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1. What does the abbreviation PSK mean? 8. In electrolysis of aqueous Copper Sulfate CuSO4,
A. Phased Slide Keying at cathode
B. Pulse Shift Keying A. Pink deposit of copper metal is
C. Phase Shift Keying deposited
D. Packet Short Keying B. Hydrogen ions are easier to discharge
2. Purpose of a voltmeter is to than copper ions
A. Measure amount of current C. Hydrogen gas is given off
B. Ensure constant flow of electricity D. Cu+2 forms crystals
C. Measure voltage of cells and batteries 9. In electrolysis of dilute HCl, at cathode
D. Help bulbs to glow A. Chlorine gas is given off at anode
3. What is a symptom of RF feedback in a B. Oxygen gas is given off
transmitter or transceiver? C. Hydrogen chloride is given off
A. The transmitter will not stay on the D. Hydrogen gas is given off
desired frequency 10. In electrolysis of H2SO4(aq), at anode
B. Frequent blowing of power supply fuses A. Sulphate ions are discharged
C. Reports of garbled, distorted, or B. Oxygen gas is given off
unintelligible transmissions C. Hydroxide ions are difficult to discharge
D. Excessive SWR at the antenna connection D. SO2 fumes can be collected
4. Which of the following is an important safety 11. In electrolysis of concentrated HCl, CL2 is given
precaution to observe when putting up an antenna off at cathode due to
tower? A. Ease of discharging chloride ions
A. Insulate the base of the tower to avoid compared to hydroxide ions
lightning strikes B. Difficulty of discharging hydroxide ions
B. Look for and stay clear of any overhead C. Difficulty of discharging chloride ions
electrical wires D. Due to high concentration of chloride
C. Wear a ground strap connected to your ions
wrist at all times 12. In electrolysis of concentrated HCl, at cathode
D. All of these choices are correct A. Oxygen gas is given off
5. Which of these precautions should be taken B. Hydrogen gas is given off
when installing devices for lightning protection in a C. Hydrogen chloride is given off
coaxial cable feed line? D. Chlorine gas is given off at anode
A. Include a series switch in the ground line 13. Hydrogen gas is given off at cathode, if
of each protector to prevent RF overload solution
from inadvertently damaging the A. Contains dilute HCl
protector B. Contains concentrated HCl
B. Keep the ground wires from each C. Is non-electrolyte
protector separate and connected to D. Both A and B
station ground 14. What generally happens as the frequency of a
C. Ground all of the protectors to a signal passing through coaxial cable is increased?
common plate which is in turn connected A. The characteristic impedance increases
to an external ground B. The apparent SWR increases
D. Include a parallel bypass switch for each C. The loss increases
protector so that it can be switched out of D. The reflected power increases
the circuit when running high power 15. Electricity is measured through a device called
6. In electrolysis of dilute Hydrochloric Acid as
(HCl(aq)), at anode A. Anemometers
A. Hydrogen gas is given off B. Ammeters
B. Oxygen gas is given off C. Barometers
C. Chlorine gas is given off D. Voltmeters
D. Hydrogen chloride gas is given off 16. Electricity is not conducted by
7. In electrolysis of aqueous Copper(II) Sulfate A. Solid ionic substances
(CuSO4) with Carbon (C) electrode B. Non-metals
A. Sulfur dioxide is given off at anode C. Plastic
B. Oxygen gas is given off at cathode D. All of these
C. Sulfur dioxide is given off at cathode 17. Which of the following describes combining
D. Oxygen gas is given off at anode speech with an RF carrier signal?
A. Impedance matching
B. Low-pass filtering 27. The blotting paper in a dry cell serves which of
C. Oscillation the following purposes?
D. Modulation A. Separates the paste from the zinc
18. Non-electrolytes include B. Permits the electrolyte from the paste to
A. Tetra chloromethane (CCl4) filter through to the zinc slowly
B. Molten Sulphur C. Keeps the electrolyte dry
C. Trichloromethane (CHCl3) D. Both A and B
D. All of these 28. What are the three basic parts of a cell?
19. Error detection at a data link level is achieved A. Anode, load, depolarizer
by B. Electrodes, acid, water
A. Cyclic redundancy codes C. Electrodes, electrolyte, container
B. Bit stuffing D. Anode, cathode, ions
C. Hamming codes 29. When should members of a tower work team
D. Equalization wear a hard hat and safety glasses?
20. An error-detecting code inserted as a field in a A. Only when the tower exceeds 30 feet in
block of data to be transmitted is known as height
A. Flow control B. At all times except when belted firmly to
B. Frame check sequence the tower
C. Checksum C. At all times when any work is being done
D. Error detecting code on the tower
21. An error detecting code is which code is the D. At all times except when climbing the
remainder resulting from dividing the bits to be tower
checked by a predetermined binary number, is 30. Which of the following describes a simple
known as dipole mounted so the conductor is parallel to the
A. Error rate earth’s surface?
B. Checksum A. A rhombic antenna
C. Error detecting code B. A vertically polarized antenna
D. Cyclic redundancy check C. A ground wave antenna
22. An example of a medium-speed, switched D. A horizontally polarized antenna
communications service is 31. Least reactive metal in given series is
A. DDD A. Lead
B. Dataphone 50 B. Silver
C. Series 1000 C. Copper
D. All of the choices D. Tin
23. In a dry cell, function of zinc casing is to 32. Least reactive metal in given series is
A. To act as electrolyte A. Iron
B. Act as negative electrode B. Lead
C. To hold carbon rod C. Zinc
D. Act as positive terminal D. Tin
24. In a dry cell, polarization 33. Most reactive metal in given series is
A. Is prevented through ammonium nitrate A. Iron
mixture B. Tin
B. Is prevented through manganese oxide C. Lead
C. Is prevented through a NaOH mixture D. Zinc
D. Can not be prevented 34. Most reactive metal in given series is
25. In a dry cell, electrolyte paste is formed of A. Iron
A. Ammonium chloride B. Magnesium
B. Ammonium nitrate C. Tin
C. Zinc sulphate D. Zinc
D. Ammonium sulphate 35. Which of the following actions will recharge a
26. In a dry cell, leaking occurs because secondary cell?
A. Manganese oxide has been used up A. Adding more water to the electrolyte
B. Carbon electrode has dissolved away B. Connecting the negative terminal of a
C. Polarization can not more be prevented voltage source to the anode of the cell
at carbon electrode and the positive terminal of the voltage
D. Zinc electrode has dissolved away source to the cathode of the cell
C. Adding more active ingredient to the access for end users and their networked
electrolyte computer systems
D. Connecting the negative terminal of a A. Protocol
voltage source to the cathode of the cell B. Internetwork processor
and the positive terminal of the voltage C. TCP/IP
source to the anode of the cell D. Open Systems
36. What is the purpose of a fuse in an electrical 43. Common cutlery is manufactured through
circuit? electrolysis of
A. To interrupt power in case of overload A. Copper
B. To limit current to prevent shocks B. Chromium
C. To prevent power supply ripple from C. Nickel
damaging a circuit D. Galvanized zinc
D. All of these choices are correct 44. To flush a hydrometer, which of the following
37. The systematic access of small computers in a liquids should be used?
distributed data processing system is referred to A. Salt water
as B. A solution of baking soda and water
A. Dialed service C. Fresh water
B. Conversational mode D. Sulfuric acid
C. Multiplexing 45. When a hydrometer is used to check the
D. Polling specific gravity of the electrolyte in a battery, to
38. What causes the cathode to be “eaten away” what level should the electrolyte be drawn?
in the primary cell while the cell is discharging? A. Enough so the top one-third of the float
A. The material of the cathode leaves the will rise into the suction bulb
negative terminal of the cell and goes B. Enough to just wet the float
through the load to the anode C. Enough so the float is completely covered
B. The material of the cathode dissolves in by the electrolyte
the electrolyte D. Enough so the float will rise without
C. The material of the cathode combines entering the suction bulb
with the negative ions to form a new 46. A distributed data processing configuration in
substance which all activities must pass through a centrally
D. Bacteria in the electrolyte erodes the located computer is called a
material in the cathode A. Spider network
39. Which of the following is the purpose of an B. Hierarchical network
electrical cell? C. Ring network
A. To change mechanical energy to electrical D. Data control network
energy 47. What is the minimum number of cells
B. To change chemical energy to electrical necessary to form a battery
energy A. Four
C. To change electrical energy to mechanical B. One
energy C. Two
D. To change electrical energy to chemical D. Three
energy 48. Business meeting and conferences can be held
40. Battery is by linking distantly located people through a
A. Pure zinc computer network. Not only the participants
B. 99.5% pure copper exchange information but are able to see each
C. Pure lead other. What is it called?
D. Collection of cells A. Teleconferencing
41. The 802.5 standard implements a way for B. Teletalking
preventing collisions on the network. How are C. Telemailing
collisions prevented when using this standard? D. Telemeeting
A. Time sharing 49. Networks that follow the 802.5 standard
B. CSMA/CD appear to be in a star topology but are actually
C. Collision detection operating in what type of topology?
D. Token passing A. Modified ring
42. Information systems with common hardware, B. Ring
software, and network standards that provide easy C. Linear bus
D. Modified star
50. What is the maximum number of entries in the C. Optic fiber
A. 255 59. What is the first step in performing
B. 500 maintenance on a secondary-cell battery?
C. Unlimited A. Check the technical manual for
D. 8 information on the specific type of
51. A global network of millions of business, battery
government, educational, and research networks; B. Check the terminals for cleanliness and
computer systems; database; and end users good electrical connection
A. Internet works C. Check the level of the electrolyte
B. Internet technologies D. Check the battery case for cleanliness
C. Internet revolution 60. What is the first octet range for a class A IP
D. The Internet address?
52. What do the initials LEO tell you about an A. 192 – 223
amateur satellite? B. 1 – 127
A. The satellite uses Light Emitting Optics C. 1 – 126
B. The satellite is performing a Lunar D. 192 – 255
Ejection Orbit maneuver 61. Maximum number of characters or symbols
C. The satellite battery is in Low Energy that can be represented by Unicode
Operation mode A. 26
D. The satellite is in a Low Earth Orbit B. 24
53. Duration of bright-bulb can be enhanced, if C. 216
along with copper D. 232
A. Acid is more dilute 62. What mode is responsible for allowing over-
B. Magnesium is used the-horizon VHF and UHF communications to
C. Graphite ranges of approximately 300 miles on a regular
D. Zinc basis?
54. Duration of bright-bulb is shorter in a A. D layer refraction
magnesium-copper battery because B. Faraday rotation
A. Polarization occurs too quickly C. F2 layer refraction
B. Magnesium is highly reactive and D. Tropospheric scatter
dissolves very rapidly in acid 63. Ohm’s law describes the mathematical
C. Difference of copper and magnesium in relationship between
reactivity series is lesser A. Resistance, voltage, and current
D. All of these B. Resistance, voltage, and power
55. What might cause erratic changes in SWR C. Ohms, kilohms, and megohms
readings? D. Resistor size and resistor value
A. Interference from other stations is 64. Ohm’s law is a relationship between
distorting your signal A. Voltage, current, and time
B. The transmitter is being modulated B. Voltage, current, and resistance
C. A loose connection in an antenna or a C. Resistance, time, and current
feedline D. Power, current, and resistance
D. The transmitter is being over-modulated 65. Both station can transmit and receive data
56. Electrode may not be made up of simultaneously in
A. Mercury A. Simplex mode
B. Gold B. Half duplex mode
C. Copper C. Full duplex mode
D. Platinum D. None
57. Electrode may not be made up of 66. Difficulty of discharge is lowest in
A. Copper A. Magnesium ions
B. Platinum B. Zinc ions
C. Graphite C. Hydrogen ions
D. Silver D. Lead ions
58. Which of the following medium is used for 67. Difficulty of discharge is lowest in
broadband local networks? A. Hydroxide ions
A. UTP B. Chloride ions
B. Coaxial cable C. Bromide ions
D. Sulphate ions 78. Which command-line tool is included with
68. Difficulty of discharge is lowest in every Microsoft TCP/IP client?
A. Copper ions A. WINIPCFG
B. Silver ions B. DHCP
C. Potassium ions C. WINS
D. Sodium ions D. PING
69. Difficulty of discharge is lowest in 79. Bus is
A. Calcium ions A. The condition when two or more stations
B. Magnesium ions attempt to use the same channel at the
C. Zinc ions same time
D. Sodium ions B. One or more conductors that some as a
70. Difficulty of discharge is highest in common connection for a related group
A. Silver ions of devices
B. Copper ions C. A collection of interconnected functional
C. Calcium ions units that provides a data
D. Lead ions communications service among stations
71. Difficulty of discharge is highest in attached to the network
A. Chloride ions D. A continuous frequency capable of being
B. Nitrate ions modulated or impressed with a second
C. Bromide ions signal
D. Sulphate ions 80. What is a usual name for electromagnetic
72. The rate at which work is performed is called waves that travel through space?
A. Current A. Gravity waves
B. Energy B. Sound waves
C. Power C. Radio waves
D. Voltage D. Pressure waves
73. Which of the following can be used to display 81. A subdivision of main storage created by
signal strength on a numeric scale? operational software is referred to as a
A. Meter A. Time-shared program
B. Transistor B. Divided core
C. Potentiometer C. Partition
D. Relay D. Compartment
74. What popular operating activity involves 82. What is the function of a mixer in a
contacting as many stations as possible during a superheterodyne receiver?
specified period of time? A. To reject signals outside of the desired
A. Net operations passband
B. Public service events B. To shift the incoming signal to an
C. Simulated emergency exercises intermediate frequency
D. Contesting C. To combine signals from several stations
75. One big disadvantage of a star topology is, if together
one hub goes down whole system is D. To connect the receiver with an auxiliary
A. Don’t know device, such as a TNC
B. Dead 83. A communications device that combines
C. Remains unharm transmissions from several I/O devices into one
D. Effects one Hub line is a
76. In OSI network architecture, the routing is A. Full-duplex line
performed by B. Modifier
A. Network layer C. Concentrator
B. Data link layer D. Multiplexer
C. Transport layer 84. What is the approximate length, in inches, of a
D. Session layer 6 meter ½-wavelength wire dipole antenna?
77. What OSI layer handles logical address to A. 50
logical name resolution? B. 236
A. Data link C. 112
B. Physical D. 6
C. Presentation 85. What is the approximate length, in inches, of a
D. Transport quarter-wavelength vertical antenna for 146 MHz?
A. 112 94. In electroplating, solution must be of salt of
B. 50 metal
C. 12 A. Of object to be electroplated
D. 19 B. To any type of liquid
86. Many large organizations with their offices in C. Sodium
different countries of the world connect their D. To electroplate with
computers through telecommunication satellites 95. What causes spin fading when referring to
and telephone lines. Such a communication satellite signals?
network is called A. Rotation of the satellite and its antenna
A. ECONET B. Interfering signals within the satellite
B. LAN uplink band
C. ETHERNET C. Doppler shift of the received signal
D. WAN D. Circular polarized noise interference
87. Which of the following types of routine radiated from the sun
charges follows the nameplate data in restoring a 96. Which of the following type if feedline has the
battery to its charged condition during the lowest loss at VHF and UHF?
ordinary cycle of operation? A. Multi-conductor unbalanced cable
A. Fast B. Air-insulated hard line
B. Floating C. 50-ohm flexible coax
C. Normal D. 75-ohm flexible coax
D. Initial 97. A short circuit will have
88. Which of the following connectors is most A. A large current flow
suitable for frequencies above 400 MHz? B. Some current flow
A. A DB-23 connector C. No current flow
B. A Type N connector D. A small current flow
C. An RS-213 connector 98. What is the main difference between DDCMP
D. A UHF (PL-259/SO239) connector and SDLG?
89. Keyboard and traditional monitors are A. SDLC does not use CRC
examples of B. DDCMP has a message header
A. Half Duplex devices C. DDCMP does not need special hardware
B. Simplex devices to final the beginning of a message
C. Duplex devices D. SDLC has a IP address
D. Full Duplex devices 99. If graphite (C) is used as electrode in presence
90. Which of the following digits are known as the of concentrated Hydrochloric Acid (HCl), at anode
area code of the Network User Address (NUA)? A. Oxygen gas is produced
A. 5-7 B. Hydrogen gas is produced
B. 8-12 C. Hydrogen chloride is produced
C. 13-14 D. Chlorine gas is produced
D. 1-4 100. How is access to an IRLP node accomplished?
91. Mode in which each station can send and A. By obtaining a password which is sent via
receive data but not at same time is called voice to the node
A. Duplex B. By using CTCSS tone codes
B. Full Duplex C. By using DTMF signals
C. Half Duplex D. By entering the proper Internet password
D. Simplex 101. Which of the following network access
92. The amount of uncertainty in a system of standard is used for connecting stations to a
symbol is called circuit-switched network?
A. Quantum A. X.25
B. Bandwidth B. X.75
C. Entropy C. X.21
D. Loss D. X.3
93. Most of organic solvents are 102. Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) is an example of
A. Weak electrolyte A. Natural acid
B. Poor insulators B. Strong electrolyte
C. Non-electrolyte C. Weak electrolyte
D. Strong electrolyte D. Non-electrolyte
103. Which of the following bands may provide C. Impurities rise to the surface of the
long distance communications during the peak of electrolyte
the sunspot cycle? D. Hydrogen is generated in large quantities
A. 70 centimeters or 1.25 meters 111. Which of the following frequencies has the
B. Six or ten meters lowest value for Maximum Permissible Exposure
C. 23 centimeters limit?
D. All of these choices are correct A. 1296 MHz
104. In which states may matter may be found? B. 440 MHz
A. Solid, liquid, or mineral C. 50 MHz
B. Plastic, solid, or gas D. 3.5 MHz
C. Mineral, gas, or liquid 112. Why is duty cycle one of the factors used to
D. Solid, gas, or liquid determine safe RF radiation exposure levels?
105. What instrument other than an SWR meter A. It takes into account the antenna feed
could you use to determine if a feed line and line loss
antenna are properly matched? B. It takes into account the thermal effects
A. Voltmeter of the final amplifier
B. Iambic pentameter C. It affects the peak exposure of people to
C. Directional wattmeter radiation
D. Ohmmeter D. It affects the average exposure of people
106. The physical layer of a network to radiation
A. Constructs packets of data and sends 113. Which term describes the availability of a
them across the network receiver to discriminate between multiple signals?
B. Defines the electrical characteristics of A. Selectivity
signals passed between the computer B. Noise floor
and communication devices C. Tuning rate
C. Controls error detection and correction D. Sensitivity
D. All of these 114. When using a directional antenna, how might
107. A battery is rated according to a 20-hour rate your station be able to access a distant repeater if
of discharge at 300 ampere-hours. Which of the buildings or obstructions are blocking the direct
following currents is the maximum current that line of sight path?
will allow the battery to deliver its rated capacity? A. Increase the antenna SWR
A. 15 amperes B. Try to find a path that reflects signals to
B. 20 amperes the repeater
C. 25 amperes C. Change from vertical to horizontal
D. 30 amperes polarization
108. What is the minimum number of wires D. Try the long path
required for sending data over a serial 115. On passing electricity through electrolyte
communications links? solution
A. 1 A. Electrolyte decomposes
B. 2 B. Electrolyte splits up
C. 3 C. Ions migrate towards oppositely charged
D. 4 electrodes
109. A proposed network infrastructure of D. All of these
interconnected local, regional, and global 116. If the averaging time for exposure is 6
networks that would support universal interactive minutes, how much power density is permitted if
multimedia communications the signal is present for 3 minutes and absent for 3
A. Internetworked enterprise minutes rather than being present for the entire 6
B. Client/Server networks minutes?
C. Information super highway A. 2 times as much
D. Business applications of B. ½ as much
telecommunications C. 3 times as much
110. Which of the following is caused by local D. There is no adjustment allowed for
action in a cell? shorter exposure times
A. Shelf life is reduced 117. Which file transfer protocol uses UDP?
B. Mercury coating of the zinc electrode is A. FTP
worn away B. TFTP
D. TELNET C. A positive charge caused by a loss of
118. “Half-splitting” is electrons
A. A means for reducing a high ac voltage to D. A positive charge caused by an excess of
a low dc voltage electrons
B. A means of limiting current in a circuit 126. If the voltage across a fixed value of
C. A means of isolating a problem in a resistance is increased five times, what does the
circuit current do?
D. A means for nuclear fuel cells to produce A. It decreases by half
electricity B. It decreases by a factor of five
119. A strong electrolyte solution makes a bulb C. It increases by a factor of five
A. Shine brightly D. It stays the same
B. Burst or fuse 127. What is the name of a device that combines
C. Does not shine at all several semiconductors and other components
D. Shine dimly into one package?
120. Which of the following is accurately A. Integrated circuit
represented in electrical circuit schematic B. Transducer
diagrams? C. Multi-pole relay
A. The way components are interconnected D. Transformer
B. Physical appearance of components 128. RS-449/442-A/423-A is
C. Wire lengths A. A code in which each expression
D. All of these choices are correct conforms to specific rules of construction,
121. Typewriter terminals can print computer- so that if certain errors occur in an
generated data at a rate of expression the resulting expression will
A. 10 characters per second not conform to the rules of construction
B. 120 characters per second and thus the presence of the errors is
C. 1200 characters per minute detected
D. 120 characters per minute B. A check bit appended to an array of
122. What is PSK31? binary digits to make the sum of all the
A. A low-rate data transmission mode binary digits
B. A high-rate data transmission mode C. The ratio of the number of data units in
C. A method of compressing digital error to the total number of data units
television signals D. A set of physical layer standards
D. A method of reducing noise interference developed by EIA and intended to
to FM signals replace RS-232-C
123. Why are direct (not via a repeater) UHF 129. A suitable constant flow of electricity can be
signals rarely heard from stations outside your ensured through
local coverage area? A. A galvanometer
A. FCC regulations prohibit them from going B. An ammeter
more than 50 miles C. A rheostat
B. They collide with trees and shrubbery and D. A voltmeter
fade out 130. Which of the following is an application of
C. They are too weak to go very far APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System)?
D. UHF signals are usually not reflected by A. Providing voice over Internet connection
the ionosphere between repeaters
124. The birthplace of the World Wide Web is B. Showing automatically the number of
considered to be packets transmitted via PACTOR during a
A. ARPA specific time interval
B. Netscape C. Providing information on the number of
C. CERN stations signed into a repeater
D. The Department of Defense D. Providing real time tactical digital
125. What causes hydrogen to be attracted to the communications in conjunction with a
anode of a primary cell when the cell is map showing the locations of stations
discharging? 131. Easy to shape materials like ceramics are
A. A negative charge caused by an excess of used as
electrons A. Electrodes
B. A negative charge caused by a loss of B. Catalysts
electrons C. Insulators
D. Conductors A. Absorption of signals by the “E” layer of
132. To make possible the efficient on-line the ionosphere
servicing of many teleprocessing system users on B. Intermodulation distortion in the local
large computer systems, designers are developing receiver
A. Communication systems C. Absorption of signals by the “D” layer of
B. Multiprogramming systems the ionosphere
C. Virtual storage systems D. Random combining of signals arriving via
D. All of these different path lengths
133. Who originally designed TCP/IP? 141. What is an ARQ transmission system?
A. IBM A. A digital scheme whereby the receiving
B. Xerox station detects errors and sends a
C. The Department of Defense request to the sending station to
D. Novell retransmit the information
134. Which of the following instruments can be B. A special transmission format limited to
used to determine if an antenna is resonant at the video signals
desired operating frequency? C. A system used to encrypt command
A. An antenna analyzer signals to an amateur radio satellite
B. A “Q” meter D. A method of compressing the data in a
C. A VTVM message so more information can be sent
D. A frequency counter in a shorter time
135. Graphite is a conductor of electricity because 142. Polarization occurs due to
A. It has valence electrons A. Copper electrode gets covered with
B. It is a non-metal form of Carbon bubbles of hydrogen gas
C. It is an allotrope of Carbon B. Slow dissolving of magnesium in
D. Both A and B concentric acid
136. The network layer, in reference to the OSI C. Copper electrode gets covered with
model, provide bubbles of ammonia gas
A. The interface between the X.25 network D. Rapid dissolving of magnesium in dilute
and packet mode device acid
B. Data link procedures that provide for the 143. ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) is
exchange of data via frames that can be A. A protocol that handles error and control
sent and received messages
C. The virtual circuit interface to packet- B. A TCP/IP protocol used to dynamically
switched service bind a high level IP Address to a low-
D. All of these level physical hardware address
137. A damaged resistor C. A protocol used to monitor computer
A. May appear burned D. A TCP/IP high level protocol for
B. May be checked with an ohmmeter transferring files from one machine to
C. May have an increased resistance value another
D. All of the choices 144. What describes about the cathode of a cell?
138. The most important part of a multiple DHCP A. Positive electrode
configurations is to make sure you don’t have B. Mounting for the electrode
which of the following in the different scopes? C. Negative electrode
A. Duplicate default gateways D. Solution acting upon the electrode
B. Duplicate subnets 145. What describes about the container of a cell?
C. Duplicate addresses A. Mounting for the electrode
D. Duplicate pools B. Solution acting upon the electrode
139. Why should coax connectors exposed to the C. Positive electrode
weather be sealed against water intrusion? D. Negative electrode
A. To prevent an increase in feedline loss 146. Baseband is
B. To prevent interference to telephones A. Transmission of signals without
C. To keep the jacket form becoming loose modulation
D. All of these choices are correct B. A signal all of whose energy is contained
140. What is the cause of irregular fading of within a finite frequency range
signals from distant stations during times of C. The simultaneous transmission of data to
generally good reception? a number of stations
D. All of the choices
147. What does the acronym ISDN stand for? C. Precise tone transmissions used to limit
A. Integrated Services Digital Network repeater access to only certain signals
B. Integrated Services Data Network D. Pre-transmission tuning to reduce
C. Intelligent Services Digital Network transmitter harmonic emission
D. Intelligent Standard Digital Network 157. Of the following characteristics, which one
148. Oxidation of Hydrogen Gas (H2) to prevent describes the mercury cell?
polarization occurs through A. It is physically one of the largest cells
A. Paste of manganese oxide B. It produces a large amount of current but
B. Depolarizing mixture of manganese has a short shelf life
oxide and ammonium chloride C. It has a very stable output voltage
C. Carbon acting as negative terminal D. It is designed to be rechargeable
D. Powdered carbon 158. What can happen if a lead-acid storage
149. Which of the following devices is most useful battery is charged or discharged too quickly?
for VHF weak-signal communication? A. The memory effect will reduce the
A. A mobile VHF FM transceiver capacity of the battery
B. A multi-mode VHF transceiver B. The voltage can become reversed
C. A quarter-wave vertical antenna C. The battery could overheat and give off
D. An omni-directional antenna flammable gas or explode
150. Weak electrolytes include D. All of these choices are correct
A. Ammonia solution NH3 159. What is the purpose of the squelch control on
B. Limewater Ca(OH)2 a transceiver?
C. Carbonic acid H2CO3 A. To mute receiver output noise when no
D. All of these signal is being received
151. Weak electrolytes include B. To adjust the automatic gain control
A. Strong bases C. To set the highest level of volume desired
B. Weak acids D. To set the transmitter power level
C. Weak alkalis 160. A voltage will influence current only if the
D. Both weak acids and weak alkalis circuit is
152. In a _____ topology, if there are n devices in a A. Open
network, each device has n-1 ports for cables B. High resistance
A. Ring C. Insulated
B. Mesh D. Closed
C. Star 161. What safety equipment should always be
D. Bus included in home-built equipment that is powered
153. What is a function of a product detector? from 120 V AC power circuits?
A. Combine speech and RF signals A. A capacitor across the AC power source
B. Detect phase modulated signals B. An inductor in series with the AC power
C. Demodulate FM signals source
D. Detect CW and SSB signals C. An AC voltmeter across the incoming
154. Number of bits per symbol used in Baudot power source
code is D. A fuse or circuit breaker in series with
A. 5 the AC hot conductor
B. 8 162. Which of the following is a common use of
C. 1 coaxial cable?
D. 9 A. Secure masts, tubing and other cylindrical
155. A substance which conducts electricity but is objects on towers
not changed during electrolysis is B. Connect data signals from a TNC to a
A. Catalyst computer
B. Insulator C. Carry dc power from a vehicle battery to a
C. Electrode mobile radio
D. Conductor D. Carry RF signals between a radio and
156. What is meant by term “PTT”? antenna
A. The push to talk function which switches 163. RS-232-G
between receive and transmit A. Specifies only the mechanical
B. A primary transformer tuner use to match characteristics of an interface by
antennas providing a 25-pin connector
B. Is an interface between two data circuit 170. What term is given to the process that takes
terminating equipment as exemplified by place inside a cell?
a local and remote modem A. Electromagnetic action
C. Is an interface standard between Data B. Piezoelectric action
Terminal Equipment and Data Circuit C. Electrochemical action
Terminating Equipment D. Electromechanical action
D. Requires only 7 pin out of in order to 171. Which of the following may be useful in
transmit digital data over public correcting a radio frequency interference
telephone lines problem?
164. Why are VHF or UHF mobile antennas often A. Low-pass and high-pass filters
mounted in the center of the vehicle roof? B. Band-reject and band-pass filters
A. Roof mounted antennas are always the C. Snap-on ferrite chokes
easiest to install D. All of these choices are correct
B. A roof mounted antenna normally 172. Impurities like silver and gold are found in
provides the most uniform radiation anode of
pattern A. Carbon
C. Only roof mounting can guarantee a B. Graphite
vertically polarized signal C. Copper
D. Roof mounts have the lowest possible D. Magnesium
SWR of any mounting configuration 173. Which of the following methods is used to
165. Which of the following are provided by locate sources of noise interference or jamming?
satellite tracking programs? A. Doppler radar
A. The apparent frequency of the satellite B. Radio direction finding
transmission, including effects of Doppler C. Echolocation
shift D. Phase locking
B. The time, azimuth, and elevation of the 174. The 32-bit internet address 10000000
start, maximum altitude, and end of a 00001010 00000010 00011110 will be written in
pass dotted decimal notation as
C. Maps showing the real-time position of A.
the satellite track over the earth B.
D. All of these answers are correct C.
166. The _____ layer is the layer closest to the D.
transmission medium 175. What electrical difference exists between the
A. Network smaller RG-58 and larger RG-8 coaxial cables?
B. Physical A. RG-58 cable can handle higher power
C. Transport levels
D. Data link B. There is no significant difference between
167. how would you change a dipole antenna to the two types
make it resonant on a higher frequency? C. RG-58cable has less loss at a given
A. Add capacity hats to the ends of the frequency
radiating wires D. RG-8 cable has less loss at a given
B. Insert coils in series with radiating wires frequency
C. Shorten it 176. Aluminum (Al) is preferred in overhead
D. Lengthen it power cables because
168. What does 192 translate to in binary? A. It is a good conductor
A. 00001111 B. It acts as an insulator, in case of lightning
B. 00111110 C. It prevents accidents
C. 11000000 D. It is lighter in weight
D. 00000011 177. What device takes the output of a low-
169. What antenna polarization is normally used powered 28 MHz SSB exciter and produces a 222
for long-distance weak-signal CW and SSB contacts MHz output signal?
using the VHF and UHF bands? A. High-pass filter
A. Vertical B. Low-pass filter
B. Right-hand circular C. Transverter
C. Horizontal D. Phase converter
D. Left-hand circular 178. What property of a radio wave is used to
describe its polarization?
A. The ratio of the velocity to the 185. What is a disadvantage of “air core” coaxial
wavelength cable when compared to foam or solid dielectric
B. The orientation of the electric field types?
C. The ratio of the energy in the magnetic A. It cannot be used for VHF or UHF
field to the energy in the electric field antennas
D. The orientation of the magnetic field B. It cannot be used at below freezing
179. Why is duty cycle one of the factors used to temperatures
determine safe RF radiation exposure levels? C. It has more loss per foot
A. It takes into account the thermal effects D. It requires special techniques to prevent
of the final amplifier water absorption
B. It affects the average exposure of people 186. In a zinc-carbon primary cell, what is the
to radiation function of the carbon electrode?
C. It takes into account the antenna feed A. To generate electrons
line loss B. To speed electrolysis
D. It affects the peak exposure of people to C. To collect hydrogen
radiation D. To supply a return path for current
180. What, in general terms, is standing wave ratio 187. Which of the following is an example of a
(SWR)? digital communications method?
A. An indication of the quality of your A. Packet
station’s ground connection B. PSK31
B. The transmitter efficiency ratio C. MFSK
C. The ratio of high to low impedance in a D. All of these choices are correct
feedline 188. Synchronous protocols
D. A measure of how well a load is matched A. Are generally used by personal computers
to a transmission line B. Are more reliable
181. Sending a file from your personal computer’s C. Allow faster transmission than
primary memory or disk to another computer is asynchronous protocols do
called D. Transmit characters one at a time
A. Uploading 189. What type of circuit controls the amount of
B. Downloading voltage from a power supply?
C. Hang on A. Oscillator
D. Logging on B. Filter
182. What type of transmission is indicated by the C. Phase inverter
term NTSC? D. Regulator
A. A frame compression scheme for TV 190. What is the radio horizon?
signals A. The farthest point you can see when
B. A special mode for earth satellite uplink standing at the base of your antenna
C. A Normal Transmission mode in Static tower
Circuit B. The distance over which two stations can
D. An analog fast scan color TV signal communicate by direct path
183. What is a good reason not to use a “rubber C. The distance from the ground to a
duck” antenna inside your car? horizontally mounted antenna
A. Signals can be significantly weaker than D. The shortest distance between two points
when it is outside of the vehicle on the Earth’s surface
B. The SWR might decrease, decreasing the 191. Which one of the following safety
signal strength precautions for batteries is NOT correct?
C. It might cause your radio to overheat A. Smoking, open flames, and electrical
D. All of these choices are correct sparks are prohibited around charging
184. What is a disadvantage of the “rubber duck” batteries
antenna supplied with most handheld radio B. Protective clothing, such as rubber apron,
transceivers? rubber gloves, and face shield, should be
A. It does not transmit or receive as worn when working on batteries
effectively as a full-sized antenna C. Care should be taken to prevent the
B. If the rubber end cap is lost it will unravel spilling of electrolyte
very quickly D. Terminals should be electrically
C. It transmits a circularly polarized signal connected together before transporting
D. All of these choices are correct a battery
192. Why are UHF signals often more effective C. An antenna loss of 4 dB
from inside buildings than VHF signals? D. A good impedance match
A. The shorter wavelength allows them to 201. Electrolyte liquid may include
more easily penetrate the structure of A. Solids
buildings B. Gases
B. VHF signals lose power faster over C. Solutions
distance D. Both solutions and molten solids
C. This is incorrect; VHF works better than 202. The basic difference between a fuse and a
UHF inside buildings circuit breaker is
D. UHF antennas are more efficient than A. A circuit breaker is more reliable
VHF antennas B. A circuit breaker is reusable
193. Metal core in power cable is normally made C. A fuse is reusable
up of D. A fuse is slower
A. Phosphorus 203. The removal of a non-neutral subatomic
B. Sulphur particle converts the atom into a
C. Steel A. Nucleus
D. Mercury B. Charged ion
194. Metal core in power cable is not made up of C. Heavier element
A. Phosphorus D. Compound
B. Mercury 204. Terminals are required for
C. Sulphur A. Realtime, timesharing, and message
D. All of these switching
195. A communication network which is used by B. Realtime, timesharing, and distributed
large organizations over regional, national or processing
global area is called C. Realtime, distributed processing, and
A. Intranet manager inquiry
B. WAN D. Realtime, batch processing, and
C. MAN timesharing
D. LAN 205. Which of the following allows devices on one
196. Which of the following is a likely cause of network to communicate with devices on another
irregular fading of signals received by ionospheric network?
reflection? A. Multiplexer
A. Random combining of signals arriving via B. Gateway
different paths C. T-switch
B. Interference from thunderstorms D. Modem
C. Frequency shift due to Faraday rotation 206. Which of the following describes the shorting
D. Intermodulation distortion of a cell?
197. Word Tele means A. Providing a recharge voltage that is not
A. Far sufficient to recharge the cell
B. Apart B. Connecting the anode and cathode
C. Near together without a load
D. Beside C. Decreasing the length of a cell
198. In cyclic redundancy checking, the divisor is D. Using the cell below its full potential
_____ the CRC 207. Which of the following actions will lower the
A. One bit less than internal resistance of a cell?
B. One bit more than A. Increasing the spacing between the
C. The same size as electrodes
D. Two bits more B. Increasing the size of the electrodes
199. In cyclic redundancy checking what is the C. Decreasing the size of the electrodes
CRC? D. Increasing the resistance of the
A. The divisor electrolyte
B. The quotient 208. When a group of computers is connected
C. The dividend together in a small area without the help of
D. The remainder telephone lines, it is called
200. What does an SWR reading of 4:1 mean? A. Value added network (VAN)
A. An impedance mismatch B. Remote communication network (RCN)
B. An antenna gain of 4 C. Wide area network (WAN)
D. Local area network (LAN) A. The material of the anode
209. The most flexibility in how devices are wired B. The material of the cathode
together is provided by C. The electrolyte used
A. Star networks D. All of the given choices
B. Bus networks 218. What can happen if the antennas at opposite
C. T-switched networks ends of a VHF or UHF line of sight radio link are not
D. Ring networks using the same polarization?
210. Why is it unwise to install a 20-ampere fuse in A. The modulation sidebands might become
the place of a 5-ampere fuse? inverted
A. Excessive current could cause a fire B. Signals have an echo effect on voices
B. The larger fuse would be likely to blow C. Nothing significant will happen
because it is rated for higher current D. Signals could be significantly weaker
C. The power supply ripple would greatly 219. A network which is used for sharing data,
increase software and hardware among several users
D. All of these choices are correct owning microcomputers is called
211. What are the two components of a radio A. LAN
wave? B. WAN
A. Voltage and current C. MAN
B. AC and DC D. VAN
C. Ionizing and non-ionizing radiation 220. What is the definition of duty cycle during the
D. Electric and magnetic fields averaging time for RF exposure?
212. What is a good way to guard against electrical A. The percentage of time that a transmitter
shock at your station? is not transmitting
A. Use a circuit protected by a ground-fault B. The difference between the lowest power
interrupter output and the highest power output of a
B. Use three-wire cords and plugs for all AC transmitter
powered equipment C. The difference between the PEP and
C. Connect all AC powered station average power output of a transmitter
equipment to a common safety ground D. The percentage of time that a
D. All of these choices are correct transmitter is transmitting
213. Overhead cables are insulated from pylons 221. In a Magnesium-Copper battery with dilute
through acid as electrolyte, at cathode is
A. PVC A. Chlorine gas is bubbled off
B. Ceramics and glass B. Copper takes up electrons produced by
C. Plastic magnesium
D. Rubber C. Electrons are produced
214. What is a satellite beacon? D. Hydrogen gas is bubbled off
A. An indicator light that shows where to 222. A software that allows a personal computer
point your antenna to pretend it as a terminal is
B. A reflective surface on the satellite A. Terminal emulation
C. The primary transmit antenna on the B. Modem
satellite C. Bulletin board
D. A transmission from a space station that D. Auto-dialing
contains information about a satellite 223. Which of the following devices or circuits
215. Pure water (H2O) is an example of changes an alternating current into a varying
A. Weak electrolyte direct current signal?
B. Non-electrolyte A. Amplifier
C. Poor insulator B. Transformer
D. Strong electrolyte C. Reflector
216. Amount of current can be measured in D. Rectifier
A. Amperes 224. What is the maximum power allowed when
B. Therbligs transmitting telecommand signals to radio
C. Kilojoules controlled models?
D. Horsepower A. 500 milliwatts
217. Which of the following is/are the B. 1500 watts
difference(s) in the construction of a NICAD cell as C. 25 watts
compared to a lead-acid cell? D. 1 watt
225. The X.25 standard specifies a 233. Power supplies are regulated to prevent the
A. Technique for start-stop data output voltage from changing due to changes in
B. Technique for dial access the
C. Data bit rate A. Supply load
D. DTE/DCE interface B. Frequency
226. If odd parity is used for ASCII error detection, C. Line voltage
the number of 0s per eight-bit symbol is _____ D. Both line voltage and supply load
A. Indeterminate 234. What is a reason to use a properly mounted
B. Odd 5/8 wavelength antenna for VHF or UHF mobile
C. Even service?
D. 42 A. The 5/8 wavelength antenna completely
227. Which of the following is not a standard eliminates distortion caused by reflected
synchronous communication protocol? signals
A. SLIP B. It offers a lower angle of radiation and
B. SDLC more gain than a ¼ wavelength antenna
C. PAS and usually provides improved coverage
D. SMTP C. It features a very high angle of radiation
228. The area of coverage of a satellite radio beam and is better for communicating via a
is known as repeater
A. Footprint D. The 5/8 wavelength antenna offers a 10-
B. Identity times power gain over a ¼ wavelength
C. Circular polarization design
D. Beam width 235. Which of the following is not a transmission
229. What might be the first step to resolve cable medium?
TV interference from your ham radio A. Coaxial cable
transmission? B. Modem
A. Add a preamplifier to the TV antenna C. Telephone lines
input D. Microwave systems
B. Add a high pass filter to the TV antenna 236. What is the approximate amount of change,
input measured in decibels (dB), of a power increase
C. Add a low pass filter to the TV antenna from 5 watts to 10 watts?
input A. 3 dB
D. Be sure all TV coaxial connectors are B. 10 dB
installed properly C. 2 dB
230. Which of the following is a safety hazard of a D. 5 dB
12-volt storage battery? 237. What is the approximate amount of change,
A. Shorting the terminals can cause burns, measured in decibels (dB), of a power increase
fire, or an explosion from 20 watts to 200 watts?
B. RF emissions from the battery A. 28 dB
C. Touching both terminals with the hands B. 10 dB
can cause electrical shock C. 18 dB
D. All of these choices are correct D. 12 dB
231. You are in the process of analyzing a problem 238. What is the approximate amount of change,
that requires you to collect and store TCP/IP measured in decibels (dB), of a power decrease
Packets. Which of the following utilities is best from 12 watts to 3 watts?
suited for this purpose? A. -9 dB
A. Performance monitor B. -1 dB
D. Network Monitor 239. What happens to power lost in a feedline?
232. A form of modulation in which the amplitude A. It comes back into your transmitter and
of a carrier wave is varied in accordance with some could cause damage
characteristic of the modulating signal, is known as B. It is converted into heat
A. Aloha C. It can cause distortion of your signal
B. Angle modulation D. It increases the SWR
C. Amplitude modulation
D. Modem
240. Why is coaxial cable used more often than strong just a moment ago, but now they are weak
any other feedline for amateur radio antenna or distorted?
systems? A. Ask the other operator to adjust his
A. It has less loss than any other type of squelch control
feedline B. Turn on the CTCSS tone
B. It can handle more power than any other C. Change the batteries in your radio to a
type of feedline different type
C. It is less expensive than any other types of D. Try moving a few feet, as random
feedline reflections may be causing multi-path
D. It is easy to use and requires few special distortion
installation considerations 249. The standard suit of protocols used by the
241. Aqueous Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4(aq)) contains Internet, intranets, extranets, and some other
A. Sulfate ions networks
B. Hydrogen ions A. Protocol
C. Hydro oxide ions B. Open Systems
D. All of these C. Internetwork processor
242. In a synchronous modem, the receive D. TCP/IP
equalizer is known as 250. An example of digital, rather than analog
A. Compromise equalizer communication is
B. Adaptive equalizer A. DDT
C. Statistical equalizer B. DDD
D. Impairment equalizer C. DDS
243. What is meant by the term “knife-edge” D. WATS
propagation? 251. What is a commonly used method of sending
A. Signals are reflected back toward the signals to and from a digital satellite?
originating station at acute angles A. WSJT
B. Signals are partially refracted around B. PSK31
solid objects exhibiting sharp edges C. FM Packet
C. Signals are propagated close to the band D. USB AFSK
edge exhibiting a sharp cutoff 252. The size or magnitude of a voltage or current
D. Signals are sliced into several discrete waveform is
beams and arrive via different paths A. Attenuation
244. Which of the following frequency ranges is B. Aloha
used for AM radio transmission? C. Angle Modulation
A. Very High Frequency: 30 MHz to 300 MHz D. Amplitude
B. Very Low Frequency: 3 kHz to 30 kHz 253. Alex is required to provide information on
C. High Frequency: 3 MHz to 30 MHz how many people are using the network at any
D. Medium Frequency: 300 kHz to 3 MHz one time. Which network will enable him to do so?
245. UDP is A. Ethernet
A. Connectionless and unreliable B. Star
B. Not a part of the TCP/IP suite C. Server-based
C. Connection oriented and unreliable D. Token-ring
D. Connection oriented and reliable 254. End-to-end connectivity is provided from
246. Which of the following devices on one host-to-host in
network to communicate with devices on another A. Network layer
network? B. Data link layer
A. Modem C. Transport layer
B. T-switch D. Session layer
C. Gateway 255. Which of the following may be a cause of
D. Multiplexer radio frequency interference?
247. Videotex is a combination of A. Harmonics
A. Television B. Spurious emissions
B. Communication C. Fundamental overload
C. Computer technology D. All of these choices are correct
D. All of the choices 256. What is the characteristic appearance of a
248. What should you do if another operator “cold” solder joint?
reports that your station’s 2 meter signals were A. A bright or shiny surface
B. A grainy or dull surface A. Common grounds must be avoided
C. A greenish tint B. Sharp bends must be avoided
D. Dark black spots C. Only non-insulated wire must be used
257. Which part of the atmosphere enables the D. Wires must be carefully routed with
propagation of radio signals around the world? precise right-angle bends
A. The ionosphere 265. Which of the following results from the fact
B. The troposphere that skip signals refracted from the ionosphere are
C. The magnetosphere elliptically polarized?
D. The stratosphere A. FM voice is unusable
258. Why is it important to have a low SWR in an B. Both the transmitting and receiving
antenna system that uses coaxial cable feedline? antennas must be of the same
A. To reduce television interference polarization
B. To allow the efficient transfer of power C. Digital modes are unusable
and reduce losses D. Either vertically or horizontally polarized
C. To prolong antenna life antennas may be used for transmission
D. All of these choices are correct or reception
259. What component is commonly used to 266. If electrolyte comes in contact with the skin,
change 120 V AC house current to a lower AC what first aid treatment should be given
voltage for other uses? immediately to the affected area?
A. Transistor A. Wrap with a sterile bandage
B. Variable capacitor B. Cover with petroleum jelly
C. Transformer C. Flush with fresh water
D. Diode D. Apply an antiseptic lotion
260. What is/are the advantage(s) of using a 267. With regard to satellite communications,
manganese-dioxide-alkaline-zinc cell over the zinc- what is Doppler shift?
carbon cell? A. A change in the satellite orbit
A. Operates over a wide temperature range B. A special digital communications mode
B. Better voltage stability for some satellites
C. Longer storage life C. A mode where the satellite receives
D. All of the given choices signals on one band and transmits on
261. Now-a-days computers all over the world can another
talk to each other. Which is one of the special D. An observed change in signal frequency
accessories essential for this purpose? caused by relative motion between the
A. Fax satellite and the earth station
B. Keyboard 268. The lead-acid cell is an example of which of
C. Modem the following types of cells?
D. Scanner A. The dry cell
262. In a fully charged lead-acid cell, what is the B. The primary cell
composition of the anode, cathode, and C. The secondary cell
electrolyte respectively? D. The voltaic cell
A. Nickel, cadmium, potassium hydroxide, 269. Examples of conductors include
and water A. Phosphorus
B. Lead peroxide, sponge lead, sulfuric acid, B. Sulphur
and water C. Platinum
C. Carbon, lead, sulfuric acid and water D. Wood
D. Zinc, carbon, and water 270. Examples of non-conductors include
263. The main difference between TCP and UDP is A. Sulphur
A. TCP is an Internet protocol where as UDP B. Wood
is an ATM protocol C. Phosphorus
B. UDP is connection oriented whereas TCP D. All of these
is datagram service 271. Bulletin board system
C. UDP is a datagram whereas TCP is a A. Converts analog signals to digital signals
connection oriented service B. Is a modem capable of accepting
D. All of these commands
264. Which of the following is true concerning C. Is a public access message system
grounding conductors used for lightning D. Converts digital signals to analog signals
272. What is the main purpose of a data link you use multiple DHCP servers in your
content monitor? environment?
A. To determine the type of transmission A. Unique to that subnet only
used in a data link B. For no more than two subnets
B. To determine the type of switching used C. For different subnets
in a data link D. For no subnets
C. To determine the flow of data 281. Advantages dry cells offer are that they are
D. To detect problems in protocols A. Convenient
273. Which of the following controls could be used B. Portable
if the voice pitch of a single sideband signal seems C. Cheap
too high or low? D. All of these
A. The AGC or limiter 282. What do the symbols on an electrical circuit
B. The bandwidth selection schematic diagram represent?
C. The receiver RIT or clarifier A. Digital codes
D. The tone squelch B. Traffic nodes
274. Which of the following factors should be C. Logic states
considered when selecting a primary cell as a D. Electrical components
power source? 283. Cations are
A. Type of electrolyte used A. Travel towards anode during polarization
B. Power requirement B. Travel towards anode during electrolysis
C. Container material C. Negatively charged ions
D. All of the given choices D. Positively charged ions
275. What is the approximate SWR value above 284. A battery converts
which the protection circuits in most solid-state A. Kinetic energy to chemical and electrical
transmitters begin to reduce transmitter power? energy
A. 10 to 1 B. Chemical energy to kinetic energy
B. 6 to 1 C. Electrical to chemical energy
C. 2 to 1 D. Chemical energy to electrical energy
D. 1 to 2 285. Performance, reliability, and security are
276. What is a characteristics of a secondary cell? criteria of
A. Rechargeability A. Intranet
B. Not rechargeable B. Protocols
C. A dry cell C. Efficient network
D. Non-liquid D. None
277. What does a dummy load consist of? 286. X.21 is
A. A low voltage power supply and a DC A. A method of determining which device
relay has access to the transmission medium at
B. A 50-ohm reactance used to terminate a any time
transmission line B. A method access control technique for
C. A non-inductive resistor and a heat sink multiple-access transmission media
D. A high-gain amplifier and a TR switch C. A very common bit-oriented data link
278. The CCITT Recommendation X.25 specifies protocol issued by ISO
three layers of communications D. Network access standard for connecting
A. Application, presentation and session stations to a circuit-switched network
B. Physical, datalink and network 287. Most networks are connected to other local
C. Datalink, network and transport area or wide area networks
D. Session, transport and network A. Internet technologies
279. What may happen if a transmitter is operated B. Internet revolution
with the microphone gain set too high? C. Internet works
A. The frequency might vary D. The Internet
B. The output signal might become 288. Which of the following may be included in
distorted packet transmissions?
C. The SWR might increase A. A header which contains the call sign of
D. The output power might be too high the station to which the information is
280. Which of the following best describes the being sent
scopes on each DHCP server, in the absence of B. Automatic repeat request in case of error
configuration problems with DHCP addresses, if
C. A check sum which permits error C. Gray-line propagation
detection D. D layer absorption
D. All of these choices are correct 297. Parameter that refers to recording and
289. To avoid transmission errors, a check figure is broadcasting of picture is
calculated by the A. Image
A. Transmitting computer B. Audio
B. Receiving computer C. Video
C. Start and stop bit D. Text
D. Transmitting computer and receiving 298. What is the port number for HTTP?
computer A. 99
290. Which of the following is a way to reduce or B. 86
eliminate interference by an amateur transmitter C. 80
to a nearby telephone? D. 23
A. Reduce the SWR on the transmitter 299. If a battery is being charged at the proper
transmission line rate, which, if any of the following types of gassing
B. Put a RF filter on the telephone should occur?
C. Reduce the microphone gain A. Violent gassing
D. Put a filter on the amateur transmitter B. Steady gassing
291. What is the advantage of having multiple C. Intermittent gassing
receive bandwidth choices on a multimode D. None
transceiver? 300. Which of the following can be used to enter
A. Increases the number of frequencies that the operating frequency on a modern transceiver?
can be stored in memory A. The Automatic Frequency Control
B. Increases the amount of offset between B. The CTCSS of DTMF encoder
receive and transmit frequencies C. The keypad or VFO knob
C. Permits noise or interference reduction D. All of these choices are correct
by selecting a bandwidth matching the 301. What operates in the Data Link and the
mode Network layer?
D. Permits monitoring several modes at A. Router
once B. Brouter
292. Current is considered as the movement of C. NIC
A. Nuclei D. Bridge
B. Charge 302. Packet Switch System (PSS) was introduced in
C. Protons A. The US in 1961 (&) the UK in 1981
D. Electrons B. The UK in 1980
293. Working of the WAN generally involves C. The US in 1961
A. Satellites D. None of these
B. Telephone lines 303. Which of the following summation operation
C. Microwaves is performed on the bits to check an error-
D. All of the choices detecting code?
294. what type of wave carries radio signals A. Codec
between transmitting and receiving stations? B. Checksum
A. Electromagnetic C. Attenuation
B. Surface acoustic D. Coder-decoder
C. Electrostatic 304. Which of the following uses network address
D. Magnetostrictive translation?
295. An ROP would be attached to a A. Network adapter drivers
A. Duplex channel B. Routers
B. Full duplex channel C. Windows 95
C. Simplex channel D. Hubs
D. Half duplex channel 305. Which of the following is commonly used as a
296. Which of the following propagation types is visual indicator?
most commonly associated with occasional strong A. LED
over-the-horizon signals on the 10, 6, and 2 meter B. Zener diode
bands? C. Bipolar transistor
A. Sporadic E D. FET
B. Backscatter
306. What may occur if VHF or UHF data signals B. Static electricity could damage the
propagate over multiple paths? grounding system
A. Transmission rates can be increased by a C. Circulating currents inside the
factor equal to the number of separate transformer might cause damage
paths observed D. You might receive an electric shock from
B. Error rates are likely to increase the charged stored in large capacitors
C. Transmission rates must be decreased by 313. What describes a fast charge?
a factor equal to the number of separate A. Used to keep a battery at full charge
paths observed while the battery is idle
D. No significant changes will occur if the B. Used after electrolyte is added to a dry-
signals are transmitting using FM shipped battery
307. Under what circumstances is it safe to climb a C. Used periodically as part of a
tower without a helper or observer? maintenance routine
A. When no electrical work is being D. Used in emergency only
performed 314. A communication network which is used by
B. When the work being done is not more large organizations over regional, national or
than 20 feet above the ground global area is called
C. When no mechanical work is being A. MAN
performed B. WAN
D. Never C. LAN
308. How do you select a specific IRLP node when D. Intranet
using a portable transceiver? 315. Ethanoic acid (CH3CHOOOH) is included in
A. Access the repeater autopatch A. Strong electrolyte
B. Choose the correct DSC tone B. Non-electrolyte
C. Chooses a specific CTCSS tone C. Good conductors
D. Use the keypad to transmit the IRLP D. Weak electrolyte
node ID 316. Which of the following frequencies is equal to
309. What would cause a broadcast AM or FM 28,400 kHz?
radio to receive an amateur radio transmission A. 284.00 MHz
unintentionally? B. 2.800 MHz
A. The receiver is unable to reject strong C. 28.400 kHz
signals outside the AM or FM band D. 28.400 MHz
B. The microphone gain of the transmitter is 317. Which of these items would be useful for a
turned up too high hidden transmitter hunt?
C. The deviation of an FM transmitter is set A. A directional antenna
too low B. A calibrated noise bridge
D. The audio amplifier of the transmitter is C. Calibrated SWR meter
overloaded D. All of these choices are correct
310. Network that follow the 802.5 standard 318. A 6 MHz channel is used by a digital signaling
appear to be in a star topology but are actually system utilizing 4 level signals. What is the
operating in what type of topology? maximum possible transmission rate?
A. Modified star A. 1.5 Mbaud/sec
B. Linear bus B. 6 Mbaud/sec
C. Modified ring C. 12 Mbaud/sec
D. Ring D. 24 Mbaud/sec
311. Which of the following data transmission 319. In electrolysis of brine, ions moving to anode
media has the largest terrestrial range without the include
use of repeaters or other devices? A. Hydroxide + Chloride ions
A. Hardwiring B. Sodium + hydroxide ions
B. Microwave C. Sodium + hydrogen ions
C. Satellite D. Chloride ions + hydrogen gas
D. Laser 320. Which unit of charge contains 6.25 m 1018
312. What kind of hazard might exist in a power electrons?
supply when it is turned off and disconnected? A. A coulomb
A. The fuse might blow if you remove the B. A joule
cover C. An ampere
D. A volt
321. Data communications are transfer of data 330. What code is used when sending CW in the
through some amateur bands?
A. Network LAN A. International Morse
B. Protocols B. Hamming
C. Linear medium C. Gray
D. Transmission medium D. Baudot
322. Term that is used for physical path by which a 331. Which of the following types of solder is best
message travels from sender to receiver is for radio and electronic use?
A. Information A. Acid-core solder
B. Message B. Aluminum solder
C. Protocol C. Rosin-core solder
D. Transmission Medium D. Silver solder
323. An element is a substance that is 332. During electrolysis, anions travel towards
A. Used only in electronics A. Cathode
B. Electrically charged B. Electrode
C. Found only in its pure form C. Inert electrode
D. Varied throughout the entire piece D. Anode
324. Why do exposure limits vary with frequency? 333. Term that is used to compose matrix of pixel
A. The human body absorbs more RF is
energy at some frequencies than at A. Video
others B. Number
B. Lower frequency RF fields do not C. Image
penetrate the human body D. Audio
C. Higher frequency RF fields are transient in 334. What causes “tropospheric ducting”?
nature A. Sunspots and solar flares
D. Lower frequency RF fields have more B. Discharges of lightning during electrical
energy than higher frequency fields storms
325. A battery with a capacity of 600 ampere- C. Temperature inversions in the
hours should provide 3 amperes for a maximum of atmosphere
how many hours? D. Updrafts from hurricanes and tornadoes
A. 100 hr 335. Which of the following is true of PL-259 type
B. 200 hr coax connectors?
C. 300 hr A. They are commonly used at HF
D. 600 hr frequencies
326. What is the purpose of a gin pole? B. They are water tight
A. To be used in place of a safety harness C. They are a bayonet type connector
B. To provide a temporary ground D. They are a good for UHF frequencies
C. To lift tower sections or antennas 336. How does current flowing through the body
D. To temporarily replace guy wires cause a health hazard?
327. Electrodes may be made up of metals like A. By heating tissue
A. Gold B. It disrupts the electrical functions of cells
B. Manganese C. It causes involuntary muscle contractions
C. Silver D. All of these choices are correct
D. Graphite 337. Which of the following is true regarding
328. Which of the following items is not used in vertical antennas?
Local Area Networks (LANs)? A. The magnetic field is perpendicular to the
A. Computer earth
B. Printer B. The phase is reversed
C. Cable C. The phase is inverted
D. Modem D. The electric field is perpendicular to the
329. Which of the following medium access earth
control technique is used for bus/tree? 338. Error detection at the data link level is
A. Token ring achieved by?
B. CSMA A. Hamming codes
C. Token bus B. Cyclic Redundancy codes
D. MAC C. Equalization
D. Bit stuffing
339. What does the term “APRS” mean? B. Insulators
A. Advanced Polar Radio System C. Electrodes
B. Auto Planning Radio Set-up D. Conductors
C. Automatic Packet Reporting System 348. The negative and positive charge symbols are
D. Associated Public Radio Station assigned (in that order) to the
340. A non-electrolyte A. Atom and nucleus
A. Does not form ions B. Proton and electron
B. Does not conduct electricity C. Electron and element
C. Is a covalent substances D. Electron and proton
D. All of these 349. Which of the following is the most common
341. What determines the amount of current that cause for failure of coaxial cables?
a cell can deliver to the external circuit? A. The velocity factor exceeds 1.0
A. The resistance of the external load only B. Gamma rays
B. The internal resistance of the cell only C. Overloading
C. The circuit resistance and the internal D. Moisture contamination
resistance of the cell 350. What term is commonly used to describe the
D. The circuit capacitance and number of rapid fluttering sound sometimes heard from
free electrons in the load mobile stations that are moving while
342. Which of the following are inputs to a transmitting?
satellite tracking program? A. Pulsing
A. The last observed time of zero Doppler B. Picket fencing
shift C. Flip-flopping
B. The weight of the satellite D. Frequency shifting
C. The Keplerian elements 351. Ethanol C2H5OH(I) is an example of
D. All of these answers are correct A. Weak electrolyte
343. Which of the following describes the muting B. Non-electrolyte
of receiver audio controlled solely by the presence C. Carboxylic acid
or absence of an RF signal? D. Strong electrolyte
A. Modulated carrier 352. A covalent liquid which does not conduct
B. Tone squelch electricity is
C. Carrier squelch A. Non-electrolyte
D. CTCSS B. Strong electrolyte
344. What describes about the electrolyte of a C. Weak electrolyte
cell? D. A bad insulator
A. Positive electrode 353.
B. Solution acting upon the electrode
C. Negative electrode
D. Mounting for the electrode
345. Reactivity series of metals is also called as the
A. Preferential series
B. Electrochemical series
C. Electrolytic series
D. Selective discharge series
346. Which of the following is true concerning the
microphone connectors on amateur transceivers?
A. All transceivers using the same connector
type are wired identically
B. Some connectors include push-to-talk
and voltages for powering the
C. All transceivers use the same microphone
connector type
D. Un-keyed connectors allow any
microphone to be connected
347. Fixed positions of valence electrons makes
A. Catalysts

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