. Nature 508(7495):207-214.
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of the human gut microbiota. Nature 489(7415):220-230. way disease and hematopoiesis. Nat. Med. 20:159-166.

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Microbiome Variation

Traditional notions in which microorganisms The Human Microbiome Project also demon-
were viewed solely as pathogens or etiologic agents strated greater bacterial diversity and body-site
of acute infectious diseases have been challenged. specificity than expected on the basis of previous
Today, scientists recognize that such a “foe” view studies. Specifically, microbial community com-
neglects the growing evidence that many micro- position and function have been found to vary sub-
organisms reside in a symbiotic and likely mutu- stantially over the human life span (Palmer et al.
ally beneficial relationship with the host. The Hu- 2007; Aagaard et al. 2012; Yatsunenko et al. 2012;
man Microbiome Project, which characterized the Bäckhed et al. 2015; Hollister et al. 2015) and to
microbial composition of multiple body sites in exhibit extensive body-site specificity with re-
healthy people of different ethnicities in two cities markable variation between sites but considerably
(St. Louis, MO, and Houston, TX) in the United less interindividual variation within given sites
States (HMP Consortium 2012a,b; Aagaard et al. (Turnbaugh et al. 2007; Costello et al. 2009; Grice
2013), has established a body of information that et al. 2009; HMP Consortium 2012a,b; Aagaard et
has sparked numerous investigations to under- al. 2013; Franzosa et al. 2015; Voigt et al. 2015).
stand the link between human health and disease. It is the variation in the human microbiome that is
Research now suggests associations between mi- the primary focus of this chapter. General factors
crobial perturbations and such diseases as obe- that contribute to variation in the human microbi-
sity, type II diabetes mellitus, ulcerative colitis, ome are discussed first and then variation specifi-
Crohn’s disease, and colorectal cancer (Mangin cally in the gut, skin, and respiratory microbiomes.
et al. 2004; Ley et al. 2005; Gophna et al. 2006; The chapter concludes with a discussion of varia-
Manichanh et al. 2006; Turnbaugh et al. 2006, tion between human and animal microbiomes and
2008, 2009; Bäckhed et al. 2007; Cani et al. 2007; implications for using animal models to study the
Willing et al. 2009; Larsen et al. 2010; Schwiertz human microbiome. It is important to note that the
et al. 2010; Wu et al. 2010; Joossens et al. 2011; variation that is typically studied and is the focus
Lepage et al. 2011; Marchesi et al. 2011; Sobhani of this report is not due to day-to-day fluctuations
et al. 2011; Qin et al. 2012; Wang et al. 2012; De- but actually measurable perturbations that are
varaj et al. 2013). Although associations have been independent of circadian rhythm. Furthermore,
reported, causal relationships have yet to be fully some examples of variation or changes in the hu-
established in most cases, and environmental and man microbiome that affect function or health are
host modifiers need to be defined. Furthermore, provided here, but a comprehensive review of the
questions remain concerning when in the lifespan literature on the human microbiome and health and
the host–microbial interactions that lead to various disease states is beyond the scope of this report.
health or disease states are first established and to
what extent they can be modified.


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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Microbiome Variation 17


THE HUMAN MICROBIOME The greatest microbial biomass in humans is
in the gastrointestinal tract (the gut). Colonization
Population-based studies have identified mul- of the gut by microorganisms probably begins in
tiple factors that relate to the observed variation utero, although the exact timing of colonization
in the composition, gene content, and function of during development is not known (Jiménez et al.
the human microbiome. They include body site 2005; Steel et al. 2005; Dominguez-Bello et al.
(Grice and Segre 2011; HMP Consortium 2012a,b; 2010; Gerritsen et al. 2011; Rautava et al. 2012;
Costello et al. 2013), age (Yatsunenko et al. 2012), Aagaard et al. 2014; Ma et al. 2014a; Collado et
environmental exposures (chemical and microbi- al. 2016; Fallani 2016; Gibson et al. 2016; Yassour
ologic), disease state (Huang et al. 2015; Mar et et al. 2016; Chu et al. 2017). As a result, the neo-
al. 2016), genetics (Goodrich et al. 2014; Ma et natal gut is not sterile but rather harbors pioneer
al. 2014a; Imhann et al. in press), sex (Aagaard et species in a somewhat simplified community
al. 2013; Markle et al. 2013), socioeconomic sta- that expands by the age of 4–6 weeks (Chu et al.
tus (Levin et al. 2016), geography (Yatsunenko et 2017). Early influential factors in gut microbiome
al. 2012), pregnancy status (Aagaard et al. 2012; development include gestational age at delivery
Koren et al. 2012), and diet (Yatsunenko et al. (Gibson et al. 2016), infant feeding patterns
2012; David et al. 2014b). (Graham-Rowe 2011; Walker et al. 2011), maternal
Body site is a key factor in the variation ob- dietary fat intake throughout gestation and lactation
served in the human microbiome. Different body (Ma et al. 2014a; Chu et al. 2016), antibiotic use
sites contain microbiomes that differ in microbial (Dethlefsen et al. 2008), and environmental expo-
composition and function. As a result, each body sures (MacFarlane and Cummings 1999; Roager
site can be characterized by specific bacterial spe- et al. 2014).
cies and other microorganisms that have adapted Data on the effect of mode of delivery on
to the site’s environment, and the differences in neonatal and infant microbiome composition and
microbial composition yield differences in meta- function are mixed. Although initial small studies
bolic capacity and in aggregate function of the hu- suggest a link between vaginal (vs cesarean) birth
man microbiome. Specifically, no bacterial taxon and neonatal gut microbiota (Dominguez-Bello et
has been found to be present in all body sites, and al. 2010), longer-term longitudinal studies con-
a given taxon might be absent from a specific body flict as to whether the robustness of the associa-
site in one person but dominate corresponding mi- tion holds true throughout infancy (Bäckhed et al.
crobial communities in another person (Zoetendal 2015; Yassour et al. 2016; Chu et al. 2017; Levin et
et al. 2012). At higher levels of microbial classifi- al. 2016). Several studies have suggested that the
cation, however, individual body sites do exhibit underlying medical indication for a cesarean might
characteristic phylum-level distributions. Such be more influential than the cesarean surgery it-
sites as the skin, respiratory tract, and reproduc- self (Azad et al. 2013; Chu et al, 2016, 2017). In
tive system that have a low biomass exhibit fewer recognition of that suggestion, the American Col-
taxa but often have microbial communities with lege of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG
diverse functions (Grice et al. 2009; Yatsunen- 2017) recently released an opinion that stated that
ko et al. 2012; Aagaard et al. 2014; David et al. “much of the research that exists regarding the link
2014a; Ordiz et al. 2015). In light of the substan- between cesarean delivery and incidence of aller-
tial variation in microbial composition and func- gies and autoimmune diseases has found an asso-
tion between body sites, the following discussion ciation with mode of delivery. However, there is
of the human microbiome is organized according still not enough evidence to prove causation due to
to body site. the environmental, dietary and genetic factors that
also impact the development of conditions, such

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

18 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

as asthma. Additionally, the microbiota of infants that of adults (Palmer et al. 2007; Yatsunenko et
born by C-section will cause a variation in the re- al. 2012), but interindividual differences are sub-
search findings because some may have had con- stantial at lower taxonomic levels (Armugam et al.
tact with maternal vaginal bacteria if the procedure 2011). In addition to microbial composition, the
was performed after the onset of labor or rupture functional attributes of the gut microbiome in in-
of membranes.” fants, children, and adolescents differ substantially
Soon after birth, the neonatal gastrointesti- from those of adults (Lynch and Pedersen 2016).
nal tract is exposed first to colostrum and then to For example, infants, children, and adolescent
breast milk, formula, or both; these exposures re- gut microbiomes are richer than adult gut micro-
sult in the development of microbial communities biomes in microbial pathways involved in micro-
(Harmsen et al. 2000; Morelli 2008; Biesbroek et bial folate biosynthesis (Hollister et al. 2015). The
al. 2014). Over the first year of life, bacterial taxo- compositional and functional differences indicate
nomic diversity in the gut expands in parallel with that the microbiome adapts as the human host de-
contraction of fungal diversity in healthy infants velops and ages (see Figure 2-1).
(Fujimura et al. 2016). Several studies have indi- Compared with the period of dynamic gut mi-
cated that at the age of about 3 years the phylum- crobiome development in early life, healthy adults
level distribution of bacteria in the gut resembles exhibit relatively stable gut microbiota composi-

A Maternal Diet
Gestational Diabetes
Environmental Exposures? Solid Foods

Gestational Age
NICU Exposure

Breast Milk
Vs. Formula

Microbial Abundance
& Diversity

Pregnancy Infancy Childhood Adolesence Adulthood

“Normal” Missing or
Microbiota “Dysbiotic”

Altered Immune Autoimmune

Development or Atopy?

Altered Metabolism Obesity?

Normal Altered Enteric Nervous Autism?

Development System Development

FIGURE 2-1 (A) Gut microbiome development in infancy is influenced by early-life events. (B) Acquisition of microbiota in early
life is thought to shape infant development.

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Microbiome Variation 19
tion and metagenomic content (Yatsunenko et al. the enrichment of gut microbial genes that encode
2012). Factors known to be associated with varia- α-amylase (responsible for degradation of plant
tion in the community and structure of the gut polysaccharides) in Malawian populations, whose
microbiome include age, environmental exposures, primary dietary starch is maize, and the compara-
health status, genetics, socioeconomic status, geog- tive enrichment of bacterial α-L-fucosidase in age-
raphy, pregnancy, and diet. In addition, such other matched populations in the United States, where
factors as exercise (O’Sullivan et al. 2015), antibi- dietary simple sugars are abundant (Yatsunenko et
otic use (Dethlefsen and Relman 2011), and surgi- al. 2012).
cal interventions (Tremaroli et al. 2015) also play Rapid diet-related changes in gut microbiota
a role in shaping the gut microbiome. Of those fac- have been detected after long-term and short-term
tors, diet exerts a key and modifiable influence on intervention studies of healthy adults (Jumpertz et
the gut microbiome (Penders et al. 2006; Wu et al. al. 2011; David et al. 2014b; Zeevi et al. 2015). Al-
2011); both long-term and short-term eating habits though changes in fiber intake constitute one of the
have been shown to alter the microbiota of healthy most important factors in daily microbiota fluctua-
adults (David et al. 2014b). tions, fat consumption and protein consumption
Dietary inputs provide nutritional substrates are also related to microbiota composition (David
for the gut microbiota (Krajmalnik-Brown et al. et al. 2014a). High-fat diets increase the concen-
2012) and can also be a source of live microorgan- tration of bile acids delivered to the colon, and a
isms (David et al. 2014a,b). The amounts and com- shift from a high-carbohydrate to a high-fat diet
position of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats affect increased the abundance of bile-tolerant Alistipes,
gut microbiota composition. Although all are im- Bilophila, and Bacteroides; increased excretion of
portant, resistant carbohydrate polymers—dietary fecal short-chain fatty acids; and reduced the abun-
fiber that is resistant to degradation by human en- dance of plant-polysaccharide degraders, such
zymes—have been more widely accepted as an as Roseburia, Eubacterium rectale, and Rumino-
important microbiota-determining factor (Walker coccus bromii (Fava et al. 2013). Calorie content
et al. 2011; David et al. 2014a). For example, De also influences the gut microbiome (Jumpertz et
Filippo et al. (2010) showed that gut microbiota al. 2011); an increase by 1,000 kcal/day in caloric
composition varied with dietary fiber consumption intake was associated with an increase in the rela-
in children in Italian and African populations. Spe- tive abundance of Firmicutes and increased host-
cifically, the high-fiber plant polysaccharide-based energy extraction (Jumpertz et al. 2011), a feature
diet consumed by children who lived in Burkina also associated with the gut microbiome of obese
Faso correlated with a greater diversity and rela- people (Ley et al. 2006; Turnbaugh et al. 2006).
tive abundance of cellulose-degrading Prevotella Short-term and long-term dietary interven-
and Xylanibacter. In contrast, lower-fiber diets of tion studies have focused exclusively on healthy
children raised in Florence, Italy, were associated populations; however, in more heterogeneous and
with lower abundances of Prevotella and increas- presumably more representative human popula-
es in opportunistic gastrointestinal Enterobacteria tions, people exhibit distinct metabolic responses
(Shigella and Escherichia), which resulted in an to identical meals (Zeevi et al. 2015). Using a ma-
increased capacity for simple-sugar uptake and chine-learning algorithm applied to blood glucose
metabolism. In a separate study, increased relative concentrations, dietary habits, and gut microbiome
abundance of Prevotella species was also observed data, Zeevi et al. (2015) could predict a person’s
after a 10-day low-fat–high-fiber dietary interven- postprandial glycemic response to specific meals.
tion (Wu et al. 2011); a high-fat–low-fiber diet was Their results indicate that the metabolic fate of di-
correlated with increased relative abundance of etary components is tightly linked to the activities
Bacteroides. In addition to differences in compo- of the gut microbiome. It has been demonstrated
sition, functional attributes of the gut microbiome that chemicals ingested via the diet exert an ef-
are strongly influenced by diet, as evidenced by fect on the gut microbiota and that consumption

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

20 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

of artificial sweeteners alters microbiota composi- THE SKIN MICROBIOME

tion and can lead to insulin resistance (Suez et al.
2014). The skin makes up a vast and variable ecosys-
Substantial differences in microbiome com- tem that is comprised of about 1.8 m2 of discrete
position and function have been described among habitats that are both physically and chemically
human populations distinguished by geography or distinct (Grice and Segre 2011) and form a physi-
ethnicity (De Filippo et al. 2010; Yatsunenko et cal interface with the external environment. Us-
al. 2012; Ma et al. 2014b). The differences have ing 10 healthy adult subjects, Grice et al. (2009)
been attributed largely to distinct diets because demonstrated that although microbial biomass is
diet clearly exerts a major selective pressure on typically low on the skin surface, relatively repro-
the gut microbiome, as discussed above. However, ducible patterns of bacterial and fungal microbial
confounding factors, such as host genetics and en- colonization are apparent at specific body sites.
vironmental microbial exposures, might also play The site-specific community states are driven pri-
a substantial role in the gut microbiome differenc- marily by local ecologic conditions, particularly
es observed among populations of geographically water availability and nutrition, which are relative-
segregated humans. Indeed, mounting evidence ly consistent in healthy humans at specific body
indicates that environmental microbiota exposures sites but vary widely between body sites. Grice
through residential house dust in early life (up to et al. (2009) also examined temporal stability of
the age of 3 months) are related to development the skin microbiome by performing a repeat sam-
of or protection against allergy and asthma out- pling of five subjects 4–6 months after the initial
comes at the age of 3 or 7 years (Fujimura et al. sampling. Microbiota composition was relatively
2010; Lynch et al. 2014; O’Connor et al. in press). stable at some sites—such as those associated with
Moreover, evidence from mouse models indicates the ear canal, groin, and nose—but varied at oth-
that exposure to such microbiologically distinct ers, including the armpit, forearm, and buttock.
residential house dusts differentially shapes gut Those findings suggest that skin-associated micro-
microbiota composition and function in a manner biota compositional stability is site-specific.
that promotes or prevents development of protec- On the healthy human skin surface, sites with
tive airway and hematopoietic immune function high water availability are typically enriched in
after allergen or viral respiratory insult (Fujimura members of the Staphylococcus and Corynebacte-
et al. 2014; Fonseca et al. 2017). For example, in- rium genera (Costello et al. 2009; Grice and Segre
creased prevalence of allergic asthma in Hutterite 2011), and sebaceous sites are selectively enriched
children in the United States is associated with re- in Propionibacterium (Leeming et al. 1984). The
duced exposure to environmental microorganisms site-specific selective enrichment in Propionibac-
in house dust, and nasal exposure of mice to house terium is due largely to its multiple encoded li-
dust from Hutterite homes promoted proallergic pases that catalyze degradation of sebaceous lipids
responses after airway sensitization (Stein et al. and provide this genus with a competitive coloni-
2016). The studies offer a plausible mechanism by zation advantage. Degradation of sebaceous lipids
which environmental microbial exposures in ear- produces free fatty acids (Marples et al. 1971),
ly life contribute to or protect against childhood which both lower the microenvironmental pH
disease development. Hence, the combination of (Elias 2007) and inhibit the growth of potentially
environmental exposures and dietary selective pathogenic species, including Staphylococcus au-
pressure, particularly during the early-life period reus and Streptococcus pyogenes, while promot-
of microbiome development, appears to play a key ing the growth of coagulase-negative species, such
role in determining how a person responds to later as some members of the Corynebacterium and
environmental exposures. Staphylococcus genera (Korting et al. 1990). Stud-
ies of fungal species that colonize the skin surface

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Microbiome Variation 21

are less common than bacterial investigations, but sures depends on the body site, the individual, and
the studies that have been performed indicate that the individual’s health status.
Malassezia forms a large portion (53–80%) of Age, sex, and geography are also associated
the skin-associated fungal biomass; variations in with skin microbiota heterogeneity. Microbial
relative abundance depend on skin site (Gao et al. colonization of the skin is thought to begin during
2010). the perinatal and postnatal period. Costello et al.
A more recent metagenomic study of 18 skin (2013) demonstrated in a small cohort of prema-
sites in 15 healthy adults revealed that only about ture neonates that were sampled repeatedly over
30% of microbial functional gene content, pri- the first 3 weeks of life that of all the sites sampled
marily encoding processes essential to microbial (skin, saliva, and stool), the skin microbiota most
growth and metabolism, was conserved (main- resembled that of an adult. More recently, a study
tained) across body sites (Oh et al. 2014). The of mother–infant pairs demonstrated that the skin
remaining functional gene content exhibited sub- microbiota, although similar to the oral and fecal
stantial variation between skin sites. Microbial microbiota at birth, exhibits site-specific differ-
metabolic diversity was lowest in sebaceous sites, entiation as early as the age of about 4–6 weeks
which coincidentally exhibited lower taxonomic (Chu et al. 2017). Culture-based studies have
diversity than nonsebaceous skin sites (Oh et al. demonstrated that puberty-associated alterations
2014). However, microbial communities in seba- in sebum production correspond with the quantity
ceous sites exhibited a preponderance of fungal of skin-associated lipophilic bacteria (Somerville
pathways, including those involved in the cell 1969). Moreover, sex-based differences in skin
cycle, DNA replication, transcription, translation, microbiota have been described and are associ-
protein degradation, and fungus-encoded vitamin ated with physiologic and anatomic differences in
D2 biosynthetic genes. Microbial communities in sweat, sebum, and hormone production that occur
nonsebaceous sites exhibited increased capacity in males and females, particularly during puberty
for sulfate, glutamate, aspartame, L- or branched (Marples 1982; Fierer et al. 2008; Giacomoni et al.
amino acids, and sorbitol transport and putrescine 2009). Exogenous factors that influence the skin
or spermidine biosynthesis and transport. The re- microbiota include prevailing temperature and hu-
sults indicate that there is great chemical diversity, midity, increases in which are associated with in-
which the microorganisms in those anatomic nich- creased bacterial numbers on the underarms, back,
es use to their advantage. and feet (McBride et al. 1977). Conversely, expo-
Although most studies have examined topo- sure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation is bactericidal;
graphic variation in the skin microbiome in healthy thus, gradients of UV exposure associated with
populations, studies that have examined site-spe- longitude or latitude are thought to contribute to
cific dermal microbiomes in healthy and diseased geographic variation in skin microbiota, although
states have demonstrated that disease is associated a large number of confounding factors co-vary
with perturbations of the composition of the mi- with UV exposure in spatially separated geograph-
crobiota and its metagenome—findings consistent ic locales.
with those in other anatomic sites (Barnard et al.
2016). Thus, although the prevailing conditions at THE RESPIRATORY MICROBIOME
a given skin habitat influence the microbial colo-
nization pattern and the functional genetic capac- Research on the respiratory microbiome, par-
ity of the communities in a relatively predictable ticularly in the lungs, is still relatively sparse com-
manner, individual skin-associated microbial sig- pared with investigation of the gut microbiome. In
natures have a remarkable range. That observation fact, knowledge regarding site-specific microbiota
suggests that the microbial potential to transform composition in both the upper respiratory tract and
or sequester dermal environmental chemical expo- lower respiratory tract has increased rapidly in

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

22 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

the last 5 years.1 Invasive sampling of the lower tree and demonstrated microanatomic variability
airways for research studies is difficult to justify (Bassis et al. 2015; Dickson et al. 2017). Bacte-
in otherwise healthy infants and children, so na- rial load and ecologic measures of mouth–lung
sopharyngeal sampling that uses swabs, aspirates, similarity peak at or near the tracheal bifurcation,
or brushings has been pursued. Studies of healthy and this finding supports the hypothesis that in
children reveal significant changes in nasopha- healthy persons microaspiration is the most likely
ryngeal bacterial composition related to age and route by which the lower respiratory tract receives
delivery method (Biesbroek et al. 2014; Bosch et and becomes colonized by bacteria (Dickson et al.
al. 2016); given age-related variation, age is an 2017). However, studies on bacterial burden, com-
important factor to consider in the design of cross- munity diversity, and mouth–lung similarities can
sectional respiratory microbiome studies. The fo- yield different results that depend on the sampling
cus, however, has been largely on early life (such methods used; the varied results reflect differences
as up to 24 months), and the dynamics of the na- in the sampled surface areas regardless of health or
sopharyngeal microbiota in healthy older children disease status and differences between the lower
and adults are underexplored. and upper respiratory tract (Denner et al. 2016;
Recent studies that used bronchoscopy to sam- Perez-Losada et al. 2016; Dickson et al. 2017).
ple the lower respiratory tract or lungs in healthy The collective findings in healthy people highlight
people and that used culture-independent analyses some of the intrinsic factors in the variability in
have consistently demonstrated the presence of a data from studies of the respiratory microbiome
microbial community (Dickson et al. 2014, 2015, that must be considered in developing study proto-
2017; Bassis et al. 2015). However, the overall dy- cols and designs.
namics of community stability in the lower airways Emerging evidence suggests that bacteria com-
of healthy people without evident lung disease re- monly found as part of the “normal” lung micro-
mains a matter of debate. Numerous physiologic biome might shape immune responses in the lung.
and anatomic factors play a role in determining the For example, two recent studies suggest that a
composition of the respiratory microbiota and its lung bacterial community that is enriched primar-
regional variation in the respiratory tract (Dickson ily in members of the Veillonella and Prevotella
et al. 2014). Factors include differences in oxygen genera (supraglottic bacteria often found in the
tension, airway luminal temperature, mucociliary oropharynx) is associated with lung inflammation,
clearance mechanisms, and other innate defenses. as manifested by increased lymphocytes and neu-
Moreover, microaspiration of upper airway and trophils in bronchoalveolar-lavage fluid. More-
oropharyngeal secretions is common and often over, it is striking and somewhat counterintuitive
asymptomatic even in healthy persons and likely that studies have not shown associations between
leads to microbial colonization of the respiratory cigarette-smoking history or smoking cessation
tract (Huxley et al. 1978). and alterations in lower-airway bacterial micro-
Given the much lower microbial biomass biota composition; instead, changes are associated
found in the lungs than in the oropharynx or in- with the oral microbiota composition (Morris et al.
testinal tract, it is important to emphasize that 2013; Einarsson et al. 2016; Munck et al. 2016;
substantial attention must be paid to study design, Segal et al. 2016).
sample collection, processing protocols, and col- The composition of the microbiome in the
lection of reagent controls in analyzing and inter- lower respiratory tract of people who have chronic
preting findings. In light of those considerations, airway disease clearly differs from that of healthy
researchers have conducted detailed topographic people. Most studies have focused on patients who
study of the microbiota along the tracheobronchial have cystic fibrosis, chronic obstructive pulmo-
nary disease (COPD), or asthma. Those people all
in clinical practice, the upper respiratory tract and lower re-
have impaired or dysregulated immune responses
spiratory tract are distinguished here by partitioning relative to the
epiglottis. that might magnify the microbial perturbations ob-

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Microbiome Variation 23

served in studies that examine the respiratory mi- et al. 2014; Wang et al. 2016; Durack et al. 2017).
crobiome in healthy and diseased people. Intrinsic In addition, the bronchial microbiome of asthmatic
airway defenses—such as mucociliary clearance, people who did not respond to a trial of inhaled
epithelial barrier function, and innate immune corticosteroid therapy was enriched in predicted
functions, including the secretion of antimicrobial microbial pathways involved in chemical metabo-
peptides—all work to mitigate potentially detri- lism, and this finding suggests that the presence of
mental inhaled exposures. Those mechanisms be- some airway microorganisms could influence bio-
come impaired in chronic airway disease to vari- transformation of synthetic therapeutic drugs (Du-
ous extents. It is also well recognized that chronic rack et al. 2017). The recent insights from studies
airway diseases are clinically heterogeneous. In- of patients who have chronic respiratory diseases
deed, differences in underlying immune-response highlight the importance of understanding micro-
profiles and molecular phenotypes distinguish organism–host interactions in well-characterized
some presentations of asthma and COPD. Thus, it clinical contexts because both the microbiome and
is likely that complex interactions among a variety the host phenotype can vary greatly.
of factors—including environmental exposures,
genetic risk, and immune phenotype—shape air- VARIATION BETWEEN
way-disease susceptibility and clinical manifesta- HUMAN AND ANIMAL MICROBIOMES
tions and prognosis (Han et al. 2010; Huang and
Boushey 2015; Huang et al. 2017). Animal models have long been a mainstay of
Adding to that knowledge base, recent stud- experimental biology because of their intrinsic
ies of the respiratory microbiome in cohorts of similarities to humans in anatomy, physiology, and
airway-disease patients have revealed important genetics. They also provide genetically and micro-
interindividual heterogeneity in microbiota com- biologically manipulable systems for studies that
position in the upper respiratory tract and the low- are untenable in humans. Most host–microbiome
er respiratory tract (Cox et al 2010; Bogaert et al. studies in animal models have been performed
2011; Erb-Downward et al. 2011; Biesbroek et al. in mice. Their relatively short reproductive and
2014; Zhao et al. 2014; Huang et al. 2015; Ein- life cycles make them an economical option for
arsson et al. 2016; Durack et al. 2017). Moreover, study of microbiome perturbations in a controlled
significant associations between clinical features experimental setup that allows the assessment of
of host disease and patterns of microbiota compo- causality. A large number of mouse-based microbi-
sition and predicted microbial functions have been ome studies have contributed invaluable informa-
shown and suggest potential mechanistic links. tion on host–microbiome interactions. However,
Lower-airway enrichment in members of the Pro- translation of results of microbiome studies from
teobacteria phylum, in particular, has consistently mouse to human systems can be difficult because
been associated with chronic airway disease and of differences among mammalian species. For ex-
with clinical outcomes in COPD or asthma. Those ample, mouse and human skin surfaces clearly dif-
relationships between the microbiome and disease fer substantially. A recent genomewide transcrip-
phenotype include microbiota enrichment patterns tomic study of skin-specific expression of human
linked to worse lung function, airway reactiv- or mouse genes identified only a 30% overlap,
ity, and symptom control, and to different airway which the authors offered as an explanation of why
immune-response profiles, including type 2 and results generated with skin-associated mouse mod-
nontype 2 inflammatory responses (Huang et al. els fail to translate to humans (Gerber et al. 2014).
2011, 2015; Denner et al. 2016; Wang et al. 2016; Likewise, although the mouse gut and the human
Durack et al. 2017). Moreover, different medica- gut have similarities—for example, the ratio of
tions can have profoundly different effects on the mucosal to body-surface area is similar among
airway microbiome, as has been reported with an- species (Casteleyn et al. 2010)—distinct sections
tibiotics and corticosteroid administration (Huang of the gut have substantial differences in this ratio.

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

24 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

There are other differences in human and mouse Alterations in the relative quantities of distinct
gut anatomy: the mouse gut lacks an appendix and species affect microbial interspecies interactions,
has a nonglandular foregut and glandular stomach, which rely on quorum signaling—the process of
taller villi, fermentative metabolism in the cecum, sensing and responding to concentrations of mi-
a smooth colon with no divisions, paneth cells only crobial-derived chemical signals that allow spe-
in the small intestine, and abundant goblet cells in cies to determine the burden and activities of the
the proximal colon (Casteleyn et al. 2010). In ad- species in their immediate environment and alter
dition to spatial differences between the mouse gut their gene expression accordingly (Papenfort and
and the human gut in the distribution of antimicro- Bassler 2016). Such compositional alterations in
bial-producing paneth and mucin-secreting goblet both the species and their relative distribution in
cells, mice encode additional toll-like receptors microbial communities could have important ef-
(proteins on cell surfaces that sense and respond to fects on the functional output of the microbiome.
microorganisms). Mouse immune development is It should be noted that no study has examined
also distinct from that of humans; for example, the overlap in fungal or viral population among hu-
CD4+ population in mice develops in the postna- mans and mammalian model systems, nor have the
tal period (Landreth 2002), whereas human CD4+ functional attributes of these communities been
populations begin to mature in utero (Zlotoff et al. assessed. Furthermore, because previous studies
2008). Other established immunologic distinctions have compared only the taxonomic composition
between humans and mice include the relative ra- of mouse and human microbiomes, functional at-
tio of leukocytes (humans have relatively more tributes of the microbial communities might be
neutrophils and fewer lymphocytes than mice); more similar than their taxonomic composition
the types of antimicrobial defensins (humans ex- would suggest. Nonetheless, given the breadth of
press only two intestinal defensins whereas mice microbial diversity known to exist in humans and
express more than 20); the induction of nitric ox- the differences between human and mouse mod-
ide synthase, which is inconsistently induced from els, observations made in mice, although informa-
human macrophages but reproducibly induced by tive and foundational, might not capture the full
IFN-γ and LPS in mouse macrophages; and differ- breadth of microbial interactions that exist in situ
ences in signaling molecules and B-cell and T-cell in the human host.
development and regulation (Mestas and Hughes To overcome the issues of microbial differ-
2004). ences between mice and humans, several studies
Not surprisingly, the anatomic and immuno- have used “humanized” mice—previously germ-
logic distinctions are associated with important free mice that have been inoculated with microbial
differences in the composition of the mouse and species found in human stool (Chung et al. 2012;
human microbiomes. Using 16S rRNA profil- Smith et al. 2012; Ridaura et al. 2013). Personal-
ing, Frorath et al. (1991) found that about 85% of ized culture collections have been valuable in the
bacterial genera that were detected in the mouse experimental approach in validating the results of
gastrointestinal tract were not detected in humans. human-to-mouse fecal transfers and in providing a
However, using a higher-resolution approach and platform to determine which components are im-
32 gut samples from 16 human subjects and 88 portant (Ridaura et al. 2013). The studies also have
samples from three mouse strains, Krych et al. been instrumental in, for example, understanding
(2013) found that 89% (80 of 89) of the prevalent gut microbial responses to dietary changes. How-
bacterial genera were present in both humans and ever, humanized mice, like bioreactor systems, do
mice. A more recent meta-analysis of mouse gut not fully recapitulate the microbial diversity of
and human gut microbiotas identified 79 genera the human gut microbiome (Auchtung et al. 2015;
that were detected in both, but the study revealed Griffin et al. 2017). Therefore, although human-
that the relative abundances of many of the domi- ized model systems might be useful in promoting a
nant organisms were distinct (Nguyen et al. 2015). fundamental understanding of causality or micro-

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Microbiome Variation 25

bial dynamics in response to perturbation, the rel- ers to test the effects of a specific human micro-
evance of such mouse models to microbiome re- biome on host biology. However, differences be-
sponses in humans must be interpreted cautiously. tween humans and mice in anatomy, immunology,
and microbiome composition can present chal-
FINDINGS lenges for translating results between these hosts.
Observations made in mice and other animal mod-
• Population-based studies have identified els, although informative and foundational, might
multiple factors related to the observed life span not capture the full breadth of microbial interac-
and body-site variation in the composition, gene tions that occur in human hosts.
content, and function of the human microbiome.
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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Characterizing Interactions Between the

Human Microbiome and Environmental Chemicals

Scientific research is beginning to illuminate ing of its metabolic capacity remains limited (Idle
the various ways in which the human microbiome and Gonzalez 2007).
can interact with environmental chemicals. As dis- Given that health risk is a function of both
cussed earlier, multiple studies suggest that expo- toxicity (dose-response) and exposure, a critical
sure to environmental chemicals can alter micro- consideration for risk-assessment frameworks is
bial composition and potentially affect function. how the activities encoded by the human micro-
Research has also indicated that the human micro- biome influence the dose of toxicologically active
biome can modulate exposure to environmental chemicals at the ultimate target site (tissue, cell,
chemicals. The idea that microbiota in and on the or macromolecule). Knowledge of how the human
host can contribute to host metabolism is deeply microbiome modulates the pharmacokinetics and
rooted in the field of drug metabolism. Early obser- metabolism of environmental chemicals gener-
vations regarding the fate of the antibacterial pro- ally lags behind knowledge of how the microbi-
drug1 Prontosil cemented the need to improve our ome modulates drugs. Still, there is compelling
understanding of how microorganisms metabolize evidence on gut microbiome involvement in the
chemicals and how these processes might affect the metabolic transformation of environmental chemi-
host, favorably or unfavorably (Spink et al. 1940). cals in broad chemical classes, including metals,
The concept of the microbiota and its contribution polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), pesti-
to host metabolism was further strengthened by the cides and persistent organochlorines, nitroamines
father of modern drug metabolism, R.T. Williams, and aromatic amines, and other toxicant classes
and later expanded by his contemporaries who in- (Cerniglia et al. 1984; Van de Wiele et al. 2005;
vestigated the fates of simple aromatic chemicals, Van de Wiele et al. 2010; Claus et al. 2016).
such as benzoic acid (Gingell et al. 1971; Williams Many molecular mechanisms probably un-
1972). However, technical limitations in identi- derlie microbiome interactions, and incorporating
fying and cataloging the responsible microbiota such molecular-level detail into the risk-assess-
have severely hindered progress in understanding ment framework for each environmental chemical
underlying mechanisms. Only recently with the is a daunting challenge. Nonetheless, research sug-
advent of high-throughput approaches, including gests that the human microbiome might modulate
sequence-based community profiling and metabo- the exposure–response relationships of environ-
lomics, has the contribution of microbiota to drug mental chemicals through a few general mecha-
metabolism transitioned from basic observation nisms, which might directly or indirectly influence
to a more mechanistic understanding (Scheline the pharmacokinetics of the chemicals. The mech-
1968a,b; Patterson and Turnbaugh 2014; Spanogi- anisms include direct metabolic transformation of
annopoulos et al. 2016), although our understand- environmental chemicals and secondary transfor-
mation, such as deconjugation of host-generated
1A prodrug is a chemical whose metabolism forms a biologically metabolites; regulation of epithelial-barrier per-
active drug.

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Characterizing Interactions Between the Human Microbiome and Environmental Chemicals 35

meability, with implications for transport or excre- Furthermore, extensive metabolic cooperation and
tion of chemicals; and regulation of the expression exchange of metabolites that occur between mi-
or activity of endogenous host metabolic pathways crobial species in a community and with the host
(for example, in the host liver) via signaling pro- is not apparent when species are studied in isola-
cesses that involve microbial products (Figure tion (Phelan et al. 2011; Traxler et al. 2013). Un-
3-1). As noted above, there is also a potential for derstanding of the toxicologic significance of the
direct effects of environmental chemicals on the interactions requires strategies that include the mi-
composition of a microbiome itself. Although such crobiome as an integrated part of a multiorgan host
changes might lead to adverse physiologic conse- response. It should also be emphasized that re-
quences through mechanisms that are independent search on the roles of microbiomes in metabolism
of alterations of a chemical’s pharmacokinetics, of environmental chemicals has focused on the gut
disruptions in the composition or abundance of microbiome. Examples of the general mechanisms
a microbial species has the potential to affect all are provided here, but there is a general need to
other mechanisms that are mediated by the micro- expand knowledge of potential mechanisms of
biome. interaction for other body sites. This chapter ex-
Conceptually, each interaction can have favor- plores the mechanisms highlighted in Figure 3-1
able or unfavorable influences on chemical expo- and concludes with a discussion of interindividual
sure, and the role of the interactions in modifying variability and microbiome metabolism of envi-
susceptibility to toxicity in connection with envi- ronmental chemicals.
ronmentally relevant exposures remains uncertain.

Direct Effect of
Direct Chemical
Chemical on

Transformation of Alteration of
Host-Generated Epithelial-Barrier
Metabolites Functions

Alteration of
Expression of Host-
Tissue Metabolic
FIGURE 3-1 General mechanisms by which a microbiome might directly or indirectly modulate the exposure–response rela-
tionship of an environmental chemical. It should be noted that direct effects of chemicals on the microbiome have the potential
to affect all other mechanisms that are mediated by the microbiome.

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36 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

DIRECT EFFECTS OF A CHEMICAL ON also detected; for example, Family XIII Incertae
MICROBIOME COMPOSITION Sedis was correlated negatively with indolelactic
acid and dihydrodaidzein (Lu et al. 2014). It is im-
One way that interactions between the micro- portant to note that the drinking-water arsenic con-
biome and an environmental chemical can influ- centrations used in Lu et al. (2014) far exceed the
ence host health is through direct chemical-in- drinking-water standard for arsenic (10 ppb). Oth-
duced changes in the microbiome. Such changes ers have examined effects of low concentrations of
can be detected by assessing changes in commu- arsenic on microbiome composition (Dheer et al.
nity membership, relative abundance of existing 2015), but administration of arsenic as a sodium
members, spatial organization of the community, salt without appropriately paired controls might be
microevolution within particular member species, a confounding factor in the experiments. Despite
gene expression, or activity of particular meta- a growing number of experimental studies that re-
bolic pathways. It is well established that micro- port that environmental chemicals can alter micro-
biomes of specific composition can have distinct biome composition, the use of high doses that are
causal effects on host biology. If exposure to an of questionable relevance to human environmental
environmental chemical or any other factor leads exposures is a common limitation of the litera-
to alterations in microbiome composition, the al- ture (Claus et al. 2016). However, such results do
tered microbiome itself might have distinct direct suggest potential metabolic functions of specific
effects on the host, although not all changes will chemical-sensitive microorganisms.
contribute causally to host phenotype. It is also The effects of environmental chemicals on the
conceivable that changes induced by environmen- composition of host-associated microbiomes can
tal chemical exposure will change the capacity of be modulated by the host. For example, expos-
the microbiome to metabolize chemicals directly ing mice to polychlorinated biphenyls (150 µmol/
or indirectly. As described below, various experi- kg for 2 days) led to alterations in gut microbiota
mental strategies can be used to test potential ef- in sedentary animals but not in exercised animals
fects of chemicals and other environmental factors (Choi et al. 2013). Effects of environmental chemi-
on the microbiome. cals on microbial composition and metabolite pro-
The capacity of environmental chemicals to files can also be affected by sex, as demonstrated
induce microbiome changes in animals has been recently in mice exposed to diazinon (Gao et al.
demonstrated with a variety of pesticides, met- 2017). And host genotype contributes to microbial
als, artificial sweeteners, and drugs (Patterson and composition (Benson 2016). For example, dietary
Turnbaugh 2014; Claus et al. 2016). Most studies exposure to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzofuran (24
have relied on analysis of microbial community μg/kg for 5 days) led to gut microbiome pertur-
composition, but additional insights can be gained bations, inflammation, and alterations in bile-acid
through combination with other assays. For exam- metabolism and signaling in wild-type mice but
ple, exposure of mice to arsenic in drinking water at not in those lacking the aryl-hydrocarbon receptor
10 ppm for 4 weeks induced consistent alterations (Zhang et al. 2015); this finding suggests that a host
in the gut microbiome, including changes within receptor-dependent mechanism is involved. How-
the Clostridiales order (reductions in Clostridia- ever, our understanding of the role of host geno-
ceae and Catabacteriaceae families and increases type in determining the effects of environmental
in Family XIII Incertae Sedis). Fecal-metabolite chemicals on microbial composition is limited. To
analysis identified a distinct signature of arsenic define the effects of chemicals on a microbiome
treatment, including 370 molecular features, many independently of host effects, complex microbial
of which—such as bile acid, indole, and isoflavone communities (Joly et al. 2013; Maurice et al. 2013;
derivatives—are predicted to be directly generated Suez et al. 2014) or individual microbial strains
or modified by gut bacteria. Correlations between (Shehata et al. 2013) have been cultured and ex-
affected bacterial taxa and fecal metabolites were posed to chemicals in vitro to reveal effects on mi-

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Characterizing Interactions Between the Human Microbiome and Environmental Chemicals 37

crobial growth, gene expression, and community tive pressures on the microbiome that change mi-
composition. crobiome composition. Direct causal relationships
Although those and other studies have shown between a chemical-induced change in the micro-
that environmental chemicals can induce microbi- biome and host phenotype has been demonstrated
ome changes, the ability of the altered microbial only for noncaloric artificial sweeteners (Suez et
communities to contribute causally to host pheno- al. 2014). That study demonstrated that drinking-
types remains largely unknown. Studies that have water administration of saccharin at doses equiva-
analyzed other environmental factors provide in- lent to the acceptable daily intake for humans (5
structive experimental strategies for addressing mg/kg-day) altered microbiome composition and
that question. For example, feeding mice a high- induced glucose intolerance in mice. Fecal micro-
fat diet (Turnbaugh et al. 2008) or treating mice biomes from unexposed mice were also exposed
with low doses of penicillin from early in life (Cox to artificial sweeteners in vitro and then used to
et al. 2014) leads to changes in the gut microbiome colonize germ-free mice; higher glucose intoler-
and other host phenotypes. In each study, trans- ance was observed in the colonized mice.
plantation of the altered microbiome into germ-
free recipient mice induced phenotypes that were ALTERATIONS IN THE FUNCTIONS
observed in the donor animals. Such microbiome- OF EPITHELIAL BARRIERS
transplantation experiments are important because
they can help to determine whether the microbi- Epithelial barriers form the interface between
ome changes have causal effects on host pheno- many host tissues and the external environment.
types. They can also help to answer the question of In addition to their roles as protective barriers,
whether the host phenotypes are induced directly epithelia regulate sensory perception, absorption,
by the environmental factor or indirectly through surface transport, immune function, and excretion
the altered microbiome. Another experimental of molecules, ions, and water. Increasing evidence
strategy for determining direct and indirect effects suggests that there are intimate bidirectional in-
on the host is to compare the host phenotypic re- teractions between the microbiota and epithelial
sponse to the environmental factor in the presence cells wherein the composition and activity of the
and absence of a microbiome. For example, admin- gut microbiota, for example, modulate the struc-
istration of a high-dose broad-spectrum antibiotic ture and function of the intestinal epithelium and
cocktail in mouse models caused host responses vice versa (Ulluwishewa et al. 2011; Peterson and
(such as immune downregulation and mitochon- Artis 2014; Kelly et al. 2015). Direct manipula-
drial-dependent epithelial-cell death) that could be tions of the gut microbiota via gnotobiotic rearing,
explained by loss of antibiotic-sensitive microor- antibiotic treatment, or probiotic treatment have
ganisms, by the remaining antibiotic-resistant mi- been causally linked to changes in intestinal per-
croorganisms, or directly by the antibiotics in the meability in animal models (van Ampting et al.
absence of microorganisms (Morgun et al. 2015). 2010; Everard et al. 2013; Grover and Kashyap
Several reports have shown that a chemical 2014; Leclercq et al. 2014; Tulstrup et al. 2015;
challenge can be sufficient to alter host physiol- Thevaranjan et al. 2017). Perturbations of the mi-
ogy and microbiome composition and that the al- crobiota after exposure to such factors as infection,
teration of the microbiota is sufficient to change stress, and dietary changes have also been linked
the physiology of germ-free recipient hosts after to changes in gut-barrier integrity. Clinical asso-
microbiome transplant (Cox et al. 2014; Suez et ciations between microbial changes and “leaky gut
al. 2014; Chassaing et al. 2015). However, the syndrome” (increased intestinal permeability) in
reported experiments alone do not clearly distin- various gastrointestinal, immune, metabolic, and
guish between direct causal effects of the chemi- neurologic disorders raise the question of whether
cal on the microbiome and indirect effects of the microbiota–epithelium interactions contribute to
chemical acting first on the host and altering selec- the cause and development of disease symptoms

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

38 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

(Hartmann et al. 2012; Marchesi et al. 2016; Rich- late physical compression of the mucus hydrogel
ards et al. 2016). Overall, the gut microbiome is (Datta et al. 2016). Such changes in mucus-layer
emerging as a key regulator of epithelial perme- structure would probably alter solute transport dy-
ability and integrity with important implications namics. Taken together, microbial influences on
for the absorption, transport, and excretion of en- epithelial-barrier integrity could be mediated by
vironmental chemicals. various biologic pathways.
Exactly how the microbiota modifies epithe-
lial-barrier integrity is poorly understood, but DIRECT CHEMICAL TRANSFORMATIONS
some evidence suggests that microbial regulation
of tight-junction proteins, mucus-layer structures, Databases arising from the bioremediation lit-
and transport systems could contribute. Epithelia erature have cataloged over 1,500 chemical reac-
are comprised of a continuous layer of squamous, tions that involve the biotransformation of chemi-
cuboidal, and columnar cells that are interconnect- cals by environmental microorganisms (Gao et al.
ed by tight-junction complexes that join adjacent 2010). Research relevant to environmental-chem-
cell membranes and regulate paracellular and tran- ical exposures of humans and animals, however,
sepithelial passage of solutes. Various probiotic is largely limited to the gut microbiome, which
treatments and microbiome manipulations have probably has less complex pathways than envi-
altered expression of tight-junction proteins con- ronmental microbiomes because the gut is primar-
currently with changes in intestinal permeability ily an anaerobic environment and has less micro-
(Turner 2009). For example, in a mouse model of bial diversity than environmental microbiomes
metabolic syndrome, probiotic administration of (Thompson et al. 2017). In contrast with the mam-
Akkermansia muciniphila increased small-intes- malian liver, in which metabolism of environmen-
tine expression of the tight-junction proteins clau- tal chemicals commonly involves oxidations by
din 3 and occludins that correlated with decreases cytochrome P450 enzymes, chemical transforma-
in concentrations of serum lipopolysaccharide, a tions mediated by the gut microbiome favor reac-
surrogate measure of permeability (Everard et al. tions that do not rely on oxygen or reactions whose
2013; Plovier et al. 2017). Likewise, in a mouse products provide a substrate for microbial metabo-
model of autism spectrum disorder,2 treatment lism and growth. Accordingly, Spanogiannopou-
with the commensal Bacteroides fragilis altered los et al. (2016) broadly categorized the direct
colonic expression of claudins 8 and 15 that corre- microbial metabolic transformations commonly
lated with decreases in translocation of the fluores- observed for chemicals as reduction and hydroly-
cent tag FITC-dextran, an indicator of enhanced sis reactions. Other investigators have classified
barrier integrity (Hsiao et al. 2013). the reactions further into at least five major core
Epithelia of many internal organs contain enzymatic families—azoreductases, nitroreduc-
specialized mucus-secreting cells that cover the tases, β-glucuronidases, sulfatases, and β-lyases—
epithelia with protective layers of viscous col- that are expressed widely by different phyla in
loidal fluid. Some studies suggest that the micro- the microbiome (Claus et al. 2016). Examples of
biota can influence mucus secretion, thickness, or major classes of metabolic transformation path-
density. For example, Akkermansia muciniphila- ways of environmental chemicals in mammalian
mediated improvements in intestinal barrier integ- host-associated microbiomes are provided here to
rity, described above, also correlated with increas- illustrate the current state of knowledge. Detailed
es in intestinal mucus-layer thickness. In addition, descriptions and examples can be found in several
biophysical forces resulting from microbial fer- comprehensive reviews (Sousa et al. 2008; Tralau
mentation of complex polysaccharides can regu- et al. 2015; Claus et al. 2016; Spanogiannopoulos
et al. 2016).
2Autism is associated with increased gut permeability and a high- Much of the evidence on the direct actions of
er incidence of gastrointestinal disorders, including irritable-bowel microbial enzymes on environmental chemicals is
syndrome and disease (Coury et al. 2012).

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Characterizing Interactions Between the Human Microbiome and Environmental Chemicals 39

derived from studies of drugs at high therapeutic that gut microbiota can also convert PAHs, such
concentrations. However, inasmuch as microbial as naphthalene and benzo[a]pyrene, into hydroxyl-
enzymes often have broad substrate specificities, ated metabolites that have new estrogenic activity
parallel examples can be drawn to illustrate the (Van de Wiele et al. 2005). The relative extent of
potential importance of the enzymes for classes of the formation of those metabolites in vivo in the
environmental chemicals of concern in relation to anaerobic environment of the gut compared with
human exposure. For example, azoreductases that metabolic pathways that occur in other organ sys-
are found in several bacterial phyla in the human tems is not clear. Other early work suggests that
gut are associated with reduction and inactivation the microbially mediated hydroxylation of naph-
of azo-bonded prodrugs used in treatment of ulcer- thalene observed in vitro might occur through
ative colitis, such as 5-aminosalicylic acid (Sousa mechanisms different from those observed in vivo
et al. 2014). Bacterial azoreductases are also im- (Bakke et al. 1985).
plicated in production of mutagenic and carcino- Studies of human and rodent gut bacteria in vi-
genic aromatic amines via reduction of azo dyes tro also show that gut microbiomes have the capac-
that are common in foods, textiles, and other con- ity to modify bioavailability and toxicity of metals
sumer products (Rafii et al. 1990; Xu et al. 2007). in multiple complex ways (Diaz-Bone and Van de
Considerable variability in azoreductase activity Wiele 2009). For example, methyl mercury can be
on different bacterial isolates has been reported demethylated to elemental form by fecal bacteria,
(Rafii et al. 1990). However, the specific bacterial and fecal excretion of mercury after administra-
genera in the gut that are responsible for those ac- tion of methylmercuric chloride is lower in germ-
tivities are not clearly known. free mice and mice treated with antibiotics than
Gut-microbiome involvement in the metabo- in control mice (Nakamura et al. 1977; Rowland
lism of mutagenic and carcinogenic chemicals that et al. 1980). In humans, the complete methylation
are commonly formed as byproducts of combus- of inorganic arsenic to dimethyl arsenic is thought
tion, such as urban air-pollution emissions and to be a key urinary elimination and detoxification
emissions associated with flame-based food pro- pathway that is catalyzed by methyltransferase
cessing, has also been demonstrated in vitro and in activity encoded by the host AS3MT gene, which
vivo (Möller 1994; Möller et al. 1994). In the pres- is polymorphic in human populations (for review,
ence of human fecal bacteria in vitro, the direct see Hughes et al. 2011; Hall and Gamble 2012).
mutagenic activity of 2-nitrofluorene (2-NF)3 is However, in vitro studies that used human gut bac-
diminished, presumably because of reduction to a teria show that inorganic arsenic can be reduced
less mutagenic aminofluorene product (Hirayama and undergo methylation to intermediate forms
et al. 2000). Such findings imply that gut micro- that are more toxic, including monomethylarsonic
biota might have a protective role against the tox- and monomethylarsonous acids and other multi-
icity of those chemicals. In contrast, studies that methylated forms (Rowland and Davies 1981; Van
compared germ-free and conventional mice illus- de Wiele et al. 2010). Despite the transformations
trated that the presence of gut microbiota enhances observed in vitro, the contribution of the methyl-
the potential of 2-NF to form DNA adduct and ated forms to arsenic toxicity in vivo is not clearly
mutagens. The discrepancies might be explained established. As noted by Hughes et al. (2011), the
by the more complex metabolism of aminofluo- significance of gut microbiome-mediated metabo-
rene that occurs in vivo, which involves additional lism of arsenic in human health risk depends on
systemic metabolism to mutagenic products that whether the bioavailability of the metabolites is
are not replicated in vitro. Studies that used sim- different from that of the parent compounds, and
ulated in vitro human gut microbiomes reported this has yet to be resolved. It is noteworthy that
physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK)
is a common mutagen found in diesel-exhaust emissions
models for estimating tissue-level arsenic metabo-
and is formed during incomplete combustion processes (Moller
1994; Moller et al. 1994).

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

40 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

lism and dosimetry have been developed for mul- toxicity of CPT-11 observed in some cancer pa-
tiple species (El-Masri and Kenyon 2008; Evans tients (Roberts et al. 2013; Wallace et al. 2015).
et al. 2008). However, the PBPK models do not Similar mechanisms have been associated with
explicitly distinguish between microorganism- common nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents,
specific metabolism and its influence on biodis- such as indomethacin (Higuchi et al. 2009; Saitta
tribution and host-dependent processes, such as et al. 2014). Intestinal β-glucuronidase activity has
those mediated by gut enterocytes. Including mi- also been linked to metabolism of nitrated PAHs,
croorganism-specific parameters in PBPK models which are common byproducts of incomplete com-
could provide a framework for quantifying the bustion processes (Möller 1994). For example,
specific role of the microbiome in modulating the 2-NF is metabolized after inhalation exposure to
pharmacokinetics of arsenic and would facilitate hydroxylated nitrofluorenes (OH-NFs) that have
comparison of effects among species. increased mutagenic potency. OH-NFs circulate
systemically and can be further detoxified and
TRANSFORMATION OF excreted as glucuronide conjugates, but intesti-
HOST-GENERATED METABOLITES nal β-glucuronidase can regenerate OH-NFs and
expose the intestine to increased mutagenic risk.
Microbially mediated hydrolytic reactions In contrast, after oral exposure, 2-NF is reduced
can play important roles in modulating the phar- to the corresponding amine by intestinal micro-
macokinetics and bioavailability of environmen- biota and acetylated to form acetylaminofluorene,
tal chemicals. In particular, phase II conjugation which can undergo further ring hydroxylation to
reactions mediated by host liver enzymes, which products that have less mutagenic potency and are
often promote the detoxification and biliary elimi- ultimately excreted. The broader influence of mi-
nation of environmental chemicals and drugs, can crobial β-glucuronidase activity on the toxicity of
in some cases be reversed by microbial hydrolases environmental chemicals is only beginning to be
in the gut. For example, the herbicide propachlor understood. However, because a wide variety of
is conjugated with glutathione in the liver, which environmental chemicals might be subject to bili-
protects against hepatic toxicity of propachlor. ary elimination via β-glucuronidation, interactions
Early studies have reported that the gut microbiota with the gut microbiome through this mechanism
of rats can further metabolize the glutathione con- might be more common than now appreciated.
jugates and thus potentially interfere with a key There is a paucity of information on the po-
detoxification step (Bakke et al. 1980). tential for gut microbiota to catalyze conjugation
Deconjugation reactions by gut β-glucuroni- reactions similar to that of phase II metabolism in
dases promote reabsorption of some drug me- the liver directly, such as glutathionylation, acety-
tabolites, potentially altering pharmacokinetic lation, and sulfation. However, the gut microbi-
profiles, toxicity, or efficacy of the parent drugs. ome favors cleavage reactions that provide sub-
A notable example is the colorectal cancer drug strates for microbial growth (Spanogiannopoulos
irinotecan (CPT-11), which is metabolized to an et al. 2016). A caveat to that observation is that
active ester that is later glucuronidated in the liver metagenomic sequencing indicates the presence
and eliminated by biliary excretion to the intes- of homologues of phase II genes, such as gluta-
tines. Microbial β-glucuronidases in the gut can thione S-transferases and N-acetyltransferases in
cleave the glucuronide conjugate and promote human gut microbiomes, and this finding suggests
enterohepatic recirculation of a parent drug mol- a potential for such enzymatic activities (Das et al.
ecule. The increased systemic drug concentra- 2016). Those metabolic pathways play important
tions and extended exposure in the gastrointesti- roles in detoxification and can vary substantially
nal tract resulting from enterohepatic recirculation among individuals and human populations, so fu-
are thought to be responsible for gastrointestinal ture research on their potential role in modifying
chemical metabolism is warranted.

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Characterizing Interactions Between the Human Microbiome and Environmental Chemicals 41

ALTERATIONS IN EXPRESSION OF important factor in this development (Selwyn et al.
HOST-TISSUE METABOLIC ENZYMES 2015). The discussion below deals largely with the
relationship between chemical-metabolism devel-
In rodents and humans, metabolism (such as opment and the gut microbiome, but interactions
cytochrome P450 activity) is not fully developed between the skin microbiome and the lung micro-
at birth but continues to change throughout adoles- biome might similarly influence the expression of
cence and after puberty (Hines 2013). Specifically, host genes involved in chemical metabolism. Un-
biotransformation reactions, including those asso- like the gut microbiome and chemical metabolism,
ciated with phase I and phase II metabolism, vary however, how the skin or lung microbiome influ-
substantially throughout development. For ex- ences metabolism of chemicals has received little
ample, substantial differences in protein concen- attention.
trations and activity of cytochrome P450s (CYP), Observations of germ-free rats dating back to
flavin monooxygenases, sulfotransferases (SULT), the 1960s provided some of the first evidence that
glutathione S-transferases, and uridine 5'-diphos- the gut microbiota is an important contributor to
phoglucuronic acid glucuronosyltransferases have host liver metabolism (Danielsson and Gustafsson
been reported in studies of fetal, postnatal, and 1959; Björkhem et al. 1970; Eriksson and Gus-
adult liver tissue (reviewed in Hines 2008), and tafsson 1970). Conventionally raised rats excrete
some members in each enzyme family are influ- much higher concentrations of free or unconju-
enced by development more strongly than others gated steroids (those lacking sulfate) than germ-
or differently from others (for example, SULT1A1 free rats because their gut microbiota has decon-
vs SULT1E1 or CYP3A4 vs CYP3A7). Thus, a de- jugation enzymes (bile salt hydrolases) that are
tailed understanding of the developmental events important for reducing bile salt toxicity (Ridlon et
is critical for safe drug development, delivery, and al. 2016). The early reports also provided some of
dosing to neonates, infants, and young children: the first evidence of the important role of the gut
given the critical developmental windows, phar- microbiota in the process of enterohepatic circula-
macovigilance of these groups is essential (Fabia- tion (Dawson and Karpen 2015), a process of sig-
no et al. 2012). Similarly, early-life developmental naling and exchange of nutrients, chemicals, and
changes in metabolism might constitute a critical other substances between the small intestine and
window when risk of adverse responses to envi- the liver. Others have demonstrated that coloniza-
ronmental chemicals is greatest; that observation tion of germ-free mice with microbiota derived
is supported by gray baby syndrome, which results from conventionally raised mice is associated with
from the toxic effects of a lack of liver enzymes important changes in liver gene expression (CY-
in newborns to metabolize the antibiotic chloram- P8b1), particularly through modification of bile
phenicol (Knight 1994). Important species and sex acid synthesis (Claus et al. 2011). It is intriguing
differences in the timing and expression of numer- that the modification of bile acid pools by the gut
ous chemical metabolizing enzymes should also microbiota regulates the community composition
be noted (Moscovitz and Aleksunes 2013). of the gut microbiome and host physiology.
Layered on top of developmental events are Recent analyses based on comprehensive stud-
genetic influences that are the focus of pharma- ies that used RNAseq profiling of the intestinal
cogenomicists and their study of people who are epithelium and liver show that the gut microbiota
poor, intermediate, extensive, and ultrarapid me- indeed contributes to the development and regu-
tabolizers identified through genetic screens (Ma lation of genes involved in chemical metabolism
and Lu 2011). Despite the extensive body of litera- (Li et al. 2016; Selwyn et al. 2016). Comparison
ture on the developmental and genetic influences of gene expression from livers of conventionally
on metabolism, gaps in understanding of how me- raised mice and germ-free mice revealed signifi-
tabolism is developmentally regulated remain, and cant differences in the expression of chemical me-
some have suggested that the gut microbiome is an tabolism genes in the liver (expression of 21 genes

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

42 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

increased, and expression of 34 genes decreased and human studies has implicated the gut micro-
under germ-free conditions) (Selwyn et al. 2015). biota–FXR signaling axis as a key contributor to
Most notably, CYP3a expression was significantly metabolic disease (Gonzalez et al. 2016; Zhang
decreased under germ-free conditions; on coloni- et al. 2016; Xie et al. 2017). Observations from
zation of germ-free mice with a probiotic cock- bariatric-surgery patients has provided additional
tail, CYP3a expression could be restored to levels support linking the gut microbiota, the small intes-
measured in conventionally raised mice (Selwyn tine, and changes in liver metabolism (Kuipers and
et al. 2016). Those observations are important for Groen 2014).
two reasons: (1) CYP3a (and CYP2d6) enzymes Studies of other models of metabolism—in-
are important for metabolizing over 50% of known cluding zebrafish (Danio rerio, Rawls et al. 2004),
drugs, and (2) regulation of CYP3a expression oc- nematodes (Caenorhabditis elegans, Scott et al.
curs via the pregnane X receptor, a nuclear recep- 2017), and fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster,
tor that is thought to serve as an important signal- Combe et al. 2014)—have similarly identified how
ing conduit between the gut microbiota and the microbiota colonization activates or contributes to
host (Björkholm et al. 2009). Additional research development of chemical metabolism pathways.
is needed to understand how the microbiome and Important chemical metabolizing enzymes in the
its products interact with host nuclear receptors— cytochrome P450 family were upregulated after
including peroxisome proliferator-activated recep- microbiota colonization; however, these transcrip-
tors α, β, and γ (Nicholson et al. 2005), constitu- tional changes were not well conserved and appear
tive androstane receptor (Björkholm et al. 2009), to be species-specific. Regardless, the microbiota-
farnesoid X receptor (FXR) (Wahlström et al. dependent upregulation of chemical metabolism
2017a), and the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (Zhang genes in the model organisms further supports the
et al. 2015). evolutionary importance of the host–microbiota
Recent developments in understanding FXR interaction in modulating environmental chemical
function have shed light on how host-gut micro- exposures.
biome interactions in the small intestine regulate
gene expression in the liver. FXR is a ligand-ac- INTERINDIVIDUAL VARIABILITY
tivated nuclear receptor that is important for bile AND MICROBIOME METABOLISM OF
acid metabolism and for maintenance of glucose ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICALS
and lipid homeostasis (Gonzalez et al. 2016). Stud-
ies comparing germ-free mice and conventionally As discussed in Chapter 2, many factors affect
raised mice have identified FXR as a central medi- the human microbiome and lead to substantial dif-
ator of the interactions between the liver, the small ferences in composition. How those compositional
intestine, and the gut microbiota (Li et al. 2013; differences translate to functional variability in
Sayin et al. 2013; Jiang et al. 2015a,b; Parséus et processes that influence the metabolism and dis-
al. 2017; Wahlström et al. 2017b). Specifically, the position of environmental chemicals has received
gut microbiota can modulate liver metabolism by little attention. There are few experimental strate-
altering the composition of the intestinal bile acid gies to evaluate pharmacokinetic variability, and
pools (for example, FXR agonists include cheno- they have relied heavily on culture-based methods,
deoxycholic acid and taurcholic acid, and FXR which have limitations in their application to large
antagonists include tauro-β-muricholic acid) and human cohort studies. More recently, studies that
thus influence intestinal FXR signaling back to leverage metagenomics sequence databases arising
the liver (Wahlström et al. 2017b). That process from the Human Microbiome Project have begun
is critical for regulating bile acid secretion in the to identify microbial gene homologues for major
liver and uptake in the ileum that the microbiota families of chemical metabolism enzymes (Saad
tightly controls in such a way as to favor optimal et al. 2012; Das et al. 2016). For example, a com-
growth conditions; strong evidence from rodent putational analysis of 397 individual gut metage-
nomes identified over 800 bacterial genera that

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Characterizing Interactions Between the Human Microbiome and Environmental Chemicals 43

potentially can metabolize environmental chemi- • Although research has provided important
cals, and it predicted individual variability in the clues regarding microbial transformation of envi-
abundance of metabolic enzymes on the basis of ronmental chemicals and vice versa, there are sub-
geography, age, and average drug use (Das et al. stantial gaps in the understanding of how chemical
2016). The authors suggested that differences in exposure changes activity or function of a micro-
abundance patterns imply distinct roles of the mi- biome and of the breadth of potential metabolic
crobiome in pharmacokinetic variations observed pathways of environmental chemicals in a given
among individuals and predicted that gut micro- microbiome.
organisms could be stratified into three groups on • The community composition of the micro-
the basis of their capacity to metabolize drugs and biome varies widely among species, individuals,
environmental chemicals. Although the biologic and life stages, and how phylogenetic variability
implications of such genome-enabled strategies translates to functional variability in processes that
await future experimental validations, there is a influence the metabolism and disposition of envi-
need to develop similar analyses and databases ronmental chemicals has received little attention.
for predicting environmental-chemical metabolic • In vitro experiments have provided impor-
pathways in microbiomes at other body sites, such tant information on microbial metabolism, but cau-
as oral, lung, and skin. tion is needed in interpreting results solely from in
vitro studies; the toxicologic significance of micro-
FINDINGS biome-mediated metabolism of chemicals needs to
be evaluated as part of an integrated, multiorgan
• Although knowledge of how microbiomes host response.
modulate the pharmacokinetics and metabolism
of environmental chemicals generally lags behind REFERENCES
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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Current Methods for Studying the Human Microbiome

The human microbiome has evolved to be a re- Because of the nature of human microbiome
markably diverse, finely balanced, and highly en- studies, the resulting associations are most often
vironment-specific ecosystem (Lloyd-Price et al. correlative rather than clearly causal; however, ad-
2016). Each body site constitutes a specific habitat ditional targeted assays can be used to establish
that can include trillions of microbial cells and hun- causality and mechanism. The most common tar-
dreds of strains that differ nearly completely from geted assays might involve gnotobiotic transfer of
one site to another throughout the body (HMP Con- human microbiome samples into controlled mod-
sortium 2012a,b). Using techniques from molecu- el organisms (such as mice) or change-inducing
lar epidemiology, microbial ecology, and microbi- treatments, such as administration of antibiotics, to
ology, researchers have demonstrated that changes knock down or alter the composition of the micro-
in typical immune interactions, biomolecular ac- biome (Morgun et al. 2015). In addition to trans-
tivities, or pathogen exclusion are associated with ferring whole communities, individual microbial
such diseases as inflammatory bowel disease, au- strains that are identified from whole-community
tism, and cancer (Bäckhed et al. 2012; Hsiao et al. profiling can be targeted for isolation (Faith et al.
2013; Petersen and Round 2014; Trompette et al. 2010) by using classical microbiology techniques
2014; Garrett 2015). Culture-independent popula- or engineered systems, such as microfluidics. That
tion studies of the human microbiome follow an approach allows the microbial physiology or bio-
approach similar to that of Franzosa et al. (2015), chemistry of individual strains of interest (such as
which includes collecting stabilized microbial secretion products or biomolecular repertoires) to
biomass specimens at various times from people be finely measured and manipulated. Such in vi-
who have various exposures or phenotypes of in- tro systems can be scaled up to include laboratory
terest; assaying the collected samples with one or profiling of entirely synthetic communities, par-
more molecular profiling technologies (Segata et ticularly in continuous-culture systems. Detailed
al. 2013); bioinformatically profiling the resulting properties of host immune sensing and control of
raw data to quantify microbial features of interest, a microbiome can be profiled from human tissues
such as species abundances, strains, and biomo- (Honda and Littman 2016) by measuring T-cell
lecular functional elements; and statistically asso- and B-cell populations, immunoglobulins, cyto-
ciating changes in those features with population kine pools, small molecules, and gene expression.
phenotypes or exposures. That approach is similar The profiling is most often conducted on microbial
to other types of molecular epidemiology studies, communities in the gut but can be done for any
such as gene-expression biomarker discovery or site-specific community, such as the oral cavity or
genome-wide association studies, and can be com- the skin (Belkaid and Segre 2014). Computational
bined with experimental approaches that change or analyses can complement any of the approaches
challenge the microbiome. discussed.


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50 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Each method for human microbiome profil- SYSTEMS FOR STUDYING

ing—epidemiology, animal, or in vitro studies— THE HUMAN MICROBIOME
has benefits and drawbacks, generally similar to
those of other methods in translational molecular Considerations in Sampling
research. Human population studies are expen- the Human Microbiome
sive and difficult to control experimentally at each
stage (sample collection, data generation, and data The first step in a microbiome study typical-
analysis), and they are not generally amenable to ly involves the collection of stabilized microbial
interventional studies to establish causality. How- biomass specimens that will be used and analyzed
ever, direct measurements of exposures and health in various assays. Each sampling method for hu-
risks are possible. Animal models can rarely pre- man-associated microbial community types has
cisely recapitulate human-associated microbial strengths and weaknesses that are driven by the
community structure (Chung et al. 2012), and gno- dramatically different microbial ecologies in or on
tobiotic facilities can be expensive and difficult the body. The methods that have been established
to maintain. However, various gnotobiotic sys- for gathering a sample of sufficient biomass (refer-
tems—including ones that use mice, fish, pigs, and ring to the quantity of microorganisms needed for
even fruit flies—are now available for modeling an assay) for each major body site are described
different aspects of the human microbiome (Fritz here, and limitations of each approach are noted.
et al. 2013); each can be colonized and perturbed The gut microbiome is most commonly sam-
in a targeted experimental manner. In vitro micro- pled from stool, which represents well the microbi-
bial systems, including ones that contain host cells al community of the colonic lumen and to a small-
in the microbial culture, have the longest history, er degree that of the small intestine (Yasuda et al.
are widely available, and present one of the most 2015). Stool is easily obtained for sampling, has
controllable environments for mechanistic and extreme microbial density and minimal human ge-
molecular profiling. However, continuous culture netic contamination (HMP Consortium 2012a,b),
of many anaerobic organisms presents challenges, and contains material that can be assayed with a
and in vitro systems are physiologically the least variety of molecular techniques. Because micro-
relevant. bial characteristics can change rapidly with envi-
This chapter continues the discussion and pro- ronmental conditions (such as a sudden decrease
vides greater detail on the approaches and meth- in temperature and exposure to air), it is important
ods used today to study the human microbiome. to take steps to preserve samples by, for example,
The discussion is divided into three parts. First, immediately freezing them or using various labo-
systems for studying the human microbiome are ratory protocols and commercial kits to fix them
described; aspects of sampling the human micro- (Franzosa et al. 2014; Song et al. 2016). It is pos-
biome are considered, and then animal models, en- sible to culture many microorganisms from frozen
gineered in vitro and ex vivo systems, and culture stool samples, whereas fixatives typically kill mi-
systems are described. Second, technologies for croorganisms (preventing culture) and might not
assaying the microbiome—nucleotide sequenc- be compatible with conducting some molecular
ing, other molecular profiling techniques, and di- assays at a later time. Fixatives do, however, allow
rect observation methods—are addressed. Third, convenient collection and shipping of samples. In
methods and approaches for analyzing the data a clinical setting, mucosal biopsies are common
are discussed. The chapter concludes with a dis- and provide a more precise and biogeographically
cussion of strengths, weaknesses, and gaps in the resolved snapshot of the mucosally associated mi-
technologies. crobial community (Morgan et al. 2012), but they
are more challenging to obtain and can be assayed
only with technologies that are not affected by

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Current Methods for Studying the Human Microbiome 51

the presence of human cells in the sample. Other such as those collected during sinus surgeries or
sample types, such as mucosal brushing or rectal from explanted lungs, offer the greatest opportuni-
swabs, are also possible but are less well studied ty for detailed sampling, less invasive approaches
with respect to protocol consistency and commu- are necessary for larger studies (Perez-Losada et
nity representation (Tong et al. 2014). al. 2016; Dickson et al. 2017). Swabs, aspirates,
Skin sampling is limited primarily by the low sputum, lavage, and brushings have all been used
microbial biomass that is found on typical sur- in respiratory microbiome studies. Swabs—most
faces. The moist, dry, and sebaceous sites across often used to sample the upper respiratory tract—
the body can have substantially different ecologies recover different amounts of material compared
that are difficult to differentiate without detailed with aspirates, sputum, lavage, and brushings.
profiling (Grice and Segre 2011). Swab sampling Sputum can be spontaneous or collected via in-
is easiest but retrieves the smallest biomass, and duction protocols, such as inhalation of hypertonic
microbial adhesion can be surprisingly affected by saline. Aspirates tend to collect secretions already
the type and material of swabs used (Aagaard et al. present, whereas lavage involves instillation of
2013). A combination of razor scraping and swab- saline into an airway passage and withdrawal of
bing is the most practical for retrieving samples the fluid with suction. In the lungs, the volume re-
with greater biomass but requires training and care turned from bronchoalveolar lavage can be highly
to perform safely (Oh et al. 2014). Biopsies obtain variable and depend on disease state; for example,
the greatest microbial and human biomass and, as less volume is returned in cases of severe obstruc-
in the gut, are typically amenable only to assays tion or emphysema. Thus, measurements based
that are not affected by the inclusion of human ge- on lavage fluid need to consider dilution as a fac-
netic material. However, skin microbiome samples tor. Small brushes can also be inserted to obtain
in general are often characterized as having high cells and secretions from the mucosal surface, but
human nucleotide fractions—as much as about care is required to perform this method. Finally, as
90% of the sample (HMP Consortium 2012a,b)— above with the skin, the respiratory tract is less mi-
and require more extensive sequencing and care crobially dense, and it is essential to use protocols
during analysis. Because of the low biomass of that have carefully controlled elements to mini-
skin microbiome samples and the challenges as- mize sample contamination by nontarget tissue
sociated with collecting them, assays that evalu- (Charlson et al. 2012; Salter et al. 2014; Lauder et
ate skin microbiome samples must include special al. 2016). Such elements include proper staff train-
consideration of negative controls to ensure appro- ing; preparation of work materials, surfaces, and
priate interpretation of sampling results (Oh et al. instruments; and collection of controls, including
2014). within-subject biologic controls (such as paired
Similar issues are encountered in connection upper-airway and lower-airway samples) for accu-
with sampling methods for the respiratory micro- rate interpretation of microbial sequence data.
biome. Clinically, the respiratory tract is divided All human microbiome sampling protocols
into the upper and lower regions relative to the are sensitive to batch effects—technical, not bio-
epiglottis; each region experiences different ex- logic, differences that arise from many stages of
posures to the external environment and has dif- the sampling and data-generation process (Salter
ferent mucosal-epithelial barrier properties (Wolff et al. 2014). Such effects can make data from mul-
1986). Given the variation, it is not surprising that tiple studies difficult to compare and, in the worst
different sampling approaches can provide differ- case, can introduce subtle differences that result
ent readouts and information. Varied clinical ap- in misleading conclusions. Gross differences in
proaches and sampling tools have been used to population structure, geography, or environmental
obtain material from the nasal passages, sinus cavi- conditions can change measured microbial com-
ties, oral cavity and pharyngeal region, and the tra- munities. Differences in how samples are collected
cheobronchial tree. Although surgical specimens, and processed can strongly influence microbiome

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

52 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

assays. Differences in the protocols used to as- of many genomic, molecular, cellular, and physi-
say the samples can obfuscate biologic effects. ologic traits across animal lineages and allows
And differences in data handling, quality control, many (not all) findings derived from animal stud-
and taxonomic, functional, or molecular profiling ies to be extrapolated to humans. The advantages
techniques can contribute to unwanted technical of using animal models are counterbalanced by
artifacts (Sinha et al. 2015). All those factors are important caveats, including salient differences
important considerations during study design and among animal lineages in anatomy, physiology,
data analysis when one dataset is compared with and microbiomes (Ley et al. 2008). Although the
others (Sinha et al. 2017). It is difficult today to caveats might limit the relevance of animal mod-
compare multiple microbiome datasets reliably els for understanding some aspects of the human
because not all datasets can be combined. To en- microbiome, animal models are important in the
hance comparability, research programs need to larger field of microbiome science.
make every effort to standardize protocols in ad- Several fundamental experimental strategies
vance, run cross-protocol controls throughout, and can be used to study microbiomes in animal mod-
statistically meta-analyze any remaining system- els. First, animals can be used to test whether the
atic differences between datasets. microbiome composition and function correlate
with such variables as host age, host genotype,
Understanding the Human Microbiome host body site, diet, and chemical or other experi-
by Using Model Organisms mental exposures. The experiments are typically
performed on laboratory or wild animals that are
Insights into the microbiome and its interac- colonized by complex microbial communities.
tions with human hosts and their chemical en- Second, animals can be used to study the effects
vironments can be obtained or refined by using of the presence or composition of a microbiota
diverse nonhuman model systems. Although no on host phenotypes. To test whether microbiome
nonhuman model system will fully recapitulate all composition contributes to host phenotypes, ani-
aspects of the human microbiome, each has dis- mals with an intact microbiome can be treated
tinctive strengths that can be leveraged selectively with broad-spectrum antibiotics to reduce micro-
to address scientific questions that would be dif- bial abundance and alter community composition.
ficult or impossible to answer with human studies That is a relatively inexpensive and rapid way to
alone. Overall, nonhuman models provide valu- disrupt the microbiome, but its disadvantage is
able opportunities to gain insights into molecular that it does not distinguish between the effects in-
pathways, physiologic processes, host microbial duced by loss of antibiotic-sensitive microorgan-
genotypes, and microbial–chemical stimuli that isms, by the remaining antibiotic-resistant micro-
might be relevant and translatable to the human organisms, or directly by the antibiotics (Morgun
microbiome and human health. et al. 2015). Third, another inexpensive and rapid
Animal models are widely used to investigate approach for testing the effect of a particular mi-
the human microbiome for several reasons. First, crobial community or strain is to introduce it di-
it is much easier to manipulate animal models than rectly into conventionally reared animals that are
human subjects experimentally. Animal studies already colonized with a microbiota (a probiotic
allow the careful control of experimental vari- or super-colonization approach). Introduction can
ables, scalability, and reproducibility that is often also be achieved by co-housing animals that ini-
impossible in human studies. Second, ecologic tially contain distinct microbial communities or
and physiologic attributes of the animal body are strains. However, introduction of microorganisms
highly complex and dynamic and cannot be com- to compete with the pre-existing microbiota and
prehensively recapitulated in in vitro or in silico establish stable colonization has had a low success
models. Finally, the common ancestry of humans rate and has resulted in considerable variation in
and other animals has resulted in the conservation experimental outcomes.

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Current Methods for Studying the Human Microbiome 53

The effect of the presence or composition of a include greater evolutionary distance from hu-
microbiota on host phenotypes can be addressed mans and smaller overlap in bacterial taxa1 in their
with substantial experimental control by using microbiomes (Rawls et al. 2006; Hacquard et al.
gnotobiotic animal models. As noted in Chapter 1, 2015). For all those animal models, best practices
the term gnotobiotic refers to an animal that has no are emerging to promote interpretability and re-
microorganisms (a germ-free animal) or an animal producibility of experimental results, partly by ac-
whose composition of associated microorganisms counting and controlling for interfacility and in-
is fully defined by experimental methods. Germ- terindividual variation in microbiome composition
free animals can be colonized with microbial com- (Macpherson and McCoy 2015; Stappenbeck and
munities or strains of interest and then evaluated Virgin 2016).
to assess effects on the host. The donor microbial
communities can be derived from various sources; Engineered Systems for Studying
“humanized” animal models that are more rel- Host–Microbiome Interactions
evant to the human condition are produced when In Vitro and Ex Vivo
a human source is used (Ridaura et al. 2013). Al-
though gnotobiotic animal models provide strong Using in vitro and ex vivo experimental sys-
experimental control, they are accompanied by tems for studying host–microbiome interactions
distinct challenges and caveats, such as the rela- allows greater manipulation of experimental con-
tively high cost and labor needs of gnotobiotic-an- ditions and increased ability to examine interac-
imal facilities; developmental, immunologic, and tions that are too complex to study in vivo. As de-
physiologic anomalies of gnotobiotic animals; and fined in Chapter 1, the terms in vitro and ex vivo
augmented nutritional requirements of gnotobiotic differ mainly in the source of the samples being
animals (Falk et al. 1998). used in the assay. Both require the use of an artifi-
The different experimental approaches de- cial setting for conducting an experiment: in vitro
scribed above have been used in a broad array of systems typically rely on such samples as cell lines
animal species, including mice, zebrafish, fruit or laboratory microbial strains whereas ex vivo
flies, and Caenorhabditis elegans. Each species systems typically rely on samples that are directly
has a unique set of characteristics related to its isolated from a host organism. The main systems
relative size; transparency; microbiome complex- currently in use for in vitro and ex vivo cultures
ity, composition, and function; genetic variance; that examine host–microbiota interactions include
and evolutionary distance from humans (Leulier co-culture of microorganisms with or without host
et al. 2017). For example, using mice offers some primary epithelial cells, tissues, or cell lines; mi-
advantages, such as powerful genetic resources crofluidic co-culture of microorganisms with or
that include inbred lines to reduce the effect of without engineered tissue; and organoid2 culture.
genetic variability, an extensive array of knockout Those systems are used primarily to examine bi-
strains, and their relatively close evolutionary dis- directional signaling between microorganisms or
tance and physiologic similarity to humans. But between target host tissue or cell types and a body-
the disadvantages of using mice include the dif- site microbiome. Perhaps central among the chal-
ficulty of in vivo imaging and the relatively high lenges of using the systems in an artificial setting
cost and low scalability of gnotobiotic and con- is the propensity of microbial cultures to become
ventional husbandry. In contrast, zebrafish have ecologically imbalanced, with components either
such advantages as facile in vivo imaging owing
1A taxon (plural, taxa) is a taxonomic group of organisms, such
to their optical transparency, small size that per-
as a family, genus, or species.
mits genetic and chemical screens, and scalable 2An organoid is “an in vitro 3D cellular cluster derived exclu-
and inexpensive husbandry requirements that are sively from primary tissue, embryonic stem cells, or induced plu-
easily adjusted for gnotobiotic methods. But the ripotent stem cells, capable of self-renewal or self-organization,
disadvantages of using zebrafish instead of mice and exhibiting similar organ functionality as the tissue of origin”
(Fatehullah et al. 2016).

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

54 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

dying or overgrowing and preventing the cell-cul- tinuous movement of fluids can enable persistent
ture system from reflecting the in vivo community microbial microcolonization as a continuous-cul-
accurately. Although the following discussion fo- ture system (Kim et al. 2012, 2016). Limitations
cuses on gut-centric applications, analogous sys- include the need for customized chip fabrication,
tems exist for the lung and, to a lesser extent, for specialized equipment and technical expertise, and
the skin. difficulties in introducing diverse microbial com-
In the context of studying the gut microbiome, ponents. Furthermore, the technology has thus far
polarized epithelial monolayers are grown from been tested and used only with immortalized cell
primary or immortalized small intestinal or colon- lines and does not account for varied host genetics.
ic cells on transwell membranes3 (Kauffman et al. Growth of intestinal organoids, spheroids, or
2013; Moon et al. 2014) or three dimensional scaf- “mini-guts” is relatively accessible compared with
folds (Chen et al. 2015), and microorganisms are that of microfluidic approaches and allows person-
seeded on the apical face. Changes in the quality of alized organoid lines from different clinical donors
the epithelial layer can be measured by assessing or animal models to be generated. Several proto-
permeability, transmembrane resistance (used to cols have been developed and generally introduce
measure how tightly connected neighboring cells specialized factors into cell-culture media to dif-
are), active transport, absorption, and excretion. ferentiate embryonic or induced pluripotent stem
Miniaturization of culture systems to microliter or cells into clusters of villous epithelia or equiva-
nanoliter scales renders them amenable to micro- lent differentiated cell clusters of other body sites,
fluidic manipulations, such as isolation of single such as the lung (Wilson et al. 2015; Nigro et al. in
bacterial cells from complex microbial communi- press). However, studying microorganisms in or-
ties and their study with imaging, gene-expression ganoids requires careful microinjection into each
profiling, or mass spectrometric readouts (Ma et cluster. Furthermore, the enclosed structures and
al. 2014a,b). Limitations of those techniques in- lack of physiologic flow can result in rapid dis-
clude their lack of secondary epithelial structures, ruption of injected microorganisms, and this limits
such as villi and crypts; the absence of additional experimentation to relatively short timescales.
epithelial-cell subtypes, such as goblet, endocrine, Microfluidic and organoid culture systems
and immune cells; the lack of mucus layers be- reproduce epithelial structures and various dif-
tween host and microbial cells; and the difficulty ferentiated cell subtypes but typically lack inte-
of incorporating realistic multiorganism microbi- grated immune, muscle, and neuronal cells that
al-community components. are important for many host-microorganism inter-
Some limitations are overcome by building actions. No in vitro system faithfully captures all
structured epithelial layers with microfluidic and those elements in a unified technology. However,
tissue-engineering approaches. Gut-on-a-chip ex vivo culture systems can enable careful control
technology uses microfluidic platforms to grow of microbial colonization, luminal perfusion, and
intestinal epithelial cells and mimic the movement chemical exposures (Roeselers et al. 2013). Intes-
of fluids through the gut (Kim and Ingber 2013); tinal tissues can be isolated from model organisms
this promotes the formation of intestinal-tissue and maintained in ex vivo culture for short dura-
structures with specialized cell types, such as ab- tions. Chemicals, microorganisms, or both can be
sorptive, goblet, enteroendocrine, and Paneth cells. introduced into the systems particularly in com-
The structures exhibit barrier properties, includ- bination with perfusion methods; this approach
ing mucosal linings and peristaltic motion. Con- yields physiologic or molecular readouts that in
the best cases closely mimic their in vivo coun-
membranes are inserts that can be placed inside a
standard tissue-culture dish that has a permeable membrane on
terparts. However, they have not yet been exten-
which the cells sit; this arrangement allows separation of the area sively explored to support multimicrobial model
above the cells (the apical face) and the area below the cells (the communities. As a technical intermediate between
basolateral face). When cells are growing under ideal conditions, animal and culture-based models, ex vivo systems
the cells control the passage of solutes between the two areas.

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Current Methods for Studying the Human Microbiome 55

trade controllability for model accuracy. Advances throughput with potentially moderate physiologic
in the development of parallel ex vivo multiculture relevance but require more technical infrastructure
systems that have increased experimental control and are harder to manipulate. Organoid cultures
and prolonged culture times are being explored. offer moderate experimental throughput, moder-
Analogous tools are available to study host– ate to high physiologic relevance, and moderate
microbiome interactions in the respiratory tract. experimental control, whereas ex vivo perfusion
Primary airway epithelial cells and cell lines are systems are low-throughput and highly physiolog-
well-established tools in respiratory-disease re- ically relevant and therefore offer more moderate
search, but their application to study microbiota in- control.
teractions has been limited. Recently, microfluidic
platforms and organoid culture models for study- Culture Systems for Characterizing
ing respiratory biology have been developed (Dye the Human Microbiome
et al. 2015; Benam et al. 2016a,b). The former in-
clude lung-on-a-chip and small-airway-on-a-chip The longest-standing in vitro technique for
technologies that parallel the gut-on-a-chip plat- studying host-associated microorganisms is micro-
form. Substantial advances have also been made bial culture. In tandem with the rise of culture-in-
in ex vivo lung-perfusion models (animal and hu- dependent profiling, culture-based techniques have
man), which are being used to conduct translation- been refined to capture a wider array of organisms
al research on lung diseases. The ex vivo perfusion from the human microbiome than previously pos-
techniques now available have been so successful sible, including anaerobes and nonbacterial mem-
that clinical studies are investigating their use as bers, under ever more accurately controlled condi-
a preservation method for donor lungs in human tions. Bioreactors that contain microbial cultures,
lung transplantation (Nelson et al. 2014; Tane et for example, can be used to test specific hypotheses
al. 2017). about microorganism–microorganism interactions,
Synthetic models of the skin microbiome microbial production of metabolites, microorgan-
are likewise in early development. One recent ism–chemical transformations and kinetics, and
medium-throughput model system of the human effects of chemicals on microbiome structure and
stratum corneum (outermost skin layer) that uses function. Studying microorganisms without the
collected sloughed human cells was used to evalu- host component has several advantages: the system
ate survival of skin pathogens and commensals has increased reproducibility, microorganism–mi-
(van der Krieken et al. 2016). A commercial three- croorganism interactions can be studied in a more
dimensional in vitro skin model is also available defined way, environmental conditions that affect
and can be populated with human skin microbiota microbiome composition and interactions can be
and used to evaluate the effects of chemical ex- easily controlled, and microbial biotransformations
posure on skin colonization (Bojar 2015). These and metabolites can be precisely identified.
systems do not yet cover the diversity of microbial Studies have used bioreactors to simulate gut
biochemical environments on skin, nor has their microbial communities to learn more about fer-
microbial suitability or modeling accuracy been mentation processes (Miller and Wolin 1981),
ascertained. biofilm formation (McDonald et al. 2015), and
Overall, the in vitro and ex vivo systems for microbial-community responses to perturbations
examining host–microbiota interactions vary in resulting from exposure to antibiotics (McDonald
experimental throughput, physiologic relevance, et al. 2015), nanoparticles (Taylor et al. 2015), me-
and experimental control. Conventional co-culture tabolites from polyphenol transformations (Gross
with primary epithelial cells or cell lines enables et al. 2010), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocar-
moderate experimental throughput that can be pre- bons and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (Cui et
cisely controlled and manipulated. Microfluidic al. 2016). For any culturing technique to be suc-
and engineered tissue systems are relatively high- cessful, knowledge of optimal environmental con-

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

56 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

ditions for the desired microorganism is required. conditions at the correct pH is needed to isolate gut
Important conditions include pH, oxidation–re- microorganisms. Isolation of anaerobes requires
duction potential, temperature, and nutrients oxygen depletion in the media and airspace of the
(Browne et al. 2016; Lagier et al. 2016; Lau et al. culture chamber and defined growth requirements,
2016). Microorganisms cultured from the human such as specialized media and targeted nutrient
gut have been used to test biotransformations of supplementation. Other challenges are the exis-
specific pollutants, such as Eubacterium limosum tence of syntrophic (mutually dependent) relation-
metabolism of the insecticides methoxychlor and ships, and the presence of many microorganisms
DDT (Yim et al. 2008). in the host as a biofilm that is difficult to replicate
Although development of in vitro host-micro- externally. Special culture methods—such as the
biome simulator devices or bioreactors is in its in- roll tube method in which the culture medium is
fancy, several devices have found their way into rolled inside a test tube until it forms a thin film
basic and translational research. First, the simula- around the internal wall of the tube and methods
tor of the human intestinal microbial ecosystem that use soft agar plates in which the culture me-
(SHIME) (Van den Abbeele et al. 2012) is a model dium has a lower concentration of gelatin, which
of the small and large intestines that contains sta- allows the detection of mobile microorganisms—
ble and functional microbial communities similar can be used to encourage the growth of difficult
to those found in the human (Joly et al. 2013). It is microorganisms further (Dickson et al. 2017).
one of the earliest types of linked continuous cul- Microfluidic devices that allow droplet separation
ture systems that mimic the human digestive tract and sequencing in tandem have been developed
microbiome by controlling compartmentalization, and used to isolate gut microorganisms that were
nutrient availability, pH, and other environmental previously considered uncultivable (Leung et al.
conditions. Another version of the SHIME model 2012; Brouzes et al. 2015), and a microfluidic
is the mucosal SHIME (M-SHIME); it permits the streak plate platform has been developed to facili-
study of mucosa-associated microorganisms (Van tate cultivation of dominant and rare species in a
den Abbeele et al. 2012). A simpler model is the microbial community (Dickson et al. 2017). Such
minibioreactor array, which, unlike the SHIME novel platforms will allow physiologic microbial
model, is amenable to high-throughput screening, characterization and help to decipher the impor-
although it does not model multiple regions of the tant roles of individual microorganisms, including
gastrointestinal tract (Auchtung et al. 2015). their possible biotransformation pathways.
Recent advances in culturing techniques that As noted above, there are clear advantages of
have been enhanced by sequencing and metabo- studying microbial cultures and isolates that use
lomics techniques have increased the percent- the systems described. However, there are also
age of host-associated cultivable microorganisms some disadvantages: the host is not considered,
(Browne et al. 2016; Lagier et al. 2016; Lau et al. syntrophic interactions are difficult to replicate,
2016). As noted, however, culture conditions are cultures or isolates rarely capture the physical
critical. And as expected, culture outcomes are af- structure of biofilms or other structured communi-
fected by collection and storage procedures and ties, enrichment and isolation techniques are often
such factors as oxygen exposure, potential micro- lower-throughput than molecular techniques, ideal
bial growth, and changes resulting from freezing culture conditions are not always known for many
and thawing (Lau et al. 2016). Using selective cul- microorganisms of interest, and they can require
ture media and choosing appropriate environmen- more diverse expertise or facilities than do mo-
tal conditions are critical for success. For example, lecular techniques.
a combination of anaerobic and microaerobic4
4A microaerobic environment is one in which the oxygen concen-

tration is lower than that found under standard atmospheric condi-


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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Current Methods for Studying the Human Microbiome 57

FIGURE 4-1 Culture-independent molecular approaches to study host–microbiome interactions. Several aspects of the central
dogma—the flow of genetic information from DNA to RNA to protein—can be assessed to study host–microorganism and
microorganism–microorganism interactions at the molecular level in human populations, animal models, and in vitro models.
Current technologies readily support small molecular proteomic and metabolite surveys (targeted or untargeted) and nucleotide
sequencing of RNA and DNA to assess host and microbial gene expression, taxonomic profiles, and genomes. Source: Adapted
from Ilhan (2016). Reprinted with permission; copyright 2016, Nature.

TECHNOLOGIES FOR con5 sequencing, in which a single genomic locus

ASSAYING THE MICROBIOME is targeted for polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
amplification; the chosen locus must be largely
Assaying the microbiome as described above conserved throughout microorganisms of interest
can use various technologies as highlighted in Fig- but contain sufficient variation to allow distinc-
ure 4-1. The following sections describe nucleo- tion of individual strains or species. Resulting
tide sequencing of DNA and RNA, other molec- PCR products are sequenced and compared with
ular profiling techniques, and methods for direct known reference sequences in a database. Ampli-
observation of the human microbiome. con sequencing most commonly targets the 16S
rRNA gene (Hamady and Knight 2009), which is
Nucleotide Sequencing almost universal among bacteria, whereas the 18S
rRNA gene and internal transcribed spacer (ITS)
The decreasing cost and increasing accessi- sequence variants are increasingly common for eu-
bility of nucleotide sequencing unquestionably karyotic profiling6 (Findley et al. 2013). The meth-
boosted human-microbiome studies in population
5An amplicon is a segment of DNA or RNA that is amplified
health, and it is still the primary tool used to study
during a replication event in the cell or during a polymerase chain
the microbiome (Franzosa et al. 2015). One of the reaction.
earliest and most widespread techniques is ampli- 6The 18S rRNA gene sequence variants are particularly well-

suited for broad-spectrum assays, and the ITS sequence variants are
particularly well suited for fungi.

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58 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

ods rely on conserved targets of the PCR primers Shotgun metagenomics (a nontargeted se-
that are adjacent to sequences that are sufficiently quencing process) can readily resolve species-
variable to differentiate organisms of interest. As level and strain-level classification and provide
the price of sequencing technologies have de- genome content, functional potential, and some
creased, whole-community metagenome sequenc- genome assembly for organisms of even modest
ing of arbitrary short reads has become more com- abundance. However, it remains more expensive
mon and today can provide billions of sequence than amplicon sequencing, it is less tolerant of low
reads (many gigabases) per community. Practical biomass or contaminated samples, and it requires
methods have also recently been developed to ap- substantially more complex and computationally
ply long-read metagenomic sequencing to RNA expensive analytic approaches.
metatranscriptomes7 in the human microbiome Metatranscriptomics is in its infancy. In addi-
(Franzosa et al. 2014), and protocols that use long- tion to being more expensive because of challeng-
read high-throughput sequencing (Tsai et al. 2016) ing protocols and the scarcity of computational
and single-cell sequencing (Gawad et al. 2016) are tools, it is not yet established in which environ-
also emerging. ments or for which health-relevant phenotypes mi-
Amplicon sequencing, metagenome sequenc- crobial community transcription will prove to be
ing, and metatranscriptome sequencing have dif- most informative (Franzosa et al. 2014).
ferent strengths and weaknesses. All are sensitive Finally, most molecular techniques do not dif-
to the specific protocols used for nucleotide extrac- ferentiate between current molecular activity (liv-
tion from samples, which requires care to avoid bi- ing microorganisms) and previously generated
asing experimental results. Microorganisms vary biomolecular pools (dead microorganisms), but
in their sensitivity to the reagents used for the ex- those distinctions can be resolved better with cul-
traction of genomic material, so researchers must ture-based or direct observation methods.
be cautious to avoid destroying sensitive subsets
of microorganisms while still extracting genomic Other Culture-Independent
material from more hardy or resistant organisms. Molecular Profiling Techniques
If RNA is the desired genetic material, extra cau-
tion will be needed to avoid destroying the RNA Metabolomic and metaproteomic techniques
during sample processing. Amplicon sequencing that use mass spectrometry (MS) and nuclear mag-
can be inexpensively carried out by using samples netic resonance (NMR) spectrometry are among
that have extremely low microorganism biomass the most prevalent non-sequencing-based, culture-
or mixed samples that have, for example, sub- independent approaches to molecular profiling of
stantial human or other nonmicrobial nucleotides the human microbiome. To date, MS-based and
(Hamady and Knight 2009). However, it provides NMR-based profiling has been used to identify
information on only a relatively small region of secreted and intracellular microbial products and
a single gene. In most cases, that information is metabolites, including fatty acids, vitamins, bile
sufficient to generate taxonomic or phylogenetic salts, and polyphenols. As a subset of the metabo-
profiles at about genus-level resolution. In some lome, lipids from microbiome samples have been
cases, more careful analysis makes it possible to profiled with MS-based detection methods after
get species-level or strain-level information. Am- lipid extraction and separation. MS-based detec-
plicon sequencing can be highly sensitive to the tion methods can be used after protein extraction
details of amplification, primer composition, poly- and fractionation by two-dimensional electropho-
merase enzyme, and the PCR program (Gohl et al. resis or isotope tagging to profile metaproteomes
2016). from microbiome samples. Those approaches en-
able the quantification of cellular proteins from mi-
7A metatranscriptome is the entirety of the RNA sequences ex-
crobial cells and their post-translational modifica-
pressed by the microbiome as identified by sequencing.

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Current Methods for Studying the Human Microbiome 59

tions as the direct functional products of microbial Direct Observation of the Human Microbiome
metatranscriptomes and metagenomes (Kolmeder
and de Vos 2014; Soufi and Soufi 2016). Emerg- Most microbiome analyses have focused on
ing technologies for localized or in situ metabolo- DNA or RNA sequencing or metabolomic analy-
mics profiling with such approaches as MS imag- ses, but useful insights into microbiome compo-
ing, topographic mapping, and rapid evaporative sition, function, and spatial organization can be
ionization MS coupled with surgical diathermy gained by using a variety of imaging technologies.
devices enable spatial resolution of metabolic pro- Transmission and scanning electron microscopy
files within the microbial-community structures can be used to visualize microbial community or-
(Rath et al. 2012; Bouslimani et al. 2015; Golf et ganization in fixed samples but is not well suited
al. 2015). to resolving individual taxa or traits in a complex
Various platforms for targeted or untargeted community. Fluorescence in situ hybridization
metabolomic surveys and quantification of small (FISH) can be used to evaluate the taxonomy, lo-
molecules from biofluids include gas chromatogra- cation, and organization of microbial community
phy, liquid chromatography, capillary electropho- members in fixed microbiome samples. In the
resis coupled with MS, Fourier transform infrared FISH method, fluorescently labeled DNA probes
spectroscopy, and NMR spectroscopy (reviewed that recognize a gene sequence within targeted mi-
in Smirnov et al. 2016; Vernocchi et al. 2016). crobial taxa are hybridized to a fixed intact micro-
The methods differ in how specifically they can biome sample and imaged to visualize the location
identify analytes, how well analytes can be distin- of the microbial cells that contain the correspond-
guished, how sensitive the methods are to low mo- ing DNA sequence with micrometer resolution. It
lecular concentration, and their dynamic range of can be performed with probes that recognize sin-
detectable molecules, data acquisition speed, and gle taxa or multiplexed to target diverse taxa in a
technical complexity of protocols. single sample (Earle et al. 2015; Mark Welch et al.
MS-based profiling and NMR-based profiling 2016). Fluorescence-activated cell sorting can be
are powerful tools for evaluating metaproteomic used similarly to quantify and sort microbial cells
and metabolomic functional outputs of microbial that are dissociated from a microbiome sample and
activity and host–microorganism interactions. that display a phenotype that is detectable with a
A primary advantage of those techniques over fluorescent marker, such as an exogenous fluo-
nucleic-acid–based microbiome profiling is the rescent probe or genetically encoded fluorescent
potential to identify microbial molecules that me- protein (Maurice et al. 2013; Ambriz-Aviña et al.
diate microorganism–microorganism and host– 2014).
microorganism signaling. However, methodo- The above methods require fixation or disso-
logic limitations include the need to tailor sample ciation of a microbial community, but other meth-
preparation to target molecules and the inability to ods can be used to visualize microbial location and
identify a wide array of molecule types simulta- behavior in live animals. In mice, microbial taxa
neously with a single sample-collection, handling, engineered to encode fluorescent reporter proteins
and preparation protocol. Furthermore, resources can be visualized, although spatial resolution is
for determining accurate molecular identities and low because of the opacity of host tissues (Wiles
for differentiating between host-derived and mi- et al. 2006). In contrast, the optical transparency
crobially derived molecules are lacking. Further of the zebrafish permits high-resolution and lon-
methodologic, technologic, and resource develop- gitudinal in vivo imaging of microbial cell loca-
ment is needed to create standardized protocols tion and behavior (Rawls et al. 2007; Jemielita et
for metaproteomic and metabolomic profiling of al. 2014) and location of nutrients (Semova et al.
microbiomes. 2012).

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

60 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

When viable microbial community samples Direct observation of microbial communities

are available,8 their physiology can also be di- can provide extremely precise, spatially detailed
rectly evaluated with enzymatic assays, which can information regarding host-microbial interactions
measure growth (such as changes in optical den- (Mark Welch et al. 2016). Likewise, microbial
sity), colony (or microcolony) structure, or meta- genetic manipulation has an extremely long and
bolic activity (such as pH or oxygen use). Direct powerful history and allows precise molecular hy-
enzymatic activity screens are more challenging potheses to be tested in situ. Both techniques can
to apply to microbiome samples but are practical be technically challenging in the human microbi-
in assessing the physiology of individual isolates ome or associated models. Direct microscopy does
from the microbiome that can be cultured (Tasse not typically resolve more than tens of different
et al. 2010; Cohen et al. 2015; Koppel and Balscus organisms, for example, and taxa typically not
2016). There are high-throughput platforms for higher than the genus. Likewise, genetic manipu-
enzymatic assays (Jiang et al. 2015; Kaiko et al. lation in whole microbial communities requires
2016; Biggs et al. 2017), but they are not as well careful recolonization of a model by modified
developed as high-throughput molecular profiling organisms, completely gnotobiotic manipulation
assays. in animal systems, or comprehensive transforma-
Finally, genetic screens and modifications can tion of community members in situ, all of which
be used to observe microbial communities. Func- are technically challenging to conduct and verify.
tional metagenomics (Lam et al. 2015) uses pheno- When they are appropriate, however, these sys-
typic screens that generally involve isolating large tems offer among the most targeted mechanistic
DNA fragments from a microbiome and generating molecular tests in reductionist models of human
a library of clones in a species, such as Escherichia microbial biotransformations.
coli, that lacks the function of interest. The library
of clones can then be cultured under selective con- ANALYZING MICROBIOME
ditions, for example, with antibiotics. Assaying for POPULATION AND EXPOSURE DATA
a desired trait, such as antibiotic resistance or en-
zymatic activity, can identify the DNA sequence The Human Microbiome and
fragments that confer the trait and can potentially Molecular-Epidemiology Analytic Approaches
identify the microbiome member that encodes the
given trait. Other single-organism genetic tools As noted earlier, most current analytic meth-
that can be extended to communities include trans- ods for studying the human microbiome use tech-
poson mutagenesis, forward and reverse genetics, niques related to molecular epidemiology, which
and the introduction (or removal) of entire organ- generally follow a strategy in which features of
isms (wild isolates or engineered organisms) to as- interest are bioinformatically quantified from
sess the resulting genetic or organismal effects on culture-independent data and then statistically
community phenotype. Recent advances in genetic associated with environmental or health-related
manipulation, such as CRISPR-based editing and covariates and outcomes (Franzosa et al. 2015).
chemical mutagenesis, have begun to be applied to Features used to describe the microbiome can in-
microbial communities (Mimee et al. 2015; Bae et clude operational taxonomic unit9 counts or abun-
al. 2016) and are expected to increase the ability to dances derived from amplicon sequencing (Hama-
manipulate host-associated microbial interactions dy and Knight 2009); species or strains detected
experimentally. with metagenome sequencing (Truong et al. 2015;
Donati et al. 2016); functional profiles (gene or
8Viability is surprisingly difficult to assess in a culture-indepen- pathway quantifications) in metagenomes or meta-
dent manner, but sequencing has now been successfully coupled
transcriptomes (Abubucker et al. 2012); ecologic
with a variety of DNA-intercalating dyes, such as propidium mono-
azide, for determining whole-community viability (Emerson et al. 9Operational taxonomic units are used to cluster sequences on
2017). the basis of similarity (Nguyen et al. 2016).

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Current Methods for Studying the Human Microbiome 61

summary statistics, such as species distributions statistical -omics settings. The methods are typi-
or diversity (Hamady and Knight 2009); or partial cally well suited to large population studies that
to near-complete genome assemblies and annota- can indicate associations and can contribute to the
tions (Sangwan et al. 2016). Ultimately, any fea- generation of hypotheses that need to be probed
ture can be quantitatively modeled as a matrix of in more detail with other methods to gain insight
abundances or presence-or-absences, and samples about causality and mechanisms.
can be additionally annotated with metadata, in-
cluding outcome measures (health status or clini- Ecologic and Systems-Biology Analyses
cal phenotypes); host demographics or biometrics; of the Human Microbiome
population structure, such as ethnicity or genetic
background; covariates, such as medications and Other common analyses of the human mi-
diet; other molecular measures, such as microbial crobiome use a systems-biology approach with
metabolites or gene expression; or environmental the goal of identifying functional relationships
exposures. among microorganisms, cells, or molecules. They
Multivariate statistical modeling techniques— might target molecular-interaction networks or
such as generalized linear modeling, factor anal- ecologic structures in microbial communities di-
ysis, variations on ordination, correspondence rectly (Faust et al. 2012; Friedman and Alm 2012;
analysis, partial least-squares analysis, or non- Kurtz et al. 2015) or in association with human
parametric analysis of variance—are then applied. immune-cell subsets (Amit et al. 2011). Molec-
Such statistical or machine-learning methods are ular-network reconstruction techniques include
not unique to microbial-community epidemiology identifying functionally related gene products by
but are shared with other high-dimensional popu- using co-expression data; this has been particu-
lation analyses. For example, linear modeling is larly successful in recovering human molecular
typically adapted to associate multiple population regulatory programs during microbial exposure in
variables—such as health outcomes, demograph- immune-cell subsets (Haberman et al. 2014; Mor-
ics, biometrics, and chemical exposures—with gan et al. 2015; O’Connell et al. 2016). Similar
microbial variables (Morgan et al. 2012, 2015), data and techniques can be used to reconstruct reg-
taking into account the mathematical properties ulatory and metabolic networks within microbial
of typical microbial measurements (sparse, zero- communities themselves, typically relying more
inflated, count-based, or proportional data). Non- on genomic potential (metagenome annotations)
parametric tests originally developed for quanti- than on transcriptional profiling (Carr et al. 2013;
tative ecology (Excoffier et al. 1992; Zapala and Nielsen et al. 2014). The co-variation approach
Schork 2006) are appropriate for determining or other types of guilt-by-association approaches
whether overall variance in microbial commu- to identifying related molecules within a network
nity structure, as opposed to individual microbial can be extended to include phylogenetic informa-
features, is explained by covariates. Predictive tion or profiling (Eisen 1998; Carr et al. 2013; Lan
models, such as random forests or support vector et al. 2014) or inferred metabolic capabilities by
machines (Pasolli et al. 2016), can also be used flux balance analysis (Zengler and Palsson 2012;
to link microbial features to health outcomes or Khandelwal et al. 2013; Hanemaaijer et al. 2015;
covariates. All the tests essentially detect micro- Zelezniak et al. 2015). However, all the methods
bial feature associations with covariates, includ- can be challenging to carry out in the microbiome,
ing chemical exposures or exposure-related health where, in contrast to the human genome, most mi-
outcomes, that occur more strongly than would be crobial gene products are not annotated with well-
expected by chance (Paulson et al. 2013; Foxman characterized molecular or biochemical roles.
and Martin 2015); these associations are similar Analyses intended to characterize ecologic
to ones that can be observed and studied for gene structure include models of microbial dispersion
expression or human genetic variation in other (such as entry of microorganisms into a communi-

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

62 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

ty) (Costello et al. 2012), transmission (movement amined in each setting. To address that challenge,
of microorganisms between communities) (Blaser researchers need to improve their understanding of
and Falkow 2009; Funkhouser and Bordenstein which aspects of each model system are reflective
2013; Milani et al. 2015), and co-occurrence (eco- of humans, which ones are not, and which ones are
logic relationships, such as symbiosis or competi- likely to be relevant to host-microbiome–chemi-
tion between microorganisms) (Faust et al. 2012; cal interactions. Because the field relies heavily on
Friedman and Alm 2012; Kurtz et al. 2015). Be- microbiome transplant studies in animal models,
cause nearly all molecular assays measure relative experiments that include chemical treatment and
abundance (compositions) rather than absolute cell microbiome transplantation will need to determine
counts, spurious correlations make it difficult to how to account and control for potential carryover
infer truly functional co-occurrence patterns (Tsili- of a chemical from the chemically exposed donor
migras and Fodor 2016). Dynamic systems models to the unexposed recipient via the transplanted
capture relationships in abundance patterns among microbiome. Finally, inasmuch as understanding
organisms over time and have also been used to of the field is based largely on cross-sectional se-
describe microbial interaction patterns. Examples quence-based data, increased efforts need to com-
of dynamic systems models include differential plement the data with information on additional
equations—for example, modified Lotka-Volterra molecular activities and the spatial or temporal
systems (Stein et al. 2013; Marino et al. 2014; dynamics of microbial communities.
Bucci et al. 2016)—and probabilistic graphical In vitro microbial-community model systems
models, for example, Gaussian processes (Ton- share many of the strengths and weaknesses of ani-
ner et al. 2017). Again, the level of detail can be mal models but to a greater degree. For example,
difficult to reach with current data and modeling they are easier to manipulate and control, but they
techniques because of the lack of taxonomically are less physiologically similar to a human, par-
precise (strain-level) profiles sampled sufficiently ticularly because they lack host cellular and im-
densely over time to construct models outside sim- mune responses. Attention must be paid to how a
plified, in vitro systems. chemical is introduced into the experimental sys-
tems and how the resulting exposure is measured
STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES, AND and characterized. Specifically, in vitro systems
GAPS IN TECHNOLOGIES FOR that use static or flow-through technology present
STUDYING RELATIONSHIPS challenges in delivering specific, known amounts
BETWEEN THE MICROBIOME of chemical to the target organelles, cells, or tis-
AND CHEMICAL EXPOSURE sues. In culture-based systems, genomic methods
are well established for bacteria and their com-
Systems munities but less established for fungi, archaea,
and viruses. Gaps for the other microorganisms
The microbiome field has available a diverse include a lack of reference genomes, culture con-
spectrum of experimental-animal systems that ditions for isolates, and adaptability for genetic
offer rigorous experimental control and provide manipulation. However, in vitro systems are often
distinct opportunities to define causality within extremely cost-effective and scalable, and they are
host-microbiome–chemical interactions. Howev- particularly well suited to screening assays, such
er, as in all fields, researchers need to understand as microorganism–microorganism or microorgan-
the strengths and weaknesses of each system and ism–chemical interaction testing. In vitro systems
choose from among them appropriately. A persis- allow, for example, the introduction of potentially
tent challenge in the use of nonhuman experimen- bioactive (positively or negatively) chemical ex-
tal systems to study the microbiome is to define posures into a controlled microbial (typically not
which aspects of human-microbiome–chemical host-associated) setting with accompanying read-
interactions can be effectively modeled and ex- out of microbial metabolism.

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Current Methods for Studying the Human Microbiome 63

It is important in all such model systems to types of microbial-community data; new meth-
consider and integrate information from systems ods will lead to increasingly accurate methods for
at various levels of reductionist scale, that is, from identifying associations between molecular activi-
single microbial isolate cultures through human ties in the assays and human health outcomes.
population measurements. A striking challenge in
integrating results from systems across all scales is FINDINGS
the small extent to which microbial gene products
have been characterized. The lack of knowledge • Various animal models that have extensive
limits interpretation in vivo and manipulation in conserved molecular and immunologic mecha-
vitro. nisms provide appropriate experimental environ-
ments for controlled manipulation of host-as-
Analyses sociated microbial communities, although none
mimics humans perfectly.
Analysis of human microbiome data, regard- • Gnotobiotic animal models are particular-
less of their source or assay method, can benefit ly amenable to studies of the effect of microbial-
from the approaches that have been developed over community composition on host phenotype. Their
the last 2 decades in other fields that use molecu- use would benefit from more study of which as-
lar -omics approaches. Specifically, many associa- pects are shared (or not) with humans under differ-
tive studies share designs and methods with those ent manipulations at each body site.
in molecular epidemiology, such as genome-wide • Animal experiments that include chemi-
association studies or cancer-biomarker discovery cal treatment and microbiome transplantation will
that analyzes gene expression. With small statisti- need to determine how to differentiate carryover
cal changes, computational methods and lessons of a chemical from an exposed donor to an unex-
learned from those other fields can be directly posed recipient via the transplanted microbiome.
applied in microbiome research. The availabil- • In vitro and ex vivo techniques can be use-
ity of individual microbial isolate reference data fully adapted to characterize diverse human-mi-
(primarily genome sequences) to contextualize crobiome members and representative communi-
microbial-community data is both a strength and a ties, but identifying appropriate culture conditions
weakness: tens of thousands of reference genomes and models poses technical challenges.
are available and constitute a powerful resource • Human-microbiome experimental systems
with which to interpret the microbiome, but these remain less developed outside the gut.
reference genomes are primarily bacterial, and • As microbiome research is a young field,
there is a major gap if one wants to study viruses, diversity in experimental protocols can make com-
fungi, and other microorganisms. Another major parability of results among human-microbiome
gap in the field is that most sequenced microbial studies difficult.
genes and microorganism-associated chemicals • Computational methods and quantitative
that have been detected are not functionally or bio- best practices of other -omics technologies can
chemically characterized; it is not even clear what generally be applied to microbiome data with ap-
fraction of them has been detected. That situation propriate adaptations of statistical techniques.
leads to a pool of biochemically functional “dark • Most microbial genes and microbially as-
matter” with as-yet-unknown effects on microbial sociated chemicals in the microbiome are not
ecology or human health. Finally, as in most fields functionally or biochemically characterized, and it
of molecular -omics, new computational methods is not even clear what fraction of them has been
will continue to be needed for integrating many detected.

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64 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Risk Assessment: Incorporating Chemical–Microbiome Interactions

Enormous advances have been made in the data sources are briefly reviewed. Next, major
last several decades in the sciences devoted to risk-assessment issues in chemical–microbiome
understanding the health effects of environmen- interactions are identified. Because exposure as-
tal chemicals, but substantial knowledge gaps still sessment is a key element of the risk-assessment
leave large uncertainties in health risk assessments. process, exposure-assessment challenges are dis-
Studies of chemical–microbiome interactions and cussed in the context of the human microbiome,
their consequences indicate that further research and several examples are provided to illustrate the
could advance understanding of human health risk challenges. A discussion of research needed to ad-
posed by exposure to environmental chemicals. dress risk-assessment needs concludes the chapter
Specifically, understanding chemical–microbi- and sets up the committee’s research strategy de-
ome interactions is likely to improve the use of scribed in Chapter 6.
results of studies in epidemiology, toxicology, and
exposure science in carrying out risk assessments. THE RISK-ASSESSMENT PROCESS
Knowledge of chemical–microbiome interactions
might also help to explain differences between Risk assessment used in regulatory programs
animal toxicity studies and human responses, to in the United States and globally has been under-
extrapolate research findings from animal studies going considerable reform and advancement in re-
to humans, and to identify unrecognized health cent years. Much of the reform is aimed at moving
consequences of environmental exposures. The from intensive chemical-by-chemical assessment
large variation in the microbiome compositions in to large-scale assessments that might more easily
populations of different life stages, sexes, and eth- determine which of the thousands of chemicals
nicities might inform the extrapolation of findings used in industry pose health risks that should be as-
of studies of laboratory animals to human popu- sessed in depth. Changes also have been proposed
lations. Epidemiology studies in different popula- that will improve the usefulness of risk-assessment
tions might sometimes reveal different responses results for making risk-management decisions
to chemical exposure, and it is possible that those (Schaafsma et al. 2009; Krewski et al. 2014).
differences might be explained by population vari- Science and Decisions: Advancing Risk As-
ation in microbiome composition. It is reasonable sessment (NRC 2009) provides widely accepted
to hypothesize that adequate consideration of the guidance on ensuring the scientific adequacy of
roles of human microbiomes will improve under- risk assessments and their utility for decision-mak-
standing of the health risks posed by exposures to ing. Effective decisions begin with development of
environmental chemicals. a clear and complete understanding of the problem
This chapter discusses aspects of the integra- for which a decision is needed. That initial prob-
tion of microbiome considerations into risk as- lem formulation is then used to guide the devel-
sessment. First, the risk-assessment process and opment of a risk assessment that is certain to be


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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

72 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

useful for decision-making. The risk assessment is DATA SOURCES AND REQUIREMENTS
then conducted by using a general framework first FOR RISK ASSESSMENT
proposed in a 1983 National Research Council
study (NRC 1983). That framework, illustrated in Most of the environmental toxicology data
Figure 5-1, is still considered valid and is used by used for hazard identification and dose–response
the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) assessment (Figure 5-1) are derived from studies
and related agencies. In addition, EPA has devel- of experimental animals. Internationally standard-
oped numerous guidelines for the conduct of risk ized protocols for animal studies are available to
assessment (EPA 2014a), including guidelines for investigate general toxicities and a wide array of
addressing the recommendations in Science and effects, including effects on reproduction and de-
Decisions. EPA guidelines (EPA 2016) describe velopment and effects on the immune, nervous,
the optimal evaluation and use of data that often and endocrine systems. Epidemiology studies
contain inconsistencies and that require proper have contributed valuable information on some
treatment of uncertainty in extrapolation of results important environmental pollutants; often, they
from animal or human studies of limited scope to are based on exposures in occupational settings.
policies designed to protect the general public. Toxicity data from fundamental research are also
Other federal agencies have developed guidelines used when available. Much of the basic toxicol-
to meet their risk-assessment needs. ogy research has focused on specialized end points
It is important to note that the Science and De- and underlying mechanisms of toxic action. Vari-
cisions model can be used to guide the develop- ous technologies have become available to study
ment of a research program of the type outlined chemical interactions and responses at the molecu-
in Chapter 6 of the present report. The problem lar and cellular levels, and this knowledge provides
to be addressed—understanding the role of chem- information on toxicity mechanisms (NRC 2007;
ical–microbiome interactions in human health NASEM 2017). Such approaches are being scaled
risk—leads to the formulation of research ques- to high-throughput formats for rapid evaluations
tions whose answers make risk assessments that of large numbers of chemicals, including chemi-
include consideration of the microbiome and its cals that have not been studied previously to any
influences feasible. substantial degree (Kavlock and Dix 2010). Envi-
ronmental toxicology is also changing with the use

Hazard Dose‒Response
Identification Assessment
What adverse health effects What is the relationship
might result from exposure to between the dose of the chemical
the chemical of interest? and the probability of adverse Risk Characterization
effects (risk) in the range of
doses occurring in populations? • What is the risk of toxicity
(adverse health effects)
in exposed populations?
• What are the significant
STEP 3 uncertainties?

Human Exposure
What doses of the chemical
are occurring in exposed

FIGURE 5-1 The standard four-step framework for risk assessment.


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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Risk Assessment: Incorporating Chemical–Microbiome Interactions 73

of gene-editing technologies that allow rapid prob- example, antimicrobial pharmaceuticals) can harm
ing of the genetic aspects of toxicity mechanisms or alter human and animal microbiomes. And re-
(Shen et al. 2015). search with environmental chemicals and pharma-
Exposure science, essential for understanding ceuticals has shown that the microbiome can alter
human health risk, has undergone remarkable ad- internal exposures to some chemicals by, for ex-
vances in the last few decades (NRC 2012; NAS- ample, transforming a chemical to a more or less
EM 2017). The science has moved understanding toxic form or altering uptake of a chemical. Those
of human exposures to chemicals from simple de- types of effects might not be fully evaluated in
scriptions of the presence of a chemical in air, wa- current risk-assessment practice (Dietert and Sil-
ter, food, or a consumer product to far more com- bergeld 2015). As a result, a risk assessment might
plete depictions of multiple chemical exposures fail to provide adequate protection of the general
on and in the body and of the variations in these population if chemical–microbiome interactions
exposures over life stages and in different popula- are not incorporated into studies implicitly or are
tion groups. The technologies for developing more not explicitly addressed, particularly when results
rapid and complete exposure profiles, from the use from studies in animals or in a specific population
of remote and personal sensors to the identification are used to characterize risk to another species or
and sampling of key biomarkers, are contributing population that has a different microbiome compo-
copious new data for environmental risk assess- sition and function from that of the studied popula-
ment. Characterization of animal and human ex- tion. The outcome might be a mischaracterization
posure (and effects) has advanced through the use of the nature of a hazard associated with expo-
of biomonitoring, biomarkers, and physiologically sure to an environmental chemical—for example,
based pharmacokinetic models (Vandenberg et al. chemical–microbiome interactions might produce
2010), which facilitate elucidation of the absorp- a different health effect from the chemical itself—
tion, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of or an overestimation or underestimation of the risk
chemicals and have become especially important associated with exposure. The following sections
in informing interspecies extrapolations and char- consider the implications for each study type used
acterizing interindividual variability. in risk assessment.
EPA usually initiates a risk assessment only
when there is sufficient and convincing evidence Epidemiology Studies
from whole-animal or epidemiology studies that
exposure to a substance is causally related to one The chemical–microbiome interaction of what-
or more adverse health effects and when those ever form and magnitude is presumably integrated
studies also provide information on dose–response into epidemiology studies that are conducted in
relationships. Research will be needed to develop large populations and include health and exposure
and test protocols for microbiome health-effects assessments throughout the subjects’ lifetimes (or
studies that yield dose–response information; cur- key life stages) of exposure and in a variety of
rent protocols for developing toxicity data do not potentially confounding disease states. However,
explicitly take into account a role of the microbi- current understanding of the microbiome suggests
ome in affecting outcomes. that the results of such epidemiology studies might
be useful only in describing risks to similar popula-
MAJOR RISK-ASSESSMENT tions. An understanding of chemical–microbiome
ISSUES RELATED TO interactions in a population might be critical when
CHEMICAL–MICROBIOME using epidemiologic results from studies conduct-
INTERACTIONS ed in populations of different cultures, locations,
life stages, and other factors that affect the micro-
As discussed in Chapter 3, research with phar- biome. When chemical–microbiome interactions
maceuticals has shown that some chemicals (for are substantive in modifying exposure or harm-

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

74 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

ing the microbiome, researchers might find that an whether current default uncertainty and variabil-
incomplete understanding of the composition and ity factors that have been used to extrapolate from
role of the microbiome has complicated and lim- animals to humans are sufficiently protective of
ited the use of epidemiology studies in risk assess- public health. As with epidemiology studies, an
ment. If more knowledge of the role of differences understanding of the microbiome in the popula-
in the microbiome among populations in influenc- tion targeted for public-health protection will be
ing chemical sensitivity were available, the infor- important throughout all susceptible life stages
mation could indicate whether a study population and disease conditions.
is more or less sensitive than the general US popu-
lation and thereby inform decisions regarding the In Vitro Studies
appropriate magnitude of uncertainty factors.
Data derived from in vitro studies and from
Animal Toxicity Studies high-throughput testing alone are not considered a
sufficient basis for risk assessment of new chemi-
Chemical–microbiome interactions are inte- cals. However, risk assessors are interested in
grated into whole-animal toxicity studies. How- how to use those results in risk assessment, and
ever, such studies typically are conducted with a the data have been recognized as valuable for pro-
homogeneous, in-bred group of animals that are viding important insights on toxicity mechanisms
maintained in standardized laboratory conditions and setting priorities for in-depth toxicity testing
that will affect their microbiomes. Animal studies (NRC 2007; NASEM 2017). In the context of the
are rarely carried out from preconception through microbiome, however, the challenge of using new-
natural death, so the temporal changes in micro- er techniques to screen chemicals for toxicity and
biomes that contribute to risks and benefits over exposure is exacerbated by the likelihood that the
a lifetime might not be seen. They also rarely use data do not incorporate chemical–microbiome in-
experimental designs that control for common teractions. New methods will be needed to expand
variation in microbiome composition between and in vitro and high-throughput testing to include the
within animal facilities. Furthermore, housing and effects of the microbiome in mediating toxicity.
test conditions are intended to minimize nonchem- Some types of in vitro studies might be well suited
ical stress, including exposure to pathogens. to testing the direct effect of chemicals on the mi-
If there are chemical–microbiome interactions crobiome and its functions (see Chapter 4).
that affect toxicity, a thorough understanding of
the limitations in extrapolating the laboratory-ani- ADDRESSING EXPOSURE CHALLENGES
mal results to humans might be necessary. For ex-
ample, the mode of exposure of research animals In considering how the interactions between
could affect the microbiome in ways that influence environmental chemicals and the human micro-
risk in humans and animals differently; a gavage biome might influence human health risk, proper
dose administered as a bolus, even when equiva- characterization of exposures plays a central role.
lent in milligrams per kilogram per day, might af- As defined by Zartarian et al. (2005), exposure
fect the microbiome of the digestive tract in ways constitutes the “contact between an agent and
that dietary or environmental exposure would not. a target. Contact takes place at an exposure sur-
Furthermore, the vehicle of administration could face over an exposure period.” A 2012 National
influence the microbiome in laboratory animals, Research Council report, Exposure Science in the
and the temporal pattern of exposure could in- 21st Century: A Vision and a Strategy, stated that
fluence the microbiome in a manner that differs “exposure science addresses the intensity and du-
between laboratory animals and humans. A wide ration of contact of humans or other organisms
range of doses from low to high will need to be with … chemical, physical, or biologic stressors
investigated, and risk assessors will need to know … and their fate in living systems” (NRC 2012).

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Risk Assessment: Incorporating Chemical–Microbiome Interactions 75

A key idea is that to capture its influence on risk, science. For example, it will be necessary to re-
exposure must be characterized both conceptually think the concepts of “external” and “internal” in
and quantitatively. relation to exposure. Traditionally, an external ex-
How the human microbiome might mediate posure is related to interactions that occur at con-
health risk associated with exposure to environ- tact surfaces. Hence, exposure science would seek
mental chemicals, however, is barely addressed in to quantify the nature and extent of interaction
the exposure-science literature. For example, NRC between a chemical and a human receptor at the
(2012) aimed to define the scope of exposure sci- boundaries that separate the environment from the
ence and stated that “a central theme of this report human body, such as in lung tissues, on skin sur-
is the interplay between the external and internal faces, and at the gastrointestinal epithelium. Those
environments and the opportunity for exposure ideas could be readily extended to address cases in
science to exploit novel technologies for assessing which a surface-resident microbiota mediates ex-
biologically active internal exposures from exter- posure by transforming the chemical or changing
nal sources”; the report does not mention the hu- the permeability of the epithelium. The alteration
man microbiome. Similarly, exposure science has of the chemical might influence the associated risk
emphasized the use of information on exposures for many reasons, for example, by changing the
to environmental chemicals to support quantita- rate of uptake across the body’s tissues, influenc-
tive assessments of the associated human health ing chemical fate within the body, and changing
risks (Fenske 2010). An important tool in risk as- the toxicity of the agent. In such cases, it could be
sessment is the EPA Exposure Factors Handbook appropriate to consider the composition and func-
(EPA 2011); the latest edition, which spans more tion of the human microbiome as an exposure fac-
than 1,500 pages in 19 chapters, contains only brief tor. However, a greater challenge is to incorporate
mentions of microorganisms. It is evident that the within the framework of exposure science the po-
exposure-science research community has devot- tential for chemical exposures to alter the human
ed relatively little attention to microbial exposures microbiome itself and thereby influence risks. For
of humans; although there is some work defining the specific case of the gastrointestinal tract, it is
risk associated with pathogens, the community has not clear how to define where the contact surface
been nearly silent on the human microbiome. occurs. How to apply the conceptual differentia-
The current state presents a challenge and an tion between external and internal exposure is not
opportunity. There is a need to expand the scope apparent when the target is a human-associated
of exposure science to incorporate the emerging community of microorganisms that might be influ-
understanding of the roles of the human microbi- enced by the chemical and interacts with its human
ome as an agent that influences exposures to and host.
risks posed by environmental chemicals. Because The following sections provide examples that
knowledge is developing rapidly in this field, there illustrate some of the challenges and opportuni-
will be a need to refresh the effort on a regular ties in integrating exposure-science principles
basis. into studies of how the human microbiome influ-
In the near term, risk assessments will likely ences risks posed by exposure to environmental
continue to incorporate risk factors derived from chemicals. The examples highlight chemicals that
laboratory studies of animal models. A critical are recognized as environmental health risks and
feature for generating accurate risk factors is the about which there is at least suggestive evidence
proper characterization of exposures in the test an- that microbiome–chemical interactions could
imals. Exposure science has made and can contin- modulate their exposure or health risk. One or two
ue to make important contributions to such efforts. examples are provided that pertain to each of the
Doing that well for circumstances in which health major microbiome sites listed in the committee’s
risks are influenced by microbiomes will require statement of task (gut, skin, and respiratory tract).
amendment of some of the core ideas in exposure

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

76 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Formaldehyde and the sure pathway, and the antimicrobial properties of

Upper Respiratory Tract formaldehyde, it seems to be a strong candidate for
studies to investigate whether and how exposure
Formaldehyde is a widely used industrial to an environmental chemical might interact with
chemical. Indoor formaldehyde concentrations the microbiota of the upper airways in a manner
can be increased by emissions from indoor sourc- that influences health risks. What is particularly
es, most notably urea-formaldehyde resins that germane is whether exposures to formaldehyde
are used in the manufacturing of wood-based con- at concentrations encountered (or potentially en-
struction materials, such as plywood (Salthammer countered) in the environment interact with the
et al. 2010). Historically important concerns about microbiota in the upper airways in a manner that
formaldehyde exposure have been associated with materially influences associated health risks, con-
the use of a spray-foam insulation material in the sidering both irritancy responses associated with
1970s (L’Abbé and Hoey 1984) and with trailers acute exposures and cancer risk associated with
used for emergency housing in the aftermath of cumulative exposures.
flooding associated with Hurricane Katrina (Mur-
phy et al. 2013). EPA recently issued regulations Phthalates and the Transdermal Pathway
limiting emissions of formaldehyde from wood
products (81 Fed. Reg. 89674 [2016]). Phthalates are a class of semivolatile organic
Formaldehyde has a low molecular mass, compounds widely used in commercial products,
high vapor pressure, and high water solubility including vinyl flooring and many consumer prod-
(Salthammer et al. 2010). Because of its high mo- ucts. One important application of phthalates is as
bility and strong tendency to partition into aque- plasticizers: they are added to polymeric materials
ous solutions, the primary sites of exposure to to provide flexibility. In that function, the phthal-
formaldehyde are the upper respiratory tract and ates are not bound to the host polymeric material
the eyes. In California, the chronic-exposure refer- but instead can migrate into other media. Indoor
ence concentration is 9 µg/m3 (OEHHA 2016), a concentrations of several phthalates are commonly
concentration that is routinely exceeded in indoor much higher than outdoor concentrations (Rudel et
environments (Salthammer et al. 2010). Further- al. 2010), including butyl benzyl phthalate, bis(2-
more, the International Agency for Research on ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), diethyl phthalate
Cancer (IARC 2012) concluded that “formalde- (DEP), dibutyl phthalate (DBP), and diisobutyl
hyde is carcinogenic to humans,” and the National phthalate. Among the health concerns associated
Toxicology Program (NTP 2016) concluded that with phthalate exposures are reproductive toxicity
formaldehyde is “known to be a human carcino- and developmental toxicity (Kavlock et al. 2006;
gen.” Lyche et al. 2009; Kay et al. 2014).
Formaldehyde is used as a disinfectant and Human exposure to phthalates can occur
sterilant. In liquid form, it has a wide range of ef- through multiple pathways, including ingestion
fectiveness by “alkylating the amino and sulfhy- (dietary and nondietary), inhalation, and transder-
dral groups of proteins and ring nitrogen atoms of mal routes (Colacino et al. 2010; Bekö et al. 2013).
purine bases” (Rutala et al. 2008). The question Recent research has shown that transdermal per-
is whether inhalation exposure to formaldehyde at meation can make a contribution to human intake
high concentrations indoors could disrupt the hu- of the relatively volatile species DEP and DBP that
man microbiome associated with upper airways? is quantitatively similar to that of inhalation (We-
If so, would such disruption alter health risks schler et al. 2015). And clothing has been found
posed by the exposure? The literature contains to be an important moderator of dermal exposure.
no clear evidence on that point. However, given Initially clean clothing can inhibit dermal expo-
the importance of known adverse health effects of sure, whereas previously worn clothing exposed to
formaldehyde, a relatively straightforward expo- airborne phthalates at high concentrations can be a
vector for increased uptake (Morrison et al. 2016).

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Risk Assessment: Incorporating Chemical–Microbiome Interactions 77

In the case of DEHP, the effectiveness of up- port data and biomonitoring evidence, Nazaroff et
take has been linked to its chemical conversion al. (2012) estimated that about 1–2% of all the tri-
to the monoester, mono(2-ethyhexyl) phthalate closan used in US commerce enters human bodies
(MEHP). Lipases are known to play an important and is excreted in urine. Research of Csiszar et al.
role in that process, and the presence of lipases in (2016) substantiates that finding: considering 518
microorganisms has been noted (Nakamiya et al. chemicals used in personal-care products, they
2005; Kavlock et al. 2006). Although, the extent to found that the median product intake fraction was
which such conversion occurs because of gastro- 2% for chemicals in wash-off products and 50%
intestinal or skin microbiota is unknown, Hopf et for chemicals in leave-on products. Exposures of
al. (2014) have shown that when DEHP is applied the human microbiome as a consequence of inad-
to viable skin in aqueous emulsion, the DEHP is vertent ingestion (for example, of toothpaste and
converted to MEHP, which can permeate the skin mouthwash), dermal product use (for example,
more effectively. Several microbial species have soaps), and inhalation (Mandin et al. 2016) are
been shown to convert DEHP to MEHP. It appears certain to occur.
worthwhile to investigate further whether skin-as- Research is beginning to probe whether expo-
sociated and other microbiomes mediate phthalate sure to triclosan can disrupt the microbiome. Re-
uptake and thereby influence risk through chemi- cent animal studies indicate that triclosan exposure
cal conversion of the diesters to monoesters. can affect the gut microbiome. For example, expo-
sure of mice to triclosan via drinking water caused
Triclosan and the Microbiome an alteration in gut microbial composition that fa-
vored the selection of bacteria that had genes re-
Triclosan presents a potentially important case lated to “triclosan resistance, stress response, anti-
to consider. It was created as an antimicrobial biotic resistance and heavy metal resistance” (Gao
agent for use in health-care settings. Because of et al. 2017). And exposure of zebrafish to triclosan
concerns about outbreaks of new diseases, such via the diet altered composition and ecologic dy-
as severe acute respiratory syndrome, triclosan namics of the gut microbiota (Gaulke et al. 2016).
began to be widely incorporated into a broad ar- Human studies have also explored the possi-
ray of items, including many cleaning agents and ble effects of triclosan on the microbiome. Poole
personal-care products. The combination of delib- et al. (2016) conducted a double-blind crossover
erate, nonspecific antimicrobial action and wide- study in which 13–16 healthy subjects used house-
spread distribution into the uncontrolled environ- hold and personal-care products that did or did not
ment raises general and specific concerns. Halden contain triclosan and triclocarban for 4-month pe-
(2014) effectively summarized the issue as fol- riods. They concluded that “although there was a
lows: “The polychlorinated aromatic antimicrobi- significant difference in the amount of triclosan in
als triclosan and triclocarban are in widespread use the urine between the [trial] phases, no differences
for killing microorganisms indiscriminately, rap- were found in microbiome composition, metabolic
idly, and by nonspecific action. While their utility or endocrine markers, or weight.” However, Yee
in healthcare settings is undisputed, benefits to us- and Gilbert (2016) summarized the evidence about
ers of antimicrobial personal care products are few the possible role of triclosan in shaping the human
to none. Yet, these latter, high-volume uses have microbiome. They highlight the importance of
caused widespread contamination of the environ- considering hospitals that provide maternity ser-
ment, wildlife, and human populations.” vices and note that more than 98% of infants “are
Because triclosan is widely used in liquid particularly naïve to microbes [and] their micro-
products applied on the body surface, the general biota is vulnerable at this developmental stage.”
population experiences a high degree of exposure Given widespread human exposure, research to in-
intimacy. On the basis of US production and im- vestigate the effects of triclosan on the human mi-

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

78 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

crobiome and to answer such questions as whether ity to nitrate toxicity in infants could be important
early-life exposure to triclosan is predisposing in refining the outdated assessment that focused on
infants to adverse health outcomes appears to be infants or in altering future health risk assessments
warranted. for nitrate exposure at other life stages.
Arsenic is a ubiquitous contaminant of natural
Nitrate, Arsenic, and the Gut Microbiome: systems with important potential for harming hu-
A Case for Re-evaluation? man health. Attaining public drinking-water stan-
dards and soil guidance concentrations has been
As discussed in Chapter 2, the gut is the site problematic (ATSDR 2007; EPA 2010; NRC 2013;
with the greatest mass of microbiota, and it is the Carlin et al. 2016). Accurate risk assessments of
best studied. A rapidly developing literature de- arsenic exposure are important both to protect
scribes the many ways in which the gut microbi- public health and to ensure that expenditures for
ome influences human health. A smaller literature water treatment and soil remediation are warrant-
is emerging on how the gut microbiota mediates ed. Arsenic risk assessments have been based part-
health risks posed by exposures to environmental ly on epidemiology studies conducted in multiple
chemicals. Two examples are discussed briefly countries, including Taiwan, Chile, Argentina, and
here to illustrate the nature and significance of Bangladesh (EPA 2010; FDA 2016). Those studies
how transformations of environmental chemicals are based on populations whose dietary intake can
that are influenced by the gut microbiome might be increased by arsenic in water, rice, and foods
alter health risk. cooked in arsenic-contaminated water. As EPA
Nitrate exposure is linked to the blood disorder conducts a new arsenic risk assessment, the role of
methemoglobinemia (blue-baby syndrome), a po- arsenic ingestion will continue to be a key scientif-
tentially fatal condition in neonates. EPA’s current ic issue (EPA 2014b). Current risk assessments do
health risk assessment of nitrate is based on infant not incorporate the emerging evidence, described
susceptibility (EPA 1991). Although fetal hemo- in Chapter 3, that the gut microbiome affects the
globin, intestinal pH, and other factors increase bioavailability and metabolism of arsenic in ani-
susceptibility (Nelson and Hostetler 2003), EPA’s mal models and in human microbiome cultures
supporting data include a concern that nitrate tox- (Diaz-Bone and Van de Wiele 2010; Van de Wiele
icity appears to be exacerbated by gastrointestinal et al. 2010). New research in mice shows that ex-
illness in infants. Research has shown that multiple posure to arsenic alters the microbiome, perhaps
factors influence bacteria of the infant intestinal in ways that harm health (Lu et al. 2014). Further-
tract and nitrate bioactivation (Jones et al. 2015). more, a recently published study found that mice
However, research has not been conducted to char- exposed to arsenic at environmentally relevant
acterize and quantify the relationship between the dietary concentrations had alterations in the gut-
gut microbiome, nitrate exposure, and the risk of microbiome composition and in a variety of im-
methemoglobinemia. Research could be conduct- portant bacterial functional pathways (Chi et al. in
ed to test the current concern that infant intestinal press). Characterizing microbiomes in populations
health status is a key component of nitrate risk as- from different geographic locations and with dif-
sessment. Tools are available to characterize the ferent cultural practices (for example, food sourc-
microbiome in healthy infants and to quantify ex es and preparation methods) might reveal different
vivo bioactivation of nitrate and nitrite under vari- exposure profiles. Differences in the microbiomes
ous conditions. Such research would establish a of study populations might become as important in
baseline with which microbiome composition and interpreting epidemiology study results as measur-
metabolic capacity of infants who have intestinal ing arsenic intake in exposed populations.
illness could be compared. New information on
the role of the microbiome in altering susceptibil-

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Risk Assessment: Incorporating Chemical–Microbiome Interactions 79

RESEARCH TO ADDRESS likely pose a key risk-assessment challenge. Chap-

RISK-ASSESSMENT ter 6 describes the committee’s research strategy to
NEEDS AND IMPLICATIONS begin to address the important topics noted.
It is not likely that definitive answers to the im-
Whether interactions between some environ- portant risk-assessment issues will emerge unless
mental chemicals and the microbiome have adverse a substantial research program is under way; even
health consequences cannot be known without then, one can expect answers to emerge slowly.
substantial new research. Accordingly, research is Thus, as in all current risk assessment efforts, de-
needed to address when the microbiome is a di- fault assumptions will continue to be used to ad-
rect target of chemical toxicity and is perturbed by dress data gaps and other uncertainties. Moreover,
chemical exposures in ways that have measurable it might not be possible to develop clear criteria
adverse health effects on the host, when the micro- for adverse effects on the microbiome itself, so
biome is not itself perturbed in harmful ways but other targets of toxicity (ranging from intracellular
modulates exposure to environmental chemicals, components to organ systems) will remain the sub-
and how variability and variation of the human jects of risk assessment even if a chemical has an
microbiome influence the consequences of micro- adverse effect on the human microbiome. None-
biome–environmental-chemical interactions. Re- theless, understanding that the microbiome might
search to inform risk assessment could focus on be adversely affected is important because such
the following elements: knowledge might provide new insights into health
effects and human population sensitivities. Uncer-
• The extent to which harm to the microbi- tainty factors that have traditionally been used in
ome is incorporated into or detectable in conven- risk assessment should be able to accommodate
tional animal testing. new knowledge regarding interactions of environ-
• The extent to which microbiomes differ mental chemicals and the human microbiome.
substantially among animal strains and species
and between humans and animals. IDENTIFYING HEALTH RISK
• Characterization of the degree to which ASSESSMENTS THAT MIGHT
microbiomes can recover from insult or adapt to NEED RE-EVALUATION
continuing insult.
• How different microbiomes of the body of As data on chemical–microbiome interactions
most relevance to environmental exposures—gut, emerge and are used in risk assessments, it is likely
lungs, and skin—are affected and evaluated. that some previous risk assessments will be con-
• Understanding exposure pathways and sidered outdated and will need to be re-evaluated.
how physicochemical properties of environmental The merits of health-risk re-evaluation are well
chemicals influence exposure and mediate uptake. established and based on optimizing public-health
• How differences among humans in their benefits, either to provide greater protection from
microbiomes affect their susceptibility or resis- potential health effects or to reduce the expendi-
tance to environmental chemicals. ture of resources on unnecessary exposure-man-
agement actions. Identification of new findings
In addition to the elements listed above, new and evaluation of the likelihood that they will alter
approaches might be needed to evaluate dose–re- assessments are activities that are already being
sponse relationships that might be affected simul- pursued in federal and state risk-assessment pro-
taneously from chemically induced changes in grams. Indicators of the magnitude of changes in
the microbiome, chemically induced toxicity to risk that would present opportunities to improve
the host, and microbiome-induced effects on host public-health protection have not been uniformly
health. Understanding and integrating the relative established.
effects on the dose–response relationships will

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

80 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Findings that might result in a re-evaluation of Answering the question of whether past as-
chemical risk assessments include such outcomes sessments of health risk were sufficiently “robust”
as magnitude of change (lower or higher) in toxic- requires a science-policy finding of the change in
ity or exposure and the discovery of a previously health or exposure measures that provides oppor-
unrecognized but highly susceptible population or tunities for public-health protection. A small incre-
life stage (that is, one that is highly sensitive to the ment or decrement that is identified in a risk as-
chemical or is highly exposed). Increased suscep- sessment is unlikely to drive wide-scale research
tibility might be a consequence of such factors as in chemical–microbiome interactions or methodo-
sex, age, behavior, or health status. As new study logic changes in risk assessment protocols. How-
protocols that account more completely for chemi- ever, risk managers might support research if the
cal–microbiome interactions are developed, the increased risk were found for a highly specific pop-
resulting data might reveal previously unknown ulation or site or for an easily regulated chemical.
exposures or health outcomes that are important
to consider in applying research results to protect FINDINGS
public health. Results from the types of studies
described in Chapter 6 could inform current risk- • Adequate consideration of the roles of the
management practices and help to guide priorities human microbiome will improve understanding
for future research on chemical–microbiome in- of the health risks posed by exposures to environ-
teractions relevant to health risk assessment. The mental chemicals.
work could result in changes in variability and un- • Data used for hazard identification and
certainty factors that could be applied to past risk dose–response assessment are derived from stud-
assessments to adjust for a new understanding of ies of experimental animals; however, it is not
chemical–microbiome interactions. It could also clear that current methods for generating animal
provide important information that would help data or extrapolating from animals to humans can
in setting priorities for retesting or re-evaluation. incorporate the influence of the microbiome on ad-
Classes of chemicals, disease states, life stages, verse health outcomes properly.
health end points, or other generalizable group- • Characterization of animal and human ex-
ings of data could be identified for re-evaluation posure and health risk has advanced through the use
because the chemical–microbiome interaction has of biomonitoring, biomarkers, and physiologically
not been fully included in past studies or the inter- based pharmacokinetic models. Those methods
action indicates greater exposure and health con- have not been consistently applied to or do not en-
sequences than previously recognized. compass aspects known to be important for the mi-
A chemical-specific assessment of risk could crobiome, such as life stage, sex, and disease state.
be undertaken whenever emerging evidence of • A risk assessment might fail to provide
toxicity or exposure uniquely related to perturba- adequate protection of the general population if
tion of the microbiome becomes available. Such chemical–microbiome interactions are not incor-
work might already be possible in emerging re- porated implicitly into studies or explicitly ad-
search on arsenic and on nitrate. Results can be dressed, particularly when results from studies in
compared with past assessments to begin to gauge animals or in one population are used to character-
the impact that future re-evaluations might have ize risk to another species or population that has
on risk management. On a larger scale, existing a different microbiome composition and function.
risk assessments can be evaluated to determine the The outcome might be a mischaracterization of the
extent to which known or possible chemical–mi- nature of a hazard associated with exposure to an
crobiome interactions are likely to alter the assess- environmental chemical or an overestimation or
ments. A screening evaluation can be used to set underestimation of the risk associated with expo-
priorities for chemicals that warrant reassessment, sure.
and new assessments can follow.

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Risk Assessment: Incorporating Chemical–Microbiome Interactions 81

• There is a need to expand the scope of ex- EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency). 1991. Nitrate.
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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

82 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy
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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Research Strategy

Developing a research strategy to understand research strategy described in this chapter is not
the interactions between environmental chemicals meant to be undertaken all at once, and the com-
and the human microbiome and the implications of mittee’s strategy will be influenced by research
the interactions for human health risk is a complex on the relationships between microbiome pertur-
task. Understanding of how perturbations of the bations and disease. Furthermore, as discussed in
human microbiome might cause or contribute to this chapter, the research will be a collaboration
the development of various diseases is in its infan- of many agencies and organizations, each with its
cy, so the task of understanding how environmen- own priorities and interests in conducting specific
tal chemicals fit into the picture is even more diffi- research.
cult. Initially, the committee envisioned a research
strategy that was similar to a flowchart or decision SELECTION OF CHEMICALS FOR
tree in which one or more experiments would lead EXPERIMENTAL APPROACHES
naturally to a next set of experiments. However,
such a straightforward approach is not feasible to- Development of research programs to study
day given the state of the science. Thus, the com- whether and how the human microbiome might
mittee determined that the research strategy should modulate health risks posed by exposure to envi-
address broadly the three general topics highlight- ronmental chemicals requires decisions regarding
ed in its statement of task: the effects of environ- the specific chemicals to be investigated and the
mental chemicals on the human microbiome, the appropriate exposure routes. The universe of chem-
role of the human microbiome in modulating envi- icals that could be labeled environmental is large;
ronmental-chemical exposure, and the importance it includes naturally occurring and synthetic chemi-
of population variability or variation in modulat- cals, chemicals produced as byproducts of industri-
ing chemical–microbiome interactions. The com- al activity and energy production, and those result-
mittee addresses each of those in this chapter by ing from transformation of parent chemicals in the
describing the scientific value of the research, rec- environment. A subset of that universe of chemicals
ommending experimental approaches for conduct- consists of those subject to the requirements of ma-
ing the research, and identifying possible barriers jor laws and regulations that are intended to protect
specific to the research. It then describes the need human health from harmful exposures to chemi-
for specific tool development to conduct microbi- cals that occur in environmental media (air, water,
ome research and finally identifies opportunities food, and soils), in consumer products of all types
for collaboration. Because selection of chemicals (including foods and pharmaceuticals), and in the
for the experimental approaches is germane to all workplace. For purposes of the present report, the
research topics, the committee first provides rec- committee has defined environmental chemicals as
ommendations for selecting candidate chemicals comprising the chemical subset noted above with
for research. The committee emphasizes that the emphasis on those regulated by the US Environ-
mental Protection Agency (EPA).

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Research Strategy 85

It is clearly impossible to investigate all envi- dium duration (90 days) would be strong candi-
ronmental chemicals that fit the committee’s def- dates for initial investigation because replication
inition. Moreover, in the absence of much more of those studies to investigate chemical–micro-
knowledge than is available now, it is impossible biome interactions would be less expensive and
to specify the numbers and types of chemicals that less time-intensive than studies of longer duration.
would have to be investigated to provide an un- Longer-term studies will likely follow as microbi-
equivocal answer to the broad question regarding ome research develops a body of knowledge and
the interaction between environmental chemicals inquiry.
and the microbiome and associated human health • Some chemicals that are known to have
risks. If, for example, a clear and uniquely mi- toxicity end points similar to health effects that
crobiome-mediated form of toxicity were identi- have been associated with perturbed microbiomes
fied for a few important chemicals, that might be (for example, immune-system effects, nervous-
sufficient to demonstrate the importance of this system effects, metabolic effects, and perhaps re-
new branch of toxicology and the need for further productive effects) should be selected.
study. But it is not at all clear how many failures to • The candidate chemicals should include
demonstrate such a role of the microbiome would ones that have known capacity to perturb microbi-
be needed to conclude that the subject should not omes or that can be readily studied for that prop-
be further pursued. erty before full-scale toxicity investigations begin.
It is important to consider criteria for select- This information will be important in defining dos-
ing chemicals to be investigated carefully. In the es to be used in the studies. Antibiotics that have
bulleted statements below, the committee presents been found in the environment could be candidates
recommendations for appropriate criteria. Not for such studies.
all criteria need to be satisfied for any particu- • The candidate chemicals should include
lar chemical to be considered suitable for study. those known to undergo transformation by the hu-
And the need for additional criteria might become man microbiome.
apparent as data are generated. For example, if • Chemicals that have produced large inter-
emerging research indicates that children differ individual variability in dose–response studies are
substantially from adults in their vulnerability also strong candidates for investigation.
to chemical–microbiome interactions, selecting
chemicals to which children are heavily exposed Chemicals that satisfy most of those criteria
or highly sensitive could be given top priority. can be selected before experimental studies (ani-
mal and in vitro experiments) are conducted. In the
• Chemicals should be selected to represent case of observational epidemiology studies, it will
the important categories of environmental chemi- not be possible to select chemicals according to the
cals regulated by EPA, such as pesticides, heavy same criteria. Rather, it will be necessary to iden-
metals, organic solvents, air and water criteria pol- tify opportunities for fruitful studies and to make
lutants, persistent organic pollutants, consumer- decisions about whether they involve environmen-
product chemicals, and pharmaceuticals and vet- tal chemicals as defined in the present report. The
erinary drugs that have entered the environment. committee recommends that, when possible, the
• Chemicals in groups that have the high- same chemicals and methods be used for studies
est priority for regulation because they have been in whole animals, in vitro systems, and human
shown to pose substantial health risks (substan- populations to allow comparisons and integration
tial toxicity and widespread exposure) should be of findings. Such an approach would maximize the
strong candidates for initial investigation. possibility of reaching generalizable conclusions
• Chemicals that have been assessed in stud- from the total body of research.
ies of short duration (14 and 28 days) and me-

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

86 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy
EFFECTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL Full exploration of the association between
CHEMICALS ON THE environmental-chemical exposure, microbiome
HUMAN MICROBIOME disruptions, and adverse health outcomes is con-
tingent on a deeper understanding of exactly what
A research priority is investigation of the ef- a disrupted or “unhealthy” microbiome is—a topic
fects of environmental chemicals on the human that extends well beyond the scope of this research
microbiome and consequent changes to human program. As understanding grows, however, de-
health. The question is whether environmental- termining whether environmental-chemical expo-
chemical exposures or doses that are in the range of sures can cause such structural or functional dis-
known or anticipated human exposures can induce ruptions will become a high priority because the
microbiome perturbations that modulate adverse exposures constitute a cause that potentially can
health effects. This section explores the scientific be regulated and mitigated. Ultimately, greater un-
value of the research, recommended experimental derstanding should stimulate new toxicology con-
approaches, and research barriers. cepts and testing protocols that include the effects
of chemicals on the microbiome.
Scientific Value of the Research
Experimental Approach
As discussed in Chapter 2, the human micro-
biome has important effects on host biochemistry A research program that addresses the ques-
and physiology, and research over the last decade tion of how environmental chemicals affect the
has associated disruptions in the microbiome with microbiome and the possible consequences could
various disease outcomes. For example, regula- consist of defining toxicity end points for the mi-
tion of immune-system, nervous-system, and crobiome, identifying environmental chemicals
metabolic functions occurs under the influence that can perturb (structurally and functionally) the
of gut microbiome metabolites, and alterations microbiome, and using animal and epidemiology
in gut metabolite profiles have been associated (human) studies to demonstrate that microbiome
with aberrations in the functioning of these sys- perturbations by environmental chemicals cause
tems. Such aberrations can lead to both short- and or modulate a change in health. The research pro-
long-term adverse health consequences. There is gram will require using short-term, high-level ex-
recent evidence that exposures to some environ- periments—for example, using established study
mental chemicals can alter microbiome composi- protocols to screen chemicals for effects on the mi-
tion but little evidence that those alterations have crobiome—and conducting more detailed follow-
adverse effects on health status. There is, however, up studies that require new population cohorts or
evidence that long-term, low-level exposures to that aim to elucidate toxicity mechanisms.
some antibiotics alter animal microbiomes so as
to increase capacity to extract energy from food Defining Toxicity End Points for Microbiomes
and lead to obesity (Cox et al. 2014). That finding
is consistent with the use of low-level antibiotic The dose–response relationship is central to
treatment to promote more rapid growth of farm toxicology in that it quantitatively reflects the ef-
animals. Thus, it is reasonable to hypothesize that fect that a given exposure has on a given biologic
some environmental chemicals might alter mi- system. The dose–response relationship relies
crobiome composition and result in aberrations heavily on quantitative measures of health out-
in health status. Most important, assessment of comes or end points, such as gene expression, en-
whether environmental chemicals can cause mi- zyme activity, or alterations in cellular physiology.
crobiome disruptions has the potential to identify If a microbiome is considered the “biologic sys-
and prevent or ameliorate adverse health outcomes tem” for which a dose–response relationship needs
caused by such disruptions. to be defined, the question of which end points best

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Research Strategy 87

reflect microbiome toxicity arises. Accordingly, undertaken. First, the source of the microbiome
end points that exhibit dose-dependent properties needs to be considered. Human stool samples and
and act through known mechanisms will need to rodent fecal or cecal contents are popular micro-
be established. Because no known end points of biome sources; however, how accurately they re-
microbiome toxicity have been established, com- flect the microbiome of a particular gastrointesti-
prehensive approaches—including 16S rRNA or nal niche remains a topic of intense debate (Dantas
internal transcribed spacer (ITS) gene community et al. 2013), and how accurately a rodent-specific
profiling, metatranscriptomics, metaproteomics, microbiome reflects what might be observed in the
metabolomics, and other measures of physiologic human microbiome is unclear. Regardless, for the
activity—will be needed to capture all aspects of purpose of establishing testable end points, those
the microbiome response to a given toxicant. For microbiome sources are ideal because they are
example, although 16S rRNA and ITS sequencing easily collected and stored and can be collected
approaches will capture changes in community longitudinally. Second, although variability that
structure, measures of the microbiome stress re- results from diet, age, or sex can be strictly con-
sponse—both general and specific to a particular trolled in rodents, it cannot be in human studies, so
environmental chemical—will be captured best experiments will need to be designed with consid-
through metatransciptomic approaches. However, eration of the variation and variability associated
the committee emphasizes that an integrated ap- with the human microbiome. Third, antimicrobials
proach that includes the collection of data from could influence community structure through se-
multiple -omics assays will be important for es- lection via antibiotic resistance that could be es-
tablishing the most comprehensive view of the mi- pecially important during long-term incubations.
crobiome response to an environmental chemical. Therefore, acute, short-term dosing schemes will
To establish quantifiable end points, the com- be essential for developing signatures of microbi-
mittee recommends studying the effects of chemi- ome toxicity, and long-term chronic dosing studies
cals with different mechanisms on mouse and hu- should be interpreted with caution.
man microbiomes by using bioreactors, such as the Once a stable bioreactor system is established,
simulator of the human intestinal microbial eco- increasing doses of antimicrobials that have dif-
system (SHIME), described in Chapter 4.1 Many ferent mechanisms can be added, and samples can
antimicrobial agents are good candidates for this be collected longitudinally. Use of a longitudinal
investigation because they have known mecha- study design allows comparisons of acute and
nisms—for example, inhibition of DNA replica- chronic dosing schemes. Samples can be subjected
tion and transcription, protein synthesis, or cell to comprehensive analysis by a suite of -omics
wall biosynthesis—and exhibit predictable dose– tools. Changes in microbial membrane potential,
response relationships. Furthermore, some anti- membrane permeability, and DNA replication can
microbials are bacteriostatic (they restrict growth also be assessed (Maurice and Turnbaugh 2013).
and reproduction) whereas others are bactericidal Next, extensive statistical and bioinformatic anal-
(they cause cell death). Therefore, antimicrobials yses can be applied to determine patterns in gene
should help to establish quantitative end points expression, metabolite concentrations, or other
that ultimately could be used to understand or pre- physiologic measures that are consistently altered
dict the toxic effects of environmental chemicals in comparison with unexposed microbiomes and
on a microbiome. hence can serve as end points for studies of effects
The feasibility of using bioreactors has been of environmental chemicals. Data are likely to
demonstrated, but several important factors must identify specific members of the microbiome that
be carefully considered before these studies are contribute to specific end points; thus, defined cul-
ture systems (such as monocultures or cultures that
1Although the focus here is on the gut microbiome, the experi- are representative of the major taxa in structure
mental approaches could be adapted for skin and lung microbiomes and function) could provide an avenue to clarifi-
and other body niches.

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

88 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

cation of the mechanistic role of specific taxa of physiologic activity (such as metabolic activity
bacteria or fungi. Having established the identities and membrane permeability) and biologic activ-
of microorganisms that are most sensitive, one can ity (such as DNA replication and transcriptional
conduct more detailed studies to increase under- response). Once established, the measures of the
standing of a chemical’s mechanism of action. microbiome response to environmental-chemical
Once a repertoire of end points—such as exposure could be used to populate a database and
changes in physiology, gene expression, protein later to inform screening programs in mice and
concentrations, or metabolite concentrations—is perhaps could be cross-referenced with signature
established for antimicrobial exposure, the experi- responses in human populations.
mental approach can be applied to environmental Although development of bioreactors to inves-
chemicals of concern. However, there are several tigate microbiome interactions is still in the ear-
caveats to the experimental approach outlined. ly stages, several devices described in Chapter 4
First, it does not take into account metabolism by have found their way into basic and translational
the host and so might miss compounds that un- research. Bioreactor systems permit flexibility in
dergo biotransformation or bioactivation through study design by using single strains or defined or
host-dependent mechanisms before having their complex communities, can be cultivated for vari-
effects on the microbiome. Second, it assumes that ous periods to assess acute and chronic exposures,
environmental chemicals of concern work through and can be modified to include different host com-
mechanisms analogous to antimicrobial chemicals ponents, including mucin barriers or dietary con-
(that is, by affecting DNA, protein, or cell-wall stituents that more closely resemble in situ condi-
biosynthesis). Third, it assumes that bioreactor tions. Such bioreactor systems can be designed to
systems accurately model what is present in the incorporate surfaces for microbial attachment so
gut or other body niches, faithfully represent the that the response of mixed-species biofilms and
community structure and its metabolic activity, free-swimming microorganisms can be assessed,
and are capable of growing even the most fastidi- thereby recapitulating the primary modes of mi-
ous organisms. Fourth, the approaches do not fully crobial lifestyle in and on the human host. In the
capture differences that can occur through dif- bioreactor studies, it will be essential to use doses
ferent routes of exposure, such as inhalation and of chemicals relevant to human exposures, includ-
dermal. Therefore, the committee recommends ing concentrations typically associated with envi-
that model systems that faithfully recapitulate the ronmental or industrial accidents. However, dose
host–microbiome interaction of the skin and lung estimates might need to be re-examined to take
be considered so that all exposure routes are cap- into account interactions with the microbiome at
tured fully. both internal and external body sites (Silbergeld
2017). For example, although estimates of arsenic
Identifying Environmental Chemicals exposure via drinking water typically reflect the
That Perturb Microbiomes absorbed dose (the dose passed from the gastroin-
testinal environment into circulation), the dose to
Other high-priority research would be aimed the microbiome could be substantially higher. Fur-
at developing a high-throughput bioreactor sys- thermore, members of the microbial community
tem that operates under physiologically relevant are not likely to exhibit the same dose–response
conditions to screen environmental chemicals in relationship with an environmental chemical.
a uniform manner for their ability to perturb mi- Therefore, experimental systems that range from
crobiomes. The goal is to provide a reproducible individual strains of bacteria to complex micro-
platform for assessing dose-dependent effects of biomes must be considered to investigate the po-
environmental chemicals on defined microbial tential of an environmental chemical to alter the
communities and on individual microbial spe- microbiome. A final consideration is whether a
cies within a community through measures of mechanism of action is mediated by the host or is

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Research Strategy 89

independent of the host. If it is host-independent, outcome. An important caveat to that approach is

simpler bioreactors that require less investment that only a portion of the microorganisms present
can be developed because they do not require a in the donor community will be efficiently trans-
host component for incorporation into the system. ferred to the germ-free host. The approach has
A long-term goal would be to evaluate distinct been used in only a few experiments that use gut
microbiome configurations that are representa- communities; therefore, it is unclear whether it
tive of different life stages or disease states, which will be an effective approach for all gut communi-
might represent periods of increased susceptibil- ties and for those from skin or lung.
ity to environmental chemicals. Such platforms A long-term goal is to screen environmental
would provide important information regarding chemicals by using animal models to assess mi-
susceptible human populations and would be im- crobiome perturbations in inbred, transgenic, and
portant in trying to capture human variation and outbred lines and established disease models. The
variability. outbred lines particularly allow assessment of the
consistency of effects of chemical exposures in
Linking Microbiome Perturbations by genetic and microbial gradients in such animals.
Environmental Chemicals to Adverse The studies are not limited to rodents; for example,
Health Outcomes zebrafish, fruit flies, or nematodes might be best
suited to studies that require high-throughput anal-
Animal Studies ysis. Unlike the defined gnotobiotic experiments
discussed above, these studies will allow better un-
Evidence of adverse health outcomes caused derstanding of realistic microbiome variation and
by perturbations of microbiomes induced by envi- consistency of effects. Ideally, the studies would
ronmental chemicals could be provided by animal also include multiple animal models, multiple ani-
experiments, especially for chemicals that require mal facilities, and gnotobiotic transfers from de-
metabolism by the host. Although the bioreactor fined communities or multiple human donors.
experiments can screen environmental chemicals
rapidly, they cannot fully capture host-mediated Epidemiology Studies
processes that in many cases have been identified
as key mechanistic components of environmental- Epidemiology and population exposure stud-
chemical toxicity. The committee recommends ies that are already under way could be used to
starting with gnotobiotic animals that have a de- identify microbiome co-variation with an envi-
fined microbiome or standardized community (as ronmental chemical of interest. The approach
described in Chapter 4) to reduce measurement could involve, for example, identifying a human
and experimental variability. When diet and other population in which a chemical exposure of inter-
environmental factors can be carefully controlled, est has been tracked and collecting new samples
it should be possible to assess the interactions of appropriate for microbiome analyses, generating
environmental chemicals with the microbiome new microbiome-relevant data from biobanked
and the host and their contribution to adverse out- samples from such a cohort, or adding measure-
comes. For example, if one observes a correlation ments of environmental-chemical exposures of a
between the environmental-chemical exposure, human population that is being followed for other
microbiome perturbation, and adverse outcomes, purposes, including microbiome measurements.
one could transfer the perturbed microbiome into For short-term, proof-of-concept purposes, simple
germ-free mice and observe whether the adverse measures of microbiome structure might be suf-
outcome is recapitulated in them. If so, that would ficient to identify cases in which a perturbation
be strong evidence that the microbiome perturba- occurs either in tandem with or after chemical
tion induced by the environmental chemical is in- exposure and manifestation of adverse health out-
volved in manifestation of the observed adverse comes; the microbiome changes would then need

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

90 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

to be investigated in more detail to characterize There are several barriers to development

their functional or clinical consequences (if any). of the bioreactor platforms. First, as discussed
In such cases, it will also be crucial to separate in Chapter 4, there is the difficulty of establish-
health effects mediated by microbial activity from ing and maintaining physiologic communities in
those induced by direct chemical exposures of the vitro. Second, perturbations of the microbiome
host. That research could use existing prospective could require host-mediated chemical metabolism
cohort infrastructure, including banked specimens from such organs as the liver or some other host-
and could benefit particularly from collaboration mediated process that has not been incorporated
among institutions, such as environmental- and into the bioreactor platform. Third, as discussed in
population-health scientists and funding agencies. Chapter 4, bioreactors might not be able to capture
functional diversity, including interindividual, de-
Barriers velopmental, and body-site variation. Fourth, al-
though the research discussed above should help
Defined, validated, and quantitative measures to identify end points to use, end points for assess-
of host–environmental-chemical interactions exist ing microbiome toxicity have not yet been estab-
but not for chemical interactions with microbial lished. Fifth, there is little understanding of how
communities, although individual microbial phys- microbial-community composition and interaction
iology can be robustly detailed. Thus, defining depend on life stage and on the developing or aged
measurable and quantifiable end points that reflect host tissues.
toxicity to the microbiome are of paramount im- Overall, an additional barrier to research to un-
portance. Many of the antimicrobial experiments derstand how environmental chemicals might af-
that the committee describes are likely to require fect the human microbiome is the unknown level of
substantial investments of time and resources, functional redundancy that could exist within the
are exploratory and thus unlikely to be supported human microbiome. For example, many chemicals
through traditional funding mechanisms, and re- are capable of altering microbiome composition,
quire unique expertise not found in a single labora- but is the altered composition itself a response,
tory. Successful studies will require a consortium and would one expect it to be monotonically dose-
of microbiologists, toxicologists, microbiome- dependent? If alteration of the microbiome com-
analysis experts (those who have expertise ranging position can be shown to be causally related to an
from sequencing to metabolomics), bioinformatics adverse host response (for example, a change in
experts, and persons who have other relevant ex- the abundance of microorganisms that metabolize
pertise, as appropriate. Only after clear, quantita- chemical X or in the abundance of microorganisms
tive measures of microbiome toxicity have been that produce a lipid mediator of inflammation), is
established can the approaches be applied to rep- it possible that the response would behave in a
resentative environmental chemicals of concern. threshold-like manner because of the large poten-
Identification of exposures or doses that are in the tial for functional redundancy in the microbiome?
range of known or anticipated exposures will also As a hypothetical example, a detoxification prod-
be important, although a range of doses should uct of a metabolized chemical could be generated
be studied. Finally, a major challenge will be by a broad class of enzymes represented by dif-
capturing human microbiome variation and vari- ferent genes throughout various taxa in a micro-
ability that might not be apparent on the basis of biome. In that case, a shift in the composition of
sequencing but probably would be observed with the microbiome—even a robust shift—might have
metabolic output. Thus, more functional analyses little consequence if sufficient redundancy in func-
of the human microbiome that use metatranscrip- tion remains in the microbiome. At high doses,
tomics, metaproteomics, and metabolomics will where the microbiome is reduced in biomass and
be required. abundance, there could be threshold effects related
to metabolism or elimination, but such high doses

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Research Strategy 91

might not be relevant to environmental exposures. and the target-tissue dose of the parent chemical
Answering questions about associations of adverse or the active metabolite associated with an adverse
outcomes with changes in a microbiome induced effect.
by environmental-chemical exposures will require Scientists have little understanding today of
experiments with bioreactors (investigating the the total capacity of microbiomes to biotrans-
microbiome only), germ-free models (investigat- form environmental chemicals; for most cases,
ing the host only), and conventional animals (in- the specific microbial enzymes and microbial spe-
vestigating the host and the microbiome, including cies involved have not yet been elucidated. Thus,
their interactions). fundamental research should be aimed at broader
identification of specific microbial enzymes and
THE ROLE OF THE microbial species that mediate chemical transfor-
HUMAN MICROBIOME IN mation processes. Ultimately, linking the specific
MODULATING EXPOSURES TO microorganisms, genes, and enzymes to a particu-
ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICALS lar chemical transformation process is essential if
substantive progress is to be made in addressing
Another high-priority research topic is the ef- individual susceptibility and interspecies extrapo-
fects of the human microbiome on exposure to lation questions at a mechanistic level and in un-
environmental chemicals. Specifically, what is the derstanding the degree of functional redundancy
role of a microbiome in modulating absorption, within a microbiome. Furthermore, if the effect
distribution, metabolism (activation or inactiva- of the microbiome on chemical exposure can be
tion), and elimination (ADME) of environmental quantified, models can be developed by using a
chemicals? This section explores the scientific compartmentalized approach that could improve
value of the research, recommended experimental exposure assessment for specific chemicals in a
approaches, and barriers. hypothesis-driven manner without necessarily un-
derstanding the contributions of individual micro-
Scientific Value of the Research bial species.

As discussed in Chapter 3, there is increasing Experimental Approach

evidence that microbiomes can modulate the re-
lationship between external exposure and internal Determination of health risks associated with
dose of some environmental chemicals or their exposure to environmental chemicals and the po-
active metabolites. Conceptually, interactions be- tential roles of the microbiome in modulating such
tween a microbiome and environmental chemicals risks depends on an understanding of the biologic
might influence all aspects of the ADME profile of effects of the chemical, its distribution, its metabo-
a given chemical. For example, some microorgan- lism, and its clearance in model systems that per-
isms present in the gut microbiome can metabolize mit analyses of the role of the microbiome in such
foreign chemicals in ways similar to metabolism processes. The committee has organized the exper-
by the liver and other organs. Because the toxic imental approach so that the data generated could
properties of many environmental chemicals are feed directly into development of a microbiome
influenced or directly caused by some of their component for physiologically based pharmaco-
metabolic products, the creation of metabolites by kinetic or pharmacodynamic (PBPK-PD) models
a microbiome could influence toxicity outcomes. (see Box 6-1). The goal of developing quantitative
Accordingly, understanding of the specific inter- models provides a framework for guiding basic re-
actions between a chemical and a microbiome is search toward outcomes that can be valuable for
particularly important in the context of assessing risk assessment in the near term. The emphasis on
risk because it provides a means of quantifying the PBPK-PD modeling is not to imply that basic re-
relationship between external chemical exposure search should be a secondary part of the research

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92 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

BOX 6-1 Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic or Pharmacodynamic Models

Over the last several years, the use of PBPK-PD models has proved increasingly promising for predicting
ADME and consequent biologic effects of chemical exposures for integration into risk-assessment frameworks.
That approach combines in vitro and in vivo data on multiple biologic scales (from specific primary cell types to
whole-animal models) and permits modeling of distinct exposure routes (oral, dermal, inhalation, and intravenous)
and doses in multiple model species. Although PBPK-PD models are increasingly used for risk assessment, they
typically do not explicitly include the microbiome as a distinct compartment. Some PBPK-PD calculations based on
animal studies do implicitly incorporate the effect of microbiomes on ADME processes for some chemicals, such
as PBPK-PD models that include enterohepatic recycling of a parent chemical due to intestinal β-glucuronidase-
mediated cleavage of its metabolites. For the most part, however, current models lack the flexibility to simulate the
effect that changes in microbiome structure or function have on a chemical’s ADME profile.

strategy. Rather, the committee recognizes that the sued (green boxes in Figure 6-1). The committee
knowledge of microbiome roles in metabolism of notes that the initial focus of this research is on the
environmental chemicals has progressed substan- gut microbiome because a large body of literature
tially. Through thoughtful selection of chemicals implicates it in chemical transformation processes.
for study on which there is existing knowledge, However, the overall strategy could be generaliz-
there might be an opportunity to accelerate prog- able to other tissue sites, including the oral, respi-
ress in understanding how much the microbiome ratory, and skin microbiomes.
might influence ADME processes.
The traditional PBPK-PD modeling approach Animal Studies to Generate
follows a data-based parallelogram strategy that Pharmacokinetic–Pharmacodynamic Data
incorporates in vitro cell type-specific data on both
animals and humans and in vivo data generated Absorption and metabolism are two primary
from model animals (see blue boxes in Figure 6-1). determinants of chemical kinetics in mammalian
Those three data sources feed into development of systems (Yoon et al. 2012). The human microbi-
the PBPK-PD model to permit prediction of hu- ome encodes a vast ancillary metabolic potential
man responses to chemical exposure (Goldsmith and plausibly plays a role in such processes. But
et al. 2012). The widely used framework can be few experimental animal studies have been de-
adapted to incorporate data on microorganism-spe- signed explicitly to assess the specific role of the
cific contributions to ADME. A successful strategy microbiome in ADME, and such microorganism-
for PBPK-PD modeling of human-microbiome specific data have not been incorporated into
effects on chemical exposure would be enhanced PBPK-PD models. Integration of such data into
by including information from existing human-mi- current models could help to explain response
crobiome databases on microbiome gene content variability within human populations and reduce
(metagenomes), transcription, and metabolism and uncertainties in current model predictions.
by efforts to improve existing reference databases. To determine initially whether the microbiome
That information could be used to infer potential plays a role in a chemical’s kinetic behavior, com-
chemical-metabolism pathways in a microbiome parative studies of conventional animals (ones that
and to formulate initial models. Opportunities to have an intact microbiome) and germ-free animals
validate model predictions in existing human pop- would allow assessment of the effects (and their
ulation-based studies or those initiated specifically magnitude) of the microbiome on ADME pro-
for the purpose of such studies should also be pur- cesses in vivo. In the simplest form, experimental

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Research Strategy 93

Validation in new or existing studies of human subjects

Animal-derived in vivo Human PK-PD model

PK-PD data prediction

Animal microbiome-derived Human microbiome-derived

in vitro PK-PD data in vitro PK-PD data

Existing data from human microbiome metagenomic,

metatranscriptomic, and metabolomic databases

FIGURE 6-1 Parallelogram strategy (blue boxes) for predicting human response to chemical exposure that incorporates in
vitro and in vivo data into PBPK-PD models. A strategy for examining the role of the human microbiome in modulating chemi-
cal exposures would generate microbiome-based data to inform model prediction. The modeling results would be enhanced
by integrating human microbiome databases to predict microbial metabolic capacity and by using human cohorts to validate
model predictions.

animals are exposed (via oral, dermal, inhalation, from heterogeneous sources that differ in their
or intravenous routes), the concentrations of the constitution, such as those from infants, adults, or
parent chemical and its metabolites are assessed people who have chronic diseases known to influ-
in several target organs and in the circulation and ence microbiome composition. Animals that have
urine, and binding of the parent chemical or its de- been colonized with a defined microbial commu-
rivatives to receptors in target organs (if known) nity allow assessment of microorganisms that are
is investigated (Yoon et al. 2012). Although germ- suspected of playing a key role in chemical trans-
free animal models have some caveats, as noted formation. Both approaches offer an opportunity
in Chapter 4 and in the section on barriers below, to generate information on the capacity of such
they offer a unique opportunity to consider host vs organisms to modulate chemical exposures and
microorganism-derived chemical interactions in influence ADME. Similarly, comparing untreated
vivo and to some extent extricate host from micro- conventional animals with antimicrobial-treated
bial contributions to these processes. animals would allow assessment of the effects of
To develop data that might be more directly acute microbiome perturbation on ADME and tox-
relevant to human microbiome-derived chemi- icokinetics.
cal transformation, one could also consider ex-
periments that compare germ-free animals with In Vitro Systems for Generating
ones that have been colonized with a microbial Pharmacokinetic–Pharmacodynamic Data
inoculum derived from human feces (humanized)
or colonized with specific human-derived micro- Once a microbiome has been implicated in
organisms to study the functions of interest. Hu- modulating ADME processes in an animal model,
manized animals offer an opportunity to evaluate in vitro systems, such as bioreactors and gut-on-
effects by using complex microbiomes derived a-chip, can be used to isolate the microbial com-

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94 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

ponent and compare mechanisms among species. and Cravatt 2007; Wright et al. 2009; Sadler and
In vitro experiments should be used to define Wright 2015) and to identify microbial glycoside
functional traits of the microbial community that hydrolases and other enzymatic activities in bac-
transform the environmental chemical, to identify teria (Chauvigné-Hines et al. 2012). Chemical
microorganisms and microbial interactions im- probes that mimic structures of specific classes of
plicated in chemical transformations, to identify environmental chemicals and have reactive tags
microorganism-modified metabolites, and to ob- (such as biotin) could also be useful for initial
tain microorganism-specific chemical transforma- screening efforts to identify direct interactions be-
tion rates, which should be compared with those tween a chemical and a microbial species within
obtained by using human microbiomes for incor- a complex microbial community. In conjunction
poration into PBPK-PD models. Environmental- with chemical probes, genetically engineered bac-
chemical metabolites formed in vitro should be terial reporter strains could be used as sensitive
reintroduced into animal models to test or verify indicators of microbiome perturbations. The ap-
their mechanism. As shown in Figure 6-1 (bottom proach has been used extensively to sense environ-
blue bars), microbiomes obtained from mice ex- mental chemicals in the field (Roggo and van der
posed to an environmental chemical could be used Meer 2017), but reporter strains have been used
in parallel with human microbiomes from exposed less commonly to sense and record specific signals
populations, if available, to determine whether the in the mammalian gut microbiome (Kotula et al.
same metabolites are produced after chemical ex- 2014). However, the potential for reporter strains
posure and through similar types of microbial in- to affect the microbiome-community structure and
teractions. function should be carefully considered.
A major advantage of in vitro systems is the po- Emerging technologies that hold promise for
tential to implement high-throughput studies. De- characterizing how environmental chemicals are
velopment and standardization of high-throughput metabolized in a microbial community include
in vitro systems will require careful consideration stable-isotope labeling, which permits tracking of
of model microbial reference communities and labeled chemicals, and advanced mass-spectrom-
reference strains that broadly represent the diverse etry methods (Berry et al. 2013). Coupling those
metabolic functions of the unperturbed human approaches with single-cell genomics strategies
microbiome, which are as yet poorly defined. As should prove useful for identifying the specific
discussed below, further development of micro- microorganisms responsible for chemical interac-
bial reference strains will require continued effort tions (Lasken 2012; Berry et al. 2013; Koppel et
to improve functional annotation of metagenomes al. 2017). Although such discovery-based studies
with emphasis on identifying the specific enzymat- might have a longer time horizon, their early in-
ic pathways that act on environmental chemicals. clusion as part of an integrated research strategy is
critical for achieving the goal of assessing person-
Identifying Specific Microbial alized microbiome status as a potential risk factor
Enzyme Functions for environmental-chemical interactions.

New chemical probes and chemical screening Barriers

technologies are emerging that could reduce the
experimental effort and time needed to isolate and Although the components of this research
identify specific proteins and microorganisms that strategy for assessing the role of a microbiome in
interact with environmental chemicals in the mi- modulating ADME of environmental chemicals
crobiome. For example, chemical probes designed are based on an established framework for PBPK-
to target enzyme active-site chemistries have been PD model development, several barriers to its
used to profile cytochrome P450 enzyme activi- implementation remain to be resolved, as outlined
ties and drug–protein interactions in vivo (Wright below.

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Research Strategy 95

• In situ conditions that might influence THE IMPORTANCE OF MICROBIOME

ADME, such as dietary interactions and pH and VARIATION AND VARIABILITY
oxygen gradients, are largely unknown in human
populations of potentially heightened susceptibil- As discussed in Chapter 2, the human micro-
ity, such as infants and patient populations that ex- biome structure and function vary with, for ex-
hibit changes in microbiome diversity in associa- ample, body site, life stage, genetics, geography,
tion with their underlying disease. Thus, it might and health status. The human microbiome also dif-
be difficult to recapitulate such conditions in mod- fers from microbiomes of animal species. Varia-
el systems accurately. tion and variability have important implications in
• Germ-free animal models are known to assessing risk posed by environmental-chemical
have altered host tissue physiology compared with exposure.2 This section explores experimental ap-
conventionally raised animals, including adaptive proaches to examine the importance of variation
changes in expressing enzymes that are critical and variability among humans and then between
for metabolic transformation of drugs and envi- humans and laboratory animals.
ronmental chemicals. The extent to which adap-
tive changes in normal host metabolism occur Assessing the Importance of Human
in germ-free or other gnotobiotic systems is not Microbiome Variability and Variation
broadly understood and requires rigorous evalua-
tion. Thus, for some chemicals, the use of germ- As noted, microbiome variability and varia-
free models could be problematic for measuring tion within the human population are substantial,
PBPK-PD parameters. and a question is whether knowledge of popula-
• To address variations in microbiome struc- tion and life-stage variation and variability in the
ture and function that are naturally present in hu- human microbiome will improve understanding of
man populations, large experimental design matri- the susceptibility to environmental chemicals and
ces might be required, whether animal models or of individual health risk. The subsections that fol-
in vitro systems are used, and might require large low discuss the scientific value of the research and
resource investments. In designing cost-efficient recommend research designed to investigate this
studies to identify sources of variability effective- important topic.
ly, such statistical techniques as design of experi-
ments could be used. Scientific Value of the Research
• Development of in vitro model systems,
such as gut-on-a-chip, that include the microbiome As discussed in Chapters 1 and 2, humans and
is still in its infancy. There is still no consensus their microbiomes have co-evolved to form an
on microbial reference communities or strains that ecosystem that is comprised of distinct habitats
reflect the metabolic potentials of an unperturbed whose microbial community structure and func-
microbiome accurately. That knowledge gap might tion vary. Many factors—such as age, race, genet-
present challenges in obtaining comparable results ics, health status, physical condition, diet (includ-
from in vitro systems that can be directly extrapo- ing early-life nutrition), and geography—affect
lated to the whole animal or to human systems. microbiome structure and function. Susceptibility
• Because the human gut microbiome cannot to environmental-chemical exposure and associ-
be fully recapitulated—for example, in a germ- ated health risk might be modified not only by
free rodent or in vitro system—some microorgan- those factors but by the variation and variability of
isms will be missing from such studies. That limi- the human microbiome structure and function (see
tation reiterates the need for fundamental studies Figure 6-2). Understanding how the variation and
to understand what gene products (enzymes and variability of the human microbiome might affect
proteins) are encoded by the microbiome and are
involved in metabolism of chemicals. 2See Chapter 1 for a discussion of the definitions of variation and


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96 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

FIGURE 6-2 Susceptibility to environmental-chemical exposure and associated health risks might be affected not only by
developmental stage and baseline health status but by the variation and variability in the human microbiome.

chemical-microbiome interactions will be critical posure to environmental chemicals. In conducting

in assessing microorganism-mediated risk posed this (and other) human microbiome research, two
by environmental-chemical exposures. For ex- points need to be emphasized. First, the respira-
ample, the microbial community and its functions tory, gut, and skin microbiomes vary in their taxo-
are sparser and less varied in the infant than in the nomic composition and function, so one needs to
adult; if one considers only the adult microbiome, consider the environmental exposure route when
one could miss identifying critical windows or pe- selecting the specific organ and tissue system to
riods of susceptibility. Explicitly considering hu- study. For example, although studies of one com-
man microbiome variation and variability might munity could inform those of another, studying the
also substantially improve our capacity for identi- response of the gut microbiome to an environmen-
fying at-risk populations and for developing strat- tal chemical that is absorbed mainly through the
egies to mitigate exposures and reduce associated skin might not be directly informative for human
disease incidence in these populations. risk assessment. Second, community composition
and its function are not the same, so examining mi-
Experimental Approach crobial function rather than only taxonomy should
be encouraged. For example, subtle variations in
The goals of the research described are to un- low-biomass communities might impart important
derstand the importance of human microbiome functional differences in metabolites or small-
variability and variation at any given life stage or molecule intermediates; conversely, because func-
among specific populations and ultimately to en- tional redundancy is probable in many microbial
sure that studies consider such variation and vari- communities, variations in community composi-
ability adequately and appropriately in assessing tion might not necessarily impart key functional
the health risks to human populations posed by ex- differences.

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Research Strategy 97
Variation and variability can be understood developing computational methods will provide
best by conducting comparative studies that as- measures that, when integrated, will allow model-
sess functional similarities and differences of ing of cause–effect relationships. When combined
environmental exposure in the factors known or with detailed characteristics of the human host, a
hypothesized to affect microbiome diversity. Spe- computational approach might identify modifiers
cifically, the studies should characterize microbi- (factors that affect variability and variation) that
ome communities and their functional differences are important in manifestation of the health effect.
by such factors as race, sex, life stage, and health However, tackling the integrated analysis of het-
status and emphasize populations that represent erogeneous data types at the scale and complex-
key windows of potential vulnerability, such as ity necessary will demand data-science innovation
infants, pregnant women, adolescents, and geri- and computational advances that are outlined fur-
atric populations, and resiliency, such as healthy ther in the section “Tool Development.”
adults. Functions that would be strong candidates In conjunction with the human studies, it will
for evaluation include microbial activities and be important to replicate or validate the findings
pathways for chemical metabolism, regulation of or observations from those studies in bioreactors
transport and barrier integrity, and modulation of or gnotobiotic-animal models described earlier in
factors relevant to host developmental, metabolic, this chapter. For example, a bioreactor or gnotobi-
immunologic and neurologic outcomes. otic-animal model could be used to investigate the
In the near term, large and well-characterized responses of microbiomes that were isolated from
human population studies that are already under groups (defined by some host factor) that did and
way could be used for conducting comparative did not manifest a given effect that resulted from
studies. Sample collection for microbiome anal- exposure to an environmental chemical.
ysis could be added to current studies of large,
longitudinally followed, and well-characterized Assessing the Importance of Microbiome
cohorts in which toxicant exposures have been or Variation Between Animals and Humans
could be readily assessed. The longitudinal com-
ponent of such human studies offers an opportu- Understanding the importance of the variation
nity to examine short-term and long-term effects between animal and human microbiomes is criti-
of exposure and could be particularly enlightening cal. The central question is whether the differences
with respect to populations at heightened risk, for are so great that effects are being missed or mis-
example, early-life acute or chronic toxicant expo- characterized by using the animal models to predict
sures that have the potential to affect microbiome health risks associated with environmental-chemi-
development in a manner that manifests as disease cal exposure. Furthermore, do the interspecies un-
later in childhood. Such an effort is likely to yield certainty factors that are used to extrapolate effects
valuable data at moderate cost. This approach in animals to humans account for the microbiome
could be enabled by developing rapid and agile variation? The following text explores the scientif-
funding opportunities for supplemental grants to ic value of the research and recommends research
awarded projects that are investigating chemical– that could be conducted to address such questions.
microbiome interactions.
In the longer term, improved computational Scientific Value of the Research
approaches, advances in data science, and innova-
tive human-study design will advance understand- For most health risk assessment, animal mod-
ing of the implications of variation and variability els have been the basis for determining the toxic
of the human microbiome. Specifically, the ad- effects of chemicals and estimating the potential
vent of high-throughput DNA and RNA sequenc- for adverse health effects in humans. The extent to
ing and high-throughput untargeted protein and which toxicity studies have already accounted for
metabolite profiling technologies with rapidly mediating effects of microbiota on health effects
is currently unclear. For environmental chemicals

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98 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

for which there is reasonable evidence or suspi- exposures to evaluate effects on the shape of the
cion of microbiome-mediated health effects, it is dose‒response relationship. Near-term goals of the
important to determine whether chemical–micro- research would be the following:
biome interactions of consequence observed in
model systems are similar in human microbiomes. • Identification of functional pathways, in-
If not, understanding why findings in model- cluding chemical metabolism pathways, that are
system microbiomes differ from those in human uniquely encoded by microbiomes from select
microbiomes is imperative. For example, are the model organisms and performance of multi-omics
differences the result of an inability to recapitulate functional characterization of microbiomes from
a microbiome in an in vitro system (that is, key humans and animal models, including compari-
microbial-community members are not present in sons of animals from different colonies and genet-
the in vitro system), or do they result from true ic backgrounds to assess various potential micro-
variation between an animal microbiome and the biome compositions.
human microbiome? The research described be- • Functional characterization of human mi-
low should produce new knowledge of microbial- crobiome samples in response to environmental-
community function that should allow assessment chemical exposure and conduct of comparative
of the capacity of animal models to recapitulate analyses of functional profiles after transplantation
the activities of human microbiomes. of microbiota into model organisms.
• Understanding of differences and simi-
Experimental Approach larities between model-organism and human-host
responses (such as metabolism, absorption, elimi-
Like research to investigate variation and vari- nation, immunity, and behavior) to environmental-
ability within the human population, this research chemical exposures by using defined microbial
involves conducting comparative studies that fo- communities in in vitro or gnotobiotic models.
cus on functional differences rather than only • Assessment of the redundancy and unique-
taxonomy. Ultimately, the goal would be to focus ness of microbiomes of various model organisms
on functional capacity encoded by the human mi- and humans through comparative microbial func-
crobiome to identify the animal species and study tional genomic and metabolomic studies.
designs most appropriate for extrapolating to hu-
mans. The comparative studies should focus on Model organisms will be essential for testing
evaluating functional similarities and differences causal relationships between environmental expo-
between native microbiomes from humans and sures, microbiome perturbations, and health out-
test animals, such as mice, zebrafish, fruit flies, comes. They will enable the identification of the
pigs, and nonhuman primates; native microbiomes molecular and cellular underpinnings of observed
from laboratory-reared and wild model organisms; interactions. Thus, model systems that can be
and native human and animal microbiomes and used to represent the human condition faithfully
microbiomes resulting from transplantation of hu- are critical. Over the long term, model organisms
man microbiota into test animals. Functions that or microbiomes that faithfully and stably encode
would be strong candidates for evaluation would functions relevant to human microbiomes might
be microbial activities and pathways for chemi- be engineered by using synthetic-biology or ge-
cal metabolism, regulation of transport and bar- netic-engineering strategies.
rier integrity, and modulation of factors relevant to
host developmental, metabolic, immunologic, and Barriers
neurologic outcomes. Important considerations for
the experiments include use of appropriate con- Any model system for assessing microbiomes
trols that take into account effects of the vehicle and even human-based studies have inherent and
or chemical form administered and use of a range specific limitations. Knowledge of such limita-
of doses that include environmentally relevant tions should inform decisions on experimental

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Research Strategy 99

approaches to be used and what research cannot already exist in toxicology studies of health risks
be adequately addressed with a single approach. associated with environmental-chemical exposure,
Potential barriers include the following: are amplified when microbiome-modulated influ-
ence is of central concern, and they can become
• There could be difficulties in obtain- even larger when variability and variation are of
ing detailed functional characterization of some key interest.
microbiomes—for example, with multi -omics
approaches—because of limitations related to TOOL DEVELOPMENT
sample collection, sample type, sample quantity,
and the preponderance of host components, such The research strategy developed by the com-
as human DNA, RNA, or protein that is usually mittee emphasizes the three main elements high-
associated with tissue samples. Such microbiomes lighted in the statement of task: the effect of
would include those from difficult-to-access host chemical exposure on the human microbiome, the
sites or from sites that have small amounts of re- role that the human microbiome plays in environ-
trievable material, which potentially limit their mental-chemical exposure, and the importance of
study with multiple analytic approaches. population variation and variability in modulating
• A related barrier is the understanding of microbiome-mediated effects of environmental-
how sample collection, processing, and storage chemical exposure. While deliberating on the three
could affect multilevel functional characterization elements, the committee identified several impor-
of a given microbiome or data interpretation. Re- tant tool-development needs that are pertinent for
search study protocols should strive to harmonize addressing the research described in this chapter.
tools and methods among systems whose microbi- Those needs are relevant to a much broader set of
omes are to be compared, for example, gut micro- concerns throughout the field of microbiome re-
biomes from an animal model and human subject. search and therefore are beyond what is encom-
• Detailed functional characterization of mi- passed in the charge to this committee. Conse-
crobiomes could be difficult because of techno- quently, progress in those matters will not be the
logic limitations in generating reliable reference province solely of the research strategy set forth in
databases of microbial genomic and metabolomic this chapter. Progress in the areas discussed below
annotations and the poor scalability and relatively should be monitored and applied where appropri-
high cost of some animal models. ate to improve knowledge about the influence of
• Inability to reproduce findings related to the microbiome on health risks associated with ex-
chemical–microbiome interactions derived from posure to environmental chemicals.
a given experimental approach because of lack
of standardization is a barrier. Investigators will In Vitro Models
need to control and disclose variables relevant to
microbiome assessments, including initial charac- As discussed in Chapter 4, in vitro models will
terization of microbiomes, animal-care procedures be used mainly for three goals: to understand bio-
and conditions, choices of laboratory reagents, and chemical transformations of environmental chemi-
methods for sample processing and outcome mea- cals by different body-site microbiomes (gut, lung,
surements. If a lack of reproducibility is observed, and skin) by using state-of-the-art analytic tools,
the extent to which such an observation is due to to identify important interactions between envi-
microbiome differences rather than other variables ronmental chemicals and the microbiome and their
unique to the models or human cohorts would be effects on microbial-community structures (diver-
important to clarify. sity) and functions that could affect host health,
• Many experimental systems present im- and to understand host transformation of environ-
portant technical challenges in creating exposure mental chemicals that might affect microbiome
conditions that appropriately mimic the human composition or function. In vitro model systems
condition to be studied. Such challenges, which that faithfully model the host gut environment—

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

100 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

including protective mucus barriers, immune cells, tive reference communities beyond those informed
and cellular architecture—have not yet been de- by the HMP will be needed to account for the de-
veloped, despite such advances as the SHIME and velopmental, disease, and geographic, racial, and
mucosal-SHIME (M-SHIME) systems. As dis- ethnic differences that determine the interindivid-
cussed, consideration of nutrient flow, oxygen ten- ual variation discussed earlier in the present report.
sion, mechanical stress, and microbial biofilm for- Capturing key demographic, medical, social, and
mation are not yet captured in a single platform, so lifestyle factors that might also shape a person’s
current in vitro model systems are unable to incor- microbiome will be important for the use of refer-
porate microbial communities that are fully rep- ence communities because these factors might af-
resentative of naturally occurring microbiomes— fect interpretation of results and decision-making.
that is, ones that contain population, structural, and It will be important to consider and incorporate not
physiologic diversity, such as a mix of biofilm (or only the taxonomic variation observed in the hu-
adherent) and free-swimming microbial popula- man microbiome but the functional capacity and
tions. It is important to understand how various characteristics that continue to be discovered.
factors—such as nutrient and oxygen gradients,
protective mucus barriers, epithelial cell types and Reference Information and Annotation
architecture, mechanical stress, and fluid shear
stress—change microbiome gene expression and The functional -omics data generated from, for
metabolism, and which factors need to be recapitu- example, metatranscriptomic and metabolomics
lated in an in vitro system. Once in vitro systems approaches could help to elucidate time-resolved
are able to incorporate complex characteristics, microbiome activity in response to environmen-
the effects of an environmental-chemical exposure tal stresses that potentially lead to changes in host
on the microbiome can be tested with improved health. By understanding the time-course changes
robustness and understanding of the chemical–mi- with high-complexity multi-omics longitudinal
crobiome interaction and its effects on the host. datasets, one could construct better predictive
Beyond in vitro systems that can faithfully model models that lead to the identification of higher-
the gut, there is a great need to develop systems for confidence biomarkers and targets. For those ap-
studying the skin, lung, and other body sites. proaches to be used for understanding microbiome
dynamics, the genomic, transcriptomic, and meta-
Microbial Reference Communities bolic databases and libraries need to expand their
coverage of relevant strains, genes, enzymes, and
Past initiatives of the Human Microbiome metabolite identities and functions. The vastness
Project (HMP) have provided some initial healthy- and complexity of the microbiome have resulted
adult reference community data. The HMP collect- in genomic databases that contain scores of unan-
ed samples from at least 17 body sites from among notated genes about which we know almost noth-
300 people who are representative of the variation ing. Similarly, there remains much to be annotated
in race, ethnicity, and sex of a healthy-adult cohort and identified in metabolomic databases, including
of the US population. Those data are being used to chemical structure, metabolite source (human vs
inform the generation of microbial reference com- microbe), and metabolism pathway. Enriching the
munities and to standardize microbial populations databases will facilitate clear identification of the
that faithfully recapitulate the variation present in potential for interactions among host and micro-
the human microbiome. However, additional work bial states and for biotransformation of environ-
is needed to advance the microbiome field. The de- mental chemicals.
velopment and use of reference communities for in As human metagenomics-sequence databases
vitro and animal studies will allow comparison of continue to expand, computational modeling strat-
results among institutions and increase reproduc- egies for reconstructing metabolic pathways and
ibility of results. It is likely that several representa- identifying enzyme homologues among metage-

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Research Strategy 101

nomes can provide an initial framework for infer- Predictive models of microbial and chemical ef-
ring functions and chemical interactions of spe- fects on human health outcomes will need to be
cific genes in the microbiome (Saad et al. 2012; developed to complement the predictive host–mi-
Das et al. 2016). That approach was recently used croorganism models. For example, computational
to identify over 800 bacterial genera (from 397 hu- associations have not yet been made between mi-
man metagenomes) that might express enzymes crobial products and most health-relevant human
that metabolize environmental chemicals (Das immune pathways or systemic metabolism. Long-
et al. 2016). Such estimates could be experimen- term effects of microbiome activity on health, such
tally constrained by using metatranscriptomic and as the induction of chronic disease, will be particu-
metaproteomic analyses to define which of the larly difficult to model.
predicted gene products are expressed and under
what circumstances. OPPORTUNITIES FOR
Computational Models
In the United States, several agencies play
An overarching goal is the development of roles in assessing health risks associated with ex-
computational models that can predict chemical– posures to environmental pollutants. Similarly,
microbiome interactions and their consequences. microbiome-related research is being conducted
Development of such models is in its infancy and by several agencies and sectors. Progress in fields
will require large-scale data generation. At the mo- related to risk assessment and in microbiome re-
lecular level, as noted above, most biochemically search has occurred largely independently. The
relevant microbial gene products are not yet char- segregation of research programs in those fields,
acterized and need to be cataloged. Similarly, as- historically and currently, poses a major barrier
sociations between specific microorganisms at the to the advancement of knowledge on interactions
strain level and relevant phenotypes, such as bio- between environmental chemicals and human mi-
chemical activities or health outcomes, need to be crobiomes and the potential effects of such interac-
bioinformatically identified and cataloged. Having tions to influence human health. Funding mecha-
that information will allow development of single- nisms that promote multidisciplinary research that
protein and single-microorganism models that specifically encourages collaboration between ex-
can be extended to model biochemical activities perts in such fields as exposure science, epidemi-
arising specifically from microorganism–microor- ology, toxicology, risk assessment, human health,
ganism and host–microorganism interactions. The and microbiome research are crucial for the imple-
ultimate aim is to develop multiscale metabolic mentation of the research strategy described in the
models that incorporate many different microbial present report. To support such efforts effectively,
members, human cell types, and even organ sys- agencies and research entities that conduct micro-
tems. The large number of interacting components biome and human-health research are encouraged
and the likely stochasticity of the interactions make to develop collaborations with their counterparts
predictive computational models of host–microor- in fields related to risk assessment and vice versa.
ganism interactions challenging. For example, collaborations between the National
It is not yet possible to predict the community- Institutes of Health (NIH) and EPA or state envi-
wide effects of most chemical exposures on the ronmental and public-health agencies that have a
human microbiome; that is, how will the whole long history of assessing the health risks posed
community structure be affected by a particular by environmental-chemical exposures are encour-
chemical exposure and with what temporal dy- aged. That type of interdisciplinary collaboration
namics? Conversely, it is not yet possible to pre- should be sought out, encouraged, and supported
dict how the microbiome affects the ADME char- to make the best use of existing knowledge and
acteristics of a particular environmental chemical. resources at each agency or organization. Like-

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

102 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

wise, initiatives similar to the Center for Chil- information arises from the study of the effects of
dren’s Health, the Environment, the Microbiome chemicals on the microbiome, from the study of
and Metabolomics at Emory University, jointly the effects of the microbiome on chemical expo-
funded by EPA and the National Institute for En- sure, or both. Near-term results from the proposed
vironmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) could be research should thus allow judgments to be made
considered as vehicles for stimulating and foster- about the need for and priorities to be assigned to
ing the types of interdisciplinary research needed. continued pursuit of this new field of environmen-
Because pharmaceuticals and other products regu- tal research. Those results should also provide sub-
lated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) stantial guidance on preferred study methods.
enter the environment, collaboration between EPA If results from the near-term research provide
and FDA might be valuable. The participation of relatively convincing evidence that explicit con-
experts in diverse research disciplines during the sideration of the microbiome in the development
entire research cycle—planning and designing of chemical toxicity yields information that has
studies, conducting experiments, and analyzing previously been absent, the committee recom-
data—is likely to result in studies that are better mends that EPA begin to incorporate that informa-
suited to addressing the research recommended by tion into human health risk assessments at least on
the committee. Moreover, such multidisciplinary an experimental basis. The longer-term research
initiatives could serve as an ideal training environ- results should provide an understanding of the na-
ment for the next generation of researchers whose ture and magnitude of the sources of variation and
expertise spans several fields. variability that affect chemical–microbiome inter-
To assist members of the various research com- actions and their health consequences. Those re-
munities, Box 6-2 lists some important resources sults will likely have the most important effects on
that could serve as a starting point for identify- the conduct of risk assessments. Ultimately, both
ing potential collaborators and notes where the the near-term and longer-term research should lead
resources could be leveraged to address the re- to the type of information that is needed to assess
search described by the committee. The resources the importance of the microbiome as a contribu-
and related programmatic efforts present potential tor to the human health risks associated with expo-
high-yield opportunities to advance the current un- sures to environmental chemicals and thus allow
derstanding of the health consequences of environ- informed decisions to be made about the need for
mental chemical–human microbiome interactions. and nature of continuing research.


The committee believes that implementation Berry, D., B. Stecher, A. Schintlmeister , J. Reichert, S.
of its proposed research strategy will substantially Brugiroux, B. Wild, W. Wanek, A. Richter, I. Rauch, T.
advance understanding of whether and to what Decker, A. Loy, and M. Wagner. 2013. Host-compound
extent the human microbiome affects the nature foraging by intestinal microbiota revealed by single-
and magnitude of adverse health effects caused cell stable isotope probing. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA
by exposures to environmental chemicals. In the 110(12):4720-4725.
relatively near term (2–4 years), results from the CALEPA (California Environmental Protection Agency).
proposed research should allow judgments to be 2016. The Mission of the Office of Environmental Health
made about whether explicit consideration of mi- Hazards Assessment (OEHHA) [online]. Available:
crobiome interactions in the study of environmen- [accessed August 23, 2017].
tal-chemical toxicity yields information that is not CALEPA (California Environmental Protection Agency).
available from traditional studies, that is, ones that 2017. Consolidated Table of OEHHA/ ARB Approved
do not explicitly consider microbiomes. Within a Risk Assessment Health Values [online]. Available:
similar time frame, it should also be possible to
gain some understanding of whether any such new [accessed August 23, 2017].

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Research Strategy 103

BOX 6-2 Resources for Research Collaborations

Resources with Microbiome-Related Samples or Data

• NIH-sponsored RoadMap and Common Fund initiatives, such as HMP 1.0 and 2.0 and the NIH Common Fund Me-
tabolomics Program. The HMP banked its extensive data in dbGaP (NCBI 2017), where further data projects are similarly
stored and available. The initiatives include computational resources, and multi-omics studies are a part of HMP 2.0, the
NIH Common Fund Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) program, and the NIH Precision Medicine Initiatives.
• Microbiome research that is planned or under way in NIH institutes or other federal institutes or agencies that share
interests in the developmental origins of health and disease, including the National Institute of Child Health and Human
Development, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive
and Kidney Diseases, NIEHS, the National Science Foundation, the Department of Defense, the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, and the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). Large human studies funded by one institute
could provide opportunities to add sample collections that would otherwise be outside the scope of the parent project.
Because enrollment and sample collection usually occur in the first years of a grant, rapid-response supplemental fund-
ing could help to leverage and combine investments of multiple institutes or agencies.
• National Aeronautics and Space Administration initiatives on multi-omics analysis and microbial cross-talk (NASA
Resources with Samples or Data Related to Environmental-Chemical Exposure
• NIEHS Exposure Biology and Exposome research programs offer an opportunity for sample-sharing and coor-
dination of data analytics for microbiome analyses. Research programs that seek to improve integrated exposure as-
sessments, such as the Children’s Health Exposure Analysis Resource (CHEAR), and programs that aim to develop
biomonitoring sensor platforms and exposome databases offer important opportunities to integrate microbiome sampling
and analysis as part of the overall research strategy.
• International programs—including projects focused on cohorts for early-life exposome assessment, such as HELIX1
and EXPOsOMICs2—provide important opportunities to collaborate with the exposure-science community.
• Existing resources of stored and available data and specimens of vulnerable populations, such as pregnant women
and children, can be found in the Data and Specimen Hub (NICHD 2017a), the Maternal-Fetal Medicine Units Network
(NICHD 2017b), and the Human Placental Project (NICHD 2017c).
• Foundation resources of specific populations of likely interest include the March of Dimes, the Burroughs Welcome
Fund Preterm Birth Initiatives, the Gates Foundation, and Global Alliance to Prevent Prematurity and Stillbirth programs.
• Partnerships or coordination with the environmental-bioremediation research and microbial-ecology communities
stewarded by EPA, the Department of Energy, USDA, and other agencies could provide additional opportunities to
catalog and cross-reference potential chemical–microorganism transformation pathways found in environmental micro-
bial communities, such as soil (Gao et al. 2010), with those in human microbiomes and might create an important new
knowledge base.

Examples of Risk or Exposure Data That Could Help to Inform Chemical Selection
• The EPA Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) database (EPA 2017a) provides oral reference doses and
inhalation reference concentrations for many environmental chemicals of concern. Analogous potency indicators for
carcinogens are the oral slope factor and inhalation unit risk factor. The IRIS database includes descriptions of how the
quantitative measures were derived, which is typically through an assessment of relevant published studies, most com-
monly involving human and animal exposures.
• Through various activities implemented at federal and state levels, the EPA Office of Ground Water and Drinking
Water and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry collect and evaluate data on population exposures,
exposure pathways, and toxicology and produce results used by programs for making decisions on chemical selection
or for updating risk assessments.
• State (for example, CALEPA 2016, 2017; MNDH 2017) and regional (for example, EPA 2017b,c) databases provide
health values for environmental chemicals that are derived by using quantitative risk assessment. Agencies document
the underlying scientific studies on which the values are based, and many programs describe the risk-assessment pro-
tocols that are used to develop health protective guidance.


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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

104 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy
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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy


Biographic Information on the

Committee on Advancing Understanding
of the Implications of Environmental-Chemical
Interactions with the Human Microbiome

Ronald M. Atlas (Chair) is professor of biology cializes in maternal–fetal medicine, in which her
at the University of Louisville. His early research research interests include basic-science investiga-
focused on oil spills and bioremediation. He later tions and translation into clinical research. She is
focused on the molecular detection of pathogens specifically interested in microbiome interactions
in the environment, which informs the develop- with preterm birth and in the role of the in utero
ment of biosensors to detect biothreat agents. Dr. environment and epigenetics in fetal programming
Atlas is the author of nearly 300 manuscripts and and development. Dr. Aagaard earned her MD
20 books. He is a fellow of the American Academy from the University of Minnesota Medical School
of Microbiology and has received the American in Minneapolis and her PhD from the Mayo Grad-
Society for Microbiology (ASM) Award for Ap- uate School of Medicine.
plied and Environmental Microbiology, the ASM
Founders Award, the Edmund Youde Lectureship Elaine Hsiao is an assistant professor in the De-
Award in Hong Kong, and an honorary doctorate partment of Integrative Biology and Physiology
from the University of Guelph. He has served as a and the Department of Medicine, Digestive Dis-
member of the Department of Homeland Security’s eases at the University of California, Los Ange-
Science and Technology Advisory Committee, the les (UCLA). Her research interests include the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration's microbiome, neurobiology of disease, neuroim-
Planetary Protection Board, the Federal Bureau of munology, and host–microorganism interactions.
Investigation’s Scientific Working Group on Bio- Specifically, her research explores the effects of
forensics, and the National Institutes of Health’s the microbiota on the nervous system and com-
Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee. He has munication between microorganisms and the ner-
also served as the ASM president and is co-chair vous system. Dr. Hsiao also studies the particular
of the ASM Biodefense Committee. Dr. Atlas has functions of microbiome species and the effects of
been the chair or a member of numerous National modification of the microbiome on neurologic dis-
Academies committees. He received his PhD in ease. She was the De Logi Chair in Biological Sci-
microbiology from Rutgers University. ences at UCLA, received a National Geographic
Emerging Explorer Award, and was selected for
Kjersti M. Aagaard is a professor in the Depart- the Forbes “30 under 30 in Science & Healthcare.”
ment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the Depart- Dr. Hsiao was the 2013 Caltech Everhart Lecturer
ment of Molecular and Human Genetics, the De- and served on the White House Office of Science
partment of Molecular and Cellular Biology, and and Technology Microbiome Forum. She received
the Department of Molecular Physiology and Bio- her PhD in neurobiology from the California Insti-
physics of Baylor College of Medicine. She spe- tute of Technology.

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Appendix 107

Yvonne Huang is an assistant professor of internal microbial systems for bioenergy production, and
medicine at the University of Michigan in the Divi- human intestinal microbial ecology and its rela-
sion of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine. Dr. tionship to obesity, bariatric surgery, and autism.
Huang’s research interests include the microbiome, She is an author of five patents and more than 70
asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease peer-reviewed publications and has presented nu-
(COPD), and interactions between therapeutics merous talks and posters at national and interna-
and the microbiome. Her work on the respiratory tional conferences. She was awarded a Fulbright
microbiome in asthma and COPD includes trials scholarship and completed her PhD in environ-
sponsored by the National Institutes of Health. She mental engineering at the Georgia Institute of
was a Yale/Johnson & Johnson Physician Scholar Technology.
in International Health and served as associate di-
rector of the adult cystic fibrosis program at the Susan Lynch is a professor of medicine at the
University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). University of California, San Francisco, where she
Dr. Huang earned her MD from the University of is the director of the Colitis and Crohn’s Disease
Alabama at Birmingham, trained in internal medi- Microbiome Research Core and the associate di-
cine at Yale, and completed a fellowship in pulmo- rector of the Microbiome in Inflammatory Bowel
nary/critical care medicine at UCSF. Disease Program. Dr. Lynch’s research program
focuses primarily on the gastrointestinal microbi-
Curtis Huttenhower is an associate professor of ome and its role in the origins and maintenance of
computational biology and bioinformatics at the chronic inflammatory diseases, including airway
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and an diseases. She was awarded the Rebecca Buckley
associate member at the Broad Institute. Dr. Hut- Lectureship by the American Academy of Allergy,
tenhower’s laboratory worked extensively with Asthma and Immunology, was named one of For-
the National Institutes of Health Human Micro- eign Policy magazine’s Global Thinkers in 2016,
biome Project (HMP) to identify and characterize and serves as an American Society of Microbiol-
the microorganisms found in association with both ogy Distinguished Lecturer and a senior editor for
healthy and diseased humans. In 2015, he co-led Microbiome. Dr. Lynch earned her PhD in molecu-
one of the follow-up HMP2 Centers for Character- lar microbiology at the University College Dublin.
izing the Gut Microbial Ecosystem in Inflammato-
ry Bowel Disease. He received a National Science William Nazaroff is the Daniel Tellep Distin-
Foundation CAREER award in 2010 for his re- guished Professor of Engineering in the Depart-
search on microbial communities and was award- ment of Civil and Environmental Engineering
ed a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists at the University of California, Berkeley. His re-
and Engineers in 2012. Dr. Huttenhower was also search group studies the physics and chemistry of
awarded the Overton Prize from the International air pollutants in proximity to people, especially in
Society for Computational Biology in 2015. He is indoor environments. The group also works in the
a member of the editorial boards of the academic domain of exposure science and stresses the devel-
journals Genome Biology, Microbiome, and BMC opment and application of methods for understand-
Bioinformatics. Dr. Huttenhower received his PhD ing mechanistically the relationship between emis-
in genomics from Princeton University. sion sources and human exposure to pollutants.
Dr. Nazaroff has served as president of the Acad-
Rosa Krajmalnik-Brown is an associate profes- emy of Fellows in the International Society of In-
sor in civil and environmental engineering and is door Air Quality and Climate and president of the
part of the Swette Center for Environmental Bio- American Association for Aerosol Research. For
technology in the Biodesign Institute at Arizona the National Academies, he chaired the Planning
State University. She specializes in molecular Committee for the Workshop on Health Risks of
microbial ecology for bioremediation, the use of Indoor Exposure to Particulate Matter and served

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

108 Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

on the Committee on the Effect of Climate Change foods, to occupational chemicals and environmen-
on Indoor Air Quality and Public Health and the tal contaminants. He has served on the National
Committee on Air Quality in Passenger Cabins of Academies Board on Environmental Studies and
Commercial Aircraft. Dr. Nazaroff earned his PhD Toxicology and on 30 other boards and commit-
in environmental engineering science from the tees of the National Academies, including the
California Institute of Technology. committees that produced the seminal works Risk
Assessment in the Federal Government: Manag-
Andrew Patterson is an associate professor of ing the Process (1983) and Science and Decisions:
molecular toxicology at Pennsylvania State Uni- Advancing Risk Assessment (2009). Dr. Rodricks
versity. He studies the metabolism of drugs and has nearly 150 scientific publications and has re-
foreign chemicals by the human body and how ceived honorary awards from three professional
chemicals in diets or nutrients derived from diets societies for his contributions to toxicology and
influence health and disease. Much of his research risk analysis. He earned his PhD in biochemistry
involves the use of metabolomics tools. Dr. Patter- from the University of Maryland, College Park
son was a research fellow of the National Cancer and was a postdoctoral scholar at the University of
Institute, and he served on the National Academies California, Berkeley.
committee responsible for planning the workshop
Getting the Most from Microbiome Research in Pamela Shubat is retired from the Minnesota De-
the Next Decade. He earned his PhD in genetics partment of Health Environmental Health Division,
from the George Washington University. where she supervised the work of the Health Risk
Assessment Unit. She has worked on many aspects
John F. Rawls is an associate professor in the of risk assessment, toxicology, and exposure as-
Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbi- sessment. For example, she has been involved in
ology at the Duke University School of Medicine work on sensitive subpopulations and life stages
and director of the Duke Microbiome Center. He and drinking-water contaminants. Dr. Shubat’s ma-
has secondary appointments in Duke University's jor responsibilities have included research on fish
Department of Medicine, Center for Host–Micro- contaminants, childhood lead-poisoning preven-
bial Interactions, and Cancer Institute. Dr. Rawls’s tion, population-based exposure assessment, and
laboratory uses zebrafish and mouse models to rules for groundwater contaminants. In addition
study how intestinal microbiota affect vertebrate to state work, she served as an appointed mem-
health. He was recognized as a Pew Scholar in the ber and chair of the US Environmental Protection
Biomedical Sciences. Dr. Rawls received his PhD Agency (EPA) Children’s Health Protection Advi-
in developmental biology from Washington Uni- sory Committee and as a peer reviewer for EPA
versity. projects that involved methylmercury, polychlo-
rinated biphenyls, and risk-assessment practice.
Joseph V. Rodricks is a founding principal of Dr. Shubat is a member of the EPA Federal–State
Ramboll Environ. An expert in toxicology and Toxicology Risk Analysis Committee. She earned
risk analysis, he has consulted for hundreds of a PhD in pharmacology and toxicology from the
manufacturers and government agencies and for University of Arizona.
the World Health Organization in the evaluation
of human health risks associated with exposure Brian Thrall is an associate director in the Bio-
to chemical substances. Before Environ, Dr. Ro- logical Sciences Division and chief scientist for
dricks served for 15 years as a scientist at the US the Health Impacts and Exposure Science Group at
Food and Drug Administration; in his last 4 years, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL).
he served as associate commissioner for health He has over 20 years of experience in leading
affairs. His experience extends from pharmaceu- research programs focused on developing and
ticals, medical devices, consumer products, and applying systems-toxicology and exposure-science

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Appendix 109
strategies to elucidate and ultimately predict bio- engineered nanomaterials. In addition, he serves as
logic response pathways modulated by exposure to the thrust leader for PNNL’s Microbiomes-in-Tran-
environmental agents of concern to human health. sition research program, which includes a focus on
As director of PNNL’s Center for Nanotoxicology, developing tools and strategies to elucidate micro-
Dr. Thrall leads a multidisciplinary team that uses biome–exposome interactions. Dr. Thrall earned
state-of-the-art genomics, proteomics, bioinformat- his PhD in pharmacology and toxicology from
ics, and cell imaging to understand receptor-me- Washington State University.
diated interactions between biologic systems and

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Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk: A Research Strategy

Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

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