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This is to certify that project report entitled “design and implementation of

electronic voting machine” that is submitted by this group members in partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree BSc in
of Wolaita Sodo University, is a record of the candidate own work carried out
by them under my own supervision. The matter embodies in thesis is original
and has not been submitted for the award of any other degree.

Name ……………………………… Sign………...

Name ……………………………… Sign…….......
Name ……………………………… Sign …………
Chair person ……………………… Sign …………
Advisor ………………………….. Sign …………
Department head …………………. Sign………….

Place: ………….………

Date: ………………….


First, we thank the God for his mercy and grace, which enabled us to complete this work
as per our schedule. We would likse to express our deepest appreciation and sincere
gratitude to our advisor Mr.GORRE.NARSIMHULU for his guidance, support and
valuable contributions throughout the preparations for this thesis.

Also, we would like to extend our thanks to all the staffs of the Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering at wolaita sodo university staff for providing us all
the valuable and helpful pieces of advice.

Finally, we wish to thank all of our friends and families for their persistent support during
our thesis work.

II | P a g e

Voting is most vitally important process of democratic society through which people
determine their leaders. The existing voting system is which people go to polling place and
takes the blank ballots, then punches a hole or append the seal. This leads engagement and
despite in the country due the corruption is heeled during the time of election, also if the
seal is not clear enough, or the vote is damaged by soiling, it may bring some debate on
the result.

In order to resolve these situations, technology around the world is increasingly

considering the replacement of traditional paper-based voting schemes with electronic
voting systems. By using this technology, Electronic-voting system can cast and count
votes with higher convenience and efficiency, even make the electoral procedures simple
and reduce the mistake rate of ballot examination.

Now our objective is to design, construction and operation of an electronic voting machine
using a microcontroller. Push buttons and LCD-display are also included in our system
which is to be connected with microcontroller. The working principle of our system is,
first a system is enabled for voters to enable them to cast their vote by pressing master
button and after which voters cast their vote by pressing a button corresponding to the
candidates that they want to elect. The system is enabled only once for one voter to
prevent one voter from voting again. This system helps the country from the existing
problem in the election process.

III | P a g e
Table of content………………………………………………………
Approval sheet………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………I


List of figure…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………VI

List of abbreviation……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….......VII

CHAPTER ONE……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...1
1. INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………1
1.1. Background……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….2
1.2. Statement of the problem…………………………………………………………………………………………………4
1.3. Objectives…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……4
1.3.1. General objectives……………………………………………………………………………………………….……..4
1.3.2. Specific objectives……………………………………………………………………………………………….………4
1.4. Scope of the project…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5
1.5. Methodology…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….5
1.6. Significance of the project…………………………………………………………………………………………………7
1.7. Limitation of the project……………………………………………………………………………………………………7
1.8. Outline of the thesis………………………………………………………………………………………………………….8
CHAPTER TWO……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..9
2. LITERATURE REVIEW…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………9
2.1. Paper Based Process………………………………………………………………………………………………………….9
2.2. Mechanical Lever Machines…………………………………………………………………………………………....10
2.3. Punch card system…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..11
2.4. Paper-Based Electronic Voting Systems……………………………………………………………………………15
CHAPTER THREE…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………20
3.1. System block diagram……………………………………………………………………………………………………..20
3.2. Material description………………………………………………………………………………………………………..20
3.3. Flow chart for the system design…………………………………………………………………………………….27
3.4. Working principle of the process…………………………………………………………………..………..…..….27
3.5. System design of the project……………………………………………………………………………………………28
3.5.1. Mikro C code design of the project:…………………………………………………………………………..28
3.6. Proteus software circuit design………………………………………………………………………………………..30
IV | P a g e
CHAPTER FOUR…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..31
4. RESULT AND DISCASSION………………………………………………………………………………………………………..31
4.1 system result…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….31
4.2 Desiccation……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….34
CHAPTER FIVE…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….35
5. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION…………………………………………………………………………………35
5.1 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..35
5.2 Recommendation……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..35
Appendix ………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………………………….37

List of figure………………………...……………….……………….page
Figure 1.1 flow chart of methodology..................................................................................6

Figure 2.1 Mechanical lever machines…............................................................................11

Figure 2.2 punching device to punch holes in a punch card …..………………..….…….12

Figure 2.3: A sorting machine for punch cards…………………..….…….……….…….13

Figure 2.4: A punch card with a FORTRAN programming statement…………………..13

Figure.2.5. PIC16F877A microcontroller……………………………………….…….....16

Figure.2.6. Block diagram of pic16f877a microcontroller…….…….…….………….....16

Figure 3.1 System block diagram………………………….……………………………20

Figure 3.2 push button………………………………………………………………....20

Figure 3.3 Microcontroller………………………………………………….…….……...21

Figure .3.4. 2x16 LCD display……………………………………………………........22

Figure 3.5 Sounder……………………………………………………………………...22

Figure 3.6 Transformer……………………………...……………………...………...…24
Figure 3.7 bridge rectifiers without capacitor………………………………………......25

Figure 3.8 bridge rectifiers with capacitor……………………………………...............25

Figure 3.9 Regulator IC (7805)………………………………………………………...26

Figure 3.10 circuit diagram of power supply…………………………….……….…....26

Figure 3.11 Flow chart of the process……………………………………………….....27

Figure 3.12 Circuit design of the system…………………………………………….…30

Figure 4.1 system result when simulated…………………………………….……...…31

Figure 4.2 system result shows candidate list when master button is pressed………...32

Figure 4.3 system shows result of each candidate………………….….……...............33

VI | P a g e
List of abbreviation
E-voting Electronic Voting

DRE Direct record electronic

LCD Liquid crystal display

EEPROM Erasable Electrical Programmable Read only Memory

PIC Programmable Interface Controller

μA Micro Ampere

BOR Brown out Reset

ROM Read only memory

MHz Mega Herzl

V Voltage

nA Nano Ampere
RAM Random Access Memory

A/D Analogue to Digital

PWM Pulse Width Modulation

VII | P a g e


Voting is a crucial device to reveal the opinion of a group on an issue that is under
consideration. In a true democracy, elections are the basis for the nation functions healthy.
Now days the wide range of application of voting include its use in reality student body
elections, and the passing of legislation in parliament. Perhaps the most important,
influential, publicized, and widespread use of voting is its use in national elections [1].

A voter using the traditional paper-based method proceeds by being given a ballot paper,
casting the vote on the ballot paper, and placing the ballot paper in a ballot-box.

 This traditional ballot paper -based voting system problems associated with each
phase of the electoral process are discussed below:
1. Invalid votes: A vote is considered to be invalid if the thumbprint has not been
placed at the right spot. Also, a ballot paper which is improperly folded can be the
cause of an invalid vote.
2. Long voting process: The manual voting exercise involves a number of steps that
result in long queues. This is because each voter takes a considerable amount of
time to vote.
3. Delays in result publication: It has takes more days to eventually publish an
election result.
4. High cost of election organizing: The procurement of materials that ensure the
validity of complete success of the electoral process makes election costs very


In recent years electronic voting has become a very popular and hot research topic. The
electronic mean of counting paper ballots has existed for a while now, but the focus now is
more on how to cast electronic ballots. Electronic voting technology can speed up the
counting of ballots and provide improved accessibility for disabled voters. The correctness
of these systems is also critical, as there is no room for errors in the electronic recording or
counting of ballots. Electronic voting can also facilitate electoral fraud, and especially the
concomitant risks of remote voting are significant.

Since electronic voting is an area of growing interest, this thesis will include a study of
technologies used for electronic voting. It will include a description of modern solutions
and techniques, new voting systems evolving, and also requirements issues of these
modern systems.

The electronic voting system we‟ve developed by microcontroller to control over all
voting system for independent election process.

This makes it easy to perform recounts and audits because anyone can compare the
electronic count with the paper count. It‟s become the de facto standard worldwide for
transparent electronic voting. Our voting machines feature data storage and transmission
protected with encryption, a term given to a system where data is held in many different
locations, to make it obvious if anyone was to change it in one. The purpose of developing
an e-voting system in Norway is to create a secure electronic election system for both the
general and municipal elections [1], [2].

The system is going to simplify voting and give better accessibility for all groups of
voters, which includes improved accessibility for disabled voters. In traditional voting
scenarios the municipalities prepare the polling stations for disabled voters, but for some
disabled voters it is even difficult to get to the polling station or vote without help. By
introducing voting via Internet, functionally disabled people would have a better
opportunity of voting without help [3].

1.1. Background
This paper is intended to introduce the subject of electronic voting. Electronic voting will
be described in the context of other voting technologies. The potential benefits and risks of
electronic voting systems are discussed. There will be some brief discussion of the current
“environment” in terms of standards and testing programs, current and pending legislation,
and electronic voting systems manufacturers. Desirable characteristics of voting systems
will also be discussed. In addition to introducing the subject to the reader, a further
objective of this paper is to provide background for an upcoming paper which will
compare and contrast ideas for improving electronic voting systems utilizing
cryptographic protocols.

Electronic voting machine has now days become an effective tool for voting. It ensures
flawless voting and thus has become more widespread. However, a number of recent
studies have shown that most of the electronic voting systems being used today are fatally
defective [4], [5], [6] and that their quality does not match the importance of the task that
they are supposed to carry out. Flaws in current voting systems, which were discovered
through testing and other analysis, deployed voting systems. Finally, the standards that
set the functional and performance requirements against which the systems are
developed, tested, and operated have often been found to be inadequate [9], [10].

An electronic voting machine has been designed by a microcontroller for which the
code is written in assembly language. The voter may select the candidates in a particular
preference ordering, and restart or complete their selection afterwards. The working of
electronic voting system is, first a system is enabled for voters to enable them to cast their
vote by pressing master button and after which voters cast their vote by pressing a button
corresponding to the candidates that they want to elect. The system is enabled only once
for one voter to prevent one voter from voting again.

“Electronic voting” is potentially broad, referring to several distinct possible stages of
electronic usage during the course of an election. For the purposes of this project work,
distinctions are made between the following terms:
• Electronic voting: Electronic voting is a voting process where electronic machines are
used to facilitate vote without using paper ballots. Once recorded, an electronic vote is
stored digitally and transferred from each electronic voting machine to a counting system.

• Electronic vote counting: Vote counting through electronic means is known as

electronic vote counting. In this phase of election, ballots are tabulated for publication of
election results. It this method of counting, voters are allowed to cast their votes without
using electronic medium, but counting these votes is done with the help of an electronic
system and award seats through an electronic vote counting system [9].

1.2. Statement of the problem.

Traditional paper based voting system has many problems. Some of the problems are as

 Problem during counting the vote.

 Cause invalid vote.

 Takes more time in election process and acquaint result to people.

 The material for electoral process makes election costs high.

 Problem in convincing peoples whether election is fair or not.

 More consumption of human power and etc.

We realized the above problems and we also managed how to solve them and finally we
come up with this kind of project idea which can prevent one country from these problems
during election time.

1.3. Objectives

1.3.1. General objectives

 To design and implement PIC16F877A microcontroller based electronic voting


1.3.2. Specific objectives:

 To reduce human power consumption.

 To reduces time in election process and acquaint the result for people.
 To reduces any kind of invalid votes.

 To reduce the problems of traditional voting systems

 To avoid problems during counting the vote.

 To reduce cost for election process.

 To removes the possibility of invalid and uncertain votes which, in many cases,
are the root causes of dispute and election appeal.

 To makes the procedure of counting the votes much faster than the traditional

 To decreases to a great expanse the quantity of paper used so saving a large

number of trees making the process eco-friendly.

 To minimize the cost of printing almost zero.

1.4. Scope of the project

For this project, we depend on learning and understanding the basic functions of electronic
voting machine. After that, we designed and built the electronic voting machine by using
software. This electronic voting machine uses microcontroller, LCD display, pushbuttons,
and piezoelectric sounder. We designed mikro C program for our project by using mikro C
software. After that we loaded our program to our microcontroller and finally we done the
software design of our project.

1.5. Methodology

We divide our project in to five phases:

 Step1: Start
Start this project by found a title to be our project
 Step2: Search for information
Begin our project after chose a title by searching for information on electronic
voting machine. Our main source of information included books, paper‟s,
standardization documents and accredited web pages. This process is to find good
sources of useful information using the library and the Internet, to get required
knowledge in the area of electronic voting.
 Step3: Design mikroC program
After completed on searching for information we had began to design a program
by using amikroC software. We designed the program to have all the features
needed to be function as we planned for.
 Step4: Design wired implementation
After we finished designing the program we test it to see whether it run correctly or
not (build the program to see the error). If it have error we start back on designing
a program. If the program has no error (run correctly) we continue on designing
software implementation.
 Step5: End
After complete the design of software implementation we simulate it. After that we
will test to make sure that everything works properly. If it is not, we will redo it
again until it works properly. After complete everything our project will be done.
 The methodology of our project when presented using flow chart is as
shown in the figure (1.1) below:-


Search for information

Design mickro C program


Software simulation

Success No


Figure1.1 Methodology flow chart.

1.6. Significance of the project

 This project is mainly designed for election purposes. Even if it is designed for
only four candidates it can also be easily reprogrammed and extended for any
number of candidates as desired.
 Electronic voting is a term used to describe the act of voting using electronic
systems to cast and count votes.
 Forward-thinking countries and election commissions are keen to explore how it
can help them improve their elections.
 Electronic voting and electronic counting means that people can get official
election results within hours, instead of weeks.
 It‟s also vitally important that everyone who is eligible to participate in elections
can do so. And electronic voting is very good at making voting more accessible,
meaning it‟s easier for disable people to vote independently.
 One of the reasons our electronic voting system has been praised so highly is that
it‟s designed around the idea that all parties, citizens and election commissions are
able to audit the electoral process at every stage, including before an election has
even begun.

1.7. Limitation of the project

Challenges to implement electronic voting machine or counting machine are as follow:

 Lack of material (equipment which are needed for our project).

 Shortage of time.
 Lack of money.
 Lack of internet access
 Software errors are unavoidable
 Without a voter-verified paper ballot it is impossible to perform meaningful
 The opportunities for fraud exist on a greater scale than ever before

1.8. Outline of the thesis

This thesis consists of five chapters.

Chapter one: introduction of the project. In the introductory part objectives of the project,
statement of the problem, the methodology used, the scope and significant of the project
are mentioned.

Chapter two: holds the literature reviews.

Chapter three: The system block diagram with its components description

Chapter four: system design and description of the project and its working principle. .

Chapter five: conclusions and recommendations on the project were described



Before discussing current and future directions in voting, it is worth surveying what voting
methods have previously been used. To introduce the subject of electronic voting, and also
to provide some historical context, we begin with an overview of voting technologies.
These include paper ballots, mechanical lever machines, punch cards, mark sense, and
direct recording electronic voting systems.

2.1. Paper Based Process

Paper ballot systems use official ballots with the names of all candidates and issues printed
on them. Voters mark boxes next to the candidates or issues of their choice in private, and
drop the completed ballot into a sealed ballot box. This system, also known as the
“Australian ballot” because it was first adopted in the Australian State of Victoria in 1856,
was first used in the United States in a statewide election in New York in 1889 [6].

This process, which is involved in the paper-based electoral system, is a rigorous one.
First, all persons who are eligible to vote (normally eighteen years of age or older)
should be a citizen of the country. These persons will have to go and get enumerated
six months in advance after which the election workers will visit their residential addresses
to ensure first that those persons actually live there and as certain that they have given the
correct information about themselves. After validation, a voter‟s Id will be issued. The
complete procedure involves lot of paper work [7],[8].

Appropriate training will have to be provided for the staff members in charge of polling
duty. During the day of polling, the concerned staff members are required to be present
half hour prior to the opening of the polling booth/station to check that all arrangements
have been done correctly. On the day of polling, the Officer in charge has to ensure that a
final checklist includes but not limited to:

 Ensure that polling stations are in contact

 Ensure that security forces are notified.
 Ensure that all Presiding Officers and Poll Clerks are clearly identified for
established polling stations.

After voting, the counting of ballots will be looked after by another group of officers [2].
With all these steps, groups and procedures that are involved, the process can prove
to be tedious, error prone and costly.

2.2. Mechanical Lever Machines

In mechanical lever voting systems, the voter makes a selection by pulling a lever assigned
to a candidate or issue choice identified by a printed strip. When the voter opens the
privacy curtain and exits the voting booth, the levers are automatically returned to their
original positions. As the levers return to position, each causes a wheel to turn one-tenth of
a full rotation for the counted vote.

This wheel serves as the “ones” position of the count for the particular lever. After each
full rotation of this wheel, this wheel causes a “tens” wheel to turn one-tenth of a full
rotation. Similarly, the “tens” wheel updates a “hundreds” wheel. If the mechanical
connections work properly and the counting wheels are initially set to zero, the number of
votes cast is measured by the position of each counter when the polls close.

Mechanical lever machines were invented by Thomas Edison as a way to deter the vote
fraud (such as ballot stuffing) that was occurring at the time. The first official use of a
mechanical lever voting machine was in New York in 1892. By 1930, they were in almost
every large city in the United States [8].

In the 1960s, over half of the country‟s votes were counted by mechanical lever machines.
These machines are no longer made, and are being replaced with mark sense or direct
recording electronic voting systems. In these systems the voter pulls the lever to poll for
his favorite candidate. This kind of voting machine can count up the ballots automatically.
But its interface is not simply use, it need some training to voters is necessary.

10 | P a g e
Figure 2.1 Mechanical lever machines.

2.3. Punch card system

The use of punch cards for data handling is a technology that has been used since the 19th
century [11]. The punch card sorting and tabulation equipment was invented by a
statistician named Herman Hollerith. It was first built to process large amount of
information from 1890 US census, but latter developed for commercial and scientific
purpose, but also for voting.

The machinery of a punch card system consists of several components to carry out the
processes. A punching device punches the information and data on the cards. When having
several decks of punched cards a card collator machine can sort and merge cards from
different stacks according to certain factors, for instance address or county. To sort or
tabulate the cards with specific loads a sorting/tabulation machine can be used. The punch
cards are stiff cards or paper strips that are punched according to a certain value or
designation. There exist a lot of different types of punch cards of different sizes with a
different amount of punching location for different purposes.

Punch cards were used as input for data processing in electromechanical devices like
tabulation machines and unit record equipment, which was used before the invention of
today's electronic computers. These machines had a function of sensing punched holes
with either electrical or optical sensors, and could have high-speed mechanical feeders that
made it possible to process up to 2000 cards per minute [11]. To generate a summary
(report) of a deck of punch cards, they could be fed into the tabulation machine and
selected fields from each card were added to the value of one or several counters in the
machine. Early computers were using punch cards for program entry and storage. When
11 | P a g e
using punched cards, the computer could register the presence of a punched hole with "1"
and the absence of a hole with "0" and by this save the information in the binary number
system. As late as up to 1970, the punch card was the most popular storage medium used,
but is now an almost obsolete technology [12]. Figure 2.3 shows an example of a punch
card from a FORTRAN program. The punch card is no longer used for programming.

In punch card voting systems, voters punch holes in cards to indicate their candidate or
issue choice. The cards are printed with numbers (with the list of candidates and issue
choices printed separately in a book), or the candidate names and issue choices may be
printed directly on the ballot next to the location of the hole to be punched. The ballot is
either dropped in a ballot box or fed into a computerized tabulating device.

The first punch cards and computerized tally machines were used in Georgia in 1964, soon
followed by jurisdictions in Oregon and California. Many jurisdictions are switching from
punch cards to mark sense or direct recording electronic voting systems. Punch card: The
voter uses metallic hole-punch to punch a hole on the blank ballot. It can count votes
automatically, but if the voter‟s perforation is incomplete, the result is probably
determined wrongfully.

Figure 2.2 punching device to punch holes in a punch card [14].

12 | P a g e
Figure 2.3: A sorting machine for punch cards

Figure 2.4: A punch card with a FORTRAN programming statement.

For voting purposes the punch cards were used to record the vote and then they were run
through a tabulation machine to count the votes. When using punch cards as ballots for
voting purposes the perforations represents the polling choice made by the voter. The
voters punch holes in the cards (with a supplied punch device) opposite their candidate or
ballot issue choice and place it in a ballot box. To generate a result, the punch cards can be
fed into a tabulation machines at the precinct, or all punch cards can be gathered and
transported to a central location for tabulation.

There are two common types of punch cards used for voting purposes; the "votomatic"
card and the "data vote" card [12]. The "votomatic" card is a direct descendant of the
original punch cards (by Joseph P. Harris) and only has numbers indicating the holes to be
punched. The ballot issue choices or list of candidates are printed on a separate booklet,
13 | P a g e
and you punch the card according to which number that corresponds to your choice of
candidate. On the "data vote" card, the names of the candidates are printed on the ballot
next to the punch hole. The use of punch cards systems for voting purposes has both
advantages and concerns. When using punch cards and a sorting machine there is easy to
detect misplaced cards, to prevent errors in the counting process. Another advantage is that
there exists an audit trail of punch cards making it possible to perform a recount if

One of the concerns associated associated with the use of punch cards is related to the
material of the card. When using punch cards for tabulation, errors related to the holes on
the card can occur. When punch cards are used for elections in the US the voters cast their
vote by using a pin to punch through the card by hand [12]. This leftover paper that was
punched out is referred to as the "chad". If the holes are not aligned or fully punched,
called the "hanging chad", the ballot can be counted incorrectly when tabulated.

Many jurisdictions switched from punc hcard systems to more advanced systems like
mark sense or DRE systems, when these could be deployed. In the county of Los Angeles,
the largest election jurisdiction in the US with 3.8 million registered voters, they continued
to rely on their punch card voting System in the late1990 and 2000. For the 1996 US
Presidential election, a variation of a punch card system was used by 37.3% of registered
voters in the United States [13].

In the 2000 US presidential election the votomatic punched card systems got a
considerable bad reputation. In three of Florida's counties, after counting and recounting, it
was claimed the punch card system's uneven use had even affected the outcome of the
election [13]. With this, the US presidential election of 2000 brought the punch card
systems into infamy and the US was criticized of using such an old-fashion technology.
This punching card system difficult to counts the votes it is wrong fully or inaccuracy
rather than the electronic voting system. The electronic voting system is simple easy to
count the votes with the short time.

14 | P a g e
2.4. Paper-Based Electronic Voting Systems

Paper-based electronic voting systems are voting systems where the electronic mean of
tabulation is used to count paper ballots. The votes are cast, or marked, on paper ballots by
hand or using a marking device, and then an electronic tabulation device is used for
counting. This can speed up the process of counting, and not only give less manual work
but also less error regarded to human failure.

To use the electronic mean of counting ballots, different types of marked paper ballots can
be used to cast the vote, depending of what kind of electronic device that is used for
tabulation. These systems include punch card voting, and the mark sense and optical
scanning systems.

Depending upon the overview of literature, now we are going to design an electronic
voting machine. Our system has buttons corresponding to each candidate and also total
vote and master buttons. There is liquid crystal display from which displays required.
Direct-recording electronic (DRE) voting machine records votes by means of a ballot
display provided with mechanical or electro-optical components that can be activated by
the voter (typically buttons); that processes data with computer software; and that records
voting data and ballot images in memory components.

In order to reduce the cost of human and material, moreover, to enhance the convenience
in the task of polling, E-voting has taken the place of traditional voting in a considerable
number of countries over the past few years.

In this section, our aim to review literature we consider relevant to E-voting ballot. During
system operation are displayed on LCD. Then when each voter presses a button
corresponding to candidate to whom they want to give their vote our system counts the
number of votes casted.

15 | P a g e
Our system operation is controlled by PIC16F877A microcontroller shown in figure

Figure.2.5. PIC16F877A microcontroller

Microcontroller is a computer on a chip that is programmed to perform almost any control,

sequencing, monitoring and display the function. Because of its relatively low cost, it
becomes the natural choice to the designer. Microcontroller is designed to be all of that in
one. Its great advantage is no other external components are needed for its application
because all necessary peripherals are already built into it. Thus, we can save the time,
space and cost which is needed to construct low cost devices.

The PIC16F877A is one of the latest products from Microchip. It‟s features all the
components which modern micro controllers normally have. For its low price, wide range
of application, high quality and easy availability, it is an ideal solution in applications such
as: the control of different processes in industry, machine control devices, measurement of
different values etc.

Some of its main features are listed below.

16 | P a g e
Risc architecture

 Only 35 instructions to learn

 All single-cycle instructions except branches

Operating frequency 0-20 MHZ

Precision internal oscillator

 Factory calibrated
 Software selectable frequency range of 8MHz to 31KHz

Power supply voltage 2.0-5.5V

 Consumption: 220μA (2.0V, 4MHz), 11μA (2.0 V, 32 KHz) 50nA (stand-by


Power-Saving Sleep Mode

Brown-out Reset (BOR) with software control option

35 input/output pins

 High current source/sink for direct LED drive

 Software and individually programmable pull-up resistor
 Interrupt-on-Change pin

8K ROM memory in FLASH technology

 Chip can be reprogrammed up to 100.000 times

In-Circuit Serial Programming Option

 Chip can be programmed even embedded in the target device

256 bytes EEPROM memory

 Data can be written more than 1.000.000 times

368 bytes RAM memory

A/D converter:

 14-channels
 10-bit resolution

3 independent timers/counters

Watch-dog timer

17 | P a g e
Analogue comparator module with

 Two analogue comparators

 Fixed voltage reference (0.6V)
 Programmable on-chip voltage reference

PWM output steering control

Enhanced USART module

 Supports RS-485, RS-232 and LIN2.0

 Auto-Baud Detect

Master Synchronous Serial Port (MSSP)

 Supports SPI and I2C mode

There are two memory blocks available in the PIC 16F877A which are program memory
and data memory. Flash memory is used to store the program. Flash memory can be
rewritten large amount of times for updating purpose.

Even if power is switched off the contents of the flash memory will not be lost because of
having EEPROM. Data registers are generally used to keep numeric values such as integer
and floating-point values. It can work as accumulator of the memory. Data memory has
been partitioned into general purpose registers and special purpose registers which are
used to store data address and hold programs state respectively.

Pin Description

Figure 2.6 Block diagram of pic16f877a microcontroller


18 | P a g e
PORTA of the microcontroller is used for analogue inputs and it converts the
analogue value into digital values. The microcontroller will use the converted digital
values for processing of the analogue inputs.

The microcontroller is allocated to read the ADC output signal from sensors through
its port A. The potential free contacts from sensors are connected to the portA of the
microcontroller as inputs. The microcontroller is programmed to convert the sensors
output analog signal data to the corresponding digital value. Depending on this digital
value the appropriate control signal is given to the control unit from microcontroller.


These ports are used for any processing procedures. They can be used as either input ports
or output ports. Each port has eight pins in it. These pins have a specific address that is
used to differentiate each other.


Supply voltage to the microcontroller is 5V.

Clock generator (osc1 & osc2)

Crystal oscillators are used for the generation of the clock pulses. Two capacitors
having a value of 22PF are connected with the crystal oscillator to make the device clock
4MHZ. (PIC16F887 Microcontroller - Device Overview - Book PIC Microcontrollers)

The overall pin description of microcontroller is summarized as shown in the table below:-

19 | P a g e



3.1. System block diagram

Figure 3.1 System block diagram


Our project (Electronic Voting Machine) basically consists of three main blocks; these are
input, process and output blocks.


Push buttons

Figure 3.2 push button

20 | P a g e
Counting buttons

If this switch is pressed total numbers of votes are displayed for each candidate on LCD

Buttons for candidates

These buttons are used for voters to enable them to press the buttons corresponding to the
candidates to whom they want to give their vote.

Master Button

This button is placed to a secured place to prevent it from pressed by any person and it is
used to give permission (chance) to voter to cast their vote once and it disables the
candidate buttons until permission is given to other voter.


Figure 3.3 Microcontroller


A control unit in general is a central part of the machinery that controls its operation,
provided that a piece of machinery is complex and organized enough to contain any such
unit. One domain in which the term is specifically used is the area of computer design. In
this work Microcontroller 16F877A is used as the controller unit which controls the sensed

A single highly integrated chip that contains all the components comprising a controller.
Typically this includes a CPU, RAM, some form of ROM, I/O ports, and timers.
Unlike a general-purpose computer, this also includes all of these components; a
microcontroller is designed for a very specific task -- to control a particular system. As a
result, the parts can be simplified and reduced, which cuts down on production costs.
Microcontrollers are sometimes called embedded microcontrollers, which just mean that
they are part of an embedded system that is, one part of a larger device or system.
21 | P a g e
The microcontroller is the basic electronic device that is used for processing, analyzing &
controlling of signals. The four ports of the microcontroller are used to connect the
external devices with it. Depending on the values it gets from the switches inputs, it gives
a control signal to the output devices according to the program written to it. Generally
speaking, it is the brain of the whole system that decides on every process it performs.


LCD display

Figure .3.4. 2x16 LCD display

The LCD unit provides the status of the system in display form. LCD screen (16X2)
functions as interface between the user and microcontroller. It displays to user the number
of candidate, name of candidate and the total number of votes in each candidate. The main
function of the LCD is to display the instruction “what the voter has to do after what”.

If the voter tries to vote twice or his fingerprint does not matches with the already stored
data then it will display “access Denied” and security alarm (sounder ) will ring to
inform the higher officers that voter is not valid for voting and for correct person it will
show “proceed”. After completion of correct voting process by the voter it will display
“voted successfully”.


Figure 3.5 Sounder

22 | P a g e
Sounder:-It is used to indicate whether the permission is given or not for voters.

A sounder or beeper is an audio signaling device, which may be mechanical,

electromechanical or piezoelectric.

Typical uses of sounder and beepers include alarm devices. These devices are output
transducers converting electrical energy. As power is applied this mechanical device will
energize and by doing so interrupt the power source and the cycle continue until the power
is removed. The frequency of oscillation is strictly dependent on mechanical inertia. The
piezo sounder produces sound based on reverse of the piezoelectric effect. The generation
of pressure variation or strain by the application of electric potential across a piezoelectric
material is the underlying principle.

These sounder can be used alert a user of an event corresponding to a switching action,
counter signal or sensor input. They are also used in alarm circuits. The sounder produces
a same noisy sound irrespective of the voltage variation applied to it. It consists of piezo
crystals between two conductors. When a potential is applied across these crystals, they
push on one conductor and pull on the other. This, push and pull action, results in a sound
wave. Most sounders produce sound in the range of 2 to 4 kHz. The Red lead is connected
to the Input and the Black lead is connected to Ground.

Power supply

Power supply is a reference to a source of electrical power. A device or system that

supplies electrical or other types of energy to an output load or group of loads is
called a power supply unit or PSU. The term is most commonly applied to electrical
energy supplies, less often to mechanical ones, and rarely to others. Power supply is a very
important part of electronic circuit this circuit required fixed +5 V supply so to fix this
voltage we needed voltage regulator.

In this work used 78xx Voltage regulator which output fixed +5 volt. A voltage regulator
generates a fixed output voltage of a preset magnitude that remains constant regardless of
changes to its input voltage or load conditions. There are two types of voltage regulators:
linear and switching. A linear regulator employs an active (BJT or MOSFET) pass device

23 | P a g e
(series or shunt) controlled by a high gain differential amplifier. It compares the output
voltage with a precise reference voltage and adjusts the pass device to maintain a constant
output voltage.

Here a brief description of all the components is given as follows:


transformer is a device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to another
through inductively coupled conductors the transformer's coils or "windings". Except
for air-core transformers, the conductors are commonly wound around a single iron-
rich core, or around separate but magnetically coupled cores. Varying current in the
first or “primary" winding creates a varying magnetic field in the core (or cores) of the
transformer. This varying magnetic field induces a varying electromotive force (EMF) or
“voltage” in the “secondary" winding. This effect is called mutual induction.

Figure 3.6 Transformer

If a load is connected to the secondary circuit, electric charge will flow in the secondary
winding of the transformer and transfer energy from the primary circuit to the load connected
in the secondary circuit. The secondary induced voltage VS of an ideal transformer, is scaled
from the primary VP by a factor equal to the ratio of the number of turns of wire in their
respective windings:

Bridge rectifier

A bridge rectifier makes use of four diodes in a bridge arrangement to achieve full-
wave rectification. This is a widely used configuration, both with individual diodes wired

24 | P a g e
as shown and with single component bridges where the diode bridge is wired

Figure 3.7 bridge rectifiers without capacitor

Output smoothing:

For many applications, especially with single phase AC where the full-wave bridge serves
to convert an AC input into a DC output, the addition of a capacitor may be desired
because the bridge alone supplies an output of fixed polarity but continuously varying or
“pulsating” magnitude (see figure 3.7 above)

Figure 3.8 bridge rectifiers with capacitor

The function of this capacitor, known as a reservoir capacitor (or smoothing capacitor) is
to lessen the variation in (or 'smooth') the rectified AC output voltage waveform from the

Regulator IC (78xx)

It is a three pin IC used as a voltage regulator. It converts unregulated DC current into

regulated DC current.

25 | P a g e
Figure 3.9 Regulator IC (7805)

Normally we get fixed output by connecting the voltage regulator at the output of the
filtered DC (see in above diagram). It can also be used in circuits to get a low DC voltage
from a high DC voltage (for example we use 7805 to get 5V from 12V). There are two
types of voltage regulators fixed voltage regulators (78xx, 79xx) and Variable voltage
regulators (LM317).

In fixed voltage regulators there is another classification, +ve voltage regulators and -ve
voltage regulators. We used +Ve voltage regulator which is 78xx voltage regulator. The
most commonly used ones are 7805 and 7812. The regulator that we used (7805) gives
fixed 5V DC voltage if input voltage is in (7.5V- 20V).

The overall power supply circuit diagram is as shown in the figure below:-

Figure 3.10 circuit diagram of power supply

26 | P a g e
3.3. Flow chart for the system design

Figure.3.11. Flow chart of the process

3.4. Working principle of the process

Microcontroller is used to initialize the assembly language program which written in

micro C code with system design of the project. If the liquid crystal display (LCD) is not
display list of candidate, it indicates the system is not active, and then the microcontroller
has to be checked. If the program compiled with the system design, we can press the
master push button to check whether the system/process execute or not execute or the
system active or not active.

27 | P a g e
If the liquid crystal display (LCD) display the list of candidate it indicate the system is
active, then the voter can press the candidate button to select his /her cast or candidate. By
such away the selection process will be execute.

Actually, there are four number of bush buttons are used for voting four candidates which
insure that any participant can vote one candidate at a time. When participant cast his vote
master button has to be pressed to active the system for the next participant and when
participant press any push button of the candidate the system will deactivated until master
has to pressed. If the system is active, the liquid crystal display (LCD) display the list of
candidate and buzzer make sound to the voter. Then the voter has going to press the
candidate button to give vote to his /her candidate who he /her going to be select. By such
away the selection process will be execute.

To know the result of candidates, first master button has to be pressed to active the system
be ready. Finally counting button pressed, and then the result is display on liquid crystal
display (LCD). Then easily we understand the result of each candidate have obtained.
Then overall process has to be stop.

3.5. System design of the project

We start out to design our project first by designing it by software tools which are Proteus
8 Professional software to draw the circuit diagram of our project (only for simulation
purpose) and mikro C software to write a program used for simulation.

3.5.1. Mikro C code design of the project:

We design our project program by using c-language which can be written on mikro C

We start out to design our project firs by designing it by software tools which are Proteus
8 Professional software to draw the circuit diagram of our project (only for simulation
purpose) and mikroC software to write a program (used for simulation).

We design our project program by using c-language which can be written on mikroC

28 | P a g e
//MikroC code for LCD initialization:

sbit LCD_RS at RB4_bit;

sbit LCD_EN at RB5_bit;

sbit LCD_D4 at RB0_bit;

sbit LCD_D5 at RB1_bit;

sbit LCD_D6 at RB2_bit;

sbit LCD_D7 at RB3_bit;sbit LCD_RS_Direction at TRISB4_bit;

sbit LCD_EN_Direction at TRISB5_bit;

sbit LCD_D4_Direction at TRISB0_bit;

sbit LCD_D5_Direction at TRISB1_bit;

sbit LCD_D6_Direction at TRISB2_bit;

sbit LCD_D7_Direction at TRISB3_bit;// end of lcd intialization

we initialized the characters such as „a‟, ‟b‟, ‟c‟ and„d‟ on which the count of votes of the
respective candidates are saved as integers as follows:-

int a=0,b=0;

int c=0,d=0;

For example when one voter presses „c1‟ as shown in the circuit diagram on figure 4.1 the
value of „a‟ is increased by one (a=a+1) and the same for others.

We initialized the character „e‟ to hold integer value and to prevent one voter from
pressing the candidate button more than once. When a master button is pressed the value
of „e‟ will become one (e=1 ;) and when one voter presses the candidate button once the
value of „e‟ becomes zero (e=0 ;).

We used the command inttostr(x, txt); where x is holds an integer value, to change the
integer values into string to make the it to be displayed on lcd because our lcd cannot
29 | P a g e
display integer values. We used command portx.yz=1; or portx.yz=0; to make materials
connected to our microcontroller „ON‟ or „OFF‟ respectively. Where x indicates type of
port (port A, port B, port C or port D) and yz indicates the pin numbers of the
corresponding port. The overall mikroC code design is shown on the appendix.

We designed our system by selecting the above mentioned materials appropriately (with
appropriate rating selection, by adjusting the require parameters to the required level and
by testing the proper functioning of the materials by using measuring instruments i.e.
mulltimeters, voltmeter and etc.)

3.6. Proteus software circuit design

Figure.3.12. Circuit design of the system

30 | P a g e
4.1 system result
System result for each step are shown below in figures

Figure 4.1 system results when simulated

31 | P a g e
Figure 4.2 system result shows candidate list when master button is pressed

32 | P a g e
Figure 4.3 system shows result of each candidate

33 | P a g e
4.2. Desiccation

This work contributed to three very basic research questions arising: in the context of
verifiable elections. First, we discussed the problem of keeping ballot secrecy to a certain
extent in the case of paper based voting system or voting authority. Our contribution to
this is an approach where all secret information is protected by our voting machine.
Second, we considered the errors that may happen during counting of votes and
manipulation of the corresponding votes.

Here the contribution of our project is that the machine itself counts the number of votes
casted to each candidate and displays the result (total number of votes casted) with the
corresponding name of candidates in front of the result. Together with a display in the
polling place this approach shortens the time taken for counting and voting process.

Third we discussed on the problem of the possibility of a voter to vote more than one time
and we contributed to this problem by making our machine to be disabled after a voter
casted his/her vote until next voter comes and also after a voter casted his/her vote we
designed a mechanism that his/her hand have to be painted by a color to identify him/her.
After discussion we revised the results of our design as follows:-
 Fast speed of execution:
The speed of execution of our system is very fast rather than manual. As soon as the
candidate button or the total vote button is pressed the sounder will sound to show that the
vote is submitted or the LCD display displays the total vote casted respectively. Therefore
we can say very less time is required for voting and counting which takes days or weeks
time in the case of paper based voting system.
 Accurate: After the user presses the start button the system becomes ON, the
LCD will be on to indicate the system status. The voter can now know whether
the voting system is enabled or not to cast the vote. The alarm sounds to
indicate that the vote is submitted and the system is disabled until to the next
 It is economical
 Less manpower required
 Avoids invalid voting
 Saves transportation cost due to its compact size & Convenient on the part of

34 | P a g e


5.1 Conclusion

This project is done mainly considering safety, quality and speed of the equipment‟s. The
heart of this project is a microcontroller, which does all the activities like monitoring,
displaying and controlling the given parameters. In this project we have monitored and
controlled the two critical parameters, name of candidate and the number of voter for each

This project can also monitor and control more than five parameters by adding more
number of interfacing circuits and control units. The main advantage of this project is
simplicity, its saves time and human power, fast speed of execution and its method of
controlling and it requires very low voltage for its operation and also faster in controlling
the input parameters. So with this project we can safe guard the equipment‟s and prevent
heavy losses of cost in buying paper and other equipments.

5.2. Recommendation

If we time we add biometric verification of voters, so automatically it can be ensured that

one person is vote‟s only ones to our project.

If we make more than one electronic voting machines, each to be at different locations and
the final result is the addition the result of all, we can think to connect them to
communicate with each other and the final result would display on LCD by using
transmitter and receiver.

35 | P a g e
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36 | P a g e
//MikroC code for LCD initialization:

sbit LCD_RS at RB4_bit;

sbit LCD_EN at RB5_bit;

sbit LCD_D4 at RB0_bit;

sbit LCD_D5 at RB1_bit;

sbit LCD_D6 at RB2_bit;

sbit LCD_D7 at RB3_bit;sbit LCD_RS_Direction at TRISB4_bit;

sbit LCD_EN_Direction at TRISB5_bit;

sbit LCD_D4_Direction at TRISB0_bit;

sbit LCD_D5_Direction at TRISB1_bit;

sbit LCD_D6_Direction at TRISB2_bit;

sbit LCD_D7_Direction at TRISB3_bit;

char txt[7],txt1[7],txt2[7],txt3[7];

void main()

int a=0,b=0;

int c=0,d=0,e=0;









37 | P a g e
Lcd_Out(1,1,"press button");

Lcd_Out(2,1,"cast your vote");






Lcd_Out(1,1,"1:xyz 2:yzx");

Lcd_Out(2,1,"3:zxy 4:yxz");










38 | P a g e





















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