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MUMBAI – 400 020


MANUAL u/s 4(1) (B) OF ACT

Jai Hind College

23-24 Backbay, Reclamation ‘A’ Road
Churchgate, Mumbai 400 020

Tel.: 22040256, 22041095

Fax: 22886483


Topic Page
Information given on topics
No. nos.
I The particular of Jai Hind College, Mumbai, functions
& duties
II The powers and duties of officers and employees 4-12
III The procedure followed in decision-making process including
Channels of Supervision and accountability
IV The norms set for the discharge of functions 13
V The rules, regulations manuals and records held or used by
employees for discharging their functions
VI A statement of categories and documents that are held or under
VII The particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultations
with or representation by the members of the public in relation 14
to formulation of policy or implementation there of:
VIII A statement of boards, councils, committees and bodies
consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part for the
purpose of its advice, and as to whether meeting of those board 14
council, committees and other bodies are open to the public, or
the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public
IX Directory of Jai Hind College, Mumbai 15-19
X The monthly remuneration received by each of the officers and
employees including the system of compensation as provided in 20
the regulations.
XI The budget allocated to each agency, indicating the particulars
of all Plans proposed, expenditure and reports of disbursements 21
XII The manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the
amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such 22
XIII Particulars of recipient of concessions, permits of authorization 22
XIV Details in respect of the information available to or held or
reduced in an electronic form.
XV The particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining
information, including the working hours of a library or reading 22
room if maintained for public use.
XVI The names, designation and other particulars of the Public
Information Officers
XVII Such other information as may be prescribed. 23
Jai Hind College, Mumbai – 400 020.

I. Particulars of Jai Hind College, Functions and Duties:

1) Name of the Office : Jai Hind College

2) Address : 23-24, backbay Reclamation ‘A’ Road Churchgate
Mumbai – 400 020.
3) Head of the Office : The Principal, Jai Hind College, is empowered to
work as head of the office and of the institution

4) Government Dept. : The Higher and Technical Education Department,

Government of Maharashtra

5) Administrative Dept: The Joint Director of Higher Education,

Mumbai Region, Government of
6) Area : Greater Mumbai
7) Functions : As laid down below

Organisation, Functions and Duties:

The Principal of the College is the Administrative and Academic Head of
Jai Hind College and he exercises control and supervision over all aspects of admission,
teaching and conduct of internal and University examinations, with the assistance of the
teaching, clerical or administrative and other staff under his control. There are:
1. Associate Professors
2. Assistant Professors
3. Part-time Assistant Professors
4. Librarian
5. Registrar
6. Office Superintendent
7. Assistant Librarian
8. Head Clerk
9. Senior Clerks
10. Junior Clerks
11. Library Clerks
12. Laboratory Assistants
13. Laboratory Attendants
14. Library Attendants
15. Peons
II. The Powers & Duties of Officers & Employees

1. Powers of Principal

Subject to the supervision and general control of the University of Mumbai and the
Government of Maharashtra, the Principal as an administrative and academic Head of the
College shall be responsible for:

a) The Academic growth of the College.

b) The teaching, research and extension programmes of the College.

c) The assisting in planning and implementation of academic programmes such as

seminars etc. for enhancing the academic competence of the Faculty Members.

d) The admission of the students and maintenance of discipline of the College.

e) The management of the College library, computer rooms etc.

f) The observance of the provision of the Accounts Code.

g) The correspondence relating to the administration of the College.

h) The administration and supervision of curricular, co-curricular/extra-curricular


i) The observance of the Maharashtra Universities Act, and the Statutes, Ordinances,
Regulations, Rules and other orders issued by the University of Mumbai from time to

j) The Supervision of College and University examinations, assessment and moderation

of answer papers and such other work pertaining to the examinations as assigned.

k) The Assessing of reports of teachers and maintenance of service books and of other
records of the College.

l) Any other work relating to the College as may be assigned to him by the competent
Authority from time to time.
2. TEACHERS AND THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES - Teachers are expected to:

a. Adhere to a responsible pattern of conduct and demeanor expected of them b y the

b. Manage their private affairs in a manner consistent with the dignity of the
c. Make professional growth continuous through study and research.
d. Express free and frank opinion by participation at professional meetings, seminars,
conferences etc. towards the contribution of knowledge.
e. Maintain active membership of professional organizations and strive to improve
education and their profession through them.
f. Perform their duties in the form of teaching, tutorial, practical, seminar and research
work conscientiously and with dedication.
g. Co-operate and assist in carrying out functions relating to the educational
responsibilities of the college and the Universit y such as: assisting in appraising
applications for admission, advising and counseling students as well as assisting the
conduct of Universit y and college examinations, including supervision, invigilation
and evaluation; and
h. Participate in extension, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities including
community service.

3. TEACHERS AND THE STUDENTS – Teachers are expected to:

a. Respect the right and dignity of the student in expressing his / her opinion
b. Deal justly and impartiall y with students regardless of their religion, caste,
political, economic, social and physical characteristics
c. Recognize the difference in aptitude and capabilities among students and strive to
m eet their individual needs
d. Encourage students to improve their attainments, develop their personalities and at
the same time contribute to community welfare
e. Inculcate among students a scientific outlook and respect for physical labor and
the ideals of democracy, patriotism and peace
f. Be affectionate to the students and not behave in a vindictive manner towards any
of them for any reason
g. Pay attention to only the attainments of the student in the assessment of merit
h. Make themselves available to the students even beyond their class hours and help
and guide students without any remuneration or reward.
i. Aid students to develop an understanding of our national heritage and national
goals and refrain from inciting students against other students, colleagues or

4. TEACHERS AND COLLEAGUES – Teachers are expected to:
a. Treat other members of the profession in the same manner as they themselves wish to
be treated.
b. Speak respectfully of other teachers and render assistance for professional betterment.
c. R e f r a i n from lodging unsubstantiated and mala fide allegations against colleagues
to higher authorities; and
d. Refrain from allowing considerations of caste, creed, religion, race or gender in their
professional endeavor.
c. R e f r a i n from lodging unsubstantiated and mala fide allegations against colleagues
to higher authorities; and
d. Refrain from allowing considerations of caste, creed, religion, race or gender in
their professional endeavor.

5. TEACHERS AND AUTHORITIES - Teachers are expected to:

a. Discharge their professional responsibilities according to the existing rules and adhere
to procedures and methods consistent with their profession in initiating steps through
their own institutional bodies and / or professional organizations for change of any
such rule detrimental to the professional interest. Refrain from undertaking any other
employment and commitment including private tuitions and coaching classes which
are likely to interfere with their professional responsibilities
b. Co-operate in the formulation of policies of the institution by accepting various
offices and discharge responsibilities which such offices may demand.
c. Co-operate in the formulation of policies of the institution and accept offices.
d. Co-operate with the authorities for the betterment of the institution keeping in view
the interest and in conformity with dignityy of the profession.
e. Perform to the best of their abilityy in accordance with general y accepted
professional standards of the teaching profession, to ensure there is no breach of
their contract.
f. Give and expect due notice before a change of position is made
g. Refrain from availing themselves of leave except on unavoidable grounds and as far
as practicable, with prior intimation, keeping in view their particular responsibility
y for completion of the academic schedule.


a. Teachers should treat the non-Teaching staff as colleagues and equal partners in a co-
operative undertaking within the institution


a. Try to maintain contact with the guardians of their students, send reports of their
performance to the guardians whenever necessary and meet the guardians in
meetings convened for the purpose for mutual exchange of ideas and for the benefit
of the institution.


a. Recognize that education is a public service and strive to keep the public informed
of the educational programmers which are being provided.
b. Work to improve education in the community and strengthen the community’s moral
and intellectual life.
c. Be aware of social problems and take part in such activities as are conducive to the
progress of society and by extension, the country as a whole conducive to the
progress of society and by extension, the country as a whole.
d. Refrain from taking part in or subscribing to or assisting in an y way activities which
tend to promote feeling of hatred or enmity among different communities, religions
or linguistic groups but actively work for National Integration.

Duties and Responsibilities assigned to Non-teaching Employees mentioned in the Standard

Code 1984 of Maharashtra Government and Maharashtra Civil Service Rules.

1. Registrar (Head of the Non-teaching Staff):

a. The Registrar shall regulate the work and conduct of the staff in accordance with the
Standard Code 1984 and the Maharashtra Civil Service Rules. It shall be the duty of the
Registrar to assess and evaluate the performance of Non-Teaching employees and
sections and take such measures as he deems fit to regularize and to improve the working
of the College.
b. The Registrar shall have the power to issue warnings, reprimands, memos to the non-
teaching employees subject to the approval of the Principal.
c. The Registrar shall be the custodian of the records, the common seal and such other
property of the College as the Principal may commit to his charge.
d. The Registrar shall keep the Minutes of all the meetings, and records of such meetings
attended by him as ex-officio member-secretary.
e. The Registrar shall coordinate the work in the College amongst the teaching and non-
teaching staff.
f. The Registrar shall bring to the notice of the Principal any of the acts of the staff or the
students, if prejudicial to the College and/or are not in the interest of the
g. The Registrar shall maintain an enquiry service for students, staff and also for visitors to
the College, regarding courses being conducted, examination and admission rules and
such other allied matters of importance.
h. The Registrar shall sign letters issued from the College office of a routine nature.
i. The Registrar shall watch over the work of the College affiliation, staff recognition and
follow procedures for appointments. He shall also watch over the Accounts, Audit
assessment work of Maintenance and other Grants and keep a check on Accounts of the
j. The Registrar shall look after the Examination work (College/Board/University) and shall
ensure the smooth conduct of the examinations and prepare the necessary work
distribution chart in this connection.
k. The Registrar shall exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as are
prescribed or are required from time to time by the Principal of the College and
Management of the Society.
2. Superintendent :

a. The Superintendent shall be in-charge of the College office and shall be personally
responsible for the smooth conduct and working, for the allotment of work to his
subordinates who shall be directly responsible to him with the prior approval of the
b. He shall convene regular meetings of the office staff and laboratory Assistants and shall
determine the time dimensions of each of the tasks assigned and supervise the overall
working as per the prescribed norms if any
c. He shall issue Memos and reprimands of erring employees. He shall inspect the
attendance register of the non-teaching staff and take such action as he may deem fit in
case of habitual late comers or those who habitually remain absent, by issuing warnings
in writing and recommending to the Registrar/Principal to take disciplinary action, in
case the same employee shows no improvement.
d. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent to maintain cordial public relations and to
attend to the queries of the members of the public and students and supply information
through the Registrar/Principal to Government authorities as per requirements. It shall
also be the duty to help the members of the public to solve their difficulties concerning
office work, and to entertain complaints, if any, against the staff subordinate to him, in
the College.
e. He shall carry out the duties and responsibilities in a just manner without any
discrimination and motivate his staff to take their work seriously and willingly and shall
pay personal attention to their welfare.
f. He shall be responsible for the work of a highly confidential nature that may be
undertaken by his section. He shall be responsible for preserving of the documents, etc.
concerning his section.
g. The Superintendent shall personally look into the court cases concerning the College and
obtain orders/instructions from the Registrar/Principal wherever necessary.
h. The Superintendent shall mark and distribute letters in the name of assistants or to the
Heads of the Departments in the College. He shall exercise a check on and follow up of
letters received from the Government, University Grant Commission, University,
Management etc.
i. He shall draft notes and deal independently the cases which are of a routine nature. He
shall also draft notes essentially with reference to relevant rules, regulations, precedence
and implications etc. or special cases and submit to the higher authority i.e. Registrar or
the Principal and give interim replies.
j. The Superintendent shall point out mistakes or mis-statements, if any, and draw attention
wherever necessary to the statutory or customary practice and point out rules where they
are concerned.
k. The Superintendent shall be responsible of examination work pertaining to the Degree
College in the overall supervision of the Registrar or the Principal.
l. Any other work assigned to the Superintendent by the Principal or Registrar from time
to time
3. Accountant:
a. The Accountant shall inform periodically on the financial position of the College to the
the Principal of the College and examine and ensure that the code and financial norms are
followed by the section or department. He shall prepare and present budget estimates,
with the help of Heads of Departments in the College. Prepare the budget and income
and expenditure statements, maintain all accounts and get them audited.
b. He shall attend to all the Government scrutiny, inspections and audit.
c. He shall be responsible for the proper implementation of the financial transactions as per
rules, Accounts Code, Statutes, Ordinances, Rules and Regulations made in that behalf
and monitor the finances of the College as per directions of the Registrar and place before
the College Finance Committee the financial position of the College such as its receipts,
payments Government grants and balance from time to time.
d. He shall scrutinize all bills of expenditure before recommending payment, and maintain
the cash-book, ledger, bank pass-books. He shall watch over the progress of the
expenditure and receipt of fees and Government grants in time.
e. If there is no post of Superintendent in the College or if the Superintendent proceeds on
leave the Accountant shall carry out the duties of the Superintendent in addition to
his own duties.
f. The Accountant shall carry out any other work entrusted to him by the Principal or
Registrar from time to time.

4. Head Clerk or Deputy Accountant:

a. Head Clerk shall perform the duties as may be assigned to him from time to time, by the
Principal, the Registrar or the Superintendent.
b. He shall be in charge of the unit or section and shall be responsible for its normal and
smooth working. He shall assist the Superintendent in the disposal of his duties and
shall look after the day to day work in the office of which he is in charge as per the
instructions received from the higher authorities from time to time.
c. He shall ensure and maintain proper co-ordination and follow up with the other
departments or section of the College.
d. He shall be responsible for the smooth, efficient and effective working of the office and
timely disposal of cases, letters, bills, reports, returns etc. and decide and maintain
proper filing procedure. He shall also ensure that the cases or letters requiring
immediate and urgent disposal are dealt with immediately.
e. He shall train the members of his department and provide guidance to all.
f. He shall dispose of important cases where relevant regulations are clearly applicable and
forward otherwise the same to the Superintendent or the Registrar with clear and specific
g. He shall keep exhaustive and self-contained notes of important papers passed down and
facilitate their movement till final disposal and also consider the proceeding of the work.
h. He shall exercise constant vigilance on expenditure, quantitative disposal of work,
safety of the records, furniture, fittings of the College, regular and orderly behavior of
the staff under him.
i. He shall attend meetings, issue notice of meetings, prepare agenda and draft minutes
of the meetings and take follow up actions.
j. He shall inspect the racks and tables of assistants working under him and satisfy himself
that no paper or files have been overlooked and that there are no old receipts or bills lying
un-disposed off.
k. He shall submit notes or drafts for approval of the authorities through the Superintendent.
l. He shall attend to audit queries and reply to audit report, and also submit necessary
statement of accounts.
m. He shall recover grants due from the Government etc. and shall prepare the requirement of
furniture, other equipment, stationery etc. with the consultation of the Higher Authority.
n. He shall be responsible for the examination work of the Junior College unit with overall
supervision of the Registrar.
o. If the post of Accountant does not exist in the College the Head Clerk or Deputy
Accountant shall also perform the duties of the Superintendent or the Accountant as the
case may be.
p. H e shall attend to any other work assigned to him from time to time by the Higher

5. All other non-teaching staff:

The Principal shall assign duties as per the needs or requirements of the concerned College
from time to time in respect of any other non-teaching staff.

6. Librarian:

The Librarian’s post is a teaching post. The Job responsibilities of a Librarian are as
1. Planning new services for the Library.
2. Making rules for the Library
3. Acquisitions and Gift books selection
4. Classification
5. Catalogue entries – checking & keywords
6. Software for Library
7. Library Committee
8. Correspondence
9. Signatory for all bills, correspondence notices.
10. HRD special issues
11. Maintaining Discipline in Library
12. Replacement of Library books lost
13. Assigning work to the Library Staff
14. Weeding out
15. Reference to teachers, students, visitors
16. Reports to be submitted to Auditors, UGC/IQAC, Principal
17. Library Annual Report
18. Library Orientation Lectures & Tours
19. Training Staff

7. Assistant Librarian:
The Job responsibilities of an Assistant Librarian are as follows:

a. Gift Book Processing

b. Catalogue – Data entry
c. Library Notices – Drafting, putting up notices on the Library Notice board
d. Displays
e. Binding of Books & Journals
f. Journals – General supervision
g. Discipline in the Library
h. Library Clearance
i. Correspondence – Print & Dispatch
j. Library Maintenance – Liaison with Administrator
k. Hardware & Network – Liaison with Knowledge Centre
l. HRD day to day
m. Library Statistics
n. Library Membership
o. Summer cleaning administration
p. Weeding out
q. Reference
r. Printing of Spine / Book/ Barcode Labels
s. Library Orientation Tours
t. Any other work assigned by the Librarian from time to time.

8. Library Clerks:
a. Journal subscription, renewal, receipt of current issues, reminders Journal
binding, Journal accessioning & data entry
b. Display of recent arrivals of books, binding of old books
c. Plastic binding of new books, printing of Journal Labels
d. Library Shelf / Stack guides
e. Library Membership
f. Printing of Spine / Book / Barcode Labels
g. Stationery – Purchase & Distribution
h. Printing of Stationery & circulation
i. Liaison with Administrator
j. Liaison with Knowledge Centre
k. Circulation – overdue books – Phone reminders
l. Multimedia Management
m. Assisting Librarian in acquisition work
n. Typing & Other Assistance to Librarian
o. Any other work assigned by the Librarian from time to time

9. Library Attendants:
a. Issue / Return of books
b. Writing statistics of issue / return
c. Label pasting (Spine, Book & Barcode)
d. Shelving of Books & dusting
e. Shelving of Journals
f. Summer cleaning
g. Physical Verification of Books
h. Any other work assigned by the Librarian from time to time

III. The Procedure followed in decision-making process including channels of

supervision and accountability

All academic and administrative decisions are taken by the Principal in consultation with
the Vice-Principals and ratified b y Management Board as far as practicable for smooth
functioning of the institution. The Principal is accountable to the Universit y, the State
Government and the Management Board of the College.
IV. The norms set for the discharge of functions

The norms set b y the College Management and University of Mumbai for the
discharge of functions are followed. These norms are displa yed on the website of
the College as far as they pertain to the students and general public.

V. The rules, regulations, instructions manuals and records held or used by

employers for discharging their functions:

The Principal and staff working in the College under him are bound by the
rules, regulations, orders and circulars issued from time to time by the UGC
Department of Higher and Technical Education, Government of Maharashtra,
Maharashtra Civil Service Rules and directions issued by the University of

The Following files are kept for the permanent record as per Government of
Maharashtra Civil Services Rules.

Sr. No. Particulars

1. Salary Register
2. Dead Stock Register
3. General Register
4. Consolidated Annual Results
5. Admission Forms
6. Student Term Books
7. Cash Book
8. Book Accession Register
9. Return Book Register
10. Daily Reference Book Register
11. Prof. Issue-Return Book Register
12. Periodical / Journal Register
13. Donated Books Accession Register

VI. A Statement of Categories and documents that are held or under control:

Sr. Period of
No. preservation
1. Salary Register 30 years
2. Dead Stock Register 30 years
3. General Register 30 years
4. Consolidated Annual Results 30 years
5. Admission Forms 30 years
6. Student Term Books 30 years
7. Cash Books and Ledgers 30 years
8. Book Accession Register 30 years
VII. The Particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with or
Representation by the members of the public in relation to the formulation of
policy or implementation thereof:
1. A detailed website which includes information of the various courses and
programmes conducted by the College are available on the College website there is also an email I.D. of the College where clarifications on various College educational
programmes are responded to.

VIII. A Statement of the Boards, Councils, Committees and bodies consisting of two
or more persons constituted as its part for the purpose of its advice, and as
to whether meetings of those Boards, Councils, Committees and other
bodies are open to the public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for
For administrative and academic work of College following Boards/Committees are
formed as per the Statutes of the University of Mumbai.
1. Local Managing Committee (LMC).
2. The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC).
3. Women’s Development Cell.
4. Students Placement Committee.
5. Students grievance redressal committee.
6. Anti Ragging Cell.
7. Wellness Cell.

The minutes of meetings of the Statutory Boards, Councils and Committees

wherever applicable are maintained by the College. The decisions taken in these
meetings are incorporated into the Rules of the College and in other sections and are
displayed on the website.
IX Directory of Officers and Staff of Jai Hind College
Telephone 022 22040256/1095

Srno Name of the Employee Designation - Subject

1 Dr. Ashok G Wadia Principal- Microbiology
2 Ms. Petra M Sequeira Asso. Prof.- Microbiology
3 Dr. Madhura S Ghayal Asso. Prof.- Microbiology
4 Dr. Ambika N Joshi Asso. Prof.- Botany
5 Ms. Dilbar H Daruwalla Asso. Prof.- Physics
6 Ms. Monica R Kumar Asso. Prof.- Psychology
7 Dr. Hasina A Sayed Asso. Prof. - Commerce
8 Dr. Sushil T Kulkarni Asso. Prof.- Mathematics
9 Dr. Vijay S Dhar Asso. Prof.- Physics
10 Dr. Sangeeta A Godbole Asso. Prof.- Botany
11 Dr. Seema Sharma Asso. Prof.- English
12 Dr. Brijesh N Singh Asst. Prof.- Chemistry
13 Ms. N. K. Jyothi Asst. Prof.- Psychology
14 Dr. Shipra Biswas Asst. Prof.- Chemistry
15 Dr. Sreela Dasgupta Asst. Prof.- Chemistry
16 Dr. Ruchi D Chaturvedi Asst. Prof.- Psychology
17 Ms. Safina S Rakhangi Asst. Prof.- History
18 Mr. Udhav B Zarekar Asst. Prof.- Environmental Studies
19 Dr. Manisha Deshpande Asst. Prof.- Physics
20 Dr. Sangeeta A Parab Asst. Prof.- Chemistry
21 Ms. June R Dias Asst. Prof.- English
22 Dr. Supriya K Deshmukh Asst. Prof.- Chemistry
23 Mr. Sharad N Dange Asst. Prof.- Physics
24 Ms. Leena Upadhya Asst. Prof.- Mathematics
25 Ms. Niloufer Kotwal Asst. Prof.- Life Sciences
26 Ms. Simmin A Bawa Asst. Prof.- Philosophy
27 Mr. Santosh G Ghag Asst. Prof.- Accountancy
28 Ms. Sarita Jai Shankar Asst. Prof.- Economics
29 Ms. Reema Julka Asst. Prof.- Political Science
30 Mr. Ashutosh R Saxena Asst. Prof.- Commerce
31 Dr. Devangi P Chahchad Asst. Prof.- Botany
32 Ms. Reshma N Jaisinghani Asst. Prof.- Accountancy
Srno Name of the Employee Designation - Subject
33 Dr. Sajith Kumar Chandran Asst. Prof.- Chemistry
34 Ms Nital M Kothari Asst. Prof.- Commerce
35 Ms. Jyoti Mayekar Asst. Prof.- Physics
36 Mr. Gokul Ganesan Asst. Prof.- Chemistry
37 Ms. Mousumi Mazumdar Asst. Prof.- Economics
38 Ms. Vaidehi Dhamankar Asst. Prof.- Economics
39 Dr. Archana R Mishra Asst. Prof.- History
40 Dr. Payal Rane Asst. Prof.- Botany
41 Ms. Roonal P Kataria Asst. Prof.- Microbiology
42 Mrs. Fatema H Fanuswala Asst. Prof.- Accountancy
43 Mr. Jimy P Wankadia Asst. Prof.- Accountancy
44 Mr. Ashok N Kotangle Asst. Prof,- Accountancy
45 Ms. Deepna Rao Asst. Prof.- English
46 Ms. Anamika Purohit Asst. Prof. - English
47 Mr. Vijay Tiwari Asst. Prof. - Mathematics
48 Dr. Balakrishna S. Rongali Asst. Prof. - Physics
49 Ms. Shilpa Jain Asst. Prof. - Chemistry
50 Ms. Neesha S Vinchu Librarian
51 Mr. Jitendra D Dedhia Head Clerk
52 Ms. Deepa A Gagneja Senior Clerk
53 Mr. Suresh S Karande Senior Clerk
54 Ms. Swatimitra R Mohite Senior Clerk
55 Ms. Nimisha N Deurkar Junior Clerk
56 Ms. Pratibha Mali Junior Clerk
57 Ms. Mala M Rajput Junior Clerk
58 Ms. Shubhangi S Kamble Junior Clerk
59 Ms. Vishakha C Panchal Junior Clerk
60 Mr. Pandurang J Bandodkar Laboratory Assistant
61 Mr. Laxman P Sonkar Laboratory Assistant
62 Mr. Pancham S Kori Laboratory Assistant
63 Mr. Sainath B Sawant Laboratory Assistant
64 Mr. Sandesh Korgaonkar Laboratory Assistant
65 Mr. Sachin A Disale Laboratory Assistant
66 Mr. Rahul Ambekar Laboratory Assistant
67 Mr. Yeshwant B Kothekar Library Clerk
68 Mr. Suraj A Negi Library Clerk
69 Mr. Jaiprakash R Sharma Library Clerk
70 Mr. Dilip B Pawar Laboratory Attendant
Srno Name of the Employee Designation - Subject
71 Mr. Pandurang S Dolas Laboratory Attendant
72 Mr. Narayan B Awere Laboratory Attendant
73 Mr. Joobkesh S Khatik Laboratory Attendant
74 Mr. Chandrakant. S. Rane Laboratory Attendant
75 Mr. Sandeep K Mainkar Laboratory Attendant
76 Mr.Pawan R Khatik Laboratory Attendant
77 Mr. Rupesh G Gawde Laboratory Attendant
78 Mr. Nandkishore R Sonkar Laboratory Attendant
79 Mr. Rajkumar H Jaiswar Laboratory Attendant
80 Mr. Shashikant R Sharma Laboratory Attendant
81 Mr. Satyanarayan Yadav Laboratory Attendant
82 Mr. Surendra B Vishwakarma Laboratory Attendant
83 Mr. Sachin A Nivagune Laboratory Attendant
84 Mr. Pradeep U Patil Laboratory Attendant
85 Mr. Vishnu S Gosavi Laboratory Attendant
86 Mr. Shubhangi A Rane Laboratory Attendant
87 Mr. Edwin P Pereira Laboratory Attendant
88 Mr. Ajay.J Kori Laboratory Attendant
89 Mr. Jagdeesh L Vishwakarma Laboratory Attendant
90 Mr. Jaywant B Warude Laboratory Attendant
91 Mr. Rajeev Kumar J Kori Laboratory Attendant
92 Mr. Sanjay Kumar Sanni Ram Laboratory Attendant
93 Mr. Ranjeet K Singh Laboratory Attendant
94 Mr. Kalpesh K Kothekar Laboratory Attendant
95 Mr. Pandharinath Raul Laboratory Attendant
96 Mr. Premchand G Valmiki Library Attendant
97 Mr. Jitendra T Devkar Library Attendant
98 Mr. Harishchandra . S. Mandavkar Library Attendant
99 Mr. Ramesh Kesarsingh Library Attendant
100 Mr. Ravindra D Bhorade Library Attendant
101 Mr. Bharatraj B Salian Library Attendant
102 Mr. Dhansingh Godhan Singh Library Attendant
103 Mr. Ananda T Khatkar Library Attendant
104 Mr. Rajesh E Mistry Library Attendant
105 Mr. Omprakash B Sonkar Library Attendant
Srno Name of the Employee Designation - Subject
106 Mr. Nitin Bhalerao Library Attendant
107 Mr. Kanaiya Mishra Peon
108 Mr. Prem C Shahani Peon
109 Mr. Rajesh B Valmiki Peon
110 Mr. Subodh Kumar Peon
111 Mr. Maharaj S.Valmiki Peon
112 Mr. Ashok F Valmiki Peon
113 Mr. Amit K Balmiki Peon
114 Ms. Jayshree S Gurav Peon
115 Mr. Dindayal Balmiki Peon
116 Mr. Satyanarayan R Kori Peon
117 Mr. Bala M Patil Peon
118 Mr. Dharmendra H Chauhan Peon
119 Mr. Nilesh R Sawant Peon
120 Mr. Kuldeep Valmiki Peon
121 Mr. Vikram D Valmiki Peon
X. The monthly remuneration received by each of the officers and employees
including the system of compensation as provided in the regulations.

Sr. Pay Scales as

Designation Pay Band Grade Pay
No. per 6th pay
1. Principal 37400-67000 37400 10000

2. Associate Professors 37400-67000 37400 9000

3. Assistant Professors 15600-39100 15600 6000

4. Part-time Assistant 7800-19550 7800 3000

5. Librarian 15600-39100 15600 6000

6. Registrar 9300-34800 9300 4600

7. Superintendent 9300-34800 9300 4300

8. Lower Grade 9300-34800 9300 4300

9. Head Clerk 9300-34800 9300 4200

9. Assistant Librarian 5200-20200 5200 2400

11. Sr. Clerks 5200-20200 5200 2400

12. Jr. Clerks 5200-20200 5200 1900

13. Library Clerks 5200-20200 5200 1900

14. Laboratory Assistants 5200-20200 5200 2000

15. Laboratory Attendants 5200-20200 5200 1900

16. Library Attendants 5200-20200 5200 1900

17. Peons 4440-7440 4440 1300

XI. The budget allocated to each agency, indicating the particulars of all plans
proposed, expenditures and reports of disbursements made:
Name of Institution: Jai Hind College – MUMBAI

2018 - 2019 2018 - 2019
Payments : Salary Receipts :
Salaries to Teaching Tuition fees (Arts,
& Non-Teaching Staff Science, Commerce )
1 1_a 800/-
including DA & all 92,424,720.00 2,352 Students +18 PG
other Allowances ** students @ Rs. 800/- 1,891,320.00
Non Salary Grants Salary Grants from Govt.
1A 1_b
Transfered - * 90,533,400.00
Interest on Bank Account 300.00
Total amounts for Salaries
payments 92,425,020.00

Surplus in Salary a/c: - Deficit in Salary a/c -

Grand Total Salaries : 92,424,720.00 Grand Total : Salaries : 92,425,020.00

Non- Non-
Salary Salary
Payments Receipts
Laboratory Fees from
2 1 Bsc/Psycho/PG students
(Rs 800/800/2000 Resp.
Chemistry Laboratory 180,000.00 (Inc Forfeited Lab Fees) 535,200.00
3 2 -
Physics Laboratory 55,000.00 Laboratories Breakages 15,000.00
4 3
Laboratory 55,000.00 Students Societies Fees:
5 a)
Biology Laboratory 55,000.00 Library Fees @ 200/-p.a 488,400.00
Life Science Other Fees & Extra
6 b)
Laboratory 25,000.00 Curricular fees@ 250/-p.a 592,500.00
7 Laboratory c) Magazines Fees @ 100/-
(Counselling charges) p.a 237,000.00
Gymkhana Fees @ 400/-
Maths Laboratory 5,000.00 d) p.a 948,000.00
Library books, Papers, Sports Fees & Cultural
9 e) 30/-
Magazines 410,000.00 Activities fees@ Rs 30/- 71,100.00
Furniture & Students Welfare Fund @
10 f)
Equipments 275,000.00 50/-p.a 118,500.00
Social & Dramatic Computer Fees :
11 4
Union 300,000.00 (Optional subjects) 35,000.00
Gymkhana Recurring T.C Fees/Fines & Late
12 (A) 5
Exps 420,000.00 fees 50,000.00
Sports Equip /Salary Miscelleaneous Receipts
12 (B) 6
to Dir Phy Edn 528,000.00 (bonafide certi., etc.) 15,000.00
Literary & Debating Admission Forms &
13 7 50/-
Society 25,000.00 Prospectus @ Rs 100/- * 600,000.00
Identity Card Charges @
14 8
College Magazine 237,000.00 Rs 50/- + Duplicating I 128,500.00
card @ 500/- *

Uni Share of Sports Examination Receipts @

15 Fees & Cul Act fees 9 Rs. 1370/- from
@ 24/- T.Y.Students* 1,276,200.00
Stationary & Printing Admission Processing @
16 10
Expenses * 375,000.00 200/- p.a. 474,000.00
Document Verification @
400 (For the student other
17 11 than HSC) Rs. 150/-per -
student goes to the
Gas concerned Board. 144,000.00
Administrative Charges
18 12
Electricity charges * 3,900,000.00 (Forfeited Fees) 60,000.00
Group Insurance @ 20/-
Telephone 65,000.00 13 p.a. 94,800.00
E-Charges @ Rs 20/- per
20 Water charges Student 20/-
(municipal & tanker) 14 (50% University Share) 47,400.00
Expenses (Advts.,
21 50/-
& Electric Material, 300,000.00
Bank Charges,binding
charges) 15 E-Suvidha @ Rs. 50/- * 118,500.00
Development Fund @
Postage Expenses 15,000.00 16 500/-p.a. 1,185,000.00
Identity card Expenses 125,000.00 17 Utility fees @ 250/-p.a. 592,500.00
Auditor's Fees * 50,000.00 18 Alumni Association Fees 59,250.00
University Affiliation
fees @ Rs. 10,000/-
25 for new subject, old 5,000/-
100,000.00 1,721,225.00
was Rs. 5,000/- (fixed
amt) 19 B-Voc Fees
Educational Excursion Caution Money Deposit
& Tour 5,500.00 20 (Refundable)
Registration fees for
Attending Seminars 25,000.00 21 Convocation Fees 177,250.00
Insurance on
28 furniture, books,
25,000.00 23,700.00
Equip's 22 Disaster Relief Fees
Group Insurance for
29 Degree Students @
94,800.00 185,240.00
Rs. 40/- 23 Enrollment Fees
E Charges paid to
30 Uni @ Rs 10/- (50%
47,400.00 23,700.00
of Rs. 20/-) 24 National Service Scheme
Computer Expenses
(Recurring) 75,000.00 25 Vice Chancellor Fund 47,400.00
Expenses &
University Share, University Verification 5,000.00
Convocation Exps 1,169,400.00 26 Charges
Honorarium to
lecturers & Visiting
33 Faculty @ Rs. 250/-
per lecture*4 teac * 6
lectures * 12 mnths 55,000.00 27
Uniforms to Peons (
Given once in two
34 years) (Incl yearly
washing chgs @ Rs.
30/- pm.) * 25,000.00 28
Repairs to Furniture &
Equipment 300,000.00 29
Muncipal Property
Taxes 284,096.00 30
Maintainence grant
from Govt. payable to
S.E.A 52,515.00 31
B Voc Expenses 1,721,225.00
Bank Charges 5,000.00
University Exam
Expenses(xerox) 50,000.00
Workshop 25,000.00
Refund of Caution
Money Deposit -
Capital Exps from
45 -
UGC Grant

Total Non-Salary Non Salary grants trf

Expd.( Sr No 2 - 37 ) 11,626,816.00 from salary account * -
Surplus in Non Salary Total Non Salary
A/C : - 32 Receipts.( Sr No 2 - 20 ) 10,069,365.00
Deficits in non salary
Grand Totals: Non
exps- To be supported by
Salaries ; 11,626,816.00
SEA 1,557,451.00
Grand Total: Non
Total Surplus -->>
Salaries: 11,626,816.00



XII. The manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amounts allocated
and the details of beneficiaries of such programmes:

There are no subsidies received by the College. Government Scholarships to Backward

Group students are processed through the college and disbursed directly y to the

XIII. Particulars of recipients of concessions permit of authorization:

As per the Central Government norms our students are eligible for travel concessions by
local trains and hence Railway Travel Concession forms are issued to students on a
monthly/quarterly basis. Concessions for travel to their hometowns by rail are processed
by the College.
XIV. Details in respect of the information available to or held or reduced in an
electronic form.

Jai Hind College has an official website on internet. For further information log on to

Information a b o u t t h e College, various courses, admissions, fee structure, etc. is

available on the College website.

XV. The particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including
the working hours of a Library or reading room if maintained for public use:

1. Library Time : 08.30 a.m. to 05.30 p.m.

Generally the Library y facility is available only to students of the College but a
person coming from outside the College can access the Library facility with the prior
written permission of the Principal.

2. Website :

3. Telephone Nos. : 022 2040256/2041095

XVI. The names, designation and other particulars of the Public Information

Public Information Officers Names & Designation Address
Mr. Jitendra Dedhia
1. Public Information Officer
Head Clerk
Jai Hind College
23-24, backbay
Assistant Public Information Mr. Suresh Karande Reclamation ‘A’
Officer Sr. Clerk Road Churchgate
Mumbai – 400 020.
Dr. Ashok Wadia Phone No: 22040256,
3. 1st Appellate Authority
Principal 22041095

XVII. Such other information as may be prescribed.

Information prescribed by Government would be furnished from time to time.

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