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Final Assignment (Rahmiati Nur Ihsaniah)

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Nama : Rahmiati Nur Ihsaniah

NPM : 19196015710271


To complete your work on this module, you need to do the tasks in this final assignment

Questions 1-8 based on reading text 1
Reading Text 1
The diagram below shows two processes for manufacturing black tea. Following the
diagram, there are eight sentences that describes the main features of the processes.
However, they are presented in jumbled order. Reorder the sentences to make up a coherent
explanation on how blacktea is produced. Write the number of order for each sentences in
the box provided.
Manufacturing Tea
The diagram shows two processes for manufacturing black tea.
1. The traditional way is used for making loose tea and the modern  2
process is ideal for teabags.
2. In both processes, natural enzymes are produced from the leaves.  6
3. The next step is oxidation, where the enzymes from the leaves mix with  7
the air.
4. When collecting tea, the tea picker picks only the two top leaves and  3
the bud of each plant to ensure a high quality tea.
5. By this stage, little moisture remains in the tea – just three per cent.  9
6. After that, the leaves are ready for rolling or cutting. Factories use  5
traditional methods of rolling and crushing or faster modern methods of
cutting, tearing and curling to make teabags.
7. This changes the colour of the leaves from green to copper and creates  8
a nice flavour and aroma. Finally, the leaves are fired and dried.
8. Then, the tea leaves go through withering where leaves are spread out  4
and air is passed through them to remove up to 60 per cent of their

Questions 9-14 based on reading text 2

Reading Text 2
9. The author most likely wrote this editorial to …
A. express an opinion about fireworks.
B. teach about fireworks safety.
C. describe different types of fireworks.
D. complain about noise during fireworks displays.
10. According to the author, which type of fireworks are the leading cause of injuries?
A. Roman candles
B. skyrockets
C. sparklers
D. firecrackers
11. According to the author, how are fireworks harmful? Give one or two examples.
 Fireworks contain chemicals that are harmful to people and animals. They are also
dangerous because some of them can damage our hearings.
12. Does the author of this editorial believe that all fireworks should be banned? Explain
your answer.
 Thes author believes all consumer fireworks should be banned, but for some reasons
it’s okay for people to continue enjoying public fireworks.
13. With which of the following statements would the author most likely agree?
A. Public fireworks displays should be paid for with tax dollars.
B. The money we spend on fireworks would be better spent helping others.
C. Hearing loss is a small price to pay for the excitement that fireworks provide.
D. The small amounts of harmful chemicals found in fireworks are nothing to be
concerned about.
14. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the author? Explain your answer in not
more than 100 words.
 The writer tells us that the fireworks should be banned. I agree with the writer for
some reasons. Due to the problems caused by the fireworks and it is also only money
waste, I defintely support that the fireworks should be banned in all occasion. The
money waste of lighting the fireworks should be diverted to the other benefit
activities. Nevertheless, the euforia of enjoying fireworks should not be ignored. I
realize some people do enjoy fireworks, feel happy while watching them. Therefore,
people in charge of fireworks display should consider public safety and think about
any other ideas to get public attention as well as keep them in safety procedure.

Questions 15-20 based on reading text 3
Reading Text 3

15. What type of graphic organizer is in Reading Text 3?

 It is bar chart.
16. What is the writer’s purpose for presenting the data in this way?
 The writer’s purpose for presenting the data is to compare and contrast data or
17. Can you identify source of the data used in the text? Do you think it is a credible source?
 The text says: PISA, 2005. I think it should be valid because we can see the website
address under the graphic.
18. What is the most ‘striking’ information in the text to you?
 The most ‘striking’ information is about the percentage of Indonesia score for level 1
or below and Vietnam is only 6% for the same level. In level 4, Indonesia is only in 2%
of science score.
19. Which country is the better performer: Vietnam or Singapore? Why?
 I think each of the countries has its own strength. Vietnam has the least number of
students at Level 1 with 6% while Singapore is on the second position with 10%.
Singapore has more students with 52% at level 3-6 and also has the most number of
students at level 6.
20. What can you say about Indonesia’s performance compared to other ASEAN country?
 Based on the bar chart, Indonesia sits in the bottom position with 56% at Level 1.
However, it shares the same position for the number of students positioned at Level
2 of competence in Science.

Questions 15-7 based on reading text 4
Reading Text 4
21. What type of infographic is Reading Text 4?
 It is List Infographic
22. What is the text about?
 It is about five signs of people who do not drink enough water
23. What is the writer’s purpose?
 The writer’s purpose is to inform about how to find out if one’s body is in need of
24. Can you identify source of the data used in the text? Do you think it is a credible source?
 It can be seen under the text that the source is from I’ve already
checked the website and it’s incredible. The website provide many information and
various healthy tips.
25. Write a summary of the infographic in not more than 150 words.
 The text informs us about how the signs of our bodies show when we do not drink
enough water. This infographic also explains that we need sufficient water to keep
us healthy. Feeling hungry, feeling tired or cranky, rough and dry skin, less frequency
of needs to empty bladder along with dark and strong smell of urine, and checking
on how much water one’s need daily based on his/her respective body weight are
five signs of lack of water.

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