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11th International LS-DYNA® Users Conference Blast / Impact (1)

Investigation of the Shear Thickening Fluid Dynamic

Properties and its Influence on the Impact Resistance of
Multilayered Fabric Composite Barrier

P.A. Mossakovsky
Research Institute of Mechanics of Lomonosov Moscow State University. Moscow, Russia
A.M. Bragov
Research Institute of Mechanics of University of Nizhniy Novgorod. Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia
M.E. Kolotnikov
F.K. Antonov
FSUE “MMPP “Salut”. Moscow, Russia

The results of experimental and computational study of properties of shear thickening fluid (STF) are observed. Two
series of dynamic tests by the Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar method in rigid and soft casings are carried out to
determine the dynamic bulk and shear properties of STF. A simplified mathematical model of the STF is formulated
for the use in computer simulation of ballistic impact tests of multilayered fabric composite protective shells (Kevlar
+ STF). Numerical simulation is conducted with nonlinear LS-DYNA® code using ALE approach. The study
confirmed the hypothesis about the possibility to describe STF behavior by a Newtonian fluid model in the
characteristic range of strain rates. The parameters of shear viscosity and bulk compressibility of the model are
defined. It is concluded that the contact interaction between STF and Kevlar basis is described by Coulomb friction
law which is unnatural for fluid interactions. It is shown that the effectiveness of the STF impregnation is due to the
facts of composite layers collapsing prevention and presence of internal friction.

It was shown [1] that the ballistic properties of a multilayered Kevlar fabric barriers may be
improved with insignificant mass increase when being impregnated with the Shear Thickening
Fluid (STF). STF is a composite material containing solid nanoparticles embedded in a liquid
polymer with a persistence of mobility, i.e. it is highly concentrated suspension in a polymer
dispersion medium (concentrated colloidal suspension).

Although STF is commonly considered as a non-Newtonian fluid which viscosity increases with
the strain, the question concerned the determination of any reliable dynamic viscosity diagrams
is absent, and the formulation of an adequate STF mathematical model are currently open. The
STF studies with standard rotational viscosimeters reveal complex (generally reversing)
dependence of viscosity on strain rate [2]. In the strain rate range 500s-1– 2000s-1 that is
characteristic for the impact interactions standard studies are usually unreliable. The
development of light-weight Kevlar+STF barriers with high ballistic properties is impossible
without introduction of an adequate mathematical model of impact interaction and understanding
energy redistribution in the composite structure.

The results of experimental and computational studies of the STF and Kevlar+STF composites
behaviors under dynamic loads that were carried out to develop the mathematical model of
impact interaction are presented in this paper. To determine the STF dynamic properties, the

Blast / Impact (1) 11th International LS-DYNA® Users Conference

experimental studies using the Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) method were carried out.
Comparative analysis of energy-absorbing capabilities of different protective shells is performed
on the base of mathematical model.

The Shear thickening fluid study

Dynamic wide-scale tests were carried out in the Institute of Mechanics of the Nizhny Novgorod
State University. The SHPB tests included two series of experiments. In the first series the
volume compressibility of STF was studied. The second series were directed to the determination
of shear viscosity. The experimental conditions were chosen in such a way that practically
interesting range of strain rate variation in STF (from 200 to 2000s-1) could be realized.
Among known by now dynamic testing methods the technique, a variant of which was originally
proposed by H.Kolsky [3] is most widely used due to its simplicity and proper theoretical
grounds. The technique allows testing of a rather wide range of materials at strain rates within

The technique uses two thin and long bars possessing high yield strength between which a
sample of material to be tested is placed. The sample is much shorter than bars and possesses
lower yield strength in comparison with bars properties. The split bar is loaded by elastic pulses
usually recorded by strain gauge. Use of one-dimensional elastic wave theory and pulse records
allow to obtaining the dynamic diagram of the sample.

When studying the dynamic properties of some materials such as concrete, soft soil, loose
materials and others it is of great interest to determine not only uniaxial stress-strain curve but
their bulk properties too. The modified Kolsky method was suggested for this purpose [4].

The experimental setup shown in figure 1 represents the modified Kolsky method used for
determination of the basic mechanical characteristics under dynamic deformation.

Fig. 1. Modified Kolsky method experimental setup.

11th International LS-DYNA® Users Conference Blast / Impact (1)

The specimen is placed in a rigid elastic casing, which prevents radial deformation of the sample
as shown on figure 2. Under these conditions, radial deformation of the sample can be neglected
in comparison with longitudinal one. Thus, the strain state of the sample can be considered one-
dimensional, while the stress state is considered bulk. In this case, the principal components of
stress and strain tensors in the sample will be of the form:
σ1 = σx; σ2 = σ3 = σr; ε1 = εx; ε2 = ε3 = 0,
where σx and εx are the longitudinal stress and strain, σr is the radial stress in the sample.

To study the volume compressibility of the STF a test technique with a sealed container was
developed in the laboratory of dynamic testing of Research Institute of Mechanics, University of
Nizhny Novgorod.

The sample 5 (figure 3) was placed in a steel casing 3 with strain gauges 2 pasted on its surface.
The casing’s ends were closed by textolite gaskets with sealing film 6. The sample is deformed
between incident 1 and transmission 4 bars.

Fig. 2. Specimen in a rigid clip. Fig. 3. Liquid armor test in a casing.

The SHPB setup used in the experiments consisted of 20mm steel bars with 1.5 and 3m lengths.
Figure 4 compares the dependences of the axial and radial stresses on time, obtained from the
steel casing test.

Fig. 4. Time dependences of axial and radial stresses obtained for the steel casing test.
Blast / Impact (1) 11th International LS-DYNA® Users Conference

It is seen that the values of radial and axial stresses are close enough, so it can be concluded that
the stress state in the tested material is close to the uniform compression (σ1=σ2=σ3=p). The
figure 5 shows the test results for the one and the same sample, varying loading amplitude:

Fig. 5. Test results of tests for the same sample with different loading amplitudes.

It is evident that the nature of the diagrams does not change. The loading amplitude affects only
the maximum stress realized in the specimen during testing. Figure 6 compares the graphs
obtained under different strain rates from ~ 200 to 2500 s-1. The corresponding strain rate
diagrams are shown by dotted line.

Fig. 6. Diagrams obtained at different strain rates.

11th International LS-DYNA® Users Conference Blast / Impact (1)

The resulting bulk stress-strain relationship is nonlinear and it is well approximated by a

quadratic equation:
p = K 1θ = K 2θ 2 (1)
Where K1=767MPa, K2=3000MPa.

The soft-casing tests by the Kolsky method were conducted in conditions close to one-
dimensional stress. The fluid specimen was placed in a paper box and was sandwiched between
the bars. The experimental setup is show on figure 7.

Fig. 7. The soft casing experimental setup.

Four series of tests at strain rates of 200, 500, 1000 and 2000s-1 were conducted. Derived stress-
time and stress-strain curves for each test are shown in figures 8-11 (different curves denotes
specimens within series).

Fig. 8 – Strain rate ~ 200 s-1. Fig. 9 – Strain rate ~ 500 s-1.

Blast / Impact (1) 11th International LS-DYNA® Users Conference

Fig. 10 – Strain rate ~ 1000 s-1. Fig. 11 – Strain rate ~ 2000 s-1.

Characteristic peaks on the plots are supposed to be a consequence of high initial heterogeneity
of stress state in the specimens. The computer model of the test system was developed and the
virtual experiments on the base of corresponding program were performed to verify this

Virtual experiments were conducted using nonlinear LS-DYNA code. Newtonian fluid model
was used to simulate the shear properties of STF. In the terms of stress and strain rate deviators it
can be written in the following form: sij = 2 μeij , where sij is a deviatoric stress, eij is a deviatoric
strain rate. Volume compressibility was set by using the quadratic approximation of the
experimental charts of rigid clip tests (Eq. 1).

The initial value of shear viscosity was obtained by averaging the mean value of tangent muduli
σ ε of the soft casing experimental graphs after excluding the initial stress peak. The averaged
value of shear viscosity equal to 400Pa·s was used in calculations because of the weak
dependence of shear viscosity on strain rate. Virtual experiments consisted of series of
calculations of STF sample under conditions simulating the soft casing wide-scale tests. For
better correspondence of the virtual and wide-scale test results, the coefficient of friction
between the sample and the bars was varied from 0 to 1.

The Lagrangian approach was used for the calculations of the sample’s stress and strain states.
The results of calculations for different strain rates with a coefficient of friction equal to 0.1 are
shown in figure 12.

11th International LS-DYNA® Users Conference Blast / Impact (1)

a – strain rate 200s-1 b – strain rate 500s-1

c – strain rate 2000s-1

Fig. 12. Stress-time experimental diagrams for different strain rates.

Calculated stress-time curves show sufficiently good qualitative correspondence with the
experimental graphs. The presence of initial stress peak in virtual experiments confirms the
hypothesis that it is caused by initial heterogeneity of stress state in the sample. Figure 13 shows
heterogeneity of initial effective strain rate distribution in the sample. Figure 14 shows the
steady-state distribution.

Fig. 13. Initial strain rate distribution. Fig. 14. Steady-state strain rate

Blast / Impact (1) 11th International LS-DYNA® Users Conference

Ballistic impact tests

Ballistic impact tests were performed in the laboratory of dynamic testing of Research Institute
of Mechanics, University of Nizhny Novgorod. Full-scale and virtual ballistic impact tests on the
STF impregnated and dry woven Kevlar fabrics were performed to compare the energy
absorbing characteristics of Kevlar and Kevlar + STF barriers, as well as to clarify the contact
conditions between STF and Kevlar.
The ballistic tests were performed using a gas gun. The results of ballistic tests are presented in
table 1.

Speed, Pressure, Indentation Indentation

# Notes
m/s bar diameter, mm depth, mm
1 89.55 3 12.1 4 dry
2 93.75 3 13 3.4 impregnated
4 90.91 3 12.4 4.3 dry
5 85.71 3 12.55 3.2 impregnated
6 113.21 6 13.3 6.8 dry
7 107.14 6 13.6 4.2 impregnated
8 107.14 6 13.3 6.2 dry
9 111.11 6 14.6 4.5 impregnated
10 193.55 20 15.4 11.1 dry
11 187.5 20 16.8 8.5 impregnated
3 89.55 3 10 9.2 w/o barrier
Table 1. Ballistic test protocol.

Test results are shown in figure 15, where the clay witness photograph after the tests is
presented. It can be concluded that the impregnated barrier absorbs up to 15% more energy in
comparison to the dry one.

Fig. 15. Clay witness after the tests.

11th International LS-DYNA® Users Conference Blast / Impact (1)

In order to verify the STF mathematical model as well as to compare different types of protective
shells, a number of virtual experiments were carried out. Virtual experiments were conducted
using the nonlinear LS-DYNA code. The process of interaction between STF, fibers, impactor
and environment was simulated in a simplified arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) formulation
[5] using the Van Leer advection scheme.

An ALE formulation consists of a Lagrangian time step followed by an advection step. The
advection step performs an incremental rezone, where the positions of the nodes are moved only
a small fraction of the characteristic lengths of the surrounding elements (for fluids this condition
is simply stated as saying the Courant number, C, is less than one). Whereupon the main integral
characteristics of elements (mass, momentum, internal energy) are updated using the following
advection scheme:
φeVe = φlVl + ∑φl j f j
where the sum is element faces total, φ is an advection variable, f – volume flow through the
adjacent elements, indices l and e refer to the element type (Lagrange or Euler, respectively).

The virtual test scheme was build to simulate the impact test on STF impregnated and dry
multilayered Kevlar fabric protection shell to evaluate the correctness of the STF mathematical
model. Protection shell consists of 4 layers of 0.2 mm thick Kevlar fabric submerged in STF.

Virtual impact tests on impregnated protective shells were carried out to assess energy
absorption capacity. The friction coefficient between the STF and the layers was varied from 0 to
1. Absorption capacity was measured by the reduction of the kinetic energy of the impactor. The
best result was obtained for the 0.1 value of friction coefficient. The worst result was obtained
for the dry shell. The difference in energy is more than 15%, which corresponds to of full-scale
test results. The types of shell failure are shown on figure 16.

a – STF impregnated b – dry

Fig. 16. Failure behavior of the containment.

Containment tests on the three types of protective shells were carried out:
1. Impact test of 2.2 mm thick titanium shell for comparative analysis was performed. The
shell thickness was chosen so that its mass was equal to the mass of the composite shell.
2. Impact test of a protection element consisting of a 1.4mm titanium layer and 12 layers of
0.2 mm Kevlar without impregnation was calculated.
3. Numerical simulation of impact test of the titanium layer and 12 layers of Kevlar with
STF impregnation.

Performed numerical tests on the STF impregnated and dry protective shells showed a higher
efficiency of the first one. The results of calculations are shown in Fig. 17.

It is known, that the shell layer collapsing promotes the deterioration of its protective
characteristics. STF impregnation between the layers prevents the occurrence of this effect.
Blast / Impact (1) 11th International LS-DYNA® Users Conference

Impregnation also affects the value of deflection of the titanium framework. Thus, the deflection
of unimpregnated protective shell base is 13mm versus just 3mm in impregnated one only.

a – Titanium casing. b – Composite shell w/out


c – STF impregnated.
Fig. 17. Impact tests on the protection shells.

Fig. 18 shows the graphs of the kinetic energy of the impactor on time for all three types of
protective shells.

Fig. 18. Evaluation of energy absorption capacity.

11th International LS-DYNA® Users Conference Blast / Impact (1)

The slight difference in the values of absorbed energy between pure titanium and unimpregnated
shell was observed. One of the reasons of this result is due to the fact that in calculations the
friction between the fibers within the layers was not taken into account. In the case of an
impregnated protective shell the absorption capacity increases by about 20% in comparison with
to the other tested types of protection.

Two series of dynamic tests by the SPHB method in rigid and soft casings were carried out to
determine the dynamic bulk and shear properties of STF. A simplified mathematical model of
the STF was formulated for the use in computer simulation of ballistic impact tests of
multilayered composite protective shells (Kevlar +STF).

The study confirmed the hypothesis about the possibility to describe STF behavior by a
Newtonian fluid model in the characteristic range of strain rate. The parameters of shear
viscosity and bulk compressibility of the model were defined. It was concluded that the role of
the contact conditions between STF and Kevlar basis in the process of increasing the energy
absorption capacity of Kevlar-STF barrier is significant.

It should be noted that the mechanism of contact interaction between STF and Kevlar basis can
be described by viscous friction law, i.e. the STF behaves almost as a rigid body during the
interactions with the solids, while it normally behaves as a fluid. It was shown that the
effectiveness of the STF impregnation for improving the protective properties of barriers is
largely due to the internal friction.

It was established that the STF impregnation of protective shells with titanium framework not
only increases the absorption capacity of Kevlar package, but also reduces the deflection of the
metal base.

1. Young S. Lee, Eric D. Wetzel and Norman J. Wagner, “The ballistic impact characteristics of Kevlar® woven
fabrics impregnated with a colloidal shear thickening fluid”, J. Mat. Sci., 38(13) 2825-2833, 2003.
2. Young S. Lee and Norman J. Wagner, “Dynamic properties of shear thickening colloidal suspensions”,
Rheologica Acta, 42(3), 199-208, 2003.
3. Kolsky, H. An Investigation of the Mechanical Properties of Materials at very High Rates of Loading. Proc.
Phys. Soc., 1949, vol. 62, pp. 676-700.
4. Bragov A.M., Grushevsky G.M., Lomunov A.K. Use of the Kolsky Method for Confined Tests of Soft Soils.
Experimental Mechanics. 1996. Vol.36, P.237-242
5. Hallquist, J.O. LS-DYNA Theory Manual. 2008.

Blast / Impact (1) 11th International LS-DYNA® Users Conference


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