Open Text Document-2
Open Text Document-2
Open Text Document-2
3) Fail Safe scenarios – Exception items fall into failsafe if any metadata is missing
a) DP Doc Dashboard-Under DP Doc Dashboard,we can see all the exception documents falling
into fail safe due to user error.(Error in metadata )
b) Header WF- Documents with errors at the header level like incorrect vendor number,
incorrect PO number, and missing vendor/PO number etc.fall under this category.
c) Line Item WF- Documents with errors at the line item level ie- price & quantity difference in
PO and Invoices , missing GRN fall under this category
4) Normal Requests in Open Text
a) Reroute Work Items from one associate to other associate- Examples of this would be,
where an associate is on vacation,or document assigned to an incorrect associate
b) Replace the work items reserved by an associate- Examples of this would be where an
associate has reserved work items and has gone on long vacation or has left the company
.With replace manually option, the work item can be available to a group.If the associate
names a particular associate to assign the work item, then administer forward option is
c) Why and where the workflow is stuck-: A workflow is stuck in below cases
1. If the coder and approver roles are not maintained in the chart of authority
2. If the work center is not created
3. If the work center is created, but the associate role as buyer not maintained in the work
5) Chart of Authority
/OPT/VIM_7CX1 - Approval Baseline COA Maintenance-
Under the chart of authority the coder and approver master data is maintained. If an associate
has to perform activities like coding, indexing and approving his master data needs to be
maintained in chart of authority. SAP User ID is same as Windows ID.
The approval limit for the coder and approver is also maintained in the chart of authority
company code wise and currency wise.
6) Work Center maintenance- T code PO01 is used for work center maintenance. A work center is
created in Dev and moved to QA & PR with a manual transport request. Through T code
SE38,the work center is added to TR with program RHMOVE30.Once a work center is created a
system id is assigned to it and this is referred as agent id in simple mode role maintenance.
Relationship info type gives the list of users maintained under that work center
Agent ID
/OPT/VIM_ANALYTICS – We can see workflow log.
9) Important Tables to be referred in Open Text
/OPT/VIM_1HEAD - Doc Header Associate ID
/OPT/VIM_1LOG - Document Log
/OPT/VIM_HD_DP – Header
HRP1001 – User and WorkCentre Combination.
10) How to test a scenario in Open text.