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Bloat in Cattle

W. Majak
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Kamloops, BC

T. A. McAllister
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge, AB
D. McCartney
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lacombe, AB

K. Stanford
Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development, Lethbridge, AB

K-J Cheng
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
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Printed 2003 05
Updated April 2008
Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 1
History .................................................................................................................................. 1
Normal production and expiry of gas ................................................................................ 2
Mechanisms of bloat ........................................................................................................... 3
Frothy bloat .......................................................................................................................... 4
Free-gas bloat ....................................................................................................................... 7
General clinical findings ..................................................................................................... 8

Pasture Bloat .............................................................................................................................. 9

Predisposing factors ............................................................................................................ 9
Prevention of pasture bloat .............................................................................................. 13

Stored and processed legume feeds ........................................................................................ 17

Alfalfa hay .......................................................................................................................... 17
Other alfalfa feedstuffs ..................................................................................................... 18

Feedlot Bloat ............................................................................................................................ 18

Occurrence ......................................................................................................................... 18
Causes, predisposing factors, and prevention of frothy bloat ....................................... 19
Causes and prevention of feedlot bloat ........................................................................... 20
Problem-solving ................................................................................................................. 21
Chronic bloaters ................................................................................................................ 21

Treatment ................................................................................................................................. 22
Bloat severity and treatment ............................................................................................ 22
Anti-foaming agents .......................................................................................................... 26

Common questions and answers ............................................................................................. 27

References ............................................................................................................................... 28
Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................. 28

This publication provides information on the causes, control, and treatment of bloat in cattle and
is intended for livestock producers, veterinarians, and agrologists. The authors have observed
bloat produced under experimental conditions by feeding fresh alfalfa and bloat-causing feedlot
diets. Bloat has also been observed under grazing conditions on alfalfa pastures.

Although the information in this publication is oriented around livestock production in western
Canada, the general principles are widely applicable, and the publication should provide valuable
information for other regions.

Bloat is a complex disease that is difficult to predict under field conditions. As a result, field
observations have led to varied and conflicting theories about its causes. This publication
presents well-established facts and consistent field observations based on collective experience.
Recommendations are made on this basis and on research reports, general observations, and on
the experience of cattle producers.

Bloat is a disease that has been described in agricultural writings since at least A.D. 60. Few
livestock diseases have such a long and colorful history. Even the names for bloat have changed
considerably over the years. English journals of the 18th and 19th centuries describe the disease
using various terms: hoove, hoven, tympany, and blown. The French word “météorisation,”
meaning the process of ballooning, is still used to describe bloat.

In past centuries, a bellyful of gas was attributed to a poison, to excessive gas production, or to
blockage caused by the excessive consumption of dense feed. These and other explanations were
the objects of experimental research in several countries from the 1940s to the 1960s.

A few recommendations from the past seem unusual today, e.g., “feathers burnt and held for
some time while in full smoke, close under the nose of the animal” (ca. 1795); and “a pint of gin
to each animal” (ca. 1925).

Some current practices have been used for many years. For example, placing an animal’s front
feet on a mound so that the front feet are higher than the back feet helped to ease bloat because
the esophagus was thus elevated, and the gas was expelled more easily. Enforced moderate
exercise, such as walking, was a commonly-used treatment for bloat and was often effective if
used before bloat reached the acute stage. Another method involved placing a stick or rope
through an animal’s mouth to encourage salivation, which breaks down rumen foam. A book
published in the early 18th century emphasized the need for care when cattle are first put into

In 1925, the London Society of Arts awarded a silver medal for the design of a 4 inch (10 cm)
trocar and cannula, instruments used for the emergency treatment of severely bloated animals.

The frothy basis of pasture bloat was generally accepted only after vigorous debate and wide
publicity of various and diverse theories in agricultural journals. Anti-bloat detergents such as
poloxalene were developed during the same period. Eventually, animal nutritionists learned how
to control feedlot bloat through diet formulation and care in feed processing.

The incidence of pasture bloat increased around the world with the introduction of legume
forages into cultivated pastures. Feedlot bloat came into prominence with the development of
feedlot finishing of beef cattle. Bloat in sheep is much less of a problem than in cattle.

Normal production and expiry of gas

Ruminant animals carry an active population of micro-organisms (bacteria, fungi, and protozoa)
in the forestomach of their digestive system. Without these organisms, the animal would be
unable to digest fibrous feeds, such as grasses and legumes. In the process of digesting these
materials, the micro-organisms produce large quantities of gas that must be expelled. When
steers are fed fresh alfalfa, they produce up to 2 L of gas per minute.

Under normal conditions, the gas produced in the rumen separates from the solid and liquid
contents and then rises to the top of the rumen, where it collects as a free bubble (Figure 1).
Eructation, or belching, is initiated by increasing gas pressure in the rumen. When an animal
belches, the rumen contracts and pushes the free gas toward the front of the rumen, where it
collects around the esophageal opening.

Figure 1 Gas pocket above the various layers of rumen contents

The opening of the esophagus is controlled by receptors in the rumen wall that can sense when
the area is exposed to liquid or to free gas. If the area is covered by liquid or foam, the esophagus
remains tightly closed, preventing belching. This trait apparently has evolved in ruminant animals
to prevent rumen fluid or foam from accidentally entering the lungs, which would cause
aspiration pneumonia.

Eructation occurs when the receptors surrounding the esophagus sense that free gas is present.
As the esophagus relaxes, the animal takes a deep breath, drawing the gas up the esophagus.
Most of the gas (about 60%) then enters the lungs, and the remainder is expelled through the
mouth. As most of the eructated gas enters the lungs before it is exhaled, it is difficult to notice
or hear an animal eructate. If a large amount of gas is eructated, however, either or both a sound
or a smell will be noticeable.

Eructation, or belching, normally occurs about once every minute and requires about 10 seconds
to be completed. The volume of gas produced by rumen fermentation increases after feeding and
peaks in two to four hours. To accommodate increased rates of gas production, belching occurs
more often, up to three or four times per minute. Normally, the process is efficient in expelling
large volumes of gas from the rumen.

Mechanisms of bloat
Bloat occurs when the eructation mechanism is impaired or inhibited and the rate of gas
production exceeds the animal’s ability to expel the gas. Because large volumes of gas are
produced in the rumen, bloat can develop very quickly. In both legume and feedlot bloat, the
eructation mechanism is commonly inhibited by frothy or foamy rumen contents. The gas
remains trapped in the rumen fluid, forming an emulsion of small bubbles about 1 mm in
diameter. The frothy rumen contents expand, filling the rumen cavity and inhibiting the nerve
endings that control the opening into the esophagus. This condition is known as frothy bloat.

Animals can tolerate moderate frothiness of rumen contents without exhibiting bloat, or they
may expel enough gas from moderately frothy rumen contents to recover from mild bloat without
treatment. When frothy bloat is severe, the pressure in the rumen eventually inhibits all ruminal
contractions. This condition is called atony.
The existence of frothy and free-gas bloat can be determined by passing a stomach tube into the
rumen. When the rumen contents are frothy, the tube fills with froth and the gas cannot be
relieved. When the animal is bloated with free gas, the gas pocket is usually easy to locate with
the tube, and the expulsion of gas through the tube provides immediate relief from the bloated

Frothy bloat
Although frothy rumen contents are characteristic of both legume pasture bloat and feedlot
bloat, the physical and chemical explanations for the two conditions were quite different until
recently. According to the traditional theory of legume pasture bloat, froth was attributed to
soluble proteins in the rumen fluid, which were produced by legume forages. One protein, known
as 18S, or fraction 1 protein, initially received particular attention. The foaming properties of all
soluble proteins are well known, so it was reasonable to suspect them as the cause of pasture

However, although they are a contributing factor, soluble proteins alone do not account for the
extreme viscosity of frothy rumen contents. Because soluble protein concentrations in rumen
fluid do not correlate with the occurrence of bloat in cattle that are fed fresh alfalfa, they cannot
be the culprits.

Current theories place more emphasis on the involvement of small particles and microbial
activity. Alfalfa, which is rapidly digested, provides for bacterial blooms, producing large
quantities of both gas and slime. Investigations with cattle that were fed fresh alfalfa at the
Kamloops Range Research Unit revealed an association between the concentration of small
particles or fragments of chloroplasts from the alfalfa in the rumen contents and the occurrence
of bloat. The rumen bacteria attached to these particles (Figure 2) have an abundance of
carbohydrates, both internal – in the form of storage granules – and external – in the form of
slime. The occurrence of bloat is consistently associated with increased levels of these particles in
the rumen fluid (Figure 3).

Figure 2 Bacterial population of the rumen fluid of a cow with pasture bloat –
the arrows indicate slime

Bloating cattle
Non-bloating cattle

Figure 3 Average pre-feeding concentrations of particulate chlorophyll in the

rumen of bloating and non-bloating cattle

Frothy feedlot bloat has been attributed to small feed particles in grain rations (Figures 4 and 5)
that cause slime to form in rumen contents. The slime is made up primarily of polysaccharides
secreted by rumen bacteria and released from ruptured bacterial cells. The bacterial
polysaccharides increase the viscosity of rumen fluid and subsequently trap small gas bubbles in
the rumen fluid, leading to frothy rumen contents and bloat.

Figure 4 Left: dry-rolled grain is too fine and can cause bloat
Right: tempered and rolled grain is coarse and free of dust

Figure 5 Left: foaming rumen contents from cows fed fine-particle feed creates a potential for bloat.
Right: rumen contents contains no foam when animal is fed coarse-particle feed

A unified theory of frothy bloat has been proposed that recognizes the similarity of factors
observed when pasture and feedlot bloat occur (Table 1). The similar features are readily
digested feedstuffs, diets high in grain or fresh immature alfalfa and an abundance of small
particles in the rumen contents. Small particles and slime produce a frothy bloat complex when
gas bubbles, produced as feed digestion continues, become trapped in the slime-particle mix.
This publication suggests strategies for the diagnosis and management of frothy bloat.

Table 1 Similarities between feedlot bloat and alfalfa pasture bloat

Feature Feedlot bloat Alfalfa pasture bloat Function

Readily digested H ig h g r a in r a t io n Fresh immature E n erg y s o u rce fo r
feed s t u ff a lfa lfa bacterial growth and
r a p id s l im e a n d g a s
p r o d u c t io n
S m a l l p a r t ic l e s in Fine grain particles A lfa lfa ch lo ro p la s t S m a l l p a r t ic l e s a d d
rum en co n t en t p a r t ic l e s t o s l im e m a t r ix
Viscous rumen Microbial slime Microbial slime Matrix to trap
co n t en t s p a r t ic l e s a n d g a s

Free-gas bloat
Free-gas bloat in feedlot animals is more sporadic than frothy bloat, usually affecting a few
animals rather than a large number. Free-gas bloat generally occurs very rapidly and provides
little warning for treatment. Free-gas bloat accounts for approximately 10 per cent of the cases of
feedlot bloat. Irregular feed intake, inhibition of the nerves controlling the contractions of the
rumen walls, and physical obstruction of the esophagus may cause free-gas bloat.

Irregular feed intake may occur as a result of uneven feeding intervals, illness (such as a mild
grain overload), changing weather, a change in the diet, unpalatable feed resulting from spoilage,
or an interruption in the supply of salt or water. Excess acidity in the lower gut can inhibit rumen
movement. If rumen movement is inhibited as a result of grain overload or for any other reason,
free-gas bloat might develop.

The vagus nerves, which connect the rumen wall to the central nervous system, pass alongside the
esophagus in the neck of the animal. At the rumen, these nerves branch out and spread over the
rumen surface. When functioning properly, the vagus nerves convey information from the nerve
sensors in the rumen wall to the brain centres and transmit signals from the brain for the control
of the muscles in the rumen wall.
If the vagus nerves are damaged, information transferred to and from the rumen can be
impaired. Depending on the severity of the damage, rumen function can be affected to various
degrees. Mild damage may not be visibly expressed in an animal, whereas severe damage may
cause an animal to suffer from chronic bloat, feed impaction, lack of appetite, or a combination
of these symptoms.

The cause of nerve damage or vagal indigestion is often difficult to determine, but is usually
related to inflammation of the peritoneum; “hardware disease” is the most common cause.
Hardware disease results when an ingested wire or nail punctures the reticular wall and inflames
the peritoneum. If the inflammation is close to a major nerve branch, it reduces the normal
motility of the rumen and the reticulum, and thus, impairs their function. Cattle that have
overcome severe respiratory disease often suffer from chronic feedlot bloat as a result of damage
to the vagal nerve.
Calves are more prone to chronic free-gas bloat than are older animals. There is no obvious
association with the type of feed used or with pathological problems. Veterinary experience and
observations indicate that physical abnormalities in the positioning of the rumen may occur in
this early developmental period. If the attachment of the rumen to the esophagus is not properly
aligned, eructation of the gas bubble may be impaired. Animals that exhibit bloat at an early age
often outgrow the problem.
If a foreign object creates a physical obstruction in the esophagus, gas is trapped in the rumen
and causes acute free-gas bloat. Blockages can occur in a number of ways, but happen most
frequently when an animal swallows a large object that does not pass into the rumen. Feeding
whole potatoes, beets, carrots, or fruit has caused problems. Pathological growths occurring in
the esophagus or rumen that form a blockage can also cause free-gas bloat.

General clinical findings
When an animal dies suddenly or is found dead, bloat is commonly at fault. Pastured beef cattle
are not checked as regularly as dairy cattle, so they are more likely to be found dead when they
suffer from bloat. Feedlot cattle that die as a result of bloat are commonly found dead in the
morning, possibly because they are inactive during the night or because they are not seen,
detected, and treated.

Cattle that are milked and observed regularly may begin to become bloated 30 minutes to 1 hour
after they are turned out to a bloat-producing pasture. However, there is commonly a lag of 24 to
48 hours before bloating occurs in cattle that have been placed on a bloat-producing pasture for
the first time. They may become bloated on the first day, but bloat more commonly occurs on the
second or third day.

An unexpected bloat episode can occur in pastured beef cattle that have been on a pasture for
several days or weeks before bloat occurs. This episode is always a surprise to the owner and the
veterinarian, who find it difficult to understand why bloat is suddenly occurring on a pasture that
has been problem-free for some time. In many instances, bloat may be incorrectly diagnosed, as
the rumen will swell after death regardless of the cause of mortality.
In pasture (or frothy) bloat, distension is usually more obvious in the upper left flank, although
the whole of the rumen can be enlarged. The animal is uncomfortable and may get up and lie
down frequently, defecate often, kick at the belly, and roll over in attempting to relieve the
discomfort. Breathing is difficult or labored (a condition known as dyspnea) and occurs through
the mouth. The animal protrudes the tongue, salivates, and extends the head. Its respiratory rate
increases to up to 60 inhalation-exhalation cycles per minute. Occasionally, projectile vomiting
occurs, and the animal may expel soft feces in a stream.

Ruminal movements are usually much increased in the early stages and may be almost
continuous, but the sounds are less audible because of the frothy nature of the ingesta. Later,
when the distension is extreme, the movements are decreased and may be completely absent. The
tympanic note or drum sound produced by percussion (tapping on the distended rumen) is
characteristic. Before severe bloat (known as clinical tympany) occurs, a temporary increase in
eructation and rumination can be noted, but both disappear with severe bloat.

Death may occur quickly, but usually does not take place until 2 to 4 hours after the onset of
bloat. When the bloat becomes severe enough, the animal collapses and dies quickly, almost
without a struggle. Death is likely caused by suffocation, when the distended rumen pushes
against the diaphragm and prevents inhalation.

In a group of affected cattle, a number of animals with severe bloat can usually be found, and the
remainder have mild to moderate distension of the left flank. These animals are uncomfortable
and graze for only short periods. In dairy cattle, milk production is reduced, perhaps because the
animal has reduced its feed intake or due to a failure of milk letdown.
In free-gas bloat, the excess gas is usually present as a free-gas cap on top of the solid rumen
contents (Figure 1). As in pasture bloat, an increase in rate and force of ruminal movement in

the early stages usually occurs, followed by atony (i.e., weaker or absent activity). Inserting a
stomach tube with the aid of a speculum allows the animal to expel large quantities of gas, thus
easing rumen distension. In addition, any esophageal obstruction can be detected when the
stomach tube is passed into the animal.

Pasture bloat
Predisposing factors
Forages are classified as either bloat-causing or bloat-safe, with only a few varieties occurring
between the two poles, depending on how pastured cattle and sheep respond to them as feed
(Table 2). The type of pasture forage used usually determines the risk of bloat. Grasses are
usually bloat-safe, but common legumes such as alfalfa and clovers may not be. Several less
popular legumes have been pastured intensively without causing bloat.

The following alfalfa cultivars were tested for bloat potential in cattle and were found to cause
bloat: Saranac, Rambler, Washo, Beaver, Thor, Ranger, Roamer, Anchor, Apollo, WL-316,
Trumpetor, and Vertus. This test disproved the claim that the creeping-rooted cultivars
(e.g., Roamer, Rambler) are bloat-safe.

Table 2 Bloat-causing, low-risk, and bloat-safe forages used as pasture

Bloat-causing Low-risk Bloat- safe

A lfa lfa Arrowleaf clover S a in fo in
Sweetclover Spring wheat Birdsfoot trefoil
Red clover O ats Cicer milkvetch
White clover Rape Crownvetch
Alsike clover Perennial ryegrass L esp ed ez a
Winter wheat Berseem clover Fall rye
Persian clover Most perennial grasses

The bloat-causing potential of crops is related to the ease with which they are digested by rumen
microbes. Bloat-causing forages are digested rapidly, whereas bloat-safe forages are digested
more slowly (Figure 6). The low-risk group shows an intermediate rate of digestion. Isolated
cases of bloat have been reported with grasses and slowly digested legumes, especially at very
lush, early stages of growth.

Figure 6 Association between bloat causing potential of legume forages and
their rates of digestion by rumen microbes

Tannins in the plant bind with soluble proteins (foaming agents) and inhibit the activity of rumen
microbes. Thus, all tannin-containing forages are bloat-safe. Other bloat-safe characteristics
include leaves with thicker, stronger cell walls and veins that inhibit rumen bacteria from
invading the interior structure of leaves. Conversely, bloat-causing forages have leaves with thin
cell walls and low mechanical strength, which make them more vulnerable to invading rumen

The Saskatoon Research Centre, in cooperation with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
research centres in Lethbridge and Kamloops, had a program to develop reduced bloat alfalfa,
which culminated in the release of AC Grazeland in 1997. This variety reduced bloat by an
average of 56 per cent when compared to Beaver, a parent cultivar. However, no difference was
detected when AC Grazeland was compared to Alfagraze, a cultivar selected for grazing

Stage of growth
Stage of growth or crop maturity is the most important factor in preventing pasture bloat. Bloat
potency is highest at the vegetative (or prebud) stage, decreasing progressively as the plant grows
and matures to full flower.

Recently at Kamloops, alfalfa at the vegetative, bud and bloom stages of growth was harvested
simultaneously and fed to three groups of cattle in a three-way crossover experiment. The
vegetative stage yielded the highest incidence of bloat (129 cases in 2 years) as compared with the
bud (20 cases) or bloom stage, which had no cases of bloat. Concurrently, the leaf-to-stem ratio
also decreased, which would correspond to a decrease in chloroplast numbers and a decrease in
chloroplast particles in the rumen. The non-occurrence of bloat is associated with a decrease in
chloroplast particles in the rumen (Figure 3).

The importance of alfalfa maturity should also be considered when managing grass-legume
mixtures. At Kamloops, alfalfa that was 20 to 25 cm high produced twice as much bloat as did
alfalfa that was 51 to 75 cm high (Table 3). However, plants more than 50 cm high still
represented a substantial risk for causing bloat, especially during the first cut. The height of
alfalfa also affects the leaf-to-stem ratio.

Table 3 Risk of bloat in cattle fed fresh alfalfa of various heights during five growing seasons

Height of alfalfa Probability of bloat* Number of observations of bloat

(cm) occurrence in the herd (%) (days)
20 - 25 43 54
26 - 50 33 360
51 - 75 22 130

* Bloat is said to occur when one or more animals exhibit bloat on a given day.

Bloat has historically been associated with lush growth of pasture forage. Reports of grasses that
cause bloat are rare and are restricted to vegetative and lush pastures, where initial digestion
rates are high. Alfalfa’s potential for causing bloat is highest when moisture conditions are
optimal for vegetative growth. Under these conditions, the stems become turgid and fleshy but
not fibrous; the leaves are soft and easily crushed between the fingers.
The bloat potential of alfalfa is reduced when soil moisture is insufficient because of either
drought or soil salinity. The bloat potential of alfalfa is not significantly affected by irrigation that
maintains the soil moisture at 50 per cent of field capacity. At Kamloops, alfalfa is grown under
irrigation, and the impact of seasonal rainfall patterns on the incidence of bloat cannot be

Daily weather records from seven growing seasons (1976 - 1982) at Kamloops, BC, were
examined to identify relationships between weather conditions and the daily occurrence of bloat.
Parameters not associated with the frequency of bloat include:

• hours of sunshine
• temperature range
• precipitation
• incoming solar radiation
• potential evapotranspiration
Days on which bloat occurred were preceded by lower maximum and minimum temperatures
than days when there was no bloat, but the temperature difference was small (1 to 2 °C). When
yearly averages were compared in Kamloops, bloat was more frequent in dry years than in years
of high moisture.

The effect of temperature on bloat potential is complex. Bloat seems to occur when moderate
daytime temperatures (20 to 25 °C) permit optimum vegetative growth. Cool overnight

temperatures, in combination with moderate daytime temperatures, may induce bloat in the fall.
Cool temperatures delay maturation and extend the vegetative growth phase of forage crops,
thus optimizing conditions for bloat.

Cool overnight temperatures (0 to 10 °C) may increase the risk of bloat in the fall. At Kamloops,
cattle fed (or grazing) alfalfa into the fall became bloated twice as often in October as during
summer months; this result was observed in four different years. At the other extreme,
temperatures that are high enough to cause moisture stress and desiccation may reduce bloat

With irrigated alfalfa at Kamloops, bloat occurred in spring, early and late summer, and fall,
increasing with cool weather and frost. The fall peak may be caused by frequent heavy dew or fall
frost. Under dryland conditions in the prairie provinces, peaks of bloat are commonly observed
first during the spring flush of growth and then in the fall.

Alfalfa has a reputation of being bloat-safe after a killing frost. However, as long as the alfalfa
remains green, there is a risk of bloat. In fact, the first frost may cause the rupture of plant cells,
and the production of small plant cell wall fragments can increase the risk of bloat. A killing frost
(-9 °C) must persist for at least a week, and time is required to dehydrate or dry down the alfalfa,
before the risk of bloat is reduced. At Kamloops, bloat continued to occur for three weeks
following the first killing frost in November 1979.

Soil type and geographic location

In western Canada, pasture bloat is more frequent in the moist areas of the parkland regions,
especially in Gray Wooded soil zones, becoming progressively less frequent in Dark Brown to
Brown soil zones. Legume bloat has been reported in 40 per cent of the livestock farms in the
Peace River region of northern Alberta.

Many attempts have been made to relate bloat to the mineral nutrition of the plant, generally
with conflicting and inconclusive results. The mineral status of the crop is not a reliable
predictive factor in the occurrence of pasture bloat.

Summary of plant factors

The greatest risk of bloat occurs during rapid vegetative growth of legume forage. The effects of
weather on the incidence of bloat may appear complex, but can be understood by relating
weather conditions to their effects on plant growth.

Legume pastures might be used more extensively if livestock producers could accurately assess
the risk of bloat on a particular legume pasture. Maturity, leaf-to-stem ratio and moisture
content of the legumes are the most reliable indicators of risk, but visual inspection of a legume
stand is not sufficient to allow an accurate prediction about the risk of bloat.

Animal susceptibility
Animal susceptibility to pasture bloat is considered a heritable trait. To determine the feasibility
of breeding for reduced animal susceptibility, high- and low-susceptible lines of cattle were
selected in a New Zealand study. Although two divergent lines of cattle were obtained, no
simple, easily measured physiological trait was found for selection in a practical on-farm

breeding program. Nevertheless, it is good practice to cull bloat-susceptible animals from a
breeding herd.

By feeding fresh alfalfa to rumen fistulated cattle (with a surgically made passage to the rumen),
it was possible to determine subclinical cases of bloat (i.e., those cases not detected by
distension). A subclinical condition was detected in at least one cow for every two cows that
showed clinical signs of bloat. The subclinical condition was characterized by frothy rumen
contents, but with no rumen distention or excessive internal pressure.
An animal’s predisposition to short-term bloat is related to the condition of the rumen contents
immediately before feeding. Animals that are predisposed to alfalfa bloat have elevated levels of
small particles (Figure 3) and microbial activity. Frothiness of rumen contents before feeding is
common. Approximately 50 per cent of the animals that became bloated after feeding had frothy
rumen contents before feeding.

As little as 10 kg of fresh alfalfa can provoke bloat in predisposed animals, but a larger feed
intake is required to maintain the predisposition. If feed is withheld for 24 hours, the levels of
feed particles and microbial activity decrease, and the predisposition of the rumen disappears.
Feeding twice a day for short periods (2 - 3 hours) seems to produce the greatest frequency of
bloat. By contrast, unrestricted feed intake may reduce the incidence of bloat. At Kamloops, for
example, cattle fed fresh alfalfa twice a day (30 kg at 8:30 a.m. and 20 kg at 2:00 p.m.) became
bloated three times more often than cattle fed alfalfa once a day (50 kg at 8:30 a.m.).
Animal susceptibility to bloat is related to the clearance of small feed particles from the rumen.
Frequent bloaters have a slower clearance than nonbloaters, which has been demonstrated in
both feedlots and pastures. Susceptibility may also be related to the mineral ion balance (the
relative concentration of minerals) in the rumen. A predisposition to bloat appears to be
associated with a low concentration of sodium together with a high concentration of potassium in
the rumen fluid; however, this finding has little practical significance at present.

Prevention of pasture bloat

Choice of forages
Seeding cultivated pastures to grass-legume mixtures is the most effective and least costly
method of minimizing pasture bloat, particularly for beef herds grazing over large areas under a
continuous grazing system. In a grass-legume mixture, a legume content of 50 per cent of the
grazable yield is suggested as the maximum bloat-safe level. In this situation, the animals are able
to graze or consume grass and alfalfa at the same time thus preventing bloat. However, this grass/
legume percentage is of limited practical value for large areas, especially on rolling terrain, where
it is impossible to maintain a uniform 50:50 stand.

If cattle have a tendency to avoid the grass and select the legume, the possibility of bloat
increases. Alfalfa growth stage should be monitored, and the vegetative stage should be avoided
during grazing. Bloat has been reported in mixed pastures where the proportion of legume was
less than 15 per cent, possibly because of selective grazing.

Because of alfalfa’s potential for causing bloat, some cattle owners avoid seeding this valuable
legume. Instead, they use grasses alone or bloat-safe legumes. Sainfoin, birdsfoot trefoil, cicer
milkvetch, and crownvetch are useful bloat-safe legumes in regions where they are adapted. In
general, however, their yield, the ease of stand establishment, vigor, regrowth, winter hardiness,
persistence and the yield of beef per acre are well below those of alfalfa in western Canada.

Seeding grass alone avoids the problem of pasture bloat; however, this seeding choice will mean
losing the benefits of including a legume in the mixture:
• considerably greater forage production
• higher protein and nutritional value
• lower fertilization costs
A decision to use grass with or without bloat-safe legumes should be based on the economic
benefits of the greater protein from alfalfa or clover when compared with the possible losses
from bloat.
Although survey statistics are meagre, annual bloat losses of cattle that graze legume pastures are
generally believed to average approximately 1.5 per cent in western Canada. Experimental
comparisons of grass versus legume forages have shown 10 to 70 per cent increases in animal
production from legumes compared with grasses. It is well established that legume forages are
more readily consumed than most grasses.

Field management
Fertilization and grazing management may be used to maintain a 50:50 mixture of grass and
alfalfa. Nitrogen fertilizer and heavy or frequent grazing promote grass growth at the expense of
alfalfa. In areas where the incidence of bloat is high, the critical upper limit of alfalfa may be as
low as 25 to 30 per cent of the stand. Reducing the proportion of alfalfa when seeding a mixed
pasture may be necessary in some areas to reduce bloat. As well, mixtures grown in sandy areas,
which are more prone to drought than heavy soils, are less likely to produce bloat.

Although alfalfa-grass mixtures may be seeded to produce the desired proportion of alfalfa and
grass, selective grazing and variation in the terrain of the field may allow an excessive intake of
alfalfa, resulting in bloat. The period following mechanical harvesting or intensive grazing of
alfalfa-grass mixtures may pose a potential risk of bloat, because alfalfa generally recovers more
quickly than grass after cutting.
The ideal companion grass should have the same seasonal growth pattern and regrowth
characteristics as alfalfa. Smooth bromegrass is widely grown in a mixture with alfalfa, but its
regrowth after grazing or cutting is much slower than that of alfalfa. Consequently, pasture bloat
may occur when an alfalfa-smooth bromegrass mixture is used in rotational grazing systems.
There must be sufficient time between rotations to allow for the regrowth of the smooth
Sometimes, ideal growing conditions at seeding result in a new alfalfa-grass mixture with too
much alfalfa. It may then be necessary to defer grazing during the spring flush of growth or to
restrict grazing to a portion of the field. Other options are overgrazing or applications of

nitrogen fertilizer, which will increase the grass growth and reduce the proportion of alfalfa in
the stand.

A new grass called meadow bromegrass has more rapid regrowth than smooth bromegrass. The
meadow bromegrass cultivars Paddock and Fleet were released from the Saskatoon forage
breeding program in 1987. A combination of meadow bromegrass and alfalfa on a 50:50 per cent
yield basis has been used successfully for grazing. The use of grass species with faster recovery
times helps to reduce the bloat potential of the pastures. Orchardgrass and timothy should be
used in areas where they are adapted because of their fast regrowth characteristics.

The potential for bloat may be reduced by establishing pastures containing mixtures of alfalfa
and sainfoin or other bloat-free legumes. Alfalfa bloat was reduced, though not eliminated, when
sainfoin was a 10 to 20 per cent component of the diet. Sainfoin contains condensed tannins that
can bind to alfalfa protein to reduce frothiness in the rumen. However, sainfoin may be difficult
to maintain in sufficient proportion to reduce bloat potential. Agronomic practices such as
seeding alfalfa and sainfoin in strips or alternate seed rows have been shown to improve the
persistence of sainfoin in the stand. Present work would suggest that the stand must contain at
least 15 per cent sainfoin for a reduction in the risk of bloat to occur. As with the inclusion of
grasses, selective grazing has the potential to reduce the effectiveness of this management
practice as a means of bloat prevention.

Grazing management
Uniform and regular intake is the key to managing animals on legume pastures. Waiting until the
dew is off before placing animals on pasture is a common practice and is useful when animals are
first exposed to a legume pasture. In fact, it has been proven that bloat is less likely to occur if
animals are turned out to pasture in the afternoon than in the morning.

Before animals are placed on a legume pasture, they should be given a full feed of coarse hay.
This regimen discourages them from gorging themselves and overeating the fresh, lush legume
forage. Thereafter, they should remain on the pasture. Daily feeding of grass hay before grazing
alfalfa can reduce the occurrence of pasture bloat in cattle. If the legume pasture remains highly
bloat-potent, the animals should be removed from the pasture until the legume becomes more
mature and thus less bloat-potent.

Bloat is often associated with intermittent grazing, i.e. removing animals from legume pastures
for a short time, such as overnight. In fact, researchers use this technique to maximize the risk of
bloat when they are studying methods of bloat prevention. Similarly, outbreaks of pasture bloat
may occur when grazing is interrupted by adverse weather (such as storms) or by biting flies or
other insect pests. These factors alter normal grazing habits, generally resulting in more
intensive, shorter feeding periods that may increase the incidence of bloat.

Grazing alfalfa pastures that have been swathed and wilted provides yet another strategy for
reducing the risk of bloat. Compared with feeding a fresh swath, wilting a swath for 24 to
48 hours can significantly reduce the incidence of bloat, and it may even eliminate the risk if the
moisture content of the alfalfa is sufficiently reduced. Bloat was eliminated when the moisture
content was reduced from 81 per cent to 50 per cent in 48 hours at Kamloops.

Anti-foaming agents
Oils and detergents are effective for preventing and treating pasture bloat because they break
down the frothy condition in the rumen contents. Most vegetable oils are effective, but of the
various detergents available, only certain types work against rumen foam.

A number of feed additives and supplements have been tested over the last decade. The
following were ineffective in the prevention of bloat: household detergent (Tide), a commercial
flocculant (Betz 1190), a chromium supplement (glucose tolerance factor), disodium phosphate
(14% in mineral salt) and Silent Herder mineral mix. The supplements were given intra-
ruminally at the recommended dosages.
Effective detergents are the active ingredient in products such as Bloat Guard, which are
marketed for the treatment of pasture bloat. Bloat Guard contains the anti-foaming detergent
poloxalene. The daily dose is 4 to 8 g of Bloat Guard (2 - 4 g poloxalene) per 100 kg of body
weight, in two daily feedings. It is usually fed as a mixture with a grain supplement. However,
bloat prevention cannot be guaranteed because the product is given free-choice, and animal
intake is highly variable.
Many cattle feeders have successfully grazed pure stands of irrigated alfalfa under a rotational
grazing system with the use of Bloat Guard. Success requires careful management of the animals
to maintain uniform feed intake and of the pastures to ensure a consistent supply of alfalfa.
Rotation from an over-mature field to an immature stand of alfalfa may induce an outbreak of

In some countries, Bloat Guard is marketed in salt-molasses blocks and in liquid molasses for use
in a lick feeder. Bloat Guard molasses blocks work best when placed throughout the entire field
at a density of about one block for every 10 head of cattle. The blocks are not effective if they are
placed only near the water supply. Salt-molasses blocks are more effective in small fields than in
large ones.

In New Zealand, antibloat detergents are administered to dairy cattle orally at each milking or as
a lick applied to the front flank. The flank lick provides only partial protection under conditions
of mild bloat. Water-soluble products for the prevention of bloat are available in New Zealand
and Australia, but these particular products are not registered for use in Canada. However, a
new water soluble product called Alfasure, manufactured in Alberta, is available for bloat control
on a prescription basis from a practicing veterinarian. Experiments have shown these antibloat
detergents to be the most effective products for preventing bloat.

Bloat does not develop without a large and active population of ruminal bacteria, fungi, and
protozoa that break down ingested feedstuffs by microbial fermentation. When antibiotics
became available, they were sometimes used to control bloat, based on the principle of reduced
microbial activity. Penicillin was the first antibiotic used to control legume bloat, but its use was
soon discontinued because of the rapid development of microbial resistance to the drug.

More recently, the ionophore antibiotics monensin (Rumensin) and lasalocid (Bovatec) have
been assessed for bloat prevention. Ionophores alter the permeability of microbial membranes,
increase ion transport, and change microbial populations in the rumen.

Rumensin is available as a bolus (controlled release capsule). The bolus reduced the incidence of
alfalfa bloat by up to 80 per cent; this result was attributed mainly to a reduction of protozoal
activity in the rumen. Lasalocid was effective in controlling grain bloat, but not legume bloat.
The use of salinomycin has produced conflicting results, with some researchers reporting curative
effects and others finding it ineffective for bloat control. When used at rates higher than
recommended, ionophore antibiotics can be toxic to cattle.

Stored and processed

legume feeds
Alfalfa hay
Alfalfa hay combined with cereal grain is probably the most common mixture of dry feed causing
bloat in western Canada. Outbreaks of bloat are often associated with particular batches of hay.
It is discouraging to discover that a newly purchased lot of alfalfa hay causes bloat, especially if it
is the only forage available.

The cause of alfalfa hay bloat is not as well known as that of feedlot or pasture bloat. Alfalfa hay
produces a frothy bloat, the rumen contents having a typical viscous consistency and a chronic
frothiness. According to the theory of unified bloat, the small feed particles probably come from
the alfalfa hay, whereas the cereal grain provides the readily digestible nutrients for rapid
fermentation and gas production.

There is no sure way of predicting the bloat potential of individual batches of alfalfa hay. The
best risk indicators are leafy, immature hay with soft stems. Hay grown under cool, moist
conditions, such as in the northern parkland, is more likely to cause bloat than hay produced in
hot, dry areas. Reports of bloat on damp, moldy hay are common. High protein content alone is
not a reliable indicator of bloat risk because the bloat potential is more likely related to the
nature of the fiber constituents of the hay. Fines and leaves are especially bloat-potent, thus
chopping hay can increase the incidence of bloat.

When alternative roughages are available, a coarse grass hay, cereal grain hay, or straw can be
substituted for a portion of the bloat-causing hay. Some dairy producers feed alfalfa hay in the
morning and grass hay in the evening in order to watch for bloat during the daytime. Animals
should be adjusted gradually to new lots of alfalfa hay; old and new lots should be mixed for the
first five days of feeding.

Rations containing a 50:50 mixture of alfalfa hay and grain are the most dangerous, but the risk
of bloat is low when grain makes up less than 35 per cent of the mixture. When a particular lot of
alfalfa hay produces bloat, the problem is not likely to be solved by feeding a different batch of
hay. After the cattle adjust to the new hay, the frequency of bloat usually decreases. The
likelihood of bloat undoubtedly increases when the hay is fed in combination with a readily
fermentable cereal grain such as ground barley.

Other alfalfa feedstuffs

Alfalfa silage and haylage are normally bloat-safe, rarely causing bloat. Processed alfalfa
products, such as dehydrated and sun-cured pellets, do not usually present a hazard when they
are fed as protein supplements or as replacements for a portion of the cereal grain as they
generally represent a small portion of the diet.

Bloat is a risk when alfalfa pellets or cubes are fed in large amounts, as a substitute for hay or in
combination with readily digestible feedstuffs such as grains and/or molasses, which is composed
of simple sugars. The energy source in grain is starch, which ferments at a slower rate. If bloat
occurs, remove the most rapidly fermentable component, i.e. the molasses. Alfalfa pellets are a
source of small feed particles and must be used with caution. Alfalfa cubes, which are
compressed but not ground, may be preferable.

Feedlot bloat
Feedlot bloat occurs most commonly during the finishing period, when cattle are fed diets high in
grain and low in roughage. Outbreaks may occur in which, with no particular warning, a large
number of animals are found dead. In some surveys, feedlot bloat in cattle has been found to be
one of the four most common causes of sudden death or of death without the appearance of
To confirm or eliminate bloat as the cause of death, a veterinarian should conduct a postmortem
inspection on as many dead feedlot cattle as possible, as soon as possible after death. The tissue
changes associated with feedlot bloat are characteristic of animals examined immediately after
death. However, if the dead animal is allowed to decompose for more than a few hours,
especially during the summer, the tissues degenerate, making an accurate diagnosis of bloat
much more difficult.

Causes, predisposing factors, and
prevention of frothy bloat
The term feedlot bloat is commonly used in reference to bloat resulting from high grain, low
roughage rations. The viscous, frothy condition of the rumen contents is chronic, and the pH is
lower (more acidic) than in pasture bloat. Feedlot bloat usually occurs after the cattle have been
on feed for about 14 days. The high viscosity of rumen contents is caused by viscous, extracellular
slime that proliferates from rumen bacteria in cattle fed fine particle-sized feed.
Finely ground feeds in feedlot diets provide the excess of small feed particles identified as a
contributing factor in the general theory of frothy bloat. Fine grinding exposes more surface area
to rumen bacteria. This process accelerates digestion and creates a rumen condition that
subsequently results in extensive rupture of bacterial cells. The ruptured bacterial cells, in turn,
contribute to viscosity and frothiness of the rumen.

Feed grains
High-grain diets are often thought to cause bloat. However, experiments conducted at
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada research stations with all-concentrate diets (no hay) have
shown nearly no incidence of bloat. This bloat-free condition is attributed to feeding coarsely
rolled grains. Feedlot operators who change from feeding dry-rolled grain with variable amounts
of fine particle-sized feed to coarsely rolled grain report a similar reduction in the incidence of
bloat. These observations are consistent with the theory that bloat is caused by an abundance of
readily digested fine particle-sized feed.

Finely ground grains decrease the pH of the rumen contents. Some studies associate the
incidence of bloat with a decline in rumen pH. Feedlot operators report that feeding 1 per cent
limestone (calcium carbonate) in the grain reduces the incidence of bloat. However, in an
experiment using coarsely rolled grain, bloat was not found in diets containing 0 to 1.4 per cent
added limestone. The concept of low calcium level as a factor that causes bloat can be dismissed,
because alfalfa has a high calcium content and yet is considered to be a risk factor in bloat.

When a fine particle-sized diet was fed to cows through a surgically made passage to the rumen, a
frothy rumen fluid was produced, whereas a coarse particle-sized feed of the same composition
produced little or no foam (Figures 4 and 5). As feed is digested, gases produced by rumen
bacteria appear to be trapped in the digesta, thus producing the foam that causes bloat.
Occasionally, bloat occurs in feedlot cattle even though the grain is coarsely rolled. The
incidence of bloat of this type occurring is unpredictable and at too low a rate to permit research
into the cause.
Feedlot bloat may be controlled by the addition of 4 per cent common salt (NaCl) to the diet.
Salt may produce its protective effect by increasing water intake and diluting the rumen contents.
However, the beneficial effect of salt as an additive in concentrate feeds does not persist, so it
should be considered only as a temporary measure when bloat is unexpectedly encountered in
the feedlot. Salt also reduces feed intake, resulting in a reduced rate of gain.

Other feeds
Screenings have been associated with outbreaks of bloat, which may be attributed to the fact that
screenings are finely ground to form a firm pellet. When the pellet enters the rumen and breaks
down, the fine particles are digested quickly, promoting slime secretion and cell disintegration
similar to finely ground grain. Screenings should be used sparingly in the diet so that a critical
level of fine-particle feed is not exceeded.
Work at the Lethbridge Research Centre has shown that the incidence of feedlot bloat increased
dramatically when canola screenings exceeded 50 per cent of the dry matter of the diet. The
effect of screenings on bloat is likely to be quite variable due to the varied composition of

Moldy feeds may contain a variety of mycotoxins and aflatoxins, which could cause problems, and
should not be fed under any circumstances. Feedlot bloat is not commonly associated with the
feeding of moldy feeds, but such feeds can occasionally cause bloat.

A considerable amount of foam is formed in the rumen digesta of some animals, even when they
are fed either coarse feed or feed containing 4 per cent salt. This finding suggests that differences
among animals also contribute to the incidence of bloat. The specific animal factors have not
been identified; however, the saliva composition of bloat-susceptible cows is known to differ from
that of bloat-resistant cows. It is generally believed that animal susceptibility to bloat is a
heritable trait.

Causes and prevention of feedlot bloat

Feed particle size should be examined whenever feedlot bloat is encountered. When feed
particles are too fine, nutrients are released too rapidly, which causes fermentation of feedstuffs
and allows the proliferation of rumen bacteria to proceed too quickly. The extracellular
carbohydrate “slime” that these bacteria produce and the release of bacterial cell contents
following cell breakdown increase the viscosity of rumen fluid. This increased viscosity provides
the conditions under which fermentation gases are trapped in the fluid, producing foam.

Feedlot bloat is controlled most effectively by maintaining a coarse particle size of feed
(Figures 4 and 5). Coarse particles can be produced by steam rolling or tempering the grain,
i.e., adding water to increase the moisture content to about 14 per cent before processing. The
grain rollers should be set so that each kernel is only cracked, not rolled out to form a thin disc.

In cold weather, the grain should be tempered as it is first being moved out of storage.
Experienced operators have found that tempering the grain with unheated water is practical to a
level of about -10 °C; however, below -10 °C, tempering should be done with hot water.

Keeping the particle size of feed coarse has other advantages over more finely processed feeds,
such as greater and more constant feed intake, reduced wind loss, and less irritation from dust to
the feedlot operator and the animals.

When bloat occurs, a change in the source of feed can often control the bloat. The deletion of
beet pulp or molasses can also control bloat immediately.

A number of cattle producers add laundry detergents to feed to prevent bloat. Many testimonials
of effectiveness are heard, but no experimental verification exists. Laundry detergents are not
registered for use as feed additives, so they cannot be recommended for bloat control. Laundry
products also contain bleaches, water softeners, corrosion inhibitors, and other components that
are not appropriate feed additives, and these components can create other problems for

Outbreaks of bloat often occur for no apparent reason. How then does a cattle producer choose
appropriate adjustments to management practices or to diet formulation? The traditional models
of a bloat-causing regimen, which would normally include legume pastures or high-grain feedlot
rations, may not apply in all situations, for example, when calves bloat while fed a growing diet
with a substantial amount of coarse hay or straw.

In an attempt to solve the problem of bloat, particularly in cases difficult to diagnose, this
publication presents a theory to explain the occurrence of bloat. This theory attributes frothy
bloat to an excess of small feed particles in the rumen, in combination with a source of readily
digestible feedstuff. This condition produces rapid fermentation, gas production, and rupture of
rumen microflora, the contents of which increase rumen fluid viscosity and thus increase trapped

The suggested approach to solving the problem of bloat is to identify sources of small feed
particles and to reduce or eliminate them from the ration. Similarly, sources of rapidly digested
feedstuffs (grain, molasses and beet pulp) should be reduced or eliminated from the diet.
Sources of small feed particles include finely ground or pelleted feeds (such as hay or grains, or
fines) from certain locations in feed bins.

Chronic bloaters
Chronic bloat appears in cattle of all ages. The bloat can be life-threatening, but it is generally
not as severe as acute bloat. Sometimes, chronic bloat disappears for a few days and then
re-occurs. In mature cattle, it is usually associated with chronic hardware disease or an abscess or
tumor that interferes with belching. Chronic bloat can occur in beef calves up to six months of
age, often without an apparent cause.
Some possible causes include a condition known as persistent thymus gland in the chest, the
continued feeding of poor-quality roughage, and chronic infection of the nerves supplying the
forestomachs. However, these causes are not common. In most cases, chronic bloat occurs

sporadically and is usually due to an abnormality of the belching mechanism. Most animals with
chronic bloat should be culled for slaughter if the bloat cannot be controlled by dietary change.

Bloat severity and treatment
Treatment approaches depend on the circumstances in which the bloat occurs, whether the bloat
is frothy or free-gas and whether or not it is life-threatening. Degrees of bloat severity vary, and a
different method of treatment may be necessary in each case (Figure 7).


Figure 7 Three degrees of bloat: A - mild, B - moderate, C - severe

In mild bloat, the left flank is distended, the animal is not in distress, and skin over the upper
flank can be easily grasped and lifted. In moderate bloat, a more obvious distension of the rumen
is evident, particularly of the left flank.

The animal may appear uncomfortable, and the skin over the upper left flank is usually tight, but
still can be grasped and tented. In severe bloat, gross distension of both sides of the rumen is
evident, especially on the left side, and the animal may breathe through the mouth and protrude
the tongue. The animal is uncomfortable and may be staggering. The skin over the left upper
flank is tense and cannot be grasped and tented.

The livestock producer must take initial first-aid measures before professional veterinary
attention can be provided. All animals should be removed immediately from the source of the
bloat-provoking pasture or feed. In severe cases, in which gross distension, mouth-breathing,

protrusion of the tongue, and staggering occur, an emergency surgery called a rumenotomy is
necessary to save the animal’s life. If the pressure is not released and the animal begins to
stagger, it will die within minutes.

Many animals have died unnecessarily because producers were unable or reluctant to perform an
emergency rumenotomy. It is always preferable to have a veterinarian perform an emergency
rumenotomy, which is the most severe method of bloat treatment; however, if a veterinarian is
unavailable, the following procedure may save the animal.
Using a sharp knife, make a quick incision of the skin, 6 to 12 cm in length, over the midpoint of
the left flank (paralumbar fossa, Figure 8). Continue the incision through the skin, the abdominal
muscles and into the rumen. This action will result in an explosive release of ruminal contents
and marked relief for the animal. It will then be necessary for a veterinarian to irrigate and
cleanse the wound, followed by standard surgical closure of the incision of the rumen, the
abdominal wall and skin to prevent peritonitis.

Figure 8 Insertion point for trocar and cannula – dotted triangle is the left paralumber fossa, where the
hollow of the flank is found in a normal cow

Puncturing the rumen with the standard trocar and cannula is much less traumatic than an
emergency rumenotomy and has been used by livestock producers and veterinarians for the
emergency release of froth and gas in bloat. The standard-sized trocar and cannula (Figures 9
through 10) are adequate for the release of gas when the gas cannot be expelled with a stomach
tube and when an emergency rumenotomy is not necessary.

A small skin incision about 1 cm long must be made before the trocar can be inserted through
the abdominal wall in the middle of the left paralumbar fossa (Figure 8). After inserting the
trocar and cannula into the rumen, remove the trocar and leave the cannula in place, allowing
the froth or gas to escape. The froth may be viscous, so it may be necessary to insert a piece of
wire into the cannula to stir the froth.

The cannula may be left in place for several hours or even a few days if bloat persists, with
regular checks to ensure that the cannula is not blocked. Anti-foaming agents may be
administered through the cannula directly into the rumen. The trocar and cannula are also useful
when an opening into the rumen is necessary for several days.

Figure 9 Standard trocar inserted into cannula

Figure 10 Standard trocar and cannula shown separately

The passage of a stomach tube is recommended when mild to moderate distension of the rumen
occurs and some skin over the flank can still be grasped and tented. Even in severe cases, the
stomach tube should be used because it is the least traumatic method for the release of rumen
gas and pressure.
The standard-sized stomach tube (1.5 - 2.0 cm inside diameter, Figure 11) is passed through the
mouth with the aid of a metal speculum (Figures 12 and 13), which prevents the animal from
chewing the tube. With free gas bloat, the gas is released suddenly when the tube enters the
rumen, and the ruminal pressure quickly returns to normal, usually in less than a minute.

Figure 11 Standard size stomach tube (inside diameter 1.5 - 2 cm x 2 m)

Figure 12 Frick speculum – used to pass a stomach tube through the oral cavity,
speculum prevents the animal from chewing the tube

Figure 13 Position of stomach tube, used with a Frick speculum, through the oral passage into the rumen

With frothy bloat, the tube becomes plugged by froth immediately upon entering the rumen. The
operator should clear the froth from the end of the tube by blowing through it and moving it back
and forth to locate pockets of gas. With frothy bloat, it may be impossible to reduce the pressure,
and an anti-foaming agent such as oil should be administered while the tube is in place.
If a standard-sized stomach tube is not available, a garden hose with an outside diameter of 2.0 to
2.5 cm can be passed through the oral cavity and into the rumen. The metal coupling on a garden
hose must be removed to prevent injury to the mucous membranes of the mouth and esophagus.
If a Frick speculum (shown in Figure 12) is unavailable, the operator will need assistance in
holding the mouth partly open so that the animal is unable to chew the tube.

When the stomach tube passes through the oral cavity, the animal usually swallows it, and the
tube moves down into the esophagus rather than into the lungs. If bloat has not been completely
relieved with a stomach tube, but an anti-foaming agent has been administered, the animal must
be watched for the next hour to determine if the treatment has been successful or if more
effective measures must be taken.

In an outbreak of feedlot bloat, severe cases must be treated individually. There may be
“swellers” with moderate bloat, which will usually recover without treatment if the cattle are
forced to walk. After a few minutes of walking or running, the animal begins to belch.

Anti-foaming agents
Any non-toxic oil, especially a mineral oil that persists in the rumen, is an effective bloat
treatment. The rate for treatment is 300 to 500 mL (10 - 12 oz) for a 450 kg (1,000 lb) animal,
administered in one dose. This treatment can be repeated several times within a few hours if
necessary. An emulsified oil or an oil containing an approved detergent such as dioctyl sodium
sulfosuccinate is preferred because it mixes well with rumen contents. The anti-foaming agent
can be administered with a stomach tube or with a large syringe directly into the rumen through
the flank. The anti-foaming agent may also be delivered as a drench, using a standard drenching

The severity of the bloat usually determines the method of treatment. Every effort should be
made to relieve the gas with a stomach tube, followed by the administration of anti-foaming
agents through the stomach tube. If passage of the stomach tube relieves the excess pressure,
then the anti-foaming agent collapses the foam. The animal begins to belch within 10 to 15 min
and should recover within an hour.
The trocar and cannula method and the emergency rumenotomy should be used only when an
animal cannot be relieved with the stomach tube. Those more intrusive treatments pose a greater
risk to the bloat-affected animal. More recently, intraruminal injection of the detergents Alfasure
or Anti Gaz Emulsion has been completely effective in the treatment of pasture bloat.

Common questions and answers
1. What causes bloat in cattle?
Bloat in cattle is caused by feeds and diets that provide too much fine particle matter in the
rumen, in combination with a supply of readily digestible nutrients that support rapid
fermentation. Frothy bloat in cattle is also associated with a slow rate of clearance from the
rumen in both feedlot and pasture diets.

2. Is there greater risk of pasture bloat at first frost?

Yes. Frost preserves alfalfa’s immature stage of vegetative growth, which is most likely to
cause bloat. With a killing frost, the frost disrupts the plant cells that release bloat-causing
agents and increases the rate of cell breakdown. The plants must dehydrate or desiccate
before it is safe to graze the alfalfa.

3. What are the most common bloat-causing forages?

Alfalfa and clovers.
4. Does alfalfa silage cause bloat?
No. The bloat-causing substances are degraded by the silage-making process.

5. Is bloat related to alfalfa stage of growth?

Yes. Lush, immature legume forages are most likely to cause bloat. Alfalfa stage of growth is
the most important factor in bloat.

6. How can I tell whether my alfalfa hay will cause bloat?

No one can tell for sure, but leafy, well preserved immature alfalfa hay is more likely to cause
a problem than coarse, mature alfalfa hay. Grass hays, especially coarse-textured ones, are
useful for the control of bloat.
7. Are some cattle more susceptible to bloat?
Yes. Chronic bloaters and other bloat-susceptible animals should be culled from the herd.

8. Should household detergents be used to control bloat?

No, because these detergents often contain corrosion inhibitors and other possible toxic
components that can create problems in livestock.

9. Do mineral supplements control bloat?

No. None of the mineral supplements promoted as bloat control supplements were effective
in the control of bloat under experimental conditions.

10. Can bloat be reduced by swathing and wilting alfalfa?


Cheng, K-J., McAllister, T.A., Popp, J.D., Hristov, A., Mir, Z. and Shin, H.T., 1998. A review of
bloat in feedlot cattle. Journal of Animal Science 76:299-308.
Hall, J.W., Cheeke, P.R., Majak, W 1989. Plant and animal factors in legume bloat. Pages 93-106
in Cheeke, PR., ed. Toxicants of plant origin. Vol. III, Proteins and amino acids. CRC Press,
Boca Raton, Fla.
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The authors acknowledge with thanks the research input and technical assistance of the following
people, whose work was used in the preparation of this publication:

L.R. Barberi, K.D. Jakober, F. Van Herk, Y. Wang – Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada,
Lethbridge Research Centre
B.P. Berg, Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development – Lethbridge Research Centre

M. Bradford, B. Brooke, D. Eustache, G. Garland, D. Thompson, I. Walker – Agriculture and

Agri-Food Canada, Kamloops Research Unit


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