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Jakarta06 PG 32

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Jakarta, August 14 – 16, 2006



Jill Stevens*
Errol M. Johnstone*
James V. White**
Geoffrey C. Geary*
Oliver P. Gross*
John G. McPherson*
Chris W. Rodda*
Agung B. Cahyono***

SUMMARY This regional sequence stratigraphic study includes

an interpretation of the new Cepu 3D seismic
The ExxonMobil Southeast Asia Regional Database survey, as well as regional 2D seismic, plus data
Group undertook a genetic basin analysis of the from five new Cepu wells. The stratigraphy
East Java Basin in 2002–05, following the Banyu integrates the tops database with a re-interpretation
Urip discovery. The study provided a new, of reworked and in situ microfossil faunas,
consistently age-dated, sequence stratigraphic resulting in the mapping of seven key basin-
interpretation of the basin. It utilised European wide sequence surfaces, and a new
Stage and Sequence names, and incorporated chronostratigraphic basin framework. Net
slightly modified Hardenbol et al. (1998) relative accommodation studies, using subsidence and
sea-level curves. The study involved a consistent eustatic sea-level changes, were used to
evaluation of biostratigraphic data from 94 wells in develop the sequence stratigraphic model. Time-
the basin, as well as new strontium isotope age- synchronous, sequence stratigraphic, platform-to-
dating of 17 wells. The product was a significantly graben correlations and palaeobathymetric re-
modified and improved stratigraphic dataset, with interpretations tied to second-order sequence
consistent tops throughout. stratigraphic models, resulted in a predictable
spatial facies progression. As an example, the
Multiple periods of compression, uplift, and erosion concomitant deposition of the Cepu carbonate
through the Tertiary history of the East Java Basin platform and the Ngimbang graben tidal carbonate
resulted in considerable intrabasinal reworking, are linked in a logical, structural and depositional
which has not always been recognised in the fossil history that does not require extremes of tectonic
record. Mixing of shallow- and deep-water adjustment.
foraminifera has led to conflicting interpretations of
the palaeobathymmetry and age for the Tertiary METHODOLOGY
sediments. Previous stratigraphic nomenclature has
utilised lithostratigraphic terminology, which is This study incorporated new 3D seismic,
poorly age-constrained. This has led to reprocessed regional 2D seismic, five new Cepu
considerable confusion when trying to define key wells, extensive re-evaluated biostratigraphy,
stratigraphic surfaces in the basin, e.g., top porosity strontium isotope age-dating and a reinterpretation
of the carbonate reservoirs. The regional sequence of the depositional facies (see also Johnstone, et al.,
stratigraphic framework of this study avoids the use 2006). The biostratigraphic re-evaluation of East
of diachronous lithostratigraphic surfaces, whilst Java Basin onshore and offshore wells was done
providing a more reliable facies architecture. using cuttings data from 94 wells (PT Robertson
Utama Indonesia and PT CoreLab Indonesia).
Additional re-evaluations were undertaken by
* Esso Australia Pty Ltd
** ExxonMobil Exploration Company ExxonMobil biostratigraphers. Strontium isotope
*** ExxonMobil Oil Indonesia age-dating was done on conventional and sidewall
cores (17 wells), and cuttings samples (one well) by stratigraphic architecture and structural control on
the Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research accommodation is key to understanding the Cepu
Organisation (CSIRO) and PT CoreLab Indonesia. Platform and Ngimbang Graben.
Nineteen dip-oriented log cross-sections and two
strike-oriented cross-sections were constructed to Accurate age-dating and palaeoenvironmental
evaluate the age-dating picks and help define the interpretations in the Cepu and Ngimbang area, as
logical proximal-to-distal progression of indeed throughout the East Java Basin, have been
depositional facies and palaeobathymmetric data. complicated by the issue of unrecognised reworking
The stratigraphic picks were refined by iteration and mixing of microfossil faunas associated with
between the biostratigrapher and the seismic the carbonates and clastics. However, new
interpreter. This resulted in regionally-consistent strontium isotope ages from 17 wells, including the
horizons which reflected a consistent and new Cepu wells with conventional cores and logs,
meaningful lateral facies progression and a logical and the new Cepu 3D and regional 2D seismic, have
regional structural and depositional history. all helped resolve this issue. They have helped
clarify the many ambiguities that existed with the
CHRONOSTRATIGRAPHY earlier interpretations. Not least of which, was the
necessity for rather extreme tectonics to explain the
A summary chronostratigraphic chart was 1000+ metre accommodation changes around and
constructed to summarise and define the carbonates on top of shallow-water platforms in early
and clastics in the East Java Basin in a sequence Oligocene to middle Miocene time (Rupelian 1 to
stratigraphic context (Fig. 1). In an effort to Langhian 1). It is now clear from the combined
“globalise” the chart, European stage and sequence evidence of this study, that from early Oligocene to
names were used throughout. The chart was middle Miocene time the Ngimbang graben (to the
constructed using sequence stratigraphic models, southeast of Banyu Urip) was never deeper than
built around second- and third-order sea-level about 250 m (see also Johnstone, et al., 2006). In
changes and global microfossil zones. The the light of this new work, the Oligocene to
sequence stratigraphic approach to play definition Miocene history of the Cepu Platform and
has been applied across the East Java Basin as a Ngimbang Graben can be summarised as follows:
predictive tool.
Early Oligocene (Rupelian 1 to Chattian 2)
Existing lithostratigraphic formation names, widely
referenced in the East Java literature, e.g., Kujung I, At this time the Ngimbang Graben was well
II and III, have been added to the chart to illustrate developed. Deposition, as typified by Ngimbang 1,
their broad time range and diachroneity due to poor consisted of repeated cycles of lowstand (third-
age-constraints. Use of this lithostratigraphic order), shallow-water sandstones with associated
terminology in the past has led to considerable thin coals and limestone, followed by transgressive,
confusion when trying to define key stratigraphic tidal/sub-tidal limestones, marls and thin coals.
surfaces in the basin, e.g., top porosity of the This cyclical succession was deposited in a setting
carbonate reservoirs. By contrast, the regional, of low to moderate accommodation within the
sequence-based chronostratigraphic framework graben. New strontium isotope dating of this early
leads to a consistent correlation of time- Oligocene section has removed the confusion
synchronous surfaces and a predictable spatial generated where intrabasinal reworking had
facies progression across the basin. introduced older, outer-shelf microfossil faunas into
the shallow-water setting. Ngimbang 1 was
CEPU PLATFORM AND NGIMBANG inverted in late Miocene-Pliocene time.
On the Cepu platform, carbonates were repeatedly
To illustrate the importance of redefining the exposed, eroded and locally karsted at successive
biostratigraphy for the East Java Basin, we will look lowstands through the Rupelian. Highstand
at a segment of the basin, namely the Cepu Platform deposition for this period was not preserved. The
and the Ngimbang Graben. In this setting, it is net effect of the Rupelian lowstands, coupled with
essential to have an understanding of the moderate graben subsidence, resulted in low
topographic relationship of the graben and the accommodation and limited preservation of
platform in order to correlate the on-platform platform carbonate. The lowstand exposure and
carbonates with their equivalent off-platform clastic erosion resulted in widespread reworking of pre-
sediments. The inter-relationship between Chattian 1 faunas. Subsidence of the Cepu platform
was initiated during the Chattian 1 lowstand, 1) Sequence stratigraphic, chronostratigraphy and
however, it resulted in only limited accommodation palaeobathymmetric re-interpretations tied to
on the platform because the subsidence barely second-order sequence stratigraphic models,
exceeded the effect of the Chattian 1 eustatic fall. resulted in a predictable spatial facies
progression and time-synchronous, correlatible
Post Chattian 1 movement of the Ngimbang fault in surfaces across the whole East Java Basin.
the Ngimbang graben created moderate to high
accommodation and the deposition of tidal/sub-tidal 2) Compression and uplift in the late early
limestone/marl cycles continued. Miocene to middle Miocene (Burdigalian 4 to
Langhian 1) resulted in erosion in the Cepu area
Late Oligocene (Chattian 2 to Chattian 3) of outer-shelf/slope microfossils, and re-
deposition within shelfal-depth grabens.
Subsidence continued in the grabens and there was Reworking of microfossils also resulted from
a net sea-level rise resulting in moderate the repeated episodes of exposure and erosion
accommodation over the Cepu platform. This of the carbonate platforms (e.g., Madura
forced the platform carbonates to backstep into Platform and others) during the Oligocene and
localised shallow-water areas as “keep-up” build- early Miocene lowstands.
3) The shallow-water Cepu carbonate platform
Early Miocene (Aquitanian 1 to Burdigalian 4) was not surrounded by or overtopped by
deepwater (1,000+ metres). Graben water
The main sag and “keep-up” phase started during a depths from the early Oligocene to middle
second-order net sea-level rise from Aquitanian 1 to Miocene were probably less than 250 metres.
Burdigalian 4. Multiple third-order lowstand
exposure surfaces, and resultant hiatuses, took place 4) The carbonate platform growth on high blocks,
during this episode. However, the net eustatic sea- and concomitant tidal carbonate deposition in
level rise, with minimal subsidence of the platform, the grabens, are linked in a structural and
enabled the carbonate platform at Banyu Urip to stratigraphic framework that does not require
maintain growth (“keep-up”) throughout this period. extremes of tectonic adjustment.
The end came with a slight sea-level fall in
Burdigalian 4 time which exposed the platform ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
before finally drowning it.
We would like to thank Migas for access to seismic
Clearly, the Cepu Platform and Ngimbang Graben and well data and for permission to publish this
areas must be interpreted differently. The material. We also thank Pertamina for permission
Ngimbang-1 well comprises cyclic sandstone-coal- to publish the Cepu data, the University of
marl fill (now inverted) interpreted to be shallow- Wisconsin for access to field studies, and PT
water, tidal to sub-tidal graben fill of early to late Robertson Utama Indonesia and PT CoreLab
Oligocene age (from strontium isotopes). This is Indonesia and the Commonwealth Scientific and
very different from previous interpretations for Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) for their
these deposits as outer-shelf-slope facies of possible age-dating reports utilised by ExxonMobil. The
early Oligocene to Eocene age (Pertamina, pers. authors would like to acknowledge the ExxonMobil
comm., 1975, 1990). management support of Stephen Greenlee, Dave
McBride, and David Maughan.

This paper illustrates the value in critically
reassessing biostratigraphic data in the light of a Berggren, W.A., Kent, D.V., Swisher III, C.C., and
detailed structural and stratigraphic framework. Aubry, M.P., 1995, A Revised Cenozoic
The reinterpretation has been supported by new Geochronology and Chronostratigraphy. In
seismic and well data. Net accommodation studies Berggren, W.A., Kent, D.V., Swisher III,C.C.,
using basin subsidence and eustatic sea-level Aubry, M.P., and Hardenbol, J., eds.,
changes were used to develop the sequence Geochronology, Time Scales and Global
stratigraphic model for the whole East Java Basin. Stratigraphic Correlation. SEPM Special
The key conclusions are as follows: Publication 54, Tulsa, p. 129-212.
Blow, W.H., 1979, The Cainozoic Globigerinida: A Hastings, B.S., Kendall, C.G. St. C., Posamentier,
Study of the Morphology, Taxonomy, Evolutionary H.W., Ross, C.A., and Van Wagoner, J.C., eds.,
Relationships and the Stratigraphical Distribution of Sea-level change: an integrated approach. Society
Some Globigerinida (mainly Globigerinacea): E.J. of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists
Brill, Leiden (3 volumes), 1413 p. Special Publication 42, Tulsa, p. 71-108.

Hardenbol, J., Thierry, J., Farley, M.B., Jacquin, Johnstone, E.M., McPherson, J.G., Rodda, C.W.,
Th., de Graciansky, P.C. and Vail, P.R., 1998, Stevens, J., Widarmayana, A., Pierce, A., Gross,
Mesozoic and Cenozoic sequence O.P., 2006, A revised sequence stratigraphic and
chronostratigraphic framework of European basins. depositional interpretation for the Miocene clastic
In Graciansky, P.C., Hardenbol, J., Jacquin, Th., interval in the Cepu region, East Java Basin:
and Vail, P.R., eds., Mesozoic and Cenozoic Proceedings Jakarta2006, International Geosciences
Sequence Stratigraphy of European Basins. SEPM Conference and Exhibition, Jakarta (in press).
Special Publication 60,Tulsa, p. 3-13, charts 1-8.
Martini, E., 1971, Standard Tertiary and Quaternary
Haq, B.U., Hardenbol, J., and Vail, P.R., 1988, calcareous nannoplankton zonation. In Farinacci,
Mesozoic and Cenozoic chronostratigraphy and A., ed., Proceedings of the II Planktonic
cycles of sea-level change. In Wilgus, C.K., Conference, Roma, 1970, 2, p. 739-785.
Figure 1 - East Java Basin Chronostratigraphy and Comparative Lithostratigraphic Nomenclature for the
Cepu Platform area, Central Deep and North Madura Platform.

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