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Classifiers in Surjapuri

Article · June 2018


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Bornini Lahiri
Central Institute of Hindi


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Jadavpur Journal Of Languages and Linguistics, Volume 02, Number 01, pp. 27-37
Journal Homepage:

Jadavpur Journal of Languages and Linguistics

Classifiers in Surjapuri

Bornini Lahiri
Jadavpur University, Kolkata


Article history: Surjapuri is a minor language of India, spoken in eastern part of Bihar. It is an
Received 04/01/2018 Indo-Aryan language. The language has not been worked upon much. The
Received (revised form) NA language shares feature and lexical items with neighbouring languages like
Accepted 28/06/2018 Maithili, Bhojpuri, Bangla and Assamese. However, the language has an
interesting feature which is not found in the other Indo-Aryan languages.
Keywords: Surjapuri has a set of classifiers which get attached to not only nouns and
Surjapuri; numerals but also to modifiers in the presence of noun. Classifier getting
Indo-Aryan; attached to modifiers is a rare phenomenon. Surjapuri has around four
classifier; classifiers, including noun and numeral classifiers. They all have different
places of occurences; usages. Mainly they differentiate nouns on the basis of humanness, specificity,
Assamese; plurality and shape. Surjapuri classifiers share very close similarity with the
Bangla classifiers of the neighbouring languages Assamese and Bangla. Assamese and
Bangla have classifiers which can be said to be parallel to some of the
classifiers found in Bangla and Assamese. The present paper describes the
place of occurrence of the different classifiers in a Surjapuri sentence. It also
explores the semantic range of the classifiers. Reference of Bangla and
Assamese classifiers has been used widely in the paper for comparing Surjapuri
classifier. This comparison has been used for the better understanding of
Surjapuri classifier system.

1. Introduction
Surjapuri is a language spoken in India, in eastern part of Bihar, mainly in the districts of Katihar,
Kishanganj and Purnia and also in some parts of West Bengal. Surjapuri is kept under the cover term
Hindi in the census (2001), conducted by Government of India. However, Surjapuri is also taken as a
variety of Rajbanshi (cf. Toulmin 2006:13-15; Clark 1970:70-71) or as a Sub-dialect of Northern
Bengali (Arshad 2003).
According to Ethnologue, possible alternate names are Chaupal, Choupal, and Suraji. Grierson
(1968) marks the other name of Surjapuri is Siripuria. Historically, it is said to be closely related to
Kamta and Rajbanshi languages (2006 M. Toulmin). The language share features and lexical items
with neighbouring languages like Assamese, Bangla, Bhojpuri and Maithili. The effect of Bangla and
Maithili is so strong that according to Grierson, "the dialect in question is, in the main, Bengali with an
admixture of Hindi, but it is written in the Kaithi character of Bihar, in which Hindi and not Bengali is
written” However Kaithi script is not used any more. Devanagari script has replaced it.
Genealogically, Surjapuri can be classified as a member of Eastern Indo-Aryan language. It is a sister
language of Maithili and Bangla. As it is a sister language of Bangla and Maithili, it is descendent of
Magadhi Prakrit. Consider the following map (in Fig. 1) to understand the position of Surjapuri.
28 Lahiri (2018)


Western Central Eastern

Magadhi Prakrit

Maithili Surjapuri Bangla Assamese

Figure 1: Genealogical tree of Surjapuri

Surjapuri language is often related to Muslim community staying in the Kishanganj, Araria, Purnia
and Katihar districts of Bihar. As per my survey, Muslims dwelling in these areas claim that Surjapuri
is spoken only by the Muslims. The Hindus of this region do not relate themselves with this language.
Arshad (2003) also marks that the Surjapuri dialect is principally spoken by Mohammadans, but
Hindus to the east of the river still speak Maithili. He further states “the Musalmans, who are said to be
of Koch origin, speak a mixture of Bihari and Bengali, closely resembling the Koch-Bengali of Malda.
This dialect is called Kishanganjia or Siripuria”. However, it is not studied in detail whether there is
really any difference between the speech of Muslim and Hindu communities of this region.

2. Methodology and Objective

The present work is based on primary data collected from Surjapuri native speakers of Katihar and
Purnia districts of Bihar. Mainly questionnaire method was used to collect data. The questionnaire was
made in both Hindi and English, however Hindi questionnaire was found to be most useful in this
region. The sessions with the language experts were digitally recorded.
The main objective of this study is to explore the classifiers present in this language. Mostly
Indo-Aryan languages are not very rich in classifiers. Surjapuri is one of the few Indo-Aryan languages
which has many classifiers. This paper not only wants to describe the semantics of the classifiers of
Surjapuri but also wants to focus on the syntactic patterns those are formed due to the presence of the
classifiers in a sentence.

3. Previous works on Surjapuri

It is difficult to find detailed linguistic description of Surjapuri. This language is said to have evolved
in the border area of Bangla and Maithili. Grierson (1968) marks “it is extremely difficult in many
places to decide with which of the two languages the local dialect (Surjapuri) should be classed, for
Bihari fades imperceptibly into Bengali and vice versa” . Arshad (2003) gives a brief introduction of
the language Surjapuri in his work which is basically deals with the social development of Surjapuri
Muslims in the districts of Kihsanganj (Bihar) and Uttar Dinajpur (West Bengal). He also describes the
speech community and its various features. Alam (2011a, 2011b) has worked on case system and word
formation of Surjapuri. He gives a brief description of word formation processes of Surjapuri. While
discussing case system of Surjapuri he mentions that like many other Indo-Aryan languages Surjapuri
too uses both affixes and postpositions to reflect cases.
Other than these I could not find any academic work which is aimed at describing any

linguistic feature of Surjapuri. Though much academic work cannot be found about Surjapuri language
but there are many non-academic written materials available which are written in Surjapuri. Mostly
they are written in Devanagri script. Some songs and movies in Surjapuri are also being digitalized.
Surjapuri has also good representation in social media.

4. Classifiers
Mostly every language categorizes its nouns. Some languages do it by using grammatical agreement
classes based on features like animacy, humanness, gender etc. While other languages use certain
morphemes to categorize their nouns based on some features of the noun like animacy, humanness,
definiteness and/or depending on its shape, size and colour. These morphemes can get attached to
nouns, numerals, verbs, deixis, adpositions etc. Though the classifier can get attached to units other
than noun yet in all the instances it classifies only nouns. However, depending on its position, the
feature of the noun on the basis of which the noun is being classified may change (as can be seen in the
following examples).
Classifiers (Clf) are found in many Indian languages though it is not a common feature of
Indian languages. They are mainly found in Tibeto-Burman languages yet they can also be witnessed
in Indo-Aryan, Dravidian and Austro-Asiatic languages. Only few Indo-Aryan languages like Bangla
and Assamese have classifiers.
a) kitɑp-kʰɔn (book-Clf) (Assamese)
b) zuɑli-zoni (girl-Clf)
c) cʰele-rɑ (boy-Clf) (Bangla)
d) miʃti-gulo (sweets-Clf)
Some of the languages use classifiers with both the noun and the numeral. Bangla, an Indo-
Aryan language has both noun and numeral classifier, e.g. /tɑ/. When a numeral precedes the noun
then the classifier gets attached to the numeral (Numeral + Clf Noun) otherwise it gets attached to the
noun (Noun+ Clf). If the classifier comes with the noun, then it denotes a specific object. But when
the classifier comes with the numeral then it does not denote a specific object rather it denotes one
object from the whole class of a particular noun. Like in the following examples, classifier with the
noun (e.g. 1) points out towards a specific noun (specific umbrella) from the whole group of the
particular noun (group of umbrellas). While when the classifier is getting attached to the numeral
(e.g. 2) then it is denoting one (umbrella) from the whole group (group of umbrellas).
1. cʰɑtɑ-tɑ dɑo (Bangla)
umbrella-Clf give
Give me the umbrella.
2. æk-tɑ cʰɑtɑ dɑo (Bangla)
one-Clf umbrella-Clf give
Give me one umbrella.
S. K. Chatterji (1970) gives the example in Bangla where the noun precedes the numeral. In such cases
too, the classifier is attached to the numeral (Noun + Clf Numeral). It is obligatory for the classifier to
get attached to the numeral in Assamese and Bangla in the presence of numeral.
i. du-ɟɑn mɑnuʃ-er
two-Clf man-Gen
ii. mɑnuʃ du-ɟɑn-er
man two-Clf-Gen
Two men‟s…

Some languages like Tagin and Galo (Tibeto-Burman) has only numeral classifiers. They
30 Lahiri (2018)

occur only in the presence of the numeral and get attached to the numeral. They can never get
attached to the noun. Following are the examples (from Kumar, Lahiri, Saha & Shekhar 2011).
3. ŋoi pɑ-ken (Galo)
Fish Clf-one
One fish
4. tərop cə-ŋu (Tagin)
ant Clf-five
Five ants.
Though classifiers get attached to many other units other than nouns like numerals,
adpositions and verbs yet it is uncommon to find classifiers getting attached to adjectives in the
presence of the noun. In Surjapuri, classifiers can get attached to nouns, numerals, demonstratives
and adjectives. This rare phenomenon makes Surjapuri classifiers very interesting.

5. Classifiers in Surjapuri
Surjapuri does not have a gender or number agreement system but have a classifier system which is
quite similar to that of Bangla. Surjapuri like Bangla has both the noun and numerical classifier but
unlike Bangla the classifiers in Surjapuri can also get attached to the demonstratives and modifiers
along with the nouns and numbers.
This feature of classifiers getting attached to the modifiers in the presence of the noun (where
the noun is not dropped) is quite an uncommon feature for the Indo-Aryan languages. Though, it can
be found in other languages of the world (Aikhenvald 2000).
When they are attached to the noun, the other suffixes like the case markers follow the
classifier. It is not obligatory for every noun in Surjapuri to carry a classifier which is possible in
many classifier languages (see Chierchia 1998 & Krifka 1995). So the noun can exist in a sentence
without being followed by a classifier.
5. pʰɑgu gʰɔr-e tɑkɑ pɑtʰɑlo (Bangla)
Fagu home-Loc money sent
Fagu sent money to (his) home.
6. ek din uhɑr pʰon ɑse gil (Assamese)
one day his phone come go
One day his phone came (one day he rang).
When the features need to be mentioned which the classifiers in the language denote, then
only the classifiers follow the noun, in this language. Surjapuri mainly has four classifiers; /tɑ/, /lɑ/,
/kʰɔn/ and /ɟɔn/ or /ɟʰɔn/. These classifiers make a semantic classification of entities based on
specificity, plurality, humanness and shape.

5.1 Classifier /tɑ/

Classifiers are used depending on the semantic feature of the noun. /tɑ/ in Surjapuri can be used with
any singular noun; somewhat to mark specificity or to denote a particular object.
7. hɑti-tɑ more geilke
Elephant-Clf died went
The elephant died.
8. topi-tɑ gire gelcʰi
cap-Clf fallen went
The cap has fallen.
In the above examples (7 & 8) elephant („hɑti‟) and cap („topi‟) are specific one from the

whole class of elephant and cap. This specificity is marked by the classifier /tɑ/. So, it can be said
that /tɑ/ classifier categorizes a particular noun as a specific one from the whole class, when attached
to a particular noun.
When a modifier precedes the noun then the classifier gets attached to the modifier instead of
the noun. But there is no change in the meaning of the categorization of the noun. Sentence 7 & 9
both categorizes „hɑti’ (elephant) as a specific elephant from the class of elephant.
9. burɑ-tɑ hɑti more geilke
old-Clf elephant died went
The old elephant died.
10. bɔŋɑ-tɑ dɑl pʰeke de
broken-Clf stem throw give
Throw the broken stem.
11. moto-tɑ beti-cʰoɑ
fat-Clf girl-child
The fat girl child.
In most of the Indo-Aryan languages it is not possible to attach the classifier with the modifier
in the presence of the noun. It can be witnessed in the parallel sentences of Assamese and Bangla
which are closely related to Surjapuri. It can be seen in the following sentences that the classifiers
are being attached with the noun but not with the modifier like Surjapuri sentences.
12. burɑ hɑti-tu mori gol (Assamese)
old elephant-Clf died went
The old elephant died.
13. motɑ meje-tɑ (Bangla) fat
The fat girl.
The classifier /tɑ/ can also come with the demonstratives (Dem) in Surjapuri. Aikhenvald
(2000) categories the classifiers those occur with the demonstratives as Deictic Classifiers. In some
languages when the classifier comes with the demonstrative then it states a particular feature of the
noun. However, in Surjapuri no such function of the classifier can be marked when it comes with the
demonstrative. The classifier /tɑ/ when occurs with the demonstrative then also it marks the
characteristics of specificity of the noun like it does when it occurs with the noun and modifier.

14. o-tɑ lɔrkɑ ɟɑr bukʰɑr cʰilki

Dem-Clf boy whose fever had
kɑl more gelki
yesterday died went
The boy who had fever died yesterday.
15. u- tɑ topi ɟe- tɑ kʰuti se
Dem-Clf cap Dem-CLA hanger Inst
tɔŋɑl cʰilo gire gelcʰe
hang Aux felt went
That cap which was hanging from the hanger has fallen.

In Assamese too we can see such occurrence of the classifier /tu/ with the demonstratives in
the presence of the noun.
16. zi-tu lɔrɑi gilɑs-tu bʰɑŋisil
Dem-Clf boy glass-Clf broke
The boy who broke the glass….
32 Lahiri (2018)

But it is not possible in Bangla.

17. ɟei cʰele-tɑ glɑs bʰeŋecʰe
Dem boy-Clf glass broke
The boy who broke the glass….
But in Bangla if the noun is dropped then the classifier chooses the demonstrative as its host
as can be seen in the following sentences. While introducing the noun (book) to the context the
classifier is being used with the noun. There after whenever the noun (book) is talked about then the
demonstrative is used instead the noun. Then the noun is being dropped and the demonstrative hosts
the classifier.
18. oi boi-tɑ ɟe-tɑ ɑmi porchilɑm o-tɑ kotʰɑe
That book-Clf Dem-Clf I read Dem-Clf where
Where is the book that I was reading?

When a numeral comes before the noun or the modifier then the classifier gets attached to the
numeral. But when the classifier gets attached to the numeral then the classifier no more denotes a
particular noun rather any one from that class of noun.
19. ek-tɑ burɑ hɑti more geilke
one-Clf old elephant died went
One old elephant died.
20. sitɑ ek-tɑ pɔkkɑ ɑ:m kɑcʰe
sita one-Clf ripe mango eating
Sita is eating a ripe mango.
When the classifier /tɑ/ is used with the number it gives the similar reading like that of
Assamese /tu/ or Bangla /tɑ/ when used with the number.
21. ek-tu burɑ hɑti mori gol (Assamese)
one-Clf old elephant died went
22. ek-tɑ buro hɑti more gælo (Bangla)
one-Clf old elephant died went
One old elephant died.
In context, Bangla too can use classifiers with the modifiers. But it is only possible when the
noun is dropped. Like Surjapuri, it is not possible in Bangla for classifier to occur with modifier in
the presence of the noun as can be seen in the following example (23).
23. bɔro gʰor-tɑ kʰub ʃundor kintu ɑmi
big room-Clf very beautiful but I
cʰoto-tɑ-e tʰɑkbo
small-Clf-Loc live
The big room is very beautiful but I will stay in the smaller one.

5.2 Classifier /kʰɔn/ or /kʰɑn/

The classifier /kʰɔn/ is used with inanimate flat like objects like letter, leaf, house, palm etc (Lahiri
2010). It denotes specificity like the classifier /tɑ/. This classifier can at times replaced with /tɑ/
however /kʰɔn/ or /kʰɑn/ strictly cannot be used with the curvy objects.
24. mukʰ kʰɔt-kʰɔn dede
me letter-Clf give
Give me the letter.
25. o gʰɔr-kʰɔn dekʰilki
S(he) house-Clf saw

He/she saw the house.

It can be also used with animate object to give an inanimate reading like in the following example
where the boy is denoted as an inanimate object possessed by the (2nd) person.
26. tor cʰoɑ-kʰɔn kɑmon cʰok?
Your boy-Clf how is
How is your son?
It can also be used to classify abstract nouns like work, workshop, program etc.
27. mor kɑm-kʰən kʰɑtəm ho geilke
My work-Clf end happen went
My work was done.
This classifier too can be used with numerals, modifiers and demonstratives.
28. o ək-kʰɑn proɟekt peʃ kərijahil
S(he) one-Clf project show did
He/she presented a project.
29. o ək-kʰɑn uorkʃəp bulale
S(he) one-Clf workshop called
He/she called a workshop.
30. o lɑl-kʰɔn gʰɔr dekʰilki
S(he) red-CLA house saw
He/she saw the red house.
31. muj oi-kʰɑn kitɑb kine ənnu
I that-Clf book buy came
I bought that book.

The classifier /kʰɔn/ of Surjapuri seems quite similar to that of Asamiya classifier /kʰɔn/ which also
comes with the flat objects.
32. kitɑb- kʰɔn tebil-r upor-ɔt tʰoɑ
book –Clf table-Gen on-Loc keep
Keep the book on the table.
In Bangla too there is a similar classifier /kʰɑnɑ/. /kʰɑnɑ/ can be replaced with /tɑ/ in certain
cases in Bangla. But /kʰɑnɑ/ in Bangla is used only with inanimate objects. Racova marks that in
Bangla, “khān, khānā, diminutive khāni is used by preference to specialize objects of rectangular or
flat form, or objects which have a framework” (Racova 2007, 125). To some extend it can be said to
be applicable for Surjapuri as well but in Bangla this classifier strictly cannot come with animate
objects. However, in Surjapuri, at times it may be used with animate object (e.g. 26).

5.3 Classifier /lɑ/

The classifier /-lɑ/ in Surjapuri can be used with almost every plural object. It also denotes specificity
when it comes with the noun.
33. cʰoɑ-lɑ kʰɔile
child-Clf ate
Children ate.
34. o mitʰi-lɑ kʰɑtɑm kore dilki
(s)he sweet-Clf finish did did
He/she finished many of the sweets.
But this classifier cannot be used with the number as it is denoting a group. It can be used with the
quantifiers like „all‟, „some‟ etc.
34 Lahiri (2018)

35. o sɔb-lɑ bɔgicɑ dekʰilki

(s)he all-Clf garden saw
He/she saw all the gardens.
36. gote-lɑ gɑcʰ kɑte dilcʰe
all-Clf tree cut gave
(They have) cut all the trees.
It seems similar to Bangla classifier /gulo/ which can come with almost every plural noun but
it cannot come with numbers. It can come with the quantifiers.
37. boi-gulo rekʰede
book-Clf keep
Keep the books.
38. sɔb-gulo gɑcʰ kete dilo
all-Clf tree cut gave
(They have) cut all the trees.
Like other classifiers of this language this one too can come with the demonstratives and
39. mɑ-r wohi-lɑ bɑt sunije
mother-Gen that-Clf talk heard
cʰoɑ kɑnwɑ lɑgil
boy cry started
Boy started crying after hearing all those his mother said.

5.4 Classifier /ɟɔn/ or /ɟʰɔn/

The classifier /ɟɔn/ which is also used as /ɟʰɔn/ is the numeral classifier. It is only used with the
numerals but not with the nouns or the modifiers. It is used only with humans.
40. rɑm ɑr sitɑ donɑ-ɟɔn sinemɑ dekʰwɑ gel
Ram and sita two-Clf cinema to see went
Ram and Sita both went to see a film.
41. rɑ t ek-ɟɔn netɑ kʰu b pitwɑilcʰi
night one-Clf leader very beaten
At night one leader was badly beaten.
The classifier /ɟɔn/ is also there in Bangla. It has the same parameters like that Surjapuri.
42. rɑm ɑr sitɑ dui-ɟɔn sinemɑ dekʰte gælo
Ram and Sita two-Clf-Acc cinema see went
Ram and Sita both went to see a film.
43. rɑ:t-e æk-ɟɔn netɑ kʰu b mɑr kʰelo
night-Loc one-Clf leader very beat ate
At night one leader was badly beaten.
Since this classifier can only be used with numerals so if a modifier precedes the noun then also the
classifier will only be attached to the numeral.
44. donɑ- ɟɔn moto lərkɑ sinemɑ dekʰwɑ gel
two-Clf fat boy cinema see went
Those two fat boys went to watch a film.
Classifier /jɔn/ can serve as substitutes for nouns. As they occur with the number so the number and
the classifier together can denote the noun and so the noun can be dropped.
45. donɑ- ɟɔn sinemɑ dekʰwɑ gel
two-Clf cinema see went

Those two went to watch a film.

Similar usage of this classifier is also possible in other languages like Bangla and Assamese.
46. orɑ dui-ɟon sinemɑ dekʰəte gælo (Bangla)
those two-Clf cinema see went
Those two went to watch film.

6. Conclusion

Surjapuri basically have four classifiers. Two among which (/tɑ/ & /kʰɔn/) can get attached to either
noun or modifier or numeral. They are used to mark the object as specific when used with the noun or
the modifier. However, when they are used with the numerals the sense of specificity is lost. The
classifier /lɑ/ is used only with plural nouns or quantifiers. It cannot come with numerals as it denotes
plurality. The classifier /ɟɔn/ or /ɟʰɔn/ is a numeral classifier which can only be used with the numerals.
It cannot be used with nouns or modifiers. It classifies nouns as humans so it can only be used when
the noun is human. The following table shows the distribution of occurrence of the classifiers in

Table 1: Place of occurrence of the classifiers in Surjapuri

Classifiers Occurrence
/-tɑ/ & /-kʰɔn/ or /kʰɑn/ Noun- Classifier
Modifier- Classifier + Noun
Demonstrative-Classifier + Noun
Numeral- Classifier + Modifier+ Noun
/-lɑ/ Noun- Classifier (Not with numbers)
Quantifier - Classifier + Noun
/ɟɔn/ or /ɟʰɔn/ Numeral-Classifier + Noun (Not with nouns)

These classifiers classify nouns basically on the basis of specificity, humanness and plurality.
These classifiers /tɑ/ and /ɟɔn/ can be used with the number and the noun can be dropped when they
are used with the number. Example 45 (above) shows the dropping of the noun.
Classifier (/tɑ/ and /ɟɔn/) plays a role when they occur in the sentences in the absence of the
noun. It can be understood with the following Bangla examples (47 & 48).
47. æk-tɑ cole gælo
one-Clf walked went
One (inanimate, like bus) went (One bus left).
When the noun is dropped and the classifier is used with the number then the difference
between the classifier /tɑ/ and /ɟɔn/ becomes quite clear. When the classifier /tɑ/ is used with the
number and the noun is dropped then the classifier cannot denote inanimate object. Similarly, when
the classifier /ɟɔn/ is used with the number and the noun is dropped then the classifier only denotes
human noun. The two sentences 47 and 48 can be contrasted and seen that the only change between
these two sentences is the change in the classifier. The change in the classifier brings change in the
meaning. Sentence 47 denotes to an inanimate noun while sentence 48 only denotes animate noun.
48. æk-ɟɔn cole gælo
one-Clf walked went
One (animate, like man) went (One man went).

The different semantics of the classifiers of Surjapuri has been plotted in the following table.
36 Lahiri (2018)

Table 2: Semantics of the Surjapuri classifiers

Classifiers Use
tɑ +/-animate but when noun dropped –animate, +specific with
nouns, -specific with numbers
kʰɔn or kʰɑn -animate, flat objects like letter, leaf, clothes, house and concepts
like project, conference, work, +specific with nouns, -specific
with numbers
lɑ plural nouns, quantifiers; +/-animate , +specific

/ɟɔn/ or /ɟʰɔn/ +animate, -specific

In the above table it can be seen that /tɑ/ can technically be used for any singular noun. It is a
general classifier which can get attached to all the four; noun, numeral, demonstrative and modifier.
If the noun is dropped and it is used with the numeral or the demonstrative, then it is used mostly to
denote inanimate noun. However, the classifier /kʰɔn/ or /kʰɑn/ is a classifier for inanimate objects.
In contrast to it is /ɟɔn/ or /ɟʰɔn/ which is only used with human nouns only. It can also be noticed that
wherever the classifiers get attached to the numeral they give a non-specific reading. So the classifier
/ɟɔn/ or /ɟʰɔn/ can only give non-specific reading because it can only get attached to the numerals.
Similarly, /lɑ/ can only be attached to nouns and quantifiers but not to numerals so it always gives
specific reading. Non-specific reading is not possible with /lɑ/.
The classifiers system of Surjapuri shares similarity with Bangla and Assamese. Similarity
can be found in both place of occurrence as well as in the semantics. Similarities can be found with
Assamese but Assamese has greater number of classifiers than Surjapuri. However, the occurrence of
classifier with the demonstratives in the presence of noun can be found in both Surjapuri and
Assamese but not in Bangla. Comparison of the classifiers across languages gives a universal idea
how the classifiers are used in the languages. It can be seen that most of the features of the classifiers
of Surjapuri are in commonality with Assamese and Bangla though Surjapuri can use classifiers with
the modifiers in the presence of the noun unlike Assamese or Bangla. But the use of the classifier
with the modifier is similar to that of the use with the demonstrative which is also found in
Assamese. So it may be said that Surjapuri is treating its modifiers like its demonstratives while
dealing with classifiers. For Surjapuri classifiers, demonstratives and modifiers fall in the same class
unlike Assamese and Bangla. This hypothesis needs more research. Exploring Surjapuri classifiers
may even lead to some new findings about classifiers on the whole.


Auxiliary Aux
Classifiers Clf
Demonstrative Dem
Genitive Gen
Instrumental Inst
Locative Loc


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