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Atal FDP On Sensor Technology - 2

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ATAL ACADEMY AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy

AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy is established Sponsored

with the vision “To empower faculty to achieve goals of
Higher Education such as access, equity and quality”.

AICTE is committed for development of quality technical Online

ABOUT THE INSTITUTION education in the country by initiating various schemes Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on
Thiagarajar Polytechnic College is a premier Government launched by Govt. of India, Ministry of Human Resource
aided, Autonomous Institution established in 1958 by the Development. Council understand that there is a need of the
day to train the young generation in skill sector and having
philanthropist Mr.Karumuttu Thiagarajar and nurtured
byMr. M.S. Chokalingam. The institution is equipped with faculty & technicians to be trained in their respective
the State of art equipment and infrastructure, highly disciplines. Training is required for increasing the knowledge Dec 07, 2020 to Dec 11, 2020
qualified and dedicated faculty. and skills of students to make them more employable to
The Institution is managed by the Educational Evangelist Mr. acquire global competencies.
C. Valliappa, Chairman and the Dynamic and vibrant Vice-
Chairmen Mr. Chocko Valliappa and Mr. Thyagu Valliappa. ELIGIBILITY FOR PARTICIPATION Convener
Dr.V.Karthikeyan, Principal, an elite alumnus transforms the Dr. V. KARTHIKEYAN, M.E., PhD., FIE.
vision of the management into reality. In recognition of its The faculty members of the AICTE approved Educational Principal,
excellent services, the Government of Tamilnadu has Institutions (Engineering and Polytechnic Colleges),
conferred the Best Polytechnic College Award to this Research Scholars, PG Scholars, Participants from various Thiagarajar Polytechnic College, Salem
Institution. industries and staff of host institution.
The institution has obtained NBA Accreditation Coordinator
Maximum 200 participants may be allowed to attend
consecutively for the third term of 6years for 5 Diploma Online FDP on a first come first serve basis.
Programmes. Recently, it has been conferred with the Dr. G.SELVI, M.B.A., M.E, Ph .D.,
AICTE-CII Mentor Award from 2019-2022, in continuation of Registration has to be done only through Lecturer (Selec on Grade),
AICTE-CII Awards received continuously from 2014 to 2018. Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
The National Level Best Polytechnic Principal Award was Thiagarajar Polytechnic College, Salem
awarded to Dr.V.Karthikeyan, Principal. Details of Online Platform and meeting link will be
All the awards stand testimony to the reputation and communicated to the selected candidates through their
registered email.
successful services of the institution for six decades. The
Institution place on records and acknowledge the
continuous support, guidance and assistance extended by TEST AND CERTIFICATE Organised by
the AICTE, Govt. of Tamil Nadu, Directorate of Technical
Education, Chennai and the management in all our A test shall be conducted (may be online) by coordinator Department of
endeavors. at the end of the programme. The Certificates shall be
issued to those participants who have attended the
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT programme with minimum 80% attendance and scored THIAGARAJAR POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE
The Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering minimum 60% marks in the test. Govt.Aided |Autonomous | NBA Accredited
equipped with highly qualified, dedicated faculty and
(from 2018-19 to 2023-24: Civil, Mech, EEE,
excellent infrastructural facilities, modernized laboratories IMPORTANT DATES Produc on and Tex le Tech)
like Electrical Machines,Power Electronics, CAED,
Simulation and PLC for imparting high quality of education Last date to register in AICTE ATAL portal : 06.12.2020 Salem - 636 005,Tamil Nadu.
to meet the present scenario of industries. This Department Date of Faculty Development Programme : 07.12.2020
was accredited by NBA for the third term of six years
Resource persons
Faculty Ÿ Mr.T.S.Srikanth, General Manager-Engg &
Development Programme Development, CREAT, UNO MINDA, Pune.
In IoT and Industrial Automation, sensors play a vital Ÿ Dr.R.Vijaya Rajeswaran, Managing director,
part to make the products intellectual and Vi Microsystems Pvt.Ltd., Chennai
exceptionally automatic. These sensors also play a Ÿ Dr. Rahul Johari, Asst. Professor, University
pivotal role in predicting and preventing numerous School of Information, Commn & Tech, Guru
potential proceedings, thus, catering to the
Gobind Singh Indraprasath University, Delhi
requirements of many sensing applications.The
sensors, that offers the perfect solution for any
Ÿ Dr.M.Dhanusu, AGM – Elect (Rtd) Steel
application of industries.To day, it's hard to imagine the Authority of India Ltd., Salem.
production landscape without industrial automation Director- Sona Business Incubation Centre,
systems. Sona college of Technology, Salem
Growing requirements of high product quality, paired Ÿ Mr. K.Harish, Lead-Engg. Analysis, Tata
with expectations of equally high reliability in high- Consultancy Services (former R&D Dept.,
volume production, mean that the scale of industrial
General Motors), Bengaluru.
automation will continue to grow. Much of what was
previously produced by human hand can no longer be Ÿ Mr. G. Gowtham Raj, Application Engineer,
achieved in terms of cost and quality. Energy efficiency, Enthu Technology solutions India Pvt Ltd.,
mobility and security are the main challenges facing Coimbatore.
modern society. Ÿ Mr. S. Karthikeyan, Technical Engineer, Enthu
The role of sensors in Industrial automation address all Technology solutions India Pvt Ltd., Coimbatore.
of these needs, provide outstanding reliability &
robustness, excellent quality and leading-edge Course Contents
innovations. Rich functionality and extensive
integration capabilities ensure easy design-in and fast Sensors in IoT & Automation
time-to-market. They are high grade, better Ÿ Types of Sensors
performing, highly and normally scalable, and can work Ÿ Overview of Active, Passive and Analog Sensors.
for longer durations of time. Now, we need to Ÿ Concept of Chemical, Bio and Non Biological
understand the specifications of these different sensors Sensors.
being used in the industrial sector. Ÿ Sensors in IoT and Applications.
Address for Communication Ÿ Case Study in the perspective of sensors - IoT in
Objectives Education, Manufacturing,Energy, Health Care,
Dr.G.SELVI, M.B.A., M.E, Ph .D.,
Ÿ To enhance the knowledge in sensors, that offer Environment Monitoring,Building and Housing.
the perfect solution for any application of Ÿ Industrial IoT devices, IoT Security and Liability.
ATAL Online FDP on ‘Sensors Technology’ Ÿ Case Study-Sensors in Textile Industries, Machine
Ÿ To understand the concepts of various types of
Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Tools and Robotics, Material Handling & Packaging
sensors. THIAGARAJAR POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, and Chemical Processing.
Ÿ To enrich the knowledge in the area of sensors in P.B.No.523, Junction Main Road, Salem - 636 005, Ÿ Sensors in Automotive Electronics.
IoT and Automation Tamil Nadu Ÿ Demonstration of Various Sensors used in
Ÿ To learn the current Scenario of industries in the Mobile No. : 94899 37027 industries.
perspective of high product quality, reliability and Whatsapp No. : 94435 14759 Ÿ Hands-on Training in LoRa Modules and LoRaWAN
security. Email : Protocols.

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