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Engineering Exploration Camp: For School Children

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Engineering Exploration Camp

for School Children

6th - 11th MAY 2019


Thiagarajar College of Engineering (TCE), Madurai is a Engineering Exploration Camp for School Children is
61year old Government Aided Autonomous Institution Affiliated to organized to improve their knowledge in the field of science and
Anna University, Chennai and is Accredited by National Board of engineering. This program offers an opportunity to enrich and
Accreditation (NBA) & National Assessment and Accreditation enhance their adaptive skills through activity based learning which
Council (NAAC), New Delhi. TCE is one among the several includes lectures and demonstration.
educational institutions founded by Philanthropist and Industrialist This camp will provide a platform for linking scientific
Late. Shri. Karumuttu Thiagarajan Chettiar. TCE offers eight concepts with engineering applications. It strengthens the passion
undergraduate programs, fourteen post graduate programs and towards, “Do It Yourself” (DIY) approach on different domains of
doctoral programs in Engineering, Science and Architecture. TCE is engineering. After completion of the program the participants will
ranked 39th in the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) understand the importance of Technical, Managerial and Behavioral
2018 of Government of India. Skills.


Students studying 9th to 12th standard from
Civil Engineering and Architecture
Government/Government aided/ Matriculation /
 Building planning and construction CBSE / ICSE Schools.
 Water supply and drainage SELECTION CRITERIA
 Climate responsive Buildings  Selection is based on first come first serve
Electrical, Electronics and Communication basis
Engineering  Number of seats is limited
 House wiring skills REGISTRATION
 Testing house hold gadgets  Registration form is available in the TCE
 Solar panel website. (
 Experimenting with Sensors  Registration fee of Rs. 1000/- per student
 Wireless control of Aero models has to be submitted as DD in favor of
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering “The Principal, Thiagarajar College of
 Aurdino boards Engineering” payable at Madurai.
 Mobile Robot  Registration kit will be provided.
 3D printing machine ACCOMMODATION
Computer Science and Information Technology Students should arrange accommodation on
 Multimedia and 2D animations their own.
 Data Analytics IMPORTANT DATES
 Python Programming Submission of Registration form : 25.04.19
 Machine Learning Intimation of selection (by email) : 30.04.19
 Virtual Reality Confirmation by participants : 02.05.19
 Mathematical Modeling Dr.M.KOTTAISAMY
 Smart materials and Sensors Professor and Head
 Materials for energy storage devices Department of Chemistry
 Solid Waste Management Thiagarajar College of Engineering
Art of Learning Madurai – 625015
 Cognitive, Psychological and Neuroscience E mail id:
aspects of learning Mobile No: +91-9585267260

Dr. R. Vasuki, HD Physics
Dr.S.Jeya Bharathi, HD Mathematics
Dr.M.Kottaisamy, HD Chemistry
Engineering Exploration Camp
for School Children
6th - 11th , May 2019

Name :……………………………………………

Standard : ……………………………………………

School : ……………………………………………

Address : ……………………………………………



E-Mail ID : ……………………………………………

Mobile No. : ……………………………………………

DD Details

Amount: Rs ………………. DD No: ………………………… Date : …………….

Bank Name & Branch: …………………………………………………..

Signature of the Parent Signature of the Applicant

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