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Decision Support, Knowledge Representation and Management in Medicine

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Decision Support, Knowledge Representation and

Management in Medicine

Mor Peleg, Ph.D.1, Samson Tu, M.S.2

Department of Management Information Systems, University of Haifa, Haifa, 31905, Israel

Stanford Medical Informatics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA


Objective: Clinical decision-support systems (CDSSs) are being recognized as important tools

for improving quality of care. In this paper, we review the literature to find trends in CDSSs that

were developed over the last few decades and give some indication of future directions in

developing successful, usable clinical decision-support systems.

Methods: We searched PubMed for papers that were published during the past five years with

the words Decision Support Systems appearing in the title and used our own knowledge of the

field for earlier work.

Results: The goals of developers of modern CDSSs are to develop systems that deliver needed

information and could be integrated with the healthcare's organizational dynamics. Such CDSSs

form part of knowledge-management activities that healthcare organizations employ in order to

excel. During the past few decades, we have witnessed a gradual maturation of knowledge

representation formalisms and the needed infrastructure for developing integrated CDSSs,

including electronic health record systems (EHR), standard terminologies, and messaging

standards for exchange of clinical data. The demand for CDSSs that are effective and that will
evolve as circumstances change gave rise to methodologies that guide developers on the

construction and evaluation of CDSSs.

Conclusion: Although there exist many approaches for representing, managing and delivering

clinical knowledge, the design and implementation of good and useful systems that will last and

evolve are still active areas of research. The gradual maturation of EHR and infrastructure

standards should make it possible for CDSSs implementers to make major contributions to the

delivery of healthcare.

Keywords: Decision Support Systems, Clinical; Knowledge Representation (Computer);

Knowledge Management; Decision Making, Computer-Assisted; Decision Support Techniques

1. Introduction
Two reports from the Institute of Medicine in the USA—To Err is Human: Building a Safer

Health System [1] and Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21stCentury

[2]—respectively called attention on serious patient safety concerns surrounding the large

number of preventable medical errors and the sizable gaps between best practices and actual

practices. Clinicians not only use their medical knowledge to make diagnostic and therapeutic

decisions, but also coordinate patent care over time and among multiple providers and settings.

These decision-making and coordination processes rely on accessing, understanding and using

vast amount of knowledge and information. Being human, the clinicians cannot be expected to

remember every relevant piece of information and relate to it during the care process. The

Crossing the Quality Chasm report highlighted the potential of using information technology,

and in particular clinical decision support systems (CDSSs), to aid clinicians in gathering

relevant data, making clinical decisions, and managing medical actions more effectively, and

thus achieving reduced practice errors, a higher standard of care, and reduced costs [2]. Many

CDSSs are now in routine use in acute care settings, clinical laboratories, educational

institutions, and are incorporated into electronic medical record systems [3]. Systematic reviews

of CDSSs show that, when effective, CDSSs change processes of care (e.g., appropriate ordering

of tests, correct drug dosing), but few studies have reported that the use of CDSSs led to better

patient outcomes [4-6].

Therefore it is important that we understand the challenges facing developers of CDSS. We

focused our review of the CDSS literature to find trends in CDSSs that were developed over the

years. For this purpose, we defined several topics that we believe are important for developing

successful, usable clinical decision support systems. Following a life-cycle approach, the first
topic focuses on the goals of CDS, as it is the vision that drives the way by which CDSSs will be

developed, implemented, integrated with the environment, and evaluated. The next two topics

focus on positioning CDSSs as part of a knowledge-management enterprise and explaining the

modeling tasks that are required to analyze and represent the knowledge of CDSSs. The

following topic addresses design considerations that are important for the success of CDSSs.

Next, we review current standardization efforts, which are important for integration of CDSSs as

part of an organization's health information system. The last topic addresses evaluation of CDSSs

– a step that is both a quality control mechanism and the start of a new cycle in the development

of effective CDSSs.

2. The goal of clinical decision support

Broadly speaking, a CDSS is any computer program designed to help health professionals make

clinical decisions. A standard textbook in medical informatics [7] characterizes CDSSs as tools

for information management, for focusing attention, and for providing patient-specific

recommendations. Looking at research on CDSSs, we can see that the perception of CDSSs has

shifted over the years. Early CDSSs used statistical methods (e.g., de Dombal’s abdominal pain

program [8]), decision analysis [9], and rule chaining (e.g., the MYCIN program [10]). Medical

sociologists have characterized these systems as embodying a vision where medical decision

making are information-processing activities which computers, with appropriate formalized

knowledge and encoded algorithms, can perform at the level of clinicians or even better than

clinicians can [11]. The goal of the systems was to excel in the complex tasks of differential

diagnosis and therapy planning. Thus, evaluations of these systems involved comparing the

performance of the CDSSs with those of novice or expert physicians [12, 13]. The

implementations of these rationalistic technological interventions required a “disciplined

practice” where clinicians enter well-defined input data at appropriate times and the output of the

systems is realizable in the clinic [11]. The conflict between these requirements and the evolving,

contingent, emergent nature of medical work contributed toward difficulties in the adoption of

CDSSs [14]. Instead of seeing CDSSs as vehicles for rationalizing medicine, developers of

modern CDSSs are more likely to take a socio-technical approach, which recognizes that

introduction of CDSSs needs to take into account their potential affect on the division of work

among care providers and how CDS would shape and, in turn, be shaped by the organizational

structure and practices of providers [15]. In this context, the goals of modern CDS go beyond the

original focus of producing expert-level advisories and extend to include support for tasks such

as producing better documentation, retrieving relevant literature, and facilitating communication

among providers. These additional goals contribute toward improving the overall quality of care.

In his review from 1994, Miller notes the differences between the CDSSs of the early 1970's and

those of the 1990's [16]. The trends that Miller saw in the 1990's— a shift toward specialized and

focused system, interacting systems that are integrated into the clinical environment and

workflow, and the importance of evaluating CDSSs and designing them to be cost-effective—are

also seen in systems that were developed during the last decade. In addition, researchers now

recognize the need to consider patient preferences [17] and base the knowledge represented in

CDSSs on evidence [18].

3. The relationship among decision support, knowledge

representation and knowledge management
In a recent review [19], Stefanelli characterized knowledge management in healthcare

organizations as those practices that, through more effective utilization of their knowledge assets,

facilitate an organization’s competitive advantage in a highly dynamic environment, where

medical knowledge changes rapidly and where providers and patients interact in distributed and

collaborative processes. In this view, CDSSs are part of a knowledge-management toolkit that a

healthcare organization can employ to deliver the “right knowledge to the right people in the

right form at the right time” [20]. To accomplish this objective, developers of CDSSs have two

knowledge-management tasks: (1) a process-oriented task that elucidates the organization goals,

the information flow and the work flow, the roles and responsibilities, and the communication

and co-ordination patterns of the care process in which a CDSS system has to operate and (2) a

knowledge-modeling task in which modelers represent the medical knowledge that enables the

CDSS to deliver appropriate decision-support services during the care process. Quaglini and

colleagues developed the concept of care-flow management system (CfMS) [21] to allow explicit

specification of how decision support is integrated with the clinical workflow.

The process-oriented task overlaps with the traditional requirement analysis in software

engineering. Many methodologies have been developed for helping system analysts elicit an

understanding of business processes, their participants, and their information needs, and

translating them into a set of functional/design requirements of an information system that

should be developed to support the organization. The most widely used methodology for eliciting

and specifying design requirements in the industrial world is the Unified Modeling Language

[22]. In [23], Osheroff and colleagues take a more informal approach, where they developed a

workbook that implementers of a CDSS can use to work through the process of identifying

stakeholders, determining the goals and objectives of the CDSS, cataloging the host information

system’s capabilities, and selecting, deploying, and monitoring specific CDS interventions.

Osheroff et al. emphasize the need to identify opportunities for CDS and to incorporate different

types of CDS within clinical workflow. Berg and Toussanint [24], on the other hand, argue that
implementing new information and communication technology is always a process-improvement

project where the CDS intervention necessarily changes existing practices. Thus, the main

challenge in implementing CDS is not so much trying to fit CDS into existing workflow, as it is

managing the ongoing process of organizational development that was triggered by the CDS


The knowledge-modeling task involves elicitation, representation, sharing, evolution, and

delivery of knowledge (or knowledge-based DS) to users. In the knowledge management

literature, Nonaka and Takeuchi built a theory of knowledge management on the basis of the

distinction between tacit and explicit knowledge [25]. Tacit knowledge is implicit in human’s

capability to perform particular tasks and cannot be expressed easily. It is context-specific and

personal. Tacit and explicit knowledge are converted from each other during social processes:

tacit-to-tacit (socialization), tacit-to-explicit (externalization), explicit-to-explicit (combination),

and explicit-to-tacit (internalization). The medical field has elaborate schemes for production and

dissemination of medical knowledge, in which tacit and explicit knowledge are inter-converted.

For example, the development of clinical practice guidelines involves synthesis of opinions of

expert panels and evidences explicitly reported in the literature. In this case, knowledge

elicitation is a combination of tacit-to-explicit and explicit-to-explicit processes (formalization of

guidelines, evidence synthesis, consensus-building, and learning), while delivering CDS is a

form of explicit-to-explicit knowledge conversion (combining knowledge with data to generate

specific recommendations) [26]. An important goal of CDSSs is to produce interventions that

change clinicians’ behaviors, with the final aim of helping clinicians to internalize these changes

– an explicit-to-tacit conversion.
Eliciting knowledge from experts is a difficult process. A number of methodologies, such as the

repertory grid method, based on personal construct psychology [27], have been developed.

However, these methodologies are not routinely used to elicit medical knowledge. Instead, more

traditional ways to elicit knowledge are used, such as literature review, interviews, observation

of experts at field setting, examining experts at work while they "think aloud", and

questionnaires. In addition, specialized methods have been developed to elicit knowledge,

depending on its representation formalism. For example, rules can be elicited from experts using

automated questioning [28], or they can be discovered from databases using various forms of

data mining and machine learning [29]. Machine learning techniques have been used to learn

classifications from examples that have been classified by experts (see next section).

Knowledge representation provides a means for expressing knowledge in a way that can be

interpreted and reasoned with by humans and machines. We discuss knowledge representations

for CDSSs in more detail in Section 4. Represented knowledge may be leveraged by using it in

more than one institution, achieving knowledge sharing. Sharing is enhanced through standards.

Some of the standards that form the infrastructure for CDSSs are covered in Section 5. Another

form of knowledge sharing is sharing of executable knowledge components from which CDSSs

can be assembled [30].

Medical knowledge is ever evolving; new risk factors, drugs, diagnostic tests, clinical studies,

pathogen incidence, and drug resistance are some examples of knowledge changes. When

knowledge evolves, its representation needs to be updated for the CDSS to provide appropriate

recommendations. An updated knowledge base is released for use in a new version. This

necessitates mechanisms for version management so that reasoning can relate to the information

existing in different versions, which may be used by different people at a single point in time, or
can be used in retrospective studies. Version management of medical knowledge representations

has been researched mainly in the domain of ontology evolution [31], vocabulary versioning [32,

33] and versioning of computer-interpretable guidelines [34]. As in versioning of non-medical

knowledge models, basic change operations are derived from the basic elements of knowledge

models and enable adding, removing, and changing those elements. Research in the medical

domain emphasizes the recording of reasons for making the changes, so that users of the updated

knowledge will be more apt to understand and embrace the changes.

Delivery of knowledge for CDS involves not only provision of patient-specific recommendations

but also retrieval of reference information and guidance. Information retrieval systems vary in

their indexing and mark-up techniques and search methods. For example, Berrios and colleagues

[35] developed a method for indexing medical knowledge according to questions that the

knowledge source answers. The questions are formed as combinations of four basic concepts:

pathology, manifestation, investigation, and therapy (e.g., how does chemotherapy therapy

compare with hormonal therapy in the setting of pregnancy (manifestation)?). An example of a

system that allows alternative search mechanisms for retrieving information is

MedlineQueryByExample (MedQBE), a research workbench for implementing and evaluating

information retrieval strategies. It was evaluated by testing a feedback algorithm that builds upon

PubMed's "related articles" feature [36].

4. Representation formalisms for CDSSs

CDSSs use a variety of knowledge representation formalisms, but research in knowledge

representation is not the driving force in CDS work in recent years; many of the representations

used in current systems, such as clinical algorithms, mathematical pathophysiological models,

Bayesian statistical systems and influence diagrams, neural networks, fuzzy set theory, and
symbolic reasoning or "expert" systems, have been around since the 1970's [37] and 1980's [16]

Most of the current CDSSs use one or more of these formalisms for representing and reasoning

with medical knowledge. In this section, we discuss some noticeable trends in the use of these

knowledge representation formalisms for decision support.

In the last decade, ontologies have often been used to formalize a shared understanding of a

domain. In knowledge engineering, the term ontology is used to mean definitions of concepts in

a domain of interest and the relationships among them (“a specification of a conceptualization of

a domain” [38]). An ontology enables software applications and humans to share and reuse the

knowledge consistently. Ontologies, as represented in a formal language such as frames or

description logic, allow logical inference over the set of concepts and relationships to provide

decision support and explanation facilities [39]. Ontologies can be complemented by other

knowledge representation formalisms, such as rules, which have been used to create medical

knowledge bases since the 1970's. Such knowledge bases encode non-numeric qualitative models

where symbolic reasoning is performed to reach abstract conclusions about a case (e.g., what

therapy should be given, what is the probable organism causing an infectious disease) [7].

In recent years, ontologies have been often used to represent clinical guidelines. Evidence-based

clinical guidelines are systematically-developed statements to assist practitioner and patient

decisions about appropriate healthcare for specific clinical circumstances [40]. They aim to

improve clinical care, to reduce practice errors and to save costs. Clinical guidelines have been

around since the 1970's, yet the movement toward a safer, evidence-based medical practice has

brought a resurgence of interest in them. In the last decade, much of the research on CDSSs has

focused on developing formalisms for modeling clinical guidelines (computer-interpretable

guidelines, CIGs). A number of these formalisms represent guidelines in ontologies of task-

network models [41], in which guideline recommendations are hierarchically decomposed into

networks of component tasks that unfold over time. Typical tasks involve medical actions (e.g.,

medication prescriptions), data queries, and clinical decision. Many decision-support systems

that are based on these formalisms have been implemented in recent years [42, 43]. Much of the

current research emphasizes the importance of modeling the integration of a CDSS with the

organizational workflow and information systems. Formalisms such as EON, SAGE, PRODIGY,

GLIF3, and GLARE include a patient data model intended to facilitate interfacing the guideline

model with an EMR [41]. The Guide/NewGuide and SAGE formalisms represent relevant

organizational aspects, including available resources, organizational roles that perform activities

(e.g., a clinician ordering a prescription), care setting, and timing constraints.

As acquiring knowledge from experts is difficult, a plethora of CDSSs have been developed in

recent years using machine-learning (ML) techniques. These techniques can discover knowledge

automatically by learning from examples. One of the most common ML techniques is neural

nets. Neural nets are a network of interonnected simple processing elements. The net's global

behavior is determined by the connections between the processing elements and element

parameters. Neural nets recognize patterns in the input data and classify the input. The

knowledge discovered by ML techniques is focused and usually involves a classification of

examples. Examples of CDSSs that have been developed using ML techniques include learning

of pulmonary gas exchange parameters to support the selection of inspired oxygen fraction [44],

automated interpretation of diagnostic heart images [45], and determining preterm birth risk [29].

Many of the recently developed CDSSs are based on models that support probabilistic reasoning.

Examples include decision theoretic models, such as Bayesian networks [46], influence diagrams

[47], and decision trees [48]. These models are specifically designed for reasoning under
uncertainty – a common theme in medical decisions in which the outcome of decision

alternatives is uncertain. A comprehensive decision model includes representations for decisions

(alternative actions), state variables that describe the states of the world, preferences, and

relationships among states of the world. These relationships may be probabilistic, logical, or

qualitative [49]. Unlike decision trees, Bayesian networks and influence diagrams can express

conditional dependencies in a manner that is accessible to humans as well as computational


Many of the current CDSSs still use rules as the representation formalism. Rules are most

suitable for expressing single medical decisions and are often implemented as alerts and

reminders [50]. Most of the rule-based systems support categorical (deterministic) reasoning, but

some use fuzzy rules to support reasoning under uncertainty. An example of such a system is

care plan on-line (CPOL), an intranet-based chronic disease care planning system for general

practitioners [51]. In this system, fuzziness is manifested in interpretation of quantitative data,

formulation of recommendations, and unequal importance of clinical indicators. To incorporate

fuzziness, CPOL represents guidelines as fuzzy If. . .Then rules and attaches a membership

function to each linguistic variable. In this way, concepts like underweight and overweight

patients and those rapidly loosing weight can be represented.

5. Factors Leading to Successful CDSS Implementations

The large variety of knowledge representations and reasoning methods enable the creation of

sophisticated CDSSs but do not guarantee their successful implementation. This led to a

literature that provides general recommendations on how to develop successful CDSSs [17, 18,

23, 52-55]. Many of these papers list the following factors as being important for success of

CDSSs: (1) decision support should be computerized rather than paper-based, (2) workflow
integration should be considered, (3) timely advice should be provided, (4) clinical effects and

costs of the system should be evaluated, and (5) the system should be developed with an ability

to be maintained and extended. In the context of knowledge representation and management,

workflow integration involves representation of organizational knowledge to facilitate the

integration of CDSS with clinical workflow, as discussed in section 4. The maintenance of

CDSSs includes maintenance of the knowledge and its evolution, as discussed in section 3.

The Evidence and Decision Support track of the 2000 AMIA Spring Symposium examined the

challenges in realizing the promise of CDSS-facilitated evidence-based medicine. They elicited

the following recommendations for developers of evidence adaptive CDSS [18]: (1) capture

evidence in machine-interpretable knowledge bases; (2) develop maintainable foundations for

computer-based decision support; (3) evaluate the clinical effects and costs of CDSSs; (4)

integrate the system into workflow; and (5) establish public policies that provide incentives for

implementing CDSSs.

Bates and coauthors [52] suggest Ten Commandments for effective clinical decision support: (1)

Speed Is Everything, (2) Anticipate Needs and Deliver in Real Time, (3) Fit into the User’s

Workflow, (4) Little Things Can Make a Big Difference, (5) Recognize that Physicians Will

Strongly Resist Stopping, (6) Changing Direction Is Easier than Stopping, (7) Simple

Interventions Work Best., (8) Ask for Additional Information Only When You Really Need It,

(9) Monitor Impact, Get Feedback, and Respond, and (10) Manage and Maintain Your

Knowledge-based Systems.

Wetter [53] lists the following factors as being important for achieving successful

implementations: (1) timely advice, (2) workflow integration, (3) integration into IT
environment, (4) flexibility, (5) response to user needs, (6) physicians' ability to change the

knowledge base, and (7) maintenance and extension.

Kawamoto and coauthors [54] systematically reviewed the literature in order to determine why

some clinical decision support systems succeed while others fail. They identified 22 factors

repeatedly suggested in the literature as important determinants of a system’s ability to improve

clinical practice, and evaluated 15 of these features in randomized controlled trials of clinical

decision support systems. They identified four of these features as independent predictors of a

system’s ability to improve clinical practice: (1) automatic provision of decision support as part

of clinician workflow, (2) provision of a direct recommendation rather than just an assessment

that is presented to the clinician for consideration, and (3) computer-based generation of decision

support, rather than paper-based.

Ruland and Bakken [17] report a model for developing, implementing, and evaluating CDSSs

that include patients' perspectives of their health problems and preferences for treatment and care

(shared decision support). The model includes eight steps: (1) identify the clinical decision

problem by determining the relative importance of functional performance dimensions to

patients, (2) define the purpose, users, and clinical context, (3) define the dimensions of the

decision problem, (4) select a measurement technique for eliciting patient preferences, (5)

validate measurement technique, (6) determine the application platform, (7) address practice

implementation issues, and (8) identify outcome measures and methods for outcome evaluation.

6. Current standardization efforts

To be effective and successful, CDSSs need to be integrated into health information systems that

supply the patient data CDSSs need, that allow CDSSs to respond to decision-support

opportunities in clinicians’ workflow, and that supply applications such as alerting mechanisms
and order entry systems that allows effective delivery of decision-support services. Thus,

implementations of CDSSs are greatly aided by standardization in information system

infrastructure, including standard terminology, data model, data exchange format, and other

clinical information systems services. Developing and promoting such standards is the work of

standard development organizations (SDOs), of which Health Level 7 (HL7) and CEN are most

relevant for CDSS developers.

HL7 is an ANSI-accredited organization devoted to developing standards for clinical and

administrative data sharing. Its mission is to provide standards for the exchange, management

and integration of data that support clinical patient care and the management, delivery and

evaluation of healthcare services. The HL7 Clinical Decision Support Technical Committee

(CDSTC), in particular, is working on issues related to single-patient-focused health-care

decision-support formalism. Its members have defined the Arden Syntax for Medical Logic

Module as an HL7 standard for representing and sharing clinical knowledge that expresses single

medical decisions. Standardization in other decision-support formalisms is still in progress.

Much work has been done to define a messaging standard for "infobutton" queries at the point of

care to retrieve context-sensitive information [56]. So far, the CDSTC has not tried to develop a

standard for clinical guidelines. Instead, the CDSTC focuses on the development of standards for

infrastructural components that can be used by different decision-support components, including

an expression language for decision criteria and a virtual medical record (i.e., a view of a patient

medical record that is simplified for decision-support purposes). Recently, the GELLO

expression language (

ATL/ was successfully balloted by HL7’s CDSTC for incorporation

as a standard.
CEN ( is the European Committee for Standardization.

CEN's mission is to promote voluntary technical harmonization in Europe in conjunction with

worldwide bodies and its partners in Europe. CEN's Technical Committee 251 handles medical

informatics, including work on (1) communications: information models, messaging and smart

cards, (2) terminology, (3) security, safety and quality, and (4) technology for interoperability


7. Evaluation of CDSSs
The complexity of medical practices and the high cost of implementing CDSSs make evaluation

of CDSSs both a challenge and a necessity. Among many possible definitions of evaluation, we

adopt one that views the evaluation of a CDSS as the process of collecting and analyzing data

about a CDSS for the purpose of answering certain questions [57]. The range of questions that

can be posed for possible evaluation is enormous and the evaluation methodology is necessarily

tied to the questions being asked. It is therefore not surprising that different researchers raise

different questions and suggest different evaluation methodologies. Friedman and Wyatt

formulated a framework for evaluation in terms of (1) the interests of stakeholders (e.g., user,

developer, patient, and funding institutions) in the CDSS, (2) the need for an information

resource, and the development process, intrinsic structure, function, and effect of that resource,

and (3) the objectivist and subjectivist approaches to study design [58]. The objectivist method

requires careful measurements of outcome variables where the presence or absence of CDS

interventions is the independent variable. At the heart of the objectivist approach is the

quantitative measurement of performance while guarding against biases such as Hawthorne

effect1 or secular trends2 [57]. Objectivist evaluation may measure the “inherent performance” of

a CDSS [59] that compares the output of a system against a gold standard or some other

validated systems, or it may focus on the clinical impact, both in terms of process and outcome

variables, as published evaluation studies of CDSSs have typically done [5]. Garg and colleagues

identified 100 randomized and non-randomized controlled trials that evaluated the effect of

implementing a CDSS compared with care provided without a CDSS. The variables that were

measured included practitioner performance (where 62 out of 97 studies reported improvement

with CDSSs) and patient outcomes (where 7 out of 53 studies reported improvement with


The results of systematic reviews such as [5] need to be read with caution. First, publication bias

tends to favor projects that report successful outcomes. Second, as Wears and Berg points out in

their editorial accompanying the paper [60], the lack of improved performance could be due to

any number of factors, such as human-computer interface problems or lack of time or support

among colleagues. Furthermore, they noted that most of the systems being studied were

evaluated by developers of these systems. When evaluators were not also the system developers,

the proportion of systems reporting improvement dropped significantly.

Wears and Berg’s critique of the dominant objectivist evaluation strategy reflects the tension

between the socio-technical and the more technologically-oriented objectivist views of CDS

discussed above. Unlike the objectivist view, the socio-technical approach views clinical work as

“fundamentally interpretative, interruptive, multitasking, collaborative, distributed, opportunistic,

and reactive” [60] and the implementations of CDSSs as systems involving organizational

Hawthorne effect is the possibility that clinicians performance may improve if they know that they are being
"Secular trends" refers to changes of dependent variables over time, where the changes are outside the control of
dynamics and power relationships. Objectivist evaluation methodologies necessarily cannot

capture the qualitative relationships that, in the socio-technical view, are critical determinants of

a computer system’s success or failure; often it is difficult to distinguish effects caused by the

CDSS from effects caused by the change in the work practices induced by the implementation of


In contrast to the objectivist approach to evaluation, the subjectivist approach to evaluation

borrows from ethnography and uses techniques such as participant observations, interviews, and

analysis of documents and artifacts to study the impact of introducing a CDSS on the clinical

work in its natural setting [58]. A recent example that illustrates the use of the subjectivist

methodology is an observational study of the effect of introducing computerized physician order

entry on the workflow in an intensive-care unit [61]. The researchers found that the introduction

of the system caused an increase in the number of coordination and verification requirements,

sharing of login sessions by different users, and disruptions of workflow due to the geographical

locations of the clinical workstations. The need to combine qualitative and quantitative

evaluation methods in order to study different dimensions of clinical information systems is

becoming apparent [62]. However, such multi-method evaluation is still uncommon [63].

8. Conclusion
This paper reviews some major themes in developing and deploying CDSSs. We saw, in recent

years, the emergence of a powerful critique of the technology-centric vision of CDSSs. This

critique is rooted in a conception of medical work as contingent and emergent, where clinical

data and decisions are re-interpreted as clinicians manage the trajectory of a patient’s problem

and where clinicians' professional expertise and autonomy permit them to make decisions

independently of any fixed protocol. According to this conception, the provision of decision-
support services must be conscious of social roles and be consistent with the distributed nature of

the care process, and not focus on the mind of a single decision maker. Yet, at the same time, the

imperatives of standardization and the accelerated rate of knowledge production also mean that

clinicians must accommodate themselves to the requirements of automated decision support. We

are in the midst of a transitional period where, although there exist many approaches for

representing, managing and delivering clinical knowledge, we do not know a-priori how to

design and implement good and useful systems that will last and evolve. In addition, the shift in

the conceptualization of the goal of CDS raises evaluation questions, which require new

methodologies that integrate the insights from different approaches that exist currently.

This is an incredibly exciting time for implementers of CDSSs. For years, workers in medical

informatics and artificial intelligence developed advanced knowledge representation, knowledge

management, and reasoning methods to create sophisticated diagnostic and therapy-management

systems. Yet few of the early systems ever saw successful deployment. With the gradual

maturation of electronic health record systems, the emergence of standard terminologies and

messaging standards for exchange of clinical data, and the widespread recognition that CDS

should play a crucial role in reducing medical errors and in improving the quality of healthcare

and the efficiency of the healthcare delivery system, implementers of CDSS are poised to make

major contributions to the delivery of healthcare.


We would like to thank Dongwen Wang for his very helpful comments and suggestions.

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