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Sam Shankland Grunfeld - Puzzles 3

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The document discusses questions and answers related to different positions in the Grunfeld Defense.

Black should play 1...Qb6! to attack White's pawn on d7 and gain a strong positional advantage.

Black should continue with 1...Qc4! to enable the knight to come to d3 with check while threatening a rook invasion along the b-file.

The Grunfeld Defense – Set 3

GM Sam Shankland

Question 1.

In this position, would you

continue developing or create
some trouble for White?

Question 2.

White is delighted with his pawn

on d7.

What should Black do about this?

Question 3.

White has just played Rd1 to stop

the knight coming to d3.

How should Black continue?

Question 4.

With both queens under attack,

how can Black gain material?

Question 5.

Can you spot Black’s winning


Question 6.

White just pushed e5, taking

space from Black.

How do you counter this move?

Question 7.

White just played Bxc4 but now

has 2 unprotected pieces in his

How can you take advantage of


Question 8.

Queen trade, development,

undefended c7 bishop… what is
Black's best move here?

Question 9.

How should White deal with the

annoying knight on g4?

Question 10.

White should have continued his

development, but takes time out to
push a3.

How should Black react?

Question 11.

White has captured on d5 and

offers a queen exchange.

Should we cooperate?

Question 12.

White, concerned about

developing his pieces, brings his
knight to e2. But isn’t he forgetting
something else?

Question 13.

The Black queen just shot our

comrade on c5, putting herself in
the line of fire.

How can we take advantage of


Question 14.

Black harasses our faithful

General on c2, not fearing to leave
his lady in danger.

How can White command

immediate respect and win some

Question 15.

White goes pawn hunting on b7.

How can Black punish this

premature invasion?

Question 16.

Black’s queen is running out of

squares. How should White

Question 17.

Black’s being so annoying,

threatening to make our bishop’s
life miserable.

What is the best move for White


Question 18.

Black’s queen is trapped.

Can you find any saving resource?

Question 19.

Black just captured a central pawn

a little too early.

How can White surprise the

hungry bishop?

Question 20.

Can Black’s early pawn grabbing

be punished?


1 1...Nxd5! 2. Be5 Nxc3+ and White will lose the exchange and a pawn.

2 1…Qb6! 2. dxe8Q+ Rxe8 3.Qe3 Bxg5 4.Qxb6 Bxh4+ 5.Kd2 axb6 6.fxe4 Rxe4
with good chances in the endgame.
3 1…Qc4! and White is unable to stop Nd3+ and a later Rook invasion along the b-
4 1...Qd2!! wins a whole rook!

5 1...Nxg5! 2.Nxg5 e6 wins one of the knights.

6 1...Nxe5 2.dxe5 Qc6! recovers the piece and profits a pawn.
7 1...Nxc3 2.bxc3 Bxc4 3.Nxc4 Qd5! forks 2 minor pieces, winning one of them.

8 1…Qb7! forks bishop and g2.

9 1.Bxf7+! Kxf7 2.Ng5+ Ke8 3.Rxc8 Rxc8 4.Qxg4 with the better position.

10 1...Be6 2.Qd1 Bxb2! 3.Bxb2 Nd3+ recovering material with an extra pawn.
11 1...Nxc3 2.Qxd8 Nxe2+ winning a tempo and pawn before recapturing safely on
12 1...Qa5+ wins the bishop.
13 1.Nb5 Qb4+ 2.Kf1 Na6 3.Bc7 Nxc7 4.Nxc7+ Qxc7 5.Bxf7+ winning the queen.
14 1.Bc1 Qa5 2.Bd2 Qb6 3.Rb2 pinning and winning the knight.
15 1...Qa5+ 2.Qd2 Nxf3+ 3.gxf3+ Qxd2+ 4.Kxd2 0-0-0+! wins the rook!
16 1.Rb3 Qa4 2.Bb5! traps the queen.
17 1.Bd5 wins a whole piece.
18 1...Qf3!! saves the queen as 2.gxf3?? Nxf3+ 3.Kf1 Bh3#
19 1.0-0-0 pins and wins the bishop.
20 1.Qb3!! 0-0 2.cxb7 Bxb7 3.Qxb7 winning a whole piece.


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