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Basketball Unit Plan

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The document outlines a basketball unit plan including learning outcomes, unit overview, grading outline, unit breakdown and appendices describing assessments, team packages and game/drill descriptions.

The unit plan focuses on developing fundamental basketball skills like dribbling, passing and shooting through a progression of drills and games.

The unit plan uses the Personalized System for Instruction (PSI) and Sports Education instructional models to allow students to spend more time practicing skills by reducing teacher instruction time and simulating a sports experience.

Physical Education 30

Unit Plan: Basketball

By: Lacey Rose

EDUC 3601 – Rose

Table of Contents

My Physical Education Philosophy……………………… 3

Unit Overview and Defense……………………………… 3
Grading Outline ……………………………………………. 4
Unit Breakdown …………………………………………….. 5
A. Assessments
1. Peer Assessments/ Skills Test…………………….10
2. Warm-Up/ Cool Down Checklist……………....11
3. Participation Checklist…………………………. 12
B. Team Packages……………………………..……… 13
C. Game/Drill Descriptions…………………………….15

EDUC 3601 – Rose

My Physical Education Philosophy

I believe that Physical Education is much more than a class for students to
be physically active. Physical Education provides students the opportunity to
learn not only about fitness and movement skills, but to learn about cooperation
and teamwork, setting personal goals, training methodologies, the benefits of
living a healthy lifestyle etc.
I believe that the learning process should be student-centred and
experiential. Students should not simply be passive recipients of information,
but rather should play an active role in their learning experience. Children
best learn when they can interact with their environment and develop
meaning to the material – therefore, we need to educate through the
physical. In my classes, I will do my best to engage students and encourage
them to generate their own connections not only to the skills they will learn,
but to the lessons and messages embedded within each class. Each
student's experience will be different; as teachers, we need to embrace the
diversity and ensure that all students have equal opportunities to experience,
engage and have fun with the class.

Unit Overview and Defense

Learning Outcomes:
- A 30-1: Analyze, evaluate and adapt performance of locomotor skills and concepts –
efforts, space and relationships – to perform and create a variety of activities to improve
personal performance.
- A 30-5: Analyze, evaluate and adapt performance of manipulative skills and concepts –
effort, space and relationships – to perform and create a variety of activities to improve
personal performance.
- C 30-3: Demonstrate etiquette and fair play.
- C 30-5: Develop and apply practices that contribute to teamwork.
- C 30-6: identify and demonstrate positive behaviours that show respect for self and
- D 30-4: Analyze, design and assess warm-up and cool-down activities.

This basketball unit was designed to span a total of 8 days. I have planned to
have the beginning of the unit focused on fundamental skills such as dribbling,
passing and shooting/lay-ups. More difficult concepts such as defensive and
offensive strategies are gradually added to the unit. Finally, students will work to
implement the skills into a game. I chose to use a variety of instructional models,
though the main models used are the Personalized System for Instruction (PSI)
and the Sports Education model.
I chose to use these models for two reasons. Since the class would have
participated in Physical Education 10 and 20, I made the assumption that

EDUC 3601 – Rose
students would have a basic understanding of most of the skills and would need
to work on refining their techniques. For this reason, I chose to use the PSI model
to reduce teacher instructed time and increase the amount of time students
spend practicing the skills. By reducing the amount of time of direct instruction, I
can circulate through the gymnasium observing students and providing
feedback/direct instruction where necessary.

By implementing the Sports Education model, I hope to grab the interest of

those who are not as familiar with the sport. The Sports Education model is
introduced at the beginning of the unit, though becomes more apparent during
the end of unit tournament - I wanted students to have time to practice and
refine their skills before the competition aspect. Hopefully by using the Sports
Education model I can spark the interest in students to continue playing after

Grading Outline
There will be 4 summative assessments throughout the basketball unit.

1. Creating of Warm-Up/Cool Down – 10 marks

2. Peer Assessments – 5 marks
3. Skills Testing – 20 marks
4. Participation – 5 marks

Total Marks = 40

EDUC 3601 – Rose

Unit Breakdown
Physical Education 30 Unit: Basketball Dates: March 2-11, 2020

Date Lesson Title GLO’s SLO’s Assessment Key Questions Learning Activities Safety Instructional Equipment/ Mot
Planned to related to this Strategies
Teach Lesson
Day 1 Intro: The A 30-1, Observation, What -Students will get -Check for TGFU - basketballs Competition and
March 2nd Pre-Season 30-5 anecdotal background right into playing 3 padded - score/time games – want to
notes. knowledge vs. 3 King’s Court walls clock be on the “King’s
C 30-3, do I have basketball games -Ensure - pinnies/ Court”.
30-5, regarding -Feedback will be loose balls jerseys
30-6 basketball? given throughout are put
What the games, focus away
essential on playing. -Multiple
skills are games
needed to happening
play at once,
basketball? watch for
Day 2 The NBA C 30-5, Observation, What -Students will be - Pre- SE - team Creation of team
March 3rd Draft 30-6 Conversation practices “drafted” to 1 of 5 determined packages and assignment
with contribute to teams (5 players teams to of roles.
students good per team). avoid
teamwork? -Students will pick students
What does a team name and feeling left-
good be assigned a role. out.
sportsmansh -Students can
ip look like? consider teamwork
strategies to help
them during game

EDUC 3601 – Rose

Day 3 Training A 30-1, Observation, What does -Students will - Check for SE, PT, PSI - basketballs Engaging in peer
March 4th Camp 30-5 peer proper create and teach a padded - station teaching,
assessments, passing and warm-up/cool walls instructions students can use
D 30-4 warm- dribbling down for the teams - Ensure technology to
up/cool form look -Skills stations for students watch videos of
down like? How passing and are aware skills, music
assessment does it affect dribbling/ ball of the playing during
overall handling (peer potential practice time.
performance evaluations) for loose
in a game - Play Dribble balls.
situation? Knockout - Do not
pass to a
What student if
constitutes they are
an effective not
warm-up/ looking.
cool down?
Day 4 Training A 30-1, Observation, What does -Remaining - Check for SE, PT, PSI - basketballs Engaging in peer
March 5th Camp pt. 2 30-5 peer proper students will create padded - station teachers,
assessments, shooting and and teach a warm- walls. instructions students can use
D 30-4 warm-up/ lay-up form up/ cool down for - Ensure technology to
cool down look like? the teams. students watch videos of
assessment How does it -Skills stations for are aware skills, music
affect overall shooting form and of the playing during
performance lay-ups (peer potential practice time.
in a game evaluations). for loose
situation? -Play 21 balls.
What are the student has
benefits of safely
engaging in a rebounded
warm- their ball
up/cool before
down prior shooting/

EDUC 3601 – Rose

to or upon performing
completion a lay-up.
of physical -Multiple
activity? games
at once,
watch for
Day 5 Play Day A 30-1. Observation How can we -Using the skills - Check for DI - basketballs Teacher actively
March 6th 30-5 combine the learned during the padded - hoola participating in
locomotor unit, students will walls. hoops lesson, highlight
C 30-5 and learn the basics of - Students that these tactics
manipulative playing defense will learn will be important
skills (man vs. zone basic rules for upcoming
associated defense) and of tournament.
with offense. Students basketball
basketball? will practice man to avoid
defense by injury (ie.
partnering up and holds, hits,
trying to take the charges).
ball from their
partner as they
move throughout
the gym.
-Students will play
Zone Ball to learn
the basics of zone
Day 6 The A 30-1, Observation How can we -Students will play -Check for SE, TGFU - basketballs Music during
March 9th Playoffs 30-5 of games, combine the a round robin padded - tournament warm-ups.
checklist skills learned basketball walls. draw board Extra points to be
C 30-3 and the tournament. - Ensure - score/time awarded for
elements of students clock

EDUC 3601 – Rose

teamwork to -Students not are -pinnies/ various activities/

be an playing will help to following jerseys attitudes.
effective referee, score rules to
team? What keep, etc. avoid
can I injury.
contribute to
my team?
Day 7 The Finals C 30-3 Observation What types - Students will - Check for SE, TGFU - basketballs Music during
March 10th 30-5 of games, of continue the padded - tournament warm-ups.
30-6 checklist actions/attit tournament. walls. draw board Winners will
udes show Students will play -Ensure - score/time receive the Larry
etiquette in for 1st, 2nd and 3rd students clock O’Brien trophy
basketball? place. are -pinnies/
What -Closing ceremony following jerseys
elements of to present awards rules to - trophy
teamwork avoid
result in injury.
success in
Day 8 Skills A 30-1, Skills testing, What are the -Skills testing – - Students DI - basketballs Students will have
March 11th Testing 30-5 Checklists/ key elements dribbling through will be - recording the option to
rubric related to cones, chest pass, assessed sheets retest their
effectively shooting form, and individually lowest skill –
dribbling, lay-ups. to avoid reducing anxiety
passing and anxiety/ about testing.
shooting a judgement.

DI = Direct Instruction SE = Sports Education PSI = Personalized System of Instruction PT = Peer Teaching
TGFU = Teaching Games for Understanding

EDUC 3601 – Rose

Assessment Plan

Formative Assessments:
- Students will be formatively assessed throughout the unit. Formative
assessments will include:
o Teacher observations of student skills, student daily participation, and
cooperation with peers.
Summative Assessments:
- Students will have 4 summative assessments worth 40 marks. Summative
assessments include:
o Creating a warm-up/cool down activity (D 30-4)
§ Scored based on checklist criteria
o Skills Testing (A 30-1, 30-5)
§ Scored on a 4-point scale
o Peer Evaluations (A 30-1, 30-1, C 30-6)
§ Scored based on completion of evaluation and
effectiveness/appropriateness of feedback.
o Daily Participation and Sportsmanship (C 30-3, 30-5, 30-6)
§ Scored based on a daily checklist.

All assessments can be found in Appendix A

EDUC 3601 – Rose
Appendix A - Assessments

Peer Evaluation/ Skills Test Mark Sheet:

Student Name: Marker’s Name:

Skill Criteria 1 2 3 4 Feedback/ Comments:

Dribbling – Student will dribble through cones, performing a cross-over at each cone

Head is up, eyes forward

Performs cross-over move,

dribbles with both hands
Overall control of the ball

Chest Pass – Student will complete 10 chest passes to a partner

Ball starts at chest

Pass goes directly to partner’s

Steps through the pass, follows
through with hands
Shooting/Shot Form – Student will complete 10 free throws

Ball is balanced in the shooting

Elbow of shooting hand is
aligned mid-body
Follows through after the
Lay-Ups – Student will perform 10 lay-ups (can be right or left)

Proper footwork (outside foot,

inside foot, knee drive)
Uses correct (outside) hand to
shoot the ball
Aims for the top corner of the
square on backboard

Adapted from Alberta Education Physical Education Guide to Implementation (2000). Sample
Assessment, Evaluation and Communication Strategies.

EDUC 3601 – Rose

Warm-Up/Cool Down Checklist:

Does the warm-up/ cool down contain the following? Yes No

A list and brief explanation of the activities to be

Sport-specific movements (mimics movements seen in
A variety of movements that target different body systems
(ie. cardiovascular, muscular)
A variety of movements that target the necessary body
parts (ie. legs, shoulders, neck)

An explanation/rationale as to how the warm-up/cool

down was designed. ***

An explanation of the benefit/purpose of completing a

warm-up/cool down prior to or upon completion of
physical activity. ***
A personal reflection regarding the effectiveness of the
warm-up/cool down. ***

*** weighted x2

Adapted from Alberta Education Physical Education Guide to Implementation (2000). Sample
Assessment, Evaluation and Communication Strategies.

EDUC 3601 – Rose
Participation Checklist:

Student Names

etiquette and fair
play (C 30-3)
cooperation with
others (C 30-5)
respect for self and
others (C 30-6)
(C 30-6)
participates in

Adapted from Alberta Education Physical Education Guide to Implementation (2000). Sample
Assessment, Evaluation and Communication Strategies.

EDUC 3601 – Rose

Appendix B - Team Packages

6 Team Round Robin

Team Wins Losses
3. .

Game 1 Game 2 Game 3

Pool A 1 vs 2 1 vs 3 2 vs 3
Pool B 4 vs 5 5 vs 6 4 vs 6

The Finals

EDUC 3601 – Rose
Team Manager: As the team manager you are responsible for ensuring your
team knows when they are playing, and responsible for recording your team’s
win/loss on the tournament draw board.

Coach: As the coach it is your responsibility to lead your team through a warm-
up before the start of the tournament and a cool down after the tournament.

Team Captain: As the team captain it is your responsibility to consult your team
in creating a team name and cheer. Ensure that your team demonstrates good

The Veteran Player: As the veteran player it is your responsibility to provide

feedback to teammates during and after the games. Analyze each game -
what went well, what can you improve on for the next game?

The Rookie: As the rookie it is your responsibility to ensure your team has ENERGY
– motivate your team! Cheer after a good pass, play or when a point is scored.

EDUC 3601 – Rose
Appendix C – Game/ Drill Descriptions

3 vs. 3 King’s Court

Student’s will play 3 vs. 3 King’s Court
style games. The first team to 5 points
(each basket is worth 1) will get to
advance to the next court.

The King’s Court games will be played

to 7.

Students waiting to play can practice

dribbling/passing at centre court.

Dribble Knockout

Start every player with a basketball, in a specified area of the gym. Each player is simultaneously
protecting their dribble and trying to knock away other player’s basketballs – if a player picks up
the ball or loses it out of bounds, they are eliminated. As players are eliminated, the playing area
decreases in size to keep the challenge up.

Adapted from :


21 is game that can be played in pairs or in a small group (3-4 players) with a focus on shooting.
The first player stands behind the free throw line and attempts to make a shot, if it goes in, they
get 2 points and can continue shooting free throws (worth 1 point) until they miss. Once the first
player misses the second player rebounds the ball and shoots from that spot. If they make the
basket, they get 2 points and move to the free throw line where they can continue shooting free
throws (worth 1 point) until they miss. Players alternate turns rebounding a shooting the ball. If a
ball goes beyond the 3-point line, the player can move to the 3-point line to take the shot. The
first player to 21 wins, but the player must get exactly 21!

Adapted from:

Zone Ball

The teacher can set up different types of defenses such as a 2-1-2, a 3-2, or a 2-3 around the
basketball goal using the hula hoops. 5 students will be selected to play defense. Those students
will be restricted to either standing inside the hula hoop or have one foot in and one foot out
until a turnover occurs or basket is scored. In doing so, students will understand his/her area in
the zone defense.
The offense must chest pass the ball to one another without letting the ball touch the ground.
Therefore, there is no dribbling in this activity. The student must freeze when he/she receives a
pass and quickly decide who they will pass to next. Each person on offense must pass the ball at
least once before a shot can occur. Encourage students to move around as much as possible
and find open space to handle the ball and receive passes.

EDUC 3601 – Rose
Each time the defense tips a pass away and the ball touches the ground it is a turnover and
they switch. Offense becomes defense and vice versa. When each player gets a pass and can
shoot if the ball touches the ground it is considered a turnover. However, if a student rebounds
the ball they can shoot again.
Adapted from:


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