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Standard Line Sizing Spreadsheet For Liquids

This spreadsheet can be used to calculate pressure drops in liquid lines, taking account fittings (such as bends,
valves and other equipment items).

The spreadsheet is split into the following sections

- A "How to Use This Calculation" Worksheet

- The Pressure Drop Calculation Worksheet itself - marked "Calculation"
- A Theory Worksheet which presents the equations used in the calculation.

It is recommended that the user first reads the 'How to Use These Calculation' worksheet before starting a

Rev. 1 Initial issue 12-Oct-09
Rev. 1A Cosmetic changes only (spell checking & revised disclaimer) 15-Dec-09

Disclaimer: This calculation provides an estimate for estimating pressure drops in liquid pipelines. We cannot be held responsible
for its use. As with all areas of process engineering, calculations should be checked by a competent engineer.
Standard Line Sizing Spreadsheet For Liquids Revision 1A


1.0 Introduction
This spreadsheet can be used to calculate pressure drops in pipelines, taking account of inline fittings (such as
bends, valves and other equipment items.

The spreadsheet has four columns which link from one to the next. This can be used to break a piping system
down into a number of component sections, if needed.

2.0 How to use this spreadsheet

2.1 Colour Coding

The following colour coding is used:

Boxes shaded light green require a user input.

Boxes shaded light blue give a calculated output.

2.2 Calculation Description

The spreadsheet leaves space to add a Calculation Title at the top, and a Notes Section at the bottom
of the sheet. At the top of the calculation column are two boxes ('To' and 'From') to indicate the pipe

Although these items are not strictly necessary, they help describe the calculation - this can be
invaluable it is to be checked by another engineer. The 'To' and 'From' Sections are particularly useful
if the calculation is split over several columns.

2.3 Pressure Data

The user enters the upstream pressure in the first column. The spreadsheet then calculates the downstream
pressure - based on the flow, physical property and pipeline data entered (see below). The downstream
pressure from the first column is transferred across to the upstream pressure of the second column, thus
allowing a pipework network to be built up.

2.4 Physical Property Data

The user inputs physical property data on the liquid.

2.4.1 Viscosity
The user inputs the liquid viscosity in Centipoise (Cp). It should be noted that viscosity
changes with temperature - thus the user must ensure that the viscosity value entered
must be at the correct temperature.

Disclaimer: This calculation provides an estimate for estimating pressure drops in liquid pipelines. We cannot be held
responsible for its use. As with all areas of process engineering, calculations should be checked by a competent engineer.
Standard Line Sizing Spreadsheet For Liquids Revision 1A

2.4.2 Density
The user inputs the liquid density in kg/m3. As with viscosity, the density changes with
temperature - thus the user must ensure that the density value entered must be at the
correct temperature.

2.5 Pipe Data

2.5.1 Nominal Pipe Diameter

The spreadsheet allows the user to choose from a range of nominal pipe diameters. Available
nominal pipe sizes are: ½", ¾", 1", 1½", 2", 3", 4", 5", 6", 8", 10", 12", 14", 16", 18", 20"
and 22".

2.5.2 Pipe Schedule

The spreadsheet allows the user to choose from a range of available pipe schedules
(thicknesses) - these are: 5S, 10S, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, XS and XXS.

By entering the nominal diameter and schedule, the spreadsheet automatically retrieves the
correct internal diameter of the pipe. It should be noted that not all combinations of nominal
diameter and schedule are permissible; if the wrong combination is selected the spreadsheet
displays an error. A list of standard pipe sizes can be found by clicking on the link below:

List of Standard Pipesizes

On occasions, the user may wish to calculate a pressure drop for a non-standard pipe. In this
case, the user can simply over write the internal diameter cell on the spreadsheet (either in
inches or mm).

2.5.3 Pipe Schedule

The pressure drop per unit length is affected by the pipe surface roughness - which depends
on the materials of construction. The spreadsheet is provided with a range of possible pipe
material types: glass/tubing, steel (new), steel (corroded), concrete and riveted steel. By
selecting the piping material type, the spreadsheet automatically sets the surface roughness.

2.6 Flowrates
The user enters the required liquid flowrate in kg per hour. The spreadsheet then calculates the
volumetric flowrate (in m3/s), the line velocity (m/s) and the pressure drop per unit length.
(in bar/100m).

The calculated line velocity and pressure drop per unit length can be used to assess whether the pipe
diameter is reasonable for the required flowrate.

2.7 Line Losses

The spreadsheet can now be used to determine the line losses (pressure drop) through the system. The
user enters the total pipe length, as well as the number of inline fittings (bends, valves and Tee-junctions).
The spreadsheet then calculates the line losses - see Summary Section below.

Disclaimer: This calculation provides an estimate for estimating pressure drops in liquid pipelines. We cannot be held
responsible for its use. As with all areas of process engineering, calculations should be checked by a competent engineer.
Standard Line Sizing Spreadsheet For Liquids Revision 1A

2.8 Other Pressure Drops

As well as line losses, the spreadsheet accounts for two other pressure drops.

2.8.1 Elevation Changes

For liquid systems, variation in height can have a major impact onto the total pressure drop. To
account for this, the spreadsheet allows the user to enter changes in elevation.

- For increases in elevation - i.e. the end of the pipe is higher than the inlet, the
change in elevation should be entered as a positive number (this will result in a
larger total pressure drop than if the pipe had been level.

- For decreases in elevation - i.e. the end of the pipe is lower than the inlet, the
change in elevation should be entered as a negative number (this will result in a
smaller total pressure drop than if the pipe had been level.

2.8.2 Other Pressure Drops

The user has the opportunity to enter other pressure drops not accounted for in the line losses
and changes in elevation sections. These could be:

- Pressure drops due to orifice plates.

- Pressure drops due to inline instrumentation.
- Pressure drops due to control valves
- Pressure drops due to equipment items

2.9 Summary
The summary section provides a summary of the calculation results, namely:

- Calculated line losses

- Calculated static head gain
- Other pressure drops.

These three values are used to calculate the total pressure drop in the line and the downstream pressure.

3.0 Building a Piping Network

For pressure drop calculations down a single pipe, only the first column of the pressure drop calculation needs to
be used. The other three calculation columns can be ignored.

However, for more complex piping systems, the other calculation columns can be used to build up a piping network
This can be very useful if, for example, the user needs to determine pressure drop in distribution systems.

To make this easier, the downstream pressure of the first column is used as the upstream pressure of the second
column and so on. The physical property and flowrate data entered in the first column is copied across to the
other three columns to make it easier to set up a network - these values can be overwritten, if required.

Disclaimer: This calculation provides an estimate for estimating pressure drops in liquid pipelines. We cannot be held
responsible for its use. As with all areas of process engineering, calculations should be checked by a competent engineer.
Standard Line Sizing Spreadsheet For Liquids
Revision 1A
See 'How to use these Calculation' worksheet for notes on its use.
Calculation Title:

Pressure Data
Upstream Pressure bar (g) 1.02 0.85 0.85 0.85
Physical Property Data
Viscosity Cp 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Liquid Density kg/m3 1000 1000 1000 1000
Pipe Data
Nominal Line Diameter inches 1.50 0.50 3.00 3.00
Pipe Schedule 10S 40 40 40
Pipe Material Type Steel (New) Steel (New) Steel (New) Steel (New)
Internal Diameter inches 1.68 0.62 3.07 3.07
Internal Diameter mm 42.7 15.8 77.9 77.9
Mass Flow kg/h 2,160 2,160 2,160 2,160
Volumetric Flow m3/h 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.16
Line Velocity m/s 0.42 3.06 0.13 0.13
Pres drop per 100m bar/100m 0.060 8.696 0.003 0.003
Line Losses
Pipe Length m 280 0 0 0
Number of 90o bends 0 0 0 0
Number of valves 0 0 0 0
Check Valves 0 0 0 0
T-Piece straight run 0 0 0 0
T-Piece as elbow 0 0 0 0
Other Pressure Drops
Elevation Increase m 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Other Pressure Drops bar 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Line Losses bar 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00
Static Pressure Gain bar 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Other Pressure Drops bar 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total Pressure Drop bar 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00
Downstream Pressure bar (g) 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85


Disclaimer: This calculation provides an estimate for estimating pressure drops in liquid pipelines. We cannot be held responsible
for its use. As with all areas of process engineering, calculations should be checked by a competent engineer.
Standard Line Sizing Spreadsheet For Liquids

1.0 Introduction
This spreadsheet can be used to calculate pressure drops in pipelines, taking account of inline fittings (such as
bends, valves and other equipment items. To use the spreadsheet, follow the instructions given in the "How to
Use this Spreadsheet" Worksheet.

This worksheet presents the equations and algorithms used in the calculation and discusses elements of fluid flow

2.0 Calculation of Pressure Drop

2.1 Determining Pipe Dimensions

Commercial pipes come in standard sizes, specified in terms of the nominal pipe diameter, and the pipe
schedule. The spreadsheet has this information already stored within the calculation worksheet, linked
to the internal diameter (in inches). The spreadsheet retrieves the correct internal diameter using a Lookup

The internal diameter, d, (in metres) is used to calculate the cross-sectional flow area, A, (in square metres)
using Equation 1:

A = Equation (1)

2.2 Determining the Line Velocity

The line velocity, u, (in m/s) is calculated using Equation 2.

u = Equation (2)

m - Mass flowrate (in kg/s)
r - Liquid density (in kg/m3)
A - Cross-sectional flow area (in m2)

2.3 Calculation of the Reynolds Number

The Reynolds number is a dimensionless group giving a measure of whether to flow is laminar or turbulent.
It is used to estimate the friction factor (see below). A discussion on Reynolds Number and its importance
can be found via the following link:
Reynolds Number

The Reynolds number, Re, is calculated using Equation 3:

Re = Equation (3)

m - Viscosity (in Pa.s)

Disclaimer: This calculation provides an estimate for estimating pressure drops in liquid pipelines. We cannot be held responsible for
its use. As with all areas of process engineering, calculations should be checked by a competent engineer.
Standard Line Sizing Spreadsheet For Liquids
2.4 Calculation of the Pipe Relative Roughness
The pressure drop from flow down a pipe - at least in turbulent flow - is affected by the roughness of the
pipe surface. Obviously, the pipe roughness is determined by the pipe materials of construction. The
spreadsheet provides typical pipe roughness values for a range of materials i.e.

Materials Pipe Roughness

Tubing/Glass 2.0E-06 m
Steel (New) 5.0E-05 m
Steel (Corroded) 1.0E-03 m
Cast Iron 2.6E-04 m
Concrete 3.0E-04 m
Riveted Steel 5.0E-03 m
Table 1: Roughness values for different pipe materials

The effect of pipe roughness becomes less important as the pipe diameter increases, thus the spreadsheet
calculates the pipe roughness relative to the pipe diameter using Equation 4.

e Equation (4)
Pipe Relative Roughness = d

e - Pipe roughness (in m)
d - Pipe internal diameter (in m)

2.5 Calculation of the Fanning Friction Factor

The Fanning Friction Factor is a dimensionless number which, along with the pipe velocity, can be used to
estimate the pressure drop of flow down a pipe. It is a function of the Reynolds number and, for turbulent
flow, the pipe relative roughness. A introduction to the Fanning Friction Factor can be found via the
following link:
Fanning Friction Factor

The Fanning Friction Factor can be determined from Charts (Moody Diagram) or by using an empirical
equation. A number of Friction Factor Correlations are available in the literature, the one used in this
spreadsheet is the Churchill Correlation see Equations 5, 6 and 7.

8 1
fFanning = 2 x + (A + B)1.5 Equation (5)


A = 2.457 x ln 7 0.9 e Equation (6)
Re + 0.27 x d


B = 37530
Re Equation (7)

Disclaimer: This calculation provides an estimate for estimating pressure drops in liquid pipelines. We cannot be held responsible for
its use. As with all areas of process engineering, calculations should be checked by a competent engineer.
Standard Line Sizing Spreadsheet For Liquids
The Churchill Correlation is used as it is applicable to both laminar and turbulent flow - this is not the case
all correlations.

It should be noted that the Fanning Friction Factor is NOT the same as other Friction Factors: i.e. Darcy and

2.6 Calculation of the Pressure Drop per Unit Length of Straight Pipe
The pressure loss as a liquid flows down a straight length of pipe is given by the Darcy Equation. This
is expressed in Equation 8 below.

4 fFanning LPipe r.u2

DP = d 2 Equation (8)

DPPipe - Pipe line pressure drop (in Pa)
LPipe - Pipe length (in m)

An introduction to the Darcy Equation is given via the attached link:

Introduction to the Darcy Equation

It should be noted that the form of the equation presented via this link uses the Darcy Friction Factor, which
is four times larger than the Fanning Friction Factor. Equation 8 can be adapted to calculate the Pressure
per 100 metres by setting LPipe to 100 and converting from Pa to Bar - see Equation 9.

4 fFanning x 100 r.u2
Bar per 100m = d x 10 5 2 Equation (9)
Pa / bar

2.7 Calculation of the Pressure Drop Through Pipe Fittings

The Pressure Drop through pipe fittings (e.g. Pipe bends, Valves, T-Pieces) can be expressed in terms of
a Resistance Coefficient, K, where:

DP = K 2 Equation (10)

N.B. It can be seen from Equations 8 and 10 that the Resistance Coefficient equates to (4f FanningL)/d for
a straight length of pipe. The spreadsheet uses the following Resistance Coefficients for different pipe

Fitting Resistance Coeff, K

90o Bends 0.8
Valve 1.2
Check Valve 1.5
Straight Tee piece 0.1
Thru' Tee Piece 0.7
Table 2: Resistance Coefficient for different pipe fittings

Disclaimer: This calculation provides an estimate for estimating pressure drops in liquid pipelines. We cannot be held responsible for
its use. As with all areas of process engineering, calculations should be checked by a competent engineer.
Standard Line Sizing Spreadsheet For Liquids
Obviously, these values are approximate as K is affected by factors such as radius of the bend and the
valve design. A detailed list of Resistance Coefficients for different pipe fittings is given in Cranes' Flow
of Fluids book - see link below.

Flow of Fluids Technical Guide

The Line Losses value given in the spreadsheet is the sum of the DPPipe and DPFittings.

2.8 Calculation of the Static Head Gain

The pressure in a liquid system is greatly affected by changes in elevation - the system pressure increases
with a drop in height. The relationship between pressure and height (converted to bar) is given by
Equation 11

r x 9.81 x Dh
DP = Equation (11)
n 105
Pa / bar

Where, Dh is the increase in height

The total pressure drop is the sum of the line losses, DPElevation and other pressure drop (added manually
by the user).

Disclaimer: This calculation provides an estimate for estimating pressure drops in liquid pipelines. We cannot be held responsible for
its use. As with all areas of process engineering, calculations should be checked by a competent engineer.

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