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Bus Bus Bus CPU Bus Bus: Basic Input-Output Services and The System Bus

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Basic Input-Output Services and the System Bus

A key concept for this discussion is the bus. So, just what is a bus? In computer terms,
it has a similar meaning as your local county public transit, as it is used to move
something from one place to another. The county transit bus moves people; a
computer bus moves information.
The information is transmitted along the bus as electric signals. If you have ever
opened up a computer, you probably saw that there is one central printed circuit board
with the CPU, the expansion cards, and several chips sticking out of it. The electronic
connections between these parts is referred to as a bus.
The signals that move along a computer bus comes in two basic forms: control and
data. Control signals do just that: they control things. Data signals are just that: data. I
will get to how this happens and what each part does as we move along.
In todays PC computer market, there are several buses, many of which have the same
functions but approach things quite differently. In this section, I am going to talk
about the different bus types, what goes on between the different devices on the bus,
and what the main components are that communicate along the bus.
Despite differences in bus types, certain aspects of the hardware are common among
all PCs. The Basic Input Output System (BIOS), interrupts, Direct Memory
Access channels, and base addresses are just a few. Although once the kernel is
loaded, Linux almost never needs the system BIOS. However, understanding the
function and purpose of the BIOS is useful in understanding the process that the
computer goes through when booting. That is, from the time you hit the power switch
to when Linux has full control of the hardware.
The BIOS is the mechanism DOS uses to access the hardware. DOS (or a DOS
application) makesBIOS calls that then transfer the data to and from the devices.
Except for the first few moments of theboot process and the last moment of a
shutdown, Linux may never use it again.
The standard BIOS for PCs is the IBM BIOS, but that's simply because "PC" is an
IBM standard. However, "standard" does not mean "most common," as there are
several other BIOS vendors, such as Phoenix and AMI.
DOS or a DOS application makes device independent calls to the BIOS to transfer
data. The BIOS then translates this into device dependent instructions. For
example, DOS (or the application) requests that the hard disk read a certain block of
data. The application does not care what kind of hard disk hardware there is, nor
should it. It is the BIOS's job to make that translation to something the specific hard
disk can understand.
In Linux, on the other hand, a special program called a device driver handles the
functions of theBIOS. As we talked about in the section on the kernel, device drivers
are sets of routines that directly access the hardware, just as the BIOS does.
The fact that Linux by-passes the BIOS and goes directly to the hardware is one
reason why some hardware will work under DOS but not under Linux. In some
instances, the BIOS has been specially designed for the machine on which it runs.
Because of this, it can speak the same dialect of "machine language" that the rest of
the hardware speaks. However, because UNIX does not speak the same dialect, things
get lost in the translation.
The Intel 80x86 family of processors has an I/O space that is distinct from memory
space. What this means is that memory (or RAM) is treated differently than I/O. Other
machine architectures, such as the Motorola 68000 family, see accessing memory
and I/O as the same thing. Although the addresses for I/O devices appears as "normal"
memory addresses and the CPU is performing a read or write as it would to RAM, the
result is completely different.
When accessing memory, either for a read or write, the CPU utilizes the
same address and data lines as it does when accessing RAM. The difference lies in the
M/IO# line on the CPU. For those not familiar with digital electronics, this can also be
described as the "Memory/Not IO" line. That is, if the line is high (there is a signal on
the line), the CPU addresses memory. If it is low (no signal), it addresses
an I/O device.
Although the Linux operating system is much different from DOS, it still must access
the hardware in the same fashion. There are assembly language instructions that allow
an operating system (or any program for that matter) to access the hardware correctly.
By passing these commands the base address of the I/O device, the CPU knows to
keep the M/IO# line low and therefore access the device and not memory.
You can often see the base address of each device on the system when you boot. The
hardware screen shows you the devices it recognizes along with certain values such as
the base address, theinterrupt vector, and the DMA channel. You can also see this
same information by looking in the /var/log/messages and several files in the /proc file
If your motherboard only uses 10 address lines, devices on the motherboard that have
an I/Oaddress (such as the DMA controller and PIC) will appear at their normal
address, as well as at "image" addresses. This is because the higher 6 bits are ignored,
so any 16-bit address in which the lower 10 bits match will show up as an
"image" address. Because 6 bits are ignored, there are 63 possible "image" addresses
(64 minus the one for the "real" address).
These image addresses may cause conflicts with hardware that have I/O addresses
higher than 0x3FF (1023), which is the highest possible with only 10 address lines.
Therefore, if your motherboard only has 10 bits of I/O addresses, you shouldn't put
devices at addresses higher than 0x3FF.
When you install, it is vital that no two devices have overlapping (or identical) base
addresses. Though you can share interrupts and DMA channels on some machines,
you can never share base addresses. If you attempt to read a device that has an
overlapping base address, you may get information from both devices.
If you are installing a board whose default base address is the same as the one already
on the system, you must change one address before they both will work. Additionally,
you are almost always asked for the base address of a card when you install it.
Therefore, you will need to keep track ofaddress. See the section on troubleshooting
for tips on maintaining a notebook with this kind of information.
The table below contains a list of the more common devices and the base
address ranges that they use.

Table - Common Hex Addresses

HexRange Device

000-0ff Motherboard devices (DMA

Controller, PIC, timer chip, etc.)

1f0-1f8 Fixed disk controller (WD10xx)

278-27f Parallel port 2

2f8-2ff Serial port 2

378-37f Parallel port 1

3bc-3bf Monochrome display and parallel port 2

3c0-3cf EGA or VGA adapter

3d0-3df CGA, EGA, or VGA adapter

3f0-3f7 Floppy disk controller

3f8-3ff Serial port 1

The Expansion Bus

It is generally understood that the speed and capabilities of the CPU is directly related to the
performance of the system as a whole. In fact, the CPU is a major selling point of PCs, especially
among less-experienced users. One aspect of the machine that is less understood and therefore
less likely to be an issue is the expansion bus.

The expansion bus, simply put, is the set of connections and slots that enable users to add to, or
expand, their system. Although it's not really an "expansion" of the system, you often find video
cards and hard disk controllers attached to the "expansion" bus.

Anyone who has opened his or her machine has seen parts of the expansion bus. The slots used
to connect cards to the system are part of this bus. Note that people will often refer to this bus as
"the bus." Though it will be understood what is meant, there are other buses on the system. Just
keep this in mind as you go through this chapter.

Most people are aware of the differences in CPUs, whether the CPU is 16, 32 or 64-bit, what the
speed of the processor is, whether there is a math co-processor, and so on. The concepts of BIOS
and interrupts are also commonly understood.

One part of the machines hardware that is somewhat less known and often causes confusion is
the bus architecture. This is the basic way in which the hardware components (usually on the
motherboard) all fit together. Linux will run on several different kinds of buses. The most
common are those in PCs, which I will talk about first. (Note: Here I am referring to the main
system bus, although Linux can access devices on other buses.)

The three major types of bus architectures used are the Industry Standard Architecture (ISA), the
Extended Industry Standard Architecture (EISA), and the Micro-Channel Architecture (MCA).
Both ISA and EISA machines are manufactured by a wide range of companies, but only a few
(primarily IBM) manufacture MCA machines. As of this writing, no commercial distributions are
available for MCA, but a development project is underway.

In addition to these three architectures, a few other bus types can be used in conjunction with or
to supplement the three, including the Small Computer System Interface (SCSI), Peripheral
Component Interconnect (PCI), and the Video Electronics Standards Association Local Bus
(VLB or VL-Bus).

Both PCI and VLB exist as separate buses on the computer motherboard. Expansion cards exist
for both these types of buses. You will usually find either PCI or VLB in addition to either ISA or
EISA. Sometimes, however, you can also find both PCI and VLB in addition to the primary bus.
In addition, it is possible to have machines that only have PCI because it is a true system bus and
not an expansion bus like VLB. Because of the advantages of the PCI-Bus, some manufacturers
are beginning to manufacture machines with only the PCI-Bus. However, as of this writing, only
a few machines provide PCI-only expansion buses.

SCSI, on the other hand, complements the existing bus architecture by adding an additional
hardware controller to the system. There are SCSI controllers (more commonly referred to as
host adapters) that fit in ISA, EISA, MCA, PCI, or VLB slots.
As I mentioned before, most people are generally aware of the relationship between CPU
performance and system performance. However, every system is only as strong as its weakest
component. Therefore, the expansion bus also sets limits on the system performance.

There were several drawbacks with the original expansion bus in the original IBM PC. First, it
was limited to only 8 data lines, which meant that only 8 bits could be transferred at a time.
Second, the expansion bus was, in a way, directly connected to the CPU. Therefore, it operated at
the same speed as the CPU, which meant that to improve performance with the CPU, the
expansion bus had to be altered as well. The result would have been that existing expansion cards
would be obsolete.

In the early days of PC computing, IBM was not known to want to cut its own throat. It has
already developed quite a following with the IBM PC among users and developers. If it decided
to change the design of the expansion bus, developers would have to re-invent the wheel and
users would have to buy all new equipment. There was the risk that users and developers would
switch to another platform instead of sticking with IBM.

Rather than risk that, IBM decided that backward compatibility was a paramount issue. One key
change was severing the direct connection between the expansion bus and CPU. As a result,
expansion boards could operate at a different speed than the CPU, enabling users to keep existing
hardware and enabling manufacturers to keep producing their expansion cards. As a result, the
IBM standard became the industry standard, and the bus architecture became known as the
Industry Standard Architecture, or ISA.

In addition to this change, IBM added more address and data lines. They doubled the data lines
to 16 and increased the address lines to 24. This meant that the system could address up to 16
megabytes of memory, the maximum that the 80286 CPU (Intel's newest central processor at the
time) could handle.

When the 80386 came out, the connection between the CPU and bus clocks were severed
completely because no expansion board could operate at the 16MHz or more that the 80386
could. The bus speed does not need to be an exact fraction of the CPU speed, but an attempt has
been made to keep it there because by keeping the bus and CPU synchronized, it is easier to
transfer data. The CPU will only accept data when it coincides with its own clock. If an attempt
is made to speed the bus a little, the data must wait until the right moment in the CPUs clock
cycle to pass the data. Therefore, nothing has been gained by making it faster.

One method used to speed up the transfer of data is Direct Memory Access, or DMA. Although
DMA existed in the IBM XT, the ISA-Bus provided some extra lines. DMA enables the system
to move data from place to place without the intervention of the CPU. In that way, data can be
transferred from, lets say, the hard disk to memory while the CPU is working on something else.
Keep in mind that to make the transfer, the DMA controller must have complete control of both
the data and the address lines, so the CPU itself cannot access memory at this time. What DMA
access looks like graphically we see in Figure 0-1.
Image - Direct Memory Access (interactive)

Lets step back here a minute. It is somewhat incorrect to say that a DMA transfer occurs without
intervention from the CPU, as it is the CPU that must initiate the transfer. Once the transfer is
started, however, the CPU is free to continue with other activities. DMA controllers on ISA-Bus
machines use "pass-through" or "fly-by" transfers. That is, the data is not latched or held
internally but rather is simply passed through the controller. If it were latched, two cycles would
be needed: one to latch into the DMA controller and another to pass it to the device or memory
(depending on which way it was headed).

Devices tell the DMA controller that they wish to make DMA transfers through one of three
"DMA Request" lines, numbered 13. Each of these lines is given a priority based on its number,
1 being the highest. The ISA-Bus includes two sets of DMA controllers: four 8-bit channels and
four 16-bit channels. The channels are labeled 07, 0 having the highest priority.

Each device on the system capable of doing DMA transfers is given its own DMA channel. The
channel is set on the expansion board usually by means of jumpers. The pins to which these
jumpers are connected are usually labeled DRQ, for DMA Request.

The two DMA controllers (both Intel 8237), each with four DMA channels, are cascaded
together. The master DMA controller is the one connected directly to the CPU. One of its DMA
channels is used to connect to the slave controller. Because of this, there are actually only seven
channels available.

Everyone who has had a baby knows what an interrupt-driven operating system like Linux goes
through on a regular basis. Just like a baby when it needs its diaper changed, when a device on
the expansion bus needs servicing, it tells the system by generating an interrupt (the baby cries).
For example, when the hard disk has transferred the requested data to or from memory, it signals
the CPU by means of an interrupt. When keys are pressed on the keyboard, the keyboard
interface also generates an interrupt.

On receiving such an interrupt, the system executes a set of functions commonly referred to as an
Interrupt Service Routine, or ISR. Because the reaction to a key being pressed on the keyboard is
different from the reaction when data is transferred from the hard disk, there needs to be different
ISRs for each device. Although the behavior of ISRs is different under DOS than UNIX, their
functionality is basically the same. For details on how this works under Linux, see the chapter on
the kernel.

On the CPU, there is a single interrupt request line. This does not mean that every device on the
system is connected to the CPU via this single line, however. Just as a DMA controller handles
DMA requests, an interrupt controller handles interrupt requests. This is the Intel 8259
Programmable Interrupt Controller, or PIC.
On the original IBM PC, there were five "Interrupt Request" lines, numbered 27. Here again, the
higher the number, the lower the priority. (Interrupts 0 and 1 are used internally and are not
available for expansion cards.)

The ISA-Bus also added an additional PIC, which is "cascaded" off the first PIC. With this
addition, there were now 1615 interrupt values on the system (2x8-1 because the second is
cascaded of the first). However, not all of these were available to devices. Interrupts 0 and 1 were
still used internally, but so were interrupts 8 and 13. Interrupt 2 was something special. It, too,
was reserved for system use, but instead of being a device of some kind, an interrupt on line 2
actually meant that an interrupt was coming from the second PIC, similar to the way cascading
works on the DMA controller.

A question I brought up when I first started learning about interrupts was "What happens when
the system is servicing an interrupt and another one comes in?" Two mechanism can help in this
situation .

Remember that the 8259 is a "programmable" interrupt controller. There is a machine instruction
called Clear Interrupt Enable, or CLI. If a program is executing what is called a critical section of
code (a section that should not be stopped in the middle), the programmer can call the CLI
instruction and disable acknowledgment of all incoming interrupts. As soon as the critical section
is finished and closed, the program should execute a Set Interrupt Enable, or STI, instruction
somewhat shortly afterward.

I say "should" because the programmer doesn't have to do this. A CLI instruction could be in the
middle of a program somewhere and if the STI is never called, no more interrupts will be
serviced. Nothing, aside from common sense, prevents the programmer from doing this. Should
the program take too long before it calls the STI, interrupts could get lost. This is common on
busy systems when characters from the keyboard "disappear."

The second mechanism is that the interrupts are priority based. The lower the interrupt request
level, or IRQ, the higher the priority. This has an interesting side effect because the second PIC
(or slave) is bridged off the first PIC (or master) at IRQ2. The interrupts on the first PIC are
numbered 07, and on the second PIC the interrupts are numbered 8-15. However, the slave PIC is
attached to the master at interrupt 2. Therefore, the actual priority is 0, 1, 8-15, 3-7.

Table 0-2 contains a list of the standard interrupts.

Table -2 Default Interrupts

IRQ Device
0 System timer
1 Keyboard
2 Second level interrupt
3 COM 2
4 COM 1
5 Printer 2
6 Floppy
7 Printer 1
8 Clock
9 Not assigned
10 Not assigned
11 Not assigned
12 Not assigned
13 Math coprocessor
14 Hard Disk
15 Hard Disk
There's one thing you should consider when dealing with interrupts. On XT machines, IRQ 2
was a valid interrupt. Now on AT machines, IRQ 2 is bridged to the second PIC. So, to ensure
that devices configured to IRQ 2 work properly, the IRQ 2 pin on the all the expansion slots are
connected to the IRQ 9 input of the second PIC. In addition, all the devices attached to the
second PIC are associated with an IRQ value where they are attached to the PIC, and they
generate an IRQ 2 on the first PIC.

The PICs on an ISA machine are edge-triggered, which means that they react only when the
interrupt signal is making the transition from low to high, that is, when it is on a transition edge.
This becomes an issue when you attempt to share interrupts, that is, where two devices use the
same interrupt.

Assume you have both a serial port and floppy controller at interrupt 6. If the serial port
generates an interrupt, the system will "service" it. If the floppy controller generates an interrupt
before the system has finished servicing the interrupt for the serial port, the interrupt from the
floppy is lost. There is another way to react to interrupts called "level triggered," which I will get
to shortly.

As I mentioned earlier, a primary consideration in the design of the AT Bus (as the changed PC-
Bus came to be called) was that its maintain compatibility with it predecessors. It maintains
compatibility with the PC expansion cards but takes advantage of 16-bit technology. To do this,
connectors were not changed, only added. Therefore, you could slide cards designed for the 8-bit
PC-Bus right into a 16-bit slot on the ISA-Bus, and no one would know the difference.

To break the hold that IBM had on the 32-bit bus market with the Micro-Channel Architecture, a
consortium of computer companies, lead by Compaq, issued their own standard in September
1988. This new standard was an extension of the ISA-Bus architecture and was (logically) called
the Extended Industry Standard Architecture (EISA). EISA offered many of the same features as
MCA but with a different approach.

Although EISA provides some major improvements, it has maintained backward compatibility
with ISA boards. Therefore, existing ISA boards can be used in EISA machines. In some cases,
such boards can even take advantage of the features that EISA offers.
To maintain this compatibility, EISA boards are the same size as their ISA counterparts and
provide connections to the bus in the same locations. The original designe called for an extension
of the bus slot, similar to the way the AT slots were an extension on the XT slots. However, this
was deemed impractical because some hardware vendors had additional contacts that extended
beyond the ends of the slots. There was also the issue that in most cases, the slots would extend
the entire length of the motherboard, which meant that the motherboard would need to be either
longer or wider to handle the longer slots.

Instead, the current spec calls for the additional connections to be intertwined with the old ones
and extend lower. In what used to be gaps between the connectors are now leads to the new
connectors. Therefore, EISA slots are deeper than those for ISA machines. Looking at EISA
cards, you can easily tell them from ISA cards by the two rows of connectors.

Figure 0-3 shows what the ISA and EISA connections look like. Note that the adapters are not to

Image - Comparison of ISA, EISA and PCI, Connections (interactive)

Another major improvement of EISA over ISA is the issue of bus arbitration. Bus arbitration is
the process by which devices "discuss" whose turn it is on the bus and then let one of them go. In
XT and AT class machines, the CPU completely managed control of the bus. EISA includes
additional control hardware to take this job away from the CPU, which does two important
things. First, the CPU is now "free" to carry on more important work, and second, the CPU gets
to use the bus only when its turn comes around.

Hmmm. Does that sound right? Because the CPU is the single most important piece of hardware
on the system, shouldn't it get the bus whenever it needs it? Well, yes and no. The key issue of
contention is the use of the word "single." EISA was designed with multiprocessing in mind; that
is, computers with more than one CPU. If there is more than one CPU, which one is more

The term used here is bus arbitration. Each of the six devices that EISA allows to take control of
the bus has its own priority level. A device signals its desire for the bus by sending a signal to the
Centralized Arbitration Control (CAC) unit. If conflicts arise (e.g., multiple requests), the CAC
unit resolves them according to the priority of the requesting devices. Certain activity such as
DMA and memory refresh have the highest priority, with the CPU following close behind. Such
devices are called "bus mastering devices" or "bus masters" because they become the master of
the bus.

The EISA DMA controller was designed for devices that cannot take advantage of the bus
mastering capabilities of EISA. The DMA controller supports ISA, with ISA timing and 24-bit
addressing as the default mode. However, it can be configured by EISA devices to take full
advantage of the 32-bit capabilities.
Another advantage that EISA has is the concept of dual buses. Because cache memory is
considered a basic part of the EISA specification, the CPU can often continue working for some
time even if it does not have access to the bus.

A major drawback of EISA (as compared with MCA) is that to maintain the compatibility to
ISA, EISA speed improvements cannot extend into memory. This is because the ISA-Bus cannot
handle the speed requirements of the high-speed CPUs. Therefore, EISA requires separate
memory buses. This results in every manufacturer having its own memory expansion cards.

In the discussion on ISA, I talked about the problems with sharing level-triggered interrupts.
MCA, on the other hand, uses edge-triggered interrupts, which enables interrupt sharing. EISA
uses a combination of the two. Obviously, EISA needs to support edge-triggered interrupts to
maintain compatibility with ISA cards. However, it enables EISA boards to configure that
particular interrupt as either edge- or level-triggered.

As with MCA, EISA enables each board to be identified at boot up. Each manufacturer is
assigned a prefix code to make the identification of the board easier. EISA also provides a
configuration utility similar to the MCA reference disk to enable configuration of the cards. In
addition, EISA supports automatic configuration, which enables the system to recognize the
hardware at boot-up and configure itself accordingly. This can present problems for a Linux
system because drivers in the kernel rely on the configuration to remain constant. Because each
slot on an EISA machine is given a particular range of base addresses, it is necessary to modify
your kernel before making such changes. This is often referred to as the EISA-config, EISA
Configuration Utility, or ECU.

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