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Falsification and Disinformation - Negative Factors in Turco-Armenian Relations - Salahi R. Sonyel

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The document discusses the influence that major powers had in the Ottoman Empire and the methods they used to try and gain control, including making false promises and exploiting religious and ethnic tensions. It also talks about the Ottoman treatment of non-Muslim communities and the events leading up to World War 1 and its effects.

The major powers employed various methods to try and bring Ottoman Christian communities under their influence, including promoting religious antagonisms, offering economic incentives, granting protective status, raising human rights issues, and making promises of autonomy or independence.

As the Ottoman state was organized on Islamic principles, non-Muslim communities like Christians and Jews were allowed to retain their religions and enjoyed a considerable measure of communal autonomy in return for paying special taxes and accepting a lower status than Muslims.

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Long before the outbreak of the First World War the major Powers, such as Russia,
France, Britain, Germany and others, were vying with one another to gain
ascendance and influence in the Near and Middle East. The main country which, in
both the economic and strategic sense, became their arena of conflicts before, during
and after the war, was the Ottoman state. The ambitions of some of these Powers
were directed towards infiltration into that state in order to exploit its vast and
practically untouched resources, to incorporate it into their orbit of influence, and
finally to dismember and partition it among themselves.

It was mainly for economic reasons that the major expansionist Powers, from the
earliest part of the nineteenth century onwards, began to send into Ottoman
territories travellers, archaeologists, missionaries, and various other agents, in
various guises. Through them they mapped the areas of strategic, economic and
political importance, and established relations with Ottoman Christian and Muslim
communities which they could use and exploit in their designs. It did not take them
long to discover that they could easily influence and use some, if not all, of the
leaders of such communities, especially of the Greeks, the Assyrians and the

These Powers, through their agents, employed various methods in trying to bring
these communities under their influence: religious antagonisms and sectarianism,
promise of economic boons, the protégé system of granting protection to them,[1]
human rights issues, and finally promises of autonomy, even of independence. Most
of these promises were false, as these Powers were not so much interested in
Ottoman minorities as in the lands and territories which they inhabited. Nevertheless
some of the leaders of these communities were deceived by such promises and
allowed themselves to be manipulated by these Powers in their quest to dismember
the Ottoman state.

The intrigues, incitements and plots of such Powers soon led to terrorism and revolts
by the militants of Ottoman minority communities, causing periodic instability,
restlessness and crises in the Ottoman state. This situation dragged on until the
eruption of the First World War. That war, in which the Ottoman government fought
for the very existence of the state, brought catastrophe to all the peoples of Anatolia
(Asia Minor), mainly to the Turks, other Muslims, and Christians, including
Armenians. This paper will trace the main events that led to that war, and its
aftermath, and to its effects on Turco-Armenian relations.

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The Turks began their influx into Anatolia after having overwhelmingly defeated the
military forces of the Byzantine Empire at the battle of Malazgirt (Manzikert) in 1071
C.E.(Common Era) and laid the foundation of the Ottoman state, which, in its
heyday, stretched over three continents: Asia, Africa and Europe. The Ottomans'
conquests brought under their sway many non-Muslim peoples, including Christians,
Jews and others. As the Ottoman state was organised on Islamic principles, the
‘People of the Book’ or of ‘scripture’ (Ahl al-Kitab) such as Christians and Jews, were
allowed to retain their religion, and to benefit from Turkish/Muslim tolerance. Their
lives, liberties, properties and religions were guaranteed in return for the payment of
special taxes and acceptance of a lower status to that of the Muslims. According to
Benjamin Braude and Bernard Lewis, they enjoyed a considerable measure of
communal autonomy.[2]

As Ottoman power spread into the Balkans, some of the Orthodox Christians adopted
Islam.[3] However, there was no general and forcible Islamisation of Christians
within Ottoman territories, as confirmed by the late Professor Douglas Dakin, and
others.[4] The Ottomans adopted a conciliatory policy towards the Christians and
Jews from the very beginning.[5]

The Armenians came under Turkish rule long before the conquest of Constantinople
(İstanbul) on 29 May 1453 by Sultan Mehmet II (1451-1481), but this subject is
outside the scope of this paper.[6] Sultan Mehmet organised the Armenian
community in 1461 by appointing Hovakim (Ovakim), the Armenian bishop of Bursa,
to be the Patriarch of all the Armenians within the Ottoman state. Turco-Armenian
relations were founded on mutual trust, respect and sympathy, which were to last for
centuries. The Sultan placed the Armenians under his personal protection;
recognised their religion, rights and liberties, and converted them into a most
trustworthy and loyal element in the Ottoman state; so much that, in time they
became known as the tebaa-i- sadıka-i Şahane (loyal subjects of the Sultan) or
millet-i sadıka (loyal community).[7]


These good relations between the Turks and the Armenians lasted until the Ottoman
state began to decline in the latter part of the seventeenth century. In Russia, Tsar
Peter "the Great" (1689-1725) used some of the Armenians in his grandiose scheme
of invading the Caucasus and obliterating many of its overwhelming Muslim majority.
He made lavish promises to the Armenians, which he did not keep.[8] Under Tsarina
Catherine II (1762-1796), her supreme commander Prince Potemkin dreamt of an
Armenian kingdom under Russian control;[9] but ultimately he, too, let them down.

Meanwhile the intrigues of some Armenian secular and ecclesiastical leaders

continued. They supported Russia in its invasion of the Muslim Khanates in the
Caucasus and in the overthrow of their Muslim rulers. Some of the Armenians acted
as spies for the Russians.[10] There are many examples of Armenian ecclesiastical
support for the Russians in the early 1800s. Tsar Alexander I (1801-1825)
specifically sought out Catholicos Daniel's advice, and in 1808, he awarded the

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Catholicos with the Order of St. Anne, first class, for his espionage services to the

In many ways the enmity which developed between the Armenians and the Muslims
had, at its root, Russian expansionism into the Caucasus. After the Russian invasion
of Muslim territories the Armenians were encouraged to move into Russian held
territory.[12] Armenians also migrated to the Khanate of Karabakh after its
occupation by the Russians.[13]

The earliest Armenian aspirations for autonomy, or independence, were inspired by

the French Revolution (1789).[14] The Armenians were also influenced by the Greek
rebellion of 1821, which taught them the lesson that, for a minority to realise its
ambition for independence the intervention of foreign powers was indispensable.[15]
Yet, in Anatolia the Armenians did not have the advantages which the Greeks and
other Balkan peoples had. They were scattered throughout Ottoman territories,
intermingled with Turks and other Muslims; nowhere did they constitute a majority
of the population; they were divided into hostile sects (Gregorian, Catholic and
Protestant); they were disorganised; and worst of all, they allowed themselves to be
manipulated by the major Powers, particularly by Tsarist Russia, who vied with one
another to despoil the Ottoman state. These Powers considered the Armenians
merely as pawns in their designs for self-aggrandisement. However, the Armenian
militants were determined to get their own way at whatever cost.[16]


The long struggle between Turks, other Muslims, and Armenians, began in earnest
during the Russo-Ottoman wars of 1827-29, when the Armenians felt that their
opportunity had arrived. In these wars the Armenian subjects of the Persian and
Ottoman states, as well as Armenians living in the Russian Empire, fought on the
side of the Russians against Persia and the Ottoman state. In such wars, according
to Justin McCarthy, the pattern was always the same: Russian invasion of Muslim
territory, Armenians siding with the invaders, huge Muslim mortality and migration,
and de facto population exchanges of Muslims and Armenians. That is how an
Armenian majority was established in what today is the Republic of Armenia, a
majority created by the Russians. Erivan was, until 1827, a Persian province with a
Muslim (mainly Turkish) majority. The destruction, or forced migration of the Muslim
population enabled the Russians to repopulate the region with Armenians from the
Persian and Ottoman states.[17]

In the ensuing Turco-Russian confrontations, e.g. the Crimean War (1853-56), the
situation was the same: many Ottoman Armenians helping Russia, but some of them
remaining loyal to the Ottoman state.[18] Despite Armenian collaboration with, and
the assistance given by the Catholicos of Etchmiadzin to the Russian governments,
the latter always let them down, because the Russians did not want an ‘Armenian
question’ on their territories.[19] Yet, many Armenians persisted in their loyalty to
Russia, and their Catholicos at Etchmiadzin did not hesitate to use his influence,
even on Ottoman Armenians, in favour of the Russians.[20]

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The period following the Russo-Ottoman war of 1828 ushered in a reform movement
in the Ottoman state, known as the Tanzimat (Regulation or Organisation), which
was inaugurated by an edict under the title of Gülhane Hatt-ı Şerifi (Noble Edict of
the Rose Chamber), dated 3 November 1839.[21] This edict was confirmed and
reinforced by the Islahat Hatt-ı Hümayunu or Islahat Fermanı (Imperial Edict of
Reforms), of 18 February 1856. Both edicts aimed at expanding the reforms, which
had already begun in the military sphere to other fields as well, and to secure
equality and guarantees of life, liberty and estate to the Christian population of the
Ottoman state.[22]

As a result of this reform movement the Armenian community was given a

constitution that was sanctioned by the Sultan Abdülaziz (1830-76), on 17 March
1863. It was "a remarkable document, institutionalising a high degree of autonomy",
according to Benjamin Braude and Bernard Lewis.[23] It inaugurated a golden age
for the Armenian community, some of whose militant leaders began to abuse their
new privileges and strove for the establishment of an imperium in imperio. The
Russians, who were not happy with the reforms, as they believed these would spread
to their own Armenian subjects, used the Armenian constitution as a pretext to
intensify their interference in Ottoman Armenian affairs.[24]

This was the period when the Ottoman state bestowed many rights, privileges and
opportunities on urban Armenians, almost in all walks of life. They could ascend to
the highest administrative offices of the state. A number of them became civil
servants, governors, general inspectors, and even viziers. From 1850 to 1876 every
Grand Vizier (Sadrazam - Prime Minister), and Foreign Minister had an Armenian
adviser. In 1868, for the first time in Ottoman history, an Armenian named Krikor
Agaton was appointed to the post of Minister of Public Works.[25] There were also
two Armenian generals in the Ottoman army in 1862, employed in the War Office
and the Admiralty.[26] A number of Armenians became Pashas,[27] the highest
dignity in the state.[28]

Those Armenians living in rural areas near towns also benefited from these reforms,
but others inhabiting villages in remote areas shared the fate of their Muslim
neighbours, who were sometimes subjected to the lawlessness and depredations of
nomadic tribes, mainly of the Kurds. The more remote and inaccessible a rural
settlement, the more the opportunity arose for brigands to make life a misery for the
sedentary people, depending also on the weakness of the government in power.

In addition to the scourge of some of the nomadic tribes, the proselytising carried on
among the Gregorian Armenians by missionaries[29] contributed to much unrest in
the country. First the Catholic missionaries, then the Protestants had begun a
campaign of indoctrination among the Gregorians, which created many
problems.[30] In the words of an Armenian writer, the introduction of Catholicism
and Protestantism among the Armenians "had more ruinous effect on the nation than
anything else ever had".[31] The Armenian community was thus divided by these
agents of the major Powers into three hostile sects the members of whom were
constantly at each other's throats, which needed Turkish intervention in order to
prevent them from exterminating one another.[32]

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The Catholics in Turkey were protected by France and Austria, the Protestants mainly
by Britain and USA, and the Orthodox by Russia. All these Powers aimed at
increasing their influence in the Ottoman state, ostensibly in order to protect their
protégés, but actually in order to promote their own interests. The Armenians were
thus divided by the agents of the major Powers for their own ulterior motives. Russia
was using the Gregorian Armenians in order to descend to the warm waters of the
Mediterranean Sea and cut off the British route to India;[33] Britain was using the
Protestant and Gregorian Armenians to preserve its ‘lifeline’ to India by containing
Russia and restricting French influence; and France was making use of the Catholic
Armenians for its own interests in the Near East.

Consciously or not, the major Powers were directly or indirectly encouraging enmity
between the different Armenian sects. They were also using the Armenians in order
to intervene in the internal affairs of the Ottoman state by pretending that they were
interested in the problems of Christian minorities, but in fact, they were jockeying
with one another for influence in, or for a portion of that state when the ‘Sick man of
Europe’ demised. Their frequent interventions contributed greatly to the upsurge of
Armenian militancy, and to the inception, intensification and proliferation of
Armenian insurrection and terrorism which, in time, became the root-cause of what
came to be known as the ‘Armenian question’.[34]


Towards the latter part of the nineteenth century the decline of the Ottoman state
became acute. Russia, taking advantage of this decline, and in order to hasten the
demise of the Ottoman state, encouraged the growing nationalist movements in that
state, particularly in the Balkans. As a result there were rebellions in Herzegovina
and Bulgaria in the 1870s. This led to the Turco-Russian war, which broke out on 24
April 1877. In June the Russian armies, commanded mainly by Russian Armenian
generals, occupied Erzurum in eastern Anatolia, and some Armenians joined the
invaders, acting as guides, while many others collaborated with the invading Russian
armies.[35] In some remote parts of Anatolia Armenian armed bands took
advantage of the absence of all able-bodied Turkish men and troops to attack
unprotected peaceful Muslim villages.

The presence of the Russians in the region encouraged the Armenian collaborators to
maltreat their Muslim neighbours; whilst the advance of the Russian armies across
the Balkans created among the Armenian intellectuals and clergy in Istanbul, a belief
in Russian ascendance to power and the ultimate doom of the Ottoman state. They
began to calculate the speedy fall of Ottoman 'domination' and to turn their eyes
towards its would be successor.[36]

The initial eagerness of some Ottoman Armenians to assist the Ottoman government
in the war was reversed after the capitulation of the Ottoman army under General
Osman Pasha at Plevna, and following the efforts of Armenian Russophiles to induce
their co-religionists to support Russia.[37] The Armenians then decided to address a
petition to the Tsar, requesting his help for the realisation of their aspirations.[38]
The Armenian Patriarch visited the Russian Commander-in-Chief, Grand Duke
Nicholas, at San Stefano (Yeşilköy), and later sent him a delegation under Migirditch
Khrimian, a former bishop of Van, with a letter requesting the establishment of an

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independent Armenian state in the eastern provinces of the Ottoman state, or their
domination by Russia. The Armenian delegation was well received by the Grand
Duke, but evidently did not succeed in its mission. The Russians were happier with
discontented Armenians in the Ottoman state than with an independent state which
might soon encourage their own Armenians to make similar demands.[39]


Following the defeat of the Ottoman state by Russia, a peace congress was held in
Berlin. The Armenian leaders submitted a règlement organique to the Congress,
which met from 13 June to 13 July 1878,[40] asking for the establishment of an
‘Armenian province’, comprising all the territory between the Russian and Persian
frontiers and the Black Sea where the Armenians were a minority.[41] They warned
that if the Congress refused to listen to their demands, they were resolved to agitate
until they obtained what they wanted, and if they could not succeed without foreign
aid, they would place themselves completely in the hands of Russia, and even prefer
annexation by that state.[42] They also sent delegations to St. Petersburg, Paris,
London, Rome, Vienna, and ultimately to Berlin, to follow the Congress. However, at
the Berlin Congress they did not obtain what they asked for; nevertheless Britain
prevailed upon the Congress to include an article in the Treaty of Berlin, Article 61,
by which the Ottoman government undertook to carry out reforms demanded by
local requirements in the provinces inhabited by the Armenians, and to guarantee
their security against ‘Circassians and Kurds’. The Ottoman government also
undertook to make known periodically the steps taken to this effect to the Powers,
who would superintend their application. Thus, Article 61 of the Treaty of Berlin
placed the Armenian reforms under the guarantee of the signatory Powers, who
thereby explicitly procured the right to interfere in the internal affairs of the Ottoman

The Armenian delegation was not pleased with this outcome and on 13 July 1878
they lodged a formal protest against Article 61, claiming that they had been
deceived, and that the Armenian people would never cease "from crying out until
Europe gave their legitimate demands satisfaction".[44] According to Turkish
historians, the last part of the Armenian protest was as follows: "The Armenian
delegation will return to the East, carrying with it the lesson that, without struggle
and insurrection, nothing can be achieved".[45] With great difficulty did the British
Ambassador in Istanbul, at the time, Sir Austen Henry Layard persuaded some of the
Armenian leaders that the Cyprus Convention, which was signed between England
and the Ottoman state on 4 June 1878, whereby Britain was allowed to occupy and
administer the island of Cyprus in return for defending the Anatolian territories of the
Ottoman state against Russia, would be beneficial to the Armenians, as it gave
Britain the right to ask the Ottoman government to carry out reforms in

Neither Armenian Patriarch Nerses, nor the other Armenian leaders could realise
however, that the British government was much less concerned with the Armenians
than with the country they inhabited, which served as a buffer-zone between Russia
and the route to India, through the Mediterranean. The main reason why British
Foreign Secretary Lord Salisbury was instrumental in the insertion of Article 61 in the

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Treaty of Berlin was to deprive Russia of the modus vivendi of Balkanising the
eastern provinces of the Ottoman state for its own ulterior motives.[47]


Following the signing of the Treaty of Berlin various attempts were made by the
major Powers, particularly by the British Conservative and Liberal governments, for
the introduction of reforms in the Ottoman state for the benefit of the Christians,
especially of the Armenians,[48] but without success. The Ottoman government was
in no position to fulfil its promise because the reforms demanded, and would entail
the expenditure of vast sums of money, and other resources, which an Ottoman
state bankrupted by those very Powers could not afford. That state was bleeding to
death because of the Capitulations (extra-territorial and supra-national privileges
granted to the Powers), the protégé system, and the public debt; nor would the
Powers lend it any money. Therefore, the danger of intervention threatened the very
existence of the Ottoman state.

This very danger encouraged the Armenian militants to intensify their intrigues with
Russia,[49] and to prepare for revolt in order to procure an autonomous Armenian
province in eastern Anatolia, where the Armenians were overwhelmingly
outnumbered by the Muslims.[50] This was confirmed by the French Vice-Consul in
Erzurum, who reported that Russian intrigues were actively at work to foment a
rising among the Armenians. The Russians were continuing to make use of a number
of "local Armenian characters to spy and agitate for them".[51]

Following the financial collapse of the Ottoman state in the early 1880s the relations
between the Turks and the Armenians began to deteriorate. According to the British
Consul in Erzurum, Major William Everett, as early as 1882 there were strong
indications that some Armenian militants in eastern Anatolia were making
preparations for insurrection.[52] By June the insurrectionary movement among the
Armenians was intensifying. Consul Everett believed that this movement emanated
from Russian Armenia, and was secretly encouraged by Russia. There were many
Russian agents perpetually travelling throughout the country and provoking the
Armenians to rebellion.[53]

In view of these developments, the Ottoman government became very suspicious of

the Armenians, and looked upon their leaders as dangerous elements. The lot of the
Armenians naturally became much harder. They, in turn, intensified their activities
and established various committees all over the world, particularly in the European
capitals, with branches in Ottoman territories.[54] The Hintchak (Bell) Committee
was set up by Avedis Nazarbek (Nazarbekian or Nazarbekiantz) in Geneva in 1887,
based on Marxist-Socialist principles.[55] This was followed by the Armenian
Revolutionary Federation, the Dashnaktsutiun (Hai Heghapokhakan Dashnaktsutiun),
which was established in the summer of 1890 in Tbilisi, on national socialist
principles, by Kristapor Mikaelian, Stepan Zorian and Simon Zavarian, all educated in
Russian universities.[56] The aim of both organisations was the establishment of the
independence of ‘Turkish Armenia’ (eastern provinces) and ultimately its
transformation into a national socialist state. They would procure this by creating the
pretext for the major Powers to intervene and set up an Armenian state for them.
This pretext would be supplied by Armenian rebels, or terrorists, by provoking the

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Muslims in most unimaginable and satanic ways so that they would retaliate and
enable the Armenians to cry out that "the barbarous Muslim Turks are massacring
the innocent Christian Armenians".[57]

Louise Nalbandian, an Armenian writer, asserts that the programme of the Hintchak
party was directed towards "provocation and terrorism" in order to incite the feelings
of the people against their enemies and derive benefits from their retaliation.
"Agitation and terror were needed to elevate the spirit of the people", she declares.
Armenian terrorists began to exterminate what they considered as "the most
dangerous" of the Armenian, Turkish and other elements, inimical to their cause, and
did not hesitate to murder their opponents and wealthy Armenians who did not
contribute to their funds. To assist them in carrying out all of these terroristic acts,
they organised an exclusive branch specifically devoted to performing acts of
terrorism, reveals Nalbandian.[58]

Thus, with the establishment of the Hintchak society the destiny of the Ottoman
Armenians passed into the hands of a few Russian Armenian anarchists which, in the
words of Leo, an Armenian writer, constituted a turning point in their history, for the
Armenian community was about to be made an instrument in a bloody contest that
would span over many years.[59] In this contest not only terror, but disinformation,
and a campaign of lies and vituperations, were the main instruments used by the
Armenian militants, who managed, through their repeated clamours, to convince the
Christian West that they were being persecuted by the Muslim Turks because of their
Christian religion.

While Armenian militancy was spreading, some wiser counsels among the Armenian
community were not lacking. In August 1889 the Armenian Vicar in Bitlis, Chorene
Vartabed, in a conversation with British Consul Chermside, deprecated the outcry
raised abroad and the exaggerated stories published. He did not consider the general
condition hopeless, and referred to the time of a past generation when there was "no
foreign intervention, no oceans of press pity poured out on the Armenians of
Turkey", and when their forefathers still managed "to live under Turkish rule quite


Between 1890 and the Young Turk Revolution of 1908, Armenian militants, both the
Hintchakists and the Dashnakists, caused many incidents in the Ottoman state,
which amounted to a civil war. Particularly following the establishment of the
Dashnaktsutiun, Armenian affairs shifted to more action: to bring about a long
drawn-out fight against Ottoman ‘tyranny’, they called it, and to create in the
country a continuous revolutionary state in order to procure European

Soon these Armenian terror organisations ended up in the hands of a minority of

foreign-inspired, self-seeking, violent opportunists, with limited ability and doubtful
patriotism. Their main aim was to provoke armed rebellions all over the Ottoman
state in order to ‘spill blood to obtain freedom’, which would bring fatal results to
Armenian and Muslim villagers and inhabitants of cities, resulting in mutual

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massacres. Meanwhile Russian Armenia had become a centre for arms collection and
revolutionary organisation aimed at the Ottomans.[62]

The activities of the revolutionaries were greatly facilitated by their relationship to

the Armenian Church. As a body, the Church crossed the Ottoman-Russian border.
Using the facilities of the Church, the clerics easily kept up communication between
the revolutionaries in southern Caucasus and Anatolia, and between the Russian
government and the revolutionaries. The presence in the Armenian revolutionary
movement of priests and bishops[63] brought together the two faces of Armenian
identity: Church and ultra- nationalism. Church officials also gave practical
assistance to the revolutionaries.[64]

In eastern Anatolia almost a reign of terror was brought about as a result of the
reckless behaviour of a handful of Armenian agitators and assassins.[65] These
extremists were even quarrelling among themselves and killing one another, usually
the more violent ones murdering, or eliminating the more passive Armenian leaders
who were not in favour of violence. Naturally the Turks began to react to this
agitation. Every Turk had a frantic terror of secret societies and plots, because most
of them remembered the part played by Greek and Bulgarian committees, and the
disastrous intervention of Russia in 1877, and of other Powers. To them it now
appeared that the loyal Armenian nation no longer deserved that title; the
Armenians were as seditious as the Greeks and the Bulgarians; they had secret
committees and revolutionary printing presses; they were arming and conspiring to
massacre the ‘good Muslims’. The Armenian militants had definitely planned a great
conflagration.[66] Their terrible deeds: bombs in public places, murders of officials,
mutilation of the bodies of their victims, the use of youngsters to kill their
opponents, arson, sabotage, robberies, etc., can be traced from British documents
preserved at the Public Record Office.[67] They even attacked foreign
representatives in order to put the blame on the Turks and to attract the public
opinion of Europe to their side. French Consul Carlier in Sivas, who had opened the
Consulate to Armenian refugees, was shot by an Armenian youth, who, when
challenged, declared that he wanted to kill the Consul so that this would have great
repercussions in Europe, where they would believe that he was assassinated by

The Reverend Dr. Cyrus Hamlin, founder and first president of Robert College (now
Boğaziçi University) in Istanbul, who lived in Turkey and knew the Turks and the
Armenians very well, in a letter described in great detail the methods used by
Armenian militants in order to cause havoc in the Ottoman state. Hamlin was told by
an Armenian intellectual that they were preparing the ground in Anatolia for the
Russians to take over. He declared that the Hintchakist bands, organised all over the
country, would watch their opportunities to kill the Muslims, set fire to their villages,
and then make their escape into the mountains. The enraged Muslims would then
rise and fall upon the defenceless Armenians, and slaughter them with such
barbarities that Russia would enter, "in the name of humanity and Christian
civilisation", and take possession. Hamlin described the Armenian militants as
"cunning, unprincipled and cruel... they are of Russian origin, Russian gold and craft
govern them".[69]

The motto of the Armenian revolutionaries, according to A.J.Arnold, the secretary of

the Evangelical Alliance, was as follows: "There will be many things wanted for the
deliverance of our mother country. We will want time and money, and will want

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blood... To accomplish our work many will have to endanger their lives, be
persecuted and fall victims, whether it be those who wield the sword or work with
the pen".[70] The Armenian terrorists were so ruthless that in April 1894, according
to a report which the French Ambassador in Istanbul, Paul Cambon, sent to Casimir
Perrier of the French Foreign Office, they even tried to assassinate their own
Patriarch, Ashikian. The eighteen-year old Armenian assassin tried to shoot the
Patriarch but failed because the weapon was out of order.[71]

By the middle of 1894 the eastern provinces of the Ottoman state were in a turmoil
as a result of the Armenian insurrectionary movement. Incidents erupted all over the
country, some very serious, involving the death of many innocent people on both
sides, and the destruction of much property. At last the Armenian militant leaders
had got what they wanted: Muslim reprisals and the pretext for the major Powers to
intervene. There were incidents at Sasun, Istanbul, Trabzon, and in many other
places of the country where practically a civil war was raging between the deluded
Armenians and the Turks. The incidents, particularly the Sasun revolt, provoked by
the Armenian militants in the summer of 1894, were echoed to the West by them
and their supporters, as ‘Armenian massacres’. However, a number of impartial
observers laid much blame on the Armenian militants and their patrons.

A British Member of Parliament, Sir Ellis Ashmeed Bartlett, in a pamphlet he

published in February 1895, which he circulated to the British Parliament, observed
that "most of the tales so widely circulated" in connection with the Turco-Armenian
incidents were manufactured and directed by "the most imaginative and malevolent
spirit". The "deliberate object" of the agitation "was not to obtain redress for the
Armenian sufferings, but to excite public feeling in this country (UK) against Turkey
and the Turks". He was supported in his views by M. Ximenes, a Spanish geographer
and man of science, an eye witness to the Sasun rebellion, who contradicted the
Armenian ‘massacre’ allegations.[72] Another British source, Captain Charles Boswell
Norman, who was sent to the Ottoman state as an officer in the Royal Artillery,
observed in a manuscript of 1895,[73] "only the Armenian version of the
disturbances, embellished with hysterical utterances of their English collaborators"
were heard of, whereas in reality "the disturbances in Asia Minor are the direct
outcome of a widespread anarchist movement". He insisted that the Hintchakist
committee was directly responsible for all the bloodshed in Anatolia. British
journalists were duped by the Armenians.[74] Many of the Armenian falsehoods were
also revealed during the sessions of the Sasun Inquiry Commission, which the
Ottoman government established in December 1894, consisting of British, French
and Russian representatives, in addition to Muslim ones.[75]

As for the toll among both Armenians and Muslims, in numerous incidents that took
place between 1894 and 1896, no reliable statistics are available. Most Armenian
sources claim that 400,000 Armenians were killed; but they do not mention the
number of Muslims exterminated by the Armenians.[76] The figure is estimated to
be between 10,000 and 20,000 Armenians killed, which is a far cry from 400,000
Armenians ‘massacred’. It is also estimated that between 5,000 and 10,000 Muslims
were killed, most of whom were innocent people who became victims of Armenian
extremism,[77] but this is rarely mentioned in the annals of European history.

After these tragic incidents many attempts were made both by the Ottoman
government and some of the moderate Armenian leaders to reconcile the Muslims
and the Armenians. From 1896 to 1908, although Armenian incidents flared up

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intermittently with every major crisis, such as the Ottoman-Greek war of 1897, the
German Emperor's visit to Istanbul in 1898, the eruption of the Cretan and
Macedonian questions, and the attempt by Armenian militants to assassinate Sultan
Abdülhamit II (1842-1918), nevertheless these simmered on until the
rapprochement between the Armenian revolutionaries and the Young Turks, who co-
operated together, and with other malcontents of the state, in bringing about the
Young Turk Revolution of July 1908.


As a result of the Young Turk revolution, Turks and Armenians, dazzled for the time
being by the slogans of the revolution such as ‘liberty, fraternity and equality’, began
to show signs of rapprochement. In August 1908 M. Sabahgoulian, a Caucasian
Armenian and president of the Hintchak Society, declared at the Sourp Yervartioun
Church of Beyoglu (Pera) that the Hintchakists would terminate their revolutionary
activities and do their utmost "for the development and prosperity of our country". At
the same time E. Aknouni (Maloumian), another Russian Armenian and spokesman
of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, the Dashnaktsutiun, announced that the
Dashnaktzagans would protect, or defend the new Ottoman constitutional regime,
work for the unification of the Ottoman nationalities, and co-operate with the
Committee of Union and Progress (CUP of the Young Turks).[78]

At first the relations, particularly between the Young Turks and the Dashnakists,
were cordial. But soon after dissensions began to arise between them, when the
Dashnakists became insolent, so much that, British Vice-Consul Captain Dickson
wrote to his Ambassador in Istanbul, Sir Gerard Lowther, as follows: "The Armenian
in subjection, such as I have seen him, is an unsympathetic, mean, cringing,
unscrupulous, lying, thieving curd; given his freedom, he loses none of these bad
qualities, but in addition becomes insolent, domineering, despotic."[79] The Vice-
Consul believed that the Armenian policy was, had been, and probably would always
be, "an entirely selfish one, with no thoughts of an united Ottoman Empire, but only
of their own nationality, if not of their own profit".[80] He believed that Russia was
preparing to destabilise the eastern provinces of the Ottoman state, and indicated
how a handful of Armenian revolutionary leaders were ready to help Russia put its
plans into execution. Even Ambassador Lowther confirmed that the attitude of the
Armenians since the re-establishment of the constitution had been "arrogant and
provocative, while the Turks are sullen, subdued and suspicious".[81]

The Dashnakists had co-operated with the Young Turks with the hope that, in return,
they would obtain some measure of decentralisation that would go far enough to
establish one or two ‘purely Armenian provinces’, but as the regenerated Ottoman
government was aiming at the establishment of a united Ottoman nationality without
distinction of religion or race, their disappointment was great. Even Vice-Consul
Dickson believed that the aims of the Dashnak Society were "preposterously
ambitious", and that they hoped for the establishment of an Armenian republic,
formed out of the portions of the Ottoman, Russian and Persian provinces, from
which the non-Armenian elements would gradually be excluded. Dickson informed
Lowther that the Armenian clergy were exhorting their flocks to marry young, and to
beget large families so as to swamp the other elements.[82]

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Thus, the Turco-Armenian rapprochement proved to be short-lived.[83] Despite the

sensible counsels of the Armenian Patriarch Matheos Ismirlian, directed to his
community, to co-operate loyally with the Turks by showing prudence and
moderation, and by abstaining from all extremist ideas, as he said, the Turkish
government and people were "frankly and honestly disposed to treat the Armenians
fairly",[84] his advice fell on deaf ears.[85]


On the night of 12/13 April 1909 there was a counter-revolution in Istanbul, and a
new government under Tevfik Pasha was established on 14 April. Gabriel
Noradounghian, an Armenian, was appointed Minister of Commerce and Public
Works. However, it did not last long, and Istanbul was occupied by an army
dispatched from Salonica. Abdülhamit was forced to resign. During these
developments incidents took place in Adana.

According to British writer Telford Waugh, the Armenians had shown themselves to
be arrogant and boastful over their new equality.[86] Any Armenian who could write
began to publish odes, poetry, stories, etc., which had little to do with the facts.
They staged revolutionary plays and recited national songs inciting the Turks. The
Armenian intelligentsia tried their best to provoke the Armenian people to revolt. The
more the Armenians talked and recited poetry, and the more they armed
themselves, the more they aroused the anxiety and sense of alarm of the Muslim
people. The Dashnak and Hintchak societies, too, did much to stir them.[87]

The Turks were also alarmed by the exhortations of the Armenians to arm
themselves, delivered by Mousheg, the Gregorian bishop of Adana, throughout the
country, particularly in Adana and its region where the bishop, according to British
Ambassador Lowther, had a commercial interest in the sale of fire-arms.[88] Lowther
believed that the Armenian bishop was largely responsible for inflaming the passions
of the Armenian people and the fears of the Turks. The British Vice-Consul in Mersin,
Major Doughty Wylie, recognised this to such an extent that, in the interests of
public order, he later prevented the bishop's landing in Mersin on his return to his

On 13 and 14 April reports were already spreading through the provinces of the
startling events which were then occurring in the capital. On the night of the 14th
incidents erupted in Adana.[90] During the whole of the 15th, 16th and 17th April
Adana became the scene of wide disorder; Turks and Armenians clashed all over the
place. However, owing to the intervention of Doughty Wylie, these incidents were
brought to an end soon after. Moreover, the arrival on or about the 25th April of
several British and other foreign warships in Mersin and Iskenderun (Alexandretta),
including French and Russian vessels, also did much towards restoring the
confidence of the people.

By 25 April the ferocity of the incidents began to abate. Ambassador Lowther could
give no definite figures of the dead and wounded, but in Adana 2,000 bodies were
buried of whom 600 were stated to be Muslims. The Ottoman government
subsequently issued an official estimate of 5,400 casualties for the whole district; but
Lowther believed that the figure was probably somewhere between 15,000 and

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20,000 Armenians.[91] He did not bother to give the number of Muslim casualties.
Cemal Pasha states that 17,000 Armenians and 1,850 Muslims were killed.[92]

Who was responsible for the Adana incidents? Lowther did not believe that there was
any ground to assume that the Armenians were planning an insurrection, or that the
Muslims had been preparing a carefully premeditated ‘massacre’. The causes of the
incidents were, according to him, rather to be found in the vainglorious talk of
equality on the part of the young Armenians, who were all ‘in theory’ revolutionaries
and advocates of home rule; in the fear which their attitude had inspired among the
Muslims of some definite act of aggression, a fear which was somewhat justified by
the constant stream of arms that flowed into the country for the use of the non-
Muslim population; in the extravagance of the orators on both sides; and in the
weakness of government authority. In a later dispatch Lowther admitted that Bishop
Mousheg had great responsibility in the outburst of the incidents.[93] Yet, R.
McDowell of the British Foreign Office, in commenting on these incidents later,
observed that the Adana incidents "were undoubtedly the result of (revolutionary)
society propaganda, and of urging the Armenians to armed resistance".[94]


After the Adana incidents, in which many Turks and Armenians lost their lives, and
which were, as usual, echoed to the West as ‘the massacre of Armenians’, Turco-
Armenian relations again became very strained. During the Balkan wars which began
in October 1912, extensive disorders took place all over Anatolia. The political and
international situation, and reports from the European provinces of the Ottoman
state about the ill-treatment of the Muslims there, added to other reports that the
Armenians in the Balkans had formed committees to fight against the Turks,
increased the animosity towards them in the outlying provinces of the country.[95]

Armenian militant leaders, encouraged by the Ottoman defeats in the Balkan wars,
judged the time ripe for action again. When, as in the past, Armenian leaders
appealed to Russia for active support against the Ottoman government, in Turkish
eyes the Armenians became the instruments of Russian policy.[96] As a result of
Armenian agitation and intrigues with Russia the situation in Anatolia became so
acute that, in April 1913, it was prophesied at the British Foreign Office that the
break-up of the Ottoman state, in Asia as well as in Europe, appeared to be

This situation compelled the Ottoman government to instruct its Ambassador in

London, Tevfik Pasha, to submit a plan for reform in its Asiatic provinces under
British officials. This appeal sparked off a long controversy among the Powers, as
Russia opposed it very strongly. All through the summer of 1913 talks were held
among the ambassadors of the Powers in Istanbul about the prospective reforms in
Anatolia. In these pourparlers Russia, assisted by Britain and France (the Triple
Entente), posed as the champions of the Armenians, to whom they systematically
gave false hopes in order to use them to advance their own interests,[98] whilst
Germany and Austria (two members of the Triple Alliance), took the side of the
Ottoman government.

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The result was the imposition on Turkey, on 8 February 1914, of an amended

Russian scheme. The CUP government was forced by Germany to accept this
scheme, which amounted to the partition of the country. The reform scheme for
Anatolia, though much less comprehensive than the original Russian draft, granted
considerable autonomy to the six provinces of eastern Anatolia, along with the
province of Trabzon, which were to be consolidated into two administrative sectors.
Each sector would be administered by an European inspector-general with wide
powers. The inspectors would be appointed by the Sultan for a fixed term, but could
only be removed with the consent of the Powers.

The arrival in May 1914 of the two inspectors-general, Major Hoff, a Norwegian, and
M. Westenek, a Dutchman, seemed to be an indication that Armenian dreams were
about to be fulfilled, and the Ottoman state parcelled out. The "Armenian reform
scheme" was nothing but an excuse for the major Powers to divide the Ottoman
state into spheres of economic exploitation. The Ottoman government, however,
which dreaded the Russian menace behind the scheme, tried to curtail the authority
of the inspectors, and as soon as the Great War broke out, dismissed them.[99]


Long before the outbreak of the First World War the Ottoman state had lost many of
its territories. On 5 October 1908 Austria had annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina, and
Bulgaria had proclaimed its independence. Italy had seized Tripoli in 1911 and had
occupied the Dodecanese Islands. The Balkan wars (1912-13) had almost completed
the destruction of the Ottoman state in Europe. Since 1908 the Ottomans had lost 83
percent of the territory and 69 percent of the population of their European provinces,
most of whom were Muslims, who were exterminated or expelled. By 1913 the
Ottoman state was already being parcelled out among the major Powers for
economic exploitation. Those involved were Russia, France, Britain, Italy, Germany
and Austria. The state was practically forced to sign a number of bilateral
agreements, and the Powers then arranged among themselves to recognise each
other's areas of influence in order to avoid a scramble.[100] The Entente Powers also
later signed a number of secret agreements among themselves, dividing the war
spoils.[101] However, this was one of the worst scrambles in history, which was
facilitated by Armenian militancy and revolutionary activity.

Between May and July 1914 the Ottoman government made an alliance proposal to
Russia, and a bid for closer relations with France, only to be rebuffed in both
cases.[102] Britain, too, was not willing to accommodate the Young Turk
government. When, on 1 August, Germany declared war on Russia, the Ottoman
government began to mobilise on the following day, after German Ambassador
Liman von Wangenheim and the Ottoman Grand Vizier Sait Halim Pasha had signed
a treaty of alliance between their countries.[103] The Ottoman government was left
with no option but to approach Germany.

Meanwhile the Armenian militants, taking advantage of the precarious position of the
Ottoman state, did not hesitate to offer their services to Russia and its allies, despite
the fact that the Ottoman government promised autonomy to the Armenians if they
remained neutral or supported their state. The Armenians’ secret plan was that they
would preserve their loyalty in peacetime, but would carry on with their preparation

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and with arming themselves with weapons brought in from Russia and obtained
locally. If war was declared, Armenian soldiers in the Ottoman armies would join the
Russian armies with their weapons. If the Ottoman army advanced, the Armenians
would remain calm and loyal. If it retreated, or came to a standstill, the Armenians
would form armed guerrilla bands and begin programmed operations behind the
Ottoman lines.[104]

After the Ottoman state entered the war in November 1914, and long before that
event, Armenian officials in the Ottoman service had begun to pass information to
the Entente Powers.[105] They also began sabotage activities,[106] and provoked
numerous rebellions all over the country.[107] On the other hand, the Armenians in
the Russian Empire joined the Russian forces with the intention of occupying the
eastern provinces of Anatolia.[108] They pledged loyalty to Tsar Nicholas II, who
promised ‘to free’ the Ottoman Armenians. Soon after, Alexander Khatissian, the
president of the Armenian National Bureau of Tbilisi, in an appeal to the Tsar
declared: "From all the countries the Armenians are hurrying to enter the ranks of
the glorious Russian Army, in order, with their blood, to serve for the victory of the
Russian arms... Let the Russian flag fly freely over the Dardanelles and the
Bosphorus... Let the Armenian people of Turkey, who have suffered for the faith of
Christ, receive resurrection for a new life under the protection of Russia".[109] The
Armenians thus became, in the words of David Lloyd George, ‘the little allies’ of the
Entente Powers.[110]

Soon the Ottoman government realised that the Armenians were plotting a rebellion.
Many Armenians were deserting from the Ottoman army and committing atrocities.
Meanwhile the Russian army began to advance in the eastern provinces in order to
give support to Armenian insurgents. Those insurgents had plundered the Muslim
villages on their way and had massacred every Muslim they could lay their hands on.
As the Muslim youth of those regions had already been conscripted for military
service and were away at the front, only old people, women, children and the
disabled had remained behind, and they fell victim to Armenian atrocities.[111]

Between November 1914 and May 1915 Armenian militants and insurgents caused
many incidents all over the Ottoman state, as confirmed by Turkish and other war
documents.[112] During the first year of the war the Ottomans were preoccupied
with Armenian revolts in eastern Anatolia. Only the revolt in Van was successful, but
all revolts caused great loss of life and significantly harmed the Ottoman war effort.
The revolt in Van was very atrocious, and Turkish/Muslim people suffered heavily.
Armenian atrocities and Muslim losses are well depicted by Justin McCarthy,[113]
whilst there is an abundance of British documents in the Public Record Office on
Armenian rebellions and atrocities.[114]

Following their success in the Van rebellion the Armenians established their own
administration under Aram Manoukian. Meanwhile the Russian troops reached Van
on 14 May 1915 and were deliriously welcomed by the local Armenians. An Armenian
legion was constituted to expel the Turks from the entire south shore of lake Van in
preparation for a concerted Russian drive into the province of Bitlis.[115] On 21 May
Tsar Nicholas sent a telegram to the Armenian revolutionary committee of Van,
thanking it ‘for its services to Russia’.

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Thus, encouraged by Russia, the Armenians had begun to disrupt the Ottoman war
effort by causing much trouble behind the Turkish lines, particularly on the eastern
front. As the Russian forces began to march into Ottoman territory in eastern
Anatolia, they were led by advanced units composed of volunteer Ottoman and
Russian Armenians, who were joined by Armenian deserters from the Ottoman army.
Many of these had also formed bands, and had armed themselves with weapons,
which they had for years been storing in Armenian and missionary homes, churches
and schools. They also raided Ottoman supply depots in order to increase their stock
of arms and to deny them to the Ottoman army as it moved to meet this massive
Russian invasion. These Armenian guerrilla forces, operating in close co-ordination
with the Russians, were attacking Turkish cities, towns and villages in the east,
massacring their inhabitants, while at the same time working to sabotage the
Ottoman army's war effort by destroying roads and bridges, raiding convoys, and
doing whatever else they could to facilitate the Russian incursion and occupation.

Under these circumstances, with the Russians advancing along a wide front in the
east, with the Armenian bands spreading death and destruction while simultaneously
attacking the Ottoman army units from the rear, and with the Allies invading the
country along a wide front, the Ottoman government had to do something about
what it considered to be ‘Armenian treachery’. The Ottoman government had reason
to distrust many of the Armenians of Anatolia because of the assistance given by
them to the invading Russian armies in 1828, 1854 and 1877.[116] Nevertheless,
even after the Armenian revolt and atrocities in Van, the Ottoman government made
one final attempt to secure the loyalty of the Armenians. Summoning to a meeting
the Patriarch, some Armenian deputies and other delegates, it warned them that
drastic measures would be taken unless the Armenians stopped their atrocities
against the Muslims and gave up working to undermine the war-effort. But the
Armenian militant leaders saw in this warning the weakness of the Ottoman
government, and intensified their activities to fulfil their aspirations.[117]

Thereupon, the possibility of widespread rebellion behind Ottoman lines, and of the
danger of the Ottoman army having to fight on a number of fronts, with its lines of
communication threatened, compelled the Ottoman government, on 24 April 1915,
to decide to remove the Armenians from vulnerable strategic points where they could
assist the enemy. This decision did not precede, but was the result of Armenian
rebellions which threatened the very existence of the Ottoman state by bringing
about its total defeat at the hands of its enemies, let alone the fact that the unarmed
remnants of the Turkish population (including children, women and old men) were
subjected to many Armenian atrocities.[118]

The Ottoman Council of Ministers issued strict instructions on the mode of evacuation
of the Armenians. Secret Turkish documents captured in Palestine by the British
army in the autumn of 1918 reveal the decision of the Turkish government to close
down the militant Armenian organisations and to arrest their militant leaders,
warning the officials that, as this order was exclusively a measure against the
extension of the Armenian committees, they should ‘abstain from putting it into a
form which might result in mutual massacre of Muslim and Armenian elements’. At
the British Foreign Office this document was minuted on 16 January 1920 by
W.S.Edmonds as follows: "There is not enough evidence here to bring home the
charge of massacre any closer"; whilst D.G.Osborne added the following: "On the

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contrary, the last paragraph of the order of the Minister of the Interior specifically
warns against measures likely to lead to massacre".[119]

The above-mentioned instructions were circulated by Mehmet Talat, then Minister of

the Interior, whilst warnings were sent to Ottoman military commanders to ensure
that neither the Kurds nor other Muslims used the situation to take vengeance for
the long years of Armenian atrocities. The Armenians were to be protected and cared
for until they returned to their homes after the war.[120] These secret instructions
were removed from the Ottoman archives in Istanbul during the Allied occupation at
the end of the war, most probably by some Greek or Armenian agents working for
the British Military Intelligence Service. They were the original instructions issued by
Mehmet Talat in connection with the evacuation of the Armenians.[121] Nowhere are
there any instructions for the ‘massacre or genocide’ of the Armenians.

It has been estimated that about 700,000 Armenians were relocated until early
1917. Of these, between 300,000 and 400,000 lost their lives as a result of large-
scale military and guerrilla activities then going on in the areas through which they
passed, as well as the general insecurity, brigandage and blood-feuds which some
Muslim tribes, mainly the Kurds, sought to carry out as the convoys passed through
their territories.[122] In addition, the relocations and resettlements of the Armenians
took place at a time when the Ottoman state was suffering acute shortages of food,
fuel, medicine, and other supplies, as well as from large-scale plague and famine. A
number of Armenians also died because of disease, climatic conditions, difficulties of
travel, or illegal actions by some officials. Some of them lost their lives as a result of
the rebellions of many Armenians, during fights in revolts, etc. But almost two
million Turks and other Muslims also lost their lives as a direct or indirect result of
Armenian action, and many more died by the same war conditions.[123]
Nevertheless the Ottoman government has been accused by the Armenians and their
supporters of having perpetrated ‘massacres’, ‘genocide’ and even ‘holocaust’ against
its Armenian minority. These accusation will be addressed below.


According to Harold D. Laswell, propaganda (disinformation), during the First World

War, like in any other war, aimed at the following: to improve the friendly relations
among the Allies; to establish amicable relations with neutral states, and to inculcate
in them the idea that the Allies were not only right in their cause, but also that they
would be victorious, and thus procure their support; to demolish the morale of the
enemy states, and to create a dissension among, and hatred against them.[124]
Obviously the state indulging in propaganda would find it advantageous to attain its
goals by depicting its enemy as an ‘inhuman creature’. These vital considerations
were kept in mind by the Allies, who posed as the champions of liberation and
independence of subject peoples, based on Woodrow Wilson's principles of self-
determination, which they never cherished.[125] When the Armenian relocations
began, an excellent opportunity arose for the Entente Powers to use the resulting
incidents for disinformation purposes against the Ottoman state.

This disinformation of the Entente Powers was enshrined in three books: the first one
edited by Lord James Bryce, and written by Arnold Toynbee, was entitled Treatment
of the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire (Blue Book, London 1916); the second book

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was written by Henry Morgenthau, et. al., under the title Ambassador Morgenthau’s
Story (New York, 1918); and the third book was written by Johannes Lepsius and
was entitled Le Rapport Secret du Dr. Johannes Lepsius sur les Massacres d’Armenie
(Paris, 1918). All three books have been proved by impartial scholars to have been
‘masterpieces’ of disinformation.[126] Particularly the ‘Blue Book’ had a devastating
effect. Its wicked influence is still extant as the book is being abused by Armenian
activists in perpetuating their hatred towards the Turks, and by certain naive
scholars. Its success lay in the fact that it was based on ‘atrocity’ stories. British
propaganda was geared towards such stories, real, exaggerated, or even
fabricated;[127] because propagandists could flag them to journalists and
correspondents, who would then flash them under banner headlines in their

Ambassador Morgenthau's book, which was written with the aid of his Armenian
secretaries and Burton J. Hendrick, American historian and biographer, has been
vehemently criticised by American scholar Heath Lowry. According to Lowry, Henry
Morgenthau, who arrived in Turkey on 27 November 1913 and returned to the USA
on 1 February 1916, after serving for a period of 26 months as US Ambassador, had
his book compiled two years later, with the help of his two loyal Armenian aides-his
personal secretary Hagop S. Andonian and his confidant, interpreter and adviser,
Arshag K. Schmavonian, both of whom later found lucrative employment in the USA
with the help of Morgenthau.

The book was actually drafted and written by journalist Burton H. Hendrick. It
contains supposed quotations from the remarks of Ottoman Ministers, Talat and
Enver Pashas, whom Hendrick portrayed as thorougly ‘inhuman characters’. Lowry,
who examined carefully everything written by Morgenthau, could not locate a single
reference to some very important alleged conversations. Apart from outright
inventions, the ‘authors’ take rumour and put them into the mouths of Turkish
leaders – moreover in quotation marks. The authors, united in anti-Turkish
disinformation, try to portray Ottoman Ministers as criminals, publicly boasting of
their crimes. They take rumours, through Armenian interpreters, and credit them to
the Turkish leaders. They feel utterly free to change, add, subtract and quote. Heath
Lowry comes to the conclusion that Ambassador Morgenthau’s Story is full of "crude
half-truths and outright falsehoods" which typify it "from cover to cover".[129]

This is also confirmed by George S. Schreiner, the well-known American

correspondent of the Associated Press. After reading the book, Schreiner wrote to
Morgenthau on 11 November 1918 as follows: "I am writing this letter under the
impression that the peace of the world will not gain by such extravagant efforts of
yours. Before there can be understanding among peoples each must have the right
perspective of things and that perspective consists of knowing the true proportion of
right and wrong..... you did not possess in Constantinople (Istanbul) that
omniscience and omnipotence you have arrogated unto yourself in the book. In the
interest of truth I will also affirm that you saw little of the cruelty you fasten upon
the Turks. Besides, you have killed more Armenians than ever lived in the districts of
the uprising... If we take it for granted that we of the West are saints, then no Turk
is any good... Ultimately truth will prevail. I have placed my limited services at her

Nevertheless the wicked influence of Morgenthau’s book has spread, as it is treated

as a ‘primary’ source, reflecting the observations of a ‘bystander’. It has served to

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shape anti-Turkish opinions in many circles. Decades after its first appearance, it is
still reprinted and quoted extensively in speech and prose, despite the hope
expressed by Schreiner, in the preface to his book Craft Sinister, as follows: "It is to
be hoped that the future historian will not give too much heed to the drivel one finds
in the books of diplomatist-authors. I at least have found these books both
remarkably unreliable on the part played by the author. It would seem that these
literary productions are on a par with the "blue books" published by governments for
the edification of the public and for their own amusement".[131]

Dr. Johannes Lepsius based his book on information he collected from Armenian
sources, and with the help of Morgenthau. He never set foot on Anatolian soil.[132]


Armenian claims that in 1915 the Ottoman government ‘deliberately’ implemented a

plan to exterminate the Armenian minority of the Ottoman state need to be
meticulously examined and addressed. Some Armenian writers and Armenophiles,
with no sense of proportion, claim that between 1.5 million and 2.5 million
Armenians were ‘massacred’. In order to ‘prove’ that the Ottomans deliberately
planned and carried out ‘genocide’ against the Ottoman Armenians they quote
extensively from a book by Aram Andonian, an Armenian writer, which was published
in London in 1920, under the title The Memories of Naim Bey; Official Documents
Relating to the Deportations and Massacres of Armenians. These so-called
‘documents’ have been proved to be forgeries, so typical of militant Armenians’
machinations, which are reflected in many ‘documents’ forged by them and
preserved in Western archives. These ‘documents’ are supposed to include secret
instructions which were said to have been sent by the Ottoman Interior Minister,
Mehmet Talat, in September 1915, ordering the ‘extermination’ of the Armenians.
Two Turkish scholars, Şinasi Orel and Süreyya Yuca have proved, beyond any doubt
that the so-called ‘Andonian documents’ are forgeries.[133]

During the trial in Berlin of the Armenian assassin Soghomon Tehlirian, who had
murdered Talat Pasha in Berlin on 15 March 1921, none of the Andonian ‘documents’
was allowed to be entered into the court proceedings as evidence, hence they were
not used. A 1981 publication of the Dashnakists, also admits that the Berlin court did
not accept the ‘documents’ as evidence. Even the prosecutor of the case had
remarked that the ‘documents’ were proved to be false.[134]

Moreover, at a time when the British government was searching the world’s archives
for any ‘evidence’ to be used against the Ottoman officials whom it held for trial for
allegedly being responsible for the Turco-Armenian incidents, its failure to utilise the
Andonian ‘documents’, which were readily available in the English edition, strongly
suggests that the British government was fully aware of the nature of these

Militant Armenians also allege that Adolf Hitler used the treatment accorded to the
Armenians as an example in ordering, on 22 August 1939, "the extermination of the-
Polish-speaking race".[135] Hitler never mentioned the Armenians in his speech, as
proved by American scholar Heath Lowry. According to Heath Lowry,[136] Hitler
made two speeches at Obersalzberg on 22 August 1939, and the texts of his

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speeches were found in the files of the Chief of the High Command of the Armed
Forces at Flanders, and were used as evidence at the Nuremberg trials.[137] Neither
of the Obersalzberg speeches introduced to the tribunal as evidence contains any
reference to the Armenians. A forged third ‘document’, which had been leaked to the
press and had already appeared in print, was not introduced as evidence after the
original minutes of the Obersalzberg meeting were found. This ‘document’ is the
source of the alleged Hitler ‘statement’ on the Armenians. It was published in The
Times on Saturday, 24 November 1945.

Yet, according to Lowry, the results of this falsification were far-reaching. The world
has been misled for many years into thinking that the Nuremberg transcripts
provided The Times reporter with his source for the quotation attributed to Hitler.
Armenian spokesmen have since argued that, Adolf Hitler justified his planned
annihilation of the Jews on the world’s failure to react to the alleged Ottoman
‘genocide’ of the Armenians during World War I, which is completely
unfounded.[138] Nevertheless, Armenian militants and activists, in their
disinformation efforts, are striving to establish a linkage between their own historical
experiences and those of the Jews of Europe during World War II, by making lavish
use of the Hitler ‘quotation’, and by elevating the Turco-Armenian incidents of 1915
to that of the so –called ‘Armenian Holocaust’!

Was there, in reality, ‘genocide’ against the Ottoman Armenians during the First
World War? Before answering this question one needs to define the term ‘genocide’.
According to Raphael Lemkin, a Polish Jew, who coined the word himself, "genocide"
means the destruction of a nation, or of an ethnic group. It is a co-ordinated plan of
different actions aiming at the destruction of the essential foundations of national
groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves.[139] Hence, the main
element of the crime of ‘genocide’ is the intention to destroy.

The term appeared, for the first time, in an official document of 18 October 1945
when the indictment of the Nuremberg Tribunal charged the defendants with the
"crime of deliberate and systematic genocide".[140] During its first session, on 14
December 1946, the General Assembly of the United Nations passed a resolution on
the "Prevention and Repression of Genocide", and on 9 December 1948, approved a
Convention, Article 11 of which specified that the crime of "genocide" was committed
"with the intent of destroying wholly, or partly, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious

In the light of this definition, it would be unfair to apply the term ‘genocide’ to the
case of the Ottoman Armenians. There is no evidence to indicate that the Ottoman
government had ‘an intention’ (or deliberately planned with malice aforethought) to
destroy in whole, or in part, the Armenian minority. It is interesting to note here
that, on 13 July 2000, Lord Walpole, in the House of Lords, asked the British
government "whether they are willing to recognise the killing of Armenians in the
Ottoman Empire of 1915 as genocide within the definition of the United Nations
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide; and if not,
why not."[142] Baroness Scotland of Asthal replied on behalf of the government as
follows: "The Government’s position on this topic is well known and was discussed in
the House of Lords on 14 April 1999. The British Government condemned the
massacres of 1915-16 at the time and viewed the sufferings of the Armenian people
as a terrible tragedy. The current Government in no way dissents from that view. But
in the absence of unequivocal evidence to show that the Ottoman administration

SAM Papers

took a specific decision to eliminate the Armenians, the British Governments have
not recognised the events of 1915-16 as genocide".

Justin McCarthy relates that more than a million of Muslims of eastern Anatolia lost
their lives, as at least 130,000 Caucasian Muslim refugees. In Anatolia 600,000
Armenians and 2.5 million Muslims died. "If this was genocide, it was a strange
genocide indeed, one in which many more killers than victims perished", he remarks,
and adds that the use of the word "genocide" to describe the actions of the Turks is
"ludicrous". What passed between the Armenians and the Turks was not genocide; it
was war, war that engulfed the Turks and the Armenians in 1915. This conflict was
the last in the series of the nineteenth century Turco-Russian wars. It was those
wars that destroyed the Armenians in Anatolia together with many Muslims.

Between 1820 and 1920 Russians forcibly evacuated and killed many of the two
million Muslims, mainly with the help of the Armenians. Those who fled found refuge
in the Ottoman state. In the process, whole nations, Crimean Tatars, Abkhazians,
Circassians ceased to exist in their ancestral homes.[143] In the same period about
600,000 Armenians went from the Ottoman state to Russia, and two million Muslims
came from Russia to Turkey. Once again the suffering was far from one-sided.
McCarthy emphasises what he calls the "historical truth" that Russian imperial
expansion upset the traditional balance of the peoples of the Caucasus and eastern
Anatolia. All the peoples suffered. In terms of number of deaths and relocations,
those who suffered most were the Crimean and Caucasian Muslims. "If any people
were the victims of genocide, it was the Crimean Tatars, victims in their own
homeland, of a planned extermination by (Peter) and Catherine, and ending with
Joseph Stalin. Yet those who are too willing to consider the Muslims as the agents of
genocide seem strangely unwilling to consider Muslims as its victim... It is a story of
human suffering that, like most such stories, has no hero and no villain, only victims
- human victims, whether Turkish or Armenian" remarks McCarthy.[144]

Unfortunately, that is not the way the story has been told. Instead of the truth of a
human disaster, a great myth has arisen, the myth of the 'evil Turk' and the 'good
Armenian'. This myth has been generally believed by non-Armenians because it fits
well into a larger -centuries-old myth - the 'Terrible Turk'. To the Europeans, who
had feared the Turk for more than five centuries, the myth of the "Armenian
genocide seemed just one more example of what they had been taught was the
savagery of the Turk. It spoke to a prejudice that had been nurtured by textbooks,
sermons, folk tales, and ancestral fears of the horsemen riding out of the East. The
false image of the Turk was too strong to be affected by facts."[145]

Little attention is paid to the fact that in 1800 a vast Muslim land existed in Anatolia,
the Balkans, and southern Russia. By 1923 only Anatolia, eastern Thrace and a
section of the southeastern Caucasus remained as Muslim land. The Balkan Muslims
were largely gone, dead or forced to migrate, the remainder living in pockets of
settlement in Greece, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia. The same fate had overcome the
Muslims of the Crimea, the northern Caucasus and Russian Armenia - they were
simply gone or exterminated. Millions of Muslims, most of them Turks, died; millions
fled to what is today Turkey. "Between 1821 and 1922 more than five million
Muslims were driven from their lands. Five and one-half million Muslims died, some
of them killed in wars, others perishing as refugees from starvation and disease",
points out McCarthy.[146]

SAM Papers

Despite the historical importance of Muslim losses, it is not to be found in textbooks.

The exile and mortality of Muslims is not known. The traditional view of the history of
the Balkans, the Caucasus and Anatolia is less than complete, if not misleading,
because the histories of the Ottoman Muslim minority groups are taken out of
context. A major part of that context is the suffering of the Muslims, which took
place in the same region, and at the same time, as the sufferings of the Christians,
and often transcended them.

McCarthy also believes that histories of Turco-Armenian relations are "historical

distortions", many of them. The "Armenian question" is seldom mentioned in print
without half-truths and falsification. In fact, in the USA and Western Europe we have
seen a new wave of false history. Armenian apologists have succeeded in tying
themselves to those who wish never to forget the sufferings of the Jewish Holocaust,
and now the Armenian experience is being portrayed as a "holocaust". Television
shows and newspaper articles have repeated and reinforced the old myth, accepted
because Europeans and Americans have never been told the truth. One American
professor, Stanford Shaw, and his family, have been physically attacked by Armenian
extremists for his statements on the fate of the Armenians, whilst another professor,
Bernard Lewis, has been taken to court for "denying the Armenian genocide".
"Nevertheless the truth must be spoken. The best weapon against such myths is the
truth", declares McCarthy.[147]

Other Western scholars and writers, too, agree that, rarely in history have facts been
deliberately so distorted as to give a completely wrong picture, as the Armenians
have done for more than a century. They succeeded in deceiving the public opinion
of the Christian world because they posed as a martyred nation in the cause of
Christ, and clamoured that they have been "massacred" by the "fanatical, barbarous
and infidel" Turkish Muslims in the name of religion.[148]

In conclusion, it can be stressed that, in the light of archival material, it is

abundantly clear that the peoples of Anatolia, both Muslim and non-Muslim, became
unwittingly, reluctantly, or voluntarily, the instruments and victims of the major
Powers that had only one main purpose: their own self-interest, as reflected in the
secret agreements they contracted among themselves during the Great War for the
partition of the Ottoman state. In those agreements, as indeed in the Treaty of
Lausanne which wound up the Ottoman state, one searches in vain to find any
mention of the promises those Powers made to the non-Muslims of that state -
promises which they forgot as soon as their own interests were secured.[149]

These imperialist and colonialist Powers have been mainly responsible for the
tragedy that befell the peoples of Anatolia; to which, admittedly, various weak and
incompetent Ottoman governments have also contributed. On the other hand, one
must not forget the responsibility of some of the leaders of the Ottoman Christian
communities, who allowed themselves, and influenced their people, to become the
instruments of those Powers, and thus contributed tremendously to that tragedy.

SAM Papers



The publication in 1916, of the British war-time disinformation ‘report’ under the title
The Treatment of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, 1915-16, which came to be
known as the ‘Blue Book’, was masterminded by Arnold Toynbee, a member of the
Masterman propaganda bureau in London, on the instigation of Viscount James
Bryce. Lord Bryce had been inciting the Armenian militants to rebellion since the
publication in 1877 of his book, in which he remarked: "Why... do the Armenians not
rise in rebellion... as their forefathers did against the Seleucids and the Persians?"1

Following the revolt of Ottoman Armenians in 1914-15, on the instigation by the

Allies (mainly by Russia, France and Britain), in order to dismember the Ottoman
state, and the eruption of a civil war between the Armenians and the Turks, the
British Intelligence and Information Services, some political and military advisers and
Armenophile enthusiasts such as Lord Bryce, Arnold Toynbee, Aneurin Williams, and
others, urged the British government to publicise the Turco-Armenian incidents as
‘Armenian massacres’. Internally, it was hoped that this would arose, among the
British public, more interest in ‘the little allies of the Entente’, the Armenians, as
David Lloyd George described them, and hatred towards the Turks, whilst,
externally, it would divert international attention from the atrocious persecution of
the Jews by Britain’s ally, Russia, which had intensified during the war. It would also
stimulate the neutral countries with pro-Entente tendencies, such as the USA, Greece
and Hashemite Arabs, to join the fray.

Harold D. Laswell, observes that the Allies indulged in extensive propaganda

(disinformation) during the First World War in order to establish friendly relations
with neutral states, to convince those states of the justice of their war-aims, and to
procure their support. The Allies knew that the best way to draw the neutrals to their
side was by portraying their enemies as ‘inhuman creatures’.2 That is exactly what
the ‘Blue Book’ aimed to do.

The task of collecting the material, mainly from Armenian sources, and of writing the
‘report’, was undertaken by the well-known Turcophobe Viscount Bryce, and by
Arnold Toynbee.3

Armenian researcher Akaby Nassibian observes that both Aneurin Williams, his
associates, and the British Foreign Office, were anxious to have the ‘report’ published
in order to stimulate the Allies’ war effort.4 The ‘Blue Book’ turned out to be one of
the most successful war-time propaganda exercises of the British government, which
used it in inculcating hatred towards, and denigrating its enemies at the time, the
Turks, before world opinion, particularly the Islamic world, in rewarding the
Armenians with sympathy, flattery and false promises, and in effecting the major
coup of finally winning over the wavering pro-Entente neutrals, in particular the USA.

Most of the material used in the ‘Blue Book’ and in other similar publications was
supplied to Lord Bryce by the U.S. Ambassador in Istanbul, Henry Morgenthau, who,
not knowing Turkish, relied heavily on his Armenian aids.5 Bryce passed on the
information to Toynbee, "the distinguished historian and member of Wellington
House, who", according to Sanderson and Taylor, "became something of a specialist
in atrocity propaganda".6

SAM Papers

There is no doubt that the ‘Blue Book’ was the result of collecting together various
‘documents’ without having thoroughly checked their accuracy, and gathered mainly
from Armenian sources, or from people sympathetic to the Armenians, i.e. from
second or third-hands sources, mostly with the help of Morgenthau, and was issued
as an official publication in order to give it more authenticity and credibility.

The work was completed in a short time, and definitely in less than a year. How
authentic and reliable a work of ‘historical scholarship’ it is, scholars themselves
must judge. Toynbee himself, at first, considered it as "the biggest asset of His
Majesty’s Government to solve the Turkish problem in a radical manner, and to have
it accepted by the public".7 Much later Toynbee disclosed that the British
government had published the ‘Blue Book’ for a special purpose, of which he was
unaware at the time. According to him, the Russian armies, when retreating across
the Polish-Lithuanian frontier in the spring of 1915, had committed many barbarities
against the Jews there, and the advancing German armies had tried to exploit them.
The British government had been seriously perturbed. In February 1916 The New
York American had advised all American people to demand that "Christian England
and Christian France restrain the savagery of their barbarous allies".8 Toynbee
believed that the British government was worried lest the American Jewry retaliate
against the Allies by throwing its weight against Britain in the debate than going on
in the USA. Therefore, the Turco-Armenian incidents in Anatolia had provided the
British government with "counter-propaganda" material against the Central powers.9

Both Henry Herbert Asquith and Stanley Baldwin, in their joint memorial presented in
1924 to the then Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald, stated in no uncertain terms
that the ‘Blue Book’ was "widely used for Allied propaganda in 1916-17, and had an
important influence upon American opinion and the ultimate decision of President
Woodrow Wilson to enter the war".10

Thus, the ‘Blue Book’, as a ‘masterpiece’ of British war-time propaganda, had a

devastating effect. Its wicked influence is still extant as the book is being abused by
Armenian activists in perpetuating their hatred towards the Turks, and by certain
naive scholars. Its success lay in the fact that it was based on ‘atrocity’ stories.
British propaganda was geared towards such stories, real, exaggerated, or even
fabricated;11 because disinformers could flog them to journalists and
correspondents, who would then flash them under banner headlines in their
journals.12 Arthur Ponsonby explains that "the injection of the poison of hatred into
men’s minds by means of falsehood is a greater evil in wartime than the actual loss
of life. The defilement of the human soul is worse than the destruction of the human

One of the most notorious ‘atrocity story’ of the entire war was the so-called ‘corpse-
conversion factory’, where the Germans were accused of boiling down bodies to
make soap. The story was completely fabricated -it was finally exposed in 1925 when
it was discussed in the House of Commons.14 Most of the wartime ‘atrocity stories’
were fabricated, or exaggerated tremendously; so was the myth of the ‘deliberate
extermination of the Ottoman Armenians in 1915’.

James Morgan Read observes: "Lying is an act of conscious deception. Much of

British atrocity propaganda was unconscious deception built upon erroneous reports
and impressions".15 It was the British government itself, which, between 1914 and

SAM Papers

1918, had demonstrated to the world the enormous power of propaganda,16 a

legacy which later propagandists followed suit.


[1] For the protégé system, see S.R.Sonyel, "The Protégé System in the Ottoman
Empire", Journal of Islamic Studies, Vol.2, no.l, Oxford, January 1991, pp.56-66. For
the protégé system, see S.R.Sonyel, "The Protégé System in the Ottoman Empire",
Journal of Islamic Studies, Vol.2, no.l, Oxford, January 1991, pp.56-66.

[2] Benjamin Braude and Bernard Lewis (eds.), Christians and Jews in the Ottoman
Empire: The Functioning of a Plural Society, Vol.1, The Central Lands. New York,

[3] Lord Kinross, The Ottoman Centuries - The Rise and Fall of the Turkish Empire,
London, 1977, p.26.

[4] Douglas Dakin, Unification of Greece, 1770-1923, London, 1972, p.6; see also
Barbara and Charles Jelavich, The Balkans, New York, 1965, pp.27-28.

[5] Kinross, op.cit., p.42.

[6] For the earliest contact and relations between the Turks and the Armenians, see
S.R.Sonyel, The Ottoman Armenians - Victims of Great Power Policy, London, 1987.

[7] Ibid., p.45.

[8] Muriel Atkin, The Khanate of the Eastern Caucasus and the Origins of the First
Russo-lranian War, Doctoral Dissertation, Yale University, 1978, p.7.

[9] See also M.S.Anderson, The Eastern Question, London, 1978.

[10] Atkin, op.cit., pp.25-27.

[11] Ibid., pp.49-50, note 6.

[12] Ibid., pp.173-175.

[13] Ibid., pp.11-12, note 254.

[14] See also Bernard Lewis, "The Impact of the French Revolution in Turkey",
Journal of World History, Vol. I, 1953-54.

[15] Churches Committee on Migrant Workers in Europe, Christian Minorities in

Turkey, Brussels, September, 1979, p.7.

[16] S.R.Sonyel, Armenian Terrorism: A Menace to the International Community,

London, 1987, pp.5-6.

SAM Papers

[17] Justin McCarthy, Death and Exile: The Ethnic Cleansing of Ottoman Muslims,
1821-1922, The Darwin Press, Princeton, NJ, 1996, pp.1-3.

[18] Public Record Office (PRO), Foreign Office (FO) documents, hereinafter to be
referred to as PRO FO, class FO 195/file no.410, Brant to Redcliffe, 20.3.1854.

[19] Edgar Granville, Çarlık Rusya’nın Türkiye’deki Oyunları (Conspiracies in Turkey

of Tsarist Russia), translated into Turkish by Orhan Arıman, Ankara, 1967, pp. 23-

[20] Sonyel, Ottoman Minorities, op.cit., p.201.

[21] PRO, FO 78/360, part 1, Ponsonby to Palmerston, 5.11.1839, enclosing the

English translation of the edict; see also Accounts and Papers (British Parliamentary
Papers) LXI, 2334, part XVII, Eastern Papers; see also S.R.Sonyel, "Tanzimat and its
Effects on the Non-Muslim Subjects of the Ottoman Empire", International
Symposium on the 150th Anniversary of Tanzimat, Ankara, 1994, pp.353-388.

[22] For the reform movement in the Ottoman state during this period, see H.W.V.
Temperley, "Reform Movement in the Turkish Empire and Republic During the
Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries", Chinese Social and Political Science Review,
January, 1937, pp.449-460.

[23] Braude and Lewis, Christians and Jews in the Ottoman Empire, op.cit., Vol. I,

[24] Charles N. Eliot, Turkey in Europe, London, 1900, p.395.

[25] Anderson, The Eastern Question, op.cit., p.167; Oscanian, The Sultan and His
People, New York, 1857, pp.353-354.

[26] Braude and Lewis, Vol. I, p.332.

[27] Vartan Artinian, The Armenian Constitutional System in the Ottoman Empire,
1839-1863, Doctoral Dissertation, Brandeis University, 1970.

[28] Ibid., p.78; see also Migirditch Dadian, "La société Armenienne contemporaine",
Revue des Deux Mondes, June 1867, pp.803-828.

[29] Kara Schemsi, Turcs et Armeniennes devant l’Histoire, Geneva, 1919, p.19;
PRO FO 371/1784/W 532, "The Armenian Question" by Sir Walter Napier, dated
12.12.1932; see also G.H. Chopourian, The Armenian Evangelical Reformation:
Causes and Effects. New York, 1972, G.Warneck, Outlines of a History of Protestant
Missions, London, 1902; Roger Trusk, American Missions in the Near East, n.d.

[30] Artinian, op.cit., pp. 40 ff.

[31] A.P.Vartoogian, Armenian Ordeal, New York, 1896, p.37.

[32] Aubrey Herbert, Ben Kendim - A Record of Eastern Travel, London, 1924,

SAM Papers

[33] In 1846 the Armenian Patriarch of Istanbul, Chamourian, ex-communicated the

Protestant Armenians, see Ìhsan Sakarya, Belgelerle Ermeni Sorunu (The Armenian
Questions in Documents), Ankara, 1984, p.25.

[34] Enver Ziya Karal, Osmanlı Tarihi (Ottoman History), Vol.VIII, Ankara, 1947-62,

[35] W.E.D.Allen and Paul Muratoff, Caucasian Battlefields..., 1821-1921,

Cambridge, 1953, pp.148-149.

[36] Bilal Şimşir, British Documents on Ottoman Armenians, Vol.1, 1856-80, Ankara,
1982; Vol.11, 1880-1890, Ankara, 1983, pp.XIII-XV.

[37] Accounts and Papers 36, LXXXI, 1878, 4122, Layard to Derby, 18.12.1877,

[38] Pierre Moser, Armeniens, où est la réalité?, Librairie -Editions Mallier, 1980,

[39] William Langer, Diplomacy of Imperialism, Vol. I. New York, 1956, p.151;
Stanford J. Shaw and Ezel Kural, History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey,
Cambridge, 1977, p.188.

[40] For the Treaty of Berlin, see PRO FO 371/537/10465, Turkey No.4 (1878);
Accounts and Papers 38, LXXXIII, 1878, Turkey No. 38 (1878), Salisbury to Foreign
Office, 13.7.1878, enclosing copy of the treaty.

[41] Contemporary Review, no.65, June 1894, p.850; Arnold J. Toynbee (ed.).
Treatment of the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire (Blue Book), London, 1916,

[42] PRO FO 371/68/Conf. 3691, no.644, Layard to Derby, 20.3.1878.

[43] Moser, op.cit., p.27.

[44] V. Aykouni, Le Problème Armenien, Université de Montpellier, 1969, pp. 88 ff.

[45] Enver Ziya Karal, Armenian Question, Ankara, 1975, pp.12-13; see also Ralph
Eliot Cook, The United States and the Armenian Question, Thesis submitted to the
Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, 15.4.1957, pp. 154-156.

[46] Accounts and Papers, Turkey No.4 (1880), no.118/1, pp.154-156.

[47] Langer, op.cit, p.151; see also Dwight E. Lee, Great Britain and the Cyprus
Convention Policy of 1878, Harvard, 1934, pp.39 ff.and 61 ff.

[48] See for example PRO FO 424/86, nos. 2 and 8, p.183, Layard to Salisbury,
31.7.1879; Salisbury to Layard, 1.8.1879.

SAM Papers

[49] PRO FO 424/76, no.134, pp.108-109, Biliotti to Salisbury, 26.10.1878; see also
Turkey No.10 (1879), p.7, Trotter to Salisbury, 4.12.1878, about Russian intrigues.

[50] Başbakanlık Arşivi (Prime Minister's Archives), indicator S-1, Document no.2,
internal, 55755/185-35, box 50, Ottoman Foreign Minister to Russian Ambassador,

[51] PRO FO 424/106, no.138, pp.269-270, Everett to Trotter, 12.3.1880.

[52] Ibid., file no.132/Conf.4789, part VI, no.36, Everett to Duffering, 3.1.1882, pp.

[53] Ibid., file no.140/Conf.4948, part VII, no.20, Everett to Granville, 9.4.1883, pp.
17-18; see also Louise Nalbandian, The Armenian Revolutionary Movement,
Berkeley, 1963, p.87.

[54] Sonyel, Armenian Terrorism, p.8.

[55] Başbakanlık Arşivi, Yıldız Archives, Document no.131, class 36X 152, reports of
Nazım Pasha, Ottoman Minister of Police, on the Aims, Activities and Organisation of
the Hintchak Society; see also Langer, I, op.cit., p.154.

[56] See the publications of Mikayel Varandian, Haykakan Charmjan

Nakhapatmouthiun (Origin of the Armenian Movement), 2 Vols., Geneva, 1912-1913,
and Hai Heghapoghagan Dashnagtzoutan Badmoutiun (History of the Armenian
Revolutionary Federation), 2 Vols., Paris, 1932; see also K.S.Papasian, Patriotism
Perverted, Boston, 1934, pp.9-13.

[57] See also S.R.Sonyel, "The Armenian Question, Unfinished Agenda of De-
Ottomanisation", Impact International, Vol.13, no.19, London, 14-27 October, 1983.

[58] Nalbandian, op.cit., pp.110-111; see also Hintchak, Vol.1, no.l, November
1887, nos.11-12, October-November 1885; and Avetis Nazarbek, Through the
Storm, London, 1899, introduction.

[59] Leo (Babakhanian), Turkahai heghapokhutian gaghapara-banutiune (The

Ideology of the Turkish Armenian Revolution), 2 Vols., Paris, 1934-1945, quoted by
Sadi Koçaş in Tarih Boyunca Ermeniler ve Türk-Ermeni İlişkileri (Armenians and
Turco-Armenian Relations Throughout History), Ankara, 1967, pp.126-127.

[60] Accounts and Papers, XCVI, Turkey No.l (1890-91), Command 6214,
Memorandum by Devey, pp.24-45.

[61] Papasian, op.cit., pp.9-15; Langer Vol. I, pp.155-158; Koçaş, pp.128-135;

Nalbandian, p.168; Varandian, pp.80-84.

[62] Nalbandian, op.cit., pp.173-176.

[63] Ibid., p.208.

[64] Ibid., p.174; see also McCarthy, Death and Exile, op. cit., pp.28-29.

SAM Papers

[65] Langer Vol. I, p.160.

[66] Eliot, op.cit., p.399; Langer Vol. I, p.159.

[67] Accounts and Papers, Turkey No.3 (1896), Command 80115, Newton to Ford,
2.5.1893, p.104; Graves to Ford, 6.5.1893; Ford to Rosebery, 9.5.1893, pp.105-
106; ibid., no.144, Rosebery to Nicolson, 14.6.1893, pp.128-129; see also Koçaş,
op.cit., p.157 and Moser, p.48.

[68] Moser, pp. 47-48

[69] Accounts and Papers, Turkey No.6 (1896), Command no.214, pp.38-39, Boston
Congregationalist, 23.12.1893.

[70] "Armenia and the Armenians", The Presbyterian, 23.2.1894.

[71] Accounts and Papers, Turkey No.6 (1896), Currie to Kimberley, 28.3.1894,

[72] Sir Ellis Ashmeed Bartlett, MP, Armenian "Atrocity" Agitation, Its Genesis,
Method, Truth and Consequences, London, February 1895, pp. 3, 5, 8 and 19; see
also The Westminster Gazette, 15.12.1894 and 7.1.1895.

[73] Türk Inkılab Tarihi Enstitüsü Arşivi (Archives of the Turkish Reform Institute),
Document no. 1F/532.

[74] Türkkaya Ataöv, The Armenian Question: Conflict, Trauma and Objectivity,
Ankara, 1987, p.8, quoting from Charles Boswell Norman's report. The Armenians
Unmasked, copy of a hand-written manuscript, 1895, preserved at the Institute of
Turkish Reform, Faculty of Languages and History-Geography, University of Ankara.

[75] Turkey No.l (1895), no.119; see also PRO FO 424/ 178/Confidential 6583,

[76] Kamuran Gürün, Ermeni Dosyası (The Armenian File), Ankara, 1983, p.168.

[77] Sonyel, Ottoman Armenians, op.cit., p.292.

[78] İsmet Parmaksızoğlu, Ermeni Komitelerinin İhtilal Hareketleri ve Besledikleri

Emeller (The Revolutionary Activities of Armenian Committees and Their
Aspirations), Ankara, 1981, p.34.

[79] PRO FO 371/560/37689, Dickson to Lowther, 30.9.1908.

[80] Ibid.

[81] Ibid., Lowther to Grey, 24.10.1908.

[82] PRO FO 371/762/2123, Lowther to Grey, 18.1.1909.

SAM Papers

[83] PRO FO 371/553/33230, Lowther to Grey, 20.9.1908; see also Enver Bolayır,
Talat Paşa'nın Hatıraları (Memoirs of Talat Pasha), Istanbul, 1946, pp.43 ff.

[84] PRO FO 371/557/42608 and FO 371/228, Lowther to Grey, 2.12.1908,

transmitting the copy of a memorandum by Fitzmaurice, dated 30.11.1908.

[85] PRO FO 371/424/217, Further Correspondence Respecting the Affairs of Asiatic

Turkey and Arabia, Confidential 9482, October to December 1908; no.60, Lowther to
Grey, 1.12.1908, p.112.

[86] Sir Telford Waugh, Turkey Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, London, 1930,

[87] PRO FO 371/772/17612, Lowther to Grey, 4.5.1909; see also Walker, op.cit.,

[88] PRO FO 371/1002/4235, Lowther to Grey, 31.1.1910, transmitting the Annual

Report for Turkey for the year 1909.

[89] PRO FO 371/772/17612, Lowther to Grey, 4.5.1919.

[90] PRO FO 371/771/17612, Lowther to Grey, 4.5.1909.

[91] Ibid., Document no.15394, Lowther to Grey, 23.4.1909, and Document

no.15478, Lowther to Grey, 25.4.1909; see also FO 371/4974/E 2400, Memorandum
by R. McDowell, dated 25.3.1920, which states that 15,000 Armenians lost their
lives, but the number of Muslim losses is not given.

[92] Shaw and Kural support this view, see History of the Ottoman Empire..., op.cit.,

[93] PRO FO 424/219, no.83.

[94] PRO FO 371/4974/E 2402, Memorandum by R. McDowell, dated 25.3.1920.

[95] PRO FO 371/1484/42899, Lowther to Grey, 9.10.1912.

[96] Feroz Ahmad, "Unionist Relations with Greek, Armenian and Jewish
Communities of the Ottoman Empire, 1908-1914"' in Braude and Lewis Vol. I,
op.cit., pp.423-424; see also Djemal Pasha, Memories of a Turkish Statesman, 1913-
1919, New York, 1973, pp.263 ff.

[97] PRO FO 371/1783/19793, Lowther to Grey, 26.4.1913 and Foreign Office


[98] Vartan Gregorian, "Book review". The Armenian Review, Vol.3, no.4, Boston,
Winter 1983, p.77; Dikran Kevorkyan, "Armenian Terrorism within the Framework of
International Terrorism" in International Terrorism and the Drug Connection, Ankara,
1984, pp.95-96.

SAM Papers

[99] See Robert Davison, "The Armenian Crisis, 1912-1914", American Historical
Review, LIII, April 1948, pp.481-505; Vahan Papazian, Im Hushere (My Memoirs), 3
Vols, I, Boston 1950, II and III, Beirut, 1952, III pp.241-258 and 543-583; Djemal
Pasha, op.cit., pp.274-276.

[100] Gürün, op.cit., p. 180; see also Ulrich Trumpener, Germany and the Ottoman
Empire, 1914-18, Princeton, New Jersey, 1968, p.12.

[101] Command 671 (LI), 1920; see also J.C.Hurewitz, Diplomacy in the Near and
Middle East, 2 Vols, New Jersey, 1956, II, pp.7-25.

[102] Cf. B.E.Smith, The Coming of the War, 1914, 2 Vols., New York, 1930, I, p.91;
I.V. Bestuzhev, "Russian Foreign Policy, February-June 1914", Journal of
Contemporary History, Vol.1, no.3, 1966, pp.110-111; Trumpener, op.cit., p.20.

[103] Trumpener, p.16.

[104] S.R.Sonyel, The Great War and the Tragedy of Anatolia, Ankara, 2000. p.85.

[105] See PRO FO 371/3410/129455, Cardashian to Cecil, 8.7.1918; FO 371/6575/E

5569, Yachibekian to Foreign Office, 11.5.1921; ibid., Document no. E 9022,
Rattigan to Curzon, 29.7.1921, and Document no. E 12057, Yachibekian to Foreign
Office, 27.10.1921.

[106] PRO FO 371/2483/15633, Admiralty to Foreign Office, transmitting a report of

the proceedings off the Syrian coast from 14 to 27 December 1914 of HMS Doris;
File FO 371/2489 is full of documents on Armenian and other Christian espionage
against the Turks; see also FO 371/3950/114458.

[107] Documents on Ottoman Armenians, no.1/131, class 2287, file 12, F. 1-10; see
also McCarthy, Death and Exile..., op.cit., p.189.

[108] Justin McCarthy, "Armenian Terrorism: History as Poison and Antidote".

International Terrorism and the Drug Connection, 1984, pp. 88-89.

[109] Horizon, Tbilisi, 30.11.1914; see also Shaw and Kural, op. cit., pp. 314-315;
PRO FO 371/2484/469411.

[110] Herbert, Ben Kendim, op.cit., p.275.

[111] Documents on Ottoman Armenians, p.4 9.

[112] Ibid., pp.50-51 and 63-64.

[113] McCarthy, Death and Exile, op.cit., p.192.

[114] See note 105 and S.R.Sonyel, The Ottoman Armenians - Victims of Great
Power Policy, London, 1987 and his Minorities and the Destruction of the Ottoman
Empire, Ankara, 1993.

SAM Papers

[115] PRO FO 371/2488/127223 and 58550; Başbakanlık Arşivi, Meclis-i Vükela

Mazbataları (Minutes of the Council of Ministers), debates of 15-17 August 1915;
Bab-ı Ali Evrak Odası (Documents of the Sublime Porte), no.175, p.321, Van İhtilali
ve Katliamı (The Rebellion and Massacres in Van), 10.9.1915.

[116] McCarthy, Armenian Terrorism.... op.cit., p.89.

[117] Parmaksızoğlu, op.cit., pp.111-113.

[118] Sonyel, Ottoman Armenians, op.cit., p.299.

[119] PRO, FO 371/4221/170751, Sir John de Robeck to Curzon, 29.12.1919, and

Foreign Office minutes.

[120] Başbakanlık Arşivi, Meclis-i Vükela Mazbataları, decision of May 14/27 and
17/30, 1915; Düstur (0ttoman Legislation), Second Series, Vol.VI, p.609, 27.5.1915.

[121] PRO FO 371/9158/E 5523.

[122] Sonyel, Ottoman Armenians, p.300.

[123] Shaw and Kural, op.cit., pp.315-316.

[124] Harold D. Laswell, Propaganda Techniques in the World War, New York, 1927,

[125] Ibid., pp.62, 66 and 72.

[126] See Arthur Ponsonby, Falsehood in Wartime, New York, 1971; Michael
Sanderson and Philip M. Taylor, British Propaganda During the First World War,
1914-1918, London, 1983; see also Heath W.Lowry, The Story Behind Ambassador
Morgenthau's Story, Istanbul, 1990, pp.76-77.

[127] See Alexander Powell, The Struggle for Power in Moslem Asia, New York, 1925,
p.30; Lucy Masterman, C.F.G.Masterman, 1939, p.298.

[128] See also Sydney Whitman, Turkish Memories, London, 1914, pp.120-121. For
a detailed review of the ‘Blue Book’, see the Appendix.

[129] Lowry, Ambassador Morgenthau's Story, op.cit.

[130] George A. Schreiner, The Craft Sinister : Diplomatico-Political History of the

Great War and its Causes, New York, 1920, pp.110-135.

[131] Ibid., pp. 110-135.

[132] Sonyel, The Great War and the Tragedy of Anatolia, op.cit., pp.154 ff.

[133] Şinasi Orel and Süreyya Yuca, The Talat Pasha Telegrams: Historical Fact or
Armenian Fiction? London, 1983, pp. vii-vii.

SAM Papers

[134] Ibid., pp. 213-23.

[135] Ibid., p.171.

[136] Heath Lowry, "The US Congress and Adolf Hitler on the Armenians", Political
Communication and Persuasion, Vol.3, no.2, New York, 1985, pp.111-114.

[137] Transcript of the Nuremberg Tribunal, TMWC, Vol.II, New York, AMS Press,
1961, pp.285-86.

[138] Lowry, pp.119-20.

[139] Raphael Lemkin, Axis Rule in Occupied Europe, Washington, 1944, p.79.

[140] Procès des grands criminels de guerre, Tribunal Militaire International de

Nuremberg, 1.1.1947,p.46.

[141] Resolution no. 260, A III, 9.12.1948.

[142] House of Lords, HL, 3202.

[143] McCarthy, Death and Exile, p.90.

[144] Ibid., p.91.

[145] Ibid., p.92

[146] Ibid., p.l.

[147] Ibid., pp.93-94.

[148] See also Gwynne Dyer, "Turkish 'Falsifiers' and Armenian 'Deceivers':
Historiography and the Armenian Massacres". Middle Eastern Studies, January 1976,

[149] See also Michael Llewellyn-Smith, The Ionian Vision, Greece in Asia Minor,
1919-1922, London, 1973, p.34; Martin Gilbert, Sir Horace Rumbold: Portrait of a
Diplomat, 1869-1941, London, 1973, p.244 and PRO FO 371/3410 and 6575 files.

1 James Bryce, Transcaucasia and Ararat, London, 1877, p.344.

2 Harold D. Laswell, Propaganda Techniques in the World War, New York, 1927, pp.
62, 66, 72 and 195-197.

3 On how the propaganda material was collected and masterfully utilised, see Arthur
Ponsonby, Falsehood in Wartime, New York, 1917, and Michael Sanderson and Philip
M. Taylor, British Propaganda During the First World War, 1914-1918, London, 1983.

4 Akaby Nassibian, Britain and the Armenian Question, London, 1984.

SAM Papers

5 Heath W. Lowry, The Story Behind Ambassador Morgenthau’s Story, İstanbul,


6 Sanderson and Taylor, op.cit., p.145.

7 See Public Record Office, Foreign Office document FO 371/3404/162647, p.2.

8 The New York American, 2.2.1916.

9 Arnold Toynbee, Acquaintances, London, pp.149-152.

10 Mosa Anderson, Noel Buxton, A Life, London, 1952, pp.81 and 110; see also
Bodleian Library, Toynbee Papers, box on Armenian Memorial, 26.9.1924.

11 Lucy Masterman, C.F.G. Masterman, 1939, p.298.

12 Sydney Whitman, Turkish Memories, London, 1914, pp.120-21.

13 Ponsonby, op.cit., p.18.

14 Hansard, 5th session, Vol.188, 24.11.1925; see also "Kadaver" in The Nation, no:
38, 1925, pp.147-48.

15 James Morgan Read, Atrocity Propaganda, 1914-19, Yale, 1941, p.187.

16 Sanderson and Taylor, Ibid., p.265


Prof. Dr. Salahi R. Sonyel was born in Cyprus in 1932. After graduating from the
English School he served as a civil servant in the British Colonial Administration until
1957 when he was granted a scholarship to attend the Queen’s University, Belfast,
Northern Ireland. He read Political Science, Economics and Education at Queen’s and
was awarded the degrees of B.A., and M.A., and the Diploma in Education. He then
carried out research at Birkbeck College in Political (Diplomatic) History, and was
conferred the degree of Ph. D. by the University of London.

His previous publications include The Ottoman Armenians – Victims of Great Power
Policy, London, 1987, Minorities and the Destruction of the Ottoman Empire, Ankara,
1993, and The Great War and the Tragedy of Anatolia, Ankara, 2000, and numerous
articles on Turco-Armenian relations.

He is currently a visiting Professor at the Near East University, Turkish Republic of

Northern Cyprus, a member of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, London,
and an honorary member of the Turkish Historical Society, Ankara.


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