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Use of Health Information Systems For Financial and Clinical Management

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Use of Health Information Systems for

Financial and Clinical Management

Abstract: Now A Days all healthcare organizations including hospitals, private clinics and other healthcare centers are
seeking to improve their healthcare and financial management processes by integrating Information Systems and following
new technology trends in the Healthcare centers and hospitals. But most of the time it becomes difficult for the organizations to
choose the appropriate Information system that will help in improving financial management, resource management, and the
system which can assists hospital management in activity planning. Furthermore, the crucial part of clinical environment is that
the healthcare organizations are highly dependent on various types of medical equipment to complete the diagnosis and treatment
of the patients this implies that these equipment’s must be kept in a good condition to prevent from future issues. The appropriate
methods that are being followed in this Paper are most of the Data for this paper is based on secondary sources such as past research
on Health information Systems etc. to arrive at conclusive idea of the larger picture on Health information system the Specific
successful case studies of HIS are also Considered. The focus of implementing this system is to serve patients and financial
managers for appropriate decision making in health care sectors.

Keywords: Healthcare, financial management, cost control, clinical management, healthcare centers, Health information


The health information system is specifically designed for

automation and management of data in clinical Centers, a) “Health Information Systems in clinical
Applications of Health information systems (HIS) has Department”.
increased rapidly all over the world for many reasons
including improved monitoring and functioning of clinical Author: Dr Sudhir Rewar.
organization and enhanced patient care and better planning.
In addition to being major factor for monitoring and Journal Article: International Journal of Scientific &
functioning the Health information system also serves Engineering, clinical Research Volume 3, Issue 8,
broader ends. Such that it provides early alerts, and warning August-2012 2 ISSN 2229-5518.
capabilities regarding the cost control and patients health.
Furthermore, basically the purpose and focus of One of the major challenges faced in current health
implementing this system is definitely not to compete but information systems is operational efficiency for
main focus would be implementation of such system that clinical and financial management. This review
serves to clinical management and financial management highlights such limitations of the existing system. And
departments in healthcare organization and centers so that proposes a health information system (HIS) that
healthcare information system (HIS) Provides day to day facilitates real time clinical and financial management
facilities to clinical managers and financial managers to for health care sectors, hospitals, clinical organization.
manage the financial areas in health sectors. Moreover, the Further, it will also help financial managers in
Health information system will be that much efficient which hospitals to manage cost control, medical equipment
can serve patients in better way. maintenance costs.
b) “study on information system of health d) “E-Hospital Management & Hospital
care services management in hospital” Information Systems- Changing Trends”

Author(s): Daiping Hu, Antai Sch. of Author(s): Premkumar Balaraman,

Manage., Shanghai Jiaotong Univ., China Kalpana Kosalram.
Weiguo Xu ; Huizhang Shen ; Mengyu Li. Schol of Management, SRM University
Services Systems and Services Vadapalani, Chennai 600026, INDIA
Management, 2005. Proceedings of
ICSSSM '05. 2005 International This paper is based on the changing trends of
Conference. the Health Information systems in society.
The focus of this paper is on understanding
This paper reviews the HIS (Health care the performance indicators of Health
information system). Which are widely used Information system (HIS). Summarizing the
in many hospitals in china mainly to provide latest commonly agreed standards and
day to day faster way for clinical activities and protocols. Along with strict cost control and
tasks. And provides for overcoming the improved profitability. But there are some
limitations of Healthcare information system, limitations of this E-Health Information
e.g.: Health information system aims at System That there is lack of clinical
improving Quality of clinical management management which is a most crucial part of
and financial management. But do not have Health information system.
way of evaluating/measuring Those.
So, this research proposes The Health
information system. Which aims at improving e) “Health Information Management System
cost control, identifying cost reduction areas. for Elderly Health Sector”

Author(s): Farahnaz Sadoughi, Mehraban

c) “Health information Systems (HIS): Shahi, Maryam Ahmadi, Nasrin
Concept and Technology. Davaridolatabadi .
Author(s): Mohd. Nabil Almunawar,
Muhammad Anshari. Universiti Brunei Department of Health Information
Darussalam. Article March 2012 Management, Iran University of Medical
Sciences, Tehran, IR Iran.
This Paper reviews that One of the essential
parts of HIS is how to manage relationship This paper reviews That There was Health
between healthcare providers and patients. Information management system for elderly
A good relationship is a dynamic one that Health sector in Iran. However, in all primary
the organization become alert to and aware of Health care centers the documentation of Data
changing needs. In turn, when healthcare and information was done manually. Also, the
organizations manage well, patients will want reporting and analysis of data were done on
to come back, because loyalty and trust are manual systems. This approach was
built. They will know that if they present a inefficient because the clinical and financial
difficulty, the organizations will resolve managers are provided with delayed
professionally. But somehow there is also information’s.
need of a system which can solve day to day
problems including managing cost reduction III. Methods
areas and clinical management.
The Nature of this study is descriptive therefor
the data that has been collected is from all the
health information systems are being present
in worldwide in health sector. Including
published and unpublished papers and
government documents and journals are
source of information for this paper. After
Data gathering the next phase is to analyze the
gathered data such that what are the major
factors of health information system which are
essential for clinical and financial
management in health sectors.
For the data collection the study was
conducted in province of Punjab. Punjab
healthcare sector has large network of public
and private healthcare sectors. In addition,
there are thousands of private healthcare
facilities including NGO- and privately-run

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