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Rev. SPC of Pts & Xing Draft 29.03.17 PDF

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(Specification No. TM/HM/T-28/370 rev. 01 of 2016)


1.1 These specifications have been framed for a robust and sturdy machines, which shall
take out the old turnouts and replace them by new assembled turnouts expeditiously and
with desirable degree of accuracy. It shall also perform other related functions as
detailed in the following clauses:

1.2 The technical specifications have been drafted to reflect the performance and quality
requirement of the equipment machine in a neutral manner without bias to any specific
manufacturer. Bidders are requested to study the specifications carefully and assure that
their equipment machine fully comply therewith. If a bidder feels that his equipment
machine can substantially meet the performance and quality requirements of the
equipment machine, but does not fully satisfy a particular specification, he should
immediately seek clarifications from the purchaser prior to submission of bids as to
whether such deviation is substantive or not mention the same in the statement of
deviation from the specifications, giving the details how the functional requirements are
going to be met with.

1.3 The bidder shall specify the model offered and furnish a detailed technical description of
the machine. The machine may consist of more than one units and the complete set of
units required for performing the functions desired in the specification shall be treated as
one machine. Systems/sub-systems of the working mechanism of the machine, as per
Para3 in particular and all items of the specifications in general, shall be described in
detail with sketches to show the manner in which the requirements of the specifications
are accomplished by the machineoffered.

1.4 Photographs of the type of machine offered in work mode shall be enclosed with the
offer. This shall also show close-ups of various working assemblies/systems and the full
machine. The tenderer shall also furnish a compact disc (computer enabled) or DVD or
USB video compact disc showing the working of machine in real time under field
conditions. Tenderer shall also submit the names of countries & Railways where the
offered machines are working and where their working at site can be visited by Indian
Railway officials.


2.1 The diesel powered equipment machine shall be robust, reliable and suitable for working
on Indian Railways. The design and dimensions of the machineand its components shall
be to metric standards. Quality assurance during manufacturing of the machine shall be
according to ISO-9001. The welding standard followed for manufacturing of machine
should be to ISO:3834, EN:15085 or any other equivalent standard for welding railway
vehicle and components. The manufacturer should specify the standard followed and
certify that it meets the welding standard mentioned above. The machine shall be robust,
reliable and suitable for working on straight, transition and curved tracks (upto 10
degree) on broad gauge (1676 mm) of Indian Railways.

2.2 The profile of the machine(including its units)longitudinally and in cross-section during
transfer as self-propelled vehicle on track or loaded on railway wagons shall be within
the Indian Railways Standard Metric BG Schedule of Dimensions (Revised-
2004)provision of Indian Railways Schedule of Dimensions–1676 mm gauge (BG),
revised, 2004.with latest corrigendum and up to date correction slips issued. The
minimum and maximum moving dimensions are enclosed at ANNEXUREI/I.To
determine the profile of machine as loaded on Indian Railway wagon, floor height of
standard railway wagons may be taken as1055 1345 mm from Rail level(Annexure-I/V).
In loaded condition floor height may reduce upto 1145 mm.

2.3 Adequate clearance shall be allowed so that no component of any unit of machine shall
infringe the minimum clearance of 102 mm from rail level while travellingon track.

2.4 Axle load of machine units while moving on track with or without Turnout Wherever
applicable, axle load shall be lesser than 20.32T with minimum axle spacing of 1.5 m.
Load per meter shall not exceed 7.67 T.

2.5 It shall be desirable to have rail wheel diameter of 915 mm, however, lesser diameter
can also be considered.

2.6 Machine units while moving on track it shall be capable of negotiating curves up to 10
curvature (176175 m radius) super elevation up to 165 mm, and gradients up to 3%.

2.7 It shall be capable of continuous operation during the varying atmospheric and climatic
conditions occurring through the year in India. The range of climatic conditions is as

Ambient Temperature: - 0 –550 C

Altitude – Sea Level: - 7001750 m above mean sea level.
Humidity: - 40% - 100%
Max. rail temperature : - 70 C.

2.8 During transfer from one station to another, the machine units should be equipped with
suitable arrangements to fasten & secure it properly on the Railway wagon, so as to
permit the movement of loaded Railway wagon at a speed of 75100 kmph.

2.9 It shall be capable of working and travelling without requiring power block in electrical
sections. On Indian Railways, 25KV AC A current power supply is used for traction
through an overhead wire at 5.5 m above rail level. On bridges and tunnels, the height is
restricted to 4.8 m.


3.1 The equipment machine shall be required to handle 1 in 81/2 or 1 in 12 or 1 in 16

turnout’s with plane Straight or curved switches and built up/cast manganese steel /
welded crossing on concrete / steel / wooden sleepers. The details regarding length and
weights of 1 in 8 ½,1 in 12 and 1 in 16 turnout on concrete sleepers is at ANNEXURE
I/II.As mentioned at Annexure 1/II, total weight of 60 kg 1 in 12 fan shaped concrete
turnout is 57.5 tonnes and that of 1 in 16 is about 65 tonnes. Out of this,while lifting the
assembled turnout more weight comes on the machine, lifting the crossing side. With
introduction of thick web switches, total weight of assembly may increase even further.

Considering these factors, lifting capacity of the machine while lifting and transporting
the assembled turnout should not be less than 72 metric tonnes. If two or more than two
units machines are used for the job, individual capacity ofeach units machine(In Indian
working conditions as available in Indian railwayyards) should not be less than 36 metric
tonnes. be equal and total capacity of these units acting as machine shall not be less
than 72 metric tonnes. The machine should also be capable of handling Diamond
turnout on Concrete sleepers and Trap switches on concrete sleepers. Dimensional
detail of Diamond and Trap switch is enclosed at Annexure I/II.

3.2 Total number of lifting points(Left rail and Right rail lifting together at one location is one
point) in each machine(all units involved in lifting at a time put together) should not be
less than 6 to avoid excess sag in 1 in 12 assembled turnout on concrete sleepers when
lifted by machine. The load carrying capacity of each hook/chain/Jaw should notbe less
than 8 tonnesbe sufficient according to no of lifting points to lift the complete assembled

3.3 It shall be possible to change the entire turnout as one piece. However, if required by the
Purchaser, it shall also be possible to change the turnout in segments. The machine
shall however be so designed that it could be modified and /or augmented to handle
longer turnouts of 1 in 16 and 1 in 20 which shall be55 m and 65 m long respectively.

3.4 The equipmentmachine shall be capable of completing the following operations in a

single traffic block (refer sketch at ANNEXURE –1/III)

a) Machine approaching the old turnout(G) from the side position near (A) or
Longitudinally from position near (BD) or from some parking position in the yard in
case of rail mounted machines by Lateral shifting and by moving On track.

b) Picking up of the complete assembly ofold turnout(G) and its transportation and
deposition at Position near(A) or (B)depending on site conditions. It may be noted
that position near(A) may not necessarily be right opposite the old turnout and
therefore the old turnout may be required to be moved both longitudinally and
laterally or else it may have to be steered to Position near (A’) or (B) at an angle
other than right angle to the track.

c) Transfer of machines to the new turnout assembled at on position near (A) or(B)
(C) or (D) and its lifting and transportation to the site of laying.

d) Laying of new turnout in place of old turnout.

e) Clearing of the site by the machines to position near (CA) or (DB) or some other
position in the yard after laying of Points and crossing.

3.5 To perform the above function, the machine (with its units) should have following
capability (Refer sketch at Annexure-1/III)

a. The machine and its units can be unloaded from Railway wagon in suitable siding
line in Railway Yard and can be self propelled to position C and D with trolley
without requiring any assistance of another power/Locomotive. This movement of
machine should preferably be on Rail wheel on track so as not to infringe train
movement on adjacent track and negotiating from one track to another over
turnout which may be required for reaching position C and D is also comfortable.

b. It should be capable of shifting itself with all necessary units from track (C) & (D)
to the position on ground at say position (A) and (B) which may be required for
clearing occupied track or to shift itself on the fabricated panel placed at position
A and B. The shifting facility and procedure should be simpleand each set of unit
being shifted should be stable by itself not requiring additional assistance of any
auxiliary unit.

c. It should be capable of laterally shifting fabricated assembly from position on

ground at say A or B to the nearby location for either directly laying the
prefabricated panel or to load it over trolley placed on track there for shifting on
track to some other position of laying .

d. It should be able to carry prefabricated turnout assembly over trolleys.

e. It should have arrangementfor carrying longitudinally on crawler the fabricated

assembly on prepared bed for final laying and adjustment.

f. The machine with its units should have the capability to self load and unload itself
from the Indian Railways flat wagon as per para 3.17

The manufacturer should clearly state how the above capability has been

3.53.6The supplier shall quote as part of the machine the following as applicable to his system.

a) Prime mover’sto help in thefor longitudinal transfer of the old or new turnoutby the
machine, if required.assemblyon track and on ground.

b) Wagons for loading of machines during transfer from one station to another, (if

c) Facilitiesfor lifting, loading and unloading on and from trolley& transferlayingof old
or new turnout assemblyduring the processof changing, if required.renewal

d) Facilities of loading and unloading of machine and its unit on Indian Railway
wagon for transit from one station to another (Ref. clause 3.17).The Flat wagons
used on IR are detailed in Annexure I/V, and total requirements of such wagons
should not be more than two.

e) Any other unit required for performing the operations mentioned in clause 3.4 and
for having capability mentioned at Clause 3.5..

3.7 Various types of units comprising the system shall be quoted and described individually
and the total number of each type of units in the system shall be clearly stated. Break-up
of the cost of each unit shall be given in foreign exchange and rupees for imported and
indigenous contents respectively. The machine shall permit unrestricted movement of
trains on the adjoining up tracks while replacing a turnout, in situations mentioned at
clause 3.4.

3.63.8 As mentioned in para 3.65(c) above, the facilities for loading & transfer of oldor new
turnout may should be provided in the shape of trolleys. There should be minimum four

numbers of trolleys to avoid sag in assembled turnout. The powering arrangement for
movement of trolleys should be clearly stated. The trolleys should be motorized so that
they are capable of lifting the assembled turnout by at least 30 cms, and at same time
they should also be capable of slewing the lifted turnout by at least 30 cms in either
direction (left or right).

3.7 Various types of units comprising the system shall be quoted and described individually
and the total number of each type of units in the system shall be clearly stated. Break-up
of the cost of each unit shall be given in foreign exchange and rupees for imported and
indigenous contents respectively. The machine shall permit unrestricted movement of
trains on the adjoining up tracks while replacing a turnout, as shown in Annexure I / III.

3.83.9 The machine shall also have the capability to change turnout on a Platformed line.

3.93.10 The workers at siteshall not be required to work under a lifted turnout at any
stage of the turnout changing operation.

3.103.11 Portal type unit of machines shall have at least preferably 2 4 legs or with rail
wheels on each sideand a Crawler for ensuring stability and safety. In machine units
provided with Crawlers for movement on ground, Crawler is to move on continuous steel
chains. To avoid any damage to the rails, sleepers and other track fittings, crawler
chains should be covered with rubberized shoe plates rubber soles. It is desirable that
the rubber soles are made / fitted in such a manner that the replacement / recoupment is
possible during the service life of machine. Further during the service life of machine,
replacements of rubber soles should be treated as a spare part for which the supplier
has to ensure availability of rubber sole and its fitment on the steel chains (read with
para13, as well).

3.113.12 During longitudinal transfer of the turnout on track, it may require to pass an
OHEmast, a signal post or a wagon standing on another line, etc. The cycle of
bypassingsuch an obstacle by laterally shifting the turnout by 1 m, then moving50 m in
forward direction and again reverting back to the original position bylateral shift shall not
take more than 6 minutes.

3.123.13 While working on platform lines, if the platform is to be used for machine working,
the maximum pressure applied on platform surface by machine and its units supporting
the prefabricated panel shall not exceed 3 kg /cm2.

3.133.14 The operations of traveling, lifting / lowering or lateral shifting shall not be sudden
or jerky to avoid distortion of the turnout. During transport of the linked turnout, rails,
sleepers and other track components are subjected to handling stresses so It is
desirable that the mechanism of picking up and handling is smooth.

3.143.15 Operations of gripping / releasing of turnouts and lifting /lowering, traveling &,
braking shall preferably be done from one operating panel for the purpose of better
synchronization and reduced stresses on the turnout. In any case, if more than two
operators and corresponding number of units have to perform traveling/ braking/ lifting /
lowering / shifting operations, simultaneously, the machine shall have in-built system of
synchronization of the motion of all units. Provision should exist for either synchronized
working or the independent working of the machines by operation of switch inside the
working cabins where applicable.

3.153.16 There shall be adequate safety arrangement to ensure proper locking of the lifted
turnout to avoid any chance of falling of the same. It is desirable to maintain the lifted
turnout in one horizontal plane, for this suitable arrangement and control systems may
be provided on the machines.

3.163.17 The machine units which are not self-propelled for transfer from one station to
another and are required to be loaded on Railway wagons for transfer, the, same shall
be self loading / unloading type or else a crane or suitable equipment or arrangement
required for loading / unloading of the machine units shall form, part of the system
machine and be quoted by the tenderer accordingly. The loading/unloading equipment
or arrangement shall also be self-loading / unloading type on flat top Railway wagons,
for transfer along with the machine. The wagon floor ht may be taken same as in Clause
2.2. Also the loaded profile should not infringe the minimum and maximum moving
dimensions enclosed at ANNEXURE I/I

3.173.18 Sag in the turnout in lifted position during transit or during laying shall not be
more than 20 50cms at any point for 52 / 60 kg rails turnout on concrete sleepers for 1 in
12. Calculation in support may be submitted. The lifting location and no of transportation
trolleys may be increased if required to achieve the sag within the specified limits.

3.183.19 There shall be provision for longitudinal and lateral adjustments of the lifted
turnout assembly up to for at least 20 cms in the machine unit lifting the assembly for
accurate positioning at the time of final laying for proper butting of Stock Rail Joint and
Back Leg of Crossing..

3.193.20 In the case of machines provided with sliding beams and tubes, there should be
provision of lubrication/rollers on the metallic surfaces in contact with each other. The
beam should be made to slide inside the tube with wear plates surrounding the beam in
such a manner that, the beam's surfaces do not rub directly on the tubes insides. This
will ensure that in case of wear due to metallic friction, neither the tube nor the beam is
damaged and wear is borneby the especially designed wear plates. The wear plates
should be fixed onthe beam in such a manner that they can be replaced with ease.

3.203.21 The complete break-up of the cycle time in laying of one prefabricated assembly
of 1 in 12 Turn outand clearing the site by machine for train operation over newly laid
T/O in the situations given in Annexure 1/VI of one maximum lateral shift of
theequipment in loaded condition with 1 in 12 concrete sleeper turnout shall be given by
the tenderer in his description of the working of the machine. Thiswill include steps
involved in shifting of machine to position of fabricated panel, positioning itself for
clamping, lifting, laterally shifting, longitudinal shifting, transportation, lowering, butting of
Stock Rail Joint and releasing of the turnout and clearing the relayed point. The
maximum lateral and longitudinal stroke assumed for the purpose shall also be

3.213.22 Speed of longitudinal transfer of the machine while carrying a 1 in 12 concrete

sleeper turnout shall be furnished.

3.223.23 The supplier should get acquainted himself with normal Indian Railway yard
layouts and the types of terrain available in the Indian Railway yards. The machine
should be able to work successfully in all the yards and the timings mentioned in para
3.20 & 3.21& 3.22 above should take into account the realistic yard conditions.

3.23 3.24 The offer shall also submit separately the include a complete scheme of
operations with timings to cover all the operations like machine approaching the old
turnout, removing the old turnout, shifting the same to the location specified, placing it on
ground, machine approaching the new turnout, picking it up, bringing of the new turnout
to the site of laying, laying of new turnout and clearing of the site bythe machines.

3.24 3.25 The holding and lifting (which is normally by clamping on rail) of turnout assembly by
machine during lateral shifting, longitudinal shifting, transportation & final laying should
be rigid enough so as not to normally take reaction from sleeper at any time which may
disturb the original position of sleeper on assembled turnout. All units involved in the
process should also be synchronized.


4.1 The machine and its unit shall be powered by diesel engine preferably indigenous, with
proven record of service in tropical countries, robust construction and low maintenance
cost are of particular importance. Adequate allowance shall be made for de-rating of
diesel engine under the most adverse climatic conditions mentioned in this specification

4.2 The supplier shall furnish the details of diesel engine and its controls to assess its
conformity with the engines already operating on track machines on Indian Railways.
The engine should be one of such designs/brand which are being manufactured
indigenously and/or such designs, whose after sales servicing facilities are available in

4.3 High-speed diesel oil to Indian Standard Specification shall be normally used. Minimum
fuel capacities sufficient for continuous operation of each unit of machine for 8 hrs will be

4.4 Sight glass type fuel measuring gauge preferably of full height shall be provided on the
fuel tank.

4.5 For starting the engine, storage batteries of well known make shall beprovided. The
engine shall normally be push/pull button start type or key type.

4.6 Since the engine is to work outdoor under extreme dusty conditions, the air intake
system shall be designed suitably so as not to allow dust through air intake system.

4.7 There is a likelihood of dust deposition over the engine body and surrounding area over
the lubricants spill over. These should be easy to access for daily cleaning and routine
maintenance. In case, air cooled engines are proposed by the supplier, maintenance
equipment for cleaning and maintenance of the air cooling fins shall be provided by the
supplier along with the machine.

4.8 The engine parameter monitoring gauges like temperature, rpm, and lub. Oil pressure
shall be direct reading type mounted on the engine backed up by electrical/mechanical
gauges in the operator's cabin wherever available showing the absolute readings along
with safe limits suitably coloured. There shall be audio visual warning (safety
mechanism) to the operators in case of any of the parameters exceeding the safe limit,
and engine shut down circuit in case of operator's failure to respond.

4.9 Suitable and rugged mechanism should be provided to start the prime mover at no load
and gradual loading after the start of the prime mover.

4.10 The engine power take off shall be coupled to the main gear box through a flexible
coupling. The engine shall be mounted on suitable Anti Vibration Mountings.


5.1 The cooling system shall be efficient and designed for a maximum ambient temperature
of 55°C. Supplier may note that the machine shall be working under extreme dusty
conditions and the cooling mechanism should be maintainable under these conditions.
Adequate heat transfer arrangement shall be provided so that under extreme heat
conditions as mentioned in para2.7 above, the system oil temperature does not go
beyond 85 degree centigrade specified range of the engine.


6.1 Hydraulic/pneumatic brakes shall be provided. The brakes provided for the different
operations shall be protected from ingress of water, grease, oil or other substances
which may have an adverse effect on the brake. The brake lining shall be suitable for
high ambient temperature of 55 0C. The force required for operating the brakes shall not
exceed 10 kg at the handle while applying by hand and 20 kg on the pedal when applied
by foot. In addition, mechanical brakes shall also be provided for use in an eventually of
failure ofmain brakes as well as for parking purposes.


7.1 The equipment machine units capable of independent movement shall be provided with
electric/pneumatic horns/hooters facing outwards at each end of the machine at suitable
location. The horns shall be distinctly audible from a distance of at-least 400200 m from
the machine unit. The horns/hooters shall be operated by means of push buttons
provided in the cabs operating panel and also outside the machine body at appropriate
locations on both sides. Where ever feasible adequate numbers of safety stop switches
should be provided all around in the body of machine unit so that in case of any danger
to worker during working, the working can be stopped immediately.

7.2 Machine shall be provided with emergency backup system to wind up the machine in the
event of failure of prime mover or power transmission system of the machine.

7.3 One Pneumatically/electrically operated hooter capable of producing intensity of sound

between 105-110 dB at a distance of 5 meter (when measured in still air in a closed
room) and with variation in intensity of sound not be more than 5 dB shall be provided
as a unit with the machine. The hooter shall fixed in one of the main unit facing
outwards at suitable locations, operated by means of push buttons provided in the
operating panel to warn the staff working on/around the machine about approaching
train on adjoining track. Additionally switches for such hooter shall be provided outside
on the main machine unit frame so that it can be operated by staff present at work site
near the machine unit. The hooter shall also be operatable from remote point at a
distance of at least 300 m from the hooter


8.1 The electrical equipment to be provided shall conform to relevant standard specifications
and shall be suitable for Indian climatic conditions. The machine units capable of
independent movement shall be equipped with head light at each end and with two front
and rear parking lights, which can be switched on to red or white according to the
direction of the travel. Powerful swiveling floodlights shall also be provided in main
working units to illuminate the working area sufficiently bright for efficient working during


9.1 The body framework shall be of standard welded steel sections and of steel sheets, so
as to permit transportation of the machine. properly secured on a wagon.


10.1 Where ever operators panel are provided in cabins, the cabin of that machine unit The
machine shall be equipped with fully enclosed cabins with safety glass windows
wherever applicable. In view of the high ambient temperature prevailing in India, special
attention should be paid to free circulation of air and ventilation in the driver’s cabin. It
shall be possible to have a clear view of the track ahead while driving/working the
machine in either direction.

10.2 The gauge, instruments and controls shall be suitably located in the operator’s panel cab
so that they can be observed without undue fatigue to the operator. One screen wviper
preferably operated by compressed air/Electrically shall be provided on the front window
of cabin where ever applicable.

10.3 One fire extinguisher (dry chemical type) should be provided in the cabin where

10.4 The machine shall be provided with adequate space for keeping the tools and spares
required for on-site repair of the machine to attend the breakdowns and other working


11.1 Each machine shall be supplied with a complete kit of tools required by the operator in
emergency and for normal working of the machine. The list oftools to be provided shall
include all tools necessary for maintenance and repair of the entire machine including
specialized equipment, all special tools shall be listed and catalogued illustrating the
method of application. The tenderer shall along with his offer submit the list of tools to be
supplied along with each machine. The list can be modified to suit the purchaser’s
requirement, while examining the offer.

11.2 Detailed operating manual, maintenance and service manual, service andrepair
instructions shall be specially prepared in English language and Five four hard copies &
soft copies of each of the same shall be supplied with each machine.

11.3 List of equipment / required for purposes of training the Railway Maintenance,
Operations and Executive Staff, shall be supplied.

11.4 The manufacturer shall also supply circuit diagrams of electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic
and electronic circuits used on the machine and its unit. Trouble shooting diagram/table
shall also be supplied. In addition, the tenderer shall provide dimension and drawings
with material description of items like rubber seals, washers, springs, bushes, metallic
pins, etc. These shall be specially prepared in English language and four copies of these
shall be provided with each machine.

11.5 While offering the machine for first inspection, the supplier shall submit one copy of
complete technical literature in English language including operation, service and
maintenance manual/instructions and complete electrical, electronic hydraulic &
pneumatic circuit diagrams, trouble shooting charts, component drawings/ description
and other relevant technical details as reference document for the inspecting officer.

11.6 A draft copy of all documents to be supplied with the machine should be sent 3 months in
advance of inspection of the first machine to RDSO for their review regarding adequacy
and manner of detailing. Necessary modifications and further detailing as per RDSO’s
comments should be carried out and compliance should be reported to RDSO as well as
the Inspecting officer of the first machine.

11.7 One set of all the manuals and diagrams should also be sent to the Principal/IRTMTC,
Allahabad, one set to ED/TMM, RDSO, Lucknow, one set to DTK (MC)/Railway Board
and one set to Director/IRICEN/Pune along with supply of first machine of similar group.
In case, there is any subsequent amendment in above documents based on field
performance, the amendment/amended documents should also be sent to above
mentioned authorities.

11.8One portable diesel operated D.C. welding plant (with the provision of auxiliary output of
minimum 2.5 KW, 230 V AC for lighting) of reputed make (preferably made in India) with
a minimum 5 KVA capacity capable of welding upto 5 mm. electrode (dia) at 60% duty
cycle shall be supplied. Sufficient cable or lead shall be provided with the welding plant
for day to day repairing of machine and its wearing parts. The diesel tank capacity shall
be not less than 10 liters.


12.1 should be advised along with their condemning limits The tenderer should quote, apart
from main equipment, separately for the mandatory spares as well as for recommended
spares required for two years of operation along with description, part number, quantity,
cost, whether imported or indigenous. The expected life of the components /spare parts.
The machines shall be supplied with necessary spare parts for the operation and
maintenance of the machine for a period of two years or 2000 hours of working
whichever is earlier. The spare parts required shall be detailed in a separate list
indicating description, part number, quantity and whether, imported or indigenous. The
manufacturer shall be responsible for the subsequent availability of spare parts to
ensure trouble free service for the life of the machine (15 years). For indigenous parts,
and bought out components and assemblies the source (original equipment
manufacturers reference and part number) and other technical details shall be supplied
while offering the first machine for inspection.


13.1 Copies of Maker’s certificate, guaranteeing the performance of the machines shall be
supplied in duplicate along with the delivery of each machine.


14.1 The number of operators and allied staff for working of the machines under normal
condition shall be indicated, specifying their duties and minimum qualifications.

15.0Optional Equipment:

Tenderer is expected to quote for optional equipment separately for each item giving the
advantages/functions of such optional equipment. Tenderer shall also indicate whether
such equipments are already in use on machines elsewhere indicating the user Railway

16.0 Warranty:

In addition to the special conditions of contract dealing with warranty, the following will
The machine shall be warranted for 1200 effective working hours or 18 months from date
of commissioning and proving test of equipment or 24 months from date of delivery at
ultimate destination in India whichever shall be earlier. Effective working hours for this
purpose will be traffic block time during which machine is deployed for work. Should any
design modification be made in any part of the equipment offered, the warranty period of
18 months would commence from the commissioning and proving test of equipment for
the purpose of that part and those parts which may get damaged due to defects in the
new replaced part. The cost of such modification should be borne by the supplier


17.1 While inspecting the machine before dispatch from the supplier's premises, the
inspecting officer shall verify the conformity of the machine with respect to individual
specification as above. The machine's conformity/non-conformity with respect to each
item shall be jointly recorded before issue of the inspection certificate and approval for
dispatch of the machine as per Annexure-IV enclosed.

17.2 Following arrangements shall be made by the supplier/Manufacturer at the inspection

premises for carrying out inspection of the machine by inspecting officials:

 Machine unitsto be stabled on straight & level BG track. The length of the
track should be at least 10 m more than buffer to buffer length of machine.
 In order to check Maximum Moving dimensions in cross section, a Sturdy
frame of IR Max Moving Dimensions shall be provided by the manufacturer
and passed over the machine units (loaded on wagon or raised to the floor ht
of wagon) holding it perpendicular to track, centre aligned with track centre.
Adequate arrangements shall be made to the satisfaction of inspecting official

17.3The following documents shall be provided to the Inspecting Officer at least 4 weeks in
advance of the date of inspection.

i) One copy of complete technical literature mentioned in clause 11, in English

language, including operation, service and field maintenance
manuals/instructions and complete electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic circuit
diagrams, trouble shooting charts, component drawings/ description and other
relevant technical details as a reference documents for the inspecting officer.

ii) Cross section of the machine units (both on track and loaded on wagon) super
imposed on IR maximum moving dimensions envelope shall be provided to IO
in advance.

iii) Clause by clause comments of the manufacturer to be sent to Inspecting

Officer (IO) in advance for his review. Comments should state manufacturer’s
conformity of compliance of each of the requirement stated in each clause,
elaborating where necessary the details/manner in which the requirement has
been complied. The proforma for the clause-wise comments is given below:

Clause Clause no. Comments of Comments of

Supplier/manufacturer Inspecting Officer

iv) Manufacturer’s Internal Quality Inspection Report of the machine.

v) Manufacturer’s quality certificate and/or test reports for bought out

assemblies/sub-assemblies to be provided to IO, containing serial number
wherever applicable.

vi) Draft Inspection Report to be prepared by the manufacturer, containing all

annexure mentioned at para 17.4

vii) Details of arrangements made for checking Maximum Moving Dimensions for
his approval.

Supplier will incorporate amendments/further clarification in the above documents to

the satisfaction of the Inspecting Officer keeping in view the Inspecting Officer’s
comments, if any.

17.4List of documents to be annexed in the draft Inspection Report should include:

i. Maker’s Test Certificate.

ii. Manufacturer’s Internal Quality Inspection Report
iii. Quality Certificates of Bought out assemblies/sub-assemblies
iv. Cross section of the machine units when on track and when loaded on wagon
super imposed on the IR MMD
v. List of spare parts to be dispatched along with the machine
vi. List of tools to be dispatched along with the machine
vii. List of Manuals, Drawings, Spare Parts Catalogues, etc. to be dispatched
along with the machine, duly indicating the number of sets of each.

These above documents shall be part of final inspection report


In addition to verification of the various items of specifications covered earlier, the

following tests shall be carried out in India at the Purchaser’s premises by the
Purchaser’s nominee at the time of commissioning of the machine.

16.118.1 Dimensional check of loading gauge i.e. maximum moving dimensions,

clearance with machine units on track and on wagonswherever applicable etc.

16.218.2 Testing for negotiability of machine units capable of moving on track of 10 curve
andon1 in 8 1/2 turnout where ever applicable, on the first machine.

16.318.3 Stability test of machine loaded on carrier vehicle Indian Railway Flat wagon
being pulled by power.Any arrangement to be made on first flat wagon for fixing the
machine properly be done by the supplier.

16.418.4 Construction and engineering of the machine.

16.518.5 Actual output and performance quality test:

These tests shall consist of the use of machine under field conditions in India. The
machine shall be operated by the trained personnel of the purchaser orthe operators
provided by the supplier. The following operations will be conducted.(refer sketch at
Annexure 1/III)

a) The time taken in laying preassembled assembly from position (A) by lateral shifting to
position (G) with proper alignment and butting of stock rail joint and back leg of crossing,
taking initial position when machine units are in complete readiness with fabricated
assembly should not be more than one and half hour.The laying to be done primarily be
lateral shifting without using transportation trolley to prepared bed at G prepared
beforehand. The above requires lateral shifting ofminimum 6m and longitudinal shifting
minimum 2 m. The time of one and half hour to include clearing of laid assembly by
machine units for permitting movement of train over the laid assembly.

b) The time taken in laying pre fabricated assembly (B) by shifting the assembly on trolley
to Position (G) with proper alignment and butting of stock rail joint and Back leg of
crossing taking initial position when machine units are in complete readiness with
fabricated assembly for loading on trolley placed in the siding line should not be more
than one and half hour. The laying would primarily be by longitudinally shifting the
assembly to the prepared bed at (G) prepared beforehand. The above requires
longitudinal movement upto 700 mt. The time of one and halfhour to include clearing laid
assembly by machine units for permitting movement of train over the laid assembly.

a) Replacement of 1/12 Old turnout on steel /wooden sleepers in track by a1/12 concrete
sleeper turnout and covering all the operations described in para 3.4. The machine shall
be able to complete the entire job of changing the turnout, covering all operation from
the starting of the machine from position A/A’ to the clearing of the track by the
machine, in gross traffic block of 1 1/2 hr. This shall also include the time required for
any setting of machine for various functions

b) during the entire operation of changing of the turnout. Forthis test, the machine shall be
initially placed in position A or A’ andthe old turnout shall be removed to position D. The
new turnout shallbe assembled at position C which may be up to 50 m out
longitudinallyfrom old turnout. Stoppages of work not attributable to machine or
onaccount of obstacles shall be discounted.

c) Test of machine capability as per Item 3.11.5

d) Self loading/unloading of machine on wagons or loading by anotherequipment in

accordance with para 3.167including self loading of theequipment itself.

17.019.0 Should any modifications be found necessary as a result of the tests, theseshall
be carried out by the supplier at his own expenses.


20.1 The supplier shall provide at his own expense the services of competent engineers
during the warrantee period for warrantee related issues. The service engineers shall
be available for the commissioning of the machine for regular service. E-Learning
courses module should be arranged for imparting training to railway operators. In
addition the service engineer shall provide hands on training to railway staff in
calibration, operation, repairing and maintenance of the machine in field to make them
fully conversant with the machine. The engineers shall also advise the Railways on
appropriate maintenance, testing, operating, repair and staff training facilities that are
necessary for the efficient performance of the machines.


21.1 The machine body shall be painted in golden yellow colour of Indian Standard Colour
code of 356 as per IS:5 The exterior painting shall be polyurethane binder based
conforming to RDSO Specification No. M&C/PCN/100/2013 (Specification for Epoxy
cum Polyurethane Painting System –Two packs for the Exterior Painting of Railway
Coaches, Diesel and Electric Locomotives and other Industrial Applications) or ISO

21.2 Following should be written in black on the machine at appropriate location in English
& Hindi as per direction of Indian Railway official

i) India Railways logo of suitable height in different machine units at prominent locations.
ii) “ INDIAN RAILWAYS” to be written in Bold and in Black colour of appropriate size for
clear visibility at prominent location on different units of machine.
iii) Manufacturers Name and Machine model and manufacturing Year should be written in
black colour and in letter of size less than the size in which Indian Railways is written
and at suitable locations.



Approximate weight of sub-assemblies of 1 in 12 turnout with 10125 ordinary curvedswitch and

built up crossing BG 60 kg. UIC on concrete sleepers.

Sub- Assembly Approx. Panel Approx. Weight Remarks

length (M) (t)

Switch Portion 15 15.5 Sleeper Nos.

1 to 27

Intermediate 20 23.0 Sleeper Nos.

Portion 28 to 63

Crossing Portion 11 19.0 Sleeper Nos.

64 to 83.

Total length & wt 46 57.5 Sleeper Nos.

1 to 83.

Annexure I/II



28588 OVER TNC


25831 10125


SL 4(L=3750 mm)
SL 3(L=3750 mm)
SL 83( L=4900 mm)

(L=3100 mm)
SL 22

1: 16 T/O WITH 11200 mm O/R , C/S & CMS X-ING 1673 mm for 60 KG ON PSC SLEEPERS
TNC 844
3°34'35" 35720 11200
SL 101( L=5100 mm)


Total weight (approx.) 65.02t

Max length of Sleeper 5100 mm
Max length of assembly 59992 mm





This is to certify that I have inspected the

machinetype)_______________________________bearing Sl.No._________________
from(date) ____________to _____________at (Place) ________________ for
itsconformity/non-conformity with respect to the laid down Technical Specifications incontract
President of India through Director Track(Machines) and M/s. (Name of Supplier)

The detailed Inspection Note regarding its conformity/non-conformity to the laidspecifications is

enclosed along with as Annexure’ A’. It is observed that (strike outwhichever is not applicable):-
The Machine conforms to all the laid down specifications.The machine conforms to all the laid
down specifications except those atSl.No.________________________.The above deviations
are minor/major affecting/not affecting the performance of theequipment in substantial way.The
following T and P/manuals/drawings are to be supplied alongwith the machine:

Based on the above, the Machine is certified/not certified to be conforming to thespecifications:

The machine is approved/not approved for despatch to
_____________________________(Consignee) Indian Railway.


For M/s.__________________ INSPECTING OFFICIAL
_________________________ (NAME AND DESIGNATION)
for and behalf of President of India









The complete break-up of the cycle timeinlaying of one prefabricated assembly of 1 in 12

Turn out and clearing the site by machine for train operation over newly laid T/O in the below two
situation be given (reference Annexure 1/III) :

Case –I:Machine (including all units) is at C and new prefabricated T/O assemblyis at A. Existing
laid assembly G is to be shifted to cess close to Band then new assembly at A is to be laid in its
place.The prefabricated panel is at a distance of around 6m or more from the siding line on
which machine is positioned initially. Also the new assembly at A is not in the complete lateral
alignment of existing T/O G and is required to be shifted by not less than 2 m towards Stock Rail
Joint for laying at required position.

The breakup of time to be given activity wise as given below which may further be broken into
sub activities involved where felt necessary.

 Shifting of machine from C to the existing T/O assembly at G and removal of T/O
assemble to cess.
 Further shifting of machine to new fabricated T/O at A.
 Shifting and Laying of the new T/O assembly at the position G by lateral shifting without
use of trolley including longitudinal adjustment of minimum 2 m required.
 Clearing of site by machine back to position Cby lateral shifting or by movement on track
as comfortable taking minimum time.

Brief on how these activities will be performed should also be given

Case-II: Machine (including all units) is at Don siding line and prefabricated T/O assembly is at B
close to the siding line .Laying to be done at G where existing points and crossing is dismantled
and bed is prepared beforehand. The net longitudinal movement is 700 m.

The breakup of time to be given activity wise as given below which may further be broken into
sub activities involved where felt necessary

 Shifting of Machine from C to over assembled T/O at B and Shifting the assembly on
trolley on siding line.
 Time in transit of the assembeled T/O on trolley to the site of laying.
 Time in activities involved in actual laying and correct placement of new T/o.
 Time in clearing the site by machine to position C by lateral shifting or by movement on
track as comfortable taking minimum time.


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