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Dissertation On Effectiveness of E-Recruitment

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The effective management of human resources has long been acknowledged by

both scholars and practitioner as being a key component to the overall success of
the business. Recruitment is just one element of the human resource
management, however it is of significant importance to this success as it is the
method used to acquire the human capital for the organisation.
The recruitment process is different from the selection process. Selection is the
method used to identify the best qualified applicant for the job in terms of an
individual knowledge, skills and abilities as matched against job requirements.
The two concepts of recruitment and selection are closely related and it is
difficult to differentiate when undertaking research as one process is dependant
on, and inevitability influences, the other. The assessment of attraction from both
parties continues from the initial recruitment process through to the final
appointment outcomes.
The current study focuses on recruitment rather than selection. Recruitment has
been conceptualised by NSPL as compassing “all organisational practices and
decision that affect either the number or type of individuals who are willing to
apply for, a given vacancy” As early as 1990’s acknowledge that the rapid
technological developments in employees section led to an emphasis on research
in this selection area with the recruitment component being largely overlooked.
Recruitment is, however the key contributor to an organisation’s success as this
component defines the applicant population available from which to select the
best possible candidate. The evolving research on recruitment has continued
found evidence supporting the hypothesis that recruitment experiences frequently
represent unobservable organisational characteristics and can positively or
negatively influence job applicant.
Recruitment is not only an important business process for organisation, it is also
has significant consequences for individuals. The overall of achieving a “match”

between an organisation’s job vacancies with individual seeking a suitable job is
influenced by the recruitment process and because work is such a significant part
of many people’s lives, job choice can subsequently impact on an individual’s
From this research recognized that recruitment process is complex in nature,
meditated by organisational, legislative,social and political recruitments and


Expertise integrated numerous theories on recruitment and constructed an
organising framework of the recruitment process to highlight the complexities
involved, and help indentify future research direction for recruitment literature. A
review of this framework will help clarify the diverse and complex elements that
must be considered by an organisation when instigating a e-recruitment process.
In the past the one clear goal for the majority of organisation has been attracted a
large number of candidates. This simple goal has been challenged by me for a
number of reasons (i.e. Financial costs and time involving in processing
applications and indentifying potential candidates from unsuitable candidates)
who suggest that organisation would benefit from considering a wider range of
objectives that focuses on what the organisation is ultimately trying to achieve.
Establishing recruitment objectives involves asking some fundamental questions,
the first and most important of which should be: What type of individual
(knowledge, skills and abilities) does the organisation want to hire?
The initial assessment of the organisation’s and the position target market is of
primary importance in the recruitment process as acknowledged by a this small
range of research.




 Retention Rate  Recruitment Sources

 Job Performance  Recruiters
 Job satisfaction  Recruitment Message
 Cost of filling job Realism
 Speed of filling job
 Number of position filled
 Diversity of hires
 Number of applications
 Quality of applications
 Ratio of offer to acceptances


 Applicant Attention
STAGE 2:  Applicant comprehension
 Message credibility
STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT  Application interest job &
organisational attractiveness
 Whom to Recruit?  Accuracy of applicant’s expectations
 Where to recruit?  Self insight: Knowledge, Skills & Ability
 Recruitment sources to use?
 When to Recruit?
 What message to communicate? STAGE 5:


 Compare outcomes to objectives

The final area of interest to me has been on the recruitment sources used by
organisations to reach potential applicants for position vacant, such as referrals,
newspaper advertisement, direct applications or by using internet /social
networking sites. The process of searching for and/or evaluating potential job
opportunities within different organisations is undertaken by millions of people
throughout the world everyday of the year.
The earliest research on recruitment sources was primarily descriptive in nature,
focusing on how individuals searched for a job vacancies. The result of these
studies demonstrated a clear lack of knowledge or awareness of job openings by
individuals which at the time disproved economic theory that assumed people
were well informed and made rational job choices.
The fundamental components of the active job search phase relates to the
recruitment sources used by the organisations to advertise their job vacancies and
reach suitable and potential applicants or candidates. Job choices for an applicant
begins with the individual’s evaluation of range of information about the job and
the organisation, commencing with information obtained from the recruitment
sources. The research on recruitment sources has evolved over time and now
primarily attempts to ascertain the superiority of different sources.
The employment of the internet as a recruitment source by organisation has only
occurred only in the last two three decades, literature on the subject has started to
emerge, although relatively few studies exist which are based on methodological
and rigorous research design. Regardless, a review of the literature on internet
recruitment will help clarify areas of interest and research of the current study.

E-Recruitment is the process of personnel recruitment using electronic
resources, in particular the internet. Companies and recruitment agents have
moved much of their recruitment process online so as to improve the speed by
which candidates can be matched with live vacancies. Using database
technologies, and online job advertising boards and search engines, employers
can now fill posts in a fraction of the time previously possible. Using an online e-
Recruitment system may potentially save the employer time as usually they can
rate the eCandidate and several persons in HR independently review
eCandidates. Recruitment agencies also use a method of e-Recruitment by using
a cloud based SaaS service, there are several online offerings for ready to use
recruitment software.
The internet, which reaches a large number of people and can get immediate
feedback has become the major source of potential job candidates and well
known as online recruitment or E-recruitment. However, it may generate many
unqualified candidates and may not increase the diversity and mix of employees.
In terms of HRM, the internet has radically changed the recruitment function
from the organisational and job seekers' perspective. Conventional methods of
recruitment processes are readily acknowledged as being time-consuming with
high costs and limited geographic reach. However, recruitment through World
Wide Web (WWW) provides global coverage and ease. Likewise, the speedy
integration of the internet into recruitment processes is primarily recognised due
to the internet's unrivalled communications capabilities, which enable recruiters
for written communications through e-mails, blogs and job portals.


E-recruitment, also known within the literature as online recruitment, internet
recruitment or cyberecuiting refers to the practice of advertising job vacancies
online, and the formal sourcing of information about job online. The rise in the
amount of literature on e-recruitment was initially attributed to the sudden
increase in the use of online recruitment by IT companies and universities
although the technology field is constantly changing and progressing, much of
what has been discussed. It is therefore important that new research on e-
recruitment is regularly published to report new developments as they arise.

The popularity of internet as a recruitment source now sees a variety of positions
being advertised on the internet from traditionally blue collared/trades type roles,
to white collar and professional positons. Firstly it was predicted that ”The
internet may well be transforming forever the way corporations recruit
employees and the way individuals hunt jobs” has certainly come to fruition in
today’s workforce. Indeed, the popularity of the internet as a means of sourcing
jobs should continues to rise following the recent approval of “jobs”. Such a
move could vastly reduce the cost of corporate recruiters who currently pay fees
to post jobs on commercial job boards , and has the potential to take the
commercial job boards out of the market if they are unable to capabilities on it.
Organisations also promote and encourage the use of online recruitment by
integrating it with the overall corporate marketing and branding strategies
through the inclusion of their Internet address in mainline and classified
advertisements. Indeed, there has been research which links corporate advertising
with increased quality of applicants. The findings from their study indicated that
organisational advertising was the only predictor that had consistently significant
direct effect on measures of applicant quantity and applicant quality.
Internet recruiting also extends to more interactive recruitment tools, creating an
avenue to build relationships between job seekers and organisations.


a. Lower costs to the organization. Also, posting jobs online is cheaper than
advertising in the newspapers.

b. No intermediaries.

c. Reduction in the time for recruitment (over 65 percent of the hiring time).

d. Facilitates the recruitment of right type of people with the required skills.

e. Improved efficiency of recruitment process.

f. Gives a 24 X 7 access to an online collection of resumes.

g. Online recruitment helps the organisations to weed out the unqualified
candidates in an automated way.

h. Recruitment websites also provide valuable data and information regarding the
compensation offered by the competitors etc. which helps the HR managers to
take various HR decisions like promotions, salary trends in industry etc.


Apart from the various benefits, e-recruitment has its own share of shortcomings
and disadvantages.

Some of them are:

a. Screening and checking the skill mapping and authenticity of millions of
resumes is a problem and time consuming exercise for organizations.

b. There is low Internet penetration, no access and lack of awareness of internet

in many locations across India.

c. Organizations cannot depend solely on the online recruitment methods.

d. In India, the employers and the employees still prefer a face-to-face interaction
rather than sending e-mails.

e. Too many candidates

While you may wonder how too many candidates applying for your job could
ever count as a disadvantage, it is a fact that dealing with inappropriate,
irrelevant and bad candidates is the bugbear of many a HR manager. Candidate
spam can waste a lot of time. However, with a bit of thought about what job site
you use, how you write your job description and using candidate screening and
filtering tools on job boards, it is possible to reduce the number irrelevant

f. It won’t always work

That’s right. Online recruitment won’t always work. Not every job vacancy you
post can or will be filled online. There will always be difficult-to-fill jobs that can
only be filled by recruitment consultants, head hunters or in other ways.
However, most companies tend to hire for pretty standard job roles so this is
seldom an issue.


Managing Recruitment has always been a hectic task, but NOT ANY MORE!
NishSoft Services Pvt. Ltd. (Previously known as NSPS) offers RPO and
Recruitment Consulting services to meet the ever changing recruitment needs
with consistency. We offer our services to small, medium and large
conglomerates where they save time, money and hiring stress. We deal with
complete recruiting procedure; for example sourcing, conducting first level
technical interview as per the JD, managing the entire recruitment process and
MIS etc. When proven specialists like us work closely with the HR department,
the efficiency of the talent acquisition procedure is improved and this in turn
strengthens the employer’s ability to hire the best people!
Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) is a form of business process
outsourcing (BPO) where an employer transfers all or part of its recruitment
processes to an external service provider. It’s an ideal way to recruit potential
candidates and save hiring cost. The services include CV sourcing, screening,
interviewing, delivering and discussing and rolling out the offer. Our RPO
consultants work closely with the client and execute all recruitment activities
from the client premises as per the Service Level Agreement (SLA). Our team of
Account manager, Team Lead, Technical recruiters & MIS person would interact
with the clients and business units closely. As our team would operate from the
client’s premises, the communication gap will be eliminated completely. This
helps the HR department in an organization to focus on core processes and
increases the efficiency of an organization where our job would be to empower
the recruitment strategy. Thus, we would implement flexible and customized
programs of recruiting to source the candidates effectively.
We design RPO solutions depending on the requirements of the client. This helps the HR
department in an organization to focus on core processes and increases the efficiency of an
organization where our job would be to empower the recruitment strategy. Thus, we would
implement flexible and customized strategy of sourcing the right candidates effectively in
order to recruit best talent.
NishSoft Services Pvt. Ltd. possesses a decade long experience in consulting and RPO
business. We have the right expertise, powerful tools and technological advantage in meeting
the strictest demand of quality workforce. A few benefits of hiring our RPO services are
stated below.

 Ensures high quality candidate profiles.

 Saves time, money and overall recruitment costs.

 HR can Focus on the core business activities.

 Eradicates dependency on recruitment agencies and various job portals.

 Ensures effective information sharing through MIS reports to all stake holders.

Our Consulting Services help to fetch the right candidate and simplify the daunting tasks of
HR teams in an organization. You can even outsource the recruitment services to us. We
would offer sourcing solutions from our office premises and throughout the search process
we support our clients to find competent candidates. We utilize our technological methods
for resume sourcing, where we search our database, visit various sites and use other sourcing
practices to meet the needs of our clients. We utilize excellent job profiling strategies to find
a perfect candidate. We would interview and screen the candidates to give satisfying results.
We would shortlist the talented and potential candidates and communicate with them. So,
you only get interested candidates and save your time.
To produce the best results and to build a continuous pipeline of skilled professionals, we
offer technical interview services. We perform the first level technical interview as well as
advanced level technical interview depending on the choice of our clients. So, you do not
waste time over interviewing not so suitable candidates and get only the qualified and
suitable individuals.


Every project report is carried out with some specific objective in the mind.
Objective is basically the purpose behind conducting a project and unless the
objective is certain on specifically defined, it is not understood what data has to
be collected.
1. To study the importance of E-Recruitment in NishSoft Service Private Limited
2. To identify the issues involved in dealing with candidates sourcing through E-


The research study is a descriptive study. Questionnaires is designed to collect the data
from lower and upper level employees from HR Department of NishSoft Services
Private Limited, Pune.

Survey (Primary data is collected through self structured questionnaires)
 PRIMARY DATA: primary data was collected with the help of
questionnaires and personal interview with the employees.
 SECONDARY DATA: secondary data was collected by referring to the
company manuals, related information from the internet and books and

Sample Unit: Employees from consultancy & higher authority who is handling all the work
force in the NishSoft Services Private Limited,Pune.
 Sample Size:10 Members (3 HR officials and 8 are both HR Executives and
HR Trainees )


Q1. What recruitment sources does your organization use?

a) Paper
b) Internet
c) Recruitment Agency

X Result(%) Response

Paper 30% 3

Internet 50% 5

Recruitment Agency 20% 2

Agency; 20%;
20.00% Paper; 30%;
30.00% Paper
Recruitment Agency

Internet; 50%;


On a question about what recruitment sources they use then on the response of this 50%
said they are using internet as their recruitment source while 20% and 30% said they prefer
using paper and recruitment agency respectively. We can found out that most of the senior
and experienced people prefer to use internet as their recruitment source for finding out
the candidates for their clients or as well for their company itself.

Q2.Do you use the following internet recruitment measures? If yes then at what

a) Organizational website
b) Commercial job boards
c) Media site
d) Other

X Result(%) Response
Organisational Website 20 2
Commercial Board 30 3
Media 30 3
Other 20 2

Other; 20; Organisational

20.00% Website; 20;
20.00% Organisational Website
Commercial Board
Commercial Media
Media; 30; Other
Board; 30;
30.00% 30.00%


On a question that do you use the following internet recruitment ie. Organisational website,
Commercial board, Media or other 30% people said they preferred using both Commercial
and Media platform for the advertisement of the opening or for finding out the candidates
and rest 20% said they preferred organisational website and other for finding out the exact
matching profile for their particular opening.

Q3. What do you belief are the advantages with using the internet as a
recruitment sources as compared to the other sources?

Response: On asking the above question following is the reply given by the HR

“I think it really brought recruiting to a new level. Using internet as source of

candidates was really a great function, as there are more devices connected to
the recruitment sources. By using internet chances to reach out to candidates
via e-recruitment are higher, other resources like newspaper or one to one
advertisement takes lot of time basically it’s a time consuming task”.

Interpretation: We can interpret that most of the higher level of the HR

professional believe that internet as a recruitment source is more better and
efficient than the other resources like advertisement on newspaper or doing
advertisement through man to man because it is get difficult to reach more and
more people for the particular requirement.

Q4. Do you believe the internet has added value to your recruitment process
from an employer perspective?

a) Yes
b) No

X Result(%) Response

Yes 70 7

No 30 3

No; 30;
Yes; 70;

INTERPRETATION: On a question about do they believe the internet has added

value to their recruitment from an employer’s perspective then on the response
of this 70% of the employees including both senior and junior staff said e-
recruitment added more value to their process because it helps to finding out
the right candidate for the complicated position and in a pool also will able to
find out the aspiring candidates . Other 30% replied that its better to use
advertisement and old resources which helps in finding out the candidates
because this helps to grab exact candidate for the required position.

Q5. Do you believe the internet has added value to your recruitment process
from an candidate perspective?

a) Yes
b) No

X Result(%) Response
Yes 60 6
No 40 4

No; 40; 40.00% Yes

Yes; 60; 60.00% No

INTERPRETATION: On a question about do they believe the internet has added

value to their recruitment from a candidate perspective then on the response of
this 60% of the employed or people who are looking for the job replied that e-
recruitment added more value to finding out the jobs availability and reaching
out to the exact employers to whom they want to and 40% replied that at some
extent e-recruitment is not helping them to find out the right kind of job profile
what they are looking for and also not helpful for those people who are working
on daily basis or we can say it as not helpful for the blue collared employees.

Q6. Do you think that internet considered effective tools in finding job

a) Yes
b) No

X Result(%) Response
Yes 90 9
No 10 1

No; 10; 10.00%


Yes; 90; 90.00%

INTERPRETATION: On a question about do they think internet considered

effective tools in finding job vacancies than 90% of the employees said internet
is very much helpful in finding job vacancies as a employee and as candidate
also and rest 10% said with regards to the exact opening internet resources
does not help.

Q7.Which way is more preferable to you to advertise your job vacancies

a) Direct Advertisement
b) Social Media
c) Job portals

X Result(%) Response

Direct Advertisement 20 2

Social Media 30 3

Job portals 50 5

20; 20.00%
Direct Advertisement
Job portals; 50;
Social Media
Social Media; Job portals
30; 30.00%

INTERPRETATION: On a question about which way is more preferable to

advertise your job vacancies than on response of this 50% replied job portals
are best to advertise because most of the people who are employed or
unemployed put their CV’s and resumes on job portals for getting proper and
suitable job and 30% feels that social media is better to prefer to know about
the openings and rest prefer to use newspaper advertisement.

Q8. Which type of Technology (Social media ) more preferable to be used to
select your Employees?

a) Portals c) Facebook

b) Twitter d) LinkedIn

X Result(%) Response
Portals 60 6
Twitter 10 1
Facebook 10 1
LinkedIn 20 2

LinkedIn; 20;
Facebook; 10; Twitter
10.00% Portals; 60; Facebook
Twitter; 10; 60.00% LinkedIn

INTERPRETATION: On a question about which types of technology more

preferable to be used to select employees than on response of this 60%
employers prefer to use linkedIn because it is knows as the professional website
to connect with expertise people and would get sincere candidates apart from
the sincerity linkedIn help to find out the candidate to whom we can able to
connect professionally and rest 40% prefer other social website.

Q9. Do you think e-recruitment give opportunity and diversity to the companies
to choose qualified Employees ( nationality, qualifications) ?


b) No

X Result(%) Response

Yes 60 6

No 40 4

No; 40;
Yes; 60; Yes No

INTERPRETATION: On a question about do they think e-recruitment give

opportunity and diversity to choose qualified employees than on response to
this 60% replied that yes it helps companies to find out the qualified
employees and 40% responded at some extent it doesn’t help because
sometime it get difficult to find out the niche skills candidates or the
required candidate for limited openings.

Q10. Do you think that internet facilitate and helps in managing the recruitment

a) Yes

b) No

X Result(%) Response

Yes 80 8

No 20 2

No; 20;


Yes; 80;

INTERPRETATION: On asking question about that do they think that internet

facilitate and helps in managing the recruitment process than on response of
this 80% replied yes internet facilitate and helps in managing the recruitment
process because there are few numbers of sites and software which take cares
of the entire recruitment process and help the recruitment department to
manage the entire process of recruitment and saves the time. Rest 20% just
believes in doing the manual work.


1. The present study developed a theoretical model with practical application
to investigate organisational and applicant perspectives of the value of e-
recruitment in comparison to more traditional recruitment source, and
whether applicant perceptions are linked to their subsequent intention to
persue a job.
2. Research on e-recruitment source effectiveness by linking perspectives
from development of a new model to assess effectiveness by linking
perspectives from both the organisational and the applicant viewpoints to
the recruitment sources.
3. From an organisational perspective, the relationship between recruitment
sources and its impact on organisations in terms of the pre-hire recruitment
outcomes of the quantity of applications and the subsequent quality of this
applicant pool.
4. The result of this study presented evidence to suggest that the internet, a
relatively new recruitment sources, is the most effective recruitment source
for the organisations to utilise.
5. The finding provide evidence to indicate that the use of internet will
generate better quality applicants than other sources. This finding was
linked to an assessment of applicant quality at two point of recruitment
process, the shortlisted applicant stage, and the appointed stage.
6. In terms of applicant that were shortlisted for the positions the result
actually provided evidence that the newspaper as a recruitment source was
not the most effective in attracting quality applicants for the academics
employment group.
7. This finding again contradicts sources superiority research which has
previously established differences in the quality of applicants between
8. The method used to access quality in the current study involved the
complication of secondary data from the organisation which captured the
recruitment sources first utilised by those applicants who met pre-
determined position criteria and were shortlisted for and ultimately
appointed to position.
9. In terms of practical implications, the current study provides a
contribution for practitioners and organisations by providing an evaluation

on the effectiveness of e-recruitment sources, and recommends the
continued use of a variety of sources to reach target markets.

10. The findings of the current study that e-recruitment ranked first in
sourcing quality shortlisted candidates for academics position disputes the
findings of previous research which has ranked newspaper sources at the
higher in sourcing quality application.


This research has assessed source effectiveness in attracting quality applications
through the measures of pre-hire outcomes and a specific examination of internet
as a recruitment sources, research measures that have not had extensive coverage
previously. The research focused on assessing the effectiveness of recruitment
sources from an applicant and an organisational perspective. Effectiveness was
defined in terms of quantity and quality of applications. Highlighted within the
research on recruitment source effects has been a range of design differences
across studies which led to difficulties in establishing clear conclusion as to
sources effects. New variables focusing on pre-hire outcomes criteria and the
rarely studied internet a recruitment source were introduced into this study to
address two primary gaps identifies in research. The relationship between sources
and applicant perspectives were subsequently theorised to impact on the
dependant variable of applicant intention to pursue the job. Emphasis was
focused on the impact of e-recruitment on all proposed relationship and was the
basis of broader questioners on source effects.
Overall, it was determined that the internet is the most effective source for
organisation to use. The internet was equivalent to, or above the effectiveness of
other sources based on measures of quality up to commencement of the job. E-
recruitment sources were identified as attracting the highest quality shortlisted
applications for the academics employment group which dispute numerous
research findings on this sources effectiveness. Organisational perceptions
indicates that e-recruitment is regarded as a more effective source in attracting
quality applicants than other sources in terms of its ease of access, cost-
effectiveness and communication capabilities, highlighting a discrepancy
between perception and actual recruitment outcomes.
The result indicates the some support for source effect on the measure of
applicant intentions to pursue the job. However, in measuring applicant
perceptions, there was no identifiable relationship between source and applicant
perceptions, and their subsequent intention to pursue the position.
The result from the organisational perspective provided some support for the
applicant fit recruitment theory in terms of the salary and location of the job. The
research indicates that the attributes of the job are the first consideration for
applicants when sourcing suitable positions. Organisations should therefore focus
on the marketing of specific job attributes with the internet advertisement,
including the job title, salary and location. The other key component of the

recruitment strategy for organisations to concentrate on is the placement of the
advertisement and which sources to use.
The future of recruitment will continue to evolve and provide a challenge for
researchers and practitioners in determining recruitment theories and strategies
that will help capture the best quality pool of applicants available.


1. Anonymous.2008: Online recruiting : What works, what doesn’t, HR focus,
Vol. March: 1

2. Baillies, J.1996, Attracting employees who surf the Internet, People
Management, Vol.2: 46-50
3. Barber, A.E. 2013, Recruiting Employees : Individual & Organisational
4. Berry, M. 2009, HR Must embrace job site, Personnel Today, Vol.
5. Zottoli, M.A. & Wanous, J.P. 2000, Recruitment Source Research: Current
Status & Future Direction: Human Resource Management Review, 10(4):


Q1. What recruitment sources does your organization use?

d) Paper
e) Internet
f) Recruitment Agency

Q2.Do you use the following internet recruitment measures? If yes then at what

e) Organizational website?
f) Commercial job boards?
g) Media site(eg. Those associated with newspaper such as CarrerOne)?
h) Other

Q3. What do you belief are the advantages with using the internet as a
recruitment sources as compared to the other sources?

Q4. Do you believe the internet has added value to your recruitment process
from an employer perspective?

c) Yes
d) No

Q5. Do you believe the internet has added value to your recruitment process
from a candidate perspective?

c) Yes
d) No

Q6. Do you think that Internet considered effective tools in finding job

a) Yes
b) No

Q10.Which way is more preferable to you to advertise your job vacancies

a) Direct
b) Social media
c)Online ( Different
web sites )

Q7. Which type of Technology (Social media ) more preferable to be used to

select your

a) Online

b) Twitter

d) LinkedIn

Q8. Do you think Social media give opportunity and diversity to the companies
to choose qualified Employees ( nationality, qualifications) ?


b) No

Q9. Do you think that Internet helps in selecting the right employee?

a) Yes

b) No

Q10. Do you think that internet facilitate and helps in managing the recruitment

c) Yes

d) No


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