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Applications of ICP-MS in Marine Analytical Chemistry

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Fresenius' Joumal of

Fresenius J Anal Chem (1990) 337:721 -728

@ Springer-Verlag 1990

Applications of ICP-MS in marine analytical chemistry

J. W. McLaren, K. W. M. Siu, J. W. Lam, S. N. Willie, P. S. Maxwell, A. Palepu*, M. Koether**, and S. S. Berman
Analytical Chemistry Section, Chemistry Division, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K1A OR9, Canada

Summary. The versatility of ICP-MS in marine analytical enabling the certification of additional elements for which
chemistry is illustrated with applications to the multielement there were previously an insufficient number of independent
trace analysis of two recently released marine reference mate- methods of adequate sensitivity. For example, ICP-MS data
rials, the coastal seawater CASS-2 and the non-defatted have been combined with results obtained by graphite
lobster hepatopancreas tissue LUTS-I, and to the determina- furnace atomic absorption spectrometry to permit the certifi-
tion of tributyltin and dibutyltin in the harbour sediment cation of tin concentrations in a number of marine sediments
reference material PACS-I by HPLC-ICP-MS. Seawater and biological tissues [1]. Another complementary effect has
analyses were performed after separation of the trace been the use of ICP-MS as a very sensitive and selective
elements either by adsorption on immobilized 8-hydroxy- detection technique for high performance liquid chromatog-
quinoline or by reductive coprecipitation with iron and pal- raphy (HPLC) to address questions of chemical speciation,
ladium. Simultaneous determination of seven trace elements for selected elements such as arsenic and tin, as, for example,
in LUTS-1, including mercury, by isotope dilution ICP-MS, in the determination of arsenic speciation in a dogfish muscle
was achieved after dissolution by microwave digestion with reference material [2].
nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide. Butyltin species in PACS- In this paper the versatility of ICP-MS in marine analyti-
1 were separated by cation exchange HPLC of an extract of cal chemistry is illustrated with three applications carried
the sediment; method detection limits for tributyltin and out in the past year: the determination of 11 trace elements
dibutyltin in sediment samples are estimated to be 5 ng Sn/ in the coastal seawater reference material CASS-2 after sepa-
g and 12 ng Sn/g, respectively. ration by two preconcentration techniques, the multielement
analysis of the non-defatted lobster hepatopancreas tissue
LUTS-I, and the quantitation of tributyltin and dibutyltin in
the harbour sediment reference material PACS-1 by HPLC-
Since the inception of the National Research Council of
Canada (NRCC) Marine Analytical Chemistry Standards Experimental
Program (MACSP) in 1976, a major portion of the research Instrumentation
capacity of our laboratory has been devoted to the develop-
ment of methods for the determination of trace elements in A Perkin-Elmer SCIEX (Thornhill, Ont., Canada) in-
marine samples, and the production of a family of marine ductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer was used for
reference materials including both fresh and saline natural all of the work. Samplers and skimmers were either the all-
waters, marine sediments, and biological tissues. The addi- nickel or Pt-tipped nickel type provided by the manufac-
tion of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP- turer; sampler and skimmer orifice sizes in either case were
MS) to our existing array of techniques for inorganic trace 1A4mm and 0.89 ram, respectively. Standard operating
analysis in 1984 has made a considerable impact on MACSP. conditions for aqueous sample introduction were as follows:
In some cases, the effect has been the replacement of a plasma Ar, 12 1 rain-l; auxiliary Ar, 2 1 rain-l; nebulizer
formerly used method by virtue of the superior performance Ar, 0.9 1 rain-l; R. F. forward power, 1.2 kW; sampling
of ICP-MS. For example, ICP-MS has largely supplanted depth, 15 mm from the top of the load coil. Thermal mass
inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry flow controllers were used for both the nebulizer and auxili-
(ICP-AES) for the determination of trace elements in natural ary gas flows. The instrument has been fitted with the
water samples because of its much superior detection power. "organics kit" (offered as an accessory by the manufacturer),
The capability of ICP-MS for isotope ratio determinations which includes a thermostatted nebulizer spray chamber. A
has also been heavily exploited in our laboratory in the glass concentric nebulizer (Model TR-30-C2, J. E. Meinhard
performance of isotope dilution analyses formerly carried Associates, Santa Ana, CA, USA) was used throughout this
out by spark source mass spectrometry (SSMS). In other work.
cases, ICP-MS has complemented other techniques in The HPLC system used for the tin speciation work
consisted of two dual-piston reciprocating pumps (Waters
Offprint requests to. J. W. McLaren Model 6000), a gradient controller (Waters Model 680), a
* Summer assistant 1988 valve injector (Rheodyne Model 7125) with either a 100 gl
** Summer assistant 1989 or 200 gl loop, and a 10 ~tm strong cation exchange column

(Whatman SCX, 2 5 0 m m x 4 . 6 m m ) . A second valve ammonium hydroxide solution. Precipitation was induced
(Rheodyne Model 7010), installed immediately after the by addition of 6 ml of a 6% sodium borohydride solution.
column, allowed passage of the column effluent either to After 15 h standing, the mixture was passed through a
waste or to the nebulizer of the inductively coupled plasma 25 mm diameter, acid washed, acid resistant cellulose nitrate
mass spectrometer via a 0.5 m length of 0.25 mm I.D. Teflon 0.45 gm membrane filter (Sartorius). The precipitate was
tubing. Standard operating conditions for HPLC-ICP-MS washed with deionized distilled water, then dissolved by
were as follows: plasma Ar, 14 1/min; auxiliary Ar, 2 l/rain; passage of 3 ml of nitric acid and subsequent water washings
nebulizer Ar, 0.75 l/rain; RF forward power, 1.4 kW. The through the filter. The final volume of the solution was
recirculating bath for thermostatting of the spray chamber 15 ml; thus, the procedure affords a nominal concentration
was set at 0 °C. factor of 60.
Chromium, nickel, copper, zinc, molybdenum, cadmium,
lead and uranium were determined in CASS-2 by isotope
dilution ICP-MS, using the following reference/spike isotope
All acids were purified by subboiling distillation of reagent pairs: 52Cr/53Cr, 6°Ni/62Ni; 63CH/65Cu; 66Zn/68Zn; 98M0/
grade feedstocks in quartz or Teflon stills. "Tin-free" hy- l°°Mo; ll4Cd/iilCd; 2°Spb/2°Tpb; and 238U/235U. The
drogen peroxide (Perone 30EG) was obtained from DuPont isotopic spikes were added to selected bottles of CASS-2 at
Chemicals and Pigment Dept. (Wilmington DE, USA). least 24 h prior to removing aliquots for processing. The
High purity water is obtained by passing laboratory ICP-MS methodology has been described in detail in two
distilled water through a deionization system. Enriched previous publications [4, 5]. Cobalt, manganese and arsenic
stable isotopes were purchased from either the Oak Ridge were determined by the method of standard additions.
National Laboratory (Oak Ridge, TN, USA) or US Services
Inc. (Summit, NJ, USA). Stock solutions of these isotopes
were prepared as previously described [3]. Dissolution and analysis of lobster hepatopancreas LUTS-1
The purity of butyltin compounds purchased from The non-defatted lobster hepatopancreas reference material
commercial sources (Alfa Inorganics or Aldrich Chemical) LUTS-1 is supplied as a stabilized suspension containing
was confirmed by HPLC-ICP-MS. Solutions of these were 85% water [7]. Although aliquots of up to 3 g of this
usually made up in methanol and refrigerated when not in suspension have been subjected to the following microwave
use. Solution concentrations were standardized against an digestion procedure, an aliquot of 1.5 g is recommended for
inorganic tin standard using flow injection ICP-MS. routine use. Microwave digestions were performed with a
Solvents were "distilled-in-glass" grade (Caledon Scientific). commercially available oven (Model MDS 81, CEM Corp.,
Ammonium dibasic citrate was Fisher reagent grade. Indian Trail, NC, USA), with a maximum rated power of
The reference materials CASS-2, LUTS-I, and PACS-I 600 W, equipped with a model PM pressure transducer for
are members of a family of marine reference materials avail- monitoring the internal pressure of one of the digestion
able from the NRCC Marine Analytical Chemistry vessels. The use of this equipment in our laboratory for
Standards Program. Detailed information on the prepara- dissolution of biological tissues with mixtures of nitric and
tion, composition and procurement of these materials is perchloric acids [8] and with mixtures of nitric acid and
available from Dr. S. S. Berman. hydrogen peroxide [9] has been previously reported. All
digestions in this work were performed with the standard
120 ml Teflon PFA pressure relief type vessels. The proce-
Separation/preconcentration procedures for seawater analysis dure differed from that described in Ref. [9] in that hydrogen
All sample preparations were performed in a clean labora- peroxide was not added until maximum power was first used
tory with laminar air-flow benches and fume cupboards pro- to raise the pressure to about 3.5 atm, after which reduced
viding a class 10 working environment. For both the pre- power was used to maintain this pressure for 10 rain. A
concentration procedures described below, 900 ml seawater second digestion was carried out after cooling of the vessels,
samples were used. controlled release of excess pressure, and addition of I ml of
The use of a method involving preconcentration by "tin-free" hydrogen peroxide. (Most commercially available
adsorption on silica-immobilized 8-hydroxyquinoline (I-8- reagent grade H20 2 contains part-per-million levels of tin
HOQ) in combination with ICP-MS has been described in added as a stabilizer. The presence of a high level of tin not
detail in two previous publications [4, 5]. For 900 ml samples, only precludes the determination of trace tin in biological
it yields a concentration factor of 90. It involves separation materials, but can also degrade the accuracy of cadmium
of trace elements by passage of the sample through a small determinations because of the tin isobaric interferences on
column of I-8-HOQ at a rate of 10 - 20 ml min- l, followed several of the most abundant Cd isotopes). The second
by elution with about 10 ml of a 1 mol/1 hydrochloric acid/ microwave digestion, of 5 min duration, was also initiated
0.1 mol/1 nitric acid mixture. This solution is evaporated to with maximum power heating, with power reduction as re-
dryness to remove HC1, and the "residue" is redissolved in quired to avoid exceeding an internal pressure of 4 arm.
10 ml of 0.1 tool/1 HNO3. After cooling and uncapping, the contents of the vessels were
A second preconcentration method, involving reductive gently evaporated to dryness on a 130°C hot plate. The
coprecipitation of trace elements, reported by Nakashima et residues were redissolved in deionized distilled water after
al. [6], was found to be suitable for use with ICP-MS with the addition of 0.5 ml HNO3, and diluted to a final volume
only a slight modification to eliminate the use of hydro- of 10 ml.
chloric acid. After the addition of 2 mg each of iron and Nickel, copper, zinc, strontium, cadmium, mercury and
palladium (as aliquots of concentrated stock solutions) to lead were determined by isotope dilution ICP-MS using the
the CASS-2 sample (filtered and acidified to pH 1.6 at the following reference/spike isotope pairs: 6°Ni/62Ni; 63Cu/
time of sampling) the pH was adjusted to 8 . 5 - 9 . 0 with 65Cu; 66Zn/68Zn; 88Sr/S6Sr; ll4Cd/lilCd; 2O2Hg/Z°lHg;

and 2°Spb/2°7pb. The isotopic spikes were added to the Table 1. Precision and accuracy of isotope ratios determined by ICP-
samples prior to the first digestion. The methodology has MS for a 100 ggl i multielement solution
been previously described in detail [10, 11]. The mono-
Ratio Expected value" Found b
isotopic elements manganese and cobalt were determined by
the method of standard additions. 53Cr/S2Cr 0.1134 0.1196 ± 0.0017
6SCu/63Cu 0.4457 0.4641 ± 0.0013
Extraction procedures for determination of butyltin species 6aZn/66Zn 0.6738 0.6899 ± 0.0043
in the marine harbour sediment reference material PACS-1 67Zn/66Zn 0.147 0.1478 ± 0.0016
by HPLC-ICP-MS 111Cd/114Cd 0.4455 0.4466 ± 0.0014
Two procedures which had previously been shown to be 2°6pb/2°SPb 0.4612 0.4763 _+0.0028
2°TPb/2°SPb 0.4218 0.4284 ± 0.0034
suitable for the extraction of butyltins from marine sedi- 2°4pb/2°aPb 0.0272 0.0287 ± 0.0003
ments [12] were evaluated for use with HPLC-ICP-MS. Pro-
cedure A is effective for tributyltin (TBT) and dibutyltin Based on IUPAC recommended natural abundances except for
(DBT), but not monobutyltin (MBT), while Procedure B Pb, for which data are for NIST SRM 981
can be used for the extraction of all three species. b Means of 6 determinations; precision expressed as the standard
Procedure A. A mixture of 4 ml methanol and 8 ml hydro-
chloric acid was added to a 4 g subsample of sediment
(spiked with appropriate quantities of butyltins if desired) unspiked 4 g samples ofPACS-1, one or more samples spiked
in a 50 ml borosilicate glass centrifuge tube. The mixture with 4 gg (as Sn) of tributyl- and dibutyltin, and one or
was agitated in an ultrasonic bath for 1 h, after which 4 ml more samples spiked with twice this amount. Each of these
of a mixture of hexane and isobutyl acetate (80: 20 v: v) were solutions was run at least twice, so that the minimum number
added. The sample was then shaken mechanically for 45 rain. of data points in the standard additions calculation was 6,
A known volume (usually 0.4 ml) of the hexane/isobutyl and the usual number was 1 0 - 1 6 .
acetate layer was drawn off the mixture and evaporated to The HPLC-ICP-MS chromatograms were recorded with
dryness under a stream of nitrogen. (It was difficult to re- the ELAN "multiple elements display" software configured
move more than this amount without disturbing a "plug" of for single ion monitoring at m/z 120. Data acquisition was
solid organic matter from PACS-I suspended at the interface manually triggered immediately after the sample injection.
between the two liquid phases.) The dry residue was ex- Subsequently, the data were transferred via the printer port
tracted with a few ml of a 0.18 tool/1 solution of ammonium to an off-line computer for further processing with custom
citrate in a methanol/water mixture (60:40, v:v). This ex- software which yields both peak height and peak area data.
tract was then diluted to 25 ml with the ammonium citrate Throughout this study, results obtained by using peak height
solution. and peak area measurements were almost identical.

Procedure B. This procedure was almost identical to Proce-

dure A with the exception that a mixture of toluene/isobutyl Results and discussion
acetate (80:20, v:v) containing 1.5% (w:v) tropolone
(2-hydroxy-2,4,6-cycloheptatrien-l-one) was substituted for Precision and accuracy of isotope ratio measurements
the hexane/isobutyl acetate mixture in the second extrac- The isotope ratio data presented in Table I are typical of the
tion step. precision and accuracy that can be routinely achieved with
ICP-MS. The results are mean values of six determinations
of selected isotope ratios for a 100 ggl-1 multielement stan-
Chromatographic procedure for the separation
dard. Each determination comprised 200 cycles of repetitive
of butyltin species
"peak-hopping" through the list of selected isotopes, with
The separation of all three species involved a gradient elution dwell times as short as 25 ms for the more abundant isotopes,
with 0.3 tool/1 ammonium citrate in a methanol/water and required 200 s. It can be seen that the precision of the
mixture (60: 40, v: v) with a step pH change from 6 to 3 after ratios, expressed as % R.S.D., ranges from 0.28% (for 65Cu/
the first minute. This pH change was necessary to elute 63Cu) to 1.4% (for 53Cr/52Cr) but that, in general, a pre-
the presumably triply-charged, and hence strongly-bound, cision of 1% R.S.D. or better can be routinely achieved for
monobutyltin species from the column. The flow rate was ratios likely to be measured in isotope dilution analyses. The
1 ml/min. relatively poor precision for the 53Cr/S ZCr ratio is probably a
All of the PACS-1 analyses reported here involved the result of the relatively large correction for isobaric in-
determination of only TBT and DBT (see next Section). For terference at m/z 52 from 36ArO, which contributed more
this purpose, it was possible to use a simplified chromato- than 10% of the total signal for 100 ggl- ~ Cr in this exper-
graphic procedure involving ±socratic elution with a mobile iment. The expected values for the isotope ratios are based on
phase of 0.18 tool/1 ammonium citrate in methanol/water invariant natural isotopic abundances for all of the elements
(60: 40, v: v) at pH 6, at a flow rate of 1 ml/min. except lead, for which the N.I.S.T. (formerly N.B.S.) SRM
981 isotopic standard was used in the solution preparation.
Significant mass discrimination, for which a correction must
Determination of tributyltin and dibutyltin in PACS-1
be applied to ratios measured for isotope dilution analyses,
The concentrations of tributyltin and dibutyltin in PACS-I is observed for some elements. Fortunately, these effects are
were determined by the method of standard additions. For quite reproducible from day to day provided that major
each analysis, extracts were prepared from one or more changes are not made to the lens voltages of the mass

Table 2. Analysis of coastal seawater CASS-2 by isotope dilution Table 4. Analysis of coastal seawater CASS-2 by standard additions
ICP-MS. Preconcentration by I-8-HOQ adsorption. Results in ICP-MS. Results in ggl 1
ggl- 1
I-8-HOQ a BH4" Certified value b
Found a Certified value b
Co 0.039 ± 0.004 0.029 ± 0.002 0.025 ± 0.006
Cr 0.108 ± 0.005 0.121 ± 0.016 Mn 2.13 +_0.12 - 1.99 ±0.15
Ni 0.295 ± 0.010 0.298 ± 0.036 As - 1.03 ± 0.06 1.01 ± 0.07
Cu 0.669 ± 0.014 0.675 ± 0.039
Zn 1.96 ±0.05 1.97 ±0.12 a Mean values based on 6 replicates; precision expressed as the
Cd 0.021 ± 0.001 0.019 ± 0.004 standard deviation
Pb 0.030 ± 0.003 0.019 ± 0.006 b Precision expressed as the 95% confidence interval
U 2.78 _+0.02 -

" Mean values based on 8 replicates; precision expressed as the Table 5. ICP-MS analysis of lobster hepatopancreas LUTS-1 by
standard deviation isotope dilution and standard additions. Results in gg/g (wet weight)
b Precision expressed as the 95% confidence interval
Found Certified value

Table 3. Analysis of coastal seawater CASS-2 by isotope dilution Ni 0.235 ± 0.011 0.200 ± 0.034
ICP-MS. Preconcentration by BH4 reductive coprecipitation. Re- Cu 15.9 ± 0.2 15.9 ± t.2
sults in ggl- 1 Zn 12.4 ± 0.2 12.4 + 0.8
Sr 2.24 ± 0.04 2.46 ±0.28
Found a Certified value b Cd 2.18 __0.04 2.12 ___0.15
Hg 0.017 ± 0.002 0.0167 ± 0.0022
Cr 0.129 ± 0.003 0.121 ± 0.016 Pb 0.010 + 0.001 0.010 ± 0.002
Ni 0.328 ± 0.007 0.298 _+0.036 Mn 1.20 ±0.04 1.20 ±0.13
Cu 0.66 + 0.04 0.675 ± 0.039 Co 0.065 ± 0.008 0.051 ± 0.008
Zn 1.89 ±0.16 1.97 ±0.12
Mo 9.19 _ 0.08 9.01 ± 0.28
Cd 0.016 ± 0.001 0.019 -t- 0.004
U 2.76 ± 0.02 -
here for the first time. The latter procedure complements
a Mean values based on 8 replicates; precision expressed as the the I - 8 - H O Q m e t h o d in permitting the determination o f
standard deviation m o l y b d e n u m and arsenic, b o t h o f which are presumably
b Precision expressed as the 95 % confidence interval present in CASS-2 as oxy anions. Both methods tend to
give high results for cobalt, p r o b a b l y because o f isobaric
interference by 42CaOH on 59C0. The retention o f even a
spectrometer. Our general rule is to apply a correction for small fraction o f the calcium present in the seawater would
mass discrimination if the effect exceeds -L-_2 % ; thus for be sufficient to pose a problem, in view o f the very low cobalt
example the d a t a o f Table 1 would indicate that such cor- concentration.
rections were necessary for Cr and Cu, and possibly also for Both methods also yielded high results for lead, perhaps
Zn and Pb, depending u p o n the choice o f spike isotope. because of an underestimation of the blank. N o such
difficulty was encountered in the application o f the I - 8 - H O Q
procedure to the determination of Pb in the open ocean
Analysis of the coastal seawater reference material CASS-2 seawater reference material N A S S - 2 [5], at a level of
I C P - M S is now routinely applied to multielement analysis 0.039 ~tgl-2, nor in the analysis of the St. Lawrence River
o f fresh [ 1 3 - 1 6 ] and saline [4, 5] n a t u r a l waters. A l t h o u g h water reference material SLRS-1 [13].
the direct determination o f a considerable n u m b e r o f trace A l t h o u g h either of the separation/concentration meth-
elements in freshwater samples is feasible, seawater analysis ods used in our l a b o r a t o r y requires several hours, the ICP-
still requires a separation/preconcentration step which in our MS analysis time for each concentrate is well under 10 rain.
l a b o r a t o r y is accomplished either by a d s o r p t i o n on silica- A concentration factor o f 5 0 - 1 0 0 is more than adequate
immobilized 8-hydroxyquinoline (I-8-HOQ) or by reductive for the determination o f most o f the trace elements o f interest
coprecipitation with iron and palladium. The m u c h superior at levels as low as 1 0 - 2 0 ng1-1. In most cases, the power
detection power of I C P - M S over I C P - A E S for most of the of detection is limited by the procedural blank rather than
elements of interest permits the simultaneous determination by the determination step.
o f m o r e elements with far better precision and accuracy. Finally, it is noteworthy that b o t h procedures yield d a t a
Results obtained during the recent certification analysis for u r a n i u m which are in excellent agreement. A certified
o f the coastal seawater reference material CASS-2, presented value for U is unfortunately not available for CASS-2, but
in Tables 2 - 4 , illustrate the current performance o f ICP- the validity of the I - 8 - H O Q procedure has been demon-
M S for seawater analysis. A total o f eight elements (Cr, Ni, strated in previous analyses o f S L R S - I [13] and N A S S - 2 [5].
Cu, Zn, M o , Cd, Pb, and V) were determined by isotope
dilution I C P - M S , while an additional three m o n o i s o t o p i c
Analysis of the non-defatted lobster hepatopancreas reference
elements (Co, Mn, and As) were determined by the m e t h o d
material LUTS-I
of s t a n d a r d additions. While the use o f the I - 8 - H O Q proce-
dure in c o m b i n a t i o n with I C P - M S for seawater analysis has Isotope dilution I C P - M S results obtained for seven elements
been previously described [4, 5], I C P - M S results o b t a i n e d (Ni, Cu, Zn, Sr, Cd, Hg, and Pb) in the non-defatted lobster
after b o r o h y d r i d e reductive coprecipitation are reported h e p a t o p a n c r e a s reference material LUTS-1, plus s t a n d a r d

additions data for two monoisotopic elements (Mn and Co) metry, and recently, ICP-MS [18]. It seems clear from our
are presented in Table 5. It is noteworthy that the mercury own work and that of others [14, 19-26] that ICP-MS will
determinations were achieved simultaneously with those for quickly become the dominant method for IDMS.
the other elements; although the complete retention of Prior to the advent of ICP-MS, all IDMS determinations
mercury during the digestion procedure has not been demon- in our laboratory were achieved by SSMS [27]. ICP-MS
strated, it appears that, if partial loss occurs, it must occur offers a number of advantages over SSMS, including greatly
after equilibration of the 2°1rig isotopic spike has been reduced sample preparation and analysis time, better pre-
achieved. Immunity to partial loss of the analyte after cision, and lower blanks because of the reduced sample
isotopic equilibration has been attained is a particularly manipulation. The major advantage of ICP-MS over TIMS
significant advantage of isotope dilution methodology in the for IDMS is its capability for rapid multielement analyses
case of mercury. Certainly, the simultaneous determination without separations, which results in greatly reduced sample
of lead and mercury at levels below 20 ng/g in a biological preparation time. While TIMS is definitely capable of
material, with a precision of about 10% R.S.D., with no superior precision in the measurement of isotope ratios, the
sample preparation other t h a n a straightforward dissolu- limiting factor with respect to precision in IDMS is usually
tion, is an impressive example of the capability of ICP-MS not the mass spectrometer, but rather the chemical treatment
for the trace analysis of biological materials. The results for of the sample, the blank problem and sample homogeneity
manganese and cobalt add to previous evidence that good [18].
data can be obtained by standard additions [10] or even a
simple external calibration [11, 17] in cases in which isotope
Application of HPLC-ICP-MS to trace element speciation
dilution is not applicable. The discrepancy between the ICP-
MS result for cobalt and the certified value may be the result Several recent reports [2, 2 8 - 3 4 ] have demonstrated the
of isobaric interference by 42CaOH on 59Co. practical utility of inductively coupled plasma mass
The isotope dilution results shown in Table 5 are based spectrometry (ICP-MS) as a sensitive and selective on-line
on 9 replicates prepared simultaneously by microwave diges- detection method for HPLC in trace element speciation stud-
tion. The total ICP-MS analysis time for each solution was ies. Compatibility of the instrumentation with a range of
about 5 min, including a i min flushing time prior to data mobile phases typically used in ion pairing, ion exchange,
acquisition. The simultaneous determination of copper, at a and size exclusion HPLC has been established. Reported
solution concentration of about 1.6 mg1-1, and lead, at a applications include the study of cadmium speciation in
solution concentration of about 1 gg1-1, would not have cooked and uncooked pig kidney [31], the determination of
been possible without the use of the "Omnirange" feature methylmercury in an albacore tuna research material and
recently added to the Perkin-Elmer SCIEX ICP mass of thimerosal in contact lens sterilizing solutions [32], the
spectrometer. This feature permits a reduction of the identification and quantitation of arsenic species in a dogfish
sensitivity for selected elements in an element list, while muscle reference material [2], and the determination of gold
retaining full sensitivity for the others, by application of drug metabolites and related metals in human blood [34]. A
appropriate d.c. offset voltages to the quadrupole rods. In recent report by Suyani et al. [33] indicated the potential of
this work, an offset of 1.5 V was applied for ~3Cu, 65Cu, HPLC-ICP-MS for the determination of trialkyl and triaryl
86Sr, and 88Sr to reduce sensitivity for these elements in tin compounds including tributyltin in environmental
order not to exceed the dynamic range of the detector. It was samples. The compatibility of the ICP-MS instrumentation
demonstrated that application of this voltage caused only with both ion pairing and ion exchange chromatography
small and reproducible changes in the 63Cu/65Cuand 88Sr/ was demonstrated and absolute detection limits in the range
86Sr isotope ratios measured at full sensitivity, and that of 0 . 4 - 1 . 0 ng were achieved. Our objective in this work was
isotope dilution results for copper and strontium obtained to develop an HPLC-ICP-MS procedure suitable for the
in this way were indistinguishable from data obtained in a simultaneous quantitation of tributyltin and its potential
separate analysis in which overall instrumental sensitivity breakdown products, dibutyltin and monobutyltin, and to
was reduced by operating at a nebulizer gas flow rate of apply it to the determination of these species in PACS-I, a
0.7 1 min -1 rather than the usual 0.9 1 m i n - L It was also relatively contaminated harbour sediment containing 41 ~g/g
confirmed that the application of rod offset voltages for the total tin.
copper and strontium isotopes had no effect on the results
obtained for any of the other elements, including zinc,
positioned between Cu and Sr in the peak-hopping routine Optimization of lCP-MS operating conditions
for methanol/water mixtures
in which our normal procedure is to arrange the elements in
order of ascending mass. Although the manufacturer advises Prior to coupling of the HPLC apparatus to the ICP mass
caution in the use of Omnirange in applications involving spectrometer, solutions of proposed methanol/water mobile
the measurement of isotope ratios (rather than simple ion phases containing 100 Ixg/1 of Sn were introduced into the
intensities), it appears from our results that this feature can plasma in the normal manner to establish optimal operating
be used to extend the dynamic range in multielement isotope conditions. No problems of plasma instability were en-
dilution ICP-MS analyses. countered with methanol/water mixtures containing up to
A capability for performing isotope dilution mass spec- 70% methanol if the plasma was operated at a forward
trometric (IDMS) analyses is a very important component power of at least 1.4 kW, with the nebulizer gas flow rate at
of any reference materials program. The majority of IDMS 0.75 l/rain and the sample solution delivery rate at 1 ml/min.
analyses to date have been accomplished by thermal ioniza- In fact, stable operation could be achieved with a forward
tion mass spectrometry (TIMS); other techniques which power as low as 1.2 kW, but a higher power was desirable
have been used are spark source mass spectrometry (SSMS), in order to achieve optimal sensitivity. The addition of oxy-
electron impact ionization, field desorption mass spectro- gen to the nebulizer gas stream, as reported by Suyani et al.

40000 40000-

BuSn 3+

,0000 Bu3so + 30000-

° 0- -

20000- 20000-


10000 - 10000- / ~

0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 .... i .... i .... ~ .... i .... n ....

0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0

time (rain) time (min)

Fig. 1. HPLC-ICP-MS chromatogram for a 200 ttl injection of a Fig. 2. HPLC-ICP-MS blank chromatogram obtained for the
standard containing 20 ng Sn/ml of each of TBT, DBT, and MBT gradient elution program for separation of TBT, DBT, and MBT
as shown in Fig. 1

[33], did not seem to be necessary. Although there was a very 40000-

noticeable envelope of blue-green emission (from molecular

carbon species) around the plasma, there was no observable Bu3Sn +
deposition of soot on the sampler after several hours of
continuous aspiration of a 70:30 methanol/water mixture.
Furthermore, a solution of 0.3 mol/1 ammonium citrate in
60 : 40 methanol/water could be run for long periods with no
observable deposition. This solution, chosen as the mobile 2oooo- ~UzlSn
phase for separation of the 3 butyltin species by cation-
exchange HPLC, contains about 7% total dissolved solids,
well above the normal limit assumed for continuous sample
10000 -
introduction to an ICP mass spectrometer. The very high
tolerance of the instrument for ammonium citrate would
appear to be a serendipitous effect related to the relatively
high volatility of this particular salt and/or its breakdown 0 . . . . i . . . . i . . . . i . . . . i . . . . ~ . . . .
products. o.o 2.0 ~.o 8.o 8.0 ~o.o ~o
As expected for the instrument used in this work, the ti~ (mio)
changes in the plasma operating conditions to accommodate Fig. 3. HPLC-ICP-MS chromatogram for a 200 gl injection of an
a non-aqueous solvent did not necessitate any changes to extract of the marine sediment reference material PACS-1
the mass spectrometer lens voltage settings.

The chromatogram of an extract of the harbour sediment

Optimization of the chromatography for separation PACS-1 obtained by Procedure A run under the same
of butyltin species conditions is shown in Fig. 3. It is evident that this material
Initially it was assumed that quantifiable amounts of tri- contains easily quantifiable concentrations of TBT and
butyl-, dibutyl-, and monobutyltin would be extracted from DBT. Unfortunately, this cation exchange separation was
PACS-1, so a chromatographic procedure permitting the not compatible with extraction Procedure B; it appeared
separation of all three species was developed. The chromato- that the tropolone complexation of the butyltin species
gram obained from an injection of a mixture containing 4 ng interfered with their separation by this method. Since
(as Sn) of each species is shown in Fig. 1. The separation Procedure A was known not to be effective for the extraction
was achieved by a step gradient elution with 0.3 mol/1 ammo- of MBT, the chromatographic procedure was required to
nium citrate in 60:40 methanol/water in which the pH was separate only TBT and DBT. This was readily achieved by
changed from 6 to 3 after the first minute of elution. The isocratic elution with 0.18 mol/1 ammonium citrate in 60: 40
monobutyltin peak is superimposed on a background peak methanol/water at a flow rate of 1 ml/min.
which was always observed with this chromatographic pro-
gram, as can be seen from the blank chromatogram il-
Determination of TBT and DBT in PACS-1
lustrated in Fig. 2. This broad peak most likely arises from
the elution of inorganic tin scavenged from the mobile phase Results for TBT and DBT in PACS-1 obtained by HPLC-
and retained on the column at higher pH. During the 10 min ICP-MS are compared in Table 6 with data obtained by gas
re-equilibration of the column at pH 6 prior to the next chromatography with flame photometric detection and by
injection, the elevated background signal gradually returned ionspray MS/MS, and with the certified values. The certified
to a level of 300 - 500 counts/s. values were obtained from a database which includes all the

Table 6. Determination of dibutyltin and tributyltin in PACS-1 et al. [35] and with the H P L C - I C P - M S data of Suyani et al.
Technique Dibutyltin Tributyltin Detection limits for TBT and D B T in sediment samples,
estimated using mean sensitivity values from several sets of
ttg Sn/g dry weight standard additions data, were estimated at 5 ng Sn/g and
HPLC-ICP-MS 1.19 _+0.14(7) a 1.18 _+0.15(7) 12 ng Sn/g, respectively.

Extraction procedure A 1.07 ± 0.31(8) 1.14 _+0.27(8) Conclusion
Extraction procedure B 1.08 _+0.31(6) 1.11 _+0.33(7)
In the five years since installation of one of the first
ISMS/MS c t.29 ± 0.07(5)
commercially available instruments in our laboratory, ICP-
Certified value 1.16 ± 0.18 d 1.27 ± 0.22 d
MS has proven itself to be a very powerful and versatile
a Precision expressed as standard deviation; number of replicate technique. Its impact on the N R C C Marine Analytical
analyses in parentheses Chemistry Standards Program can be summarized as
b Gas chromatography - flame photometric detection (Ref. [12]) follows:
c lonspray mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry (Ref. [36]) 1. Use of ICP-AES for the determination of trace
d Uncertainty of the certified values is expressed as a 95% confi- elements in natural water reference materials has been
dence interval greatly reduced. Because of the far superior detection power
of ICP-MS, a much larger number of trace elements can be
directly determined in freshwater samples, and in
concentrates prepared from seawater samples.
results obtained by the three methodologies developed in 2. ICP-MS has replaced SSMS for the performance of
this laboratory plus results from five external laboratories isotope dilution analyses, an important component of any
which collaborated in the certification process, using their reference materials program. The major advantages are
own methods. (The same database yielded a certified value greatly reduced sample preparation and analysis time, and
of 0.28 + 0.17 gg/g for MBT). The TBT and D B T values improved precision.
obtained by H P L C - I C P - M S are in excellent agreement with 3. ICP-MS is complementing other sensitive techniques
the certified value. such as graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry in
An experiment was carried out .to assess the limitation permitting the certification of new elements for which there
imposed on the precision of the results by the flow injection were previously an insufficient number of independent meth-
mode of sample introduction. Sixteen 100 ~tl injections of a ods of determination.
20 p.g/1 solution of tin in the chromatographic mobile phase 4. The use of ICP-MS in combination with H P L C offers
(0.3 tool/1 a m m o n i u m citrate in 60:40 methanol/water) were a powerful new approach to the determination of trace ele-
performed with the column temporarily removed from the ment speciation which has been applied to arsenic speciation
system. The relative standard deviation of the peak height in a fish tissue and to tin speciation in a harbour sediment.
data was approximately 10%. The precision of data from
injections of separately prepared extracts subjected to chro-
matography cannot be better than this 10% value. It should
also be kept in mind that, while the flow injection replicates References
could be obtained in only a few minutes, acquisition o f
the chromatographic data for a typical standard additions l. Sturgeon RE, McLaren JW, Willie SN, Beauchemin D, Berman
SS (1987) Can J Chem 65:961- 964
analysis required several hours. A n y drift in the instrumental 2. Beauchemin D, Bednas ME, Berman SS, McLaren JW, Siu
sensitivity which occurred during this period would of course KWM, Sturgeon RE (1988) Anal Chem 60 : 2209 - 2212
add to the imprecision of the data. Also adding to the 3. McLaren JW, Beauchemin D, Berman SS (1987) Anal Chem
variability for real samples will be any variation among the 59:610-613
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5. Beauchemin D, McLaren JW, Mykytiuk AP, Berman SS (1988)
J Anal At Spectrom 3 : 305- 308
Detecfion limits for T B T and D B T 6. Nakashima S, Sturgeon RE, Willie SN, Berman SS (1988) Anal
Chim Acta 207:291-299
The normal background signal observed during ±socratic 7. Berman SS, Sturgeon RE (1988) Fresenius Z Anal Chem
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in 60 : 40 methanol/water at p H 6 was 3 0 0 - 500 counts/s. If 8. Nakashima S, Sturgeon RE, Willie SN, Berman SS (1988)
it is assumed that the standard deviation of this signal is Analyst 113:159-163
roughly equal to its square root (i.e., that Poisson statistics 9. Matusiewicz H, Sturgeon RE, Berman SS (1989) J Anal At
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on the usual 3 sigma criterion) for a 100 ~tl injection are 10. Beauchemin D, McLaren JW, Willie SN, Berman SS (1988)
about 0.2 ng Sn/ml and 0.4 ng Sn/ml, respectively, for TBT Anal Chern 60 : 687 - 691
and DBT, i.e., 0.02 ng Sn and 0.04 ng Sn absolute. A detec- 11. Beauchemin D, McLaren JW, Berman SS (1988) J Anal At
Spectrom 3:775 --780
tion limit was not calculated for MBT, but would be con- 12. Siu KWM, Maxwell PS, Berman SS (1989) J Chromatogr
siderably higher because of the much higher background 475:373-380
singal during the elution of this species at p H 3, as shown 13. Beauchemin D, McLaren JW, Mykytiuk AP, Berman SS (1987)
in Fig. 2. The detection limit for TBT compares very Anal Chem 59: 778- 783
favourably with H P L C - L E I data recently reported by Epler 14. Garbarino JR, Taylor HE (1987) Anal Chem 59 : 1568 - 1575

15. Henshaw JM, Heithmar EM, Hinners TA (1989) Anal Chem 27. Mykytiuk AP, Russell DS, Sturgeon RE (1980) Anal Chem
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