Nokia Lte Counter
Nokia Lte Counter
Nokia Lte Counter
This counter counts the number of data chunks sent to the SCTP peer on the S1 interface per SCTP association. Resent SCTP
This counter counts the number of data chunks received from the SCTP peer on the S1 interface per SCTP association
This counter counts the number of data chunks resent to the SCTP peer on the S1 interface per SCTP association.
This counter is the cumulative duration of congested periods of a single SCTP association on the S1 interface. The counter star
This counter counts the number of occurences when the SCTP association on the S1 interface state changes from "not conges
This counter is the cumulative duration of unavailable periods of a single SCTP association on the S1 interface. The counter sta
The counter counts the number of occurences when the SCTP association on the S1 interface state changes from "connected"
This counter counts the number of data chunks sent to the SCTP peer on the X2 interface per SCTP association. Resent SCTP
This counter counts the number of data chunks received from the SCTP peer on the X2 interface per SCTP association
This counter counts the number of data chunks resent to the SCTP peer on the X2 interface per SCTP association.
This counter is the cumulative duration of congested periods of a single SCTP association on the X2 interface. The counter star
This counter counts the number of occurences when the SCTP association on the X2 interface state changes from "not conges
This counter is the cumulative duration of unavailable periods of a single SCTP association on the X2 interface. The counter sta
The counter counts the number of occurences when the SCTP association on the X2 interface state changes from "connected"
This counter counts the number of data chunks sent to the SCTP peer on the M3 interface per SCTP association. Resent SCTP
This counter counts the number of data chunks received from the SCTP peer on the M3 interface per SCTP association
This counter counts the number of data chunks resent to the SCTP peer on the M3 interface per SCTP association.
This counter is the cumulative duration of congested periods of a single SCTP association on the M3 interface. The counter sta
This counter counts the number of occurences when the SCTP association on the M3 interface state changes from "not conges
This counter is the cumulative duration of unavailable periods of a single SCTP association on the M3 interface. The counter st
The counter counts the number of occurences when the SCTP association on the M3 interface state changes from "connected"
The number of packets received on the plain IP interface that were delivered to higher-layer protocols.
The total number of kilo-bytes received on the plain IP interface, including framing characters.
The number of packets that were successfully transmitted over the plain IP interface
The total number of kilo-bytes transmitted over the plain IP the interface, including framing characters.
Note: In caseshall be counted
of FZM: LNF5.0 asrelease,
does not work for the plain (untagged) IP interface, however it works for th
In case
The of FZM:
number of IPLNF5.0 release,
Multicast thisorcounter
packets fragmentsdoesreceived
not workat for
thethe plain (untagged)
IP network IP interface, however it works for the plain
Fragments shall be counted as individual packets.
The total number of kilo-bytes received in IP Multicast packets or fragments at IP network interface. _x000D_
The numbershall
of IPbe countedpackets
Multicast as individual packets.transmitted at the IP network interface._x000D_
or fragments
The shall be
total number of counted as transmitted
kilo-bytes individual packets.
in IP Multicast packets or fragments at the IP network interface._x000D_
Fragments shall be counted as individual packets.
- No IPsec for multicast traffic, so decryption does not need to be taken into account._x000D_
The total number of kilo-bytes transmitted over the plain IP interface, including framing characters, using Expedited Forwarding
The total number of outbound packets that were successfully transmitted over the plain IP interface within the Expedited Forwa
The number of outbound kilo-bytes within the Expedited Forwarding PHB class that were dropped in the IP scheduler due to co
The number of outbound packets within the Expedited Forwarding PHB class that were dropped in the IP scheduler due to cong
The total number of kilo-bytes transmitted over the plain IP interface, including framing characters, using the Assured Forwardin
The total number of outbound packets that were successfully transmitted over the plain IP interface within the Assured
The number of outbound kilo-bytes within the Assured Forwarding 4 PHB class that were dropped in the IP scheduler due to co
The number of outbound packets within the Assured Forwarding 4 PHB class that were dropped in the IP scheduler due to cong
The total number of kilo-bytes transmitted over the plain IP interface out of the interface, including framing characters, using the
The total number of outbound packets that were successfully transmitted over the plain IP interface within the Assured Forward
The number of outbound kilo-bytes within the Assured Forwarding 3 PHB class that were dropped in the IP scheduler due to co
The number of outbound packets within the Assured Forwarding 3 PHB class that were dropped in the IP scheduler due to cong
The total number of kilo-bytes transmitted over the plain IP interface out of the interface, including framing characters, using the
The total number of outbound packets that were successfully transmitted over the plain IP interface within the Assured Forward
The number of outbound kilo-bytes within the Assured Forwarding 2 PHB class that were dropped in the IP scheduler due to co
The number of outbound packets within the Assured Forwarding 2 PHB class that were dropped in the IP scheduler due to cong
The total number of kilo-bytes transmitted over the plain IP interface, including framing characters, using the Assured Forwardin
The total number of outbound packets that were successfully transmitted over the plain IP interface within the Assured Forward
The number of outbound kilo-bytes within the Assured Forwarding 1 PHB class that were dropped in the IP scheduler due to co
The number of outbound packets within the Assured Forwarding 1 PHB class that were dropped in the IP scheduler due to cong
The total number of kilo-bytes transmitted over the plain IP interface, including framing characters, using the Best Effort PHB cla
The total number of outbound packets that were successfully transmitted over the plain IP interface within the Best Effort PHB c
The number of outbound kilo-bytes withinthe
packets within theBest
theIPIP schedulerdue
scheduler duetotocongestion.
The total is available
number for both
of kilo-bytes the Ethernet-based
received over the plainIPIPinterface
interface,and for each
including VLAN characters, using Expedited Forwarding PH
counter is
The number of available for both that
inbound packets the Ethernet-based
were successfully IP received
interface within
and forthe
each VLAN Forwarding PHB class.
The total is available
number for both
of kilo-bytes the Ethernet-based
received IP interface
out of the interface, and for
including eachcharacters,
framing VLAN using the Assured Forwarding 4 PHB
counter is
The number of available for both that
inbound packets the Ethernet-based
were successfully IP received
interface within
and forthe
each VLANForwarding 4 PHB class.
The counter is available
total number for both
of kilo-bytes the Ethernet-based
received IP interface
out of the interface, and for
including eachcharacters,
framing VLAN using the Assured Forwarding 3 PHB
The counter is available for both the Ethernet-based IP interface and for
number of inbound packets that were successfully received within the Assured each VLANForwarding 3 PHB class.
The counter is available for both the Ethernet-based IP interface and for each VLAN
The total number of kilo-bytes received out of the interface, including framing characters, using the Assured Forwarding 2 PHB
The number of inbound packets that were successfully received within the Assured Forwarding 2 PHB class.
The total number of kilo-bytes received out of the interface, including framing characters, using the Assured Forwarding 1 PHB
The number of inbound packets that were successfully received within the Assured Forwarding 1 PHB class.
The total number of kilo-bytes received out of the interface, including framing characters, using the Best Effort PHB class.
The number of inbound packets that were successfully received within the Best Effort PHB class.
NOTE: _15 is just a string and has no special relevance in counter name.
NOTE: _15 is just a string and has no special relevance in counter name.
NOTE: _15 is just a string and has no special relevance in counter name.
NOTE: _15 is just a string and has no special relevance in counter name.
NOTE: _15 is just a string and has no special relevance in counter name.
The number of ingress Ethernet frames discarded due to rate limiting.
Number of Ethernet discarded recieved packets not matching the VLAN membership configuration for that switch-port.
Number of Ethernet TX frames discarded due to egress shaping per queue per interface.
Number of Ethernet TX frames discarded due to egress shaping per queue per interface.
Number of Ethernet TX frames discarded due to egress shaping per queue per interface.
Number of Ethernet TX frames discarded due to egress shaping per queue per interface.
Number of Ethernet TX frames discarded due to egress shaping per queue per interface.
Number of Ethernet TX frames discarded due to egress shaping per queue per interface.
The number of successfully sent ESP packets which are are related to a protect policy.
The counter._x000D_
this number of received ESP packets addressed to a local tunnel endpoint which where received with a SPI which is related to
Note 2: Discarded
NOTE: The defaultpacket
is DISCARD until IPSec
the default policies
policy arebe
shall not configured.
counted with this counter._x000D_
Note 2: The default policy is DISCARD until IPSec policies are configured.
The number of bypassed ESP packets in egress direction.
The number of received packets not addressed to an local tunnel endpoint or packets which do not have an ESP or AH header
The number of dropped packets due to ingress rate limiting. Packets are counted per BTS, e.
The number of packets discarded due to ingress packet filtering violations. Packets are counted per BTS, e.
The number of packets received on the plain IP interface that were delivered to higher-layer protocols.
The total number of kilo-bytes received on the plain IP interface, including framing characters.
The number of packets that were successfully transmitted over the VLAN IP interface.
The total number of kilo-bytes transmitted over the VLAN IP the interface, including framing characters.
Fragments shall be counted as individual IP packets.
The number of total outbound packets that were dropped in the IP scheduler due to congestion.
The number of total outbound
IP Multicast kilo-bytes
packets that werereceived
or fragments droppedatinthe
scheduler due to congestion.
Fragments shall be counted as individual packets.
The total number of kilo-bytes received in IP Multicast packets or fragments at IP network interface. _x000D_
The numbershall
of IPbe countedpackets
Multicast as individual packets.transmitted at the IP network interface._x000D_
or fragments
The numbershall be counted
of kilo-bytes as individual
transmitted packets.
at the IP network interface._x000D_
-Fragments shall be
Counted before counted as individual packets.
No IPsecbefore
- Counted for multicast traffic, so decryption does not need to be taken into account.
- No IPsec for multicast traffic, so decryption does not need to be taken into account.
The number of outbound kilo-bytes that were successfully transmitted over the VLAN interface within the Expedited Forwarding
The number of outbound packets that were successfully transmitted over the VLAN interface within the Expedited Forwarding P
The number of outbound kilo-bytes within the Expedited Forwarding PHB class that were dropped in the IP scheduler due to co
The number of outbound packets within the Expedited Forwarding PHB class that were dropped in the IP scheduler due to cong
The number of outbound kilo-bytes that were successfully transmitted over the VLAN interface within the Assured Forwarding 4
The number of outbound packets that were successfully transmitted over the VLAN interface within the Assured Forwarding 4 P
The number of outbound kilo-bytes within the Assured Forwarding 4 PHB class that were dropped in the IP scheduler due to co
The number of outbound packets within the Assured Forwarding 4 PHB class that were dropped in the IP scheduler due to cong
The number of outbound kilo-bytes within the Assured Forwarding 3 PHB class that were successfully transmitted over the VLA
The number of outbound packets within the Assured Forwarding 3 PHB class that were successfully transmitted over the VLAN
The number of outbound kilo-bytes within the Assured Forwarding 3 PHB class that were dropped in the IP scheduler due to co
The number of outbound packets within the Assured Forwarding 3 PHB class that were dropped in the IP scheduler due to cong
The number of outbound kilo-bytes within the Assured Forwarding 2 PHB class that were successfully transmitted over the VLA
The number of outbound packets within the Assured Forwarding 2 PHB class that were successfully transmitted over the VLAN
The number of outbound kilo-bytes within the Assured Forwarding 2 PHB class that were dropped in the IP scheduler due to co
The number of outbound packets within the Assured Forwarding 2 PHB class that were dropped in the IP scheduler due to cong
The number of outbound kilo-bytes within the Assured Forwarding 1 PHB class that were successfully transmitted over the VLA
The number of outbound packets within the Assured Forwarding 1 PHB class that were successfully transmitted over the VLAN
The number of outbound kilo-bytes within the Assured Forwarding 1 PHB class that were dropped in the IP scheduler due to co
The number of outbound packets within the Assured Forwarding 1 PHB class that were dropped in the IP scheduler due to cong
The number of outbound kilo-bytes within the Best Effort PHB class that were successfully transmitted over the VLAN interface
The number of outbound packets within the Best Effort PHB class that were transmitted over the VLAN interface within the Bes
The number of outbound kilo-bytes within the Best Effort PHB class that were dropped in the IP scheduler due to congestion.
The number of outbound packets within the Best Effort PHB class that were dropped in the IP scheduler due to congestion.
The total number of kilo-bytes received on the VLAN interface for the Expedited Forwarding PHB class. The counter includes fr
The total number of packets received on the VLAN interface for the Expedited Forwarding PHB class. The counter includes fram
The total number of kilo-bytes received on the VLAN interface for the Assured Forwarding 4 PHB class. The counter includes fr
The total number of packets received on the VLAN interface for the Assured Forwarding 4 PHB class. The counter includes fram
The total number of kilo-bytes received on the VLAN interface for the Assured Forwarding 3 PHB class. The counter includes fr
The total number of packets received on the VLAN interface for the Assured Forwarding 3 PHB class. The counter includes fram
The total number of kilo-bytes received on the VLAN interface for the Assured Forwarding 2 PHB class. The counter includes fr
The total number of packets received on the VLAN interface for the Assured Forwarding 2 PHB class. The counter includes fram
The total number of kilo-bytes received on the VLAN interface for the Assured Forwarding 1 PHB class. The counter includes fr
The total number of packets received on the VLAN interface for the Assured Forwarding 1 PHB class. The counter includes fram
The total number of kilo-bytes received on the VLAN interface for the Best Effort PHB class. The counter includes framing chara
The total number of packets received on the VLAN interface for the Best Effort PHB class. The counter includes framing charac
The number of ethernet framesreceived on the interface.
Note: In FlexiZone Micro the system reports the number of bytes of received frames at a VLAN interface with an offset of -14 by
The number of ethernet frames transmitted on the interface.
The number of ethernet Bytes transmitted on the interface
The number
Number of ethernet
of kilo-bytes frames
in valid received
frames on the
received oninterface. Thisinterface
the Ethernet includes layer._x000D_
those that may be subsequently discarded due to errors
Per interface.
The number of ethernet frames transmitted on the interface.
The number of ethernet bytes transmitted on the interface.
Note 2:
Note: This
Link counter
OAM, is notOAM,
Service supported in RL50FZ
IEEE1588v2, for FZM.
SyncE, RSTP multicast frames do not convey IP payload and thus are not include
Note 2: Ethernet Multicast Frames which are switched from one external Ethernet port to another are not included in this counte
This is the calculated average Round trip time (RTT) for TWAMP messages that the BTS has sent to its remote peer during the
This is the maximum detected Round trip time (RTT) for TWAMP messages that the BTS has sent to its remote peer during the
This is the minimum detected Round trip time (RTT) for TWAMP messages that the BTS has sent to its remote peer during the
This is the number of measurements packets lost when no reply packet is received within timeout period or a reply-packet with
This is the number of transmitted TWAMP messages for the TWAMP session.
The number of normal GBR connection requests which had been accepted by Tranport Admission Control.
The number of Handover connection requests which had been accepted by Tranport Admission Control.
The number of Emergency connection requests which had been accepted by Tranport Admission Control.
The number of normal GBR connection requests which had been rejected by Tranport Admission Control due to insufficient tran
the number of Handover connection requests which had been rejected by Tranport Admission Control due to insufficient transpo
The number of Emergency connection requests which had been rejected by Tranport Admission Control due to insufficient trans
The mean value of UL total GBR rate.
The maximum value of UL total GBR rate.
The mean value of DL total GBR rate
The maximum value of DL total GBR rate.
The number of received ToP sync event messages. Event messages are time stamped and used for clock recovery.
The minimum value of the estimated phase error, between the current phase of the network element and the estimated phase b
The average value of the estimated phase error, between the current phase of the network element and the estimated phase ba
The maximum value of the estimated phase error, between the current phase of the network element and the estimated phase
The number of seconds during this interval while the timing over packet phase synchronisation service was in locked state.
The number of EPS bearer setup failures due to any Radio Network Layer cause except "radio resources not available". Each b
The number of EPS bearer setup failures due to Transport Layer. Each bearer of the "E-RAB Failed to Setup List" IE is counted
The number of EPS bearer setup failures due to Radio Resource reasons. Each bearer of the "E-RAB Failed to Setup List" IE h
The number of EPS bearer setup failures due to Other reasons. Each bearer of the "E-RAB Failed to Setup List" IE is counted.
The number of released E-RABs initiated by the eNB due to user inactivity.
The number of released E-RABs initiated by the eNB due to Radio Link Failure.
The number of released E-RABs initiated by the eNB due to other reasons.
The number of released E-RABs initiated by the eNB due to Redirect.
The number of released QCI1 E-RABs initiated by the eNB due to user inactivity.
The number of released QCI1 E-RABs initiated by the eNB due to Radio Link Failure.
The number of released QCI1 E-RABs initiated by the eNB due to other reasons.
The number
This of released
measurement QCI1
provides theE-RABs
of GBRby the eNB due to Redirect.
(Guaranteed Bit Rate bearers, 3GPP TS 23.203) being
This measurement provides the number of non-GBR E-RABs released due to lack of radio resources.
(non-Guaranteed Bit Rate bearers, 3GPP TS 23.203) being released due to lack of radio resources.
It comprises also the released Data Radio Bearers originally setup due to an incoming Handover.
It comprises also the release of Data Radio Bearers originally setup due to an incoming Handover.
It comprises also the release of Data Radio Bearers originally setup due to an incoming Handover.
The number of released Data Radio Bearers due to Radio Network Layer cause Redirect.
The measurement gives indication of the eUu interface traffic load by reporting Minimum UL PDCP traffic throughput.
The measurement gives indication of the eUu interface traffic load by reporting Minimum DL PDCP traffic throughput.
The number of Signaling Connection Establishment failures due to Rejection by RRM RAC. The UE has not reached the ECM-
The number of Signaling Connection Establishment attempts due to other reasons. From UE's point of view, the transition from
Measure NE Related
ment_na counter to
me name Feature Updated
8000: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when eNB transmits an S1AP:S1 Setup Request message to MME.
8000: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when eNB receives an S1AP:S1 Setup Response message sent by MM
8000: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the timer expires.
8000: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when eNB receives an S1AP:S1 Setup Failure message sent by MME.
8000: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when eNB receives an S1AP:Paging message sent by MME.
8000: LTE • LTE522: STransmission of a global S1AP: RESET Message
8000: LTE • LTE522: SReception of a global S1AP:RESET Message sent by MME to the eNB.
8000: LTE • LTE522: STransmission of a partial S1AP: RESET Message
8000: LTE • LTE522: SReception of a partial S1AP:RESET Message sent by MME to the eNB.
8000: LTE • LTE562: Reception of an S1AP:UE CONTEXT MODIFICATION REQUEST message sent by MME to the
8000: LTE S1AP The counter is incremented when an S1AP:WRITE-REPLACE WARNING RESPONSE messag
8000: LTE S1AP The counter is incremented when an S1AP:KILL RESPONSE message is sent to the MME and
8000: LTE • LTE805: This counter is updated at the transmission of an S1AP: UPLINK NAS TRANSPORT message
8000: LTE • LTE805: This emergency
LTE572: IMS counter is updated
sessionsfollowing the reception of an S1AP: DOWNLINK NAS TRANSPORT me
LTE7: Support
8000: LTE • LTE572: of multiple
IMS EPS bearer
of thesessions
emergency S1AP: E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message (eNB <- MME) in case that this me
8000: LTE • LTE572:
LTE7: Support
IMS of multiple
emergency of sessions
bearer E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message (eNB -> MME) in case that th
8000: LTE • LTE7: Support
of multiple
of the
bearer E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message (eNB -> MME) in case that th
8000: LTE • LTE68: SuReception of an S1AP:LOCATION REPORTING CONTROL message sent by MME to the eNB
8000: LTE • LTE68: SuT ransmission
Reception of an S1AP:LOCATION
'SON Information Reply' wit
8000: LTE • LTE782: -Transmission
(3GPP TS 36.413)
of S1AP:ENB CONFIGURATION TRANSFER including 'SON Information Reques
8000: LTE • LTE782: - (3GPP TS 36.413)
LTE494: Commercial Mobile Alert System
LTE843: Commercial
8000: LTE • LTE494: ETWS broadcast
The counter is updated
Mobile Alertwhen an S1AP:WRITE-REPLACE WARNING REQUEST message is re
8000: LTE • LTE843: ETWS broadcast
The counter is updated when an S1AP:WRITE-REPLACE WARNING RESPONSE message is
8000: LTE • LTE494: The counter is updated when an S1AP:KILL REQUEST message is received from MME.
8000: LTE • LTE494: The counter is updated when an S1AP:KILL RESPONSE message is sent to MME.
8000: LTE • LTE951: EThis counter is updated upon the reception of an S1AP:DOWNLINK UE ASSOCIATED LPPA TR
8000: LTE • LTE951: EThis counter is updated upon the transmission of an S1AP:UPLINK UE ASSOCIATED LPPA TR
8000: LTE • LTE951: EThis counter is updated upon the transmission of an S1AP:UPLINK UE ASSOCIATED LPPA TR
8000: LTE • LTE951: EThis counter is updated upon the transmission of an S1AP:UPLINK UE ASSOCIATED LPPA TR
8001: LTE • LTE651: At the first transmission of a TB containing a segment of the SDU.
8001: LTE • LTE651: At the first transmission of a TB containing a segment of the SDU.
8001: LTE • LTE651: At the first transmission of a TB containing a segment of the SDU.
8001: LTE • LTE651: The counter is updated if the current minimum is greater than the last detected delay value at th
8001: LTE • LTE651: The counter is updated if the current maximum is less than the last detected delay value at the
8001: LTE • LTE651: The counter is updated based on currently calculated mean delay value at the transmission of t
8001: LTE • LTE651: The reception of an RA preamble group A sent by the UE to the eNB.
8001: LTE • LTE651: The reception of an RA preamble group B sent by the UE to the eNB.
8001: LTE • LTE651: The transmission of a RA preamble response sent by the eNB to the UE.
8001: LTE • LTE651: The transmission of a TB on PCH.
8001: LTE • LTE651: The transmission of a TB on BCH.
8001: LTE • LTE651: The transmission of a TB for the first time on DL-SCH.
8001: LTE • LTE651: HARQ retransmission of a TB on DL-SCH.
8001: LTE • LTE651: A correctly received TB by original transmission
8001: LTE • LTE651: A correctly received TB with retransmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: An erroneous TB reception
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS0 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS1 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS2 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS3 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS4 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS5 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS6 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS7 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS8 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS9 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS10 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS11 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS12 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS13 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS14 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS15 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS16 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS17 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS18 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS19 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: Performance
When MCS20Monitoring
is used forI transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE829: Increased
When MCS21
is MCS
used for
LTE651: Performance Monitoring range
I transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651:
LTE829: Performance
When MCS22
is MCS
used for
I transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651:
LTE829: Performance
When MCS23
is MCS
used for
I transmission.
LTE829: Performance
8001: LTE • LTE651: Increased uplink
When MCS24 is MCS range
used for
Monitoring I transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651:
LTE44: 64When
in UL Monitoring
Performance is used forI transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE44:
in UL Monitoring
Performance is used forI transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE44: 64When
in UL is used forI transmission.
LTE651: Performance Monitoring
8001: LTE • LTE44: 64When
in UL is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS0 is used for transmission. SIB, Paging and RA response excluded.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS1 is used for transmission. SIB, Paging and RA response excluded.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS2 is used for transmission. SIB, Paging and RA response excluded.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS3 is used for transmission. SIB, Paging and RA response excluded.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS4 is used for transmission. SIB, Paging and RA response excluded.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS5 is used for transmission. SIB, Paging and RA response excluded.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS6 is used for transmission. SIB, Paging and RA response excluded.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS7 is used for transmission. SIB, Paging and RA response excluded.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS8 is used for transmission. SIB, Paging and RA response excluded.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS9 is used for transmission. SIB, Paging and RA response excluded.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS10 is used for transmission. SIB, Paging and RA response excluded.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS11 is used for transmission. SIB, Paging and RA response excluded.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS12 is used for transmission. SIB, Paging and RA response excluded.
8001: LTE • LTE651: Performance
When MCS13Monitoring
is used forI transmission. SIB, Paging and RA response excluded.
8001: LTE • LTE939: Usage
When based
is used adaptation
LTE651: Performance Monitoring forI transmission. SIB, Paging and RA response excluded.
8001: LTE • LTE651:
LTE939: Performance
When MCS15
based Monitoring
is used adaptation
forI transmission. SIB, Paging and RA response excluded.
8001: LTE • LTE939: Usage
When MCS16
based PDCCH
is used adaptation
for transmission. SIB, Paging and RA response excluded.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS17 is used for transmission. SIB, Paging and RA response excluded.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS18 is used for transmission. SIB, Paging and RA response excluded.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS19 is used for transmission. SIB, Paging and RA response excluded.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS20 is used for transmission. SIB, Paging and RA response excluded.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS21 is used for transmission. SIB, Paging and RA response excluded.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS22 is used for transmission. SIB, Paging and RA response excluded.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS23 is used for transmission. SIB, Paging and RA response excluded.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS24 is used for transmission. SIB, Paging and RA response excluded.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS25 is used for transmission. SIB, Paging and RA response excluded.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS26 is used for transmission. SIB, Paging and RA response excluded.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS27 is used for transmission. SIB, Paging and RA response excluded.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS28 is used for transmission. SIB, Paging and RA response excluded.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS0 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS1 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS2 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS3 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS4 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS5 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS6 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS7 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS8 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS9 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS10 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS11 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS12 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS13 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS14 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS15 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS16 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS17 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS18 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS19 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: Performance
When MCS20Monitoring
is used forI transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE829: Increased
When MCS21
is MCS
used for
LTE651: Performance Monitoring range
I transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE829:
LTE651: Performance Monitoring I transmission.
When MCS22
is MCS
used for
LTE829: Performance
8001: LTE • LTE651: Increased uplink
When MCS23 is MCS range
used for
Monitoring I transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651:
LTE829: Performance
When MCS24
is MCS
used for
I transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651:
LTE44: 64When
in UL Monitoring
Performance is used forI transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE44:
LTE651:64 QAMMCS26
When in UL Monitoring
Performance is used forI transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE44: 64 QAM
When in UL
MCS27 is used forI transmission.
LTE651: Performance Monitoring
8001: LTE • LTE44: 64When
in UL is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS0 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS1 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS2 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS3 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS4 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS5 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS6 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS7 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS8 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS9 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS10 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS11 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS12 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS13 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS14 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS15 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS16 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS17 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS18 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS19 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS20 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS21 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS22 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS23 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS24 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS25 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS26 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS27 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: When MCS28 is used for transmission.
8001: LTE • LTE651: The counter is updated when RLC SDU on DL DTCH is sent
8001: LTE • LTE651: The counter is updated when RLC SDU on DL DCCH is sent
8001: LTE • LTE651: The counter is updated when RLC SDU on UL DTCH is received
8001: LTE • LTE651: The counter is updated when RLC SDU on UL DCCH is received
8001: LTE • LTE651: The counter is updated when RLC AM/UM data PDU is transmitted for the first time on the RLC
8001: LTE • LTE651: The counter is updated when a RLC AM data PDU is retransmitted on the RLC level.
8001: LTE • LTE651: The counter is updated when a non-duplicate RLC AM/UM data PDU is received
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated when RLC Control PDU related to DCCH or DTCH is transmitted first tim
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated when RLC Data PDU related to DTCH is transmitted first time on the R
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated when an UL RLC PDU is received.
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated when a duplicate UL RLC PDU is received. Valid for duplicate AMD PDU
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when a retransmission is requested on the RLC level for a UL RLC PD
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when a UL RLC PDU has been discarded. Duplicate RLC PDU's receiv
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when RLC SDU is received from the PDCP layer.
8001: LTE • LTE770: The arithmetical average number of UE contexts per TTI with buffered DL RLC data is updated
8001: LTE • LTE770: The maximum number of UE contexts with UP data on DL RLC buffer is updated to this counte
8001: LTE • LTE1047:The aggregation is started when Control Plane enters Overload level 1 and it is stopped when O
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated based on the buffer status reports. The value is the arithmetical averag
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated based on the buffer status reports. The maximum number of UE contex
8001: LTE • LTE1047:The
LTE770: Basicaggregation
Performanceis started
Counterwhen Control
Collection II Plane enters Overload level 2 and it is stopped when O
8001: LTE • LTE770:
counter is updated
Performance addition
on the
Counter reception
with PDCP
Collection II ofKPI
from UE.
8001: LTE • LTE2054: Measurement
This counter is Report
updated addition
for with
LTE770: Basic Performance Counter Collection IIPDCP
PDCP KPI counter
SDU subset
transmissions during the measurement perio
8001: LTE • LTE2054:This
Measurement Report addition
counter is updated when awith
SDUKPI counter subset
is removed from the eNB without having started the
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE1402:This counter is updated by the number of UEs using UL intra-eNB CoMP in each TTI when PUS
8001: LTE • LTE805: This counter is updated after each sampling interval with the arithmetical average of samples e
8001: LTE • LTE805: This counter is updated after each sampling interval with the peak number of UEs in RRC_CON
8001: LTE • LTE1545 The counter is updated per TTI by the average number of UEs, which are paired by UL MU-MI
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE805: The counter is updated when the size of the RLC buffer changes, except when there is no data
8001: LTE • LTE805: The counter is updated when the size of the RLC buffer changes, except when there is no data
8001: LTE • LTE805: The counter is updated when the size of the RLC buffer changes, except when there is no data
8001: LTE • LTE805: The counter is updated when the size of the RLC buffer changes, except when there is no data
8001: LTE • LTE805: The counter is updated when the size of the RLC buffer changes, except when there is no data
8001: LTE • LTE805: The counter is updated when the size of the RLC buffer changes, except when there is no data
8001: LTE • LTE497: The counter is updated after the end of the sampling period by the average number of PRBs av
8001: LTE • LTE497: The counter is updated after the end of the sampling period by the average number of PRBs av
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated on the transmission of an RLC data block on BCCH towards the UE.
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated on the transmission of an RLC SDU on CCCH towards the UE.
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated on the transmission of an RLC SDU on PCCH towards the UE.
8001: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated on the reception of an RLC SDU on CCCH from UE.
8001: LTE Cell Load The arithmetical average of samples taken from the number of active UEs.
8001: LTE • LTE770: The maximum value of the samples of active UEs during a measurement period.
8001: LTE • LTE9: SerThe arithmetical average number of UE contexts per TTI with buffered DL RLC data for QCI1 b
8001: LTE • LTE496: The arithmetical average number of UE contexts per TTI with buffered DL RLC data for QCI2 b
8001: LTE • LTE496: The arithmetical average number of UE contexts per TTI with buffered DL RLC data for QCI3 b
8001: LTE • LTE496: The arithmetical average number of UE contexts per TTI with buffered DL RLC data for QCI4 b
8001: LTE • LTE843: The counter is updated when the secondary
primary ETWS
ETWSnotification is sent
notification viavia
is sent SIB10.
8001: LTE • LTE843: In case of segmented warning message contents the counter is updated
The counter is updated when the CMAS notification is sent via SIB12. when the last segmen
8001: LTE • LTE494: In case of segmented warning message contents the counter is updated when the last segmen
8001: LTE • LTE569: The eNB-internal average calculation of the number of active UEs with UE Category 8 (3GPP T
8001: LTE • LTE9: SerThe arithmetical average number of UE contexts per TTI with buffered DL RLC data for non-GB
8001: LTE • LTE541: The counter is updated when MCS29 is used for transmission. SIB, Paging and RA response e
8001: LTE • LTE541: The counter is updated when MCS30 is used for transmission. SIB, Paging and RA response e
8001: LTE • LTE541: The counter is updated when MCS31 is used for transmission. SIB, Paging and RA response e
8001: LTE • LTE541: The counter is updated when NACK without bundle is received for PDSCH transmission using M
8001: LTE • LTE541: The counter is updated when NACK without bundle is received for PDSCH transmission using M
8001: LTE • LTE541: The counter is updated when NACK without bundle is received for PDSCH transmission using M
8001: LTE • LTE541: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE541: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE541: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE541: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE541: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE541: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE541: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE541: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE541: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE541: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE541: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE541: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE Cell Load This counter is updated after each sampling interval with the sample taken from the number of
8001: LTE Cell Load This counter is updated by value 1 when the number of Active UEs is summed to counter SUM_
8001: LTE Cell Load This counter is updated after each sampling interval with the sample taken from the number of
8001: LTE Cell Load This counter is updated by value 1 when the number of Active UEs is summed to counter SUM_
8001: LTE • LTE2128:This counter
The time is at
ends updated
the firstintransmission
each active TTI
of aby
TBthe number a
containing ofsegment
UEs thatof are
SDU. by L3 RR
8001: LTE • LTE9: SerDiscarded SDUs will be excluded from the measurement.
The time ends at the first transmission of a TB containing a segment of the SDU.
8001: LTE • LTE9: SerThe SDUs
time ends at will
the be
firstexcluded from of
transmission thea measurement.
TB containing a segment of the SDU.
8001: LTE • LTE496: The
Discarded SDUs
time ends at will
the be
firstexcluded from of
transmission thea measurement.
TB containing a segment of the SDU.
8001: LTE • LTE496: The
Discarded SDUs
time ends at will
the be
firstexcluded from of
transmission thea measurement.
TB containing a segment of the SDU.
8001: LTE • LTE496: Discarded SDUs will be excluded from the measurement.
8001: LTE • LTE44: 6 This counter is updated when 1st transmission on PUSCH using MCS25 is received.
8001: LTE • LTE44: 6 This counter is updated when 1st transmission on PUSCH using MCS26 is received.
8001: LTE • LTE44: 6 This counter is updated when 1st transmission on PUSCH using MCS27 is received.
8001: LTE • LTE44: 6 This counter is updated when 1st transmission on PUSCH using MCS28 is received.
8001: LTE • LTE44: 6 This counter is updated when 1st transmission on PUSCH using MCS25 is nacked.
8001: LTE • LTE44: 6 This counter is updated when 1st transmission on PUSCH using MCS26 is nacked.
8001: LTE • LTE44: 6 This counter is updated when 1st transmission on PUSCH using MCS27 is nacked.
8001: LTE • LTE44: 6 The
This reception
counter isofupdated whenRA
a dedicated 1stpreamble
sentonbyPUSCH using
the UE to MCS28 is nacked.
the eNB.
8001: LTE • LTE651: (cf. 3GPP TS 36.300)
8001: LTE • LTE44: 6 This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions was exceeded fo
8001: LTE • LTE44: 6 This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions was exceeded fo
8001: LTE • LTE44: 6 This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions was exceeded fo
8001: LTE • LTE44: 6 -This
UL grantis for
updated when the
RA msg3/1st maximumUL
scheduled number of HARQ
transmission retransmissions
after was exceeded fo
RA response/msg2;or
8001: LTE Cell Load - The UL grant for SR if a UL SRB message is expected.
8001: LTE Cell Load This counter is incremented by 1 in each TTI when the eNB is "on air" in uplink.
8001: LTE Cell Load This counter is updated in each TTI with the number of active UEs that had data scheduled in D
8001: LTE Cell Load This counter is incremented by 1 in each TTI when the eNB is "on air" in downlink.
8001: LTE • LTE2023:The accumulation is started when the user plane enters Overload level 1 and it is stopped when
8001: LTE • LTE2023:The
LTE9: Serviceaccumulation
differentiationis started when the user plane enters Overload level 2 and it is stopped when
8001: LTE • LTE651:
counter is updated
Report addition
Monitoring when
I awith
SDUKPIfor counter
a QCI 1subset
bearer is delivered to higher layers.
8001: LTE • LTE651:
counter is updated
Report addition
Monitoring when
I awith
SDUKPIfor counter
a QCI 2subset
bearer is delivered to higher layers.
8001: LTE • LTE2054: Measurement
This counter is Report
LTE651: Performance Monitoring I addition
when a with
for counter
a QCI 3 subset
bearer is delivered to higher layers.
8001: LTE • LTE2054:This
The time ends at the first transmission of a TB containingbearer
counter is updated
Report addition
when a with
for counter
a QCI 4 subset is delivered
a segment to higher layers.
of the SDU.
8001: LTE Cell Load The
Discarded SDUs
time ends at will
the be
firstexcluded from of
transmission thea measurement.
TB containing a segment of the SDU.
8001: LTE Cell Load The
Discarded SDUs
time ends at will
the be
firstexcluded from of
transmission thea measurement.
TB containing a segment of the SDU.
8001: LTE Cell Load Discarded SDUs will be excluded from the measurement.
The time ends at the first transmission of a TB containing a segment of the SDU.
8001: LTE Cell Load Discarded
The time endsSDUsat will
the be
firstexcluded from of
transmission thea measurement.
TB containing a segment of the SDU.
8001: LTE •Cell Load
LTE9: Discarded
Service SDUs will be excluded from the measurement.
8001: LTE • LTE496:
number of transmitted
of QCI Report
2, 3 andaddition
4 PDCP with
PDCPin downlink
KPI counter
for subset
8001: LTE • LTE496:
counter is updated
of QCI Report
2, 3 andaddition
4 awith
SDUKPIof acounter
QCI2 bearer
subsetis sent to the UE.
8001: LTE • LTE2054: This
LTE496: Supportcounter is updated
of QCI Report
2, 3 andaddition
4 awith
SDUKPIof acounter
QCI3 bearer
subsetis sent to the UE.
8001: LTE • LTE2054:This
Measurement Report addition
counter is updated when awith
SDUKPIof acounter subsetis sent to the UE.
QCI4 bearer
8001: LTE Cell Load This counter is updated after each sampling interval with the sample taken from the number of
8001: LTE Cell Load This counter is updated by value 1 when the number of RRC Connected UEs is summed to cou
8001: LTE Cell Load This counter is updated after each sampling interval with the sample taken from the number of
8001: LTE Cell Load This counter is updated by value 1 when the number of Active UEs is summed to counter SUM_
8001: LTE • LTE1788:The
LTE9: Serviceaccumulation
differentiationis started when the broadcast of the automatic Access Class Barring informa
8001: LTE • LTE2054: This
LTE496: Support of QCI is updated
2, 3 andaddition
4 awith
SDUKPIof acounter
QCI1 bearer
subsetis removed from the eNB without
8001: LTE • LTE496: Measurement
This counter Report
2, 3 andaddition
is updated
of QCI when
4 awith
SDUKPIof acounter subsetis removed from the eNB without
QCI2 bearer
8001: LTE • LTE496:
counter is updated
of QCI Report
2, 3 andaddition
4 awith
SDUKPIof acounter
QCI3 bearer
subsetis removed from the eNB without
8001: LTE • LTE2054:This counter is updated
Measurement when awith
Report addition PDCP SDUKPI
PDCP of acounter
QCI4 bearer
subsetis removed from the eNB without
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated in each TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE770: Thebearers
LTE10: EPS counterforis updated in eachvoice
conversational TTI scheduling period when bundle NACK received on PDSCH
8001: LTE • LTE496:
LTE10: EPS bearers for conversational voice of samples taken from the number of UE contexts with bu
The value
of is
3 and 4 average
8001: LTE • LTE496: Support
The value
of is
3 and 4 average of samples taken from the number of UE contexts with bu
8001: LTE • LTE473: Transmission of a PDCCH order (eNB -> UE; 3GPP TS 36.321, TS 36.212) to initiate a UE Ran
8001: LTE • LTE473: Transmission of an initial PDCCH order (eNB -> UE; 3GPP TS 36.321, TS 36.212) to initiate a U
8001: LTE • LTE473: The counter is updated when the Random Access Response (eNB -> UE; 3GPP TS 36.300) wa
hether a dedicated 8001: LTE • LTE473: eNB-internal trigger
8001: LTE • LTE473: eNB-internal trigger
8001: LTE • LTE473: eNB-internal trigger
8001: LTE • LTE473: eNB-internal trigger
8001: LTE • LTE473: eNB-internal average calculation of the number of UEs in Uplink-In-Sync; the average is calcula
GPP TS 36.331, TS 36.306),
8001: LTE • LTE473: eNB-internal
This average
counter is updatedcalculation
when theof the number
measured of RRC connected
Uplink-Out-Of-Sync UEs
time which
T of a UEhave
wasset therang
in the "de
8001: LTE • LTE473: 0 seconds
This <T
counter is <= 0.5 seconds.
updated when the measured Uplink-Out-Of-Sync time T of a UE was in the rang
8001: LTE • LTE473: 0.5 seconds
This counter <isTupdated
<= 2.5 seconds.
when the measured Uplink-Out-Of-Sync time T of a UE was in the rang
8001: LTE • LTE473: 2.5 seconds
This counter <isTupdated
<= 10 seconds.
when the measured Uplink-Out-Of-Sync time T of a UE was in the rang
8001: LTE • LTE473: 10 seconds < T <= 100 seconds.
8001: LTE • LTE473: This counter is updated when the measured Uplink-Out-Of-Sync time T of a UE was larger than
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is received for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is received for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is received for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is received for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is received for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is received for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is received for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is received for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is received for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is received for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is received for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is received for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is received for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is received for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is received for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is received for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is received for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is received for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is received for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is received for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is received for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is received for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is received for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is received for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is received for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is nacked for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is nacked for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is nacked for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is nacked for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is nacked for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is nacked for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is nacked for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is nacked for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is nacked for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is nacked for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is nacked for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is nacked for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is nacked for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is nacked for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is nacked for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is nacked for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is nacked for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is nacked for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is nacked for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is nacked for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is nacked for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is nacked for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is nacked for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is nacked for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: When 1st transmission on PUSCH is nacked for used MCS
8001: LTE • LTE829: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE829: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE829: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE829: This counter is updated when the maximum number of HARQ retransmissions has been excee
8001: LTE • LTE569:
LTE1089:eNB-internal average
Downlink carrier calculation of the number of active UEs with UE Category 5 (3GPP TS 36
8001: LTE • LTE1089:
TDD counter is updated
Downlink carriercarrier by the arithmetical average of samples taken from the number of UEs t
8001: LTE • LTE1558:The
TDD arithmetical
Downlink carrier
of samples taken from the number of UEs with a configured SCell.
LTE1089: Downlink carrier aggregation
8001: LTE • LTE1558:The
TDD arithmetical
Downlink carrier
of samples
LTE1803: Downlink carrier aggregation 3 CC - taken from the number of UEs with an activated SCell.
40 MHz
8001: LTE • LTE1803:
TDD counter
Downlink is updated
carrier aggregation
by the 3arithmetical
aggregation CC- -60
40Mhzaverage of samples taken from the number of UEs t
8001: LTE • LTE1803:
TDD counter
Downlink is updated
carrier aggregation
by the 3arithmetical
aggregation CC- -60
40Mhzaverage of samples taken from the number of UEs w
8001: LTE • LTE1836:The
downlink carrier
of samples - 60 Mhzfrom the number of UEs with two activated SCells.
8001: LTE • LTE1929:The counter is updated when first HARQ transmission on PUSCH is received for periodical reso
8001: LTE • LTE1929:The counter is updated when first HARQ transmission on PUSCH is negatively acknowledged f
8004: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when an X2AP message has been received from any source eNB.
8004: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when an X2AP message is transmitted towards any target eNB.
8004: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated on the reception of an DL Data Forwarding GTP-U: G-PDU from any so
8004: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated on the transmission of DL Data Forwarding GTP-U: G-PDU towards an
8005: LTE • LTE651: The counter is updated when the UE-related RSSI for PUCCH minimum value is detected
8005: LTE • LTE651: The counter is updated when the UE-related RSSI for PUCCH maximum value is detected
8005: LTE • LTE651: The counter is updated with the average value of the UE-related RSSI for PUCCH over the me
8005: LTE • LTE651: The counter is updated when the UE-related RSSI for PUSCH minimum value is detected
8005: LTE • LTE651: The counter is updated when the UE-related RSSI for PUSCH maximum value is detected
8005: LTE • LTE651: The counter is updated with the average value of UE-related RSSI for PUSCH over the measur
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUCCH value <= -120 dBm is detected. T
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUCCH value in the range of -120 dBm <
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUCCH value in the range of -118 dBm <
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUCCH value in the range of -116 dBm <
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUCCH value in the range of -114 dBm <
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUCCH value in the range of -112 dBm <
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUCCH value in the range of -110 dBm <
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUCCH value in the range of -108 dBm <
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUCCH value in the range of -106 dBm <
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUCCH value in the range of -104 dBm <
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUCCH value in the range of -102 dBm <
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUCCH value in the range of -100 dBm <
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUCCH value in the range of -98 dBm < R
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUCCH value in the range of -96 dBm < R
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUCCH value in the range of -94 dBm < R
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUCCH value in the range of -92 dBm < R
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUCCH value in the range of -90 dBm < R
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUCCH value in the range of -88 dBm < R
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUCCH value in the range of -86 dBm < R
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUCCH value in the range of -84 dBm < R
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUCCH value in the range of -82 dBm < R
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUCCH value in the range of RssiPucchU
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUSCH value <= -120 dBm is detected. T
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUSCH value in the range of -120 dBm <
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUSCH value in the range of -118 dBm <
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUSCH value in the range of -116 dBm <
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUSCH value in the range of -114 dBm <
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUSCH value in the range of -112 dBm <
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUSCH value in the range of -110 dBm <
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUSCH value in the range of -108 dBm <
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUSCH value in the range of -106 dBm <
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUSCH value in the range of -104 dBm <
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUSCH value in the range of -102 dBm <
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUSCH value in the range of -100 dBm <
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUSCH value in the range of -98 dBm < R
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUSCH value in the range of -96 dBm < R
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUSCH value in the range of -94 dBm < R
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUSCH value in the range of -92 dBm < R
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUSCH value in the range of -90 dBm < R
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUSCH value in the range of -88 dBm < R
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUSCH value in the range of -86 dBm < R
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUSCH value in the range of -84 dBm < R
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUSCH value in the range of -82 dBm < R
8005: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when a UE-related RSSI for PUSCH value in the range of RssiPUSCH
8005: LTE • LTE798: When UE Power Headroom value in the range of -23dB <= PHR < -21dB is detected.
8005: LTE • LTE798: When UE Power Headroom value in the range of -21dB <= PHR < -19dB is detected.
8005: LTE • LTE798: When UE Power Headroom value in the range of -19dB <= PHR < -17dB is detected.
8005: LTE • LTE798: When UE Power Headroom value in the range of -17dB <= PHR < -15dB is detected.
8005: LTE • LTE798: When UE Power Headroom value in the range of -15dB <= PHR < -13dB is detected.
8005: LTE • LTE798: When UE Power Headroom value in the range of -13dB <= PHR < -11dB is detected.
8005: LTE • LTE798: When UE Power Headroom value in the range of -11dB <= PHR < -9dB is detected.
8005: LTE • LTE798: When UE Power Headroom value in the range of -9dB <= PHR < -7dB is detected.
8005: LTE • LTE798: When UE Power Headroom value in the range of -7dB <= PHR < -5dB is detected.
8005: LTE • LTE798: When UE Power Headroom value in the range of -5dB <= PHR < -3dB is detected.
8005: LTE • LTE798: When UE Power Headroom value in the range of -3dB <= PHR < -1dB is detected.
8005: LTE • LTE798: When UE Power Headroom value in the range of -1dB <= PHR < 1dB is detected.
8005: LTE • LTE798: When UE Power Headroom value in the range of 1dB <= PHR < 3dB is detected.
8005: LTE • LTE798: When UE Power Headroom value in the range of 3dB <= PHR < 5dB is detected.
8005: LTE • LTE798: When UE Power Headroom value in the range of 5dB <= PHR < 7dB is detected.
8005: LTE • LTE798: When UE Power Headroom value in the range of 7dB <= PHR < 9dB is detected.
8005: LTE • LTE798: When UE Power Headroom value in the range of 9dB <= PHR < 11dB is detected.
8005: LTE • LTE798: When UE Power Headroom value in the range of 11dB <= PHR < 13dB is detected.
8005: LTE • LTE798: When UE Power Headroom value in the range of 13dB <= PHR < 15dB is detected.
8005: LTE • LTE798: When UE Power Headroom value in the range of 15dB <= PHR < 17dB is detected.
8005: LTE • LTE798: When UE Power Headroom value in the range of 17dB <= PHR < 19dB is detected.
8005: LTE • LTE798: When UE Power Headroom value in the range of 19dB <= PHR < 21dB is detected.
8005: LTE • LTE798: When UE Power Headroom value in the range of 21dB <= PHR < 23dB is detected.
8005: LTE • LTE798: When UE Power Headroom value in the range of 23dB <= PHR < 25dB is detected.
8005: LTE • LTE798: When UE Power Headroom value in the range of 25dB <= PHR < 27dB is detected.
8005: LTE • LTE798: When UE Power Headroom value in the range of 27dB <= PHR < 29dB is detected.
8005: LTE • LTE798: When UE Power Headroom value in the range of 29dB <= PHR < 31dB is detected.
8005: LTE • LTE798: When UE Power Headroom value in the range of 31dB <= PHR < 33dB is detected.
8005: LTE • LTE798: When UE Power Headroom value in the range of 33dB <= PHR < 35dB is detected.
8005: LTE • LTE798: When UE Power Headroom value in the range of 35dB <= PHR < 37dB is detected.
8005: LTE • LTE798: When UE Power Headroom value in the range of 37dB <= PHR < 39dB is detected.
8005: LTE • LTE798: When UE Power Headroom value in the range of 39 dB <= PHR is detected.
8005: LTE • LTE651: When the minimum UE power headroom value is detected.
8005: LTE • LTE651: When the maximum UE power headroom value is detected.
8005: LTE • LTE651: Updated for each TTI.
8005: LTE • LTE651: The counter is updated when the signal-to-interference-and-noise ratio (SINR) minimum value f
8005: LTE • LTE651: The counter is updated when the signal-to-interference-and-noise ratio (SINR) maximum value
8005: LTE • LTE651: The counter is updated with the average value of signal-to-interference-and-noise ratio (SINR)
8005: LTE • LTE651: The counter is updated when the signal-to-interference-and-noise ratio (SINR) minimum value f
8005: LTE • LTE651: The counter is updated when the signal-to-interference-and-noise ratio (SINR) maximum value
8005: LTE • LTE651: The counter is updated with the average value of signal-to-interference-and-noise ratio (SINR)
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUCCH value in the range of <= -10dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUCCH value in the range of -10dB < SINR <= -8dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUCCH value in the range of -8dB < SINR <= -6dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUCCH value in the range of -6dB < SINR <= -4dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUCCH value in the range of -4dB < SINR <= -2dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUCCH value in the range of -2dB < SINR <= 0dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUCCH value in the range of 0dB < SINR <= 2dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUCCH value in the range of 2dB < SINR <= 4dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUCCH value in the range of 4dB < SINR <= 6dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUCCH value in the range of 4dB < SINR <= 6dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUCCH value in the range of 8dB < SINR <= 10dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUCCH value in the range of 10dB < SINR <= 12dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUCCH value in the range of 12dB < SINR <= 14dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUCCH value in the range of 14dB < SINR <= 16dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUCCH value in the range of 16dB < SINR <= 18dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUCCH value in the range of 18dB < SINR <= 20dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUCCH value in the range of 20dB < SINR <= 22dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUCCH value in the range of 22dB < SINR <= 24dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUCCH value in the range of 24dB < SINR <= 26dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUCCH value in the range of 26dB < SINR <= 28dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUCCH value in the range of 28dB < SINR <= 30dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUCCH value in the range of > 30dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUSCH value in the range of <= -10dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUSCH value in the range of -10dB < SINR <= -8dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUSCH value in the range of -8dB < SINR <= -6dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUSCH value in the range of -6dB < SINR <= -4dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUSCH value in the range of -4dB < SINR <= -2dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUSCH value in the range of -2dB < SINR <= 0dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUSCH value in the range of 0dB < SINR <= 2dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUSCH value in the range of 2dB < SINR <= 4dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUSCH value in the range of 4dB < SINR <= 6dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUSCH value in the range of 6dB < SINR <= 8dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUSCH value in the range of 8dB < SINR <= 10dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUSCH value in the range of 10dB < SINR <= 12dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUSCH value in the range of 12dB < SINR <= 14dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUSCH value in the range of 14dB < SINR <= 16dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUSCH value in the range of 16dB < SINR <= 18dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUSCH value in the range of 18dB < SINR <= 20dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUSCH value in the range of 20dB < SINR <= 22dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUSCH value in the range of 22dB < SINR <= 24dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUSCH value in the range of 24dB < SINR <= 26dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUSCH value in the range of 26dB < SINR <= 28dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUSCH value in the range of 28dB < SINR <= 30dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE798: When SINR PUSCH value in the range of > 30dB is detected
8005: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated every time UL AMC recommended MCS is upgraded. Both Outer Loop
8005: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated every time UL AMC recommended MCS is downgraded. Both Outer Lo
8005: LTE Power andThis counter is updated if the current cell-wide RSSI value on PUCCH is smaller than the last c
8005: LTE Power andThis counter is updated if the current cell-wide RSSI value on PUCCH is greater than the last c
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI. Mean value is calculated as follows: conversion from dB
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUCCH is <= -120 dBm.
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUCCH is -120 dBm < x <
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUCCH is -118 dBm < x <
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUCCH is -116 dBm < x <
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUCCH is -114 dBm < x <
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUCCH is -112 dBm < x <
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUCCH is -110 dBm < x <
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUCCH is -108 dBm < x <
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUCCH is -106 dBm < x <
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUCCH is -104 dBm < x <
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUCCH is -102 dBm < x <
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUCCH is -100 dBm < x <
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUCCH is -98 dBm < x <=
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUCCH is -96 dBm < x <=
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUCCH is -94 dBm < x <=
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUCCH is -92 dBm < x <=
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUCCH is -90 dBm < x <=
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUCCH is -88 dBm < x <=
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUCCH is -86 dBm < x <=
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUCCH is -84 dBm < x <=
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUCCH is -82 dBm < x <=
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUCCH is greater than -8
8005: LTE Power andThis counter is updated if the current cell-wide RSSI value on PUSCH is smaller than the last c
8005: LTE Power andThis counter is updated if the current cell-wide RSSI value on PUSCH is greater than the last ce
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI. Mean value is calculated as follows: conversion from dB
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUSCH is <= -120 dBm.
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUSCH is -120 dBm < x <
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUSCH is -118 dBm < x <
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUSCH is -116 dBm < x <
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUSCH is -114 dBm < x <
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUSCH is -112 dBm < x <
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUSCH is -110 dBm < x <
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUSCH is -108 dBm < x <
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUSCH is -106 dBm < x <
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUSCH is -104 dBm < x <
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUSCH is -102 dBm < x <
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUSCH is -100 dBm < x <
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUSCH is -98 dBm < x <=
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUSCH is -96 dBm < x <=
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUSCH is -94 dBm < x <=
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUSCH is -92 dBm < x <=
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUSCH is -90 dBm < x <=
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUSCH is -88 dBm < x <=
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUSCH is -86 dBm < x <=
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUSCH is -84 dBm < x <=
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUSCH is -82 dBm < x <=
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide RSSI value on PUSCH is greater than -8
8005: LTE Power andThis counter is updated if the current cell-wide SINR value on PUCCH is smaller than the last c
8005: LTE Power andThis counter is updated if the current cell-wide SINR value on PUCCH is greater than the last c
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI. Mean value is calculated as follows: SINR mean value
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUCCH is <= -10 dB.
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUCCH is -10 dB < x <= -
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUCCH is -8 dB < x <= -6
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUCCH is -6 dB < x <= -4
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUCCH is -4 dB < x <= -2
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUCCH is -2 dB < x <= 0
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUCCH is 0 dB < x <= 2 d
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUCCH is 2 dB < x <= 4 d
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUCCH is 4 dB < x <= 6 d
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUCCH is 6 dB < x <= 8 d
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUCCH is 8 dB < x <= 10
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUCCH is 10 dB < x <= 1
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUCCH is 12 dB < x <= 1
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUCCH is 14 dB < x <= 1
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUCCH is 16 dB < x <= 1
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUCCH is 18 dB < x <= 2
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUCCH is 20 dB < x <= 2
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUCCH is 22 dB < x <= 2
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUCCH is 24dB < x <= 26
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUCCH is 26 dB < x <= 2
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUCCH is 28 dB < x <= 3
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUCCH is greater than 30
8005: LTE Power andThis counter is updated if the current cell-wide SINR value on PUSCH is smaller than the last c
8005: LTE Power andThis counter is updated if the current cell-wide SINR value on PUSCH is greater than the last c
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI. Mean value is calculated as follows: SINR mean value
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUSCH is <= -10 dB.
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUSCH is -10 dB < x <= -
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUSCH is -8 dB < x <= -6
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUSCH is -6 dB < x <= -4
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUSCH is -4 dB < x <= -2
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUSCH is -2 dB < x <= 0
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUSCH is 0 dB < x <= 2 d
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUSCH is 2 dB < x <= 4 d
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUSCH is 4 dB < x <= 6 d
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUSCH is 6 dB < x <= 8 d
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUSCH is 8 dB < x <= 10
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUSCH is 10 dB < x <= 1
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUSCH is 12 dB < x <= 1
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUSCH is 14 dB < x <= 1
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUSCH is 16 dB < x <= 1
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUSCH is 18 dB < x <= 2
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUSCH is 20 dB < x <= 2
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUSCH is 22 dB < x <= 2
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUSCH is 24 dB < x <= 2
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUSCH is 26 dB < x <= 2
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUSCH is 28 dB < x <= 3
8005: LTE Power andThe counter is updated after every TTI if the cell-wide SINR value on PUSCH is greater than 30
8005: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated by accumulating the RTWP in milliwatts for Rx antenna 1 from ev
8005: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated by accumulating the RTWP in milliwatts for Rx antenna 2 from ev
8005: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated by accumulating the RTWP in milliwatts for Rx antenna 3 from ev
8005: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated by accumulating the RTWP in milliwatts for Rx antenna 4 from ev
8005: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated by accumulating the RTWP in milliwatts for Rx antenna 5 from ev
8005: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated by accumulating the RTWP in milliwatts for Rx antenna 6 from ev
8005: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated by accumulating the RTWP in milliwatts for Rx antenna 7 from ev
8005: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated by accumulating the RTWP in milliwatts for Rx antenna 8 from ev
8005: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated by collecting the individual antenna RTWP values in milliwatts ev
8005: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated by calculating the IoT every sample period the noise measureme
8005: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated by calculating the IoT every sample period the noise measureme
8005: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated by calculating the IoT every sample period the noise measureme
8005: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated by calculating the IoT every sample period the noise measureme
8005: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated by calculating the IoT every sample period the noise measureme
8005: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated by calculating the IoT every sample period the noise measureme
8005: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated by calculating the IoT every sample period the noise measureme
8005: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated by calculating the IoT every sample period the noise measureme
8005: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated by calculating the IoT every sample period the noise measureme
8005: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated by calculating the SIR for each of the in-use PUSCH PRBs every
8005: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated by calculating the SIR for each of the in-use PUSCH PRBs every
8005: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated by calculating the SIR for each of the in-use PUSCH PRBs every
8005: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated by calculating the SIR for each of the in-use PUSCH PRBs every
8005: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated by calculating the SIR for each of the in-use PUSCH PRBs every
8005: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated by calculating the SIR for each of the in-use PUSCH PRBs every
8005: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated by calculating the SIR for each of the in-use PUSCH PRBs every
8005: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated by calculating the SIR for each of the in-use PUSCH PRBs every
8005: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated by calculating the SIR for each of the in-use PUSCH PRBs every
8005: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated by calculating the SIR for each of the in-use PUSCH PRBs every
8005: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated by accumulating the RTWP in milliwatts for Rx antenna 9 from ev
8005: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated by accumulating the RTWP in milliwatts for Rx antenna 10 from e
8005: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated by accumulating the RTWP in milliwatts for Rx antenna 11 from e
8005: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated by accumulating the RTWP in milliwatts for Rx antenna 12 from e
8006: LTE • LTE651: The reception of an S1AP:Initial Context Setup Request or an S1AP:E-RAB SETUP REQUEST
8006: LTE • LTE651: The transmission of an S1AP:Initial Context Setup Response or an S1AP:E-RAB SETUP RESP
8006: LTE • LTE651: The counter
LTE761: Advanced is updated
target if the release
cell selection and HOcause does
retry for not freq
intra- match
HOany other failure counter.
8006: LTE • LTE1899:This
is updated following
for E-RAB
of an S1AP:UE
8006: LTE • LTE1361:This measurement is obtained by sampling the number of simultaneous E-RABs with QCI 1 cha
8006: LTE • LTE1361:This measurement is obtained by sampling the number of simultaneous E-RABs with QCI 2 cha
8006: LTE • LTE1361:This measurement is obtained by sampling the number of simultaneous E-RABs with QCI 3 cha
8006: LTE • LTE1361:This measurement is obtained by sampling the number of simultaneous E-RABs with QCI 4 cha
8006: LTE • LTE1361:This measurement is obtained by sampling the number of simultaneous E-RABs with QCI 5 cha
8006: LTE • LTE1361:This measurement is obtained by sampling the number of simultaneous E-RABs with QCI 6 cha
8006: LTE • LTE1361:This measurement is obtained by sampling the number of simultaneous E-RABs with QCI 7 cha
8006: LTE • LTE1361:This measurement is obtained by sampling the number of simultaneous E-RABs with QCI 8 cha
8006: LTE • LTE1361:This measurement is obtained by sampling the number of simultaneous E-RABs with QCI 9 cha
8006: LTE • LTE1361:This counter is incremented when the check for the respective sampling counters for the numbe
8006: LTE • LTE1740:Reception of an S1AP:E-RAB MODIFY REQUEST message sent by MME to the eNB. The cou
8006: LTE • LTE1740:Reception of an S1AP:E-RAB MODIFY REQUEST message sent by MME to the eNB. The cou
8006: LTE • LTE1740:Reception of an S1AP:E-RAB MODIFY REQUEST message sent by MME to the eNB. The cou
8006: LTE • LTE1740:Reception of an S1AP:E-RAB MODIFY REQUEST message sent by MME to the eNB. The cou
8006: LTE • LTE1740:Reception of an S1AP:E-RAB MODIFY REQUEST message sent by MME to the eNB. The cou
8006: LTE • LTE1740:Reception of an S1AP:E-RAB MODIFY REQUEST message sent by MME to the eNB. The cou
8006: LTE • LTE1740:Reception of an S1AP:E-RAB MODIFY REQUEST message sent by MME to the eNB. The cou
8006: LTE • LTE1740:Reception of an S1AP:E-RAB MODIFY REQUEST message sent by MME to the eNB. The cou
8006: LTE • LTE1740:Reception of an S1AP:E-RAB MODIFY REQUEST message sent by MME to the eNB. The cou
8006: LTE • LTE1740:Transmission of an S1AP:E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message sent by eNB to the MME. The
8006: LTE • LTE1740:Transmission of an S1AP:E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message sent by eNB to the MME. The
8006: LTE • LTE1740:Transmission of an S1AP:E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message sent by eNB to the MME. The
8006: LTE • LTE1740:Transmission of an S1AP:E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message sent by eNB to the MME. The
8006: LTE • LTE1740:Transmission of an S1AP:E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message sent by eNB to the MME. The
8006: LTE • LTE1740:Transmission of an S1AP:E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message sent by eNB to the MME. The
8006: LTE • LTE1740:Transmission of an S1AP:E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message sent by eNB to the MME. The
8006: LTE • LTE1740:Transmission of an S1AP:E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message sent by eNB to the MME. The
8006: LTE • LTE1740:Transmission of an S1AP:E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message sent by eNB to the MME. The
8006: LTE • LTE1740:Transmission of an S1AP:E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message sent by eNB to the MME. The
8006: LTE • LTE1740:Transmission of an S1AP:E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message sent by eNB to the MME. The
8006: LTE • LTE1740:Transmission of an S1AP:E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message sent by eNB to the MME. The
LTE9: Service differentiation
8006: LTE • LTE7: Support
The reception
of multiple
of EPS
LTE9: Service differentiation bearer Release Command or an S1AP:UE Context Release Comma
8006: LTE • LTE7: Support
The reception
of multiple
of EPS
LTE9: Service differentiation S1AP:E-RAB
bearer Release Command or an S1AP:UE Context Release Comma
8006: LTE • LTE9:
LTE7: Service
The reception
of multiple
of EPS
differentiation bearer Release Command or an S1AP:UE Context Release Comma
8006: LTE • LTE7: Support
The reception of EPS
of multiple an S1AP:E-RAB
bearer Release Command or an S1AP:UE Context Release Comma
8006: LTE • LTE1899:This
counterPM-counters for E-RAB
is updated following theManagement
transmissionfailure causes CONTEXT RELEASE REQU
of an S1AP:UE
8006: LTE • LTE651: The counters must be updated in case that user data are buffered (UL/DL) for an E-RAB with Q
8006: LTE • LTE651: The counters must be updated in case that user data are buffered (UL/DL) for an E-RAB with Q
8006: LTE • LTE651: The counters must be updated in case that user data are buffered (UL/DL) for an E-RAB with Q
8006: LTE • LTE651: The counters must be updated in case that user data are buffered (UL/DL) for an E-RAB with Q
8006: LTE • LTE651: The counters must be updated in case that user data are buffered (UL/DL) for an E-RAB with n
8006: LTE • LTE651: When user data are transferred the in-session activity time is aggregated during the E-RAB lifet
8006: LTE • LTE651: When user data are transferred the in-session activity time is aggregated during the E-RAB lifet
8006: LTE • LTE651: When user data are transferred the in-session activity time is aggregated during the E-RAB lifet
8006: LTE • LTE651: When user data are transferred the in-session activity time is aggregated during the E-RAB lifet
8006: LTE • LTE651: When user data are transferred the in-session activity time is aggregated during the E-RAB lifet
8006: LTE • LTE1074:The reception of an S1AP:INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP message or of an S1AP:E-RAB SETUP R
8006: LTE • LTE1074:The transmission of the S1AP:E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE or S1AP:INITIAL CONTEXT RESPO
8006: LTE EPS BeareReception of an S1AP:INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message sent by the MME to the
8006: LTE EPS BeareReception of an S1AP:INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message sent by the MME to the
8006: LTE EPS BeareReception of an S1AP:INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message sent by the MME to the
8006: LTE EPS BeareReception of an S1AP:INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message sent by the MME to the
8006: LTE • LTE1960:Reception of an S1AP:INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message sent by the MME to the
8006: LTE • LTE1960:Reception of an S1AP:INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message sent by the MME to the
8006: LTE • LTE1960:Reception of an S1AP:INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message sent by the MME to the
8006: LTE • LTE1960:Reception of an S1AP:INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message sent by the MME to the
8006: LTE • LTE1960:Reception of an S1AP:INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message sent by the MME to the
8006: LTE EPS BeareReception of an S1AP:E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message sent by the MME to the eNB. The c
8006: LTE EPS BeareReception of an S1AP:E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message sent by the MME to the eNB. The c
8006: LTE EPS BeareReception of an S1AP:E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message sent by the MME to the eNB. The c
8006: LTE EPS BeareReception of an S1AP:E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message sent by the MME to the eNB. The c
8006: LTE • LTE1960:Reception of an S1AP:E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message sent by the MME to the eNB. The c
8006: LTE • LTE1960:Reception of an S1AP:E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message sent by the MME to the eNB. The c
8006: LTE • LTE1960:Reception of an S1AP:E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message sent by the MME to the eNB. The c
8006: LTE • LTE1960:Reception of an S1AP:E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message sent by the MME to the eNB. The c
8006: LTE • LTE1960:Reception
Transmissionof an S1AP:E-RAB
of an SETUP
CONTEXT message
SETUP sent bymessage
RESPONSE the MMEsentto the
eNB The c
to the
8006: LTE EPS BeareTransmission
The counter isofupdated with the number
CONTEXT bearers
SETUP containedmessage
RESPONSE in the "E-RAB Setup
sent by eNBList" IE
to the
8006: LTE EPS BeareTransmission
The counter isofupdated with the number
CONTEXT bearers
SETUP containedmessage
RESPONSE in the "E-RAB Setup
sent by eNBList" IE
to the
8006: LTE EPS BeareThe counter is updated with the number of QCI3 bearers contained in the "E-RAB Setup List" IE
Transmission of an S1AP:INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message sent by eNB to the
8006: LTE EPS BeareThe counter isofupdated
Transmission with the number
SETUP containedmessage
RESPONSE in the "E-RAB Setup
sent by eNBList" IE
to the
The counter isofupdated
8006: LTE • LTE1960:Transmission with the number
SETUP containedmessage
RESPONSE in the "E-RAB Setup
sent by eNBList" IE
to the
8006: LTE • LTE1960:Transmission
The counter isofupdated with the number
SETUP containedmessage
RESPONSE in the "E-RAB Setup
sent by eNBList" IE
to the
8006: LTE • LTE1960:Transmission
The counter isofupdated with the number
SETUP containedmessage
RESPONSE in the "E-RAB Setup
sent by eNBList" IE
to the
8006: LTE • LTE1960:The counter is updated with the number of QCI8 bearers contained in the "E-RAB
Transmission of an S1AP:INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message sent by eNB to the Setup List" IE
8006: LTE • LTE1960:The counter is updated with the number of QCI9 bearers contained in the "E-RAB Setup List" IE
8006: LTE EPS BeareTransmission of an S1AP:E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message sent by eNB to the MME. The
8006: LTE EPS BeareTransmission of an S1AP:E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message sent by eNB to the MME. The
8006: LTE EPS BeareTransmission of an S1AP:E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message sent by eNB to the MME. The
8006: LTE EPS BeareTransmission of an S1AP:E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message sent by eNB to the MME. The
8006: LTE • LTE1960:Transmission of an S1AP:E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message sent by eNB to the MME. The
8006: LTE • LTE1960:Transmission of an S1AP:E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message sent by eNB to the MME. The
8006: LTE • LTE1960:Transmission of an S1AP:E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message sent by eNB to the MME. The
8006: LTE • LTE1960:Transmission of an S1AP:E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message sent by eNB to the MME. The
8006: LTE • LTE1960:Transmission of an S1AP:E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message sent by eNB to the MME. The
8006: LTE • LTE1960:This measurement is obtained by sampling the number of simultaneous E-RABs with QCI1 cha
8006: LTE • LTE1960:This measurement is obtained by sampling the number of simultaneous E-RABs with QCI2 cha
8006: LTE • LTE1960:This measurement is obtained by sampling the number of simultaneous E-RABs with QCI3 cha
8006: LTE • LTE1960:This measurement is obtained by sampling the number of simultaneous E-RABs with QCI4 cha
8006: LTE • LTE1960:This measurement is obtained by sampling the number of simultaneous E-RABs with QCI5 cha
8006: LTE • LTE1960:This measurement is obtained by sampling the number of simultaneous E-RABs with QCI6 cha
8006: LTE • LTE1960:This measurement is obtained by sampling the number of simultaneous E-RABs with QCI7 cha
8006: LTE • LTE1960:This measurement is obtained by sampling the number of simultaneous E-RABs with QCI8 cha
8006: LTE • LTE1960:This measurement is obtained by sampling the number of simultaneous E-RABs with QCI9 cha
8006: LTE • LTE1042:The counter is updated by the arithmetic mean of the samples at the pre-defined interval (1 sec
8006: LTE • LTE1042:The counter is updated by the arithmetic mean of the samples at the pre-defined interval (1 sec
8006: LTE • LTE1042:The counter is updated by the arithmetic mean of the samples at the pre-defined interval (1 sec
8006: LTE • LTE1042:The counter is updated by the arithmetic mean of the samples at the pre-defined interval (1 sec
8006: LTE • LTE1321:This counter is updated following the transmission of an S1AP:E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE m
8006: LTE • LTE1321:This counter is updated following the transmission of an S1AP:E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE m
8006: LTE • LTE2175:The counter is updated in case that user data are buffered (UL/DL) for an E-RAB with QCI5 cha
8006: LTE • LTE2175:The counter is updated in case that user data are buffered (UL/DL) for an E-RAB with QCI6 cha
8006: LTE • LTE2175:The counter is updated in case that user data are buffered (UL/DL) for an E-RAB with QCI7 cha
8006: LTE • LTE2175:The counter is updated in case that user data are buffered (UL/DL) for an E-RAB with QCI8 cha
8006: LTE • LTE2175:The counter is CONTEXT
case that user data are buffered (UL/DL) for an E-RAB with QCI9 cha
8006: LTE • LTE1899:This
The counter
counter is
is incremented by thethe
updated following number of bearers
transmission contained
of an in the "E-RAB
8006: LTE • LTE1899:This
The counter
counter is
is incremented by thethe
updated following number of bearers
transmission contained
of an in the "E-RAB
8006: LTE • LTE1899:The counter is incremented by the number of bearers contained in the "E-RAB to
This counter is updated following the transmission of an S1AP:INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP FAILBe Setup List
8006: LTE • LTE1899:The counter is incremented by the number of bearers contained in the "E-RAB to Be Setup List
8006: LTE • LTE1899:This counter is updated following the transmission of an S1AP:E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE me
8006: LTE • LTE1899:This counter is updated following the transmission of an S1AP:E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE me
8006: LTE • LTE1899:This counter is updated following the transmission of an S1AP:E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE me
8006: LTE • LTE1899:This counter is updated following the transmission of an S1AP:E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE me
8006: LTE • LTE1899:This counter is updated following the transmission of an S1AP:E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE me
8006: LTE • LTE1899:This counter is updated following the transmission of an S1AP:E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE me
8006: LTE • LTE1899:This counter is updated following the transmission of an S1AP: E-RAB RELEASE INDICATION
8006: LTE • LTE1899:This counter is updated following the transmission of an S1AP:UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQU
8006: LTE • LTE1899:This counter is updated following the transmission of an S1AP:UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQU
8006: LTE • LTE1899:This counter is updated following the transmission of an S1AP:E-RAB RELEASE INDICATION
8006: LTE • LTE1899:This counter is updated following the transmission of an S1AP:UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQU
8006: LTE • LTE1899:This counter is updated following the transmission of an S1AP:UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQU
8006: LTE • LTE1899:This counter
Inter-eNB HOisvia updated following the
S1/Inter-system HOtransmission of an S1AP:E-RAB
to GSM:
s not admitted by the HO t LTE • LTE1899:Following the reception of the S1AP:UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message with the c
Inter-eNB HO via S1/Inter-system HO to UTRAN/SRVCC to UTRAN/SRVCC to GSM:
8006: LTE • LTE1899:The counter
Inter-eNB HOisviaincremented with the
S1/Inter-system HO number of bearers admitted
to UTRAN/SRVCC by the HO target
to UTRAN/SRVCC during the pr
to GSM:
Following the
8006: LTE • LTE1899:Inter-eNB HO reception of the S1AP:UE
via S1/Inter-system HO to CONTEXT
to UTRAN/SRVCC to GSM:with the c
8006: LTE • LTE1899:Upon the transmission of the S1AP:UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME
8006: LTE • LTE1899:This counter is updated following the transmission of an S1AP:E-RAB RELEASE RESPONSE m
8006: LTE • LTE1899:This counter is updated following the transmission of an S1AP:E-RAB RELEASE INDICATION
8006: LTE • LTE1899:This counter is updated following the transmission of an S1AP:UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQU
8006: LTE • LTE1899:This counter is updated following the transmission of an S1AP:UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQU
8006: LTE • LTE1899:This counter is updated following the transmission of an S1AP:E-RAB RELEASE INDICATION
8006: LTE • LTE1899:This counter is updated following the transmission of an S1AP:UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQU
8006: LTE • LTE1899:This counter is updated following the transmission of an S1AP:UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQU
8006: LTE • LTE1899:This counter
Inter-eNB HOisvia updated following the
S1/Inter-system HOtransmission of an S1AP:E-RAB
to GSM:
QCI1 E-RABs not admitted
8006: LTE • LTE1899:Following
Inter-eNB HO via S1/Inter-system HO to UTRAN/SRVCC to UTRAN/SRVCC to GSM:with the c
the reception of the S1AP:UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message
The counter
8006: LTE • LTE1899:Inter-eNB HOisviaincremented with the
S1/Inter-system HO number of QCI1 bearers
to UTRAN/SRVCC admitted by the to
to UTRAN/SRVCC target
GSM: eNB during
8006: LTE • LTE1899:Inter-eNB
Following theHO reception of the S1AP:UE
via S1/Inter-system HO to CONTEXT
to UTRAN/SRVCC to GSM:with the c
8006: LTE • LTE1899:Upon the transmission of the S1AP:UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message to the MME
8007: LTE • LTE651: RRC Guard Timer expirations of RRC Reconfiguration procedures for other purposes than DRB
8007: LTE • LTE651: This
counter isofupdated
the transmission RELEASE message
of an RRC due to reception
8007: LTE • LTE770: Note: If a UE (erroneously) sends RRC CONNECTION REQUEST message several times in a
8007: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated on the reception of an RRC CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE mess
8007: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated upon the expiration of the RRC Guard Timer used for the supervision o
8007: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated at the transmission of an RRC CONNECTION RECONFIGURATION m
8007: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated at the reception of an RRC CONNECTION RECONFIGURATION COM
8007: LTE • LTE770: Note:
Also the expiration during bearer setup due to incoming HO will not be counted.
8007: LTE • LTE1935:Note:
The measurement is initialized with "0" at the beginning of each granularity period. A measurem
8007: LTE • LTE1935:The measurement is initialized with "0" at the beginning of each granularity period. A measurem
8008: LTE • LTE651: The transmission of an RRC Connection Re-establishment Reject message, sent by the eNB to
8008: LTE • LTE770: This
Updated for each
counter pagingwhen
is updated recordtheofmaximum
an RRC paging
of paging(excluding
records ispure SysInfo
reached message)
for the next p
8008: LTE • LTE770: => UU (RRC allows up to 16 paging records per paging occasion)
8008: LTE • LTE770: Transmission of an RRC: Paging message sent by eNB to UE.
8008: LTE • LTE735: This counter is updated following the reception of an RRC: RRCConnectionReestablishmentRe
8008: LTE • LTE735: This counter is updated following the reception of an RRC: RRCConnectionReestablishmentCo
8008: LTE • LTE735: Updated when an RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message is received with cause "h
8008: LTE • LTE735: Updated when an RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete message is received in case that
8008: LTE • LTE735: Updated when an RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message is received with cause "o
8008: LTE • LTE735: including
Updated when an RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete
'reportCGI' measurement configuration to the UE. message is received in case that
8008: LTE • LTE782: -Reception
(3GPP TSof36.331)
RRC: Measurement Report message including a 'reportCGI' measurement result.
8008: LTE • LTE782: - (3GPP TS 36.331)
8008: LTE • LTE908: Transmission of RRCConnectionReconfiguration message including a "reportCGI" measureme
8008: LTE • LTE908: Reception of RRC Measurement Report message including a "reportCGI" measurement result
8008: LTE • LTE908: Reception of RRC Measurement Report message including a "reportCGI" measurement result
8008: LTE • LTE1442:This counterMobile
LTE494: Commercial
The counter is updated
is updated following
System the transmission
a paging campaign forof the
an RRC Connection
broadcast Release message
of ETWS/CMAS (so
warning me
8008: LTE • LTE843: ETWS
Note: that
a paging campaign is not started, for example when the Warning Area List IE does no
8008: LTE • LTE1935:The
Note:measurement is initialized with "0" at the beginning of each granularity period. A measurem
8008: LTE • LTE1935:The measurement is initialized with "0" at the beginning of each granularity period. A measurem
8009: LTE • LTE651: The reception of an RRC Measurement Report message sent by the UE to eNB and of the RRM
8009: LTE • LTE651: The reception of an RRC Measurement Report message sent by the UE to eNB and of an RRM
8009: LTE • LTE651: An internal eNB trigger. The eNB MM receives a list with the target cells from RRM and decides
8009: LTE • LTE651: An internal eNB trigger. The eNB MM receives a list with the target cells from the RRM. The MM
8009: LTE • LTE651: An internal eNB trigger. The eNB MM receives a list with the target cells from RRM. The MM or
8009: LTE • LTE651: The transmission of an RRC Connection Reconfiguration message sent by the eNB to UE, whic
8009: LTE • LTE651: The reception of an internal UE Context Release Request for the handover on the source side.
8009: LTE • LTE651: The counter is updated to the source cell when timer THOoverall expires.
8010: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when CQI value 0 is received from the UE.
8010: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when CQI value 1 is received from the UE.
8010: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when CQI value 2 is received from the UE.
8010: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when CQI value 3 is received from the UE.
8010: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when CQI value 4 is received from the UE.
8010: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when CQI value 5 is received from the UE.
8010: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when CQI value 6 is received from the UE.
8010: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when CQI value 7 is received from the UE.
8010: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when CQI value 8 is received from the UE.
8010: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when CQI value 9 is received from the UE.
8010: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when CQI value 10 is received from the UE.
8010: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when CQI value 11 is received from the UE.
8010: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when CQI value 12 is received from the UE.
8010: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when CQI value 13 is received from the UE.
8010: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when CQI value 14 is received from the UE.
8010: LTE • LTE798: The counter is updated when CQI value 15 is received from the UE.
8010: LTE • LTE651: The counter is updated when the minimum assumed CQI in LA process is obtained from CQI re
8010: LTE • LTE651: The counter is updated when the maximum assumed CQI in LA process is obtained from CQI r
8010: LTE • LTE651: The counter is updated when the mean assumed CQI in LA process is obtained from CQI repor
8010: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated when diversity MIMO mode is selected for the transmission. It counts th
8010: LTE • LTE770: The counter
LTE703: Downlink is updated
adaptive when
closed loopspatial
MIMOmultiplexing MIMO mode is selected for the transmission.
for two antennas
8010: LTE • LTE569:
LTE703: Downlink
The counter
is updated
- TM
MIMO for two antennasSingle
4 Codeword mapping to single layer mo
8010: LTE • LTE569: Downlink adaptive
The counter closed
is updated loopMIMO
when SU MIMOClosed4x4Loop
- TMDouble
4 Codeword mapping to dual layers mo
8010: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MIMO mode control is changed between the diversity mode and
8010: LTE • LTE703: The counter is updated when MIMO mode control is changed between the single codeword mo
H resources which are u8010: LTE • LTE1035:The counter is updated when PDCCH is allocated for PDSCH transmission.
ations by which the e 8010: LTE • LTE1035:The counter is updated when DTX is received for PDSCH transmission.
8010: LTE • LTE541: The counter is incremented on each PDSCH transmission with dual stream beamforming mode
8010: LTE • LTE541: The counter is incremented on each PDSCH transmission with single stream beamforming mod
8010: LTE • LTE541: The counter is incremented on each PDSCH transmission with transmit diversity mode in TM8.
8010: LTE • LTE1169:The counter is incremented on each PDSCH transmission with dual-user single-stream beamfo
8010: LTE • LTE1740:The counter is incremented on each PDSCH transmission in TM7 (single-stream beamforming
8010: LTE • LTE1740:The counter is incremented on each PDSCH transmission in TM7 (TxDiv mode).
8010: LTE • LTE1787:The counter is incremented on each PDSCH transmission with dual-user single-stream mode in
8010: LTE • LTE569: The counter is updated when MIMO Closed Loop Double Codeword mapping to 3-layer mode i
8010: LTE • LTE569: The counter is updated when MIMO Closed Loop Double Codeword mapping to 4-layer mode i
8010: LTE • LTE569: The counter is updated when MIMO Closed Loop Single Codeword mapping to 2-layer mode is
8010: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement calculates the estimated transmitted power (in milliwatts) every sample perio
8010: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement calculates the estimated transmitted power (in milliwatts) every sample perio
8010: LTE • LTE2175:The counter is updated when a wideband CQI level 0 for codeword 1 is received by the eNB fro
8010: LTE • LTE2175:The counter is updated when a wideband CQI level 1 for codeword 1 is received by the eNB fro
8010: LTE • LTE2175:The counter is updated when a wideband CQI level 2 for codeword 1 is received by the eNB fro
8010: LTE • LTE2175:The counter is updated when a wideband CQI level 3 for codeword 1 is received by the eNB fro
8010: LTE • LTE2175:The counter is updated when a wideband CQI level 4 for codeword 1 is received by the eNB fro
8010: LTE • LTE2175:The counter is updated when a wideband CQI level 5 for codeword 1 is received by the eNB fro
8010: LTE • LTE2175:The counter is updated when a wideband CQI level 6 for codeword 1 is received by the eNB fro
8010: LTE • LTE2175:The counter is updated when a wideband CQI level 7 for codeword 1 is received by the eNB fro
8010: LTE • LTE2175:The counter is updated when a wideband CQI level 8 for codeword 1 is received by the eNB fro
8010: LTE • LTE2175:The counter is updated when a wideband CQI level 9 for codeword 1 is received by the eNB fro
8010: LTE • LTE2175:The counter is updated when a wideband CQI level 10 for codeword 1 is received by the eNB f
8010: LTE • LTE2175:The counter is updated when a wideband CQI level 11 for codeword 1 is received by the eNB fr
8010: LTE • LTE2175:The counter is updated when a wideband CQI level 12 for codeword 1 is received by the eNB f
8010: LTE • LTE2175:The counter is updated when a wideband CQI level 13 for codeword 1 is received by the eNB f
8010: LTE • LTE2175:The counter is updated when a wideband CQI level 14 for codeword 1 is received by the eNB f
8010: LTE • LTE2175:The counter is updated when a wideband CQI level 15 for codeword 1 is received by the eNB f
8010: LTE • LTE569: This counter counts the time distribution in case TxDiv Fallback is activated (by default is yes).
8011: LTE • LTE798: Updated per TTI.
8011: LTE • LTE798: Updated per TTI.
8011: LTE • LTE798: Updated per TTI.
8011: LTE • LTE798: Updated per TTI.
8011: LTE • LTE798: Updated per TTI.
8011: LTE • LTE798: Updated per TTI.
8011: LTE • LTE798: Updated per TTI.
8011: LTE • LTE798: Updated per TTI.
8011: LTE • LTE798: Updated per TTI.
8011: LTE • LTE798: Updated per TTI.
8011: LTE • LTE651: Updated per TTI.
8011: LTE • LTE651: Updated per TTI.
8011: LTE • LTE651: Updated per TTI.
8011: LTE • LTE798: Updated per TTI.
8011: LTE • LTE798: Updated per TTI.
8011: LTE • LTE798: Updated per TTI.
8011: LTE • LTE798: Updated per TTI.
8011: LTE • LTE798: Updated per TTI.
8011: LTE • LTE798: Updated per TTI.
8011: LTE • LTE798: Updated per TTI.
8011: LTE • LTE798: Updated per TTI.
8011: LTE • LTE798: Updated per TTI.
8011: LTE • LTE798: Updated per TTI.
8011: LTE • LTE651: Updated when the minimum value of an allocated DL PRB is detected.
8011: LTE • LTE651: Updated when the maximum value of an allocated DL PRB is detected.
8011: LTE • LTE651: Updated with the average rate value of an allocated DL PRB over the measurement period.
8011: LTE • LTE805: In PDCCH scheduling over the measurement period.
8011: LTE • LTE805: When Aggregation Group1 is used for PDCCH scheduling.
8011: LTE • LTE805: When Aggregation Group2 is used for PDCCH scheduling.
8011: LTE • LTE805: When Aggregation Group4 is used for PDCCH scheduling.
8011: LTE • LTE805: When Aggregation Group8 is used for PDCCH scheduling.
8011: LTE • LTE805: When Aggregation Group1 is blocked for PDCCH scheduling. A DCI with required AGG1, which
8011: LTE • LTE805: When Aggregation Group2 is blocked for PDCCH scheduling. A DCI with required AGG2, which
8011: LTE • LTE805: When Aggregation Group4 is blocked for PDCCH scheduling. A DCI with required AGG4, which
8011: LTE • LTE805: This counter is updated when Aggregation Group8 is blocked for PDCCH scheduling. A DCI wit
8011: LTE • LTE805: This counter is updated in each scheduling for the measurement period.
8011: LTE • LTE805: This counter is updated in each scheduling for the measurement period.
8011: LTE • LTE805: This counter is updated in each scheduling for the measurement period.
8011: LTE • LTE805: This counter is updated in each scheduling for the measurement period.
8011: LTE • LTE805: This counter is updated in each scheduling for the measurement period.
8011: LTE • LTE805: The mean value over the measurement period is updated to this counter. The mean value is the
8011: LTE • LTE805: This counter is updated when the maximum value of the served UEs in UL per TTI has been re
8011: LTE • LTE805: Note: The number of TTIs to calculate the mean value includes all DL and special subframes (T
8011: LTE • LTE805: This counter is updated when the maximum value of the served UEs in DL per TTI has been re
8011: LTE • LTE616: This counter is updated with every subframe for which only 1 OFDM symbol is allocated to the
8011: LTE • LTE616: This counter is updated with every subframe for which 2 OFDM symbols are allocated to the PD
nterval, all of the three 8011: LTE will
instances • LTE616: This in
be included counter is updated with every subframe for which 3 OFDM symbols are allocated to the PD
the average.
8011: LTE • LTE907: This counter is updated after each sampling interval with the arithmetical average of samples e
8011: LTE • LTE907: The counter is incremented each time a UE is entitled a grant to send a "TTI Bundle".
8011: LTE • LTE907: The counter is incremented when the UE is switched back from TTI Bundling mode earlier than
8011: LTE • LTE907: The counter is incremented when the UE is switched back from TTI Bundling mode within this t
8011: LTE • LTE907:
LTE1089:The counter
Downlink is incremented
carrier aggregationwhen the UE is switched back from TTI Bundling later than t2 seco
8011: LTE • LTE1089:
TDD Downlink
Downlink of carrier
carrieran RRC:RRCConnectionReconfiguration
aggregation message, which includes a "SCellToA
8011: LTE • LTE1558:Reception
TDD Downlink
of an carrier
aggregation message related to a precedin
8011: LTE • LTE1170:Every 1 second the eNB checks whether the cell is in the active Load Balancing state for inter-f
8011: LTE • LTE1382:The counter is updated whenever a UL TTI is assigned to CRG 1.
8011: LTE • LTE1382:The counter is updated whenever a UL TTI is assigned to CRG 2.
8011: LTE • LTE1382:The counter is updated whenever a UL TTI is assigned to CRG 3.
8011: LTE • LTE1382:The counter is updated whenever a UL TTI is assigned to CRG 4.
8011: LTE • LTE1382:The counter is updated whenever a TTI could potentially be used for PUSCH data. (In case no
8011: LTE • LTE1382:The counter is updated whenever a DL TTI is assigned to CRG 1.
8011: LTE • LTE1382:The counter is updated whenever a DL TTI is assigned to CRG 2.
8011: LTE • LTE1382:The counter is updated whenever a DL TTI is assigned to CRG 3.
8011: LTE • LTE1382:The counter is updated whenever a DL TTI is assigned to CRG 4.
8011: LTE • LTE1382:The counter is updated whenever a TTI could potentially be used for PDSCH data. (In case no
8011: LTE • LTE1545 The counter is updated per each TTI by the average use ratio of PUSCH PRBs, which are shar
TS 36.423). 8011: LTE • LTE1140:Every second the Cell DL Composite Available Capacity (CAC) is measured by an eNB internal
TS 36.423). 8011: LTE • LTE1140:Every second the Cell DL Composite Available Capacity (CAC) is measured by an eNB internal
TS 36.423). 8011: LTE • LTE1140:Every second the Cell DL Composite Available Capacity (CAC) is measured by an eNB internal
TS 36.423). 8011: LTE • LTE1140:Every second the Cell DL Composite Available Capacity (CAC) is measured by an eNB internal
TS 36.423). 8011: LTE • LTE1140:Every second the Cell DL Composite Available Capacity (CAC) is measured by an eNB internal
TS 36.423). 8011: LTE • LTE1140:Every second the Cell DL Composite Available Capacity (CAC) is measured by an eNB internal
8011: LTE • LTE1800:The counter is updated in every TTI when the interference shaping is applied.
8011: LTE • LTE1800:The counter is updated in every TTI when the interference shaping is applied.
8011: LTE • LTE1800:The counter is incremented when the preferred resources are changed.
l (see 3GPP TS 36.423).8011: LTE Cell ResouEvery second the Cell DL Available Capacity (AC) for PDCCH is measured by an eNB internal m
l (see 3GPP TS 36.423).8011: LTE Cell ResouEvery second the Cell DL Available Capacity (AC) for PDCCH is measured by an eNB internal m
l (see 3GPP TS 36.423).8011: LTE Cell ResouEvery second the Cell DL Available Capacity (AC) for PDCCH is measured by an eNB internal m
l (see 3GPP TS 36.423).8011: LTE Cell ResouEvery second the Cell DL Available Capacity (AC) for PDCCH is measured by an eNB internal m
l (see 3GPP TS 36.423).8011: LTE Cell ResouEvery second the Cell DL Available Capacity (AC) for PDCCH is measured by an eNB internal m
l (see 3GPP TS 36.423).8011: LTE Cell ResouEvery second the Cell DL Available Capacity (AC) for PDCCH is measured by an eNB internal m
ell (see 3GPP TS 36.423).
8011: LTE Cell ResouEvery second the Cell DL Available Capacity (AC) for GBR bearers is measured by an eNB inte
ell (see 3GPP TS 36.423).
8011: LTE Cell ResouEvery second the Cell DL Available Capacity (AC) for GBR bearers is measured by an eNB inte
ell (see 3GPP TS 36.423).
8011: LTE Cell ResouEvery second the Cell DL Available Capacity (AC) for GBR bearers is measured by an eNB inte
ell (see 3GPP TS 36.423).
8011: LTE Cell ResouEvery second the Cell DL Available Capacity (AC) for GBR bearers is measured by an eNB inte
ell (see 3GPP TS 36.423).
8011: LTE Cell ResouEvery second the Cell DL Available Capacity (AC) for GBR bearers is measured by an eNB inte
ell (see 3GPP TS 36.423).
8011: LTE Cell ResouEvery second the Cell DL Available Capacity (AC) for GBR bearers is measured by an eNB inte
in the cell (see 3GPP 8011:
TS 36.423).
LTE Cell ResouEvery second the Cell DL Available Capacity (AC) for non-GBR bearers is measured by an eNB
in the cell (see 3GPP 8011:
TS 36.423).
LTE Cell ResouEvery second the Cell DL Available Capacity (AC) for GBR bearers is measured by an eNB inte
in the cell (see 3GPP 8011:
TS 36.423).
LTE Cell ResouEvery second the Cell DL Available Capacity (AC) for GBR bearers is measured by an eNB inte
in the cell (see 3GPP 8011:
TS 36.423).
LTE Cell ResouEvery second the Cell DL Available Capacity (AC) for non-GBR bearers is measured by an eNB
in the cell (see 3GPP 8011: LTE Cell ResouEvery second the Cell DL Available Capacity (AC) for non-GBR bearers is measured by an eNB
TS 36.423).
in the cell (see 3GPP 8011: LTE Cell ResouEvery second the Cell DL Available Capacity (AC) for non-GBR bearers is measured by an eNB
TS 36.423).
8011: LTE • LTE1929:The
The counter is updated when the eNB uses DCIdata
receives 0 onfor
PDCCH fortime
the first UL on
SPS activation
PUSCH or reactiva
(non-DTX rece
8011: LTE • LTE1929:The counter data transmissions
updated every TTIreceived afterwards
by the number withusing
of UEs pre-configured periodicity
SPS allocated for the SPS
8011: LTE • LTE1929:Note: The number of those allocated PUSCH PRBs does not matter.
8011: LTE • LTE1929:The counter is incremented by the number of PRBs, which are statically allocated by SPS.
8011: LTE • LTE1113:This counter is updated every 500 ms when the muting pattern 1 is active.
8011: LTE • LTE1113:This counter is updated every 500 ms when the muting pattern 2 is active.
8011: LTE • LTE1113:This counter is updated every 500 ms when the muting pattern 3 is active.
8011: LTE • LTE1113:This counter is updated every 500 ms when the muting pattern 4 is active.
8011: LTE • LTE1113:This counter is updated every 500 ms when the muting pattern 5 is active.
8011: LTE • LTE1113:This counter is updated every 500 ms when the muting pattern 6 is active.
8011: LTE • LTE1496:This counter is incremented per ABS sub-frame if there is no user plane traffic, that is, the PRB
8011: LTE • LTE1496:This counter is incremented per ABS sub-frame if the PRB utilization of the CRE UE is in the ra
8011: LTE • LTE1496:This counter is incremented per ABS sub-frame if the PRB utilization of the CRE UE is in the ra
8011: LTE • LTE1496:This counter is incremented per ABS sub-frame if the PRB utilization of the CRE UE is in the ra
8011: LTE • LTE1496:This counter is incremented per ABS sub-frame if the PRB utilization of the CRE UE is in the ra
8011: LTE • LTE1496:This counter is incremented per ABS sub-frame if the PRB utilization of the CRE UE is in the ra
8011: LTE • LTE1496:This counter is incremented per ABS sub-frame if the PRB utilization of the CRE UE is in the ra
8011: LTE • LTE1496:This counter is incremented per ABS sub-frame if the PRB utilization of the CRE UE is in the ra
8011: LTE • LTE1496:This counter is incremented per ABS sub-frame if the PRB utilization of the CRE UE is in the ra
8011: LTE • LTE1496:This counter is incremented per ABS sub-frame if the PRB utilization of the CRE UE is in the ra
8011: LTE • LTE1496:This counter is incremented per ABS sub-frame if the PRB utilization of the CRE UE is in the ra
8011: LTE • LTE1496:This counter is incremented per ABS sub-frame if there is no user tplane traffic, that is, the PRB
8011: LTE • LTE1496:This counter is incremented per ABS sub-frame if the PRB utilization of the CRE UE is in the ra
8011: LTE • LTE1496:This counter is incremented per ABS sub-frame if the PRB utilization of the CRE UE is in the ra
8011: LTE • LTE1496:This counter is incremented per ABS sub-frame if the PRB utilization of the CRE UE is in the ra
8011: LTE • LTE1496:This counter is incremented per ABS sub-frame if the PRB utilization of the CRE UE is in the ra
8011: LTE • LTE1496:This counter is incremented per ABS sub-frame if the PRB utilization of the CRE UE is in the ra
8011: LTE • LTE1496:This counter is incremented per ABS sub-frame if the PRB utilization of the CRE UE is in the ra
8011: LTE • LTE1496:This counter is incremented per ABS sub-frame if the PRB utilization of the CRE UE is in the ra
8011: LTE • LTE1496:This counter is incremented per ABS sub-frame if the PRB utilization of the CRE UE is in the ra
8011: LTE • LTE1496:This counter is incremented per ABS sub-frame if the PRB utilization of the CRE UE is in the ra
8011: LTE • LTE1496:This counter is incremented per ABS sub-frame if the PRB utilization of the CRE UE is in the ra
8011: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is determined by accumulating the number of uplink PRBs (i.e. the sum of c
8011: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is determined by accumulating the number of uplink PRBs (i.e. the sum of c
8011: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is determined by accumulating the number of uplink PRBs (i.e. the sum of c
8011: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is determined by accumulating the number of uplink PRBs (i.e. the sum of c
8011: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is determined by accumulating the number of uplink PRBs (i.e. the sum of c
8011: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is determined by accumulating the number of uplink PRBs (i.e. the sum of c
8011: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is determined by accumulating the number of uplink PRBs (i.e. the sum of c
8011: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is determined by accumulating the number of uplink PRBs (i.e. the sum of c
8011: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is determined by accumulating the number of uplink PRBs (i.e. the sum of c
8011: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is determined by accumulating the number of uplink PRBs (that is, the sum
8011: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is determined by accumulating the number of uplink PRBs (i.e. the sum of c
8011: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is determined by accumulating the number of downlink PRBs (i.e. the sum o
8011: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is determined by accumulating the number of downlink PRBs (i.e. the sum o
8011: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is determined by accumulating the number of downlink PRBs (i.e. the sum o
8011: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is determined by accumulating the number of downlink PRBs (i.e. the sum o
8011: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is determined by accumulating the number of downlink PRBs (i.e. the sum o
8011: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is determined by accumulating the number of downlink PRBs (i.e. the sum o
8011: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is determined by accumulating the number of downlink PRBs (i.e. the sum o
8011: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is determined by accumulating the number of downlink PRBs (i.e. the sum o
8011: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is determined by accumulating the number of downlink PRBs (i.e. the sum o
8011: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is determined by accumulating the number of downlink PRBs (that is, the su
8011: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is determined by accumulating the number of downlink PRBs (i.e. the sum o
8011: LTE • LTE1929:The counter is incremented in those TTIs where resources (PRBs) were statically allocated by S
8011: LTE • LTE1113:This counter is updated every 500 ms when the muting pattern 0 is active, i.e. when no muting
8011: LTE • LTE2006:
LTE1804:This counter
Downlink is updated
carrier upon the
aggregation reception
3 CC of an RRC:RRCConnectionReconfigurationComple
- 60 MHz
8011: LTE • LTE1921: eICIC
This - micro
LTE1804: Downlink carrier aggregation 3 CC - 60 MHz of PUCCH format 1bwcs is attempted.
counter is updated whenever scheduling
8011: LTE • LTE1921:This
- micro
is updated whenever scheduling of PUCCH format 3 is attempted.
8012: LTE • LTE651: The transmission of a MAC PDU for the first time
8012: LTE • LTE651: A correctly received MAC PDU with retransmission.
8012: LTE • LTE651: Th re-transmission of a MAC PDU
8012: LTE • LTE651: A correctly received MAC PDU by original transmission
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated on the transmission of an RLC SDU on DL DCCH towards the UE
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated on the reception of an RLC SDU on DCCH from UE
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when RLC PDU is received from UE
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when RLC PDU is transmitted to UE
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when a PDCP SDU is received from UE.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when a PDCP SDU is transmitted towards the UE.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when a PDCP SDU is received from UE.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when a PDCP SDU is received from UE.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when a PDCP SDU is transmitted towards the UE.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when a PDCP SDU is transmitted towards the UE.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated when MAC SDU is received. The size of received MAC SDU data is ad
8012: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated when MAC SDU is received. Size of received MAC SDU data is added
8012: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated when MAC SDU is received. Size of received MAC SDU data is added
8012: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated when MAC SDU is sent. Size of sent MAC SDU data is added to this co
8012: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated when MAC SDU is sent. Size of sent MAC SDU data is added to this co
8012: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated when MAC SDU is sent. Size of sent MAC SDU data is added to this co
8012: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated when an RRC data block from UE is received. Size of UL RLC PDU's m
8012: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated when an RRC data block is transmitted towards the UE. Size of DL RLC
8012: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated on the reception of an RLC SDU on UL-DTCH from UE
8012: LTE • LTE770: The counter is updated on the transmission of an RLC SDU on DL-DTCH towards the UE
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE Cell ThrouThis counter is incremented with every TTI, in which at least one UE is scheduled to transmit us
8012: LTE Cell ThrouThis counterof
The volume is aincremented with everythe
data burst excluding TTI,
datain which at least
transmitted in one UE when
the TTI is scheduled to receive
the buffer us
is emptied
8012: LTE Cell Throuof data emptying the buffer).
8012: LTE Cell ThrouThe
The time to transmit
volume of a dataaburst
data burst excluding
excluding thetransmitted
the data data transmitted
in the in thewhen
TTI TTI when the buffer
the buffer is em
is emptied
8012: LTE Cell Throuof data emptying the buffer).
8012: LTE Cell ThrouThe time to transmit
The volume of a dataaburst
data burst excluding
excluding thetransmitted
the data data transmitted
in the in thewhen
TTI TTI when the buffer
the buffer is em
is emptied
8012: LTE Cell Throuof data emptying the buffer).
8012: LTE Cell ThrouThe time to transmit
The volume of a dataaburst
data burst excluding
excluding thetransmitted
the data data transmitted
in the in thewhen
TTI TTI when the buffer
the buffer is em
is emptied
8012: LTE Cell Throuof data emptying the buffer).
8012: LTE Cell ThrouThe
The time to transmit
volume of a dataaburst
data burst excluding
excluding thetransmitted
the data data transmitted
in the in thewhen
TTI TTI when the buffer
the buffer is em
is emptied
8012: LTE Cell Throuof data emptying the buffer).
8012: LTE Cell ThrouThe time to transmit
The volume of a dataaburst
data burst excluding
excluding thetransmitted
the data data transmitted
in the in thewhen
TTI TTI when the buffer
the buffer is em
is emptied
8012: LTE Cell Throuof data emptying the buffer).
8012: LTE Cell ThrouThe time to transmit
The volume of a dataaburst
data burst excluding
excluding thetransmitted
the data data transmitted
in the in thewhen
TTI TTI when the buffer
the buffer is em
is emptied
8012: LTE Cell Throuof data emptying the buffer).
8012: LTE Cell ThrouThe
The time to transmit
volume of a dataaburst
data burst excluding
excluding thetransmitted
the data data transmitted
in the in thewhen
TTI TTI when the buffer
the buffer is em
is emptied
8012: LTE Cell Throuof data emptying the buffer).
8012: LTE Cell ThrouThe time to transmit
The volume of a dataaburst
data burst excluding
excluding thetransmitted
the data data transmitted
in the in thewhen
TTI TTI when the buffer
the buffer is em
is emptied
8012: LTE Cell Throuof data emptying the buffer).
8012: LTE Cell ThrouThe time to transmit a data burst excluding the data transmitted in the TTI when the buffer is em
8012: LTE • LTE9: SerReception
UE) of aone
in DL for PDCP dataduring
E-RAB blockafrom UE of ThpTimeDl. It must exclude the volume of the last
8012: LTE Cell ThrouThe
the buffer.
time to transmit a data burst excluding the last piece of data transmitted in the TTI when th
8012: LTE Cell ThrouUE)
A sample
in DL of
for"ThpTimeDl" for each
one E-RAB during time theofDL
a sample buffer for one
ThpTimeDl. E-RAB
It must is emptied.
exclude the volume of the last
the buffer.
8012: LTE Cell ThrouThe time to transmit a data burst excluding the last piece of data transmitted in the TTI when th
8012: LTE Cell ThrouUE)
A sample
in DL of
for"ThpTimeDl" for each
one E-RAB during time theofDL
a sample buffer for one
ThpTimeDl. E-RAB
It must is emptied.
exclude the volume of the last
8012: LTE Cell Throuthe buffer.
The time to transmit a data burst excluding the last piece of data transmitted in the TTI when th
8012: LTE Cell ThrouA
in DL of
for"ThpTimeDl" for each
one E-RAB during time theofDL
a sample buffer for one
ThpTimeDl. E-RAB
It must is emptied.
exclude the volume of the last
the buffer.
8012: LTE Cell ThrouThe time to transmit a data burst excluding the last piece of data transmitted in the TTI when th
8012: LTE Cell ThrouUE)
A sample
in DL of
for"ThpTimeDl" for each
one E-RAB during time theofDL
a sample buffer for one
ThpTimeDl. E-RAB
It must is emptied.
exclude the volume of the last
8012: LTE Cell ThrouThe
the buffer.
time to transmit a data burst excluding the last piece of data transmitted in the TTI when th
8012: LTE Cell ThrouA
in DL of
for"ThpTimeDl" for each
one E-RAB during time theofDL
a sample buffer for one
ThpTimeDl. E-RAB
It must is emptied.
exclude the volume of the last
8012: LTE Cell Throuthe buffer.
The time to transmit a data burst excluding the last piece of data transmitted in the TTI when th
8012: LTE Cell ThrouUE)
A sample
in DL of
for"ThpTimeDl" for each
one E-RAB during time theofDL
a sample buffer for one
ThpTimeDl. E-RAB
It must is emptied.
exclude the volume of the last
8012: LTE Cell ThrouThe
the buffer.
time to transmit a data burst excluding the last piece of data transmitted in the TTI when th
8012: LTE Cell ThrouA sample of "ThpTimeDl" for each time the DL buffer for one E-RAB is emptied.
UE) in DL for one E-RAB during a sample of ThpTimeDl. It must exclude the volume of the last
8012: LTE Cell Throuthe
time to transmit a data burst excluding the last piece of data transmitted in the TTI when th
A sample
8012: LTE Cell ThrouUE) in DL of
for"ThpTimeDl" for each
one E-RAB during time theofDL
a sample buffer for one
ThpTimeDl. E-RAB
It must is emptied.
exclude the volume of the last
8012: LTE Cell ThrouThe
the buffer.
time to transmit a data burst excluding the last piece of data transmitted in the TTI when th
8012: LTE Cell ThrouA sample of "ThpTimeDl" for each time the DL buffer for one E-RAB is emptied.
8012: LTE • LTE9: SerTransmission of an PDCP data block towards the UE
8012: LTE • LTE829: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE829: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE829: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE829: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE541: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE541: This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE541:
LTE1089:This counter
Downlink is updated
carrier when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE1558:Transmission
TDD Downlink of carrier
an RLCaggregation
PDU towards the UE.
8012: LTE • LTE44: 6 This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE44: 6 This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE44: 6 This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE • LTE44: 6 This counter is updated when MAC PDU is scheduled. Retransmissions are included.
8012: LTE Cell ThrouThe time to transmit a data burst excluding the last piece of data transmitted in the TTI when th
8012: LTE Cell ThrouThe time to transmit a data burst excluding the last piece of data transmitted in the TTI when th
8012: LTE Cell ThrouThe time to transmit a data burst excluding the last piece of data transmitted in the TTI when th
8012: LTE Cell ThrouThe time to transmit a data burst excluding the last piece of data transmitted in the TTI when th
8012: LTE Cell ThrouThe time to transmit a data burst excluding the last piece of data transmitted in the TTI when th
8012: LTE Cell ThrouThe time to transmit a data burst excluding the last piece of data transmitted in the TTI when th
8012: LTE Cell ThrouThe time to transmit a data burst excluding the last piece of data transmitted in the TTI when th
8012: LTE Cell ThrouThe time to transmit a data burst excluding the last piece of data transmitted in the TTI when th
8012: LTE Cell ThrouThe time to transmit a data burst excluding the last piece of data transmitted in the TTI when th
8012: LTE Cell ThrouThe time to transmit a data burst excluding the last piece of data transmitted in the TTI when th
8012: LTE Cell ThrouThe time to transmit a data burst excluding the last piece of data transmitted in the TTI when th
8012: LTE Cell ThrouThe time to transmit a data burst excluding the last piece of data transmitted in the TTI when th
8012: LTE Cell ThrouThe time to transmit a data burst excluding the last piece of data transmitted in the TTI when th
8012: LTE Cell ThrouThe time to transmit a data burst excluding the last piece of data transmitted in the TTI when th
8012: LTE Cell ThrouThe time to transmit a data burst excluding the last piece of data transmitted in the TTI when th
8012: LTE Cell ThrouThe time to transmit a data burst excluding the last piece of data transmitted in the TTI when th
8012: LTE Cell ThrouThe time to transmit a data burst excluding the last piece of data transmitted in the TTI when th
8012: LTE Cell ThrouThe time to transmit a data burst excluding the last piece of data transmitted in the TTI when th
8013: LTE • LTE651: The reception of an RRC Connection Setup Complete message sent by the UE to eNB.
8013: LTE • LTE651: Timer expiration
8013: LTE • LTE651: The reception of an erroneous or incomplete RRC Connection Setup Complete message.
8013: LTE • LTE651: The reception of an S1AP:UE Context Release Command message sent by the MME to eNB.
8013: LTE • LTE651: The reception of an S1AP:UE Context Release Command message sent by the MME to eNB.
8013: LTE • LTE651: The reception of an S1AP:UE Context Release Command message sent by the MME to the eN
8013: LTE • LTE651: -The
Inter-RAT of Redirection
an S1AP:UE Context Release Command message sent by the MME to eNB. T
8013: LTE • LTE651: - RNL UE Redirection towards
not available 1xRTT
for PS service
8013: LTE • LTE651: - TNL
RNL Transport
Unspecified Resources Unavailable
8013: LTE • LTE651: -This
is updated following the reception of an RRC Connection Request message sent b
8013: LTE • LTE651: The If a UE (erroneously) sends thisRequest
of an RRC Connection messagemessage
several times in a
sent by therow
to eNB.waiting the prope
8013: LTE • LTE651: The
If a UE (erroneously) sends thisRequest
of an RRC Connection messagemessage
several times in a
sent by therow
to eNB.waiting the prope
8013: LTE • LTE651: Note:emergency
LTE572: IMS If a UE
Reception (erroneously)
of the sessions sends this message several
RRC: RRCConnectionRequest message times in <-
(eNB a row
in casewaiting
that thisthe prope
8013: LTE • LTE22: Emergency
Note: If a UEcall(erroneously)
handling sends this message several times in a row without waiting the prope
8013: LTE • LTE42: This counter is updated at each subframe when UE is DRX Active.
8013: LTE • LTE42: This emergency
LTE572: IMS counter is updated
sessionsat each subframe when UE is DRX Sleep (that is not DRX Active).
8013: LTE • LTE572:
LTE22: Emergency
IMS call
of the
emergency handling
RRC:RRCConnectionSetupComplete message (eNB <- UE) in case that this m
8013: LTE • LTE22: Emergency
Transmission callofhandling
the RRC:RRCConnectionReject message (eNB -> UE) because of missing RB
8013: LTE • LTE534: Transmission of an S1AP:UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message (eNB -> MME; 3GPP
8013: LTE • LTE1047:Transmission of an RRCConnectionReject message (eNB -> UE) in case that this message is s
8013: LTE • LTE1047:Transmission of an RRCConnectionReject message (eNB -> UE) in case that this message is s
8013: LTE • LTE1074:Note: If a UE (erroneously) sends this message several times in a row without waiting the prope
8013: LTE • LTE1074:The reception of the RRCConnectionSetupComplete message (UE -> eNB) in case that this me
8013: LTE • LTE1074:The transmission of an RRCConnectionReject message (eNB -> UE) in case that this message
8013: LTE • LTE1361:Note: If a UE (erroneously) sends this message several times in a row without waiting the prope
8013: LTE • LTE1361:Note: If a UE (erroneously) sends this message several times in a row without waiting the prope
8013: LTE • LTE1361:Note: If a UE (erroneously) sends this message several times in a row without waiting the prope
8013: LTE • LTE1361:Note: If a UE (erroneously) sends this message several times in a row without waiting the prope
8013: LTE • LTE1361:Note: If a UE (erroneously) sends this message several times in a row without waiting the prope
8013: LTE • LTE1361:The transmission of an RRCConnectionReject message (eNB -> UE) in case that this message
8013: LTE • LTE1361:The transmission of an RRCConnectionReject message (eNB -> UE) in case that this message
8013: LTE • LTE1361:The transmission of an RRCConnectionReject message (eNB -> UE) in case that this message
8013: LTE • LTE1361:The transmission of an RRCConnectionReject message (eNB -> UE) in case that this message
8013: LTE • LTE1740:Transmission of an S1AP:INITIAL UE message (eNB->MME) that contains the first NAS signali
8013: LTE • LTE1740:Reception of the first S1AP message (MME->eNB) containing NAS signaling, which was receiv
8013: LTE • LTE1740:Reception of an S1AP:INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message sent by MME to the eN
8013: LTE • LTE1740:Reception of an S1AP:INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message sent by MME to the eN
8013: LTE • LTE1740:Transmission
Transmission of an S1AP:INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP RESPONSE message sent by eNB to the
8013: LTE • LTE1740:The counter is updated only in case that the preceding received S1AP:INITIAL CONTEXT SET
8013: LTE • LTE1740:Transmission of an S1AP:INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message sent by eNB to the M
8013: LTE • LTE1740:Reception of an S1AP:UE CONTEXT MODIFICATION REQUEST message sent by MME to the
8013: LTE • LTE1740:Reception of an S1AP:UE CONTEXT MODIFICATION REQUEST message sent by MME to the
8013: LTE • LTE1740:Transmission
Transmission of an S1AP:UE CONTEXT MODIFICATION RESPONSE message sent by eNB t
8013: LTE • LTE1740:The counter is incremented
updated only by
in case that the
one upon the preceding received
transmission S1AP:UE
8013: LTE UE State The counter is updated for all transport network layer causes used by the eNB initiated UE CON
8013: LTE UE State The counter is incremented by one upon the transmission of an S1AP: UE CONTEXT RELEAS
8013: LTE UE State The counter is incremented by one upon the transmission of an S1AP: UE CONTEXT RELEAS
8013: LTE UE State The counter is incremented by one upon the transmission of an S1AP: UE CONTEXT RELEAS
8013: LTE UE State The counter is incremented by one upon the transmission of an S1AP: UE CONTEXT RELEAS
8013: LTE UE State The counter is incremented by one upon the transmission of an S1AP: UE CONTEXT RELEAS
8013: LTE UE State The counter is incremented by one upon the transmission of an S1AP: UE CONTEXT RELEAS
8013: LTE UE State The
This counter
counter is
is incremented by one
updated following upon
the the transmission
transmission of an S1AP: UE
y (3GPP TS 36.331). 8013: LTE • LTE1749 This counter is only updated for 3GPP Release 11 (or higher) UEs.
8013: LTE • LTE1912:The transmission of an RRCConnectionReject message (eNB -> UE) in case that this message
8013: LTE • LTE1912:The transmission of an RRCConnectionReject message (eNB -> UE) in case that this message
8013: LTE • LTE1912:The transmission of an RRCConnectionReject message (eNB -> UE) in case that this message
8013: LTE • LTE1912:The transmission of an RRCConnectionReject message (eNB -> UE) in case that this message
8013: LTE • LTE1912:The transmission of an RRCConnectionReject message (eNB -> UE) in case that this message
8014: LTE • LTE651: The transmission of an X2AP: Handover Request to the target eNB.
8014: LTE • LTE651: The expiration of timer TX2RELOCprep
8014: LTE • LTE651: The reception of an X2AP: Handover Preparation Failure message from the target eNB.
8014: LTE • LTE651: The counter is updated if the failure detected does not match any other failure counter.
8014: LTE • LTE651: The reception of an X2AP: Handover Request Acknowledge message from the target eNB.
8014: LTE • LTE651: The reception of an X2AP:Release Resource message sent by the target eNB.
8014: LTE • LTE651: The expiration of timer TX2RELOCoverall.
8014: LTE • LTE54: I This counter is updated following the transmission of an S1AP: HANDOVER REQUIRED mess
8014: LTE • LTE54: I This counter is updated at the expiry of the guarding timer TS1RELOCprep if the timer was star
8014: LTE • LTE54: I This counter is updated following the reception of an S1AP: HANDOVER PREPARATION FAILU
8014: LTE • LTE54: I This counter is updated following the reception of an S1AP: HANDOVER PREPARATION FAILU
8014: LTE • LTE54: I This counter is updated following the reception of an S1AP: HANDOVER COMMAND message
8014: LTE • LTE54: I This counter is updated following the reception of an S1AP: UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMA
8014: LTE • LTE54: I This counter is updated
- if TS1RELOCprep following the
consecutively expiryforofmore
expires the guarding
than the timer TS1RELOCoverall
pre-configured number ofintimes.
case tha
8014: LTE • LTE1944: - if TX2RELOCprep
LTE797: Performance Counter consecutively
Plus Package expires for moreI than the pre-configured number of times.
for Handover
8015: LTE • LTE797:
is updated
Plus of X2
an links
Package Intra-eNB Handover
for Handover I preparation fails for any reason. This cou
8015: LTE • LTE797:
is updated
Plus of X2
an links
Handover I RECONFIGURATION message is sent b
8015: LTE • LTE1708: This
LTE54: Intra-LTE handover via S1updated
numberwhenof X2
an links
Intra-eNB Handover succeeds. This counter is updated in the
8015: LTE • LTE1708: Extend
LTE54: Intra-LTE
HO via X2: maximum
counter is
handover number
This counter of X2
following links
any failure in the HO preparation
via S1is updated following the expiration of the guarding phase intimer
the target cell apar
8015: LTE • LTE54:
LTE1708: Extend
HO S1:
via X2:maximum
handover number
This counter
via of X2 links
S1is updated expiration of
following the reception of an
guarding timer TS1RELOCpr
8015: LTE • LTE54:
LTE1708: Extend
HO via S1:maximum
This counter
handover number
via S1is updated
of X2 linksfollowing the reception of an S1AP:HANDOVER PREPARA
8015: LTE • LTE54: This
is updated
handover number
via S1following
of X2 links
the reception of an S1AP:HANDOVER COMMAND message
8015: LTE • LTE54: HOExtend
via S1:
Intra-LTE maximum
This counter
handover number
via S1is updated
of X2 linksfollowing the reception of an S1AP:UE CONTEXT RELEAS
8015: LTE • LTE1708: This
is updated
LTE797: Performance Counter Plus Package for of X2 links
the expiry of a guarding
Handover I timer, either TX2RELOCoverall or TS
8015: LTE • LTE1708: This
LTE533: Mobility counter
The case maximum
of X2 links
the expiration of a guarding
of reestablishment causes that "ReconfigFailure" is excluded timer THOoverall in caseThe
from counting. thatcase
8015: LTE • LTE533: InExtend
the source
Note: maximumcell ofnumber
Robustness missedof HO X2attempt,
links a HO preparation for the considered UE context might
8015: LTE • LTE533:
"short RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest
is definednumber
as timeof X2 linksno longerafter
period than aexpiration
failed HOvalue
is recognized by reestablishme
of Tstore_UE_cntxt timer u
8015: LTE • LTE1708:For Extend
the sequence
maximumofnumber Case2 of theX2reestablishment
links request (with cause "handoverFailure") receive
e counter is incremented
for successive
LTE • LTE1768
The counter
in after
cell Athe
UE finallyevent.
returns to the cell A within a short time period
8015: LTE Neighbor cThis counter is updated following the transmission of an RRC Connection Reconfiguration mes
8015: LTE •Neighbor
or HO - via
to UTRAN orS1:
redirectis updated following the reception of an S1AP: UE CONTE
8016: LTE • LTE562:
following CDMA/1xRTT
the transmission
to UTRAN or GSM forvia
an RX
redirectUEs message (source eNB -> UE) in
8016: LTE • LTE22: CSFB to CDMA/1xRTT
This counter
or updatedfor
callishandling dual RX
following theUEstransmission of an RRC:RRCConnectionRelease messag
8016: LTE • LTE874: CSFB
followingto CDMA/1xRTT
the transmission for ofdual
an RXRRC:RRCConnectionRelease
UEs message (source eNB -> UE) in
8016: LTE • LTE56: I Transmission of an S1AP:HANDOVER REQUIRED message to source MME for an Inter Syste
8016: LTE • LTE56: I Updated when Inter System Handover preparation fails due to expiration of guarding timer TS1
8016: LTE • LTE56: I Updated when an S1AP:HANDOVER PREPARATION FAILURE message is received from MM
8016: LTE • LTE56: I Updated when an S1AP:HANDOVER PREPARATION FAILURE message is received from MM
8016: LTE • LTE56: I Updated when an S1AP:HANDOVER COMMAND message is received from MME for a PS-HO
8016: LTE • LTE56: I Updated when an S1AP:UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message is received from MME
8016: LTE • LTE56: I Updated when PS-HO to UTRAN fails due to expiration of guarding timer TS1RELOCoverall. T
8016: LTE • LTE442: Transmission of the RRC: MobilityFromEUTRANCommandmessage (with cell change order to
8016: LTE • LTE872: Reception of an S1AP:HANDOVER COMMAND message (source eNB <- MME; 3GPP TS 36.4
8016: LTE • LTE872: Reception of an S1AP:UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message (source eNB <- MME; 3
8016: LTE • LTE872: Expiration of the guarding timer TS1RELOCoverall (3GPP TS 36.413) in case that this timer wa
8016: LTE • LTE736: Transmission of an RRC:MobilityFromEUTRACommand message (source eNB -> UE; 3GPP T
8016: LTE • LTE873: Reception of an S1AP:HANDOVER COMMAND message (source eNB <- MME; 3GPP TS 36.4
8016: LTE • LTE873: Reception of an S1AP:UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message (source eNB <- MME; 3
8016: LTE • LTE873: Expiration of the guarding timer TS1RELOCoverall (3GPP TS 36.413) in case this timer was sta
8016: LTE • LTE738: This counter is updated following the transmission of an RRC:HandoverFromEUTRAPreparatio
8016: LTE • LTE738: This counter is updated following the expiration of the guarding timer TUlHoPrepTransfer1xSrvc
8016: to
ates a failed HO preparation LTE • LTE738:
1xRTT This counter is updated following the expiration of the guarding timer TC2KRelocPrep1xSrvcc i
with SRVCC.
8016: LTE • LTE738: This counter is updated following the reception of an S1AP:DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNE
8016: LTE • LTE738: This counter is updated following the reception of an S1AP:DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNE
8016: LTE • LTE738: This counter is updated following the transmission of an RRC:MobilityFromEUTRACommand m
8016: LTE • LTE738: This counter is updated following the transmission of an S1AP:UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQU
er the CDMA2000 1xRTT 8016: LTE • LTE2175:This
parameters to the UE so counter is updated
that the followingwith
UE can register thethereception
CDMA2000 of an 1xRTT
RRC: CSFBParametersRequestCDMA200
network to support CS Fallback to C
er the CDMA2000 1xRTT 8016:
LTE • LTE2175:This
to the UE so counter
that the
is updated
UE can register
CDMA2000 of1xRTT
an RRC: network
to support CS Fallback to C
8016: LTE • LTE2175:This counter is updated following the transmission of an RRC:HandoverFromEUTRAPreparatio
8016: LTE • LTE2175:This counter is updated following the reception of an RRC: ULHandoverPreparationTransfer me
8016: LTE • LTE2175:This
LTE56: Inter RAT counter is updated
handover following the reception of an S1AP:DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNE
8017: LTE • LTE1708: Extend
Updated maximum
when Inter
LTE56: Inter RAT handover to WCDMA number
System ofHandover
X2 links preparation to UTRAN fails due to expiration of guarding
8017: LTE • LTE1708:
LTE56: Inter RAT handover to WCDMAX2 links PREPARATION FAILURE message is received from MM
Extend maximum
number of
8017: LTE • LTE56:
LTE1708: Updated
Inter maximum
RAT handover number
to WCDMA of X2 links PREPARATION FAILURE message is received from MM
8017: LTE • LTE56:
LTE1708: Updated
Inter maximum
RAT handover number
to WCDMA of X2 links COMMAND message is received from MME for a PS-HO
8017: LTE • LTE1708:Updated
Extend maximum number ofCONTEXT
when an S1AP:UE X2 links RELEASE COMMAND message is received from MME
• LTE56: Inter RAT handover to WCDMA
8017: LTE • LTE1708: Updated
LTE56: Inter maximum
when a PS-HO
RAT handover number
to to of
X2 links
fails due to expiration of guarding timer TS1RELOCoverall.
8017: LTE • LTE872: Extend to maximum
Transmission of an number
WCDMA of X2 links REQUIRED message to source MME for an Inter Syste
8017: LTE • LTE872:
Extend to maximum
WCDMA number of X2 links COMMAND message (source eNB <- MME; 3GPP TS 36.4
8017: LTE • LTE872:
Extend to maximum
of an S1AP:UE
of X2 links RELEASE COMMAND message (source eNB <- MME; 3
8017: LTE • LTE1708:Expiration
Extend maximum
of the guarding
of X2TS1RELOCoverall
links (3GPP TS 36.413) in case that this timer wa
8018: LTE eNB Load The arithmetical average of samples taken from the number of UEs, having one SRB and at lea
8018: LTE • LTE770: The maximum value of the samples of UEs having one SRB and at least one DRB established
8018: LTE • LTE522: STransmission of an S1AP:RESET Message (partial or global).
8018: LTE • LTE522: STransmission of an S1AP:RESET Message (partial or global).
8018: LTE • LTE522: SReception of an S1AP:RESET Message (partial or global) sent by MME to the eNB.
8018: LTE • LTE522: SReception of an S1AP:RESET Message (partial or global) sent by MME to the eNB.
8018: LTE eNB Load This counter is updated after each sampling interval with the sample taken from the number of
8018: LTE •eNB Load Network
LTE442: This counter is updated
Assisted by value
Cell Change to 1
GSMwhen the number of Active UEs is summed to counter SUM_
8019: LTE • LTE873:
Extend maximum of thenumber
Model RRC:MobilityFromEUTRANCommand
GERAN ofchanges
X2 linksin eNB message (with cell change order to
8019: LTE • LTE873: Reception
LTE1708:Relationship of Model
Extend maximum an S1AP:HANDOVER
in eNB message (source eNB <- MME; 3GPP TS 36.4
8019: LTE • LTE1708: Reception
Extend maximum
LTE873: Relationship of Model
an S1AP:UE
X2 linksin RELEASE
eNB COMMAND message (source eNB <- MME; 3
8019: LTE • LTE1708:Expiration
Extend maximum
of the guarding
of X2TS1RELOCoverall
links (3GPP TS 36.413) in case this timer was sta
8020: LTE •CLTE770: The counter is updated with value 1 when cell state changes to Cell Operational is enabled.
8020: LTE •CLTE1103:The counter is incremented with value 1 when cell "Administrative State transitions to locked" o
8020: LTE •CLTE1103:The counter is incremented with value 1 when cell "Operational State changes to disabled" and
8020: LTE •CLTE432: The counter is incremented by 1 approximately every 10 seconds when "Cell Operational State
8020: LTE •CLTE1103:The counter is incremented with value 1 approximately every 10 seconds when cell "Administra
8020: LTE •CLTE1103:The counter is incremented with value 1 approximately every 10 seconds when cell "Operationa
8020: LTE •CLTE432: The counter is updated with value 1 approximately every 10 seconds.
8020: LTE •CLTE1103:The counter is incremented with value 1 approximately every 10 seconds when the cell "Opera
8020: LTE •CLTE1103:The counter is incremented with value 1 when the cell "Operational State changes to disabled"
8021: LTE • LTE55: I inter-eNB HO - via S1: This counter is updated following the reception of an S1AP:HANDOVER
8021: LTE • LTE55: I inter-eNB HO - via S1: This counter is updated following the reception of an S1AP:HANDOVER
8021: LTE • LTE55: I inter-eNB HO - via S1: This counter is updated following the reception of an S1AP:UE CONTEX
8021: LTE • LTE55: I inter
eNB HO - via X2: S1: Expiration
This counter of is
theupdated following the reception
timer TX2RELOCoverall (3GPP ofTS36.423)
in case that
8021: LTE • LTE55: I inter eNB HO - via X2: S1: This
Expiry of the is
counter guarding
updatedtimer TS1RELOCoverall
following the expiration (3GPP TS 36.413)
of the timer TX2RELOCin ca
8021: LTE • LTE55: I inter eNB HO - via S1: This counter is updated following the expiration of the guarding timer TS
8021: LTE • LTE572: Transmission of the S1AP:HANDOVER REQUIRED message (source eNB -> MME; 3GPP TS
") are not counted. Load-based
8021: LTEhandover
• LTE1127:
This counter
are not counted.
is updated following the transmission of an RRC Connection Reconfiguration mes
") are not counted. Load-based
8021: LTEhandover events
• LTE1127: Inter-eNB
or are not
- via S1: This counter is updated following the reception of an S1AP:UE CONTEX
8021: LTE • LTE572: Inter-eNB
Reception HO of the
S1: PREPARATION FAILURE message (source eNB <- MME;
8021: LTE • LTE572: Inter
eNB Event:
HO via Reception
S1: of the S1AP:HANDOVER COMMAND message (source eNB <- MME
8021: LTE • LTE572: Trigger
or Event: Reception of the S1AP:UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message (source
8021: LTE • LTE42: Inter-eNB
or HO via S1: Trigger Event: Reception of the S1AP:HANDOVER COMMAND message
8021: LTE • LTE42: The
eNB ofHOreestablishment
via S1:Trigger Event: Reception of the S1AP:
cause 'ReconfigFailure' UE CONTEXT
is excluded RELEASE
from counting. COMMA
The case of ree
8021: LTE • LTE533: Note:
In the source cell of missed HO attempt, a HO preparation for the considered UE context may b
The RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest
8021: LTE • LTE533: 'short time' is defined as time period no longer than after expiration
a failed HOvalue
is recognized by reestablishme
of Tstore_UE_cntxt timer u
8021: LTE • LTE533:
LTE1170:For the sequenceload
Inter-frequency of Case2 the reestablishment request (cause 'HOfailure') received at cell pre
8021: LTE • LTE1841:
LTE1170:This counter is updated
Inter-frequency following the transmission of an RRC Connection Reconfiguration mes
load Equalization
8021: LTE • LTE1841:Inter-eNB
HO - viaLoadS1: This
counter is updated following the reception of an S1AP: UE CONTE
8021: LTE • LTE1935:Inter-RAT HO: This counter is updated following the reception of an S1AP: HANDOVER REQU
8021: LTE • LTE1935:Inter-eNB HO - via S1: This counter is updated following the reception of an S1AP: HANDOVER
8021: LTE • LTE1935:Inter-eNB HO - via S1: This counter is updated following the reception of an S1AP: HANDOVER
8021: LTE • LTE1935:Inter-eNB HO - via S1: This counter is updated following the reception of an S1AP: HANDOVER
8021: LTE • LTE1935:Inter-eNB HO - via S1: This counter is updated following the reception of an S1AP: HANDOVER
8021: LTE • LTE1935:Inter-RAT HO: This counter is updated following the transmission of an S1AP: HANDOVER RE
8021: LTE • LTE1935:Inter-eNB HO - via S1: This counter is updated following the transmission of an S1AP: HANDO
8021: LTE • LTE1935:Inter-eNB HO - via S1: This counter is updated following the transmission of an S1AP: HANDO
8021: LTE • LTE1935:Inter-eNB HO - via S1: This counter is updated following the transmission of an S1AP: HANDO
8021: LTE • LTE1935:Inter-eNB HO - via S1: This counter is updated following the transmission of an S1AP: HANDO
8021: LTE • LTE1935:Inter-RAT HO: This counter is updated following the transmission of an S1AP: HANDOVER FAI
8021: LTE • LTE1935:Inter-RAT HO: This counter is updated following the transmission of an S1AP: HANDOVER FAI
8021: LTE • LTE64: SThis counter is updated following the transmission of an RRC Connection Reconfiguration mes
8021: LTE • LTE64: SInter-eNB HO of
Transmission - via S1: This
X2AP: counterREQUEST
X2 SETUP is updatedmessage
following to
8022: LTE • LTE782: Reception
(3GPP TS of36.423)
X2AP: X2 SETUP FAILURE message or expiration of Timer (wait for X2 SETUP R
8022: LTE • LTE782: - (3GPP TS 36.423)
8023: LTE • LTE518: This counter is updated when a PDCP SDU is received from a UE assigned to QCI Counter Gr
8023: LTE • LTE518: This counter is updated when a PDCP SDU is received from a UE assigned to QCI Counter Gr
8023: LTE • LTE518: This counter is updated when a PDCP SDU is received from a UE assigned to QCI Counter Gr
8023: LTE • LTE518: This counter is updated when a PDCP SDU is received from a UE assigned to QCI Counter Gr
8023: LTE • LTE518: This counter is updated when a PDCP SDU is received from a UE assigned to QCI Counter Gr
8023: LTE • LTE518: This counter is updated when a PDCP SDU is received from a UE assigned to QCI Counter Gr
8023: LTE • LTE518: This counter is updated when a PDCP SDU is transmitted towards a UE assigned to QCI Coun
8023: LTE • LTE518: This counter is updated when a PDCP SDU is transmitted towards a UE assigned to QCI Coun
8023: LTE • LTE518: This counter is updated when a PDCP SDU is transmitted towards a UE assigned to QCI Coun
8023: LTE • LTE518: This counter is updated when a PDCP SDU is transmitted towards a UE assigned to QCI Coun
8023: LTE • LTE518: This counter is updated when a PDCP SDU is transmitted towards a UE assigned to QCI Coun
8023: LTE • LTE518: This counter is updated when a PDCP SDU is transmitted towards a UE assigned to QCI Coun
8023: LTE • LTE490: SThe average of samples taken from the number of active UEs, having one SRB and at least on
8023: LTE • LTE490: SThe average of samples taken from the number of active UEs, having one SRB and at least on
8023: LTE • LTE490: SThe average of samples taken from the number of active UEs, having one SRB and at least on
8023: LTE • LTE490: SThe average of samples taken from the number of active UEs, having one SRB and at least on
8023: LTE • LTE490: SThe average of samples taken from the number of active UEs, having one SRB and at least on
8023: LTE • LTE490: SThe average of samples taken from the number of active UEs, having one SRB and at least on
8023: LTE • LTE490: SThe average of samples taken from the number of active UEs, having one SRB and at least on
8023: LTE • LTE490: SThe average of samples taken from the number of active UEs, having one SRB and at least on
8023: LTE • LTE490: SThe average of samples taken from the number of active UEs, having one SRB and at least on
8023: LTE • LTE518: The arithmetical average of samples taken from the number of active UEs, having one SRB an
8023: LTE • LTE518: The arithmetical average of samples taken from the number of active UEs, having one SRB an
8023: LTE • LTE518: The arithmetical average of samples taken from the number of active UEs, having one SRB an
8023: LTE • LTE518: The arithmetical average of samples taken from the number of active UEs, having one SRB an
8023: LTE • LTE518: The arithmetical average of samples taken from the number of active UEs, having one SRB an
8023: LTE • LTE518: The arithmetical average of samples taken from the number of active UEs, having one SRB an
8023: LTE • LTE518: This counter is incremented if the operator-specific QCIs of the DRBs for a UE do not share the
8023: LTE • LTE487: The arithmetical average of samples taken from the number of active UEs, having one SRB an
8023: LTE • LTE487: The arithmetical average of samples taken from the number of active UEs, having one SRB an
8023: LTE • LTE487: The arithmetical average of samples taken from the number of active UEs, having one SRB an
8023: LTE • LTE487: The arithmetical average of samples taken from the number of active UEs, having one SRB an
8023: LTE • LTE487: The arithmetical average of samples taken from the number of active UEs, having one SRB an
8023: LTE • LTE487: The arithmetical average of samples taken from the number of active UEs, having one SRB an
8023: LTE • LTE487: The arithmetical average of samples taken from the number of active UEs, having one SRB an
8023: LTE • LTE487: The arithmetical average of samples taken from the number of active UEs, having one SRB an
8025: LTE • LTE60: I This counter is updated following the transmission of an RRC:HandoverFromEUTRAPreparatio
8025: LTE • LTE60: I This counter is updated following the expiration of the guarding timer TUlHoPrepTransferHrpd i
8025: LTE • LTE60: I This counter is updated following the expiration of the guarding timer TC2KRelocPrepHrpd in ca
8025: LTE • LTE60: I This counter is updated following the reception of an S1AP:DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNE
8025: LTE • LTE60: I This counter is updated following the reception of an S1AP:DOWNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNE
8025: LTE • LTE60: I This counter is updated following the transmission of an RRC:MobilityFromEUTRACommand m
8025: LTE • LTE60: I This counter is updated following the expiration of the guarding timer TC2KRelocOverallHRPD
8025: LTE • LTE60: I This
LTE1361: counterQoS
Additional is updated following
performance the reception of an S1AP:UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAN
8026: LTE • LTE2054:The
Measurement Report addition
counter is updated when a with PDCP
missing UL KPI
PDCPcounter subset
sequence number is detected.
• LTE1361: Additional QoS performance measurements
8026: LTE • LTE2054:
Additional is updated
Report addition
when ameasurements
performance with
missingPDCP UL KPI
PDCP counter
number is detected.
8026: LTE • LTE1361: Measurement
Additional Report
is updated addition with
when ameasurements
performance missingPDCP UL KPI
PDCP counter subset
sequence number is detected.
8026: LTE • LTE1361:
Additional is updated
Report addition
when ameasurements
performance with
missingPDCP UL KPI
PDCP counter
number is detected.
8026: LTE • LTE1361:
Additional is updated
QoS Report
of a addition
when ameasurements
packet with
PDCP counter
number is detected.
8026: LTE • LTE2054:continue
LTE1361:IfAdditionalin another
the transmission Report
QoS performanceaddition
it shall with
of a packetmeasurements
might be
KPI counter
in this count.
subset(HO case)
8026: LTE • LTE2054:continue
LTE1361:IfAdditionalin another
the transmission Report
QoS performanceaddition
it shall with
of a packetmeasurements
might be
KPI counter
in this count.
subset(HO case)
8026: LTE • LTE1361:
Additionalin QoS
the transmission Report
a addition
performanceit shallmeasurements
packet with
not be
might PDCP
KPI counter
in this count.
subset(HO case)
8026: LTE • LTE1361:
Additionalin QoS
the transmission Report
a addition
performanceit shallmeasurements
packet with
not be
might PDCP
KPI counter
in this count.
subset(HO case)
8026: LTE • LTE1361: Measurement
Additionalin QoS
performanceit shallmeasurements
not be PDCP
KPI counter
in this count.
subset(HO case)
8026: LTE • LTE1361: Measurement
Additional Report
is updated addition
performance awith
when measurements
PDCP PDCPSDUKPIof acounter subset is sent to the UE.
QCI 5 bearer
8026: LTE • LTE2054:
Additional is updated
Report addition
performancewhen measurements
QCI 6 bearer
subset is sent to the UE.
8026: LTE • LTE2054:This
counter is updated
Report addition
LTE1361: Additional QoS performance measurements a with
of acounter
QCI 7 bearer
subset is sent to the UE.
8026: LTE • LTE1361: Measurement
Additional Report
is updated addition
performance awith
when measurements
PDCP PDCPSDUKPIof acounter subset is sent to the UE.
QCI 8 bearer
8026: LTE • LTE1361:
Additional is updated
Report addition
performancewhen measurements
QCI 9 bearer
subset is sent to the UE.
8026: LTE • LTE1361:
LTE2054:This counterQoS
Additional is updated
Report when measurements
performance awith
a QCI 5subset
bearer is delivered to higher layers.
8026: LTE • LTE2054:This
counter is updated
Report addition
LTE1361: Additional QoS performance measurements a with
for counter
a QCI 6 subset
bearer is delivered to higher layers.
8026: LTE • LTE2054:This
counter is updated
Report addition
LTE1361: Additional QoS performance measurements a with
for counter
a QCI 7 subset
bearer is delivered to higher layers.
8026: LTE • LTE1361:
Additional is updated
Report addition
performancewhen measurements
a QCI 8subset
bearer is delivered to higher layers.
8026: LTE • LTE2054:The
counter is
counter is incremented
Report addition
when awith
when PDCP
for counter
a QCI 9subset
feedback is delivered to higher
from layers.
the UE for an
8026: LTE QoS Round
The trip times
counter for PDCP SDUs
is incremented when (ortheparts
eNB thereof),
received which
feedbackcould not be completely
(ACK/NACK) from thesent,
UE must
for ann
8026: LTE QoS Round
The trip times
counter for PDCP SDUs
is incremented when (ortheparts
eNB thereof),
received which
feedbackcould not be completely
(ACK/NACK) from thesent,
UE must
for ann
8026: LTE QoS Round
The counter is incremented when the eNB received feedback (ACK/NACK) from the UE for ann
trip times for PDCP SDUs (or parts thereof), which could not be completely sent, must
8026: LTE QoS Round trip times
The counter for PDCP SDUs
is incremented when (ortheparts
eNB thereof),
received which
feedbackcould not be completely
(ACK/NACK) from thesent,
UE must
for ann
8026: LTE QoS Round
The trip times
counter for PDCP SDUs
is incremented when (ortheparts
eNB thereof),
received which
feedbackcould not be completely
(ACK/NACK) from thesent,
UE must
for ann
8026: LTE QoS Round
The trip times
counter for PDCP SDUs
is incremented when (ortheparts
eNB thereof),
received which
feedbackcould not be completely
(ACK/NACK) from thesent,
UE must
for ann
8026: LTE QoS Round
The trip times
counter for PDCP SDUs
is incremented when (ortheparts
eNB thereof),
received which
feedbackcould not be completely
(ACK/NACK) from thesent,
UE must
for ann
8026: LTE QoS Round
The counter is incremented when the eNB received feedback (ACK/NACK) from the UE for ann
trip times for PDCP SDUs (or parts thereof), which could not be completely sent, must
8026: LTE •QoS trip times
Additional for PDCP SDUs
QoS performance (or parts thereof), which could not be completely sent, must n
8026: LTE • LTE1361:
Additional is updated
Report addition
when ameasurements
performance with
missingPDCP UL KPI
PDCP counter
number is detected.
8026: LTE • LTE1361:
Additional is updated
Report addition
when ameasurements
performance with
missingPDCP UL KPI
PDCP counter
number is detected.
8026: LTE • LTE1361: Measurement
Additional Report
is updated addition with
when ameasurements
performance missingPDCP UL KPI
PDCP counter subset
sequence number is detected.
8026: LTE • LTE1361:
Additional is updated
Report addition
when ameasurements
performance with
missingPDCP UL KPI
PDCP counter
number is detected.
8026: LTE • LTE2054:The
LTE1361:IfAdditional is
the transmission updated
QoS performanceaddition
when a with
of a packetmeasurements
PDCP counter
number is detected.
8026: LTE • LTE2054:continue
LTE1361:IfAdditionalin another
the transmission Report
QoS performanceaddition
it shall with
of a packetmeasurements
might be
KPI counter
in this count.
subset(HO case)
8026: LTE • LTE1361:continue
Additionalin QoS
the transmission Report
a addition
performanceit shallmeasurements
packet with
not be
might PDCP
KPI counter
in this count.
subset(HO case)
8026: LTE • LTE1361:
Additionalin QoS
the transmission Report
a addition
performanceit shallmeasurements
packet with
not be
might PDCP
KPI counter
in this count.
subset(HO case)
8026: LTE • LTE1361:
Additionalin QoS
the transmission Report
a addition
performanceit shallmeasurements
packet with
not be
might PDCP
KPI counter
in this count.
subset(HO case)
8026: LTE • LTE2054:continue
in another
Inter-eNB HO via X2: Report
it shall with
not be
KPI counter
in this count.
subset(HO case)
8027: LTE • LTE1617:Trigger Event:
Inter-eNB HO via X2: Sending of the X2AP:HANDOVER REQUEST message to the requesting eNB to
8027: LTE • LTE1617:Inter-eNB
Trigger Event:
HO via Reception
8027: LTE • LTE1617:Trigger Event: Sending
Reception ofof the X2AP:UE
message message
to the servingfrom
eNBthe requesting
after the suspee
In case that
8027: LTE • LTE1617:inter-eNB HO multiple
via X2:X2AP:RLF INDICATION messages are sent, for example, because the orig
8027: LTE • LTE1617:Trigger Event: Sending of X2AP:HANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE message after the
8027: LTE • LTE1617:Expiration of the guard timer for the UE context retrieval during RLF-triggered Handover proced
8029: LTE • LTE1697:This
1. oncounter
randomisaccess set at the end ofitthe
response measurement
is incremented byperiod
1 with the value of the parameter "LNCE
2. on TA
8029: LTE • LTE1697:1. command
random access byresponse
the time difference (in seconds)
it is incremented by 1 to the last counter update (either initial T
8029: LTE • LTE1697:1.
2. on TA command
random access byresponse
the time difference (in seconds)
it is incremented by 1 to the last counter update (either initial T
8029: LTE • LTE1697:1.
2. on TA command
random access byresponse
the time difference (in seconds)
it is incremented by 1 to the last counter update (either initial T
8029: LTE • LTE1697:2.
1. on TA
random access response it is incremented by 1 to the last counter update (either initial T
command by the time difference (in seconds)
8029: LTE • LTE1697:2.
1. on TA command
random access byresponse
the time difference (in seconds)
it is incremented by 1 to the last counter update (either initial T
8029: LTE • LTE1697:1.
2. on TA command
random access byresponse
the time difference (in seconds)
it is incremented by 1 to the last counter update (either initial T
8029: LTE • LTE1697:1.
2. on TA command
random access byresponse
the time difference (in seconds)
it is incremented by 1 to the last counter update (either initial T
8029: LTE • LTE1697:2. on TA command by the time difference (in seconds) to the last counter update (either initial T
1. on random access response it is incremented by 1
8029: LTE • LTE1697:2.
1. on TA command
random byresponse
access the time difference (in seconds)
it is incremented by 1 to the last counter update (either initial T
2. on TA
8029: LTE • LTE1697:1. command
random byresponse
access the time difference (in seconds)
it is incremented by 1 to the last counter update (either initial T
8029: LTE • LTE1697:1.
2. on TA command
random byresponse
access the time difference (in seconds)
it is incremented by 1 to the last counter update (either initial T
8029: LTE • LTE1697:1.
2. on TA command
random byresponse
access the time difference (in seconds)
it is incremented by 1 to the last counter update (either initial T
8029: LTE • LTE1697:2.
1. on TA
random access response it is incremented by 1 to the last counter update (either initial T
command by the time difference (in seconds)
8029: LTE • LTE1697:2.
1. on TA command
random byresponse
access the time difference (in seconds)
it is incremented by 1 to the last counter update (either initial T
8029: LTE • LTE1697:1.
2. on TA command
random byresponse
access the time difference (in seconds)
it is incremented by 1 to the last counter update (either initial T
8029: LTE • LTE1697:1.
2. on TA command
random byresponse
access the time difference (in seconds)
it is incremented by 1 to the last counter update (either initial T
2. on TA
8029: LTE • LTE1697:1. command
random byresponse
access the time difference (in seconds)
it is incremented by 1 to the last counter update (either initial T
2. on TA
8029: LTE • LTE1697:1. command
random byresponse
access the time difference (in seconds)
it is incremented by 1 to the last counter update (either initial T
8029: LTE • LTE1697:2.
1. on TA
random access response it is incremented by 1 to the last counter update (either initial T
command by the time difference (in seconds)
8029: LTE • LTE1697:2.
1. on TA command
random byresponse
access the time difference (in seconds)
it is incremented by 1 to the last counter update (either initial T
2. on TA
8029: LTE • LTE1697:1. command
random byresponse
access the time difference (in seconds)
it is incremented by 1 to the last counter update (either initial T
8029: LTE • LTE1697:1.
2. on TA command
random byresponse
access the time difference (in seconds)
it is incremented by 1 to the last counter update (either initial T
8029: LTE • LTE1697:1.
2. on TA command
random byresponse
access the time difference (in seconds)
it is incremented by 1 to the last counter update (either initial T
8029: LTE • LTE1697:2.
1. on TA
random access response it is incremented by 1 to the last counter update (either initial T
command by the time difference (in seconds)
8029: LTE • LTE1697:2.
1. on TA command
random byresponse
access the time difference (in seconds)
it is incremented by 1 to the last counter update (either initial T
8029: LTE • LTE1697:1.
2. on TA command
random byresponse
access the time difference (in seconds)
it is incremented by 1 to the last counter update (either initial T
8029: LTE • LTE1697:1.
2. on TA command
random byresponse
access the time difference (in seconds)
it is incremented by 1 to the last counter update (either initial T
2. on TA
8029: LTE • LTE1697:1. command
random byresponse
access the time difference (in seconds)
it is incremented by 1 to the last counter update (either initial T
8029: LTE • LTE1697:1.
2. on TA command
random byresponse
access the time difference (in seconds)
it is incremented by 1 to the last counter update (either initial T
8029: LTE • LTE1697:2. on TA command by the time difference (in seconds) to the last counter update (either initial T
8029: LTE MAC The counter is updated when the eNB receives the msg3 in case of a contention-based RACH
8029: LTE MAC The counter is updated when the eNB receives the msg3 in case of any kind of contention-base
8030: LTE • LTE1117 This
counter isaverage calculation
updated when MBMS of the number
user of transmitted.
data is activated MBMS sessions in the cell (Multime
8030: LTE • LTE1117 Only MBMS user data are taken into account; signalling data are not taken into account (Multim
8030: LTE • LTE1117 This counter is updated when MBMS user data is received.
missing packet seque 8030: LTE • LTE1117 The counter is updated when MBMS user data is lost.
8030: LTE • LTE1117 The counter is updated when MBMS user data is dropped.
col (3GPP TS 25.446) 8030: LTE • LTE1117 10
counter is to
refers updated
PRB#0when MBMS user data is dropped.
to PRB#5
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz refers
PRB#0 to to PRB#0 to PRB#7
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz refers
PRB#0 to to PRB#0 to PRB#7
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to
refers to PRB#0 to PRB#5PRB#0 to PRB#7
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to
refers to PRB#0 to PRB#5PRB#0 to PRB#7
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz refers
PRB#0 to to PRB#0 to PRB#7
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz refers
PRB#0 to to PRB#0 to PRB#7
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz refers
PRB#0 to to PRB#0 to PRB#7
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to
refers to PRB#0 to PRB#5PRB#0 to PRB#7
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to
refers to PRB#0 to PRB#5PRB#0 to PRB#7
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz refers
PRB#0 to to PRB#0 to PRB#7
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz refers
PRB#0 to to PRB#0 to PRB#7
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz refers
PRB#0 to to PRB#0 to PRB#7
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz refers
PRB#0 to to PRB#0 to PRB#7
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to
refers to PRB#0 to PRB#5PRB#0 to PRB#7
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to
refers to PRB#0 to PRB#5PRB#0 to PRB#7
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz refers
PRB#0 to to PRB#0 to PRB#7
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz refers
PRB#0 to to PRB#0 to PRB#7
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz refers
PRB#0 to to PRB#0 to PRB#7
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to
refers to PRB#0 to PRB#5PRB#0 to PRB#7
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#0 to PRB#7
refers to PRB#6 to PRB#11
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz refers
PRB#6 to to PRB#8 to PRB#15
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz refers
PRB#6 to to PRB#8 to PRB#15
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#8 to PRB#15
10 MHz refers to PRB#6 to PRB#11
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20toMHz
refers refers
PRB#6 to to PRB#8 to PRB#15
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz refers
PRB#6 to to PRB#8 to PRB#15
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz refers
PRB#6 to to PRB#8 to PRB#15
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz refers
PRB#6 to to PRB#8 to PRB#15
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#8 to PRB#15
refers to PRB#6 to PRB#11
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#8 to PRB#15
refers to PRB#6 to PRB#11
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz refers
PRB#6 to to PRB#8 to PRB#15
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz refers
PRB#6 to to PRB#8 to PRB#15
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz refers
PRB#6 to to PRB#8 to PRB#15
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz refers
PRB#6 to to PRB#8 to PRB#15
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#8 to PRB#15
refers to PRB#6 to PRB#11
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#8 to PRB#15
refers to PRB#6 to PRB#11
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz refers
PRB#6 to to PRB#8 to PRB#15
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz refers
PRB#6 to to PRB#8 to PRB#15
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz refers
PRB#6 to to PRB#8 to PRB#15
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#8 to PRB#15
refers to PRB#6 to PRB#11
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#8 to PRB#15
refers to PRB#12 to PRB#17
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#17
PRB#12 PRB#16 to PRB#23
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#17
PRB#12 PRB#16 to PRB#23
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#17
PRB#12 PRB#16 to PRB#23
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#17
PRB#12 PRB#16 to PRB#23
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#16 to PRB#23
refers to PRB#12 to PRB#17
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#16 to PRB#23
refers to PRB#12 to PRB#17
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#17
PRB#12 PRB#16 to PRB#23
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#17
PRB#12 PRB#16 to PRB#23
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#17
PRB#12 PRB#16 to PRB#23
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#16 to PRB#23
refers to PRB#12 to PRB#17
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#16 to PRB#23
refers to PRB#12 to PRB#17
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#17
PRB#12 PRB#16 to PRB#23
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#17
PRB#12 PRB#16 to PRB#23
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#17
PRB#12 PRB#16 to PRB#23
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#17
PRB#12 PRB#16 to PRB#23
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#16 to PRB#23
refers to PRB#12 to PRB#17
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#16 to PRB#23
refers to PRB#12 to PRB#17
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#17
PRB#12 PRB#16 to PRB#23
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#17
PRB#12 PRB#16 to PRB#23
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#23
PRB#18 PRB#16 to PRB#23
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#24 to PRB#31
refers to PRB#18 to PRB#23
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#24 to PRB#31
refers to PRB#18 to PRB#23
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#23
PRB#18 PRB#24 to PRB#31
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#23
PRB#18 PRB#24 to PRB#31
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#23
PRB#18 PRB#24 to PRB#31
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#23
PRB#18 PRB#24 to PRB#31
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#24 to PRB#31
refers to PRB#18 to PRB#23
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#24 to PRB#31
refers to PRB#18 to PRB#23
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#23
PRB#18 PRB#24 to PRB#31
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#23
PRB#18 PRB#24 to PRB#31
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#23
PRB#18 PRB#24 to PRB#31
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#24 to PRB#31
refers to PRB#18 to PRB#23
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#24 to PRB#31
refers to PRB#18 to PRB#23
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#23
PRB#18 PRB#24 to PRB#31
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#23
PRB#18 PRB#24 to PRB#31
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#24 to PRB#31
10 MHz refers to PRB#18 to PRB#23
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20toMHz
refers referstotoPRB#23
PRB#18 PRB#24 to PRB#31
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#23
PRB#18 PRB#24 to PRB#31
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#23
PRB#18 PRB#24 to PRB#31
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#29
PRB#24 PRB#24 to PRB#31
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#32 to PRB#39
refers to PRB#24 to PRB#29
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#32 to PRB#39
refers to PRB#24 to PRB#29
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#29
PRB#24 PRB#32 to PRB#39
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#29
PRB#24 PRB#32 to PRB#39
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#29
PRB#24 PRB#32 to PRB#39
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#29
PRB#24 PRB#32 to PRB#39
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#32 to PRB#39
refers to PRB#24 to PRB#29
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#32 to PRB#39
refers to PRB#24 to PRB#29
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#29
PRB#24 PRB#32 to PRB#39
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#29
PRB#24 PRB#32 to PRB#39
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#29
PRB#24 PRB#32 to PRB#39
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#32 to PRB#39
refers to PRB#24 to PRB#29
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#32 to PRB#39
refers to PRB#24 to PRB#29
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#29
PRB#24 PRB#32 to PRB#39
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#29
PRB#24 PRB#32 to PRB#39
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#29
PRB#24 PRB#32 to PRB#39
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#29
PRB#24 PRB#32 to PRB#39
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#32 to PRB#39
refers to PRB#24 to PRB#29
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#32 to PRB#39
refers to PRB#24 to PRB#29
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#35
PRB#30 PRB#32 to PRB#39
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#35
PRB#30 PRB#40 to PRB#47
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#35
PRB#30 PRB#40 to PRB#47
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#40 to PRB#47
refers to PRB#30 to PRB#35
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#40 to PRB#47
refers to PRB#30 to PRB#35
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#35
PRB#30 PRB#40 to PRB#47
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#35
PRB#30 PRB#40 to PRB#47
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#35
PRB#30 PRB#40 to PRB#47
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#35
PRB#30 PRB#40 to PRB#47
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#40 to PRB#47
refers to PRB#30 to PRB#35
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#40 to PRB#47
refers to PRB#30 to PRB#35
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#35
PRB#30 PRB#40 to PRB#47
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#35
PRB#30 PRB#40 to PRB#47
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#35
PRB#30 PRB#40 to PRB#47
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#40 to PRB#47
refers to PRB#30 to PRB#35
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#40 to PRB#47
refers to PRB#30 to PRB#35
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#35
PRB#30 PRB#40 to PRB#47
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#35
PRB#30 PRB#40 to PRB#47
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#35
PRB#30 PRB#40 to PRB#47
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#35
PRB#30 PRB#40 to PRB#47
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#40 to PRB#47
refers to PRB#36 to PRB#41
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#48 to PRB#55
refers to PRB#36 to PRB#41
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#41
PRB#36 PRB#48 to PRB#55
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#41
PRB#36 PRB#48 to PRB#55
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#41
PRB#36 PRB#48 to PRB#55
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#48 to PRB#55
refers to PRB#36 to PRB#41
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#48 to PRB#55
refers to PRB#36 to PRB#41
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#41
PRB#36 PRB#48 to PRB#55
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#41
PRB#36 PRB#48 to PRB#55
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#48 to PRB#55
10 MHz refers to PRB#36 to PRB#41
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20toMHz
refers referstotoPRB#41
PRB#36 PRB#48 to PRB#55
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#41
PRB#36 PRB#48 to PRB#55
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#41
PRB#36 PRB#48 to PRB#55
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#41
PRB#36 PRB#48 to PRB#55
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#48 to PRB#55
refers to PRB#36 to PRB#41
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#48 to PRB#55
refers to PRB#36 to PRB#41
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#41
PRB#36 PRB#48 to PRB#55
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#41
PRB#36 PRB#48 to PRB#55
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#41
PRB#36 PRB#48 to PRB#55
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#41
PRB#36 PRB#48 to PRB#55
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#48 to PRB#55
refers to PRB#42 to PRB#47
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#56 to PRB#63
refers to PRB#42 to PRB#47
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#47
PRB#42 PRB#56 to PRB#63
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#47
PRB#42 PRB#56 to PRB#63
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#47
PRB#42 PRB#56 to PRB#63
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#56 to PRB#63
refers to PRB#42 to PRB#47
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#56 to PRB#63
refers to PRB#42 to PRB#47
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#47
PRB#42 PRB#56 to PRB#63
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#47
PRB#42 PRB#56 to PRB#63
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#47
PRB#42 PRB#56 to PRB#63
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#47
PRB#42 PRB#56 to PRB#63
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#56 to PRB#63
refers to PRB#42 to PRB#47
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#56 to PRB#63
refers to PRB#42 to PRB#47
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#47
PRB#42 PRB#56 to PRB#63
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#47
PRB#42 PRB#56 to PRB#63
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#47
PRB#42 PRB#56 to PRB#63
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#56 to PRB#63
refers to PRB#42 to PRB#47
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#56 to PRB#63
refers to PRB#42 to PRB#47
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#47
PRB#42 PRB#56 to PRB#63
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#47
PRB#42 PRB#56 to PRB#63
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#49
PRB#48 PRB#56 to PRB#63
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#49
PRB#48 PRB#64 to PRB#71
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#64 to PRB#71
refers to PRB#48 to PRB#49
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#64 to PRB#71
refers to PRB#48 to PRB#49
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#49
PRB#48 PRB#64 to PRB#71
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#49
PRB#48 PRB#64 to PRB#71
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#49
PRB#48 PRB#64 to PRB#71
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#64 to PRB#71
refers to PRB#48 to PRB#49
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#64 to PRB#71
refers to PRB#48 to PRB#49
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#49
PRB#48 PRB#64 to PRB#71
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#49
PRB#48 PRB#64 to PRB#71
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#49
PRB#48 PRB#64 to PRB#71
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#49
PRB#48 PRB#64 to PRB#71
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#64 to PRB#71
refers to PRB#48 to PRB#49
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#64 to PRB#71
refers to PRB#48 to PRB#49
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#49
PRB#48 PRB#64 to PRB#71
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#49
PRB#48 PRB#64 to PRB#71
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#49
PRB#48 PRB#64 to PRB#71
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#64 to PRB#71
refers to PRB#48 to PRB#49
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#64 to PRB#71
refers to PRB#48 to PRB#49
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#74
PRB#72 PRB#64 to PRB#71
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
20 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#74
8031: LTE • LTE1491:20 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#79
15 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#74
8031: LTE • LTE1491:20
15 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#79
20 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#74
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15 PRB#79
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
20 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#74
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
20 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#74
8031: LTE • LTE1491:20
15 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#79
8031: LTE • LTE1491:20
15 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#79
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
20 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#74
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
20 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#74
20 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#74
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15 PRB#79
20 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#74
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15 PRB#79
8031: LTE • LTE1491:20
15 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#79
8031: LTE • LTE1491:20
15 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#79
20 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#74
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15 PRB#79
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
20 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#74
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
20 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#74
8031: LTE • LTE1491:20
15 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#79
8031: LTE • LTE1491:20
15 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#79
8031: LTE • LTE1491:20 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#79
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement
10 MHz is updated
refers to PRB#0 for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
to PRB#5
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz refers
PRB#0 to to PRB#0 to PRB#7
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20toMHz
refers refers
PRB#0 to to PRB#0 to PRB#7
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#0 to PRB#7
refers to PRB#0 to PRB#5
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz refers
PRB#0 to to PRB#0 to PRB#7
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz refers
PRB#0 to to PRB#0 to PRB#7
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz refers
PRB#0 to to PRB#0 to PRB#7
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz refers
PRB#0 to to PRB#0 to PRB#7
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#0 to PRB#7
refers to PRB#0 to PRB#5
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#0 to PRB#7
refers to PRB#0 to PRB#5
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz refers
PRB#0 to to PRB#0 to PRB#7
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz refers
PRB#0 to to PRB#0 to PRB#7
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz refers
PRB#0 to to PRB#0 to PRB#7
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#0 to PRB#7
refers to PRB#0 to PRB#5
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#0 to PRB#7
refers to PRB#0 to PRB#5
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz refers
PRB#0 to to PRB#0 to PRB#7
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz refers
PRB#0 to to PRB#0 to PRB#7
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz refers
PRB#0 to to PRB#0 to PRB#7
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz refers
PRB#0 to to PRB#0 to PRB#7
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#0 to PRB#7
refers to PRB#0 to PRB#5
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#0 to PRB#7
refers to PRB#6 to PRB#11
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz refers
PRB#6 to to PRB#8 to PRB#15
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz refers
PRB#6 to to PRB#8 to PRB#15
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz refers
PRB#6 to to PRB#8 to PRB#15
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#8 to PRB#15
refers to PRB#6 to PRB#11
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#8 to PRB#15
refers to PRB#6 to PRB#11
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz refers
PRB#6 to to PRB#8 to PRB#15
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz refers
PRB#6 to to PRB#8 to PRB#15
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#8 to PRB#15
10 MHz refers to PRB#6 to PRB#11
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20toMHz
refers refers
PRB#6 to to PRB#8 to PRB#15
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz refers
PRB#6 to to PRB#8 to PRB#15
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz refers
PRB#6 to to PRB#8 to PRB#15
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz refers
PRB#6 to to PRB#8 to PRB#15
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#8 to PRB#15
refers to PRB#6 to PRB#11
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#8 to PRB#15
refers to PRB#6 to PRB#11
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz refers
PRB#6 to to PRB#8 to PRB#15
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz refers
PRB#6 to to PRB#8 to PRB#15
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz refers
PRB#6 to to PRB#8 to PRB#15
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz refers
PRB#6 to to PRB#8 to PRB#15
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#8 to PRB#15
refers to PRB#6 to PRB#11
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#8 to PRB#15
refers to PRB#12 to PRB#17
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#17
PRB#12 PRB#16 to PRB#23
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#17
PRB#12 PRB#16 to PRB#23
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#17
PRB#12 PRB#16 to PRB#23
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#16 to PRB#23
refers to PRB#12 to PRB#17
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#16 to PRB#23
refers to PRB#12 to PRB#17
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#17
PRB#12 PRB#16 to PRB#23
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#17
PRB#12 PRB#16 to PRB#23
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#17
PRB#12 PRB#16 to PRB#23
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#17
PRB#12 PRB#16 to PRB#23
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#16 to PRB#23
refers to PRB#12 to PRB#17
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#16 to PRB#23
refers to PRB#12 to PRB#17
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#17
PRB#12 PRB#16 to PRB#23
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#17
PRB#12 PRB#16 to PRB#23
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#17
PRB#12 PRB#16 to PRB#23
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#16 to PRB#23
refers to PRB#12 to PRB#17
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#16 to PRB#23
refers to PRB#12 to PRB#17
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#17
PRB#12 PRB#16 to PRB#23
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#17
PRB#12 PRB#16 to PRB#23
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#17
PRB#12 PRB#16 to PRB#23
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#23
PRB#18 PRB#16 to PRB#23
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#24 to PRB#31
refers to PRB#18 to PRB#23
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#24 to PRB#31
refers to PRB#18 to PRB#23
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#23
PRB#18 PRB#24 to PRB#31
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#23
PRB#18 PRB#24 to PRB#31
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#23
PRB#18 PRB#24 to PRB#31
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#24 to PRB#31
refers to PRB#18 to PRB#23
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#24 to PRB#31
refers to PRB#18 to PRB#23
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#23
PRB#18 PRB#24 to PRB#31
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#23
PRB#18 PRB#24 to PRB#31
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#23
PRB#18 PRB#24 to PRB#31
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#23
PRB#18 PRB#24 to PRB#31
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#24 to PRB#31
refers to PRB#18 to PRB#23
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#24 to PRB#31
refers to PRB#18 to PRB#23
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#23
PRB#18 PRB#24 to PRB#31
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#23
PRB#18 PRB#24 to PRB#31
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#23
PRB#18 PRB#24 to PRB#31
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#24 to PRB#31
refers to PRB#18 to PRB#23
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#24 to PRB#31
refers to PRB#18 to PRB#23
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#23
PRB#18 PRB#24 to PRB#31
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#29
PRB#24 PRB#24 to PRB#31
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#32 to PRB#39
10 MHz refers to PRB#24 to PRB#29
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20toMHz
refers referstotoPRB#29
PRB#24 PRB#32 to PRB#39
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#29
PRB#24 PRB#32 to PRB#39
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#29
PRB#24 PRB#32 to PRB#39
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#29
PRB#24 PRB#32 to PRB#39
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#32 to PRB#39
refers to PRB#24 to PRB#29
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#32 to PRB#39
refers to PRB#24 to PRB#29
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#29
PRB#24 PRB#32 to PRB#39
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#29
PRB#24 PRB#32 to PRB#39
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#29
PRB#24 PRB#32 to PRB#39
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#29
PRB#24 PRB#32 to PRB#39
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#32 to PRB#39
refers to PRB#24 to PRB#29
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#32 to PRB#39
refers to PRB#24 to PRB#29
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#29
PRB#24 PRB#32 to PRB#39
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#29
PRB#24 PRB#32 to PRB#39
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#29
PRB#24 PRB#32 to PRB#39
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#32 to PRB#39
refers to PRB#24 to PRB#29
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#32 to PRB#39
refers to PRB#24 to PRB#29
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#29
PRB#24 PRB#32 to PRB#39
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#35
PRB#30 PRB#32 to PRB#39
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#35
PRB#30 PRB#40 to PRB#47
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#35
PRB#30 PRB#40 to PRB#47
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#40 to PRB#47
refers to PRB#30 to PRB#35
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#40 to PRB#47
refers to PRB#30 to PRB#35
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#35
PRB#30 PRB#40 to PRB#47
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#35
PRB#30 PRB#40 to PRB#47
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#35
PRB#30 PRB#40 to PRB#47
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#40 to PRB#47
refers to PRB#30 to PRB#35
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#40 to PRB#47
refers to PRB#30 to PRB#35
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#35
PRB#30 PRB#40 to PRB#47
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#35
PRB#30 PRB#40 to PRB#47
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#35
PRB#30 PRB#40 to PRB#47
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#35
PRB#30 PRB#40 to PRB#47
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#40 to PRB#47
refers to PRB#30 to PRB#35
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#40 to PRB#47
refers to PRB#30 to PRB#35
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#35
PRB#30 PRB#40 to PRB#47
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#35
PRB#30 PRB#40 to PRB#47
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#35
PRB#30 PRB#40 to PRB#47
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#40 to PRB#47
refers to PRB#30 to PRB#35
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#40 to PRB#47
refers to PRB#36 to PRB#41
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#41
PRB#36 PRB#48 to PRB#55
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#41
PRB#36 PRB#48 to PRB#55
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#41
PRB#36 PRB#48 to PRB#55
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#41
PRB#36 PRB#48 to PRB#55
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#48 to PRB#55
refers to PRB#36 to PRB#41
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#48 to PRB#55
refers to PRB#36 to PRB#41
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#41
PRB#36 PRB#48 to PRB#55
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#41
PRB#36 PRB#48 to PRB#55
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#41
PRB#36 PRB#48 to PRB#55
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#48 to PRB#55
refers to PRB#36 to PRB#41
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#48 to PRB#55
refers to PRB#36 to PRB#41
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#41
PRB#36 PRB#48 to PRB#55
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#41
PRB#36 PRB#48 to PRB#55
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#48 to PRB#55
10 MHz refers to PRB#36 to PRB#41
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20toMHz
refers referstotoPRB#41
PRB#36 PRB#48 to PRB#55
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#41
PRB#36 PRB#48 to PRB#55
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#41
PRB#36 PRB#48 to PRB#55
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#41
PRB#36 PRB#48 to PRB#55
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#48 to PRB#55
refers to PRB#36 to PRB#41
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#48 to PRB#55
refers to PRB#42 to PRB#47
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#47
PRB#42 PRB#56 to PRB#63
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#47
PRB#42 PRB#56 to PRB#63
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#47
PRB#42 PRB#56 to PRB#63
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#47
PRB#42 PRB#56 to PRB#63
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#56 to PRB#63
refers to PRB#42 to PRB#47
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#56 to PRB#63
refers to PRB#42 to PRB#47
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#47
PRB#42 PRB#56 to PRB#63
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#47
PRB#42 PRB#56 to PRB#63
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#47
PRB#42 PRB#56 to PRB#63
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#56 to PRB#63
refers to PRB#42 to PRB#47
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#56 to PRB#63
refers to PRB#42 to PRB#47
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#47
PRB#42 PRB#56 to PRB#63
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#47
PRB#42 PRB#56 to PRB#63
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#47
PRB#42 PRB#56 to PRB#63
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#47
PRB#42 PRB#56 to PRB#63
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#56 to PRB#63
refers to PRB#42 to PRB#47
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#56 to PRB#63
refers to PRB#42 to PRB#47
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#47
PRB#42 PRB#56 to PRB#63
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#47
PRB#42 PRB#56 to PRB#63
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#49
PRB#48 PRB#56 to PRB#63
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#64 to PRB#71
refers to PRB#48 to PRB#49
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#64 to PRB#71
refers to PRB#48 to PRB#49
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#49
PRB#48 PRB#64 to PRB#71
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#49
PRB#48 PRB#64 to PRB#71
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#49
PRB#48 PRB#64 to PRB#71
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#49
PRB#48 PRB#64 to PRB#71
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#64 to PRB#71
refers to PRB#48 to PRB#49
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#64 to PRB#71
refers to PRB#48 to PRB#49
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#49
PRB#48 PRB#64 to PRB#71
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#49
PRB#48 PRB#64 to PRB#71
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#49
PRB#48 PRB#64 to PRB#71
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#64 to PRB#71
refers to PRB#48 to PRB#49
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#64 to PRB#71
refers to PRB#48 to PRB#49
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#49
PRB#48 PRB#64 to PRB#71
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#49
PRB#48 PRB#64 to PRB#71
15 MHz refers
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10 and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#49
PRB#48 PRB#64 to PRB#71
8031: LTE • LTE1491:10
15 MHz refers
and 20toMHz referstotoPRB#49
PRB#48 PRB#64 to PRB#71
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#64 to PRB#71
refers to PRB#48 to PRB#49
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
10 MHz and 20 MHz refers to PRB#64 to PRB#71
refers to PRB#48 to PRB#49
and 20toMHz
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15 MHz refers referstotoPRB#74
PRB#72 PRB#64 to PRB#71
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
20 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#74
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
20 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#74
8031: LTE • LTE1491:20
15 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#79
8031: LTE • LTE1491:20
15 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#79
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
20 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#74
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
20 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#74
8031: LTE • LTE1491:20 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#79
15 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#74
8031: LTE • LTE1491:20
15 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#79
20 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#74
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15 PRB#79
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
20 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#74
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
20 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#74
8031: LTE • LTE1491:20
15 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#79
8031: LTE • LTE1491:20
15 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#79
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
20 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#74
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15
20 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#74
20 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#74
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15 PRB#79
20 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#74
8031: LTE • LTE1491:15 PRB#79
8031: LTE • LTE1491:20
15 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#79
8031: LTE • LTE1491:20
15 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#79
8031: LTE • LTE1491:20 MHz refers to PRB#72 to PRB#79
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent subband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This measurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
8031: LTE • LTE1491:This
- Cellmeasurement is updated for each UE every TTI by using the UE's most recent wideband C
- RLF-Report.failedPCellId
8032: LTE • LTE1749 - Cell
UTRAN frequency - UTRAN (WCDMA or TD-SCDMA) frequency associated with RLF-Report.
- RLF-Report.failedPCellId
8032: LTE • LTE1749 - Cell frequency
- source - UTRAN
handover cell (WCDMA) frequency associated with RLF-Report.selectedUTRA
8032: LTE • LTE1749 - Cell frequency
- source - UTRAN
handover cell (WCDMA or TD-SCDMA) frequency associated with the target UT
8032: LTE • LTE1749 -The UTRAN
configured B2T1 threshold(WCDMA)
frequency - UTRAN for PSHOfrequency associated
was met based with
on the lastthe target UTRAN
reported cell RSR
serving cell
8032: LTE • LTE1749 last reported serving cell RSRP measurement < b2Threshold1Utra - (hysB2ThresholdUtra*2)
The configured B2T1 threshold for VoLTE was met based on the last reported serving cell RSR (f
8032: LTE • LTE1749 -last reported
LTE55 serving cell RSRP measurement < b2Threshold1UtraQci1 - (hysB2ThresholdUtra*
is activated
8033: LTE • LTE1879:- The reported measResults.measResultPCell.rsrpResult
LTE2112/LTE64 is activated value is less than or equal to the conf
8033: LTE • LTE1879:- TheLTE56reported measResults.measResultPCell.rsrpResult value is less than or equal to the conf
is activated
8033: LTE • LTE1879:- The reported measResults.measResultPCell.rsrpResult
LTE2112/LTE64 is activated value is less than or equal to the conf
8033: LTE • LTE1879:- The reported measResults.measResultPCell.rsrpResult
LTE1198 is activated value is less than or equal to the conf
8033: LTE • LTE1879:- The reported
LTE423 measResults.measResultPCell.rsrqResult value is less than or equal to the conf
is activated
8033: LTE • LTE1879:- The reported
LTE1407 measResults.measResultPCell.rsrpResult value is less than or equal to the conf
is activated
- Thecounter
8033: LTE • LTE1879:This reported is measResults.measResultPCell.rsrqResult value is less RRC
updated following the reception of an A2 event-related than or equal to the Repo
Measurement conf
8033: LTE • LTE1879:- The reported measResults.measResultPCell.rsrpResult
LTE2112/LTE64 is activated value is greater than or equal to the c
8033: LTE • LTE1879:- The reported measResults.measResultPCell.rsrpResult value is greater than or equal to the c
n Release.
is sen 8034: LTE • LTE2051:This counter is updated following the transmission of RRC Connection Reconfiguration messag
r which event A4 is reported.
8034: LTE • LTE2051:This counter is updated following a positive evaluation of the received RRC Measurement Repo
8035: LTE • LTE1559 The eNB continuously counts the sent chunks but updates the statistics every 5 seconds.
8035: LTE • LTE1559 The eNB continuously counts the received chunks but updates the statistics every 5 seconds.
8035: LTE • LTE1559 The eNB continuously counts the resent chunks but updates the statistics every 5 seconds.
d data and the SCTP la8035: LTE • LTE1559 The eNB continuously monitors the state of the SCTP association but updates the statistics eve
8035: LTE • LTE1559 The eNB continuously monitors the state changes of the SCTP association but updates the sta
8035: LTE • LTE1559 The eNB continuously monitors the state of the SCTP association but updates the statistics eve
8035: LTE • LTE1559 The eNB continuously monitors the state changes of the SCTP association but updates the sta
8036: LTE • LTE1559 The eNB continuously counts the sent chunks but updates the statistics every 5 seconds.
8036: LTE • LTE1559 The eNB continuously counts the received chunks but updates the statistics every 5 seconds.
8036: LTE • LTE1559 The eNB continuously counts the resent chunks but updates the statistics every 5 seconds.
d data and the SCTP la8036: LTE • LTE1559 The eNB continuously monitors the state of the SCTP association but updates the statistics eve
8036: LTE • LTE1559 The eNB continuously monitors the state changes of the SCTP association but updates the sta
8036: LTE • LTE1559 The eNB continuously monitors the state of the SCTP association but updates the statistics eve
8036: LTE • LTE1559 The eNB continuously monitors the state changes of the SCTP association but updates the sta
8037: LTE • LTE1559 The eNB continuously counts the sent chunks but updates the statistics every 5 seconds.
8037: LTE • LTE1559 The eNB continuously counts the received chunks but updates the statistics every 5 seconds.
8037: LTE • LTE1559 The eNB continuously counts the resent chunks but updates the statistics every 5 seconds.
d data and the SCTP la8037: LTE • LTE1559 The eNB continuously monitors the state of the SCTP association but updates the statistics eve
8037: LTE • LTE1559 The eNB continuously monitors the state changes of the SCTP association but updates the sta
8037: LTE • LTE1559 The eNB continuously monitors the state of the SCTP association but updates the statistics eve
8037: LTE • LTE1559 The eNB
LTE770: Basic continuously
Performance monitors
Counter the state
Collection II changes of the SCTP association but updates the sta
LTE125: Basic
51120: LTE• LTE770: IPv6 for U/C-Plane
The counter is updated
Performance whenCollection
Counter an inboundII packet has been delivered to higher-layer protocols.
51120: LTE• LTE770:
LTE125: Basic
The counter
for U/C-Plane
is updated
Performance whenever
Counter a kilo-byte
Collection II is received on the plain IP interface.
51120: LTE• LTE770:
LTE125: Basic
The counter
for U/C-Plane
is updated
Performance whenever
Counter a packet
Collection II has been transmitted successfully over the plain IP
51120: LTE• LTE125: IPv6 for U/C-Plane
The counter is updated whenever a kilo-byte is transmitted over the plain IP interface.
51120: LTE• IP StatistiThe counter
LTE770: Basic Performance is updated whenever
Counter an erroneous
Collection II packets is received on the plain IP interface.
51120: LTE• LTE125: IPv6
The counter
for U/C-Plane
is updated when an outbound packet needs to be dropped due to congestion.
51120: LTE IP StatistiThe counter is updated when a kilo-byte of outbound data needs to be dropped due to congest
51120: LTE IP StatistiThe counter is updated when an IP multicast packet or fragment has been received.
51120: LTE IP StatistiThe counter is updated whenever a kilo-byte of data is received in IP Multicast packets or fragm
51120: LTE IP StatistiThe counter is updated when an IP Multicast packet or fragment has been transmitted.
51120: LTE IP StatistiThe
- Thecounter
NE did isnot
join thewhenever a kilo-byte
corresponding of data group
IP multicast is transmitted in IP multicast
on the interface on whichpackets or fra
this packe
51120: LTE IP Statisti- The NE
destination MAC
did not join address
the does notIPmatch
corresponding with group
multicast the destination MAC address
on the interface on which calculated
this packefro
51120: LTE IP Statisti- The destination MAC address does not match with the destination MAC address calculated fro
51121: LTE• LTE806: The counter is updated when a kilo-byte of outbound data is transmitted over the plain IP interfa
51121: LTE• LTE806: The counter is updated when a packet is transmitted over the plain IP interface within the PHB
51121: LTE• LTE806: The counter is updated when a kilo-byte of outbound data needs to be dropped due to congest
51121: LTE• LTE806: The counter is updated when an outbound packet needs to be dropped due to congestion with
51121: LTE• LTE806: The counter is updated when a kilo-byte is transmitted over the plain IP interface within the PHB
51121: LTE• LTE806: The counter is updated when a packet is transmitted over the plain IP interface within the PHB
51121: LTE• LTE806: The counter is updated when a kilo-byte of outbound data needs to be dropped due to congest
51121: LTE• LTE806: The counter is updated when an outbound packet needs to be dropped due to congestion withi
51121: LTE• LTE806: The counter is updated when a kilo-byte is transmitted over the plain IP interface within the PHB
51121: LTE• LTE806: The counter is updated when a packet is transmitted over the plain IP interface within the PHB
51121: LTE• LTE806: The counter is updated when a kilo-byte of outbound data needs to be dropped due to congest
51121: LTE• LTE806: The counter is updated when an outbound packet needs to be dropped due to congestion with
51121: LTE• LTE806: The counter is updated when a kilo-byte is transmitted over the plain IP interface within the PHB
51121: LTE• LTE806: The counter is updated when a packet is transmitted over the plain IP interface within the PHB
51121: LTE• LTE806: The counter is updated when a kilo-byte of outbound data needs to be dropped due to congest
51121: LTE• LTE806: The counter is updated when an outbound packet needs to be dropped due to congestion with
51121: LTE• LTE806: The counter is updated when a kilo-byte is transmitted over the plain IP interface within the PHB
51121: LTE• LTE806: The counter is updated when a packet is transmitted over the plain IP interface within the PHB
51121: LTE• LTE806: The counter is updated when a kilo-byte of outbound data needs to be dropped due to congest
51121: LTE• LTE806: The counter is updated when an outbound packet needs to be dropped due to congestion with
51121: LTE• LTE806: The counter is updated when a kilo-byte is transmitted over the plain IP interface within the PHB
51121: LTE• LTE806: The counter is updated when a packet is transmitted over the plain IP interface within the PHB
51121: LTE• LTE806: The counter is updated when a kilo-byte of outbound data needs to be dropped due to congest
51121: LTE• LTE806: The counter is updated when an outbound packet needs to be dropped due to congestion with
51121: LTE• LTE806: The counter is updated when a kilo-byte is received on the plain IP interface within the PHB cla
51121: LTE• LTE806: The counter is updated when a packet is received on the plain IP interface within the PHB clas
51121: LTE• LTE806: The counter is updated when a kilo-byte is received on the plain IP interface within the PHB cla
51121: LTE• LTE806: The counter is updated when a packet is received on the plain IP interface within the PHB clas
51121: LTE• LTE806: The counter is updated when a kilo-byte is received on the plain IP interface within the PHB cl
51121: LTE• LTE806: The counter is updated when a packet is received on the plain IP interface within the PHB clas
51121: LTE• LTE806: The counter is updated when a kilo-byte is received on the plain IP interface within the PHB cla
51121: LTE• LTE806: The counter is updated when a packet is received on the plain IP interface within the PHB clas
51121: LTE• LTE806: The counter is updated when a kilo-byte is received on the plain IP interface within the PHB cla
51121: LTE• LTE806: The counter is updated when a packet is received on the plain IP interface within the PHB clas
51121: LTE• LTE806: The counter is updated when a kilo-byte is received on the plain IP interface within the PHB cla
51121: LTE• LTE806: The counter is updated when a packet is received on the plain IP interface within the PHB clas
51123: LTE• LTE770: The counter is incremented every second by the number of kilo-bytes received in valid Etherne
51123: LTE• LTE770: The counter is incremented every second by the number of kilo-bytes transmitted in valid Ether
51123: LTE• LTE770: The counter is incremented every second by the number of Ethernet frames received by the int
51123: LTE• LTE770: The counter is incremented every second by the number of Ethernet frames transmitted by the
51123: LTE• LTE770: The counter is incremented every second by the number of errored Ethernet frames received b
51123: LTE• LTE649: The counter is incremented for every ingress Ethernet frames that is discarded due to rate limit
51123: LTE Ethernet The counter is incremented every second by the number of Ethernet packets to be received tha
51123: LTE• LTE649: The counter is incremented every second by the number of Ethernet frames to be transmitted t
51123: LTE• LTE649: The counter is incremented every second by the number of Ethernet frames to be transmitted t
51123: LTE• LTE649: The counter is incremented every second by the number of Ethernet frames to be transmitted t
51123: LTE• LTE649: The counter is incremented every second by the number of Ethernet frames to be transmitted t
51123: LTE• LTE649: The counter is incremented every second by the number of Ethernet frames to be transmitted t
51123: LTE• LTE649: The counter is incremented every second by the number of Ethernet frames to be transmitted t
51125: LTE• LTE689: The counter is updated when an outbound packet related to a protect policy is transmitted succ
51125: LTE• LTE689: NOTE:
The counter is updated
Discarded packetwhen an received
matching the defaultESPpolicy
packetswilladdressed to a local
not be counted with tunnel endpoint wh
this counter._x000
51125: LTE• LTE689: Note 2: The default policy is DISCARD until IPSec policies are configured.
51125: LTE• LTE689: The counter is updated when a packets not addressed to an local tunnel endpoint or packets w
51125: LTE• LTE689: The counter is updated for every packet that is bypassed in egress direction.
51125: LTE• LTE689: The counter is updated for every packet not addressed to an local tunnel endpoint or packets w
51126: LTE• LTE692: The counter is updated for every packet that is dropped due to ingress rate limiting.
51126: LTE• LTE692: The counter
LTE132: VLAN based is updated
traffic for every packet that is discarded due to filter violations.
51127: LTE• LTE132: IPv6 for U/C-Plane
The counter
based is updated
traffic when an inbound packet has been delivered to higher-layer protocols.
51127: LTE• LTE125: IPv6
The counter
for U/C-Plane
is updated whenever a kilo-octet is received on the VLAN IP interface.
LTE132: VLAN based traffic separation
51127: LTE• LTE125: IPv6
The counter
for U/C-Plane
is updated whenever a packet has been transmitted successfully over the VLAN in
LTE132: VLAN based traffic separation
51127: LTE• LTE125: IPv6 for U/C-Plane
The counter is updated whenever a kilo-byte is transmitted over the VLAN IP interface.
LTE132: S
The counter
based is updated
traffic whenever an erroneous packets is received on the VLAN IP interface.
51127: LTE• LTE125: IPv6
The counter is updated when an outbound packet needs to be dropped due to congestion.
for U/C-Plane
51127: LTE VLAN IP SThe counter is updated when a kilo-byte of outbound data needs to be dropped due to congest
51127: LTE VLAN IP SThe counter is updated when an IP multicast packet or fragment has been received.
51127: LTE VLAN IP SThe counter is updated whenever a kilo-byte of data is received in IP Multicast packets or fragm
51127: LTE VLAN IP SThe counter is updated when an IP Multicast packet or fragment has been transmitted.
51127: LTE VLAN IP S-TThe
he counter
NE did isnot
join thewhen a kilo-byteIP
corresponding ofmulticast
an IP Multicast
group onpacket or fragment
the interface has been
on which this transm
51127: LTE VLAN IP S destination
- The NE MAC
did not join address
the does notIPmatch
corresponding with group
multicast the destination MAC address
on the interface on which calculated
this packefro
51127: LTE• VLAN IP S- The destination MAC address does
LTE770: Basic Performance Counter Collection II not match with the destination MAC address calculated fro
51128: LTE• LTE806: Performance
The counter isCounter
updated Plus
a kilo-byte
LTE770: Basic Performance Counter Collection II for Transport
is transmitted
I within the PHB class.
LTE806: Basic
51128: LTE• LTE770: Performance
The counter isCounter
Performance Plus
Counter Package
a packetforIIisTransport
Collection I within the PHB class.
51128: LTE• LTE770:
LTE806: Basic
The counter isCounter
Performance Plus
Counter Package
a kilo-byte
Collection of outboundI data needs to be dropped due to congest
51128: LTE• LTE770:
LTE806: Basic
The counter isCounter
Performance Plus
Counter Package
a packetforIIneeds
Collection Transport
to beI dropped due to congestion within the PHB c
51128: LTE• LTE806:
LTE770: Performance
The counter
Basic isCounter
Performance Plus
Counter Package forIITransport
a kilo-byte
Collection I
is transmitted within the PHB class.
51128: LTE• LTE806: Performance
The counter isCounter
updated Plus
a packet
LTE770: Basic Performance Counter Collection II foris Transport I
transmitted within the PHB class.
51128: LTE• LTE770:
LTE806: Basic
The counter isCounter
Performance Plus
Counter Package
a kilo-byte
Collection is dropped I due to congestion within the PHB class.
51128: LTE• LTE770:
LTE806: Basic
The counter isCounter
Performance Plus
Counter Package
a packetforIIneeds
Collection Transport
to beI dropped due to congestion within the PHB c
LTE806: Basic
51128: LTE• LTE770: Performance
The counter isCounter
Performance Plus
Counter Package forIITransport
a kilo-byte
Collection I
is transmitted within the PHB class.
51128: LTE• LTE770:
LTE806: Basic
The counter isCounter
Performance Plus
Counter Package
a packetforIIisTransport
Collection transmitted
I within the PHB class.
51128: LTE• LTE806:
LTE770: Performance
The counter
Basic isCounter
Performance Plus
Counter Package
a kilo-byte
Collection of outboundI data needs to be dropped due to congest
51128: LTE• LTE806: Performance
The counter isCounter
updated Plus
a packet
LTE770: Basic Performance Counter Collection II forneeds
to beI dropped due to congestion within the PHB c
LTE806: Basic
51128: LTE• LTE770: Performance
The counter isCounter
Performance Plus
Counter Package forIITransport
a kilo-byte
Collection I
is transmitted within the PHB class.
51128: LTE• LTE770:
LTE806: Basic
The counter isCounter
Performance Plus
Counter Package
a packetforIIisTransport
Collection transmitted
I within the PHB class.
51128: LTE• LTE770:
LTE806: Basic
The counter isCounter
Performance Plus
Counter Package
a kilo-byte
Collection of outboundI data needs to be dropped due to congest
51128: LTE• LTE806: Performance
The counter isCounter
updated Plus
a packet
LTE770: Basic Performance Counter Collection II for Transport
needs to beI dropped due to congestion within the PHB c
51128: LTE• LTE806: Performance
The counter isCounter
updated Plus
a for
LTE770: Basic Performance Counter Collection II Transport
is I
transmitted within the PHB class.
51128: LTE• LTE770:
LTE806: Basic
The counter isCounter
Performance Plus
Counter Package
a packetforIIisTransport
Collection transmitted
I within the PHB class.
51128: LTE• LTE770:
LTE806: Basic
The counter isCounter
Performance Plus
Counter Package
a kilo-byte
Collection of outboundI data needs to be dropped due to congest
LTE806: Basic
51128: LTE• LTE770: Performance
The counter isCounter
Performance Plus
Counter Package
a packetforIIneeds
Collection Transport
to beI dropped due to congestion within the PHB c
51128: LTE• LTE770: The counter
LTE806: Basic
Performance isCounter
Performance when
Counter a kilo-byte
Package is transmitted
Collection I within the PHB class.
51128: LTE• LTE806: The counter
Performance is updated
Counter when
Plus a packet
LTE770: Basic Performance Counter Collection II foris transmitted
Transport I within the PHB class.
51128: LTE• LTE806: Performance
The counter isCounter
updated Plus
a kilo-byte
LTE770: Basic Performance Counter Collection II for Transport
of outboundI data needs to be dropped due to congest
LTE806: Basic
51128: LTE• LTE770: Performance
The counter isCounter
Performance Plus
Counter Package
a packetforIIneeds
Collection Transport
to beI dropped due to congestion within the PHB c
51128: LTE• LTE770:
LTE806: Basic
The counter isCounter
Performance Plus
Counter Package
a kilo-byte
Collection is receivedI within the PHB class.
51128: LTE• LTE770:
LTE806: Basic
The counter isCounter
Performance Plus
Counter Package
a packetforIIisTransport
Collection received Iwithin the PHB class.
51128: LTE• LTE806:
LTE770: Performance
The counter
Basic isCounter
Performance Plus
Counter Package forIITransport
a kilo-byte
Collection is receivedI within the PHB class.
51128: LTE• LTE806: Performance
The counter isCounter
updated Plus
a packet
LTE770: Basic Performance Counter Collection II foris Transport
received Iwithin the PHB class.
51128: LTE• LTE770:
LTE806: Basic
The counter isCounter
Performance Plus
Counter Package
a kilo-byte
Collection is receivedI within the PHB class.
51128: LTE• LTE770:
LTE806: Basic
The counter isCounter
Performance Plus
Counter Package
a packetforIIisTransport
Collection received Iwithin the PHB class.
51128: LTE• LTE806: Performance
The counter isCounter
updatedPluswhenPackage for Transport
a kilo-byte is receivedI within the PHB class.
• LTE770: Basic Performance Counter Collection II
51128: LTE• LTE806:
LTE770: Performance
The counter
Basic isCounter
Performance updated Plus
Counter Package
a packet
Collection forIIisTransport
received Iwithin the PHB class.
LTE806: Basic
51128: LTE• LTE770: Performance
The counter isCounter
Performance updated Plus Package
Counter forIITransport
a kilo-byte
Collection is received I within the PHB class.
51128: LTE• LTE770:
LTE806: Basic
The counter isCounter
Performance updated Plus
Counter Package
a packet
Collection forIIisTransport
received Iwithin the PHB class.
51128: LTE• LTE806: Performance
The counter isCounterupdatedPlus when
a kilo-byte
for Transport
is received I within the PHB class.
51128: LTE• VLAN PHBThe counter is updated when
LTE770: Basic Performance Counter Collection II a packet is received within the PHB class.
51129: LTE• LTE806: Performance
The counter isCounter Plus Package
incremented when a framefor Transport
is receivedI on the interface.
51129: LTE• VLAN Stat
LTE770: The counter
Basic is incremented
Performance Counter when a kilo-octet
Collection II is received on the interface.
51129: LTE• LTE770:
LTE806: Basic
The counter isCounter
Performance incremented
Plus Package
Counter when a frame
Collection forIITransport
is transmitted
I over the interface.
51129: LTE• LTE806: Performance
The counter isCounter Plus Package
incremented for Transport
when a kilo-octet I
is transmitted over the interface.
51130: LTE ETH_IF St The counter is updated when a frame is received on the interface.
51130: LTE• ETH_IF
LTE770:StThe counter
Basic is updated
Performance whenCollection
Counter an octet is II received on the interface.
51130: LTE• LTE806:
LTE770: Basic Performance Counter Collection IITransport
The counter isCounter
updated Plus
a frame for
is transmitted I over the interface.
51130: LTE• LTE806: Performance
The counter isCounterupdated
in Plus
hardware Package
when an octet
implemented forisTransport
as 16 bit Icounter,
transmitted over the interface.
therefore it is possible that it rolls ov
51130: LTE ETH_IF St
51130: LTE ETH_IF St The counter is updated when a valid Ethernet Multicast frame conveying IP payload is received
51130: LTE ETH_IF St The counter is updated when a valid Ethernet Multicast frame generated by an IP application o
51132: LTE• LTE574: The counter is updated for every reply message to a TWAMP initiator message that the BTS ha
51132: LTE• LTE574: The counter is updated for every reply message to a TWAMP initiator message that the BTS ha
51132: LTE• LTE574: The counter is updated for every lost replyTWAMP
message to a TWAMP
message for theinitiator
session.message that the BTS ha
51132: LTE• LTE574:
51132: LTE• LTE574: The counter is updated for every transmitted TWAMP message for the session.
51136: LTE TAC StatisCounter is incremented with each successful normal setup request message.
51136: LTE• LTE144: Counter is incremented with each successful handover setup request message.
51136: LTE• LTE144: Counter is incremented with each successful handover setup request message.
51136: LTE• LTE144: Counter is incremented with each rejected normal setup request.
51136: LTE• LTE144: Counter is incremented with each rejected handover setup request.
51136: LTE• LTE144: Counter
Total UL is incremented
GBR with each
rate is measured rejected
within sampling emergency
interval.setup request.
51136: LTE• LTE1401 At the end of the measurement period (e.g.
Total UL GBR rate is measured within sampling interval. 15 min.) the mean value is calculated and stored in
51136: LTE• LTE1401 Total
At theDL end of the
GBR ratemeasurement
is measured period (e.g. 15 min.)
within sampling the max. value is stored in the performanc
51136: LTE• LTE1401 Total
At theDL end of the
GBR ratemeasurement
is measured period (e.g. 15 min.)
within sampling the mean value is calculated and stored in
At the
51136: LTE• LTE1401 The end ofisthe
counter measurement
incremented everyperiod
second(e.g.by15 themin.) the max.
number value isToP
of received stored
the performanc
51138: LTE TOP Phase Calculated
"The value value
is updatedis representing
every minute value
usingof the thelast 15minformula:
following period of time. Counter value is cleared
51138: LTE TOP Phase minValue
"The value= is min (minValue,
updated everyactualValue)"
minute using the following formula:
51138: LTE TOP Phase aveValueNew = (aveValueOld
"The value is updated every minute * (actualIntervalLength
using the following- 1) + actualValue) / actualIntervalLength"
51138: LTE TOP Phase maxValue = max (maxValue, actualValue)"
51138: LTE TOP Phase The number of seconds during this interval while the timing over packet phase synchronisation
8006: LTE • LTE651: The transmission of an S1AP:Initial Context Setup Response or an S1AP:E-RAB SETUP RESP
8006: LTE • LTE651: The transmission of an S1AP:Initial Context Setup Response or an S1AP:E-RAB SETUP RESP
8006: LTE • LTE651: The transmission of an S1AP:Initial Context Setup Response or an S1AP:E-RAB SETUP RESP
8006: LTE • LTE651: This
The transmission
counter is updated of an S1AP:Initial
when the S1AP: Context UE Setup
CONTEXT Response
message RESP -
8006: LTE • LTE651: This counter is updatedalso updated
the the number
S1AP: of releasedRELEASE
8006: LTE • LTE651: -This counter
Radio is alsonot
resources updated with the number of released E-RABs.
8006: LTE • LTE651: -This
CS counter
also updated with the number of released E-RABs.
8006: LTE • LTE761: AThis counter
LTE9: Service is also updated
updated when thewith the number
S1AP: UE CONTEXT of released E-RABs.
8006: LTE • LTE7: Support
This counter
of multiple
LTE9: Service differentiation also
EPS updated
bearer with the number
updated when the S1AP: UE CONTEXT RELEASE of released QCI1 E-RABs.REQUEST message (eNB -
LTE7: Service
8006: LTE • LTE9: Support
-This counter
Radioof resources
is also
differentiation EPS updated
not bearer with the number of released QCI1 E-RABs.
8006: LTE • LTE9:
LTE7: Service
CS counter
of multiple
Fallback isTriggered
differentiation EPS updated
bearer with the number of released QCI1 E-RABs.
8006: LTE • LTE7: Support
This counter
of multiple
Transmission isofalso
an updated
S1AP: with the
RELEASE of released QCI1 E-RABs.
message (eNB -> MME; 3GPP TS 3
8006: LTE • LTE534: The counter is updated with the number of released GBR
Transmission of an S1AP: E-RAB RELEASE INDICATION message (eNB -> MME; 3GPP TS 3 bearers.
8006: LTE • LTE534: TheS1AP counter is updated
UE CONTEXT with the number
RELEASE COMMAND) of released non-GBR bearers.
8007: LTE • LTE761: A
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when a PDCP SDU is received from UE.
8012: LTE • LTE770: This counter is updated when a PDCP SDU is transmitted towards the UE.
8013: LTE • LTE651: The
An internal message
reception fromConnection
of an RRC the RRM Request message sent by the UE to eNB.
8013: LTE • LTE651: Note: If a UE (erroneously) sends this message several times in a row without waiting the prope
p Request message to MME.
p Response message sent by MME.
ST message sent by MME to the eNB in case this message contains the UE-AMBR value.
WARNING RESPONSE message is sent to the MME and the Broadcast Completed Area List IE is not included.
message is sent to the MME and the Broadcast Cancelled Area List IE is not included.
NK NAS TRANSPORT message to the MME.
OWNLINK NAS TRANSPORT message sent by the MME to the eNB.
eNB <- MME) in case that this message contains the ARP (Allocation and Retention Priority) priority level which is used for emergency sess
ge (eNB -> MME) in case that this message contains the E-RAB ID of the IMS emergency session in the E-RAB Setup List AND was sent i
ge (eNB -> MME) in case that this message contains the E-RAB ID of the IMS emergency session in the E-RAB Failed to Setup List (beca
essage sent by MME to the eNB.
ding 'SON Information Reply' with 'X2 TNL Configuration Info'
cluding 'SON Information Request' for 'X2 TNL Configuration Info'.
he last detected delay value at the transmission of the SDU via S1 interface.
last detected delay value at the transmission of the SDU via S1 interface.
lay value at the transmission of the SDU via S1 interface.
ponse excluded.
ponse excluded.
ponse excluded.
ponse excluded.
ponse excluded.
ponse excluded.
ponse excluded.
ponse excluded.
ponse excluded.
ponse excluded.
sponse excluded.
sponse excluded.
sponse excluded.
sponse excluded.
sponse excluded.
sponse excluded.
sponse excluded.
sponse excluded.
sponse excluded.
sponse excluded.
sponse excluded.
sponse excluded.
sponse excluded.
sponse excluded.
sponse excluded.
sponse excluded.
sponse excluded.
sponse excluded.
sponse excluded.
mitted for the first time on the RLC level
tted on the RLC level.
a PDU is received
CH or DTCH is transmitted first time on RLC level.
is transmitted first time on the RLC level.
ved. Valid for duplicate AMD PDU, AMD PDU segment and UMD PDU.
the RLC level for a UL RLC PDU.
ded. Duplicate RLC PDU's received and RLC PDU's received outside of the reception window trigger updates to this counter.
uffered DL RLC data is updated to this counter. DL RLC buffer status is sampled for each active TTI, where data is in the DL RLC buffer for
C buffer is updated to this counter. DL RLC buffer status is sampled for each active TTI, where data is in the DL RLC buffer for at least one U
d level 1 and it is stopped when Overload level 1 is left.
e value is the arithmetical average of samples taken from the number of UE contexts with UL buffered data. The UL buffer status is sampled
e maximum number of UE contexts with UL buffered data is updated to this counter. UL buffer status is sampled for each active TTI, where d
d level 2 and it is stopped when Overload level 2 is left.
ns during the measurement period. RLC UM: Transmission of an PDCP SDU towards the UE. RLC AM: When MAC layer informs PDCP of
he eNB without having started the transmission.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
NB CoMP in each TTI when PUSCH is scheduled.
ithmetical average of samples each representing the number of UEs in RRC_CONNECTED state at that moment.
eak number of UEs in RRC_CONNECTED state during the measurement period.
which are paired by UL MU-MIMO.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
es, except when there is no data in the buffer.
es, except when there is no data in the buffer.
es, except when there is no data in the buffer.
es, except when there is no data in the buffer.
es, except when there is no data in the buffer.
es, except when there is no data in the buffer.
the average number of PRBs available for dynamic scheduling of user plane traffic (DCCH and DTCH).
the average number of PRBs available for dynamic scheduling of user plane traffic (DCCH and DTCH).
ock on BCCH towards the UE.
n CCCH towards the UE.
n PCCH towards the UE.
CCH from UE.
active UEs.
asurement period.
uffered DL RLC data for QCI1 bearer is updated to this counter. DL RLC buffer status is sampled for each active TTI, where data is in the D
uffered DL RLC data for QCI2 bearer is updated to this counter. DL RLC buffer status is sampled for each active TTI, where data is in the D
uffered DL RLC data for QCI3 bearer is updated to this counter. DL RLC buffer status is sampled for each active TTI, where data is in the D
uffered DL RLC data for QCI4 bearer is updated to this counter. DL RLC buffer status is sampled for each active TTI, where data is in the D
sent viavia
is sent SIB10.
updated when the last segment is sent.
s updated when the last segment is sent.
UEs with UE Category 8 (3GPP TS 36.306, 36.331); the average is calculated as the arithmetical average over the measurement period.
uffered DL RLC data for non-GBR bearer is updated to this counter. DL RLC buffer status is sampled for each active TTI, where data is in t
SIB, Paging and RA response excluded.
SIB, Paging and RA response excluded.
SIB, Paging and RA response excluded.
for PDSCH transmission using MCS29.
for PDSCH transmission using MCS30.
for PDSCH transmission using MCS31.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
retransmissions has been exceeded for the TB.
ndle NACK received on PDSCH using bundle size 2 from MCS29.
ndle NACK received on PDSCH using bundle size 3 from MCS29.
ndle NACK received on PDSCH using bundle size 4 from MCS29.
ndle NACK received on PDSCH using bundle size 2 from MCS30.
ndle NACK received on PDSCH using bundle size 3 from MCS30.
ndle NACK received on PDSCH using bundle size 4 from MCS30.
ndle NACK received on PDSCH using bundle size 2 from MCS31.
ndle NACK received on PDSCH using bundle size 3 from MCS31.
ndle NACK received on PDSCH using bundle size 4 from MCS31.
ample taken from the number of Active UEs with buffered data in DL.
UEs is summed to counter SUM_ACTIVE_UE_DATA_DL.
ample taken from the number of Active UEs with buffered data in UL.
UEs is summed to counter SUM_ACTIVE_UE_DATA_UL.
Es thatof
gment are
SDU. by L3 RRM for intra-eNB UL CoMP AND being scheduled for UL transmission
gment of the SDU.
gment of the SDU.
gment of the SDU.
gment of the SDU.
g MCS25 is received.
g MCS26 is received.
g MCS27 is received.
g MCS28 is received.
g MCS25 is nacked.
g MCS26 is nacked.
g MCS27 is nacked.
g MCS28 is nacked.
k-In-Sync; the average is calculated as the arithmetical average over the measurement period.
nc UEs
time which
T of a UEhave
wasset therange
in the "deviceType" in the "UE-EUTRA-Capability" to "noBenFromBatConsumpOpt" (3GPP TS 36.331, TS 36.306); th
nc time T of a UE was in the range
nc time T of a UE was in the range
nc time T of a UE was in the range
dB is detected
B is detected
B is detected
B is detected
is detected
B is detected
dB is detected
dB is detected
dB is detected
dB is detected
dB is detected
dB is detected
dB is detected
dB is detected
dB is detected
dB is detected
dB is detected
B is detected
B is detected
B is detected
is detected
B is detected
dB is detected
dB is detected
dB is detected
dB is detected
dB is detected
dB is detected
dB is detected
dB is detected
dB is detected
dB is detected
S is upgraded. Both Outer Loop AMC and Inner Loop AMC decisions are considered.
S is downgraded. Both Outer Loop AMC and Inner Loop AMC decisions are considered.
PUCCH is smaller than the last cell-wide RSSI minimum.
PUCCH is greater than the last cell-wide RSSI maximum.
ed as follows: conversion from dBm into mW, arithmetic mean computation in mW and conversion back to dBm.
ue on PUCCH is <= -120 dBm.
ue on PUCCH is -120 dBm < x <= -118 dBm.
ue on PUCCH is -118 dBm < x <= -116 dBm.
ue on PUCCH is -116 dBm < x <= -114 dBm.
ue on PUCCH is -114 dBm < x <= -112 dBm.
ue on PUCCH is -112 dBm < x <= -110 dBm.
ue on PUCCH is -110 dBm < x <= -108 dBm.
ue on PUCCH is -108 dBm < x <= -106 dBm.
ue on PUCCH is -106 dBm < x <= -104 dBm.
ue on PUCCH is -104 dBm < x <= -102 dBm.
ue on PUCCH is -102 dBm < x <= -100 dBm.
ue on PUCCH is -100 dBm < x <= -98 dBm.
ue on PUCCH is -98 dBm < x <= -96 dBm.
ue on PUCCH is -96 dBm < x <= -94 dBm.
ue on PUCCH is -94 dBm < x <= -92 dBm.
ue on PUCCH is -92 dBm < x <= -90 dBm.
ue on PUCCH is -90 dBm < x <= -88 dBm.
ue on PUCCH is -88 dBm < x <= -86 dBm.
ue on PUCCH is -86 dBm < x <= -84 dBm.
ue on PUCCH is -84 dBm < x <= -82 dBm.
ue on PUCCH is -82 dBm < x <= -80 dBm.
ue on PUCCH is greater than -80 dBm.
PUSCH is smaller than the last cell-wide RSSI minimum.
PUSCH is greater than the last cell-wide RSSI maximum.
ed as follows: conversion from dBm into mW, arithmetic mean computation in mW and conversion back to dBm.
ue on PUSCH is <= -120 dBm.
ue on PUSCH is -120 dBm < x <= -118 dBm.
ue on PUSCH is -118 dBm < x <= -116 dBm.
ue on PUSCH is -116 dBm < x <= -114 dBm.
ue on PUSCH is -114 dBm < x <= -112 dBm.
ue on PUSCH is -112 dBm < x <= -110 dBm.
ue on PUSCH is -110 dBm < x <= -108 dBm.
ue on PUSCH is -108 dBm < x <= -106 dBm.
ue on PUSCH is -106 dBm < x <= -104 dBm.
ue on PUSCH is -104 dBm < x <= -102 dBm.
ue on PUSCH is -102 dBm < x <= -100 dBm.
ue on PUSCH is -100 dBm < x <= -98 dBm.
ue on PUSCH is -98 dBm < x <= -96 dBm.
ue on PUSCH is -96 dBm < x <= -94 dBm.
ue on PUSCH is -94 dBm < x <= -92 dBm.
ue on PUSCH is -92 dBm < x <= -90 dBm.
ue on PUSCH is -90 dBm < x <= -88 dBm.
ue on PUSCH is -88 dBm < x <= -86 dBm.
ue on PUSCH is -86 dBm < x <= -84 dBm.
ue on PUSCH is -84 dBm < x <= -82 dBm.
ue on PUSCH is -82 dBm < x <= -80 dBm.
ue on PUSCH is greater than -80 dBm.
PUCCH is smaller than the last cell-wide SINR minimum.
PUCCH is greater than the last cell-wide SINR maximum.
ed as follows: SINR mean value calculation must be done on dB (instead of linear ratio).
ue on PUCCH is <= -10 dB.
ue on PUCCH is -10 dB < x <= -8 dB.
ue on PUCCH is -8 dB < x <= -6 dB.
ue on PUCCH is -6 dB < x <= -4 dB.
ue on PUCCH is -4 dB < x <= -2 dB.
ue on PUCCH is -2 dB < x <= 0 dB.
ue on PUCCH is 0 dB < x <= 2 dB.
ue on PUCCH is 2 dB < x <= 4 dB.
ue on PUCCH is 4 dB < x <= 6 dB.
ue on PUCCH is 6 dB < x <= 8 dB.
ue on PUCCH is 8 dB < x <= 10 dB.
ue on PUCCH is 10 dB < x <= 12 dB.
ue on PUCCH is 12 dB < x <= 14 dB.
ue on PUCCH is 14 dB < x <= 16 dB.
ue on PUCCH is 16 dB < x <= 18 dB.
ue on PUCCH is 18 dB < x <= 20 dB.
ue on PUCCH is 20 dB < x <= 22 dB.
ue on PUCCH is 22 dB < x <= 24 dB.
ue on PUCCH is 24dB < x <= 26 dB.
ue on PUCCH is 26 dB < x <= 28 dB.
ue on PUCCH is 28 dB < x <= 30 dB.
ue on PUCCH is greater than 30 dB.
PUSCH is smaller than the last cell-wide SINR minimum.
PUSCH is greater than the last cell-wide SINR maximum.
ed as follows: SINR mean value calculation must be done on dB (instead of linear ratio).
ue on PUSCH is <= -10 dB.
ue on PUSCH is -10 dB < x <= -8 dB.
ue on PUSCH is -8 dB < x <= -6 dB.
ue on PUSCH is -6 dB < x <= -4 dB.
ue on PUSCH is -4 dB < x <= -2 dB.
ue on PUSCH is -2 dB < x <= 0 dB.
ue on PUSCH is 0 dB < x <= 2 dB.
ue on PUSCH is 2 dB < x <= 4 dB.
ue on PUSCH is 4 dB < x <= 6 dB.
ue on PUSCH is 6 dB < x <= 8 dB.
ue on PUSCH is 8 dB < x <= 10 dB.
ue on PUSCH is 10 dB < x <= 12 dB.
ue on PUSCH is 12 dB < x <= 14 dB.
ue on PUSCH is 14 dB < x <= 16 dB.
ue on PUSCH is 16 dB < x <= 18 dB.
ue on PUSCH is 18 dB < x <= 20 dB.
ue on PUSCH is 20 dB < x <= 22 dB.
ue on PUSCH is 22 dB < x <= 24 dB.
ue on PUSCH is 24 dB < x <= 26 dB.
ue on PUSCH is 26 dB < x <= 28 dB.
ue on PUSCH is 28 dB < x <= 30 dB.
ue on PUSCH is greater than 30 dB.
illiwatts for Rx antenna 1 from every sample period and calculating the average at the end of the collection interval.
illiwatts for Rx antenna 2 from every sample period and calculating the average at the end of the collection interval.
illiwatts for Rx antenna 3 from every sample period and calculating the average at the end of the collection interval.
illiwatts for Rx antenna 4 from every sample period and calculating the average at the end of the collection interval.
illiwatts for Rx antenna 5 from every sample period and calculating the average at the end of the collection interval.
illiwatts for Rx antenna 6 from every sample period and calculating the average at the end of the collection interval.
illiwatts for Rx antenna 7 from every sample period and calculating the average at the end of the collection interval.
illiwatts for Rx antenna 8 from every sample period and calculating the average at the end of the collection interval.
na RTWP values in milliwatts every sample period and comparing to a stored maximum value. If any of the new collected values are larger
ple period the noise measurement is received as per the PUSCH RB distribution bin 0 and taking the 50 percentile value at the end of the c
ple period the noise measurement is received as per the PUSCH RB distribution bin 1 and taking the 50 percentile value at the end of the c
ple period the noise measurement is received as per the PUSCH RB distribution bin 2 and taking the 50 percentile value at the end of the c
ple period the noise measurement is received as per the PUSCH RB distribution bin 3 and taking the 50 percentile value at the end of the c
ple period the noise measurement is received as per the PUSCH RB distribution bin 4 and taking the 50 percentile value at the end of the c
ple period the noise measurement is received as per the PUSCH RB distribution bin 5 and taking the 50 percentile value at the end of the c
ple period the noise measurement is received as per the PUSCH RB distribution bin 6 and taking the 50 percentile value at the end of the c
ple period the noise measurement is received as per the PUSCH RB distribution bin 7 and taking the 50 percentile value at the end of the c
ple period the noise measurement is received as per the PUSCH RB distribution bin 8 and taking the 50 percentile value at the end of the c
f the in-use PUSCH PRBs every sample period and incrementing the corresponding bin having an average SIR value less than 1.0 dB.
f the in-use PUSCH PRBs every sample period and incrementing the corresponding bin having an average SIR value from 1.0 dB to less th
f the in-use PUSCH PRBs every sample period and incrementing the corresponding bin having an average SIR value from 4.0 dB to less th
f the in-use PUSCH PRBs every sample period and incrementing the corresponding bin having an average SIR value from 7.0 dB to less th
f the in-use PUSCH PRBs every sample period and incrementing the corresponding bin having an average SIR value from 10.0 dB to less
f the in-use PUSCH PRBs every sample period and incrementing the corresponding bin having an average SIR value from 13.0 dB to less
f the in-use PUSCH PRBs every sample period and incrementing the corresponding bin having an average SIR value from 16.0 dB to less
f the in-use PUSCH PRBs every sample period and incrementing the corresponding bin having an average SIR value from 19.0 dB to less
f the in-use PUSCH PRBs every sample period and incrementing the corresponding bin having an average SIR value from 22.0 dB to less
f the in-use PUSCH PRBs every sample period and incrementing the corresponding bin having an average SIR value equal or greater than
illiwatts for Rx antenna 9 from every sample period and calculating the average at the end of the collection interval.
illiwatts for Rx antenna 10 from every sample period and calculating the average at the end of the collection interval.
illiwatts for Rx antenna 11 from every sample period and calculating the average at the end of the collection interval.
illiwatts for Rx antenna 12 from every sample period and calculating the average at the end of the collection interval.
S1AP:E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message sent by MME to the eNB.
r an S1AP:E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message sent by the eNB to MME.
AP:UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message sent by MME to the eNB. The counter is not incremented in case that the S1AP:UE CO
AP:UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message sent by MME to the eNB. The counter is not incremented in case that the S1AP:UE CO
AP:UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message sent by MME to the eNB. The counter is not incremented in case that the S1AP:UE CO
y other failure counter.
UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message sent by the eNB to the MME. The counter is incremented with the number of E-RABs releas
ltaneous E-RABs with QCI 1 characteristics at a pre-defined interval (1 sec) and then adding up these sample values over the measuremen
ltaneous E-RABs with QCI 2 characteristics at a pre-defined interval (1 sec) and then adding up these sample values over the measuremen
ltaneous E-RABs with QCI 3 characteristics at a pre-defined interval (1 sec) and then adding up these sample values over the measuremen
ltaneous E-RABs with QCI 4 characteristics at a pre-defined interval (1 sec) and then adding up these sample values over the measuremen
ltaneous E-RABs with QCI 5 characteristics at a pre-defined interval (1 sec) and then adding up these sample values over the measuremen
ltaneous E-RABs with QCI 6 characteristics at a pre-defined interval (1 sec) and then adding up these sample values over the measuremen
ltaneous E-RABs with QCI 7 characteristics at a pre-defined interval (1 sec) and then adding up these sample values over the measuremen
ltaneous E-RABs with QCI 8 characteristics at a pre-defined interval (1 sec) and then adding up these sample values over the measuremen
ltaneous E-RABs with QCI 9 characteristics at a pre-defined interval (1 sec) and then adding up these sample values over the measuremen
sampling counters for the number of simultaneous E-RABs (SUM_SIMUL_ERAB_QCI_x) is done.
ent by MME to the eNB. The counter is incremented by the number of QCI1 bearers contained in the "E-RAB to be Modified List" IE (3GPP
ent by MME to the eNB. The counter is incremented by the number of QCI2 bearers contained in the "E-RAB to be Modified List" IE (3GPP
ent by MME to the eNB. The counter is incremented by the number of QCI3 bearers contained in the "E-RAB to be Modified List" IE (3GPP
ent by MME to the eNB. The counter is incremented by the number of QCI4 bearers contained in the "E-RAB to be Modified List" IE (3GPP
ent by MME to the eNB. The counter is incremented by the number of QCI5 bearers contained in the "E-RAB to be Modified List" IE (3GPP
ent by MME to the eNB. The counter is incremented by the number of QCI6 bearers contained in the "E-RAB to be Modified List" IE (3GPP
ent by MME to the eNB. The counter is incremented by the number of QCI7 bearers contained in the "E-RAB to be Modified List" IE (3GPP
ent by MME to the eNB. The counter is incremented by the number of QCI8 bearers contained in the "E-RAB to be Modified List" IE (3GPP
ent by MME to the eNB. The counter is incremented by the number of QCI9 bearers contained in the "E-RAB to be Modified List" IE (3GPP
ge sent by eNB to the MME. The counter is incremented by the number of QCI1 bearers contained in the "E-RAB Modify List".
ge sent by eNB to the MME. The counter is incremented by the number of QCI2 bearers contained in the "E-RAB Modify List".
ge sent by eNB to the MME. The counter is incremented by the number of QCI3 bearers contained in the "E-RAB Modify List".
ge sent by eNB to the MME. The counter is incremented by the number of QCI4 bearers contained in the "E-RAB Modify List".
ge sent by eNB to the MME. The counter is incremented by the number of QCI5 bearers contained in the "E-RAB Modify List".
ge sent by eNB to the MME. The counter is incremented by the number of QCI6 bearers contained in the "E-RAB Modify List".
ge sent by eNB to the MME. The counter is incremented by the number of QCI7 bearers contained in the "E-RAB Modify List".
ge sent by eNB to the MME. The counter is incremented by the number of QCI8 bearers contained in the "E-RAB Modify List".
ge sent by eNB to the MME. The counter is incremented by the number of QCI9 bearers contained in the "E-RAB Modify List".
ge sent by eNB to the MME. The counter is incremented by the number of bearers contained in the "E-RAB Failed To Modify List" with the R
ge sent by eNB to the MME. The counter is incremented by the number of bearers contained in the "E-RAB Failed To Modify List" with the R
ge sent by eNB to the MME. The counter is incremented by the number of bearers contained in the "E-RAB Failed To Modify List" with the R
AP:UE Context Release Command message sent by the MME to eNB.
AP:UE Context Release Command message sent by the MME to eNB.
AP:UE Context Release Command message sent by the MME to eNB.
AP:UE Context Release Command message sent by the MME to eNB.The counter is updated if the release request detected does not mat
UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message sent by the eNB to the MME. The counter is incremented with the number of QCI1 E-RABs
red (UL/DL) for an E-RAB with QCI1 characteristics and the "S1AP UE Context Release Request" message is sent by eNB to the MME with
red (UL/DL) for an E-RAB with QCI2 characteristics and the "S1AP UE Context Release Request" message is sent by eNB to the MME with
red (UL/DL) for an E-RAB with QCI3 characteristics and the "S1AP UE Context Release Request" message is sent by eNB to the MME with
red (UL/DL) for an E-RAB with QCI4 characteristics and the "S1AP UE Context Release Request" message is sent by eNB to the MME with
red (UL/DL) for an E-RAB with non-GBR characteristics (QCI5...9) and the "S1AP UE Context Release Request" message is sent by eNB t
ggregated during the E-RAB lifetime. At the end of the measurement period and when E-RAB is released the sum counter for all E-RABs w
ggregated during the E-RAB lifetime. At the end of the measurement period and when E-RAB is released the sum counter for all E-RABs w
ggregated during the E-RAB lifetime. At the end of the measurement period and when E-RAB is released the sum counter for all E-RABs w
ggregated during the E-RAB lifetime. At the end of the measurement period and when E-RAB is released the sum counter for all E-RABs w
ggregated during the E-RAB lifetime. At the end of the measurement period and when E-RAB is released the sum counter for all E-RABs w
e or of an S1AP:E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message in case that these messages contain an ARP (Allocation and Retention Priority) priorit
S1AP:INITIAL CONTEXT RESPONSE message in case their "E-RAB Setup List" IEs contain E-RAB IDs of bearers for high priority calls.
message sent by the MME to the eNB. The counter is updated with the number of QCI1 bearers contained in the "E-RAB to Be Setup List" I
message sent by the MME to the eNB. The counter is updated with the number of QCI2 bearers contained in the "E-RAB to Be Setup List" I
message sent by the MME to the eNB. The counter is updated with the number of QCI3 bearers contained in the "E-RAB to Be Setup List" I
message sent by the MME to the eNB. The counter is updated with the number of QCI4 bearers contained in the "E-RAB to Be Setup List" I
message sent by the MME to the eNB. The counter is updated with the number of QCI5 bearers contained in the "E-RAB to Be Setup List" I
message sent by the MME to the eNB. The counter is updated with the number of QCI6 bearers contained in the "E-RAB to Be Setup List" I
message sent by the MME to the eNB. The counter is updated with the number of QCI7 bearers contained in the "E-RAB to Be Setup List" I
message sent by the MME to the eNB. The counter is updated with the number of QCI8 bearers contained in the "E-RAB to Be Setup List" I
message sent by the MME to the eNB. The counter is updated with the number of QCI9 bearers contained in the "E-RAB to Be Setup List" I
nt by the MME to the eNB. The counter is updated with the number of QCI1 bearers contained in the "E-RAB to Be Setup List" IE.
nt by the MME to the eNB. The counter is updated with the number of QCI2 bearers contained in the "E-RAB to Be Setup List" IE.
nt by the MME to the eNB. The counter is updated with the number of QCI3 bearers contained in the "E-RAB to Be Setup List" IE.
nt by the MME to the eNB. The counter is updated with the number of QCI4 bearers contained in the "E-RAB to Be Setup List" IE.
nt by the MME to the eNB. The counter is updated with the number of QCI5 bearers contained in the "E-RAB to Be Setup List" IE.
nt by the MME to the eNB. The counter is updated with the number of QCI6 bearers contained in the "E-RAB to Be Setup List" IE.
nt by the MME to the eNB. The counter is updated with the number of QCI7 bearers contained in the "E-RAB to Be Setup List" IE.
nt by the MME to the eNB. The counter is updated with the number of QCI8 bearers contained in the "E-RAB to Be Setup List" IE.
nt bymessage
NSE the MMEsentto the
eNB The counter
to the MME. is updated with the number of QCI9 bearers contained in the "E-RAB to Be Setup List" IE.
NSE in the "E-RAB Setup
sent by eNBList" IE.MME.
to the
NSE in the "E-RAB Setup
sent by eNBList" IE.MME.
to the
ined in the "E-RAB Setup List" IE.
NSE message sent by eNB to the MME.
NSE in the "E-RAB Setup
sent by eNBList" IE.MME.
to the
NSE in the "E-RAB Setup
sent by eNBList" IE.MME.
to the
NSE in the "E-RAB Setup
sent by eNBList" IE.MME.
to the
NSE in the "E-RAB Setup
sent by eNBList" IE.MME.
to the
ined in the "E-RAB Setup
NSE message sent by eNB to theList" IE.MME.
ined in the "E-RAB Setup List" IE.
e sent by eNB to the MME. The counter is updated with the number of QCI1 bearers contained in the "E-RAB Setup List" IE.
e sent by eNB to the MME. The counter is updated with the number of QCI2 bearers contained in the "E-RAB Setup List" IE.
e sent by eNB to the MME. The counter is updated with the number of QCI3 bearers contained in the "E-RAB Setup List" IE.
e sent by eNB to the MME. The counter is updated with the number of QCI4 bearers contained in the "E-RAB Setup List" IE.
e sent by eNB to the MME. The counter is updated with the number of QCI5 bearers contained in the "E-RAB Setup List" IE.
e sent by eNB to the MME. The counter is updated with the number of QCI6 bearers contained in the "E-RAB Setup List" IE.
e sent by eNB to the MME. The counter is updated with the number of QCI7 bearers contained in the "E-RAB Setup List" IE.
e sent by eNB to the MME. The counter is updated with the number of QCI8 bearers contained in the "E-RAB Setup List" IE.
e sent by eNB to the MME. The counter is updated with the number of QCI9 bearers contained in the "E-RAB Setup List" IE.
ltaneous E-RABs with QCI1 characteristics at a pre-defined interval (1 sec). The counter is updated if the current number of simultaneous E
ltaneous E-RABs with QCI2 characteristics at a pre-defined interval (1 sec). The counter is updated if the current number of simultaneous E
ltaneous E-RABs with QCI3 characteristics at a pre-defined interval (1 sec). The counter is updated if the current number of simultaneous E
ltaneous E-RABs with QCI4 characteristics at a pre-defined interval (1 sec). The counter is updated if the current number of simultaneous E
ltaneous E-RABs with QCI5 characteristics at a pre-defined interval (1 sec). The counter is updated if the current number of simultaneous E
ltaneous E-RABs with QCI6 characteristics at a pre-defined interval (1 sec). The counter is updated if the current number of simultaneous E
ltaneous E-RABs with QCI7 characteristics at a pre-defined interval (1 sec). The counter is updated if the current number of simultaneous E
ltaneous E-RABs with QCI8 characteristics at a pre-defined interval (1 sec). The counter is updated if the current number of simultaneous E
ltaneous E-RABs with QCI9 characteristics at a pre-defined interval (1 sec). The counter is updated if the current number of simultaneous E
at the pre-defined interval (1 sec).
at the pre-defined interval (1 sec).
at the pre-defined interval (1 sec).
at the pre-defined interval (1 sec).
E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message sent by the eNB to the MME. The counter is incremented by the number of bearers contained in the
E-RAB MODIFY RESPONSE message sent by the eNB to the MME. The counter is incremented by the number of bearers contained in the
/DL) for an E-RAB with QCI5 characteristics and the "S1AP UE Context Release Request" message is sent by eNB to the MME with the rel
/DL) for an E-RAB with QCI6 characteristics and the "S1AP UE Context Release Request" message is sent by eNB to the MME with the rel
/DL) for an E-RAB with QCI7 characteristics and the "S1AP UE Context Release Request" message is sent by eNB to the MME with the rel
/DL) for an E-RAB with QCI8 characteristics and the "S1AP UE Context Release Request" message is sent by eNB to the MME with the rel
/DL) for an E-RAB with QCI9 characteristics and the "S1AP UE Context Release Request" message is sent by eNB to the MME with the rel
in the "E-RAB
SETUP List" IE ofmessage
the preceding S1AP:INITIAL
sent by CONTEXT
in the "E-RAB
SETUP List" IE ofmessage
the preceding S1AP:INITIAL
sent by CONTEXT
in the "E-RAB
to Be Setup List" IE of the preceding S1AP:INITIAL CONTEXT
d in the "E-RAB to Be Setup List" IE of the preceding S1AP:INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST if the S1AP:INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP
E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message sent by the eNB to the MME. The counter is incremented by the number of bearers contained in the
E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message sent by the eNB to the MME. The counter is incremented by the number of bearers contained in the
E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message sent by the eNB to the MME. The counter is incremented by the number of bearers contained in the
E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message sent by the eNB to the MME. The counter is incremented by the number of bearers contained in the
E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message sent by the eNB to the MME. The counter is incremented by the number of bearers contained in the
E-RAB SETUP RESPONSE message sent by the eNB to the MME. The counter is incremented by the number of bearers contained in the
E-RAB RELEASE INDICATION or an S1AP:UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message sent by the eNB to the MME. The counter is in
UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message with the RNL cause "User Inactivity" sent by the eNB to the MME. The counter is increment
UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message with the RNL cause "Radio Connection with UE lost" sent by the eNB to the MME. If the S1
E-RAB RELEASE INDICATION message or an S1AP:UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message sent by the eNB to the MME with the
UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message sent by the eNB to the MME with the RNL causes "Inter-RAT redirection", "Redirection towa
UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message with the RNL cause "E-UTRAN Generated Reason" sent by the eNB to the MME if the relea
TRAN/SRVCC INDICATION or an S1AP:UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message sent by the eNB to the MME. The counter is in
to GSM:
COMMAND message with the cause "RNL Successful Handover", the counter is incremented with the number of bearers not admitted by th
d by the HO target
TRAN/SRVCC during the preceding HO preparation procedure. The bearers, which are not admitted, are contained in the "E-RABs to R
to GSM:
COMMAND message
TRAN/SRVCC to GSM:with the cause "RNL Successful Handover". The counter is incremented with the number of bearers admitted by the
REQUEST message to the MME due to the expiration of the Handover Guard Timer TS1RELOCoverall, the counter is incremented with the
E-RAB RELEASE RESPONSE message sent by the eNB to the MME. The counter is incremented by the number of bearers contained in t
E-RAB RELEASE INDICATION or an S1AP:UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message sent by the eNB to the MME. The counter is inc
UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message with the RNL cause "User Inactivity" sent by the eNB to the MME. The counter is increment
UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message with the RNL cause "Radio Connection with UE lost" sent by the eNB to the MME. If the S1
E-RAB RELEASE INDICATION message or an S1AP:UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message sent by the eNB to the MME with the
UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message sent by the eNB to the MME with the RNL causes "Inter-RAT redirection", "Redirection towa
UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message with the RNL cause "E-UTRAN Generated Reason" sent by the eNB to the MME if the relea
TRAN RELEASE INDICATION or an S1AP:UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message sent by the eNB to the MME. The counter is in
to GSM:
TRAN/SRVCC to GSM:with the cause "RNL Successful Handover", the counter is incremented with the number of QCI1 bearers not admitte
COMMAND message
dmitted by the to
GSM: eNB during the preceding HO preparation procedure. The QCI1 bearers, which are not admitted, are contained in the
COMMAND message
TRAN/SRVCC to GSM:with the cause "RNL Successful Handover". The counter is incremented with the number of QCI1 bearers admitted b
REQUEST message to the MME due to the expiration of the Handover Guard Timer TS1RELOCoverall, the counter is incremented with the
res for other purposes than DRB setup (that is DRB release, DRB configuration changes, transmission of security information) will not be c
due to reception
by eNB to COMMAND.
the UE, containing SRB1-specific configurations.
EST message several times in a row without waiting the proper time for the response from eNB (RRCConnectionSetup), only the last messa
TION SETUP COMPLETE message sent by UE to eNB on SRB1/DCCH (carrying the initial NAS message).
Timer used for the supervision of RRC Connection Setup procedure at the eNB. The RRC Guard Timer is stopped when the RRC CONNEC
ECTION RECONFIGURATION message sent by eNB to the UE, containing SRB2-specific configurations.
l not be counted.
h granularity period. A measurement result "0" at the end of the granularity period (for example, 15 minutes) means that no E-RAB setup oc
h granularity period. A measurement result "0" at the end of the granularity period (for example, 15 minutes) means that no E-RAB setup oc
ect message, sent by the eNB to UE.
records SysInfo
reached message)
for the from S1
next paging interface.
occasion that corresponds to the paging request
uding a "reportCGI" measurement configuration to the UE for a UTRAN cell according to 3GPP TS 36.331.
reportCGI" measurement result for a UTRAN cell according to 3GPP TS 36.331. The "reportCGI" measurement result contains all necessa
reportCGI" measurement result for a UTRAN cell according to 3GPP TS 36.331. The "reportCGI" measurement result does not contain the
Connection Release message
cast of ETWS/CMAS (source eNB
warning messages -> UE) inA case
is started. that
paging this message
campaign contains
is started oncethe RedirectedCarrierInfo
after parameter
a new broadcast or the for a Home
replacement eNB
of an exist
he Warning Area List IE does not apply for the cell or when the eNB receives an S1AP:WRITE-REPLACE WARNING REQUEST message
h granularity period. A measurement result "0" at the end of the granularity period (for example, 15 minutes) means that no RRC connection
h granularity period. A measurement result "0" at the end of the granularity period (for example, 15 minutes) means that no RRC connection
by the UE to eNB and of the RRM decision not to execute a handover. Updated to the source cell.
by the UE to eNB and of an RRM decision to execute a handover. Updated to the source cell.
rget cells from RRM and decides on an Intra-eNB Handover. Updated to the source cell.
rget cells from the RRM. The MM or RRM AC decides not to execute an Intra-eNB Handover. Updated to the source cell.
rget cells from RRM. The MM or RRM AC decides not to execute an Intra-eNB Handover. The counter is updated if the failure detected doe
age sent by the eNB to UE, which indicates a Handover Command to the UE. Updated to the source cell.
he handover on the source side. Updated to the source cell.
process is obtained from CQI reports and corrected by Outer Loop Quality Control.
A process is obtained from CQI reports and corrected by Outer Loop Quality Control.
ocess is obtained from CQI reports and corrected by Outer Loop Quality Control.
for the transmission. It counts the number of MIMO Open Loop Actual Diversity mode usage for both new transmissions and retransmission
is selected for the transmission. It counts the number of MIMO Open Loop Actual Spatial Multiplexing mode usage for both new transmissio
word mapping to single layer mode is selected for the transmission. It counts the number of MIMO Closed Loop Actual Single Codeword ma
eword mapping to dual layers mode is selected for the transmission. It counts the number of MIMO Closed Loop Actual Double Codeword m
between the diversity mode and the spatial multiplexing mode transmission. It counts selected transmission mode changes only on the basi
between the single codeword mode and the double codeword mode transmission. It counts selected transmission mode changes only on th
A DCI with required AGG1, which cannot be scheduled at all or cannot be scheduled with required power for finally allocated AGG, is consid
A DCI with required AGG2, which cannot be scheduled at all or cannot be scheduled with required power for finally allocated AGG, is consid
A DCI with required AGG4, which cannot be scheduled at all or cannot be scheduled with required power for finally allocated AGG, is consid
or PDCCH scheduling. A DCI with required AGG8, which cannot be scheduled at all or cannot be scheduled with required power for finally a
is counter. The mean value is the arithmetical average of all TTI measured in a granularity period.
d UEs in UL per TTI has been reached.
all DL and special subframes (TDD only). It also includes TTIs in which no PDSCH can be scheduled, for example, the special subframes
d UEs in DL per TTI has been reached.
OFDM symbol is allocated to the PDCCH. This counter is not updated for subframes for which the number of allocated PDCCH OFDM symb
M symbols are allocated to the PDCCH. This counter is not updated for subframes for which the number of allocated PDCCH OFDM symbol
M symbols are allocated to the PDCCH. This counter is not updated for subframes for which the number of allocated PDCCH OFDM symbol
ithmetical average of samples each representing the number of UEs in TTI Bundling mode at that moment.
o send a "TTI Bundle".
m TTI Bundling mode earlier than t1 seconds after switching to TTI Bundling. Termination by leaving the cell (HO) is also counted.
m TTI Bundling mode within this time span. Termination by leaving the cell (HO) is also counted.
m TTI Bundling later than t2 seconds after switching to TTI Bundling mode. Termination by leaving the cell (HO) is also counted.
sage, which includes a "SCellToAddModList-r10" parameter.
e message related to a preceding RRC:RRCConnectionReconfiguration message, which included a "SCellToAddModList-r10" parameter an
e Load Balancing state for inter-frequency load balancing; the counter is updated if the result of this check is that the cell is in the active Loa
ed for PUSCH data. (In case no data is present, there is no need to actually use this TTI for data transfer.)
ed for PDSCH data. (In case no data is present, there is no need to actually use this TTI for data transfer.)
of PUSCH PRBs, which are shared by a pair of UEs (in UL MU-MIMO mode).
is measured by an eNB internal measurement. This counter is updated if the measured cell DL CAC was zero (DL CAC = 0).
is measured by an eNB internal measurement. This counter is updated if the measured cell DL CAC was in the range 0 < DL CAC <= 20.
is measured by an eNB internal measurement. This counter is updated if the measured cell DL CAC was in the range 20 < DL CAC <= 40.
is measured by an eNB internal measurement. This counter is updated if the measured cell DL CAC was in the range 40 < DL CAC <= 60.
is measured by an eNB internal measurement. This counter is updated if the measured cell DL CAC was in the range 60 < DL CAC <= 80.
is measured by an eNB internal measurement. This counter is updated if the measured cell DL CAC was in the range 80 < DL CAC <= 100
ping is applied.
ping is applied.
s measured by an eNB internal measurement. This counter is updated if the measured cell PDCCH AC was zero (DL AC = 0).
s measured by an eNB internal measurement. This counter is updated if the measured cell PDCCH AC was in the range 0 < PDCCH AC <=
s measured by an eNB internal measurement. This counter is updated if the measured cell PDCCH AC was in the range 20 < PDCCH AC <
s measured by an eNB internal measurement. This counter is updated if the measured cell PDCCH AC was in the range 40 < PDCCH AC <
s measured by an eNB internal measurement. This counter is updated if the measured cell PDCCH AC was in the range 60 < PDCCH AC <
s measured by an eNB internal measurement. This counter is updated if the measured cell PDCCH AC was in the range 80 < PDCCH AC <
rers is measured by an eNB internal measurement. This counter is updated if the measured cell DL GBR AC was zero (DL AC = 0).
rers is measured by an eNB internal measurement. This counter is updated if the measured cell DL GBR AC was in the range 0 < DL GBR
rers is measured by an eNB internal measurement. This counter is updated if the measured cell DL GBR AC was in the range 20 < DL GBR
rers is measured by an eNB internal measurement. This counter is updated if the measured cell DL GBR AC was in the range 40 < DL GBR
rers is measured by an eNB internal measurement. This counter is updated if the measured cell DL GBR AC was in the range 60 < DL GBR
rers is measured by an eNB internal measurement. This counter is updated if the measured cell DL GBR AC was in the range 80 < DL GBR
R bearers is measured by an eNB internal measurement. This counter is updated if the measured cell DL non-GBR AC was zero (DL AC = 0
rers is measured by an eNB internal measurement. This counter is updated if the measured cell DL non-GBR AC was in the range 0 < DL n
rers is measured by an eNB internal measurement. This counter is updated if the measured cell DL non-GBR AC was in the range 20 < DL
R bearers is measured by an eNB internal measurement. This counter is updated if the measured cell DL non-GBR AC was in the range 40 <
R bearers is measured by an eNB internal measurement. This counter is updated if the measured cell DL non-GBR AC was in the range 60 <
R bearers is measured by an eNB internal measurement. This counter is updated if the measured cell DL non-GBR AC was in the range 80 <
UL on
SPS activation
PUSCH or reactivation.
(non-DTX reception) in the TTI and PRBs that were previously assigned by the SPS allocation.
SPS periodicity
allocated for the SPS allocation do not increment the counter.
statically allocated by SPS.
5 is active.
ser plane traffic, that is, the PRB utilization of the CRE UE is 0 %.
zation of the CRE UE is in the range 0 % < x <= 10 %.
zation of the CRE UE is in the range 10 % < x <= 20 %.
zation of the CRE UE is in the range 20 %. < x <= 30 %.
zation of the CRE UE is in the range 30 % < x <= 40 %.
zation of the CRE UE is in the range 40 % < x <= 50 %.
zation of the CRE UE is in the range 50 % < x <= 60 %.
zation of the CRE UE is in the range 60 % < x <= 70 %.
zation of the CRE UE is in the range 70 % < x <= 80 %.
zation of the CRE UE is in the range 80 % < x <= 90 %.
zation of the CRE UE is in the range 90 % < x <= 100 %.
ser tplane traffic, that is, the PRB utilization of the CRE UE is 0 %.
zation of the CRE UE is in the range 0 % < x <= 10 %.
zation of the CRE UE is in the range 10 % < x <= 20 %.
zation of the CRE UE is in the range 20 % < x <= 30 %.
zation of the CRE UE is in the range 30 % < x <= 40 %.
zation of the CRE UE is in the range 40 % < x <= 50 %.
zation of the CRE UE is in the range 50 % < x <= 60 %.
zation of the CRE UE is in the range 60 % < x <= 70 %.
zation of the CRE UE is in the range 70 % < x <= 80 %.
zation of the CRE UE is in the range 80 % < x <= 90 %.
zation of the CRE UE is in the range 90 % < x <= 100 %.
of uplink PRBs (i.e. the sum of complete PRBs and fractions of PRBs) used for DTCH traffic for SAEB QoS level 1 and the number of availa
of uplink PRBs (i.e. the sum of complete PRBs and fractions of PRBs) used for DTCH traffic for SAEB QoS level 2 and the number of availa
of uplink PRBs (i.e. the sum of complete PRBs and fractions of PRBs) used for DTCH traffic for SAEB QoS level 3 and the number of availa
of uplink PRBs (i.e. the sum of complete PRBs and fractions of PRBs) used for DTCH traffic for SAEB QoS level 4 and the number of availa
of uplink PRBs (i.e. the sum of complete PRBs and fractions of PRBs) used for DTCH traffic for SAEB QoS level 5 and the number of availa
of uplink PRBs (i.e. the sum of complete PRBs and fractions of PRBs) used for DTCH traffic for SAEB QoS level 6 and the number of availa
of uplink PRBs (i.e. the sum of complete PRBs and fractions of PRBs) used for DTCH traffic for SAEB QoS level 7 and the number of availa
of uplink PRBs (i.e. the sum of complete PRBs and fractions of PRBs) used for DTCH traffic for SAEB QoS level 8 and the number of availa
of uplink PRBs (i.e. the sum of complete PRBs and fractions of PRBs) used for DTCH traffic for SAEB QoS level 9 and the number of availa
of uplink PRBs (that is, the sum of complete PRBs and fractions of PRBs) used for DTCH traffic for currently supported SAEB QoS levels w
of uplink PRBs (i.e. the sum of complete PRBs and fractions of PRBs) used for DCCH and CCCH data and the number of available uplink P
of downlink PRBs (i.e. the sum of complete PRBs and fractions of PRBs) used for DTCH traffic for SAEB QoS level 1 and the number of av
of downlink PRBs (i.e. the sum of complete PRBs and fractions of PRBs) used for DTCH traffic for SAEB QoS level 2 and the number of av
of downlink PRBs (i.e. the sum of complete PRBs and fractions of PRBs) used for DTCH traffic for SAEB QoS level 3 and the number of av
of downlink PRBs (i.e. the sum of complete PRBs and fractions of PRBs) used for DTCH traffic for SAEB QoS level 4 and the number of av
of downlink PRBs (i.e. the sum of complete PRBs and fractions of PRBs) used for DTCH traffic for SAEB QoS level 5 and the number of av
of downlink PRBs (i.e. the sum of complete PRBs and fractions of PRBs) used for DTCH traffic for SAEB QoS level 6 and the number of av
of downlink PRBs (i.e. the sum of complete PRBs and fractions of PRBs) used for DTCH traffic for SAEB QoS level 7 and the number of av
of downlink PRBs (i.e. the sum of complete PRBs and fractions of PRBs) used for DTCH traffic for SAEB QoS level 8 and the number of av
of downlink PRBs (i.e. the sum of complete PRBs and fractions of PRBs) used for DTCH traffic for SAEB QoS level 9 and the number of av
of downlink PRBs (that is, the sum of complete PRBs and fractions of PRBs) used for DTCH traffic for currently supported SAEB QoS level
of downlink PRBs (i.e. the sum of complete PRBs and fractions of PRBs) used for DCCH and CCCH data and the number of available dow
Bs) were statically allocated by SPS.
0 is active, i.e. when no muting is applied.
nnectionReconfigurationComplete message related to a preceding RRC:RRCConnectionReconfiguration message, which included an "SCe
t 1bwcs is attempted.
t 3 is attempted.
n DL DCCH towards the UE
CCH from UE
de in thewhen
TTI TTI when the buffer
the buffer is emptied.
is emptied. A sample
A sample of "ThpTimeUl"
for ThpVolUl for volume
is the data each time the ULonbuffer
counted PDCP forSDU
one level
E-RAB is emptied.
in bits received in UL for one E-RA
de in thewhen
TTI TTI when the buffer
the buffer is emptied.
is emptied. A sample
A sample of "ThpTimeUl"
for ThpVolUl for volume
is the data each time the ULonbuffer
counted PDCP forSDU
one level
E-RAB is emptied.
in bits received in UL for one E-RA
de in thewhen
TTI TTI when the buffer
the buffer is emptied.
is emptied. A sample
A sample of "ThpTimeUl"
for ThpVolUl for volume
is the data each time the ULonbuffer
counted PDCP forSDU
one level
E-RAB is emptied.
in bits received in UL for one E-RA
de in thewhen
TTI TTI when the buffer
the buffer is emptied.
is emptied. A sample
A sample of "ThpTimeUl"
for ThpVolUl for volume
is the data each time the ULonbuffer
counted PDCP forSDU
one level
E-RAB is emptied.
in bits received in UL for one E-RA
de in thewhen
TTI TTI when the buffer
the buffer is emptied.
is emptied. A sample
A sample of "ThpTimeUl"
for ThpVolUl for volume
is the data each time the ULonbuffer
counted PDCP forSDU
one level
E-RAB is emptied.
in bits received in UL for one E-RA
de in thewhen
TTI TTI when the buffer
the buffer is emptied.
is emptied. A sample
A sample of "ThpTimeUl"
for ThpVolUl for volume
is the data each time the ULonbuffer
counted PDCP forSDU
one level
E-RAB is emptied.
in bits received in UL for one E-RA
de in thewhen
TTI TTI when the buffer
the buffer is emptied.
is emptied. A sample
A sample of "ThpTimeUl"
for ThpVolUl for volume
is the data each time the ULonbuffer
counted PDCP forSDU
one level
E-RAB is emptied.
in bits received in UL for one E-RA
de in thewhen
TTI TTI when the buffer
the buffer is emptied.
is emptied. A sample
A sample of "ThpTimeUl"
for ThpVolUl for volume
is the data each time the ULonbuffer
counted PDCP forSDU
one level
E-RAB is emptied.
in bits received in UL for one E-RA
d in the TTI when the buffer is emptied. A sample of "ThpTimeUl" for each time the UL buffer for one E-RAB is emptied.
st exclude the volume of the last piece of data emptying
ta transmitted in the TTI when the buffer is emptied.
stRAB is emptied.
exclude the volume of the last piece of data emptying
ta transmitted in the TTI when the buffer is emptied.
stRAB is emptied.
exclude the volume of the last piece of data emptying
ta transmitted in the TTI when the buffer is emptied.
stRAB is emptied.
exclude the volume of the last piece of data emptying
ta transmitted in the TTI when the buffer is emptied.
stRAB is emptied.
exclude the volume of the last piece of data emptying
ta transmitted in the TTI when the buffer is emptied.
stRAB is emptied.
exclude the volume of the last piece of data emptying
ta transmitted in the TTI when the buffer is emptied.
stRAB is emptied.
exclude the volume of the last piece of data emptying
ta transmitted in the TTI when the buffer is emptied.
RAB is emptied.
st exclude the volume of the last piece of data emptying
ta transmitted in the TTI when the buffer is emptied.
stRAB is emptied.
exclude the volume of the last piece of data emptying
ta transmitted in the TTI when the buffer is emptied.
RAB is emptied.
HANDOVER REQUIRED message from the source eNB to the MME if this message prepares an Inter eNB Handover.
RELOCprep if the timer was started because of the preparation of an Inter eNB Handover.
ANDOVER PREPARATION FAILURE message from MME to source eNB with cause "No Radio Resources Available in Target Cell" if this m
ANDOVER PREPARATION FAILURE message from the MME to the source eNB with any other cause than "No Radio Resources Available
ANDOVER COMMAND message from the MME to the source eNB in case that this message is received in response to the preparation of a
E CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message from the MME to the source eNB with the cause value Radio Network Layer (Successful Ha
er TS1RELOCoverall
e-configured number ofintimes.
case that this timer was started because of an Inter eNB Handover.
e-configured number of times.
on fails for any reason. This counter is updated in the source side of the handover.
FIGURATION message is sent by the eNB to the UE, indicating a Handover Command to the UE. This counter is updated in the source sid
s. This counter is updated in the source side of the handover.
he phase intimer
the target cell apart from a HANDOVER PREPARATION FAILURE message (from target side) or expiration of the respective g
he guarding timer TS1RELOCprep.
n X2AP:HANDOVER PREPARATION FAILURE message from the target eNB with the cause "No Radio Resources Available in Target cell"
n S1AP:HANDOVER PREPARATION FAILURE message from the MME with the cause "No Radio Resources Available in Target cell"
NDOVER COMMAND message from the MME
n S1AP:UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message from the MME with the cause value Radio Network Layer (Successful Handover) in
, either TX2RELOCoverall or TS1RELOCoverall, in case that one of these timers was started because of an Inter-eNB Handover.
mer THOoverall
xcluded in caseThe
from counting. thatcase
the timer has been started
of reestablishment due to
causes Intra-eNB
that Handover.
"HOfailure" is excluded from counting when re-establishment target cell is
he considered UE context might be ongoing. The target cell of such HO preparation can be different from the cell receiving the reestablishm
is recognized by reestablishment
of Tstore_UE_cntxt causeHO
timer up from "HOfailure".
ause "handoverFailure") received at cell prepared for incoming HO or at HO source cell is excluded from counting.
e cell A within a short time period (defined by the parameter tPingPong).
Connection Reconfiguration message (sent by the eNB to the UE), which indicates a handover command to the UE in case this message is
ception of an S1AP: UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message from the MME with cause value Radio Network Layer (Successful Han
message (source eNB -> UE) in case that this message was sent because the source eNB received the S1AP:INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP
RRCConnectionRelease message (source eNB -> UE) in case that this message was sent because the source eNB received an S1AP:UE C
message (source eNB -> UE) in case that this message was sent because the source eNB received the S1AP:INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP
o source MME for an Inter System Handover. This counter is updated for the source cell of the handover. This counter is updated in case of
expiration of guarding timer TS1RELOCprep_InterRAT. This counter is updated for the source cell of the handover. This counter is updated
E message is received from MME with cause "No radio resources available in target cell" for an Inter System Handover. This counter is upd
E message is received from MME with other cause than "No radio resources available in target cell" for an Inter System Handover. This cou
received from MME for a PS-HO to UTRAN. This counter is updated for the source cell of the handover.
message is received from MME with Cause value "Radio Network Layer" (Successful Handover) for a PS-HO to UTRAN. This counter is u
ding timer TS1RELOCoverall. This counter is updated for the source cell of the handover.
ssage (with cell change order to GSM; 3GPP TS 36.331) from the serving eNB to the UE indicates the attempt of a Network Assisted Cell C
urce eNB <- MME; 3GPP TS 36.413) in case that this message is received in response to the preparation of an Inter System Handover to U
message (source eNB <- MME; 3GPP TS 36.413) with Cause value "Radio Network Layer (Successful Handover)" in case that this messag
36.413) in case that this timer was started because of an Inter System Handover to UTRAN with SRVCC (Single Radio Voice Call Continuity
age (source eNB -> UE; 3GPP TS36.331) in case that this message is transmitted for a CS Fallback to UTRAN with PS handover (3GPP TS
urce eNB <- MME; 3GPP TS 36.413) in case this message is received in response to the preparation of an Inter System Handover to GERA
message (source eNB <- MME; 3GPP TS 36.413) with Cause value "Radio Network Layer (Successful Handover)" in case this message is r
36.413) in case this timer was started because of an Inter System Handover to GERAN with SRVCC (Single Radio Voice Call Continuity, 3G
HandoverFromEUTRAPreparationRequest message by the eNB to the UE (3GPP TS 36.331) if this message is sent to prepare an inter-sys
timer TUlHoPrepTransfer1xSrvcc if this timer was started because of an inter-system handover preparation to 1xRTT with SRVCC.
timer TC2KRelocPrep1xSrvcc if this timer was started because of an inter-system handover preparation to 1xRTT with SRVCC.
WNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING (3GPP TS 36.413) message by the eNB from the MME if this message indicates a failed handover p
WNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING (3GPP TS 36.413) message by the eNB from the MME if this message indicates a successful hando
MobilityFromEUTRACommand message by the eNB to the UE (3GPP TS 36.331) if this message is sent for an inter-system handover to 1x
UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message (3GPP TS 36.413) by the eNB to the MME if this message is sent for an inter-system hando
FBParametersRequestCDMA2000 (3GPP TS 36.331) message by the eNB from the UE.
CSFBParametersResponseCDMA2000 (3GPP TS 36.331) message by the eNB to the UE.
HandoverFromEUTRAPreparationRequest message by the eNB to the UE (3GPP TS 36.331) in case that this message is sent for the prepa
HandoverPreparationTransfer message by the eNB from the UE (3GPP TS 36.331) in case that this message is received for the preparation
WNLINK S1 CDMA2000 TUNNELING (3GPP TS 36.413) message by the eNB from the MME in case that this message indicates a "HO Fa
ails due to expiration of guarding timer TS1RELOCprep_InterRAT. This counter is updated for the source cell of the handover. This counter
E message is received from MME with cause "No radio resources available in target cell" for an Inter System Handover. This counter is upd
E message is received from MME with other cause than "No radio resources available in target cell" for an Inter System Handover. This cou
received from MME for a PS-HO. This counter is updated for the source cell of the handover.
message is received from MME with Cause value "Radio Network Layer" (Successful Handover) for a PS-HO to UTRAN. This counter is u
arding timer TS1RELOCoverall. This counter is updated for the source cell of the handover.
o source MME for an Inter System Handover. This counter is updated for the source cell of the handover. This counter is updated in case of
urce eNB <- MME; 3GPP TS 36.413) in case that this message is received in response to the preparation of an Inter System Handover to U
message (source eNB <- MME; 3GPP TS 36.413) with Cause value "Radio Network Layer (Successful Handover)" in case that this messag
36.413) in case that this timer was started because of an Inter System Handover to UTRAN with SRVCC (Single Radio Voice Call Continuity
UEs, having one SRB and at least one DRB established.
nd at least one DRB established during a measurement period.
0 seconds when the cell "Operational State is disabled" and the "Energy State is energySaving".
onal State changes to disabled" and the "Energy State is energySaving".
ception of an S1AP:HANDOVER COMMAND message from the MME in case that this message is received in response to the preparation
ception of an S1AP:HANDOVER COMMAND message from the MME in case that this message is received in response to the preparation
ception of an S1AP:UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message from the MME with the cause value Radio Network Layer (Successful H
all (3GPP ofTS36.423)
in case that theRELEASE
timer wasCOMMAND message
started because of anfrom the MME with
inter-frequency theeNB
Inter cause value Radio Network Layer (Successful H
piration (3GPP TS 36.413)
of the timer in case that(3GPP
TX2RELOCoverall the timer was started
TS36.423) if thebecause
timer was of started
an inter-frequency
because ofInter eNB Handover.Inter eNB Handover when
an inter-frequency
piration of the guarding timer TS1RELOCoverall (3GPP TS 36.413) in case that the timer was started because of an inter-frequency Inter
(source eNB -> MME; 3GPP TS 36.413) in case that this message prepares an Inter eNB Handover for an IMS emergency session.
Connection Reconfiguration message (sent by the eNB to the UE), which indicates a Handover Command to the UE in case this message is
ception of an S1AP:UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message from the MME with cause value Radio Network Layer (Successful Han
message (source eNB <- MME; 3GPP TS 36.413) in case that this message is received in response to the preparation of an Inter eNB Han
D message (source eNB <- MME; 3GPP TS 36.413) in case that this message is received in response to the preparation of an Inter-eNB Ha
E COMMAND message (source eNB <- MME; 3GPP TS 36.413) with cause value Radio Network Layer (Successful Handover) in case that
ANDOVER COMMAND message (source eNB <- MME; 3GPP TS 36.413) in case that this message is received in response to the preparat
from counting. COMMAND
The case message (source
of reestablishment eNB <- MME;
cause 'HOfailure' 3GPP TS
is excluded 36.413)
from withwhen
counting causere-establishment
value Radio Network
cell is (Successful
prepared forH
he considered UE context may be ongoing. The target cell of such HO preparation can be different from the cell receiving the reestablishme
is recognized by reestablishment
of Tstore_UE_cntxt cause
timer up from HO'HOfailure'.
e 'HOfailure') received at cell prepared for incoming HO or at HO source cell is excluded from counting.
Connection Reconfiguration message (sent by the eNB to the UE) which indicates a Handover Command to the UE in case this message is
ception of an S1AP: UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message from the MME with cause value Radio Network Layer (Successful Han
of an S1AP: HANDOVER REQUEST message (MME -> target eNB) in case that this message is received for an inter-RAT handover prepar
ception of an S1AP: HANDOVER REQUEST message (MME -> target eNB) in case that this message is received for an inter-eNB handove
ception of an S1AP: HANDOVER REQUEST message (MME -> target eNB) in case that this message is received for an inter-eNB handove
ception of an S1AP: HANDOVER REQUEST message (MME -> target eNB) in case that this message is received for an inter-eNB handove
ception of an S1AP: HANDOVER REQUEST message (MME -> target eNB) in case that this message is received for an inter-eNB handove
on of an S1AP: HANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE message (target eNB -> MME) in case that this message is sent for a successfu
ansmission of an S1AP: HANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE message (target eNB -> MME) in case that this message is sent for a su
ansmission of an S1AP: HANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE message (target eNB -> MME) in case that this message is sent for a su
ansmission of an S1AP: HANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE message (target eNB -> MME) in case that this message is sent for a su
ansmission of an S1AP: HANDOVER REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE message (target eNB -> MME) in case that this message is sent for a su
on of an S1AP: HANDOVER FAILURE message (target eNB -> MME) in case that this message is sent for an inter-RAT handover preparat
on of an S1AP: HANDOVER FAILURE message (target eNB -> MME) in case that this message is sent for an inter-RAT handover preparat
Connection Reconfiguration message (sent by the eNB to the UE), which indicates a handover command to the UE in case this message is
an S1AP: UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND message from the MME with cause value Radio Network Layer (Successful Han
on of Timer (wait for X2 SETUP RESPONSE) _x000D_
efore it is possible that it rolls over within 15 minutes. An indication of a possible misconfiguration can be derived anyway.
conveying IP payload is received that is addressed to one of the multicast MAC addresses configured for IP applications of the NE.
generated by an IP application of the network element is transmitted at one of the NE link layer interfaces.
nitiator message that the BTS has sent over this TWAMP session.
nitiator message that the BTS has sent over this TWAMP session, for which a new maximum round trip time is detected.
nitiator message that the BTS has sent over this TWAMP session, for which a new minimum round trip time is detected.
ards the UE.
y the UE to eNB.
n a row without waiting the proper time for the response from eNB (RRCConnectionSetup), only the last message will be counted.
hich is used for emergency sessions (3GPP TS 36.413)
-RAB Setup List AND was sent in response to the reception of the S1AP: E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message (eNB <- MME) containing the
E-RAB Failed to Setup List (because of missing RB (Radio Bearer) resources) AND was sent in response to the reception of the S1AP: E-R
The UL buffer status is sampled for each active TTI, where data is scheduled for at least one UE.
pled for each active TTI, where data is scheduled for at least one UE.
(3GPP TS 36.331, TS 36.306); the average is calculated as the arithmetical average over the measurement period.
he measurement period.
ed in case that the S1AP:UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND is received as a response to a previously sent S1AP:UE CONTEXT RELEA
ed in case that the S1AP:UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND is received as a response to a previously sent S1AP:UE CONTEXT RELEA
ed in case that the S1AP:UE CONTEXT RELEASE COMMAND is received as a response to a previously sent S1AP:UE CONTEXT RELEA
ith the number of E-RABs released with the TNL cause "TNL Unspecified" (3GPP TS 36.413).
ple values over the measurement period.
ple values over the measurement period.
ple values over the measurement period.
ple values over the measurement period.
ple values over the measurement period.
ple values over the measurement period.
ple values over the measurement period.
ple values over the measurement period.
ple values over the measurement period.
mber of bearers contained in the "E-RAB Failed To Modify List" with the RNL cause "Radio resources not available" (3GPP TS 36.413).
mber of bearers contained in the "E-RAB Failed To Modify List" with the TNL cause "Transport Resource Unavailable" (3GPP TS 36.413).
t by eNB to the MME with the release cause "RNL Radio Connection with UE lost".
t by eNB to the MME with the release cause "RNL Radio Connection with UE lost".
t by eNB to the MME with the release cause "RNL Radio Connection with UE lost".
t by eNB to the MME with the release cause "RNL Radio Connection with UE lost".
t by eNB to the MME with the release cause "RNL Radio Connection with UE lost".
1AP:INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message is sent with the RNL cause "Radio resources not available" (3GPP TS 36.413).
1AP:INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message is sent with the TNL cause "Transport Resources Unavailable" (3GPP TS 36.413).
1AP:INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message is sent with the RNL cause "Radio Connection with UE lost" (3GPP TS 36.413).
1AP:INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message is sent with the RNL cause "Failure in the Radio Interface Procedure" (3GPP TS 36.413
mber of bearers contained in the "E-RAB Failed to Setup List" IE with the RNL cause "Radio resources not available" (3GPP TS 36.413).
mber of bearers contained in the "E-RAB Failed to Setup List" IE with the TNL cause "Transport Resources Unavailable" (3GPP TS 36.413)
mber of bearers contained in the "E-RAB Failed to Setup List" IE with the RNL cause "Radio Connection with UE lost" (3GPP TS 36.413).
mber of bearers contained in the "E-RAB Failed to Setup List" IE with the RNL cause "Failure in the Radio Interface Procedure" (3GPP TS 3
mber of bearers contained in the "E-RAB Failed to Setup List" IE with the Miscellaneous Cause "Not enough User Plane Processing Resour
mber of bearers contained in the "E-RAB Failed to Setup List" IE with the RNL causes "S1 Intra System Handover Triggered", "S1 inter syste
NB to the MME. The counter is incremented with the number of E-RABs released independently from the release cause (3GPP TS 36.413).
MME. The counter is incremented with the number of released E-RABs (3GPP TS 36.413).
y the eNB to the MME. If the S1AP:UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message with the RNL cause "Radio Connection with UE lost" is s
by the eNB to the MME with the TNL cause "Transport Resources Unavailable". The counter is incremented with the number of released E-
AT redirection", "Redirection towards 1xRTT", "CS Fallback Triggered", "UE Not Available For PS Service", or "E-UTRAN Generated Reaso
y the eNB to the MME if the release cause is not set due to an intra LTE redirect. The counter is incremented with the number of released E
NB to the MME. The counter is incremented with the number of E-RABs released with the RNL cause "Radio resources not available" (3GPP
mber of bearers not admitted by the HO target of the preceding HO preparation procedure. The bearers, which are not admitted, are contain
are contained in the "E-RABs to Release List" IE of the S1AP:HANDOVER COMMAND message that is received from the MME (3GPP TS 3
mber of bearers admitted by the HO target of the preceding HO preparation procedure. The bearers, which are not admitted, are contained
counter is incremented with the number of bearers admitted by the HO target during the preceding HO preparation procedure. The bearers
number of bearers contained in the "E-RAB Failed to Release List" IE (3GPP TS 36.413).
B to the MME. The counter is incremented with the number of QCI1 E-RABs released independently from the release cause (3GPP TS 36.4
MME. The counter is incremented with the number of released QCI1 E-RABs (3GPP TS 36.413).
y the eNB to the MME. If the S1AP:UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message with the RNL cause "Radio Connection with UE lost" is s
by the eNB to the MME with the TNL cause "Transport Resources Unavailable". The counter is incremented with the number of released Q
AT redirection", "Redirection towards 1xRTT", "CS Fallback Triggered", "UE Not Available For PS Service", or "E-UTRAN Generated Reason
y the eNB to the MME if the release cause is not set due to an intra-LTE redirect. The counter is incremented with the number of released Q
NB to the MME. The counter is incremented with the number of QCI1 E-RABs released with the RNL cause "Radio resources not available"
mber of QCI1 bearers not admitted by the HO target of the preceding HO preparation procedure. The bearers, which are not admitted, are co
ot admitted, are contained in the "E-RABs to Release List" IE of the S1AP:HANDOVER COMMAND message that is received from MME as
mber of QCI1 bearers admitted by the target eNB during the preceding HO preparation procedure. The QCI1 bearers, which are not admitte
counter is incremented with the number of QCI1 bearers admitted by the HO target during the preceding HO preparation procedure. The Q
ectionSetup), only the last message of RRC CONNECTION SETUP will be counted.
stopped when the RRC CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE message is received from the UE.
) means that no E-RAB setup occurred in the cell during the whole granularity period and that the measurement does not contain a valid me
) means that no E-RAB setup occurred in the cell during the whole granularity period and that the measurement does not contain a valid me
use "handoverFailure".
use "otherFailure".
ment result contains all necessary IEs needed for a unique cell identification, which are: the CGI, the RNC-Id, the LAC and the RAC.
ment result does not contain the necessary IEs needed for a unique cell identification like the LAC or RAC.
st parameter
or the for a Home
replacement eNB (3GPP
of an existing TS 36.331).
broadcast message is received via an S1AP:WRITE-REPLACE WARNING REQUEST message.
WARNING REQUEST message with Message Identifier IE and Serial Number IE which correspond to one of the warning messages alread
) means that no RRC connection setup occurred in the cell during the whole granularity period and that the measurement does not contain a
) means that no RRC connection setup occurred in the cell during the whole granularity period and that the measurement does not contain a
he source cell.
pdated if the failure detected does not match any other failure counter. Updated to the source cell.
ransmissions and retransmissions.
e usage for both new transmissions and retransmissions.
Loop Actual Single Codeword mapping to single layer mode usage for both new transmissions and retransmissions.
Loop Actual Double Codeword mapping to dual layers mode usage for both new transmissions and retransmissions.
mode changes only on the basis of the new CQI / RI value decisions according to MIMO algorithm. However, this counter does not these m
ission mode changes only on the basis of the new CQI / RI value decisions according to MIMO algorithm. However, this counter does not c
p Actual Double Codeword mapping to 3-layer mode usage for both new transmissions and retransmissions.
p Actual Double Codeword mapping to 4-layer mode usage for both new transmissions and retransmissions.
Actual Single Codeword mapping to 2-layer mode usage for both new transmissions and retransmissions.
r finally allocated AGG, is considered as blocked.
r finally allocated AGG, is considered as blocked.
r finally allocated AGG, is considered as blocked.
d with required power for finally allocated AGG, is considered as blocked.
example, the special subframes in the configuration of normal CP and special subframe configuration 5 (TDD only), the subframes with PRS
message, which included an "SCellToAddModList-r10" parameter and if a configured SCell is replaced by another one due to an Event A6 m
uded in the counter.
d to counter.
d to counter.
bits received in UL for one E-RAB during a sample of ThpTimeUl. (It must exclude the volume of the last piece
is emptied.
bits received in UL for one E-RAB during a sample of ThpTimeUl. (It must exclude the volume of the last piece
is emptied.
bits received in UL for one E-RAB during a sample of ThpTimeUl. (It must exclude the volume of the last piece
is emptied.
bits received in UL for one E-RAB during a sample of ThpTimeUl. (It must exclude the volume of the last piece
is emptied.
bits received in UL for one E-RAB during a sample of ThpTimeUl. (It must exclude the volume of the last piece
is emptied.
bits received in UL for one E-RAB during a sample of ThpTimeUl. (It must exclude the volume of the last piece
is emptied.
bits received in UL for one E-RAB during a sample of ThpTimeUl. (It must exclude the volume of the last piece
is emptied.
bits received in UL for one E-RAB during a sample of ThpTimeUl. (It must exclude the volume of the last piece
is emptied.
bits received in UL for one E-RAB during a sample of ThpTimeUl. (It must exclude the volume of the last piece
is emptied.
t there was data in the buffer but the UE was not scheduled.
t there was data in the buffer but the UE was not scheduled.
t there was data in the buffer but the UE was not scheduled.
t there was data in the buffer but the UE was not scheduled.
t there was data in the buffer but the UE was not scheduled.
t there was data in the buffer but the UE was not scheduled.
t there was data in the buffer but the UE was not scheduled.
t there was data in the buffer but the UE was not scheduled.
t there was data in the buffer but the UE was not scheduled.
t there was data in the buffer but the UE was not scheduled.
t there was data in the buffer but the UE was not scheduled.
t there was data in the buffer but the UE was not scheduled.
t there was data in the buffer but the UE was not scheduled.
t there was data in the buffer but the UE was not scheduled.
t there was data in the buffer but the UE was not scheduled.
t there was data in the buffer but the UE was not scheduled.
t there was data in the buffer but the UE was not scheduled.
t there was data in the buffer but the UE was not scheduled.
nnectionRequest message (eNB <-UE) with EstablishmentCause set to emergency (3GPP TS 36.331)
the reception of the previous RRC:RRCConnectionRequest message (eNB <- UE) with EstablishmentCause set to emergency (3GPP TS 3
uest message (UE -> eNB) with EstablishmentCause set to any other cause than "emergency" (3GPP TS 36.331).
uest message (UE -> eNB) with EstablishmentCause set to "emergency" (3GPP TS 36.331).
essage will be counted.
nRequest message (UE -> eNB) with EstablishmentCause set to highPriorityAccess (3GPP TS 36.331).
est message (UE -> eNB) with EstablishmentCause set to "highPriorityAccess" (3GPP TS 36.331).
essage will be counted.
essage will be counted.
essage will be counted.
essage will be counted.
essage will be counted.
est message (UE -> eNB) with EstablishmentCause set to "mo-Signalling" (3GPP TS 36.331).
est message (UE -> eNB) with EstablishmentCause set to "mo-Data" (3GPP TS 36.331).
est message (UE -> eNB) with EstablishmentCause set to "mt-Access" (3GPP TS 36.331).
est message (UE -> eNB) with EstablishmentCause set to "delayTolerantAccess" (3GPP TS 36.331).
ctions adrmitted in the cell is reached. It shall be noted that for the Establishment Cause "emergency" the threshold 'maxNumRrcEmergenc
B Handover.
Available in Target Cell" if this message is received in response to the preparation of an Inter eNB Handover.
"No Radio Resources Available in Target Cell" in case that this message is received in response to the preparation of an Inter eNB Handov
response to the preparation of an Inter eNB Handover.
o Network Layer (Successful Handover) in case that this message is received for an Inter eNB Handover.
nter is updated in the source side of the handover.
k Layer (Successful Handover) in case that this message is received for an Inter eNB Handover.
n Inter-eNB Handover.
en re-establishment target cell is prepared for incoming HO, as this means HO has been attempted, not missed. In case of reestablishment
he cell receiving the reestablishment request.
the UE in case this message is sent because of an inter-frequency load balancing handover.
o Network Layer (Successful Handover) in case that this message is received for a successful inter-frequency load balancing inter-eNB han
1AP:INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message (source eNB <- MME) with the CS Fallback Indicator (3GPP TS 36.331, TS 36.413, T
urce eNB received an S1AP:UE CONTEXT MODIFICATION REQUEST message (source eNB <- MME) with the CS Fallback Indicator (3GP
1AP:INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP REQUEST message (source eNB <- MME) with the CS Fallback Indicator set to CS Fallback High Priority
his counter is updated in case of PS-HO to UTRAN, Inter System Handover to WCDMA/GERAN with SRVCC and in case of CS Fallback to
andover. This counter is updated in case of PS-HO to UTRAN, Inter System Handover to WCDMA/GERAN with SRVCC and in case of CS F
m Handover. This counter is updated for the source cell of the handover. This counter is updated in case of PS-HO to UTRAN, Inter System
Inter System Handover. This counter is updated for the source cell of the handover. This counter is updated in case of PS-HO to UTRAN, In
HO to UTRAN. This counter is updated for the source cell of the handover.
his message is sent for the preparation of a CS Fallback to 1xRTT/CDMA2000 (CDMA2000-Type is set to type1XRTT).
ge is received for the preparation of a CS Fallback to 1xRTT/CDMA2000 (CDMA2000-Type is set to type1XRTT).
this message indicates a "HO Failure" for the CS Fallback preparation to 1xRTT (CDMA2000 HO Status is set to HO Failure, CDMA2000 R
ell of the handover. This counter is updated in case of PS-HO to UTRAN, Inter System Handover to WCDMA with SRVCC and in case of CS
m Handover. This counter is updated for the source cell of the handover. This counter is updated in case of PS-HO to UTRAN, Inter System
Inter System Handover. This counter is updated for the source cell of the handover. This counter is updated in case of PS-HO to UTRAN, In
HO to UTRAN. This counter is updated for the source cell of the handover.
his counter is updated in case of PS-HO to UTRAN, Inter System Handover to WCDMA with SRVCC and in case of CS Fallback to UTRAN
f an Inter System Handover to UTRAN with SRVCC (Single Radio Voice Call Continuity, 3GPP TS 23.216).
dover)" in case that this message is received for an Inter System Handover to UTRAN with SRVCC (Single Radio Voice Call Continuity, 3G
ingle Radio Voice Call Continuity, 3GPP TS 23.216).
e Radio Network Layer (Successful Handover) in case that this message is received for a Inter System Handover to eHRPD.
eviously received X2AP:RLF INDICATION message from the requesting eNB.
F-triggered Handover.
ng a bypass policy.
erived anyway.
e is detected.
is detected.
B to the MME with any RNL cause except "radio resources not available".
B to the MME.
B to the MME with RNL cause "radio resources not available".
B to the MME. The counter is updated if the failure detected does not match any other failure counter.
ction With UE Lost".
message (eNB -> MME; 3GPP TS 36.413) in case that these messages are used to release one or more GBR bearers with RNL cause "Rad
message (eNB -> MME; 3GPP TS 36.413) in case that these messages are used to release one or more non-GBR bearers with RNL cause
essage will be counted.
age (eNB <- MME) containing the ARP (Allocation and Retention Priority) priority level which is used for emergency sessions (3GPP TS 36.4
o the reception of the S1AP: E-RAB SETUP REQUEST message (eNB <- MME) containing the ARP (Allocation and Retention Priority) prio
maximum value. The measurement is reported with the maximum dBm value at the end of the collection interval.
adio Connection with UE lost" is sent due to failed intra-eNB HO, (for example, expiration of HO guard timer THOoverall), the counter ERAB
d with the number of released E-RABs (3GPP TS 36.413).
or "E-UTRAN Generated Reason" if the release cause is set due to an intra-LTE redirect. The counter is incremented with the number of re
d with the number of released E-RABs (3GPP TS 36.413).
o resources not available" (3GPP TS 36.413).
ch are not admitted, are contained in the "E-RABs to Release List" IE of the S1AP:HANDOVER COMMAND message that is received from
eived from the MME (3GPP TS 36.413).
are not admitted, are contained in the "E-RABs to Release List" IE of the S1AP:HANDOVER COMMAND message that is received from M
eparation procedure. The bearers, which are not admitted, are contained in the "E-RABs to Release List" IE of the S1AP:HANDOVER COM
adio Connection with UE lost" is sent due to a failed intra eNB HO, (for example, expiration of HO guard timer THOoverall), the counter ERA
d with the number of released QCI1 E-RABs (3GPP TS 36.413).
or "E-UTRAN Generated Reason" if the release cause is set due to an intra-LTE redirect. The counter is incremented with the number of rele
d with the number of released QCI1 E-RABs (3GPP TS 36.413).
"Radio resources not available" (3GPP TS 36.413).
s, which are not admitted, are contained in the "E-RABs to Release List" IE of the S1AP:HANDOVER COMMAND message that is receive
age that is received from MME as the outcome of the HO preparation procedure (3GPP TS 36.413).
1 bearers, which are not admitted, are contained in the "E-RABs to Release List" IE of the S1AP:HANDOVER COMMAND message that i
HO preparation procedure. The QCI1 bearers, which are not admitted, are contained in the "E-RABs to Release List" IE of the S1AP:HANDO
other one due to an Event A6 measurement result that is received from the UE.
se set to emergency (3GPP TS 36.331).
"User inactivity", "Radio Connection With UE Lost", "Failure in the Radio Interface Procedure", "TX2RELOCOverall Expiry", "TS1RELOCov
e in case of a failed intra eNB HO, the counter UE_CTX_REL_ENB_TIMER_HO is updated (3GPP TS 36.413).
1 handover, the release cause "RNL TS1RELOCoverall Expiry" is used. In case of an intra eNB handover, the release cause "RNL Radio Co
hreshold 'maxNumRrcEmergency' is used. For all other establishment causes the threshold 'maxNumRrc' is used (3GPP TS 36.331).
O Success).
d inter-eNB handover.
e of reestablishment request to cell prepared for incoming HO, the case of received PCI different from source cell PCI of prepared HO is exc
ng inter-eNB Handover.
al Handover.
esirable for Radio Reasons.
ad in Serving Cell.
Optimization Handover.
ndover to eHRPD.
ch one is greater than or equal to -10 dB and less than or equal to -8 dB. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
ch one is greater than -8 dB and less than or equal to -6 dB. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
ch one is greater than -6 dB and less than or equal to -4 dB. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
ch one is greater than -4 dB and less than or equal to -2 dB. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
ch one is greater than -2 dB and less than or equal to 0 dB. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
ch one is greater than 0 dB and less than or equal to 2 dB. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
ch one is greater than 2 dB and less than or equal to 4 dB. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
ch one is greater than 4 dB and less than or equal to 6 dB. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
ch one is greater than 6 dB and less than or equal to 8 dB. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
ch one is greater than 8 dB and less than or equal to 10 dB. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
ch one is greater than 10 dB and less than or equal to 12 dB. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
ch one is greater than 12 dB and less than or equal to 14 db. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
ch one is greater than 14 dB and less than or equal to 16 dB. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
ch one is greater than 16 dB and less than or equal to 18 dB. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
ch one is greater than 18 dB and less than or equal to 20 dB. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
ch one is greater than 20 dB and less than or equal to 22 dB. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
ch one is greater than 22 dB and less than or equal to 24 dB. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
ch one is greater than 24 dB and less than or equal to 26 dB. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
ch one is greater than 26 dB and less than or equal to 28 dB. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
ch one is greater than 28 dB and less than or equal to 30 dB. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
ch one is greater than or equal to -10 dB and less than or equal to -8 dB. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
ch one is greater than -8 dB and less than or equal to -6 dB. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
ch one is greater than -6 dB and less than or equal to -4 dB. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
ch one is greater than -4 dB and less than or equal to -2 dB. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
ch one is greater than -2 dB and less than or equal to 0 dB. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
ch one is greater than 0 dB and less than or equal to 2 dB. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
ch one is greater than 2 dB and less than or equal to 4 dB. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
ch one is greater than 4 dB and less than or equal to 6 dB. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
ch one is greater than 6 dB and less than or equal to 8 dB. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
ch one is greater than 8 dB and less than or equal to 10 dB. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
ch one is greater than 10 dB and less than or equal to 12 dB. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
ch one is greater than 12 dB and less than or equal to 14 db. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
ch one is greater than 14 dB and less than or equal to 16 dB. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
ch one is greater than 16 dB and less than or equal to 18 dB. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
ch one is greater than 18 dB and less than or equal to 20 dB. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
ch one is greater than 20 dB and less than or equal to 22 dB. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
ch one is greater than 22 dB and less than or equal to 24 dB. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
ch one is greater than 24 dB and less than or equal to 26 dB. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
ch one is greater than 26 dB and less than or equal to 28 dB. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
ch one is greater than 28 dB and less than or equal to 30 dB. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
ch one is greater than or equal to -10 dB and less than or equal to -8 dB. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
ch one is greater than -8 dB and less than or equal to -6 dB. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
ch one is greater than -6 dB and less than or equal to -4 dB. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
ch one is greater than -4 dB and less than or equal to -2 dB. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
ch one is greater than -2 dB and less than or equal to 0 dB. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
ch one is greater than 0 dB and less than or equal to 2 dB. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
ch one is greater than 2 dB and less than or equal to 4 dB. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
ch one is greater than 4 dB and less than or equal to 6 dB. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
ch one is greater than 6 dB and less than or equal to 8 dB. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
ch one is greater than 8 dB and less than or equal to 10 dB. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
ch one is greater than 10 dB and less than or equal to 12 dB. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
ch one is greater than 12 dB and less than or equal to 14 db. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
ch one is greater than 14 dB and less than or equal to 16 dB. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
ch one is greater than 16 dB and less than or equal to 18 dB. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
ch one is greater than 18 dB and less than or equal to 20 dB. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
ch one is greater than 20 dB and less than or equal to 22 dB. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
ch one is greater than 22 dB and less than or equal to 24 dB. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
ch one is greater than 24 dB and less than or equal to 26 dB. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
ch one is greater than 26 dB and less than or equal to 28 dB. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
ch one is greater than 28 dB and less than or equal to 30 dB. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
calculated values where each one is greater than or equal to -10 dB and less than or equal to -8 dB. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB
calculated values where each one is greater than -8 dB and less than or equal to -6 dB. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#
calculated values where each one is greater than -6 dB and less than or equal to -4 dB. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#
calculated values where each one is greater than -4 dB and less than or equal to -2 dB. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#
calculated values where each one is greater than -2 dB and less than or equal to 0 dB. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#
calculated values where each one is greater than 0 dB and less than or equal to 2 dB. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#8
calculated values where each one is greater than 2 dB and less than or equal to 4 dB. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#8
calculated values where each one is greater than 4 dB and less than or equal to 6 dB. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#8
calculated values where each one is greater than 6 dB and less than or equal to 8 dB. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#8
calculated values where each one is greater than 8 dB and less than or equal to 10 dB. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#
calculated values where each one is greater than 10 dB and less than or equal to 12 dB. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB
calculated values where each one is greater than 12 dB and less than or equal to 14 db. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB
calculated values where each one is greater than 14 dB and less than or equal to 16 dB. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB
calculated values where each one is greater than 16 dB and less than or equal to 18 dB. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB
calculated values where each one is greater than 18 dB and less than or equal to 20 dB. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB
calculated values where each one is greater than 20 dB and less than or equal to 22 dB. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB
calculated values where each one is greater than 22 dB and less than or equal to 24 dB. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB
calculated values where each one is greater than 24 dB and less than or equal to 26 dB. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB
calculated values where each one is greater than 26 dB and less than or equal to 28 dB. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB
calculated values where each one is greater than 28 dB and less than or equal to 30 dB. Subband 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB
calculated values where each one is greater than or equal to -10 dB and less than or equal to -8 dB. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB
calculated values where each one is greater than -8 dB and less than or equal to -6 dB. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB
calculated values where each one is greater than -6 dB and less than or equal to -4 dB. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB
calculated values where each one is greater than -4 dB and less than or equal to -2 dB. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB
calculated values where each one is greater than -2 dB and less than or equal to 0 dB. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#
calculated values where each one is greater than 0 dB and less than or equal to 2 dB. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#9
calculated values where each one is greater than 2 dB and less than or equal to 4 dB. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#9
calculated values where each one is greater than 4 dB and less than or equal to 6 dB. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#9
calculated values where each one is greater than 6 dB and less than or equal to 8 dB. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#9
calculated values where each one is greater than 8 dB and less than or equal to 10 dB. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#
calculated values where each one is greater than 10 dB and less than or equal to 12 dB. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB
calculated values where each one is greater than 12 dB and less than or equal to 14 db. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB
calculated values where each one is greater than 14 dB and less than or equal to 16 dB. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB
calculated values where each one is greater than 16 dB and less than or equal to 18 dB. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB
calculated values where each one is greater than 18 dB and less than or equal to 20 dB. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB
calculated values where each one is greater than 20 dB and less than or equal to 22 dB. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB
calculated values where each one is greater than 22 dB and less than or equal to 24 dB. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB
calculated values where each one is greater than 24 dB and less than or equal to 26 dB. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB
calculated values where each one is greater than 26 dB and less than or equal to 28 dB. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB
calculated values where each one is greater than 28 dB and less than or equal to 30 dB. Subband 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB
calculated values where each one is greater than or equal to -10 dB and less than or equal to -8 dB. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB
calculated values where each one is greater than -8 dB and less than or equal to -6 dB. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB
calculated values where each one is greater than -6 dB and less than or equal to -4 dB. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB
calculated values where each one is greater than -4 dB and less than or equal to -2 dB. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB
calculated values where each one is greater than -2 dB and less than or equal to 0 dB. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#
calculated values where each one is greater than 0 dB and less than or equal to 2 dB. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#9
calculated values where each one is greater than 2 dB and less than or equal to 4 dB. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#9
calculated values where each one is greater than 4 dB and less than or equal to 6 dB. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#9
calculated values where each one is greater than 6 dB and less than or equal to 8 dB. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#9
calculated values where each one is greater than 8 dB and less than or equal to 10 dB. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#
calculated values where each one is greater than 10 dB and less than or equal to 12 dB. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB
calculated values where each one is greater than 12 dB and less than or equal to 14 db. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB
calculated values where each one is greater than 14 dB and less than or equal to 16 dB. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB
calculated values where each one is greater than 16 dB and less than or equal to 18 dB. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB
calculated values where each one is greater than 18 dB and less than or equal to 20 dB. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB
calculated values where each one is greater than 20 dB and less than or equal to 22 dB. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB
calculated values where each one is greater than 22 dB and less than or equal to 24 dB. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB
calculated values where each one is greater than 24 dB and less than or equal to 26 dB. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB
calculated values where each one is greater than 26 dB and less than or equal to 28 dB. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB
calculated values where each one is greater than 28 dB and less than or equal to 30 dB. Subband 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB
h one is greater than or equal to -10 dB and less than or equal to -8 dB.
h one is greater than -8 dB and less than or equal to -6 dB.
h one is greater than -6 dB and less than or equal to -4 dB.
h one is greater than -4 dB and less than or equal to -2 dB.
h one is greater than -2 dB and less than or equal to 0 dB.
h one is greater than 0 dB and less than or equal to 2 dB.
h one is greater than 2 dB and less than or equal to 4 dB.
h one is greater than 4 dB and less than or equal to 6 dB.
h one is greater than 6 dB and less than or equal to 8 dB.
h one is greater than 8 dB and less than or equal to 10 dB.
h one is greater than 10 dB and less than or equal to 12 dB.
h one is greater than 12 dB and less than or equal to 14 dB.
h one is greater than 14 dB and less than or equal to 16 dB.
h one is greater than 16 dB and less than or equal to 18 dB.
h one is greater than 18 dB and less than or equal to 20 dB.
h one is greater than 20 dB and less than or equal to 22 dB.
h one is greater than 22 dB and less than or equal to 24 dB.
h one is greater than 24 dB and less than or equal to 26 dB.
h one is greater than 26 dB and less than or equal to 28 dB.
h one is greater than 28 dB and less than or equal to 30 dB.
calculated values where each one is greater than or equal to -10 dB and less than or equal to -8 dB.
calculated values where each one is greater than -8 dB and less than or equal to -6 dB.
calculated values where each one is greater than -6 dB and less than or equal to -4 dB.
calculated values where each one is greater than -4 dB and less than or equal to -2 dB.
calculated values where each one is greater than -2 dB and less than or equal to 0 dB.
calculated values where each one is greater than 0 dB and less than or equal to 2 dB.
calculated values where each one is greater than 2 dB and less than or equal to 4 dB.
calculated values where each one is greater than 4 dB and less than or equal to 6 dB.
calculated values where each one is greater than 6 dB and less than or equal to 8 dB.
calculated values where each one is greater than 8 dB and less than or equal to 10 dB.
calculated values where each one is greater than 10 dB and less than or equal to 12 dB.
calculated values where each one is greater than 12 dB and less than or equal to 14 dB.
calculated values where each one is greater than 14 dB and less than or equal to 16 dB.
calculated values where each one is greater than 16 dB and less than or equal to 18 dB.
calculated values where each one is greater than 18 dB and less than or equal to 20 dB.
calculated values where each one is greater than 20 dB and less than or equal to 22 dB.
calculated values where each one is greater than 22 dB and less than or equal to 24 dB.
calculated values where each one is greater than 24 dB and less than or equal to 26 dB.
calculated values where each one is greater than 26 dB and less than or equal to 28 dB.
calculated values where each one is greater than 28 dB and less than or equal to 30 dB.
in case when LTE1198 is activated , additional condition has to be met : the reported measResults.measRe
in case when LTE1198 is activated , additional condition has to be me
A positive evaluation of the received RRC Measurement Report message with measResult IE containing m
BR bearers with RNL cause "Radio resources not available".
n-GBR bearers with RNL cause "Radio resources not available".
ergency sessions (3GPP TS 36.413).
ation and Retention Priority) priority level which is used for emergency sessions (3GPP TS 36.413).
"CS Fallback Triggered", or "E-UTRAN Generated Reason" if the reject cause is set due to an intra-LTE redirect (3GPP TS 36.413).
THOoverall), the counter ERAB_REL_HO_FAIL_TIM is incremented instead. The counter is incremented with the number of released E-RA
er THOoverall), the counter ERAB_REL_HO_FAIL_TIM_QCI1 is incremented instead. The counter is incremented with the number of relea
VER COMMAND message that is received from MME as the outcome of the HO preparation procedure (3GPP TS 36.413).
ease List" IE of the S1AP:HANDOVER COMMAND message that is received from MME (3GPP TS 36.413).
ons or transmissions not needing MIMO due to small amount of data.
nsmissions or transmissions not needing MIMO due to small amount of data.
easurement percentage value.
easurement percentage value.
easurement percentage value.
easurement percentage value.
easurement percentage value.
easurement percentage value.
easurement percentage value.
easurement percentage value.
easurement percentage value.
by the accumulated available PRBs to obtain the measurement percentage value.
centage value.
the measurement percentage value.
the measurement percentage value.
the measurement percentage value.
the measurement percentage value.
the measurement percentage value.
the measurement percentage value.
the measurement percentage value.
the measurement percentage value.
the measurement percentage value.
vided by the accumulated available PRBs to obtain the measurement percentage value.
he percentage value.
COverall Expiry", "TS1RELOCoverall Expiry", "Release due to E-UTRAN Generated Reason", "Inter-RAT redirection", "Radio resources not
he release cause "RNL Radio Connection With UE Lost" is used (3GPP TS 36.413).
with PS-HO.
to UTRAN with PS-HO.
e cell PCI of prepared HO is excluded from counting.
PRB#80 to PRB#87.
PRB#88 to PRB#95.
PRB#96 to PRB#99.
and 11 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
0 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
0 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
0 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
0 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
0 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
0 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
0 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
0 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
0 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
0 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
0 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
0 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
0 MHz refers to PRB#80 to PRB#87.
and 12 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
0 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
0 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
0 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
0 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
20 MHz refers to PRB#88 to PRB#95.
and 13 for 20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
0 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
0 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
0 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
0 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
20 MHz refers to PRB#96 to PRB#99.
e reported measResults.measResultPCell.rsrqResult is greater than configured A1 RSRQ threshold2aRsrq.
additional condition has to be met : the reported measResults.measResultPCell.rsrqResult is greater than configured A1 RSRQ threshold2a
with measResult IE containing measId of "Event E-UTRA A4 " for Idle Mode Load Balancing (IMLB) means that the following conditions of
irect (3GPP TS 36.413).
GPP TS 36.413).
edirection", "Radio resources not available", "Invalid QoS combination", "CS Fallback Triggered", "Redirection towards 1xRTT", and "UE Not
configured A1 RSRQ threshold2aRsrq.
s that the following conditions of the reported RSRP/RSRQ values were met:
on towards 1xRTT", and "UE Not Available For PS Service" (3GPP TS 36.413).
-RSRP/RSRQ values of the target cell are greater than abso
target cell are greater than absolute thresholds (minRsrpIMLB/minRsrqIMLB);
-delta RSRP/RSRQ values between the target and the serving cell are greater than delta thresholds (
e greater than delta thresholds (minDeltaRsrpIMLB/minDeltaRsrqIMLB).