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Lesson Plan Format School of Education The College of New Jersey 1. Title or Topic of The Lesson and Grade Level

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Daniella Marino

Observation 3
16 October 2018

Lesson Plan Format

School of Education
The College of New Jersey

1. Title or Topic of the Lesson and Grade Level

● States of Matter
● 1st Grade

2. Lesson Essential Question(s):

● What are the three states of matter?
● How can the states of matter change from one state to another?

3. Standards:
● PS1.A: Structure and Properties of Matter
○ Different kinds of matter exist and many of them can be either solid or liquid,
depending on temperature. Matter can be described and classified by its
observable properties.
Learning Objectives Assessments
Students will be able to differentiate between Students will be completing a worksheet
a solid, liquid, and gas. which asks them to draw/write different
solids, liquids, and gases in the proper bubble.

5. ​Materials:
● Solids, Liquids, Gasses index cards
● Ice cube
● Cup
● Water boiler
● Worksheet

6. Pre-lesson assignments and/or prior knowledge:

● Students have knowledge of two states of matter, solid and liquid. They previously
conducted an experiment where they needed to identify if a substance was a solid or

7. ​Lesson Beginning:
● The instructor will tell the students that they will be learning about the states of matter.
The instructor will ask the students if they can recall what state of matter oobleck was in
from Friday’s lesson. In addition to those two states of matter, there is a third. The
instructor will ask the students to turn and talk with their tables about what the third state
of matter is. The instructor will write the 3 states of matter on the board in columns.

8. Instructional Plan​​:

The instructor will reiterate to students that a ​solid​​ is something that has a shape and
takes up space and will ask students for examples. The instructor will remind the students that a
liquid​​ is something that does not have a shape but takes up space, such as water and juice and
then ask students to come up with examples of liquids. The instructor will explain to students
that a ​gas​​ has no shape and does not take space, such as air. The instructor will tell students that
air is made of gases, and they cannot be seen. The instructor will ask students if a solid can turn
into a liquid. The instructor will explain that a cube of ice can turn into a liquid with heat. The
instructor will ask students if a liquid could turn into a gas. The instructor will explain that heat
can turn water into gas, such as when it boils, bubbles consist of gas. After this explanation, the
instructor will show the students how the hot water is bubbling, which is a gas. After, the
instructor will demonstrate with an ice cube how it turns to liquid when placed into hot water.
This demonstrates the changing states of matter.
Students will each receive an index card with a state of matter written on it. They will be
asked to come to the board and place the state of matter in the proper column. This will be
discussed as a class and any wrong answers will be placed in the proper column. Following this
discussion and observation, each student will complete a worksheet where they will be
identifying solids, liquids, and gasses.

● Differentiation:
○ Early finishers will be asked to think about how their body would not be able to
function without liquids. What kinds of liquids are found in your body? What
kinds of liquids are put into your body?
○ Students who need extra support will be asked to draw their answers instead of
write them. They also will receive more guided instruction.

● Questions:
○ What are the three states of matter?
○ How do the three states of matter differ?
○ How can a solid change to a liquid, liquid change to solid, liquid change to gas?

● Classroom Management:
○ Students will be coming up to the board as they are called by table to place their
index card.
○ Students understand that when the instructor counts down from 5, they should be
ready with their eyes forward.
○ When the instructor says, “1, 2, 3, eyes on me” the class responds, “1, 2, eyes on
you” and faces forward.

● Transitions:
○ Students will be transitioning from their seats to the board by walking to the board
and going straight back to their seats.
○ Previous science lessons have discussed states of matter briefly, however have not
gone into detail regarding different objects/things are which state of matter. This
lesson transitions from past lessons into more detail.

9. Closure: ​The instructor will ask the students to repeat what the three states of matter are. The
instructor will ask the students if states of matter can change from one to another, and how they
know.​ ​Each student will have the opportunity to tell the instructor either a solid, liquid or gas.
The instructor will go around the room and ask each individual student to give a response.

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