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Collaboration and Learning within

Immersive Virtual Reality

Randolph L. Jackson Eileen Fagan
University of Washington University of Washington
College of Education, Box 353600 College of Education, Box 353600
Seattle, Washington 98195 Seattle, Washington 98195

potential impact of the collaborative aspects of the experience on

ABSTRACT learning processes.
We are studying collaboration and learning within immersive
virtual reality (IVR) using a head-mounted display technology. Currently, very little is known about collaborative learning
This research, supported by the College of Education and Human processes using VLEs [30]. Over the coming years, however,
Interface Technology Laboratory at the University of Washington, everyday educational practices can be expected to rely
is currently concerned with the activities of 56 ninth grade increasingly upon collaboration and interaction within these kinds
students at work in a public school environment. Subjects worked of learning environments [17]. Collaborative learning exercises
as individuals and in pairs while investigating the concepts of are valuable because they help students clarify ideas and concepts
global warming within an audio-enhanced virtual reality model of through processes of articulation and discussion [26]. In
Seattle called Global Change World (GCW). Three groupings of requiring that learners invest significant mental effort,
subjects were provided with different collaborative experiences collaboration supports active learning and deep processing of
while immersed within the GCW virtual learning environment: (1) information [2]. Newman, Johnson, Webb, & Cochran [21]
Individuals who received minimal support during the learning compared face-to-face collaborative activities with computer
exercise provided; (2) Paired peers who collaborated throughout supported collaboration and concluded that face-to-face
the learning exercise; and (3) Individuals who completed the interaction was better for creative problem exploration and idea
learning exercise in collaboration with an in-world expert generation while computer-based conferencing was better for
companion. It is concluded that collaborative IVR learning linking ideas, interpretation, and problem integration. It is
experiences can be successfully integrated into existing school conceivable that the virtual face-to-face nature of VLEs may
curricula in spite of a significant lack of knowledge regarding the provide unique collaborative experiences that draw upon the best
nature of human communication, interaction, and learning within attributes of both face-to-face and computer-based collaboration.

Collaboration, Conceptual Change, Multi-User Virtual Learning
Environments, Immersive Virtual Reality.

The use of virtual reality (VR) in education has in recent years
become more commonplace. For example, Youngblut [30]
identifies fifty-five examples of VR applications that are Figure 1. Observing students interacting while in GCW
specifically designed to support learning. In the past, most
educational applications of VR have involved a single student This paper describes a study designed to provide simultaneous
interacting with objects within a virtual learning environment multi-user interaction within a VLE called Global Change World
(VLE). Advances in VR technologies, however, are opening the (GCW). GCW is a fully immersive, multi-participant VLE
doors to a broad investigation of the potential for collaborative, designed to investigate the dynamics of collaboration in the
multi-user VLEs designed to enhance educational experiences. domain of science education. Investigations involving GCW are
As it becomes possible to easily place more than one student conducted through the Learning Center at the Human Interface
within a VLE simultaneously, questions arise regarding the Technology Laboratory (HITL) on the campus of the University
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this of Washington in Seattle and are funded by a grant from the UW
Royalty Research Fund. Though GCW was implemented in this
work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee
study as an in school, single location, multi-participant learning
provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or experience, it has also been run and tested over the Internet with
commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the some success.
full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish,
to post on servers, or to redistribute to lists, requires prior Using networked Hewlett-Packard workstations running DVISE
specific permission and/or a fee. software, GCW provides a unique collaborative experience by
CVE 2000, San Francisco, CA USA
© 2000 ACM 1-58113-303-0/0/00/09…$5.00

employing head mounted display helmets (HMDs) that have been Most educational applications for VR are designed to make use of
fitted with an intercom system to allow for voice communication. these and other unique features and affordances. Other
The immersive visual display, combined with voice affordances include: (1) Allowing students to gain a greater
communication capabilities, enables both students and instructors understanding of abstract concepts through the creation of visual
to easily talk to each other, seemingly from within the three- metaphors; (2) Allowing students to directly manipulate and scale
dimensional environment of GCW. We found this system to be virtual objects or environments for clearer understandings; and (3)
highly appropriate for supporting peer collaboration and it Allowing students to visit places and interact with events that
appears to be capable of promoting very high levels of presence distance, time, or safety concerns would normally prohibit [28,
within the VLE. 30]. Designers of VLEs tend to believe that students retain,
master and generalize new knowledge better when given the
We first provide background information outlining the reasoning
opportunity to become actively involved in constructing that
behind the development of collaborative VR experiences for
knowledge through a coherent, firsthand interaction with
educational purposes. The next section describes the features and
knowledge domain representations.
functioning of the GCW environment. The paper concludes with
a description of the GCW study design and a discussion of Much of the appeal for applying VR in education is derived from
findings assembled to date in the ongoing analysis of data the observations of educational theorists like Bruner [3] and
collected during the study. Piaget [24] who have long stressed the value of actualizing
learning through making it more real for students. VR technology
allows for the creation of VLEs where students can learn by
2. BACKGROUND interacting with virtual objects similar to the ways they would
The use of virtual environments (VEs) as an alternative form of
interact with real objects. Through immersion in a VE, students
data representation has become an increasingly attractive option
become a part of the phenomena that surround them. Learning is
for computer interface designers across a variety of disciplines,
facilitated through the construction of concepts built from the
including education. It is considered an alternative approach
intuitions that arise out of their direct experience of the
because in a VE the user is no longer looking at data on a screen
environment. More recently, research [1, 6] has supported the
but they are immersed as active participants within the data itself.
notion that VLEs, by their very nature, increase the human
The VE can be realistic, as would be the case with models of
capacity for certain types of learning by allowing users to cross
building interiors that users walk through and explore, or abstract,
the boundary between third and first person experience, negating
such as a theoretical 3-D representation of molecules and their
the need for a highly abstract symbol system. In traditional
associated molecular forces [16]. For VE designers the goal is for
education, learning the symbol system of a particular knowledge
the interface to be as transparent as possible and that it make
domain is often a prerequisite to learning its content, as in the
intuitive sense to prospective users [1]. The interface should
case of mathematics or music [28]. The problem with this type of
allow for direct manipulation of objects in the VE using hands,
learning is that mastery of the symbol system can often be
body movement, or through virtual tools that allow participants to
mistaken for mastery of the content, and teaching may end well
observe and interact within the VE as naturally as they would
before students make the link between the two.
interact with objects in the real world. Such design approaches
cause the interface, in effect, to disappear. First person, or direct, interaction within a VE allows students to
construct knowledge out of their own experience without relying
Discovering the best ways to employ VR in support of teaching
on symbol systems. This concept of knowledge construction
and learning abstract concepts continues to be a challenging and
among learners is more generally referred to as constructivism
elusive goal for researchers. In general, the potential for VR to
[10]. Self-constructed knowledge is highly individualized and
benefit education is widely recognized and a number of studies
may represent an improvement over similar knowledge learned by
have conclusively demonstrated the ability to teach content using
other methods because the learners shape the learning experience
VR under certain prescribed conditions [5, 8, 19, 23, 29,30]. A
themselves. In other words, instead of relying on third-person
significant challenge remains, however, in fusing specific
instructor or text-based accounts of how things occur in the world,
affordances of VLEs with educational methods capable of
students immersed within VLEs can directly experience and
exploiting them into demonstrable theories of learning for VR.
interact with the concepts, principles, rules, and procedures found
Zeltzer [31] refers to the three attributes of autonomy, presence, in the domain. VLEs designed from the constructivist approach
and interaction in describing the affordances VR provides. are seen by some as having great potential for providing powerful
Autonomy refers to the notion that a VE is to some extent capable learning experiences [1].
of performing its own actions, independent of user intervention.
Constructivism has entertained a long history in education and
An autonomous VE follows its own path to goals and may or may
philosophy and is representative of a wide diversity of views that
not change its course in response to user actions. Presence is
may be summed up in the following points: (1) Learning is an
simply the experience the user has of being in an actual place
active process of constructing rather than acquiring knowledge;
when immersed within a VE. Zeltzer claims that for presence to
and (2) Instruction is a process of supporting that construction
be high, the user must be allowed to interact with the VE both
rather than communicating knowledge [11]. While
naturally and intuitively. When presence is high the computer
constructivism is seen to imply that there is a tangible world, it
interface disappears. Finally, interaction involves the ability of
argues that it is individuals who impose meaning on that world.
the user to perform actions in the VE according to a logical
Consequently, there can be many meanings or perspectives for
rationale. Even though the user may have to learn how to
any event or concept and the goal of education can no longer be
function appropriately within the environment, the laws that
one of instilling an absolute, correct meaning [10]. More
govern the VE should become apparent over time, allowing for a
importantly, constructivism brings with it the underlying
meaningful interactive experience.
assumption of a learner-centered approach to instruction.

Constructivist arguments are often used to defend the design and learning activities. They can do so by directly addressing known
implementation of VLEs. barriers to the conceptual change process. In GCW learning is not
based upon the memorization of facts and formulas but seeks to
Traditionally, most VLEs have placed a single student within the
draw upon students’ everyday life experiences and knowledge as
VE. However, as the technology becomes available educators are
they seek solutions to what is presented as a real-world problem.
becoming interested in investigating the potential for collaborative
For example, students access a virtual thermometer and actually
learning in VEs. There has been considerable research on the
measure the air temperature of a simulated physical space. The
value of collaborative learning. O’Malley [22] found that much
learning experience of GCW is designed to encourage natural and
of the research on collaborative learning has evolved from the
intuitive interaction and can be structured to provide the
works of Piaget [25] and Vygotsky [27]. Crook [7], for example,
experiences that guide students from the naïve notions of their
views peer collaboration as having three basic cognitive benefits;
everyday thinking towards scientific thinking.
articulation, conflict, and co-construction. According to Crook,
peer collaboration forces students to make their ideas explicit and This research theorizes that VLEs can be designed to address the
public. To do so, they need to learn to clearly articulate their problem of strongly held scientific misconceptions by allowing
opinions, predictions, and interpretations. Conflict may arise students to discover scientific principles both constructively and
when students disagree in regards to their interpretations. To collaboratively. On their own in the VLE, it is anticipated that
resolve the conflict engendered by collaboration, they must justify students will attempt to make personal sense of what they are
and defend their positions and are thus forced into reflection. experiencing through direct interaction with the environment.
Piaget [25] offered a similar view, noting that socio-cognitive This is a constructivist view of learning and is seen as providing a
conflict often arises when students holding inadequate or differing valuable means for having students construct a relevant and
views work collaboratively. As these differing views are sorted personalized knowledge base through working with and using
out, students are forced to reflect upon their own conceptions. their own ideas [10]. VLEs are seen as being useful in
Crook’s concept of co-construction is based upon Vygotsky’s constructivist learning applications, particularly when developed
[27] belief that learning is the sharing of meaning in a social to support science-based learning activities [30]. Through
context. Students collaboratively co-construct shared knowledge interaction within a constructivist VLE, the process of conceptual
and understanding by building upon each other’s ideas. Given the change is scaffolded as it provides a very personalized means for
ability of VLEs to support multi-participant activities, it is easy to students to become dissatisfied with their initial science
see why educators are very interested in examining the potential conceptions. As they observe the results of their actions it is
for using them to support collaborative learning. expected that they will more easily move to new conceptions on
the basis of plausible, intelligible, and fruitful personal
Beyond these general issues regarding the use of VR in education
manipulations of their surroundings. This study comprises an
lie domain specific questions concerning the learning content to
experiment that attempts to demonstrate this potential.
be embedded within VLEs. In the domain of science education,
for example, where a lack of understanding regarding how and Collaboration is considered a critical component of the study
why students construct and change their scientific worldviews has since learning is often described in terms of being largely social in
long posed fundamental problems for science educators, of what nature [2, 27]. The social aspects of learning must be considered
practical use are VLE experiences? This question is of particular when examining conceptual change because through collaboration
concern for the science-based learning environment of GCW, and learners will encounter challenges to their thinking that extend
the answer is both intriguing and complex. For example, as VLE beyond the bounds of their own internal conflicts. Conceptual
researchers one of our greatest challenges is to develop ways of change is facilitated through the personal reflection demands of
using VLEs that assist students in overcoming the learning the articulation of ideas and the resulting social co-construction of
problems that complicate the understanding of scientific new concepts [7]. Within collaborative, science-based VLEs, it is
phenomena without providing the opportunity for students to hoped that students will be guided closer to accurate scientific
create new and completely unintended misconceptions [29]. thinking through both internal and external negotiation. In
collaborative exercises students are encouraged to interact with
In science education, teachers have traditionally struggled to find
and internalize modes of knowing and thinking that have been
ways to spark lasting conceptual change within their students [4].
created by a community and are thereby provided the opportunity
The notion of conceptual change is commonly understood to refer
to consider other participants’ expertise in drawing their own
to the development of scientific conceptions from naïve ones. A
common strategy for supporting conceptual change lies in the
creation of contradiction-induced changes in students’ perceptions The GCW research project is guided by the notion that by
of phenomena that eventually result in learning [12]. However, engaging students in the collaborative, constructivist, immersive,
science educators have difficulty in achieving this because and interactive activities of VLEs, conceptual change may be
students typically come to class lacking essential conceptions and, facilitated by confronting three of the key barriers to effective
more importantly, also hold a wide variety of misconceptions science learning: (1) Students perceive the learning of science as
regarding scientific phenomena. It is commonly observed that the memorization of facts and formulas, not as developing skills
students are extremely reluctant to let established misconceptions for investigating problems on their own; (2) Students rarely see a
go, even in the face of compelling evidence [9, 12, 20]. relationship between the science they learn in school and the
science problems they are able to actually encounter in everyday
VLE research using GCW in the science classroom seeks, in part,
life-like situations; and (3) Students gain inaccurate
to provide new insights into age-old science education problems.
representations of scientific understandings because science
In light of what is known about the complex nature of both the
learning in school is almost entirely individual and non-social,
science learner and science education, there is good reason to
completely ignoring one of the primary intrinsic motivations
believe that VLEs can play a strong role in supporting science-

available to teachers in getting students excited about science, while demonstrating how to interact in the world. This capability
namely peer interaction [4]. has helped students learn how to function in the VLE faster [14].
The potential for VLEs to support educational activities has been The designed environment of GCW comprises a selectively
both speculated upon and demonstrated for a number of years realistic representation of the city of Seattle, Washington, which is
now. The research issue, though, cannot be merely one of not intended to be a direct or accurate model of all components of
demonstrating that VLEs are effective as an educational the real Seattle environment. The virtual model was initially
technology. The real challenge for researchers of VLEs is to constructed from a topographical map of Seattle and is
demonstrate that they can produce learning outcomes that are representative of a 6x4 mile plot centered on the downtown area.
different, if not better, than outcomes achieved by other means. If The Space Needle is one the few features of the real city, other
this can be demonstrated, then we will be well on the way towards than the general topography, that has been included in the virtual
understanding how VLEs can be used to enhance a variety of city. Selective realism for VLEs implies that only elements
educational experiences. The key to reaching this goal will be necessary to the goals of the learning exercise will be provided in
found in applications that: (1) Make good use of the specific the virtual model. In most cases, precisely duplicating all features
affordances of VR; and (2) Rely on proven instructional design of a real environment would be computationally prohibitive. In
practices, such as collaborative activities, developed specifically attempting to model real environments many aspects of them may
for VLEs. be omitted or altered, such as social and economic dynamics. For
example, in GCW complex processes and their outcomes are
condensed into and metaphorically represented as three large
3. GLOBAL CHANGE WORLD wheels that subjects manipulate to alter environmental variables
GCW was designed and programmed by the Learning Center of
and outcomes.
the HITL at the University of Washington, Seattle. The GCW
environment is created by two networked Hewlett-Packard 9000
workstations running DVISE VR software. Hardware
manufactured by Division Corporation provides the physical user-
interface and consists of an audio/visual rendering system
connected to a HMD helmet, navigation and control wand, and a
position tracking system. In addition, microphones and speakers
in the HMDs are used to allow students to speak to each other
while within the world. This enables easy communication
between partners on a personal level and has been found to be
beneficial in supporting collaboration and enhancing feelings of
presence in the VLE [15].
GCW is capable of facilitating within-world collaboration by
allowing more than one subject to be fully immersed and
interactive within a common VE at the same time. Currently, Figure 2. Selecting the gas-gauge of the GCW toolkit
GCW can support two subjects in the world at the same time. By
using helmets that present exclusive, fully immersive stereo The basic features of GCW, shown in Figure 2, allow subjects to
graphics, a wand that allows navigation and other manipulations experience a sense of being in a completely different place via the
within the VE, and a within-world audio communications system, aforementioned phenomenon of presence. While this place may
subjects are encouraged to interact with each other and the be somewhat similar to a world familiar to them, the Seattle area
designed components of the VLE. Preliminary school visits [15] for example, in GCW the experience of this familiar world is
with GCW using the standard Division hardware setup did not extra-sensory in that the environment allows them to: (1) Interact
provide an audio communications system. Students had to call to with and alter environmental variables on a global scale; and (2)
each other across the room and instructors had to guide activities Travel through time to see the results. These unique affordances
in the virtual world by speaking to them from a real-world vantage of VR, and GCW, are expected to supply learners with
point. While this approach did have positive results, the Division experiential metaphors and analogies that will aid in
equipment was not ready-made to support communal activity. understanding the complex phenomena of global climate change
processes. In its best application, a VLE will allow students to
To better support collaboration, an intercom system was installed
experience and do things that are not possible by any other means.
in the helmets that allowed the voices of both students and
The provision of extra-sensory features in GCW, in conjunction
instructors to appear to come from within the VLE. This
with collaboration, is expected to help students displace intuitive
innovation enhanced communication and improved our ability to
misconceptions about global warming phenomena with
instruct students on how to interact with GCW. Students were
alternative, more accurate mental models.
now able to easily question each other about their whereabouts or
activities in the VLE. As we watched what they were doing on a Students enter the virtual model of Seattle in the year 1997;
video monitor we could make suggestions to them either significant only because this was the year GCW was initially
individually or as a pair through a microphone plugged into the programmed. They are able to navigate their way around the
audio mixer of the intercom system. This approach was very world using control buttons on the wand while viewing the world
effective, as indicated by the observation that students would through the stereoscopic HMD. Virtual representations of each
often look around the VE and ask where we were when they first participant, known as Avatars, appear as cartoonish pairs of large
heard an instructor’s voice. In addition, when going into the eyes, spiral ears, a triangular-shaped mouth, and a singular cyber
world as a guide for the student we could talk directly with them hand with which they can manipulate objects. This is a very

simple representation yet students have no problem whatsoever car is at the base of each wheel to clearly identify the variable to
meeting and conversing with their companion’s Avatar [14]. be adjusted. Using the simple metaphor of a wheel to represent
Conversations between students and with instructors take place complex phenomena is beneficial in that it allows students to
via the intercom system built into the HMD. focus on the process of global change as it progresses over time.
Using their cyber hand, students can hold on to and rotate wheels
clockwise to increase the amount of a variable in the world and
counterclockwise to decrease the amount. The current value of
the wheel selected is displayed in a pop-up box in their display
and changes continuously as the wheel is rotated.

Figure 3. An Avatar looks at the toolkit of GCW

In order to perform tasks within GCW, students access a virtual

tool kit that allows them to measure the average air temperature Figure 4. Two of the global variable wheels of GCW
for the current year, the parts per million of greenhouse gasses
currently in the atmosphere, the annual rainfall for the current The general process for using GCW in a structured exercise
year, and access a time travel portal. In addition, the temperature involves taking current environmental measurements with the
tool may be put into Puget Sound to measure water temperature. tools of the tool kit, traveling into the future to make additional
The tool kit will appear in front of the students when a specific measurements and to look for trends, changing the values for the
button on the wand is pressed. The temperature tool is global variable wheels, and traveling farther into the future to
represented as a red thermometer, the greenhouse gas tool is observe how environmental outcomes have been altered by those
represented as a green triangle, the rainfall tool is represented as a changed values. An underlying model runs through a cycle of
blue water column, and the time portal is represented as an global warming, consisting of the warming and re-cooling of the
opaque white circle. When students place their cyber hand in the atmosphere, approximately every 300 years and regulates the
proximity of the desired tool it changes to a different color shade, behavior of GCW over time. The students unknowingly enter into
indicating that they may now activate it by pushing a button on GCW at a time when the model is just beginning a downward
the wand. When activated, the numerical value of the current cycle leading to a collapse of the fisheries, highly polluted air,
reading for the tool selected is displayed in a pop-up box at the severe drought, and coastal flooding. The cycle continues
bottom of their HMD screen. downward for a period of almost 200 years before conditions
begin to improve, in theory because polluters at some point learn
When the time portal tool is activated a large stone-rimmed portal
to stop polluting or simply die off. Altering values for the global
appears and the current year is displayed in the pop-up box.
variable wheels can dramatically impact the way the model
Students may then reach out with their cyber hand to activate the
behaves over time. Thus, in focusing strictly on a time frame
year selector, represented by a ball that slides around the circular
within the initial downward cycle, students can experiment with
stone rim. As students move the ball around the rim the pop-up
theories regarding adjustment of the wheels in efforts to reduce or
box display scrolls through years. When the ball is released the
reverse the downward trend.
year currently in the display is selected. The student travels to the
selected year by flying through the center of the portal. Upon
exiting the time portal into the selected year, the environment will 4. STUDY DESIGN
appear to be visually the same. One important exception to this is Our primary objective was to simply document middle school
that if global warming has occurred or decreased over time, the science students studying global warming demonstrating the
shoreline water level of Puget Sound will rise or fall accordingly, propensity to collaboratively expand upon classroom-based
indicating that polar ice caps are thawing or refreezing. subject matter knowledge while immersed in a VLE. However,
Otherwise, to discover what changes have taken place over time, since subjects came from three separate 9th grade classes the
students must access their tool kit, take measurements, and natural boundaries provided by the class units were used to further
compare these measurements with readings they have taken in explore collaboration within an immersive VLE. Class sections
other years. served as either control or collaborative treatment groupings.
Group 1 served as a control where subjects entered GCW without
To cause environmental changes that will occur over time,
a partner and were to perform tasks largely on their own,
students are able to adjust three large wheels in GCW that
receiving minimal assistance from experiment administrators.
represent: (1) the amount of green plant biomass in the world,
Group 2 subjects entered GCW in pairs who were encouraged to
symbolized by trees; (2) the amount of heavy industry in the
collaborate freely with peer partners in performing tasks, yet
world, symbolized by factories; and (3) the impacts of population
received minimal assistance from experiment administrators.
on the world, symbolized by cars. An icon of a tree, factory, or

Group 3 subjects entered GCW singly with an experiment subjects had a hard time deciding whether or not to label what
administrator who played the role of an expert advisor by they observed as a process of global warming.
answering all questions, actively provoked reflective thinking, and
In practice, the GCW model allows for wide variation in possible
directly assisted subjects when they experienced difficulties while
outcomes and most subjects experienced some difficulty in
performing tasks.
accurately predicting the outcomes of their changes to the global
All subjects participated in a series of familiarization exercises variable wheel settings. For example, increasing the biomass
prior to running the study. These exercises were intended to variable alone would not reverse environmental deterioration and
acquaint subjects with the experience and equipment of VR and this may conflict with a misconception that global warming occurs
consisted of two preliminary visits to the school to allow all primarily as a result of worldwide deforestation. The ability of
subjects the opportunity to freely explore the features of GCW GCW to (1) create this kind of conflict and (2) provide
during 20-minute sessions. Such familiarization is critical since challenging outcomes are valuable features in terms of what we
research [30] has indicated that students may have initial know about collaborative problem solving. In consideration of
difficulties in: (1) learning to navigate and feel comfortable in the their final measurements subjects were asked to reflect upon their
3D VLE environment; (2) handling the cumbersome HMDs; and hypotheses, expectations, and the outcomes of their experiments.
(3) learning the control schemes of the wand buttons. Subjects were asked to draw conclusions regarding what they
observed and to reflect upon their overall experiences with GCW.
In the week prior to running the study, teachers devoted class
instruction time to exploration of the topic of global warming.
This instruction served as an overview and was only intended to 5. FINDINGS
familiarize subjects with the basic concepts, terminology, and Though efforts were made to thoroughly familiarize subjects with
debates surrounding global warming. Prior to participating in the GCW and train them on navigation and virtual tool skills during
study students also received instruction and practice on creating two prior visits to the school, many of the subjects in each group
concept maps, since a concept mapping exercise was used to were still unsure of how to go about performing their tasks in a
measure domain knowledge organization among subjects. timely manner. Many subjects experienced problems trying to
Concept mapping has been demonstrated to be an effective tool in remember how to use the navigation and selection controls of the
education both as an evaluation device and for the promotion of wand. The Group 2 peer-pair of Allison and Jessica provide an
meaningful learning [18]. example of this in the following exchange:
For the activities of the study, researchers administered GCW Randy: Well let's see, we're at 2057, let's go up to
tasks using a standard protocol to preserve treatment fidelity. about the year two one zero zero.
Each individual or pair involved in the study participated in the Jessica: Humh!
same activities, though for peer pairings specific tasks were Randy: Let's jump a little.
divided to encourage collaboration. In a briefing just prior to Jessica: I lost my hand!
entering GCW subjects were told that they were part of a Randy: Oh yeah, ah, yeah, hold on.
scientific team hired by Virtual Seattle (VS) to conduct Allison: I see your hand!
environmental research. Subjects were informed that residents of Jessica: I do too, but I can't get that, like, ball!
VS needed to know what the future environmental impacts of Randy: Yeah you're going to have to fly closer to it
present day human activities might be. If it is determined that rather than walk closer to it.
current human activities will be harmful to the VS environment of Jessica: Oh, okay.
the future, VS leaders would appreciate advice on what they must
change in order to keep things environmentally balanced. Upon Some subjects may have been hampered by the different nature
entering the VLE subjects were instructed to conduct a scientific and demands of the study during their final excursion to GCW, as
experiment. Subjects initially took three sets of air temperature, Group 1 single-subject Jessica demonstrates:
greenhouse gas, and rainfall measurements over a 50-year period Randy: …let's get you going in this one here.
at 25-year intervals and adjusted the three global variable wheels Jessica: Will we still grab with the same tool and all
as desired. that stuff?
Though subjects typically identified a consistent trend in the data Eileen: Yeah. Before you were together, this time
they collected, the behavior of GCW was expected to, and often you're all by yourself, so you're the only one in here
did, conflict with expectations that might evolve from some of the except Randy can talk to you.
generally accepted notions for global warming processes. For Jessica: That's kind of spooky, whoa!
example, rainfall in the local VS environment decreases over the And some thought that GCW had been completely changed from
period observed. This may contradict the expectation that, on an when they last saw it even though no changes had been made, as
overall global basis, rainfall amounts will increase in an era of evidenced by the following exchange between Allison and Jessica
global warming. This behavior of the GCW model does, below:
however, remain consistent with the belief that global warming
will cause weather patterns to shift. A possible explanation would Allison: Okay. Whoa! Things look different this time.
be that a normally wet local VS environment could become dryer [Hums] Jessica?
if rainfall increased substantially elsewhere. Subjects often failed Jessica: Yeah?
to notice the supporting evidence of fluctuations in the Puget Allison: Are you, like, taking the measurements?
Sound shoreline water level. Thus, based upon personal
Because of these difficulties, and owing to the time and
understanding of and expectations for global warming some
scheduling restrictions encountered when working in a school
classroom environment, researcher interaction with subjects of all

groups evolved into a more active role than was originally Randy: So, you checkin' this out Chris?
envisioned. In fact, all three groups required substantial Chris: Um, I'm trying to.
collaborative scaffolding from experiment administrators Randy: Can you see the numbers?
throughout the exercise. An analysis of the collaborative role Chris: Uh, 52 point 587612.
researchers played in administering the GCW experiment reveals
strong ties to what Brown and Palincsar [2] label Reciprocal However, subjects often became much more engaged in the
Teaching. In Reciprocal Teaching, expert scaffolding of group experiment after a warm-up period. Tyler and Chris needed much
discussions is accomplished by ensuring that four strategic less prodding later on when making decisions regarding the
activities are practiced routinely: questioning, clarifying, turning of the wheels:
summarizing, and predicting. A critical point is that these Tyler: Chris, what do the three wheels represent?
strategies are to be practiced within an appropriate context and are Chris: Ah, one right here is trees, and then the other
not intended to be exercises that are mastered individually and one, is factories, and then, there's cars.
randomly used. Throughout the GCW exercise, subjects were Tyler: Cars?
encouraged to summarize findings, question observations, clarify Chris: Yeah.
understandings, and predict outcomes. By either embedding these Tyler: Ah.
strategies into the tasks of GCW or incorporating them through a Chris: So what should we do with cars?
direct personal intervention, an expert scaffolding of learning Tyler: Ah. I think we should take some cars out add
processes was accomplished. Researcher scaffolding served the some trees.
primary purpose of keeping the activities of GCW focused and Chris: Okay. Let's see, how do we take away?
moving steadily towards task completion.
Tyler: We go counter-clockwise.
In spite of these frequent researcher interventions, the integrity of
Gender issues played a role as well. Female pairs were far more
the overall experiment design was maintained. For example,
likely to actively seek out and spend time with each other. They
subjects of Group 3, who visited GCW in the company of an
also were seen to engage in informal collaboration and
experiment administrator who directly answered all of the
interpersonal interaction more often during the exercise than their
students’ questions and actively provoked reflective thinking,
more stoic male counterparts. The following excerpt from the
received a much higher level of support throughout their
Allison-Jessica peer pair provides an example of this as the
experience. The following exchange with Joe of Group 3
administrator tries to keep the subjects on track by having them
provides an example:
take a measurement:
Randy: And what, ah, now as far as all the indications
Allison: Is this the wheel I have to turn?
for, we know that the temperature is increasing, we
Randy: Well, yeah…
know that the greenhouse gases increased, but the
Jessica: I'm, like, on the ground.
rainfall's actually gone down. Does that sound right?
Randy: Yeah.
Does that…
Allison: Jessica!
Joe: Well…
Randy: But we're going to take a few more
Randy: …seem reasonable?
Joe: Not really, I don't know. I guess not!
Jessica: How do I go up?
Randy: Well, I'll tell you. The thing about rainfall is
Randy: Ah, if you look down and fly backwards.
that with global warming, it'll actually increase…
Jessica: Look down and fly backwards?
Joe: Oh!
Randy: That's a good way to do it - fly backwards!
Randy: …but that's on a global level. What's…
Jessica: How do you fly backwards?
Joe: Oh! Climate is changing in the city!
Randy: There, you're doing it!
Randy: That's right! The climate will change in
Allison: Push!
different areas, and so wet areas may become dry areas -
Randy: You just did it. Oh yeah!
so the weather patterns will shift. And so I think that's
Jessica: Ah!
why we're seeing less rain in Seattle, even though in
other places it may be - the rain actually may be Randy: Jessica, yeah there you go. See?
increasing. Jessica: Okay
Randy: All right, now, we need to take some more
Subjects of Groups 1 and 2 were not provided with insights measurements.
beyond the conclusions they arrived at on their own and peer- Allison: Jessica where are you?
pairs were encouraged to keep on the task, interact with each Jessica: I don't know, where are you?
other, and reflect on what they were experiencing. As Randy: Allison, you, yeah you need to fly down to the
demonstrated by the following exchanges with the Group 2 floor - she's down there on the floor someplace.
pairing of Tyler and Chris, there was often a period of initial Allison: On the white floor?
struggle: Randy: Yeah, just the kind of marbly looking floor.
Randy: Okay let's try the rain gauge. Allison: Oh I think I see you!
Tyler: (inaudible) its at fifty-two. Randy: Yeah there she is!
Randy: Okay, so do you know what's that done or… Jessica: Where are you?
Tyler: I think it's increased, I can't remember. Allison: Hi Jessica!
Randy: Well it was fifty-five. Jessica: I don't see you.
Tyler: Oh, it did? Randy: Okay.

Allison: Right there, you see me? A 24 question post-study survey was used to probe subject
Randy: Jessica… content knowledge, attitudes, experiences, and general
Jessica: No. characteristics. Some subjects reported problems seeing clearly
Randy: …let's take some more measurements now. while in the HMD, and about 5 percent reported some kind of
Jessica: Okay. malaise (dizziness or disorientation). Most of these problems
Allison: I'm right there now. appeared to diminish as subjects spent more time in the VLE. In
Jessica: Oh! [Laughter] spite of the problems, almost all subjects reported the experience
Allison: [laughter] as being highly enjoyable and most said they would want to repeat
Jessica: Okay. the experience. Ratings of presence were high for all subjects.
Allison: Okay. A number of questions on the survey directly probed declarative
Jessica: Oops, um… knowledge regarding global warming. Of particular interest were
Randy: Allison? the responses to a question asking what would happen to annual
Allison: Uh-huh? rainfall amounts during a period of global warming. The majority
Randy: Ah, okay, I don't think you can see, but Jessica of subjects responded that annual rainfall would decrease, clearly
what did the measurements come up at? on the basis of what they had just observed in GCW. However,
Jessica: It's 34.608257. they had received prior classroom instruction that annual rainfall
Brown and Palincsar [2] cite the importance of other roles on a global basis is likely to increase, but that regional variations
students assume in the process of collaborative group learning. may occur. With GCW fresh in their minds the “increase” option
All GCW subjects were expected to shift between the primary was not expected to be very appealing and, in fact, very few
roles of Executive and Record Keeper as part of the GCW task. subjects chose that option. However, the “vary by region” option
Most subjects were able to do this in all three GCW groups and it was largely ignored as well. This seems to indicate that the GCW
was a required activity for the Group 2 peers. A dynamic role experience was powerful enough to override other channels of
structure in the GCW learning environment is highly desirable instruction, at least for the short term. This is one case where the
since it allows subjects to become active participants at a level in guided subjects of Group 3 had a clear advantage since they were
which they are comfortable, thus enhancing problem solving and explicitly told that GCW represented a regional variation. Still,
concept development. Forman [13], for example, uses a “bi- more that forty percent of Group 3 chose the “decrease” option.
directional zone” to describe enhanced problem solving abilities Another question asked subjects to write down the single most
in peer groups where each group member provides expertise in a important thing to be concerned with when thinking about global
certain area, thereby raising the level of the entire group. warming. Of particular note here was the difference in the variety
Peer collaboration played a strong role in student engagement of responses between groups. The responses from Group 3 were
with virtual world activities. The ability of the subjects to exclusively focused upon the three basic concepts embodied by
communicate with each other through the intercom in a normal the global variable wheels of GCW: (1) environmental impacts;
speaking voice from within the world facilitated comfortable and (2) greenhouse gasses; and (3) pollution. Group 1 singles
casual conversations between peers, sometimes as though they provided a little more variety in their responses and included
were speaking to each other in private. All collaborative activities concepts that were not overtly part of the GCW experience, such
enhanced the experience and the ability of guides to speak to as “conservation”. Group 2 peer pairs provided the most varied
students through the HMD speaker system appeared to increase responses of all and included concepts such as “animal
their sense of presence, as previously described. In addition, it extinction” and “recycling”. It seems likely that the direct
was remarkably easier for expert advisors to advise subjects from instructional nature of the Group 3 experience strongly influenced
the vantage point of a collaborative entity within the VLE, as subject perceptions of the relative importance of concepts related
opposed to communicating by voice alone through an audio to global warming. This can be good, but it can also be bad. We
connection. must be very careful about unwittingly embedding misconceptions
in our VLE designs. The above examples deliver additional
Subjects in all groupings were seen to be eager to engage in justification for providing robust collaborative VLE experiences
collaboration, and some were highly communicative. As they in conjunction with regular classroom instruction and debriefings.
navigated through the world or performed requested tasks, some
All subjects were able to make use of their existing understanding
subjects were engaged in near constant conversation regarding
of the global warming topic towards creating and testing theories
where to go, what to do next, and how to do things. While
within GCW. Some students described their time in GCW as a
immersed in the VE, many subjects were physically active as well
learning experience, although for others it appears to have been
and were seen pointing at virtual objects with their free hand in
merely a confirmation. Indeed, some students were more
the real world. Several students were quite surprised that they had
successful than others in bringing the environment to a more
walked almost halfway across the room when we removed the
stable state, however any differences in ability to make
HMD. They had assumed that they stood fairly still while they
appropriate changes appear to have arisen from individual learner
were flying around in the VE. Others bumped into walls and
differences rather than from the type of collaborative support
chairs completely oblivious to the real world around them. In
received. Results of the post-study concept mapping exercise
sum, we know that the students were highly motivated, very
show scores ranging widely for all three groups. This is a crucial
willing to work collaboratively, interested in exploring virtual
lesson learned from this study. Our subjects responded in
space, and capable of performing the investigative tasks of GCW.
radically different ways to the experience of being immersed in a
Further research that focuses more closely on how these kinds of
VLE and they brought a variety of prior knowledge, individual
experiences impact overall learning processes is warranted.
character, and life experience to bear on the given task. For some
it was almost second nature, and for others it remained alien or

problematic. Clearly, we know very little about the nature of ability to interact with a world of consequence; (2) the ability to
human interaction within VEs, but it seems likely that travel through time to gather data and test theories; (3) the
collaborative activities can play a significant role in reducing the provision of rich visual metaphors, such as the global variable
negative impacts of such strong individual differences. adjustment wheels; and (4) autonomy in the form unexpected
outcomes. Observation and student reports indicate that be these
capabilities provided most students with an enriched learning
6. CONCLUDING REMARKS experience. Also, the learn-by-doing constructivist nature of the
The GCW study was an exploration of VLE-based collaboration
GCW exercise required substantial individual effort while
in an everyday school social environment. In coordinating our
necessitating collaborative activities in all cases. Again,
research efforts with ongoing science classroom activities we were
observation and student reports reveal that these factors provided
successful in demonstrating how an immersive VLE experience
students with an enriched learning experience.
can be integrated into students’ regular classroom activities. We
believe this study supports the notion of a general educational While the potential for VR to facilitate collaborative learning
effectiveness for future applications of GCW and other IVR experiences has been demonstrated and appears to have great
applications. While HMD-based virtual reality does not represent potential, much more research is needed before effective
the sole means of providing collaborative activities within VLEs, collaborative learning strategies can be developed. It is
evidence gathered so far supports our contention that the GCW anticipated that these strategies will vary, depending on the kind
system does constitute a valid approach to the task. of educational experience desired and the specific learning
environment employed. However, for this potential to be realized,
The collaborative, multi-participant, immersive, and
designers of hardware, software and instruction must make sure
communicative qualities of the GCW experience combine to
that it is easy for multiple participants to collaboratively navigate
create a truly unique approach to VLEs. GCW’s audio
and perform tasks in VLEs. This requires improvements in
communication capabilities successfully allowed students and
overall system performance and on today's interface devices,
instructors to talk among themselves from within the GCW
including improvements in spacialized 3-D audio systems, less
environment. This was important since collaboration between
cumbersome HMDs, simpler wands, and the eventual introduction
peers and instructors, or both, was a necessary element in helping
of haptic (force feedback) devices. The ongoing research
students get the most out of the GCW experience. In general, the
involving GCW is worthwhile considering that the networking of
primary goal of demonstrating a propensity for subjects to
multi-participant, collaborative virtual environments appears to
collaboratively learn while using a VLE in conjunction with
represent a significant trend for future applications of VR both
everyday classroom activities was met.
within and outside of the educational domain.
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