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Clean Campus Green Campus

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What is 'Clean Campus and Green Campus'?

'Clean Campus and Green Campus' is a four (4 months) months long inter-district and national level competition among primary school, secondary school and university level
students which is organized by BD CLEAN. My campus is my responsibility to keep clean. Keeping this noble oath, BD CLEAN undertakes such vast events for the first time in
Bangladesh where approximately 2000 School (Two Thousand) under 64 districts around 6 million students, teachers, guardians, academic stuffs, BD Clean Forty (40) Thousand
volunteers will participate (active and passive) in this competition.

What is 'Clean Campus and Green Campus'?

Donations: Donations can be large or small from individuals, companies or foundations thatare interested in your work. They can be solicited through donation boxes (or cans) at strategic
locations, on the street, at events or through a targeted programme of solicitation. Donors may specify how they want the money spent.

Corporate Sponsors: Companies may donate cash, especially if they can claim tax relieffrom the Ministry of Finance (if your organization is on the list of approved organizations) but sponsors usually
prefer to give in-kind, i.e. products or services. Corporations are also interested in sponsoring events or activities that generate good publicity for their company – make sure this is compatible with
your mission (see also section below on “How organization status has implications for funding access”). In your letter to them, say what kind of publicity they should expect to receive, such as the use of
their logo on all publications, media coverage to be received etc.

Donor Organizations: many different ones will approve grants, small, medium or large, for specific activities or projects. The bigger the grant, the harder it is and the longer it takes. Success is not
guaranteed, they are usually over-subscribed, so you have to have several proposals out at any time (see also section on Proposal Writing for further details).

Trust Fund: By legal deed it is possible to set up your own trust fund, which can be sin
kgor endowment in nature, where donations can be invested and the income used by the organization. In the case
of sinking funds, the capital can be used so the fund is eventually depleted, as in the case of the EFJ. The National Parks Trust Fund is an endowment fund so the capital can never be spent, only the
interest earned.

Golden Rules for Special Fundraising Events

Start Your Plans Early

You need to start the planning process at least three months before and sometimes as much as a year for larger events such as a Nyammins and Jammins.

Set Deadlines

Set timelines for when certain things need to happen and stick to it.

Steering Committee/Coordinator
Have a steering committee to help with the planning and decide who will do what, when. Hire a coordinator to do all the detailed work so they are completely focused and not distracted by other work.
It’s all in the details and your staff has other responsibilities that distract them.

Decide What Type of Event you are Having:

Who do you want to come? Is it the local community people, or people from all over the island? Is it young people and students, is working people or is it a mixture?

Define your target. Do they have money, can they afford the ticket price?
le do you want to come? You can’t do a sit down dinner for 1000.
What numbers can the venue comfortably hold? Will there be dancing and is there space for this?

What is the best time? What is the best day of the week for your crowd? What isthe best time of day? Choose a few dates and check that nothing else is happening that will clash. Avoid times of year
when they are spending money on school fees, Christmas presents, etc. Do it after payday. When you set the date, get the word out early so no one else plans a party the same day or week as you.
Consider rain when setting a date. Even so, you need to figure out what to do if it rains. Can the venue accommodate the guests undercover? Don’t put expensive equipment or auction items outside,
keep them covered.

Prepare a Budget

Prepare a budget for everything that you will need: food, drinks, tickets, advertisements, sales, items for auction or raffle, entertainment, rental of tables, chairs, glasses, equipment, and hotel


Take your budget and see who you can approach to donate specific items. Beg as much as you can so you don’t have to put money out and risk losing it. This involves writing dozens of good begging
letters telling them what you are doing, why and how they can help. These should be sent to the decision makers in the organization so you have to find out who they are, get their right name, title and
address. Letters then must be followed up with many phone calls and letters before you get a commitment. Vague promises, such as “no problem” don’t count. Then you have to arrange to collect the
goods they have donated. In the case of food, this has to be done on the day of the event and you need to organize containers, serving utensils, keeping hot food hot and cold food cold. Try to cover the
majority (if not all) of your needs through donations.

Details to Remember

Run through the details with all your staff/volunteers the week before.
Engage your directors and volunteers for staffing the event.

Have more volunteers than you need.

See that staff/volunteers have eaten before the event begins.

Allow time for things to go wrong.

Set up the venue early.

Have guests sign a guest book (name, address and contact information).
Keep checking that dirty plates (and any other significant solid waste) are removed.

Check on your guests to see that they are having a good time. Talk to guests about y

After the Event is Over

Then you have to clean up.

Leave the venue as you found it.

Make sure that everything you borrowed is returned.

Pay the bills and bank the money.

Wrapping Up

Thank you letters make people feel good.

Post mortem, what went wrong?

Amend your plans next year.


How Organization Status has Implications for Funding Access

A non-profit is a tax-exempt organization that serves the public interest. In general, the purpose of this type of organization must be charitable, educational, scientific, religious or literary. The public
expects to be able to make donations to these organizations and deduct these donations from their taxes. Legally, a non-profit organization is one that does not declare a profit and instead utilizes all
revenue available after normal operating expenses in service to the public interest.

Universities, hospitals and large national charities are examples of organizations that can be "non-profit" but have salary scales on par with almost any for-profit corporation.

A non-profit organization can have clients, can offer products and services, will need revenue, should market itself, and must be concerned about customer satisfaction whether in those assisted or
those who contribute donations in support of operations, programs or services. It is a business that must serve the public interest and it will succeed or fail as any business will, depending on how well
it is operated.
Proposal Writing

Understanding Your Role and Your Organization's Goals and Capabilities

The Starting Point

Organizations submit proposals to access funds to do projects. A successful project derives its strength from sound planning, and the development of a strategy that outlines all the essential aspects of
the proposed project including the capability of your organization. The starting point for this planning and development is a solid understanding of your role within the organization, how the
organization is currently operating, and what it wants to do. We can best define our goals-and how to reach them-if we recognize our role in the organization and understand that the organization is the
means through which we achieve these goals.

The activities you perform can contribute to the evolution of the organization. It is important to understand and define what your contribution can be, and how you see yourself as part of your
organization. Consider the strengths and weaknesses of your organization, you should be able to gain better understanding of its capabilities. This understanding should provide insight about how you
can contribute more effectively to help create a better organization.

The Proposal Design Framework: Translating Your Organization's Aspirations, Capabilities, and Plans into Proposals

Proposal as Part of a Process:

Proposals are not designed in isolation; they are constructed within a context of relations with other groups and organizations. In fact, developing relationships with other organizations-including
collaborating organizations, beneficiaries, donors, and government agencies-is an essential element of the proposal design process.

By understanding your organization well, you will be better able to select partners to collaborate with you on projects. This understanding should also help you identify complementary characteristics
that you might want to look for in a collaborating organization.

Figure 1 attached shows the basic steps in proposal design. Together, these five steps cover the proposed project's life-cycle. As you can see, internal and external steps are both critical to the proposal
design process.

Organizational Capabilities: What Make For Success?

What does an effective organization looks like. Of course, the answer is as varied as the number of effective conservation-related work. Listed below are five types of organizational characteristics that
directly impact effectiveness in an organization. Each one contributes to developing an effective well-managed organization.

Organizational Characteristics:
Review the following list of characteristics that describe each category and add details or modify those characteristics that describe your organization.

Management and Leadership

Team oriented
Long-term planners
Staff, technical experts, and volunteers

Team oriented
Specialized expertise in: science, policy planning, evaluation, fund-raising, e
,media, and law

Physical assets

Office space
Audio equipment
Communication equipment
Office supplies
Field equipment

Financial resources

Capability to raise and manage funds

Ability to maintain a diversified funding portfolio over time


Past performance
Solid outputs
Team oriented

Organizational and project planning require that an organization understand and build on the full range of its strengths. Therefore, before attempting to design a proposal, we must first be thoroughly
familiar with our organization's strength and weaknesses.

The Project Life-Cycle

A proposal is designed to present the activities your organization wants or needs to undertake and identifies the resources required to accomplish its mission. In considering the design of a proposal, it
is helpful to think it terms of a set of key questions to be addressed by the proposed project. A proposal is actually a way of exposing the logic and implementation steps of a project's life-cycle (including
purpose, method, and expected results). During the proposal design process, the organization must answer certain questions about the project and find ways to present the answers in the proposal.

Remember, each donor will have a suggested proposal format which you will learn about during preliminary contact. However, it should be possible to use their suggested format without losing

Inter-district Competitions Participant and Award Giving Ceremony Participant (Special)

National Competitions Participant and Award Giving Ceremony Participant (Special)

(Chief Guest- Speaker, Special Guest-Education Minister (Education, Home Minister, IT, Environment & National Competitions Participant and Award Giving Ceremony Participant (Special) (Chief
Guest- Speaker, Special Guest-Education Minister (Education, Home Minister, IT, Environment &

Climate Minister), Honorable Guest -3 VVIP Ministers, 7 Advisors, Ambassador of Sweden/ Denmark/ Spain (Ideal of Cleanliness),
Audiences: DC of 64 Districts, National public Figures, 101 BD Clean Members from each districts (101X64) and 101 members based Best” Clean & Green campus’ champions from each districts
(64X101), 500 additional BD Clean Dhaka volunteers, Media and Journalist across the nation.
sight of your organizational goals. An effective proposal should be a document prepared to assist planning for your organization as well as to seek collaboration.

Figures 2 and 3 illustrate key questions to answer in the Proposal Life Cycle.

Proposal Components


The introduction provides an overview of the proposed project. The format is often dictated by donors. Some donors request a summary and/or title page conveying the same information. The
important points to convey are usually the project name, sponsoring organization, a one- paragraph project summary (including its expected outcome), project timing, project manager(s), and project
funding (organization and donor/partner contributions for the life of the project).

Goals and Objectives

Often, project goals and objectives are hard to differentiate. The following may help you to clarify the difference between the two components.

Project goals are thus an articulation of how the project is aiming. The project should be one part of an overall strategy to fulfil the organization's mission. Project goals are thus an articulation of how
the project fits with the organization's long-range aspirations.

Project objectives are the specific anticipated outcomes of the project activities. Objectives deal with these questions:


What are you specifically proposing to do?

What do you expect to happen during the life of this project?
What will be different as a result of this project?

It is important to state project objectives in measurable quantitative and qualitative terms tied directly to the project's implementation, monitoring, and evaluation plan.

Statement of Need

The statement of need discusses the specific problem addressed by the project. Even for problems that are national in scope, the statement should focus on the target groups affected by the project. It
should include the location of project activities and beneficiaries. Illustrate through your description of the situation that the project is essential and what work is currently being done in that area. Your
presentation of the specific problem should convey your knowledge of the area, and understanding of all the relevant issues.

Donors also look for intended results to the beneficiaries. The questions addressed by this section include the following:


Why are you undertaking the project?

Why is this the best method?
What specific problems and needs are being addressed?
Who/what will be the direct and indirect beneficiaries served by the project?
Organizational Background

The organizational background section should summarize the organization's purpose and capabilities and why it is uniquely positioned to accomplish this project. Your emphasis in this section should
also include credibility and previous experience in the project's field. If you are just starting this type of project, then describe the skills and expertise within your organization. It should deal with the
following question by presenting particular organizational strengths:

Why you?

Why is your organization well suited and prepared to undertake this project? (That is, what are the organization's resources, strengths, reputation, experience, and so on?)

Approach and Operations

The approach and operations section describes the methods and activities to be used in the project. Often, proposals include implementation plans outlining all the activities in the project. The plan
covers the following questions:


How will the project accomplish its objectives?

What will be the major project activities?
How will the project be m ?Where?
Where will the project be lo te
When will project development occur?
When will project activities occur?
When and how will your organization coordinate activities with donors/cooperating a e
cis,other organizations, and the government?
What are the key dates for the project over its life-cycle? Figure 4 shows a typical Project Schedule
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting

All organizations must be able to track the progress of their projects through a monitoring and evaluation system. Designing a monitoring and evaluation process for each project will enable your
organization to examine the clarity of the project, measure its objectives, and determine a time-frame for expected results. The system should include procedures for monitoring the progress of the
project, reporting on the progress, and evaluating the status of the activities.

The proposal should also describe the method for capturing and presenting the learnings to your organization as well as collaborating organizations involved in the project. The process is critical for
your organization's continued understanding of the project's evolution and for improving its effectiveness. Another critical point is deciding who will conduct the monitoring and evaluation. Your
organization can choose an individual from your staff, an outside firm, or an individual consultant. You should consider cost, competency, reputation, and impact. You might want to check references if
you decide to use someone outside of your organization.
The project monitoring plan should present the method for ongoing review and measurement of the project to gauge its progress relative to its objectives and to plan continual improvements to both
activities and management. Monitoring focuses on periodic measurement of work plan progress and achievement of intermediate project milestones. This section of a proposal handles these questions:

How will you track your progress?

How will you monitor the project's performance on an ongoing basis?

What are the critical features of the project you will be checking?
How will the information benefit your organization?
How will you collect the evaluation data?
Who will conduct the monitoring and evaluation?

The evaluation plan includes periodic project reviews intended to summarize the major lessons learned during the course of a project's life-cycle, its activities, and impact on beneficiaries.
Evaluations should be conducted to highlight lessons to improve the existing project and for future similar projects and activities. The evaluation is primarily for your organization. However, the
collaborating organization should have the option to access the information. An evaluation takes a broad view of a project's activities; in essence, it answers these questions:

How will you assess impact?

How will you measure the project's success and effects?

What do the "critical success factors" for gauging the project's impact tell you?
What difference will the project make?

In order to monitor and evaluate the project successfully and share the findings, it is important to develop a project reporting system. Project reporting includes periodic documentation of your
progress. Reports may include financial updates, implementation status reports, and periodic evaluations. The report should be written for the project manager, executive director, and finance
department-as well as beneficiary groups, donors, other organizations, and the government that has interest in the ongoing progress of the project. This section covers these questions:

How will you convey what you have learned?

How will you capture the information?

What ongoing information and reports will you be required to monitor and evaluate?
How will you incorporate what you have learned into the project?
Whatinformationandreportswillberequiredbyothers-localgroups,thegovernment, or donors?
Who is the report written for?


The budget should include the financial plan for the life of the project, including in-kind contributions, beneficiary contributions, and organization and donor-provided funds. A brief description should
also be included for the procedures involved in managing the funds in your organization, identifying the bank your organization uses, financial reporting system, and person in charge of accounting
within your organization.

The budget summarizes all the required resources for the planned project, including staff time, project materials, and organizational overhead. The budget will illustrate specifically how much money is
needed and how it will be allocated. This component is critical for the effective

management of the funds over the life of the project. This section deals with the following questions:
How much?

Whattypesofresources willberequired-funds,staff,volunteertime,land,equipment,and so on?

When will fund and resources be required? What is the timing for major projectrequirements?
How did you determine the resources required?
Who is responsible for managing the funds?

Sustainability: Program Management and Funding

The sustainability section should contain a brief statement on the life-cycle of the project. The section should describe how the impact of the project will be continued after the project has concluded. It
addresses these questions:

What next?

Whatwillhappentothe projectafterthe proposedactivitiescompleted?

Howwillthe project bemanagedwhenfundedactivitiesarecompleted?
How will the project be funded in the future?
How will beneficiaries or others carry on the w
?What else?
What other materials are needed to support your project?
How should it be presented for impact?

Elements of Strong Proposals and Common Weaknesses

While there is no single absolute right way or wrong way to write proposals, this handbook has elaborated on key aspects of the proposal development process and aspects of proposal components.
Therefore, this material should not be considered the final word on how to write effective proposals. However, it should serve to give the reader the basics on common elements of effective proposal

Each donor that receives proposals will have its own format and method in which they would like to see them presented. Many donors will have explicit format guidelines, while for others the format
guidelines may be less explicit or non-existent. In each of these cases, this handbook should be useful to the writer as the concepts are applicable in most cases.

The following summarizes characteristics of strong proposals, and common weaknesses or shortcomings of proposals:

Elements of Strong Proposals

Well thought through
Budget is justified
Contain support documentation
mmon Weaknesses
Objectives not clear
Poor writing style
Does not say how it will be done
Budget not related to objectives
Contains unnecessary language


Understand and articulate your organization's goals and capabilities

Review the worksheets from the section on "Understanding Your Role and Your Organization's Goals and Capabilities." Do you understand the following features of your organization?

Capabilities and strengths; weaknesses and obstacles
Plans and proposed projects
Howyourorganization'sgoalsorganizationalcapabilities,andplansandproposedprojectsare linked together

Translate your organization's projects, capabilities, and plans into proposals

Review the section on "Understanding the Proposal Development Framework". Do you have a clear idea of the purpose of the questions in each of the following parts of the proposal?

Goals and objectives
Statement of need and organizational background
Approach and operations
Monitoring, evaluation, and reporting
Supporting materials

Do you have a better sense of how each part of a proposal is important for your own project planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and reporting?

Build relationships

Reflecting on the discussions and exercises from this training material do you have a better understanding of how to approach donors and of how to work with donors as an integral part of your
organization's project planning, development, and implementation process?

It is hoped that this handbook has been useful to the reader in developing their ability to write proposals. Furthermore, implicit in the material, is the notion that the writer will come away with a better
understanding of the capabilities of the proposing organization, and the role of the individual and of the organization itself. Ultimately writing effective proposals should be a process that also leads to
the strengthening of the capabilities of the proposing organization.
Figure 1: Steps in the Proposal Design Process


E Short– and long-term Proposal development: Project management,
R organizational planning Identifying project goals, Monitoring, evaluation
N and initial project rationale and operation and reporting
A development


Ongoing work with
Collaborating organizations:
R Identifying and contacting potential Implementation, coordination,
N Collaborating organizations
And evaluation of project activities

A Guide to Fundraising and Proposal Writing

Figure 2: The Project Lifecycle: Key Questions

? WHAT?..................................... What is the project trying to achieve? What will you change or influence through this project?

? WHY? WHERE? Why are you undertaking the project? Where

WHY YOU?............................ will the project take place? Why are you best suited to undertake the project?

? HOW? WHEN? How will the Project be conducted? When will project activities occur?

? HOW ARE YOU DOING? How will you monitor the project’s ongoing performance?
HOW DID YOU DO?........ How will you measure success? How will you know when it completed?

? HOW MUCH? How much will the project cost? What resources will be required?

? WHAT NEXT? How will the project be sustained? What will happen after the initial project is completed?

? WHAT ELSE? What other materials can you offer to support the proposal (such as letters of support)?
Figure 3: The Project Life- Cycle: Answering the Key Questions
What is the project trying to achieve?
What will you change or influence through this project?
Proposal Components Goals
Why are you undertaking the project? and objectives
Why are you best suited to undertake the project?

Statement and need

How will the project be conducted? Where will the project take place? When will project activities occur?

How will you monitor the project’s ongoing performance? How will you measure effectiveness? Organizational background
How will you convey what you have learned?

Approach and operations

How much will the project cost?
What resources will be required for which aspects of the project?

How will the project be sustained?

What will happen after the initial project is completed? What other materials can you offer to support the proposal?
Monitoring, evaluations, and

Budget Sustainability

Supporting materials

A Guide to Fundraising and Proposal Writing

Figure 4: Sample Project Planning Calendar

Project Completion Date

Project Planning Activities Project Start Date Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6

1. Develop initial project ideas based

on organization’s strategic plan.
Person Responsible:

2. Make initial contact with

potential Partners/donors
Person Responsible:

3. Develop proposal document.

Person Responsible

4. Interact with and obtain review of

Person Responsible

5. Negotiate projects terms (prepare

for implementation)
Ridge to Reef Watershed Project
Types of Fundraising Ventures

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