Maths in The Workplace
Maths in The Workplace
Maths in The Workplace
Teachers say that learning Mathematics is more effective if learners can make links between
Mathematics and the skills they need in their subject or vocational area.
The session outlined below is being developed for use with learners as part of their induction
to help them think about the mathematical skills they need to function effectively in the
When they have completed this session, learners should be able to:
Resources required
Starting points
The use of digital images establishes that the discussion about Mathematics that follows is
immediately relevant to the workplace. Images can be taken by the teacher or learners in
real-life situations, or they may be taken from the internet.
A particularly useful approach is to allow learners to select the image of the workplace for
themselves from the internet.
Learners use the images to discuss the Mathematics that they anticipate being useful in this
context. This leads into an individual self-assessment exercise.
Clearly, the use of appropriate work-related images and photographs relates the ideas of
mathematical skills and context.
The self-assessment activity undertaken by learners can be used to form an ILP with
associated topics identified for development and with SMART (Specific, Measurable,
Achievable, Realistic, Time-related) learning targets attached.
Suggested approach
Stage 1
Arrange learners in pairs and explain that they are going to use photographs to discuss the
Mathematics they will need in the workplace. Emphasise the importance of discussion in
understanding what is portrayed in an image.
Use class discussion to establish the Mathematics that learners think is relevant to each
situation in the photographs. Ask the learners for their interpretation of what is happening in
the photograph: what they think the person was doing immediately before the photograph was
taken and immediately after, on each occasion emphasising the mathematical content of the
Focus on aspects of the workplace that would not usually be described as mathematical and
challenge learners to identify the Mathematics being used.
Use this discussion to gauge how easy it will be for learners to be able to identify the skills
needed. If this is going to be difficult then use the prompts on Worksheet 4 and illustrate them
using the sample photographs in Worksheets 1 and 2.
Give each pair of learners digital images related to their specific vocational context, equivalent
to the ones that have just been used.
Alternatively, ask learners to select images from the internet. If learners are going to select
their own images make sure that they are able to print them out. Point out that they should
select ones that show a typical scene from the workplace, not necessarily images that depict
Mathematics being used.
Allow learners time to discuss the images and the activities that they think are taking place in
this context. Learners may use Worksheet 4 as a prompt if necessary, to focus their
discussion on relevant Mathematics.
Invite the learners to annotate the images with relevant Mathematics or to make some notes.
Stage 3
Ask each pair of learners to recall their discussions about the photographs, using Worksheet
4 if necessary. On the Skills sheet they should enter up to 10 uses of Mathematics that they
identified in their discussions. This section of the Skills sheet will be the same for each pair of
Stage 4
Ask each pair of learners to read out the skills that they have identified in the photograph.
Note them on the whiteboard.
Ask the learners who used Worksheet 4 what problems they identified and how Mathematics
helped to produce a solution.
Compare the Mathematics on the whiteboard with the list of mathematical topics on
Worksheet 4. Challenge the group to find examples in their workplace of the topics from
Worksheet 4 that have not yet been listed on the whiteboard.
Reviewing learning
Each learner should now return to their own version of Worksheet 3 and complete the other
two questions, which ask for topics they are comfortable with, and ones they need to practise.
An alternative approach is to use the ‘traffic light’ system. Topics that learners are happy with
are highlighted in green, ones where they are less confident are highlighted in red, and areas
they are unsure about are highlighted orange. This could also be done by sticking dots of an
appropriate colour next to the skill.
The red skill areas form the basis of the initial ILP.
Activities undertaken during the session give learners to opportunity to work at their individual
level of understanding.
Learners can begin to identify specific jobs within the sector that highlight the need for a
specific Mathematics skill. For example, a learner could look at fitting a radiator as a plumber
may have to do. This would involve estimating, measuring, volume, use of formula with heat
loss, scale, angles of pipes, torque settings, temperature and pricing.
Use the questions below to identify the Mathematics that might apply to the
workplace shown in the photograph.
How will Mathematics help you to tell other people about your solution?