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The speech discusses a legal case brought by Apollodoros and Theomnestos against Neaira for improperly claiming citizenship. It provides background on relevant people and events.

The speech is part of a legal case where Apollodoros and Theomnestos are prosecuting Stephanos for crimes related to Neaira claiming improper citizenship. Theomnestos gives brief introductory remarks in sections 1-15.

Apollodoros challenges Stephanos to hand over slaves for interrogation under torture to prove claims about Neaira and her children. Stephanos refuses this challenge, which Apollodoros argues proves Neaira's guilt.

The speech begins with a brief introduction by Theomnestos (§1–15).

Theomnestos is technically the one bringing the suit against Neaira, the bulk of the speech
is delivered by Apollodoros.

Theomnestos gives his reasons for joining Apollodoros in prosecuting Stephanos.

γράψασθαι: that is, to bring a legal charge called a γραφή. There were two main types of
suits in classical Athenian courts: δίκαι (private suits, which could be brought only by the
injured party) and γραφαί (public suits, which could be brought by anyone, for crimes
thought to injure the community as a whole).

τὴν γραφὴν ταυτηνί: object of γράψασθαι, the cognate or internal accusative (G. 536,
S. 1563 ff.). In the Attic dialect the demonstrative οὗτος can be strengthened by the suffix -
ι: οὑτοσί, αὑτηί, τουτί, “this man here, this woman here.” This so-called deictic iota (G. 210,
S. 333.g) appears frequently in this speech.

εἰσελθεῖν < εἰσέρχομαι

καὶ γάρ: when γάρ follows καί, translate it as “indeed,” rather than “for.”

ἠδικήμεθα < ἀδικέω

μέγαλα: adverbial accusative (G. 536–540, S. 1606-1611); in this instance, a neuter

accusative adjective used as adverb (G. 230, S. 1609)

κατέστημεν < καθίστημι

ὅ τε κηδεστής: Apollodoros, the prime mover of the suit. Apollodoros is both brother-in-law
and father-in-law to Theomnestos, since he is married to Theomnestos’ sister, and
Theomenestos is married to Apollodoros’ daughter. See Introduction and Stemma.

ὑπάρχων < ὑπάρχω, “as one taking the initiative”

ἀγωνιοῦμαι < ἀγωνίζομαι, to contend in court, (pass.) to be on trial

τόν ἀγῶνατουτονί: another cognate or internal accusative

παθών < πάσχω

πεπόνθαμεν < πάσχω

ἀμυνομένῳ: modifies μοι

ὡς: adverbial, “how”

ἀτιμίας: literally, ἀ-τιμία means “lack of honor,” but here it has its technical sense
of “disenfranchisement.” The reasons for this potential ἀτιμία are explained further in §5-8.

ψηφισάμενου < ψηφίζομαι: literally, “to cast a pebble [ψῆφος]”; here, as often, it refers to a
vote to pass a decree. Part of a genitive absolute, governing indirect statement.
Ἀθηναῖον: take as the predicate.

Πασίωνα καὶ ἐκγόνους τοὺς ἐκείνου: take as the accusative subjects of the indirect
statement. Pasion was a slave whose masters were bankers; he was manumitted by his
masters for his good service, and eventually granted his citizenship for generous donations
of shields and triremes to the state.

δωρεᾷ: naturalization is often described in the orators as a gift.

τῷ υἱεῖ τῷ ἐκείνου: the son of Pasion. See Stemma.

ἡγουμένου < ἡγέομαι; takes an indirect statement

τῇ ἀληθείᾳ: “in truth, truly,” modifying οἰκείους

κοινωνεῖν: takes a genitive object

ὄντων: the substantive τὰ ὄντα often means “property.”

γυναῖκα: take as the predicate.

ἀδελφιδῆν: it was not uncommon in Greece for uncles to marry nieces (nor, for that matter,
for first cousins to marry).

λαγχάνει: citizens were selected by lot for the Boule (the council of Athens), 50 from each
of the city’s 10 tribes. The term of office was one year.

δοκιμασθείς < δοκιμάζω: the δοκιμασία was an examination for office-holding, conducted
by the Boule, to ascertain whether a candidate was fit to serve.

ὀμόσας < ὄμνυμι

τὸν νόμιμον ὅρκον: after passing the δοκιμασία, the successful candidate was required to
swear an oath, the content of which changed over time. Excavation has revealed the
underpinning of the stone identified as the Oath stone (lithos) of the Athenians, on the
steps of the Royal Stoa.

συμβάντος < συμβαίνω

καιροῦ…καὶ πολέμου: this crisis refers to two events of 349/8 BCE: when Olynthos turned
to Athens for help against King Philip II of Macedon, and when Ploutarchos, tyrant
of Eretria in Euboia, asked for assistance against rebels trying to overthrow him. [map]

ἐν ᾧ … Χερρονήσου: a very long relative clause

ἦν ἢ κρατήσασιν ὑμῖν: “it was possible for you, if you won....” ἦν < ἐστί, used impersonally
(LSJ εἰμί VI). κρατήσασιν is a participle used conditionally. ἤ indicates that this is one
alternative, and finds its correlate ἤ a couple of lines down.

μεγίστοις: take as the predicate.

τῶν Ἑλλήνων: partitive genitive

τά τε ὑμέτερα: i.e., territories previously possessed by the Athenians that had been taken
over by Philip; especially meant here is Amphipolis, which Philip took in 357.

κεκομίσθαι: “would have recovered” (LSJ κομίζω II.8).

ἢ ὑστερίσασι…προεμένοις: “or, if you came too late...and abandoned...,” participles used

conditionally; προεμένοις < προ-ἵημι

τούτους: the allies

ἀπολέσαι...δοκεῖν...κινδυνεύειν: infinitives dependent on the earlier ἦν, “it was possible

to risk (losing).”

Λήμνου…Χερρονήσου: this stands in apposition to ὑπολοίπων (“remaining

[possessions]”). Lemnos, Imbros, Skyros, and the Chersonese, raided by Philip in 351-49,
were all key locations for Athens in their connections with the Black Sea region, from which
they got most of their grain. [map]

Theomnestos describes Apollodoros’ public-spirited acts as a member of the Boule and

Stephanos’ attempts to thwart Apollodoros and use the laws to ruin him and his family

ἐξήνεγκε < ἐκφέρω

προβούλευμα: a proposal put forward by the Boule to the Ekklesia (Assembly); in this
case it is an “open” προβούλευμα, meaning that it does not recommend a particular course
of action.

λέγον: agrees with προβούλευμα

τὸν δῆμον: accusative subject of διαχειροτονῆσαι in indirect statement

τὰ περιόντα χρήματα τῆς διοικήσεως: “the leftover money from the financial
administration,” i.e., the budgetary surplus. περιόντα < περίειμι

στρατιωτικά…θεωρικά: the stratiotic fund was designed to fund military endeavors,

whereas the theoric fund was designed to fund festivals.

κελευόντων…τῶν νόμων: scholars debate the relationship between Apollodoros’

proposal and these previous laws. At the very least, Theomnestos seems to be simplifying
the situation. Most likely, there was one law that stated that, during wartime, any surplus
was to go into the stratiotic fund, and another (later) law or laws that said that surplus
should go into the theoric fund (without indicating whether this was only during peacetime).
Apollodoros’ proposal likely aimed not to contradict the latter law but to leave the decision
of what to do with the surplus up to the people. Carey 1992: 152-56 suggests that
Apollodoros was prosecuted on the grounds that it was procedurally irregular for him to
bring the matter to the Assembly (rather than putting together a board of lawmakers to sort
out the conflicts between the laws).

κύριον: take as predicate adjective; governs the infinitive πρᾶξαι

ἡγούμενος: Apollodoros is the antecedent


στρατιωτικοῖς: note the predicate position of this word; thus, “as stratiotic”

ἄν = ἐάν

ὁμολογεῖται: take impersonally.

εἰπών...πάθοι: sc. Ἀπολλόδωρος

ἐξαπατήσαντι < ἐξαπατάω; the antecedent is Stephanos, the dative is governed

by ὀργίζεσθαι.

δίκαιον: sc. ἐστί

γραψάμενος…παρανόμων: “indicting [the decree] for illegality”; παρανόμων is a genitive

of charge or crime: G. 514, S. 1375. The procedure, a γραφὴ παρανόμων, was a public
lawsuit alleging that a motion or decree was unconstitutional, either because it violated an
existing law or because it was introduced through improper procedure. As with any γραφή,
any Athenian who wished could bring this kind of suit.

ὦφλε < ὀφλισκάνω, “had been a debtor to” + dat. The subject is Apollodoros.

δημοσίῳ: “public treasury,” the neuter substantive of δήμοσιος

ἐκ πέντε καὶ εἴκοσιν ἐτῶν: “for 25 years.” ἐκ used of time means “from [that time],” i.e.,
“for [X amount of time]” (see LSJ A.II).

εἷλε τὸ ψήφισμα: “won a verdict against the decree” of Apollodoros. εἷλε < αἱρέω =
“convict” (LSJ II.4.b).

τιμήματος: “fine, penalty.” For certain crimes, the jurors determined the penalty after
hearing alternative proposals presented by the two sides; for other crimes, the penalty was

δεομένων ἡμῶν: “though we begged him” for a lighter penalty.

συγχωρῆσαι < συγχωρέω, “yield,” i.e., agree to a light penalty

πεντεκαίδεκα ταλάντων ἐτιμᾶτο: τιμάω (in the middle) as an Athenian legal term means
“estimate the penalty”; ταλάντων is a genitive of price or value (G. 513, S. 1336). Fifteen
talents is a very steep penalty; for reference, 6 obols = 1 drachma (the approximate amount
earned per day by an unskilled laborer); 100 drachmas = 1 mna; 60 mnae = 1 talent.

ἀτιμώσειεν < ἀτιμόω. The penalty for conviction in a γραφὴ παρανόμων was generally a
fine, but if one was unable to pay the fine, one could potentially be rendered ἄτιμος
(disenfranchised), at least until the fine was paid off. If one died before paying off the debt,
both the debt and the ἀτιμία were inherited by one’s heirs.

αὐτόν: Apollodoros

οὐδε…πάνυ: “not quite”

τριῶν ταλάντων: genitive of value

δυνηθῆναι < δύναμαι

ἐκτεῖσαι < ἐκτίνω

μὴ ἐκτεισθέντος…τοῦ ὀφλήατος: μή + the circumstantial participle has conditional force.

ἐπὶ τῆς ἐνάτης πρυτανείας: “by the ninth prytany”; each tribe of Athens was in charge of
the Boule for 1/10 of the year; this period of presidency was called a prytany.

ἐγγραφήσεσθαι < ἐγγράφω, “to inscribe [on the list of state debtors]”

ἀπογραφήσεσθαι < ἀπογράφω, “register, enter into a list,” here with its technical sense of
giving a list of property belonging to the state but held by a private individual. Anyone who
wished could denounce a state debtor, providing an inventory (ἀπογραφή) of the latter’s
property. The state could then confiscate the property and sell it off at auction; the
denouncer received part of the sale price, the state the rest, which went toward paying off
the debt.

ἡ ὑπάρχουσα οὐσία Ἀπολλοδώρῳ: “the property belonging to Apollodoros,” i.e.,

everything he had. See LSJ υπάρχω B.III.

δημοσία: note the predicate position.

πραθείσης < πιπράσκω

Apollodoros suffered a large but not unpayable fine. Then Stephanos fabricated a charge of
murder against Apollodoros, of which he was duly acquitted.

ἔτι δὲ καί: “and what is more,” adding a further point

ἀποροῦντος: “poor” < ἀπορέω

ἔλαβεν: “took (a woman) in marriage”

ἄπροικον: girls were generally given in marriage with a dowry (προίξ), which their husband
would manage (and the interest from which would support her). It wasn’t impossible to
marry without a dowry, but it was uncommon.

περιεῖδον < περι-ὁράω

ἀναρπασθέντα: “utterly ruined” by being held responsible for a fine he couldn’t possibly
afford, < ἀναρπάζω, “carry off, snatch away,” used figuratively.

ἐτίμησαν ταλάντου: that is, the jurors accepted Apollodoros’ counter-proposal of a one
talent fine.
τὸν αὐτὸν ἔρανον...ἀποδοῦναι: “to return the same favor,” i.e., pay him back in the same
way, by taking him to court. ἔρανος is literally a friendly loan, often without interest and
therefore given as a kind of favor, here used ironically.

ταυτῇ: adverbial, “in this way”

ἀνελεῖν: “destroy” < ἀν-αἱρέω

ἐπενέγκας < ἐπι-φέρω + αἰτίαν, “to bring a charge against (+ dat.)”

αἰτίαν: “accusation”

Ἀφίδναζε: Aphidna is a town in northeast Attica. The suffix –ζε indicates direction toward.

ἀφικόμενος: Apollodoros is the antecedent.

ἐπὶ δραπέτην αὑτοῦ ζητῶν: “in search of a runaway slave of his (Apollodoros’).” Dilts, in
his OCT (2009), marks ζητῶν as spurious, following Dobree, in which case the meaning is
“because of a runaway slave of his” (see LSJ ἐπί C.III.1).

πατάξειε < πατάττω

ἄνθρωπος: it is unclear what the status of this woman was, since ἄνθρωπος in the
feminine is often used pejoratively to refer to slaves (see §46). Because the Palladion is
mentioned below, she was probably a slave, in which case Stephanos may have
represented himself as her master.

παρασκευασάμενος: Stephanos is the antecedent

κατασκευάσας < κατασκευάζω, “to represent (as)” (LSJ A.6)

Κυρηναῖοι: the reason for pretending that the slaves were individuals from Cyrene was
presumably to use them as (free) witnesses; as slaves, they would have had to be tortured
for testimony.

προεῖπεν < προεῖπον: this public proclamation, performed in the Agora, is the first step in
bringing a homicide case. The trial itself would have been in the Palladion (see below).

Παλλαδίῳ: the Palladion was the court that heard cases of unintentional killing of citizens
and both intentional and unintentional killing of slaves and foreigners.


ἔλεγεν τὴν δίκην: this is a slightly unusual way of phrasing “to bring a suit”; perhaps it has
the sense of “to plead one’s case.”

διομοσάμενος < διόμνυμι: for homicide trials, both sides had to swear an oath, the
accuser swearing that he was making a truthful accusation, the accused that he was not

ἐπαρασάμενος < ἐπαράομαι

αὑτῷ: “upon himself (Stephanos),” i.e., if he were swearing falsely

εἶδεν < ὁράω

ἤκουσεν: “heard about from” + gen.

ἐξελεωχθείς < ἐξελέγχω

ἐπιορκῶν < ἐπιορκέω, “to swear falsely”

καταφανής: where English would say “it was clear,” Greek says “he was clear(ly).”

μεμισθωμένος...ἀργύριον εἰληφώς: “(having been) hired...receiving cash,” to procure the

conviction of Apollodoros. εἰληφώς < λαμβάνω.

Κηφισοφῶντος καὶ Ἀπολλοφάνους: this is probably the Athenian politician Kephisophon

son of Kallibios of Paiania. It is unclear who Apollophanes was, but he may have been a
politician travelling in the same circles as Kephisophon and Stephanos.

ἐξελάσαι < ἐξ-ελαύνω

ἢἀτιμῶσαι: Gernet excises this phrase from the text, on the grounds that the penalty for
homicide would (only) be exile, not disenfranchisement. Other editors (including Dilts 2009)
retain it, on the grounds that a fine is a possibility, and if the fine were too high to be paid, it
could result in disfranchisement.

πεντακοσίων: in most manuscripts πεντακοσίων is followed by δραχμῶν, but the majority

of editors, following Reiske, delete the δραχμῶν. If δραχμῶν is accepted, it could refer
either to how much Stephanos spent securing witnesses, or (perhaps less likely) to how
much he was bribed to bring the case. A couple of manuscripts have δικαστῶν instead of
δραχμῶν, thus “500 jurors,” which is unlikely for a case heard at the Palladion (which we
hear elsewhere had 51 special jurors called ἐφέται).

ἐπιωρκηκὼς καὶ δόξας πονηρὸς εἶναι: “a perjured man and one with the reputation of a


τί ἂν ἐχρησάμην: “what use I would have made of (+ dat.),” i.e., “what I would have done
with” (see LSJ χράομαι C.III.4)

συνέβη < συμβαίνω: used impersonally here, with the dative + infinitive construction

ἀγῶνι: the word ἀγών is often used, as here, of court trials.

περιπεπτωκώς < περι-πίπτω

ἦν: 1st person singular, imperfect of εἰμί

Theomnestos says that Stephanos has offended against the laws, the gods, and the city by
living with a non-citizen woman and passing off her children as citizens. He calls
Apollodoros to speak.

παρακαλούντων δή με ἁπάντων: “since, in fact, everybody is urging me...” beginning a
long genitive absolute that stretches on into the next paragraph, leading to the climactic
main verb, ἥκω (§13)

ἰδίᾳ: adverbial, “on one’s own, privately” (LSJ ἴδιος VI.2)

οἰκείως ἔχων: ἔχω + adverb = εἰμί + adjective

ἔχων τά: Dilts 2009 follows Lamb in deleting τά.

ὀνειδιζόντων μοι: “reproaching me with the charge that” + indirect statement

λήψομαι < λαμβάνω + δίκην, “exact punishment.” λήψομαι is a future in an emotional

future condition (also known as a future most vivid condition) (G. 648.b, S. 2328); so too
καταστήσω, below.

μηδὲ…καταστήσω: take these together; μηδέ coordinates λήψομαι and καταστήσω.

τὴν…ἀσεβοῦσαν: i.e., Neaira, the nominal defendant in the case (although the real target
is Stephanos); ἀσέβεια was an offense taken very seriously by the Greeks.

καταστήσω κυρίους: “render you empowered to,” i.e., enable you (legally) to. Supply as
subject ὑμᾶς; governs the infinitive χρῆσθαι, “treat,” “handle” + dat.


ἀφῃρεῖτο: “sought to deprive,” conative imperfect (G. 459.a, S. 1895) + double acc.

εἰς ὑμᾶς: “before you, in front of you”

ἐπιδείξων: “to show,” “to prove that” + acc. + ptc. (LSJ ἐπιδείκνυμι II.1)

συνοικοῦντα < συνοικέω: this is the most common way of saying “be married to” in Greek.

εἰσαγαγόντα εἴς τε τοὺς φράτερας: male Athenian citizens introduced their sons (after
451/0 BCE, only those born to two citizen parents) to their phratries (or “brotherhoods”)
during the first year of their lives; at the age of 14, boys were reintroduced to their fathers’
phratries. Introduction of one’s son into one’s phratry was, among other things, a way of
acknowledging him as one’s legitimate citizen offspring.

εἰς τοὺς δημότας: every male citizen belonged to both a phratry and to a deme (a self-
governed geographic unit of Attica). Young men were registered in their demes at the age
of 18 after undergoing a scrutiny.

ἐγγυῶντα: ἐγγυή was a common form of marriage in Greece, in which the girl’s guardian or
κύριος (either father or brother) betrothed to her to her future husband.

ἑταιρῶν: ἑταίρα is often translated as “courtesan”: it refers to a prostitute of relatively high

status, though she was still often slave or freed slave, as opposed to the lower-status
πορνή, a streetwalker or brothel prostitute (see further Kurke 1999: 175-219). Images of
what scholars conventionally label as ἑταῖραι are common in Greek vase painting, but
cf. Topper 2012: 105–35 on the difficulties of identifying such individuals as ἑταῖραι.

ἄκυρον...τῶν αὑτοῦ: “powerless over its own affairs”

ἐξόν < ἔξεστι; accusative absolute (G. 591, S. 2076)

ἐλάττονος: comparative degree of ὀλίγος

αὐτὸ τοῦτο: “this same result,” i.e., bypassing the normal procedures for obtaining


ἅ...ἀδικηθείς...ἐγραψάμην: “With respect to which things having been wronged I lodged

the indictment,” i.e., “The wrongs I suffered that led me to lodge the indictment.” The
participial phrase is causal. The accusative ἅ could be taken as cognate or inner accusative
with ἀδικηθεὶς (G. 536), or else direct object of εἴρηκα.

αὑτηί: on the deictic iota (-ι), see §1.

παρανενόμηκεν < παρα-νομέω

ἅπερ ἡγοῦμαι προσήκειν: “something which I consider it appropriate for” + acc. + infin.

νέον τε ὄντα καὶ ἀπείρως ἔχοντα τοῦλέγειν: claims to youth and inexperience are
commonplace in Attic oratory.

συνήγορον: it was not uncommon for speakers to use συνήγοροι (who were not
professional advocates, but friends or family) to assist in delivering their speeches. In this
case, the συνήγορος (Apollodoros) delivers the bulk of the speech.

κελεῦσαι: dependent on δέομαι above; supply as subject ὑμᾶς.


τὸν ὑπάρξαντα: “the one who started (the trouble),” i.e., Stephanos

οὕτως ἤδη: “only at that point,” having heard all the details

ὑπέρ: “in the interests of”

16–126: The rest of the speech is delivered by Apollodoros.

Apollodoros has the law read out specifying the penalties for non-citizen men who marry
citizen women, and for citizen men who marry non-citizen women, and promises to prove
that Stephanos and Neaira are an instance of the latter.


ἃ μὲν ἠδικημένος...ἀναβέβηκα: for the construction, see §14. ἀναβέβηκα < ἀναβαίνω, “to
mount the speaker’s platform (βῆμα)” (LSJ II.6).

κατηγορήσων < κατηγορέω

ἀναγνώσεται: ”will read aloud” < ἀναγιγνώσκω; supply as subject the clerk in the
Νόμος: there is some doubt about the authenticity of documents preserved in the corpus of
the Attic orators. Carey 1992: 92 thinks that this law is likely genuine since it includes
details that don’t appear in Apollodoros’ paraphrase of the law (i.e., that only citizens can
prosecute; the reward for a successful prosecutor and the punishment for an Athenian
citizen convicted of marrying a foreign woman). Kapparis 1999 also argues that it is
genuine on the basis of “linguistic criteria, the comparison with the context and an analysis
of the content”: namely, the use of standard forensic language, and the fact that the law
contains information not in the surrounding text and doesn’t incorporate some elements
that are (p. 198). Kapparis argues that this and the law in §52 are parts of the same law,
which he dates to the 380s (1999: 202) (other scholars date it all the back to Pericles or to
around 350).

τέχνῃ: “way, manner” (LSJ I 3)

ᾑτινιοῦν < ὁστισοῦν, “anybody, anything whatsoever” (the indefinite pronoun ὅστις is made
more indefinite in this compound with οὖν)

γραφέσθω...οἷς ἔξεστιν: “he may be charged before the Thesmothetai by anyone who
chooses to do so from among the Athenians having the right to bring charges”

ἔξεστιν: impersonal; here it refers to citizens who are not disenfranchised

θεσμοθέτας: The θεσμοθέται were the six “junior archons”; like the other archons, they
were selected by lot and held their post for only one year. They were in charge of legal and
judicial matters.

ἁλῷ < ἁλίσκομαι (aor. ἑάλων), “is convicted”

πεπράσθω < πιπράσκω

ἐλόντος < αἱρέω (aor. εἶλον), “the one who convicted” (LSJ A.II.4)

κατὰ ταὐτά: lit., “in accordance with the same things”

τῇ ξένῃ τῇ ἁλούσῃ: “the alien woman so convicted,” dat. with συνοικῶν


παιδοποιεῖσθαι: here, refers to the bearing of legitimate citizen children

παρὰ ταῦτα: “contrary to these things”

πεποίηκεν: supply as subject “the law”; ποιέω (+ infinitive): “to bring it about that

Narrative portion (διήγησις) of the speech, 18–84. It is unusually long for a διήγησις, but
this digressiveness is characteristic of Apollodoros’ style.

Neaira was one of seven girls purchased and raised to be prostitutes by Nikarete, a
freedwoman from Elis. She passed them off as her freeborn daughters, but then sold them
when their earning days were over.


ἑπτά…ταύτας παιδίσκας: no article is needed with the demonstrative when definite

numbers are used (S. 1178).
ἐκτήσατο: “purchased” as slaves

Ἠλείου: of Elis, a region in the Peloponnese

καὶ δυναμένη: Dilts 2009, following Auger, brackets this as an explanatory gloss.

δεινή…συνιδεῖν: δεινός + infinitive = “clever, skilled at [doing something]”

εὐπρεπῆ: modifies the preceding φύσιν; for 3rd declension adjectives of the -ης/ες type,
see S. 292.

συνιδεῖν < συνοράω (aor. συνεῖδον), “to discern with a keen eye” (Kapparis 1999: 208)

καὶ ταῦτα: a common way of amplifying what’s come before; translate as “what’s more” or
“in addition.”

ἀπὸ τούτων: the demonstrative pronoun here is neuter.

τέχνην ταύτην κατεσκευασμένη: “making this her profession” (LSJ κατασκευάζω A.3)

βίον: here, “livelihood”

συνειλεγμένη < συλλέγω, “get, earn”


προσειποῦσα < προσεῖπον (used as second aorist of προσαγορεύω)

πράττοιτο: here with its middle sense “to obtain, to exact [money]” + double accusative
(person and thing) (LSJ πράσσω VI)

πλησιάζειν: with a sexual sense: “to consort with”

ἡλικίαν: Kapparis 1999 translates this as “flourishing youth” (214) or “prime youth” (215).

συλλήβδην: i.e., all of them (but not all at the same time)

σώματα: the word σῶμα is often used, as here, as a synonym for “slave,” since slaves
were conceptualized as (mere) bodies.

ἀπέδοτο: “sold” (LSJ ἀποδίδωμι III)

Ἄντειαν καί...Νέαιραν: some of these prostitutes are mentioned in book 13 of

Athenaeus’ Deipnosophistai; see Kapparis 1999: 208–209 for more detail.


ἣν μέν...καὶ ὡς: “which one...and how,” introducing indirect questions after δηλώσω below

ἂν βούλησθε…ᾖ: ἄν = ἐάν

ὕδατος: that is, the water in the κλεψύδρα (water clock, see the excavated example from
the Athenian Agora), used to measure time in court
ἐπανελθεῖν < ἐπανέρχομαι, in speaking or writing, “to return to [a point]”

Lysias the sophist asked Nikarete to bring Metaneira to Athens in order to initiate her into
the Eleusinian Mysteries. Neaira came along, too, and all three stayed with a man named


Λύσιας...ὁσοφίστης: this is the famous rhetorician and logographer Lysias. While

σοφίστης can be used pejoratively, here it simply refers to his profession as a teacher of

μυῆσαι < μυέω: i.e., to initiate into the Eleusinian Mysteries, held in honor of Demeter and

τὴν κεκτημένην: “her owner,” Nikarete, subject of λαμβάβειν, “was taking,” in indirect
statement after ἡγούμενος

ἀναλώσῃ < ἀναλίσκω, “spend”

καταθήσεσθαι < κατατίθημι; takes χάριν as its object

ὑπέσχετο < ὑπισχνέομαι, “to promise”


αἰσχυνόμενος < αἰσχύνω + acc. person before whom one feels shame

Βραχύλλου: Brachyllos was the husband of Lysias’ sister.

ἐν τῷ αὐτῷ: “in the same [house]”

διαιτωμένην < διαιτάω (mid./pass.), “lead one’s life, live”

ὡς Φιλόστρατον: ὡς + acc. personal name = “at the house of”

Κολωνῆθεν: from Kolonai, an Attic deme. Here is a map of all Attic demes.

νεωτέρα: comparative degree (G. 177, S. 313), here with the sense of “too young.”
Kapparis suggests that she was around twelve or thirteen (i.e., not yet of marriageable age)
(1999: 215).

διὰ τὸ μήπω τὴν ἡλικίαν αὐτῇ παρεῖναι: “because the (proper) age was not yet present
for her,” i.e., because was not yet old enough. τό...παρεῖναι is an articular
infinitive. ἡλικίαν serves here as the accusative subject of παρεῖναι < παρά + εἰμί (+ dat.).

A man named Simos later brought Neaira back to Athens, where she drank and dined
openly with men. Neaira in time became a famous prostitute in Corinth.


Μαρτυρία: in the fourth century BCE, witness testimony was read aloud by a clerk (rather
than delivered directly by witness). The witness simply affirmed or denied that a given
statement was true. Dilts 2009 brackets this testimony (following Westermann), considering
it spurious.

Νικαρέτης: “(a slave) of Nikarete”

ἐπεδήμησαν: “visited (Athens)”

ἐν Κορίνθῳ οἰκοῦσαι: “dwelling in Corinth,” i.e., from their home in Corinth

καταστῆσαι: “set up,” “caused to dwell.” The subject is Λυσίαν.

ὡς αὑτὸν: “at his own (Philostratos’) house”

ἐπίτηδειον: substantive, “a close friend” (LSJ ἐπιτήδειος II.2)


πάλιν τοίνυν: “again, furthermore,” introducing a new element in the narrative

Παναθήναια τὰ μέγαλα: The Panathenaia was a yearly festival in Athens in honor of

Athena; every four years the Great Panathenaia, a more elaborate version of the festival,
was celebrated.

Κυδαντίδῃ: of the deme Kydantidai

ἐναντίον πολλῶν: “in the presence of many men”

ὡς ἂν ἑταίρα οὖσα: Dilts 2009, following Kapparis 1999, brackets the ἄν as spurious. As
Kapparis 1999: 221 says: “ἄν after ὡς would imply that Neaira actually was not a
courtesan. But the orator says ‘like a courtesan.’”


μοι: the ethical dative (G. 523a, S. 1486); translate as “please.”

Μάρτυρες: Dilts 2009 brackets this whole passage as spurious, following Westermann.

Αἰξιωνέα: of the deme Aixone

Ἀλωπεκῆθεν: from the deme Alopeke

ἀγωνιζομένην: “on trial,” “in dispute” < ἀγωνίζομαι

ἄλλων...συμπινόντων: genitive absolute, awkwardly placed at the end of the sentence. It

makes better sense if understood before συμπίνειν…οὖσαν.


οὔσης λαμπρᾶς: “being quite a celebrity”

ἄλλοι τε...καί: “others, and especially”; ἄλλος often precedes the particular thing with which
it is contrasted (S. 1273; see also LSJ II.6).
μεμισθωμένοι: pf. middle, “having taken out a lease,” implying a promise of regular

οὐ γὰρ ἐῶσιν αὐτὸν οἱνόμοι μαρτυρεῖν: i.e., because he was disenfranchised (ἄτιμος),
for reasons about to be explained.

Apollodoros describes a number of Neaira’s former clients, including Timanoridas and



ὅτε γὰρ Λακεδαιμονίους ὑμεῖς ἐσῴζετε ὑπὸ Καλλισράτου: In 369 the Thebans invaded
Sparta, and the Spartans turned to Athens for help. Kallistratos, to whom Apollodoros was
hostile, was a prominent politician who had negotiated peace with Sparta in 371.

ἀντείπων < ἀντεῖπον (a second aorist without a present) (+ dat.)

ἐν τῷ δήμῳ: as often, δῆμος refers to the Assembly.

ἐωνημένος: “since he had purchased” < ὠνέομαι

τὴν πεντηκοστὴν τοῦ σίτου: “(the right to collect) the two percent tax on
grain.” πεντηκοστήν: literally, 50th part, a tax of two percent. Imports into the harbors of
Attica were taxed at this rate. The πωληταί (financial magistrates) auctioned off tax-
collecting to the highest bidder, and the tax-collector’s profit came from the difference
between what they bid and the amount they collected.

καὶ δέον αὐτόν: “and it was required that he.” δέον < δεῖ; accusative absolute (see §13)

καταβολάς: “installments, payments,” cognate with καταβάλλω, above; the grain tax was
paid in 10 installments, one per prytany.

κατὰ πρυτανείαν: “each prytany”; for this term, see §7.

ἀτελείας: refers here to exemption from military service. Apparently, tax collectors were
exempt from serving in the military because they needed to remain in town to collect and
deliver taxes.

οὐκ ἐξελθών: ”when he did not go out on” < ἐξέρχομαι + cognate accusative (see G. 536,
S. 1567)

ἀστρατείας: genitive of charge or crime (see §5). Conviction in a γραφὴ ἀστρατείας

resulted in disenfranchisement.

διαβληθείς < διαβάλλω

ἑάλω < ἁλίσκομαι; for this root aorist form, see G. 366, S. 682. Dilts 2009 replaces ἑάλω
(Rennie’s correction) with the manuscript reading ἥλω (an alternate spelling of ἑάλω; see
S. 431).

ἠτιμώθη < ἀτιμόω

δεινόν: “a monstrous thing, an outrage”

ἀπεστέρηκε < ἀποστερέω, “to rob someone (acc.) of something (gen.)”

μηδέν: adverbial accusative (see §1)

βιάζεται: “forces in,” i.e., into the citizen body

ἐξόμνυσθαι: i.e., to swear that one does not know anything, or possibly that the testimony
read aloud was false. This is referred to as an “oath of disclaimer.”

Μαρτυρία: Dilts 2009 brackets this whole passage as spurious, following Westermann.

Ἀθμονεύς: of the deme Athmone

τῶν μισθαρνουσῶν: “of the type who charge a fee,” removing any potential ambiguity in
the term ἑταῖρα


Κορίνθιος: from Corinth

Λευκάδιος: from Leukas, a Greek island in the Ionian sea

πολυτελής...τοῖς ἐπιτάγμασιν: “extravagant in the demands she made of them”

ἀξιοῦσα: parenthetical, “for she required...”

αὐτῆς…τοῦ σώματος: αὐτῆς is a possessive genitive (“her [body]”); take σώματος with
τιμήν (“price [of her body]”)

τριάκοντας μνᾶς: 30 mnae is a very high price for a slave; most slaves cost in the range of
1-5 mnae.

αὐτήν...αὐτῆς: the first αὐτή refers to Neaira, the second to Nikarete.

νόμῳ πόλεως: i.e., by the law of Corinth; it is unclear if Corinth’s law on the sale of slaves
differed from Athens’.

εἶναι: infinitive of purpose (S. 2008)

ἐχρῶτο: “had sex with” < χράομαι + dat. (LSJ IV.2)

ὅσον…χρόνον: take these words together.

Timanoridas and Eukrates decided to buy Neaira from Nikarete, and in time they offered to
free her if she could pay them twenty mnae. Neaira collected this money from her former
clients, including a man named Phrynion.


γεγενημένην: circumstantial participle modifying ἀυτήν; here, likely with causal force
ἡδέως ἂν αὐτοῖς εἴη: lit., “it would be pleasant for them”; i.e., “they would be pleased”
(LSJ ἡδύς III)

κομίσασθαι: “get back, recoup, recover”

ἀφιέναι: “to remit, excuse, give up” (LSJ ἀφίημι II.2.c)

τὰς δ᾽εἴκοσι μνᾶς: “the remaining 20 mnae” = 2,000 drachmae. The full price was 30
mnae = 3,000 drachmae, of which they remitted one third.

ἐξευροῦσαν: “when she found (the means)”

ἀποδοῦναι < ἀποδίδωμι

γεγενημένων αὐτῇ: take αὐτῇ here as a dative of possessor.

Παιανέα: of the deme Paiania


ἔρανον: ἔρανος is literally a friendly loan, often without interest and therefore given as a
kind of favor or gift. See §8.

αὐτοῦ προσθέντα: both refer to Phrynion; the former is genitive following δεῖται; the latter
is accusative as the subject of the infinitive καταθεῖναι.

καταθεῖναι αὐτῆς: supply τιμήν (and again in §32). Note that a third party (Phrynion) has to
hand over the money for her freedom; as a slave, Neaira herself is not allowed to make
financial transactions.

τῷ Εὐκράτει: Dilts 2009 prints τῷ τε Εὐκράτει.


λαβών < λαμβάνω

εἰσηνέχθη < εἰσφέρω

προσθείς < προστίθημι

ἐφ’ ᾧ: “on the condition that”; takes an infinitive in a proviso clause (S. 2279)

Phrynion and Neaira then went to Athens, where she attended drinking parties at which her
body was at the disposal of many men. Upset with how she was treated by Phrynion, she
left for Megara, along with her clothing, jewelry, and female slaves.


ἐχρῆτο αὐτῇ: “treated her.” The subject of the verb is Phrynion; see §31-32.

ἐκώμαζε: the subject here is Neaira (the other verbs in this sentence have Phrynion as
their subject).

συνῆν: “had intercourse with, had sex with” (LSJ σύνειμι1 II.2).
φιλοτιμίαν τὴν ἐξουσίαν πρὸς τοὺς ὁρῶντας ποιούμενος: “making his wealth and
privilege an object of envy in front of the onlookers” (LSJ ἐξουσία ΙΙΙ). Note the predicate
position of φιλοτιμίαν.

ὡς: “at the house of” + acc.

ἐπὶ Σωκρατίδου ἄρχοντος: one way of reckoning years in Athens was by the name of that
year’s eponymous archon; thus, “in the archonship of Sokratides”: 374/3 BCE

τὰ Πύθια: the Pythian Games were panhellenic festivals held every four years at the
sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi.

Ἀργείου: of the Greek city of Argos

εἱστία τὰ ἐπινίκια: ”gave a feast to celebrate his victory.” εἱστία < ἑστιάω. ἐπινίκια < adj.
ἐπινίκιος; the plural substantive can mean, as here, “sacrifice for a victory or feast in honor
of it.”

Κωλιάδι: at Kolias, a promontory on the bay of Phaleron, in Attica

συνεγίγνοντο αὐτῇ μεθυούσῃ: “had intercourse with her when she was drunk”


Μαρτυρία: Dilts 2009 brackets this whole passage as spurious, following Westermann.

κληθῆναι < καλέω

καθεύδειν: evidently = “went to bed,” as opposed to being asleep, since they claim to have
noticed (αἰσθάνεσθαι αὐτοί) men visiting Neaira later.


προὐπηλακίζετο < προπηλακίζω, used figuratively to mean “to treat in an insulting


ὑπηρέτει αὐτῇ ἃ ἐβούλετο: “help her in the ways she wanted.” The language is vague.
See LSJ ὑπηρετέω II.4.

αὐτοῦ: take as genitive of possession with οἰκίας.

τὰ ἐκ τῆς οἰκίας: the article is being used substantively here.

ὅσα: modifies ἱμάτια καὶ χρυσία, which follow

περὶ τὸ σῶμα: i.e., Neaira’s body

χρυσία: gold jewelry

Θρᾷτταν: Thratta is a common name for female slaves, meaning “Thracian.” Thrace was a
regular source of slaves.

Ἀστεῖος…ἦν ἄρχων: i.e., the year 373/2 BCE

Ἀθήνησιν: “in Athens,” locative adverb (G. 228, S. 341)

ὕστερον πόλεμον: in 378, the Spartans tried to seize the Athenian port of Piraeus, and so
Athens allied itself with Thebes (Sparta’s enemy). Peace was declared in 374, but war
broke out again shortly thereafter and lasted until 371. The ὕστερος πόλεμος is the war that
broke out in 374.

Stephanos then came to Megara and became a client of Neaira. After she told him about
her treatment at the hands of Phrynion, he vowed to protect her, to keep her as his wife,
and to introduce her children into his phratry.


Ἀλκισθένους ἐνιαυτόν: i.e., 372/1 BCE

ὡς: a causal conjunction (G. 633d, S. 3000)

ὥστε διοικεῖν: natural result clause

ἀνελεύθεροι: with respect to money matters this adjective means “stingy.”

ξένων δὲ οὐ πάνυ ἐπιδημία ἦν: “there was not much residence of foreigners at all,” i.e.,
Megara was quite inhospitable to foreigners at that time, for reasons about to be
listed. ἐπιδημία: when this word is used of foreigners, it refers to their coming to and
staying in a place that is not their home city.

τοὺς μὲν Μεγαρέας...τῆς δὲ θαλάττης: note the μέν/δέ contrast being drawn

ἐξῆν < ἐξεστίν: see §3.

ἐπανελθεῖν < ἐπανέρχομαι

ἐπὶ τούτῳ: “on this condition” (S. 2279), with the condition spelled out in the ὥστε clause
(S. 2268)


ὡς: here, temporal conjunction

ἠ εἰρήνη: a peace treaty was signed in the summer of 371 BCE ending a two years’ war
and guaranteeing the independence of all Greek poleis.

ἐπὶ Φρασικλείδου ἄρχοντος: 371/0 BCE

ἡ μάχη ἡ ἐν Λεύκτροις: Thebes had wanted to sign the peace treaty (mentioned above)
on behalf of all the Boiotians, but Athens and Sparta objected, and war followed. At the
battle of Leuktra, Sparta was defeated, and Sparta’s power essentially came to an end.

ὕβριν: ὕβρις is an important concept in ancient Greek law and thought, referring to violently
insulting behavior (and sometimes to the state of mind underlying this behavior).

ἐπιδοῦσα ἅ...ἔχουσα: “handing over to him (Stephanos) the property she had (i.e., had
taken or been given) from him (Phrynion) when she left (Athens),” as described in §35. ἅ is
an abbreviated form of ταῦτα ἅ, where the elided ταῦτα is the object of ἐπιδοῦσα, and ἅ is
the object of ἔχουσα.

διὰ τὸ ἠδικηκέναι μέν αὐτή: “because of the wrong she had done him” (by absconding
with his property). The manuscripts have αὐτήν, which would reverse the meaning.

ὀργίλως ἔχειν: for ἔχω + adverb, see §12; take ἔχειν as parallel to ἠδικηκέναι (both are
objects of διά).

εἰδυῖα < οἶδα

προΐσταται: it is unclear (see Patteson 1978: 68-69) whether this verb is being used in its
technical sense to mean “to set him up as her προστάτης,” i.e., her citizen patron (all freed
slaves and metics had προστάται) (Carey 1992: 104-5), or in a looser sense to mean “to
place oneself under [someone’s] protection” (Kapparis 1999: 107).


ἔπαρας: “encouraging” < ἐπαίρω, “to lift up,” used figuratively

φυσήσας: ”swelling” with indignation < φυσάω, “to inflate, puff up” used figuratively

ὡς κλαύσοιτο: supply a verb of saying (hinted at with the preceding λόγῳ) to introduce this
(secondary sequence) indirect statement. κλαύσοιτο: “would lament,” i.e., would regret it,
< κλαίω. Kapparis 1999: 245 points out that “metaphorically used it implies threat of
physical violence.”

ἕξων...εἰσάξων...ποιήσων: all of these participles modify an implied Stephanos, future

tense indicating his intent.

εἰσάξων εἰς τοὺς φράτερας: see above §13. Here Stephanos is offering to introduce
Neaira’s children to his phratry as his own.

ὡς αὐτοῦ ὄντας: ὡς + circumstantial participle = “on the grounds that” (G. 593c, S. 2086);
in this case, “on the grounds that they are his [children].”

ἀδικήσει: understand Neaira as the object of this verb; supply a verb of saying to introduce
this clause. Kapparis 1999: 245 suggests that there is a shift to direct speech (hence the
indicative, rather than the optative, which we saw with κλαύσοιτο); we might also explain
this as a retained indicative. Either way, the force is to emphasize Stephanos’ promise that
no one would hurt her.

When Phrynion learned that Neaira was in Athens, he tried to drag her away as his slave,
to which Stephanos responded by asserting her freedom. Neaira continued to work as a
prostitute, now charging higher fees, and Stephanos blackmailed foreigners he caught
having sex with her.


Ἑρμῆν: “[the statue of] the whispering Hermes.” It isn’t known where this was located, nor
what “whispering Hermes” refers to.

ἣν νυνὶ Σπίνθαρος: as Carey points out (1992: 106; see also Kapparis 1999: 247), whose
house is being referred to here is grammatically ambiguous, but the context suggests that it
refers back to Stephanos’ οἰκίδιον, despite the change in gender.
ἑπτὰ μνῶν: attested home prices in fourth-century Athens range from 3 to 120 mnae
(Kapparis 1999: 247). Apollodoros is trying to make the point that Stephanos didn’t have a
lot of money, which is what drove him to bring frivolous lawsuits. We don’t know, however,
whether this was Stephanos’ only property, or one of several.

ἐώνηται < ὠνέομαι

δυοῖν δ᾽ ἕνεκα: “for two reasons”

ἐξ ἀτελείας: i.e., “without payment”

ὡς...ἕξων...καί...ταύτην ἐργασομένην καὶ θρέψουσαν: “so that he could have...and she

would earn...and maintain.” Future participles expressing purpose.

ἐργασομένην < ἐργάζομαι, here, “to earn by working” (LSJ II.4)

ὅ τι μή: “except, unless” (S. 2765; see similarly G. 656)

συκοφαντήσας: a sycophant (συκοφάντης) is someone who brings malicious prosecutions

solely for his own financial gain; the term is also often used for blackmailers.


πυθόμενος < πυνθάνομαι

ἐπιδημοῦσαν: “was visiting (Athens)”

τούτῳ: i.e., Stephanos

ἦγεν: “attempted to lead her away,” on the grounds that she was his slave. Conative
imperfect (G. 459.a, S. 1895).

ἀφαιρουμένου...εἰς ἐλευθερίαν: If a free person (A) was unjustly claimed by another (B)
as their slave, a third party (C) could act as A’s vindicator, carrying them away to freedom.
This was called an ἀφαίρεσις (or ἐξαίρεσις) εἰς ἐλευθερίαν. C would then furnish sureties (or
guarantors) before the polemarch for the appearance of A in court. In turn, B could then
bring a δίκη ἀφαιρέσεως (or ἐξαιρέσεως), accusing C of illegally taking away his property.

κατηγγύησε < κατεγγυάω: that is, Phrynion compelled Neaira to post bail


διεγγυηθεῖσα: διεγγυάω

ἐργασίαν: cognate accusative

ἐπράττετο: see §19.

ὡς ἐπὶ προσχήματος: “on the grounds,” “under the pretext” + participle

τινὸς οὖσα: “being of someone,” i.e., “being someone’s wife”

συνεσυοφάντει: the συν- takes an implied “her” (αὐτῇ).

ἀγνῶτα < ἀγνώς: i.e., unknown to them and so unaware of who Neaira actually
was. Patteson 1978: 75-76 points out that the advantage of trapping a foreigner is that they
wouldn’t know their rights under Athenian law.

μοιχόν: although this word is often translated as “adulterer,” μοιχεία is not identical to our
concept of adultery. It refers to an illicit sexual act, essentially any sexual act between two
citizens outside the bounds of marriage.

πραττόμενος: “exacting as payment,” i.e., extorting; see LSJ πράσσω VI.

εἰκότως: “and rightly so, naturally.” Ironic. The idea is that their blackmailing scheme was
“reasonable” because (as is about to be explained) they needed the money.

The blackmailing was motivated by a need for money: Neaira wanted to maintain the
lifestyle to which she had become accustomed, and Stephanos’ only source of income was
bringing frivolous lawsuits. Friends of Phrynion and Stephanos brought the two men to


ὑπῆρχεν: ”existed” + dat. of possession, < ὑπάρχω (LSJ B.2)

διοίκησις: the costs of keeping up a house

ὁπότ’ ἔδει: “since it was necessary.” See LSJ ὁπότε B. Dilts 2009 prints ὅπου γε δέοι,
following Kapparis 1999, with similar meaning (LSJ ὄπου ΙΙ.2).

ἄλλως τε καί: “especially”

μεμαθηκυῖα < μανθάνω; in past tenses, can have the sense of “to be accustomed to” +

μὴ κακῶς ἔχειν τὰ ἐπιτήδεια : “to not be in a bad state with regard to necessities,” i.e., to
live comfortably, see note on §30 regarding ἔχω + adverb. For τὰ ἐπιτήδεια = “necessaries,
provisions,” see LSJ ἐπιτήδειος II.1.

ἑτέρων ἀναλισκόντων: genitive absolute, “with others bearing the expenses,” “at the
expense of others”

τὸ πρότερον: adverbial accusative (see §1611)


πολιτείας: “the daily life of a citizen,” i.e., doing civic business (LSJ A.2)

προσῄει < πρός + εἶμι, of revenue, “to come in” (LSJ πρόσειμι [εἶμι ibo] III)

παραβοώντων: that is, shouting in support of, or in opposition to, other (more prominent)
politicians who were speaking at the speakers’ platform (βῆμα), in order to whip up the
crowd in the Assembly.

γραφομένων μισθοῦ: “indicting for pay”; that is, Stephanos was paid by others to bring
γραφαί against their opponents.
φαινόντων < φαίνω, “to inform against, denounce” someone who withholds property that
belongs to the state; successful prosecution in a φάσις brought the prosecutor half the fine
the jury imposed.

ἐπιγραφομένων < ἐπιγράφω, “to inscribe one’s name on” proposals as the (in this case,
alleged) proposer. Senior politicians who didn’t want to take on the risk of making a new
proposal in their own name would sometimes pay others to do so.

γνώμαις: “proposals”

ἕως: introduces a temporal clause; governing an aorist verb, it means “until” (G. 631,
S. 2383C).

ὑπέπεσε: “fell under the sway of” + dat. < ὑποπίπτω

ἐξ ὅτου δὲ τρόπου: “in what way” (for the preposition, see LSJ τρόπος II.3). ὅτου < ὅστις,
used as the indirect interrogative adjective

ἠσέβηκεν < ἀσεβέω


ἐλάττω = ἐλάττονα (< ἐλάσσων); adverbial accusative

δοῦναι δίκην: δίδωμι δίκην means “to suffer a punishment, pay a penalty.”

ὅσῳ: “inasmuch as”

κατεφρόνηκεν < καταφρονέω (+ gen.)

οὐδ᾽...τολμᾷ: “he does not endure to,” “he cannot bring himself to”

ἡμαρτημένων < ἁμαρτάνω: the participle is neuter

αὑτῷ: dative of agent with perfect passive participle ἡμαρτημένων

συκοφαντῶν: “bringing baseless charges against” < συκοφαντέω

ἐξετασθῆναι < ἐξετάζω, “examine, investigate”


λαχόντος < λαγχάνω: λαγχάνω δίκην: “to obtain permission to bring a suit” by handing in a
statement of the charge to the appropriate magistrate. The suit referred to here is likely a
δίκη ἀφαιρέσεως.

αὐτοῦ ἀφείλετο: “he took from him” < ἀφαιρέω (+ gen. of person from whom
something/someone is taken)

συνῆγον: “brought them together”

ἐπιτήδειοι: “close friends”

δίαιταν ἐπιτρέψαι αὑτοῖς: “to refer the arbitration to them,” i.e., to turn the matter over to
them for arbitration. See LSJ ἐπιτρέπω I.A.3. In Athens, there was both private and public
arbitration (the former administered by private individuals, the latter by state officials). This
is an instance of private arbitration, the decision of which was binding (cf. public arbitration,
the decision of which could be appealed to the courts). The aim of arbitration was to arrive
at a solution agreeable to both parties; usually, each party got to pick an arbitrator
favorable to his side, and the two agreed on a third who was relatively impartial.

The decision reached through arbitration was that Neaira should be free, that she should
return to Phrynion nearly everything she took from his house, and that she should spend
her time alternately with Phrynion and Stephanos.


ἐν τῷ ἱερῷ: arbitration could take place in various public locations; it is unclear which
temple this is. Carey 1992: 110 says: “The venue would guarantee solemnity and freedom
from interruption, besides of course providing space for the proceedings.”

ἀμφοτέρων καὶ αὐτῆς τῆς ἀνθρώπου: “from each man and from the woman herself.” See
G. 509.

ἀπεφήναντο < ἀποφαίνομαι + γνώμην, “to declare an opinion”

τὴν ἄνθρωπον: ἄνθρωπος can be used in the feminine “contemptuously, of female

slaves” or “with a sense of pity” (LSJ ἄνθρωπος II).

εἶναι…ἀποδοῦναι…συνεῖναι…εἶναι…παρέχειν…εἶναι…μνησικακεῖν: take all of these

infinitives as part of the indirect statement introduced by ἀπεφήναντο γνώμην.

ἐνέμειναν < ἐμμένω (+ dat.); here, governs αὐτῇ (which refers back to γνώμην)

ἠγοράσθη: ”were purchased” < ἀγοράζω

ἡμέραν παρ’ ἡμέραν: “day by day,” i.e., “alternating every day”

ἀλλήλους πείθωσι: “persuade each other,” i.e., “agree” on some other arrangement.

κύρια: “binding”

τὸν ἔχοντα ἀεί: ἀεί can mean “at any given time”; here, “the one having [her] at any given


γνωσθεῖσα: “determined, pronounced” < γιγνώσκω (LSJ II.1)

διαλλαγή: “reconciliation”

ἀναγνώσεται: ”will read aloud” < ἀναγιγνώσκω; supply as subject the clerk in the

διαλλάξαι: “arranged a reconciliation,” aor. act. infin. < διαλλάσσω

Διαλλαγαί: most scholars (cf. Carey 1992: 110-11) believe that this is not the genuine
document issuing from the arbitration, since it doesn’t include all the terms of the arbitration
(Kapparis 1999: 262-63). Dilts 2009 brackets it in his text, following Westermann.

χρῆσθαι: the verb (which takes the dative) can imply anything from spending time together
to sexual intercourse. See LSJ χράομαι IV.b.

τὰς ἴσας ἡμέρας: “an equal number of days”

παρ᾽ ἑαυτοῖς: “at their respective houses”

The supporters of both men attest that, after the arbitration, they often drank and dined with
Neaira. After summarizing what he has shown thus far, Apollodoros says that Stephanos
married off Neaira’s daughter Phano, as his own daughter, to a man named Phrastor.


ἀπηλλαγμένοι ἦσαν < ἀπαλλάττω, in passive, “to be reconciled” (LSJ B.II.8); for
periphrastic forms of the perfect (as here), see S. 599.

οἷον: the neuter singular of οἷος can be used, as here, as an adverb meaning “as, like”
(LSJ V.2).

φιλεῖ: in its impersonal use, it means “is usual.”

ἄλλως τε καὶ: “especially” (S. 2980)

ὡς ἑκάτερον αὐτῶν: “at the house of each of them,” i.e., each arbiter went to the house of
the man who had brought him into the matter to drink with Neaira on days when she was


ἀπέδρα < ἀποδιδράσκω (+ acc. of person from whom one runs)

ἥκουσα: “on arrival” in Athens

κατηγγυήθη ὡς ξένη οὖσα: “was forced to post bail as a foreigner”; see §40.

καταμεμαρτυρηκότ(α) αὐτῆς: “has given evidence against her,” pf. participle in indirect


παιδάριον μικρόν: take as predicate of ἥν.

προῖκα: thirty mnae is an average-sized dowry

ἀκριβῶς τὸν βίον συνειλεγμένον: “had gotten together a living frugally,” i.e., had become
prosperous through frugal living. συνειλεγμένον < συλλέγω

ἠπίστατο < ἐπίσταμαι

ἀρέσκειν: “adjust herself to,” “fit in with”

Phrastor, when he realized that Phano was not actually Stephanos’ daughter, kicked her
out of his house, though she was pregnant, and refused to give back her dowry. Stephanos
then brought a suit against Phrastor for the dowry, to which Phrastor responded by alleging
that Stephanos betrothed a non-citizen girl to him.


κοσμίαν: “well-behaved,” “decent”

πεπυσμένος < πυνθάνομαι

ἐξηπατήθη < ἐξαπατάω

ὅτ(ε) ἠγγυᾶτο: ”when she was betrothed,” i.e., at the time of the betrothal, < ἐγγυάω

οὖσαν: governed by the earlier ὡς, “on the grounds that she (Phano) was...”

τούτῳ ἐξ ἀστῆς...γυναικός: “(the daughter) of this man (Stephanos) by a citizen woman.”

See LSJ ἐκ III.2.

πρίν…συνοικῆσαι: πρίν + infinitive = “before” (G. 568, S. 2431). Because the preceding
πρότερον flags the upcoming πρίν (S. 2440), it is unnecessary to translate both words.
Understand Stephanos as subject of συνοικῆσαι.

ἐκβάλλει: a technical (if harsh) way of saying “to divorce.” All that was required for divorce
in Athens was for the woman to move out of the house. Either party could initiate.

ὡς ἐνιαυτόν: ὡς + a numeral (vel sim.) can mean “about, nearly.”

τὴν προῖκα οὐκ ἀποδίδωσιν: this is very unusual, in that generally after a divorce the
dowry was given back to the woman (or more precisely to her κύριος); in this case,
Phrastor is withholding it because he felt deceived.


λαχόντος < λαγχάνω. λαγχάνω δίκην = “to obtain permission to bring a suit” by handing in
a statement of the charge to the appropriate magistrate. See §45.

δίκην σίτου: if the husband did not return his wife’s dowry, the κύριος could bring a lawsuit
(either a δίκη σίτου or a δίκη προικός). In a δίκη προικός, one sued for the return of the
dowry at once; in a δίκη σίτου (literally a suit for “maintenance” of the woman), one sued for
the husband to pay interest on the dowry, which was now considered “on loan” to him.

Ὠιδεῖον: the Odeon, a roofed theater built by Pericles, was near the Theater of Dionysos
and used for musical competitions. It also seems to have served as a courthouse.

ἀποπέμπει: supply a subject like τις.

ἐπ’ ἐννέ(α) ὀβολοῖς: at a (high) rate of 9 obols per mina per month (i.e., 18% interest)

εἶναι: here with its impersonal sense, “it is possible, permitted” + dat. (in this case, τῷ

σίτου...δικάσασθαι: “to sue for maintenance,” genitive of charge (G. 514)

γράφεται...γραφήν: Phrastor brings this (more serious) counter-suit as a way of getting
Stephanos to drop his charges. It works.

δήμοσια: the property is to be public in the sense that it is confiscated by the state.

νόμος: as mentioned above, Kapparis 1999: 198 argues that this and the law in §16 are
authentic and are two parts of the same law.

ὡς αὑτῷ προσήκουσαν: “as if she were his own kin” (LSJ προσήκω III.3).

τοῦ ἑλόντος: “(shall belong to) the one who secures his conviction” < αἱρέω (LSJ A.II.4.c).

γραφέσθων: “let them be indicted”

καθάπερ: καθά + περ = “just as”

τῆς ξενίας: genitive of charge or crime (see §5); the charge in a γραφὴ ξενίας is posing
illegally as a citizen.


ἐξελεγχθείς: conditional circumstantial participle (S. 2067), “if convicted of” +

infin. ἠγγυηκέναι

ἠγγυηκέναι καί: the infinitive ἠγγυηκέναι is dependent on ἐξελεγχθείς (“convicted of having

betrothed”); Dilts 2009 brackets the καί, following Reiske.

περιπεσεῖν < περιπίπτω; governed by κινδυνεύσει

ἀφίσταται: “gives up his claim on” + gen. < ἀφίστημι (LSJ B.1)

ἀνείλετο: < ἀναιρέω (middle) “removed, canceled”; supply this verb again in the next

Stephanos reached a settlement with Phrastor, and both men withdrew their suits. Phrastor
then fell ill, was tended to by Neaira and Phano, and was persuaded by them to
acknowledge his son with Phano as legitimate, since he wanted an heir.


Μαρτυρία: note that Phrastor gives a different order of events than Apollodoros does. This
(among other peculiarities in the deposition) might indicate that the document is a forgery,
though Dilts 2009 does not bracket it in his text.

ᾐσθετο < αἰσθάνομαι

λάχοντος: supply δίκην.

διαλύσασθαι πρὸς αὑτὸν Στέφανον: “that Stephanos made an arrangement with him
(Phrastor).” See LSJ διαλύω A.4.b.


φέρε: the imperative of φέρω can be used as an adverb meaning “come on.”
γεννητῶν: members of a γένος, a kin-based subgroup of a phratry. Although all Athenian
citizens belonged to phratries, not all belonged to γένη.

ἠσθένησε < ἀσθενέω; this is an ingressive aorist (S. 1924).

διετέθη < διατίθημι

διαφορᾶς: the fact that Phrastor was quarreling with his relatives is significant because
they would be first to inherit if he didn’t produce an heir.

πρὸς δέ: adverbial, “in addition”

τῇ θεραπείᾳ τῇ ὑπό: “by the care (which he received) from”


ἔρημος: governs τοῦ θεραπεύσοντος (“lacking someone to take care of [him]”)

ἐπισκοπούμεναι < ἐπισκοπέω

ἴστε < οἶδα

αὐτοὶ: “you yourselves,” the jurors, subject of ἴστε

ἐπείσθη: governs the infinitives λαβεῖν and ποιήσασθαι (of which τὸ παιδίον is the object)

ἔτεκεν < τίκτω

ποιήσασθαι ὑιὸν αὐτοῦ: i.e., he acknowledged the boy as his (legitimate) son. Although
ποιεῖσθαι can be used in a technical sense to mean “to adopt,” that doesn’t seem to be the
sense here (Kapparis 1999: 285-286; cf. Patteson 1978: 91).


αὐτὸν περιγενήσεσθαι: “that he (Phrastor) would survive” the illness

τοῦ...μὴ λαβεῖν...μηδ᾽ ἄπαις τετελευτηκέναι: articular infinitives with τοῦ; genitives of the
articular infinitive can be used to express purpose, often a negative purpose (G. 576,
S. 2032e): “so that...wouldn’t get, and so that he would not die childless.”

συγγενεῖς: accusative subject of λαβεῖν

ἐπεί: this word can be omitted in translation, or treated like γάρ (G. 629a, S. 2244).

ὑγιαίνων: conditional circumstantial participle; the present participle stands in for an

imperfect indicative in a contrary-to-fact condition.

But Phrastor recovered and married a citizen woman, demonstrating (according to

Apollodoros) that he had only acknowledged the boy because he thought he was about to
die. When Phrastor tried to introduce the boy into his phratry and genos, the boy was
rejected as illegitimate, and Phrastor was unable to swear that the boy’s mother was a

ὡς γὰρ ἀνέστη τάχιστα: “as soon as possible when he recovered,” “the minute he
recovered” (G. 633.f). ἀνέστη < ἀνα-ἵστημι

ἀνέλαβεν αὑτὸν: “regained his strength” (LSJ ἀναλαμβάνω II.3)

ἐπιεικῶς: adverbial form of ἐπιεικής; ἔχω + ἐπιεικῶς: “to be capable,” i.e., “to be well”

ὥστε: introducing an independent sentence, ὥστε has the force of οὖν (G. 639, S. 2274a).

τἀκόλουθ’ = τὰ ἀκόλουθα, “the sequel,” “what followed”


Βρυτίδας: Phrastor’s γένος, the Brytidai

ἥτις < ὅστις: here, the indirect interrogative pronoun

ἀποψηφίζονται: “voted against,” “rejected” (+ gen.)

ἐνέγραφον: i.e., inscribe him on the register of the members of the γένος


λαχόντος…δίκην: Carey thinks this is a δίκη βλάβης (suit for damages) for not admitting
the boy (Carey 1992: 117); Kapparis thinks it is a δίκη similar to suits appealing rejection
from demes (1999: 288-89)

προκαλοῦνται: “Ostensibly the purpose of the challenge is to avoid litigation or to obtain

fresh evidence. In reality challenges are usually issued in the confident expectation that the
opponent will decline; since challenges can be introduced as evidence at the trial, the effect
is to give the challenger a moral advantage in court” (Carey 1992: 117).

διαιτητῇ: here, a public arbitrator

ὀμόσαι: see §3.

καθ’ ἱερῶν τελείων: i.e., to swear by sacrifices of perfect (unblemished) animals

ἦ μήν: “surely, absolutely”; introduces indirect statement after a verb of swearing.

ἐγγυητῆς < ἐγγυητός

οὐκ ὤμοσεν: Patteson suggests that maybe Phrastor refused to swear because he was
thinking ahead to possible remarriage (and therefore didn’t mind giving up his claim that the
boy was legitimate); she also argues that, since Phrastor didn’t swear, the arbitrator must
have ruled (almost by default) in the favor of the γένος (1978: 95-96). Kapparis, by contrast,
argues that Phrastor refused to swear because “the oath would surely be phrased in a
manner which served the purposes of the challenger”: for example, Phrastor might have
been challenged to swear that the child was born to a citizen woman who was not Phano.
However, because the γεννηταί would have been unable to prove that the boy
was not legitimate without either solid evidence or the acceptance of a challenge, Kapparis
thinks that the γένος lost the arbitration (1999: 290-91). Kapparis’ theory is possible, but we
are given no indication in the text that the substance of the challenge is not precisely what
Apollodoros gives us in this paragraph (namely that the child was Phrastor’s son from a
citizen woman legally married to him).

Κεφαλῆθεν: of the deme Kephale

κωλύειν εἰσάγειν: Kapparis 1999: 293 finds this ambiguous, saying that it means only “to
produce obstacles to the introduction,” without stating whether the introduction succeeded
in the end.

Apollodoros reiterates that both Stephanos and Phrastor have, by their actions, shown that
Neaira is a foreigner. He next tells how Stephanos entrapped a man named Epainetos by
catching him in the act of adultery with Phano and then extorting 30 mnae from him.


ἐπιδεικνύω: alternate form of ἐπιδείκνυμι; this verb takes a long series of participles in
indirect statement.

καταμεμαρτυρηκότας: they have not technically given testimony (μαρτυρία), but

Apollodoros is suggesting that their actions attest to their belief that Neaira is a foreigner.

οὐκ ἐθελήσαντα: οὐκ ἐθέλω means “to refuse”

ἀγωνίσασθαι < ἀγωνίζομαι, “fight it out to court”

ἀποστάντα: “renounced his claim on” + gen.


γήμαντα: “after marrying her” < γαμέω. The manuscripts read γήμαντα τε, which would
necessitate an awkward pairing of γήμαντα and the ἀποδόντα that follows. One solution, as
in our text, has been to move the τε immediately after ἐκβαλόντα; Dilts 2009, by contrast,
brackets the entire phrase γήμαντά τε, following a suggestion offered by Diggle.

ἀλλὰ μᾶλλον εὐορκεῖν προελόμενον: “but chose rather to avoid committing perjury”
(Murray). προελόμενον < προ-αἱρέω


Ἐπαίνετον γὰρ τὸν Ἄνδριον: Epainetos from the Greek island of Andros, in the Cyclades;
accusative object of ἐπιβουλεύσας below

καταγόμενον: see §23


εἰς ἀγρόν ὡς θύων: this is a pretext for catching him in an isolated place with Neaira’s

λαμβάνει μοιχὸν ἐπί: “catches him (Epainetos) in the act of adultery with”

εἰς φόβον καταστήσας: “having brought him into (a state of) fear,” i.e., having terrified him
with threats of punishment. See LSJ καθίστημι II.3.
πράττεται μνᾶς τρίακοντα: if the κύριος of a woman caught her engaged in adultery, he
could either kill the adulterer or humiliate him (see further below). Alternatively, the matter
could be settled through a financial arrangement, which is what Stephanos tries here.
For πράττεται = ”exact as payment,” see §41 and LSJ πράσσω VI.

ἀφίησιν ὡς: “releases him on the condition that” + fut. ptc.

Epainetos brought a suit for false imprisonment against Stephanos, stating that Phano was
not Stephanos’ daughter but Neaira’s by another man, that Neaira knew of Epainetos’
relationship with Phano, and that sleeping with a prostitute (which is essentially what Phano
was) was not adultery. Stephanos submitted the matter to arbitration.


εἱρχθῆναι (and εἵρξῃ, below) < ἔργω. It was generally illegal for an individual to imprison a
free person, but it was allowed (albeit temporarily) if the latter was caught in an act of

γράψασθαι…εἱρχθῆναι: the first infinitive is governed by κελεύει; the second is governed

by γράψασθαι.

δόξῃ: impersonal: “it is decided”

ἀθῷον εἶναι αὐτόν: i.e., the falsely imprisoned man gets off scot-free.

παραδοῦναι αὐτὸν κελεύει τοὺς ἐγγυητάς: sc. ὁ νόμος as the subject of κελεύει; τοὺς
ἐγγυητάς is the object of κελεύει; αὐτόν is the object of παραδοῦναι.

τῷ ἑλόντι: although ὁ ἑλών is generally used in legal contexts to refer to the successful
prosecutor, here it likely refers to the person who literally seized (< αἱρέω) the adulterer in
flagrante (see a similar use of the participle in §87). Cf. Kapparis (1999: 66), who argues
that in this instance, ὁ ἑλών refers to the successful defendant, explaining that this
deviation from the normal meaning of the term has to do with the “peculiarity” of the case,
where it was the prosecutor (the alleged adulterer) who faced a greater danger than the
defendant (who captured him).

ἄνευ ἐγχειριδίου: this does not mean that the captor cannot punish adulterer physically,
simply that he cannot use a blade. We hear in comedy of anal penetration with a radish and
depilation of pubic hair as common (humiliating) punishments for adulterers.

χρῆσθαι: supply as subject the man’s captor; supply as object the imprisoned man.

μοιχῷ: dative agreeing with (dat.) understood object of χρῆσθαι


χρῆσθαι: here, with sexual sense (+ dat.)

Στέφανου θυγατέρα αὐτὴν εἶναι: αὐτήν is the subject of εἶναι in indirect statement
governed by an understood verb of saying; take Στέφανου θυγατέρα predicatively.

μητέρα: subject of συνειδέναι

πλησιάζουσαν: agrees with (an understood) Phano

ἀνηλωκέναι…τρέφειν: supply as subject Epainetos.

ἐπιδημήσειεν: “he visited (Athens)”

τόν τε νόμον: Dilts prints another τόν after τόν τε νόμον, following Hude.

ἐπὶ τούτοις: “in addition” (LSJ ἐπί B.I.e)

παρεχόμενος: “bringing forward (as supporting evidence)”

ταύτῃσι: Blass restored this old (Ionic) dative feminine plural form, since this appears to be
a quotation from a Solonic law (on which see Lysias 10.19 and Plutarch, Solon 23.1).

ἐργαστηρίου: literally a workshop, this is a common euphemism for brothel.

καθῶνται < κάθημαι: “sitting in brothels” is a common way of describing prostitutes.

πωλῶνται: ”walk up and down (the streets)” < πωλέομαι, an old poetic word not generally
seen in classical prose. πωλέομαι makes more sense than the passive of πωλέω, “are
sold,” since the two groups being discussed are brothel prostitutes and streetwalkers, both
of whom were sold.

ἀποπεφασμένως: “openly” (< ἀποφαίνω)


δίαιταν…πρὸς τὸν Ἐπαίνετον: “(private) arbitration vis-à-vis Epainetos”; Stephanos did

this because he realized he might not win the case for unlawful imprisonment.

ἐπιτρέπει: “referred” the arbitration, see §45 and LSJ ἐπιτρέπω I.A.3.

In arbitration, Epainetos withdrew his indictment against Stephanos; the latter dropped his
claim on the 30 mnae and got Epainetos to contribute a thousand drachmas toward
Phano’s future marriage.


ἐπὶ τούτοις: “on these terms”

διαιτητῶν: take as predicate.

εἷχε < ἔχω + infinitive = “to be able to”

εἰς ἔκδοσιν: “for the dowry”

ἠξίου...συμβαλέσθαι: “ make a contribution”

ἀπολωλεκὼς εἴη: “had lost,” perfect optative active of ἀπόλλυμι

ἐκδοῦναι < ἐκδίδωμι, the verb related to ἔκδοσις

δίκαιος εἶ: Greek sometimes uses a personal construction (“you are just to”) where English
uses an impersonal one (e.g., “it is just for you”).

ἀγαθόν τι ποιῆσαι αὐτήν: ποιέω can take, as here, a double accusative, of thing done
and person to whom it is done.

ἐπαγωγούς: in the sense of being seductive or misleading

δεόμενος < δέω; used as a deponent, can mean “to beg”

ἐκ πονηρῶν πραγμάτων: ἐκ here governs a genitive of origin, specifically “of the Cause,
Instrument or Means by which a thing is done” (LSJ III.5).

χιλίας δραχμάς: 1000 drachmas (10 mnae) is less than Stephanos was asking for earlier
as ransom (i.e., 30 mnae).

εἰσενεγκεῖν < εἰσφέρω


γράψασθαι: the implicit subject here is Epainetos.

διαλλαγαί: Dilts 2009 marks this passage as spurious, following Westermann.

Stephanos then ingratiated himself with a man named Theogenes, who had been selected
as βασιλεύς (king archon), and married Phano to him. As the wife of the βασιλεύς, Phano
performed special rites on behalf of the city. Apollodoros explains that when Athens was a
monarchy the king’s wife performed the most holy sacrifices.


τήν...ἐγνωσμένην ξένην εἶναι: “this woman who was acknowledged to be an alien....” The
accusative is picked by αὐτήν a couple of lines down and treated as the subject of
εἶναι ἀστήν in indirect statement.

τοσοῦτον: as often, takes a genitive of measure (“such a pitch/degree of…”) (G. 507.c,
S. 1325)

μὴ ἀγαπᾶν εἰ ἔφασκον: “to not be satisfied if they claimed that,” i.e., “to not be content
with claiming that”

ἀγαπᾶν: “to be pleased”

κατιδόντες < κατεῖδον

Κοιρωνίδην: this is actually a correction of the MSS, which read Καθωκίδην, referring to
the deme Kothokidai, but we learn that Theogenes’ deme is Erchia in §84, so the
manuscript reading must be corrupt.

βασιλέα: the βασιλεύς was one of the three main archons or magistrates (along with the
eponymous archon and polemarch) selected by lot for one-year terms. The duties of the
βασιλεύς were primarily religious in nature (overseeing festivals, sacrifices, sacred land,
and trials pertaining to religious matters).
δοκιμαζομένῳ: “The help referred to here [συμπαραγενόμενος] could consist of general
advice on the dokimasia process, including details such as the choice and presentation of
witnesses, appearance as witness or (if an objection was lodged) assistance with the
presentation of the case” (Carey 1992: 122).

συνευπορήσας < συνευπορέω; the participle modifies Στέφανος οὑτοσί, below.

ἀναλωμάτων: i.e., the costs the βασιλεύς incurred in purchasing new clothing appropriate
for his office, and furniture or other equipment necessary for his religious duties. (Note that
Stephanos, earlier presented as a poor man with only an οἰκίδιον, is now portrayed as rich,
since in this instance it helps Apollodoros’ case.)

εἰσῄει < εἰσ-εἶμι; the subject is Theogenes.

ὑπελθών < ὑπέρχομαι, “getting into his good graces”

τὴν ἀρχήν: “a magistracy,” namely the post of πάρεδρος

πάρεδρος: each of the three major archons had two πάρεδροι or assistants, whom they
selected for themselves, and who themselves had to undergo a δοκιμασία. In none of our
sources are the exact duties of πάρεδροι spelled out.


ἔθυε τὰ ἄρρητα ἱερά: “made the secret sacrificial offerings,” part of the Anthesteria, a
festival held in honor of Dionysos on the 11th, 12th, and 13th of Anthesterion
(February/March). The first day of the festival was called the Pithoigia, on which wine jars
were opened; the second day was the Choes, a day of drinking and revelry; and the third
was the Chytroi, which commemorated the dead. Most likely the sacrifices being referred to
here are those on the second day, the Choes; however, it is possible Apollodoros is
condensing events that actually took place over the entire festival.

οὖσα: concessive circumstantial participle

ἡ τοῦ βασιλέως γυνή: the wife of the βασιλεύς played a special role in the religious life of
the city, including being “married off” to Dionysos in a special ceremony; this was a way of
ritually incorporating Dionysos (who comes from afar) into the city.

ἐξώρκωσεν < ἐξορκόω, “administered the oath to”

γεραράς: literally, “the revered women,” a term used for priestesses of Dionysos selected
by the βασιλεύς for a one-year term.

ὑπηρετούσας < ὑπηρετέω (+ dat.); governs ἱεροῖς, “rites, sacrifices”

γυνή: take as predicate.

οἷόν τ’ ἐστίν: οἷός τ’ εἰμί is an idiomatic way of saying “to be able”; here it is impersonal: “it
is possible” (+ dat. of person).

πῶς ποιῆσαί γε τῇ ἐπιτυχούσῃ εὐσεβῶς ἔχει: “how is it pious for any chance person to
do.” The direct object of ποιῆσαι is the preceding clause.

ἐπιτυχούσῃ < ἐπιτυγχάνω: as a substantive participle, often has the sense of “any chance
ἄλλως τε καί: “especially”


ἀκριβέστερον: comparative adverb

καθ’ ἕκαστον: “each at a time,” i.e., “one by one”

τιμωρίας; gen. object of ἐπιμέλειαν

οἴσετε < φέρω, + ψῆφον, “to give a vote”

τῆς...εὐλαβείας: genitive governed by an implied ὑπέρ

ἠσεβημένων < ἀσεβέω; participle here in neuter

τό...ἀρχαῖον: adverbial accusative

δυναστεία: Apollodoros simplifies the development of Athenian monarchy (from the kings
to the βασιλεύς archon) by compressing it into two stages.

ὑπερεχόντων < ὑπερέχω: as substantive, has the sense of “the powerful, those having
authority”; here, genitive of possession

ἀεί: “at any given time” (see §46)

αὐτόχθονας: the Athenians defined themselves as native inhabitants of their land, literally
sprung from the earth of Attica (i.e., “autochthonous”).

After Theseus united the people of Attica, the people passed a law that the king had to
select a wife who was both a citizen and a virgin.


ἐπειδὴ δὲ Θησεὺς συνῴκισεν: according to myth, the hero Theseus united the towns of
Attica into one polis (this is called the “synoecism” of Attica, from συνοικίζω).

οὐδὲν ἧττον: “no less,” i.e., “nonetheless”

ᾑρεῖτο < αἱρέω: note the middle voice. What is being referred to here—choosing men from
a list of pre-selected men—is a sort of double election. Whether Apollodoros is correct is a
point of debate (see e.g., Kapparis 1999: 334-335); either way, by the fourth century, the
archons were selected by double sortition (that is, by lots, rather than by vote).

χειροτονῶν < χειροτονέω

τὴν δὲ γυναῖκα αὐτοῦ νόμον ἔθεντο ἀστὴν εἶναι: “they established a law that his wife
should be a citizen,” i.e., of Athenian birth

ἐπιμεμειγμένην < ἐπιμείγνυμι: here with a sexual sense

γαμεῖν: supply as subject the βασιλεύς

νομιζόμενα < νομίζω, frequently in passive, “to be customary”; the neuter participle is used
to mean “customs, customary rites.”


ἐν Λίμναις: the location of “the Marshes” isn’t clear, but it has been suggested that it was in
the Ilissos area south of the Acropolis (Patteson 1978: 107-8; Carey 1992: 124). Kapparis
1999: 336 suggests that it may not be a literal marsh, but is meant to represent the lake
where Dionysos arises on earth, coming up from the underworld.

γράμμασιν Ἀττικοῖς: the Athenians switched from the Attic to the Ionic alphabet in 403/2

ἐπιγιγνομένοις < ἐπιγίγνομαι; the substantive is often used for “those coming after,” i.e.,

τήν γε θεῷ: Dilts 2009 adds the definite article τῷ before θεῷ, following Gernet.

τοιαύτην: take in the predicate position.

ἔστησαν: sc. τὴν στήλην

τοῦ ἐνιαυτοῦ ἑκάστου: genitive of time within which, G. 515.

ἀνοίγεται < ἀνοίγνυμι, “open”

τῇ δωδεκάτῃ τοῦ ἀνθεστηριῶνος: the 12th of the month Anthesterion, that is, the Choes


ἐπεμελήθησαν: “have provided for” < ἐπιμελέομαι

ἄξιον: supply a verb like ἐστί both times this adjective appears in this section.

ἡδικημένων: “for their crimes” (see §5, LSJ δίκη IV.3, and S. 1376).

πρόνοιαν ποιῶνται: “to beware, take care”

μηδέν: translate as “at all” or “in any way” (μηδέν does not have a negative force here, but
is used because it is in a fear clause).

Apollodoros has read aloud the oath sworn by the “venerable women,” who assist the king
archon’s wife in performing sacrifices. He then says that after Phano performed these rites,
the Areopagos inquired about her status.


ἱεροκήρυκα: an official at the Eleusinian Mysteries chosen from the Kerykes γένος

τὰς γεραράς τάς: Dilts 2009 removes the second τάς, which is unnecessary and had been
added in by Reiske.
ἐν κανοῖς: “amongst baskets,” “as they carry the baskets”; Carey 1992: 125 suggests that
the baskets held either offerings for Dionysos, or a knife for slaughtering an animal and
barley for sprinkling on the sacrificial animal’s head.

τῶν ἱερῶν: τὰ ἱερά = “sacred offerings,” “sacred rituals,” or in particular “sacrificial victims.”
The latter meaning is most likely here (see Carey 1992: 63).

ὅρκος γεραρῶν: The oath is probably genuine, but it may or may not be the complete
oath; the Gerarai (literally “venerable women”) were the fourteen priestesses of Dionysos.

συνουσίας: here with a sexual sense

τὰ θεοίνια...τὰ ἰοβάκχεια: the Theoinia is a festival in honor of Dionysos celebrated by

each γένος; the Iobakcheia is another festival (perhaps celebrated as a private cult ritual) in
honor of Dionysos; what it involved is uncertain, but its name comes from “Io Bakche,”
which revelers cry out).

γεραρῶ: “I will celebrate” < γεραίρω

κατὰ τὰ πάτρια: “in accordance with ancestral custom,” “in the traditional manner”

καθήκουσι < καθήκω, of time, “to be regular, proper”; it is not known what days these
were, exactly.


τοῦ…πατρίων: genitive governed by ἀκηκόατε (< ἀκούω: here, “hear about, of” [S. 1365]);
the verb also looks ahead to the following ὡς and ὅτι clauses.

τὰ ἱερά: “sacred rituals”

δι’ ἀπορρήτου γεγενημένην: “given in secret.” The adjective ἀπόρρητος literally means
“not to be spoken”; the phrase means “in secret” (the same with ἐν ἀπορρήτῳ, below).

αὐτοῖς τοῖς πεπραγμένοις: dative of means or instrument

οὖσαν: participle in indirect statement; the subject is μαρτυρίαν.


τὰ ἱερὰ: “sacred rituals”

Ἅρειον πάγον: the Areopagos (“Hill of Ares”), located northwest of the Acropolis in

ἡ βουλὴ ἡ ἐν Ἀρείῳ: the Areopagos council. It was made up of former archons, who
served on the council for life. In the earliest days of Athens, the Areopagos served as
council to the king; its powers were greatly reduced over time, and by the classical period
its jurisdiction was limited to murder, premeditated wounding, arson, poisoning, and
destruction of the sacred olive trees. Patteson (1978: 111-12) suggests that the council was
reporting on the most recent Anthesteria; although reports on the conduct of festivals were
normally presented to the Assembly, rather than the Areopagos, it could be there wasn’t an
assembly devoted to the Anthesteria (1978: 111-12), and/or that that the antiquity of the
Anthesteria might have placed it under the Areopagos’ jurisdiction (Carey 1992:
126). Kapparis 1999: 349 suggests instead that the council was simply acting in its capacity
to conduct certain kinds of investigations into religious matters.

τἄλλα: “in other respects”

ἐζήτει: “investigated” (impf.) + acc. and indirect question

ἐξήλεγχεν: “found out the truth” (impf.)

πρόνοιαν ἐποιεῖτο: “gave thought, took care”

ἐζημίου: “was going to assess a fine” < ζημιόω: conative imperfect (see §13 and S. 1895).
As emerges later, the fine did not come to pass.

ὅσα κυρία ἐστίν ὅσα: “insofar as is (the council) is sovereign,” i.e., with the stiffest penalty
it had the authority to impose

διὰ κοσμιότητος: “with due regard for propriety,” so as not to embarrass the parties

The Areopagos proposed to punish Theogenes for marrying a non-citizen, but he begged
that they spare him. Theogenes immediately divorced Phano (and removed Stephanos
from the board on which he had been serving), thereby earning the forgiveness of the


γενομένων δὲ λόγων: “while the discussions were going on,” in the council

ζημιούσης: “were imposing a fine on” + acc.

εἴασε: “permitted” < ἐάω

ᾔδει < οἶδα

διοικήσῃ τὴν ἀρχήν: “administer his office,” “run his magistracy”


ὄντων: 3rd person plural present active imperative of εἰμί. ὄντων is Rennie’s emendation of
ἔστωσαν, the form found in the manuscripts. However, since ἔστωσαν is an accepted
variant of ὄντων, Rennie’s emendation is probably not necessary.

πιστοὶ ὑμῖν ὄντων οἱ λόγοι: “let the statements be trustworthy to you,” i.e., be accepted
as true by you. ὄντων is 3rd person pres. imperative < εἰμί.


τὴν ἀκακίαν τοῦ τρόπου: “innocence of character,” “naiveté”

ἐπέσχεν: “refrained from action” < ἐπέχω (aor. ἐπέσχον)

συνεδρίου: this is a general word for council; here it refers to the archon and his two
συγγνώμην εἶχον: “showed lenience”

Proofs (πίστεις) section of the speech: 85–125.

Not only should Phano not have performed the sacred duties of the king archon’s wife, she
should not have participated in any of the city’s rites, since adulteresses are banned from
entering all public temples. Apollodoros has the law on adultery read aloud.


λαβὲ δή μοι...καὶ ἀνάγνωθι: “please take...and read aloud....” Imperatives addressed to

the court clerk. μοι is an ethical dative (see §25, G. 523a, S.1486).

ἀπέχεσθαι: governs a series of genitives: τῶν ἱερῶν τούτων; the articular infinitives τοῦ
ὁρᾶν καὶ θύειν καὶ ποιεῖν; and τῶν…ἁπάντων. Being banned from the religious life of the
city was akin to disenfranchisement (ἀτιμία) for a woman.

τι τῶν νομιζομένων...πατρίων: “any of the ancestral rites”

τῶν ἄλλων: other religious rites

Ἀθήνησιν: locative (see §35)

μοιχός: οf course, earlier Apollodoros said that the affair with Epainetos was not really
μοιχεία since Phano was not a legitimate citizen; here, it serves his purposes to say that it

γυναικί: take first in the sentence; dative with οὐκ ἔξεστιν, picked up again with αὐτῇ

ἱερῶν τῶν δημοτελῶν: here, most likely public “temples,” rather than “sacred rites” (cf. the
use of ἱερῶν earlier in this paragraph)

ἐλθεῖν ἐξουσίαν ἔδοσαν: most editors (including Dilts 2009) delete ἐλθεῖν, which likely
erroneously repeats the preceding ἐλθεῖν; the sense of ἐξουσίαν ἔδοσαν is completed by

θεασομένην…ἱκετεύσουσαν: note the future tense of these participles: “whether to view

the spectacle or to offer prayer” (Murray)


μόναις: this is not strictly speaking true, since murderers were also barred from
participating in the city’s religious activities.

ἀπαγορεύουσιν: verbs of hindering take a infinitive, often with the redundant

(untranslated) μή (G. 572, S. 2038).

τιμωρίαν ὑπέρ: “vengeance upon/against”

ἐποίησεν: introduces an indirect statement (accusative subject + infinitive)

τἄλλα: accusative of respect; looks back to πλὴν θανάτου, that is, “things other than death”
ὑβρισθεῖσαν αὐτὴν μηδαμοῦ λαβεῖν δίκην: “that she, having been mistreated, may seek
redress nowhere,” i.e., before no court or tribunal. μηδαμοῦ is an adverb.

τοῖς ἱεροῖς: “holy places,” “sanctuaries,” “temples” (LSJ III.2)

φόβον: takes a genitive object, here a series of articular infinitives

τοῦ σωφρονεῖν: articular infinitive expressing purpose (G. 576), “so that they might have

διδάσκων: νόμος is the antecedent

ἄν = ἐάν


εἴσεσθε < οἶδα

ἕλῃ: supply as subject τις.

Apollodoros explains the steps by which Athenians grant the exceptional honor of


ἐξόν < ἔξεστι; accusative absolute (see §13)

δῶρον: take this word, along with its modifiers (καλὸν καὶ σεμνόν), as the predicate.

τὸ Ἀθηναῖον γενέσθαι: articular infinitive: “to become Athenian” means “to become a
naturalized Athenian citizen.”

ποιεῖσθαι < ποιέομαι (middle of ποιέω), which often means “to adopt”; in a transferred
sense it can mean to “adopt” someone into one’s polis, i.e., naturalize them.

πολίτην: take as the predicate; the object of ποιεῖσθαι is an understood τινά.


ὅμως: some scholars think that there is a lacuna preceding ὅμως (proposing that
something like “even though you know these laws…” has fallen out); others use the
emendation ὑμεῖς δ’ ἀκούσαντες αὐτῶν βέλτιον εἴσεσθε (as does Dilts 2009).

αὐτῶν: genitive object of ἀκούοντες

βελτίους = βελτίονες (comparative of ἀγαθός)

βελτίους ἔσεσθε: it has been pointed out that this is a patronizing way of speaking to the
jury (Carey 1992: 130); Kapparis 1999: 88 therefore suggests emending the text to βέλτιον

τὰ κάλλιστα καὶ τὰ σεμνότατα δῶρα: take as the object of λελυμασμένοι εἰσίν.

πόλιν: object of εὐεργετοῦσι. Euergetism, doing good services for the polis of Athens, was
something that was highly encouraged and rewarded in kind.

λελυμασμένοι εἰσίν: perfect middle < λυμαίνω (“soil, dishonor, outrage, offend”),
periphrastic as usual for 3 pl. pf. mid.-pass. (see §48 and S. 408)

ἀνδραγαθίαν εἰς: “good services to,” see §73; ἀνδραγαθία, literally “the quality of being a
good man,” was the defining virtue that qualified one for naturalization.

κυρίαν: “valid”

ἐπιοῦσαν < ἐπιειμί; that is, the next Assembly meeting

ὑπερεξακισχίλιοι: over 6,000: the typical number required for quorum.

ψηφίσωνται: this is the second vote to ratify the grant of citizenship; the first took place at
the previous Assembly meeting. The additional requirement of a second vote is hard to
date precisely.

κρύβδην: the use of secret ballots and urns (see below) is more typical of the courts than
the Assembly.


γέρρα: these are likely movable wicker fences. A plausible suggestion (Hansen 1984: 241-
47) is that they were temporary barriers set up to monitor access to the Pnyx. Only citizens
were let through at first, so that they could vote; after the vote, the barriers were taken
down and non-citizens (and other spectators) could come through to witness the

κύριος ὢν αὐτὸς αὑτοῦ: “being himself master of himself,” i.e., independent and free from
any pressure brought by non-citizens

σκοπῆται πρὸς αὑτόν: the prepositional phrase, to be taken closely with the verb,
intensifies the idea of introspection.

λήψεσθαι: deponent future of λαμβάνω: supply as its object δωρεάν (that is, the gift of

παρανόμων γραφήν: “an indictment for illegality,” see §5.

ἐποίησε: “(the law) made it possible (to bring)”

κατ’ αὐτοῦ: i.e., against the candidate for citizenship. Technically, however, the γραφή is
brought not against him but against the man who proposed that said person be given

ἔστιν: note the accent: here with its sense of “it is possible”; it can take a dative or (as
here) accusative of person for whom something is possible, plus infinitive.

It has happened in the past that an indictment for illegality has resulted in a recipient being
stripped of his citizenship. The law also forbids all naturalized citizens from becoming one
of the nine archons or holding priesthoods. Apollodoros says that he will next explain how
the law of naturalization came about.

τῶν αἰτούντων: that is, the Athenians asking that someone be made a citizen

συνέβη < συμβαίνω: used impersonally; here takes an accusative + infinitive construction

ἀφείλετο τὸ δικαστήριον: τὸ δικαστήριον is the subject; the implied object is the grant of

ἔργον: supply ἐστί: “it is [or would be] a lot of work to…”

Πειθόλαν…τὸν Θετταλόν: Peitholaos was the son of Jason, tyrant of Pherai in Thessaly (a
region in central Greece).

Ἀπολλωνίδην τὸν Ὀλύνθιον: Apollonides was the leader of the anti-Macedonian party
in Olynthos.


κειμένων: “established”

πολιτείας: “citizenship”

ἐφ’ ἅπασι τούτοις: “in addition to all these [laws]”

κυριώτατος: “of paramount validity”

ὥστε…θύεσθαι: result clause after the idea of caution implied by πρόνοιαν ἐποιεῖτο
(S. 2239)

ἐξεῖναι αὐτοῖς: “that it should be possible for them,” i.e., “that they be eligible”

ἱερωσύνης μηδεμιᾶς: this seems to contradict what is said in §104 (the decree granting
the Plataians citizenship), where only access to hereditary priesthoods is restricted. It may
be that a ban on all priesthoods for naturalized citizens was enacted later than the
Plataians’ decree, or it may be that Apollodoros is simply exaggerating here.

τοῖς ἐκ τούτων: i.e., to their descendants

προσέθηκεν: “added the proviso”


πόρρωθεν προδιηγήσασθαι: ”to explain in addition from long ago,” i.e., to explain the
origins of, discuss the history of. πόρρωθεν = πρόσωθεν, “from long ago”

πρὸς οὓς διωρίσθη: “to whom it was applied.” διωρίσθη < διορίζω, “define, delimit.” The
type of men are specified in the next phrase.

τούτων: “these things,” i.e., the historical discussion about to begin

ἀπόθετον: “reserved for” + dat.

ὅσων…ἀγαθῶν: neuter (“good things,” that is, “privileges”); genitive governed by κύριους
(itself to be taken in predicate position vis-à-vis ὑμᾶς)

ὑμᾶς...κωλύουσι κυρίους: “are preventing you from being sovereign over,” i.e., are
removing from your control.

τούτῳ: dative governed by αὐτόν (“same to/as”).

Digression on the Plataians, 94–106. The aim of this section is to contrast the worthy grant
of citizenship to the Plataians, who risked their lives on behalf of the Athenians, with the
usurpation of citizen rights by those who didn’t deserve them. In this section, Apollodoros
draws heavily on Thucydides (History of the Peloponnesian War 2.2-6) with occasional
deviations, most of which serve either to condense the narrative or to paint the Plataians in
a flattering light. For a detailed account of how Apollodoros’ account is both similar to and
different from Thucydides’, see Kapparis 1999 ad loc. 94–103.

The Plataians helped the Athenians during the Persian Wars at the Battle of Marathon, and
assisted both the Athenians and the Spartans when Xerxes invaded Greece ten years later.
The Spartan king Pausanias, however, inscribed a monument to Apollo in which he took
sole credit for the Greeks’ victories at Salamis and Plataia.


Πλαταιῆς = Πλαταιεῖς, “the men of Plataea,” a city in Boiotia, near Thebes.

Μαραθωνάδε: “to Marathon.” Marathon is a city 26 miles north of Athens. The Battle of
Marathon took place in 490 BCE, where the Athenians (with the help of the Plataians)
defeated the Persians and drove them from Greece (at least until the Persian king Xerxes
invaded in 480). The name was later borrowed by the founders of the modern Olympics for
the well-known footrace, drawing on a mythologized version of these events. [map]

Ἐρετρίας: Eretria is a city in Euboia. Along with Athens, it was targeted by the Persian
king Darius because these two cities had given aid to the Ionian Greek cities of Asia Minor
when they (unsuccessfully) revolted in 499 BCE.

ἐβοήθησαν: ”came to your aid” < βοηθέω

Δαρείου: King Darius I, a.k.a. Darius the Great

ἀπέβη εἰς τὴν χώραν: “disembarked (from his ships) into (our) territory,” i.e., Attica, after
crossing the strait from Euboia. ἀπέβη < ἀπο-βαίνω

δυνάμει < δύναμις: “forces for war,” i.e., army (LSJ I.3). According to Herodotus 6.95, the
fleet sent by Darius consisted of 600 triremes.

ἐπόρθει ”began to plunder” < πορθέω; inchoative imperfect, denoting the beginning of an
action (S. 1900)

αὐτῶν: the Plataians

τῇ ποικίλῃ στοᾷ: the Stoa Pokile, or Painted Stoa, was built in the first half of the fifth
century in the north part of the Agora (reconstruction drawing).

γραφή: “picture,” “painting,” in this case one of the large wall frescoes that gave the
Painted Stoa its name.
δεδήλωκεν: “shows, depicts,” pf. with present meaning marking an enduring result
(S. 1946).

ὡς ἕκαστος...τάχους εἶχεν: “as much as each man abounded in speed,” i.e., as fast as
each man could go, at full speed; ἔχω + gen.: “to be well off for, abound in” (LSJ B.II.2.b).

γέγραπται < γράφω: the subject is (the understood) ἕκαστος.

οἱ…ἔχοντας: if the text is secure (a disputed point), this must stand in apposition to

τὰς κυνᾶς τὰς Βοιωτίας: the distinctive Boiotian helmet was lightweight and allowed for
good visibility. A fourth century BCE example can be seen in the Ashmolean Museum,


Ξέρξου ἰόντος ἐπὶ τὴν Ἑλλάδα: Xerxes, king of Persia, was the son of Darius I. He
invaded Greece in 480 BCE.

μηδισάντων < μηδίζω: i.e., going over to the Persian side

ἐτόλησαν: supply as subject the Plataians.

Λεωνίδου: Leonidas was a famous Spartan general.

Θερμοπύλαις: the Battle of Thermopylai took place in 480 BCE. While it saw a Persian
victory, the Greeks (led by Leonidas) performed remarkably well. Apollodoros may be
making up the Plataians’ involvement in the battle; at any rate, Herodotus does not mention
their participation (Hdt. 7.202, 222).

oἰκεῖα: “their own, belonging to them”

Ἀρτεμισίῳ: the Battle of Artemision was a series of naval engagements fought in 480 BCE.

Σαλαμῖνι: the Battle of Salamis, fought in 480 BCE, saw a decisive victory for the Greeks.
According to Herodotus, the Plataians did not participate in this battle (Hdt. 8.44.1).


τὴν τελευταίαν μάχην Πλαταιᾶσι: the Battle of Plataia (479 BCE) was another Greek
victory. Πλαταιᾶσι = “at Plataia,” locative (S. 341)

κατέθηκαν...εἰς κοινόν: “deposited for public use,” as if the Plataians had won the victory
as a gift to all the other Greeks. In fact, the Spartans had a key role, including overall
command under Pausanias. According to Herodotus 9.28-29, the Athenians sent
8,000 hoplites, led by Aristides, along with 600 Plataian exiles.

Παυσανίας ὁ Λακεδαιμονίων βασιλεύς: in fact, he was regent of Leonidas’ son, who was
too young to be king.

ὑβρίζειν ἐνεχείρει: “set out to insult,” referring to the events described in the next
section. ἐνεχείρει < ἐγχειρέω
οὐκ ἠγάπα: “was not content”

ἠξιώθησαν: “were considered worthy of,” i.e., “were given”

ἡγεμονίας: “supreme command,” genitive governed by ἠξιώθησαν

ἡ πόλις: Athens

τῇ…ἀληθείᾳ: “in truth”

ἡγεῖτο: “led,” esp. at the crucial naval battles of Artemision and Salamis. ἡγέομαι = “to be
leader for someone (+ dat.) in something (+ gen.)”

φιλοτιμίᾳ: dative of respect, “in ambition,” i.e., in asserting leadership at the Battle of

Λακεδαιμονίοις: dative governed by ἠναντιοῦτο < ἐναντιόομαι

ἵνα μὴ φθονηθῶσιν: “so that they (the Athenians) would not become the objects of ill-will.”
Athenian self-restraint is juxtaposed with the arrogance of the Spartan
Pausanias. φθονηθῶσιν < φθονέω, aor. pass. subj. 3 pl.


ἐφ’ οἷς: that is, the honors accorded to the Spartans

φυσηθείς < φυσάω

ὤλεσε < ὄλλυμι

Φοίβῳ: i.e., Apollo

ὡς...ὄντος: ὡς + ptc. = “as if” (LSJ C.I.1)

αὑτοῦ: reflexive pronoun, possessive genitive; note the predicate position.

On behalf of the rest of the Greeks, the Plataians brought a suit against the Spartans,
incurring Sparta’s wrath. Fifty years later, a Spartan king attempted to seize Plataia through
the assistance of the Thebans, but the Athenians sent aid and the Thebans retreated.


λαγχάνουσι δίκην: despite what is said here, it is unlikely the Plataians actually brought a
lawsuit against the Spartans.

Ἀμφικτύονας: the council of the Greek Amphictyonic League, a league of Greek states

χιλίων ταλάντων: genitive of penalty

αὐτοῖς: i.e., the Plataians

ἐν τῷ παρόντι: “at the present time” (that is, contemporaneously with the events just
mentioned). παρόντι < παρα-εἰμί
εἶχον αὐτοῖς ὅ τι χρήσωνται: “did not have a way of dealing with them [i.e., the
Plataians].” αὐτοῖς is to be taken proleptically, that is, as the object of the subordinate
clause despite its placement in the main clause (S. 2182).

ὡς πεντήκοντα: ὡς + a numeral (vel sim.) can mean “about, nearly.” See §51.

καταλαβεῖν: “occupy, sieze”


ἔπραξε: Archidamas is the subject. These events, highly condensed here, represent the
beginning of the Peloponnesian War. See Thucydides 2.1-6.

δι’: “through,” in the sense of “through the agency of”

βοιωταρχοῦντος: being Boiotarch, a chief officer of the Boiotian confederacy (there were
seven in total)

ἀνοιξάντων < ἀνοίγνυμι

τῆς νυκτός: genitive of time during which

χρήμασι: “bribes”

ἐξαπίνης = ἐξαπίνας, “suddenly”

κατειλημμένην < καταλαμβάνω

εἰσεληλυθότας < εἰς + ἔρχομαι

ὕδωρ: rainwater

ὁ…Ἀσωπὸς ποταμός: The Asopos is a river of Boiotia and northern Attica.

ἐρρύη < ῥέω

διαβῆναι < δια-βαίνω

ἄλλως τε καὶ νυκτός: “especially at night”


ὡς: temporal conjunction, “when”

φθάνουσιν: φθάνω takes a supplementary participle (here, ἀπολέσαντες < ἀπόλλυμι)

(G. 585, S. 2096).

ὡς ὑμᾶς: ὡς as preposition: “to you”

ἄν = ἐάν

δῃῶσιν < δῃόω: ravage, plunder

The Spartans responded by marching against Plataia, recruiting troops from a number of
other Greek city-states. After the Spartans failed to get the Plataians to abandon their
alliance with Athens, they besieged and ultimately captured Plataia. Some Plataians
managed to flee to Athens, but those who remained were either killed or enslaved.


ἀπέτυχον: ”failed in” + gen., < ἀποτυγχάνω

οἱ Λακεδαιμόνιοι…ἤδη στρατεύουσιν: actually, they made their campaign two years


ἀπροφασίστως ἤδη: “without waiting now for any pretext,” implying that this had been the
intent from the start

Πελοποννησίοις…ἅπασι: dative governed by ἐπιτάξαντες, “ordering”

τὰ δύο μέρη: i.e., two thirds

Λοκροῖς: the Lokrians were a Greek tribe divided between East (Opuntian) and West
(Ozolian) Lokris.

Φωκεῦσι: that is, those from the region of Phokis

Μαλιεῦσι καὶ Οἰταίοις καὶ Αἰνιᾶσιν: these were all Greek tribes. Kapparis 1999: 394: “The
land of the Malians occupied the area north of Thermopylai at the side of Spercheios down
to the sea. The Oeteans lived at the spurs of Oite south of Spercheios towards Atalante,
and the Aenianes along Othrys at the upper side of Sperchios.”


ἐπηγγέλλοντο: “promised,” “offered”

ἔχειν καὶ καρποῦσθαι...ἀφίστασθαι δέ: “would keep and harvest...but (must) abandon.”
Supply the Plataians as subject.

δύο ἔτη: accusative of duration of time. The manuscripts read δέκα ἔτη, but Thucydides
tells that the Plataians surrendered after a siege of two years (in 427 BCE), not ten.


ἀπειρήκεσαν < ἀπεῖπον, “give up,” with the sense of “be worn out” (LSJ IV.3)

διακληρωσάμενοι: Thucydides 3.20.1-2 says that the plan was for everyone to leave, but
that some men, out of fear, decided to stay.

οἱ μέν…οἱ δέ: “some…others”

τηρήσαντες: “watching and waiting for” < τηρέω

ὕδωρ: “rain”

ἀπεσφάγησαν aor. pass. 3 pl. < ἀποσφάζω, “had their throats cut”
οἱ ἡβῶντες: “the adult males”

ὅσοι μὴ: “as many as did not,” i.e., except for those who

The Athenians gave citizenship to the surviving Plataians for their loyalty to Athens,
requiring that each Plataian be examined for eligibility and that the names of those given
citizenship be inscribed and displayed prominently. These naturalized citizens were
restricted from serving as archons or holding priesthoods.


προεμένοις < προ-ἵημι

ἱερῶν καὶ ὁσίων: a common idiom, roughly meaning “sacred and secular” (LSJ ἱερός II.2);
on the relationship between ἱερά and ὅσια in Athens, see Connor 1988.

μετέδοτε τῆς πολιτείας: “to give a share of citizen rights,” with τῆς πολιτείας being a
partitive genitive; cf. Thucydides, who says that the Plataians received citizenship before
427. Carey 1992: 139 suggests there were two grants, an earlier honorary one to reward
the Plataians for their service at Marathon, and a second practical one after they were
forced to flee Plataia.

πλήν: Carey 1992: 140 thinks that something is missing before πλήν, possibly along the
lines of “but not the priesthoods,” with εἴ τις ἱερωσύνη ἢ τελετή ἐστιν ἐκ γένους referring to
any hereditary priesthoods they had back in Plataia. Kapparis does not believe that
anything is missing, arguing that εἴ τις ἱερωσύνη refers to priesthoods in Athens from which
they would be barred by virtue of not belonging to a γένος (Kapparis 1999: 395-96). The
only difficulty with this interpretation is reconciling it with §106, where Apollodoros says the
Plataians were banned from all priesthoods, but as Kapparis suggests, that might be an

τοῖς δ’ ἐκ τούτων: that is, their descendants can be one of the nine archons. We don’t see
here the detail we find in §92 (and §106), namely that their mother must be a citizen
married to their father, but that must be understood. The δέ here appears to be strongly
adversative (S. 2835).

Ἀθηναίῳ: take as predicate.

μὴ εὑρομένῳ: “unless he recieves it.” This participle has conditional force, as indicated by
the use of μή instead of οὐ. For εὑρίσκω = “get, gain,” see LSJ IV.


ἠξίωσε: “required that,” followed by the accusative and infinitive construction after a verb of
commanding (S. 1465)

δοκιμσαθῆναι ἐν τῷ δικαστηρίῳ: this is in a sense parallel to the scrutiny that natural-

born citizens underwent when they turned 18.

τῶν φίλων: partitive genitive; that is, “(one) of the friends”

ἔπειτα: what follows is a continuation of the lengthy indirect command (πρῶτον

μέν…ἔπειτα) initiated by ἠξίωσε.

παρὰ τῇ θεῷ: that is, by the temple of the goddess Athena: namely, the Parthenon
ᾖ ἐξελέγξαι ὅτου ἂν ἕκαστος ᾖ συγγενής: “so that it might be possible to prove of whom
each man is a relative,” i.e., so people in the future could prove their citizen status by
showing kinship to one of the original Plataian grantees.


ὕστερον: “at a later period,” “subsequently,” take with γίγνεσθαι. The word is emphatically
placed, and in antithesis with νῦν.

οὐκ ἐᾷ γίγνεσθαι Ἀθηναῖον ἐξεῖναι: “was not allowing it to be possible...” i.e., made it
impossible. The subject for ἐᾷ is the framer of the law mentioned in 105. ἐᾷ governs the
impersonal ἐξεῖναι, which in turn governs γίγνεσθαι; take Ἀθηναῖον as the predicate,
agreeing with an understood τινά.

τοῦ….κατασκευάζειν: genitive articular infinitive of purpose (see §57, G. 576, S. 2032e).

τὸν νόμον διωρίσατο: “defined the law,” i.e., added a qualifying proviso, described in the
next clause

πρὸς αὐτούς: “regarding them,” “applicable to them,” the Plataians

καὶ μὴ ἐξεῖναι: Dilts 2009 brackets the καί, following Sauppe

λαχεῖν: “to be chosen by lot as one of”

τοῖς δ᾽ ἐκ τούτων: “but (it is permitted) to their descendants” (see §104)

ἐξ ἀστῆς γυναικὸς καὶ ἐγγυητῆς κατὰ τὸν νόμον: this stipulation is not in the decree that
Apollodoros has just quoted, though it is mentioned in §92. Perhaps the law is later.

Given that even the Plataians were rigorously scrutinized, it would be terrible to let
someone like Neaira go unpunished.


οὔκουν δεινόν: “is it, then, not an outrageous thing?” signalling the expected pivot to
Neaira’s case

ἐφ’ οἷς: “on what terms”

τὴν δέ: “but this woman,” emphatic, object of ἐάσετε below (“let go unpunished”)

πεπορνευμένην: “has prostituted herself” (mid.-pass.). Note that here, for the first time,
Apollodoros uses a verb related to the noun πορνή rather than the less insulting ἑταίρα.

ὀλιγώρως: “negligently”


ἐν Θετταλίᾳ…καὶ Μαγνησίᾳ: “in Thessaly and Magnesia”

Λαρισαίου: “of Larissa” (this is the same Simos we learned of in §24)

Μηδείου: “[son] of Medeios”

ἐν Χίωι…ἐν Ἰωνίαι: “on Chios and in Ionia“

Κρητός < Κρής

ὑφ’ ἑτέροις: ὑπό = “under the power/control of”

τῷ διδόντι: “the man who gives (money to her)”

τοῖς χρωμένοις: “those who have (intimate) dealings with her,” i.e., her sexual partners.

εἶτα...ψηφιεῖσθε: ”and so, will you really vote?” εἶτα introduces an indignant rhetorical
question expecting the answer “of course not!” See LSJ II.

ὑπὸ πάντων: take this with ἐγωσμένην

περίοδον: accusative following the idea of motion implied by εἰργασμένην (that is, she
moved around while working): see Kapparis 1999: 402.

εἰργασμένην: participle in indirect statement initiated by ἐγνωσμένην. The rhetorician and

critic Hermogenes of Tarsus (160-230 CE) says that the phrase ἀπὸ τριῶν τρυπημάτων
τὴν ἐργασίαν πεποιῆσθαι (“doing the job from three orifices”) was obelized (marked as
inauthentic) in this speech by some grammarians, presumably for being too obscene (Περὶ
ἰδεῶν p. 325, ed. Rabe 1917); in fact, none of our manuscripts include it. Some scholars
(e.g., Carey 1992: 141-42) think that this language was too explicit to have been used by
Apollodoros; Kapparis 1999: 402-5, citing further evidence for the use of this expression,
believes that it is genuine and was found either here (as suggested by Blass) or elsewhere
in the speech.


διαπεπρᾶχθαι...εἶναι: “that you have done...that you are,” infin. in indirect statement after
φήσετε, with the same subject

ἔνοχοι: “liable to the imputation of/penalty for” (+ dat.); predicate adjective agreeing with
understood “you (pl.)”

τὰ μὲν ἀδικήματα ταύτης ἦν, ἡ δ᾽ ἀμέλεια τῆς πόλεως: “the misdeeds were this
woman’s, the city’s the negligence,” i.e., the misdeeds belonged to this woman (alone), and
the city’s misdeed was merely negligence. ταύτης…πόλεως: both are possessive

οἱ μέν…οἱ δέ: ”some…others”

τῷ δ᾽ ἔργῳ: “in practice,” “practically speaking”

εἶχον ὅ τι χρήσαιντο αὐτῇ: “did not have a way of dealing with her.” For this idiom,
see §98.

ἔχετε: supply Neaira as object: “have got her in your hands”

Apollodoros asks the jurors how, if they acquitted Neaira, they would explain their decision
to their wives, daughters, and mothers.

τῷ = τινί, “trying whom?” (dative governed by implied ἐδικάζομεν)

οὐ γάρ: “isn’t it?”

μεμοιχευμένην: “who had been corrupted in adultery”


οὐκοῦν ἤδη: “at this point, no doubt”

ὁμοίως αὐταῖς: “just like them”; take with μετέχειν.

ἐπιδείκνυτε ποιεῖν: “you are showing (that they can) do”

τοῖς ταύτης τρόποις: dative governed by ὁμογνώμονες

δόξετε: “you will seem” + infin.

φέροντες: conditional ptc., “if you endure (her conduct)”

ὁμογνώμονες: predicate after εἶναι


ἐλυσιτέλει: the imperfect indicative of impersonal verbs, as here, denotes an unfulfilled

obligation or propriety (G. 460, S. 1774).

παντελῶς: Dilts 2009 brackets this word as unnecessary after κομιδῇ, following Schaefer.

οὗ ἂν τύχωσιν: that is, the women say that the children are born to whatever men they
(the women) happen upon.

οἱ δὲ τρόποι: “the character”

ὥστε…σκοπεῖτε: with an imperative, ὥστε has the force of καὶ οὕτως (S. 2275).

τοῦ μὴ ἀνεκδότους γένεσθαι: “lest...become unwed,” i.e., be unable to find husbands,

presumably because the courtesans will have snapped up the eligible bachelors. Genitive
articular infinitive of purpose (see §57).

The jurors should convict Neaira in order to prevent poor citizen women from turning to
prostitution, and to prevent prostitutes from exercising the rights of citizens.


ἀπορηθῇ < ἀπορέω

ἱκανὴν προῖκ’: Patteson 1978: 113 takes this as the literal dowry provided by the nearest
male relative (if he doesn’t marry her himself) for an ἐπίκληρος (“heiress”) of the poorest
class. More likely, however, is the interpretation of Carey 1992: 143 and Kapparis 1999:
407, both of whom think that it is a metaphorical dowry, namely the right to marry an
Athenian citizen. As long as the law remains in force, being the daughter of citizens makes
one more marriageable, like a dowry.
ἀποφυγούσης < ἀποφεύγω

ἂν ἄδειαν λάβωσι τοῦ ἐξεῖναι: “if they should get permission to be able,” i.e., if they are

καί...μετέχειν: “and (at the same time) to have a share in”


ὥστε: at the beginning of a sentence ὥστε marks a strong conclusion: “and so...”

νομιζέτω...φέρειν: “let him consider (which way) to cast,” 3rd sing. imperat.

ὑπέρ: “on behalf of,” “in defense of”

ἐκείνας: the citizen women just mentioned

ἐξ ἴσου: “equally to” (+ dat.); see similarly ἐν τῷ ἴσῳ, below.

φανῆναι < φαίνω; subject is ἐκείνας, predicate is τιμωμένας.

τραφείσας < τρέφω

τῇ…συγγεγενημένῃ: “a woman who has had sex with” + dat.; this is all one very long
substantive phrase.

μετὰ πολλῶν καὶ ἀσελγῶν τρόπων: “in many vulgar ways,” see §108 note
on εἰργασμένην.


ἡγεῖσθε: imperative, “consider,” “have the opinion that,” + acc. + infin.

Ἀπολλόδωρον...πολίτας: predicates

εἶναι Ἀπολλόδωρον: Dilts 2009 brackets this, following van Herwerden.

ἀπολογησομένους καὶ συνεροῦντας: both these participles are future; συνεροῦντας <

τοὺς νόμους καὶ Νέαιραν ταυτηνί: take these as the subject of δικάζεσθαι; the laws here
are personified.

αὐτῇ: dative of agent

ἐπὶ τῆς κατηγορίας γένησθε: “you are in the presence of the accusation,” i.e., “listen to
the accusation”

οἰκεῖται: “is administered,” “is governed”

ὁμωμόκατε < ὅμνυμι. This refers to the oath that all prospective jurors swore at the
beginning of each year, stating that they would vote according to the laws, and in cases
where laws didn’t exist, they would give an opinion rooted in justice.
τί κελεύουσι καὶ τί παραβεβήκασιν: the subject of the first verb is the laws, the second is
implied, namely Stephanos and Neaira.

παραβεβήκασιν < παραβαίνω

τὸν ἔλεγχον τὸν τῶν εἰρημένων: “the scrutiny of what has been said,” i.e., the refutations
consisting in the testimony already given. Explanatory genitive, S. 1322

A noble man named Archias was recently convicted of making an illegal sacrifice. Even
more so should Neaira be punished for her impiety. Apollodoros speculates about what the
other side will argue as its defense, countering each potential argument.


Ἀρχίαν: Archias tried to warn the Theban oligarchs about a plot by Theban exiles in Athens
to liberate Thebes (379 BCE). This made him an unpopular figure in Athens and may have
contributed to his prosecution on the (unrelated) charge described here.

ἱεροφάντην: the Hierophant was the chief priest of Demeter at Eleusis and played an
important role in the Eleusinian Mysteries.

Σινώπῃ: Sinope was a well-known ἑταῖρα in Athens.

Ἁλῴοις: the Haloa was a women’s festival in honor of Demeter, Persephone, and (most
likely) Dionysos, celebrated in Eleusis on the twenty-sixth of Poseideon

ἱερεῖον: a sacrificial victim

ἱερεῖα: sacrificial victims

τῆς ἱερείας: the priestess


οὔκουν δεινόν: “is it not an outrageous thing that” + acc. + infin.

τὸν μέν: Archias, looking forward to Νέαιραν δέ, below

Εὐμολπιδῶν: the Eumolpidai were a prominent γένος from which the Hierophant was

ὅτι: “because”

αἱ λῃτουργίαι ἃς ἐλῃτούργησε: instead of imposing taxes on everyone, the Athenians had

a system of liturgies (λῃτουργίαι), mandatory public services taken on by the very richest
members of Athenian society; they included things like financing a warship or equipping a
chorus for a choral production. Recounting one’s liturgies in court was a common strategy
to win the jury’s favor.

δόξαντα ἀδικεῖν: “because he was judged to be guilty”

τὸν αὐτὸν θεόν: i.e., Dionysos (who was connected with both the Haloa and the
Anthesteria, where Phano was “married” to the god).

θαυμάζω: “I wonder,” i.e., “I have no idea...” + indirect question (ironical)

πότερον ὡς: “perhaps (they will say) that...” πότερον indicates that this is the first of two
alternatives, the other being οὐ γυναῖκα εἶναι αὐτοῦ, below.

οὐ γυναῖκα εἶναι αὐτοῦ, ἀλλὰ παλλακὴν ἔχειν ἔνδον: this will apparently be Stephanos’
defense. A παλλακή is a concubine; it was permissible for a man to have a live-in
παλλακή (of any status) to whom he was not married.

ἔχοντα: the understood subject is Stephanos.


ὡς ἔστιν ἀστὴ Νέαιρα αὑτηί: this stands roughly in apposition to ὡς…μεμαρτυρημένα and
has the force of a clarification or explanation; it can be translated as “namely, that…”

αὐτὸν τοιοῦτόν τι μέλλειν ἀπολογεῖσθαι, ὡς: “that he will argue in his defense
something like this, that...”

οὐ γυναῖκα: “not as a wife”

In anticipation of Stephanos’ defense, Apollodoros challenged him to hand over Neaira’s

female slaves, to attest that Stephanos’ alleged children were Neaira’s rather than those of
a citizen wife (as Stephanos claimed). Apollodoros then explains the difference between
prostitutes, concubines, and wives.


πρὸς: “against,” “in reply to”

αὐτῷ παρεσκευασμένων: “suborned by him.” In a legal context παρασκευάζω can mean

“to procure persons as witnesses, partisans, etc., so as to obtain a verdict by fraud or force”
(LSJ B.I.2).

πρόκλησιν: for challenges, see §60. This is a πρόκλησις εἰς βάσανον. If a litigant wanted
to introduce the evidence of slaves (his own or his opponents) into court, he issued a
challenge either offering his own slaves or requesting his opponents’ slaves for
interrogation under torture (βάσανος). The other party could accept or reject the challenge,
or make a counter-challenge offering different slaves or different conditions. When the two
parties reached an agreement, the slave was interrogated in the owner’s presence by the
litigant who was not the owner. However, although we have evidence for people making
challenges, there is no evidence for it actually being carried out. As such, many scholars
conclude that it rarely, if ever, occurred in practice.

προὐκαλεσάμην: this is Rennie’s emendation; Dilts 2009 prints the MSS reading
προεκαλεσάμην, with no change in meaning.

παραδοῦναι: “to hand over (for interrogation under torture)” (LSJ παραδίδωμι I.A.3).

προσκαρτερούσας < προσκαρτερέω

Θρᾷτταν καὶ Κοκκαλίνην: see §35.


τὴν Στρυβήλην καλουμένην: Dilts 2009 brackets this phrase as an interpolation,

following Kapparis 1999.

βασανόυ: interrogation under torture; see §120. Slaves’ testimony could be given only
under torture.


τὰς μὲν γὰρ ἑταίρας…ἔχειν: this is a well-known passage, often studied by scholars
interested in sex and gender in ancient Greece. It should be noted that these definitions are
rhetorical, not technical or legal.

τῶν ἔνδον: “of the things within,” i.e., the household

ὥστ’: at the beginning of a sentence ὥστε marks a strong conclusion: “and so...”

παραδόντι: “by delivering up for interrogation torture”

Apollodoros has read aloud a deposition attesting that he issued the challenge to
Stephanos, as well as the challenge itself.


ὡς δὲ προὐκαλεσάμην: “(to prove) that I challenged him”; ὡς with a substantive clause

expressing a fact (LSJ B.I.1)

ἀναγνώσεται: ”will read aloud” < ἀναγιγνώσκω; supply as subject the clerk in the

Δημοσθένης Δημοσθένους Παιανιεύς: this is the famous orator Demosthenes (son of

Demosthenes, of the deme Paiania).

Ἀλωπεκῆθεν: of the deme Alopeke

περὶ ὧν ᾐτιᾶτο Ἀπολλόδωρος: “concerning which Apollodoros laid a charge against”

< αἰτιάομαι, “accuse, charge”

παρέχεται: “puts forward” formally in court


περὶ ὧν τὴν γραφὴν γέγραπται Νέαιραν: technically speaking this is inaccurate: it was
Theomnestos, not Apollodoros, who brought the γραφή. It is possible, however, that
Apollodoros originally brought the suit and then dropped it, leaving Theomnestos to bring it
instead (Carey 1992: 150); or it is possible that the language is being used loosely here of
Apollodoros’ prominent role in the suit.

παραλαμβάνειν: “receive” for examination by torture

ἐφ᾽ ᾧ: “for the purpose of”; takes an infinitive in a proviso clause (S. 2279)
εἰ μὲν ὁμολογοῖεν…τούτους τοὺς παῖδας: this seems to contradict Apollodoros’ earlier
argument, that the children were Neaira’s and not Stephanos’. While attempts have been
made to emend the text, Patteson suggests that Apollodoros simply wanted to cover all
possibilities (1978: 142-43). Carey 1992: 150, in turn, suggests that Apollodoros may have
changed his strategy.

πεπρᾶσθαι Νέαιραν: “(Apollodoros demanded that) Neaira be sold” as a slave; infin.

πεπρᾶσθαι depends on προὐκαλεῖτο at the start of the paragraph.

ἤθελον: note the switch to the first person from the third; this may simply be carelessness
on Apollodoros’ part, or may indicate (among other things, listed above) that this document
is a later forgery.

Stephanos refused to accept the challenge, which Apollodoros says is proof of Neaira’s
guilt. In the concluding paragraph, Apollodoros presents himself as an avenger of both the
gods and himself, and tells the jurors that they should likewise avenge the gods and
themselves by convicting Neaira.


ἐγραψάμην: see §124.

οὐδὲν ὑγιὲς λέγει: “gives no logically sound argument” (LSJ ὑγιής II.4)


Conclusion (ἐπίλογος)

κατέστησά...εἰς ἀγῶνα: “brought to trial”

χρή: looks forward to ψηφίσασθαι

νομίσαντας: “expecting that” + fut. infin. (LSJ νομίζω ΙΙ.4)

λήσειν < λανθάνω; governed by νομίσαντας, looking forward to ψηφίσηται

ψηφίσασθαι: governed by χρή

δόξετε πᾶσι: “you will be thought by all to” + infin.

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