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Geomechanics and Geology

The Geological Society of London

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It is recommended that reference to all or part of this book should be made in one of the following ways:
Turner, J. P., Healy, D., Hillis, R. R. & Welch, M. J. (eds) 2017. Geomechanics and Geology.
Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 458.

Gulmammadov, R., Covey-Crump, S. & Huuse, M. 2017. Geomechanical characterization of mud

volcanoes using P-wave velocity datasets. In: Turner, J. P., Healy, D., Hillis, R. R. & Welch, M. J. (eds)
Geomechanics and Geology. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 458, 273 – 292.
First published online May 24, 2017, updated version published online June 9, 2017,

Geomechanics and Geology


Radioactive Waste Management Ltd, UK

University of Aberdeen, UK

Deep Exploration Technologies Co-operative Research Centre, Australia


Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

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The Geological Society thanks the companies
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Sponsors of The Geology of Geomechanics conference:

Acknowledgements vii

TURNER, J. P., HEALY, D., HILLIS, R. R. & WELCH, M. J. Geomechanics and geology: introduction 1

ADDIS, M. A. The geology of geomechanics: petroleum geomechanical engineering in field 7

development planning

TAVENER, E., FLOTTMANN, T. & BROOKE-BARNETT, S. In situ stress distribution and mechanical 31
stratigraphy in the Bowen and Surat basins, Queensland, Australia

TASSONE, D. R., HOLFORD, S. P., KING, R., TINGAY, M. R. P. & HILLIS, R. R. Contemporary stress and 49
neotectonics in the Otway Basin, southeastern Australia

ENGLISH, J. M., FINKBEINER, T., ENGLISH, K. L. & YAHIA CHERIF, R. State of stress in exhumed basins 89
and implications for fluid flow: insights from the Illizi Basin, Algeria

WYNN, T. J., KUMAR, R., JONES, R., HOWELL, K., MAXWELL, D. & BAILEY, P. Chalk reservoir of the 113
Ockley accumulation, North Sea: in situ stresses, geology and implications for stimulation

SIBSON, R. H. The edge of failure: critical stress overpressure states in different tectonic regimes 131

FETTER, M., MORAES, A. & MULLER, A. Active low-angle normal faults in the deep water Santos Basin, 143
offshore Brazil: a geomechanical analogy between salt tectonics and crustal deformation

RICHARDSON, C. A. & SEEDORFF, E. Estimating friction in normal fault systems of the Basin and Range 155
province and examining its geological context

CO2 sites in Italy show the importance of overburden geopressure, fractures and faults for CO2
storage performance and risk management

LAHANN, R. W. & SWARBRICK, R. E. An improved procedure for pre-drill calculation of fracture 213

Relationships between geomechanical properties and lithotypes in NW European chalks

GILLESPIE, P. & KAMPFER, G. Mechanical constraints on kink band and thrust development in the 245
Appalachian Plateau, USA

ENGLISH, J. M. & LAUBACH, S. E. Opening-mode fracture systems: insights from recent fluid inclusion 257
microthermometry studies of crack-seal fracture cements

GULMAMMADOV, R., COVEY-CRUMP, S. & HUUSE, M. Geomechanical characterization of mud 273

volcanoes using P-wave velocity datasets

Index 293
Geomechanics and geology: introduction
Radioactive Waste Management Ltd, Building 587, Curie Avenue, Harwell,
Oxfordshire OX11 0RH, UK
University of Aberdeen, School of Geosciences, King’s College, Aberdeen AB24 3UE, UK
Deep Exploration Technologies Co-operative Research Centre, PO Box 66, Export Park,
Adelaide Airport, SA 5950, Australia
Technical University of Denmark, Centre for Oil and Gas, Danish Hydrocarbon Research
and Technology Centre, Elektrovej Building 375, 2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
Gold Open Access: This article is published under the terms of the CC-BY 3.0 license

Geomechanics investigates the origin, magnitude What do we understand by geostresses? Couples

and deformational consequences of stresses in the (2015) observed that concepts of stress are essen-
crust. Perhaps the earliest description of geology tially a normalization of forces that work well in
and mechanics was from the sandbox experiments homogeneous bodies. But rocks are fundamentally
of Willis (1891), and many of the guiding principles heterogeneous, and stress transmission within them
were developed by Anderson (1951), Hubbert & often does not conform to continuum mechanics.
Willis (1957), Jaeger & Cook (1979) and Engelder A good analogy is photoelastic analysis of beads
(1992), with input from engineering disciplines that show how stress is transmitted in granular mate-
(e.g. Griffith 1921). Subsequently, geomechanics rials through load-bearing ‘force chains’ surrounded
has grown such that it now constitutes an important by relatively unloaded zones. Couples (2015) sug-
subdiscipline within the geosciences, as witnessed gests crustal stresses are best thought of, alterna-
by the increase in SPE papers with ‘geomechanics’ tively, in terms of elastic energy within rocks.
in their titles (Addis 2017). In recent years, Stress azimuth can vary from uniformity over
awareness of geomechanical processes has been very large areas to pronounced swings over dis-
heightened by societal debates on fracking, human- tances of a few metres. Inherent heterogeneity of
induced seismicity, natural geohazards and safety large-scale geosystems is demonstrated by the
issues with respect to petroleum exploration drill- degree of variation of stress azimuths shown by
ing, carbon sequestration and radioactive waste the World Stress Map (Heidbach et al. 2016), a
disposal. compilation of maximum horizontal stress mea-
This volume includes a selection of the papers surements from .6000 wells in .100 basins world-
presented at the October 2015 meeting ‘Geome- wide (Tingay 2015) and an excellent example
chanics and Geology’ held at the Geological of industry –academic collaboration. Tingay con-
Society, sponsored by the Petroleum Group and cludes that stress measured at any one point is the
Tectonic Studies Group. The meeting was convened net result of all forces combining to act on it, from
to explore the common ground linking geome- the plate-scale to the local-scale. Main processes
chanics with inter alia economic and petroleum controlling horizontal stress are:
geology, structural geology, petrophysics, seismol-
ogy, geotechnics, reservoir engineering, and produc- † ‘far-field’ plate tectonic forces generated at
tion technology. A rich diversity of case studies forearcs, retroarcs, rifts, ocean ridges, passive
showcased applications of geomechanics to hydro- margins, cratons, etc.;
carbon exploration and field development, natural † intraplate stress sources: for example, plumes;
and artificial geohazards, reservoir stimulation, con- † different types of sedimentary basin: for exam-
temporary tectonics, and subsurface fluid flow. This ple, compare horizontal stress azimuth in rifts
introduction selects some of the highlights from the and foredeeps;
meeting and identifies common themes from papers † isostasy and topographical body forces, particu-
contained in the present volume and/or presented at larly regions of only partially compensated
the meeting. positive and negative ‘dynamic topography’;

From: Turner, J. P., Healy, D., Hillis, R. R. & Welch, M. J. (eds) Geomechanics and Geology. Geological Society,
London, Special Publications, 458,
# 2017 The Author(s). Published by The Geological Society of London.
Publishing disclaimer:

† deglaciation; and Poisson’s ratio of coals relative to their encasing

† detachment zones: for example, isolation from clastics, meaning that coals are most highly stressed
far-field stresses of supra-detachment sequences in the shallower thrust regime and vice versa at
in modern deltas; depth in the strike-slip regime. This observation
† geological structures on various scales: for is a powerful tool for predicting how reservoir
example, stress refraction around major faults sequences respond to fracture stimulation – the
and bending stresses within folds; coals being easier to stimulate in strike-slip settings
† mechanical stratigraphy: for example, vertical with fractures better confined to the coals, and
changes in stress gradient due to changes in elas- vice versa.
tic properties and focusing of higher magnitude Mechanical stratigraphy and the processes con-
stresses in lenses of stronger rocks within ductile trolling it was the subject of a novel study of lava
shear zones flows by Bubeck (2015). She observed from CT
scans that vesicles in lavas become increasingly
Tassone et al. (2017) provide an example from SE ellipsoidal towards the bases of the flows, their
Australia of contradictory evidence for the state of long axes orientated horizontally. This is attributed
contemporary stress from ‘local’ measured stress to progressive distortion of the vesicles with burial
v. that inferred from plate boundary forces and and loading. In the same way as the ‘pointy’ ends
Recent structures. Neotectonic deformation is dom- of an egg have relatively higher compressive
inated by thrust faulting and related folding, con- strength, the lower parts of lava flows containing
sistent with New Zealand plate collision, whilst the most ellipsoidal vesicles are weak under vertical
leak-off tests from the Otway and Gippsland basins loading but much stronger in horizontal compres-
indicate strike-slip or normal faulting regimes. sion. This recognition of significant mechanical
They attribute the difference to: (i) depth-controlled stratigraphy within lava flows has important impli-
differences in mechanical stratigraphy; (ii) compart- cations for understanding volcano stability.
mentalization of stress according to whether neotec- Several contributions showed how the influence
tonic stress is accommodated by folding or faulting; of rock fabric on geomechancial behaviour can
and (iii) underestimating horizontal stress magni- lead to phenomena that appear to deviate from
tude due to assuming that leak-off pressures are well-established norms. Hackston (2015) compared
accommodated only by tensile failure. frictional behaviour of mechanically contrasting
Friction and faulting is investigated by Fetter sandstones using triaxial experimental apparatus.
et al. (2017) and Richardson & Seedorff They found that: (i) failure angle in compression
(2017). Fetter et al. (2017) describe Recent large- was always smaller than in extension, suggesting
displacement, low-angle normal faults that offset either stress refraction and/or the influence of
the seafloor in the highly stretched and thinned microfractures (so-called Griffith cracks); and (ii)
crust of the Santos Basin, offshore Rio de Janeiro deviation of failure angle from classical Mohr –
to investigate the influence of detachment zones Coulomb theory, suggesting the active role of the
on stress orientation. Underlying salt-cored listric intermediate stress s2. Descamps et al. (2017)
faults are shown to have caused local rotation of examined the control that texture and diagenesis
the stress field such that none of the principal exert on geomechanical properties in chalk. They
stresses are vertical. The Andersonian model that show that clay in argillaceous chalks increases
predicts fault type (i.e. steep normal faults, low- rock strength because it promotes greater compac-
angle thrusts, vertical strike-slip) therefore no lon- tion and earlier diagenesis.
ger applies, allowing markedly ‘non-Andersonian’ It is noteworthy that of the 30 papers presented at
fault angles to develop. They compare these struc- the meeting, 17 dealt substantially with the role
tures with similarly active low-angle faults in Cali- of geofluids in facilitating rock deformation. Like
fornia and Nevada, USA. stress, geofluids are a phenomenon that cannot usu-
A good example of how mechanical stratigraphy ally be observed in action directly, but it is clear that
controls stress patterns is provided by in situ understanding the impact they have on geomechan-
stress measurements from the coal-bearing Bowen ical processes is fundamental. We assert that almost
Basin, Queensland, Australia (Tavener et al. no macro-scale brittle deformation in the upper crust
2017). Regional stress is controlled by interplays takes place in the absence of elevated pore pressures
between far-field plate boundary processes and because deviatoric stresses are not high enough to
more local basin-controlling structures. But at overcome frictional sliding resistance. Mechanisms
reservoir-scale, the stress state is highly variable that generate overpressure include compressional
laterally and vertically, changing from shallow inversion (analogous to liberating porewater by
(,600 m) thrust regime to deeper strike-slip. They wringing a sponge), exhumation (e.g. tensile failure
attribute this stress complexity to the mechanical linked to gas generation at peak burial: English &
stratigraphy, particularly the low Young’s modulus Laubach 2017; English et al. 2017), deglaciation

(due to isothermal decompression), disequilibrium Hydrofracturing is a critical element of the fault-

compaction (i.e. rapid burial leading to partial valve model first hypothesized by Sibson et al.
dewatering), metamorphic dehydration reactions (1988), also discussed by Myhill (2015). Meredith
and maturation of organic matter (especially volume (2015) used experimental data to address an impor-
expansion associated with conversion of kerogens to tant implication of fault valving: that veins are crit-
liquids and, with deeper burial, cracking of liquids ical to the re-sealing of pressure cells, thereby
to gases). enabling them to build up to the next overpressure
Several papers presented at the meeting exam- cycle. His data suggest that whilst sealing requires
ined relationships between pore pressures and defor- only for crack aperture to reduce, and thus occurs
mation (Gulmammadov et al. 2017; Lahann & fairly rapidly, the process of crystal nucleation and
Swarbrick 2017; Roberts et al. 2017; Sibson growth on the fracture wall (healing) is slow – a
2017). For example, Sibson (2017) observes that 0.3 mm fracture aperture taking some 100 h to heal.
megathrust earthquakes appear only to occur where Application of geomechanics to oil and gas field
pore pressure/lithostatic pressure ≥0.9 and infers developments has become increasingly important
that much of the seismogenic crust is critically over the past 40 years, and geomechanics specialists
stressed (i.e. on the verge of failure). This assertion are commonly recruited as permanent members
is based mainly on the accumulation of evidence of asset teams in larger development projects.
for fluid-driven failure from earthquakes generated Advances in the characterization and modelling of
by fluid injection down boreholes (e.g. Oklahoma: fractured petroleum reservoirs was a major theme
Keranen et al. 2013), and from reservoir-induced that included case studies from the North Sea (e.g.
seismicity in various fields such as the Groningen Freeman 2015; Wynn et al. 2017) and from reser-
gas field in The Netherlands (Grasso 1992). voir analogues in the Pyrenees (Gutmanis 2015).
Collettini (2015) investigated why earthquakes Another recurring theme of papers from the oil
often nucleate in carbonates (e.g. Zagros, Italy, and gas industry was the impact that geomechanics
Oklahoma). Many limestones exhibit high perme- understanding can have on planning wells. Batche-
abilities and it is therefore more difficult to maintain lor (2015) examined how the complex relationship
significant pore fluid overpressure. This is important between geology and geomechanics presents chal-
because overpressures promote stable sliding, thus lenging drilling conditions in the Eocene formations
slowly dissipating elastic strains otherwise mani- of the UK Central North Sea. The area is character-
fested by seismicity. Experiments reported by ized by very weak stratigraphy (e.g. sand-in-sand
Collettini (2015) used a reshearing stage to simulate injectites, semi-plastic mudrocks) in which the mud
realistic crustal deformation in which fluid flow is weight required to maintain wellbore stability often
induced under horizontal and vertical loads. Their exceeds the fracture gradient.
results demonstrate that the tendency to hydrostatic Addis (2017) uses multiple case studies to dem-
pore pressures in carbonates leads to more stick– onstrate how stress fields may be complex, adjusting
slip behaviour and thus a greater propensity for to changes in reservoir pressure over time (e.g.
earthquake activity. Brent Field, North Sea) and varying according
Geological observations and measurements to local contrasts in mechanical stratigraphy. For
made in the field and the laboratory have profound example, the Cusiana Field, Colombia is situated
implications for our understanding of stress in an active thrust belt in the northernmost Andes
systems and their impact on rock deformation (e.g. and presented significant drilling challenges during
Gillespie & Kampfer 2017). A particularly good development. In situ measurements indicated that
example are the horizontal hydrofractures depicted vertical stress was much higher than would be pre-
in the cover photograph of this volume. Hydrofrac- dicted from Andersonian dynamics. Subsequent
tures comprise mineralized fractures that open in modelling revealed a highly compartmentalized
response to high pore pressure and/or high differen- stress system in which relatively strong reservoir
tial stress. Zanella (2015) used modelling and sandstones acted as ‘stress guides’, refracting the
worldwide examples to discuss physical conditions minimum stress to a horizontal attitude. As a conse-
for the development of a type of hydrofracture quence of this greater understanding, the delivery of
termed ‘beef’. By virtue of their horizontal attitude, safer and more stable wells led directly to significant
the presence of beef indicates conditions in which, improvements in the performance of the field.
at least locally, fluid pressures exceed vertical Geomechanics is a rapidly developing field that
(lithostatic) stress. Given that beef is usually con- brings together a broad range of subsurface profes-
fined to organic-rich shales, an intriguing possibility sionals seeking to use their expertise to solve current
is that the origin of high pore pressure is the conver- challenges in applied and fundamental geoscience.
sion of kerogens to hydrocarbons, leading to the This introduction provides a flavour of the diversity
possibility that the presence of beef can be used as and ingenuity of many of the contributions pre-
a proxy for source rock maturation. sented at the Geomechanics and Geology meeting,

and hopefully encourages you to delve further into Engelder, T. 1992. Stress Regimes in the Lithosphere.
the volume. We hope that the papers herein provide Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ.
a representative snapshot of the exciting state of English, J.M. & Laubach, S.E. 2017. Opening-mode
geomechanics and establish it firmly as a flourishing fracture systems: insights from recent fluid inclusion
microthermometry studies of crack-seal fracture
subdiscipline of geology that merits broadest expo- cements. In: Turner, J.P., Healy, D., Hillis, R.R.
sure across the academic and corporate geosciences. & Welch, M.J. (eds) Geomechanics and Geology.
Geological Society, London, Special Publications,
We are grateful to all the poster presenters and speakers for
458. First published online May 24 2017, https://doi.
contributing to a successful meeting. The efforts of authors
and reviewers of papers contained herein led directly to
English, J.M., Finkbeiner, T., English, K.L. & Yahia
this excellent volume and a worthy addition to the Geolog-
Cherif, R. 2017. State of stress in exhumed basins
ical Society’s unrivalled set of special publications.
and implications for fluid flow: insights from the Illizi
We thank Tamzin Anderson, Jo Armstrong and Angharad
Basin, Algeria. In: Turner, J.P., Healy, D., Hillis,
Hills at the Geological Society Publishing House for help-
R.R. & Welch, M.J. (eds) Geomechanics and Geol-
ing to bring it to fruition. The staff of the conference office
ogy. Geological Society, London, Special Publications,
in Burlington House assisted us greatly in organizing the
458. First published online May 30, 2017, https://doi.
meeting itself. Mark Tingay is thanked for making his
conference notes available. The meeting was sponsored
Fetter, M., Moraes, A. & Muller, A. 2017. Active low-
generously by AGR, Badley Earth Sciences, Tracs, Tec-
angle normal faults in the deep water Santos Basin,
tonic Studies Group and The Petroleum Group.
offshore Brazil: a geomechanical analogy between
salt tectonics and crustal deformation. In: Turner,
J.P., Healy, D., Hillis, R.R. & Welch, M.J. (eds)
Geomechanics and Geology. Geological Society,
References London, Special Publications, 458. First published
online May 26, 2017,
Addis, M.A. 2017. The geology of geomechanics: petro- SP458.11
leum geomechanical engineering in field development Freeman, B. 2015. Predicting sub-seismic fracture density
planning. In: Turner, J.P., Healy, D., Hillis, R.R. & and orientation: A case study from the Gorm Field,
Welch, M.J. (eds) Geomechanics and Geology. Danish North Sea. Abstract presented at the Geology
Geological Society, London, Special Publications, of Geomechanics Conference, 28– 29 October 2015,
458. First published online June 28, 2017, https:// Geological Society, London. Gillespie, P. & Kampfer, G. 2017. Mechanical con-
Anderson, E.M. 1951. The Dynamics of Faulting and straints on kink band and thrust development in the
Dyke Formation with Applications to Britain. 2nd Appalachian Plateau, USA. In: Turner, J.P., Healy,
edn. Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh. D., Hillis, R.R. & Welch, M.J. (eds) Geomechanics
Batchelor, T. 2015. Case studies of the complex relation- and Geology. Geological Society, London, Special
ship of geology and geomechanics in the Eocen forma- Publications, 458. First published online June 12,
tions of Quad 9 and Quad 15 based on 30 years’ 2017,
experience. Abstract presented at the Geology of Grasso, J.-R. 1992. Mechanics of seismic instabilities
Geomechanics Conference, 28–29 October 2015, induced by the recovery of hydrocarbons. Pure and
Geological Society, London. Applied Geophysics, 139, 507– 534.
Bubeck, A. 2015. ¿Como se lava? How representative are Griffith, A.A. 1921. The phenomena of rupture and flow
‘typical lavas’ in volcano stability models? Abstract in solids. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
presented at the Geology of Geomechanics Confer- Society, A221, 163– 197.
ence, 28–29 October 2015, Geological Society, Gulmammadov, R., Covey-Crump, S. & Huuse, M.
London. 2017. Geomechanical characterization of mud volca-
Collettini, C. 2015. The role of fluid pressure in fric- noes using P-wave velocity datasets. In: Turner,
tional stability and earthquake triggering: Insights J.P., Healy, D., Hillis, R.R. & Welch, M.J. (eds)
from rock deformation experiments. Abstract pre- Geomechanics and Geology. Geological Society, Lon-
sented at the Geology of Geomechanics Conference, don, Special Publications, 458. First published online
28–29 October 2015, Geological Society, London. May 25, 2017, updated version published online June
Couples, G. 2015. Some stressful realisations about the 9, 2017,
concept of stress in geomaterials. Abstract presented Gutmanis, J. 2015. Reservoir characterization by integra-
at the Geology of Geomechanics Conference, 28– 29 tion of outcrop analog with in situ stress profiling of a
October 2015, Geological Society, London. fractured carbonate reservoir. Abstract presented at the
Descamps, F., Faÿ-Gomord, O., Vandycke, S., Geology of Geomechanics Conference, 28–29 Octo-
Schroeder, C., Swennen, R. & Tshibangu, J.-P. ber 2015, Geological Society, London.
2017. Relationships between geomechanical properties Hackston, A. 2015. Faulting and friction of sandstones.
and lithotypes in NW European chalks. In: Turner, Abstract presented at the Geology of Geomechanics
J.P., Healy, D., Hillis, R.R. & Welch, M.J. (eds) Conference, 28– 29 October 2015, Geological Society,
Geomechanics and Geology. Geological Society, Lon- London.
don, Special Publications, 458. First published online Heidbach, O., Rajabi, M., Reiter, K., Ziegler, M. &
May 25, 2017, WSM TEAM 2016. World Stress Map Database

Release. GFZ Data Services, Sibson, R.H. 2017. The edge of failure: critical stress
WSM.2016.001 overpressure states in different tectonic regimes.
Hubbert, M.K. & Willis, D.G. 1957. Mechanics of In: Turner, J.P., Healy, D., Hillis, R.R. & Welch,
hydraulic fracturing. Transactions of Society of Petro- M.J. (eds) Geomechanics and Geology. Geological
leum Engineers of AIME, 210, 153–168. Society, London, Special Publications, 458. First pub-
Jaeger, J. & Cook, N.G.W. 1979. Fundamental of Rock lished online May 24, 2017,
Mechanics. 3rd edn. Chapman & Hall, London. SP458.5
Keranen, K.M., Savage, H.M., Abers, G.A. & Sibson, R.H., Robert, F. & Poulson, K.H. 1988. High-
Cochran, E.S. 2013. Potentially induced earthquakes angle reverse faults, fluid-pressure cycling, and
in Oklahoma, USA: links between wastewater mesothermal gold-quartz deposits. Geology, 16,
injection and the 2011 Mw 5.7 earthquake sequence. 551– 555.
Geology, 41, 699– 702. Tassone, D.R., Holford, S.P., King, R., Tingay, M.R.P.
Lahann, R.W. & Swarbrick, R.E. 2017. An improved & Hillis, R.R. 2017. Contemporary stress and neotec-
procedure for pre-drill calculation of fracture pressure. tonics in the Otway Basin, southeastern Australia. In:
In: Turner, J.P., Healy, D., Hillis, R.R. & Welch, Turner, J.P., Healy, D., Hillis, R.R. & Welch,
M.J. (eds) Geomechanics and Geology. Geological M.J. (eds) Geomechanics and Geology. Geological
Society, London, Special Publications, 458. First pub- Society, London, Special Publications, 458. First pub-
lished online May 30, 2017, lished online May 25, 2017,
SP458.13 SP458.10
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during self-sealing of faults in Westerly granite. 2017. In situ stress distribution and mechanical stratig-
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Conference, 28–29 October 2015, Geological Society, Australia. In: Turner, J.P., Healy, D., Hillis, R.R.
London. & Welch, M.J. (eds) Geomechanics and Geology.
Myhill, D. 2015. Clumped isotope thermometry: A tool Geological Society, London, Special Publications,
to further detail fluid processes in fault zones, a view 458. First published online May 24, 2017, https://
from the South Pennines Orefield, Peak District, UK.
Abstract presented at the Geology of Geomechanics Tingay, M. 2015. The present-day stress field in sedimen-
Conference, 28–29 October 2015, Geological Society, tary basins. Abstract presented at the Geology of
London. Geomechanics Conference, 28– 29 October 2015,
Richardson, C.A. & Seedorff, E. 2017. Estimating fric- Geological Society, London.
tion in normal fault systems of the Basin and Range Willis, B. 1891. The Mechanics of Appalachian Struc-
province and examining its geological context. In: tures. United States Government Printing Office,
Turner, J.P., Healy, D., Hillis, R.R. & Welch, Washington, DC.
M.J. (eds) Geomechanics and Geology. Geological Wynn, T.J., Kumar, R., Jones, R., Howell, K., Max-
Society, London, Special Publications, 458. First pub- well, D. & Bailey, P. 2017. Chalk reservoir of the
lished online May 25, 2017, Ockley accumulation, North Sea: in situ stresses, geol-
SP458.8 ogy and implications for stimulation. In: Turner, J.P.,
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Z.K., Wood, R.A. & Haszeldine, R.S. 2017. Natural chanics and Geology. Geological Society, London,
CO2 sites in Italy show the importance of overburden Special Publications, 458. First published online May
geopressure, fractures and faults for CO2 storage per- 30, 2017,
formance and risk management. In: Turner, J.P., Zanella, A. 2015. Load transfer, chemical compaction,
Healy, D., Hillis, R.R. & Welch, M.J. (eds) Geome- seepage forces and horizontal hydrofractures within
chanics and Geology. Geological Society, London, mature source rocks: evidence from theory, physical
Special Publications, 458. First published online June models and geological examples. Abstract presented
19, 2017, updated version published online June 23, at the Geology of Geomechanics Conference, 28–29
2017, October 2015, Geological Society, London.
The geology of geomechanics: petroleum geomechanical
engineering in field development planning
Rockfield Software Ltd, Ethos, Kings Road, Swansea Waterfront SA1 8AS, UK

Abstract: The application of geomechanics to oil and gas field development leads to significant
improvements in the economic performance of the asset. The geomechanical issues that affect
field development start at the exploration stage and continue to affect appraisal and development
decisions all the way through to field abandonment. Field developments now use improved static
reservoir characterization, which includes both the mechanical properties of the field and the initial
stress distribution over the field, along with numerical reservoir modelling to assess the dynamic
stress evolution that accompanies oil and gas production, or fluid injection, into the reservoirs.
Characterizing large volumes of rock in the subsurface for geomechanical analysis is accompa-
nied by uncertainty resulting from the low core sampling rates of around 1 part per trillion (ppt) for
geomechanical properties and due to the remote geophysical and petrophysical techniques used to
construct field models. However, some uncertainties also result from theoretical simplifications
used to describe the geomechanical behaviour of the geology.
This paper provides a brief overview of geomechanical engineering applied to petroleum field
developments. Select case studies are used to highlight how detailed geological knowledge
improves the geomechanical characterization and analysis of field developments. The first case
study investigates the stress regimes present in active fault systems and re-evaluates the industry’s
interpretation of Andersonian stress states of faulting. The second case study discusses how the
stress magnitudes and, potentially, stress regimes can change as a result of production and pore
pressure depletion in an oil or gas field. The last case study addresses the geomechanical charac-
terization of reservoirs, showing how subtle changes in geological processes are manifested in
significant variations in strength. The studies presented here illustrate how the timely application
of petroleum geomechanical engineering can significantly enhance field development, including
drilling performance, infill drilling, completion design, production and recovery.

Gold Open Access: This article is published under the terms of the CC-BY 3.0 license.

Geomechanical analysis is based on a comparison of strains accompanying these deformations can con-
rock mechanical properties and strengths with the trol the present day initial stresses and textures in
stresses acting in situ. When the magnitudes of the many reservoirs. However, oil field developments
stresses acting in the rock are lower than the yield lead to geomechanical changes, including the
strength, the rocks behave elastically and deforma- following:
tions are small. However, if the changes in stress
(1) rock excavation during drilling results in well-
resulting from excavation during drilling, or from
bore stability and sand production problems;
pore pressure or thermal variations exceed the com-
(2) removing pore fluid and pressures from the
pressive yield, peak or pore collapse strengths, the
rock results in compaction and subsidence;
rock will fail through shearing or compaction, lead-
(3) injection into the reservoirs increases the pres-
ing to non-linear irreversible deformation. If, on the
sure and induces thermal changes, which result
other hand, the stresses become tensile, fracturing of
in rock fracturing or shearing to enhance the
the formation can occur.
natural geologically controlled permeability.
A brief timeline of the important developments
This is accompanied by significant changes
in geomechanical engineering applied to oil and
in the reservoir and overburden stresses and
gas extraction (Fig. 1) shows that these issues have
been pursued since the earliest days of widespread
hydrocarbon extraction, attracting the attention of In short, field development activities, from drilling
some of the most notable figures in the industry. to stimulation, perturb the initial geological condi-
The geological expression of the geomechanical, tions. It is the job of the petroleum geomechanical
or structural, processes that are responsible for the engineer to characterize the initial stress regime
development of many oilfields include folding, fault- and the material properties, including the strength
ing, fracturing and diapirism. The stress regimes and of rocks, to predict and plan for any changes in

From: Turner, J. P., Healy, D., Hillis, R. R. & Welch, M. J. (eds) Geomechanics and Geology.
Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 458,
# 2017 The Author(s). Published by The Geological Society of London. Publishing disclaimer:

Bell & Gough,

Geertsma Bradley,
Reservoir Hottman et al. Bol et al.
Compaction Mechanical Mechanical
Borehole influence of
Hubbert & Willis
Instability drilling fluids is
Hydraulic recognised
Kirsch Fracturing
Terzaghi Biot
Effective Poroelasticity
around a Hubbert & Rubey Morita et al., Alberty Present
circular hole Overpressures & Mclean,
Anderson and faulting Depletion &
Stress Stress Caging
Instability Antheunis et al.
Systems Hatchell
in industry Sand
for Faulting et al.,
articles Production
Drill 1905 1925 1941 1957 1959 ‘76 ‘79 1994 1990/ ‘03 et al. 4D
fluids 2000

1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

Fig. 1. Timeline of notable developments in the adoption of geomechanics in the oil and gas industry. Modified
from SPE Distinguished Lecture by D. Moos (2014).

either of the stress magnitudes or deformations The number of publications increased gradually
accompanying the field development. The perturba- through the 1990s, with a significant increase
tions can be small and linear in nature, going unno- around 2000, predating the successful development
ticed in many developments. However, when large of shale gas in the USA in 2004 or the increase in US
changes occur, the response of the formations may shale oil production after 2010. This measure of
become non-linear, or plastic, leading to safety industry uptake does not take into account different
breaches and lost production, costing billions of aspects of geomechanical analysis, such as compac-
dollars in design changes in the worst-affected tion, hydraulic fracturing and wellbore stability,
fields. As the industry pushes for increased effi- which have been used by the industry for a much
ciency, greater safety and improved economics longer period than that indicated in Figure 2. Com-
in increasingly challenging fields, all aspects of paction and subsidence has attracted considerable
the development are expected to deliver improved activity and interest since the late 1950s, with the
field performance, including the discipline of notable examples of the Wilmington, Ekofisk, Gro-
geomechanics. ningen and the Central Luconia fields, demonstrat-
The application of geomechanics to oil and gas ing the extent to which reservoirs are dynamic
field development has become increasingly com- during the field development. Wellbore stability
mon over the past 40 years, with asset teams in the and sand production have been a focus in the indus-
more challenging and larger field developments try since the late 1970s, particularly after 1979 when
adopting geomechanical engineers as a permanent four seminal wellbore stability papers were pub-
part of the team. The growth of unconventional oil lished (Bradley 1979a, b; Bell & Gough 1979;
and gas developments has accelerated this trend Hottman et al. 1979). These presaged a step change
because the need to hydraulically fracture reservoir in drilling inclined, high-angle, extended and hori-
formations, or to shear the natural fracture network, zontal wells, both onshore in the Austin chalk,
to generate artificial reservoir permeability relies on the North Slope of Alaska, and offshore in the
geomechanical knowledge of the mechanical prop- North Sea and Gulf of Mexico in the 1980s and
erties and initial stresses, as well as on the evolution early 1990s. Figure 2 reflects the uptake of the now-
of the reservoir stresses during field development. accepted discipline of geomechanics into field
The continual adoption of geomechanical engi- development.
neering in the industry is difficult to judge quantita- Numerous textbooks comprehensively address
tively. However, a good indicator of the level of both the theory and application of geomechanical
integration of petroleum geomechanics in the indus- engineering to field planning (Charlez 1991, 1997;
try is the number of papers published annually by Fjaer et al. 2008; Zoback 2008; Aadnoy & Looyeh
the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) and 2011). This paper, in contrast, presents an individual
stored in the SPE library containing the term ‘geo- view and geomechanical insights from significant
mechanics’ in the publication title (Fig. 2). field developments, with emphasis on the geological


'Geomechanics' in Paper Title

SPE Papers Published Per Year




Fig. 2. Publications in the Society of Petroleum Engineers OnePetro library with ‘geomechanics’ in the paper title
(up to the first quarter of 2016).

considerations for stress regime estimation and rock trying to expand laterally against the adjacent ele-
strength determination, along with some insights ments. The horizontal stress magnitude is therefore
of their impact on production and development directly related to the vertical effective stress (s ′v)
success. and the Poisson’s ratio of the formation. This
Eaton approach was formulated for passive basins
(Eaton 1969) yet, in the absence of area-specific
Stress estimation in fault blocks: the data or measurements, it is commonly used by the
limitations of using the Andersonian system industry as a first approximation regardless of the
geological environment.
Stress magnitude estimation in the absence of Geologically, the assumption of a passive basin
field data is inappropriate for the majority of oil and gas accu-
mulations, which are more commonly found ‘on
Subsurface stress magnitudes and orientations differ structure’ and associated with compressional or
considerably from passive basins and margins to extensional geological environments. Horizontal
extensional basins and compressional regimes, stress anisotropy occurs in these structural regimes
with wide variations within these structural regimes. when a significant difference is observed between
The determination of present day subsurface the magnitudes of the maximum and minimum total
stresses centres around the estimation of the two horizontal stresses, sH and sh, respectively. Two
horizontal total stress magnitudes and directions; different approaches are used to estimate the magni-
the vertical total stress is typically assumed to be tudes of these stresses from geological consider-
equal to the weight of the overburden. ations. The first imposes a horizontal strain on the
The magnitudes of the two horizontal total formations, whereas the second considers a constant
stresses (sH, sh), which result solely from the horizontal stress, or stress gradient, compressing or
weight of the overlying column of rock or sediments extending the formations – strain v. stress horizon-
(sv), have been calculated in civil engineering tal boundary conditions. Both methods commonly
using linear elastic theory since Terzaghi (1943). rely on the assumption of isotropic formation
This approach considers ‘passive basin’ stresses, properties.
expected in flat-lying strata in geologically passive The strain boundary, or deformation boundary,
environments, where no horizontal compression or approach results in different horizontal stress mag-
extension occurs and the magnitudes of the two hor- nitudes in different lithologies, calculated from
izontal stresses are equal. The horizontal stress in both the Poisson’s ratio and the horizontal stiffness
such a simple case is caused by an element of rock (Young’s modulus) of the formations. This method

requires estimates of the present day strains applied fault blocks consists of thrust deformation with little
to the formation in the two horizontal directions, or no strike-slip motion.
which are either obtained empirically through cali- Severe wellbore instability was encountered by
bration with any available stress data from the field, BP while drilling the first exploration well (Cusiana
or through numerical modelling. The stress boun- 1) and subsequent appraisal wells on the Cusiana
dary method, on the other hand, results in lithology- structure (Skelton et al. 1995). Cusiana 1 was the
dependent horizontal stress magnitudes controlled first well to successfully reach the Mirador reservoir
by the contrasts in Poisson’s ratio between forma- in the region, despite the attempts of several opera-
tions. Two common stress boundaries include a tors. The wellbore instabilities were most common,
constant stress gradient (or effective stress ratio, and challenging, in the overburden that included
sh′ /sv′ ), which is determined by calibration with the Leon and Carbonera formations. The Carbonera
any existing stress data from the field, or on the Formation was particularly challenging to drill
assumption of active faulting. because it consists of four layers of strong sandstone
units where mud losses and tight hole were experi-
enced, with hole sections generally in-gauge or
Andersonian fault systems slightly under-gauge, separated by more shale-rich
The assumption of active faulting relies on estimates units, which experienced severe breakouts in the
of the relative magnitudes of the two horizontal early exploration and appraisal wells. In one exam-
stresses and the vertical stress consistent with the ple, a four-arm caliper tool measured breakouts that
Andersonian stress system for faulting (Anderson had extended the wellbore to .1 m (.40 inches)
1905, 1951). In this approach, for a given pore pres- in diameter in one direction, with essentially an
sure, the relative total stress magnitudes required to in-gauge 31 cm (12¼ inch) borehole diameter in
generate different faulting systems are considered the perpendicular direction (Addis et al. 1993;
to be: Last et al. 1995). These early wellbore stability
problems led to significant non-productive time
normal faulting: sv ≥ sH ≥ sh (where sH ¼ s//)
drilling the wells, numerous sidetracks and lengthy
strike-slip faulting: sH ≥ sv ≥ sh (where sv ¼ s//)
drilling programmes.
thrust faulting: sH ≥ sh ≥ sv (where sh ¼ s//)
Cusiana, as an anticlinal structure bound by
where compressive stresses are considered to be active thrust faults, was expected to have a typical
positive and s// is the stress oriented parallel to thrust fault stress system, where the minimum stress
the strike of the fault. is oriented vertically and equal in magnitude to the
The stress magnitudes associated with these fault overburden stress (Anderson 1905, 1951; Hubbert
systems require that basins are at the limit equilib- & Willis 1957). Analysis of the wellbore stability
rium for faulting – that is, on the point of slip, problems confirmed that the maximum horizontal
where the stresses required to activate the faults stress direction, as determined from breakout orien-
are either the maximum compressional stresses in tations, was perpendicular to the strike of the fault,
thrust and strike-slip regimes, or the minimum consistent with pure dip-slip (plane strain) thrust
extensional stresses in normally faulted basins. deformation. However, the analysis of leak-off test
The following case study illustrates that the mea- and mud loss data indicated that the minimum stress
sured stresses, particularly the magnitude and orien- magnitudes were similar to those expected in pas-
tation of the minimum total stress, are not always sive basins, and considerably smaller in magnitude
consistent with the deformational style of faulting than the vertical stress. This had significant implica-
and the assumed stress regime. tions for optimizing the stability of the inclined
wells required to develop the field from a number
of limited drilling pad locations and any hydraulic
Case study 1. Cusiana field, Colombia: fracture stimulation of the reservoir.
identifying the stress regime acting in an
active thrust fault environment Analytical stress analysis
The Cusiana field in Colombia is located in the foot- This unexpectedly low magnitude of minimum hor-
hills of the Andes at the deformation front, where izontal stress was explained using a simple isotropic
the foothills reach the Llanos plain, and consists of linear elastic analysis of relatively undeformed fault
an anticlinal structure bounded by two thrust faults, blocks bound by active faults in plane strain condi-
the Yopal and Cusiana faults (Fig. 3). The underly- tions (no strike-slip deformation). This approach
ing Cusiana fault defining the structure of the field showed that it is possible for active thrust faults to
is active, as observed in the ground movements exhibit a 908 rotation of the minimum stress acting
and deformation in buildings prior to the start of on the fault blocks, from vertical pre-faulting to
the field development. The movement on the main horizontal post-faulting (Addis et al. 1994). This

Fig. 3. Cross-section of the Cusiana structure in Colombia showing the bed inclination adjacent to the thrust faults
(Willson et al. 1999). # 1999, Society of Petroleum Engineers. Reproduced with permission of SPE. Further
reproduction prohibited without permission.

rotation of the minimum stress direction resulted The y-axis of Figure 4 shows the magnitude of
from low fault friction, which causes the magnitude the horizontal ‘plane strain’ stress (s//) in the fault
of the horizontal total stress acting parallel to the blocks aligned parallel to the strike of the thrust
fault (s//) to drop below the magnitude of the verti- fault, relative to the magnitude of the vertical stress
cal total stress (sv) post-faulting. The stress calcula- (sv). If this s///sv ratio .1, the minimum stress
tions are shown in Figure 4. is oriented vertically, as expected for thrust faults.

Fig. 4. Variation of the minimum horizontal stress acting in intact fault blocks oriented parallel to a thrust fault,
normalized by the vertical stress magnitude, for different friction angles on the thrust fault (Addis et al. 1994).
# 1994, Society of Petroleum Engineers. Reproduced with permission of SPE. Further reproduction prohibited
without permission.

A ratio ,1 indicates that the horizontal stress ori- magnitude in Cusiana: The stresses used to model
ented parallel to the strike of the fault is the mini- the stress rotation in Cusiana by Last & McLean
mum stress (sh ¼ s//) and a strike-slip stress (1996) were equivalent to 31.7:24.9:15.8 kPa m21
regime exists, even though the fault deforms as a (1.4:1.1:0.7 psi/ft) for the maximum horizontal
thrust fault. This ratio is plotted for different fault stress, vertical stress and minimum horizontal stress
friction angles on the x-axis and for formations gradients, respectively.
with different Poisson’s ratios, shown as the con-
tours on the plot. Model validation with additional
Figure 4 illustrates that for an active thrust fault
at the point of slip, with plane strain deformation, measurements during late field development
fault blocks consisting of different lithologies, as More reliable data on the stress magnitudes became
in the Carbonera Formation in Cusiana, could available during the completion and stimulation
have lithology-dependent stress regimes: a sand- of the Cusiana development wells. The low-
stone with a low Poisson’s ratio may have a permeability Mirador reservoir underlying the Car-
minimum stress oriented horizontally, while a juxta- bonera Formation was hydraulically fractured and
posed shale characterized by a higher Poisson’s the stress measurements obtained during these stim-
ratio may have a minimum stress oriented vertically. ulations again largely support the earlier stress
In other words, the stresses in the sand layers within estimates, indicating stress gradients in the sand-
the Carbonera Formation are inconsistent with stone reservoir of sv ¼ 23.8 kPa m21 (1.05 psi/ft),
Anderson’s stress regime for the formation of a sH ¼ 24.9– 28.3 kPa m21 (1.1–1.25 psi/ft) and
thrust fault, whereas the stress system in the shale sh ¼ s// ¼ 13.1 –17.6 kPa m21 (0.58–0.78 psi/ft)
conforms to these pre-faulting stresses. (Osorio & Lopez 2009).
Microseismic data measured during reservoir
Numerical stress models stimulation confirmed the development of vertical
hydraulic fractures. The microseismic events were
The conclusions of this analytical approach were aligned with the maximum horizontal stress
supported by a finite difference numerical model (NW–SE) direction determined from breakout ana-
of the Cusiana structure (Fig. 5). BP’s numerical lysis and were oriented perpendicular to the strike
simulation of tectonic deformation in the three of the fault planes (Osorio et al. 2008). This again
Cusiana blocks involved gravitational loading due indicates that the minimum stress magnitude is
to the weight of the overburden. Horizontal tectonic oriented horizontally and parallel to the strike of
movement was then introduced by displacing the the thrust fault (sh ¼ s//) and, while consistent
Yopal thrust fault overlying the Cusiana structure with the analytical and numerical modelling, is
by 100 m (330 ft) to the SE and displacing the apparently at odds with the common interpretation
underlying Cusiana thrust fault by 20 –25 m (65– of stress regime associated with the Andersonian
82 ft). This ratio of displacements matched the thrust deformation of the faults.
observed fault-throw ratio on the fault surface.
The results of this numerical approach illustrate
the relatively low horizontal stress magnitude (Sh Business impact
SW – NE) oriented parallel to the strike of the thrust Despite the very severe drilling problems experi-
faults (Addis et al. 1993; Last et al. 1995), in line enced in the early exploration and appraisal wells
with the analytical estimates. on the Cusiana field, the efforts taken to understand
While drilling additional wells on the Cusiana the complexity of the stress field allowed the devel-
structure, these low minimum horizontal stress mag- opment team to better address the wellbore instabil-
nitudes of 14.7 –17.0 kPa m21 (0.65–0.75 psi/ft) ity and to improve well design and drilling practices.
and vertical overburden stresses of 23.8–24.7 This led to a significant improvement in perfor-
kPa m21 (1.05–1.09 psi/ft) were repeatedly ob- mance in this challenging field, with the non-
served across the field (Last et al. 1995). productive time reducing from 47% in 1993 to
The analytical estimates of horizontal stress 27% in 1996 (Last et al. 1998).
magnitudes, illustrated in Figure 4, assume a simple
flat-lying fault block geometry. However, in reality,
rollover anticlines defining the Cusiana field result in Stress evolution from numerical sandbox
non-horizontal and non-vertical principal stresses. modelling of thrust fault systems
Last & McLean (1996) described the stress rotation
based on numerical modelling of the Cusiana struc- The transformation of the stress state in the com-
ture and the impact on wellbore stability analysis. pressional thrust fault blocks, pre- and post-faulting
This additional complexity does not seem to sig- (Fig. 4), results from low fault friction, either initial
nificantly influence the minimum horizontal stress or residual friction. In the latter case, the maximum

Fig. 5. BP’s finite difference simulation of the Cusiana field stresses. Analysis was made on sections oriented NW–
SE, parallel to the tectonic compression. The maps show the three principal stress magnitudes for one of the sections.
In general, SH nw – se . Sv . Sh sw – ne. From Addis et al. (1993), reproduced with permission of Schlumberger.

compressive stress required to initiate the thrust great depths with larger confining pressures, where
fault plane exceeds that required to mobilize the the fault planes may display perfect plasticity during
fault plane at large strains, the difference between rock failure.
peak strength and residual strength. Using Sibson’s The results of the finite difference numerical
characterization of faulting styles (Sibson 1977, modelling of Cusiana (Fig. 5) only considered the
2003), this may be more common at relatively shal- late-stage movements on existing fault planes with
low depths in a ‘brittle’ zone, where strain softening an existing structure. However, simulations of sand-
rock behaviour might be expected, rather than at box experiments that consider the formation and

Table 1. Summary of sandstone properties used in magnitude. The sandbox models simulated in this
the numerical sandbox simulations numerical modelling consist of a uniform formation
compressed by the left-hand boundary, with a static
Property Value right-hand boundary.
The top panels (Fig. 6) show the calculated ini-
Young’s modulus (Pa) 1.5 × 105 tial stress conditions due to gravitational loading,
Poisson’s ratio 0.25 prior to compression, where the two horizontal
Density (g cm23) 1.7
stresses have similar magnitudes and distributions,
Effective plastic strain 0 0.05 0.1
Cohesion (Pa) 140 50 50 equivalent to passive basin conditions. The
Friction angle (8) 36 36 (32) 36 (28) observed differences at the boundaries reflect the
Dilation angle (8) 30 15 0 friction assigned to the sides of the sandbox.
The panels in the middle row show the vertical
stress, compressional maximum horizontal stress
development of fault planes show similar results; and the minimum horizontal stress (perpendicular
Crook et al. (2006) present such numerical models to the plane strain boundary, sh ¼ s//) after the
for extensional faulting. sandbox experiment had undergone compressional
A large strain finite element numerical model- strain. This middle row of simulations uses the
ling code was used to simulate a compressional sand properties shown in Table 1, which are elasto-
sandbox experiment. The material being com- plastic, and the friction angle remains constant at
pressed laterally was sandstone, with a character- 368, independent of the amount of strain or slip
istically low Poisson’s ratio and the elastic and developed on the failure planes. From the analytical
Mohr – Coulomb properties shown in Table 1. solutions presented in Figure 4, these simulations
The sandstone properties assigned to the numeri- with a sand Poisson’s ratio of 0.25 would result in
cal sandstone are representative of high porosity the vertical stress as the minimum principal total
sands. stress (s3 ¼ sv).
The compressional numerical experiments con- The bottom panels again present the three
sidered both high and low fault frictions (Fig. 6). stresses, but for conditions where the sandstone
The total stress magnitudes for the three stresses has been assigned frictional properties that reduce
(sv, sH, sh) are shown by the colour scales, where as the plastic strain on the failure planes develops.
red indicates low compressive stresses and blue This approach reproduces a fault plane mobilizing
shows high compressive stresses. The scale for the residual friction as the fault slips. The properties
top row of figures differs from the scale for the fig- assigned to this post-peak residual friction are
ures in the middle and bottom rows by an order of shown in Table 1 in parentheses for the friction

Fig. 6. Numerical simulations of a sandbox experiment illustrating the stress development post-failure. Top row:
passive basin conditions, gravitational loading with no lateral compression. Middle row: gravitational loading with
lateral compression – sandstone with constant friction angle. Bottom row: Gravitational loading with lateral
compression – sandstone with residual friction angle.

angle, where the friction angle drops from 36 to 288 similar picture emerged: stress rotations in the unde-
as the failure plane develops more plastic strain. formed fault block can also accompany normal
Using the analytical solution in Figure 4, this fault development.
lower fault residual friction should result in the min- In Figure 7, the y-axis again plots the ratio of the
imum principal total stress becoming oriented hori- horizontal stress acting parallel to the strike of
zontally (s3 ¼ sh ¼ s//). the normal fault, which is normally assumed to be
These numerical sandbox simulations show that the intermediate stress, relative to the magnitude
the maximum horizontal stress develops as expected, of the vertical stress (s///sv). The horizontal
accompanying the lateral compression. The stress stresses are always less than the vertical stress in
contours outline the developed shear failure bands. this normal faulting extensional environment and
The vertical stress is bound by the free surface in the values on the y-axis are always ,1. The relative
the y-axis direction, but shows variations resulting magnitude of this ‘fault-parallel’ horizontal stress
from the development of the shear failure bands. (s//) is again plotted for different values of fault
In the middle row of Figure 6, the minimum hor- plane friction and formation Poisson’s ratios.
izontal stress (sh ¼ s//) is of a similar magnitude This plot also shows the magnitude of the exten-
to the vertical stress. In the relatively undeformed sional horizontal stress acting perpendicular to the
fault blocks, next to the right-hand boundary of strike of the fault plane relative to the magnitude
the figures, the minimum horizontal stress slightly of the vertical stress; the fault mobilization curve.
exceeds the magnitude of the vertical stress, in This is the horizontal total stress required to mobi-
line with the Andersonian description and the ana- lize or slip normal faults for given fault friction
lytical estimates in Figure 4. This is consistent angles.
with the stress system responsible for the formation Figure 7 shows that in fault blocks defined by nor-
of the fault planes. mal faults with no strike-slip component, but with
The results from the last suite of simulations are high fault friction angles, isotropic formations with
shown in the bottom row, where the friction angle of high Poisson’s ratios are likely to have minimum
the sands was reduced as the failure planes devel- horizontal stresses acting perpendicular to the
oped. These simulations show that once residual strike of the fault, in line with expectations of the pre-
friction is developed and the fault plane friction is fault stress state. By contrast, in formations with
sufficiently reduced, the stresses generated in the low Poisson’s ratios and in the presence of faults
relatively undeformed fault block on the right-hand with low friction, in the area below the fault mobili-
boundary of the simulations has the minimum hori- zation curve, the minimum horizontal stress magni-
zontal stress oriented parallel to the strike of the tude may be re-oriented parallel to the normal fault
fault with a magnitude lower than the vertical stress (s3 ¼ sh ¼ s//), which again contrasts with the
(s3 ¼ sh ¼ s//). Andersonian fault system required to form the faults.
These simulations again support the field data as
well as the analytical and numerical models used to
explain the anomalously low magnitudes of hori- A note on stress polygons
zontal stress acting in the Cusiana field. The earlier
discussion of the stresses present in the Cusiana The stress polygon (Anderson 1951) and its modifi-
active thrust fault is also evident in other compres- cation (Zoback 2008) is commonly used in the
sional thrust faulting regions, such as the Canadian petroleum industry for the stress estimation of
Rockies (Woodland & Bell 1989) and the highlands faulted environments. It can be used to illustrate
of Papua New Guinea (Hennig et al. 2002), which this rotation of the minimum horizontal total stress
also indicate minimum horizontal stress magnitudes and the non-coincidence of the principal stress and
significantly lower than the vertical stress magni- deformational axes when low friction or weakening
tude (sv . sh ¼ s//). The common interpretation on the fault occurs during slip or for formations with
and application of the Andersonian stress system contrasting Poisson’s ratios.
should therefore be treated with caution in similar Figure 8a shows the standard stress polygon for
structural regimes. the Andersonian stresses required to generate the
main faulting types for a fault friction of 308,
while Figure 8b illustrates the analytical estimates
Stress regimes in active normal faulting for formations with low Poisson’s ratios (¼0.1)
systems for the stress states presented in Figures 4 and 7
for thrust and normal faulting, respectively. The
This discussion has focused on thrust fault environ- stress polygons show for plane strain conditions
ments, but many fields are developed in normally that thrust fault deformations can result in stress
faulted regimes. The analytical approach described magnitudes normally attributed to strike-slip fault-
in Figure 4 was applied to normal faulting and a ing and that for thrust and normal fault deformations

Fig. 7. Variation of the minimum horizontal stress magnitude acting in intact fault blocks oriented parallel to a
normal fault, normalized by the vertical stress magnitude, for different friction angles on the normal fault (Addis
et al. 1994). # 1994, Society of Petroleum Engineers. Reproduced with permission of SPE. Further reproduction
prohibited without permission.

the minimum stress may become oriented parallel to the vertical stress in a thrust fault regime, or perpen-
the fault plane (s3 ¼ sh ¼ s//). Figure 8c, calcu- dicular to normal faulting, may therefore be incor-
lated using a Poisson’s ratio of 0.35, demonstrates rect under certain conditions.
that a continuum of stress states may not occur The decrease in stress after fault formation can
between faulting styles for the plane strain condi- be explained by the well-documented large post-
tions presented in Figures 4 and 7. Figure 8 illus- peak ‘brittle’ or weakening response that accompa-
trates that a range of different properties and sizes nies the formation of a well-defined discontinuity
of the stress polygons exists depending on the values (Bishop 1974; Sibson 1977; Mandl 2000). This
of the fault friction angle and Poisson’s ratio for a ‘brittle’ or weakening response as the fault develops
specified vertical total stress and pore pressure. leads to low residual friction at large strains due to a
number of possible contributing mechanisms,
including: grain disaggregation, a large clay con-
Discussion of Andersonian systems and tent, or low effective normal stresses resulting
post-faulting stress regimes from high ‘undrained’ pore pressures on the fault
plane, accompanying the shear stress build-up and
Anderson (1905, 1951) described the relative stress deformation. This is akin to the undrained mechan-
magnitudes required to generate normal, strike-slip ical response described by Skempton’s ‘A’ pore
and thrust faults, specifically up to the point when pressure coefficient (Skempton 1954; Yassir 1989).
the faults form, not post-faulting. Anderson used This section has considered only simple com-
the phrase, ‘Suppose now that the stresses are so pressional or extensional events. However, geolog-
great as to lead to actual fracture’. That describes ical history is commonly complex, involving
the stress regime acting up to the initiation and gen- multiple loading events that affect the current
esis of the fault, but does not address the stress day stresses. Stress inversion events are well docu-
regimes that could develop after the faults have mented in the Tertiary of the North Sea (Biddle &
formed, stating that, ‘The effect of all faulting is Rudolph 1988), the NW Shelf of Australia (Bailey
to relieve the stress and bring conditions nearer to et al. 2016) and globally (Cooper & Williams
. . . the standard state’, i.e. closer to isotropic condi- 1989; Buchanan & Buchanan 1995). Stress inver-
tions. The assumption of a minimum stress equal to sion also plays a part in the development of the

Fig. 8. Comparisons of stress polygons with (a) standard Andersonian faulting for stress conditions leading up to
fault development; (b) possible stress conditions post-fault development in formations with low Poisson’s ratios
(¼0.1); and (c) possible post-fault conditions in formations with high Poisson’s ratios (¼0.35).

Cusiana field, where the bounding Cusiana fault was more likely to behave in an elastoplastic manner,
originally a margin extensional fault, which was and bound by faults with high fault friction could be
later reactivated during the Andes compression. expected to have stress systems compatible with the
Consequently, the inclination of the Cusiana fault Andersonian system of stresses required for the for-
may not be consistent with the typical angular rela- mation of the faulting styles. In contrast, older or
tionship of failure planes relative to the maximum more competent formations, bound by faults with
horizontal stress (b ¼ 458 2 f/2) for thrust fault low fault friction (drained or undrained), may have
development, but may be more representative of post-faulting stress systems that are not consistent
normal faulting. To account for the differences in with the original pre-faulting stress states.
the dip between the actual fault plane after fault for- This has significant implications for stress analy-
mation and the expected fault orientation resulting sis in petroleum field development and for the selec-
from rock failure, Wu et al. (1998) refined the ear- tion and interpretation of stress estimation methods.
lier calculations for stresses resulting from normal These estimation methods are often lithologically
and thrust faults for plane strain conditions. These constrained, e.g. breakout analysis predominates in
equations represent a simplified analytical approach more shale-rich formations, whereas minifrac and
to estimate the impact of stress inversion on the differential strain curve analysis are more common
stresses acting in fault blocks away from the imme- in sandstones and limestones. There are also impli-
diate vicinity of the fault planes. cations for strain-based indicators of fault move-
As a further consideration, the normal assump- ment, such as seismic moment analysis ‘beach
tion of vertical and horizontal stresses, while a com- balls’, which may not always represent the existing
mon assumption for flat-lying formations, does not stress field throughout these active fault systems.
apply in these compressional environments, where
faulted and folded formations predominate. The
subvertical principal stress orientation in these Neotectonic natural fracture development
folded environments is, as a first approximation, accompanying compression and extension
taken to be normal to the bedding planes in moder-
ately inclined and folded beds. The presence of Evidence of strain accompanying faulting on a
faulting provides additional complexity and local geological timeframe includes the occurrence of
rotations occur based on the orientation of the extensional vertical fractures or steep hybrid frac-
fault, the relative movements on the fault blocks tures in compressional environments. These neotec-
and the fault friction angles which are best evaluated tonic fractures are oriented perpendicular to the
using numerical models (Thornton & Crook 2014). deformation front, with the minimum horizontal
These folded formations and rotated stress systems stress aligned parallel to the strike of the thrust
have a significant impact on wellbore stability for fault plane (sh ¼ s//), as described by Hancock &
inclined wells in these compressional environments Bevan (1987) for a number of foreland basins. The
(Last & McLean 1996). formation of these near-vertical natural fractures
Other geological processes have a significant oriented parallel to the maximum horizontal stress
impact altering the stress systems acting in rela- direction is again inconsistent with a common inter-
tively passive environments, most notably associ- pretation of compressional thrust stress regimes,
ated with salt intrusions, where stress rotations in where the minimum stress is expected to be vertical.
the horizontal plane are observed from breakout The rotation of the minimum stress from vertical
analysis (Yassir & Zerwer 1997) and those in the at the onset of thrust faulting to horizontal during the
vertical plane are calculated using numerical meth- development and displacement of the thrust fault,
ods (Peric & Crook 2004). discussed in the preceding sections, may provide a
To conclude, the stress regimes described by prerequisite condition for the development of the
Anderson for the onset of different faulting styles, subvertical neotectonic natural fractures. These are
specifically normal and thrust faulting, are calcu- observed over hundreds of kilometres in the fore-
lated to persist in relatively undeformed fault blocks lands and hinterlands of orogenic belts and at dis-
if the formations have a high Poisson’s ratio and/or tances greater .500 km from the compressional
large fault plane friction. The stress states acting in deformation front (Hancock & Bevan 1987).
fault blocks deviate from the pre-faulting Anderso- Numerous examples are presented by Hancock &
nian stress states for formations with low Poisson’s Bevan (1987), from southern England, northern
ratios and for faults with relatively low friction, France and the Arabian platform, along with the ver-
either initially or as a result of strain weakening tical J2 joint set of the Marcellus Shale in the Appa-
and low residual friction angles. This suggests that lachian basin reported by Engelder et al. (2009). In
at depths within the zone of interest for hydrocarbon the absence of this post-faulting stress rotation,
exploitation, fault blocks containing younger, less these neotectonic fractures have been considered
compact and less cemented formations, which are to be restricted to shallow depths and attributed

to significant uplift and elevated fluid pressures, injection in a field cause the total stresses to vary
or lateral elongation in the forelands parallel or with the changes in the reservoir pore pressure on
sub-parallel to the fault strike or orogenic margin, an almost daily basis. This dynamic stress environ-
in order to produce the necessary tensile effective ment not only exists in the reservoir, but also in the
horizontal stresses to form the fractures. surrounding formations. It has a significant techni-
For normally faulted environments, similar cal and economic impact on field planning, drilling,
observations have been discussed by Kattenhorn stimulation and production of these fields, espe-
et al. (2000), where vertical natural extensional frac- cially for depleting high pressure –high temperature
tures occur oriented perpendicular to the strike of (HPHT) fields.
the normal fault plane, again contrary to the com- The effect of production and reservoir pressure
mon interpretation of stress states associated with depletion on the minimum total stress magnitude
normal faults. Kattenhorn et al. (2000) discuss the was first documented by Salz (1977), who showed
field occurrence of these fractures and assess the a linear relationship between the change in the
conditions required for their formation, primarily total minimum horizontal stress magnitude and the
considering the elastic stress perturbation around change in the average reservoir pressure (dsh/dPp)
faults. However, one prerequisite for their forma- in the Vicksburg Formation in south Texas, where
tion is considered to be sh ¼ s//, which Kattenhorn the stress depletion response was shown to be:
et al. (2000) refer to as a condition where d .1; d is
redefined here (where compressional stresses are dsh
= gh = 0.53
considered positive) as the ratio of the fault- dPp
perpendicular to fault-parallel horizontal stresses
(s⊥/s//) acting remote from the fault plane A large number of subsequent studies on differ-
(Fig. 7). The stress estimations presented here and ent fields have described similar decreases in the
discussed in Addis et al. (1994) enable us to predict magnitude of the minimum horizontal stress accom-
which formations are likely contain such fractures panying depletion (Teufel et al. 1991; Engelder &
and why these may not extend into adjacent forma- Fischer 1994; Addis 1997a, b; Hillis 2003). Little
tions of different mechanical properties. attention has been given to the changes in the mag-
The lithological control on the minimum hori- nitude of the maximum horizontal total stress with
zontal stress becoming parallel to the fault strikes pore pressure, which is normally assumed to change
is consistent with observations of neotectonic frac- with the same depletion ratio as the minimum hori-
tures being more prolific in low Poisson’s ratio for- zontal total stress (gH ¼ gh). The change in the ver-
mations, e.g. sandstones and limestones (Hancock tical total stress with pore pressure (gv) has received
& Engelder 1989), and less clay-rich formations more attention as a result of the increasing use of
(Engelder et al. 2009). field-wide geomechanical numerical modelling and
In the formulations presented, the minimum hor- the cross-correlation with four-dimensional seismic
izontal stress does not become tensile, a requirement velocity changes, which are used to monitor the
for the development of new tectonic joints as vertical stress and strain changes resulting from
described by Hancock & Bevan (1987), Hancock depletion-driven reservoir compaction and subsi-
& Engelder (1989) and Engelder et al. (2009) for dence (Kenter et al. 2004; Molenaar et al. 2004).
compressional regimes and by Kattenhorn et al. Geological factors which influence the dynamic
(2000) for normal faulting environments. Mechani- response of the minimum horizontal total stresses
cal conditions such as elevated fluid pressures and/ to reservoir pressure changes include:
or high deviatoric stresses leading to ‘extension
fractures’ (Engelder et al. 2009) or extension paral- (1) the reservoir dimensions;
lel to the fault plane may be required to make this (2) the reservoir structure (anticlinal, inclined,
minimum effective horizontal stress tensile. flat-lying);
(3) the mechanical property (elastic) contrasts
between the reservoir and overburden
Stress evolution during field production and formations;
(4) pore pressure depletion – the radius of influ-
the impact on infill drilling ence, drainage radius or reservoir compart-
The compressional stress regime discussed in the mentalization;
previous sections for the Cusiana field considers (5) pressure cycles, depletion followed by injec-
the relative total stress magnitudes present at the tion (Santarelli et al. 1998, 2008);
start of production, which have developed over a (6) faulting style and stress regime;
geological timeframe and are considered to be rela- (7) location on the structure.
tively static, although fault movements are known These factors contribute to the range of the stress
to perturb this static condition. Production and depletion ratios observed globally, which typically

vary between gh ¼ 0.4 and 1.0, with the most com- losses corresponded to the lowest reservoir pres-
mon being in the range gh ¼ 0.6–0.8. Teufel et al. sures and with wellbores drilled in the direction of
(1991) showed for the Ekofisk field that the horizon- the maximum horizontal stress direction i.e. pre-
tal stresses on this domal field decrease at the dominantly NW–SE (Figure 9).
same rate for wells located at the crest and the The infill drilling sidetracks targeted small pock-
flanks of the field, at a rate of c. gh ¼ 0.8. The ets of bypassed oil on the eastern flanks of Brent,
nearby chalk fields show similar stress depletion which were isolated from the main reservoir by
ratios for the minimum horizontal stress. Geological
factors also control the vertical stress changes
accompanying depletion, ranging from dsv/dPp ¼
gv¼0 for flat-lying, laterally extensive reservoirs
to gv ¼ 0.2 for anticlinal or highly inclined reser-
voirs (Molenaar et al. 2004). Molenaar et al.
(2004) predict that the vertical total stress changes
accompanying the depletion of the Shearwater
field, in the high pressure –high temperature region
of the central North Sea, are dependent on the loca-
tion of the well on the structure of the inclined
reservoir blocks.
The variation of the maximum horizontal stress
with depletion is not known and is only estimated
through analytical (Addis 1997a) or numerical mod-
elling, given the challenges of determining the mag-
nitude of the maximum horizontal stress from field
measurements. The assumption that gH varies in a
similar manner to the minimum horizontal stress
might be a reasonable assumption for flat-lying res-
ervoirs exhibiting a passive basin type depletion
response. This is unlikely to be the case for anticli-
nal or faulted reservoirs.

Case study 2. Brent field, North Sea: the

impact of depletion on infill drilling
The difficulty in estimating the magnitude of the
stress depletion coefficient for the minimum hori-
zontal stress (gh) manifested itself during the analy-
sis of drilling challenges which were encountered
during the infill drilling of the Brent field during
the early 2000s. Brent had been on production
since 1976, with the later stages of production bene-
fiting from pressure support through water injection.
In January 1998, the water injection was halted over
the majority of the field and the reservoir pressure
allowed to decrease through reservoir blow-down
aimed at recovering remaining bypassed oil and
gas. The average pressure depletion rate of the
field was 3.4 MPa a21 (500 psi/year).
Infill drilling of high-angle sidetracks from exist- Fig. 9. Breakout (minimum horizontal stress)
ing wellbores during 1999 began to encounter directions for the Brent field. Orange and pink denote
severe mud losses, which had not been observed borehole elongation in vertical wells and deviated
wells, respectively; blue and green denote possible
with the earlier drilling. A post-well review identi-
borehole breakouts in vertical wells and deviated wells,
fied the cause of the mud losses as a reduction in respectively. Rose diagrams are not to scale. After
the fracture gradient of the wells, resulting from Boylan & Williams (1998). # 1998 Society of
the decrease in the minimum horizontal stress Petroleum Engineers. Reproduced with permission of
accompanying the depletion (Addis et al. 2001). SPE. Further reproduction prohibited without
The losses were stress-related; the most severe permission.

Fig. 10. Cross-section through the Brent reservoir along the BA05 S1 well path (in blue). After Addis et al. (2001).
# 2001, Society of Petroleum Engineers. Reproduced with permission of SPE. Further reproduction prohibited
without permission.

faulted compartments – the crestal slump faults indicates that the horizontal stresses have rotated
(Struijk & Green 1991) (Fig. 10). These wells since the initiation of the faults because they are cur-
were low-cost sidetracks, c. £1 million per sidetrack, rently aligned oblique to the strike of the faults.
designed to access 1–2 million bbls of oil per well, The dynamic response of the reservoir to pres-
but the mud losses and other non-productive time sure changes does not respond in isolation. The
were making the sidetracks uneconomic (Davison reservoir has a predominantly shale overburden,
et al. 2004). providing a contrast in the average elastic material
As a result of the mud loss review, a number of properties between the reservoirs and the shale over-
operational changes were adopted to continue drill- burden. The impact of this modulus contrast on the
ing the sidetracks, as outlined in Addis et al. (2001) reservoir stress depletion response was estimated
and Davison et al. (2004). An early priority was to using a semi-analytical model based on the Eshelby
establish the stress depletion constant for Brent. ellipsoidal inclusion approach (V. Dunayevsky,
pers. comm. 2001), which resulted in an estimate
Stress depletion response of the stress depletion coefficient of gh ¼ 0.61 –
0.62 for the horizontal total stresses and gv ¼
During the planning stages, the depletion coefficient 0.01 –0.02 for the vertical total stress changes. The
for the minimum horizontal total stress was assumed initial estimate of the stress depletion response and
to be gh ¼ 0.7– 0.75, based on data obtained from this update used core-based mechanical property
laboratory tests of the Brent sandstone and the sim- measurements and considered uniform reservoir
ple passive basin assumption for horizontal stress pressure changes across the field. Subsequently, an
decrease. Such estimates are commonly used as a elastic finite element model was built and populated
first approximation, but they ignore the geology with the calculated reservoir pressures from a
and the geological controls of stress and stress evo- dynamic reservoir engineering model of the Brent
lution accompanying depletion and injection. field, leading again to stress depletion estimates
The relationships used for estimating the hori- for the minimum horizontal total stress in the region
zontal stress magnitudes for faulted environments, of gh ¼ 0.60 –0.61 over the majority of the field, but
post-faulting, illustrated in Figures 4 and 7 for with lower values towards the flanks of the field (J.
thrust and normal faulting regimes, allow the hori- Emmen pers. comm. 2001).
zontal stress depletion responses (gh) to be esti- These stress depletion estimates showed a reduc-
mated for these different faulted environments tion in the minimum horizontal total stress and in the
(Addis 1997a). Given that the eastern flank of fracture gradient of between 60 and 70% of the pore
Brent was normally faulted, with slump faults, the pressure decline for these high-angle sidetracks.
stress depletion response might be controlled by However, predicting the observed stress depletion
the stresses acting in the presence of the normal responses of reservoirs globally for different geo-
faults. However, the estimates for these normally logical conditions had proved difficult at the time
faulted conditions did not significantly differ from due to the range of factors affecting the depletion
the passive basin values. This simple approach response (Addis 1997b).
also does not account for the present day stress Consequently, the approach taken to estimate the
regime. The maximum horizontal stress direction, depletion constant, and the reduction in the fracture
oriented perpendicular to the breakouts (Fig. 9), gradient with depletion, was based on an analysis of

the field data. The only available data reflecting the of different lithologies from log-based geophysi-
change in the fracture gradient and the minimum cal measurements, as collated and summarized by
horizontal total stress during the depletion stage Khaksar et al. (2009). These generic trends are
of the Brent field development since 1998 were invaluable, because measurements on reservoir
the mud loss occurrences. These are imprecise mea- formations are often limited by the available core.
surements, but in the absence of actual stress mea- For a typical exploration well, core taken across
surements, such as mini-fracture tests, they can be the hydrocarbon-bearing interval may range from
used as an operational estimate. 20 m to over 100 m for larger reservoirs. Mechani-
cal testing of 15 –20 core sample intervals from
Business impact the reservoir formation would be a typical sampling
density per well. Given that the determination of
The reservoir pressure estimates at the time of the mechanical rock properties on cores obtained from
mud loss, the differences in well trajectory and oper- more than two to three exploration and appraisal
ational effects such as temperature, swabbing and wells is uncommon in a field, gives a total number
surging were analysed, which led to an operational of sample points of 40–60. More testing may
bound of gh ¼ 0.4 for the decline in the minimum occur in larger fields, but this is rarely done.
horizontal total stress (fracture gradient) with deple- Table 2 shows calculations of sampling densities
tion. This much slower rate of minimum horizontal for typical geomechanical reservoir characterization
stress decline formed the basis for new well plan- for different well lengths or for a reservoir sector. A
ning and, along with operational improvements, sampling rate for one well in a reservoir sector of
resulted in continued infill drilling in the Brent res- 3 km radius corresponds to a sampling density
ervoir and significant improved recovery of reserves ,1 × 10212 (,1 ppt). This very low sampling rate
(Davison et al. 2004). illustrates why the use of petrophysical well logs and
This Brent case study demonstrates the short- three-dimensional seismic data, in combination with
comings of using simple model assumptions about calibrated rock strength trends, are crucial in interpo-
stress and stress variations and the need to include lating the measured rock properties across the entire
geologically realistic models calibrated to field reservoir and overburden, and underpin any three-
data measurements. If the early, higher, stress deple- dimensional geomechanical analysis of the field.
tion estimates had been used for planning purposes, The use of these generic strength trends, how-
the infill well drilling could have been prematurely ever, introduces considerable uncertainty when esti-
curtailed, with a loss of tens of millions of barrels mating reservoir rock strength profiles for detailed
of oil production and reserves recovery. geomechanical analysis because the correlations
are generally ‘one-parameter’ correlations (e.g.
unconfined compressive strength v. porosity). By
Strength differences resulting from contrast, Coates & Denoo (1980) and Bruce
cementation and facies variations (1990) presented an equation to describe the depen-
dence of sandstone strength on two primary factors
The previous sections have focused on the relative (stiffness and clay content) based on a collation of
magnitudes of the in situ stresses for different earlier test data:
faulted geological environments and the variation
in the stress magnitudes in the reservoir accompany- 2 cos f
ing depletion. Field development must also address C0 = 0.026 × 10−6 EK(0.008Vclay
1 − sin f
the second element of geomechanical analysis: for-
mation mechanical properties and, foremost among + 0.0045[1 − Vclay ])
these, the strength of the reservoir rock.
Numerous relationships are used by the industry where C0 ¼ unconfined compressive strength (psi),
to estimate the strengths and mechanical properties f ¼ angle of internal friction, E ¼ Young’s

Table 2. Illustration of the sampling densities for geomechanical analysis in wells and reservoir sectors

No. of Well Reservoir Sampling

sampling points length (m) radius (m) density

Reservoir interval sampling 15 – 20 100 0.011– 0.015

Total well depth sampling 15 – 20 3000 3 × 1024 – 5 × 1024
Reservoir (sector) sampling 15 – 20 100 3000 0.4 × 10212 – 0.6 × 10212

Based on standard mechanical samples 7.5 cm long.


modulus (psi), K ¼ bulk modulus (psi) and Vclay ¼ IV and V is a field-wide siltstone layer c. 20 m
fractional volume of clay minerals thick (Ross et al. 2006).
Plumb (1994) followed this approach, attributing The wells in this reservoir were planned as open-
the primary petrophysical controls of sandstone hole completions using either slotted or pre-drilled
strength to porosity and clay content. Plumb (1994) liners. However, the likelihood of sand production
described a number of characteristics of empirical was high with these completions and would have
strength curves for sandstones, including a transi- led to significant production delays. The wells
tion from a grain load-bearing skeleton throughout were re-designed and completed using a selective
the sandstones at low porosities and clay contents, perforation technique, which involves shooting per-
to a predominantly matrix load-bearing structure forations across the higher strength sandstones and
at porosities .30–35%. This forms an upper bound avoiding the high porosity, weaker sand-prone inter-
for the unconfined compressive strengths of rela- vals. However, sufficient interval has to be perfo-
tively clean load-bearing sandstones. For the lower rated to deliver the 8.5 million m3 per day per well
porosity grain load-bearing sandstones, Plumb (300 mmscf per day per well) of gas to meet the liq-
(1994) showed that the strength reduces with in- uefied natural gas contract (Addis et al. 2008; Gun-
creasing clay content. Additional developments to ningham et al. 2008). This approach to the lower
define multi-parameter strength correlations include sandface completion design requires a rock testing
the work of Tokle et al. (1986) and Raaen et al. programme to define a rock strength profile through
(1996). the reservoir as the basis of the selective perforation
Improved accuracy of both the strength, and design.
any subsequent analysis, requires strength and
mechanical property measurements on the reservoir Strength v. porosity correlations
core materials to calibrate these generic correla-
tions. Ideally, mechanical property characterization For the Lunskoye development and completion
tests are performed on each reservoir facies or reser- design, rock mechanics tests consisting of uncon-
voir layer to identify potential strength variations. In fined compressive strength tests, thick walled cylin-
practice, the number of tests possible is limited der tests and petrophysical characterization tests
by the available length of cores cut through the were performed on the available cores from three
reservoir. reservoir layers. Even though the data were sparse,
two strength trends were identified, with samples
from the deeper sandstone layers exhibiting higher
strengths than those from the shallower layers.
Case study 3: Lunskoye Sakhalin Island, The strength v. porosity trends are shown in Fig-
Eastern Russia: the impact of strength ure 11, indicating that the deeper sandstones are
variations on completion design c. 10 MPa (100 bar) stronger than the shallower
sandstones for porosities between 15 and 25%.
An example of how detailed lithological and The differences in the strength were not readily
strength variations impact geomechanical design is explained by differences in texture or clay content.
shown in the completion design for the reservoir However, following the drilling of a new appraisal
sandstones in the Lunskoye field, offshore Sakhalin well, a spectral gamma ray log indicated that the
Island, eastern Russia. The Lunskoye gas field con- cements in the different layers differed in geochem-
sists of 10 layers of the Daghinsky sandstone (layers ical composition.
I –X) with porosities of 15 –30% and permeabilities The different geochemical compositions of the
ranging between 2 and 3000 mD. The Daghinsky cements identified in the Lunskoye reservoir were
Formation, of Miocene age, was deposited under used to explain the strength variations observed
cyclic repetitions of transgressive and regressive from the laboratory mechanical testing programme
episodes along a fluvial-dominated delta system. and the two rock strength (thick walled cylinder
The Upper and Middle Daghinsky sandstones v. porosity) trends. The final selective perforated
form the Lunskoye reservoir, with the Upper Dag- completion design was based on the two strength
hinsky (I –IV) described as a non-coal-bearing shal- correlations applied to the different reservoir layers
low marine, inter- to mid-shelf formation with contained in the subsurface model. The model was
minor deltaic influence and shoreline-parallel sand discretized down to intervals 2 m true vertical
bodies. The Middle Daghinsky (V –XII) has been depth thick in the three-dimensional static reservoir
described as being deposited in a coal-bearing model, resulting in significantly more of the lower
delta plain environment. The sandstone reservoir Daghinsky layers being selectively perforated in
has a thickness of c. 400 m true vertical depth, the completion design and contributing to greater
each Daghinsky layer being separated by thin, fine- production than would have been possible by using
grained siltstone layers. Between Daghinsky layers the lower strength or an average strength trend.

1400 Layers I & IV

y = -611.3ln(x) + 2361.9
R = 0.93499 Layer VII
TWC Strength (bar)


y = -571.1ln(x) + 2142.5
R = 0.94062


0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Stressed Porosity (%)

Fig. 11. Two strength trends identified for the Daghinsky sandstones of the Lunskoye field: stronger red trend line
for the deeper layers; weaker blue trend line for shallower layers.

Business impact sampling using plugs from cores, which introduces

sampling bias into any analysis. Recent develop-
The first phase of well drilling on Lunskoye used ments with the use of scratch tests, which provide
this selective perforating scheme for completing a continuous measure of strength along the entire
the wells, based on real-time reservoir data obtained core, together with ultrasonic measurements, pro-
from logging while drilling (LWD) to update the vide a means to use strength to identify different
reservoir model, which enabled a customized, well- facies in far more detail than with sporadic core
specific, selective perforating design for each of plugs (Germay & Lhomme 2016).
the wells drilled. As a result, the completions suc- Figure 12 shows an example of scratch test based
cessfully delivered the required gas production strength estimates over a 400 m long core section,
sand-free for the start-up of the liquefied natural showing a large scatter of data when plotted against
gas development (Zerbst & Webers 2011). the corresponding log porosity. When re-analysed
From this example we demonstrate that identify- using a clustering scheme, four different facies are
ing strength differences in reservoir sandstones can identified, enabling unique strength correlations to
lead to significantly less conservative completion be established for the different facies. Both standard
designs and larger operational limits for production, strength measurements on core plugs and the more
leading to increased production and recovery. The detailed measurements of strength obtained from
higher strength sandstones are able to withstand the scratch tests provide independent evidence for
larger drawdown pressures and depletions, with the use of facies-based strength correlations for
improved production and recovery. detailed completion design.

Scratch testing of core with subtle Concluding remarks

lithological variations
The contribution of geomechanical engineering to
Similar variations in rock strength have been a range of field planning issues, from exploration
observed in other reservoirs around the world, re- through to the development and abandonment of
sulting from subtle geological influences. For exam- oil and gas fields, has seen a continued increase
ple, reservoir facies differences in a North Sea field, since the 1980s. The uptake of geomechanics has
observable in core, but not discernible from well relied on analytical models and, more recently,
logs, required two strength correlations to mechani- sophisticated numerical models to address the
cally characterize the reservoir, with the higher design optimization of field developments. These
strength facies on average 45 MPa (450 bar) stron- range from pore pressure and stress estimation,
ger than the weaker strength facies for 15–20% wellbore stability, sand production and completion
porosity sandstones. design, reservoir management issues of compaction
The sensitivity of strength to both depositional and subsidence and four-dimensional field monitor-
and diagenetic factors has been based on coarse ing to hydraulic fracturing and natural fracture

Fig. 12. Identification of different facies using strength v. porosity cross-plots based on continuous strength and
p-wave velocity measurements on cores. After Noufal et al. (2015). # 2015, Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Reproduced with permission of SPE. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

stimulation. The use of analytical models has been have led to significant improvements in the field
effective, but the availability of field data in the developments.
case studies discussed in this paper highlights the Core sampling and mechanical testing strategies
limitations of the models, which can oversimplify commonly result in very low sampling rates, down
the industry’s view of the subsurface. What is to ,1 ppt of the reservoir volume. This highlights
required is both improved modelling and increased the reliance on establishing strength- and property-
geological input into the models. based correlations to enable petrophysical and geo-
The use of field data to help characterize the physical extrapolation of the core measurements
stress state in both the Cusiana and Brent fields, for away from the well and across the field for sub-
both the initial field conditions and during produc- surface geomechanical characterization. This low
tion and depletion, has led to novel explanations sampling density increases the uncertainty of any
of the initial stress state with respect to the faulting analysis, which can be managed, but not eliminated,
style and the stress depletion response of the with intelligent calibration of the data based on
reservoirs. These data, along with improved models sound geological models. Nevertheless, analysis
and geomechanical subsurface characterization, still benefits from adequate sampling and laboratory

measurements, as shown in the Lunksoye comple- invaluable suggestions of Najwa Yassir while reviewing
tion design, and from the more detailed strength and editing this paper.
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In situ stress distribution and mechanical stratigraphy in the Bowen
and Surat basins, Queensland, Australia
Santos Ltd, Santos Place, 32 Turbot Street, Qld 4000, Australia
Origin Energy, 339 Coronation Drive, Qld 4064, Australia

Abstract: We present regional in situ stress analyses based on publicly available log and pressure
data from coal seam gas developments in the Permian Bowen basin, Australia. Together with
earlier data from the eastern part of the Jurassic Surat basin, our results show a broad, but system-
atic, rotation of SHmax azimuths in this part of eastern Australia as well as systematic changes in
stress state with depth. Overall, the geomechanical state of the region appears to reflect the inter-
play between basin-controlling structures and a complex far-field stress regime. At the reservoir
level, within and between Permian coal seams, this stress complexity is reflected in highly variable
stress states both vertically and laterally. Stress data, including direct pressure measurements and
observations of borehole failure in image logs, have been used to calibrate sonic-derived one-
dimensional wellbore stress models that consistently exhibit a change in tectonic stress regime
with depth. Shallow depths (,600 m) are characterized by a reverse-thrust stress regime and
deeper levels are characterized by a strike-slip regime. Changes in the stress state with depth
influence the mechanical stratigraphy of rocks with widely contrasting mechanical attributes
(coals and clastic sediments). Our results highlight the interdependency between regional tectonic,
local structural and detailed rheological influences on the well scale geomechanical conditions that
have to be taken into consideration in drilling and completion designs.

Supplementary material: Database of additional wells with image log data are available at

The Australian continent is characterized by signifi- 2009a). Between c. 265 and 230 Ma, the Bowen
cant variability in the magnitude and orientation basin and the New England Orogen were subjected
of in situ stresses (Coblentz et al. 1995, 1998; Hillis to contractional and strike-slip deformation known
et al. 1999; Hillis & Reynolds 2000, 2003; Reynolds as the Hunter Bowen Orogeny (Holcombe et al.
et al. 2002, 2003) at both the continental and 1997b; Korsch et al. 2009b). This deformation
regional scale. This is well documented from oil- initiated basin-bounding fault systems (Fig. 2).
field data, particularly in the eastern –central The Bowen basin is broadly characterized by
interior basins (Reynolds et al. 2005; Nelson et al. two north–south-trending depocentres, the Denison
2007). The in situ stress distribution in the Austra- and Taroom troughs (Fig. 2), with internal half-
lian plate is controlled by plate boundary forces graben structures that initiated during the Early
acting on the Australian plate (Fig. 1). The key Permian. The early Permian basin-fill is dominated
plate tectonic elements bracketing the Australian by fluvio-lacustrine clastic successions.
plate include the divergent southern margin between The deposition of thick, mid –late Permian coal
Australia and Antarctica, transpressional conver- measures (2–15 m), particularly in the eastern part
gence at the southeastern plate margin, compression of the basin, occurred during thermal sag, which
along the northern and northwestern plate margin was followed by significant late Permian inversion
(particularly the Papua New Guinea fold–thrust of local half-graben. In the Bowen basin, one to
belt and the Himalayan collision zone) and subduc- three coal seams of economic interest can be devel-
tion at the northeastern margin (Indonesian Arc; oped at the well scale. Late Permian and Triassic
Reynolds et al. 2002, 2003; Sandiford et al. 2004). contraction led to complex reactivation structures
The Bowen basin (Figs 1 & 2) is interpreted as a and the deposition of late Permian–Early Triassic
Permian to Triassic back-arc basin (Holcombe et al. fluvio-marine clastics; deposition ceased during a
1997a, b; Korsch & Totterdell 2009) and is one of a mid –late Triassic contractional event. The develop-
series of rift basins that developed across eastern ment of permeability in coal seam gas fields is
Australia from the Early Permian (Korsch et al. loosely associated with structural highs.

From: Turner, J. P., Healy, D., Hillis, R. R. & Welch, M. J. (eds) Geomechanics and Geology.
Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 458,
# 2017 The Author(s). Published by The Geological Society of London. All rights reserved.
For permissions: Publishing disclaimer:

Fig. 1. (a) Indo-Australian plate and surrounding plate margins. Orange circles indicate earthquakes at plate
margins; the diameter of the circles corresponds to the relative earthquake magnitude. (b) Plate motion vectors,
Indo-Australian plate. Adapted from Sandiford (2016).

The southeastern part of the Bowen basin is over- Coal seam methane has been produced in SE
lain by the Surat basin (grey coloured area in Figs 2 Queensland for over 20 years. The industry saw a
& 3), which formed a broad intracontinental depres- marked acceleration of drilling and broad data
sion during the Jurassic. Surat basin sediments are acquisition in the early 2000s, when several world-
dominated by siltstones and mudstones with minor scale coal seam gas to liquefied natural gas projects
sandstones, all of which were deposited in a fluvio- commenced construction and production. Early
lacustrine depositional environment. All the clastic production was mainly from vertical wells with
lithologies contain significant volcanic components, or without hydraulic fracture completions. Ongoing
resulting in low porosity and permeability. The optimization of both drilling design and hydraulic
Surat basin contains multiple coal seams (on aver- fracture completions has fostered a wealth of diag-
age 60) with an average thickness of 0.4 m. These nostic data acquisition and some design changes
coal seams form the Walloons fairway (Fig. 2). (Flottmann et al. 2013; Kirk-Burnnand et al.
Structuring in the Surat basin is subtle and 2015). Initial work on the geomechnical framework
reflects the more intense deformation of the underly- (Brooke-Barnett et al. 2015) has shown the variabil-
ing reactivated inversion structures in the Permian ity of stress magnitudes and the potential influence
Bowen basin. Triassic structural highs set up gentle, of fundamental basement and basin structures.
low-amplitude highs in the Surat basin, which are The focus of this study is the in situ stress state in
characterized by exceptional permeabilities ranging the context of the geology and geomechanics of the
from hundreds of millidarcies (mD) to multidarcies Permian Bowen basin and the Roma Shelf region of
(e.g. Undulla Nose, Fig. 2). High permeability the Surat basin (Fig. 2). The wireline data utilized in
regions are characterized by coals with multiple this study are publicly available at QDEX (2016).
fracture orientations readily identifiable on image The results presented here complement earlier stud-
logs (i.e. no preferred fracture orientation). ies conducted in the eastern part of the Jurassic Surat

Fig. 2. (a) Location of Bowen and Surat basins in Australia. (b) SEEBASE map showing the structure of the top
basement underlying the Bowen basin (see text for further details); grey area shows extent of the Walloons
(production) fairway of the Surat Basin; dotted line is the location of the regional seismic line in part (c).
(c) Seismic line showing basic structural elements of Bowen and Surat basins

basin (excluding the Roma Shelf region) to the south This paper has four objectives:
of the Bowen basin (Figs 2 & 3; Flottmann et al.
2013; Brooke-Barnett et al. 2015). The data pre- (1) Documenting the significant plan view vari-
sented here show significant three-dimensional ability of the SHmax orientation in an intraconti-
complexity and granularity in the stress tensor (the nental basin setting utilizing a comprehensive
relative magnitude of the principal stresses) and and regionally extensive in situ stress dataset
their plan view orientation in an area with hitherto based on .180 wells, of which 145 wells pre-
sparse datasets; the World Stress Map (Heidbach sent new data.
et al. 2008, 2010) shows a comparatively uniform (2) Establishing systematic variations of stress
distribution of the maximum horizontal stress geometry with depth from representative
(SHmax) in eastern Queensland. Similarly, both examples of one-dimensional wellbore stress
the magnitude of differential stresses and the Ander- models based on log-derived strain-based
sonian stress state (reverse/strike-slip/normal; stress calculations.
Anderson 1951) varies significantly with depth. (3) Discussing the implications of both the lateral
The geomechanics of the Bowen and Surat basins and vertical stress variability on the bulk
are uniquely influenced by the geological setting mechanical stratigraphy which, in turn, influ-
because the stratigraphic column vertically juxta- ence completion strategies, such as hydraulic
poses lithologies with starkly contrasting rheologi- fracture stimulation and inclined and horizon-
cal properties (e.g. clastic sediments v. coals). tal drilling.

Fig. 3. Azimuths of SHmax from breakout interpretation on image logs on the SEEBASE map (see Fig. 2b). All
orientations are from breakouts deeper than 450 m and wells with a wellbore inclination ,308. Note the variability
of SHmax azimuths in the different domains (see text for discussion). Coloured circles represent the Shmin magnitude
as derived from LOTs (below 450 m TVD RT). The map illustrates that the north and central Bowen regions appear
to be highly stressed, the Roma Shelf and Burunga Anticline are at intermediate stress and the south Bowen is in the
lowest present day stress. Open circles refer to wells presented in Figures 5 –8 (from north to south).

(4) Assessing the in situ stress and geomechanical 2008). The stress data are displayed on a basin struc-
implications based on data from the Permian ture map generated using the SEEBASE method
Bowen basin (presented here) with existing of integrating various datasets to generate a best
data and interpretations from the Jurassic approximate of a ‘depth-to-basement’ structure
Surat basin. image (SEEBASE 2005).
One-dimensional wellbore stress models are
used to constrain the relative magnitude of Shmin
and SHmax (in relation to SV) with depth. One-
Data, conditioning and calibration dimensional wellbore stress models are based on
The basic stratigraphic correlations are from stan- Poisson’s ratio (equation 2) and Young’s modulus
dard well logs (gamma ray, density, resistivity, (equation 3), which are derived from dipole
two-arm caliper; for stratigraphic overview, see sonic and density wireline data (dynamic data).
Cook & Jell 2013). Integrating the density log and A dynamic to static conversion of Poisson’s ratio
extrapolating the trend to the surface allows calcula- and Young’s modulus was derived regionally
tion of the vertical stress magnitude. The integral of from rock mechanics laboratory measurements
the density logs with reference to depth gives the (equations 4–7). Minimum and maximum horizon-
gradient of the vertical stress (SV), usually around tal stresses were then calculated using poroelastic
1 psi/ft (c. 19.2 ppg, c. 22.6 kPa m21) (equation 1). stress equations (Eaton 1968, 1972, 1975; Thierce-
Vertical (overburden) stress at depth z (Pa): lin & Plumb 1994; equations 8 & 9), which incorpo-
rate the static Poisson’s ratio, vertical stress,
z pore pressure, the static Young’s modulus and
Biot’s coefficient, as well as tectonic strain in the
SV = r(z)g dz (1) minimum (1min) and maximum (1max) horizontal
0 stress directions. Nominal tectonic strain values of
1max ¼ 0.0009 and 1min ¼ 0.0003 were used for
where z is the depth below ground level, r is the den- the initial calculations before calibration (Brooke-
sity in kg m23 and g is the acceleration due to grav- Barnett et al. 2015). Pore pressure was calculated
ity (assumed to be 9.81 m s22). based on a freshwater hydrostatic gradient, which
The orientation of SHmax (the maximum horizon- is commonly observed in undepleted coal reser-
tal stress) is derived from borehole breakouts voirs. Biot’s coefficient was not independently
and the drilling-induced tensile fractures (DITFs) constrained and was set as 1 to ensure consistency
observed in image logs. Breakouts form due to con- across the basin, thus true variation in poroelastic
jugate microfracturing and shear failure at the well- strain constants can be assessed.
bore wall in response to hoop stresses (Kirsch 1898). Dynamic Poisson’s ratio (ndyn) (no units):
Breakout is a product of far-field stresses interacting
with the wellbore wall and elongating the wellbore
(Vp /Vs )2 − 2
in the direction of Shmin (the minimum horizontal vdyn = (2)
stress; see Bell 1990, 1996a, b), leading to an overall 2[(Vp /Vs )2 − 1]
oval shape of the wellbore. DITFs form in the
azimuth of SHmax; they form sharp, usually linear, where Vp is the compressional sonic velocity in
fractures where the tensile hoop stresses are greater m s21 and Vs is shear sonic velocity in m s21.
than the tensile rock strength at the wellbore wall. Dynamic Young’s modulus (Edyn) (Pa):
Both breakouts and DITFs are sensitive to mud-
weight changes and the magnitude of the differential
stresses (in vertical wellbores, SHmax 2 Shmin) rVs2 (3Vp2 − 4Vs2 )
applied to the wellbore wall. For a given far-field Edyn = (3)
Vp2 − Vs2
stress state, elevated mud-weights can suppress
the initiation of borehole breakout, whereas high
mud-weights can, in turn, initiate DITFs. The where r is the density in kg m23, Vp is the compres-
wells used here are usually drilled either under sional sonic velocity in m s21and Vs is the shear
balance or slightly over balance with respect to sonic velocity in m s21.
the hydrostatic gradient of.433 psi/ft (c. 8.3 ppg; Sandstone static Poisson’s ratio (nstat) (no
9.8 kPa m21). Wireline logging is undertaken after units):
the wellbore is filled with a 3% KCl brine under
slightly overbalanced conditions. All logs are
vstat = 0.7vdyn + 0.06 (4)
referenced and corrected to true north. Stress mea-
surements were ranked according the classification
scheme of the World Stress Map (Tingay et al. where vdyn is the dynamic Poisson’s ratio.

Siltstone static Poisson’s ratio (nstat) (no units): The initial calibration of the stress profiles was
undertaken using the stress polygon method (Moos
vstat = 0.7vdyn + 0.08 (5) & Zoback 1990; Zoback 2007). This method uses
the incidence of borehole failure (breakout and
drilling-induced tensile failure) to estimate the
where vdyn is the dynamic Poisson’s ratio. stress conditions required to induce failure within
Sandstone static Young’s modulus (Estat) the rock, using the frictional limit (defined by the
(Pa): friction angle) and compressional and tensional
strength of the rock at the point of failure occur-
Estat = 0.32Edyn (6) rence. The friction angle was calculated using the
method defined by Lal (1999; equation 10). The
where Edyn is the dynamic Young’s modulus. unconfined compressive rock strength was defined
Siltstone static Young’s modulus (Estat) (Pa): based on empirical relationships listed in Chang
et al. (2006). The equation defined by McNally
(1987), based on data from the Bowen basin, was
Estat = 0.3Edyn (7)
used for sandstones (equation 8). Where available,
fracture closure pressures derived from pressure
where Edyn is the dynamic Young’s modulus. data such as leak-off tests (LOTs), diagnostic frac-
Strain-derived SHmax (Pa): ture injection tests and modular formation dynamic
tester minifracs and pre-injection minifrac tests
vstat were used to constrain the minimum principal stress
SHmax − aPp = (SV − aPp )
s Hmax 1 − vstat (Barree et al. 2007, 2009). Table 1 gives the wells
Vertical component and the specific calibration method(s) used.
Estat Friction angle (88 ) (Lal 1999):
+  (1max + vstat 1min )
1 − v2stat  
Vp − 1000
Tectonic component
w = sin−1 (10)
vstat Vp + 1000
⇒ SHmax = (SV − aPp )
1 − vstat
where Vp is compressional sonic velocity in m s21.
Estat Sandstone compressive rock strength (MPa)
+  (1max + vstat 1min ) + aPp
1 − v2stat (McNally 1987):
UCS = 1200e(−0.036Dt) (11)
Strain-derived Shmin (Pa):
where Dt is the compressional sonic slowness in
vstat ms/ft and e is the base of natural logarithm.
Shmin − aPp = (SV − aPp )
shmin 1 − vstat
Vertical component

Estat Stress orientation

+  (1min + vstat 1max )
1 − v2stat
Tectonic component
In situ stress data covering an area of 350 × 210 km
(.70 000 km2; for comparison, an area more than
⇒ Shmin = (SV − aPp ) half the size of England) show significant variation
1 − vstat in the orientation of SHmax. Based on the results, six
Estat distinct domains can be identified: the north Bowen,
+  (1min + vstat 1max ) + aPp south Bowen and Burunga Anticline regions in the
1 − v2stat
Bowen basin and the Roma Shelf and Taroom Trough
(9) regions in the Surat basin (Fig. 3).
Regional maps of the SHmax orientation and Shmin
where sHmax is the maximum effective horizontal magnitude have been constructed using all the avail-
stress, shmin is the minimum effective horizontal able data from open file wells to December 2015.
stress, vstat is the static Poisson’s ratio, Sv is the ver- The SHmax orientation has been determined from
tical stress, a is Biot’s coefficient, Pp is the forma- observations of breakout or drilling-induced frac-
tion pressure, Estat is the static Young’s modulus, tures on image logs or from breakout observed on
1max is the strain in the maximum horizontal stress four- or six-arm caliper logs. The SHmax orientation
direction and 1min is the strain in the minimum hor- represented on the map in Figure 3 is derived
izontal stress direction. from breakout data. The DITF data give the same

Table 1. Wells (including offset wells) used in this study and calibration method for one-dimensional wellbore
stress models

Well name Latitude (S) Longitude (E) LOT FIT ISIP Pc IL RST

Durham Ranch 164 268 03′ 38.10′′ 1498 13′ 32.72′′ † †

FV03-15-1 258 33′ 25.31′′ 1488 59′ 51.29′′ † † † †
Arcadia Branch 5 258 17′ 29.35′′ 1488 55′ 41.88′′ † † † †
Hermitage 14 268 20′ 44.63′′ 1498 0′ 59.09′′ † † † † †
Ironbark Gully 4 258 31′ 45.57′′ 1488 55′ 58.90′′ †
Hermitage 11 268 20′ 42.63′′ 1498 2′ 55.79′′ †
Sunnyholt 2 258 17′ 37.66′′ 1488 50′ 44.84′′ † † †
Sunnyholt 3 258 17′ 17.98′′ 1488 51′ 06.91′′ † † †
Sunnyholt 4 258 17′ 47.61′′ 1488 51′ 12.36′′ † † †
Sunnyholt 11 258 17′ 50.82′′ 1488 51′ 36.55′′ †
Arcadia Valley 2 258 24′ 15.00′′ 1488 50′ 57.82′′ † † †
Mount Kingsley 1 258 13′ 55.22′′ 1488 54′ 6.84′′ † † †
FV17-35-1DW1 258 47′ 19.97′′ 1498 01′ 29.01′′ † † † † †

FIT, formation integrity test; IL, image log; ISIP, instantaneous shut-in pressure; LOT, leak-off test; Pc, closure pressure; RST, rock
strength testing.

result, but there are fewer data points and they are et al. (2015). Over the entire study area, the mean
not discussed further herein. The mean SHmax SHmax orientation is c. 428 N with a standard devia-
azimuth is represented by the straight lines given tion of c. 368 (Table 2), giving the area a type 1
in Figure 3. To avoid ambiguity, all data presented stress ranking. However, the orientation and quality
are from depths .450 m and from wells with of the in situ stresses varies significantly between
,308 wellbore inclination. the six domains that make up the whole area.
This study builds on the findings of Brooke-
Barnett et al. (2015) by applying the statistical
methodology outlined by Hillis & Reynolds (2000, (1) The northern Bowen domain is dominated by
2003) over both the Surat and Bowen basins. Conse- a NNE-trending SHmax orientation; the domi-
quently, the Rayleigh test was applied to the nant SHmax orientation here is c. 228 N with
stress orientation data to determine the confidence a standard deviation of c. 198 (Table 2).
of stress orientations over the study area (Mardia There are individual diversions from the dom-
1972; Table 2). Wells were also grouped into inant orientation in the very west of the study
regions based on the underlying SEEBASE topogra- area; in the far north individual easterly trend-
phy and SHmax orientation (Fig. 3) and the Rayleigh ing as well as one southeasterly trending out-
test was applied separately to each of these regions. lier are recorded. This region is designated
The regions were then classified into six types using as a type 2 stress region.
the following criteria: a type 1 region can reject the (2) The south-central Bowen domain of the
null hypothesis that stress orientations are random at Bowen basin forms a transitional corridor
the 99.9% confidence interval; a type 2 region can of variable SHmax orientations; both NE and
reject the null hypothesis at the 99% confidence NW trends as well as easterly trends occur,
interval; a type 3 region can reject the null hypoth- which gradually changes to an east –west to
esis at the 97.5% interval; a type 4 region can reject WNW–ESE trend of SHmax further south.
the null hypothesis at the 95% interval; a type 5 can Overall, this region exhibits a mean SHmax ori-
reject the null hypothesis at the 90% interval; and a entation of c. 708 N with a standard deviation
type 6 region suggests that the null hypothesis of c. 348 (Table 2). Despite the higher spread
cannot be rejected at the 90% interval (Hillis & in orientation in this region, the sheer amount
Reynolds 2000, 2003). As per the methodology of reliable stress indicators (21 A –C type
of Hillis & Reynolds (2000, 2003), Table 2 shows measurements) enable this region to have a
the results of the Rayleigh test as applied to the type 1 stress ranking.
mean SHmax orientations from A to C quality bore- (3) The southern Bowen domain (immediately
hole breakouts and DITF measurements. However, north of the Roma Shelf on Fig. 3) exhibits a
the mean statistics were also calculated using all very consistent east –west SHmax orientation
borehole breakouts and DITF measurements (A to with a standard deviation of c. 48 (Table 2).
E quality) as well as the average SHmax for each Similar to the north Bowen domain, the con-
well as per the methodology of Brooke-Barnett sistency of orientation between wells, despite
Table 2. Results of Raleigh analysis

Region Count A – C type Statistics Statistics Statistics well average

A–C A–E Shmax

A B C D E Total Borehole DITFs Count Mean Rn SD Conf. Type Count Mean Rn SD Count Mean Rn SD
breakouts (8N) (8) (8N) (8) (8N) (8)

North Bowen 1 3 1 32 21 58 5 0 5 12.1 0.9 10.7 .99 2.0 58.0 25.2 0.7 22.1 29.0 22.3 0.8 18.9
South-central Bowen 2 8 11 55 18 94 5 16 21 88.2 0.6 26.7 .99.9 1.0 94.0 67.8 0.4 37.5 47.0 69.5 0.5 34.2
Southern Bowen 0 1 4 3 2 10 4 1 5 93.3 1.0 3.8 .99 2.0 10.0 87.4 1.0 9.1 5.0 90.7 1.0 4.4
Roma Shelf 0 0 1 55 22 78 0 1 1 36.0 1.0 0.0 ,90 – 78.0 17.8 0.9 13.0 39.0 18.0 0.9 13.8
Burunga Anticline 2 8 7 9 12 38 15 2 17 53.0 0.9 14.3 .99.9 1.0 38.0 50.9 0.8 17.2 19.0 48.7 0.9 13.8
Taroom Trough 1 1 2 41 21 66 4 0 4 60.2 0.6 27.8 ,90 6.0 66.0 82.4 0.3 41.6 33.0 77.9 0.3 42.9
New England Orogen 0 0 1 10 7 18 1 0 1 23.9 1.0 0.0 ,90 – 18.0 56.4 0.7 22.8 9.0 52.1 0.8 18.9
Total 6 21 27 205 103 362 34 20 54 66.2 0.5 33.1 .99.9 1.0 362.0 43.8 0.4 38.1 181.0 41.5 0.4 36.3

The Rayleigh test was applied to the entire area and the sub-regions defined in this paper based on A to C quality stress indicators (Statistics A –C). Mean statistics have also been calculated on A–E quality
stress indicators (Statistics A –E) and the mean stress orientation for each well (Statistics well total SHmax) based on input well data. Mean is the mean SHmax calculated for a region, Rn is the length of the vector
resulting from the sum of all SHmax orientations within a region (Mardia 1972), SD is the standard deviation of the calculated mean SHmax, Conf. is the confidence level at which the null hypothesis that the stress
orientation is random can be rejected and the type is the stress province type as per the methodology of Hillis & Reynolds (2002, 2003). DITFs, drilling-induced tensile fractures.

the small sample size, means this domain also and rock properties. The strainless one-dimensional
has a type 2 ranking. wellbore stress models are validated and refined
(4) The Roma Shelf domain, in which most stress with known data, including leak-off data, DFIT or
measurements are from wells in the Jurassic mini-frac closure pressure data, which gives an
Walloons sequence, is again dominated by estimate of the minimum horizontal stress at a par-
NNE- (c. 188) trending SHmax orientations. ticular depth. Alternatively, laboratory-based rock
Note that although the orientations between strength testing or frictional limits based on stress
wells are relatively consistent (standard devi- indicators from image log analyses were used to cal-
ation of c. 148) the quality of stress indicators ibrate the horizontal stress magnitudes (for method
in this region is low, meaning there are insuf- applied, see figure captions). One-dimensional well-
ficient data to assign a ranking to this area bore stress models show systematic variations
(Table 2). of Andersonian stress geometry with depth in the
(5) The Burunga Anticline on the eastern margin Bowen and Surat basins (see Flottmann et al.
of the Taroom Trough displays a consistent 2013; Brooke-Barnett et al. 2015).
NE trend of SHmax (c. 518) with a standard At depths shallower than around 500– 600 m
deviation of c. 148 (Table 2). The low standard TVD (total vertical depth, i.e. the depth below the
deviation and high quality of stress indicators surface measured from the drill rig floor), the stress
give this region a type 1 stress ranking. state is characterized by a reverse stress regime
(6) The Taroom Trough domain of the Surat basin (SV , Shmin , SHmax, where SV ¼ vertical stress,
(which overlies the depocentre of the Permian Shmin ¼ minimum horizontal stress and SHmax ¼
Bowen basin; Figs 2 & 3) to the east of the maximum horizontal stress). Image log data in
Roma Shelf shows a complex SHmax orienta- reverse stress regimes are dominated by borehole
tion. In the basin centre the stress azimuths breakouts (DITFs are largely absent) and breakout
are dominated by broadly easterly trends orientations indicate significant variability in the
(both ENE and ESE), but show a number azimuth of SHmax (Fig. 4). The one-dimensional
of significant deviations from a clear overall wellbore stress models presented in Figures 5 –8
trend. At the flanks of the depocentre the indicate low horizontal differential stresses (i.e.
SHmax orientation swings into parallelism the difference between SHmax and Shmin), in particu-
with the depocentre boundaries (a fault system lar at depths where reverse stress regimes are
in the east and a ramp in west, Brooke-Barnett dominant. The low differential stress is a likely
et al. 2015). Other datasets (Brooke-Barnett cause of the scatter in the breakout orientations at
et al. 2015) show a NE trend to the east, shallow depths. Below 500–600 m TVD the stress
where the Walloons depocentre is underlain geometry is typically of a strike-slip stress regime
by a basement high (New England Orogen (Shmin , SV , SHmax). Image log data in strike-slip
Region; Table 2). Despite the inclusion of stress regimes show both borehole breakouts and
additional data, this region retains the type 6 DITFs (Fig. 4a), both of which occur dominantly
designation from Brooke-Barnett et al. (2015). in shale/siltstone units.
Figure 4b and c show the wellbore stress condi-
tions at 400 and 800 m, respectively, using the
One-dimensional wellbore stress models stress and rock strength data given in Figure 6 for
(mechanical Earth models) those depths. The stress/rock strength conditions
at 400 m allow for broad compressive failure
A one-dimensional wellbore stress model (also where the maximum horizontal stress exceeds the
called a mechanical Earth model) is a numerical compressive failure. This condition is represented
representation of the geomechanical state of the sub- by the occurrence of scattered borehole breakouts.
surface over a given interval and combines known The stress conditions do not reach tensile failure,
pore pressures, the stress state (vertical, minimum resulting in the sparse development of DITFs at
and maximum horizontal) and rock mechanical this depth (Fig. 4a). At 800 m depth both the differ-
properties (uniaxial compressive strength, Young’s ential stresses and the uniaxial compressive strength
modulus and Poisson’s ratio). The one-dimensional are higher than at 400 m (Fig. 6). This results in the
wellbore stress models herein have been generated preferential development of DITFs (as the stress
using RokDoc623 software. conditions exceed the tensile rock strength). Both
The one-dimensional wellbore stress models DITFs and borehole breakouts occur in a well-
have been compiled for four example wells within defined narrow band at this depth. The data compi-
the Bowen basin (circled well locations, Fig. 3). lation in Figure 4a shows the dominance of DITFs at
The one-dimensional wellbore stress models are depths .1000 m; the dominance of DITFs at greater
created using shear and p-wave sonic velocities depths appears to be related to increasing differen-
and elastic models to produce estimates of stress tial stress with depth in this part of the Bowen basin.

Fig. 4. (a) Compilation of wellbore breakout data (grey circles) and DITFs (black circles) from the central Bowen
basin region. Note the variability of breakout azimuth at shallow depth and the progressive domination of DITFs at
greater depth. (b) Circumferential stress distribution at 400 m depth using rock strength and stress data given in
Figure 6; note that the minimum stress does not allow the generation of tensile fractures (i.e. no DITFs), but the
maximum stress exceeds the compressive strength, resulting in the wide-ranging development of borehole breakouts
(BO). (c) Same as part (b), but at 800 m; note that the minimum stress exceeds the tensile strength, resulting the
preferential development of DITFs at greater depths. (d) Rose plot of combined azimuth of SHmax data from
wellbore analysis presented in part (a).

The transition between reverse stress regimes and 2013). The dataset presented here shows a similar
strike-slip stress regimes is also well documented in stress regime transition at the same depth range,
tiltmeter data acquired during hydraulic stimula- but in the Permian Bowen basin. The co-occurrence
tions in the Jurassic Surat basin (Flottmann et al. of the transition from a reverse to a strike-slip stress

Fig. 5. Logs and one-dimensional wellbore stress model for the Arcadia Branch 5 well (see Fig. 3, circled wells
show well locations of Figs 5–8 from north to south). Left-hand side: input log data used to calculate Shmin and
SHmax on right-hand side. Shmin generally smaller than SV, but SHmax greater than SV, indicating a strike-slip stress
regime. Colour scheme: Vs and Vp logs, blue colours slow (e.g. coals, carbonaceous shales), red colours fast (hard
sand and shales). Formation tops: BAND denotes Bandanna Formation, above Rewan Formation (for stratigraphic
detail, see Cook & Jell 2013).

state at a similar depth range in two different basins constrained by rock strength testing from offset
suggests that the transition in stress state is con- wells in both the interburden and the coals. Shmin
trolled by the present day depth rather being con- has been constrained using DFIT, minifrac and leak-
trolled by geological or stratigraphic parameters. off data. Results from one-dimensional wellbore
A second transition from a strike-slip to a normal stress models display some key contrasts in mechan-
stress regime (Shmin , SHmax , SV) has been docu- ical stratigraphy. In principle, (non-coal) interburden
mented at c. 650 –800 m in some areas in the Surat rocks have a higher rock strength than coals, which
basin. This transition does not occur in the Bowen display a consistently low rock strength based on a
basin. The magnitude of differential stresses in the high Poisson’s ratio and low Young’s modulus.
Surat basin also show significant variability. This Coals are dominated by a normal stress regime,
appears to be attributed to both the nature of the regardless of whether the surrounding rocks are in
basement and/or the thickness of the sedimentary a reverse, strike-slip or normal overall stress regime.
section underlying the Surat basin (Brooke-Barnett Importantly, in reverse and strike-slip stress regimes
et al. 2015). coals exhibit generally lower overall stresses than the
surrounding country rock (Fig. 9a, b). This has been
established by numerous systematic DFIT tests in
Mechanical stratigraphy numerous wells in both the Bowen and Surat basins
(Fig. 9a, b; Flottmann et al. 2013). The same result
Rock properties (Young’s modulus, the uniaxial is achieved by establishing frictional limits theory
compressive strength and Poisson’s ratio) are based on image log analyses.

Fig. 6. Logs and one-dimensional wellbore stress model for the Fairview F-V 03-15-1 well. Colour scheme as in
Figure 5. Note distinct change from a reverse to a strike-slip stress regime around 500 m. Black squares show DFIT
calibration points for stress model. Formation tops: PRECI, Precipice Sandstone; CLEM, Clematis Formation;
REW, Rewan Formation; BAND, Bandanna Formation; BLKA, Black Alley Shale.

The relationships given in equations (8) and (9) stress models, the essential elements impacting the
suggest that rocks with a high Poisson’s ratio (e.g. mechanical stratigraphy in the Bowen and Surat
coals) are more susceptible to accommodating basins can be reduced to three key components:
high stress in tectonic scenarios dominated by verti- (1) coals with a comparatively high Poisson’s ratio
cal ‘loading’ (overburden); conversely, horizontal and low Young’s modulus; (2) interburden rocks
‘loading’ (i.e. the tectonic component) is domi- with a comparatively low Poisson’s ratio and a
nantly accommodated in rocks with a high Young’s high Young’s modulus; and (3) a stress regime dom-
modulus. Based on the one-dimensional wellbore inated by horizontal (tectonic) components.

Fig. 7. Logs and one-dimensional wellbore stress model for the Durham Ranch DM 164 well. Colour scheme same
as Figure 5. Note distinct change from reverse stress regime above 400 m to strike-slip stress regime below 650 m.
Formation tops: EVER, Evergreen Formation; BOXS, Boxvale Sandstone; LEVE, Lower Evergreen; PRECI,
Precipice Sandstone; LPREC, Lower Precipice Sandstone; REW, Rewan Formation; BAND, Bandanna Formation;
KALM, Kaloola Member; BLKA, Black Alley Shale.

Fig. 8. Logs and one-dimensional wellbore stress model for the Hermitage 14 well (location Fig. 3). Colour scheme
same as Figure 5. Note numerous transitions from a reverse to a strike-slip regime. Black squares show DFIT
calibration points for stress model. Formation tops: WEAL, Weald Sandstone; SPBK, Springbok Formation; UPJU,
Upper Juandah coal measures; PROU, Proud Sandstone; LOJU, Lower Juandah coal measures; TANG, Tangalooma
Sandstone; TARO, Taroom coal measures.

Fig. 9. (a) Close up of DM 164 log over coal interval (grey shading); note that both SHmax and Shmin are smaller
than SV (straight brown line); coals are in normal stress regime. (b) Same observations as for well FV-03-15-1.

In the following discussion we explore the oil- fact, the stress rotations may provide a guide for
field impacts of the key elements of the mechanical future remote deep data acquisition. Regardless,
stratigraphy in the Bowen and Surat basins, which is the observations presented here suggest that stresses
relevant to basins with similar conditions worldwide. in intracontinental basins can vary significantly
and without any visible first-order manifestation
in complementary datasets, such as faults or basin
Discussion structure.
However, from an oilfield perspective, it is
The data presented in this paper show variability in important to take local variations of SHmax into con-
the plan view stress azimuths and Andersonian sideration. For horizontal and/or deviated wells, for
stress geometry with depth. The data and interpreta- example, the SHmax azimuths can have significant
tions from the Permian Bowen basin presented here, implications with regard to optimizing wellbore
in combination with similar data from the Jurassic stability in deviated/horizontal wells in the context
Surat basin (Brooke-Barnett et al. 2015), show of rock strength and mud-weight optimization to
similar depths for the transition from a reverse to prevent wellbore collapse. Wellbore stability is
a strike-slip regime (400 –600 m). This suggests highest where the differential stresses around well-
that the first-order influence for the occurrence of bores are at a minimum. This is particularly true in
this transition in stress regime is depth (TVD) rather deviated/horizontal wells (regardless of the overall
than local conditions, such as the basin-specific stress magnitudes). In many strike-slip regimes,
stratigraphy. The transition from a reverse to a which are common around the world, this often
strike-slip stress state at c. 400 –600 m depth thus entails deviating the wellbore into SHmax as the
appears to be typical for eastern Queensland. This differential stresses between Shmin and SV are less
is in contrast with interior parts of Australia (e.g. than, for example, the differential stress between
the Cooper basin), where a transition from a strike- SV and SHmax.
slip stress regime at shallow depths to a reverse In the context of fracture stimulation comple-
stress regime is reported to occur at depths in excess tions, a well deviated into SHmax may not be
of c. 2.5 km (e.g. Reynolds et al. 2006). optimum because hydraulic fractures propagate
Previous datasets presented in the World Stress preferentially into the azimuth of SHmax, resulting
Map (Heidbach et al. 2008, 2010) suggest an overall in a longitudinal fracture stimulation. Generally,
NNE–NE orientation of SHmax in the Bowen basin. transverse stimulations (i.e. the fracture propagates
Our data support this observation over the entire perpendicular to the wellbore) are more advanta-
region, including both the Bowen and Surat basins geous, particularly in low-permeability formations,
(Table 2). However, our data show significant because they access greater reservoir rock volumes.
local deviations from the inferred regional trend. Consequently, the wellbore has to be deviated
In particular, the south Bowen domain of the into Shmin and, during drilling, the mud-weight
Bowen basin and the Taroom Trough domain of window has to be adjusted to deliver a stable well-
the Surat basin both display variable SHmax orienta- bore under high differential stresses acting perpen-
tions and the Denison Trough domain displays dicular to the wellbore axis. Regionally varying
an east– west SHmax which, although consistent, stress azimuths as documented here highlight the
deviates significantly from the regional SHmax need to acquire a complete stress dataset, allowing
orientation. full stress tensor and stress azimuth descriptions to
The reasons why the orientation of SHmax azi- optimize both drilling and completion options. The
muths is subject to significant local variations local variability of the SHmax azimuths in our dataset
remains, at this stage, a matter of speculation. demonstrates that it may be insufficient to rely
Brooke-Barnett et al. (2015) showed that SHmax azi- on regional datasets alone; local conditions have
muths in the Surat basin are significantly influenced to be established to allow for optimum drilling and
by the underlying basement structures. However, completion designs.
available SEEBASE data show no obvious major Stress state transitions with depth, and between
structural trends that could guide stress rotations lithologies, are of primary practical importance.
of the severity seen in the southern Bowen basin. Away from the wellbore-influenced hoop stresses,
The easterly stress orientations in the south-central hydraulic fractures open against the regional mini-
and southern domains may be guided by deep- mum principal stress. Consequently, hydraulic frac-
seated easterly trending fault systems and volcanism tures are expected to be vertical in both strike-slip
related to the opening of the Coral Sea during the and normal stress regimes; however, in a reverse
Tertiary (Cook & Jell 2013). The changing compo- stress regime fracture opening is expected to be hor-
sition of the deeper basement could result in changes izontal and leads to a horizontal hydraulic fracture.
in the bulk rock strength, which, in turn, could The occurrence of horizontal fracturing at shallow
contribute to the stress rotations observed – in depth is corroborated by tiltmeter data in the Surat

basin, which show a predominance of horizontal 8 & 9). Consequently, in reverse and strike-slip
components (up to 100%) at shallow depths. At regimes the interburden rocks (high Young’s modu-
depths .400– 500 m (Flottmann et al. 2013), lus and low Poisson’s ratio) will accommodate high
tiltmeter data show a predominance of vertical stresses and the coals will be comparatively
fracture components. less stressed.
Three-dimensional stress characterization is a The interaction of the Andersonian stress state
key requirement for the planning and implementa- and rocks of contrasting rheological properties
tion of drilling and completions such as hydraulic thus has significant implications for the propagation
fracture stimulations. Hydraulic stimulations propa- of hydraulic fractures. In a normal stress regime,
gate perpendicular to the lowest principal stress for example, where coals are comparatively highly
in the plane defined by the intermediate and maxi- stressed, hydraulic fractures will initiate in coals,
mum principal stresses; hydraulic fractures tend but will tend to grow into (interburden) formations
to grow in the azimuth of SHmax. The mechanical dominated by a lower mean stress (Fig. 10a). Our
stratigraphy and stress magnitudes are of particular interpretation of one-dimensional wellbore stress
importance for the vertical containment of fracture models shows that, in the Bowen basin, the actual
growth. Fractures initiate and grow preferentially Andersonian stress states are reverse and strike
in formations with low Shmin. Formations with low slip and the coals tend to be the least stressed mem-
Shmin have a low mean stress [(SV + SHmax + bers of the mechanical stratigraphy. Interburden
Shmin)/3]; conversely, formations with a high Shmin rocks with a high Young’s modulus accommodate
and a high mean stress tend to act as barriers to the the horizontal tectonic stress component (equations
vertical growth of hydraulic stimulations, thereby 8 & 9) and are the most highly stressed components
containing the stimulation to the target zone. of the mechanical stratigraphy in the Bowen basin
However, different Andersonian stress regimes (Fig. 10b). Consequently, hydraulic fracture com-
result in contrasting stress accommodation and pletions targeting coals are well contained in the
stress intensity in rocks with different rheological low stress coals (Fig. 10b). Similar observations
properties. Lithologies with a high Poisson’s ratio are documented in the Surat basin, where tracer
and a low Young’s modulus (such as coals) tend logs show containment in coal during hydraulic
to accommodate high stresses in a normal stress treatments (Kirk-Burnnand et al. 2015).
regime (SV . SHmax . Shmin), where the maximum Different Andersonian stress regimes can result
principal stress is vertical and the vertical component in potentially stark contrasts in rock-specific stress
of stress is governed by Poisson’s ratio (equations 8 states (Fig. 10a, b). This highlights the need for
& 9; see also Herwanger et al. 2015). Conversely, in the full three-dimensional characterization of stress
tectonic regimes where the maximum principal parameters to achieve the appropriate conditioning
stress is horizontal (reverse and strike-slip tectonic of one-dimensional geomechanical models, which
regimes), the stress distribution is governed by are key (software) inputs for planning fracture stim-
rocks with a high Young’s modulus and a low Pois- ulations or well planning. The three-dimensional
son’s ratio (i.e. the tectonic component in equations variation of stress states in the Bowen basin

Fig. 10. (a) Compression in vice represents normal stress regime (maximum stress vertical, i.e. perpendicular to
layering), resulting in high stress in coal (Poisson’s ratio (PR) c. 0.4) and low stress in clastic interburden rocks
(Poisson’s ratio c. 0.25); hypothetical fracture stimulation indicated by oval shapes; initiation in coal (solid outline),
but progressive growth into low stress interburden. (b) Compression in vice represents strike-slip/reverse stress
regime (maximum stress horizontal, i.e. parallel to layering), resulting in high stress in interburden and low stress in
coal. Hypothetical fracture stimulation (ovals) stays contained in coal.

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Contemporary stress and neotectonics in the Otway Basin,

southeastern Australia
Australian School of Petroleum, Centre for Tectonics, Resources and Exploration,
The University of Adelaide, North Terrace, Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia
Department of Earth Sciences, Centre for Tectonics, Resources and Exploration,
The University of Adelaide, North Terrace, Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia
Deep Exploration Technologies CRC, 26 Butler Boulevard, Burbridge Business Park,
Adelaide Airport, SA 5950, Australia

Abstract: Geomechanical and geological datasets from fold– thrust belts and passive margins
that have been subject to neotectonic activity often provide contradictory evidence for the
state of contemporary stress. Southeastern Australia has relatively high levels of neotectonic
activity for a so-called stable continental region. In the eastern Otway Basin, this neotectonic
activity consists of compressional deformation and uplift, indicating a reverse fault stress regime.
However, this is inconsistent with the stress magnitudes estimated from petroleum exploration
data, which indicate normal or strike-slip fault stress regimes. A new wellbore failure analysis
of 12 wells indicates that the maximum horizontal stress azimuth in this basin is c. 1358 N, con-
sistent with neotectonic structural trends. Our results indicate that the lithology and variations in
structural style with depth exert important controls on horizontal stress magnitudes. The observed
partitioning of stress regimes and deformation styles with depth within the basin may reflect the
contrasting mechanical properties of the basin-fill. There is an overall increase in the minimum
horizontal stress gradient of c. 1 –2 MPa km21 from west to east, corresponding to a change in
structural style across the basin. In the central Otway Basin, rift-related faults strike near-parallel
to the maximum horizontal stress azimuth and there are comparatively low levels of neotectonic
activity, whereas in the eastern Otway Basin, where rift-related faults strike near-orthogonal to
the maximum horizontal stress azimuth, the level of neotectonic faulting and uplift is much
higher. Our results show that the integration of structural geology with geomechanical datasets
can lead to improved interpretations of contemporary stresses, consistent with neotectonic

The Otway Basin in southeastern Australia formed Krassay et al. 2004; Sandiford & Quigley 2009;
as a result of the Late Jurassic to Early Palaeogene Holford et al. 2014). This complex tectonic history
separation of Australia from Antarctica (Norvick makes the Otway Basin a suitable natural laboratory
& Smith, 2001; Krassay et al. 2004; MacDonald to help understand the causes and effects of com-
et al. 2013). A significant NW–SE compressional pressional deformation and neotectonics in a post-
deformation event during the mid-Cretaceous inter- rift, passive margin setting.
rupted this rifting (Fig. 1), causing regional exhu- Neogene neotectonic compressional deformation
mation and subsequent rifting to be focused along is widespread over much of southeastern Australia
the Tasman Fault Zone, effectively creating a failed (Dickinson et al. 2002), apparently consisting of
rift system through the Bass Strait (Fig. 2; Hill et al. two separate phases of deformation: an initial late
1995; Cayley 2011). Following final continental Miocene –early Pliocene phase and a subsequent
separation at c. 43 Ma, post-rift subsidence in the late Pliocene– Holocene phase (Fig. 1; Wallace
Otway Basin was interrupted by several periods of et al. 2005). Within the on- and offshore Gippsland
uplift, exhumation and compressional deformation, Basin (e.g. the Strezleki Ranges) and in the vicinity
with the most recent phase beginning during the of the Otway Ranges and adjacent offshore areas
late Miocene to early Pliocene and continuing across the eastern Otway Basin, there is strong evi-
to the present day (Fig. 1; Cooper & Hill 1997; dence for local Neogene basin inversion (Cooper

From: Turner, J. P., Healy, D., Hillis, R. R. & Welch, M. J. (eds) Geomechanics and Geology.
Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 458,
# 2017 The Author(s). Published by The Geological Society of London. All rights reserved.
For permissions: Publishing disclaimer:
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Fig. 1. Stratigraphy of the Otway Basin showing the depositional regimes and major tectonic stages that caused folding
and faulting. Modified after Duddy (2003) and Geary & Reid (1998). Inset shows the suggested tectonic activity
across southeastern Australia in the last 10 myr interpreted from strandlines. Modified after Wallace et al. (2005).
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Fig. 2. Topographic map of southeastern Australia modified after Holford et al. (2011a) showing Meso-Cenozoic
basin outlines, neotectonic faults and structural features (after Clark et al. 2011), the distribution of earthquakes with
ML . 3.5 (after Sandiford et al. 2004; Holford et al. 2011b) and modelled stress trajectories (after Reynolds et al.
2003a; Nelson et al. 2006a). Also shown is the interpreted extent of the underlying Proterozoic Selwyn Block in
central Victoria (after Cayley 2011).

& Hill 1997; Holford et al. 2011a) and an abun- finite-element stress modelling, which suggest that
dance of neotectonic features, such as fault scarps, plate boundary forces exert a first-order control on
monoclines and anticlines. These neotectonic fea- the state of stress in the Australian continent
tures collectively point towards a reverse fault stress (Fig. 2; Reynolds et al. 2003a; Dyksterhuis & Mül-
regime (Fig. 2; Sandiford 2003a, b; Hillis et al. ler 2008). Across both the Otway Basin and broader
2008; Clark et al. 2011, 2012). High levels of regions of southeastern Australia, stress modell-
seismicity in the Otway Basin and over much of ing studies suggest that the observed c. NW–SE
southeastern Australia (relative to other stable intra- horizontal stress orientations primarily reflect the
plate settings; e.g. Johnston 1994) provide further increased coupling of the Australian and Pacific
evidence that neotectonic deformation continues to plate boundaries associated with the formation
the present day (Fig. 2). Although still ongoing, geo- of the southern Alps in New Zealand since the late
logical observations from within the Otway Basin Miocene to early Pliocene (Sandiford et al. 2004).
indicate that the intensity of this activity has dec- However, although there is consensus regarding
lined since a peak during the late Miocene to early the controls on contemporary stress orientations
Pliocene (Sandiford 2003b; Tassone et al. 2012). in most Australian margin basins, contemporary
A number of contemporary stress studies con- stress magnitudes constrained using petroleum
ducted in Australian basins (e.g. Hillis & Williams exploration data appear to be inconsistent with
1992, 1993; Hillis et al. 1995; Hillis & Reynolds those inferred from geological observations (Hillis
2000; Mildren & Hillis 2000; Reynolds & Hillis et al. 2008; King et al. 2012). For example, in the
2000; Reynolds et al. 2003a, b; Nelson et al. central and eastern Otway Basin, some studies
2006a; Bailey et al. 2014, 2016) have shown that (e.g. Bérard et al. 2008) have constrained a normal
observed maximum horizontal stress orientations fault in situ stress regime (i.e. SV . SHmax . Shmin)
are consistent with the predictions of plate-scale (e.g. Nelson et al. 2006a; Bailey et al. 2014) indicate
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a strike-slip fault in situ stress regime (i.e. SHmax . offshore parts of South Australia and Victoria, and
SV . Shmin). These conflicting results may be due in Tasmanian waters (Fig. 2). Rifting in the Otway
part to the application of different techniques used Basin commenced in the late Jurassic –early Creta-
to constrain horizontal stress magnitudes (Vidal- ceous (Fig. 3), first in the western region (i.e. the
Gilbert et al. 2010). Establishing the causes of the South Australian sector), then progressing to the
incompatibility between petroleum data and neotec- central and eastern regions (i.e. the Victorian sec-
tonic evidence, which clearly indicates a reverse tor), resulting in several distinct graben and half-
fault stress regime (e.g. Cooper & Hill 1997; Hillis graben with varying geometries and orientations
et al. 2008; Holford et al. 2010, 2011a; Tassone (Fig. 3: Perincek & Cockshell 1995; Krassay et al.
et al. 2012, 2014), remains a challenging and out- 2004). The early Cretaceous rift axis is located
standing issue (Couzens-Schultz & Chan 2010; onshore and consists of c. W–NW-trending depo-
King et al. 2012; Bailey et al. 2016). centres in the western and central regions (e.g. the
In this study, we use recently available petro- Penola Trough) and c. NE-trending depocentres in
leum exploration datasets, including petrophysical the eastern region (e.g. the Colac Trough; Krassay
wireline and drilling data (Fig. 3), to constrain et al. 2004). The near-orthogonal change in rift
the contemporary stress states within the central axis and fault strike occurs at c. 1438 E longitude
and eastern Otway Basin. Recent offshore hydro- and is primarily the result of episodic rifting at dif-
carbon discoveries and renewed exploration interest ferent times and in different directions (Hill et al.
in the unconventional hydrocarbon potential of the 1994, 1995), probably related to substantial rheo-
onshore basin has provided a wealth of new data logical differences in the basement across different
within the Victorian sector of the Otway Basin, Proterozoic –Palaeozoic boundaries (i.e. Delamer-
which can be used to tackle the problem of the ian and Lachlan; Miller et al. 2002; Cayley 2011).
incompatible stress regimes indicated by petroleum This boundary broadly continues southwards
datasets and geological evidence (cf., Couzens- through the Shipwreck Trough towards the Tasman
Schultz & Chan 2010). In contrast with previous Fracture Zone (i.e. the Sorell Fault Zone), effec-
contemporary stress studies in the Otway Basin, tively separating the passive margin in the central
which have mainly been concerned predominantly parts and a failed rift zone in the eastern parts
with constraining the state of stress (e.g. Hillis (Fig. 3; Hill et al. 1995; Miller et al. 2002; Cayley
et al. 1995; Nelson et al. 2006a), we integrate a vari- 2011). Initial rift-fills were dominated by carbona-
ety of complementary structural geology observa- ceous lacustrine shales with minor interbedded
tions and geophysical datasets. These observations sandstones and volcanics (Casterton Formation);
and datasets help to define the roles of mechanical as the rate of extension increased into the Berriasian
rock properties, pre-existing basement structures and Barremian, the synrift accommodation space
and intra-basin structural heterogeneities in influ- was filled by amalgamated fluvial and lacustrine
encing the nature of vertical and horizontal stress facies (Crayfish Subgroup; Krassay et al. 2004). A
magnitudes throughout the basin. We show that thick mudstone-rich volcaniclastic succession
petroleum exploration datasets, when integrated (Eumeralla Formation) was deposited during a
with other structural geology observation and geo- decrease in tectonic activity during the Aptian and
physical datasets, can help us to understand and Albian (Fig. 1; Krassay et al. 2004).
reconcile the state of stress in sedimentary basins. The basin experienced a pulse of c. NW–SE-
directed shortening, uplift and exhumation during
the late Albian– Cenomanian (Hill et al. 1995;
Geological background Duddy 2003), resulting in a regional mid-Creta-
ceous unconformity (Fig. 1). Major uplift in the
The Otway Basin is a large, broadly NW –SE-trend- eastern Otway Basin effectively isolated the
ing extensional basin encompassing onshore and Torquay Sub-Basin (Krassay et al. 2004), the late

Fig. 3. Structural elements map of the Victorian Otway Basin (modified after Totterdell 2012) showing: the
distribution of wells with available wireline formation test (WFT) data to determine formation pore pressure
(PP) values; wells with bulk density, sonic velocity and/or caliper data to estimate vertical stress (SV) magnitudes;
wells with reported leak-off tests (LOTs) to estimate minimum horizontal stress (Shmin) magnitudes; and wells
with available image log and caliper/dipmeter data to determine the orientation of maximum horizontal stress
(SHmax). The Victorian Otway Basin has been divided into central and eastern regions at c. 142.68 E, where
pronounced Neogene compressional deformation occurs and the structural trend, due predominantly to episodic
Cretaceous rifting and crustal rheological differences, changes from c. NW– SE (western region) to c. east– west
and NE– SW (eastern region). Neogene folds after Geary & Reid (1998), Messent et al. (1999) and Boult et al.
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Cretaceous –Cenozoic stratigraphy of which shares from the overlying Heytesbury Group by a regional
a closer affinity with the Bass Basin to the east intra-Oligocene unconformity (Bernecker et al.
(Messent et al. 1999). 2003). The late Oligocene–late Miocene Heytes-
The western and central parts of the Otway Basin bury Group (maximum thickness .1600 m) con-
experienced renewed, c. north –south-directed to sists of marls and limestones deposited under fully
c. NE–SW-directed rifting in the late Cretaceous marine conditions (Krassay et al. 2004). A regional
(Perincek et al. 1994), with some workers arguing late Miocene– Pliocene unconformity (Dickinson
for a significant oblique (sinistral) component et al. 2002; Holford et al. 2011b) separates the Hey-
(Schneider et al. 2004). The locus of extension tesbury Group from the late Neogene succession of
shifted to the south during the late Cretaceous, the Otway Basin, which is characterized by rela-
resulting in a series of c. NW–SE-trending depo- tively thin and localized mixed siliciclastic –carbon-
centres (e.g. the Voluta Trough) located to the ate sediments and basaltic volcanic rocks that
south of the Tartwaup –Mussel fault zone (Fig. 3; usually unconformably or disconformably overlie
Bernecker et al. 2003). The Upper Cretaceous Sher- Heytesbury Group strata (Dickinson et al. 2002;
brook Group generally consists of fluvial–deltaic Tassone et al. 2011).
and nearshore to shallow marine siliciclastic depos- The main source rocks in the Otway Basin are of
its (Fig. 1). early Cretaceous age: the Casterton Formation and
The end of rifting in the Otway Basin is marked Crayfish Subgroup in the onshore western and cen-
by a regional intra-Maastrichtian unconformity tral parts and the Eumeralla Formation in the
(Fig. 1; Krassay et al. 2004), but the evidence onshore and offshore central and eastern parts of
for seafloor spreading off the Otway Basin (i.e. the the basin (Fig. 1; Bernecker et al. 2003). The Pretty
first appearance of oceanic crust) and thus continen- Hill Formation is the major reservoir unit in the
tal separation between Australia and Antarctica is onshore western and central parts and the basal
dated as middle Eocene (Norvick & Smith 2001). Waarre Formation acts as the major regional reser-
Sedimentary successions in the Otway Basin voir interval in the onshore and offshore eastern
become progressively more marine-influenced and parts of the Otway Basin (Fig. 1; Bernecker et al.
calcareous throughout the Cenozoic, reflecting the 2003). The Eumeralla Formation seals the Pretty
progressive establishment of open marine circula- Hill Formation reservoirs, whereas the Flaxman
tion (McGowran et al. 2004; Blevin & Cathro Formation and Belfast Mudstone (Fig. 1) seal the
2008). Subsidence following intra-Maastrichtian Waarre Formation reservoirs. Traps are structurally
break-up initiated a major transgression across the controlled and generally fault-bound; they have
Otway Basin, resulting in the deposition of the sili- been affected by periods of deformation during the
ciclastic Wangerrip Group (Fig. 1; Bernecker et al. Eocene, Oligocene–early Miocene and late Mio-
2003). Small growth wedges bounded by cene– Pliocene (Dickinson et al. 2002). The most
basinwards-dipping reactivated late Cretaceous nor- significant compressional and neotectonic structural
mal faults in the Portland Trough (Fig. 3; Krassay features occur onshore in the eastern Otway Basin,
et al. 2004), where the Wangerrip Group reaches in and around the Otway Ranges, and in the adjacent
a maximum thickness .1200 m (Holdgate & Torquay Sub-Basin (Fig. 3; Hill et al. 1994, 1995;
Gallagher 2003), imply that an extensional stress Cooper & Hill 1997; Geary & Reid 1998; Messent
regime continued into the Palaeogene (Holford et al. 1999; Dickinson et al. 2002; Miller et al.
et al. 2014). It is separated by a major intra-Lutetian 2002; Sandiford 2003b, Sandiford et al. 2004; Hol-
unconformity associated with significant locali- ford et al. 2010, 2011a, 2014; Tassone et al. 2012,
zed erosion from the overlying prograding near- 2014). Similar to the Gippsland Basin, these struc-
shore to offshore marine clastics and carbonates of tures consist of a combination of c. NE-trending
the late Eocene – early Oligocene Nirranda Group anticlines resulting from the reactivation of synrift
(Holdgate & Gallagher 2003; Krassay et al. 2004). normal faults (Fig. 2). Boult et al. (2008) has never-
This unconformity also correlates with the onset theless shown that Neogene neotectonic structures
of fast seafloor spreading in the Southern Ocean at do extend into the central Otway Basin (Fig. 3).
c. 43 Ma (Veevers 2000; McGowran et al. 2004).
Since the mid-Eocene onset of fast spreading, the
Australian continent has been subjected to a largely Determination of contemporary stresses
compressional stress field resulting from the con- within the central and eastern Otway Basin
figuration of the Indo-Australian plate boundaries
(Holford et al. 2014). Previous determinations of contemporary stress in
The Nirranda Group reaches its maximum thick- the Otway Basin have utilized petroleum explora-
ness of c. 200 m in two major depocentres, in the tion data dominantly from the western Otway
Port Campbell Embayment and Portland Trough Basin in South Australia (Hillis et al. 1995; Nelson
(Holdgate & Gallagher 2003), and is separated et al. 2006a; Bailey et al. 2014), although a few have
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focused within the Port Campbell Embayment whereas DITFs form thin tensile cracks parallel to
(Bérard et al. 2008; Rogers et al. 2008) and offshore the SHmax orientation and are usually insensitive
regions of Victoria (Nelson et al. 2006a). We note to caliper data (Fig. 4c; Hillis & Williams 1992;
that there is often significant contemporary stress Zoback 2010).
variation (i.e. orientation and magnitude) within The interpretation of resistivity or acoustic
basins (Bell 1996; Tingay et al. 2006; Heidbach image log data is considered to be a more reliable
et al. 2007, 2010). As a result of this, and the obser- approach to constrain SHmax orientations rather
vation that many of the neotectonic features lie in than using four- or six-arm caliper data. This is
the eastern Otway Basin, we have divided the Victo- because image logs not only clearly identify bore-
rian sector of the Otway Basin, where less con- hole breakouts, but also reveal DITFs, natural frac-
temporary stress information is present, into two tures, bedding planes and other sedimentary features
regions: the central and eastern regions either side (Heidbach et al. 2010). Analysis of wellbore failure
of c. 142.68 E longitude. In addition to the onshore features using either image log or caliper data
parts, the central region encompasses the Voluta requires additional data in the form of dipmeter
Trough, the Normanby Terrace, the Mussel Plat- data. The dipmeter tool records the azimuth of well-
form and deeper water wells near the shelf break, bore drift relative to horizontal and magnetic north,
whereas the eastern region encompasses Torquay the inclination of the wellbore from vertical, the
Sub-Basin, the Prawn Platform and the Shipwreck azimuth of the reference pad in the wellbore plane
Trough wells NE of the Tartwaup–Mussel hinge- relative to magnetic north and the bearing of the
line (Fig. 3). This subdivision enables us to better first pad relative to the high side of the wellbore
assess the influence of underlying structural trends (Reinecker et al. 2003). Whereas image log tools
on the distribution of contemporary stresses within measure and image resistivity and acoustic varia-
the basin. tions, caliper data require the width of the wellbore
Assuming that one of the principal stress direc- to be measured across two orthogonal pairs of cali-
tions is vertical, and utilizing a large dataset from per arms (four-arm caliper; Reinecker et al. 2003)
across the central and eastern regions, the five com- or six independent arms positioned evenly around
ponents that make up the simplified contemporary the wellbore circumference (six-arm; Wagner
stress tensor in sedimentary rocks were determined. et al. 2004). As the four- or six-arm caliper tool is
This includes the formation pore pressure (PP), the pulled up the wellbore, the tool rotates about a
vertical stress (SV) magnitude, the minimum hori- semi-vertical axis due to cable torque (Hillis & Wil-
zontal stress (Shmin) magnitude and the maximum liams 1992). In zones of wellbore enlargement due
horizontal stress (SHmax) magnitude and orientation. to breakout, one caliper pair gets stuck in the
For each component of the stress tensor described in enlargement direction and the tool stops rotating
the following sections, the way in which the tensor until another interval of round hole is encountered
component is constrained is first discussed, fol- (Plumb & Hickman 1985).
lowed by a distribution of the applicable available Successful discrimination of stress-induced
data and then the outcomes of the analyses. wellbore borehole breakouts from other wellbore
enlargement and elongation features that result
Maximum horizontal stress orientations from drilling, such as washout, mudcake and key
seats (asymmetrical abrasions due to wear by the
Constraining SHmax orientations. The maximum drill string on the side of the wellbore that deviates
horizontal stress (SHmax) orientation is constrained from the vertical), is ensured by the use of other
in this study by identifying wellbore failure features wireline logging parameters (e.g. the azimuth of
such borehole breakouts and drilling-induced tensile the reference pad in the wellbore plane relative to
fractures (DITFs) (Zoback et al. 2003). Breakouts magnetic north and the bearing of the first pad rela-
occur when the wellbore circumferential stress tive to the high side of the wellbore; Reinecker et al.
(suu) exceeds the compressive rock strength of the 2003). Six-arm caliper data provide detailed infor-
wellbore wall, causing compressional shear failure mation regarding the shape of the elongation well-
surfaces to intersect and break off into the open bore because the six arms move independently of
wellbore (Fig. 4a; Gough & Bell 1982). DITFs one another, allowing the tool to decentralize and
occur when the pressure of the drilling mud exceeds record radius lengths. For this reason, wellbore
the wellbore circumferential stress (Fig. 4a), typi- borehole breakout analysis of six-arm caliper tools
cally resulting in vertical tensile fractures in the is more complicated (cf. Wagner et al. 2004).
wellbore wall (Bell 1990; Zoback 2010). Breakouts DITFs are generally not associated with well-
form broad, flat enlargements of the borehole within bore elongation. However, if orthogonal trends are
the spalled wellbore aligned parallel with the observed using only caliper/dipmeter data, then
minimal horizontal stress (Shmin) orientation and it is impossible to differentiate the horizontal stress
orthogonal to the SHmax orientation (Fig. 4b), orientations (Hillis & Williams 1992). Borehole
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Fig. 4. (a) Schematic diagram of development of stress-induced wellbore failure features when the circumferential
stress around a vertical wellbore exceeds the compressive rock strength or is less than the tensile rock strength, in
which breakouts and DITFs form, respectively (modified after Reynolds et al. 2005). DITFs form parallel to the
orientation of SHmax, whereas breakouts form orthogonal to the orientation of SHmax (i.e. parallel to the orientation of
Shmin). (b) Example of breakouts observed in Henry-1ST1. (c) Example of DITF observed in Minerva-1. Note the
caliper response in (b) due to breakouts compared with the lack of caliper response in (c) where DITFs
were observed.

breakouts and DITFs from deviated wells may not horizontal projection of a borehole breakout differs
be reliable indicators of SHmax orientation because by more than 108 from the Shmin direction.
their orientations are controlled by the entire stress
tensor (Mastin 1988; Hillis & Reynolds 2000). Data availability and distribution. Image log data
However, within a strike-slip fault stress regime, and caliper data from 12 petroleum wells in the cen-
Mastin (1988) concludes that a wellbore deviated tral and eastern Otway Basin were available for this
at least 358 from vertical is required before the study to enable SHmax orientations to be determined
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(Fig. 3). Eight wells were from the Shipwreck also available to constrain SHmax orientations.
Trough in the eastern Otway Basin, of which three The maximum horizontal stress orientation at
wells used Schlumberger’s Formation MicroImager Bellarine-1 has been reported by Tassone et al.
(FMI) tool (Conan-1, Thylacine-1and 2), three wells (2014) and is included in this study of wellbore
used Baker Atlas’ SimulTaneous Acoustic and failure statistics.
Resistivity Imager (STAR) tool (Henry-1ST1, The depth intervals in which these tools ran are
Halladale-1DW1 and DW2) and two wells used listed in Table 1, along with other relevant para-
Schlumberger’s Formation MicroScanner (FMS) meters such as the maximum wellbore deviation
tool (Minerva-1 and 2A; Table 1). Wild Dog-1 in (with respect to vertical), the bit size used and
the Torquay Sub-Basin, also in the eastern Otway imaged and logged intervals for specific formations.
Basin, ran a six-arm caliper log (the tool was In addition to Dunbar-1 in the Port Campbell
assumed to be centralized given that all three cali- Embayment and Eric the Red-1 in the Prawn
per arms were measured as diameters), while the Platform, Minerva-1 and Minerva-2A have been
only well located in the central Otway Basin, previously interpreted by Nelson et al. (2006a),
Bridgewater Bay-1 in the Voluta Trough, ran four- but are reinterpreted in this study to provide length-
arm caliper logs (Table 1 and Fig. 3). In addition weighted statistics (not provided by Nelson et al.
to the ten offshore wells, two onshore wells from 2006a). Bérard et al. (2008) published the SHmax
the eastern Otway Basin (Bellarine-1 and Wild orientation in CRC-1 within the Port Campbell
Dog Road-1) ran FMI image tool data that were Embayment.

Table 1. Victorian Otway Basin wells with image log and dipmeter data available to constrain the maximum
horizontal stress (SHmax) orientations in this study, including maximum well deviations encountered over
corresponding depth ranges and stratigraphy in which these were logged

Well Tool Bit size Maximum Data depth range Images

type (inches) deviation
(8) Top Bottom Interval
(m bKB) (m bKB) (m)

Bellarine-1 FMI 8.5 1.00 278 978 700 Tertiary/Eumeralla/Pretty

Bridgewater HDT 17.5 1.23 487 1607 1120 Heytesbury/Nirranda/
Bay-1 Wangerrip/Timboon/
12.25 1.25 1586 3536 1950 Timboon/Paaratte/Belfast
8.5 1.25 3850 4183 333 Belfast/Flaxman/Waarre
Conan-1 FMI 12.25 0.40 1675 1949 274 Belfast/Flaxman/Waarre/
Halladale-1DW1 STAR 8.5 20.54 775 1916 1141 Pember/Pebble Point/
Halladale-1DW2 STAR 8.5 21.72 1668 1927 259 Belfast/Flaxman/Waarre/
Henry-1ST1 STAR 8.5 1.00 1725 2015 290 Skull Creek/Waarre/
Minerva-1 FMS 8.5 8.80 1189 2024 835 Belfast/Flaxman/Waarre
6.0 9.00 2110 2424 314 Waarre/Eumeralla
Minerva-2A FMS 12.25 3.90 1526 2170 644 Belfast/Flaxman/Waarre
Thylacine-1 FMI 8.5 2.97 2022 2503 481 Belfast/Flaxman/Waarre
Thylacine-2 FMI 8.5 3.51 2104 2530 426 ?/Flaxman/Waarre
1.25 2245 2350 105 ?/Flaxman/Waarre
Wild Dog-1 SED 8.5 1.07 724 1244 500 Torquay/Demons Bluff/
Eastern View/Eumeralla
Wild Dog FMI 8.5 34.5 1200 1676 476 Skull Creek/Nullawarre/
Road-1 Belfast/Waarre

FMI, Schlumberger Formation MicroImager; FMS, Formation MicroScanner; HDT, Schlumberger high-resolution dipmeter tool (four-
arm); SED, Halliburton six-arm dipmeter tool; STAR, Baker Atlas SimulTaneous Acoustic and Resistivity Imager. m bKB, metres
below Kelly bushing.
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Table 2. Wellbore failure analysis of image log data showing the mean orientations of borehole breakout (BO) and DITF
failure features and their corresponding standard deviations (i.e. circular statistics of Mardia 1972) when weighted by
number (N) and length (in m)

Well Indicator Number-weighted Length-weighted SHmax World

orientation Stress Map
N Mean borehole SD Length Mean borehole SD (8) quality
breakout/DITF (8) (m) breakout/DITF (8) rating
orientation orientation
(8) (8)

Bellarine-1 BO 4 47.2 3.81 3.69 46.9 2.77 137.1 D

Bellarine-1 DITF 55 143.6 11.68 67.94 144.6 11.18 144.1 B
Bellarine-1 DITF_INC 40 237.5 17.55 147.5
Conan-1 BO 32 40.8 6.88 58.06 44.6 5.95 132.7 B
Halladale-1DW1 BO 20 34.3 3.91 194.41 35.3 2.98 124.5 A
Halladale-1DW1 DITF 2 123.3 2.06 2.43 122.6 2.03 123.0 D
Halladale-1DW2 BO 18 43.0 7.74 78.57 41.5 6.73 132.3 B
Henry-1ST1 BO 23 38.0 5.36 107.24 40.5 2.63 129.3 A
Minerva-1 BO 14 51.9 5.01 554.27 53.2 1.74 142.6 A
Minerva-1 DITF 7 131.3 7.45 36.52 131.5 7.80 131.4 C
Minerva-2A BO 4 51.2 2.09 280.32 52.8 0.46 141.0 C
Minerva-2A DITF 5 138.1 2.43 6.44 138.0 2.56 138.1 D
Thylacine-1 BO 3 42.2 4.49 3.67 40.8 4.64 131.5 D
Thylacine-2 BO 15 42.3 9.45 7.89 46.2 9.62 134.3 D
Wild Dog Road-1 BO 22 51.5 3.26 187.90 48.9 5.30 140.2 A
Wild Dog Road-1 DITF_INC 18 132.4 18.14 132.4

Also listed is the corresponding orientation of SHmax (average of number- and length-weighted estimates) and World Stress Map quality
rating after Heidbach et al. (2010).

SHmax orientations within the central and eastern DITFs a total of 138.0 m. Tables 2 and 3 show the
Otway Basin. Our analysis has positively identified number of borehole breakouts and DITFs in each
a number of drilling-induced wellbore failure fea- well, the total length, the mean orientation and stan-
tures. In total, 155 borehole breakouts and 69 dard deviation of the wellbore failure features, and
DITFs were interpreted from image logs (i.e. the mean SHmax orientation for image logs and
FMI/FMS/STAR) and 18 borehole breakouts dipmeter data, respectively. In a number of wells,
were interpreted from caliper logs. Examples of borehole breakouts had developed over 30% of the
borehole breakouts and DITFs from Henry-1ST1 interpretable image log and c. 70% of borehole
and Minerva-1can be seen in Figure 4b and c, breakouts interpreted by length, or c. 1244 m in
respectively. Cumulatively, the borehole breakouts total, occurred within the Upper Cretaceous Belfast
identified a combined length of 1981.5 m and the Mudstone (Fig. 5). The distribution of interpreted

Table 3. Wellbore failure analysis of caliper/dipmeter data showing the mean orientations of borehole
breakout (BO) failure features and their corresponding standard deviations (i.e. circular statistics of Mardia
1972) when weighted by number (N) and length in (m)

Well Tool Indicator Number-weighted Length-weighted SHmax World

orientation Stress Map
N Mean BO SD Length Mean BO SD (8) quality
orientation (8) orientation (8) rating
(8) (8)

Bridgewater HDT BO 15 49.0 10.51 486.00 52.2 8.04 140.6 A

Wild Dog-1 FMS BO 3 57.7 16.60 19.46 60.6 15.30 149.1 D

HDT, Schlumberger high-resolution dipmeter tool (four-arm); FMS, Formation MicroScanner.

Also listed is the corresponding orientation of SHmax (average of number- and length-weighted estimates) and World Stress Map quality
rating after Heidbach et al. (2010).
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Fig. 5. Wellbore failure analysis statistics calculated for the 12 wells listed in Table 1. (a) The cumulative total
length of interpreted breakouts (BOs) and DITFs for each stratigraphic formation logged. It can be seen that
significantly more breakouts were confidently interpreted than DITFs and that these predominantly occurred within
finer grained rocks. In particularly, the Upper Cretaceous Belfast Mudstone (seal), which triaxial testing shows
(inset (i), after Dewhurst et al. in press) to be much weaker than coarser grained rocks such as the Waarre C
reservoir unit of the Upper Cretaceous Waarre Formation (inset (ii)). (b) The percentage of breakouts and DITFs,
with respect to the total lengths, developed within each stratigraphic formation logged showing that the breakouts
formed in the Belfast Mudstone account for .70% of all breakouts confidently interpreted.

borehole breakouts and DITFs, represented as both We also note that Bellarine-1, which Tassone
number-weighted and length-weighted statistics, et al. (2014) showed to have been exhumed by
are shown in Figure 6a and b. Figure 6c shows the c. 1.8 km, contains a large number of DITFs and rel-
resulting SHmax orientations compared with those atively few breakouts. This is consistent with the
determined from previously published and unpub- notion of exhumed rocks being strong and unlikely
lished studies. This indicates consistent orienta- to develop breakouts even with low mud weights.
tions in the central and eastern Otway Basin of In the West Tuna Field in the neighbouring
c. 135+158 N. The determined SHmax orientations Gippsland Basin, Nelson et al. (2006b) observed
are predominantly of A –C quality according to from image log data and triaxial testing results
the World Stress Map criteria (Heidbach et al. that strong, cemented sandstones units act as a
2010), although lower D quality measurements stress-bearing framework in this highly horizontally
also yield a consistent NW–SE trend. There is, stressed region. Consequently, stresses were parti-
however, a regional clockwise rotation of c. 108 tioned between ‘strong’ interbedded sandstones
in SHmax orientation from the western to central and ‘weaker’ shales, such that borehole breakouts
Otway Basin (Nelson et al. 2006a). Although the only occurred in the stronger sandstones. A similar
regional SHmax orientations are remarkably consis- observation was interpreted within siliciclastic
tent across the entire Otway Basin, it is worth rocks in the Perth Basin (King et al. 2008). These
mentioning the distribution of DITFs with depth results stand in contrast to wellbore failure analyses
interpreted within Bellarine-1 (see Tassone et al. in the Otway Basin, which show that borehole
2014, fig. 23). At c. 450 m there is a local stress rota- breakouts preferentially develop in weaker finer
tion from the regional orientation (i.e. c. 1408 N) grained rocks, not sandstones. For example, triaxial
to c. 108 N and then abruptly back to the regional testing indicates that the Belfast Mudstone is
orientation, possibly indicating a perturbation due relatively weak (Fig. 5a; Dewhurst et al. in
to a proximal structural feature, such as a fault. press). This observation is more consistent with
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conventional wellbore failure analysis (Nelson et al. Data availability and distribution. Wells that con-
2006b), where the difference may largely be due tain direct and indirect measurements of PP are
to the strength of the sandstones in question. For shown in (Fig. 3). In the central Otway Basin, two
example, the quartz-rich Waarre C unit has a wells contained WFTs, four wells reported kicks
relatively low C0 (uniaxial compressive strength) and two wells reported connection gas. Mud weight
of c. 21.21 MPa and a mi (coefficient of friction) and ECD data were also available for six wells. In
value of c. 0.76 (Fig. 5a) compared with the the eastern Otway Basin, 19 wells contained WFT
strong, cemented sandstone in the West Tuna data and many of these wells also contained mud
Field C0 of c. 60 MPa and mi of c. 0.9; (Nelson weight data, but only three wells were used to high-
et al. 2006b). Thus the Waarre C unit in the light their gradients as they were all similar.
Otway Basin is unlikely to provide a similar stress-
bearing framework. PP gradients. Formation pore pressure data (i.e.
WFT, kicks, connection gas, mud weight) are
Pore pressure magnitudes plotted against true vertical depth below seabed or
mudline (m TVDML) in Figure 7. Previous contem-
Constraining magnitudes of PP. The magnitudes of porary stress studies have typically assumed that
formation PP at depth have a significant impact PP gradients are hydrostatic (i.e. 10.0 MPa km21)
on the effective stress magnitudes and hence the across the Otway Basin (e.g. Nelson et al. 2006a).
complete stress tensor. Several wells located in the Permeable units from wells in both the Voluta
offshore eastern Otway Basin have PP measure- and Shipwreck troughs provide evidence for both
ments from potential reservoir intervals determined hydrostatic PP and abnormal PP indicative of over-
using wireline formation tools (WFTs), such as pressure. WFT data in the Voluta Trough from
repeat formation tests, modular dynamic tests and Fermat-1 indicate near hydrostatic pressures at
reservoir characterization instruments. WFTs esti- depths shallower than c. 3000 m TVDML, although
mate PP by isolating a section of wellbore with water kicks with associated mud pit gains, together
packers and measuring the rate at which the pressure with WFT data at Normanby-1, located only c. 5 km
stabilizes in the isolated section as the wellbore to the SE, indicate a PP gradient of .14 MPa km21
pressure is reduced, drawing fluids from the forma- at depths .3000 m TVDML (Fig. 7a). Drilling and
tion (Nelson & Hillis 2005). The success of these mud log data record several water and gas kicks,
measurements depends on the permeability of the together with connection gas at depths below
formation and, as a result of time and cost con- c. 3300 m TVDML at Callister-1, indicating high
straints, such tests are mainly conducted in reser- PP gradients of c. 14 –17 MPa km21 (Fig. 7a). Pet-
voirs and rarely performed in low-permeability rophysical log data in Bridgewater Bay-1 suggest
rocks such as shales. If such data are unavailable, PP gradients .16 MPa km21, consistent with esti-
drilling mud weight or equivalent circulating den- mates from drilling mud weight data, but also indi-
sity (ECD) data can also be used as proxies for PP cate that the top of overpressure within Upper
because the pressure of the drilling mud is often Cretaceous fine-grained Belfast Mudstone strata
kept just in excess of PP to avoid drilling problems begins at c. 2900 m TVDML, indicating that drilling
such as fluid influxes (i.e. ‘kicks’) and to maximize was actually underbalanced for c. 500 m (Fig. 7a;
drilling efficiency (Van Ruth & Hillis 2000). This Tassone et al. 2011). As a result of the lack of hydro-
approach can only be used as a proxy for PP when carbon shows in Belfast Mudstone units and the
the increases in mud density that occur prior to rapid deposition of thick Upper Pliocene sediments
any fracture-induced mud losses are due to changes within Miocene submarine canyons at Bridgewater
in PP and not for other reasons, such as to improve Bay-1 well, Tassone et al. (2011) suggested a
wellbore stability or overcome tight (i.e. under- disequilibrium undercompaction mechanism for
gauged) hole sections (Van Ruth & Hillis 2000; the generation of overpressures (Fig. 7a) in this area.
Reynolds et al. 2006). Increases in background gas The discovery of hydrocarbons within Upper
during drill pipe connections – that is, connection Cretaceous strata (i.e. the Waarre Formation and
gas – can also be an indicator of increasing PP Thylacine Member; Fig. 1), and the subsequent
if the drilling mud weight remains unchanged development of numerous gas fields in the Ship-
(Mouchet & Mitchell 1989; Sagala & Tingay 2012). wreck Trough, have led to the acquisition of many

Fig. 6. Stress-induced wellbore failure features plotted as rose diagrams weighted by (a) number and (b) length in
metres. (c) The corresponding orientations of SHmax calculated as the average between the number- and
length-weighted orientations. The size of the symbols relates to the quality of the measurement as defined by the
World Stress Map (Heidbach et al. 2010). It can be seen that the SHmax orientations determined in this study
correlate well with previously published and unpublished estimates (e.g. Hillis et al. 1995; Nelson et al. 2006a;
Bérard et al. 2008).
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Fig. 7. Available wireline formation test (WFT), kick, connection gas (CG) and mud weight data (mud weight, or
equivalent circulation density, ECD), which measures and estimates PP magnitudes, respectively, plotted against
true vertical depth (below mudline) for (a) the central Otway Basin and (b) the eastern Otway Basin. The
distribution of PP data can be seen in Fig. 3. Included in (a) is the predicted pore pressure (PPP) for Bridgewater
Bay-1 based on petrophysical wireline log data indicating high overpressures matching increases in mud weight
possibly in excess of c. 16 MPa km21 (Tassone et al. 2011). rf, pore fluid density.

WFT data measurements in this part of the eastern unit in the Casino Field separates two gas reservoirs
Otway Basin. Changes in the PP gradient occur (i.e. Waarre C and A units) with a pressure differen-
in a number of wells, indicating variations in the for- tial of c. 200 psi (c. 1.379 MPa; Sharp & Wood
mation fluid density related to the occurrence of gas. 2004). Although WFT data from Minerva-1 and
Gas accumulations at Minerva-1 and Thylacine-1 Minerva-2A show pressure communication across
occur at depths of c. 1565 and 1920 m TVDML, a SW-dipping fault (Fig. 8b, d), other gas fields
respectively, and hydrocarbon buoyancy forces at such as the Halladale/Blackwatch and Thylacine
these locations cause PP gradients equivalent of up do not show pressure communication across faults
to c. 12 MPa km21 (Figs 7b & 8a). Moderate over- at Waarre Formation levels (Fig. 8b, c and e, f ). A
pressures observed in La Bella-1 do not appear to fault seal analysis is required to determine whether
be associated with hydrocarbon buoyancy forces, the differing fault geometries between the Minerva
however, because the WFT data indicate two and Halladale/Blackwatch Fields is the cause of
isolated overpressured intervals that are not in pres- the contrasting pressure compartmentalization (i.e.
sure communication with PP gradients of c. 10.5 structurally permeable and critically stressed) or if
and 11.7 MPa km21 in the water-saturated zones there is sand-on-sand juxtaposition across the fault
of the Waarre C and Waarre A units, respectively (e.g. Lyon et al. 2005). It can be seen in Figure 8c
(Fig. 8a). The cause of these moderate overpres- that the Waarre C and Waarre A unit reservoirs
sures is unclear, although they may be associated display varying water PP gradients – for example
with enhanced lateral transfer pressures at the c. 10.02 MPa km21 at Thylacine-1 compared with
crest of the tilted structure (Yardley & Swarbrick c. 9.91 MPa km21 at Geographe-1, indicating that
2000; Tassone et al. 2011). A number of other gas these reservoirs are not in pressure communication.
fields show PP discrepancies within vertical strati- Hence PP magnitudes may be compartmentalized
graphic sequences or across faults. The Waarre B by faults in which reservoirs are dissipating PP
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gradients differentially or, alternatively, they may in the vicinity of a deviated wellbore wall are not
have differing water densities. aligned with the wellbore axis, a horizontal stress
Also noteworthy in the westernmost Shipwreck component may also be assumed and therefore
Trough is a saltwater kick encountered at Somerset-1 only density data from near-vertical (,108) well-
at c. 2380 m TVDML and recorded connection gas bore intervals were considered (Zoback et al. 2003).
as well as gas kick at Triton-1ST1 in the Belfast Vertical stress magnitude calculations require
Mudstone at c. 3283 m TVDML, which indicate that the bulk rock densities are integrated from the
significantly high overpressures, both with PP gradi- seabed. As it is uncommon for bulk density wireline
ents of c. 18.5 MPa km21 (Fig. 7a). More work is logs to be logged from the seabed, well check-shot
required to understand the mechanism(s) of the sig- velocity data (or from an offset well) were used to
nificant overpressure experienced at these locations. determine the average rock density from the seabed
to the top of the density log using the Nafe-Drake
Vertical stress magnitudes (Ludwig et al. 1970) velocity –density relationships.

Constraining SV magnitudes. For offshore wells, the Data availability and distribution. Twenty-four off-
total vertical stress (SV) magnitude is defined as the shore wells that ran near-vertical density, sonic and
pressure exerted by the weight of the water column caliper wireline well log data were available for this
from the surface to the seabed, plus the pressure study to calculate SV magnitudes. Of these 24 wells,
exerted by the weight of overlying rocks at a speci- 20 wells had check-shot velocity data acquired that
fied true vertical depth below mean sea-level (Z, m were used to estimate average density values from
TVDSS) (Tingay et al. 2003a). It is expressed as: the seabed to the top of the bulk density log. For
wells that did not have check-shot velocity data,
Z nearby wells with requisite data were used as an
Sv = (rw × g × Zw ) + [rb (Z) × g] · dZ (1) approximation. These wells are shown in Figure 3.
SV profiles. The SV magnitude– depth profiles for all
where rb(Z ) is the bulk density of the overlying rock the wells in this study are presented in Figure 9.
column at depth Z (m TVDSS), g is the acceleration Overall, there is not a significant variation in SV gra-
due to gravity, rw is the density of seawater and Zw dients. The lower and upper bounds of SV magni-
is the water depth (Engelder 1993). Petrophysical tudes with depth are well described by the power
wireline well log data are typically acquired over law relationships:
large intervals of the well at high resolution (typi-
cally c. 15 cm) and thus magnitude of SV at any Lower bound: 19.82 × Z 1.0747 (2)
depth can be constrained with a high degree of con- Upper bound: 21.70 × Z 1.0680
fidence because the vertical lithological variation of
the sampled formations is taken into account in an where SV is calculated in MPa and Z is the TVDML.
unbiased way. At a depth of c. 2500 m TVDML, the difference in
To calculate accurate SV magnitudes, the bulk SV magnitude within these bounds is c. 4.66 MPa
density log data were carefully filtered to remove (Fig. 9). This variation is c. 2.25 and 4.34 MPa
spurious data that resulted from poor contact less than that reported for the same depth in the
between the tool and the wellbore wall, caused by Cooper Basin (cf. Reynolds et al. 2006) and Car-
rugose wellbore conditions (Tingay et al. 2003a). narvon Basin (cf. King et al. 2010), respectively.
The filtering process followed the procedure out- The larger variation in SV magnitudes in the Cooper
lined by Tingay et al. (2003a), whereby bulk density and Carnarvon basins are probably due to localized
data were assumed to be affected by rugosity if the uplift and erosion (c. 900–1000 m; Densley et al.
density error log was greater than +0.1 g cm23 and 2000; Mavromatidis & Hillis 2005) that has brought
the caliper log was ≥5% of the bit or hole size. Any denser sedimentary rocks to shallower depths (King
wells that did not have all or some of these addi- et al. 2010). The Lower Cretaceous Eumeralla For-
tional data were still analysed, but were considered mation is predominantly near the maximum post-
to be less reliable. Filtered (and non-filtered) logs depositional burial depths in the offshore central
were then also manually edited and de-spiked to and eastern Otway Basin (Tassone et al. 2014),
remove anomalous measurements prior to calcu- which may explain the small amount of variation
lating the vertical stress (Tingay et al. 2003a). As observed across this area. Where significant uplift
the depth of water has a significant influence on and erosion has occurred in the Otway Basin – for
the magnitude of SV with depth (Reynolds et al. example, at Bellarine-1 in the eastern part of the
2003b), we have corrected for water pressure at study area (c. 1800 m; Tassone et al. 2014) – SV
the seabed and referenced the depth to TVDML. gradients are as high as c. 26 MPa km21 at
Furthermore, because the principal stresses acting 2000 m TVDML (Fig. 9). This is c. 3 MPa km21
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Fig. 8. (a) WFT data showing PP magnitudes plotted against TVDBM for wells in the Shipwreck Trough
differentiated by stratigraphic formations and units. The higher (steeper) gradient with respect to the hydrostat
indicates that the pores are gas-saturated, creating hydrocarbon (i.e. gas) column buoyancy force overpressures.
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greater than the upper limit SV magnitude–depth near-vertical wellbore sections because they are
relationships defined in equation (3) (Fig. 9). often similar to fracture propagation pressures
when flow rates and fluid viscosities are sufficiently
Minimum horizontal stress magnitudes low enough (Haimson & Fairhurst 1967; Zoback
2010). Furthermore, they do not impose an SV com-
Constraining Shmin magnitudes. The minimum hor- ponent (and thus shear component), as would be the
izontal stress (Shmin) magnitudes were determined case in highly deviated sections (Brudy & Zoback
from leak-off tests (LOTs), which are commonly 1993). Observations of low LOPs (c. 30– 60% less
acquired during drilling operations after the casing than SV) in active thrust belts, where a reverse
is cemented in place (Zoback 2010). More reliable fault stress regime dominates, has led Couzens-
estimates of the Shmin magnitudes are often attained Schultz & Chan (2010) to propose an alternate
from the instantaneous shut-in pressure (ISIP), interpretation of LOT results. In their alternative
or preferably the fracture closure pressure during interpretation, the magnitude of Shmin is constrained
mini-frac or extended LOTs (XLOTs; Fig. 10; by assuming that the LOP causes shear failure along
Addis, et al. 1998; Zoback 2010). Unlike the Cooper (cohesionless) pre-existing planes of weaknesses
Basin in central Australia, where the exploration rather than the traditional assumption of failure
and development of low-permeability hydro- via new tensile fractures. This approach leads to
carbon plays has resulted in a plethora of mini-frac slightly higher estimates of Shmin magnitude (King
data (cf. Reynolds et al. 2006; Nelson et al. 2007), et al. 2012). Given that there is no way to determine
these tests have never been routinely conducted in whether or not leak-offs were caused by shear or
wells drilled in the Otway Basin. Leak-off pressures tensile failure as image log data were not acquired
(LOPs) during LOTs represent the creation of a before and after LOTs were conducted, we did not
supposedly new hydraulic fracture in the surround- apply this alternative technique and acknowledge
ing host formation when increasing wellbore pres- that our Shmin gradients maybe underestimated.
sures suddenly drop. This causes a deviation from Minimum horizontal stress magnitudes are argu-
linearity in a pressure v. time plot (Fig. 10). A fun- ably the least well-constrained component of the
damental assumption of LOTs is that hydraulic in situ stress tensor that can be directly measured
fractures will develop axial to vertical wellbores in a single wellbore. This is because they are often
and are caused by tensile failure of the host for- reliant on one or perhaps two LOTs at shallow
mation (Brudy & Zoback 1999). Unfortunately, depths below the surface and intermediate casing
image logs are generally not run after LOTs (e.g. shoes. These are then often linearly extrapolated to
Evans et al. 1989) and therefore the orientation, depths of interest or used as calibration data points
nature and vertical extent of hydraulic fractures in to extrapolate the developed fracture gradient
vertical wells is often not verified. (i.e. Shmin) prediction algorithms to reservoirs. A
Although XLOTs, which are repeated cycles of common factor in all these fracture gradient predic-
LOTs, provide superior estimates of Shmin magni- tion algorithms (e.g. Matthews & Kelly 1967; Eaton
tudes, lower bound LOPs from LOTs are generally 1969; Breckels & Van Eekelen 1982; Daines 1982)
considered to provide good approximations of is PP. An increase in PP (i.e. overpressure) causes
Shmin magnitude (Breckels & Van Eekelen 1982; an increase in Shmin and a decrease in PP causes
Addis et al. 1998). This is especially true in a decrease in Shmin. This coupling relationship

Fig. 8. (Continued) rf, pore fluid density. It can be seen that small columns of gas are reservoired in the Nullawarre
Greensand Member and larger gas columns are typically reservoired in the Thylacine Sandstone Member, Flaxman and
Waarre formations. The top right-hand corner shows WFT data from La Bella-1, indicating two zones of moderate
overpressures separated by an intra-formational sealing unit characterized by a high gamma ray response. (b, c)
Top-Waarre Formation isochron maps (in milliseconds) along with interpreted faults for the Minerva (after O’Brien
et al. 2006) and Halladale/Blackwatch (after Constantine et al. 2009) gas fields, respectively. (d) WFT data from within
the Flaxman and Waarre formations across faults in the Minerva and Halladale/Blackwatch gas fields, showing that the
Minera-1 and Minerva-2A wells are in pressure communication (indicative of across-fault hydrocarbon migration),
whereas the Halladale-1DW1 and Halladale-1DW2 wells are not in pressure communication, with overpressures in
Halladale-1DW1 suggesting a sealing fault. (e) WFT data from within the Thylacine Sandstone Member, Flaxman and
Waarre formations from Geographe-1, Thylacine-1 and Thylacine South-1. Similar to the Halladale/Blackwatch gas
field, the Thylacine South-1 well has slight overpressures compared with the Thylacine-1 well, which are separated by a
south-dipping fault. Compared with the Geographe-1 well, water-saturated pore fluid pressures are slightly higher,
which, along with (a), suggests the PP is compartmentalized across the entire Shipwreck Trough or the pore fluid has
varying fluid densities as a result of salinity changes. (f) Interpreted regional composite seismic profile modified after
O’Brien et al. (2006) showing rift-related faulting between the Geographe-1 and Thylacine-1 wells in which there is
likely pressure compartmentalization.
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Fig. 9. SV magnitude data plotted against true vertical depth (below mudline) for the central (nine wells) and
eastern (15 wells) Otway Basin showing similar amounts of variation across the entire offshore Victorian Otway
Basin, in which the lower (equation 2) and upper (equation 3) bounds were estimated with a power law magnitude–
depth relationship. At 2500 m below mudline, there is c. 4.66 MPa difference between the upper and lower bounds.
Also shown is the SV magnitude– depth profile of the Bellarine-1 well (after Tassone et al. 2014) located in the
eastern onshore Otway Basin (see Fig. 3). Here the Lower Cretaceous Eumeralla Formation rocks have been
exhumed (net) by .1800 m (Tassone et al. 2014), which has resulted in denser rocks closer to the surface and an SV
magnitude– depth profile at 2000 m below mudline c. 3 MPa km21 greater than the upper bound to the offshore
SV magnitudes.

between PP/Shmin has been characterized over both assume that the LOPs were correctly interpreted
hydrocarbon field and basin-wide scales (e.g. Addis and that the reported LOPs are a good estimation
1997; Hillis 2001; Goulty 2003; Tingay et al. of the Shmin magnitude (Haimson & Fairhurst
2003b) and it is worth noting that such a phenome- 1967). Comparing reported LOPs with actual pres-
non cannot be discounted in overpressured rocks sure v. time data was beyond the scope of this
within the Otway Basin. study and we acknowledge that this may affect the
veracity of our estimates of Shmin magnitudes. We
Data availability and distribution. The majority of note that in a previous study of contemporary stress
LOT data used in this study were reported from in the Otway Basin by Nelson et al. (2006a), Shmin
basic data or completion reports and did not contain was determined using 13 reported LOPs and two
the actual pressure v. time data (i.e. they are ranked XLOTs, which are considered to be reliable esti-
as D quality, cf. King et al. 2008). Therefore we mates of Shmin. Nelson et al. (2006a) found that
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TVDML). These stratigraphic units are often

favoured for cementing-in-place surface casing,
thereby accounting for a large proportion (c. 47%)
of the available reported LOT data in this study.

Shmin gradients. Unlike petroleum exploration,

which requires conservative fracture gradient esti-
mates for well design and safe drilling practice,
we are interested in best-fit estimates of Shmin
to understand the regional contemporary in situ
stresses. Figure 11a, b shows the relationships
between LOPs with depth, differentiated by lithol-
ogy (i.e. marl/carbonate, sand, shale, sand/shale)
and location within the Otway Basin (i.e. central
and eastern). Although there is still considerable
variation within each lithology, a comparison of dif-
ferent lithologies shows that the highest best-fit
Shmin gradients occur within marl and carbonate-
dominated formations, with best-fit Shmin gradients
of c. 20.3 and 21.2 MPa km21 for the central and
Fig. 10. Schematic plot of an extended leak-off test eastern Otway Basin, respectively (Fig. 11a). The
(modified after Zoback 2010). shale-dominated formations have best-fit Shmin
gradients of c. 18.8 and 20.9 MPa km21 for the cen-
tral and eastern Otway Basin, respectively, while the
closure pressures determined from the XLOTs were sand-dominated formations have the lowest best-fit
consistent with the reported LOPs, thereby lending Shmin gradients of c. 15.9 and 17.0 MPa km21 for
confidence to the reliability of reported LOPs in the central and eastern Otway Basin, respectively
constraining Shmin in the Otway Basin. (Fig. 11a). Undifferentiated sand/shale-dominated
It has long been known that lithology exerts a formations have best-fit Shmin gradients generally
strong influence on both ISIPs during mini-frac constrained between the shale (upper) and sand
tests and LOPs during XLOTS, which accordingly (lower) dominated formations (Table 4), although
influences the magnitude of Shmin (Bush & Meyer the central Otway Basin best-fit Shmin gradient
1988; Evans et al. 1989; Warpinski & Teufel (c. 15.4 MPa km21) is slightly lower than the sand-
1989, 1991; Addis et al. 1998; Reynolds et al. dominated best-fit Shmin gradients in the same region
2006). Consequently, we have made use of the sub- (Fig. 11a). This may reflect the fact that LOT data
stantial amount of LOT data available from the for undifferentiated sand/shale-dominated forma-
Otway Basin. Eighty-nine LOTs from 73 near- tions in the eastern part of the study area were
vertical (,108 inclination) wellbores within the obtained in more shale-rich units, whereas LOT
offshore and onshore central and eastern Otway data in the central Otway Basin were obtained in
Basin (Fig. 3) have been used to estimate Shmin more sand-rich units.
magnitudes. These tests have been acquired since Considering the difference between sandstone-
early exploration and encompass differing for- and shale-dominated best-fit Shmin gradients at typi-
mations (and lithologies) at various depths within cal reservoir/seal depths (e.g. c. 2000 m TVDML
sections believed to be close to the maximum post- in the Shipwreck Trough), the difference in Shmin
depositional burial depths (cf. Corcoran & Doré magnitudes between these lithologies for the central
2007; Tassone et al. 2014). In contrast with previous and eastern regions is c. 5.72 and 7.74 MPa,
contemporary stress studies in the Otway Basin, we respectively. These differences in LOPs, and thus
have grouped the LOT data by the dominant litho- estimates of Shmin magnitudes, in siliciclastic rocks
logy of the formation in which the test was run and across both regions are consistent with the find-
by geographical location (i.e. central v. eastern ings of Warpinski (1989), who showed, based
Otway Basin). Table 4 shows the formation bulk on 60 mini-frac tests within a single well, that reser-
lithology groupings used to differentiate the LOT voir (sand) units typically have Shmin magnitudes
data, as well as information regarding the depo- 5 –12 MPa lower than non-reservoir (shale) units.
sitional environments of the corresponding for- A similar conclusion was reached by Addis et al.
mations. The Heytesbury and Nirranda groups (1998), who showed that XLOTs and LOTs in
are mainly marl and carbonate-dominated sections shale- and mudstone-dominated formations gener-
that are the most shallow stratigraphic sequences ally indicate higher stresses and fracture gradients
in the Otway Basin (Fig. 1; c. ,1000–1500 m than sand-dominated units. The observation of
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Table 4. Best-fit Shmin gradients differentiated by lithology and region derived from LOT data assuming LOPs were caused by tensile failure.

Lithology Formation/Group Region Best-fit Shmin magnitude N Negative Positive R2 Equation

gradient (MPa km21) (MPa km21) (MPa km21) No.

Marl/ Whales Bluff Formation/Port Campbell Eastern Shmin_Marl/ 36 5.40 7.09 0.7947 4
carbonate Limestone Gellibrand Marl/Jan Juc Carbonate_East ≈ 21.19 × Z
Formation/Narrawaturk Marl/undiff.

Heytesbury Group/undiff. Nirranda Group
Central Shmin_Marl/ 11 6.52 3.48 0.8059 5
≈ 20.32 × Z
Sand Mepunga Formation/Dilwyn Formation/Pebble Eastern Shmin_Sand_East ≈ 17.01 × Z 6 4.04 2.73 0.7441 6
Point Formation/Timboon Sandstone/Paaratte
Central Shmin_Sand_West ≈ 15.93 × Z 13 3.09 3.83 0.9094 7
Shale Clifton Formation/Pember Mudstone/Belfast Eastern Shmin_Shale_East ≈ 20.89 × Z 9 7.88 0.48 0.9275 8
Mudstone/Laira Formation
Central Shmin_Shale_West ≈ 18.79 × Z 6 2.54 1.64 0.9599 9
Sand/shale Eumeralla Formation/Wangerrip Eastern Shmin_Sand/ 5 1.45 1.15 0.9829 10
Group/Sherbrook Group Shale_East ≈ 19.30 × Z
Central Shmin_Sand/ 5 2.25 0.81 0.9938 11
Shale_West ≈ 15.37 × Z

Also listed is the number of data points (N), range of values from the best-fit Shmin gradient derived from the lower and upper limits, respectively, and coefficient of determination (R2). Shmin gradients in MPa
km21 with depth referenced to the mudline. Lithology classifications are based on general characteristics of stratigraphic formations and groups.
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wide natural fractures in the sandstones abruptly ter- for geomechanical applications (e.g. wellbore stabi-
minating at shale-rich interfaces also led Warpinski lity, hydraulic fracturing, sand production), SHmax
& Teufel (1989) to emphasize that stress contrasts magnitudes were not constrained in this study.
exist between shale- and sand-dominated units, We did not attempt to constrain SHmax magnitudes
with higher stresses in the shales. This reflects a con- using wellbore observations because we did not
trast in the mechanical properties between the dif- have access to rock strength data and often the
ferent lithologies, especially Poisson’s ratio, which image logs we used did not preserve breakouts with
is usually higher in shales. Thus fracture gradients enough accuracy to provide an accurate estimate of
determined in shale and mudstone lithology rocks their width.
should not be directly extrapolated to reservoir
sandstones, particularly if production has depleted Possible states of stress constrained from
PP magnitudes (Addis et al. 1998; Hillis 2001). petroleum exploration data
For all the lithology end-members (i.e. marl/
carbonate, shale and sand-dominated formations), During normal burial of sedimentary rocks, mecha-
best-fit Shmin gradients in the eastern Otway Basin nical and thermochemical compaction (i.e. the
are c. 1– 2 MPa km21 higher than in the central reduction of porosity with depth) processes are gen-
Otway Basin (Fig. 11a, b). Although there is a lot erally non-linear (Athy 1930). It is for this reason
of overlap at shallower depths, especially within that Warpinski (1989) emphasizes the perils of
marl and carbonate-dominated formations at fitting linear stress –depth regressions because
depths deeper than c. 800 m TVDML, there appears this maintains the misconception that magnitudes
to be a more noticeable differentiation of LOPs of Shmin always increase with depth regardless of
within siliciclastic formations from across the basin parameters in addition to lithology, such as changes
(Fig. 11b). This clearly demonstrates that lithology in stress states, pore pressures, temperatures and
has a major control on LOPs and thus the magni- diagenesis throughout time (i.e. elastic/viscoelastic
tude of Shmin with depth. It also indicates a relative behaviour; Warpinski 1989). Unfortunately, how-
increase in Shmin gradients from west to east across ever, there is insufficient data from within indi-
the central to eastern parts of the basin. vidual Otway Basin wells to constrain horizontal
pressure –depth trends other than linear gradients
Constraining maximum horizontal stress at this stage.
magnitudes Assuming that LOPs constrain Shmin magnitudes,
marl- and carbonate-dominated formations exhibit
The magnitude of SHmax is the most difficult compo- higher Shmin gradients than SV,Lower over all depths
nent of the stress tensor to constrain using petroleum for where these rocks occur (i.e. ,1600 m
data because there is no way to measure it directly TVDM; Fig. 11). Furthermore, these Shmin gradients
(White & Hillis 2004). It is well accepted that the are about equal to or higher than SV,Upper at depths
Earth’s crust is in a state of incipient, albeit slow, less than c. 380 and 710 m TVDML for the cen-
frictional failure equilibrium; seismicity in the brit- tral and eastern parts of the basin, respectively
tle upper crust within stable continental regions (Fig. 11c, d). This implies that the shallow, post-rift
provides strong evidence for this notion (e.g. Stein Heytesbury and Nirranda groups are within a strike-
et al. 1992; Townend & Zoback 2000). Assuming slip to reverse faulting stress regime or, potentially,
that one principal stress is vertical, the differences a pure reverse faulting stress regime if the LOPs
in magnitude between the maximum and minimum actually represent SV (i.e. S3) rather than Shmin (i.e.
principal stresses at depth will be limited by the fric- S2) (Evans & Engelder 1989). In the latter instance,
tional strength of planar discontinuities such as the amount by which Shmin magnitudes exceed SV
faults (Jaeger & Cook 1979). Frictional limit theory magnitudes is therefore indeterminable using LOT
states that stresses in the Earth’s upper crust cannot data (Evans et al. 1989).
be such that they exceed the frictional strength Throughout the central and eastern Otway Basin,
of pre-existing, optimally oriented faults (Sibson the LOPs obtained in sand-dominated formations
1974 1995; Jaeger & Cook 1979). are generally less than the SV magnitudes for all
The presence of wellbore failure features, such depths tested (Fig. 11c, d), implying either a strike-
as DITFs and/or borehole breakouts, can provide slip or normal fault stress regime. In the central
additional constraints on SHmax magnitudes if the Otway Basin, the LOPs from sandstones define
mechanical rock properties, such as compressive a best-fit Shmin gradient of c. 15.9 MPa km21. Like-
and tensile rock strengths, are known (Bell & wise, LOPs from shale-dominated formations in the
Gough 1979; Brudy & Zoback 1999). However, central Otway Basin are also less than SV,Lower at all
because this study focuses on linking contemporary depths, providing further support for either a strike-
stress data with neotectonic observations rather than slip or normal fault stress regime. However, the
modelling the state of stress (i.e. SHmax magnitude) LOPs from shale-dominated formations in the
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Fig. 11. (a) Available LOT data (N ¼ 89) plotted against TVDBM differentiated by region (central or eastern; see
Fig. 3) and lithology, whereby LOPs are used as estimates of Shmin magnitudes. Lithology has been generalized
based on the stratigraphy (Fig. 1) as listed in Table 4 into either marl/carbonate, sand, shale or sand/
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eastern Otway Basin indicate variably greater and State of stress in underlying basement rocks
lower Shmin magnitudes compared with SV magni-
tudes over various depths, implying that all faulting Wellbore failure analysis of 12 petroleum wells has
regimes may be possible (i.e. normal, strike-slip and constrained the SHmax azimuth in the eastern Otway
reverse). Basin to be broadly c. 135 +158 N, which is con-
In addition to SV and Shmin stresses, Figure 11 sistent with previous studies in this region
also shows the maximum PP gradients observed (Fig. 6c; Nelson et al. 2006a; Bérard et al. 2008).
across the basin. In particular, it highlights the short- The remarkable consistency of SHmax orientations
comings of linearly extrapolating Shmin gradients stands in contrast with many basins, which typically
calibrated at shallow depths to deeper depths if pore exhibit local stress variations near geological struc-
pressure– stress coupling is not taken into account. tures such as faults, fractures or igneous intrusions
Alternatively, it may highlight potential drilling (Bell 1996; Yale 2003; Tingay et al. 2010; Holford
challenges if sand-dominated Shmin gradients are et al. 2016). Several wells for which we have deter-
indeed lower than overpressured mudstone PP gra- mined SHmax orientations are situated close to large
dients if the reservoir unit is laterally drained. faults (Fig. 8), suggesting that these faults do not
A best-fit Shmin gradient determined for eastern act as weak or strong mechanical discontinuities
Otway Basin shales is c. 20.9 MPa km21, which (Bell 1996).
is less than SV,Lower at depths .2010 m TVDML. However, such data only provide constraints
This indicates a potential partitioning of stress on the orientation of stresses within the shallow
regimes with depth, with strike-slip faulting stress upper crust (depths ,4 km). In an attempt to obtain
regimes at depths .2 km TVDML and borderline a more comprehensive understanding of the state
strike-slip to reverse faulting stress conditions at of stress in the Otway Basin, here we combine our
shallower depths (e.g. ,2 km TVDML; Fig. 11d). In results with independent datasets that constrain
a previous study, Nelson et al. (2006a) constrained the state of stress in the underlying basement.
a best-fit Shmin gradient of c. 18.5 MPa km21 in the This includes earthquake focal mechanism solu-
eastern Otway Basin, which is generally lower than tions (Denham et al. 1981, 1985; Bock & Denham
our estimates of the Shmin gradient for marl, car- 1983; McCue et al. 1990; McCue & Paull 1991;
bonate- and shale-dominated formations through- Leonard et al. 2002; Allen et al. 2005; Clark
out the basin (Table 4). Nelson et al. (2006a) 2009). We also consider the implications of Plio-
suggested that the simplest explanation for the cene –Holocene volcanic eruption point alignments
increase in Shmin gradients from c. 15.5 MPa km21 (Lesti et al. 2008).
in the western Otway Basin (the South Australian Earthquake focal mechanisms represent the
sector) to c. 20 MPa km21 in the Gippsland Basin pattern of seismic radiation resulting from slip on
is largely due to the closer proximity to the New a fault. Table 5 and Figure 12a show 19 published
Zealand compressional boundary. However, the focal mechanisms for 17 earthquakes in the vicinity
observation of Shmin gradients greater than c. of the Otway Basin, with magnitudes ranging from
20 MPa km21 in marl- and carbonate-dominated ML 3.2 to 5.5, which occurred at depths between 5
stratigraphic units throughout the basin and in shale- and 21 km. These are superimposed over basement
dominated stratigraphic units in the eastern Otway discontinuities identified from both field mapping
Basin implies that horizontal stress magnitudes are and geophysical datasets (e.g. magnetic, radiomet-
not purely related to the proximity to a plate ric, gravity and seismic; Vandenberg et al. 2000).
boundary. All the focal mechanism solutions were determined

Fig. 11. (Continued) shale-dominated formations. The distribution of LOT data can be seen in Fig. 3. The best-fit linear
magnitude– depth gradients for each lithology with respect to region, as well as their corresponding range, are shown in
the top right-hand corner of (a). It can be seen that marl/carbonate-dominated formations have the highest gradients
followed shale-dominated formations and then sand-dominated formations. (b) The same LOT data differentiated only
by region, showing higher gradients in the eastern Otway Basin than in the central Otway Basin. Although there is
smaller difference in magnitude within the shallower marl and carbonate rocks across both regions, there is more
appreciable difference in siliciclastic rocks (sand and shale-dominated formations) at depths deeper than c. 800 m
TVDML from the central (lower gradients) to the eastern Otway Basin (higher gradients). (c) Stress gradients estimated
using petroleum exploration data in the central Otway Basin. (d) Stress gradients in the eastern Otway Basin. It can be
seen that LOT data in shallow marl/carbonate-dominated formations in both (c) and (d) have LOPs generally ≥SV
magnitudes at the equivalent depth, suggesting a strike-slip to reverse in situ faulting stress regime. The LOT data in the
central Otway Basin (c) define lower Shmin gradients within siliciclastic rocks (i.e. sand and shale-dominated formations)
compared with the eastern Otway Basin (d) by c. 1– 2 MPa km21. This may suggest a normal to strike-slip
contemporary fault stress regime in the central Otway Basin and possibly either a normal, strike-slip or strike-slip to
reverse contemporary fault stress regime in the eastern Otway Basin within these deeper rocks.
Table 5. Published focal mechanism solutions for earthquakes in southeastern Australia, with corresponding date, location, magnitude, depth, axis of compression
(P-axis ; SHmax orientation), interpreted stress regime, World Stress Map quality rating after Zoback (1992) and publication reference

Location Date Latitude Longitude ML Depth P-axis Stress N World Stress Reference

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(8S) (8E) (km) (8) regime (Figure 12a) Map quality

Berridale 18 May 1959 236.22 148.64 5.2 15 327 TF 15 D Denham et al. (1981), Leonard et al.
Mt Hotham 3 May 1966 237.042 147.158 5.5 15 219 NF 11 B Denham et al. (1985), Leonard et al.
Middlingbank 21 June 1971 236.22 148.78 4 5 136 SS 16 ?? Bock & Denham (1983), Leonard et al.
Murrumbateman 6 May 1974 235.06 149.02 3.8 5 271 SS/TF 17 D Denham et al. (1981), Leonard et al.
(2002), Nelson et al. (2006a)
The Pilot 8 September 1976 236.72 148.24 3.8 6 326 TF 13 D Bock & Denham (1983), Leonard et al.

Balliang 2 December 1977 237.88 144.27 4.2 21 292 TF 2a ?? Denham et al. (1981), Leonard et al.
286 SS 2b ?? Denham et al. (1981), Leonard et al.
Suggan Buggan 30 November 1981 236.09 148.33 3.7 7 95 SS 14 D Bock & Denham (1983), Leonard et al.
Woonangatta 21 November 1982 237.205 146.956 5.4 17 113 TF 10 B Denham et al. (1985), Leonard et al.
(2002), Nelson et al. (2006a)
Nhill 22 December 1987 236.107 141.539 4.9 6 264 SS/NF 1a B McCue et al. (1990), Leonard et al.
(2002), Nelson et al. (2006a)
136 TF 1b B Denham et al. (1981), Leonard et al.
Bunnaloo 3 July 1988 235.73 144.49 4 10 118 SS 3 C McCue & Paull (1991), Leonard et al.
Thomson 25 September 1996 237.863 146.422 5 11 141 TF 9 C Allen et al. (2005)
Tatong 27 June 1997 236.781 146.094 4.2 6 354.2 TF 6 C Allen et al. (2005), Nelson et al. (2006a)
Corryong 17 July 1998 236.441 148.005 4.7 20 332.2 SS 12 C Allen et al. (2005), Nelson et al. (2006a)
Boolarra South 29 August 2000 238.402 146.245 4.7 15 322 TF 7 D Allen et al. (2005)
Dumbalk 30 October 2000 238.56 146.05 3.2 16 161 SS 4 D Leonard et al. (2002)
Boolarra South 4 July 2001 238.74 146.34 3.4 7 286 SS 8 D Leonard et al. (2002)
Korumburra 24 April 2009 ?? ?? 4.6 8 ?? SS 5 ?? Clark (2009)

TF, thrust fault; SS, strike slip; NF, normal fault.

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Fig. 12. (a) Published focal mechanism solutions – – for earthquakes occurring in southeastern Australia with
magnitudes ranging between ML 3.2 and 5.5 at depths between 5 and 21 km (Denham et al. 1981, 1985; Bock &
Denham 1983; McCue et al. 1990; McCue & Paull 1991; Leonard et al. 2002; Allen et al. 2005; Nelson et al.
2006a; Clark 2009) superimposed over Palaeozoic basement discontinuities identified from field mapping and
geophysical datasets, including magnetic, radiometric, gravity and seismic data (Messent et al. 1999; Vandenberg
et al. 2000). Also shown are estimates of SHmax orientations derived from wellbore failure analyses (this study;
Nelson et al. 2006a; Bérard et al. 2008) and modelled stress trajectories (after Reynolds et al. 2003a). The focal
mechanism solution numbers correspond to those listed Table 5. (b) Mapping of Pliocene– Holocene volcano
alignments (i.e. Newer Volcanics) in western Victoria (after Lesti et al. 2008) showing that the dominant NW– SE
trend probably reflects the opening (or reopening) of deep fractures favourably oriented parallel to the SHmax
orientation (as determined from wellbore failure features and focal mechanisms), while the north–south and
east–west trends probably reflect reactivated Palaeozoic discontinuities (Lesti et al. 2008).

from onshore earthquakes that occurred within analysis (Fig. 6). The two most proximal earth-
basement rocks. quakes to the central and eastern Otway Basin for
No focal mechanisms solution exists underlying which focal mechanism solutions are available are
the Otway Basin to directly compare with our esti- both poorly constrained, allowing for alternative
mates of SHmax orientation from wellbore failure interpretations. McCue et al. (1990) suggested that
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the 1987 Nhill earthquake in western Victoria reflects the opening (or reopening) of deep frac-
was consistent with a strike-slip focal mechanism tures favourably oriented parallel to the SHmax
solution (1a in Fig. 12a). However, Leonard et al. azimuth, while subsidiary north– south and east –
(2002) showed that an alternative focal mechanism west trends reflect reactivated basement discontinu-
solution is also possible with similar amounts of ities (Fig. 12a). Hence the alignment of eruption
uncertainty: a thrust regime (1b in Fig. 12a) in points highlights the influence of synvolcanic tec-
which the P-axis (assumed to be close to the SHmax tonics and the in situ stress field during Pliocene –
orientation) is roughly aligned with nearby well- Holocene times.
bore failure azimuths defined by borehole breakouts Regional SHmax orientations estimated from
and DITFs (Hillis et al. 1995; Nelson et al. 2006a). Pliocene –Holocene volcanic eruption point align-
The only other focal mechanism solution in close ments, together with petroleum well data estimates
proximity to the Victorian Otway Basin is the and focal mechanism solutions across southeastern
1977 Balliang earthquake near Geelong, just north Australia, agree well with plate-scale finite-element
of the northern Otway Basin boundary. This focal stress modelling (Walcott 1998; Hillis & Reynolds
mechanism solution is also poorly constrained 2000; Reynolds et al. 2003a). This modelling
(Denham et al. 1981) and two alternative solutions indicates that the regional SHmax orientation in the
have been presented: the original published solution Otway Basin, as well as southeastern Australia,
by Denham et al. (1981), indicating a thrust fault primarily reflects the increased coupling of the Aus-
regime, and strike-slip faulting on a pre-existing tralian and Pacific plate boundary along New Zea-
normal fault (Leonard et al. 2002). Both solutions land’s Alpine Fault (Sandiford 2003b; Sandiford
yield a similar P-axis azimuth rotated by c. 308 et al. 2004).
towards the north with respect to the SHmax orienta-
tion determined for the Lower Cretaceous rocks in
Bellarine-1. Evidence for neotectonic compressional
Four of the 17 focal mechanism solutions are for deformation
intra-basement earthquakes underlying the Meso-
zoic –Cenozoic sedimentary rocks of the Gippsland The onset of Neogene neotectonic compressional
Basin, where wellbore failure analysis defined by deformation across southeastern Australia is marked
borehole breakouts and DITFs also indicate consis- by a regional late Miocene –early Pliocene angular
tent SHmax orientations (Fig. 12a). Apart from the Mt unconformity. This unconformity is well developed
Hotham earthquake in 1966, which indicates a in the Otway Basin, particularly over localized
normal faulting focal mechanism solution (P-axis neotectonic structures (Dickinson et al. 2002), and
c. 2198; Denham et al. 1985) and a possible focal corresponds to a transition in the nature of basin-fill
mechanism solution for the Nhill earthquake in from carbonates to siliciclastics around 6 –8 myr
1987 (P-axis c. 2648; McCue et al. 1990; Leonard ago (Sandiford 2003b). Although this deformation
et al. 2002), all other focal mechanism solutions occurs throughout the entire Otway Basin (Geary
listed in Table 5 have a P-axis azimuth that trends & Reid 1998; Messent et al. 1999; Boult et al.
broadly NW–SE. It is thus clear from the focal 2008), neotectonic compressional deformation is
mechanism solutions that earthquakes within the far more pronounced in the eastern Otway Basin
basement rocks in southeastern Australia are (Fig. 3). The main structural style for neotectonic
dominantly the result of strike-slip and reverse fault- deformation takes the form of folding and reverse
ing. The broad consistency between stress orienta- faulting within upper Miocene and older strata in
tions determined from both petroleum data and the Torquay Sub-Basin (e.g. Nerita Anticline;
earthquake focal mechanisms suggests some degree Fig. 13) and around the Otway Ranges (Fig. 14b;
of coupling between the basement and the overlying Cooper & Hill 1997; Dickinson et al. 2002; Holford
sedimentary cover, consistent with observations et al. 2011a). The c. 40 m high cliff near Port
from a number of seismogenic zones across Austra- Campbell in the eastern Otway Basin reveals a
lia (Clark & Leonard 2003). It is difficult, however, low-angle fault within the middle to upper Miocene
to correlate specific small-magnitude earthquakes Port Campbell Limestone section (Fig. 14b). This
with known basement-involved faults (Clark 2009). fault exhibits reverse motion and slightly offsets
The alignment of Pliocene–Holocene volcanoes an unconformable surface at the top of the cliff.
in western Victoria, which overlaps the northern In addition to the Torquay Sub-Basin and Otway
margin of the Otway Basin, provides additional evi- Ranges, there is also clear evidence from seis-
dence of the state of stress within the underlying mic data for earlier compressional deformation
basement (Fig. 12b; Lesti et al. 2008). Mapping in parts of the Shipwreck Trough and Mussel
the spatial density and alignment of deeply sourced and Prawn platforms within the offshore eastern
eruption points (Fig. 12b) led Lesti et al. (2008) Otway Basin (Fig. 15). Within these regions, seis-
to suggested that the dominant NW–SE trend mic mapping of the post-rift mid-Oligocene units
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Fig. 13. Interpreted seismic profile O40-21 perpendicular to the fold axes of the Nerita Anticline in the Torquay
Sub-Basin. Modified after Messent et al. (1999) and Holford et al. (2014). The Nerita Anticline is interpreted as an
inversion structure with erosional truncation (black arrows) at the late Miocene–early Pliocene unconformity, which
dips away from the anticlinal crest, perhaps suggesting neotectonic deformation. TB, Top Basement; MCU, Mid-
Cretaceous unconformity; ILU, Intra-Lutetian unconformity; IOU, Intra-Oligocene unconformity; MPU, Miocene-
Pliocene unconformity.

(i.e. the base-Heytesbury Group isochron; Fig. 1) and 58 m Ma21 for c. 2 –1 Ma faults, monoclinal
shows that neotectonic compressional deformation and anticlinal structural features in and adjacent
is dominantly accommodated by low-amplitude to the Otway Ranges (Figs 14a & 15a; Sandiford
(c. 100 –500 m; Fig. 15b) folds with wavelengths 2003a, b). Similar analyses of neotectonic structures
of c. 10–25 km that plunge towards the SW in the Gippsland Basin reveal slightly higher late
(Geary & Reid 1998; Tuitt et al. 2011) with little neotectonic deformation slip rates (.63 m Ma21),
evidence of faulting (Fig. 15a). A number of these which complements the observation of higher levels
folds, such as the Miverva, Pecten and Crowes anti- of present day seismicity in this part of southeastern
clines, strike parallel and are contiguous to onshore Australia (Figs 2 & 12a). Excluding the Ferguson
neotectonic structures (Fig. 15b). The onset of neo- Hill Anticline (which is probably linked to an
tectonic deformation in the eastern Otway Basin underlying basement fault), the basement-linked
also correlates well with apatite fission track data Selwyn and Rowsley faults that bound the north-
that show cooling of Cenozoic –Cretaceous rocks eastern and southeastern limits of the eastern
beginning between 10 and 5 Ma as result of up to Otway Basin (Fig. 16a), respectively, have been
400 –1500 m of uplift and erosion (Cooper & Hill shown to have the highest late neotectonic defor-
1997; Dickinson et al. 2002; Green et al. 2004; mation slip rates in the basin (Clark et al. 2011).
Holford et al. 2011a; Tassone et al. 2012). Determining longer term (i.e. .10 Ma) neotectonic
Pliocene and Quaternary strata overlying the deformation slip rates in the Otway Basin is more
regional late Miocene–early Pliocene angular challenging, although the conformable nature of
unconformity in the onshore eastern Otway Basin most Pliocene strandlines across Victoria has been
also reveal evidence for neotectonic deformation taken as evidence for very little deformation having
(Sandiford, 2003a, b; Clark et al. 2011). For this rea- occurred in the interval between 6 and 3 Ma. This
son, we categorize the onset of regional Neogene demonstrates that most late neotectonic deforma-
compressional deformation that resulted in the late tion occurred post-3 Ma (Fig. 1: Wallace et al.
Miocene –early Pliocene angular unconformity 2005; Clark et al. 2011), probably linked to an
as early neotectonic deformation, and subsequent abrupt change in the Australian –Pacific plate inter-
deformation as late neotectonic deformation. actions from a steady strike-slip motion across the
Based on the displacement of Miocene strata, Alpine Fault exposed on New Zealand’s South
Pliocene strandlines and Pliocene– Quaternary vol- Island to a steady transpressional regime (Walcott
canic flows, Clark et al. (2011) have estimated late 1998; Sandiford 2003b). Through detailed analysis
neotectonic deformation slip rates of between c. 4 of Pliocene– Quaternary drainage patterns on the
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Fig. 14. (a) Topographic map of the Colac Trough and Otway Ranges (after Constantine & Liberman 2001)
showing neotectonic features (e.g. faults, anticlines and monoclines), some with estimated slip/deformation rates
(Clark et al. 2011). Also illustrated are isochrons (two-way time in seconds) of the intra-Oligocene unconformable
surface mapped in the Shipwreck Trough and Prawn Platform (i.e. base-Heytesbury Group; Geary & Reid 1998) as
well as in the Torquay Sub-Basin (i.e. base-Torquay Group; after Holford et al. 2011a, b) showing the similar trend
in late Miocene –early Pliocene structural features. Green line represents location of seismic profile O40-21 in
Fig. 13. Also shown are suspected light hydrocarbon seeps interpreted to be derived from a gas/condensate or dry
thermogenic gas ‘source’ (after Bishop et al. 1992; Messent et al. 1999) and earthquakes (after Sandiford et al.
2004; Holford et al. 2011a, b), with Seep 1 apparently associated with a seabed pockmark (O’Brien et al. 1992).
(b) Evidence of post-rift reverse faulting near the Otway Ranges. Small apparent low-angle fault with reverse sense
is observed in the mid- to upper Miocene Port Campbell Limestone cliffs at the Twelve Apostles site in the Port
Campbell National Park. The fault slightly displaces the top of the cliff (i.e. late Miocene –early Pliocene
unconformity), indicating that the fault must have formed in the past c. 5– 10 myr. Photographer is facing c. north–
NNW, suggesting that the fault dips apparently broadly towards the east. Cliff face is c. 40 m high and the people at
the top of the cliff can be used for scale.
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Fig. 15. (a) Surface geology map of the Port Campbell Embayment and northwestern margin of the Otway Ranges
(after Edwards et al. 1996) and isochrons (two-way time in seconds) of the intra-Oligocene unconformable surface
(i.e. base-Heytesbury Group) mapped in the Shipwreck Trough, Mussel and Prawn platforms (Geary & Reid 1998).
Superimposed are the axes of offshore Neogene folds (after Geary & Reid 1998) that can be correlated to onshore
neotectonic features (Clark et al. 2011). Note that the Ferguson Hill Anticline has Paleocene rocks outcropping
surrounded by upper Oligocene to upper Miocene rocks, potentially suggesting appreciable amounts of Neogene
erosion. (b) Interpreted seismic profile OH91-113, perpendicular to the fold axis of low-amplitude Neogene
anticlines that plunge towards the SW within wavelengths of c.15–25 km (after Geary & Reid 1998; Holford et al.
2014). Black arrows indicate erosional truncation of strata beneath the late Miocene –early Pliocene unconformity.
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northern flanks of the Otway Ranges, Sandiford neotectonic deformational structures and the under-
(2003a) constrained the most recent episode of lying basement discontinuities. This suggests that
reverse fault related uplift and incision to occurring basement structures may exert first-order control
between c. 2 and 1 Ma. on the locus of late neotectonic deformation in the
Although no focal mechanism solution has been Otway Basin. Most late neotectonic structures in
determined in the eastern Otway Basin, recorded the eastern Otway Basin also strike parallel to
seismicity supports active brittle deformation at early neotectonic inversion structures (e.g. the Ner-
mid-crustal depths (Fig. 12). Potential evidence of ita Anticline; Fig. 13, Fig. 14b & 16a) and are near-
thermogenic hydrocarbon seeps above seabed pock- orthogonal to the contemporary SHmax orientation
marks in the vicinity of neotectonic compressional identified from the wellbore failure analysis of sedi-
deformation structures (e.g. the Nerita Anticline; mentary rocks (Fig. 6c), as well as estimates of base-
Fig. 13: Bishop et al. 1992; O’Brien et al. 1992) ment stress orientation (Fig. 12). This implies that
may also provide additional evidence of brittle both late and early neotectonic compressional defor-
deformation at shallow depths (,1 km) if indeed mation structures formed under comparable stress
valid (cf. Logan et al. 2010). It is important to high- fields (Sandiford 2003b).
light that although seismic profile data reveals less
evidence of major brittle deformation, faulting com-
parable with the fault displacement observed in the Linking contemporary stresses determined
cliffs near Port Campbell would be beyond that from petroleum data with geological and
interpretable at typical scales of seismic resolution geophysical observations
(the minimum vertical resolution for the data used
in this study is generally c. 30 m). In the previous sections we presented contemporary
Figure 16a, b shows the distribution of late neo- stress magnitudes using petroleum exploration data
tectonic features across the broader southeastern and also evidence of neotectonic compressio-
Australian region (Clark et al. 2011). This encom- nal deformation from geological observations and
passes the Mesozoic –Cenozoic age Otway and focal mechanism solution data, emphasizing the
Gippsland basins, the Cenozoic Murray –Darling key uncertainties associated with constraining the
Basin and outcropping basement, which mostly contemporary state of stress. Although SV mag-
comprise the remnants of the early Palaeozoic nitude– depth profiles exhibit relatively little varia-
Delamerian and Lachlan orogenies (Glen 2005). tion across the central and eastern offshore Otway
This map also highlights the distribution of base- Basin, an important finding is that LOT data, which
ment discontinuities identified from field mapping was used to estimate the magnitude of Shmin, appears
and geophysical datasets (e.g. magnetic, radiomet- to be sensitive, with depth, to both the lithology and
ric, gravity and seismic; Vandenberg et al. 2000), structural province (Fig. 11). The aim of this section
including the interpreted underlying extent of the is to reconcile our new results with existing geo-
Proterozoic Selwyn Block microcontinent (Fig. logical and geophysical observations to present a
16a, b; Cayley 2011). There appears to be some spa- consistent model for the contemporary state of stress
tial and geometric association between late in the Otway Basin.

Fig. 16. (a) Neotectonic faults (after Clark et al. 2011) in Palaeozoic basement rocks and Meso-Cenozoic basins
superimposed over Palaeozoic basement discontinuities identified from field mapping and geophysical datasets
(Messent et al. 1999; Vandenberg et al. 2000) showing a clear relationship with the trends of neotectonic faults and
underlying basement discontinuities. This suggests that the basement faults have a strong control, with the locus of
neotectonic deformation in the Meso-Cenozoic passive margin sedimentary basins. Also shown is the interpreted
extent of the underlying Proterozoic Selwyn Block in central Victoria (after Cayley 2011). (b) Interpreted
pre-Permian basement terranes (after Vandenberg et al. 2000) showing that neotectonic deformation in the eastern
onshore region occurs in the vicinity of the northwestern boundary of the Selwyn Block. (c) A summary of regional
contemporary stresses constrained from petroleum exploration data integrated with geological observations that
incorporate underlying structural trends across the basin, the mode of deformation with depth and lithology at a
larger scale. Post-rift shallow Oligocene to Miocene marl and carbonate-dominated formations are folded (more
ductile) with little evidence of pre-existing planes of weakness and have high horizontal stresses indicative of a
reverse in situ fault stress regime. By contrast, deeper synrift siliciclastic rocks are heavily faulted (many
pre-existing planes of weakness) and have lower horizontal stresses indicative of a strike-slip contemporary fault
stress regime. There is also an increase in horizontal stresses from the central Otway Basin, where faults typically
strike c. NW– SE, to the eastern Otway Basin, where faults typically strike c. NE– SW. Horizontal stress
orientations are similar across both regions, are uniform over the entire basin sedimentary infill (excluding local
stresses near faults) and agree well under focal mechanism solutions that sample basement stresses, which also
indicate reverse and strike-slip faulting movements.
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Influence of neotectonic compressional from the maximum palaeoburial depth (Warpinski

deformation on contemporary stresses in & Teufel 1989).
shallow post-rift sequences
Reconciling horizontal stress magnitudes
Petroleum exploration data from the shallow,
post-rift Heytesbury and Nirranda groups indicate constrained from petroleum exploration data
a strike-slip to reverse faulting stress regime in synrift rock sequences with geological
(i.e. Shmin , SV to Shmin ≈ SV) or, potentially, a observations
pure reverse faulting stress regime (i.e. Shmin ≥ SV),
with less variation in the LOP across the central In contrast with the highly stressed, shallow post-rift
and eastern Otway Basin compared with the deeper marl and carbonate-dominated formations, petro-
synrift siliciclastic sequences (Fig. 11). The obser- leum exploration data indicate that deeper synrift,
vation of a low-angle reverse fault in the cliff near siliciclastic-dominated formations have lower Shmin
Port Campbell (Fig. 14b), as well as neotectonic stresses. The LOT data show an overall increase
compressional structures around the topographi- in Shmin gradients of c. 1–2 MPa km21 at depths
cally prominent Otway Ranges (Fig. 14a) – which below c. 800 m TVDML within the deeper synrift
contain over-steepened creek profiles due to recent units from west to east (Fig. 11). A major difference
uplift (Hill et al. 1995) – all point towards a reverse between the post-rift and synrift sequences in the
faulting stress regime. Consequently, we infer that Otway Basin is that the latter contain significant
a pure reverse fault stress regime predominately faulting. The siliciclastic units within the Paleocene
exists within the shallow, post-rift Heytesbury Wangerrip Group, which witness the transition to
and Nirranda groups preserved at depths within post-rift conditions, generally record only minor
1–2 km below mudline. faulting, but the underlying Cretaceous sequence
Seismic data generally reveal little evidence for contains a thick sequence of fault-controlled, synrift
faulting within the post-rift marls and carbonates sedimentary rocks (Fig. 1). Minimum horizontal
of the Heytesbury Group, despite plentiful evidence stress magnitudes are lower in the deeper synrift
for low-amplitude folding associated with late Mio- siliciclastic formations in the central Otway Basin,
cene to Holocene inversion structures (Fig. 15). where faults generally strike near-parallel to the
Therefore, as there is no significant pre-existing SHmax orientation, and are higher in the eastern
weakness in these rocks (i.e. faults generated from Otway Basin where faults generally strike near-
the initial rifting), SHmax magnitudes should be orthogonal to the SHmax orientation (i.e. broadly
considered to be minimum estimates if frictional NE– SW). This reflects a similar change in struc-
limit theory is used. This implies that these shallow, tural trends within the underlying basement (Fig.
post-rift marls and carbonate-dominated formations 16a). A normal to strike-slip fault stress regime is
have predominantly accommodated compression evident in the central Otway Basin, where there
through ductile deformation. Any fault displace- is generally minor neotectonic (i.e. folding) com-
ment associated with these inversion structures is pressional deformation (Fig. 3; Boult et al. 2008),
probably below the resolution of seismic data (i.e. while a strike-slip to reverse fault stress regime
c. 30 m), similar to the small, low-angle reverse is observed in the eastern Otway Basin, where
faults seen in outcrop (Fig. 14b). there is pronounced neotectonic compressional
We suggest that compressional deformation deformation. Given that there is less variation in
accommodated by folding in these post-rift Mio- LOPs within the shallower and folded post-rift
cene marls and carbonate-dominated formations marl and carbonate-dominated formations across
has been a less efficient means of releasing strain both regions compared with the deeper and faulted
compared with fault slip, potentially explaining synrift sequences, we suggest that the subsurface
the higher LOPs. It should be noted that there are structural style and mode of compressional defor-
other potential explanations for LOPs higher than mation exert an important control on horizontal
SV at these shallow depths, such as the wellbore stress gradients in the central and eastern Otway
walls being lined with mud during the test (Evans Basin (Fig. 16c).
et al. 1989) or gravimetric reduction due to regional
erosion (Bush & Meyer 1988; Warpinski & Teufel Eastern Otway Basin. Changes in the horizontal
1989). Gravimetric reduction due to regional stress gradient (at a larger scale than that caused
uplift and erosion can result in high horizontal- by slight lithological variations) with depth result-
to-vertical stress ratios at shallow depths (Bush & ing from varying structural styles with depth has
Meyer 1988). This is particularly possible if been documented previously. For example, both
mudstones (or potentially ductile marls as is the Evans et al. (1989) and Couzens-Schultz & Chan
case here) behave viscoelastically and effectively (2010) have documented LOPs that change from
preserve a small portion of the higher stress state near-lithostatic pressure (i.e. SV) at shallow depth
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intervals (,1 km), abruptly becoming much less strike-slip faulting stress regime. There is evidence
than lithostatic pressure (c. 60–90% SV) in rocks for recent hydrocarbon leakage along reactivated
at depths .1 km, in regions where independent basement faults that witness neotectonic compres-
geological evidence indicates reverse fault stress sional deformation (Boult et al. 2008), resulting in
conditions. A possible explanation for the occur- palaeohydrocarbon columns in the South Australian
rence of lower LOPs in structural settings, where Otway Basin (Lyon et al. 2007).
geological evidence indicates reverse fault stress
conditions, but petroleum exploration data indicate
strike-slip fault stress conditions, is an instantaneous Alternative explanations for conflicting
stress drop following brittle deformation (Couzens- geomechanical and geological datasets
Schultz & Chan 2010). In the central and eastern
Otway Basin, compressional strain in the deep, We note that if LOPs reflect shear failure along
faulted synrift sections (particularly sandstones) (cohesionless) pre-existing planes of weakness,
may have been efficiently released by intermittent rather than the traditional assumption of failure via
slip along faults since the late Miocene to present new tensile fractures, then this may lead to an under-
day, thus lowering horizontal stresses. Thus LOTs estimation of the magnitude of Shmin (Couzens-
tend to yield lower LOPs and indicate a strike-slip Schultz & Chan 2010; King et al. 2012). Given
fault stress regime as opposed to a reverse slip that there is no way to determine whether leak-offs
fault stress regime, despite the clear geological evi- were caused by shear or tensile failure because the
dence favouring the latter (Fig. 14b; e.g. Mildren & image log data were not acquired before and after
Hillis 2000; Reynolds et al. 2003b; Mildren et al. LOTs were conducted, we acknowledge that our
2004; White & Hillis 2004; Nelson et al. 2006a; Shmin gradients may well be underestimated within
King et al. 2008). If an LOP database is predomi- the deeper synrift sections. Under this scenario,
nantly composed of LOTs performed within deeper particularly in the eastern Otway Basin, a reverse
synrift sequences with lower horizontal stress, then fault stress regime might be predominant through-
Shmin gradients within shallower, post-rift sequences out both the post- and synrift successions.
may be underestimated in a compressional deforma- If the state of stress in the basin has changed
tion regime, or vice versa. We acknowledge that if since the youngest neotectonic features were
the LOPs reflect shear failure along pre-existing formed, this could also account for conflicting
fractures rather than the creation of new tensile assessments from geomechanical and geological
failures (which may be possible in older, more datasets. The youngest, most reliable evidence for
deformed synrift packages), this could result in the a neotectonic reverse fault stress regime appears to
underestimation of synrift Shmin gradients. be provided by the analysis of drainage patterns on
the northern flank of the Otway Ranges by Sandi-
Central Otway Basin. A normal to strike-slip fault- ford (2003a). This analysis suggests that the present
ing stress regime has been deduced for the central relief in the Curdies and Gellibrand drainage basins
Otway Basin based on petroleum exploration data. occurred as a consequence of the tilting of fault
Although there is evidence of small-amplitude blocks in the interval 2–1 Ma (Sandiford 2003a).
folding within the Miocene marl and carbonate If horizontal stresses have relaxed since c. 1 Ma,
sequences that extend laterally westwards towards the stress state may have switched from a reverse
the South Australian Otway Basin with consistent fault to strike-slip fault regime, consistent with the
NE–SW trends (Fig. 3; cf., Boult et al. 2008), geomechanical data. Further investigation of this
there is less evidence for substantial inversion possibility may yield useful insights into the mag-
structures westwards away from the Otway Ranges. nitude and tempo of fluctuating horizontal stress
Hence a strike-slip faulting stress state in deeper magnitudes in intra-plate regions.
synrift sequences, combined with a lack of suitably
oriented structures on which inversion could Conclusions
occur, can adequately describe geological observa-
tions in the central Otway Basin. This may also In fold–thrust belts and passive margins that have
indicate a buckling style of compressional defor- been subject to neotectonic activity, geomechanical
mation within the shallower, highly stressed ductile and geological datasets often provide contradictory
marl and carbonate-dominated formations in the evidence for the state of contemporary stress. We
central Otway Basin, where the inverted synrift have investigated the state of contemporary stress
faults are non-parallel to the shallower anticlinal in the Otway Basin using newly available petro-
trends. A c. 20 m surface height ‘pop-up’ structure leum exploration data, with a focus on reconcil-
that formed within the last 0.8 myr in an inter-dune ing observations from geomechanical datasets with
coastal flat near the South Australia –Victoria bor- independent geological observations and geophy-
der (Boult et al. 2008) may also be indicative of a sical datasets. In contrast with many previous
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contemporary stress studies in basins around consist of siliciclastic lithologies) that are
Australia, we have highlighted the importance of highly faulted and are associated with lower
factors such as the underlying structural fabrics horizontal stresses than the folded post-rift
and variations in the mechanical properties of syn- sequences. We suggest that compressional
and post-rift basin-fill on stress magnitudes. deformation accommodated through folding
Our main conclusions are as follows: represents a less efficient means of releasing
regional strain than faulting (of optimally ori-
(1) Wellbore failure analysis indicates that SHmax ented, reactivated planes of weakness). This
orientations in the central and eastern region could potentially explain the observed stress
of the Otway Basin are c. 135 +158 N, consis- partitioning with depth, whereby petroleum
tent with previous investigations using petro- data from post-rift sequences indicate higher
leum exploration data. Independent SHmax horizontal stresses and a reverse stress state,
orientation constraints from focal mechanism but data from synrift sequences indicate
solutions of intra-basement earthquakes and lower horizontal stresses and a strike-slip
Pliocene–Holocene volcanic vent alignments stress state, in apparent conflict with geologi-
are also broadly consistent with the c. NW– cal evidence.
SE orientations determined from petroleum (6) Alternatively, the lower Shmin gradients
data. This implies a coupling of stress ori- observed in deeper synrift sequences may
entations between the Mesozoic –Cenozoic reflect the underestimation of Shmin. This
sedimentary basin-fill and the underlying might occur if LOPs reflect shear failure
basement. along (cohesionless) pre-existing planes of
(2) Shallow, post-rift, upper Oligocene to upper weakness, rather than the traditional assump-
Miocene age marl and carbonate-dominated tion of failure via new tensile fractures. In
formations generally report the highest LOP basins where neotectonic activity is observed,
gradients in the basin, which are typically in we recommend that more reliable XLOT data
excess of the SV gradients (.20 MPa km21) are regularly acquired to better constrain
above c. 800 m TVDML. Although other Shmin magnitudes. A further scenario that
reasons may explain the high LOPs across might explain aspects of our results is a change
the entire basin (e.g. viscoelasticity due to in stress regime from dominantly reverse fault-
recent uplift and erosion), the outcropping ing to strike-slip faulting over the past c. 1 myr.
rocks show evidence of reverse neotectonic
faulting and folding, in particularly in the east- This work forms part of ARC Discovery Projects
ern Otway Basin, indicating a reverse faulting DP0879612 and DP160101158 and ASEG Research Foun-
stress regime. dation Project RF09P04. We thank Will Jones, Adam
(3) Deeper siliciclastic synrift sequences gener- Smith, Ian Brown and Huw Edwards of PGS for the provi-
ally exhibit a strike-slip fault stress regime sion of SAMDA, and gratefully acknowledge Geoscience
based on petroleum exploration data. The Australia, DPI Victoria, Occam Technologies and Lakes
observation that Shmin gradients in shales Oil NL for access to seismic and well data. We also
thank Jerry Meyer and Scott Mildren of Ikon Geome-
are typically c. 3 –4 MPa km21 greater than
chanics for technical assistance and the provision of their
those in sandstones confirms that the lithology propriety software JRS Suite for wellbore analyses, and
exerts a strong control on horizontal stress IHS for provision of their Kingdom Suite seismic interpre-
magnitudes in this basin. tation software. We thank Ian Duddy and Paul Green of
(4) There is a c. 1– 2 MPa km21 increase in Shmin Geotrack International for valuable discussions regarding
gradients within synrift rocks from west to the geology of the Otway Basin. We also thank Dave Dew-
east in the basin. This coincides with both a hurst and an anonymous referee for their helpful reviews,
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State of stress in exhumed basins and implications for fluid flow:

insights from the Illizi Basin, Algeria
Petroceltic International, 16 Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin 2, Ireland
Present address: Stellar Geoscience Limited, Dublin, Ireland
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal 23955-6900,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Direction Coordination Groupe Associations – Sonatrach, Djenane El-Malik,
Hydra, Algiers, Algeria

Abstract: The petroleum prospectivity of an exhumed basin is largely dependent on the ability of
pre-existing traps to retain oil and gas volumes during and after the exhumation event. Although
faults may act as lateral seals in petroleum traps, they may start to become hydraulically conductive
again and enable fluid flow and hydrocarbon leakage during fault reactivation. We constrain the
present day in situ stresses of the exhumed Illizi Basin in Algeria and demonstrate that the primary
north– south and NW–SE (vertical strike-slip) fault systems in the study area are close to critical
stress (i.e. an incipient state of shear failure). By contrast, the overpressured and unexhumed Ber-
kine Basin and Hassi Messaoud areas to the north do not appear to be characterized by critical stress
conditions. We present conceptual models of stress evolution and demonstrate that a sedimentary
basin with benign in situ stresses at maximum burial may change to being characterized by critical
stress conditions on existing fault systems during exhumation. These models are supportive of the
idea that the breaching of a closed, overpressured system during exhumation of the Illizi Basin may
have been a driving mechanism for the regional updip flow of high-salinity formation water within
the Ordovician reservoirs during Eocene– Miocene time. This work also has implications for petro-
leum exploration in exhumed basins. Fault-bounded traps with faults oriented at a high angle to the
maximum principal horizontal stress direction in strike-slip or normal faulting stress regimes are
more likely to have retained hydrocarbons in exhumed basins than fault-bounded traps with faults
that are more optimally oriented for shear failure and therefore have a greater propensity to become
critically stressed during exhumation.

The relative timing of petroleum charge and trap petroleum generation may continue during the ini-
formation in sedimentary basins is a crucial factor tial cooling phase (K.L. English et al. 2016d), the
in the formation of petroleum accumulations in the exhumation and cooling of source rocks generally
subsurface (e.g. Magoon & Dow 1994). In normally leads to the cessation of active petroleum genera-
subsiding basins, active petroleum generation in tion within the basin. Unless the exhumed basin
mature organic-rich source rock results in the is situated along a migration route from an adja-
expulsion of petroleum fluids that migrate under cent normally subsiding basin that is actively gen-
hydrodynamic and buoyancy forces within carrier erating hydrocarbons, post-exhumation charging of
beds to ultimately accumulate in petroleum traps petroleum traps can only occur via the redistribu-
or escape to the surface (e.g. Schowalter 1979). tion of hydrocarbons already existing within the
However, many sedimentary basins around the basin (e.g. Doré et al. 2002; K.L. English et al.
world are no longer under conditions of maximum 2016d) or via late-stage exhumation charge during
burial and have been subjected to one or more final depressurization of the source rock (J.M.
exhumation events during their history (Japsen English et al. 2016). Aside from these potential
1998; Issler et al. 1999; Doré et al. 2002; Corcoran post-exhumation charge or remigration mecha-
& Mecklenburgh 2005; Underdown & Redfern nisms, the petroleum prospectivity of an exhumed
2007; Hillis et al. 2008; Dixon et al. 2010; Green basin is largely dependent on the ability of pre-
& Duddy 2010; Japsen et al. 2010, 2012; K.L. existing traps to retain oil and gas volumes during
English et al. 2016c). Although low levels of and after the exhumation event.

From: Turner, J. P., Healy, D., Hillis, R. R. & Welch, M. J. (eds) Geomechanics and Geology.
Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 458,
# 2017 The Author(s). Published by The Geological Society of London. All rights reserved.
For permissions: Publishing disclaimer:
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Fluid flow in the subsurface is driven by (Jones & Hillis 2003). Active and critically stressed
gradients in fluid potential, which can result from faults and fractures can provide high-permeability
variations in excess water pressure, the natural conduits for fluid flow (e.g. Sibson 1994; Barton
buoyancy of lower density petroleum fluids within et al. 1995; Sibson 2000; Finkbeiner et al. 2001;
water-saturated rock and differences in the capillary Wiprut & Zoback 2002; Rogers 2003).
pressure required for petroleum fluids to displace A recent subsurface study based on fluid inclu-
water from the rock it is trying to penetrate (England sion and present day formation water chemistry
et al. 1987). In a petroleum trap, the top-seal repre- data from Ordovician sandstones has indicated that
sents the lithology that prevents the continued long-distance lateral brine migration and mixing
vertical migration of petroleum fluids because the have occurred within the Illizi Basin, Algeria (K.L.
capillary entry pressure of the seal exceeds the English et al. 2016b). The chemistry of the forma-
upwards buoyancy pressure acting on the petroleum tion water in the Ordovician sandstone is consistent
phase underneath. In addition, faults may act as lat- with derivation from a Triassic –Liassic halite-
eral seals in petroleum traps if they juxtapose per- bearing sequence deposited in the Berkine Basin,
meable reservoir rocks against sealing lithologies which is located .400 km to the north (Fig. 1).
(Allan 1989; Yielding et al. 1997) or if the fault The fluid inclusion record confirms that an early
zone itself has become impermeable (e.g. due to clay stage, low-salinity brine in the Ordovician sand-
smearing; Bouvier et al. 1989). However, these fault stones in the Illizi Basin was displaced by a higher
zones may start to become conductive again and salinity fluid (K.L. English et al. 2016b, d) during
accommodate fluid flow during fault reactivation c. 1.0–1.4 km of exhumation that occurred during

Fig. 1. Location of the study area in the Illizi Basin, Algeria (modified from K.L. English et al. 2016b). Rectangular
black box in the Illizi Basin shows the outline of the study area in Figure 6. The vertical strike-slip faults observed
in the Illizi Basin correspond to north–south-, NNW- and NNE-oriented Pan-African basement faults. The
white-filled triangles show the locations of the fields discussed in the text. Oh., Ohanet; Tig., Tiguentourine; TFT,
Tin Fouyé Tabankort.
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the Eocene – Miocene (K.L. English et al. 2016c) Approach

(Fig. 2). Potentiometric maps indicate the presence
of an active gravity-flow hydrodynamic regime on Subsurface in situ stresses can be described in terms
the southern flank of the exhumed Illizi Basin and of three orthogonal principal stress components
an overpressured system beneath the Triassic salts denoted as the maximum principal stress (S1), the
of the unexhumed Berkine Basin to the north (Chiar- intermediate principal stress (S2) and the minimum
elli 1978). It has been proposed that the release of principal stress (S3), which, by definition, are related
fluid overpressure during exhumation of the Illizi as follows: S1 ≥ S2 ≥ S3. When one of the principal
Basin may have been a crucial contributor to stresses is vertical, the three orthogonal principal
updip fluid flux (K.L. English et al. 2016b). stress components can also be represented by the
From a structural perspective, the Illizi and vertical stress (Sv), the minimum horizontal stress
Berkine basins are generally characterized by verti- (Shmin) and the maximum horizontal stress (SHmax).
cal north –south-, NNW- and NNE-oriented Pan- Anderson (1951) described three stress regimes
African basement faults (Fig. 1), whereas NNE- to defined based on relative magnitudes: normal
NE-trending basement-involved high-angle Triassic faulting (Sv ≥ SHmax ≥ Shmin); strike-slip faulting
normal faults are locally important in the Berkine (SHmax ≥ Sv ≥ Shmin); and reverse faulting (SHmax
Basin. The long-lived vertical strike-slip faults ≥ Shmin ≥ Sv). The equal signs correspond to trans-
have been reactivated at various points during the tensional and transpressive environments. The fail-
geological evolution of the basin with episodes ure of rock in the subsurface is governed by a
of transpressional or transtensional deformation relationship between the principal effective stresses
depending on the orientation of the faults relative and a failure criterion. Terzaghi’s effective stress
to the far-field tectonic stresses at the time (Galeazzi definition is adopted in failure criteria and corre-
et al. 2010). Herein, we constrain the present day in sponds to the difference between the externally
situ stresses of the Illizi Basin and establish whether applied stress (S) and the internal pore pressure
the primary (vertical strike-slip) fault systems (Pp) (e.g. Terzaghi 1943; Jaeger et al. 2007; Fjær
within the basin are likely to be critically stressed. et al. 2008). Herein, we denote the maximum, inter-
We compare these findings with the in situ stresses mediate and minimum effective stresses as s1, s2
that have been described from the overpressured and s3, respectively, and use sv, shmin and sHmax
Berkine Basin to the north and investigate conceptu- when discussing the vertical, minimum horizontal
ally whether exhumation of an overpressured sedi- and maximum horizontal effective stresses. We uti-
mentary basin is likely to reactivate pre-existing lize the Mohr –Coulomb failure criterion, whereby
fault systems and facilitate basin-scale fluid flow instability or shear failure occurs beyond a limiting
during depressurization. The implications for petro- ratio of maximum to minimum effective stress. This
leum system analysis will also be discussed. ratio is governed by the frictional properties of a

Fig. 2. Burial history models for the Lower Silurian source rock in each of the areas discussed in this study: (a) this
study, Illizi Basin (K.L. English et al. 2016d); (b) Berkine area (Yahi 1999); and (c) Hassi Messaoud field (Tissot &
Espitalié 1975). The locations of these areas are shown in Figure 1.
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pre-existing, cohesionless and optimally oriented shut-in (i.e. no flow). A detailed summary of the var-
fault zone (referenced and discussed in greater detail ious regression methods for interpreting the FCP is
in the following sections). provided by Barree et al. (2007).
To evaluate the probability of fluid leakage along In contrast with the minimum principal stress,
bounding faults and/or leakage through top-seals, it the magnitude of SHmax cannot be directly mea-
is important to understand the burial and exhuma- sured. One approach for constraining the magnitude
tion history of the basin, in addition to the present of SHmax is based on frictional limits theory, which
day in situ pore pressure and stress state. A variety states that the ratio of the maximum effective stress
of techniques for estimating the magnitude and tim- (s1) to the minimum effective stress (s3) is limited
ing of exhumation have been studied and are well by the magnitude required to cause faulting on pre-
accepted (e.g. Corcoran & Doré 2002). These tech- existing, optimally oriented fault planes (Zoback &
niques provide a reliable understanding of a partic- Healy 1984; Townend & Zoback 2000). The Mohr –
ular basin’s burial history as well as the timing Coulomb frictional sliding criterion on an optimally
of petroleum generation and charging of petroleum oriented fault is given by (e.g. Jaeger et al. 2007;
traps (e.g. the Illizi Basin; K.L. English et al. Zoback 2007):
2016d). The pore fluid pressure (Pp) and total over-
burden stress (Sv) are generally well constrained s1 (S1 − Pp )  2
in subsurface wellbores because adequate measure- = ≤ (1 + m2 ) + m (1)
s3 (S3 − Pp )
ments and logging runs are often available and can
be readily interpreted. The orientation of SHmax is
available in many basins through the World Stress where m is the coefficient of friction. Essentially, the
Map project (Heidbach et al. 2009) and can also Mohr –Coulomb criterion states that for any given
be locally constrained through the analysis of well magnitude of s3, there is a maximum limit to the
logs that detect characteristic features (e.g. borehole magnitude of s1 established by the frictional
breakouts, drilling-induced tensile wall fractures, strength of the pre-existing faults. Based on a global
acoustic anisotropy) unambiguously induced by compilation of in situ stress measurements, the ratio
the in situ far-field stress state. of the maximum and minimum effective stresses
The most reliable and direct measurements of the (s1/s3) is observed to correspond to a crust in equi-
in situ minimum principal stress (S3) magnitude are librium with, or at least limited by, frictional failure
those derived from the analysis of injection tests with m in the range 0.6–1.0 (Zoback & Healy 1984;
(e.g. leak-off tests, extended leak-off tests, mini- Townend & Zoback 2000). This is the same range
fracs, wireline fracs, diagnostic formation injection for the coefficient of friction that has been observed
tests and step-rate tests). When properly conducted, in laboratory experiments (Byerlee 1978). If we
ideally with a downhole pressure gauge, these tests assume a typical value of 0.6 for m, the limiting
measure the downhole fluid pressures required ratio of the maximum and minimum effective
to create and propagate hydraulically induced frac- stresses (s1/s3) is equal to 3.1. Utilizing this
tures and also the pressures under which these newly hypothesis and Anderson’s classification system
created fractures close. The instantaneous shut-in for faulting, it is possible to construct a stress poly-
pressure (ISIP) is, by definition, the pressure during gon (Fig. 3) that constrains the range of possible
hydraulic fracturing immediately after shut-in. It stress states and magnitudes at a particular depth
is generally lower than the fracture propagation and given pore pressure (Zoback et al. 1986; Moos
pressure, but greater than the fracture closure pres- & Zoback 1990). The boundaries of the stress poly-
sure (FCP). The ISIP can be considered as a reliable gon define the maximum allowable differential
upper bound for the magnitude of S3. However, this stress (for a given pore pressure), limited by the
pressure can be significantly in excess of S3 depend- strength of pre-existing faults within the crust. The
ing on the treatment and the rock type. In particular, region within the stress polygon captures the range
in tight formations such as the Ordovician sand- of possible stress states for each particular faulting
stone in this study area, the ISIPs are generally regime (Fig. 3).
above the interpreted FCPs. The FCP is the fluid For the purposes of our study, we modify the
pressure that counteracts the stress in the rock per- stress polygon in Figure 3 by plotting the horizontal
pendicular to the plane of the induced fracture at principal effective stresses normalized by the verti-
the point of closure. Hence the FCP is considered cal effective stress and hence construct an equiva-
to be equal to, or slightly lower than, the magnitude lent effective stress ratio (ESR) polygon. The ESR
of S3; it provides an estimate of Shmin in normal polygon enables us to depict stress and pressure
faulting and strike-slip faulting stress regimes and data from various depths and locations within the
an estimate of Sv in a reverse faulting stress regime. same diagram. As stated earlier, the inherent
The FCP is interpreted after monitoring the pressure assumption with the stress polygon approach is
diffusion as a function of time after the well is that the state of stress is limited by faults that are
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Fig. 3. Stress polygons can be used to constrain the possible magnitudes of Shmin and SHmax at a particular depth
using Anderson’s faulting theory and the Coulomb faulting theory for a given coefficient of sliding friction and pore
pressure (modified from Zoback et al. 2003). The perimeter of the stress polygon delineates the onset of reactivation
on optimally oriented faults. NF, normal faulting; RF, reverse faulting; SS, strike-slip faulting.

optimally oriented for frictional shear failure in the Upper Ordovician (Ashgill) glacial to glacio-marine
present day stress regime. In this study, we also Unit IV sandstone and this sequence is capped by
assess how the frictional limit will vary as a function lower Silurian mudrocks, which provide both the
of fault angle. This becomes relevant when the source rock and seal (K.L. English et al. 2016d).
pre-existing faults are sub-optimally oriented for Other Ordovician fields in the Illizi Basin include
reactivation, but may still act to limit the maximum the Tin Fouyé Tabankort, Ohanet and Tiguentourine
differential effective stress. Hence, in addition fields (Fig. 1).
to constructing the perimeter of the ESR polygon
as a function of m, we can also use the angle b
(Fig. 4), which is defined as the angle between the Mechanical properties
normal of the sliding fault plane and the maximum
principal stress direction. In fact, the parameters m Rock strength testing on core is necessary to con-
and b are closely related via the following equation strain the in situ stress tensor – in particular, the
(e.g. Jaeger et al. 2007; Fjær et al. 2008): magnitude of SHmax – when using the stress polygon
approach (Moos & Zoback 1990). The results from a
p tan−1 m series of uniaxial and triaxial mechanical tests con-
b= + (2) ducted on Silurian shale and Ordovician sandstone
4 2
cores are summarized in Table 1.
The unconfined compressive strength (C0) of the
Ordovician sandstone exhibits values ranging from
Geomechanical characterization of the 90 to 191 MPa with a mean of 144 (+36) MPa.
Illizi Basin Even though this is a wide range, these sandstones
can be described as strong, primarily due to their
The Illizi and Berkine basins in southeastern Algeria well-cemented, low-porosity characteristics (see
contain .6000 m of Palaeozoic –Mesozoic strata K.L. English et al. 2016a). It is noteworthy that
(Echikh 1998; Dixon et al. 2010; Galeazzi et al. the weakest sandstone in the dataset (90 MPa) has
2010). This study focuses on geomechanical data a relatively high porosity (11%), whereas the rela-
collected from a large (80 × 50 km) Ordovician tively stronger samples have lower porosities
gas condensate field in the southern Illizi Basin (,6%). Table 1 also shows a suite of Ordovician
(Fig. 1), where intraplate uplift resulted in c. 1.0– IV-3 sandstone samples (Well D, c. 1922 m depth)
1.4 km of exhumation during the Eocene –Miocene tested at different confining pressures. The resulting
(K.L. English et al. 2016c). This field is a large, low- peak strength values enable us to derive a value for
relief, four-way structural closure with a hydrocar- C0 and the coefficient of internal friction (mi) using
bon column in excess of 100 m. The reservoir is regression analysis. As the resulting peak stress at
Downloaded from at University of Western Ontario on June 5, 2017


Fig. 4. Effective stress ratio diagrams can be used in place of the standard stress polygon (see Fig. 3) so that data
from different depths and with different pore pressures can be plotted together on one diagram. This figure shows
several different polygon perimeters: the black solid and dashed lines depict two different coefficients of sliding
frictions (m ¼ 0.6 and m ¼ 1.0) and the dotted lines show different b angles (measured between the normal of a
fault plane and the maximum principal stress direction).

failure for the sample tested at 4.1 MPa confinement from 0.25 to 0.26 (both based on only two measure-
appears to be comparatively low, we excluded it ments). Hence the Silurian shale is a much softer
from the regression analysis. Using the remaining and more compliant formation than the Ordovician
three samples, we calculated an unconfined com- sandstones.
pressive strength of C0 ¼ 108 MPa (which is within
the range of values obtained from the unconfined Pore pressure
tests) and a coefficient of internal friction of
mi ¼ 1.42 (a typical value for strong sandstones). In general, the Illizi Basin is normally pressured
By comparison, the confined compressive and present day potentiometric maps suggest the
strength of the Silurian shale is relatively low northwards hydrodynamic flow of meteoric water
(29–37 MPa), indicating a much weaker rock. The from elevated outcrops in the south (Chiarelli
marked difference in mechanical properties 1978). The reservoir pressure within the Ordovician
between the Ordovician sandstone and the Silurian reservoir in the field is 20.2 MPa at a measured
shale is also apparent in the measured Young’s mod- depth of 1917 m (21462 m true vertical depth sub-
ulus and Poisson’s ratio. Across the uniaxial and tri- sea), which equates to a pressure gradient of
axial tests (19 measurements), the Young’s moduli 10.6 kPa m21 with respect to the surface. The pore
of the Ordovician sandstone range from 41 to pressure is slightly elevated with respect to a hydro-
70 GPa with a mean of 50 (+7) GPa; Poisson’s static gradient due to the presence of a gas column
ratio varies from 0.06 to 0.18 with a mean of 0.12 (Fig. 5) and the presence of high-salinity formation
(+0.03). By contrast, the Young’s moduli of the water (K.L. English et al. 2016b). As the field is not
Silurian shale are much lower, ranging from 6 to yet in production, virgin pore pressure conditions
8 GPa, whereas Poisson’s ratio is higher, ranging have been assumed throughout the study.
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Table 1. Rock mechanical data, Illizi Basin, Algeria

Well Core Formation Lithology Porosity Type of Confining Unconfined Confined Young’s Poisson’s
depth (%) test pressure compressive compressive modulus ratio
(m) (MPa) strength (MPa) strength (MPa) (GPa)

A 1916.32 Ordovician IV-3 Sandstone Uniaxial 0 130.27 50.06 0.13


A 1916.38 Ordovician IV-3 Sandstone 10.76 Uniaxial 0 90.38 43.10 0.15
A 1916.36 Ordovician IV-3 Sandstone Triaxial 30 348.53 52.11 0.14
A 1918.40 Ordovician IV-3 Sandstone Uniaxial 0 191.02 48.71 0.10
A 1918.58 Ordovician IV-3 Sandstone 1.72 Uniaxial 0 155.93 47.82 0.06
A 1918.37 Ordovician IV-3 Sandstone Triaxial 35 565* 69.50 0.09
A 1927.77 Ordovician IV-2 Sandstone Uniaxial 0 95.97 41.71 0.13
A 1927.84 Ordovician IV-2 Sandstone 3.68 Uniaxial 0 170.81 50.27 0.08
A 1927.79 Ordovician IV-2 Sandstone Triaxial 35 370.56 49.00 0.16
A 1947.39 Ordovician IV-2 Sandstone Uniaxial 0 149.87 44.39 0.13
A 1947.31 Ordovician IV-2 Sandstone 5.72 Uniaxial 0 163.96 49.63 0.18
A 1947.36 Ordovician IV-2 Sandstone Triaxial 30 452.13 58.42 0.12
D 1920.30 Lower Silurian Shale Triaxial 4.1 28.76 7.80 0.26
D 1920.30 Lower Silurian Shale Triaxial 10.3 36.73 6.07 0.25
D† 1921.80 Ordovician IV-3 Sandstone Triaxial 2.1 136.10 0.11
D 1921.83 Ordovician IV-3 Sandstone Triaxial 4.1 104.73 41.10 0.17
D† 1921.77 Ordovician IV-3 Sandstone Triaxial 6.9 160.34 43.16 0.11
D† 1921.86 Ordovician IV-3 Sandstone Triaxial 10.3 220.47 46.47 0.12
D 1927.83 Ordovician IV-2 Sandstone Triaxial 6.9 94.93 43.16 0.13
D 1935.82 Ordovician IV-1 Sandstone Triaxial 6.9 230.28 56.12 0.10
D 1942.18 Ordovician IV-1 Sandstone Triaxial 6.9 290.39 56.81 0.15

*No failure at 35 MPa confining pressure up to a maximum of 576.49 MPa. Failure observed at 565 MPa when confining pressure reduced to 23.57 MPa.

Using these three samples, we estimate that the unconfined compressive strength (C0) is 108 MPa and the coefficient of internal friction (mi) is 1.42. The sample tested at 4.1 MPa confinement appears com-
paratively low and was therefore excluded from the regression analysis.
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Fig. 5. In situ stress and pore pressure data obtained from wells in the study area of the Illizi Basin. The fracture
closure pressure and the pore pressure data are all from the Ordovician reservoir section. A detailed breakdown of
the fracture closure pressure data is presented in Table 3. Based on the fracture closure pressures, the minimum
principal horizontal stress (Shmin) is interpreted to generally be in the 13.5–16.5 kPa m21 range, although some
higher magnitudes were observed in Well F. This range for Shmin partially overlaps with the theoretical frictional
limits for the normal faulting stress regime assuming that Sv is the maximum principal stress and that m ranges from
0.6 to 1.0.

Vertical stress magnitude Wireline density log measurements from seven ver-
tical wells in the study area were used to estimate
The total vertical stress or overburden stress (Sv) can the bulk density of the rock column. The bulk den-
be approximated by the weight of the overlying sity of the shallowest preserved section, where no
rocks (e.g. Zoback et al. 2003; Zoback 2007; Jaeger openhole log measurements were available, was
et al. 2007): estimated via a linear extrapolation of the underly-
ing section. This was appropriate because this
Sv = rg dz (3) sequence is overcompacted due to deeper burial in
the past and no major unconformity exists in the
where r is the density of the overburden, z is preserved stratigraphic column. The vertical stress
the depth and g is the gravitational acceleration. profiles obtained for the study area are shown in
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Figure 5. The resulting overburden curves are con- Figure 6. The quality of each data point is assigned
sistent from well to well. At 2 km depth, the aver- based on the criteria of the World Stress Map project
age overburden stress gradient is 24.9 kPa m21, (Heidbach et al. 2009). The DITFs represent the
although it predominantly ranges from 24.8 to predominant wellbore failure feature in the Ordovi-
25.2 kPa m21 with one outlier at 24.4 kPa m21. cian sandstones. These features can be generated
The relatively high magnitudes are a result of the either by a high overbalance in the well during drill-
overcompacted nature of the sedimentary rocks ing (i.e. mud weights appreciably above the forma-
due to deeper burial in the past (K.L. English et al. tion pore pressure) or they are indicative of tectonic
2016d). The small variations in vertical stress across environments with a large difference between the
the study area may, in part, be a function of the spa- magnitude of the two horizontal stresses (e.g.
tial variation in exhumation patterns and in part a a strike-slip faulting stress state; Fig. 3; Zoback
function of lateral changes in facies and lithologies 2007). In this study, the wells were only drilled with
through the rock column. a slight overbalance (DP ¼ mud pressure– pore
pressure ≈ 1.3 MPa), and the common presence of
Maximum horizontal stress azimuth DITFs probably reflects a high differential in the
horizontal stresses. The orientation of SHmax is gen-
The orientation of the maximum horizontal stress erally NW–SE to NNW–SSE based on the average
(SHmax) in the Illizi Basin can be determined using values for both the observed DITFs (3258 N) and
drilling-induced tensile fractures (DITFs) and borehole breakouts (3208 N) (Table 2). Well C is
stress-induced borehole breakouts observed on elec- the only anomaly, where the SHmax orientation is
trical and/or acoustic image logs. In the study area, interpreted to be north– south (Fig. 6; Table 2); the
image logs are available from 11 wells with cover- explanation for this stress rotation remains poorly
age exclusively over the basal Silurian shale and understood, but it is possible that it is purely a
Ordovician reservoir sequence. Table 2 presents the local feature related to a minor fault. The average
statistics (mean and standard error) of the SHmax 3208 N azimuth for SHmax (based on DITFs) is
azimuth based on both DITFs and breakout orien- regionally consistent when integrated with observa-
tations from the image logs. The mean azimuths tions from other Ordovician fields in the Illizi Basin
for each well (based solely on the DITFs) are plotted (Fig. 1), including Tin Fouyé Tabankort (3208 N,
on a Top Ordovician depth structure map in Donati et al. 2016) and Tiguentourine (3368 N,

Table 2. Maximum horizontal stress orientation in Ordovician Unit IV, Illizi Basin, Algeria

Well Based on drilling-induced tensile fractures Based on borehole breakouts

Mean SHmax Standard Count Quality Mean SHmax Standard Count Quality
orientation deviation orientation deviation
(8N) (8) (8N) (8)

A 323.5 1.4 810 C

B 312.1 1.3 495 C 308.3 8.7 10 D
C 001.8 1.7 557 C 015.5 5.6 59 B
D 321.0 1.0 1039 A 321.4 6.7 6 D
E 313.5 2.5 143 D
Ez 326.9 2.0 85 C
F 324.8 2.3 168 B 327.2 18.2 7 D
G 335.2 1.1 693 C 337.1 5.0 8 D
H 332.6 1.7 434 A 319.9 13.0 8 D
I 321.4 1.3 78 B
S 339.5 3.3 6 D
T 321.2 7.1 8 D 306.9 17.3 8 D

Mean 324.7 320.1

Quality criteria: A, azimuth believed to be within +158, at least 10 distinct events with a combined length ≥100 m and s.d. ≤128; B,
azimuth believed to be within +15 – 208, at least six distinct events with a combined length ≥40 m and s.d. ≤208; C, azimuth believed
to be within +20 –258; at least four distinct events with a combined length ≥20 m and s.d. ≤258; D, questionable azimuth (+25 –408);
less than four distinct events with a combined length ,20 m and s.d. ≤408; and E, no reliable information (.+408), no reliable event
or s.d. .408.
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Fig. 6. Depth map of the Top Ordovician within the study area in the Illizi Basin (see map outline in Fig. 1). The
field area is situated on a major structural high within the basin and is outlined by the black polygon. The inwardly
pointing black arrow pairs mark the mean azimuth of the maximum principal horizontal stress (SHmax) as determined
from drilling-induced tensile fractures in image logs acquired at the well locations labelled A–I and T and S. The
map also shows major, interpreted (vertical strike-slip) faults as dark grey lines; these traces indicate north–south
and NW– SE trends oriented at c. 308 to the average SHmax azimuth. The rose diagram in the upper right-hand corner
illustrates the mean SHmax azimuth from the image log analysis (Table 2) in black and the corresponding azimuths in
grey for fault systems to be critically stressed in the present day stress regime assuming sliding friction values
between 0.6 and 1.0, corresponding to b angles between 62 and 678 (see equation 2).

Patton et al. 2003), and it is broadly perpendicular to used in the area, including minifracs, step-rate tests,
the Atlas Front to the north (Fig. 1). When compar- diagnostic injection formation tests (DFITs) and
ing the observed SHmax azimuths with the orienta- tests run using the Reservoir Characterization
tion of the major fault systems in the Illizi Basin Instrument (Table 3). All tests were executed suc-
(Figs 1 & 6), we conclude that these faults often cessfully and the acquired data are of satisfactory
fall within a range of 30 –408 from the regional to very good quality and suitable for detailed anal-
SHmax azimuth. The significance of this observation ysis. The ISIP, fracture propagation pressure and
will be discussed in the following sections. FCP were interpreted in each of these tests – the
latter using both square root (time) and Nolte-G
derivative analyses (Fig. 7) (see detailed descrip-
Minimum horizontal stress magnitude tion of analytical techniques in Barree et al.
2007). Maximum and minimum FCP picks were
A series of 32 injection tests from eight wells were also identified during the G-function and square
analysed in this study and enable us to constrain S3 root (time) derivative analyses of the pressure fall-
for the Ordovician reservoir in the study area. Note off data to characterize the range of possible values
that for normal and strike-slip tectonic environ- (Fig. 7) and a quality index was assigned to each
ments, the minimum principal stress is the mini- data point (Table 3). Based on the FCP points, val-
mum horizontal total stress (i.e. S3 ¼ Shmin). A ues for the Shmin gradient exhibit a wide range, from
variety of different types of injection tests were as low as 12.7 kPa m21 to as high as 23.4 kPa m21
Table 3. Minimum horizontal stress magnitude in Ordovician Unit IV, Illizi Basin, Algeria

Well Depth Unit Lithology Type of FPP ISIP FCP S3 (¼Shmin) FCP range S3 gradient Quality
range(kPa m21)

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(m TVD) test (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) gradient (MPa)
(kPa m21)

A 1915 – 1919 IV-3 Sandstone SRT 38.8 35.1 30.3 15.8 29.7 –31.0 15.5 – 16.2 A
Minifrac 39.7 34.1 25.9 13.5 24.3 –27.8 12.7 – 14.5 B
B 1920 – 1922 IV-3 Sandstone DFIT n/a 31.5 26.9 14.0 26.6 –27.2 13.8 – 14.2 A
SRT n/a n/a 26.9 14.0 26.6 –27.2 13.8 – 14.2 A
Minifrac n/a 31.5 26.3 13.7 25.9 –26.6 13.5 – 13.8 B
C 1936 – 1938 IV-2 Sandstone DFIT n/a 40.8 29.7 15.3 28.3 –32.4 14.6 – 16.7 C
SRT n/a n/a 30.3 15.6 29.7 –31.0 15.3 – 16.0 A


Minifrac n/a 43.7 31.7 16.4 31.7 –37.9 16.4 – 19.6 B
D 1926 IV-2 silt/sand RCI 30.9 n/a n/a 16.0 n/a n/a C
D 1941 IV-1 Sandstone RCI n/a n/a 29.1 15.0 29.0 –31.0 14.9 – 16.0 B
RCI n/a n/a 30.0 15.5 29.7 –31.0 15.3 – 16.0 B
D 1946 – 1947 IV-1 Sandstone SRT n/a n/a 29.7 15.3 29.0 –30.3 14.9 – 15.6 A
Minifrac n/a n/a 30.0 15.4 29.7 –30.3 15.2 – 15.6 A
D 2071 III-3 Sandstone RCI n/a n/a 32.2 15.5 30.0 –33.4 14.5 – 16.2 B
RCI n/a n/a 31.0 15.0 28.6 –31.0 13.8 – 15.0 B
D 2086 – 2087 III-3 Sandstone DFIT n/a 33.2 32.1 15.4 31.6 –32.4 15.1 – 15.5 A
SRT n/a n/a 29.0 13.9 28.6 –30.0 13.7 – 14.4 B
Minifrac 31.7 n/a 31.6 15.1 31.4 –31.7 15.0 – 15.2 B
Ez 1924 – 1933 IV-1 Sandstone SRT 36.9 35.8 29.7 15.4 28.8 –30.3 14.9 – 15.7 A
Minifrac 36.6 36.0 28.6 14.8 28.3 –29.3 14.7 – 15.2 A
Ez 1935 – 1954 IV-1 Sandstone SRT n/a 27.2 26.6 13.7 26.0 –27.6 13.4 – 14.2 B
Minifrac n/a 30.6 26.9 13.8 26.6 –27.2 13.7 – 14.0 A
Ez 1955 – 1980 IV-1 Sandstone SRT n/a 27.9 26.7 13.6 26.2 –27.2 13.3 – 13.8 B
Minifrac n/a 29.2 28.1 14.3 28.0 –28.3 14.2 – 14.4 B
F 1973 – 1974 IV-2 Sandstone DFIT 57.9 53.8 46.2 23.4 44.8 –47.6 22.7 – 24.1 A
Minifrac 64.8 55.6 35.9 18.2 35.2 –45.5 17.8 – 23.1 B
G 1931 – 1958 IV-3 Sandstone DFIT2 n/a 67.0 32.1 16.5 31.9 –32.2 16.4 – 16.6 A
G 1958 – 1975 IV-3 Sandstone DFIT3 37.1 35.8 31.0 15.8 30.3 –31.7 15.5 – 16.2 A
SRT n/a n/a 31.7 16.1 31.4 –32.4 16.0 – 16.5 A
Minifrac 42.2 38.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a C
H 1950 – 1971 IV-3 Sandstone SRT n/a n/a 25.2 12.8 24.5 –26.2 12.5 – 13.3 A
Minifrac n/a n/a 25.0 12.7 23.7 –25.3 12.1 – 12.9 B

DFIT, diagnostic fracture injection test; FCP, fracture closure pressure; FPP, fracture propagation pressure; ISIP, instantaneous shut-in pressure; RCI Reservoir Characterization Instrument; SRT, step-rate test;
TVD, true vertical depth.
Quality criteria: A, pressure points clearly interpretable; B, pressure points less clear; C, no pressure points interpretable.
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(Table 3). This range for Shmin partially overlaps

with the theoretical frictional limits for the nor-
mal faulting stress regime assuming that Sv is the
maximum principal stress and that m ranges from
0.6 to 1.0. The highest gradients were interpreted
in Well F (18.2 and 23.4 kPa m21), with the highest
value being within 6% of the average overburden
gradient at 2 km depth. The origin of the higher
stress in Well F is poorly understood. The highest
FCP pick in Well F comes from the lower injection
volume DFIT, whereas the subsequent higher injec-
tion volume minifrac data display some evidence
for multiple closure events in the fall-off data
(see wide range of FCP estimates in Table 3).
Therefore one possible explanation for the anoma-
lously high FCP is that the initial DFIT was detect-
ing the closure of a natural fracture that is not
oriented parallel to SHmax and hence this FCP
does not give a representative estimate of Shmin.
All the other wells indicate minimum principal
horizontal stresses that are appreciably lower,
with gradients generally in the range 13.5 –
16.5 kPa m21 (Fig. 5).
The overall clustering of the Shmin gradients in
the range 13.5 –16.5 kPa m21 is in line with obser-
vations from other Ordovician fields in the Illizi
Basin. Patton et al. (2003) reported a Shmin/Sv
ratio of 0.59 for the Tiguentourine field, which
would have the typical Shmin gradients in this field
in the range 14.5–15.0 kPa m21. Based on 20 dif-
ferent tests in the Tin Fouyé Tabankort field, the
fracture gradient is reported to range from 12.2
to 31.7 kPa m21 (Baylocq et al. 1998); excluding
the two highest and anomalous measurements, the
average of the remaining 18 measurements is
Fig. 7. Example of fracture closure pressure (FCP)
interpretation from leak-off test in Well B. The FCP 16.0 kPa m21.
was interpreted in each test using both Nolte-G and
square root (time) derivative analysis (see Table 3). A Maximum horizontal stress magnitude
detailed summary of these approaches is provided by
Barree et al. (2007). (a) On the G-function plot, The DITFs observed in the image logs from the
fracture closure is identified at the departure of the vertical wells are mostly (sub-) axial (Fig. 8) and
semi-log derivative (G dP/dG) from the straight line hence we infer that the overburden is a principal
through the origin. During normal leak-off prior to stress axis in the Ordovician reservoir of the Illizi
closure, the first derivative (dP/dG) should be
Basin. From this, it follows that the in situ stress ten-
constant and the primary pressure v. G-function curve
should be a straight line. (b) On the square root (time) sor consists of four independent parameters: one
plot, fracture closure occurs at the inflection point on vertical stress magnitude; two orthogonal horizontal
the pressure v. square root (time) curve; this is most stress magnitudes; and one angle. The constraints
readily identified by locatingpthe maximum amplitude on the magnitudes of Sv and Shmin and the orienta-
on the first derivative (dP/d t) curve. The slope of tion of SHmax have been discussed earlier; in this
the primary pressure curve starts low, increases to a section we discuss the available constraints on the
maximum at the inflection point where fracture magnitude of SHmax.
closure occurs, and then starts to decrease again. To constrain the magnitude of SHmax using the
Fracture closure can also bepidentifiedp at the departure stress polygon approach, the distribution of stress-
of the semi-log derivative ( t dP/d t) from the
straight line through the origin. A high confidence induced failures as a function of depth is required.
fracture closure pressure interpretation (quality rank A DITFs are very common across the Ordovician
as per Table 3) should be consistent on both the section in the vertical wells studied (Fig. 8), while
G-function and square root (time) plots – as is the there are very few of these in the Silurian section.
case in the example shown. Where DITFs are present, a minimum constraint
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Fig. 8. (a) Unwrapped resistivity images showing drilling-induced tensile fractures as commonly observed in the
Ordovician section of the vertical wells in the study area. All the examples shown here correspond to depth
intervals where the fracture closure pressure was measured (Table 3). (b) Gamma ray (left track) and observed
drilling-induced tensile fractures (blue ticks) as a function of depth in Well A across the entire imaged interval
(right track). The green line denotes the Pad-1 azimuth, indicating that the imaging tool was rotating. This plot
demonstrates how ubiquitous drilling-induced fractures are in the Ordovician sandstone.

on the magnitude of SHmax can be derived using the mud temperature is lower than the formation
following equation (Zoback 2007): temperature).
In contrast with the DITFs, only very few break-
SHmax = 3Shmin − 2Pp − DP − T0 − s DT (4) outs are interpreted within the wells studied. The
exception is Well C, where breakouts are more com-
mon, and this also coincides with an anomalous
where DP is the difference between the mud weight SHmax azimuth (Table 2; Fig. 6). Based on the gene-
pressure and the formation pore pressure, T0 is the ral absence of breakouts in the Ordovician sections,
tensile strength of the rock and s DT is the thermal a maximum constraint on the magnitude of SHmax
stress. In terms of sign convention, T0 is a negative can be derived using the following equation (Barton
quantity. The thermal stress is given by: et al. 1988; Zoback et al. 2003):
s DT = (5) (Ceff + 2Pp + DP + s DT )
− Shmin (1 + 2 cos 2ub )
SHmax = (6)
where aT is the coefficient of linear thermal expan- 1 − 2 cos 2ub
sion, E is Young’s modulus, n is Poisson’s ratio and
DT is the temperature differential between the mud where Ceff is the effective compressive strength
and the formation (this is a positive term when the of the rock and the angle 2ub is related to the
Downloaded from at University of Western Ontario on June 5, 2017


width of the breakout (wbo) and is given by: Shmin is based on the typical gradients of 13.5 –
16.5 kPa m21 (Fig. 5). The fact that the DITFs coin-
2ub = p − wbo (7) cide with the interval where minifracs, step-rate
tests, DFITs or Reservoir Characterization Instru-
Applying the linearized Mohr– Coulomb crite- ment tests were conducted (Fig. 8) provides robust
rion, the effective compressive strength is given by: constraints for the stress polygon analysis. It is
important to note that the image logs were run
1/2 prior to conducting these tests.
Ceff = DP[(m2i + 1) + mi ]2 + C0 (8) The resulting range of possible SHmax magni-
tudes in the Ordovician sandstones is highlighted
where mi is the internal friction coefficient and C0 is by shading and is bounded by (1) the onset of tensile
the unconfined compressive strength. failure for rock with zero tensile strength and (2) the
As most of the pore pressure and Shmin data come onset of shear failure (breakout) for rock with a
from a narrow depth range, we constructed a single compressive strength of 90 MPa. This highlighted
representative stress diagram for the Ordovician res- field corresponds to a set of conditions where
ervoir in the study area (Fig. 9). The various param- DITFs are predicted in the Ordovician section, but
eters assumed in the construction of the stress with no expected breakout in rock with a compres-
diagram are given in Figure 9. The input range of sive strength .90 MPa (a representative minimum

Fig. 9. Two stress polygons for the Ordovician reservoir in the study area. The polygon with the solid black lines is
constructed assuming a sliding friction coefficient m ¼ 0.6 (equivalent to a fault normal angle with respect to SHmax
azimuth of b ¼ 628), whereas the one with the dashed black lines corresponds to m ¼ 1.0, equivalent to b ¼ 678.
The range of possible horizontal stress magnitudes is highlighted by the shaded polygon and is bound by (1) a
representative Shmin range of 13.5–16.5 kPa m21, (2) the observed tensile failure with an assumed tensile strength
(purple dashed lines) of as low as zero and (3) the absence of stress-induced wellbore wall shear failure (i.e.
breakouts) for rock with a compressive strength (green dotted lines) as low as 90 MPa (as per the rock mechanics
test results in Table 1). Hence the highlighted field corresponds to an in situ stress state consistent with the
occurrence of drilling-induced tensile fractures, but no breakouts, and the set of parameter conditions listed on the
lower right. NF, normal faulting; RF, reverse faulting; SS, strike-slip faulting.
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value for the Ordovician sandstones based on b angles between c. 60 and 708 (Fig. 10). These b
Table 1). Based on this analysis, SHmax magnitudes angles correspond to fault traces at an angle of
can range from 25.9 (equal to Shmin) to 62.0 MPa 30 –358 to SHmax. Taking the typical SHmax azimuth
(Fig. 9), corresponding to SHmax gradients of 13.5 – as 320–3358, critically stressed vertical (strike-slip)
32.3 kPa m21. The corresponding SHmax/Sv ratios faults and fractures strike at either 285–305 or 350–
are 0.54 and 1.29 and hence the allowable stress 0108. Comparing these results with local fault traces
conditions straddle the boundary between the nor- and their angular relationship to the mapped SHmax
mal faulting and strike-slip faulting regimes (Fig. 9). azimuths (Fig. 6), we conclude that some of the
major vertical (strike-slip) faults in the area may
be critically stressed under the present day stress
Critical stress in the exhumed Illizi Basin field in the Illizi Basin. Similarly oriented faults
are also present elsewhere in the basin (Fig. 1) and
Based on the data presented in this study, the stress the ESRs described from the Tiguentourine field
state for this basin can be described as either strike- (Shmin/Sv ratio 0.59 and SHmax/Sv ratio 1.04) (Patton
slip faulting (SHmax ≥ Sv . Shmin) or normal fault- et al. 2003) are consistent with those in our study
ing (Sv ≥ SHmax . Shmin). The stress state is close (Fig. 10). Hence we conclude that some of the
to the perimeter of the polygon for sliding friction north –south- and NW–SE-trending vertical (strike-
coefficients (m) between 0.6 and 1.0, equivalent to slip) faults in the basin are likely to be in a state of

Fig. 10. Effective stress ratio diagram illustrating the current state of stress in the study area of the Illizi Basin. The
plot shows several different polygon perimeters: the black solid and dashed lines show two different coefficients of
sliding friction, m ¼ 0.6 and m ¼ 1.0 respectively; the brown dashed lines show different b angles (measured
between the normal of a fault plane and the maximum principal stress direction). Based on the angular relationship
between the local fault traces and the average SHmax azimuth (Fig. 6), we conclude that the present day stress field in
the Illizi Basin is likely to be limited by the frictional strength of the major fault trends in the area. The effective
stress ratios described from the Tiguentourine field in the Illizi Basin are consistent with those in our study. By
contrast, the in situ stresses in the overpressured and unexhumed Berkine and Hassi Messaoud fields plot within the
effective stress polygon and therefore even optimally oriented faults in these areas would not be in a critical state of
incipient mechanical shear failure. NF, normal faulting; RF, reverse faulting; SS, strike-slip faulting.
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incipient shear failure and hence limit the differen- Mya basins in Algeria (Fig. 1). The reservoirs
tial stress (i.e. the difference between SHmax or Sv consist of Cambrian and Lower Ordovician sand-
and Shmin). Unfortunately, direct seismic evidence stones at depths .3000 m, with oil reserves initially
for these faults being critically stressed is not avail- in excess of 25 billion barrels (Balducchi & Pom-
able from existing earthquake catalogues (e.g. the mier 1970; Bacheller & Peterson 1991). On the
United States Geological Survey and European– structure, Triassic clastic sediments and salt uncon-
Mediterranean Seismological Centre). One possible formably overlie the Palaeozoic reservoir sequence.
reason is that an adequate seismic monitoring net- The field is compartmentalized by regional (sub-)
work to reliably detect (minor) earthquakes is vertical fault systems trending NE– SW and NNE –
unavailable in this part of the world. In addition, SSW, which are interpreted to be impermeable to
faults and fractures of these orientations are the the circulation of fluids (Zeroug et al. 2007). The
most likely to be conductive and permeable under maximum horizontal stress azimuth is reported to
the present day in situ stress conditions. be 315–3208 in the Hassi Messaoud area (Koceir
& Tiab 2000), similar to that observed in the Illizi
Basin (Fig. 6), and hence the sealing faults that com-
Comparison of stress conditions with the partmentalize the Hassi Messaoud field are gener-
unexhumed Berkine Basin and Hassi ally sub-perpendicular to SHmax.
Messaoud Ridge The initial reservoir pressure is reported to be
47.4 MPa at a depth of 3200 m (Bacheller &
The east–west buried axis of the long-lived Ahara Peterson 1991), although the field has been in pro-
High separates the Illizi Basin from the Berkine duction since the 1960s. The initial reservoir pres-
Basin to the north (Galeazzi et al. 2010). Although sure corresponds to an overpressured gradient of
c. 1.0–1.4 km of exhumation is estimated to have 14.8 kPa m21 and this area was clearly not in lateral
occurred in the study area in the Illizi Basin during pressure communication with the normally pres-
the Eocene –Miocene (K.L. English et al. 2016c), sured Illizi Basin to the south. The formation salin-
the magnitude of this exhumation event decreases ity is also extremely high at 400 000 ppm (Bacheller
northwards into the Berkine Basin (Fig. 2) and is & Peterson 1991) and is probably derived from the
minimal in its main depocentre, where a largely overlying evaporitic sequence (K.L. English et al.
complete Mesozoic –Cenozoic section is preserved 2016b). Assuming an overburden gradient of
(Yahi 1999; Yahi et al. 2001; Underdown & Red- 24.5 kPa m21 gives an Sv magnitude of 78.4 MPa at
fern 2008). Previous sonic compaction analyses a depth of 3200 m. The minimum horizontal stress
in the region have documented the difference in magnitude varies considerably across the field due
burial history across the region and described under- to coupling between the horizontal stress and the
compacted sediments in the Berkine Basin and pore pressure, and the spatial and temporal variabil-
overcompacted sediments in the Illizi Basin (Dixon ity in levels of depletion over the production history
et al. 2010). of the field (McGowen et al. 1996; Zeroug et al.
Potentiometric maps indicate the presence of 2007). McGowen et al. (1996) presented a dataset
an overpressured system beneath the Triassic salts of fracture gradient and pore pressure data from
of the unexhumed Berkine Basin to the north (Chiar- the Hassi Messaoud field, which can be used to eval-
elli 1978). The abnormally high pressures in the uate the minimum horizontal stress gradient under
present day Hassi Messaoud region and the Oued virgin conditions (Fig. 11). Unfortunately, specific
Mya and Berkine basins originate in undercom- depth intervals were not provided in the dataset, so
pacted shales sealed by the impermeable Triassic some of the scatter may be due to variations in the
salt (Chiarelli 1978; Yahi et al. 2001). In parts of true vertical depth in each test. However, the dataset
the basin characterized by deep Hercynian incision, is still instructive and indicates that the fracture gra-
Mesozoic salt-bearing strata were deposited directly dient generally decreases with decreasing pore pres-
on Cambro-Ordovician rocks (Fig. 1; Zeroug et al. sure and that the fracture gradients can approach
2007; Galeazzi et al. 2010). By contrast, the magnitudes close to the vertical stress gradient
exhumed Illizi Basin is generally characterized by (Fig. 11). Using a best-fit trendline through the data,
close to hydrostatic conditions (Chiarelli 1978; we estimate an initial Shmin gradient of 23 kPa m21,
this study), suggesting that significant overpressure which corresponds to a magnitude of 73.6 MPa at
either never existed here or has dissipated since 3200 m depth. We acknowledge, however, that
uplift from maximum burial conditions. there is significant uncertainty with respect to this
value and some of the data points indicate even
Hassi Messaoud field higher Shmin gradients.
The magnitude of SHmax is even less well con-
The Hassi Messaoud field is located on a Hercynian strained. Differential strain curve analysis on core
structure located between the Berkine and Oued measurements has indicated an SHmax/Shmin ratio
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Fig. 11. Fracture gradient v. reservoir pressure data from the Hassi Messaoud field (data from McGowen et al.
1996). The Hassi Messaoud field has been in production since the 1960s and the minimum horizontal stress
magnitude varies considerably across the field due to the coupling between horizontal stress and pore pressure, and
the spatial and temporal variability in levels of depletion over the production history of the field. Although there is
an appreciable amount of scatter and an unknown degree of uncertainty in these data, they nonetheless indicate that
the fracture gradient generally decreases with decreasing pore pressure and that the fracture gradients in an
undepleted state can approach magnitudes close to the vertical stress.

of 1.25 (Zeroug et al. 2007). Taking this ratio, we mechanical properties were calibrated to core data,
find that our estimate for the initial stress state of and the least principal stress (Shmin) was calibrated
the Hassi Messaoud field plots inside the stress poly- to hydraulic fracture data. All of these data were
gon (Fig. 10) and therefore even optimally oriented utilized to construct a mechanical Earth model and
faults in this area would not be in a critical state of the SHmax magnitude was calibrated to match the
incipient mechanical shear failure. In spite of all borehole breakouts observed on image logs.
the uncertainty, these data indicate that the Hassi Although none of the raw data were presented in
Messaoud field is markedly different from the Illizi this case study (Zeroug et al. 2007), we have digi-
Basin in terms of in situ stresses; it is characterized tized the resulting stress and pore pressure curves
by significant overpressure, a relatively benign for inclusion in this study. The results from the
stress field within the strike-slip faulting stress Zeroug et al. (2007) study plot inside the stress poly-
regime (i.e. SHmax . Sv . Shmin) and an absence gon and mostly within the strike-slip faulting and
of critically stressed faults. normal faulting fields (Fig. 10). The average values
based on these data at a depth of 3400 m are: Sv
Berkine field 80.5 MPa (23.7 kPa m21), Shmin 73.0 MPa (21.5
kPa m21), SHmax 82.2 MPa (24.2 kPa m21) and
Zeroug et al. (2007) presented a case study looking pore pressure 40.8 MPa (12.0 kPa m21). As with
at the sanding tendency in the Devonian Strunian the Hassi Messaoud example, even optimally ori-
reservoir of one of the central Berkine fields. ented faults in this area would not be in a critical
As part of the workflow, the vertical stress was state of incipient mechanical shear failure. Once
estimated from integrated bulk density logs, rock again, these data indicate that the unexhumed
Downloaded from at University of Western Ontario on June 5, 2017


Berkine Basin (Fig. 2) is characterized by a differ- stresses (DSh) as a function of changing vertical
ent, relatively benign, in situ stress state relative to stress (DSv) and changing temperature (DT ) using
the Illizi Basin and that the basin is characterized the following equation:
instead by overpressure and the absence of critically
stressed faults.
n E
DSh = DSv + aT DT (9)
1−n 1−n
Conceptual evolution of in situ stress
during exhumation where n is Poisson’s ratio, E is Young’s modulus
and aT is the coefficient of linear thermal expansion.
Assuming that a sedimentary sequence is consid- For the purposes of the conceptual models, we
ered to consist of a series of linear-elastic, homoge- assume that the starting in situ stress state is equiv-
neous and isotropic layers, we can utilize alent to the average values from the Berkine field
poroelastic theory to predict how the horizontal (Fig. 12) and we assume a constant pressure (i.e.
stresses change during exhumation (English 2012 sealed compartment), a constant Poisson’s ratio
and references cited therein). If we assume that the (n ¼ 0.2) and a constant temperature gradient
system is perfectly sealed (i.e. no pore pressures (358C km21) during exhumation from a depth of
changes) and that there is no lateral strain, we can 3400 m. Four different stress path models are pre-
model the changes in both the horizontal principal sented in Figure 12 with successively decreasing

Fig. 12. Effective stress ratio diagram illustrating the current state of stress in the Illizi and Berkine basins and
some conceptual stress paths during exhumation. The conceptual exhumation models adopt the present day stresses
from the Berkine field for their initial conditions and utilize linear elasticity and poroelastic theory to predict how
the horizontal stresses change during exhumation. The models also assume a constant pressure (i.e. sealed
compartment), a constant Poisson’s ratio (n ¼ 0.2) and a constant temperature gradient (358C km21) during
exhumation from a depth of 3400 m. Four different stress path models are presented with successively decreasing
importance of the thermal term (as per equation 9); Model 4 is an end-member model with no thermal effect. NF,
normal faulting; RF, reverse faulting; SS, strike-slip faulting.
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importance of the thermal term: (1) E ¼ 50 GPa, required to result in the predominant fault system
aT ¼ 1.1 × 1025 8C21; (2) E ¼ 40 GPa, aT ¼ becoming critically stressed, even if they are not
0.9 × 1025 8C21; (3) E ¼ 30 GPa, aT ¼ 0.7 × optimally oriented for failure.
1025 8C21; and (4) no thermal term. The range of
aT values is representative for sedimentary rocks
(English & Laubach 2017), whereas the range of Discussion and implications
E values is representative of the measured mechan-
ical rock properties for the Ordovician sandstone The comprehensive new dataset presented in this
(Table 1). These assumed parameter variations study has characterized the in situ stresses of the
result in markedly different stress paths depending Illizi Basin in Algeria and established that the
on the importance of the thermal term in equation primary vertical fault systems in this exhumed
(9). Note also from equation (9) that a specified frac- basin are likely to be critically stressed (Fig. 6).
tional change in either E or aT has the same effect on By contrast, the in situ stresses in the overpressured
the horizontal stress calculations – that is, a 20% Berkine Basin and Hassi Messaoud areas to the
reduction in E will have the same impact on the cal- north indicate that these areas, which are currently
culations as a 20% reduction in aT. at, or close to, their maximum burial depth (Fig. 2),
Model 1 moves into the normal faulting field, are not characterized by critical stress conditions
Model 2 moves out to the edge of the strike-slip (Fig. 10). Although the stress data from the Hassi
faulting field, while models 3 and 4 move into the Messaoud and Berkine fields are limited, and we
reverse faulting field (Fig. 12). When the exhuma- did not have the possibility of constructing our
tion stress path reaches the perimeter of the polygon, own independent geomechanical models, the signif-
which is a function of the predominant fault orienta- icant overpressure and reservoir compartmentaliza-
tion present in a given basin, the associated in situ tion observed in the Hassi Messaoud field (Zeroug
principal stress magnitudes have caused the fault et al. 2007) is consistent with the interpreted
systems to reach the point of incipient critical absence of critical stress conditions here. In sum-
shear failure (Fig. 12). In other words, the final stress mary, we tentatively conclude from this Algerian
environment is characterized by a critical dif- study that the overpressured Berkine Basin at
ferential stress that is markedly higher than at pre- close to maximum burial is not characterized by
exhumation conditions. Hence any faults optimally critical stress conditions, whereas parts of the adja-
oriented for shear failure are reactivated and cent exhumed Illizi Basin appear to be at, or close
would enable fluids to flow and facilitate the dissipa- to, critical stress conditions along pre-existing opti-
tion of excess pore pressure. Note, however, that mally oriented fault systems.
the stress paths depicted in Figure 12 only apply
until fault reactivation occurs. After this point, the Exhumation: fault reactivation and
assumption of zero lateral strain used to derive equa- fluid flow
tion (9) no longer applies and the stress paths are
expected to deviate from those shown in the figure. Fluid inclusion and present day water chemistry
The magnitudes of exhumation required in each data from Ordovician sandstones in the study area
model to reach critical stress conditions on opti- have indicated that lateral long-distance brine
mally oriented faults (where m ≈ 0.65) are 888, migration and mixing have occurred within the Illizi
1304, 1436 and 1247 m, respectively. Although Basin (K.L. English et al. 2016b). The chemistry of
the four models presented here are conceptual, we the formation water in the Ordovician reservoir is
note that this range of exhumation magnitude is consistent with derivation from a Triassic –Liassic
comparable with that documented in the study halite-bearing sequence in the Berkine Basin further
area (c. 1.0–1.4 km; K.L. English et al. 2016b). north (Fig. 1). The fluid inclusion data indicate that
The amount of exhumation required for the reacti- this high-salinity brine displaced a lower salinity
vation of optimally oriented faults will depend on formation water during the c. 1.0–1.4 km of exhu-
the trajectory of the stress path and on the initial mation that occurred in the study area during
stress conditions. Faults in basins with benign stress Eocene – Miocene time (K.L. English et al. 2016b,
states (i.e. far from frictional shear failure and plot- d). It has been proposed that breaching of a closed,
ting in the interior of the stress polygon) will require overpressured system occurred during exhumation
greater magnitudes of exhumation, or have to be of the Illizi Basin and that this may have been a driv-
hosted in much stiffer rocks (i.e. very high E val- ing mechanism for the regional updip flow of high-
ues), to reach a critical state even if the faults are salinity formation water (K.L. English et al. 2016b).
optimally oriented. In some situations, they may, Our conceptual stress path models have indicated
in fact, never be reactivated. On the contrary, if that a sealed overpressure compartment may be
the initial stress conditions are not far from the driven towards critical stress conditions if signifi-
critical state, a lower magnitude of exhumation is cant cooling accompanies uplift and if optimally
Downloaded from at University of Western Ontario on June 5, 2017


oriented faults are present (Fig. 12). More specifi- conditions. Conceptual models of stress evolution
cally, given the magnitude of exhumation in the during exhumation have demonstrated that a sedi-
Illizi Basin and its present day stress state, we can mentary basin with benign in situ stresses at maxi-
conclude that the Ordovician section may have mum burial may change to being characterized by
followed a stress path akin to models 1 and 2. critical stress conditions on existing fault systems
Therefore it is possible that Eocene – Miocene exhu- if they are within the range of optimum orientations
mation of the Illizi Basin resulted in the reactivation and reach critical differential stresses during exhu-
of optimally oriented (north–south and NW–SE) mation. Therefore the exhumation of an overpres-
vertical faults that facilitated the southwards lateral sured sedimentary basin is likely to facilitate
migration of high-salinity brine into the study area. basin-scale fluid flow during depressurization if
the pre-existing fault systems are reactivated.
These models are supportive of the idea that the
Exhumation: implications for
breaching of a closed, overpressured system during
fault-bounded traps exhumation of the Illizi Basin may have been a driv-
ing mechanism for the regional updip flow of forma-
The petroleum prospectivity of an exhumed basin
tion water within the Ordovician reservoirs during
is largely dependent on the ability of pre-existing
Eocene –Miocene time. Although this study focused
traps to retain oil and gas volumes during and
primarily on a specific case study from Algeria, this
after the exhumation event. Based on our conceptual
methodology may be applied in other basins around
stress evolution modelling, a sedimentary basin
the world where fault stability is an important factor
with benign in situ stresses at maximum burial
for assessing the risk of seal failure. One possible
may change to being characterized by critical stress
implication of this work for petroleum exploration
conditions on the predominant fault system during
is that fault-bounded traps with strike-slip or normal
exhumation. This can occur even if the faults are
faults oriented at a high angle to SHmax are more
not optimally oriented for shear failure, but the
likely to have retained hydrocarbons in exhumed
stress path during exhumation reaches a state
basins than fault-bounded traps with faults that are
where sufficient differential stress is eventually
more optimally oriented for shear failure and have
resolved on these fault surfaces. Therefore faulted
a greater propensity to become critically stressed
hydrocarbon-bearing traps may become susceptible
during exhumation.
to breaching during exhumation if the fault systems
are within the favourable orientation range with We thank Petroceltic, Sonatrach and Enel for sponsoring
respect to SHmax and the respective level of critical this study and granting permission for publication. We
differential stress is reached to reactivate these. thank Jonathan Hunter, John Naismith, Ciaran Nolan,
The cooling of petroleum source rocks in exhumed Siya Gancheva, Fabrice Toussaint and Tim Wynn for
basins generally leads to the cessation of active various discussions over the course of this project, and
petroleum generation within the basin. Hence it is also Richard Plumb and one anonymous reviewer for con-
unlikely that leaky hydrocarbon traps will be structive feedback that helped to improve the quality of
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Chalk reservoir of the Ockley accumulation, North Sea: in situ
stresses, geology and implications for stimulation
AGR TRACS International, Union Plaza, Aberdeen AB10 1SL, UK
Maersk Oil North Sea UK Ltd, Maersk House, Crawpeel Road, Altens, Aberdeen AB12 3LG, UK
Axis Well Technology, Units C, D&E, Kettock Lodge, Campus 2, Aberdeen Innovation Park,
Balgownie Drive, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen AB22 8GU, UK
PetroStars UK Ltd, Office 1, 23 Rubislaw Den North, Aberdeen AB15 4AL, UK

Abstract: The Ockley discovery is a gas condensate accumulation contained within tight chalks of
the Hod Formation. The observed faults and fractures are a combination of features radial to the
main periclinal structure and parallel to the local structural grain 1008 from north. Most natural
fractures appear to be healed or cemented. The pore pressure gradient at Ockley is c. 0.199 bar/
m. The in situ stresses are estimated to all be within c. 46 bar of each other, indicating a near-
isotropic in situ stress system. Therefore the orientation of SHmax is hard to define and drilling opti-
mally oriented wells to create transverse hydraulic fractures is difficult. The estimated intact rock
fracture initiation pressure in a horizontal well would exceed all the in situ stress gradients. There-
fore, even if a vertical planar induced fracture were created at the wellbore wall, it would probably
exploit natural fractures and bedding planes, leading to complex fracture geometries. Acid fracture
stimulations are plugged by the insoluble clay residue within the clay-rich Hod chalk, so this is not
an optimal strategy. Proppant fracturing has more merit, but complex fracture geometries present
significant challenges for successful treatment design while trying to avoid or minimize extremely
costly early screen-outs.

It is well known that the optimization of hydraulic or accumulation is a c. 60 m thick chalk sequence
acid fracture stimulations requires a knowledge of occurring within the Hod Formation of Campanian
the magnitudes and orientations of the in situ stress age chalk (Fig. 2) and occurs directly above a
system. This allows the prediction of the direction grounded Jurassic –Triassic tilted fault block (Fig.
and geometry of the induced fractures. (e.g. Ander- 3) The crest of the major tilted fault block at the
son 1951; Hubbert & Willis 1957; Williams & Jurassic –Triassic level and the deep-seated struc-
Nierode 1972). Although this design process is ture have strongly controlled the structure in the
well established in systems with a normal or slightly chalk level above (Helgeson 1999; Davison et al.
elevated pore pressure and appreciable differences 2000). The crest of the Ockley structure is coinci-
in magnitude between at least two in situ stresses dent with the deeper Jurassic crest because the
(Economides & Nolte 2000; van Batenburg & lower Cretaceous sediments were deposited during
Hellman 2002), it is less well understood in chalk the post-extensional sag phase and exploited pre-
reservoirs, where all three in situ stresses and the existing lows.
pore pressure approach similar values. However, Continuing salt movement and salt withdrawal
some tight gas case histories are available (e.g. from beneath the Jurassic –Triassic fault block into
Holditch & Tschirhart 2005). This paper presents the salt diapir to the north has caused rotation of
a case study from chalk where near-isotropic the Ockley structure about an east –west axis
in situ stresses and pore pressures close to the min- towards the south since the original deposition.
imum stress are shown to occur. We also discuss the In addition, there has probably been some fault reac-
implications for hydraulic fracture stimulations. tivation of the deep-seated pre-Base Cretaceous
Unconformity fault system within the Jurassic –Tri-
Geology assic, which has resulted in an imprint and trace of
the deep-seated faults at the Hod level on the Ockley
Ockley is situated in North Quad 30 in the East Cen- structure (Helgeson 1999). During the deposition of
tral Graben of the North Sea (Fig. 1). The Ockley the chalk package, seismic evidence shows that

From: Turner, J. P., Healy, D., Hillis, R. R. & Welch, M. J. (eds) Geomechanics and Geology.
Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 458,
# 2017 The Author(s). Published by The Geological Society of London. All rights reserved.
For permissions: Publishing disclaimer:
Fig. 1. Location map of Ockley Field, North Sea.

between the individual beds. The argillaceous con-

tent is variable and detrital clay is observed to be
interspersed with the carbonate chalk, suggesting
that the chalks accumulated by suspension fallout
of terrigenous clays. The succession displays cyclic-
ity between the variably argillaceous chalk beds
and the shale-rich layers. The presence of horizontal
trace fossils on the bed tops indicates that the
depositional setting was oxygenated and nutrient-
rich. No large-scale soft sediment deformation or
mass transport complexes are identified. The bed-
ding remains undeformed throughout the cored
There are nine distinct porosity cycles within the
Ockley unit that can be correlated across the field
with some variation in relative thickness. Each
cycle in this area consists of regular interbeds of
clay-rich, low-porosity (5–10%), very low perme-
ability chalk and slightly less clay-rich, more porous
(10 –20%) chalk with a low permeability. Over-
printed on this framework of variable clay content
and porosity cyclicity, seismic amplitude maps
show a strong link to elevated porosity, which
appears to represent the preserved porosity from
early hydrocarbon emplacement (Megson & Hard-
man 2001). The offset of the amplitude anomaly
and structural contours seen in Figure 4 is the result
of post-hydrocarbon emplacement tilting. The long-
range correlation of cycles indicates a relatively
simple reservoir architecture.
The origin of the high pore pressures in the Ock-
ley unit is probably related to either disequilibrium
compaction or the hydrocarbon charge– porosity
preservation process (Swarbrick et al. 2000, 2010;
Megson & Hardman 2001). This could occur from
continued burial of the isolated hydrocarbon-
bearing interval, where the very tight permeabilities
in the reservoir section and non-hydrocarbon-bear-
ing intervals would not allow the pore pressures to
equilibrate to a normal pressure trend (Swarbrick
et al. 2010).
Despite the structural history, involving
nearby halokinesis and structural tilting, the struc-
Fig. 2. Stratigraphic column of Ockley Field,
North Sea. tural elements within the Ockley accumulation are
relatively small in terms of length and/or displace-
ment. Features have been picked from seismic
semblance (Kington 2015) at the Base Ockley
there is very little variation in the depositional thick- (Fig. 5), although the origin of these structural ele-
ness of the Ockley interval, which suggests that it ments is not clear from seismic data alone as they
was a period of structural quiescence. This is sup- could be faults or clusters of fractures. These fea-
ported by the consistent penetrated thicknesses of tures indicate a variety of trends that vary spatially.
the Ockley interval in the surrounding wells and The main strike trends appear to be WNW –ESE,
the correlatable porosity cycles over the 10 – NNW –ESE to north–south and east –west. It is
15 km length scale (Fig. 4). possible that at least some features are accommoda-
Analysis of the slabbed core in well 30/1d-12 tion structures formed from the reactivation of
suggests that the Ockley chalk interval was depos- deeper basement faults at the Triassic level because
ited in a relatively calm and stable marine slope set- these appear to have east– west and NNW– ESE
ting. The core shows very little textural variation trends.

Fig. 3. Seismic section through the Ockley accumulation, NQuad 30, Central North Sea.

Fig. 4. Location of limit of Ockley amplitude anomaly (black dashed line) with Top Hod structure map. Appraisal
wells shown as black lines. Regional exploration wells shown as symbols. Depth contours in metres.

Fig. 5. Seismic semblance map at Base Hod level. Manual interpretation of structural elements shown as black
lines. Horizontal appraisal well trajectories shown as thick black lines.

Appraisal data quick-look evaluation, meaning that the interpreted

fracture intensity is much lower than in the other
The Ockley appraisal drilling and testing pro- two wells.
gramme focused on the following elements: (1)
the determination of the petrophysical properties Stimulation and testing
of the matrix; (2) determination of the reservoir
pressure and temperature; (3) identifying and char- Well testing in the vertical exploration and appraisal
acterizing natural fractures; (4) flow testing the wells generally consisted of short flow periods from
hydrocarbon fluid to determine the reservoir perme- perforated casing, occasionally with some acid wash
ability and fluid type; and (5) testing different stim- stimulation that either yielded no fluid or very low
ulation options, including understanding the in situ rates of gas condensate or water depending on the
stress system. well’s location with respect to the hydrocarbon col-
These objectives were largely met with three umn. There is no evidence from any of these Hod
drilled appraisal wells: one deviated (30/1d-12) chalk tests for natural fractures contributing to
and two horizontal (20/1d-10 and 30/1d-12Z) flow. However, the Ockley natural fractures are
(Fig. 6). The following sections describe various near-vertical and these are vertical wells testing a
aspects of the appraisal data that are related to the gas condensate over short periods. Therefore the
in situ stress system, geomechanical parameters chance of intersecting natural fractures is low and
and relevant geology. The map in Figure 6 shows the radii of investigation of the well tests are very
the distribution of the appraisal wells, plus some short.
of the fault and fracture interpretations. The orien- Partly to address the shortcomings of the vertical
tation sampling is excellent, with the three wells sampling and well tests, two horizontal appraisal
drilled in three different directions approaching wells were drilled that improved the sampling of
orthogonal sampling. However, different image natural fractures. These were stimulated utilizing
log suites were used for each well by different inter- different stimulation techniques and longer well
preters, meaning that systematic comparisons of tests were feasible. Note a datum depth of 3897
image log interpretations are difficult. In particu- mTVDss is assumed here when referencing all the
lar, the 30/1d-12Z dataset was picked as part of a pressures discussed in this paper.

Fig. 6. Location map for Ockley appraisal wells. Grid is 1 km spacing. Map is top Ockley (Hod). Dashed outline is
limit of seismic amplitude anomaly. Dark grey lines are fault/fracture clusters manually picked from seismic
semblance at Base Ockley. Thin black lines at wells are strike directions of image log-derived fracture and
fault picks.

Well 30/1d-10 have bridged and plugged any developed worm-

holes, natural fractures or possibly the liner annulus,
This well was drilled in a NNE direction and was flow along which the limited entry technique
stimulated using a controlled acid jetting liner. depends upon. Displaced mud may have plugged
This is a limited entry technique generally used any natural fractures that were open. With very
for long horizontal wells in Danish chalks. Acid is low flow rates from the formation, insufficient gas
bull-headed from the surface into a pre-drilled, velocity was generated to fully remove the stimula-
uncemented liner, displacing the drilling mud. The tion fluids from the well. The well therefore never
design of the pre-drilled perforations facilitates the fully cleaned up and the test results were severely
even distribution of the acid across the full length affected, leaving considerable uncertainty in most
of the lower completion. key parameters.
30/1d-10 produced for short periods over six
days (Fig. 7). Flow was generally unstable and the
pressure build-ups did not reach equilibrium even Wells 30/1d-12 and 12Z
after the final three-day build-up period. This well
test behaviour was best matched by a very low per- During the most recent appraisal campaign, a full
meability matrix system with no clear evidence of thickness core, BakerAtlas Reservoir Characteriza-
contributions from natural fractures and it is con- tion Explorer (RCX) pressures, samples and wire-
sistent with the core poroperm data (Table 1). line logs, including image logs, were acquired in
It is likely that the matrix acid stimulation the pilot hole 30-1d-12 (Conti & Kumar 2013).
was largely unsuccessful due to the displacement A side-track well, 30/1d-12Z, was drilled in a
of drilling mud into the tight carbonate and the sub-horizontal direction to the ESE, which allowed
high clay content of the matrix. This clay, having the optimal sampling of different fractures to those
been released from the matrix by the acid, may sampled in 30/1d-10. From the seismic data

Fig. 7. Ockley well 30/1d-10 test results. The upper chart shows the downhole gauge pressure (BHP) and
temperature (BHT), together with the production choke setting. The lower chart shows the data recorded at the
surface during the 2008 well test: gas rate (Qgas), oil rate (Qoil), water rate (Qwater) and gas–oil ratio (GOR).

(Fig. 5), there appear to be fewer seismic-scale fea- this well and a multistage stimulation completion
tures in the area drilled, but several smaller faults was installed to facilitate efficient hydraulic fracture
and fractures were encountered. placement. However, issues with the completion
Hydraulic propped fracture stimulation was and placement of the first two propped fractures
selected as the most viable stimulation method for led to the decision to stimulate the last four stages
with acid fractures. Table 2 summarizes the details
of the stimulations attempted in 30/1d-12Z and
Table 1. Ockley well 30/1d-12Z stimulation
summary their locations are shown in Figure 8. Port #1 is at
the toe of the well and port #8 is at the heel of the
well. The propped hydraulic fractures attempted in
Port No. Fracture type Comments
ports #1 and #2 screened out early and, although
Port #1 Data and main Main fracture several acid fractures were completed successfully,
fracture screened out at the
4 ppa stage
Port #2 Data fracture Data fracture screened
out; no attempt for Table 2. Ockley well test derived permeability and
main fracture pressure interpretation summary
Port #3 Data and acid Data fracture
fracture unsatisfactory; Datum 3897 Permeability Pressure
moved to acid mTVDss (mD) (bar)
Port #4 Data and acid Completed 30/1d-12 pilot 0.0003– 0.01 754 – 767
fracture hole (RCX) (RCX)
Port #5 Acid fracture Completed 30/1d-12z WTA 0.035 767 – 778
Port #6 Acid fracture Completed 30/1d-10 WTA 0.002– 0.017 756
Port #7 Not activated 30/1C-2A 0.0078– 0.02 708 – 724
Port #8 Not activated 30/1C-3 0.0032 730

Fig. 8. Well section diagram from well 30/1d-12Z indicating location and type of stimulation jobs. Direction of
well is ESE.

subsequent production logging tool (PLT) analysis production being attributed to the toe fracture
indicated that they did not contribute very much to (port #1) and the rest evenly distributed from ports
the total well flow. However, despite the issues #2 –6. Ports #7 and #8 were not activated because
with the propped hydraulic fractures, the PLT data the lower completion had been set high and these
indicated that 70% of the flow coming from below ports sat above the Ockley Formation. It should be
port #3 and 30% from ports #4 –6. The evaluation noted that this left an openhole interval of c.
of memory PLT data, the performance of acid frac- 300 m below the bottom packer and this whole
tures, numerical history match work, analytical zone was open to flow through port #1.
well test analysis and consideration of the stimula- From Figure 9 it can be seen the well flowed for
tion operation suggest a likelihood of 50% of the several short intervals over a 26-day period. A stable

Fig. 9. Ockley well 30/1d-12Z test results. The upper chart shows the downhole gauge pressure (BHP) and
temperature (BHT), together with the production choke setting. The lower chart shows the data recorded at surface
during the 2013 well test: gas rate (Qgas), oil rate (Qoil), water rate (Qwater) and gas–oil ratio (GOR).

flow regime was achieved and multiple build-ups matrix consists of c. 80% calcite and the rest is
acquired, including a final build-up of 120 h. The quartz and clay. The quartz morphology is unclear,
best well test match achieved with the data was despite scanning electron microscopy analysis, and
that of a horizontal well in a very low permeability is believed to be a combination of authigenic and
matrix with induced fracture geometries as mod- detrital components. The quartz component is rela-
elled from the fracture stimulation data. Again, no tively constant as a proportion of the total rock
natural fracture contribution was required for the (based on cuttings data from the horizontal wells)
match. Note that this is at the limit of using transient and it has a weak trend with the clay content. Purely
well test analysis to interpret data on horizontal well authigenic quartz might be expected to be more
multiple fractures where the fractures are of dif- variably distributed. The clays consist of illite, chlo-
ferent geometries and natures; the results of the rite and kaolinite.
transient well test analysis were therefore further Matrix porosity has been characterized from
validated with numerical history match analysis. cores and logs in the three new appraisal wells and
the older vertical exploration and appraisal wells. In
general, the wells show a porosity range of 8–18%
Matrix properties in the hydrocarbon-bearing interval and 2–12% in
the water leg. The average porosity in the Ockley
The variability in key logs within well 30/1d-12 hydrocarbon-bearing interval is 12%. The bulk of
is shown in Figure 10. Based on X-ray diffrac- the porosity is micro-porosity, but some of it is asso-
tion analysis from 30/1d-12 core data, the Ockley ciated with vugs within millimetre-scale forams.

Fig. 10. Log variability within the Ockley sequence of well 30/1d-12. Depths are in feet. GR, gamma ray; PHI,
effective porosity; DTC, compressional sonic; DTS, shear sonic. Dip angle: circle position represents dip magnitude,
tick mark is dip azimuth. Pale points at 15– 258 dips are bedding and darker steeper points are fractures. Note
fracture clustering and variable orientations.

Fig. 11. Ockley core-derived poroperm data, regional data trend lines and well test derived average permeabilities.

The matrix permeability has been characterized the seismic-scale features coincide with the wells,
from a variety of sources in the 30/1d-12 and 30/ there are generally picks in the wells with similar
1d-12Z wells: core, well logs, well test data and for- orientations. The pick types also generally confirm
mation fluid sampling (RCX tool). The key perme- that the seismic-scale features are faults or clusters
ability data are summarized in Table 1 and Figure of fractures, possibly associated with minor faults.
11. These show that the very low average matrix In terms of orientation groupings, the natural
permeabilities of 0.003–0.07 mD are characteristic fracture systems identified from image logs show
of the core plug scale up to the well test scale. a degree of scatter. Some of this may be due to
undersampling of features in wells of different ori-
entations. The image log fault pick orientations
Faults and natural fractures agree well with the seismic semblance feature orien-
From core available in well 30/1d-12, a number of tations with a slightly more dominant WNW– NNW
different types of fractures have been identified strike direction (Fig. 13). The image log ‘open’
over a cored interval of 240 m MD. Details of the (conductive) fractures generally show more features
feature classes identified are given in Figure 12. that are oriented NE, open east –west, compared to
The cored natural features are generally small, irreg- the total dataset (Fig. 14), but there are less obvious
ular, healed or discontinuous. They are sparsely dis- orientation clusters within these features. The filter-
tributed within the core with an average of 0.1 ing of features by dip .508 on the lower rose
fractures per metre, including all types of features diagrams do not significantly change these observa-
and including multiple fractures in clusters. tions (see Fig. 14).
Ockley faults and fractures are reviewed here Based on the various observations outlined
briefly to establish the framework of structural ele- here, the natural fractures with at least some evi-
ments that may be relevant to stimulation activities. dence of openness occur in sparse clusters and do
Figure 13 shows a map of the distribution of image not appear to have well-developed open apertures.
log picks in the three recent appraisal wells, together In summary:
with the seismic semblance derived fault/fracture (1) No mud loss was observed in wells 30/1d-10,
clusters. The rose diagrams in Figure 14 show open 30/1d-12 or 30/1d-12z. However, wellbore
fracture strikes on the left and wellbore image log breathing was observed in the Ockley interval
fault picks on the right. In the few places where during the drilling of well 30/1d-10.

Fig. 12. Structural features seen in core. (a) Centimetre-scale clusters of irregular intersecting fractures in the
cleaner chalk intervals. Possibly natural microfractures or possibly induced fractures created during coring/stress
unloading/desiccation. (b) Partially or fully mineralized veins. These can be irregular in places and could be open in
the subsurface. (c) Planar or irregular features with evidence of shear. Probably post-lithification faults or
reactivated veins. Could be open in the subsurface. (d) Small-scale irregular healed features with evidence of shear.
Early or synsedimentary faults.

Fig. 13. Map of structural elements in Ockley. Thicker black lines are features/faults from seismic semblance
attribute. Thin black lines at wells are strike directions of image log-derived fracture and fault picks. Double headed
grey arrows are potential SHmax directions in option 4.

Fig. 14. Rose diagrams of fracture and fault strike directions from image log pick data in all three appraisal wells.
Azimuth represents fracture strike direction in 158 orientation classes. Radius represents fracture frequency within
each 158 orientation class.

(2) No clear fracture response was seen on provide significant flow rates irrespective of
azimuthal anisotropy, Stoneley reflectance or the presence of natural fractures.
acoustic amplitude analysis in well 30/1d-12. (6) Some evidence for natural fractures/faults at
(3) Slickensides and partial mineralization were or beyond the well 30/1d-12z toe area was
seen on some fracture faces observed in seen on seismic attribute maps, but this is
core. These were few in number and not speculative and their openness is unknown.
very open. If open fractures do occur, they are more
(4) Production data from wells 30/1d-10 and likely in the toe area of well 30/1d-12z and
30/1d-12Z were not indicative of an exten- some of the other peripheral areas with seis-
sive fracture network and were consistent mic semblance features.
with a contribution from the very low perme-
ability Hod chalk matrix as defined by core
plug data. Geomechanics
(5) The interpretation of flow from the partially
successful port #1 propped fracture in well
Pore pressure
30/1d-12Z indicated that multiple hydraulic There are a number of direct samples of pore pres-
fractures with full proppant loads could sure in Ockley and these were summarized in the

previous section in Table 2. Pressures in very tight fluid-filled matrix framework pore system (Nur &
rocks such as the Hod chalk are difficult to deter- Byerlee 1971):
mine due to the slow response time of the fluids
via the very low permeability rock. The interpreta- sn = Sn − aPp
tion of the 30/1d– 12Z extended well test were
regarded as the most reliable and an estimated reser-
where Sn ¼ total normal or principal stress, sn ¼
voir pressure of 765 bar is used here. This translates
effective normal or principal stress and Pp ¼ pore
to a datum (3897 mTVDss) pressure gradient of
0.196 bar/m. However, the other well data indicate
In most porous reservoir rocks, the Biot coeffi-
a valid reservoir pressure gradient range of
cient is usually estimated or measured in the range
0.186 bar/m to 0.200 bar/m at this depth.
0.8 –1. However, Fabricius (2007) has shown
that for low-porosity North Sea chalks, the Biot
In situ stress magnitudes coefficient can be in the range 0.5–0.85 for the
low levels of porosity seen in Ockley. Estimates of
The vertical principal total stress (SV) was assessed the Biot coefficient based on Ockley core data
from the integration of density logs in well 30/ yield a similar range, but this is poorly constrained
1d-12, plus additional calculated density logs in because an accurate matrix grain modulus was not
shallower intervals from Gardner’s relation applied obtained. The implication of this range is that the
to the sonic data (Gardner et al. 1974). The vertical pore pressure has less impact on the total stresses
total stress was estimated as 841 bar at the datum than is the case in many reservoir rocks. Therefore
depth (3897 mTVDss) or 0.216 bar/m. The hori- depletion during development would not be
zontal minimum principal total stress (Shmin) was expected to reduce the fracture gradient by a signifi-
assessed from the fracture closure pressures cant amount within the matrix and any increase in
obtained from good quality ‘data fracs’, mini-fracs pore pressure would not reduce the load on the
and step-rate tests in the 30/1d-12Z Zone #1 frac- matrix by a significant amount.
ture stimulation. The interpreted values were clus- It should be noted that the effect of the Biot coef-
tered around 824 –826 bar or 0.212 bar/m. These ficient is only relevant in a matrix with no con-
values are very close to the calculated vertical stress. nected, open or compliant natural fractures. If
The horizontal maximum principal total stress natural fractures occur that can respond to pressure
(SHmax) is hard to determine directly, although strong changes such that the effective compressibility of
chalks such as Ockley can sustain high stresses, the aggregate is sufficiently greater than the grains,
including strike-slip regimes. SHmax was estimated then it is more appropriate to use the Terzaghi law
from regional offset data to be in the region of (Nur & Byerlee 1971):
1.05– 1.07 times the magnitude of Shmin (e.g. Hillis
& Nelson 2005), which yields values of 862– sn = Sn − Pp
881 bar or 0.221–0.226 bar/m at the datum depth.
The Terzaghi law is also valid during any post-
Biot coefficient and effective stress failure deformation because the matrix integrity
will usually be reduced during any brittle deforma-
The Biot coefficient is an important component of tion expected at these depths. It is an interesting
poroelasticity and is defined by the following rela- issue as to which law is valid for defining the initial
tion (Nur & Byerlee 1971, Fjaer et al. 2008): effective stress conditions of overpressured rocks
containing sealed or cemented fractures that are
a = 1 − Kb /Kg weaker than matrix. If the Biot coefficient is assumed
to be 0.68 or 1.00 (i.e. the Terzaghi law is valid), then
where a ¼ Biot coefficient, Kb ¼ the bulk modu- the Ockley effective principal stress magnitudes at
lus of rock and Kg ¼ the bulk modulus of solid the initial conditions are as given in Table 3.
grains. The Biot coefficient limits are defined by
f , a , 1, where f is the effective porosity, and
it is a measure of the change in pore volume relative Table 3. Ockley effective principal stress magnitudes
to the change in bulk volume at a constant pore at initial conditions for different Biot coefficients
pressure. For natural rocks under confinement, the
gravitational and tectonic loads affecting the solid Stress Biot 0.68 (bar) Biot 1.00 (bar)
rock frame are, to some extent, counteracted by
sv 320.47 75.57
the hydrostatic pressure exerted by the pore fluid. shmin 304.89 59.98
The Biot coefficient is required to define the effec- sHmax 351.08 106.18
tive stress value in rocks that contain a connected

In both cases, this is a relatively narrow range Discussion

with only 46.19 bar difference between the mini-
mum and maximum principal effective stress val- Fracture propagation
ues. At these low differential stresses, any increase
The tensile strength of intact, isotropic, low-poros-
in pore pressure from, say, a pressure increase cre-
ity Hod chalk at scales relevant to the wellbore
ated prior to hydraulic fracturing is likely to result
wall is not well known. Tensile strength correlations
in tensile failure rather than shear failure.
based on unconfined compressive strength tests are
not reliable because there have been no rock
SHmax direction mechanics core tests in Ockley. The tensile strength
of intact Ockley Hod chalk is likely to be in the
The horizontal development wells need to be drilled
range 20–140 bar based on limestone tensile
parallel to the Shmin direction such that hydraulic
strengths (Perras & Diederichs 2014) and Griffith
fractures can be created transverse to wells to max-
criteria estimates from the cohesion of 18 –19%
imize the fracture area per well, reduce tortuosity
porosity chalk reported in Hickman (2004). How-
during the fracture stimulation and to maximize
ever, the tensile strength of chalk with bedding
well rates. Given the similarity of the principal
planes or existing faults/fractures is likely to be sig-
stress magnitudes it is practically very difficult to
nificantly lower than intact Hod chalk and in the
determine the SHmax direction and, even if it is pos-
range 0– 14 bar.
sible to determine, it may vary significantly away
The fracture initiation pressure in a horizontal
from the measurement point. For Ockley, a direct
wellbore with an impermeable wellbore wall paral-
measurement of an SHmax direction of c. 1008
lel to Shmin, assuming an intact Hod chalk tensile
(ESE) was obtained in well 30/1d-12 from induced
strength of 52 bar or zero tensile strength (at
fractures in the basal part of the Tor chalk overlying
3897 mTVDss) and a Biot coefficient of 0.68 can
the Hod (Tony Batchelor pers. comm. 2014).
be calculated using the following equations (Fjaer
A measurement in the Tor may not be relevant
et al. 2008):
for the underlying Hod, so there is considerable
uncertainty in the Hod SHmax direction. To fully 3Sv − SHmax − aPp + T0
assess the impact of a highly uncertain SHmax direc-
2522.65 − 871.50 − 0.68 × 765.32 + 51.71 = 1182.45 bar
tion on future Ockley hydraulic fracture operations,
2522.65 − 871.50 − 0.68 × 765.32 + 0 = 1130.74 bar
a number of SHmax orientation scenarios were con-
ceived. These are listed in the following and option
4 is shown in Figure 13 where a ¼ Biot coefficient, Pp ¼ pore pressure
(bar) and T0 ¼ tensile strength.
(1) All NE –SW. Some local in situ stress direc- If the Terzaghi law is assumed to be valid due to
tions have this trend. the presence of weak natural fractures (albeit poorly
(2) All NW– SE. This is the dominant SHmax trend connected fractures) the relationship becomes:
in the North Sea.
(3) Randomly switching NE to NW. This can 3Sv − SHmax − Pp + T0
occur when SHmax and Shmin are close in 2522.65 − 871.50 − 765.32 + 51.71 = 937.55 bar
(4) Follow local structure. This is a scaled-down 2522.65 − 871.50 − 765.32 + 0 = 885.84 bar
implementation of observations across the
North Sea that SHmax follows the dominant These fracture initiation pressures are all greater
fault strike direction. than S1 (SHmax) irrespective of whether the Biot or
Terzaghi effective stress laws are used.
This variability in SHmax direction is not just For an idealized horizontal wellbore in the Ock-
restricted to Central Graben overpressured chalks; ley stress system that is parallel to Shmin, the hydrau-
highly variable SHmax directions are observed lic fracture will initiate at the wellbore wall in a
throughout the Central Graben above the Zechstein horizontal direction parallel to S1 (i.e. SHmax) and
salt, although SHmax is often parallel to the local then reorient to exploit the direction with the lowest
structure (Hillis & Nelson 2005). Although option in situ stress plus tensile strength combination. In
4 (Fig. 13) may be the most likely based on regional the case of isotropic intact Hod chalk, this direction
experience, it is not directly confirmed from local is a vertical fracture perpendicular to the wellbore,
Hod measurements. Therefore, because horizontal opening perpendicular to Shmin and propagating par-
wells at this depth are time consuming and expen- allel to SHmax. However, given the low differential
sive to drill and stimulate, even unlikely alternative effective stresses and the potential for high variabil-
stress orientation scenarios need to be considered to ity in tensile strength in Ockley, other in situ stress
mitigate risks. plus strength combinations are possible for the

Fig. 15. Schematic diagram of potential hydraulic fractures in a horizontal Ockley well parallel to Shmin.

optimum direction seen by a propagating fracture Given that stimulation is required for the Ock-
tip. For example, a fracture opening against SV or ley Formation to produce commercial gas rates,
SHmax plus a low or zero tensile strength may require and that acid stimulation is not a viable option
a lower propagation pressure than a fracture opening due to the Hod clay content, multistage propped
against Shmin plus the intact Hod chalk tensile hydraulic fractures are seen as a requirement for
strength. Given that induced fractures in a horizon- development. However, due to the high cost of
tal Ockley well would probably initiate in the hori- operating in a moderately deep, high-pressure,
zontal direction at pressures .S1 (SHmax), this could high-temperature environment, a low-risk approach
mean that fractures parallel to the bedding plane to well and hydraulic fracture design is imperative.
propagate for a significant distance away from the A cased hole (cemented liner) lower completion is
wellbore. the lowest risk well option, but design option con-
The diagram in Figure 15 graphically summa- tingencies will then be required to reduce the effects
rizes the scenario of a notional hydraulic fracture of stress concentration at the wellbore and ensure a
in a horizontal Ockley well parallel to Shmin. This good connection between the wellbore and the for-
diagram ignores the near-wellbore sub-horizontal mation. This may be abrasive jetting, oriented (stim-
fracture initiation direction. The fracture starts ulation) perforating, cased hole stimulation sleeves
growing in isotropic intact chalk in a transverse and/or acid jetting or proppant slugs.
direction away from a horizontal wellbore. As it Tortuosity is defined as the pressure effects due
propagates, the relatively isotropic in situ stresses to a near-wellbore convoluted hydraulic fracture
mean it could exploit a variety of pre-existing faults, geometry caused by the fracture orientation chang-
fractures or bedding planes in any orientation. This ing from the near-wellbore stress system to the far-
will obviously have implications for the design of field in situ stress system (Cleary et al. 1993, Econ-
any hydraulic fractures. omides & Nolte 2000). Significant tortuosity can be
expected from any hydraulic fracture on Ockley, so
Fracture designs screen-out during proppant placement becomes the
most significant risk to successful fracture place-
From the previous discussion it is apparent that ment. To minimize this risk initially, proppant size
hydraulic fractures in Ockley are likely to exploit should be minimized (30/60, for example) and
a variety of pre-existing natural weakness planes proppant loading kept low at c. 4 pounds proppant
and could propagate in any orientation (Taleghani added or lower. One option that may potentially
& Olson 2014). This situation has implications for achieve this is channel fractures (non-continuous
fracture designs because the propagating fracture proppant loading).
is highly likely to have a complex geometry with a With so many unknowns associated with the
highly variable aperture (Jeffrey et al. 2009). placement of fractures in a near-isotropic in situ

stress state such as Ockley, opportunities for contin- fracture geometries. Design criteria obtained from
uous learning should be factored into the develop- shale gas experience and appraisal during develop-
ment programme. This may be the placement of ment may help this process.
‘test’ fractures in the toe of the well, followed by
long-term production tests to optimally adapt the The authors thank Maersk Oil (UK) Ltd and AGR TRACS
treatment design (increased proppant size/loading International Ltd for permission to publish this paper.
or an alternate wellbore to formation connection The views expressed here are solely those of the authors.
strategy, for example) prior to full-scale implemen- We thank the two anonymous reviewers for improving
the manuscript. We also thank our many colleagues for
tation, or may simply be the acquisition of detailed technical input to our work on Ockley, which has helped
geomechanical data, including micro-seismic (sur- the ideas presented here, for help and guidance during
face or well-to-well) for mapping the hydraulic frac- the writing of this paper, and for many discussions. In par-
ture geometries and defining subsequent optimum ticular, we thank Stuart Pegg, Tony Batchelor, Karyn
well orientations. Laboratory test work would also Hossack, Tracey Flynn and Nick Hocking.
help to define the optimum fracture width/proppant
size for maximum clean-up and conductivity, prop-
pant embedment quantification and formation dam- References
age mitigation with respect to fracture fluids.
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intact chalk tensile strengths around 52 bar. Natural Davison, I., Alsop, I. et al. 2000. Geometry and late-
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to be open and well connected in terms of fluid flow 499–522.
behaviour. These features may have a very low ten- Economides, M.J. & Nolte, K.G. 2000. Reservoir Stimu-
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Fabricius, I.L. 2007. Chalk: composition, diagenesis and
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fractures were not successful due the high clay con- 5th Petroleum Geology Conference. Geological Soci-
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Downloaded from at Cornell University Library on May 24, 2017

The edge of failure: critical stress overpressure states

in different tectonic regimes
60 Brabant Drive, Ruby Bay, Mapua 7005, New Zealand
Department of Geology, University of Otago, PO Box 56, Dunedin 9054, New Zealand

Abstract: Earth’s seismogenic crust is partitioned into the three Andersonian stress domains crit-
ically organized to the edge of failure both along plate boundaries and within plate interiors. Brit-
tle/frictional failure in rocks (the formation and reactivation of faults and fractures) may be
induced by two principal drivers: increasing differential stress (s1 – s3) and/or pore fluid pressure,
Pf, defined relative to vertical stress by lv ¼ Pf/sv. Borehole measurements suggest the presence
of hydrostatic-Byerlee conditions (the stress governed by the frictional strength of optimally ori-
ented faults with Byerlee friction (0.6 , ms , 0.85) under hydrostatic fluid pressure), sometimes
postulated as the standard state for fractured seismogenic crust with a bulk permeability too high to
allow fluid overpressuring. However, especially in areas of crust undergoing shortening and fluid
release under compression, pore fluids are likely to be overpressured above the hydrostatic pressure
(i.e. lv . 0.4) in the lower seismogenic zone (c. T . 2008C), where hydrothermal circulation and
cementation reduces fracture permeability. In such regions, critical stress overpressure states pre-
vail with differential stress inversely related to the degree of fluid overpressuring. Failure criteria
on plots of (s1 – s3) v. lv constructed for particular depths can be used to explore critical stress
overpressure states, loading paths to failure and potential mineralizing scenarios in different

Our interest’s on the dangerous edge of things . . . the edge of failure, not only along seismically active
(Robert Browning) plate boundary zones, but also in intraplate regions.
The stress state at any location in the Earth’s crust is This has become evident in recent years through
defined by the magnitude and orientation of three the accumulation of evidence for fluid-driven fai-
principal compressive stresses, s1 . s2 . s3, lure from earthquakes induced by fluid injection
with one of these principal stresses approximately down boreholes (e.g. Denver, Healy et al. 1968;
vertical because of the boundary condition imposed Basel, Deichmann & Giardini 2009; Oklahoma,
by the Earth’s free surface. Differential stress (s1 – Ellsworth 2013), from reservoir-induced seismicity
s3) is pretty much ubiquitous, both along plate (Simpson et al. 1988) and through the modelling
boundaries and within plate interiors. A compilation of Coulomb stress redistribution following large
of known stress states into a global stress map crustal earthquakes (King et al. 1984). McGarr
(Zoback 1992) shows the crust to be divided into (2014) argued that critically stressed crust generally
stress domains corresponding to the three basic lies within one earthquake shear stress drop, Dt,
stress/fault regimes originally identified by Ander- of failure. Stress drops for crustal earthquakes
son (1905): normal fault regimes in areas of crustal lie within an overall range 0.1 , Dt , 100 MPa,
extension where sv ¼ s1; strike-slip regimes where but for larger earthquakes most are restricted to
sv ¼ s2; and thrust fault regimes in areas of crustal Dt , 10 MPa with a median value of c. 4 MPa
compression where sv ¼ s3. Compilations of focal (Kanamori & Anderson 1975; Allmann & Shearer
mechanisms (Célérier 2008), together with palaeo- 2009). Outlier stress drops .10 MPa may arise
stress analyses (Lisle et al. 2006), provide additional from comparatively short wavelength stress hetero-
support for the existence of such stress domains both geneity in the crust.
today and in the geological past. All modes of brittle failure (initial formation plus
The seismically active upper continental crust the subsequent reactivation of faults and extension
(generally bounded by isotherms in the 350– fractures) depend on the pore fluid pressure, Pf
4508C range (e.g. Ito 1999) and commonly 10 – (Table 1), suggesting that there are two principal
20 km thick) consists of sedimentary basins (usually drivers to the brittle failure of a rock mass: the accu-
,5 km, but occasionally .10 km deep) overlying mulation of differential stress (s1 – s3) and/or the
crystalline basement. Much of this potentially seis- overpressuring of fluids (Pf . hydrostatic) in pore
mogenic crust appears to be critically stressed to and/or fracture spaces.

From: Turner, J. P., Healy, D., Hillis, R. R. & Welch, M. J. (eds) Geomechanics and Geology.
Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 458,
# 2017 The Author(s). Published by The Geological Society of London. All rights reserved.
For permissions: Publishing disclaimer:
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Table 1. Modes of brittle/frictional failure and associated failure criteria

Failure mode (field of t/s′n space (Mohr diagram) (s1 – s3)/Pf Attitude with respect to
application) space (BFM plot) stress axes

Extensional t2 ¼ 4To(sn – Pf ) + 4To2 Extension fractures forming

(s1 – s3) , 4To Pf ¼ s3 + To when (s1 – s3) , 4To perpendicular to s3
Extensional shear t2 ¼ 4To(sn – Pf ) + 4To2 Extensional shear fractures along
4To , (s1 – s3) , 5.66To Pf ¼ s3 + [8To(s1 – s3)]/3 planes containing s2, lying at
(Griffith criterion) +u , ui to s1
Compressional shear t ¼ C + mi (sn – Pf ) Shear fractures developing on
(s1 – s3) . 5.66To Pf ¼ s3 + [8To(s1 – s3) – (s1 – s3)2]/16To planes containing s2, lying at
(Coulomb criterion) for mi ¼ 0.75 +ui ¼ 0.5tan21(1/mi) to s1
Cohesionless fault re-shear t ¼ ms(sn – Pf ) Re-shear along fractures
(Amontons law) Pf ¼ s3 + [(s1 – s3)(1 – 0.6tanur)]/ containing s2, lying at +ur
[0.6(cotur + tanur)] to s1
for ms ¼ 0.6

Stress states driving faulting fault. Re-shear of cohesionless faults with Cf ¼ 0 is

considered as a limiting end-member case.
The level of shear and/or differential stress driving Pore fluid pressure is usefully defined relative
faulting and other forms of crustal deformation to the vertical stress at a depth, z, by the pore fluid
remains one of the outstanding questions in tectono- factor
physics, crucial to the proper understanding of
earthquake mechanics and tectonic deformation in Pf Pf
general (Brune & Thatcher 2002). A common pre- lv = = (3)
sv rr gz
sumption is the simple law of effective stress
espoused by Hubbert & Rubey (1959), whereby all
normal stresses are counteracted by the fluid pres- where rr is the average rock density (hereafter
sure in pore and/or fracture space (Pf) so that the assumed to be 2500 kg m23) and g is gravitational
effective normal stress acceleration. Hydrostatic fluid pressures prevail
for fluids with a density, rw, in pore/fracture
space interconnected to a water table at the Earth’s
s′n = (sn −Pf ) (1) surface, in which case

prevails throughout seismogenic crust. Note that Pf rw gz

lv = = ≈ 0.4 (4)
there are some indications that this may break sv rr gz
down towards the base of the seismogenic zone
where temperature-dependent viscous deformation Fluids overpressured above the hydrostatic pres-
in rocks become increasingly important (Hirth & sure have lv . 0.4. Extreme overpressuring occurs
Beeler 2015). However, on the assumption that the when fluid pressures approach or even exceed the
simple principle of effective stress holds, the fric- lithostatic load (lv ≈ 1.0).
tional shear strength of existing faults in seismo-
genic crust may be represented by a criterion of
Coulomb form Hydrostatic Byerlee stress states
Compilation of borehole stress measurements in
tfr = Cf + ms s′n = Cf + ms (sn −Pf ) (2) crystalline continental crust led Townend & Zoback
(2000) to a general inference of critical hydrostatic
where Cf is the fault cohesion (generally low com- Byerlee stress states. Under these circumstances,
pared with the cohesive strength of intact rocks), the crustal stress state is governed by the frictional
ms is the coefficient of sliding friction and Pf is the strength of optimally oriented faults with Byerlee
fluid pressure in the pore/fracture space. Faults friction (ms ≈ 0.6) and under hydrostatic pore fluid
may, however, reacquire a degree of cohe- pressure in the prevailing stress regime. Justification
sive strength through hydrothermal cementation, for the adoption of ms ¼ 0.6, at the lower end of the
although this is unlikely to be uniform over an entire experimental range determined by Byerlee (1978),
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as a representative value for sliding friction comes pressure (i.e. lv . 0.4) at depths greater than a
from borehole stress measurements (Townend & few kilometres (Yerkes et al. 1990; McPherson &
Zoback 2000). Further support for a value of ms of Garven 1999; Suppe 2014). Overpressuring is
c. 0.6 comes from the observed dip range for normal increasingly likely in the lower seismogenic zone
and reverse dip-slip faults, where frictional lock-up where hydrothermal activity becomes widespread
occurs at c. 608 to the inferred s1 (Collettini & Sib- at c. T . 2008C, with a consequent reduction in per-
son 2002). Seismically active fractured crust is also meability, as demonstrated experimentally (Morrow
inferred to be too permeable to allow fluid overpres- et al. 2001; Tenthorey et al. 2003). Issues arise as to
suring. Aside from the 9 km deep KTB borehole, whether overpressuring is uniform or heteroge-
however, the stress measurements come from com- neous, particularly in relation to active fault struc-
paratively shallow boreholes (mostly ,4 km) and, tures. Hydrothermal circulation leads to alteration
with one exception, are restricted to extensional (e.g. feldspar  clay minerals) and to dissolution,
and strike-slip settings where subsidiary fractures especially in reactive, fine-grained cataclastic detri-
are likely to be subvertical, facilitating the easy tus in fault cores and damage zones, with the
drainage of overpressure. re-precipitation of silica and carbonates in the frac-
Profiles of frictional shear strength for optimally ture space. Also important is the superior ability of a
oriented thrust, strike-slip and normal faults with compressional stress field to contain overpressure
ms ¼ 0.6 under hydrostatic levels of fluid pressure (see Figs 2 & 4). In fluid-overpressured crust, differ-
are illustrated in Figure 1. At 10 –15 km depth, ential stress and the degree of overpressuring
where large ruptures commonly nucleate, the become interdependent and inversely related. The
anticipated shear strengths range from 50 to maximum differential stress achievable before brit-
70 MPa for normal faults in extensional regimes to tle failure depends on the level of fluid overpressur-
150 –220 MPa for thrust faults in compressional ing and, conversely, the maximum sustainable
regimes. These are an order of magnitude or overpressure before fluid loss through brittle failure
more greater than typical shear stress drops accom- depends on the level of differential stress. High fluid
panying earthquake rupturing (Allmann & Shearer overpressures are incompatible with high differen-
2009). tial stress and vice versa (see Fig. 4). Relevant
here is the recent demonstration of an inverse rela-
Critical stress overpressure states tionship between the magnitude of induced earth-
quake stress drops and fluid pressure level as a
By contrast, large areas of seismically active crust in consequence of fluid injected into the wall rock at
areas of crustal shortening under horizontal com- c. 4.5 km depth from the Basel geothermal well
pression, including sedimentary basins and their (Goertz-Allmann et al. 2011).
crystalline substrates (e.g. the Western Transverse How can strongly fluid-overpressured active
Ranges and the Great Valley of California), appear faults be recognized? One expected characteristic
to have pore fluids overpressured above hydrostatic is the rupturing of faults that appear to be badly

Fig. 1. Profiles of frictional shear strength for optimally oriented thrust, strike-slip (s-s) and normal faults with
friction, ms ¼ 0.6, at hydrostatic pore fluid pressure (Pf) (after Sibson 1974).
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Fig. 2. BFM plots of differential stress v. effective vertical stress (corresponding to values of the pore fluid factor, lv)
for intact rock (To ¼ 10 MPa; mi ¼ 0.75) under compressional and extensional stress regimes at 5 km depth
(green ¼ extensional failure; dark red ¼ compressional shear failure). Re-shear conditions (red lines) also shown for
optimally oriented cohesionless faults with ms ¼ 0.6. Uniform rock properties (To ¼ 10 MPa, r ¼ 2500 kg m23)
assumed together with Andersonian stress trajectories. Red arrows illustrate potential loading paths to failure from
an initial point in (s1 – s3)/ lv space in terms of D(s1 – s3) and DPf components. Expected orientations of newly
forming extension fractures and faults in the two regimes as shown.

oriented for frictional reactivation in the prevailing low values, ms , 0.1, or that the effective normal
stress field, for example the rupturing on steep stress across the fault, s′n = (sn −Pf )  0, requir-
reverse faults during compressional inversion. ing Pf  sn and lv  1.0.
Many of these inversion structures are associated Examples of such ruptures include the 1952 Mw
with geophysical anomalies (e.g. bright-spot reflec- 7.5 Kern County earthquake involving left-reverse
tors, low-velocity zones, anomalous Vp/Vs ratios slip on ruptures dipping 50–758 (Castillo & Zoback
and high electrical conductivity) diagnostic of fluid 1995), the 1989 Mw 6.9 Loma Prieta earthquake
overpressuring in the lower seismogenic zone and involving right-reverse slip on a c. 708 dipping rup-
mid-crust (Sibson 2009). Another diagnostic feature ture (Michael et al. 1990; Zoback & Beroza 1993),
may be ruptures followed by near-field aftershocks the 2003 Mw 7.9 Denali earthquake involving dex-
with diverse focal mechanisms. Where the stress tral strike-slip on a subvertical fault for .300 km
drop is only partial (Dt , tfail), the tectonic stress (Wesson & Boyd 2007) and the 2008 Mw 7.2
field is not greatly perturbed and the aftershock Iwate-Miyagi-Nairiku earthquake, which involved
focal mechanisms tend to share the characteristics conjugate reverse faulting in northern Honshu
of the main shock mechanism. However, there are (Yoshida et al. 2014a). Notably, three of these
instances where near-field aftershock mechanisms four events involved strong components of reverse
are extremely diverse and inconsistent with the faulting on moderate to steeply dipping planes.
main shock rupture. In such cases it has been argued For the last event, the stress heterogeneity revealed
that the main shock stress drop is comparable with by aftershock focal mechanisms has been inverted
the shear stress at failure (i.e. the near-total stress to infer near-lithostatic overpressures in the focal
drop with Dt ≈ tfail) so that the post-failure stress region (Yoshida et al. 2014b). On a far greater
field is highly heterogeneous. Given that in most scale, Hasegawa et al. (2012) inferred a near-total
cases Dt , 10 MPa, it follows from equation (2) stress drop for the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku-Oki mega-
that either the frictional coefficient has abnormally thrust rupture, which appears to have been nearly
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lithostatically overpressured prefailure over the full vertical stress; see Sibson (2000) for the full proce-
seismogenic depth range (Sibson 2014). dure. Rock material properties are assumed not
Occasional rupturing of steep reverse faults also to vary with depth. It is important to keep the
occurs in intraplate settings – for example the 1982 limitations of these BFM plots in mind – the two-
Miramachi, New Brunswick earthquake sequence dimensional character of the failure criteria, the
(mb 5.7, 5.1, 5.4 and 5.0) and the 1983 mb 5.1 Good- unvarying material properties and the requirement
now, Adirondacks earthquake in eastern North that the vertical stress is one of the principal stresses
America (Sibson 1990). Rupturing appears to throughout the brittle regime – nonetheless, they
involve localized compressional reactivation of nor- provide valuable insights into the factors governing
mal faults inherited from Mesozoic rifting, possibly brittle/frictional failure in different tectonic settings.
attributable to mantle degassing of CO2 (Irwin &
Barnes 1980). Comparative failure conditions
Failure curves for intact rock with To ¼ 10 MPa and
Brittle failure: extensional v. compressional for the end-member case involving the re-shear of
regimes cohesionless, optimally oriented faults (i.e. faults
oriented to contain s2 and lying at ur ¼ 0.5 tan21
The behaviour of rocks close to failure has to be (1/ms) to s1) have been constructed for compres-
considered in terms of the two principal drivers: dif- sional and extensional stress regimes at a depth of
ferential stress (s1 – s3) and pore fluid pressure Pf 5 km (Fig. 2). Note that for an existing fault with
(or lv). In brittle failure mode (BFM) plots, both re-acquired cohesion, Cf, the re-shear lines for vary-
factors are taken into account on plots of differential ing ur move to a common intercept: Cf/ms on the s′v
stress against effective vertical stress at a depth, z, axis of the failure mode plot (Sibson 2009).
given by: Equivalent lv values to the effective vertical
stress are calculated for rock and aqueous pore
sv′ = (sv –Pf ) = sv (1– lv ) = rgz(1– lv ) (5) fluid densities of 2500 and 1000 kg m23, respec-
tively, so that lv ¼ 0.4 corresponds to the hydro-
where r is the average rock density and g is the grav- static pore fluid pressure. Different failure modes
itational acceleration (Sibson 1998, 2000; Cox (extensional, extensional shear and compressional
2010). The vertical axis can then be calibrated to shear failure) are indicated on the failure curves for
values of Pf or lv for a particular depth. Compara- intact rock; the expected orientation for newly form-
tive BFM plots are constructed for the Andersonian ing extension fractures and faults are shown. The
compressional (sv ¼ s3) and extensional (sv ¼ s1) presence of extension fractures (often manifested
stress regimes representing end-member tectonic as extension veins retaining crack-seal growth
settings. Intermediary BFM plots can also be con- increments; Ramsay 1980) is especially significant
structed for strike-slip regimes (sv ¼ s2), but these because their formation requires (s1 – s3) , 4To
vary depending where s2 lies between s1 and s3. (Secor 1965), constraining the magnitude of differ-
The plots use the simplest two-dimensional stress- ential stress during their formation (Etheridge
based failure criteria from classical rock mechanics 1983). For To ¼ 10 and 30 MPa, characterizing
(e.g. Jaeger & Cook 1979) listed in Table 1. Brittle many sedimentary rocks and competent crystalline
failure then depends on the material properties rocks, respectively (Lockner 1995), the correspond-
and on the variables Pf, s1 and s3 alone, with the ing differential stress must be ,40 and ,120 MPa,
poles to all fault and fracture planes lying in the respectively.
s1/s3 plane. Compositional and structural hetero- It is also apparent that the existence of optimally
geneity within the crust are the grounds for adopting oriented existing faults lacking cohesive strength
these simple generic criteria. inhibits the formation of new faults and fractures
Following the procedures outlined by Brace within intact rock. A common field observation is
(1960) and Secor (1965) and using generic values for arrays of parallel extension veins formed by
for material properties (internal friction, mi ¼ 0.75; hydraulic extension fracturing to be cut by through-
sliding friction, ms ¼ 0.6), a composite failure enve- going faults that appear to have developed in the
lope for intact rock normalized to the rock tensile same stress field. Once developed, the presence of
strength, To, is constructed by merging the Coulomb such faults favourably oriented for reactivation
criterion for compressional shear failure with the inhibits further hydraulic extension fracturing and
macroscopic Griffith criterion for extensional and vein formation. The continued formation of exten-
extensional shear failure. Assuming simple Ander- sion veins around existing faults is only likely if
sonian stress trajectories with one of the principal they retain cohesive strength through hydrothermal
stresses vertical, the failure curves are then recast cementation or are severely misoriented for reacti-
for the BFM plots of differential stress v. effective vation. These observations imply that the initial
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failure of intact rock under low differential stress determine the relative sensitivity of failure to
driven by accumulating fluid overpressure, leading D(s1 – s3) and DPf with a pronounced contrast in
first to distributed hydraulic extension fracturing failure sensitivity between the two regimes. For
and then to the development of thoroughgoing an optimally oriented thrust fault dipping c. 308 in
faults, may be more widespread than is generally a compressional regime, D(s1 – s3) ¼ 22.12DPf,
supposed. whereas for an optimum normal fault dipping 608
Possible loading paths to failure range from in an extensional regime, D(s1 – s3) ¼ 20.68DPf.
purely stress-driven (DPf ¼ 0) to purely fluid pres- Significant decreases in thrust fault strength may
sure driven (D(s1 – s3) ¼ 0), but there is an infinite thus be induced by comparatively small changes
range of potential loading paths incorporating in pore fluid pressure, but changes in the normal
changes in both differential stress and fluid pressure. fault strength are lower than the change in pore
In well-drained crust where poroelastic effects may fluid pressure.
be neglected, there are profound differences The effects become more pronounced if faults
between load-strengthening compressional loading are unfavourably oriented for reactivation. Thus
and load-weakening extensional loading (Sibson for reverse faults dipping 50 or 98 (at equivalent
1993). In a compressional regime with sv ¼ s3 misorientation to the horizontal (s1), D(s1 –
staying constant while horizontal s1 increases, the s3) ¼ 24.28DPf, heightening the failure sensitivity
mean stress, sm ¼ 13(s1 + s2 + s3) and fault fric- to changes in pore fluid pressure. As the reverse fault
tional strength both increase as the differential stress dip increases towards frictional lock-up (dip ¼ 598
and fault shear stress increase, that is, Dsm/[D(s1 – for ms ¼ 0.6), lv  1.0 becomes necessary for
s3)] . 0. By contrast, for an extensional regime reactivation, making this a particularly good tec-
with sv ¼ s1 staying constant during decreasing tonic setting for holding in overpressure. In the
horizontal s3, Dsm/[D(s1 – s3)],0 with the fault case of a normal fault dipping 408 (at the same reac-
frictional strength decreasing as the differential tivation angle of 508), the reactivation condition
stress and fault shear stress increase. In undrained becomes D(s1 – s3) ¼ 20.81DPf.
crust, poroelastic interactions need to be considered
and may drastically modify some of these effects Maximum sustainable overpressure
(Rice & Cleary 1976; Simpson 2001).
Near-lithostatic overpressures may develop in com-
Contrasts in failure sensitivity pacting sedimentary basins where sealing horizons,
such as shale units, may have permeabilities
For simplicity, we restrict consideration here to the approaching 10220 m22 or less. Overpressuring
conditions for frictional re-shear in compressional may be enhanced by active tectonic shortening
and extensional regimes (Fig. 3). The slopes of the through poroelastic effects (Simpson 2001). For
failure lines for optimal re-shear with ms ¼ 0.6 tectonically active continental crust undergoing

Fig. 3. Contrasts in failure sensitivity between compressional and extensional stress regimes at 5 km depth for the
re-shear of optimally oriented thrust and normal faults. Rock properties as in Figure 2.
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prograde metamorphism at depth, Ingebritsen & mechanical constraints illustrated in Figure 4

Manning (2010) suggest a mean bulk permeability (Sibson 2003).
,10218 m22 at depths equivalent to the lower seis-
mogenic zone (c. 12 km) to account for thermal The edge of failure
models and metamorphic fluxes that allow the accu-
mulation and maintenance of near-lithostatic over- Evidence of a crust critically stressed to the edge
pressure in the ductile regime. The activation of of failure comes from increasing occurrences of
faults and fractures across low-permeability sealing induced seismicity from borehole injection (e.g.
horizons allows drainage from overpressured por- the Oklahoma oilfield operations; Ellsworth 2013)
tions of the crust, buffering overpressure develop- and reservoir impoundment in intraplate settings
ment. This is particularly the case for extensional (Nicholson & Wesson 1990), together with the
(and strike-slip) stress regimes, where newly form- implication from Coulomb stress modelling that
ing faults and fractures tend to be subvertical or very small stress changes (Dt ≈ 0.1 MPa or less)
steep. Failure curves for intact rock and for the can switch aftershock activity on or off (King
re-shear of optimally oriented faults are shown et al. 1984; Harris 1998). These circumstances led
in Figure 4. The vertical blue arrows define the McGarr (2014) to hypothesize that, as a general
degree of overpressuring above hydrostatic pressure rule, the crust is mostly stressed to within one
(lv . 0.4) at different values of differential stress earthquake shear stress drop of failure – that is,
before brittle failure or re-shear takes place. It is Dt , 10 MPa. For a fault at the optimum orienta-
evident, again, that the presence of optimally ori- tion for re-shear with ms ¼ 0.6, this corresponds to
ented faults lacking cohesion lowers the sustainable D(s1 – s3) , 23 MPa. In Figure 5, the re-shear
overpressure and prevents other forms of brittle lines for compressional and extensional stress
failure, such as hydraulic extension fracturing. regimes are shown on a BFM plot constructed for
Values of differential stress and fluid overpressure a depth of 5 km; the shaded areas are the loci of crit-
are inversely related; the maximum sustainable ical stress/fluid pressure states satisfying this
overpressure before brittle failure and fluid loss near-failure condition.
depends on the level of differential stress and, con-
versely, the maximum achievable differential stress Loading paths to failure
before brittle failure depends on the degree of fluid
overpressuring. Consider a point corresponding to a particular stress/
It is therefore evident that compressional stress fluid pressure condition (with Pf . hydrostatic)
regimes are inherently better at holding in fluid close to a failure curve on a BFM plot (Fig. 6). The
overpressure, partly from the geometry of newly rock could be brought to failure either by increasing
forming faults and fractures, but also from the differential stress, D(s1 – s3) (purely stress-driven

Fig. 4. Maximum sustainable overpressure at 5 km depth in compressional and extensional stress regimes for intact
rock and for optimally oriented cohesionless faults. Vertical blue arrows represent sustainable overpressure above
hydrostatic pressure before brittle failure as a function of differential stress. Colour codes as in Figure 2.
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Fig. 5. Edge of failure represented by critical stress overpressure states (circles) within one earthquake stress drop
of failure (Dt ,10 MPa) at 5 km depth for compressional and extensional stress regimes.

failure under constant Pf), or by increasing fluid for example, represent a situation where the devel-
pressure, DPf (purely fluid-driven failure under opment of microcrack dilatancy at progressively
constant (s1 – s3)). However, these are just two higher differential stress increases the bulk perme-
possibilities in a broad spectrum of brittle failure ability, allowing fluid loss. In field C, the differen-
scenarios (cf. Cox 2010). In field A, differential tial stress decreases (perhaps from incipient plastic
stress and fluid pressure are both increasing along yielding) while the fluid pressure continues to
the path to failure. Possible settings for such behav- increase.
iour include: areas of progressive crustal shortening, In a single loading cycle to failure, it is also
thickening and dewatering, such as accretionary necessary to consider potential poroelastic coupling
prisms in subduction zones (Saffer & Tobin 2011; between DPf and Dsm, depending whether the re-
Suppe 2014); progressive shortening of fluid-rich gime is load-strengthening (Dsm . 0  DPf . 0)
sedimentary basins in areas of crustal convergence or load-weakening (Dsm , 0  DPf , 0) (Rice &
(e.g. the Sacramento Basin of California; McPher- Cleary 1976). The magnitude of such changes de-
son & Garven 1999); and areas where forceful pends on the drainage behaviour of the rock mass
igneous intrusion into fluid-rich host rocks has over the loading cycle. For example, Simpson
generated an overpressured brittle carapace (Four- (2001) and Micklethwaite (2008) showed that the
nier 1999). In field B, the fluid pressure decreases shortening of fluid-saturated crust under undrained
while the differential stress increases. This might, conditions can create a change from load-strength-
ening to load-weakening behaviour.

Simple stress-based failure criteria have been
used to construct BFM plots exploring the relative
roles of the two principal drivers to brittle rock fail-
ure in the upper crust: differential stress (s1 – s3)
and pore fluid pressure (Pf or lv). These plots
could be further elaborated by using more compre-
hensive three-dimensional failure criteria (e.g.
Healy et al. 2006) and by exploring poroelastic
interactions during loading to a far greater extent.
Much has been learned about poroelastic interac-
Fig. 6. Range of potential loading paths to failure on a tions – for instance, from industrial applications
BFM plot. Dashed arrows illustrate loading paths to of fluid-induced fracturing and the ensuing seismic-
failure from an initial point in (s1 – s3)/Pf space. ity (e.g. Shapiro 2015). In addition, the structural
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consequences of fluid overpressuring could alterna- with intraplate earthquakes tend to be rather low
tively be analysed in terms of seepage forces arising (failure under approximately near-constant stress
from suprahydrostatic gradients in fluid pressure conditions) and, at least for the failure of poorly ori-
(Cobbold & Rodrigues 2007; Mourgues & Cobbold ented faults, is plausibly fluid-driven (Sibson 1990).
2003). The containment of overpressures in critical stress
Loading paths to the formation and reactivation overpressure states is precarious and highly depen-
of brittle/frictional structures have been compared dent on the stress state: abrupt changes in stress
between compressional and extensional tectonic accompanying earthquake rupture must invariably
regimes. There is an infinite range of possible load- lead to fluid redistribution. The formation and/or
ing paths to failure or reactivation from changes in reactivation of faults and fractures causes fluid
differential stress and pore fluid pressure. Broadly loss and frictional strengthening through some
speaking, stress-driven failure is likely to dominate form of fault/fracture valving action, which is either
when D(s1 – s3)/Dt ≫ DPf/Dt and fluid-driven localized on a single dominant structure or may be
failure may dominate when DPf/Dt ≫ D(s1 – s3)/ dispersed across arrays of brittle faults and fractures
Dt. The latter becomes likely in regions of intense (Sibson 1992; Cox 2016). In such settings, earth-
fluid release – for example, in compacting sedimen- quake recurrence from fault rupture may be gov-
tary basins undergoing fast sedimentation, in areas erned just as much by the cycling of frictional
where magma is actively intruding fluid-rich rocks strength through changes in fluid pressure as by
and in subduction forearcs. The permeability struc- the cycling of stress acting on the fault.
ture of the seismogenic crust (T , 350 –4508C) Packages of overpressured fluid migrating
and, in particular, the relative permeabilities of sedi- through the crust are likely to self-generate fault–
mentary cover sequences and crystalline basement fracture permeability through microearthquake
assemblages, are clearly of huge importance. A low- swarm activity with accompanying mineral deposi-
permeability cover overlying a high-permeability tion (Sibson 1996; Cox 2016): critical stress over-
fractured basement will have a very different mech- pressure states appear to be intrinsic to several
anical response from a high-permeability cover varieties of hydrothermal mineralization. Specific
overlying a low-permeability basement. examples include fault-hosted orogenic gold –quartz
The hydrostatic Byerlee condition as demon- vein systems derived from valving action in the
strated by borehole measurements (Townend & lower seismogenic zone (Sibson et al. 1988) and
Zoback 2000) is likely to prevail at shallow depths porphyry copper systems associated with shallow
(,5–7 km), especially where the basement assem- calc-alkaline intrusive magmatism (Fournier 1999).
blages are close to the Earth’s surface, and in exten- It remains to be established how many other forms
sional or strike-slip settings. The attainment of of hydrothermal mineralization (e.g. iron oxide–
critical stress overpressure states is more probable copper –gold ore deposits; Williams et al. 2005) nec-
in the lower half of seismogenic crust, where hydro- essarily involve critical stress overpressure states.
thermal activity (c. T . 2008C) reduces both frac-
ture and bulk permeability. As a general rule, fluid Sincere thanks to the organizers for making it possible for
overpressuring leading to critical stress overpres- me to participate in The Geology of Geomechanics. Neville
sure conditions is more likely to develop and be sus- Price first drew my attention to the role of pore fluids in
brittle rock failure, with additional valued input over
tained in compressional regimes, where ongoing
many years, conferences and field excursions from Ste-
thrusting and crustal thickening affect both the sedi- phen Cox, Rob Knipe, Francois Robert, Howard Poulsen
mentary cover and the underlying basement, lead- and many others. Special thanks also to the reviewers for
ing over time to prograde metamorphism and their constructive criticism and for drawing my attention
accompanying fluid loss. It has been shown, for to relevant recent publications. This paper is dedicated to
instance, how the progressive emplacement of fore- my late colleague, Richard J. Norris.
land thrust sheets self-generates fluid overpressures
in the overridden substrate (Cello & Nur 1988).
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Active low-angle normal faults in the deep water Santos Basin,

offshore Brazil: a geomechanical analogy between salt
tectonics and crustal deformation
Petrobras/E&P, Av. Republica do Chile, 330; 13th floor, Rio de Janeiro 20031-170, RJ Brazil
Petrobras/R&D-CENPES, Av. Republica do Chile, 330; 13th floor,
Rio de Janeiro 20031-170, RJ Brazil
Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro – PUC-RIO, Av. Republica do Chile, 330; 13th floor,
Rio de Janeiro 20031-170, RJ Brazil

Abstract: We provide a structural analysis and propose a geomechanical model for an extensional
fault system observed in seismic data from the deep water Santos Basin, offshore Brazil. The sys-
tem includes low-angle normal faults (LANFs) associated with underlying listric faults and salt rol-
lers. The LANFs cut through shallow sedimentary successions up to the seafloor, reaching
displacements of 1 km during the last 5 myr, at least one order of magnitude larger than the dis-
placement of the coeval Andersonian high-angle normal faults. We suggest that the LANFs
were produced by clockwise rotation of the stress field caused by the presence of salt intruded
along the footwall of the main listric normal faults of the extensional system. Numerical models
indicate that the proposed geomechanical model can be attained with strain weakening and wide-
spread plastic yielding along the main normal faults. We suggest that the studied LANFs are related
to salt flow in the same way that the LANFs described in regional extensional provinces are related
to flow of either the lower crust or the mantle. The rheological analogy is remarkable and therefore
we suggest that this work will contribute to the solution of the LANFs paradox.

When loaded to their critical limits by gravitational plane, as is the case for LANFs, should be locked.
and tectonic forces, rock bodies in the upper crust Surprisingly, individual LANFs are characterized
usually deform by a process of localized shear fail- by shear displacements of up to tens of kilometres
ure to produce fault structures. The geomechanics (Snow & Wernicke 2000; Howard 2003), at least
of rock faulting has been approached with a num- one order of magnitude larger than the displacement
ber mechanical concepts, namely: (1) continuum of coeval individual normal faults (Forsyth 1992).
mechanics, by means of Cauchy’s stress tensor LANF solutions are also scarce in the seismological
and the Mohr– Coulomb yielding criteria (Anderson record. Therefore LANFs still represent a mechani-
1951); (2) poroelasticity, by means of Terzaghi’s cal paradox (Collettini 2011) and the geomechanical
effective stress concept (Hubbert & Rubey 1959); model for LANFs is still debated. Two kinds of sol-
and (3) Amonton’s law of friction (Sibson 1974; ution have been suggested for the LANF puzzle: (1)
Byerlee 1978). mechanical solutions, based on poroelastic effects
At almost the same time as fault mechanics were (including anisotropy), weakening and stress rota-
well established at scales ranging from plug samples tion; and (2) geometric solutions, based either on
in laboratory tests to outcrops, earthquakes and first- the rotation of planar normal faults or on the down-
order plate kinematics, an enigmatic class of faults dip coalescence of listric normal faults.
called detachments or low-angle normal faults This work contributes to the study of LANFs and
(LANFs) was reported in regions of active crustal is based on a well-imaged fault system observed in
extension (Wernicke 2009; Collettini 2011), where three-dimensional seismic data from the Santos
the deformation was supposed to be accommodated Basin along the southeastern continental margin
by high-angle Andersonian normal faults (Anderson of Brazil. A geomechanical model is proposed that
1951). Crustal-scale LANFs are mechanically intri- fully supports the mechanical solutions because
guing as they make a high angle with the vertical the observed LANFs both nucleate and propagate
stress component, the maximum principal stress for at a low angle. We compare this fault system, with
Andersonian normal faults in extensional tectonic its underlying salt layer, with crustal-scale LANFs
environments. According to continuum mechanics, with an underlying viscoelastic lower crust or
any fault close to a Cauchy’s shearless principal upper mantle.

From: Turner, J. P., Healy, D., Hillis, R. R. & Welch, M. J. (eds) Geomechanics and Geology.
Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 458,
# 2017 The Author(s). Published by The Geological Society of London. All rights reserved.
For permissions: Publishing disclaimer:
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Geological setting structures accommodating the deformation of the

hanging wall of the main antithetic normal faults.
The Santos Basin, on the southeastern coast of Bra- The LANFs (blue faults; Fig. 2) are also antithetic,
zil (Fig. 1), was formed by rifting, which ended up dipping towards the basin margin to the north, and
with the break-up of the Gondwana supercontinent are located along the upper portion of the footwall
and the opening of the South Atlantic Ocean by the of the main listric normal faults (Fig. 2).
end of the Early Cretaceous. During the late stages The kinematics of the studied area is defined by
of the extensional process, in the Aptian, rift shale an overall extension that continued from the Late
successions were capped by a lacustrine carbonate Cretaceous to the Quaternary. The average fault dis-
system (LK1a; Fig. 2) and by a thick salt layer placement is c. 50 m for the synthetic normal faults
(LK1b; Fig. 2). The Lower Cretaceous stratigraphy (green faults; Fig. 2), c. 250 m for the antithetic nor-
of the Santos Basin consists of a petroleum system mal faults (orange faults; Fig. 2) and .750 m for the
that is related to the most extensive oil discoveries LANFs (blue faults; Fig. 2). The displacement of the
of the last decade. LANFs was developed during the last 5 myr,
The Santos Basin then evolved to a typical intra- whereas the normal fault system was active during
plate continental margin and this evolution from the the last 80 myr. Therefore the displacement data
Cretaceous to the Quaternary was strongly con- for the studied fault system agree with the finite
trolled by the interaction between basement reacti- extension model proposed by Forsyth (1992),
vations and the downdip flow of the Aptian salt which states that only low-angle faults can accom-
layer (Fig. 2). The LANFs studied in this work are modate large amounts of extension.
not related to the Cretaceous rift system; instead, Regarding the dynamics of the fault system, it is
they cut through shallow sedimentary successions commonplace to attribute all the extensional defor-
up to the seafloor (2 km water depth) and are clearly mation at salt-bearing intraplate margins to gravita-
related to the underlying normal faults and salt tional salt gliding. However, in this study it appears
rollers (Figs 1 & 2). In agreement with the model that the salt layer is reactive to tectonic extension
proposed by Forsyth (1992), one single LANF because the salt rollers represent the flow of the
accommodates a finite displacement at least one salt to the low pressure zones at the bottom of the
order of magnitude larger than the coeval set of footwalls of the main antithetic normal faults (Figs
Andersonian normal faults. 2 & 3). Therefore it is also possible that the observed
extension has been caused by intraplate tectonics.
Structural analysis
The studied fault system is located at 2 km water Geomechanical model
depth in the deep water Santos Basin (Figs 1 & 2).
The mapped faults accommodate the extensional We suggest a conceptual geomechanical model for
deformation of the post-salt sedimentary succes- the studied fault system based on three main fea-
sions in an area of c. 100 km2 and they cut through tures: (1) stress rotation; (2) low effective stress;
post-salt Lower Cretaceous marine carbonates and (3) interaction between elastic and viscous rhe-
(LK2; Fig. 2) and through deep water siliciclastic ologies. The relief of the viscous layer is also a key
sediments from the Upper Cretaceous to the Quater- feature of the model.
nary (UK, PALEOG, NEOG and QUAT; Fig. 2). Stress rotation is supported by the Coulomb
The structural style mixes both high-angle ex- angle observed between the LANFs and the upper
tensional faults (658 average dip) and low-angle portion of the main listric normal fault. It is sug-
extensional faults (or LANFs; 108 average dip), both gested that the upwards flow of the salt constrained
trending east –west (stereonet plot; Fig. 2). The along the footwall of the main listric normal fault
LANFs affect most the younger sedimentary succes- causes the clockwise rotation of the principal stress
sions from the Neogene to the Quaternary (blue from the vertical to a position parallel with the fault
faults; Fig. 2). The normal fault system consists of plane (Fig. 3). Jackson & Talbot (1986) suggested a
conjugate synthetic (green faults; Fig. 2) and anti- similar flow pattern for salt structures caused by
thetic faults (orange faults; Fig. 2). The main listric extension. If we admit some shear weakening of
normal faults are antithetic (orange faults; Fig. 2), the rock in the damage zone of the main listric
dipping towards the basin margin to the north (Fig. fault, then this fault plane will act as a free surface
1), and are associated with thick salt rollers along and hence must form a principal plane of stress.
the footwall blocks (salt/LK1b; Fig. 2) and with The other rotated principal plane of stress is the
growth strata, particularly in the Upper Cretaceous shearless top of the SSE flank of the salt roller,
(UK; Fig. 2) and Palaeogene (PALEOG; Fig. 2) which is normal to the fault plane (Fig. 3).
strata. Synthetic normal faults downthrown towards As the mapped LANFs cut through shallow suc-
the basin (green faults; Fig. 2) are subordinate cessions at 2 km water depth (blue faults; Fig. 2), the
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Fig. 1. Seismic section from the Santos Basin showing the studied fault system (no vertical exaggeration). Sea
bottom is at 2 km water depth. The LANF can be seen at the centre of the section cutting through shallow
sedimentary successions with 500 m of displacement at the sea bottom and with about 1 km maximum displacement
at 500 m depth.

ratio between the pore pressure and the average 2006; Lavier & Manatschal 2006; Collettini 2011;
stress is high (close to unity). This situation config- Morley 2014; Pinvidic & Osmundsen 2016). The
ures a very low effective stress environment charac- studied LANFs are related to salt flow rheology in
terized by high fluid pressures. the same way as metamorphic core complexes are
The rheology of the proposed geomechanical related to quartzo-feldspathic flow rheology in the
model is complex, with interaction between an un- lower crust (Davis & Coney 1979) and exhumed
derlying viscous salt layer and an elastic cohesive mantle detachments are related to olivine flow in
overburden. Mathematically, this viscoelastic cou- the mantle (Manatschal 2004). Figure 4 compares
pling can be addressed by Biot’s correspondence the power law flow rheology of salt in scale with
principle (Biot 1965), which states that elastic the studied seismic section with the flow rheology
constants can be interchanged with viscoelastic equations defined for the lower crust and mantle
operators in the Navier equations in continuum (Jackson & Talbot 1986; Van Keken et al. 1993;
mechanics models. Van Der Pluijm & Marshak 2004; Fossen 2010;
It is important to point out the mechanical anal- Gerya 2010; Turcotte & Schubert 2014). The relief
ogy of the studied area with the rheological con- of the viscous salt layer in the studied area is also
figuration of most of the regional extensional proportional to the relief reported for the viscous
provinces in which crustal-scale LANFs have been layers in the lower crust and mantle related to
described (Wernicke 1981; Buck 1991; Johnson crustal-scale LANFs in regional extensional
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Fig. 2. Results of the structural analysis. Green faults are synthetic normal faults; orange faults are the main
antithetic normal faults; and blue faults are the LANFs. (a) Interpreted seismic section showing the Aptian salt layer
and the studied fault system with the normal fault conjugated set and one of the LANFs. Stratigraphy: LK1a, Aptian
(carbonates); LK1b, Aptian (salt); LK2, Albian (carbonates); UK, Upper Cretaceous (shales and sandstones);
PALEOG, Palaeogene (shales and sandstones); NEOG, Neogene (shales); and QUAT, Quaternary (shales).
(b) Stereonet plot (Daisy3 package/uniroma3) with fault pole density showing the average dips: 658 for normal
faults and 108 for LANFs. (c) Three-dimensional view of the studied fault system.

Fig. 3. Sketch of the proposed conceptual geomechanical model for the studied LANFs. We suggest that the
extension of the section caused both the conjugated normal fault system and the flow of the salt constrained by the
fault plane along the footwall of the main listric normal fault. The flow of salt, in turn, caused rotation of the
principal stress (SV) from the vertical to a position parallel with the upper portion of the main normal fault
producing nucleation of the observed LANF as a typical Coulomb shear fracture. Jackson & Talbot (1986)
suggested a similar flow pattern for salt structures caused by extension.
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Fig. 4. Yield strength profile showing the analogy between the mechanical stratigraphy of the studied area and
some rheological structures at crustal and mantle scale. The studied LANFs are related to a salt flow law in much
the same way as metamorphic core complexes are related to a quartzo-feldspathic flow law into the lower crust
(Davis & Coney 1979) and exhumed mantle detachments are related to an olivine flow law into the mantle
(Manatschal 2004). The salt strength profile is in scale with the seismic section in Figures 1 and 2 and represents the
power law equation for halite flow in the depth– temperature interval of the studied example.

provinces (Johnson 2006; Lavier & Manatschal the sediments both as a load from above and as a
2006; Pinvidic & Osmundsen 2016). pore pressure from inside. Therefore the net effect
of the water column on the loading of the shallow
Model parameters sediments is null.
According to the Petrobras geohazards database,
The key parameters of the geomechanical model are which is consistent with published data (Jaeger
well constrained. As the observed LANFs nucleated et al. 2007; Zoback 2007; Fjaer et al. 2008), it is also
at 500 m depth, under a 2 km water table (Fig. 2), possible to constrain the mechanical properties of
the hydrostatic pore pressure can be set at 25 MPa. the shallow sediments to evaluate the model with
The shallow sediments have densities between the Mohr diagram (Fig. 5). The tensile strength can
1900 and 2100 kg m23, so the ratio between the be set at 0.4 MPa and the angle of internal friction
pore pressure and the lithostatic stress is high at 228 (0.4 friction coefficient). For an average den-
(.0.8), indicating an environment of low effective sity of 1900 kg m23 the stress difference for fault nu-
stress where poroelastic effects must be strong. cleation according to the Griffith–Coulomb yield
The studied environment perfectly fits the concept criteria is c. 3.5 MPa (Fig. 5a). In turn, the stress dif-
of effective stress because the water table acts on ference for fault propagation considering Byerlee’s
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Fig. 5. Mohr diagrams showing the effective stress state for a LANF at 500 m depth under a 2 km water table. Pore
pressure p ¼ 25 MPa. Shallow sediment properties: density r ¼ 1900 kg m23; tensile strength T0 ¼ 0.4 MPa;
friction angle f ¼ 228 (friction coefficient u ¼ 0.4). (a) Stress difference for fault nucleation (Griffith–Coulomb
criteria) ¼ 3.5 MPa. (b) Stress difference for fault propagation (Byerlee’s law) ¼ 2.4 MPa. Both values are
reasonable and can be attained in extensional environments in sedimentary basins.

law is c. 2.4 MPa (Fig. 5b). Both are reasonable val- studied LANFs is coherent from the point of view
ues of stress difference that can be attained in exten- of well-established fault mechanics.
sional environments in sedimentary basins. In this We set the salt properties according to published
way, the geomechanical model proposed for the data (Jackson & Talbot 1986; Van Keken et al.
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1993) with flow rates between 1027 and 10213 s21 constitutive model for salt flow with a viscosity of
and a salt viscosity of 1018 Pa s. The thermal effects 1018 Pa s. The main listric normal fault and the
on salt viscosity are negligible for the depth range of LANF in the section were represented in the mesh
the studied section (Jackson & Talbot 1986; Van by interface elements. The model was fixed along
Keken et al. 1993). The yield strength curve for salt the boundary to the right (SSE) and along the bot-
in Figure 4 was computed for a 1027 s21 flow rate. tom. Gravity loading was set as a body force and
we prescribed a 0.8% extension towards the left
Numerical model boundary (NNW). Using the described loading and
boundary conditions (Fig. 6), we tested two cases,
We numerically simulated the proposed geome- without and with strain softening (Fig. 7). During
chanical model with the TECTOS finite element the strain softening stage, the strength parameters
package (a partnership between Petrobras and the decrease, particularly along the interface elements
Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro-PUC-RIO). of the faults. The strain softening parameter is
The TECTOS package has the capability to run cou- described in terms of a norm of deviatoric volumet-
pled elastic –viscous models in accordance with ric strains as bilinear functions. The strength param-
Biot’s correspondence principle (Biot 1965). We eter dilation angle (Lecomte et al. 2012) decreases
defined a two-dimensional finite element mesh linearly from its initial value (308) to a residual
based on the seismic section (NNW–SSE) orthogo- value (2108), obtained when the strain softening
nal to the trend of the studied fault system (Figs 1 & parameter reaches a critical value (1023). The
2). The TECTOS package contemplates continuum numerical simulation reproduced the weakening
mechanics in solid, porous and incompressible along the main listric normal fault and along the
media with pore pressure and fluid mechanical cou- LANF according to the model of the thick fault the-
pling. The analysis program implements algorithms ory described by Lecomte et al. (2012).
for solving contact problems, large deformations In the first case tested without strain softening,
and large displacements. TECTOS is also able to the plastic yield along the main normal fault was
represent different constitutive elastic –plastic and restricted (Fig. 7a) and there was neither nucleation
viscous models such as the Maxwell, double creep of the LANF nor significant stress rotation. In the
and power law creep models. The TECTOS package second case with strain softening, plastic yielding
simulates multi-scale evolutionary models in time. along the main normal fault is widespread (Fig.
The finite element model has four elastic layers 7b) and there was both nucleation of the LANF
with a Mohr –Coulomb constitutive model above and clockwise rotation of the stress field in such a
the viscous salt layer (Fig. 6). We used a Maxwell way that the maximum principal stress (SR) became

Fig. 6. Finite element mesh with five layers defined based on the seismic section in Figures 1 and 2. Model
properties: shale (yellow), Young’s modulus E ¼ 5 GPa, Poisson’s ratio v ¼ 0.28, f ¼ 308, r ¼ 2100 kg m23;
shale/sandstone 1 (orange), E ¼ 15 GPa, v ¼ 0.28, f ¼ 288, r ¼ 2325 kg m23; shale/sandstone 2 (green),
E ¼ 30 GPa, v ¼ 0.18, f ¼ 248, r ¼ 2400 kg m23; shale/carbonate (dark blue), E ¼ 45 GPa, v ¼ 0.20, f ¼ 268,
r ¼ 2500 kg m23; salt layer (purple), E ¼ 5 GPa, v ¼ 0.48, r ¼ 2200 kg m23, viscosity m ¼ 1018 Pa s. The main
listric normal fault and the LANF were represented with interface elements (light blue): E ¼ 5 GPa, v ¼ 0.25,
r ¼ 2100 kg m23. The model was set fixed along the lateral limit to the right (SSE) and also along the bottom limit.
A 0.8% extension was prescribed towards the left limit of the model (NNW).
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Fig. 7. Results of the numerical simulation; the colour bar represents a plastic yielding index (higher values in red).
(a) First case tested without strain softening: plastic yielding is restricted to the central portion of the main listric
normal fault; there is no nucleation of the LANF. (b) Second case simulated with strain softening: widespread
plastic yielding of the main normal fault; observe the nucleation of the LANF; the white rectangle is the area
detailed in Figure 8.

sub-parallel with the main normal fault and normal White 1989). Since then, crustal-scale faults charac-
to the flank of the salt roller (Figs 3, 6 & 8). The terized by sub-horizontal geometry and extensional
finite element simulation of the proposed model kinematics with large displacements have been
indicates that it is possible to produce clockwise reported by Lavier et al. (1999), Hayman et al.
rotation of the principal stress and nucleation of (2003), Miller & Pavlis (2005), Westaway (2005),
the studied LANF by assuming strain weakening. Johnson (2006), Lavier & Manatschal (2006), Wer-
nicke et al. (2008), Collettini (2011), Morley (2014)
and, more recently, by Pinvidic & Osmundsen
Discussion and conclusions (2016). Nevertheless, the geomechanical model for
sub-horizontal extensional faults is still in debate
Wernicke (1995) reviewed the mechanical paradox (Collettini 2011). Axen (1992) indicated that high
of LANFs, originally described in the Basin and pore pressures and fault weakening are the key ele-
Range extensional province of the western USA ments of the dynamic model. Wdowinski & Axen
(Wernicke 1981; Allmendinger et al. 1983). The (1992) proposed a model with viscous flow in the
paradox refers to the fact that LANFs are both pre- lower crust. Forsyth (1992) relied more on the role
cluded by classic Andersonian fault mechanics of finite strain, suggesting that only LANFs could
(Anderson 1951) and are scarce in the seismological accommodate the large displacements observed in
record (Jackson & McKenzie 1983; Jackson & regional extensional provinces.
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Fig. 8. Detail of the numerical simulation results of the second case tested with strain softening (Fig. 7b).
(a) Maximum stress bars before loading: observe that the principal stress is sub-vertical or slightly orthogonal to the
main normal fault. (b) Maximum stress bars after loading: observe the clockwise rotation of the stress field and the
intensification of the principal stress caused by the flow of the salt along the footwall of the main normal fault.

Wernicke (1995) also suggested that LANFs Following the idea of Wdowinski & Axen (1992),
actually nucleate and propagate at a low angle, prob- we suggest that the rotation of the maximum princi-
ably because of the rotation of the principal stress pal stress from the vertical is caused by channelized
axes, and that their activity has a recurrence time viscous flow of the underlying salt constrained
one order of magnitude longer than the seismicity along the footwall of a major Andersonian listric
of high-angle normal faults. Other researchers have normal fault (Fig. 3). According to the kinematics
proposed that LANFs represent either the rotation of of this geomechanical approach, the observed
normal faults (Proffett 1977; Jackson & McKenzie LANFs (blue faults; Fig. 2) could have been nucle-
1983; Buck 1988; Jackson & White 1989; Lavier ated as sub-horizontal Mohr –Coulomb shear frac-
et al. 1999) or the downdip coalescence of listric tures. Following the energy balance approach of
normal faults (Hayman et al. 2003; Miller & Pavlis Forsyth (1992), after nucleation they easily propa-
2005). Healy (2009) proposed that LANFs could be gate at a low angle according to Byerlee’s law of
related to anisotropic poroelastic models. friction (Byerlee 1978), accumulating the observed
We interpret the studied extensional faults 1 km displacement, which is one order of magnitude
as salt-related active LANFs formed under very larger than the displacement of the coeval normal
low effective stress at shallow sedimentary suc- faults (orange and green faults; Fig. 2). Forsyth
cessions close to the seafloor, where poroelastic (1992) observed that Anderson’s theory of faulting
effects, including poroelastic anisotropy, are strong. was developed for infinitesimal strain only and
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Fig. 9. Sketch of the east– west section through the Gjallar Ridge (Voring Basin, offshore Norway; modified from
Pinvidic & Osmundsen 2016; K, Cretaceous; no vertical exaggeration). The T-envelope represents a series of
high-amplitude seismic reflectors with dome shapes below the structural highs of the Gjallar Ridge. We interpreted
the white normal fault in the western part of the section and the stress rotation assuming that the T-envelope is a
rheological boundary at the top of a viscous lower crust or upper mantle.

only includes the energy necessary to overcome the which is similar to the relief of the salt layer in the
friction resistance of the fault plane. He proposed a studied area (compare Figs 2 & 9).
model that also included the energy necessary to LANFs characterize the structural style of
overcome the flexural resistance and isostatic regional extensional provinces (Wernicke 2009;
adjustment along the fault zone to evaluate the finite Collettini 2011), which can evolve to the continen-
extension. He observed that the maximum accumu- tal break-up phase of the Wilson cycle. Numerical
lated displacement along a single fault for the same experiments with large strains indicated that the
regional stress is inversely proportional to the lithospheric-scale strain localization that enables
dip-angle of the fault. According to this model, continental plate tectonics to create such weak
one single LANF accommodates a finite displace- plate boundaries is related to a rheological process
ment at least one order of magnitude larger than of strain weakening (Gueydan et al. 2014). Corre-
the average displacement of the coeval set of Ander- spondingly, our numerical experiment showed
sonian normal faults. that we need to assume strain weakening to pro-
We suggest that the proposed geomechanical duce the stress rotation required to nucleate
model is general enough to encompass crustal-scale the observed LANFs. We therefore conclude that
LANFs because of the striking rheological analogy LANFs at any scale are related to viscoelastic rhe-
(Buck 1991, 1993; Wdowinski & Axen 1992; Lav- ological models with strain weakening behaviour
ier et al. 1999). The proposed model fully endorses that can produce rotation of the stress field and
the low effective stress hypothesis (Axen 1992; nucleation of Coulomb shear fractures with
Nur & Walder 1992) and also the poroelastic aniso- low-angle dips.
tropic effects (Healy 2009) that can generate the The studied area corresponds to a distal domain
differential stress required for fault nucleation. of the Santos Basin, where the stress state related
Compared with the lower plate rheology, the pro- to gravitational gliding above the salt layer is mostly
posed hypothesis of viscous flow (Wdowinski & compressive (Cobbold & Szatmari 1989). This is a
Axen 1992) is between the end-members of an further argument for the hypothesis that the studied
inviscid fluid (Forsyth 1992; Lavier et al. 1999) fault system and the LANFs were produced by
and a material with a high shear traction (Yin localized extension of the basement associated
1989; Melosh 1990), so the Maxwell viscous flow with intraplate tectonics. The role of basement reac-
approach for rheology is also reliable. tivation during the evolution of the southeastern
The geometric analogy of the relief of the salt continental margin of Brazil has been widely
layer in the studied area with the relief of viscous reported and supports this hypothesis (Cobbold
layers in the lower plate related to crustal-scale et al. 2001; Fetter 2009; Alves et al. 2017). It is
LANFs is also noteworthy. We suggest that the important to point out that in the proximal domain
crustal-scale LANFs observed at Gjallar Ridge of the Santos Basin, the structural style of the ex-
(Fig. 9) (modified from Pinvidic & Osmundsen tensional environment related to salt gravitational
2016) could also be produced by stress rotation gliding, with listric fault/rollover systems (Cob-
associated with the relief of the ridge structure, bold & Szatmari 1989), is completely different
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Estimating friction in normal fault systems of the Basin and Range

province and examining its geological context
Department of Geosciences and Lowell Institute for Mineral Resources, University
of Arizona, 1040 East Fourth Street, Tucson, AZ 85721-0077, USA

Abstract: The life cycle of a fault following initiation is governed in part by the reshear criterion,
of which rock surface friction is the critical factor limiting the dip of a fault at its death. Using struc-
tural restorations where the initial and final dips of faults can be ascertained, the coefficient of rock
surface friction is calculated for well-characterized extended locales (n ¼ 20) in the Basin and
Range province, many with multiple fault generations (n ¼ 34). The calculated values exhibit a
considerably wider range (0.19–1.33) than previously reported. The amount of tilting associated
with each fault generation is compared with eight characteristics (mean slip magnitude, tilting
per unit of slip, fault spacing, percentage extension, absence or presence and composition of mag-
matism, duration of extension, timing of extension and strain rate). No statistically strong correla-
tion was found with any of the examined characteristics, although tentative linkages were noted
with percentage extension, strain rate and mean slip magnitude from weighted regression analysis.
These results are consistent with normal faults behaving as non-linear systems, with friction being
an emergent property.

Fault mechanics can help guide our thinking on the are constrained from geological data and cross-
nature of continental extension (e.g. Axen 2004), cutting relationships. The coefficient of rock surface
providing insights regarding the geometric evolution friction can be estimated with the assumption that a
of fault systems, the potential controls on fault activ- new fault initiates because the frictional resistance
ity, dormancy, death, and the role of fluid migration of the fault could not be overcome, rather than
in actively extending regions. Following initiation, because of a change in the local stress field.
normal faults can repeatedly reuse a fault plane There were two aims to this study. The first was
within a fault zone and undergo tilting concurrent to quantitatively estimate the coefficient of rock sur-
with slip, as governed by the reshear criterion. Tilt- face friction in natural normal fault systems follow-
ing is controlled by the coefficient of rock surface ing the approach of Sibson (1994), but with a much
friction. The coefficient of rock surface friction is larger sample set from the Basin and Range prov-
an experimentally determined value from rock ince (Fig. 1), to assess the applicability of the coef-
deformation experiments (e.g. Byerlee 1978). Sib- ficient of rock surface friction values of Byerlee
son (1994) developed a relationship from which to (1978). The second was to examine possible factors
calculate such values from natural geological set- and controls on tilting in this style of rotational pla-
tings that have cross-cutting normal faults. Sibson nar normal fault systems. A number of alternative
(1994) found that many fault systems, regardless of names are used to describe these extensional fault
the tectonic regime, had frictional values within systems, including domino-style, bookshelf faulting
the range 0.6–0.85 reported by Byerlee (1978). and block tilting. For consistency, we utilize the
Since the publication of the paper by Sibson term rotational planar normal faulting, as described
(1994), studies in the Basin and Range province by Wernicke & Burchfiel (1982). We examine eight
have continued to identify locales with multiple factors that might play a part: mean slip magnitude;
sets of superimposed normal faults that initiated at tilting per unit of slip; fault spacing; percentage
high angles, rotated to lower angles and were then extension; the absence/presence and composition of
cut by faults of younger generations (e.g. Emmons synextensional magmatism; the duration of exten-
1907; Morton & Black 1975; Proffett 1977). Much sion; the timing of extension; and the strain rate.
of the work in these areas also included detailed We make explicit several assumptions in this paper:
studies of the timing of extension and related mag- (1) all work discussed here is restricted to the brittle
matism (e.g. Gans et al. 1989; Hudson et al. 2000; regime with temperatures c. ,3008C (Voll 1976;
Konstantinou et al. 2013) and this compilation Kerrich et al. 1977; Crider & Peacock 2004); (2)
draws on areas with superimposed generations of the stress trajectories do not deviate with depth,
normal faults. The initial and final dips of the faults although this has been invoked by some to suggest

From: Turner, J. P., Healy, D., Hillis, R. R. & Welch, M. J. (eds) Geomechanics and Geology.
Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 458,
# 2017 The Author(s). Published by The Geological Society of London. All rights reserved.
For permissions: Publishing disclaimer:
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Fig. 1. Map of southwestern North America showing the limits of the Basin and Range province, the Colorado
Plateau transition zone and the Great Basin, and the extended field areas discussed in this paper. Modified from
Seedorff (1991a), Dickinson (2006) and Richardson & Seedorff (2015). Locales are: 1, Yerington district; 2,
Stillwater Range; 3, Tobin Range; 4, Caetano Caldera; 5, Lewis district and Mill Creek area, northern Shoshone
Range; 6, Hilltop district, northern Shoshone Range; 7, Ruby-East Humboldt metamorphic core complex; 8, Spruce
Mountain; 9, Hunter district; 10, Robinson district; 11, Snake Range metamorphic core complex; 12, Royston
prospect; 13, Hall deposit; 14, Tonopah district; 15, Goldfield district; 16, Eldorado Mountains; 17, Mt Perkins; 18,
White Picacho and Sheep Mountains districts, Wickenburg; 19, Tea Cup system; 20, Romero Wash-Tecolote Ranch;
21, Lemitar Mountains; and 22, Sierra Mazatán metamorphic core complex.

the low-angle initiation of normal faults (e.g. Par- Traditional factors in extensional fault
sons & Thompson 1993; Axen et al. 2015); and mechanics
(3) pore fluid pressure does not play a part in the ini-
tiation of normal faults, but may allow normal faults Principles of Andersonian – Byerlee fault
to continue to slip at a low angle because minerali- mechanics
zation and associated hydrothermal fluid flow syn-
chronous with faulting is widely documented in Faults in the Earth’s brittle upper crust are discrete
ore deposits and active geothermal systems (e.g. discontinuities where offset is accomplished along
Dreier 1984; Sibson 1987; Micklethwaite 2009; compressional shear fractures. The classification
Faulds et al. 2015; Rhys et al. 2015). of any one fault (normal, reverse, strike-slip, or a
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Table 1. Abbreviations used in text internal friction and sn is the normal stress. Typical
values of mi from deformation experiments range
Notation Definition between 0.5 and 1.0 (Hoek 1965), but values greater
than unity are reported for igneous and strong sedi-
s1 Maximum principal stress mentary rocks (Axen 2004). In Mohr circle space
s2 Intermediate principal stress (Fig. 2), with sn as the x-axis and t as the y-axis,
s3 Minimum principal stress the Coulomb failure criterion is controlled by C0
t Shear stress
(the y-intercept) and mi (the slope of the line).
sn Normal stress
C0 Cohesive strength Note that mi can also be written as tan f, with f
f Angle of internal friction equal to 908 minus 2Q; Q is the acute angle between
mi Coefficient of internal friction s1 and the fault plane at the initiation of faulting.
Q Angle between maximum principal stress The Mohr circle approximates the two-dimensional
and fault plane stress field between s1 and s3, with s2 in and out of
ms Coefficient of rock surface friction the plane. A line representing the initiation of fault
Pf Pore fluid pressure failure is plotted as the radius of the Mohr circle
Ql Angle of frictional lock-up between the using the angle 2Q, with the angle being measured
maximum principal stress and the fault
from the s3 (left) side of the circle (Fig. 2).
Q∗r Angle of optimum reactivation between Following initiation, faults are observed to
the maximum principal stress and the repeatedly reutilize a fault plane and undergo tilting
fault plane concurrent with slip, rather than initiating a new
s′1 Effective maximum principal stress fault plane for every slip event (King et al. 1988;
s′2 Effective intermediate principal stress Stein et al. 1988). The continual reutilization of
s′3 Effective minimum principal stress the fault plane is characterized by Amonton’s law
d Dip or angle from horizontal of a planar (hereafter referred to as the reshear criterion):
t = C0 + ms × (sn − Pf ), (2)
combination thereof ) is a function of the orienta-
where ms is the coefficient of rock surface friction
tions of the three principal stress axes (s1 . s2 .
(also known as sliding or Byerlee friction), and Pf
s3 where compression is reckoned to be positive;
is the pore fluid pressure. Experimentally deter-
all oriented in directions of zero shear stress) and
mined values for ms lie in the range 0.6–0.85 (Bye-
the disrupted geometry across the resultant fault
rlee 1978). Faults in the reshear criterion are
plane at the time of fault initiation (see Table 1
commonly given a lower, if not zero, cohesive
for definitions of abbreviations used). Anderson
strength than intact rock, as a result of the difficulty
(1905, 1951) developed this dynamic classification
in separating the relative cohesive strengths of a
with two major assumptions: (1) two of the principal
fault from its country rock and in determining the
compressive stress axes are oriented at 908 to one
effective lithostatic pressure (Donath & Cranwell
another along the Earth’s surface and the third is
1981; Etheridge 1986; Nur et al. 1986; Choi &
orthogonal to the other two and perpendicular to
Buck 2012). Axen (2004) points out an important
the Earth’s surface; and (2) faults form as planar sur-
component of the experimental work of Byerlee
faces containing s2 and inclined at an angle to s1,
(1978). The ‘ranges’ commonly cited are in actual-
with the initial angle controlled by the coefficient
ity two trends, (1) a low-pressure (normal stresses
of internal friction. Planes of maximum tangential
5 –200 MPa) trend with a fit of
stress will be oriented at 458 between s1 and s3
and normal to s2, but planes of shear failure are
found to nucleate with an acute angle (22 –328) t = 0.85 × sn (3)
from s1 to s3 and containing s2 (Sibson 2002; Jae-
ger et al. 2007). These planes of shear failure are the and (2) a high-pressure (normal stresses 200–
initial fault planes and develop through repeated 2000 MPa) trend with a fit of
earthquake events.
Fault initiation is most commonly approximated t = 0.6 × sn + 50 MPa. (4)
in compressional Mohr circle space with the Cou-
lomb failure criterion for brittle failure: Axen (2004) determined the low-pressure trend
characterized the crust to depths of c. 20.6 km by
t = C0 + mi × s n , (1) solving the low-pressure trend with the effective
lithostatic stress, a maximum normal stress of
where t is the shear stress, C0 is initial cohesive 200 MPa and the maximum differential stress (i.e.
strength of unfaulted rock, mi is the coefficient of s3 ¼ 0). Thus if the low-pressure trend of Byerlee
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Fig. 2. Fault mechanics and geometrical relationships in normal fault systems. (a) Mohr diagram of shear stress
against normal stress, with the Coulomb failure envelope and cohesionless reshear envelope illustrating the stress
conditions required for fault failure to occur. The shaded area of the plotted Mohr circle represents the range of 2Q
orientations under the imposed stress field that would fail. Modified from Davis & Reynolds (1996, fig. 5.48) and
Sibson (2000). (b) Range of permissible orientations for normal faults with respect to s1 under typical ranges of
rock surface friction. Modified from Collettini & Sibson (2001). (c) Initiation of first normal fault in the upper crust
with bedding shown to demonstrate how to determine Q and dip (d) from the initial cut-off angle. (d) Tilting of first
normal fault to frictional lock-up with the initiation of a mechanically favourable high-angle second normal fault.
(e) Continued tilting and dismemberment of first normal fault by second fault (c– e modified from Sibson
1994, fig. 4).

(1978) were to characterize the entirety of the brittle values of ms corresponding to greater amounts of
crust, the expected tilting in normal fault systems tilting prior to fault lock-up than higher ms values
would be c. 208, in stark contrast with the high because lower values allow more potential orienta-
amounts of tilting observed in many extended tions to serve as failure planes (Fig. 2a). Normal
locales. In addition, fault cohesion plays a part in faults tilt as they slip, decreasing in dip, until it is
the high-pressure data, despite it commonly being energetically more favourable to initiate a new
dropped from equation (2), because it is observed fault plane than to continue reshearing along the
to be negligible in relation to other values near the existing fault plane and to overcome the frictional
surface. Fault cohesion increases with depth and resistance; this process is known as frictional
may increase during interseismic intervals but is lock-up (Thatcher & Hill 1991; Hill & Thatcher
commonly ignored in papers on fault mechanics 1992). Frictional lock-up is represented by the
(Jamison & Cook 1980; Angevine et al. 1982; Ten- increasing 2Q angle (represented by a line originat-
thorey & Cox 2006, fig. 10). Consequently, the ing from the radius in the Mohr circle and plotting a
reshear criterion commonly originates at the origin point on the circumference of the Mohr circle) until
in the Mohr circle space, lies below the Coulomb the point along the Mohr circle circumference plots
failure criterion, and mechanically governs much below the reshear criterion, at which time slip along
of the life cycle of a fault (Fig. 2c–e). The slope the fault is mechanically unfeasible. The final Q
of the reshear criterion is defined as ms, with lower value limits possible values for ms through the
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following equation from Sibson (1974, 1985, 1994), resolved onto a normal fault that dips at low angles
where Q∗r is the optimum reactivation angle and Ql (Jackson & White 1989; Collettini & Sibson 2001;
is the angle of frictional lock-up: Hreinsdóttir & Bennett 2009).
Ql = 2Q∗r = arctan . (5) Fault rock composition and variability
Fault zones, both the fault core and the fault dam-
Pore fluid pressure age/process zones, can be highly variable along-
strike or downdip in lithology, deformation style
A wealth of research on the role of pore fluid pres- and fault rock composition. The presence of materi-
sure on unfavourably oriented slip in fault sys- als, such as foliated phyllosilicates with relatively
tems has been conducted over the last half-century low values for ms, has also been used to account for
(Hubbert & Rubey 1959; Rubey & Hubbert 1959; low-angle slip in normal fault systems (Collettini &
Sibson 1973, 2000; Axen 1992, 2004; Healy 2009; Holdsworth 2004; Collettini et al. 2005; Numelin
Collettini 2011). In a fluid-saturated rock with a et al. 2007; Behnsen & Faulkner 2012). Debate con-
pore fluid pressure (Pf), the principal stresses are tinues on the topics of the necessary proportion of
reduced and become effective principal stresses: phyllosilicates needed to weaken a fault, how this
s′2 = (s2 − Pf ), s′2 = (s2 − Pf ), s′3 = (s3 − Pf ). varies depending on the fault rock type and how
The effective principal stresses shift the Mohr circle this scales from discrete areas to an entire fault (Jeff-
left towards the origin so that a greater range of dip eries et al. 2006; Collettini et al. 2009a; Niemeijer
values are mechanically feasible under the reshear et al. 2010; Collettini 2011). Thus the application
criterion. Although elevated pore fluid pressure of the frictional properties of phyllosilicates to char-
has been suggested as a satisfactory mechanism to acterize an entire fault is questionable if phyllosili-
explain slip on unfavourably oriented faults (e.g. cates are not a major constituent of the entire fault
Sibson 1990), the mere presence or absence of fluids and compose a continuous network (Collettini
in a fault zone is not evidence for low-angle slip. 2011). In addition, the depth range in which these
Many locales have evidence for fluid flow along materials with low values of ms can form varies min-
low-angle fault zones (e.g. chloritic breccias in eralogically but is typically viewed as forming
fault rocks in metamorphic core complexes; Davis within 8 km of the surface (Collettini et al.
2013); however, other field sites (e.g. Carlin-type 2009b). This suggests that low ms values attributed
and epithermal-type deposits; Micklethwaite et al. to phyllosilicates are restricted to the upper parts
2010) show evidence for more than ample syntec- of faults by virtue of the limited stability at depth.
tonic fluid circulation, yet the faults do not tilt Nonetheless, the stability of phyllosilicates may
beyond dips that are mechanically unfavourable in extend to greater depths than previously predicted
fluid-free environments. Thus there must be other (Schmalholz & Podladchikov 2014; Wheeler 2014).
factors operating alongside pore fluid pressure that
enhance or inhibit tilting and low-angle normal Fault interactions
fault slip.
The interaction, growth and rupture history of an
Principal stress trajectories individual fault play a significant part in the long-
term evolution of a fault system. Fault interaction
An implicit assumption behind Andersonian fault is commonly characterized by two main types: (1)
mechanics is that the principal stress trajectories hard linkage, where two faults become physically
do not deviate with depth but remain constant. linked and the resultant fault plane has a new geom-
One of the primary advantages of a rotated stress etry; and (2) soft linkage, where faults interact
field is that it allows the initiation and slip of low- through their overlapping stress fields (Gupta &
angle normal faults, such as the detachment faults Scholz 2000) or via ductile strain of the rock volume
associated with metamorphic core complexes. This between two faults (Walsh & Watterson 1991). Soft
has been suggested by previous workers (Yin linkage between faults is largely the result of the
1989; Parsons & Thompson 1993), but field evi- interaction of the stress fields of individual faults
dence for rotated palaeostress fields has been within a fault system, which evolves over time due
scant until recent work (Axen et al. 2015), which to the stress changes in the surrounding region of a
suggests this may be a permissible hypothesis. discrete fault following a slip event. Scholz (2007)
One line of evidence commonly cited to support describes three main styles of soft linkage in normal
Andersonian stress trajectories and standard fault fault systems. The first style is pinning, where two
mechanics is the preponderance of moderate to faults propagate along-strike until they are overlap-
steep dips from active normal fault earthquakes, ping and within the stress shadow of the other fault’s
with no large-magnitude seismic events confidently tip, where further propagation is reduced and
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eventually ceases. Each fault’s displacement pro- interactions and properties of the local entities.
file is then shifted towards the overlapping tips Fault systems display diverse evolutionary patterns
from the idealized bell curve of an isolated normal in terms of structural style and deformation that
fault as the faults continue to accumulate displace- are recognized at a variety of scales, yet are unpre-
ment without elongating along-strike (Peacock & dictable based on local interactions of inputs (Nav-
Sanderson 1994; Contreras et al. 2000). The second arro 2002). This unpredictability produces order,
style is coalescence, where the net result of displace- but with elements of chaos due to the non-linearity
ment along multiple faults within a fault system of the local interactions of the inputs.
resembles that of a single fault (Contreras et al. It is thus apparent that there are a multitude of
2000). The third style is nucleation inhibition, questions in fault mechanics that are still highly
where the stress shadows of larger, slightly older debated. How important are fluids and to what
(but not necessarily of a different generation) faults degree can their presence account for variable tilt?
will prevent new faults from forming (Ackermann & How consistent are stress trajectories with depth?
Schlische 1997). How widespread and consistent are low-friction
The timescale of fault interactions is crucial in phyllosilicates? These are all crucial questions that
the short-term (tens to 10 000s of years) evolution warrant further attention and highlight the debate
of a fault system, as they can trigger or inhibit slip that continues in the fault mechanics community.
within the fault system (e.g. King et al. 1994; Hubert However, there are a number of other factors that
et al. 1996; Beeler et al. 2000). Wallace (1984, are commonly invoked by field geologists working
1987) suggested that this variation in activity is in highly extended regions, to which we now turn
also displayed at the wider scale of entire exten- our attention.
sional provinces, where zones of concentrated,
active deformation (i.e. the Central Nevada Seismic
Zone) spatially migrate over time in the Basin and Methods
Range province. The continual modification of the
local stress field by hundreds to thousands of slip This study examines the geological conditions that
events in a fault system, as well as the regional can influence the mechanical evolution of highly
migration in activity, would lead to a highly com- extended, tilted areas. Using previously published
plex stress pattern. The above factors clearly play palinspastic structural restorations and observations
a significant part in the local evolution of fault sys- from extensionally faulted areas within the Basin
tems, but questions remain as to whether stress inter- and Range province (Fig. 2c– e), we estimate ms val-
actions can permanently deactivate faults and how ues, which are calculated for each generation of
far stress interactions can impact the activity of faults at each extended locale using equation (5)
faults beyond the immediate vicinity of the fault sys- (from Sibson 1985, 1994). Table 2 compiles the val-
tem (Jackson 1999). Teasing out the influence of ues of ms with the associated geological characteris-
fault interactions in the evolution of a fault system tics of faulting, such as geochronology (both timing
is clearly a difficult enterprise – particularly in and duration), the percentage extension, the strain
dead fault systems. rate, the presence/absence of synextensional mag-
Natural fault systems are inherently complex, matism and composition, the mean amount of slip
emergent systems with a large number of interacting per fault set, the fault spacing, the amount of tilting
elements. Systems can be fundamentally viewed as and the amount of tilting per unit slip. The calcu-
two distinct classes: linear and non-linear. In linear lated values of ms capture the mechanical and tilting
systems, the products of the system are proportional history of a fault assuming Andersonian stress tra-
to one or more of the inputs; however, most natural jectories. Synextensional magmatism is defined as
systems are fundamentally non-linear and may igneous activity that occurs nearly contemporane-
appear chaotic or unpredictable due to the non- ously with extensional tectonism. This is typically
linearity of the interactions of the inputs (Holland in the form of volcanism, but intrusions such as
1998). Non-linear systems have outputs that are dykes are also represented in the data table. A key
not directly proportional to the inputs, but some assumption in this work is that, at each location, a
can be solved with linear approximations. Emergent new generation of faults develops because it is
systems are a subset of non-linear systems where mechanically unfavourable to reutilize the older
larger entities arise through interactions of smaller generation of faults, not because there was a change
or simpler entities. Those entities, although affect- in the regional/local stress regime.
ing the outputs, generally fail the statistical tests of
correlation applicable to linear systems. The chief Palinspastic structural restorations
characteristic of complex systems is the self-
organization (e.g. emergence) of an overall behav- Palinspastic structural restorations have been used
iour that is not determined solely by the individual for over a century to test structural hypotheses and
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interpretations in deformed terrains (Ransome et al. material gains and losses between the different sec-
1910; Wernicke & Axen 1988; Smith et al. 1991; tion states (Lingrey & Vidal-Royo 2015).
Karlstrom et al. 2010). Although this technique In areas where the extensional direction changes
is not unique, some previously studied localities between superimposed fault generations, cross-
with palinspastic structural restorations were not sectional restorations are not recommended because
included due to outstanding questions around the material is moving in and out of section and thus
initial dips of faults and/or the absence of a well- material balance fails. In these situations, the alter-
defined pre-extensional datum to use in restorations native approach of fault surface maps (also referred
(e.g. the Eureka district, Nevada; Di Fiori et al. to as Allan diagrams after Allan 1989), where geo-
2015; Hoge et al. 2015). logical maps of the hanging wall and footwall of a
Most palinspastic restorations are two-dimen- fault are constructed and the hanging wall map is
sional, cross-sectional reconstructions, oriented par- then restored over the footwall (see Seedorff et al.
allel to the slip direction, and aim to maintain the 2015 for a detailed description of the methodology).
material balance (i.e. conserve volume) between Fault surface maps are particularly useful where
the deformed state and the restored (initial) state there are abundant subsurface piercements of faults,
sections (Dahlstrom 1969). The palinspastic restora- such as in densely drilled mining districts (e.g. the
tions compiled in this study primarily utilized rigid- Yerington district; Richardson & Seedorff 2015).
body translations and rotations of fault blocks Some of the palinspastic restorations were not con-
(sometimes called jigsaw restorations) involving lit- structed with material balance fully maintained
tle to no distortion of the rock units along the fault between the deformed and initial state sections
by folding to approximate the observed deformation and were instead schematic restorations that cap-
(Gibbs 1983; Lingrey & Vidal-Royo 2015). Mate- tured many of the geological constraints (e.g.
rial balance is represented in two-dimensional resto- amount of slip, tilting of pre/synextensional units,
rations by area balance and line-length balance fault spacing) and conveyed the structural evolution
(Woodward et al. 1989) between the deformed of the locales, but were not rigorous structural resto-
and restored state sections. Line-length balance is rations in terms of maintaining area balance (e.g.
typically utilized in restorations through contrac- Mount Perkins, Sierra Mazatán metamorphic core
tional settings, where the thrust faults predomi- complex; Faulds et al. 1995; Wong & Gans 2008).
nantly involve sedimentary cover rocks (e.g. the The geological evidence and documentation of
Sevier thrust belt; DeCelles 1994). In settings such fault orientations in these locales and their relation-
as the eastern Great Basin, polyphase structural ships with strata that can determine their initial con-
deformation complicates palinspastic restorations figuration are nonetheless still valid and were
due to the pre-extensional geometry already being integrated into this study. The palinspastic restora-
in a deformed state, which increases the number of tion methods used for each locale are listed in
potentially valid retrodeformations, except where Table 2. The number of localities utilized in this
flat-lying, pre-extensional strata constrain the initial study prevents even a cursory discussion of each
fault orientations (e.g. Gans & Miller 1983; Miller of their geological and structural histories; however,
et al. 1999; Pape et al. 2016). The pre-extensional the highly extended Tea Cup prospect is selected
strata need to be observed to: (1) mantle the stratig- and discussed in detail to illustrate the how the
raphy and contractional structures and thus define data in Table 2 were generated.
the pre-extensional (or initial state) architecture;
and (2) be offset by extensional structures. This is Locality example: Tea Cup porphyry system,
highlighted in areas such as Spruce Mountain,
where the primary structural markers for restora-
tions were previously deformed Palaeozoic strata The southwestern North America porphyry copper
and an iterative approach progressively modifying province, one of the world’s major sources of cop-
the pre-extensional architecture was used to produce per, molybdenum and rhenium, is predominantly a
a valid reconstruction that satisfied the existing geo- result of mineralization related to magmatism of
logical constraints (Elliott 1983; Pape et al. 2016). the Laramide arc from c. 80–45 Ma; the portion in
Many of the locales in this study lack a ‘layer southern Arizona hosts c. 60% of the known Lara-
cake’ stratigraphy and instead are dominated by plu- mide porphyry copper deposits (Leveille & Stegen
tonic rocks; as such, line-length balance is poorly 2012). Mineral exploration was heavily influenced
suited to address palinspastic restorations in these by the Lowell (1968) and Lowell & Guilbert
locales, and instead area balance is utilized. Area (1970) model of alteration-mineralization zonation
balance strives to maintain the area of each rock in porphyry systems; they were among the first to
unit in cross-section between the deformed and recognize the significance of extensional dismem-
initial state sections and to minimize overlaps and berment and tilting in the Basin and Range province
gaps between fault blocks because these represent (Wilkins & Heidrick 1995). Despite over a hundred
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Table 2. Geochronological, magmatic and structural data

Map Locality Fault di df Dd uf ms Average Tilting per Fault

No. generation fault slip unit slip spacing
(km) (8 km21) (km)*

1 Yerington district, Nevada Second 70 35 35 55 0.70 3.2 10.9 0.7

Third 60 42 18 48 0.90 1.4 12.9 0.6

3 Tobin Range, Nevada First 66 41.5 25 48.5 0.88 0.5 49.0 0.7
4 Caetano Caldera, Nevada First 65 20 45 70 0.36 4.0 11.3 1.5
5 Lewis district and Mill Creek area, First 60 20 40 70 0.36 1.0 40.0 0.5
northern Shoshone Range,
6 Hilltop district, northern Shoshone First 55 25 30 65 0.47 0.4 75.0 0.3
Range, Nevada
7 Ruby-Humboldt metamorphic core First 53 11 42 79 0.19 14.0 3.0 2.7
complex, Nevada
8 Spruce Mountain district, Nevada First 47 15 32 75 0.27 1.8 18.3
Second 65 42 23 48 0.90 1.0 23.0 1.9
Fourth 77 30 47 60 0.58 1.5 31.3 1.8
9 Hunter district, Nevada First 63 25 38 65 0.47 3.0 12.7 0.4

Second 71 42 29 48 0.90 1.0 29.0 7.9

11 Snake Range metamorphic core First 60 20 40 70 0.36 1.5 26.7 1.2
complex, Nevada/Utah

Second 60 20 40 70 0.36 1.1 36.4 0.2

12 Royston district, Nevada First 60 35 25 55 0.70 3.2 7.8 0.9
Second 60 35 25 55 0.70 1.2 21.4 0.4
13 Hall district, Nevada First 65 35 30 55 0.70 1.8 16.7

Second 68 31 37 59 0.60 2.8 13.2 0.6

14 Tonopah district, Nevada First 70 35 35 55 0.70 0.5 70.0 0.1
15 Goldfield district, Nevada First 45 28 17 62 0.53 0.4 42.5 0.2
16 Eldorado Mountains, Nevada First 90 20 70 70 0.36

17 Mount Perkins, Arizona First 70 18 52 72 0.32 5.5 9.5

18 White Picacho and Sheep First 65 19 46 71 0.34 5.2 8.8 0.8
Mountains districts,
Wickenburg, Arizona
Third 64 47 17 43 1.07 0.5 34.0 2.4
19 Tea Cup porphyry system, Kelvin First 75 45 30 45 1.00 3.0 10.0 1.9
and Riverside mining districts,
Second 60 30 30 60 0.58 4.5 6.7 1.6
Third 67 46 21 44 1.04 2.0 10.5 4.2
20 Romero Wash-Tecolote Ranch, First 72 42 30 48 0.90 1.3 23.1 2.3

Second 60 40 20 50 0.84 2.7 7.4 3.7

Third 59 39 20 51 0.81 1.7 11.8 3.0
Fourth 63 53 10 37 1.33 1.4 7.1 3.1
21 Lemitar Mountains, New Mexico First 72 44 28 46 0.97 1.3 21.5 0.5

Second 55 42 13 48 0.90 0.5 26.0 0.4

22 Sierra Mazatán metamorphic core First 60 15 45 75 0.27 15.0 3.0
complex, Sonora, Mexico

*Fault block thickness based on thickness normal to fault planes, not horizontal separation at modern/palaeosurface.
†Magmatism codes are as follows: A, andesite; B, basalt; BA, basaltic andesite; D, dacite; N, no magmatism; R, rhyolite; RD, rhyodacite.

years of significant exploration and mining in the system ‘model’ from the increased number of obser-
region, continued exploration has led to the discov- vations (Seedorff et al. 2008; Hehnke et al. 2012).
ery of new deposits (e.g. Resolution), better under- Tea Cup is one such system that has benefited
standing and the refinement of the porphyry from decades of activity in east-central Arizona,
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Percentage Synextensional Timing of Duration of Strain rate (s21) Palinspastic Source

extension magmatism† extension (Ma) extension restoration
(Ma) method‡

169.0 D–A 13.8 –12.6 1.2 4.48 × 10212 JS, FSM, AB Proffett (1977), Proffett &
Dilles (1984), Dilles &
Gans (1995), Stockli et al.
(2002), Richardson &
Seedorff (2015)
5.3 BA 11 –8 3 5.56 × 10214
36 R– (B?) 24.72 –14.0 12.11 8.58 × 10214 JS, AB Gonsior & Dilles (2008)
114 B– BA– R? 16 –(10 –12) 5 7.23 × 10213 JS, AB Colgan et al. (2008)
189 D ,36 JS, AB Colgan et al. (2014)

50 D ,36 JS, AB Colgan et al. (2014),

Richardson et al. (2016)
190 R– RD? (17 –15) –(12 –10) 5 JS, AB Colgan et al. (2010)

42 N c. 38 JS, AB Pape et al. (2016)

18 N c. 38
15 N ,38
53 R 36 –27 9 1.87 × 10213 JS Gans & Miller (1983), Gans
et al. (1989), Seedorff
12 N
66 R– D 39 –35 4 5.23 × 10213 JS Gans & Miller (1983), Gans
et al. (1985), Miller et al.
(1983, 1999)
38 N 17 –14 3 4.02 × 10213
200 R– RD 29 –26.7 2.3 2.76 × 10212 JS, AB Seedorff (1991b)
24 R– RD 26.7 –20? 6.7 1.14 × 10213
30 D-A (29 –18) –15? 3–14 JS Shaver & McWilliams
76 N ,15?
50 R 21 –(20.4 –18.7) 1.5 1.06 × 10212 JS Seedorff (1991a)
15 R– RD 21.8 –21.2 0.6 7.93 × 10213 JS Seedorff (1991a)
100 R– B 15.1 –14.1 1 Gans & Landau (1993), Gans
et al. (1994), Gans &
Bohrson (1998), Miller &
Miller (2002)
R– B 15.7 –14 1.7 JS Faulds et al. (1995)
60 N JS, AB Nickerson & Seedorff (2016)

2 N
18 N 25 –15? JS, AB Nickerson et al. (2010),
Wong et al. (2015)

127 N 25 –15?
13 N 25 –15?
122 N 29 –22.5 6.5 5.95 × 10213 JS, AB Dickinson (1991), Favorito
(2016), Favorito &
Seedorff (2017)
37 N 22.5 –21 1.5 7.82 × 10213
16 N 21 –16 5 1.01 × 10213
7 N
132 R– D–A 28.5 –27 1.5 2.79 × 10212 JS Chamberlin (1982, 1983),
Cather et al. (1994)
42 R 12 –7 5 2.66 × 10213
175 D–B 21 –16 5 1.11 × 10212 JS Wong & Gans (2008)

‡Codes for methods used in the palinspastic structural restorations are as follows: AB, area balance; FSM, fault surface map; JS, jigsaw.

with some of the earliest work in the area dating surrounding Proterozoic Ruin Granite. It is currently
back to more than a century ago (Ransome 1903). in fault contact with Oligo-Miocene sedimentary
The Tea Cup porphyry system is hosted in and volcanic rocks (Barton et al. 2005; Nickerson
the c. 72–70 Ma Tea Cup composite pluton and et al. 2010; Nickerson 2012). The timing of
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extension is constrained by the steep dips of Oligo- first fault generations is c. 308, which would require
cene strata. Five generations of normal faults were restoring the second generation faults to dips of c.
identified by exposures of clay gouge and breccias, 60 –658 W, and the first fault generation faults to
the offset of porphyry dykes and, locally, of (syn-) dips of c. 308 W. Evidence for the total amount of
sedimentary rocks, and within the pluton by the tilting in the Tea Cup also come from Oligo-
juxtaposition of hydrothermal alteration types Miocene sedimentary units and Proterozoic diabase
belonging to different levels of the palaeohydrother- sill-like sheets in the Ruin Granite (not shown in
mal system (Nickerson et al. 2010). Faults of the Fig. 3a). Two Oligo-Miocene sedimentary units are
oldest generation strike northwards, dip c. 158 E, present in the Tea Cup area: (1) an upper conglom-
have offsets of ≤3 km and are tilted c. 308 E. Faults erate (Tc in Fig. 3a) with dips of c. 20 –258 E; and
of the second generation strike southwards, dip c. (2) a lower synsedimentary sequence (Ts in
10– 158 W, have offsets between 2 and 7 km and Fig. 3a) with dips of c. 25–458 in its upper half
are tilted c. 308 E. Faults of the third generation and dips of 70–858 at the base of the unit. These
strike southwards, dip c. 458 W, have offsets of c. units are interpreted to be deposited into the hanging
2 km and are tilted c. 218 E. Faults of the fourth gen- walls of the first, second and third fault generations
eration strike c. 1908, dip 708 W, have offsets of c. and then later cut by the fourth and fifth fault gener-
1 km and are tilted c. 58 E. Faults of the fifth gener- ations (Fig. 3b). The diabase sheets were mapped by
ation strike c. 3508, dip c. 708 E, have offsets ≤1 km Nickerson et al. (2010) at near-vertical dips and
and are tilted c. 58 W. The cross-cutting relation- increase in abundance in the upper 1 km of the
ships observed in map pattern are shown in Figure Ruin Granite and overlying Apache Group. These
3a; a detailed discussion of the geological relation- near-vertical dips of the diabase sheets and the
ships between the faults and the constraints used lowermost Ts would be c. 35 –408 E following
in this structural restoration can be found in Nicker- restoration of the first four fault generations (Fig.
son et al. (2010). 3c –f ). Restoring them to horizontal would then
The timing of extensional deformation by the restore the initial fault generation to dips of 758 W
first three generations of faults is constrained to or steeper (Fig. 3g, h). No magmatism accompanied
c. 25 –15 Ma by the offset of variably tilted volcanic the faulting episodes, but Wong et al. (2015)
and synsedimentary cover rocks. A structural resto- documented the presently gently dipping Oligocene
ration of the Tea Cup system (Fig. 3b– h) shows basaltic dykes in the area that were emplaced verti-
c. 210% extension between the five fault genera- cally prior to extensional deformation.
tions. However, only data from the first three gener-
ations of faults are included in Table 2; the latter two
fault generations were excluded due to their high- Results
angle initial dip and minimal associated tilting
(Nickerson et al. 2010). All the characteristics were plotted against the tilting
Following restoration of the fourth and fifth sets, for each fault generation to analyse which factors
faults of the third fault generation would have dips might control tilting (and thus ms). Tilting was
of c. 458 W (see Table 2). Some faults display used instead of ms because 14 of the fault generations
some curvature along their dip profile and, in these have non-Andersonian initial dips (outside the range
situations, the fault dip was measured off its of 58 –688 dips). The use of tilting avoids the issue
upper, steeper portion. The cut-off angle (the acute created by faults with non-Andersonian initial dips
angle between the older and younger faults) and undergoing the same amount of tilting producing
between the third and second fault generations is different calculated friction values, thus implying
c. 218. These cut-off angles provide the amount of different amounts of tilting. For example, assume
tilting that occurred between two fault sets related that three faults (initial dips 75, 60 and 458) all under-
to the younger of the two fault sets. The third fault went 308 of tilting, which yields final dips of 45, 30
generation would restore to c. 618 W, and restore and 158. Using equation (5) from Sibson (1985,
the faults that presently dip c. 10 –158 W to c. 30– 1994), the calculated ms would be 1.00, 0.58 and
358 W. The cut-off angle between the second and 0.27, respectively, which imply three different tilting

Fig. 3. Map, cross-section and palinspastic structural restoration of the Tea Cup system, Arizona. (a) Geological
map of the Tea Cup area. (b) Modern cross-section. (c) Restoration of deformation associated with fifth generation
faults. (d) Restoration of deformation associated with fourth generation faults. (e) Restoration of deformation
associated with third generation faults. (f) Restoration of deformation associated with second generation faults.
(g) Restoration of deformation associated with first-generation faults. (h) Hypothetical Laramide cross-section
showing the composite Tea Cup pluton intrude a basement-cored uplift. The black and maroon lines represent the
modern surface and palaeosurfaces, respectively. Modified from Nickerson et al. (2010).
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histories (15, 30 and 458) rather than the actual 308 data with no observed overall pattern, although the
of tilting. weighted regression resulted in an r 2 value of c.
Both unweighted and weighted linear regres- 0.69. The three data points strongly down-weighted
sions were conducted. The weighted regressions by the weighted regression were the early fault gen-
used the bisquare weighting function (robustfit.m erations associated with large-magnitude extension
in the statistics toolbox of MATLAB). This method over relatively brief time intervals at Yerington,
weights each data point based on its distance from Royston and the Lemitar Mountains.
the unweighted line, then iteratively reweights the
regression matrix to reduce the influence of strong Mean slip magnitude
outliers within datasets that may not be normally
distributed. Calculated ms values are sorted into The mean slip magnitude is defined as the mean
0.05 bins and are shown in Figure 4. of the maximum cumulative slip on all constitu-
ent faults belonging to a single fault generation.
Percentage extension Although the unweighted regression shows no stat-
istical correlation, the weighted regression that
The percentage extension was calculated by the reduces the impact of two data points in the upper
change in length between the undeformed and left (the Sierra Mazatán and Ruby-East Humboldt
deformed states from the structural restorations metamorphic core complexes) has an r 2 value of
for each generation of faults in each extended c. 0.78. More data from other Cordilleran metamor-
locale. No overall statistical correlation was found phic core complexes with faults exhibiting similar
in Figure 5a, but the weighted regression resulted high magnitudes of slip could determine whether
in an r 2 value of c. 0.7. This is due to the down- or not there is a fundamental difference in behaviour
weighting of localities with high-magnitude exten- between extensional faulting within and without
sion (.120%). metamorphic core complexes.

Duration of extension Amount of tilting per unit slip

This dataset was limited relative to the others due to The amount of tilting per unit slip (8 km21) was
the paucity of geochronological data to constrain the determined by dividing the amount of tilting for
timing of movement of faults. No statistical correla- each fault set by the average amount of slip (Fig.
tion was found in Figure 5b. 5e). The scatter indicates no clear correlation.

Strain rate Fault spacing

The corresponding percentage extension and dura- Fault spacing is defined here as the distance between
tion of extension data were used to calculate the two faults as measured orthogonal to their dips
strain rate. The rate was converted to the conven- because that distance will not change with tilting,
tional strain rate unit of s21. Figure 5c shows the whereas the apparent spacing measured at the

Fig. 4. Histogram showing distribution of calculated values of the coefficient of rock surface friction (ms). Values
are sorted into 0.05 bins, each of which includes the lower value and goes up to the following next 0.05 bin. The
value range Byerlee (1978) of 0.60– 0.85 is in the diagonally ruled box.
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Fig. 5. Bivariate plots of tilting. (a) Tilting v. percentage extension. (b) Tilting v. duration. (c) Tilting v. strain rate.
(d) Tilting v. mean slip magnitude. (e) Tilting v. tilting per unit slip. (f) Tilting v. fault spacing.

Earth’s surface between fault traces would change Synextensional magmatism

with tilting. Fault spacing (km) was measured
from each cross-sectional restoration. The weighted Figure 7 shows the composition (or absence) of
regression results in an r 2 value of c. 0.43, but the synextensional magmas plotted against tilting. A
scatter indicates no clear correlation (Fig. 5f). wide spectrum of compositions is observed with
no clear relationship. The scatter indicates no clear
Timing of extension
Figure 6 shows the timing of extension of each Interpretations
locale (where geochronological constraints exist)
to examine whether certain geological epochs The calculated ms values are much wider than the
were more prone to extension and tilting, which reported values of Byerlee (1978) and Sibson (1994).
would be expressed by lower values of ms. There The distribution of values (Fig. 3) shows that only
is a small cluster of Miocene extended locales eight of the 34 values fall within the friction window
between 0.2 and 0.4; at values .0.4 there is broadly of Byerlee (1978) of 0.60–0.85, with the other 27
an inverse relationship between the timing of exten- values falling outside the window. This demon-
sion and ms. strates that there is not only a much wider range of
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Fig. 6. Tilting v. timing of extension.

ms values in natural fault systems than suggested by correlation remains poor. All of the remaining fac-
the earlier experimental study of Byerlee (1978), but tors – tilting per unit slip, fault spacing, duration
also that many of the calculated values have signifi- of extension, timing of extension and synexten-
cantly higher frictional values. sional magmatism – exhibit poor correlations.
None of the imposed trend lines on plots of Therefore no single factor is recognized as the driv-
the normal fault characteristics v. tilting exhibits a ing cause of highly tilted fault systems.
strong bivariate correlation. The percentage exten- The failure of the analysis to isolate a single
sion, strain rate and mean slip magnitude show a dominating factor suggests several possible broader
better fit for weighted trend line than the other fac- interpretations. There may be a single factor that
tors examined (Fig. 5a, c, d), but the statistical controls normal fault behaviour, but such a

Fig. 7. Tilting v. composition of magmatism. For locales where a spectrum of magmatic compositions were
observed, a solid vertical line was drawn through the observed compositions.
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geological factor is not one of the eight factors con- reshear criterion to an understanding of the evolu-
sidered here. Alternatively, some combination of tion of natural normal fault systems because there
the eight factors considered here controls fault are many implicit and explicit assumptions made
behaviour, but this relatively simple analysis using by its utilization, which likely deviate across time
bivariate plots does not reveal these combinations. and space in geological settings.
Yet another possibility is that combinations of fac-
tors control behaviour, but the group of controlling
factors differs depending on the local geological set- Discussion
tings of extension, which would not be revealed in
this analysis. Another possibility is that a single Synextensional magmatism and its role in
factor largely controls behaviour, but the explicit faulting
simplifying assumptions made here preclude identi-
fication of the controlling factor. Assumptions were The relationship between extensional deformation
made regarding thermal regime, stress trajectories and magmatism has been a continued source of
and pore fluid pressure, as well as the operating debate over the last three decades in both continen-
assumptions here and in Sibson (1994) that a new tal and oceanic tectonic settings (Franke 2013;
generation of faults develops because it is mechan- Whitney et al. 2013). In the Basin and Range prov-
ically unfavourable to reutilize the older generation ince, hypothesized relationships between the two
of faults, not because there was a change in the processes include: magmatism localizing the devel-
regional/local stress regime. Our preferred interpre- opment of metamorphic core complexes by ther-
tation is that tilting (and the calculated ms values) is mally weakening the lower crust (Armstrong &
an emergent property in fault systems, rather than Ward 1991); rotation of the stress field by the rate
an input, and thus would have no statistical corre- of magmatism exceeding the extension rate, causing
lation with any one of the other factors associated an increase in horizontal stresses (Parsons &
with the fault systems. Thompson 1993); the release of volatiles during
It is not possible to discuss tilting in fault systems crystallization to weaken the crust and promote
without also considering the implications of friction, extension (Whitney et al. 2013); extension unrelated
bearing in mind their interrelationship. Friction is an to magmatism (Best & Christiansen 1991); exten-
experimentally determined value measured with sion concentrated in two north– south belts in the
respect to s1 from deformation experiments where Great Basin with southwards sweeping magmatism
s1 is known or (as in this study) determined from and only locally concurrent (Axen et al. 1993); and
palinspastic restorations where the palaeohorizontal magmatism immediately precedeing extension and
can be inferred from geological constraints (Byerlee potentially preconditioning the crust for extension
1978; Sibson 1994). Friction has been shown to vary (Gans et al. 1989; Gans 1990; Seedorff 1991a; Par-
with the composition of the mineralogy of the fault sons et al. 1994; Gans & Bohrson 1998; Hudson
gouge (e.g. Collettini 2011), which suggests that et al. 2000).
friction is a fundamental physical property of the In the areas of rapid, large-magnitude extension
rock/mineral type. However, as discussed earlier, with suggested relationships with synextensional
this does not always equate with the expected tilting magmatism, a temporal pattern has been observed
for the associated friction. of: (1) pre-extensional, large-volume calc-alkaline
Fault systems display clear degrees of complex- dacitic –rhyolitic ash-flow tuffs; (2) ‘bimodal’ erup-
ity and chaos and can be categorized as emergent tion of dacite –andesite and lesser volumes of rhyo-
systems. Erickson et al. (2011) examined emer- lite to high-silica rhyolite immediately preceding
gence in the numerical modelling of earthquakes and during the onset of extension; (3) the suppres-
and suggested that the non-linear rate-and-state fric- sion of volcanism during rapid crustal extension
tion law is scale-dependent. Thus the emergent (but possible voluminous plutonism during this
behaviour exhibited by natural earthquake ruptures time); and (4) bimodal, basalt-dominated mag-
is lost when looking at laboratory results because matism with peralkaline silicic rocks and topaz rhy-
the full geological system with all of its inputs is olites associated with the waning stages of extension
not properly represented. The lack of statistically (Gans et al. 1989; Seedorff 1991a; Gans & Bohrson
significant correlations between tilting and any 1998).
of the examined variables suggests that tilting and No relationship between the presence/absence
friction in fault systems are emergent physical or composition of magmas and tilting was observed
properties. (Fig. 7). This does not preclude a relationship
The overall implication is that values of rock sur- between magmatism and tilting because the major-
face friction exhibit a much wider range in nature ity of locations contained abundant magmatism,
than in the canonical study of Byerlee (1978). Care- but rather suggests there is no compositional control
ful consideration must be taken when applying the on tilting. Although no broad generalization can be
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Fig. 8. Time–strain–qualitative eruptive volume diagram of the Yerington district, Nevada. Modified from Gans &
Bohrson (1998) with information from Richardson & Seedorff (2015).

made about the relationship between magmatism mafic magmatism. Similar evolutionary trends have
and extension, there are extended areas with clear been suggested for east-central Nevada (e.g. Gans
temporal relationships with synextensional magma- et al. 1989). Centres of rhyolite to high-silica rhyo-
tism, such as the Yerington district, western Nevada lite are present – for example, in the Hunter district
(Fig. 8). in the northern Egan Range (Gans & Miller 1983)
There are four episodes of extensional faulting in and in the Robinson district in the central Egan
the Yerington district. The earliest generation of Range (Gans et al. 2001) – whereas dacite –andesite
faults, oriented c. 608 to the three successive east- magma was erupted broadly contemporaneously
dipping fault generations, were originally south- from a centre that is spatially between those two
dipping normal faults that accommodated very locales, near Robinson Summit (Feeley & Grunder
low amounts of extension and may be analogous 1991; Feeley 1993).
to similarly oriented faults that preceded high- Sibson et al. (1988) demonstrate that unfavour-
magnitude extension in the east-central Nevada ably oriented fault systems near magmatic/meta-
(Gans 1990; Richardson & Seedorff 2015). These morphic environments that produced fluid could
faults are hypothesized to have been active during act as valves, where the faults would slip only
or following the deposition of large volumes of ash- when the fluid pressure exceeded the lithostatic
flow tuff (c. 27–21 Ma) sourced from calderas c. pressure. The normal fault systems with ms values
200 km east, but only coincide with local minor ,0.6 (i.e. faults that slipped with dips ,308) could
magmatism in the form of pyroxene andesitic have been mechanically encouraged by degassing
dykes that intruded strike-slip and normal faults in magmatic plumbing systems in the crust that were
the Wassuk Range (Dilles 1993; Garside et al. active during extension. In addition, Gans & Bohr-
2002). The second fault generation, which was son (1998) suggest that volcanism is suppressed
responsible for the majority of the extensional during extension in favour of enhanced crystalliza-
deformation, was active between 13.8 and 12.6 Ma tion from the reduction of confining pressures on
following the eruption of the majority of the Lincoln hydrous magmas, resulting in the exsolution of mag-
Flat andesite and dacite (Dilles & Gans 1995). The matic volatiles and crystallization of the magma
third generation of faults was active between c. 11 body (e.g. Burnham 1997). Modelling has suggested
and 8 Ma, as demonstrated by offsets of a 9–8 Ma that fluid release from crystallizing igneous intru-
basaltic andesite in the Wassuk Range and predating sions has varying effects on faulting, with high-
a 7.5 Ma basaltic andesite in the Singatse Range. viscosity fluids limiting seismicity and low-
The modern range-bounding faults in the greater viscosity fluids (e.g. aqueous, volatile-rich phases)
Yerington district are interpreted to have initiated encouraging seismicity (Anderson 1978). This has
at c. 4 Ma based on apatite fission track and (U – been supported by Muirhead et al. (2016), who dem-
Th)/He thermochronology (Stockli et al. 2002). onstrate that the release and migration of magmatic
This continues to support the notion of an evolution- volatiles in fluid flow systems helped to focus the
ary trend in synextensional magmatism – in some loci of extensional faulting in the East African
areas – beginning with an initial magmatic event Rift. These scenarios, depending on the proximity
of dacite and andesite that could weaken or precon- of the magmatic reservoirs, would supply additional
dition the crust prior to the first major extensional fluid to the fluid already present in pore spaces and
episode, followed by lesser extensional episodes fractures from groundwater and continental crustal
that broadly correlate in time and space with more water reservoirs (Bodnar et al. 2013), reducing the
Downloaded from at Cornell University Library on May 25, 2017


effective stresses and encouraging slip along unfav- and its overlap with neighbouring fault segments
ourable orientations. (Willemse 1997).
The lack of a bivariate correlation between tilt-
Tilting and fault spacing ing and fault spacing does not demonstrate a control
for the tilting of normal faults. In addition, fault
One often-cited control on the amount of tilting is spacing v. percentage extension and mean slip mag-
the fault spacing, with more tightly spaced faults nitude (Fig. 9) do not show a correlation with fault
belonging to rotational planar normal fault systems spacing, although the weighted regression of fault
capable of large amounts of tilting and more widely spacing v. mean slip magnitude suggests that a pos-
spaced faults belonging to horst and graben normal itive correlation could exist between spacing and
fault systems (Proffett 1977, p. 261; Gans & Landau slip magnitude. The question then arises that if
1993). However, the control on fault spacing in there is not a universal bivariate control on fault
extended domains and the relationship of fault spac- spacing, then what other characteristics and condi-
ing and the mean slip magnitude remains unclear. tions of extensional tectonism might influence
Fault spacing is rarely defined in published papers. fault spacing?
Previously suggested controls of fault spacing that It has been argued that the large-magnitude
are not studied here are: the thickness of the layer extension in the Eldorado Mountains, Nevada, char-
(i.e. the brittle crust) undergoing deformation (Ven- acterized by closely spaced, highly tilted (up to 908)
deville et al. 1987; Jackson & White 1989; Acker- normal faults that had initial and final non-
mann et al. 2001; Soliva et al. 2006); the amount Andersonian orientations, is due to rapid strain
of strain a volume of rock can accommodate without rates between 15.0 and 14.1 Ma that exceeded the
faulting (Mandl 1987); and the aspect ratio of a fault readjustment of the local geothermal gradient

Fig. 9. Bivariate plots of fault spacing. (a) Fault spacing v. strain. (b) Fault spacing v. mean slip magnitude.
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(Gans & Landau 1993). Since 14.1 Ma, minor subject to lower strain rates and the locus of faulting
extension and tilting have continued along widely migrating away from them before they can tilt as
spaced, high-angle normal faults (Gans et al. much (Wallace 1987). Alternatively, this could be
1994; Gans & Bohrson 1998). In the Yerington dis- viewed as a function of strain hardening, with the
trict, the fault spacing broadly increases with time more deformed, faulted locales being more resistant
(0.7, 0.6 and 1.3 km) and tilting decreases (35, 18 to continued faulting (i.e. less tilted), with the graph
and 108), but the strain rate actually increases for potentially showing this for much of southwestern
the fourth fault generation. In the Snake Range North America (Yamasaki & Stephenson 2009).
metamorphic core complex, it is noted that as the This temporal evolution is seen in certain well-
faults become more widely spaced, the total amount studied locales, such as the Yerington district. At
of extension decreases (Miller et al. 1983, p. 243). Yerington, each successive generation of faults
Modelling by Gans et al. (1991) suggests that the (ignoring the first-generation faults, for which the
initial geothermal gradient and strain rate during distribution is as yet poorly known; Richardson &
the thermal evolution of fault blocks may influence Seedorff 2015) is seen to decrease in its amount of
the fault spacing. tilting (and its amount of slip). It is also worth
The nature of fault spacing and its relationship to noting that, although Yerington has multiple super-
tilting and other characteristics of normal fault sys- imposed fault generations, the well-constrained
tems is still unclear. A better understanding of the structural evolution and geochronology of the dis-
thermal regime present during extensional deforma- trict indicates that there are hiatuses between each
tion, bracketing the timing of extension through episode of faulting (Dilles & Gans 1995). Could
geochronology and thermochronology to estimate this be a signature of a change in the stress regime
strain rates, and multivariate analysis of these char- between each episode, even if only temporary, or
acteristics is needed to further explore these that focused extensional deformation has migrated
relationships. elsewhere for a period of time (e.g. Wallace 1987)?

Timing of extension
Suggestions for future research
Controversy continues around the timing and rela-
tive magnitudes of extension in the northern Basin The results suggest that there is: (1) a wider spread
and Range province, with recent emphasis on Mio- in values for rock surface friction in natural fault
cene extension (McQuarrie & Wernicke 2005; Col- systems than previously reported and (2) no statisti-
gan & Henry 2009; Cassel et al. 2014), despite the cal correlation between tilting and the examined
documentation of significant extension at various variables. Although this study does not demonstrate
times in the Eocene and Oligocene (e.g. Wernicke any convincing trends to account for highly tilted
et al. 1987; Seedorff 1991a; Cather et al. 1994; Hud- normal fault systems in western North America, it
son et al. 2000; Gans et al. 2001; Rahl et al. 2002; does demonstrate that no single factor serves as
Pape et al. 2016). The driving mechanism for ex- the ‘silver bullet’ that can be attributed as the driv-
tensional deformation during the Cenozoic in the ing cause of highly tilted fault systems. This lack
North American Cordillera is still debated, with of a linear relationship argues that tilting and fric-
arguments for the gravitational collapse of a thick- tion in fault systems – even when estimated from
ened crust (Coney & Harms 1984), magmatism sound geometrical relationships (Sibson 1985,
weakening the crust (Parsons et al. 1994; Camp 1994) within the fault system – is an emergent prop-
et al. 2015) and far-field plate effects (Kreemer & erty in relation to the examined variables. Instead, a
Hammond 2007). Although extensional deforma- more integrated, multicomponent approach is
tion was pervasive across much of the northern needed to characterize any one location before try-
Basin and Range province, it was heterogeneous ing to characterize extensional faults more broadly.
in its distribution in terms of magnitude, diachro- This study does, however, suggest several future
nous in its development and distributed into high- avenues of research to address the questions pre-
strain and low-strain zones (Gonsior & Dilles sented here.
2008, fig. 2; Colgan & Henry 2009, fig. 12; Van First, better documentation of the properties and
Buer et al. 2009, fig. 1C). internal structure of fault zones would allow a more
Figure 6 shows the timing of extension v. tilting. nuanced look at how friction behaves in different
Although there was not a single controlling factor fault systems. Many of the field studies incorporated
here, what is of interest is that for tilting amounts here, although addressing questions in structural
,408 there is a generally linear relationship, with geology, were not in-depth, detailed structural stud-
lesser amounts of tilting as the faulting becomes ies and had their focus in other subdisciplines (e.g.
younger. This could represent a reduction in the petrology, ore deposits, regional geology). Those
overall strain rate with time, with younger faults studies documented the large-scale structures, but
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they generally did not examine properties such as with this mechanism is that the maximum amount
the thickness of the fault zone, the fault rock type/ of tilting a single fault should experience is 458 –
proportions, the number of slip surfaces and syn- not an unreasonable limit, as only three locales
thetic structures. As such, we could not compare in this study reported greater amounts of tilting
the mineralogy of the fault gouge with the calcu- (Table 2). Incorporating flexure would alter some
lated friction for each fault generation. Considering published structural restorations and may require
the sizeable literature that has developed around new geological scenarios to be considered. Where
the frictional properties of fault gouge and low- evidence on strain rate and tilting is available,
angle normal faults, better documentation of fault there is a cursory correlation with high strain rates
zone properties in locales in the Basin and resulting in higher amounts of tilting, as well as an
Range province, noting the mineralogy and abun- inverse correlation between fault block thickness
dance of fault gouge, would provide for interesting and tilting (Gans & Bohrson 1998; Seedorff & Rich-
future research and may reveal hitherto unseen ardson 2014). Additional work in fault systems on
correlations. constraining the timing of faulting through geo/
Second, assumptions of Andersonian stress tra- thermochronology (and thus allowing strain rates
jectories at depth should be reconsidered. Multiple to be calculated) would allow this tentative link to
mechanisms, including basal traction forces in the be properly investigated.
lower crust (Westaway 1999) and the role of mag-
matism (Parsons & Thompson 1993), have been
postulated to explain stress trajectories at depth. Conclusions
Detailed work, such as that of Axen et al. (2015)
examining the orientation of structures within the Continental extension is a fundamental feature in
fault zone to obtain palaeo-s1 orientations, presents the long-term evolution of orogenic systems and
the opportunity to construct a detailed understand- the Basin and Range province continues to serve
ing of palaeostress trajectories in fault systems. In as one of the type localities for studying extensional
this study, 14 of 34 fault generations have initial tectonic processes. Our understanding of the life
dips that fall outside the expected range of 58 –688 cycle of normal faults, although improving, remains
for the initial dips of normal faults (Collettini & incomplete, as indicated by the areas of conflict
Sibson 2001). Three possible explanations could between mechanical models and geological obser-
explain this: (1) non-Andersonian stress trajectories vations. This study is an attempt to reconcile some
existed at the time of fault initiation; (2) the val- of these conflicts.
ues for ms used to derive the expected initial dips Our first aim in this study was to quantitatively
of 58–688 do not capture the full range of natural estimate and assess the ms values of Byerlee
variability; or (3) mechanical stratigraphy (e.g. Fer- (1978) compared with newly calculated ms values
rill et al. 2014) plays a greater part in large-scale from natural normal fault systems. We document a
fault systems than previously documented. Better much larger range of estimated ms values in natural
documentation of palaeo-s1 orientations in fault extensional fault systems – not only values below
systems would allow these alternatives to be tested the range of Byerlee (1978) that have been the
and would further refine our knowledge of crustal focus of extensive, previous research, but also
conditions at the time of fault initiation. higher ms values than the range of Byerlee (1978)
Third, tilting in normal fault systems is still a that are nonetheless still associated with signifi-
poorly understood phenomenon, with no clear con- cantly tilted normal fault systems with substantial
trol on the origin of tilting. Thompson & Parsons amounts of slip.
(2016) synthesized geodetic data from several his- Our second aim was to examine potential factors
torical normal fault earthquakes in the western that could influence and control tilting in rotational
USA and integrated field studies on major range- planar normal fault systems. Statistical analysis
bounding normal faults. In common with similar revealed no compelling linear correlation, although
models proposed by earlier workers (e.g. King weighted regressions suggest possible links with
et al. 1988; Kusznir et al. 1991; Westaway 1992), the percentage of extension, the strain rate and the
Thompson & Parsons (2016) reinterpreted tilting mean slip magnitude. We attribute this lack of cor-
of the hanging wall and footwall blocks as crustal relation to fault systems being inherently non-
flexure or bending around a tilting normal fault linear, with friction arising as an emergent property
over time. The rotation of fault blocks as competent, of these complexly interacting geosystems. Multi-
intact blocks are then inferred as only occurring variate analysis may yield future insights, espe-
between tightly spaced normal faults, with bend- cially when considering long-standing, albeit
ing/flexure occurring on the exterior sides of the sparse, observations of relationships between fault
outermost normal faults and decreasing to zero c. spacing, the percentage of extension and the strain
10 km away from the faults. The primary caveat rate with tilting.
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geopressure, fractures and faults for CO2 storage
performance and risk management
Scottish Carbon Capture and Storage, School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh,
Edinburgh EH9 3JW, UK
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Strathclyde,
James Weir Building, Glasgow G1 1XJ, UK

Abstract: The study of natural analogues can inform the long-term performance security of engi-
neered CO2 storage. There are natural CO2 reservoirs and CO2 seeps in Italy. Here, we study nine
reservoirs and establish which are sealed or are leaking CO2 to surface. Their characteristics are
compared to elucidate which conditions control CO2 leakage. All of the case studies would fail cur-
rent CO2 storage site selection criteria, although only two leak CO2 to surface. The factors found to
systematically affect seal performance are overburden geopressure and proximity to modern exten-
sional faults. Amongst our case studies, the sealing reservoirs show elevated overburden geopres-
sure whereas the leaking reservoirs do not. Since the leaking reservoirs are located within ,10 km
of modern extensional faults, pressure equilibration within the overburden may be facilitated by
enhanced crustal permeability related to faulting. Modelling of the properties that could enable
the observed CO2 leakage rates finds that high-permeability pathways (such as transmissive faults
or fractures) become increasingly necessary to sustain leak rates as CO2 density decreases during
ascent to surface, regardless of the leakage mechanism into the overburden. This work illustrates
the value of characterizing the overburden geology during CO2 storage site selection to inform
screening criterion, risk assessment and monitoring strategy.

Gold Open Access: This article is published under the terms of the CC-BY 3.0 license.

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) could signifi- For these reasons, it is important that the storage
cantly reduce anthropogenic CO2 emissions from site characterization and selection process maxi-
large industrial sources of CO2. However, to be an mizes the likelihood that injected CO2 will be
effective climate change mitigation strategy, the securely retained in the subsurface for the time-
injected CO2 must remain in the subsurface for scales intended (thousands of years). Characteriza-
timescales of multiple thousands of years (Shaffer tion and selection criteria must be applicable in a
2010). Leakage of CO2 out of a reservoir could com- range of geological settings, and without imposing
promise the long-term emission reductions achieved excessive financial costs. In addition to geological,
by a CCS project (EU CSS Directive 2009; Zwaan technical and economic considerations, siting is
& Gerlagh 2009), and if leaked CO2 then migrates also constrained by the proximity of the CO2 source,
to the surface or into aquifers there may be local permitting procedures and public perception. Sites
environmental and human health impacts (Jones selected for storage do not, therefore, have to be
et al. 2015). Unintended leakage to surface in the the most geologically favourable (Hannon & Espo-
early phase of technology roll-out could compro- sito 2015) but must comply with selection criteria.
mise the public acceptability of future CCS, as To ensure that CO2 leakage is avoided, these criteria
well as the economic feasibility due to remediation must be guided by a thorough understanding of the
expenditure and liability pay-out (Zwaan & Gerlagh geological characteristics that are most relevant to
2009; Heptonstall et al. 2012), and, in the EU, pos- site integrity. Table 1 summarizes the site selection
sible fines for CO2 emissions (Dixon et al. 2015). criteria from guidelines published to date (Miocic
Thus, any incidence of leakage from engineered et al. 2016), which are intended to maximize the
stores may have ramifications for the CCS industry likelihood of long-term CO2 containment. The site
on a global scale. selection process must characterize the risks of

From: Turner, J. P., Healy, D., Hillis, R. R. & Welch, M. J. (eds) 2017. Geomechanics and Geology.
Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 458, 181–211.
First published online June 19, 2017, updated June 23, 2017,
# 2017 The Author(s). Published by The Geological Society of London.
Publishing disclaimer:

Table 1. A summary of published CO2 storage site selection criteria

Feature Criteria/Requirement Source

CO2 properties CO2 state Dense phase Chadwick et al. (2008)

No faults, or small faults. Chadwick et al. (2008), IEA-GHG

Structure Low faulting frequency (2009), Smith et al. (2011)
Multilayered system IEA-GHG (2009)
Reservoir Between 800 and 2500 m Chadwick et al. (2008), IEA-GHG
properties Depth (m) (2009), Smith et al. (2011)
800 m minimum depth IEA-GHG (2009)
Temperature .358C IEA-GHG (2009)
Pressure (MPa) .7.5 IEA-GHG (2009)

Cap-rock Thickness (m) Between 10 and 100 m Chadwick et al. (2008), IEA-GHG
property (2009), Smith et al. (2011)
Uniform Chadwick et al. (2008)
(laterally) Extensive IEA-GHG (2009)

These criteria are recommended to minimize the risks of CO2 leakage. Adapted from Miocic et al. (2016).

geological storage, and understanding how CO2 mechanisms of leakage. To do this, we identify
could move out of a reservoir and potentially CO2-bearing reservoirs from borehole data and
through the overburden and to the surface is critical establish which boreholes are located geographi-
for constraining and managing risk. cally close to CO2 seeps that may represent leakage
Natural CO2 reservoirs cannot serve as direct from that reservoir to surface. We then examine and
analogues to engineered CO2 storage sites. The latter compare the structure and conditions of the CO2
are specifically selected for characteristics that min- boreholes to investigate the controls on whether a
imize leakage, and are charged from a point source at reservoir leaks or retains CO2. Finally, to inform
rates and for timescales that are unlikely to mimic the potential mechanisms of leakage, we assess the
any natural process. However, instances of CO2 properties of possible pathways through the over-
migration to the surface from naturally occurring burden that could enable CO2 seepage at the rates
reservoirs provide an opportunity to assess the condi- and styles observed at the Earth surface. Under-
tions required for leakage from the reservoirs and to standing these natural processes over geological
understand the crustal fluid pathways for migration timescales is important for informing the long-term
from depth (Annunziatellis et al. 2008; Wilkinson performance security of engineered CO2 storage,
et al. 2009; Dockrill & Shipton 2010; Kampman since engineered storage sites will be selected and
et al. 2010). Similarly, instances where CO2 has managed to minimize the risks of CO2 migration.
been successfully retained for geologically long This work can therefore guide effective site assess-
time periods offer opportunities to assess the condi- ment, injection strategy and remediation strategies
tions that will enable effective storage and CO2 – in the case of leakage.
water–rock interactions (Allis et al. 2001; Gilfillan A summary of the geology and CO2 fluids in Italy
et al. 2009). The most important controls on the is presented in the next section. For completeness,
security of CO2 retention can be established by com- the section that follows outlines CO2 flow in rocks
paring the characteristics of reservoirs that leak with and the potential mechanisms of migration from
reservoirs that seal (Miocic et al. 2016). a containing reservoir into the overburden (CO2
Resource exploration drilling in Italy has leakage) and to the Earth surface (CO2 seepage).
revealed the presence of CO2 accumulations at a
range of depths below surface (Casero 2004; Collet- An overview of CO2 geofluids in Italy
tini et al. 2008; Chiodini et al. 2010; Trippetta et al.
2013). Italy is also a region of widespread surface Hydrocarbon exploration drilling in Italy has
CO2 degassing; over 308 CO2 seeps have been encountered subsurface CO2 accumulations, either
catalogued at 270 locations in mainland Italy and as a component within hydrocarbon reservoirs
Sicily (Chiodini & Valenza 2008). Here, we explore (Casero 2005) or as the dominant gas (Collettini &
the geological conditions that govern whether Barchi 2002; Bicocchi et al. 2013). Such accumula-
reservoirs leak or retain CO2 and establish the tions are mostly found in central Italy, which is also

where CO2 degassing is most intense (Chiodini et al. conditions, but is also affected by the presence of
2004). In this region, there is a strong regional NW – other fluids. Free-phase CO2 will dissolve when it
SE structural trend (Fig. 1) resulting from the west- is in contact with undersaturated formation waters,
wards subduction of the Adria Plate beneath the which results in an increase in the water density
European margin. Crustal shortening stacked sev- (Spycher et al. 2003).
eral tectonic –stratigraphic units originally located How free-phase or dissolved CO2 flows through
on the Apulian Palaeozoic crystalline carbonate a rock formation is dependent on the properties of
basement, with flysch and synorogenic foredeep the fluid itself and of the rock. A rock volume will
sediments (Scrocca et al. 2005) (Fig. 1a). To the commonly exhibit a distribution of fluid pathway
west, coeval extension opened marine and conti- geometries due to heterogeneity intrinsic to geolog-
nental basins and the Tyrrhenian Sea (Ghisetti & ical units and the presence (and orientation) of frac-
Vezzani 2002), leading to high heat flow and vol- tures (Krevor et al. 2015). The permeability of the
canism. Seismogenic normal faulting is currently rock will vary according to the properties of the
active in the Apennines where exposed fault scarps fluid flowing through it. This ‘effective permeabil-
date from 12 to 18 ka (Roberts 2008). Here, CO2 ity’ (KE) is determined by the bulk permeability of
fluids trapped at depths .5 km play a critical role the rock (Krock) and the fraction of the total perme-
in the nucleation and evolution of seismogenesis, ability accessible to each fluid phase (the relative
and therefore in the deformation style and geody- permeability, Kr):
namics of the region (Miller et al. 2004; Malagnini
et al. 2012). KE = Krock K rCO2 (1)
CO2 degassing is most active towards the Tyr-
rhenian, west of the region of active extension
(Chiodini et al. 2004). CO2 seeps are mostly low- In single-phase flow, all pores are saturated with
temperature emissions that are manifested as vents a single fluid. For CO2-saturated water flowing
(pressurized CO2 release, some are referred to as through a water-wet rock, KE is equal to Krock. How-
CO2-driven mud volcanoes: e.g. Bonini 2009b), dif- ever, for two-phase flow, such as free-phase CO2
fuse soil degassing, springs and pools of bubbling flowing through a water-wet rock, K rCO2 is influ-
water (Minissale 2004; Chiodini et al. 2008; Roberts enced by the saturation of formation water in the
et al. 2011). Geochemical studies find that the pores or fractures through which the CO2 is flowing.
CO2 has a number of sources, including shallow bio- Rate of fluid flow per unit area, otherwise known
genic processes, carbonate hydrolysis, mechanical as fluid flux, through a rock volume increases with
breakdown and thermometamorphism of carbon- effective permeability and fluid pressure gradients,
ates, and mantle degassing (Italiano et al. 2008; and lower fluid viscosity. This is commonly approx-
Frezzotti et al. 2009). There are few studies of the imated by capillary (or ‘Darcy’) flow:
origins of CO2 trapped in the subsurface in Italy.
Previous work at CO2 seeps in Italy has explored Q KE dP
= (2)
the factors affecting the human health risk they pose, A m dz
and the geological and geomorphological controls
on their distribution and characteristics, to inform where Q (flux) is the CO2 flow rate (m3 s21) over
risk assessment and monitoring design above storage the seepage area, A (m2), KE is the effective per-
sites (Roberts et al. 2011, 2014). This article extends meability of the fluid (m2), dP/dz is the pressure
this work to examine the subsurface geological attri- gradient, (Pa m21), where P is pressure and z is
butes that control CO2 leakage to surface. This is the depth (m), and m is CO2 viscosity (Pa s21).
first study to summarize the properties of CO2 traps Light-phase CO2 is less viscous and more buoy-
in Italy and learn from these analogues to minimize ant than dense phase, and experiments find that the
risk of leakage at engineered CO2 stores. effective permeability for light-phase CO2 is higher
than dense phase (Bachu & Bennion 2008). Accord-
CO2 flow in geological formations ing to equations (1) and (2), light-phase CO2 will
flow more readily than its dense phase. Once flow
CO2 fluids are retained in geological formations is established in a rock, the relative permeability to
either as a free phase or dissolved in formation CO2 may increase due to drying effects, whereby for-
water. Depending on the subsurface conditions, mation fluids dissolve into the flowing CO2 phase,
free-phase CO2 may be present in a dense or light decreasing the water saturation (Pruess 2008b).
form, where we define ‘dense’ as CO2 with densities Darcy’s law does not characterize fluid flow
greater than the critical density (rc ¼ 464 kg m23) in fractures, where permeability pathways are spa-
and ‘light’ as CO2 with densities below the critical tially focused rather than distributed throughout
density. CO2 phase behaviour is primarily con- the rock volume. If the fracture spacing, orienta-
trolled by subsurface temperature and pressure tion and aperture are known, then fracture flow

can be modelled discretely. However, where this capillary entry pressure is a function of the fluid
information is not available, then fractured rocks properties (e.g. interfacial tension, contact angle)
can be approximated as porous media, where frac- and rock properties (e.g. rock pore and pore throat
ture permeability is upscaled to bulk permeability geometry), or fracture aperture and roughness
values that represent the flow properties of the (Bachu & Bennion 2008; Naylor et al. 2011). An
rock volume (see Kuhlman et al. 2015 and refer- extremely high gas pressure will be necessary to
ences therein). overcome the capillary threshold pressure of a
shale cap rock; however, following capillary break-
through, CO2 can then flow through the seal and
Mechanisms of CO2 migration from its overlying overburden at capillary pressures below
containing reservoir to surface the initial entry pressure, facilitating further leak-
age. Subsidiary fluid components can affect the
Some naturally occurring CO2 reservoirs have been fluid properties of the CO2 phase, and so can
found to successfully retain CO2 for millennia (Gil- enhance or retard capillary breakthrough.
fillan et al. 2008) and in a range of geological envi- Confining pressure, defined by overburden thick-
ronments (Lewicki et al. 2007). Other sites leak CO2 ness and density, improves seal quality by increas-
to surface (Miocic et al. 2016), which can occur ing the mean stress, and therefore rock strength,
through a range of mechanisms. Free-phase CO2 until the yield stress of the rock is approached.
is less dense than surrounding porewaters and Hence, at higher confining pressures, greater fluid
will rise buoyantly, becoming structurally trapped pressures are required for the seal to mechanically
beneath a sealing unit if both a low-permeability fail (Osborne & Swarbrick 1997). Confining pres-
rock and a containing structure are present. Dis- sure also reduces rock permeability by closing
solved and free-phase CO2 can leak from the reser- pores. Additionally, as rocks are buried, diagenesis
voir formation by diffusion, but this is an extremely may occlude pore throats and fracture apertures by
slow process (Lu et al. 2009). However, high leak cementation (Nara et al. 2011). Elevated fluid pres-
rates (e.g. tonnes CO2 per day) through the overbur- sures can lead to the hydraulic opening of fractures
den of natural reservoirs will most likely arise from or shear on existing fractures due to a reduction in
a buoyant free phase of CO2 which may leak by cap- effective stress resulting in enhanced permeability
illary transport through pores or microfractures in (Gudmundsson et al. 2001; Yang & Manga 2009).
the overburden, or along unsealed faults and associ- The effect of pore fluid pressure (Pf) on rock
ated damage zones (Zweigel et al. 2004; Bachu strength can be represented by the pore fluid factor,
2008). Otherwise, in natural CO2 systems, a low- lv, which is the ratio of pore fluid pressure (i.e. res-
permeability seal may be bypassed if free-phase ervoir pressure, Pres) to lithostatic stress (Streit &
CO2 ‘spills’ from a trapping structure. In this case, Cox 2001) after Hubbert & Rubey (1959):
the overburden directly above the CO2 reservoir
has not been compromised, but the space for CO2
in the reservoir-trap structure has simply been lv = (3)
exceeded, although CO2 storage reservoirs will be rrock g z
engineered such that the capacity will not be
exceeded. Advective flow of CO2-bearing waters where rrock is rock density (typically assumed to
could transport CO2 from the reservoir more rapidly be 2500 kg m23), g is acceleration due to gravity
than diffusion. Such flow could occur through high- (m s22) and z is depth. For hydrostatic pressure,
permeability pathways through the overburden, or lv ¼ 0.4, and for lithostatic pressure, lv ¼ 1. The
by hydrodynamic flow within the aquifer. pore fluid factor indicates how close a coherent
The capillary entry pressure of free-phase CO2 rock body is to failure, and will therefore be under-
within a given cap rock determines the maximum estimated when applied to a fractured rock unit.
column height of the free-phase CO2 in the reservoir Rock bulk permeability could therefore be increased
before it invades the seal by capillary transport. The by CO2 buoyancy or fluid pressure, which in

Fig. 1. (a) Cross-section of Italy modified from (Improta et al. 2000). Most CO2 reservoirs are hosted by the
Apulian Carbonate Platform (ACP) in the Inner Thrust Belt, and the Allochthonous Complex forms the overburden.
(b) Map of Italy modified from Patacca et al. (2008), detailing topography and the location of CO2 seeps (dry and
wet) and wells (including CO2 wells not studied here), and geological terrane boundaries (Ghisetti & Vezzani 2002).
(c) Map of the Southern Apennine region, showing the location of CO2-bearing wells, stress field data (Barba et al.
2009; Sh min denotes minimum horizontal stress), mapped seismogenic normal faults (Roberts 2008) and deep
platform carbonate structure (Nicolai & Gambini 2007). Table inset: detail of seeps shows in (c), including name,
seep type (v, vent; bw, bubbling water; s, spring; d, diffuse) and flux information (M, medium; H, high; NQ, not
quantified: see the text for definitions).

extreme cases can encourage rock failure (Collettini Well logs and accompanying drilling notes for
et al. 2008). non-commercial boreholes in Italy are publicly
Should CO2 leak from its primary reservoir, it available ( By examining the
may continue to migrate via available pathways VIDEPI dataset and in consultation with ENI and
through the overburden. During ascent, it is likely Independent Resources PLC, we selected non-
to encounter multiple reservoir and cap-rock units, commercial boreholes where test results document
and so CO2 may accumulate in any overlying that the reservoir fluids are predominantly com-
secondary reservoirs (Pruess 2008a) until these res- posed of CO2. These boreholes, and boreholes
ervoirs, too, are breached or bypassed. Several nearby, were studied to constrain the subsurface
mechanisms may attenuate the mass of migrating structure and conditions.
CO2 during its ascent, including residual trapping A geographical information system (GIS)
or dissolution into unsaturated porewaters. There- was populated with seep and well bore data.
fore the mass of CO2 that reaches the near-surface We included data on: ‘active’ faults, as defined by
it likely to be only a proportion of the mass that seismogenic fault scarps mapped (Roberts 2008);
migrated from the deep rock formations, or none seismically capable faults (ISPRA 2007); the
may reach the surface at all. Depending on the litho- present-day stress field (Barba et al. 2009); eleva-
static pressure and geothermal gradient profile, CO2 tion (SRTM 90 m: Jarvis et al. 2008); subsurface
will typically become subcritical at depths shal- carbonate structure (Nicolai & Gambini 2007);
lower than 1 km. Subcritical CO2 will pass through and isotherms at 1 and 2 km depth (Geothopica
two hydrological zones: the phreatic (groundwater 2010). The distance from the well bore to the nearest
saturated) zone and the vadose (unsaturated) zone. CO2 seeps was calculated from this GIS.
In its light phase, CO2 will be significantly more
buoyant than groundwater in the phreatic zone. Step 2: Case study geology
However, CO2 at ambient temperatures will be den-
ser than soil gas in the vadose zone, and so may dis- To explore the geological conditions that affect
perse laterally in the shallow subsurface, perhaps whether a CO2 reservoir is sealed or is leaking, we
above the water table (Annunziatellis et al. 2008; determined the geology for each reservoir, the over-
Kirk 2011). Depending on the soil properties, this burden thickness and properties, regional structure,
could make the area of elevated soil CO2 degassing and subsurface conditions, using the publicly avail-
substantially larger than the leak pathway from able well logs and other published data.
depth. Many of the selected boreholes were drilled in the
Observations at CO2 and CH4 seeps around the 1960s and 1970s, and therefore lack downhole infor-
world find that gas release typically occurs over a mation available from more modern boreholes,
discrete area (,0.01 km2), although in some cases including many well tests. Downhole rock forma-
the region of CO2 phenomena where seeps occur tions and their properties were determined from the
may be much larger (several km2 or more) (Chiodini well log (from well cuttings and core) and accompa-
et al. 2004, 2010; Heinicke et al. 2006; McGinnis nying lithological descriptions, and any data from
et al. 2011; Talukder 2012; Burnside et al. 2013; formation tests. We define the CO2 reservoir as the
Elı́o et al. 2015; Nickschick et al. 2015). shallowest rock formation that has high CO2 gas sat-
uration, and ‘seal thickness’ was defined by the max-
imum and minimum thickness of impermeable rock
Methods units overlying the CO2 reservoir. Deviated drilling
was corrected to the true vertical depth (TVD) and
CO2 seep data was taken from Googas (Chiodini & assumed a standard depth error of approximately
Valenza 2008), a web-based catalogue of degassing +10 m and normally distributed to 1 SD.
sites in Italy and Sicily, which documents seep loca- To reconstruct downhole conditions, a number
tion and seep type, and, where available, rate of CO2 of assumptions had to be made. Formation pressure
degassing, gas composition and temperature. In the information was estimated from formation tests,
catalogue, the rate of CO2 degassing is classified where available, or from the density of drilling flu-
into low (,1 t CO2/day), medium (1– 10 t CO2/ ids (mud weight). Pore fluid pressures from mud
day), high (10–100 t CO2/day) and very high weights usually exceed the actual formation pres-
(.100 t CO2/day). sure. To account for this, we adjust the formation
pressures by 10%, following the methodology of
Step 1: Selecting case studies Wilkinson et al. (2013). Formation pressure mea-
surements were not sufficiently regularly spaced,
First, we identified CO2 reservoirs, and established nor were mud weight data sufficiently detailed,
which are geographically close to CO2 seeps, and to distinguish the CO2 and water legs from the
therefore may be leaking. pressure profiles. However, where formation tests

documented a transition from CO2 to the water leg, Step 4: Classifying the reservoirs
minimum CO2 column heights were estimated.
A number of boreholes provided the information Each CO2-bearing borehole was classified accord-
to calculate corrected geothermal gradient from ing to whether the corresponding reservoir is inter-
downhole temperature measurements. Unusually preted to be leaking CO2 to surface or not,
low downhole temperatures are the expected result depending on its proximity to CO2 seeps and the
of circulation of cold drilling mud within the bore- nature of the seep itself. Whether the distance
hole. In these cases, and cases where downhole tem- between a borehole and a seep is considered to be
peratures are unavailable, the geothermal gradient ‘near’ or ‘far’ was determined by spatial analysis
was interpolated from the geospatial dataset. Loss of the distance distribution between the boreholes,
of drilling fluid circulation or significant mud the CO2 reservoir structure, CO2 seeps and faults.
absorption, which are sometimes recorded on the If there are no CO2 seeps located at the surface
borehole logs, can be useful indicators of geological close to the CO2-bearing borehole, the CO2 reser-
horizons with enhanced permeability, or where the voir is determined to be sealing. If there are high-
rock fracture gradient has been exceeded. Overpres- flux or dry CO2 seeps located at the surface near
sure was defined as measured pressure exceeding to the CO2-bearing borehole, then the reservoir is
calculated hydrostatic pressure by 3 MPa, which inferred to be leaking. It is not uncommon for
allows for uncertainty in both measured depth and springs emerging from carbonate rocks to contain
the mud weights. small quantities of CO2 from the dissolution of
carbonates, which is not related to CO2 leakage
from depth, and so if the seeps are CO2 springs
Step 3: Modelling CO2 properties with small CO2 content, or are located relatively
far away from the borehole, then the leakage is clas-
Downhole pressure (P) and temperature (T ) condi-
sified as inconclusive.
tions constructed from the well logs were used to
model CO2 properties, including density, viscosity,
buoyancy and solubility at depth. The sensitivity Step 5: CO2 leakage pathways
of these fluid properties to the calculated P –T con-
ditions were tested at 10 m intervals, for which we To evaluate the geological conditions that could
assumed a standard error of +0.1 MPa and +58C, enable the observed fluid leak rates from case stud-
to 2 SD. Surface temperature and pressure of 158C ies inferred to be leaking CO2 to surface, we exam-
and 1 atm, respectively, were assumed. ined the Darcy flow equation for CO2 fluids at
CO2 density and viscosity was modelled using reservoir conditions. Reservoir fluid leakage into
the Huang et al. (1985) and Span & Wagner the overburden could occur by distributed migration
(1996) equation of state. CO2 solubility was calcu- through the overburden over a broad area (small KE,
lated using the equation of Spycher et al. (2003) large A) or focused migration via fault-related frac-
using values for freshwater rather than brines turing in the overburden (large KE, small A). So, we
because formation tests in most of the wells show calculate the combinations of overburden effective
low salinities in the reservoir units. The viscosity permeability (KE) and area (A) necessary to sustain
of freshwater was calculated using the polynomial leakage from the reservoir at the observed rate of
equation for variable temperature and pressure surface seepage.
from Likhachev (2003). We neglect the effect of Conservative mass transport is assumed: that is,
dissolved CO2 on the viscosity of water, which is no CO2 attenuation/loss during ascent to surface.
small at these temperatures (Islam & Carlson For leakage of free-phase CO2, the minimum leak
2012), and also the effect of subsidiary gases such rate from the reservoir (m3 s21) to deliver CO2 to
as CH4 and H2S which can affect CO2 behaviour the surface at the measured rates (often reported in
(Savary et al. 2012). t/day) was calculated from CO2 densities (rCO2 )
For column heights that could be estimated from modelled at P –T conditions in the reservoir. The
the well log, the buoyancy pressure (B) of the CO2 minimum leak rate of CO2-saturated formation
at the crest of the reservoir structure intersected by water needed to supply CO2 to the near-surface at
the well was calculated as: the measured CO2 degassing rate was also calcu-
lated from the change in solubility of CO2 in fresh-
water at reservoir conditions to surface conditions.
B = (rH2 O − rCO2 ) g hCO2 (4) These calculations assume water emergence tem-
peratures of 158C, and thus CO2 solubility in fresh-
where rH2 O is the density of water (kg m23), rCO2 is water is approximately 0.042 molal at 10 m depth.
the density of the CO2 (kg m23), hCO2 is the CO2 The results could then be informed by any per-
column height (m) and g is gravitational accelera- meability measurements from rocks that comprise
tion (m s22). the overburden, and area of CO2 seepage at the

surface. This area can be considered on two scales: (including observations from the boreholes, subsur-
the area of a single seep or the total area of a seep face structure, any nearby geological structures and
cluster (if relevant). It is important to note that seeps, and whether the case study is interpreted to be
the area of leakage in the subsurface could be leaking or sealed). Figure 2 shows the lines of cross-
much larger or smaller. The area of the CO2 ‘cap’ sections that describe the subsurface structure in
in the reservoir, and of high-permeability pathways Figures 3– 6, and Table 2 summarizes the reservoir
offered by fault-related deformation, was also esti- and overburden geology, pressure conditions, and
mated to inform our results. proximity to the nearest surface CO2 seeps for
each CO2-bearing borehole studied.
All but one of the CO2-bearing boreholes are
Results located in in the Central Apennines, and record
CO2 in anticline or horst structures in the Apulian
Figure 1 shows the location of the 13 studied Carbonate Platform units (Fig. 1c). Many of the
CO2-bearing boreholes, neighbouring dry wells and well logs note that the Apulian Carbonate Platform
all documented CO2 seeps. Four additional bore- units were associated with significant mud losses or
holes in Figure 1 are known to contain CO2 (Castel- loss of circulation, which can indicate a lower than
pagano 001, Vallauria, San Donato and Perugia 2), anticipated pressure and/or increased rock perme-
but their well logs are not publicly available and ability (e.g. the presence of a fracture system). A
so are not studied here. Where two or more wells series of thrust-sheet deposits cap the CO2 reser-
intercept what may be the same CO2 reservoir, we voirs. These nappes can be Middle Triassic– Mio-
refer to a CO2 field. We classify the case studies cene basinal flysch units of the Allochthonous
into those with overburdens that successfully seal Complex (including the basinal carbonates of the
CO2 (BS1, SAT1, Ben1/2 and Mu1), that leak CO2 Lagonegro Formation or pelagic deposits of the
to surface (MF1 and PPS1), or are inconclusive – Sannio Formation), or Miocene – Pleistocene-age
that is, it is not clear whether or not CO2 is securely sediments (turbidites, muds, sandstones and con-
retained in the subsurface (Tr1 and MT1). glomerates). The thrusted contact between the reser-
This section presents an overview of the broad voir and overburden is marked by a tectonic breccia
structure and rock formations in the boreholes, and or by a Messinian evaporite unit in some boreholes
their relationships before detailing each case study (indicated on the well logs in Figs 3–6). The thrust

Fig. 2. Map of the Southern Apennine region, showing the location of studied CO2-bearing wells, CO2 seeps
(shaded according to whether dry (vent, diffuse seeps) or wet (springs, bubbling water), mapped seismogenic normal
faults (Roberts 2008) and lines of cross-sections in Figures 3 –6.

Fig. 3. Benevento and Monte Taburno structures (cross-section A –A′ in Fig. 2) and pressure –depth profiles for the
Tranfaglia (Tr1), S. Arcangelo di Trimonte (SAT1), Benevento Sud (BS1), Monte Taburno (MT1) and Muscillo
wells. CO2-bearing formations are shaded in the depth profile of the well logs. It is unclear if the Motta and
Buonalbergo CO2 springs are related to the subsurface CO2 fields, although they do exhibit significant deep CO2
contributions. BS1, SAT1 and Tr1 show significant overpressure in the overburden. Data are from borehole logs,
and from Improta et al. (2003b), Di Bucci et al. (2006), Nicolai & Gambini (2007) and Chiodini et al. (2010).

pile is now dissected by extensional structures relat- to control seismogenesis in central Italy (Patacca
ing to back-arc extension, including NW–SE- and et al. 2008). In Pieve Santo Stefano 1 (PSS1), CO2
east –west-trending high-angle faults, which tend is hosted in the Burano Formation, a thick sequence

Fig. 4. Subsurface structure (cross-section B–B′ in Fig. 2) and boreholes that penetrate the Frigento Formation
(Cic1, Ciccone; MF1, Monte Forcuso 1; MF2, Monte Forcuso 2). MF1 drills a CO2 accumulation in the ACP at
hydrostatic pressure (see the shaded horizon on the depth profile), but MF2 and Cic1 drill into the water leg. Mefite
D’Ansanto (and Mefitiniella polla not shown here) are high-flux CO2 vents. San Teodoro, located on the SW flank
of the antiform, is a sulphurous thermal spring that does not degas CO2. Data are from borehole logs, and from
Improta et al. (2003b) and Di Bucci et al. (2006).

of Upper Triassic evaporitic carbonates which the In BS1, CO2 is continuously recorded in Apu-
Apulian Carbonate Platform overlies. lian Carbonate Platform units from approximately
2707 to 4139 m (1432 m gross CO2 column), and
Benevento CO2 field measurements show up to 98.5% CO2 by volume,
with small quantities of CH4 (maximum 5.1%).
Three boreholes, Benevento Sud 1 (BS1), San Directly overlying the reservoir are 9 m of Cre-
Arcangelo di Trimonte (SAT1) and Tranfaglia taceous anhydrite and gypsum, overlain by 25 m
(Tr1), penetrate the large Benevento CO2 field in of Messinian mudstone, and then 1 km of Mio-
the Campania region of Italy, as shown in Figure 3. cene muds and marls. In SAT1, well tests record

Fig. 5. Subsurface structure of the Acerno and Contursi reservoirs (cross-section C– C′ in Fig. 2) showing the
location of the Acerno (Ac1) and Contursi (Co1) wells. Acerno (Ac1) contains CO2 at 4263 m below surface (see
the grey shaded horizon on the well log depth profile). The Contursi borehole (Co1) did not intercept any CO2
accumulation at depth and so is not considered in our analysis. There are no known seeps above the Acerno horst
structure. Data are from borehole logs, and from Improta et al. (2003b) and Scrocca et al. (2005).

CO2 in the Apulian Carbonate Platform unit (at There are no formations in the TR1 borehole
c. 1660 m depth) and also in a shallower, approxi- that qualify as a good seal; most of the overburden
mately 50 m-thick carbonate breccia, separated is comprised of siltstone–calcareous units of the
from the platform carbonate by approximately Allochthonous Complex. This is in contrast to the
80 m of muddy limestone breccia. It is not clear SAT1 and BS1 boreholes, where the Allochthonous
whether this represents continuous CO2 from Complex overlying the CO2 reservoir is comprised
approximately 1520 m depth, or two distinct CO2 primarily of mudstones. The overburden is over-
shows. pressured, exceeding 10 MPa in all three boreholes,
The TR1 borehole intercepts a reservoir in the however, which suggests that the units are low
Apulian Carbonate Platform units at 2773 m depth permeability.
containing 98% CO2. Directly above lies 17 m of The wells that intersect the Benevento field
massive anhydrite, but there are shows of 2 –17% record different fluid pressure in the reservoir;
CO2 above the anhydrite for about a further 200 m BS1 and Tr1 show hydrostatic reservoir pressure,
and wet gas shows in the overburden all the way whereas in SAT1 the CO2 is overpressured. As a
to surface. Without detailed geochemical data we result, the modelled CO2 at reservoir conditions
cannot determine if the CO2 documented above are different, finding that CO2 is retained in the
the reservoir in Tr1 represents CO2 migration from dense (BS1) and the light (Tr1) phase, and or
the Apulian Carbonate Platform units through the close to the phase transition (SAT1). These differ-
anhydrite overburden, or in situ generation associ- ences in pressure and CO2 properties may indicate
ated with the wet gas. compartmentalization of the reservoir.

Fig. 6. Depth and pressure profile of the Pieve Santo Stefano borehole. This borehole is located in Tuscany, in the
Northern Apennines (see Fig. 1). The multilayered CO2 reservoir (shaded in grey in the well log) is hosted in thin
dolomite layers (sandwiched between anhydrite layers) of the Burano Formation. The CO2 is significantly above
hydrostatic pressure conditions. The Caprese Michelangeo and Fungaia CO2 vents are located near to the Pieve
Santo Stefano well and are considered to represent surface seepage of the reservoir. Data are from borehole logs,
and from Heinicke et al. (2006) and Bonini (2009a).

The Buonalbergo CO2 seep is located 3.5 km spring nearby, it is inconclusive whether the CO2
from TR1, 5.3 km from SAT1 and 10.3 km from documented in the Tr1 borehole is leaking to sur-
BS1. No further information, such as quantities of face. The CO2 reservoirs intercepted by BS1 and
degassed CO2, is available about this seep other SAT1 are considered sealed.
that it is a CO2 spring (Chiodini & Valenza 2008). To the north of these wells, the Benevento bore-
Its visual appearance is unremarkable, suggesting holes (Ben1 and Ben2) also encountered CO2 at
that gas flux is not particularly high. The CO2 dis- approximately 3 km depth. These boreholes drilled
solved in the spring could source from the Bene- a broad structural high (see Fig. 1c), and were also
vento CO2 field or CO2 in shallower formations found to contain some short-chain hydrocarbons
(like those in Tr1 which show small quantities of (maximum of 6.2% CH4 by volume) at approxi-
CO2 and hydrocarbons that could break down to mately 3300 m (Ben2). These wells show significant
CO2). Otherwise it could source from carbonate overpressure in the overburden, which is comprised
rock dissolution (karstification), which is common of several muddy units, but the reservoirs are hydro-
where carbonate rocks form the shallow subsurface. statically pressured. There are no CO2 seeps in the
Given the absence of a convincing seal in the Tr1 vicinity of these boreholes, so the reservoir is con-
overburden and the presence of the Buonalbergo sidered to be sealing.
Table 2. A summary of the reservoir and overburden characteristics for each CO2-bearing borehole, including the properties of the CO2, the presence of nearby seeps
or faults and whether the reservoir is interpreted to be sealed or leaking CO2 to surface

Field/ Borehole name; Reservoir conditions CO2 properties Overburden conditions Distance from borehole to: Interpretation
Reservoir abbreviation
Depth CO2 Over- Porefluid Density Buoyancy Evaporite Seal Overpressure Seep name Fault distance (km)
below (%v.v) pressure factor (kg m23) (MPa) (thickness) thickness (ratio compared (no. in Fig. 1); (name, sense)
surface (phase) (m; min – to hydrostatic) distance (km)
(m) max)

Benevento Sud 2710 98.5 N 0.4 624 + 15 5 Y (9 m) 315– 2710 Y (1.56) None 5 (S. Matese, N); Sealing
1; BS1 (dense – SC) 15.7 (Telese
Fault, N)


S. Arcangelo 1520 – Y 0.6 503 + 11 – N 1520– 1520 Y (1.62) None 4.8 (S. Matese, N); Sealing
di Trimonte; (dense – SC) 23.2 (Telese
Benevento SAT1 Fault, N)
Tranfaglia; Tr1 2773 98 N 0.4 279 + 6 – Y (17 m) None Y (1.67) Buonalbergo 7 (S. Matese, N); 20 Inconclusive
(light – SC) (1); 3.5 (Ufita Fault, N)
Benevento 002; 3300 94 N 0.6 797 + 9 1.8 N 30– 600 Y (1.68) None 12.7 (Boiano, N); Sealing
Ben2 (dense – SC) 22 (Telese
Fault, N)

Monte Monte Taburno 2093 .90 Y 0.5 569 + 10 1.1 Y (2 m) 543– 890 N (1.08) Motta (2); 1.6 8 (Montesarchio, N) Inconclusive
Taburno 1; MT1 (dense – SC)

Muscillo Muscillo; Mu1 694 97 N 0.4 139 + 19 2.2 N 305– 305 N (1.09) None .40 km Sealing
(low (light – gas)
Frigento Monte Forcuso 1128 99.7 N 0.4 200 + 5 3.5 N 168– 1128 N (1.21) Mefiteniella 4.3 (Ufita, N) Leaking
1; MF1 (light – SC) polla (4); 5.4
Mefite D’Ansanto
(5); 1.8

Acerno Acerno 1; Ac1 4263 97 Y 0.6 919 + 8 – Y (80 m) 70– 228 Y (1.48) San Benedetto 2.6 (Sabato Valley; Sealing
(dense – SC) (6); 11 N); 11.5
Contursi cluster (Volturata, N)
(7); 15.5
Caprese Pieve Santo 3600 92.2 Y 0.7 830 + 8 1.1 Y (70 m) 150– 550 N (1.08) C. Michelangelo 7.9 (Upper Tiber Leaking
Stefano 1; (dense – SC) (9); 2.5 Valley, N)
PSS1 Fungaia (10); 3.6

If reservoir or overburden formation fluid pressures are 3 MPa above hydrostatic, then it is considered to be overpressured. For CO2 density, ‘dense’ refers to CO2 with densities greater than the critical density
(rc ¼ 464 kg m21) and ‘light‘ refers to CO2 with densities below the critical density, and SC refers to the supercritical phase. Where column heights are not known, the buoyancy pressure, B, cannot be
calculated. Further detail about the seeps (number, type, flux, temperature) are tabulated in Figure 1b. Modelled conditions in SAT1 are unreliable (see the main text for details).


There are two recently active SW-dipping nor- this well. No other subsurface information is avail-
mal fault systems near to these boreholes (BS1, able and so its structure is poorly constrained. The
SAT1, TR1 and Ben1/2). The Southern Matese nearest faults are over 40 km from the well. We
Fault (less than 10 km from the boreholes) is a classify the Muscillo reservoir as sealing, although
NW–SE-trending complex of faults that has been we note that low CO2 saturation could indicate
historically seismogenic (Di Bucci et al. 2006; residual trapping of leaked CO2.
ISPRA 2007). The Telese fault scarp, a north-
dipping topographical break in slope, is between Frigento CO2 reservoir
16 and 22 km away from the boreholes (Roberts
2008). Previous earthquake sequences to the east Three boreholes penetrate the Frigento Antiform,
show that extension is largely NW– SE (Milano located in a region of Campania: Monte Forcuso
et al. 2006). 001 (MF1), Monte Forcuso 002 (MF2) and Ciccone
(Cic1) (Fig. 4). This structure in the Apulian Car-
Monte Taburno CO2 reservoir bonate Platform correlates with a gravity and ther-
mal anomaly (Improta et al. 2003a) (Fig. 1c). The
To the east of the Benevento CO2 field, the Monte geothermal gradient here reaches over 908C km21
Taburno 1 (MT1) borehole cuts a separate structure at the crest of the anticline (Chiodini et al. 2010).
containing .90% CO2 at 2 km depth (Fig. 4). CO2 The MF1 borehole is the only one to encounter
is mostly found in the Apulian Carbonate Plat- CO2. It intercepts an approximately 472 m gross
form but also in the overlying thin layer of muddy CO2 column in the Apulian Carbonate Platform at
Mio-Pliocene thrust-top deposits. This is capped just over 1 km depth, above a freshwater leg. The
by 511 m of dolomitic limestone, the bottom- absence of CO2 in neighbouring boreholes con-
most 2 m of which (i.e. capping the reservoir) is strains the extent of the CO2 cap (,2 km radius).
anhydrite-bearing, and then by over 1 km of low- The overburden is mostly comprised of muds and
permeability muds and sands of the Lagonegro marls of the Allochthonous Complex’s Lagonegro
and Sannio formations of the Allochthonous Com- Formation, and also brecciated and cemented sand-
plex. Overburden pressures are hydrostatic, but the stone. The overburden and the reservoir are at, or
CO2 reservoir shows approximately 9 MPa over- close to, hydrostatic pressure. The MF2 and Cic1
pressure and under these conditions the CO2 will boreholes, located on the flanks of the anticline,
be contained in its supercritical state. MT1 is do not contain free-phase CO2, only freshwater
10 km from the Telese Fault, and 7 km from the and saline water, respectively. The differences in
SW-dipping Montesarchio and Ioannis seismogenic formation salinity and pressure in these boreholes
normal faults (Roberts 2008). The Motta thermal may indicate compartmentalization of the reservoir.
spring is 1.6 km away and has a small CO2 emission The regional stress field (Barba et al. 2009)
(Chiodini & Valenza 2008), but no further informa- shows NW–SE extensional faulting which is cur-
tion is available. Similar to the Buonalbergo spring rently active; the 1980 Irpinia earthquake (M 6.9)
near the Benevento field, there are several possible nucleated on the NE-dipping Irpinia Fault 32 –
sources of CO2 in a small spring that do not neces- 35 km to the south of the reservoir. The SW-dipping
sitate a subsurface CO2 reservoir. Given the proxim- Ufito normal fault scarp is located less than 1 km to
ity of MT1 to the Motta thermal CO2 spring, it is the NE of the MF2 borehole, and 4.3 km from MF1
inconclusive whether the Monte Taburno reservoir (Fig. 2) (Improta et al. 2003b; Roberts 2008). This is
is leaking to surface. thought to be a splay from the Irpinia Fault (Broz-
zetti 2011), and thus the Frigento Antiform is
Muscillo CO2 – CH4 reservoir located in the hanging wall of both faults.
Mefite D’Ansanto and Mefitiniella Polla CO2
The Muscillo 1 (Mu1) borehole, located in the Basi- vents (seep nos 4 and 5 in Fig. 1c) are located
licata region, penetrated a shallow accumulation of above the structural high point of the NW –
CO2 –CH4 in the Apulian Platform Carbonate SE-trending Frigento Antiform (see Fig. 4). Mefite
(Fig. 3). A CH4 leg overlies a gas-phase CO2 leg D’Ansanto emits more CO2 than any other seep in
at 694 m below the surface, and both are low satura- Italy, releasing approximately 2000 t CO2/day by
tion. The reservoir top is marked by a thin breccia. venting and diffuse degassing over an area of
The overburden is comprised of claystone and silt- 4000 m2 (Chiodini et al. 2010). Mefitiniella Polla
stone terrigenous deposits. In the outer thrust is a smaller CO2 vent located 3.6 km NW from
domain where the borehole is located, these sedi- Mefite D’Ansanto and, although the seep rate has
ments tend to represent rapid filling of structural not been measured, field observations find that it
depressions related to the development of exten- vents CO2 vigorously. On the flanks of the Frigento
sional tectonics. Down-well pressures are hydro- Antiform, less than 3 km ENE from Mefite, are the
static and there are no CO2 seeps in the vicinity of San Teodoro thermal springs. These springs do not

release CO2, but their emergence temperatures the Caprese Antiform (Bicocchi et al. 2013)
(c. 15 –278C, similar to the Mefite seeps) and geo- (Fig. 6). The main CO2 reservoir is hosted within
chemistry (Minissale 2004) indicate rapid fluid dolomites and evaporites of the Triassic Burano
ascent of waters that have circulated in deep carbon- Group (Bonini 2009b) where thin reservoirs of frac-
ate rocks, probably via fault-related flow paths tured dolostone (porosity 2–6%) with high pore
(Duchi et al. 1995). Travertine deposits have been fluid pressures are sandwiched between sealing
mapped within 5 km of the seeps (Roberts 2013) anhydrite layers (Trippetta et al. 2013). The CO2
but these are no longer active, and there have been cap in the Caprese Antiform is likely to be elliptical
no geochemical investigations regarding their age in shape, with a maximum radius as great as 5 km
or source. (Bicocchi et al. 2013).
Although there is currently insufficient geo- The reservoir brines are highly saline due to the
chemical information to irrefutably link the subsur- interaction of meteoric waters with the evaporites
face reservoir with the Mefite CO2 seeps, or nearby (Bicocchi et al. 2013). Logging notes record signifi-
thermal springs, it is reasonable to consider that the cant mud losses while drilling through the overbur-
CO2 released at the Mefite seeps could originate den, which is multilayered and approximately
from the CO2 reservoir located in the underlying hydrostatically pressured. Beside the anhydrites of
anticline (Chiodini et al. 2010; Pischiutta et al. the Burano Group, there are few low-permeability
2013). We therefore classify the Frigento CO2 reser- units in the cap rock that would offer a convincing
voir as leaking. very-low-permeability seal, although, in general,
the Ligurian units that comprise the overburden
Acerno CO2 reservoir are considered to be low permeability (Bicocchi
et al. 2013).
The Acerno 1 borehole (Ac1) penetrates the deepest The region around the Caprese Antiform is
studied CO2 reservoir, located in a horst structure in associated with CO2 reservoirs and seeps. For
the Apulian Carbonate Platform, 4363 m beneath example, approximately 40 km to the SE of PSS1,
Mount Picentini (Fig. 5), Campania region. The res- the San Donato and Perugia 2 boreholes penetrate
ervoir is overlain by a 305 m-thick evaporite and the Monte Malbe structure (an anticline bounded
mud seal, then interlayered nappes of the Allochth- by two active normal faults) and find pressurized
onous Complex, basement carbonates and muds of CO2 fluids in the Burano Group (Trippetta et al.
the thrust-top deposits. Both the overburden and 2013). Indeed, NE-trending, steep-dipping faults
the reservoir are overpressured, with a pore fluid in the region form part of a regional transverse
factor of 0.6 in the reservoir. Multiple mud losses lineament known as the Arbia–Val Marecchia
were experienced when the well penetrated the Apu- Line (AVML) which has been associated with
lian Carbonate Platform, which suggests that the CO2 seepage (Bicocchi et al. 2013). More locally,
mud densities were too high for the reservoir prop- the seismogenic Alto-Tiberina Fault is approxi-
erties (e.g. pressure or presence of pervasive frac- mately 8 km SE of the PSS1 borehole and bounds
ture system); however, the mud densities were not the west side of the Quaternary Upper Tiber Basin
adjusted. The borehole was plugged after drilling (Collettini & Barchi 2004; Heinicke et al. 2006;
300 m into the Apulian Carbonate Platform. The ISPRA 2007).
single drill stem test in this borehole yielded over The Caprese Michelangelo seeps and the Fun-
90% CO2, which we model to be in the dense gaia seeps are within 4 km of the PSS1 well. Capr-
phase at reservoir conditions. The borehole is in ese Michelangelo is a cluster of at least four seeps
the footwall of the east-dipping Sabato normal in an area of 400 m2. The style of seeping is varied;
fault, which is considered to be seismogenic (ITH- there are CO2 vents, bubbling water and diffuse
ACA), and 11.5 km from the Volturara fault scarp degassing (seep No. 1 in Fig. 1c). The gas emission
(Roberts 2008). There are no CO2 seeps located rate of two seeps has been measured: one seep in the
above the Acerno structure, but 11 km to the ENE Caprese cluster classifies as medium (1–10 t/day)
is the San Benedetto CO2 spring, which releases and a seep in the Fungaia cluster classifies as high
10– 100 t CO2/day (Chiodini & Valenza 2008), (10 –100 t/day) (Chiodini & Valenza 2008). Here,
and 15 km to the NW is the Contursi seep cluster we refer to the Caprese Michelangelo and Fungaia
(Fig. 1c, No. 6). The Acerno reservoir is classified seeps collectively as the Caprese seeps. The rate
as inconclusive. and characteristics of these seeps (such as water
content and area) are observed to vary with rainfall
Caprese CO2 reservoir and following seismic events on the Alto-Tiberina
Fault (Heinicke et al. 2006; Bonini 2009b).
The Pieve Santo Stefano 1 (PSS1) borehole, located CO2 fluids from the PSS1 wellhead, the Caprese
in Tuscany, commercially exploits a multilayered seeps and fluid inclusions from the PSS1 cores have
CO2 reservoir at approximately 3.6 km depth in a common origin (Bonini 2009b; Bicocchi et al.

2013; Trippetta et al. 2013). The seeps are aligned Properties of the CO2
along NE–SW-trending faults that may connect to
the deep CO2 reservoir (Bonini 2009b; Bicocchi Pressure, CO2 density and, where possible, calcu-
et al. 2013). On the basis of this information, we lated CO2 buoyancy pressure at the reservoir tops
interpret that the Caprese CO2 seeps source from is shown in Figure 7. Most of the studied reservoirs
the deep reservoir in the Caprese Antiform, and so contain CO2 in the dense phase; MF1 and TR1 con-
this is classified as leaking. tain light-phase CO2, and Mu1 is the only well to
contain gaseous CO2. No reservoirs contain liquid-
phase CO2. The physical properties of the CO2
(phase or buoyancy) do not appear to be a first-order
Analysis: comparing the characteristics of control on whether a CO2 reservoir is leaking or
leaking and sealing reservoirs sealed.
The sealed Benevento Sud reservoir has a higher
Four of the studied CO2-bearing boreholes (PSS1, estimated CO2 buoyancy pressure at the reservoir –
MF1 and Tr1, MT1) are located within 3 km later- cap rock interface (5.0 MPa) than the seeping Monte
ally of documented surface CO2 seeps. We interpret Forcuso reservoir (3.5 MPa). The CO2 column
that two reservoirs are leaking: the Caprese (inter- heights for SAT1 and Tr1 are unknown. If we
cepted by the PSS1 borehole) and the Frigento assume the same CO2 –water contact in all three
(intercepted by MF1 borehole). Both reservoirs are wells, the CO2 buoyancy in SAT1 and Tr1 will be
hosted in antiform structures, and a number of even higher than in BS1 because CO2 is less
CO2 gas seeps with high rates of degassing are dense. Despite this, unlike the Frigento Formation,
located within 3.5 km of the boreholes. In contrast, the Benevento reservoirs are not obviously leaking.
for Tr1 and MT1, very little is known about The Muscillo reservoir is the opposite; the net buoy-
the small CO2 springs located within 3.5 km of the ancy pressure on the seal is effectively zero at the
boreholes, and so it is inconclusive whether the present day because gas saturation is so low. In
CO2 in these reservoirs is leaking to surface. this reservoir, CO2 will also have extremely low rel-
There are no seeps located within at least 10 km of ative permeability which will restrict its mobility.
the remaining boreholes (BS1, SAT1, Ben1/2 and CO2 solubility in freshwater at reservoir
Mu1) and so these are sealed. conditions is typically between 1 and 1.5 molar

Fig. 7. CO2 pressure–density phase diagram at the reservoir–seal boundary of CO2-bearing reservoirs. Calculated
CO2 buoyancy is shown next to the data points where information is available. Critical density and critical pressure
are shown as thin grey lines (and annotated). Only one reservoir, Mu1, contains CO2 in the gas phase, all other case
studies contain supercritical CO2 in both the dense and light phase. Neither CO2 density nor buoyancy determines
whether a reservoir is sealing in these case studies.

(c. 40 − 60 kgCO2 m−3 (H2 O) ) for all case studies. The reservoir is hosted in an anticline or horst does not
formation waters in these reservoirs therefore have affect whether it leaks or seals.
potential to dissolve significant quantities of CO2, The leaking Caprese and Frigento reservoirs are
and have a greater solubility capacity than surface both hosted in thrust-related anticlines located in
waters. Quaternary graben structures. However, the depth
In most of the case studies, a CO2 leg overlies a of the reservoirs is very different (see Table 2),
water leg in the reservoir, and CO2 saturation in the and so confining pressure is not a primary control
cap is high. The exceptions are PSS1, where the res- on the seal quality. The Caprese reservoir is deep
ervoir is complex and CO2 (in high saturation) is and pressured beyond hydrostatic; in this reservoir,
trapped within more permeable layers between CO2 is in its dense phase. The Frigento reservoir is
evaporite layers and Mu1, where CO2 saturation in much shallower, hydrostatically pressured, and so
the reservoir is low. Further, a unit overlying the CO2 is in its light phase. The two reservoirs have
primary CO2 reservoir in Tr1 also has low CO2 sat- similar temperatures, since the shallower Frigento
uration. Low CO2 saturation could result from sev- formation is located in a region with an anomalously
eral mechanisms. If the reservoir’s seal has been high geothermal gradient.
breached, low CO2 saturation confirms that the res- In three boreholes (Ben1/2, BS1 and Tr1) the
ervoir is leaking or has leaked in the past. If the cap reservoir carbonate units are close to hydrostatically
rock is acting as a good seal but CO2 saturation is pressured, in contrast with the significantly over-
low, then this could indicate that there was insuffi- pressured overburden. These reservoirs must be
cient CO2 charge to fill the reservoir. In situ gener- hydrologically connected to the surface; either by
ation of CO2 may result in low saturation if the permeable faults or through surface outcrop. Exam-
quantities of CO2 generated are small. Similarly, ples of hydrocarbon reservoirs at hydrostatic fluid
CO2 coming out of solution from formation waters pressures overlain with high-pressure cap rock are
as they depressurize during ascent may result in common in overpressured basins (O’Connor et al.
low CO2 saturation. In the absence of further geo- 2008). Isolated reservoir units will be in pressure
chemical information on the CO2 and formation equilibrium with the encasing low-permeability
waters, it is not possible to distinguish these units (such as shales). However, if reservoirs are
scenarios. connected to surface via lateral outcrop or frac-
Other gases which may affect the properties of ture/fault networks, fluids can escape and drain
the CO2 mixture are present in small quantities in the overpressure in the reservoir, bypassing any
many of the CO2 reservoirs, including short-chain buoyant fluids trapped in the overlying formation.
hydrocarbons, such as CH4, and H2S. Small propor- The overburden can remain overpressured even
tions of H2S decrease the interfacial tension of CO2 though fluids may slowly bleed into adjacent lower-
(Bennion & Bachu 2008; Savary et al. 2012), pressure reservoirs. In contrast, the Caprese and
whereas CH4 increases interfacial tension and Monte Taburno structures contain overpressured
decreases the fluid density (Naylor et al. 2011). reservoir fluids with a close to hydrostatically pres-
Since only trace amounts (0.1% C v/v) of H2S are sured overburden. This is often indicative of reser-
recorded in some boreholes, its effects on CO2 voir compartmentalization, which Trippetta et al.
properties are likely to be negligible. In contrast, (2013) interpreted for the complex and multilayered
sealing reservoirs Ben2, BS1 and Mu1 contain Caprese structure.
over 5% CH4 (% C v/v), and so the buoyancy of The CO2 contained in PSS1, MT1, Ac1 and
the CO2 –CH4 mixture in these reservoirs will be SAT1 is overpressured. High fluid pressures can
greater than for pure CO2. However, the effect of enhance or retard seal integrity, depending on the
CH4 on the interfacial tension will be more signifi- mechanism of seal failure. CO2 density increases
cant than the effect on the buoyancy (Naylor et al. with reservoir pressure, which in turn decreases
2011). As a result, relatively small quantities of CO2 buoyancy. CO2 overpressure therefore reduces
CH4 may be enhancing reservoir sealing at the the likelihood of capillary seal failure. Indeed,
Benevento reservoirs. reservoir overpressure in the leaking Caprese struc-
ture decreases CO2 buoyancy by approximately
Properties of the CO2 reservoir 0.3 MPa compared to hydrostatic conditions. How-
ever, significant fluid overpressure can lead to seal
The geological structures of all the reservoirs are failure by fluid-driven fracture propagation. For
broadly similar: CO2 has accumulated in platform example, in the case of PSS1, Ac1 and SAT1, the
carbonate units, and the overburden is comprised reservoir pore fluid pressures are over 60% of litho-
of thick, heterogenous nappes. This is similar to static. These fluid pressures could jeopardize the
hydrocarbon discoveries in central-southern Italy, integrity of the seal, particularly if the seal contains
many of which are hosted in fractured Apulian pre-existing fractures that are critically stressed.
Carbonate Platform (Casero 2005). Whether the However, since only the Caprese reservoir leaks

CO2, reservoir fluid pressure alone cannot control (c. 160 m), but no other low-permeability forma-
reservoir leakage. Regardless of the degree of over- tions above this.
pressure in the reservoir, overpressure in the seal The thrusted contact between reservoir and over-
and in the overburden above the seal can act as a sig- burden is marked by a tectonic breccia in three
nificant barrier as it increases the pressure required boreholes (SAT1, MF1, Mu1), whereas Messinian
to drive CO2 upwards and through the seal and anhydrite-bearing units (massive, or associated with
overburden. muds) directly overlie the CO2 reservoir in other
boreholes (BS1, Tr1, Ac and MT1; see Table 2).
Properties of the overburden Such low-permeability units may contribute to the
sealing capability of the overburden at the sites.
Although the geological structure of all the cases However, the Burano Triassic Evaporite Formation
studied is broadly similar, the overburden is variable forms the reservoir –seal complex of the leaking
in both rock type and thickness. Figure 8 shows the Caprese reservoir. Thus, while evaporites often
seal thickness, defined as the total thickness of units make a very effective seal, their presence or absence
documented from drill cuttings that would be likely is not the only factor in determining overburden
to be impermeable to CO2. integrity.
There is no correlation between reservoir The relationship between CO2 seepage and over-
depth (overburden thickness) or seal quality/thick- burden overpressure is summarized in Figure 9. CO2
ness and the presence of surface CO2 seeps. Some reservoirs that lack strong overpressure in overbur-
well logs record thick low-permeability sequences den units (maximum pressure/hydrostatic pressure
in the overburden: for example, in SAT1, there are ,1.3) are associated with surface seeps (boreholes
1520 m of muds overlying the reservoir all the MF1 and PSS1). In contrast, where the overburden
way to surface, and overlying the BS1 reservoir shows significant overpressure (maximum pres-
there are muds that, although becoming a little sil- sure/hydrostatic pressure .1.3) there are no surface
tier towards the surface, remain low permeability. seeps within 10 km of the borehole (Ben2, BS1 and
In contrast, TR1 records 17 m of massive anhydrite SAT1). The remaining boreholes are inconclusive
directly overlying the reservoir but no definable (Ac1, Mu, Tr1 and MT1). The pressure conditions
seal above this; the overlying (calcareous) siltstone in the overburden seem to be a primary control on
records low-saturation CO2 (for c. 200 m above successful CO2 retention.
the anhydrite) and wet natural gas all the way to Figure 10 shows the relationship between the
surface. Similarly, PSS1 records 70 m of gypsum fluid pressures in the overburden and the lateral dis-
above the CO2 reservoir overlain by sandy-marls tance from the wellbore to active normal faults


Ac1 Tr1 - no definable seal

Ben2 SAT1
Sealing Mu1

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

Seal Thickness (m)
Fig. 8. Thickness of impermeable rock formations in the overburden, as interpreted from the well logs of CO2
reservoirs, and the leaking– sealing classification of the reservoir. The thickness of low-permeability formations does
not control whether or not the reservoir leaks CO2 to surface.

Significant CO2 Reservoir

PSS1 MF1 Possible CO2 reservoir

MT1 Tr1

Mu1 Ac1 BS1 SAT1 Ben1


1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6

Maximum estimated fluid / hydrostatic pressure in overburden

Fig. 9. Fluid overpressure in the overburden of studied CO2 reservoirs and the interpretation of whether or not the
reservoir is leaking CO2 to surface. The degree of overpressure is indicated by the ratio of fluid pressure (Pf) to
hydrostatic pressure as interpreted from the density of the drilling mud in the well log. The data points are coloured
according to whether the reservoir is interpreted to be leaking (red), sealing (green) or is inconclusive (orange). CO2
reservoirs with fluid overpressure (.3 MPa) in the overburden do not have CO2 seeps located within at least 10 km
of the borehole and so are considered to be sealing reservoirs (green). In contrast, deep CO2 reservoirs that have
little or no overpressure in the overburden are located close to CO2 seeps (red). The shallow Mu1 reservoir shows
low CO2 saturation; hence, this is why it is not considered to be a significant CO2 reservoir.

(faults with exposed scarps that are considered to they are end-member case studies; the Frigento Anti-
pose a seismic hazard). The boreholes that penetrate form is one of the shallowest CO2 reservoirs and has
the two leaking CO2 reservoirs are located within an anomalously high geothermal gradient, whereas
5–7 km of the surface trace of seismogenic normal the Caprese formation is the deepest CO2-bearing
faults. These boreholes record no overpressure in structure in a region with relatively low geothermal
the overburden. Reservoirs located further from gradient. The downhole conditions in the wells that
these faults show overpressure in the overburden penetrate these structures are therefore very different
rock units. (as can be seen in Table 2). This has implications for
The exception to this trend is borehole Mu1, the area-permeability criteria to leak a given mass of
which is over 40 km from any known recent faults, free-phase CO2 from the reservoir. For example, for
and yet shows only minor deviations from hydro- the same mass of CO2 to leak from the reservoir, the
static pressure. However, this reservoir is at a rela- volume of free-phase CO2 that must leave the Capr-
tively shallow burial depth compared to the other ese reservoir (rCO2 ¼ 830 kg m23) is a quarter of the
study sites (c. 700 m), and the overburden consists volume that must leave from the Frigento reservoir
of sands, silts, clays and conglomerates which may (rCO2 ¼ 200 kg m23). As such, small volumes of
be permeable even if not breached by faulting. free-phase CO2 escaping from the Caprese structure
would mean relatively high rates of CO2 leakage.
For both structures, much greater volumes of
Analysis: characteristics of leakage and CO2-saturated water must leak from the reservoir
implications for risk management than free-phase CO2; six times the volume of free-
phase CO2 for the Frigento Formation and up to
As described in the sections above, the Frigento and 10 times for the Caprese Formation. Thus, larger
Caprese antiforms are considered to be leaking. Both permeabilities are needed for CO2-saturated waters
structures have a cluster of CO2 seeps at the surface to transport the same rate of CO2, unless the relative
above the reservoir, and both have hydrostatically permeability to water is at least an order of magni-
pressured overburden. However, in many respects, tude higher for free-phase CO2.

measured from the PSS1 and MF1 well logs, and

Distance to nearest active normal fault / km
25 Tr1

40 - 50 km
SAT1 elsewhere, guides the possible cap-rock permeabil-
Mu1 Ben2 ity. Further, reasonable possible leakage areas are
indicated in Figure 11 for discrete and clustered
seepage, the possible extent of a free-phase CO2
15 caps in the antiforms, and the geometry of rock
deformation related to faulting. Similar calculations
10 PSS1 Ac1 are not performed for the case studies that are incon-
clusive (Tr1 and MT1) because we do not have
MT1 Leaking information about seep rates, or seep area.
Inconclusive Figure 11 and its table inset shows that high leak
MF1 Sealing rates of free-phase CO2 can occur over smaller areas
and lower permeability than for CO2-saturated
1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 water. Enhanced-permeability pathways (i.e. faults)
Maximum mud pressure / hydrostatic pressure may not be necessary for free-phase CO2 fluids to
leak from the Caprese reservoir at 100 t/day. CO2
Fig. 10. Fluid overpressure in the overburden of could leak at this rate over an area smaller than
studied CO2 reservoirs and the lateral distance of the that of the Caprese Michelangelo seep cluster if
well to the nearest modern extensional fault structure. the permeabilities of the overlying rock formations
CO2 structures that are located within 8 km of a fault
are similar to measurements of the overburden
leak CO2 to surface. The degree of overpressure is
indicated by the ratio of fluid pressure (Pf) to recorded in the PSS1 well log. For the same CO2
hydrostatic pressure as interpreted from the density of leak rate and permeability, CO2 dissolved in water
the drilling mud in the well log. Wells are coloured would need areas similar to the Caprese seep cluster,
according to whether the reservoir is leaking CO2 to or faults. In contrast, to leak 2000 t/day from the
surface (red) or not (green) or indeterminately so Frigento reservoir, Darcy flow of free-phase CO2
(orange). Overburden overpressure correlates with through mudstones (maximum permeability c.
distance to the modern extensional faults mapped by 0.8 mD) would require leakage over an area much
Roberts (2008). CO2 reservoirs that are classified as larger than that estimated for the CO2 reservoir
leaking (i.e. are located within 5 km of CO2 seeps)
top. For CO2 leakage over smaller areas, such as
show hydrostatic pressures in overburden formations,
and are located within 8 km of a modern extensional those of faults, overburden permeabilities approach-
fault. Mu1 does not fit this trend, possibly because it is ing 102 mD are necessary. At approximately 1.1 km
so shallow; it is located over 40 km away from any depth, such permeability could only be provided by
mapped structures and so cannot fit on these axes. a network of open fractures, which could localized
or distributed, and could be related to faulting.
Fluid flow rates of 480 l s21 of CO2-saturated
Pathways of CO2 leakage waters would transport 2000 t/day of CO2 from the
Frigento reservoir. Such flow rates are not impos-
CO2 leakage from a reservoir could, in theory, occur sible, since spring flow rates in Italy can exceed
over a large area (distributed flow through a large 800 l 21 (Minissale 2004). However, rock perme-
rock volume) or over a smaller area (focused by abilities greater than 107 mD would be needed to
enhanced-permeability pathways such as those enable these flow rates over a discrete area, which
offered by faults, whether the fracture network is is difficult to achieve unless the rocks are karstified.
localized or more distributed). We use the Darcy Although karst environments are common in central
flow (equation 1) to approximate flow through the and southern Italy (Santo et al. 2011), it is unlikely
rock volume and fracture networks in order to that karst in the overburden is responsible for CO2
examine the area and permeability requirements to leakage from the reservoir, since karst environments
permit CO2 leakage from the Caprese and Frigento are typically found in the region of the water table
reservoirs into the overburden (not through the over- (current or historical). However, it is possible that
burden to surface). Figure 11 shows the combina- karst could aid the rapid seepage of CO2 from the
tions of overburden effective permeability (KE) near-surface.
and area (A) for leaking free-phase or dissolved
CO2 at 100 and 2000 t CO2/day from the Caprese Driving mechanism for CO2 leakage
and Frigento antiforms, respectively. These leak
rates correspond to the maximum estimated CO2 The results discussed above consider possible rock
release rate at the Fungaia and Mefite D’Ansanto properties and geometries required to permit a
seeps, since there are no published estimates for given rate of fluid flow into the cap rock, not the
CO2 release from all the seeps in the Caprese and mechanism driving the fluid flow. For free-phase
Mefite seep clusters. The permeability of formations or dissolved CO2 to migrate from the reservoir and

Fig. 11. The area and effective permeability at the reservoir top necessary for reservoir fluids (free-phase or
dissolved CO2) to seep at 100 t of CO2 per day from PSS1 reservoir conditions, and 100 and 2000 t CO2/day from
MF1 conditions. For light- or dissolved-phase CO2 to leak from the reservoir at these rates, high-permeability
pathways in the overburden such as those offered by open fractures or faults are needed. In contrast, it is possible
for dense-phase CO2 to leak from PSS1 into low-permeability overburden formations at 100 t CO2/day without the
need for fracture permeability. Typical rock permeabilities and seepage area are annotated to the right of the plot.
Permeabilities from well logs are annotated: i, Jurassic Umbria– Marche overburden in PSS1; ii, Allochthonous
Complex overburden in MF1 well; and iii, Apulian Carbonate Platform units in MF2. Vertical lines A–D show
estimates of minimum area of seepage at Caprese and Frigento case studies: (a) main area of degassing at the
Caprese Michelangelo; (b) area of degassing at Mefite; (c) cluster area at the Caprese Michelangelo (0.2 × 1.52 km)
and the Mefite and Mefitiniellapolla vents (3.5 × 0.1 km); and minimum area of seepage from (d) the Frigento CO2
reservoir top (2 km radius circle) and (e) the Caprese CO2 reservoir top (5 × 10 km ellipse). The table inset show
calculated seep areas using relevant permeabilities, and permeability calculations using areas A–E. These illustrate
that for dense-phase CO2, high seep rates require only very small volumes of CO2 to leak from the reservoir
compared to light-phase CO2. Similarly, for the same leak rates, much larger volumes of CO2 must leak from the
reservoir compared to free-phase CO2.

into the overburden, there must be a driving force. Modelling of CO2 properties at downhole condi-
This could be buoyancy pressure of free-phase tions finds that CO2 in the Frigento Formation is
CO2, which is less dense than formation waters. much more buoyant than CO2 in the Caprese

Well Data reservoir. Indeed, in PSS1, it finds that CO2 will be
Depth Profile
Uncertainty in its dense phase (with low buoyancy) for several
Top Res. PSS1 kilometres above the reservoir. Instead, fluid pres-
60 Reservoir top
sure in the Caprese reservoir could be driving CO2
leakage, since the reservoir pore fluid pressure is
Pressure (MPa)

much greater than hydrostatic.
Whether fluid pressure or buoyancy is driving
fluid leakage, these forces will change during fluid
ascent. For example, as shown in Figure 12a, CO2
15 Top Res. MF1
leaking from the Caprese reservoir will remain in
10 its dense phase for a few kilometres and pass very
close to the liquidus, where buoyancy will be low-
0 200 400 600 800 est, during its ascent from 1 km depth, if the fluids
CO₂ Density (kg m-³)
are in thermal equilibrium with the geotherm. This
(b) 0 Well Data
means that CO2 experiences a rapid increase in
Reservoir top
buoyancy as its density decreases approaching
1000 Top Res. MF1
800 m depth, and CO2 solubility will concurrently
decrease rapidly. These are depicted in Figure
12b, c, which also shows that, although CO2 buoy-
Depth (m)

2000 ancy is high in the Frigento reservoir, the buoyancy

increases gradually and to a lesser degree during
3000 ascent to surface. For example, during the 500 m
Top Res. PSS1
ascent between 1250 and 750 m, rCO2 decreases by
approximately 325 kg m23 in PSS1 and approxi-
mately 75 kg m23 in MF1. This could have a pro-
nounced effect on the way that CO2 leaks to
surface. For PSS1, the area permeability of flow
200 400 600 800 1000
H₂O-CO₂ Density Difference (kg m-³) paths would need to rapidly increase to sustain the
(c) 0
Surface Well Data mass flux of leaking CO2 since there will be a corre-
sponding volume increase of the leaking fluids over
Top Reservoir this depth interval.
1000 Top Res. MF1

Effective permeability
Depth (m)

Our calculations do not account for the effective
permeability of CO2 compared to water. The rela-
tive permeability of CO2 can be very low when
Top Res. PSS1
flow first establishes in water-wet rocks. However,
4000 the Caprese and Mefite seeps are long-established
degassing sites. Due to drying-out effects, single-
phase flow could now be established along the
0.5 1.0 1.5
CO₂ Solubility (molal)
2.0 leak paths, and so effective permeability may
approximate to rock permeability.
Fig. 12. Down-well pressure – rCO2 profiles for MF1 For CO2-saturated waters migrating through
and PSS1 plotted on a vapour pressure curve (a) and water-wet rocks, the waters will initially behave as
down-well depth and density difference (rH2 O − rCO2 ) a single phase. However, two-phase flow may initi-
profiles (b), and change in solubility in freshwater (c). ate towards the phase-transition depth, where solu-
The depth of the reservoir top is shown on each graph. bility rapidly decreases (see Fig. 12c) causing CO2
These graphs illustrate how changes in CO2 properties, to exsolve. The resulting decrease in the effective
which will affect how CO2 flows in geological
formations, differ depending on the reservoir
properties, and how changes are greatest towards the
CO2 phase transition. Increased reservoir pressure Fig. 12. (Continued) (b) as the fluids ascend to approach
decreases the density difference between CO2 and 1 km depth, and a pronounced change in solubility in
CO2-saturated waters, thereby decreasing the buoyancy freshwater (c). Note the rapid change in CO2 solubility in
drive of the fluids. This effect is particularly enhanced both cases towards the phase transition. For leakage of
in the MF1 reservoir. The vapour pressure curve (a) dissolved CO2, two-phase flow will become established
shows how the cooler PSS1 passes closer to the towards the phase transition, decreasing the relative
liquidus, which leads to more rapid changes in density permeability of both the water and the CO2 phase.

permeability will impede flow of both phases, of elevating pore fluid pressures beyond hydrostatic
although the buoyancy of the water may increase (Osborne & Swarbrick 1997). Overpressure is only
as a result of ‘gas lift’ (the buoyant CO2 bubbles). preserved in low-permeability rocks, since the pres-
The exsolved CO2 will redissolve if it comes into sure will dissipate where there is sufficient perme-
contact with unsaturated water, and so will only ability (whether due to the presence of slightly
remain as a separate phase if its flow path is isolated more permeable rock types in the overburden or a
from the ascending fluids (e.g. channelized flow in connected fracture and/or fault network, whether
faults) or if the rocks through which it is flowing it is localized or distributed). While we find that
are not water-saturated. This is more common at there is no simple relationship between overpressure
shallower depths (vadose zone). If CO2 remains as and the type of rock comprising the overburden, we
a separate phase, then its buoyancy and high interfa- do note that for many of the sealing reservoirs an
cial tension could allow free-phase CO2 to follow a evaporite-bearing formation caps the CO2 reservoir.
different flow path to its parent waters. The presence of evaporites will contribute to the
It is also important to note that fracture flow is sealing capability of the overburden due to their
not accurately represented by Darcy’s law. How- low inherent permeability and the possibility that
ever, in the absence of further information about when mobilized they can cement pores or fractures
the fracture properties of the overburden, the simpli- (Trippetta et al. 2013). This may be the case for the
fied approach allows us to explore the constraints on Caprese reservoir where the CO2-bearing horizons
the geological conditions that could enable leakage are overpressured and are confined by evaporites
at the observed rates. (Bicocchi et al. 2013), but there are no other evapo-
rite layers in the overburden, and the Caprese reser-
voir is leaking. However, observing the borehole
CO2 mass transport pressure profiles for leaking and sealing reservoirs
Our calculations assume conservative mass trans- finds that the most overpressured formations in a
port of leaked CO2 (i.e. that there is minimal CO2 cap rock are rarely those that are evaporite-bearing
loss during ascent), and so CO2 leaks from the (see Figs 3–6), and the boreholes that show greatest
reservoir at the same rate that it reaches the Earth’s overpressure are not necessarily those that contain
surface regardless of its subsurface interactions. evaporite. Thus, the presence of evaporites does
When CO2 leaks first establish, or if leakage occurs not systematically affect the overburden integrity
through a large rock volume rather than a focused or overpressure.
flow path, it is more reasonable to assume that CO2 Several factors affect fracture connectivity in
will disperse and attenuate as CO2 becomes residu- rocks, including confining pressure (corresponding
ally trapped or accumulates in secondary forma- to depth) and the regional stress regime. We find
tions. Similarly, for many geological situations, that confining pressure does not affect the maximum
the migrating CO2 will encounter multiple barriers overpressure, but that proximity to active normal
and cap rocks that will inhibit escape to surface. faults (as defined by Roberts 2008) does. Away
However, for long-established degassing sites, such from these faults, overpressure from the contrac-
as those studied here, the rocks and fluids that the tional tectonic regime could be preserved in the
CO2 comes into contact with during ascent are prob- heterogeneous and compartmentalized thrust-top
ably saturated with CO2. The quantity of CO2 loss deposits. The primary control on overburden over-
during ascent from the Caprese and Frigento reser- pressure may, hence, be the hydraulic conductivity
voirs may therefore be limited. However, it is of localized or distributed fractures within the
unlikely that the mass transport is truly conservative, overburden; high connectivity resulting from either
and, in fact, geochemical studies at the Caprese res- the presence of recent ‘open’ extensional faults or
ervoir and seeps find evidence of CO2 mixing with from high overpressures resulting in a reduction of
shallow waters during ascent (Bicocchi et al. 2013). overburden stress. For example, CO2 leakage from
the Frigento reservoir may be facilitated by the
low confining pressures (from being relatively shal-
Synthesis and discussion low) opening fractures in the overburden, and by
permeability offered by extension and fault damage
Our study of CO2 reservoirs in Italy identifies that zones related to the nearby Ufito normal fault. In
reservoirs that are successfully sealed have low- contrast, the leaking Caprese reservoir is overpres-
permeability units and overpressured units in the sured, although its overburden is not. Faults in the
overburden, and are located over 10 km from seis- region could have relieved any overpressure that
mogenic normal faults. once existed in the overburden units; however, the
The thrusted sediments that comprise the over- reservoir horizons are not in pressure communica-
burden of the studied reservoirs have experienced tion with their overburden because they are interlay-
compressional tectonics, which is one mechanism ered with the low-permeability evaporites of the

Burano Formation. This reservoir is deeply buried offered by the pressure seal is important for CO2
and the resultant high confining pressure will have security – if any.
closed mesoscale fractures in the reservoir and Current industrial screening practices and the
much of the overburden, unless the high fluid pres- regulatory framework for site selection typically
sures in the reservoir opens them locally or faults are focus on possible mechanisms of CO2 leakage
critically stressed. Both scenarios are feasible. PSS1 from the reservoir into the overlying cap rock (cap-
is located ,8 km from a seismically active fault, illary breakthrough, tensile fracturing of the cap
and also the pore fluid pressure in the Caprese reser- rock or fault slip, and brine displacement) or neces-
voir could be sufficient to open fractures in the cap sary reservoir conditions, rather than the barriers to
rock, locally enhancing rock fracture permeability fluid flow offered in the overburden overlying the
and enabling CO2 escape from the reservoir. Indeed, reservoir (Hannon & Esposito 2015). Multilayered
pressure pulses associated with seismicity have reservoir –cap rock systems are identified as an
increased CO2 degassing at the Caprese Michelan- effective barrier for leakage for storage site selec-
gelo seeps (Heinicke et al. 2006; Bonini 2009a). tion criteria (IEA-GHG 2009), but the only site
These observations stress the need to understand selection guidance document to mention cap-rock
the crustal stresses around potential storage sites. fluid pressure gradients are those prepared by the
Although we do not consider this here, the burial World Resources Institute (2008), which note that
history might have affected the geomechanical the presence of a pressure differential between the
properties and, as such, the fluid flow properties of reservoir and cap rock is one characteristic that
the overburden, and therefore whether a reservoir may demonstrate the ability of the cap rock to pre-
leaks or seals. Further work could aim to resolve vent vertical migration of injected CO2.
how the geomechanical context influences reservoir Table 3 summarizes the published criteria for
leakage. storage site selection that will minimize the risks
The recorded overpressure in low-permeability associated with the geological storage of CO2, and
units could be an artefact of deriving formation pres- how our case studies would perform against these
sure from drilling mud weights. When drilling criteria. All the reservoirs studied here, whether
through low-permeability rocks, the borehole will leaking or sealing, would not be deemed suitable
not be in pressure communication with the rock for CO2 storage. This suggests that site selection cri-
and so high mud weights will be tolerated without teria are robust, and perhaps err on the side of cau-
affecting the well integrity. However, we assume tion. Table 3 shows how many of the reservoirs
that this is not so for two reasons: first, significant fulfill the most prescriptive criteria such as cap-rock
health and safety risk is associated with drilling thickness, and reservoir pressure and temperature
with the incorrect mud weight, and it is considered conditions. Only one reservoir, Muscillo, would be
poor practice to drill using mud weights that are deemed too shallow for storage, since it is less
not carefully calibrated to the subsurface conditions. than 800 m deep. Most of the other case studies
Secondly, for many of the well logs, it is clear that would be deemed too deep according to Chadwick
the mud weights have been adjusted many times et al. (2008) and Smith et al. (2011), but not accord-
during drilling to reflect the complexity of the ing to IEA-GHG (2009), who provided no depth
overburden formations. cut-off. Avoiding deep reservoirs does not minimize
the risks of leakage, but, rather, the cost and ease of
Implications for storage site selection injection and monitoring, which at depths below
2500 m may become too difficult or expensive. In
Pressure seals are commonly observed in the any case, the Aquistore CCS project in Canada
overburden of hydrocarbon provinces. They are a is injecting at 3400 m (Rostron et al. 2014) and
highly effective seal for two reasons: first, they so clearly only the minimum depth criterion is
indicate the presence of very-low-permeability prescriptive.
formations, like those proposed for cap rocks in There is some uncertainty regarding the selec-
sequestration operations. Secondly, where the over- tion criteria for reservoir structures and cap-rock
burden fluid pressure exceeds that of the reservoir, continuity. The leaking Frigento reservoir would
the net fluid pressure gradient over the interval fail several selection criteria (it is shallow, CO2 in
between the reservoir and overpressured formation the reservoir is in is the light phase, see Table 3);
is directed downwards. Fluids would therefore however, the only criterion that the Caprese reser-
flow into the reservoir rather than up from the reser- voir might fail regards proximity to faults. Site
voir into the overburden. Despite this, to date, little selection guidelines for CCS recommend that reser-
attention has been paid to the role of pressure seals voirs selected for CO2 storage should have no faults,
in ensuring secure CO2 storage. For the case studies or should at least have only small or a low density
in Italy that are presented here, it is not possible to of faults. However, these are descriptive criteria;
determine which of these two retention mechanisms the constraints that define ‘low fault frequency’ or
Table 3. A summary of how the natural CO2 reservoirs in Italy studied in this paper would perform against published criteria for CO2 storage site selection, for (A) Chadwick et al. (2008) (B) IEA-GHG
(2009) and (C) Smith et al. (2011)

Property CO2 properties Reservoir properties Cap-rock property

Feature CO2 State Structure Depth (m) Temp Pressure Thickness Continuity:


Criteria Dense phase (i) Small or no faults; Multilayered system 800 –2500 .800 .358C .7.5 MPa 10 –100 m (i) Uniform;
(ii) Low fault frequency (ii) Extensive

Source A A, B, C B A, C B B B A, B, C (i) A (ii) B

Case studies
MF1 N N N Y Y Y Y Y ?
PSS1 Y N Y N Y Y Y Y ?

TR1 N N N N Y Y Y N ?
MT1 Y N N N Y Y Y Y ?

BS1 Y N N N Y Y Y Y ?
SAT1 N N Y Y Y Y Y Y ?
Seals BEN 2 Y ? N N Y Y Y ? ?
Ac Y N N N Y Y Y ? ?
Mu N Y N N N Y N Y ?

All the case studies, whether leaking or sealing, would not be deemed suitable for CO2 storage. Two of the features, reservoir structure and cap-rock continuity, are descriptive and therefore it is difficult to
determine whether the case studies would fulfil these criteria or not.


‘small faults’, and whether this refers to fault length proposing the artificial pressurization of overburden
or fault throw, or only open faults, are not clear. Nor units as an effective remediation option should leak-
is it clear how their potential for storage integrity age from an engineered CO2 storage reservoir occur,
should be characterized; there are many examples since this would decrease or reverse the normal fluid
from the hydrocarbon sector of sealing normal pressure gradient (Benson et al. 2003; Reveillere &
faults, and so the regional crustal stresses should Rohmer 2011).
also be considered. Further, the criteria refer mostly
refer to faults in the reservoir (which our results The ascent of leaked CO2
indicate are not necessary for rapid CO2 leakage
from PSS1), rather than buried or surface faults in The Caprese Michelangelo and Mefite seeps are
the overburden or nearby. Our results suggest that low-temperature CO2 emissions, mostly character-
for dense-phase CO2 to leak from a reservoir at a ized by CO2 venting, where CO2 is released above
considerable rate (.100 t/day), faults do not need ambient pressure (Chiodini & Valenza 2008; Rob-
to connect from reservoir to surface; however, to erts et al. 2011). CO2 is denser than air at surface
seep CO2 to surface, permeable faults are needed temperature and pressure, and therefore subsurface
to provide flow paths for less dense CO2. We pressure must be driving the escape of these fluids
would therefore argue that any faults in the overbur- rather than buoyancy alone, otherwise gas would
den, as well as those that intersect the reservoir, spread below surface in permeable soils. Pressur-
should be characterized during site screening. ized CO2 escape implies that flow is restricted
Although the site selection criteria in Table 1 do below the surface. Previous work by Roberts et al.
not make it explicit, it is unlikely that sites located (2014) found that CO2 vents in Italy tend to occur
close to seismogenic faults would be considered along faults in low-permeability rocks, and suggest
for CO2 storage. that these rocks could be restricting CO2 release
The cap rocks of most case studies are suitably from a more permeable (and CO2-saturated) lithol-
thick; however, it is difficult to determine if they ogy beneath. Thus, CO2 release through low-
would be considered ‘uniform’ or ‘extensive’ as permeability rocks is limited to permeable pathways
required by Chadwick et al. (2008) and IEA-GHG offered by open faults, and with minimal lateral CO2
(2009). This is because the well logs provide the spread. As such, CO2 flow could be restricted in the
only information about the case study overburden. shallow subsurface.
Since most are comprised of thin interlayered Changes to fluid and rock properties encountered
nappes, the cap rocks may not be considered uni- during ascent may also restrict CO2 flow at depth.
form on that basis. It is clear, though, that several Our calculations find that as CO2 density decreases
case studies have interlayered cap rock–reservoir during ascent, the seepage area or rock permeability
units comprising the overburden. This structure must increase for mass transport to be conserved,
could be desirable above prospective CO2 stores unless fluids are not in pressure equilibrium with
because interlayered reservoir units could, in the the rocks that they flow through. Baffles to flow
case of leakage, act as secondary or tertiary reser- are intrinsic to matrix and fracture complexities in
voirs and inhibit surface seepage. Our study sug- geological units, and may encourage the channel-
gests that CO2 is securely retained in reservoirs ling of ascending fluids. Fracture connectivity and
with cap rocks that would be deemed unsuitable rock permeability will not be continuous during
for storage according to current criteria. It might fluid ascent from the reservoir. For example, there
be reassuring to policy-makers and the public to are several rock units in the Caprese overburden
learn that imperfect geosystems are capable of trap- that have much lower permeability than that of the
ping large quantities of CO2 in the reservoirs. carbonate units directly overlying the reservoir,
This work has identified two key controls on CO2 and so fracture permeabilities would be necessary
retention: fluid pressure in the overburden and lat- for CO2 transport through these units. What this
eral distance of the reservoir from an active fault. amounts to is that, while free-phase CO2 may not
The criteria for desirable properties of the cap initially need fault-related rock permeability to
rock and overburden above prospect CO2 stores leak from the Caprese reservoir, such pathways
should therefore be improved. The regional stress will become necessary for CO2 transport to the sur-
regime and the overburden should be characterized face. The location of CO2 seeps in Italy is largely
during site assessment in order to identify the geo- fault controlled (Ascione et al. 2014; Roberts
logical structure, pressure conditions, and possible et al. 2014) and, indeed, the Caprese Michelangelo
fracture and fault properties (orientation, connec- seeps emerge along fault traces (Bonini 2009b).
tivity, stress state) in the overburden units. We As such, natural CO2 seeps illustrate the importance
recommend that the pressure seal becomes one of of considering the implications of fracture perme-
the first-order screening criteria for storage site ability for carbon capture and storage integrity
selection. Furthermore, we support previous work (Bond et al. 2017).

Similarly, if CO2 is migrating in its dissolved the overburden; high fluid pressures may indicate
form, baffles to flow will arise from changes in the the presence of an effective seal. The pressure seal
effective permeability when two-phase flow estab- could indicate the presence of a very-low-perme-
lishes towards the phase-transition depth, where ability formation, or where the net fluid pressure
CO2 will start to exsolve from saturated waters. gradient between the reservoir and overpressured
Flow rates will be inhibited as the effective perme- formation is directed downwards. Where there is a
ability decreases, although gas lift may oppose this pressure seal, CO2 buoyancy must be extraordi-
effect and, as discussed in our analysis, as the CO2 narily high to penetrate – or hydrofracture – the
and water phases have different properties they overpressured formation. CO2 seeps are located at
may follow different flow paths. If both phases sub- the surface above reservoirs with hydrostatically
sequently reach the surface, several seep types will pressured overburden. These case studies are
emerge in the seep cluster. Otherwise, if the hydrau- located near seismogenic extensional faults, which
lic head driving the ascending waters is not great may be responsible for subsurface pressure connec-
enough to enable the fluids to reach the surface, tivity at these sites, which, together with the higher
only dry CO2 seeps will manifest. In this way, permeability potentially offered by fault-related
CO2 can be transported from the reservoir in its dis- damage zones, may enable CO2 to leak to surface.
solved phase and seep as a free phase at the surface. We assess the geological conditions that could
Conversely, CO2 can leak from the reservoir as a enable CO2 leakage from the reservoir at the rates
free phase and dissolve into overlying aquifer observed at the surface seeps. This finds that CO2
units during ascent, and seep as a dissolved constit- is most likely to leak from the reservoir in a free
uent in springs. Detailed geochemical studies could phase. While formation waters have the potential
elucidate possible transport paths. to dissolve large quantities of CO2, high leak rates
This is important for site selection. The likely of free-phase CO2 can occur over smaller areas
style of CO2 seep that might establish at the surface and lower permeability than those needed for the
near a leaking store has implications for the design transport of CO2-saturated water at the same rate.
of subsurface and surface monitoring systems for Significant (.100 t/day) leakage of dense-phase
both verification and for early warning systems. CO2 from the reservoir can occur by flow through
Additionally, if a leak or seep is detected, then the the overburden without the need for faults or
remediation strategies adopted would be dependent enhanced-permeability pathways. In contrast, for
on the style of seep (Hepple & Benson 2003). Our the same mass flux of CO2 leaking in its light
work suggests that the characteristics of the over- phase, fault permeabilities are necessary since seep-
burden would allow some degree of forecasting of age through the overburden would otherwise have to
the risk and the potential risk-mitigation strategies. occur over areas too large to be geological feasible.
Changes in CO2 properties during ascent from the
leaking reservoir may therefore lead to the fluid
Conclusions channelling along high-permeability pathways
such as faults. This leads to CO2 venting and seep
We have studied nine boreholes in Italy that pene- clustering observed at these sites in Italy.
trate CO2 reservoirs. Two reservoirs have high-flux This work informs the site selection of potential
surface CO2 gas seeps within 2.5 km of the wellbore CO2 stores, and the monitoring and leakage remedi-
and are inferred to be leaking, whereas five have no ation strategies at selected sites. We find that all
surface seep expression and are inferred to be effec- cases studied, leaking or sealing, would fail current
tively sealed. The remaining two have small CO2 storage site selection criteria. Although cap-rock
springs located within 5 km of the borehole. These thickness and reservoir conditions would be deemed
reservoirs are deemed to be inconclusively sealing, suitable for most case studies, the proximity to faults
since the springs could originate from water circula- would probably be considered detrimental to stor-
tion through carbonate rocks rather than from reser- age security. However, there is little guidance on
voir leakage. the acceptable properties (density, scale, aperture)
The CO2 reservoirs exhibit a range of subsurface of fractures or faults, which is significant because
structures and conditions. Reservoirs successfully our work suggests that, where the primary seal is
retain CO2 in the light or dense phase, and in breached, permeable fractures could permit signifi-
some cases this CO2 can be close to the critical cant leak rates from reservoirs containing dense-
point or exert high buoyancy pressures on the cap phase CO2. We recommend that the overburden
rock. The presence of surface CO2 seeps is also should be well characterized to inform the site selec-
unaffected by the structure or burial depth of the tion process and monitoring design, and that more
CO2 reservoir, although the presence of evaporites work is needed to detail the selection criteria for
may enhance its sealing capabilities. There are no suitable overburden properties. The presence of a
seeps above reservoirs with fluid overpressure in pressure seal could be used as a first-order screening

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An improved procedure for pre-drill calculation of fracture pressure

Lahann Geoservices, 980 Timbercrest Road, Nashville, IN 47448, USA
Swarbrick Geopressure Consultancy, 43 Ancroft Garth, Durham DH1 2UD, UK

Abstract: Pre-drill modelling of fracture pressure (FP) is an essential part of well planning,
reserve estimation and evaluation of the potential for inducing seismicity as the result of fluid injec-
tion. Estimation of stress ratio or Poisson’s ratio values or compaction state with depth is required
in frequently used FP models. A new method to estimate FP is proposed which is based on Leak Off
(LOT) and pore fluid pressure (Pp) data from offset wells and vertical stress (Sv)–depth relation-
ships. LOT/Sv ratios observed in intervals of offset wells that are normally pressured (hydrostatic)
are used to define an expected FP/Sv ratio for hydrostatic Pp conditions for all depths. Typical FP/
Sv ratios for hydrostatic conditions derived using LOT data range from 0.81 to 0.89. Observed LOT
values associated with Pp greater than hydrostatic (overpressured) in offset wells are used to quan-
tify the rate of increase in FP with increasing overpressure (OP). The expected FP for hydrostatic
conditions is compared with observed LOT values from depths where the pore fluid is overpres-
sured and a relationship of increased FP, relative to the expected FP for hydrostatic conditions
(residual FP (FPr)) with increasing OP is defined. The FPr:OP ratio typically ranges from 0.24
to 0.43. Fracture pressure models developed by this procedure may be used to predict FP for
wells in different water depths and with Pp conditions different from those in the offset wells.
The use of the model is demonstrated in three case studies taken from different geological settings:
the Scotian shelf (offshore Nova Scotia), offshore Central Gulf of Mexico and the chalk interval
from the Central North Sea.

The creation of an anticipated fracture pressure drilling operations (borehole breathing). If the
(FP) –depth profile is an integral part of well plan- fracturing is more severe, substantial fluid losses
ning. During drilling and other well-site operations, to the formation can occur, which can lead to cross-
the pressure exerted by the drilling fluid on the for- reservoir communication, propagation of fractures
mation exposed in the wellbore is maintained at a to the surface (e.g. Champion Field, Brunei, Tingay
pressure above that of the fluids in the pore space et al. 2005; LUSI mud volcano, Davies et al. 2007)
of the rocks (Pp) and below the FP. The FP–depth or blowout of the well.
profile of the formations exposed in the wellbore An accurate pre-drill FP model is therefore
places limits on the density of drilling fluid that essential to the creation of an appropriate casing
can be circulated during drilling. programme which will allow for safe and cost-
Drilling fluid circulation systems are designed effective drilling. The challenge of maintaining
to prevent large fluxes of fluid either into or out of static and drilling wellbore fluid pressure between
the formation while maintaining the ability to cool Pp and FP (drilling window) is substantially greater
the drill string and remove the cuttings. To accom- when the Pp is much greater than hydrostatic Pp
plish these goals, circulation systems combine (see Fig. 1). Pp greater than hydrostatic pressure is
mud weight and pump pressures to be at the same termed ‘overpressure’ (OP) and is a frequent charac-
pressure as the Pp (‘balanced’), slightly below Pp teristic of formations found below deep water or
(‘underbalanced’) or above Pp (‘overbalanced’). If buried to great depths.
the pressure of the drilling fluid is below the Pp in LOTs are often performed after casing has been
the formation, an influx of fluid into the wellbore set in a wellbore. The LOT identifies the pressure, at
will occur, and where the formation has sufficient the depth of the casing shoe, at which increasing
permeability, the influx can affect drilling opera- fluid pressure in the wellbore causes the formation
tions. Where the pressure of the drilling fluid is to begin to accept fluid at an increasing rate. Ideally,
greater than the FP of any of the formations exposed an LOT pressure indicates the initiation of fractures
in the wellbore, then fracturing of the weak forma- in the formation; a LOT should be a larger pressure
tion can occur. The formation fracturing may be rel- than a formation integrity test (FIT) or a minimum
atively minor and result in fluid flow-back to the horizontal stress (Sh) or a fracture propagation pres-
wellbore when the borehole pressure is reduced by sure. Gaarenstroom et al. (1993) provides a more

From: Turner, J. P., Healy, D., Hillis, R. R. & Welch, M. J. (eds) Geomechanics and Geology.
Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 458,
# 2017 The Author(s). Published by The Geological Society of London. All rights reserved.
For permissions: Publishing disclaimer:
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Fig. 1. Relationship of pore fluid pressure (Pp), vertical stress (Sv), fracture pressure (FP) and drilling window.

detailed discussion of these pressures. LOTs are FP model that explicitly links FP to a fraction of
a common basis for estimating fracture strength Sv and to OP and offers advantages over traditional
of the formation at the casing seat. Compilation methods. Key features of a successful FP model are
of multiple LOTs from multiple wells, referenced considered to be utility, accuracy and ease of cali-
to a common water depth or seabed surface, can bration. The data required to calibrate a local model
form the basis for an empirical FP– depth model. using the new method is available from a pressure –
Care should be taken to ensure that all the compiled depth plot (relative to seabed) which contains an
data represent LOTs and that other pressure tests, Sv profile, offset well LOT data, a hydrostatic Pp
particularly FITs, are not included in the dataset. profile and Pp data for the offset wells.
Inclusion of FITs in a FP study can lead to underes-
timation of the FP.
FP models (based on LOTs) are commonly used
as part of a seal-breach risk evaluation. In this appli- Existing fracture pressure models
cation, the difference between FP and Pp, at the
same depth, is an estimate of the capacity of the General relationship to depth and
reservoir to trap hydrocarbons. Decreased differ- overpressure
ence between Pp and FP is associated with increased
risk of seal breach (Gaarenstroom et al. 1993; The data in Figure 2 demonstrate that in formations
Seldon & Flemings 2005; Swarbrick et al. 2010). In that are hydrostatically pressured FP can often be
this way an accurate FP model becomes important represented by a pseudolinear increase with depth
as part of an exploration risk evaluation strategy. or a constant relationship relative to the vertical
In a similar way, an accurate FP model can be a stress, Sv. A linear increase in FP with depth
useful supplement or independent check on basin neglects the increased density of shallow sediments
modelling/hydrocarbon migration models. If these as compaction with increasing effective stress
models generate Pp in either reservoirs or source occurs. The increased density increases the Sv gradi-
rocks that exceed modelled or observed FPs, then ent. Grauls (1999) proposed representing the FP in
the basin model results may be viewed as suspect. the hydrostatic section as a fraction of Sv. Estimat-
A number of FP models are described in the ing FP as a fraction of Sv is only accurate in the
petroleum geology/engineering literature and are hydrostatically pressured portion of a well profile
used by the energy and underground waste reposi- and will substantially underestimate the FP in inter-
tory industries to create FP–depth models prior to vals with large amounts of OP. In intervals with
and during drilling. This paper introduces a new significant OP, the Pp may exceed an FP predicted
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Fig. 2. Example from Nile Delta of change in FP gradient relative to changes in Pp, plotted relative to Sv. The
shallow interval is hydrostatically pressured and the deeper interval is overpressured. Figure modified after Nashaat
(1998) and reprinted with permission of the AAPG, whose permission is required for further use.

by a trend that was established in the hydrostatically the minimum value of the FP is always greater
pressured interval (Fig. 2). than Pp. Matthews & Kelly (1967) indicate that
The three FP models discussed in this paper and the ki value employed in an overpressured section
the new model require identical datasets for calibra- should be the ki value appropriate for the compac-
tion and application. Offset well data are required tion condition of the overpressured shale and should
for generation of hydrostat and Sv pressure –depth be determined by reference to shales in the hydro-
models. A Pp interpretation for the calibration statically pressured section. Matthews & Kelly
wells is required as well as LOT data. These datasets (1967) provide two depth plots of ki for regions of
are used to determine ki for the Matthews & Kelly the Gulf of Mexico. The plots are for hydrostatic
(1967) model and Poisson’s ratio for the Eaton conditions since the ki values increase monotoni-
(1969) model, unless some other source is available. cally with depth. The utility of these plots is limited
These same datasets are used to calibrate a hydro- by the Gulf of Mexico calibration and using a Sv
static fracture model and an OP influence for the profile of 1.0 psi/ft. The ki values published by
Breckles & van Eekelen (1982) model and the Matthews & Kelly for the shallow section are
model described in this paper. Despite the extreme artificially low, relative to deeper depths, in order
similarities in the required data, the various models to compensate for the overestimation of Sv in the
treat the inputs differently and thus provide different shallow section (Swarbrick & Lahann 2016). Cali-
FP interpretations. bration of ki for a well with OP requires a model
of ki as a function of effective stress (Sv – Pp) so an
appropriate value can be entered into the equation.
Matthews & Kelly (1967) and Eaton (1969) The Eaton (1969) method has constraints similar
These models are considered together because they to those noted for Matthews & Kelly (1967) method.
share the same equation: Poisson’s ratio must be available for the entire depth
range of the well. Eaton (1969) and Eaton & Eaton
FP = Pp + k∗(Sv − Pp) (1977) have provided Poisson’s ratio/depth curves
but these are influenced by the local depositional
The k variable is called the stress ratio (ki) history, porosity preservation and OP development
by Matthews & Kelly (1967) and is Poisson’s ratio and should ideally be related to effective stress.
in the Eaton (1969) model (Fig. 3). Both models Efforts have been made (Dutta 2002) to extract
address the issue of underestimating the FP in over- Poisson’s ratio from sonic or seismic velocity data
pressured intervals or sections by ensuring that for use in the Eaton (1969) model. The Dutta (2002)
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Fig. 3. Graphical display of the k term in the Matthews & Kelley and the Eaton methods.

approach requires shear velocity for the Poisson’s hydrostatic fluid pressure, and the inclusion of a
ration calculation; shear velocity data may not term that relates the deviation from the hydrostatic
be available in many situations requiring FP FP model to the amount of OP developed. The
calculation. power function creates an FP profile which is non-
Both of these methods place great emphasis on linear with depth and is progressively offset to
having the proper Pp as an entry point into the cal- slightly higher FP with depth, relative to a linear
culation. A miscalibration of ki can create signifi- model. The use of a single power function for a
cant error at low OP regimes; miscalibration of region neglects local effects on the Sv such as
ki is less serious in highly overpressured settings low-density salt layers or high-density carbonate
because the (Sv –Pp) term is small in these pressure intervals.
regimes (Fig. 3). Errors in Pp estimation can result
in quite large errors in FP estimates because the
Pp term appears in the FP equation. New model
We propose a new model for modelling FP using
Breckles & van Eekelen (1982) data from offset wells. The key equation to the
new model is:
The FP modelling method of Breckles & van Eeke-
len is quite different from those of Matthews & FP = A∗Sv + B∗Overpressure,
Kelly (1967) and Eaton (1969) in that the variations
in FP with OP are not dealt with by the k* (Sv – Pp) where A and B are empirical constants derived from
term. Breckles & van Eekelen (1982) developed available well data. The form of the equation is sim-
FP equations for the US Gulf Coast, Venezuela ilar to that of Breckles & van Eekelen (1982), differ-
and Brunei with the form: ing in that the A term is multiplied by Sv, rather than
depth raised to a power. The approach is indicated
FP = X∗Dy + Z∗(overpressure), schematically in Figure 4. LOT test data associated
with hydrostatic formations are used to define a rela-
where D is depth, and X, Y and Z are locally derived tionship of FP with Sv in hydrostatic conditions.
constants. The coupling term of FP to OP (Z ) ranged Increasing FP gradient with depth for hydrostatic
from 0.46 to 0.56. For deeper intervals Breckles & samples is automatically incorporated into the
van Eekelen used a hydrostatic FP term which model by the use of Sv, rather than depth, to calcu-
increased linearly as a function of depth. The key late the hydrostatic FP. Typical values of A are
factors in this approach are the power functions, from 0.81 to 0.89 (Swarbrick & Lahann 2016). For
which provide a depth-based estimate of FP for a many basins, especially in deep water, the top of
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Fig. 4. Schematic representation of the procedure for determination of A and B in the Lahann & Swarbrick fracture
pressure model, modified from Swarbrick & Lahann (2016) and reproduced here with permission from Marine and
Petroleum Geology. The term FPr refers to the fracture pressure residual which is determined by subtraction of the
fracture pressure model for hydrostatic conditions from the observed Leak Off (LOT) value.

OP occurs within 2000 m of the seabed. Hence the the shallow/hydrostatic interval, will generate
data available to calibrate A frequently occur only substantial errors (in psi) when extrapolated to
in the shallowest portion of the control wells. The greater depths.
linkage of FP to A* Sv allows local variations in Sv The data in Figure 5a are from a shallow-cool
profiles to influence the calculated FP. Although interval which is hydrostatically pressured. Despite
the general form of the new model equation is these factors, which would be expected to create a
similar to that of Breckles & van Eekelen (1982), consistent LOT trend with Sv, the average difference
the new model contains only two constants to be between observed and model LOT, for the data in
calibrated, rather than the three constants in the Figure 5a, is 1.5 MPa (225 psi). This result demon-
Breckles & van Eekelen equation. strates a challenge to successful (accurate) pressure
The Matthews & Kelly (1967) and Eaton (1969) modelling using LOTs. Significant deviation of
models may be calibrated to pressure data expressed observation from a model is a characteristic of
as either pressure (e.g. psi or MPa) or by pressure LOT modelling. Some of this variation may be
gradients (pound/gallon or MPa/km) or density associated with lithological variations within the
(specific gravity). The model presented here should sedimentary section. Additionally, variations in
only be calibrated by pressure data expressed as borehole size, orientation or drilling practices (e.g.
pressure, rather than as a gradient. As shown in pump rate) used in the collection of LOT data are
Figure 5a on a dataset (from seabed to 2000 m also likely contributors to the variability. A further
below seabed) from the Scotian shelf (Bell 1990), influence which would increase data scatter is inad-
a reliable relationship between FP and A* Sv can vertent inclusion of FIT data in the analysis. Inaccu-
often easily be obtained. However, because of the rate Pp is unlikely to be a significant contributor to
shallow depth, relatively small differences in the the model error in this case because the Pp is near
LOT pressures result in large differences in equiva- hydrostatic for all the LOT depths. The average
lent mud weight (Fig. 5b). For this example no variation in observed LOT compared with model
reliable estimate of A is possible from the shallow data in the dataset in Figure 5b, for which the
LOT when expressed as a gradient. An inaccurate LOTs are expressed as gradients, is 1.2 pounds/
determination of A will result in an inaccurate gallon, an unacceptably large error for LOT model-
determination of B and, subsequently, an inaccu- ling or for well planning.
rate FP model. An inappropriate fracture gradi- The value of B (Fig. 4), the coupling term linking
ent interpretation (from Fig. 5b), generated from OP and FP, is determined by employing the A value
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Fig. 5. (a and b) Comparison of reliability of A value determined by depth plot v. pressure (a) and by depth plot
v. pressure gradient (b). Data from Bell (1990).

and Sv to calculate the expected value of FP at references therein), and hence combining under-
depths with known LOT and Sv values. The pre- pressure and OP values may introduce artefacts
dicted value of FP from the hydrostatic model not captured in the method described in this paper.
(A* Sv) is subtracted from the observed FP. This Other possible causes for the variation in coupling
value, termed the fracture pressure residual (FPr), coefficient between this study and Breckles & Van
is the excess fracture pressure in the observation rel- Eekelen are the same as were discussed previously
ative to the hydrostatic model. The FPr is plotted as causes for variation in LOT values from the
against the observed OP, as in the insert on Figure 4. hydrostatic model, specifically variations in lithol-
The regressed slope of the residual (the FPr:OP ogy, borehole size and orientation, drilling practices
ratio) is the value of B, which has been shown to and inclusion of FIT data.
vary from 0.24 to 0.43 based on 11 global case stud- We also note that the typical B values from
ies (Swarbrick & Lahann 2016). the FPr/OP plot (Swarbrick & Lahann 2016) are
The range of B values reported by Swarbrick & substantially different from the values determined
Lahann (2016) is lower than the range 0.46– 0.56 by Engelder & Fischer (1994) and Hillis (2003) in
derived by Breckles & van Eekelen (1982) using gradient/gradient plots of Pp and FP (i.e. 0.60 –
depth rather than Sv. However, we note that 0.75). Engelder & Fischer refer to the relationship
Breckles & van Eekelen (1982) derived their con- between increased OP and FP (at constant depth)
stants using LOT and OP data which are depth- as a poro-elastic response of the formation to
normalized (pressure gradients, not pressures). increasing Pp in the pore system. The differences
Their regression to determine a coupling factor in B values are discussed by Swarbrick & Lahann
also included depleted reservoirs in which they (2016), who conclude that the differences in B
were plotting underpressure rather than OP. Pp:FG values are mainly due to inappropriate treatment
coupling over the lifetime of an oil or gas field of FP data associated with hydrostatic Pp data in
may be at a different rate than found in geologi- the FP/Pp gradient plots created by Engelder &
cal timeframes (Swarbrick & Lahann 2016 and Fischer (1994) and Hillis (2003).
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Swarbrick & Lahann (2016) present representa- 4000 m (Fig. 6a) where the LOTs in Mesozoic clas-
tive A and B values from 11 global studies. The tic sediments depart from the shallow trend, reflect-
applications reported to date have all been for off- ing FP coupling with OP. The application of the
shore locations, although a range of ages, lithologies model to these data is shown in Figure 6a and
and tectonic settings have been investigated. The b. The derived A from the LOT and Sv associated
authors see no reason why the methodology could with hydrostatic pore fluid pressures was 0.82
not be applied to onshore locations. These authors (derived from data in Fig. 5a). The calculated
also discuss application of the new FP model to a B value was 0.39 with an r 2 value of 0.82 (Fig. 6b).
compressive basin setting in Southeast Asia but Comparison between FP predicted by the new
despite the substantial differences in tectonic set- method and actual LOTs (Fig. 7) reveals close
ting, the new FP model was used successfully to agreement at all depths. At depth 4805 m on Fig-
model FP in the province. ure 7, the Sv calculated relative to seabed is smaller
than the reported LOT and the LOT model. One
of the unique features of the current model is that
Case study applications the LOT is not constrained to remain between Pp
Scotian Shelf and Sv. This feature allows modelling, via the cou-
pling with OP, of LOTs that are greater than Sv, pre-
The Scotian Shelf data (Bell 1990) are from 22 sumably owing to tensile strength (lithification).
wells with 64 LOTs distributed over a water depth The Bell (1990) dataset demonstrates some of
ranging from 24 to 1477 m. The development the challenges associated with obtaining accurate
of OP is largely confined to depths greater than FP models. The data reported for Pp were based

Fig. 6. (a and b) Scotian shelf Pp, LOT and generic Sv data from 25 wells (65 LOT). An A value (0.82) is
determined from the LOT associated with near hydrostatic Pp. Data in (a) replotted from Bell (1990). The insert (b)
demonstrates the relationship between measured LOT and the hydrostatic model, plotted against OP. The derived
FPr:OP value for B (coupling coefficient) is 0.39. (b) modified from Swarbrick & Lahann (2016) with permission
from Marine and Petroleum Geology.
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Fig. 7. Plot of Sv, observed LOT and modelled FP values for the Scotian Shelf dataset (Bell 1990), relative to depth
below seabed.

on drill-stem tests, repeat formation tests and often Scotian dataset was redetermined in this study to
mud weights without drill-stem or repeat formation be 0.39. The authors consider this variance to
test confirmation. Some of the LOT data were be due to minor changes in the calculation and
reported as ‘less than’ values, indicating that the regression process.
tests were probably FITs not LOTs. Uncertainty in Both Matthews & Kelly calculations and the
the input data, especially the Pp data, probably con- current method calculations of FP were performed
tribute to the scatter observed in Figure 6a and b. as a comparison of methods. The wells used to
The calculation of A and B is subject to multi- define A for the current method were used to define
ple technical challenges. The input value for over- ki for Matthews & Kelly calculation. The ki calibra-
pressure, which may have considerable uncertainty, tion showed no relationship of ki with depth or
clearly influences the FPr:OP coupling term. The effective stress. An average ki of 0.72 was therefore
exact value of A also has a direct influence on B used for the Matthews & Kelly interpretation. The
since A* Sv is the hydrostatic model that is sub- average error values for the new method and the
tracted from the actual Sv. Sv values are commonly Matthews & Kelly interpretation were calculated
reported relative to sea-level and must be con- for 1000 m depth intervals for both methods. Very
verted, accurately, to a seabed reference depth. little difference exists in the two models over the
Errors in Sv estimation will influence both the A shallow, near-hydrostatic depth range (Table 1).
and B values because of their effect on FPr. A From 2000 m (bsf) and deeper, the current method
too high value of A will yield a too low B value provided significantly better FP estimates, rang-
because of the reduction in FPr (a too low value ing from 1.0 to 1.7 MPa (145 –247 psi) average
for A will increase B). The inadvertent inclusion improvement over a 1000 m interval. Individual
of an FIT test in the A determination will lower A wells and LOT tests would have greater or lesser
and in turn increase B. The value for B calculated values of improvement. The improved FP values
for the Scotian dataset reported in Swarbrick & with the new method occur in a depth range over
Lahann (2016) was 0.36. The B value for the which the Matthews & Kelly method is relatively
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Table 1. Compilation of average error and depth ranges from interpretation of fracture pressure
(FP) by Matthews & Kelly and Lahann & Swarbrick FP models applied to data from the Scotian
Shelf and Central Gulf of Mexico

Application Depth, m bsf Average error, MPa Average error, MPa

Matthews & Kelly Lahann & Swarbrick

Scotian Shelf 0 – 999 1.1 1.1

1000– 1999 1.9 1.9
2000– 2999 4.3 3.3
3000– 3999 4.3 2.6
4000– 4999 3.1 2.8
5000– 5814 3.8 2.5
0 – 5814 2.8 2.3
Central Gulf of 0 – 999 0.8 0.8
1000– 1999 1.2 1.2
2000– 2999 2.1 1.9
3000– 3999 3.1 2.4
4000– 4999 2.1 1.9
5000– 5999 3.0 2.9
6000– 6072 2.7 2.6
0 – 7072 1.9 1.8

Fig. 8. (a and b) Central Gulf of Mexico Pp, LOT and generic Sv data from 20 wells (69 LOT). An A value (0.875)
is determined from the LOT associated with near hydrostatic Pp. The insert (b) demonstrates the relationship
between measured LOT and the hydrostatic model, plotted against OP. The derived FPr:OP value for B (coupling
coefficient) is 0.28.
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Fig. 9. Plot of observed LOT and modelled FP values for the Central Gulf of Mexico dataset, relative to depth
below seabed.

insensitive to ki value because of the relatively ki for the Matthews & Kelly calculation. The ki cali-
small difference between Pp and Sv. bration showed no relationship of ki with depth
or effective stress. An average ki of 0.74 was used
for the Matthews & Kelly interpretation. As was
Central Gulf of Mexico noted for the previous application, at depth less
The Central Gulf of Mexico data are from 20 deep- than 2000 m bsf, the two models yield very similar
water wells and with 69 LOTs distributed over four answers (Table 1). At depths greater than 2000 m
offshore deep-water Gulf of Mexico blocks (Missis- bsf, the new model provides a better match to
sippi Canyon, Ewing Bank, Green Canyon and observed data by 0.1–0.7 MPa (15– 102 psi) with
Walker Ridge). The area is characterized by Upper reduced error over a 1000 m interval. Individual
Tertiary, clastic sediments dominated by claystones LOTs or wells would have more or less improve-
in which OP starts typically about 1300 m below the ment than the average value calculated. The
seabed (Fig. 8a). The derived A from the LOT and Sv improved FP interpretation, relative to the Matthews
associated with hydrostatic Pp is 0.871 (illustrated & Kelly model, occurs in a depth range over which
by dotted line in Fig. 8a). The calculated B value the Matthews & Kelly method is relatively insensi-
is 0.28 (regression through data shown in Fig. 8b) tive to ki value because of the small difference
with an associated r 2 of 0.75. Pp values, sourced between Pp and Sv.
from Pp log interpretation calibrated to direct Pp
measurements and mud weights, are a probable North Sea chalk
source of scatter in Figure 8b. Figure 9 shows a com-
parison plot of Sv, observed LOTs vs modelled Carbonate lithologies provide substantial challenges
FP values. to FP modelling, in part because of the wide range
Both Matthews & Kelly calculations and the of sedimentary and diagenetic textures. The Central
current method calculations of FP were performed North Sea offers an opportunity to test the new
for the Gulf of Mexico dataset. The wells used to model on fine-grained carbonate chalk with perme-
define A for the current method were used to define ability low enough to form part of the pressure seal
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Fig. 10. Central North Sea Tertiary clastic and chalk Pp, LOT and generic Sv data from 20 wells (23 LOT). An A
value (0.89) determined from the LOT associated with near hydrostatic pore pressure. The insert demonstrates
the relationship between measured LOT and the hydrostatic model, plotted against overpressure. The derived
FPr:OP value for B (coupling coefficient) is 0.29.

Fig. 11. Plot of Sv, observed LOT and modelled FP values for the Central North Sea Tertiary clastic/chalk dataset,
relative to depth below seabed.
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(Swarbrick et al. 2010), through which OP increases depth of interests. The method does not limit FP val-
from near-normal to high values from shallow to ues to occur between Pp and Sv, as is characteristic
deep. The data examined in this application are of most other FP models.
from 18 chalk LOTs and five Tertiary clastic Application of the model to a proposed or
LOTs collected from 20 wells; the wells are distrib- exploratory well requires predicted depth profiles
uted over three offshore UK Quadrangles in the of Sv and Pp. The expected FG:Sv ratios in the
Central North Sea. Figure 10a and b display the hydrostatic portion of the well are in the region of
data used to calculate an A value of 0.89 based on 0.81 –0.89 and the FPr:OP ratios are in the region
hydrostatic LOTs and a B value of 0.29 with an r 2 of 0.24–0.43, based on current experience of appli-
value of 0.72. The presence of the chalk results in cation of this approach in both clastic and carbonate
a rapid increase in Pp between 3200 and 3900 m (chalk) environments (Swarbrick & Lahann 2016).
(Fig. 10). A linear increase in OP within the chalk The provision of probable ranges for FG:Sv ratio
is assumed for each well (Swarbrick et al. 2010). and FPr:OP ratios provides guidelines for calculat-
The FP model (Fig. 11) described in this paper pro- ing ranges for fracture pressure in the absence of
vides an adequate model when compared with mea- reliable offset data.
sured LOT in North Sea chalk, employing the same
procedures as described above for the clastic rocks The authors thank Nexen Petroleum USA Inc. for permis-
of the Scotian shelf and the Central Gulf of Mexico. sion to use fracture and fluid pressure information used in
In the Central North Sea, LOTs can exceed the the Central Gulf of Mexico discussion in this paper. The
best estimates of Sv (based on integrated density authors also thank the Indiana Geological Survey for sup-
port in creating the figures in this paper, and two anony-
data from wells with almost continuous log cover- mous referees for their valuable comments.
age), as shown in Figures 10a and 11. This relation-
ship could be explained most simply as caused by
LOTs which incorporate the tensile strength (which References
is estimated to be on the order of 7 MPa for North
Sea caprocks from unpublished research results Bell, J.S. 1990. The stress regime of the Scotian Shelf
offshore Eastern Canada to 6 kilometers depth and
known to authors). However LOT above Sv may implications for rock mechanics and hydrocarbon
also be a function of: (1) bias to low density in deter- migration. In: Maury, V. & Fourmaintraux, E.
mination of the Sv; and (2) elevated LOT associated (eds) Rock at Great Depth. Balkema, Rotterdam, 3,
with generation of a vertical fracture within a verti- 1243– 1265.
cal borehole when Sh is similar to or greater than Sv. Breckles, I.M. & van Eekelen, H.A.M. 1982. Relation-
The results of the FP model are to predict fracture ship between horizontal stress and depth in sedimen-
strength, as calibrated to LOT, and the relationship tary basins. Journal of Petroleum Technology, 34,
between LOT and Sv is therefore secondary. 2191– 2199.
Davies, R.W., Swarbrick, R.E., Evans, R.J. & Huuse, M.
2007. Birth of a mud volcano, East Java: 29 May 2006.
GSA Today, 17, 4– 9.
Conclusions Dutta, N.C. 2002. Deepwater geohazard prediction using
prestack inversion of large offset P-wave data and rock
A new procedure for FP calculation has been shown model. The Leading Edge, February, 193– 198.
to provide a good match of model to observed data Eaton, B.A. 1969. Fracture gradient prediction and its
in offset wells in three substantially different geo- application in oil field operations. Journal of Petro-
logical settings: the Scotian Shelf, the Central Gulf leum Technology, 21, 1353–1360.
of Mexico and the chalk interval of the Central Eaton, B.A. & Eaton, T.L. 1977. Fracture gradient predic-
tion for the new generation. World Oil, October, 93–100.
North Sea. The new procedure provides improved
Engelder, T. & Fischer, M.P. 1994. Influence of poroe-
estimation of FP, relative to a Matthews & Kelly lastic behavior on the magnitude of minimum horizon-
method, at depths greater than 2000 m. The new tal stress, Sh, in overpressured parts of sedimentary
procedure utilizes the same inputs (hydrostatic pres- basins. Geology, 22, 949–952.
sure, Sv, Pp and LOT data for calibration) as Gaarenstroom, L., Tromp, R.A.J., De Jong, M.C. &
required for application of the most commonly Brandenburg, A.M. 1993. Overpressures in the Cen-
used algorithms (e.g. Matthews & Kelly 1967; tral North Sea: implications for trap integrity and drill-
Eaton 1969). All necessary data are shown to be ing safety. In: Parker, J.R. (ed.) Petroleum Geology of
easily extracted from a pressure –depth plot of Pp, NW Europe: Proceedings of the 4th Conference. Geo-
Sv and LOT from offset wells (adjusted to seabed logical Society, London, 1305– 1313,
reference depth). Grauls, D. 1999. Overpressures: causal mechanisms, con-
The new FP model utilizes an FP trend ventional and hydromechanical approaches. Oil & Gas
associated with hydrostatic Pp conditions and sup- Science and Technology, 54, 667– 678.
plements the hydrostatic FP value with an increment Hillis, R.R. 2003. Pore pressure/stress coupling and its
in FP associated with the extent of OP present at the implications for rock failure. In: Van Rensbergen,
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P., Hillis, R.R., Maltman, A.J. & Morley, C.K. Swarbrick, R.E. & Lahann, R.W. 2016. Estimating pore
(eds) Subsurface Sediment Mobilization. Geological fluid pressure–stress coupling. Marine and Petroleum
Society, London, Special Publications, 216, 359–368, Geology, 78, 562–574. Swarbrick, R.E., Lahann, R.W., O’Connor, S.A. &
Matthews, W.R. & Kelly, J. 1967. How to predict for- Mallon, A.J. 2010. Role of the chalk in
mation pressure and fracture gradient. The Oil and development of deep overpressure in the Central
Gas Journal, February 20, 92–106. North Sea. In: Vining, B.A. & Pickering, S.C. (eds)
Nashaat, M. 1998. Abnormally high formation pressure Petroleum Geology: From Mature Basins to New
and seal impacts on hydrocarbon accumulations in Frontiers – Proceedings of the 7th Petroleum Geology
the Nile Delta and North Sinai Basins, Egypt. In: Conference. Geological Society, London, 493– 507,
Law, B.E., Ulmishek, G.F. & Slavin, V.I. (eds)
Abnormal Pressures in Hydrocarbon Environments. Tingay, M.R.P., Hillis, R.R., Morley, C.K., Swarbrick,
AAPG, Memoirs, 70, Chapter 10. R.E. & Drake, S.J. 2005. Present-day stress orienta-
Seldon, B.J. & Flemings, P.B. 2005. Reservoir pressure tion in Brunei: a snapshot of ‘prograding tectonics’ in
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Bulletin, 89, 193–209. 0016-764904-017
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Relationships between geomechanical properties and lithotypes in

NW European chalks
UMONS, University of Mons, 20 place du Parc, 7000 Mons, Belgium
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, KU Leuven, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,
Geology, Celestijnenlaan 200E, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium
ULB, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 50 avenue Roosevelt, 1050 Brussels, Belgium

Abstract: As a result of increasing interest in unconventional reservoirs, a wide range of sedimen-

tary systems are now being investigated with regard to petroleum applications, including various
tight chalk formations. We examined a wide variety of chalk samples from NW Europe (micritic,
grainy, argillaceous, marl seam, cemented and silicified chalks) and investigated the relationships
between their petrophysical properties, mechanical properties and associated microtextures and
how diagenesis can affect these properties. A diagenesis index based on an evaluation of textural
and diagenetic parameters was used to quantify the effect of global porosity-reducing diagenesis
on the microtexture of chalks. We used petrographic and petrophysical measurements to determine
the petrography, density, porosity, permeability and sonic velocity of the chalk samples and uni-
axial compression experiments to assess their mechanical behaviour. Our dataset of .30 samples
covers a wide range of values for these properties. We determined a linear porosity–permeability
relationship controlled by the diagenesis index. Porosity influences the unconfined compressive
strength and Young’s modulus, but our analyses suggest that the diagenesis of the studied lithol-
ogies provides us with a further understanding of the mechanical behaviour of chalks. Micritic
and grainy chalks are associated with the lowest diagenesis index and exhibit the lowest strength,
whereas the higher diagenesis indices observed for other microtextures correspond to higher
compressive strengths.

High-porosity pure white chalks have been exten- include the nanobioclast component. Mortimore &
sively studied in relation to oil and gas production Fielding (1990) attempted to classify chalk micro-
for .40 years (e.g. Schroeder 1995, 2002; Delage textures based on scanning electron microscopy
et al. 1996; Papamichos et al. 1997; Homand et al. (SEM) observations, with a classification applicable
1998; Risnes & Flaageng 1999; Homand & Shao to pure chalks only.
2000a, b, c; Gommesen & Fabricius 2001; Risnes Fritsen et al. (1996) proposed a classification of
2001; Collin et al. 2002; DeGennaro et al. 2003, chalks based on macroscopic observations from
2005; Risnes et al. 2003; Nguyen et al. 2008). North Sea cores. Mallon & Swarbrick (2002, 2008)
Recently, however, there has been increasing inter- focused on the petrographic and petrophysical
est in unconventional reservoirs, such as tight chalk properties of non-reservoir low-permeability chalk
formations, leading to a need to investigate a wider lithologies. These deposits were defined by the
range of sedimentary and diagenetic systems. Joint Chalk Research (JCR) group (Bailey et al.
Several studies have focused on the characteriza- 1999) as tight chalks and include all chalks with a
tion of microtextures and pore networks within matrix permeability ,0.2 mD. They are of interest
microporous carbonate reservoirs (Cantrell & Hag- to the petroleum industry (Fabricius 2001; Røgen
erty 1999; Richard et al. 2005; Vincent et al. & Fabricius 2002; Strand et al. 2007; Lindgreen &
2011; Brigaud et al. 2014; Regnet et al. 2014; Kacz- Jakobsen 2012) because they might be underex-
marek et al. 2015). Classifications based on the plored reservoirs or may have a crucial role in
morphology of the micritic matrix have been devel- hydrocarbon migration, acting as seals or fluid con-
oped for microcrystalline calcite (Lambert et al. duits depending on their fracture pattern (Gennaro
2006; Deville de Periere et al. 2011; Kaczmarek et al. 2013).
et al. 2015). However, the proposed classifications Depositional and diagenetic processes are
are not applicable to chalk because they do not known to control chalk microtextures (Anderskouv

From: Turner, J. P., Healy, D., Hillis, R. R. & Welch, M. J. (eds) Geomechanics and Geology.
Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 458,
# 2017 The Author(s). Published by The Geological Society of London. All rights reserved.
For permissions: Publishing disclaimer:
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& Surlyk 2011). The size and connectivity of the of chalk and underlined the distinct behaviour of
pore network may be enhanced by dissolution or tight chalk.
reduced by cementation and compaction. Hence The study reported here investigated how dia-
microtexture appears to be the link between the genesis can affect the petrophysical and mechanical
current behaviour of chalk formations and their properties of chalk by studying the relationships
geological history. Rashid et al. (2015) examined between these properties and the associated micro-
the factors affecting the distribution of porosity, textures. This will help our understanding of the
permeability and reservoir quality in the Kometan behaviour of tight chalk formations in terms of stor-
Formation (northern Iraq). Faÿ-Gomord et al. age capacity, transport mechanisms and mechanical
(2016a) proposed an in-depth understanding of the behaviour. It is also of interest when searching for
microtexture of tight chalks and highlighted the con- good analogues from outcrops because diagenesis
trolling role of the non-carbonate content and the has proved to be a key issue for the characterization
degree of diagenesis on the petrophysical properties. of reservoir chalk from chalk outcrops (Hjuler &
Few studies are currently available on the Fabricius 2009).
mechanical properties of tight chalks. This is, how-
ever, essential for designing hydraulic fracturing in
tight formations, such as the Niobrara plays in the Sample areas
USA, where diagenetic changes have been proved
to increase the brittleness of chalk (Pollastro 2010; NW European chalks were investigated from several
Maldonado et al. 2011). Bell et al. (1999) reviewed outcrops in Belgium, France and the UK (Fig. 1).
the engineering properties of English chalk, includ- The Belgian samples were from the Harmignies
ing some tight chalks. Using indentation experi- quarry, where pure white chalks from the Mons
ments, Faÿ-Gomord et al. (2016b) highlighted the Basin are exploited. The samples came from the
role of microtextures in the mechanical behaviour following Campanian formations (Marlière 1949):

Fig. 1. Location of outcrop samples (modified from Hjuler & Fabricius 2009). 1, Harmignies Quarry (Belgium); 2,
Boulonnais (France); 3, Yorkshire (UK); 4, Sussex (UK); and 5, Upper Normandy (France).
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Obourg (CH01), Nouvelles (CH02) and Spiennes Methodology

(CH03). In Belgium, Campanian pure white chalk
is exploited in different quarries in the Mons Basin Petrographic analysis: development of a
and in the East Chalk district near Lixhe village diagenesis index
(Robaszynski et al. 2001). These pure white chalks
contain a majority of intact coccoliths and are con- Classification systems for chalk microtextures and
sidered as analogous to chalk reservoirs; they have the degree of diagenesis are often subjective. To
been extensively studied (Schroeder 2002; Papami- develop a quantitative approach allowing compari-
chos et al. 2012; Megawati et al. 2015). The Belgian son with other properties, the microtexture and
white chalk is affected by normal and strike-slip diagenesis need to be assessed using a numerical
faulting with a large number of major joints (Van- value. This will establish a key link between the
dycke et al. 1991; Vandycke 2002). geology and the petrophysical and geomechanical
In France, outcrops were studied in the Boulon- properties.
nais region (Cap Blanc Nez site) and in Upper We obtained microphotographs from careful
Normandy at different locations along the coast SEM observations of the samples to document the
in Cenomanian to Turonian chalks (Table 1). The microtextures at different magnifications. The dia-
Cenomanian deposits of Cap Blanc Nez have been genesis index, developed by Faÿ-Gomord et al.
described as evolving from silicate-rich chalk in (2016a), was assessed for each sample. This index
the Lower Cenomanian towards white chalk at is based on seven diagenetic criteria, which are
the top (Robaszynski & Amédro 1986; Amédro & each graded from 0 (low diagenesis) to 10 (intense
Robaszynski 2001). The argillaceous chalk is diagenesis); the average value, calculated from the
related to a strong detrital input, most probably seven grades for each studied sample, determines
from the Brabant Massif (Deconinck et al. 1991); the diagenesis index (Fig. 2). The seven diagenetic
the input decreased as the depositional environment criteria are: (1) the micritic microtexture; (2) grain
deepened during the Late Cretaceous. The Nor- contacts; (3) coccolith disintegration; (4) cemented
mandy Basin is well known and has been well stud- zones; (5) authigenic calcite crystals; (6) coccolith
ied (Juignet 1974; Kennedy & Juignet 1975; Quine grain overgrowth; and (7) intraparticle cement. Fig-
& Bosence 1991; Mortimore & Pomerol 1997; ure 3 shows typical micrographs corresponding to
Robaszynski et al. 1998; Lasseur et al. 2009). extreme cases encountered for each of the criteria
Samples were taken from two sites in the British assessed in the diagenesis index. Each criterion is
chalk district. The Flamborough Head samples described below.
are clean Santonian chalk (Whitham 1993), which
has been deeply buried (Menpes & Hillis 1996) Micritic microtexture. The micritic microtexture
and has thus undergone strong burial diagenesis corresponds to the general arrangement of particles
(Faÿ-Gomord et al. 2016a). The samples from in the matrix. The micritic fraction is defined as
Sussex (southern England) were only buried by up particles ,10 mm. The microtexture can be loose
to 700 m (Law 1998). Several formations display (with a grading 0–3), tight (4 –7) or anhedral com-
very different lithotypes, from clean chalk with pact (8–10). A similar classification was used by
flint bands in the Birling Gap Turonian New Pit For- Lambert et al. (2006) and Deville de Periere et al.
mation, to argillaceous Cenomanian chalk from (2011). The micritic microtexture is often closely
Eastbourne. related to compaction because the arrangement of
This first overview of sampling sites (Table 1; grains depends on both mechanical and chemical
Fig. 1) shows the wide variety of chalk materials compaction during burial diagenesis. However, the
considered in this study. Their selection was gov- arrangement of grains that affects the overall micro-
erned by our search for a diversity of lithotypes texture can also be affected by eogenesis during
and geological burial histories. Samples were also early lithification, as is seen with hardgrounds.
specifically selected in zones that were not influ-
enced by faults (Gaviglio et al. 2009). As indicated Grain contacts. The types of contact between
on Figure 1, the chalk formations represent different micritic particles range from punctic contacts (0–
burial depths, ranging from 200 to 250 m for the 2), serrate contacts (3–4), meshed contacts (5–6),
Harmignies chalk (Dupuis & Vandycke 1989) to coalescent contacts (7–8) to fused contacts (9–10).
.1200 m for the Flamborough Head chalk (Menpes A punctic contact means that the contacts between
& Hillis 1996). This study focused on chalks already grains are punctual and the grains seem to only lie
referenced in terms of lithostratigraphy (Table 1) for on each other. A serrate contact refers to adjoined
all the different sites. Some of the mechanical prop- grains, connected to each other by a surface. A
erties are currently known, but no clear relationship meshed contact occurs when the grains show inden-
has been established between the diagenetic features tation of adjacent grains; they are partly nested
and mechanical properties. together. A coalescent contact refers to grains that
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Table 1. Geographical and stratigraphic location of the samples

Sample Sampling site Formation Stratigraphy Lithotype References*


CH01 Harmignies Quarry, Obourg Middle Campanian Micritic 3, 10

CH02 Harmignies Quarry, Nouvelles Middle Campanian Micritic 3, 10
CH04 Harmignies Quarry, Spiennes Upper Campanian Micritic 3, 10
CO01 Coquelles Quarry, Caffier Santonian Micritic 1, 14
Boulonnais, France
NH03 Newhaven. Sussex, UK Newhaven Campanian Micritic 4, 8, 12, 13
RA01 Ramsgate. Kent, UK Seaford Santonian Micritic 4, 8, 12, 13
BG01 Birling Gap. Sussex, UK New Pit Turonian Grainy 4, 8, 12, 13
CM02 Mimoyecques Quarry. Guet Turonian Grainy 1
Boulonnais, France
CM06 Mimoyecques Quarry. Guet Turonian Grainy 1
Boulonnais. France
ETR33 Etretat, Upper Normandy, Saint Pierre en Port Coniacian Grainy 7, 9, 12, 15
SS01 Seven Sisters, Sussex, UK Chalk mudstone Coniacian Grainy 4, 8, 12, 13
CB14 Cap Blanc Nez, Escalles Upper Cenomanian Cemented 2, 6, 14
Boulonnais, France
FA15 Flamborough Head, Flamborough Santonian Cemented 10, 16
Yorkshire, UK
FA39B Flamborough Head, Flamborough Santonian Cemented 10, 16
Yorkshire, UK
FH11 Flamborough Head, Flamborough Santonian Cemented 10, 16
Yorkshire, UK
SC01 Saint Martin en Tilleul Turonian Cemented 7, 9, 12, 15
Campagne, Upper
Normandy, France
CB13 Cap Blanc Nez, Escalles Upper Cenomanian Marl seams 2, 6, 14
Boulonnais, France
CB16 Cap Blanc Nez, Grand Nez Base Turonian Marl seams 2, 6, 14
Boulonnais, France
EA02 Eastbourne. Sussex, UK Hollywell Base Turonian Marl seams 4, 5, 8, 12, 13
ETR21 Senneville, Upper Senneville Middle Turonian Marl seams 7, 9, 12, 15
Normandy, France
ETR47 Senneville, Upper Senneville Middle Turonian Marl seams 7, 9, 12, 15
Normandy, France
SC02 Saint Martin en Tilleul Turonian Marl seams 7, 9, 12, 15
Campagne, Upper
Normandy, France
SC03 Saint Martin en Tilleul Turonian Marl seams 7, 9, 12, 15
Campagne, Upper
Normandy, France
CB02 Cap Blanc Nez, Strouanne Lower Cenomanian Argillaceous 2, 6, 14
Boulonnais, France
CB04 Cap Blanc Nez, Strouanne Lower Cenomanian Argillaceous 2, 6, 14
Boulonnais, France
CB06 Cap Blanc Nez, Strouanne Lower Cenomanian Argillaceous 2, 6, 14
Boulonnais, France
CB07 Cap Blanc Nez, Petit Blanc-Nez Lower Cenomanian Argillaceous 2, 6, 14
Boulonnais, France
CB09 Cap Blanc Nez, Petit Blanc-Nez Mid-Cenomanian Argillaceous 2, 6, 14
Boulonnais, France
CB10 Cap Blanc Nez, Petit Blanc-Nez Mid-Cenomanian Argillaceous 2, 6, 14
Boulonnais, France
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Table 1. (Continued )

Sample Sampling site Formation Stratigraphy Lithotype References*


CB11 Cap Blanc Nez, Cran Mid-Cenomanian Argillaceous 2, 6, 14

Boulonnais, France
CB23 Cap Blanc Nez, Petit Blanc-Nez Lower Cenomanian Argillaceous 2, 6, 14
Boulonnais, France
CB24 Cap Blanc Nez, Petit Blanc-Nez Lower Cenomanian Argillaceous 2, 6, 14
Boulonnais, France
CB25 Cap Blanc Nez, Petit Blanc-Nez Lower Cenomanian Argillaceous 2, 6, 14
Boulonnais. France
EA01 Eastbourne. Sussex, UK Zig-Zag Cenomanian Argillaceous 4, 5, 8, 12, 13
BR01 Bruneval, Upper Glauconieuse Cenomanian Silicified 7, 9, 12, 15
Normandy, France

*Studies performing geological logs on the studied outcrops: (1) Amédro & Robaszynski (2000); (2) Amédro & Robaszynski (2001);
(3) Boulvain & Pingot (2012); (4) Bristow et al. (1997); (5) Gale et al. (2005); (6) Gräfe (1999); (7) Juignet (1974); (8) Kennedy
(1969); (9) Lasseur et al. (2009); (10) Marlière (1949); (11) Mitchell (1994); (12) Mortimore & Pomerol (1997); (13) Mortimore
(2011); (14) Robaszynski & Amédro (1986); (15) Robaszynski et al. (1998); (16) Whitham (1993). From Faÿ-Gomord et al. (2016a, b).

are difficult to identify because several grains are the longest surface trace observed on the micro-
nested together. A fused contact corresponds to a graph is .10 mm. These zones result from calcite
contact where it is impossible to define clearly the cementation either during eogenesis (hardgrounds)
boundaries of the grains. The contact between grains or burial diagenesis. This criterion is ranked from
depends on both mechanical compaction and pres- 0, when cemented zones are absent, to 10 when
sure dissolution, particularly grain-to-grain contact they represent at least 50% of the chalk sample.
dissolution processes, which are often enhanced in
the presence of clays. Authigenic calcite crystals. Authigenic calcite crys-
tals generally occur as euhedral crystals of appar-
Coccolith disintegration. When sediments are bur- ently non-biogenic origin, usually measuring 1–
ied, gravitational forces induce mechanical compac- 5 mm. These authigenic crystals have previously
tion. The grains are brought closer together and been reported as associated with both early diage-
the mechanical breakage of delicate coccolith tests netic processes (Faÿ-Gomord et al. 2016a) and
increases as the overburden pressure increases. burial diagenesis (Fabricius 2003). This criterion
The crushing of microfossils requires stress levels is rated from 0 (no authigenic crystals) to 10 (a
corresponding to significant depths, even if some high density of authigenic crystals).
species break more easily than others, depending
on the thickness of their tests. This evidence of Coccolith grain overgrowth. Coccolith fragments
burial diagenesis can be graded from 0, when all often exhibit calcite cement overgrowths, but the
the coccoliths are well preserved, to 10, when the degree of occurrence is significantly variable. This
coccolith tests are broken apart into very small – diagenetic criterion ranges from 0 for none to very
sometimes hardly recognizable – tests. few overgrowth cements, to 10 when almost all
the nanofossils show overgrowths. Cement over-
Cemented zones. The cemented zones are defined as growth results from the dissolution of calcite from
homogeneous surfaces of calcite cement for which less stable surfaces and reprecipitation on stable

Fig. 2. Example of diagenesis index assessment from the evaluation of seven criteria.
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Fig. 3. Typical extreme cases encountered for the seven diagenesis-related criteria. Sketches in Part 1 from Lambert
et al. (2006).
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surfaces (Hjuler & Fabricius 2009). Overgrowths samples in a pulse transmission arrangement (Rum-
derive from diagenetic processes either by recrystal- mel & van Heerden 1978). Vaseline was used as the
lization or cementation and tend to be more pro- coupling fluid.
nounced as the burial depth increases.
Unconfined compressive strength tests. The un-
Intraparticle calcite cement. The intraparticle cement confined compressive strength (UCS) test is a
is characterized from thin section observations widespread measurement used to mechanically
under fluorescent light. Intraparticle cementation characterize rock materials. The International Soci-
in chalk essentially refers to the cementation inside ety for Rock Mechanics (Fairhurst & Hudson 1999)
forams and calcisphere tests. The cementation of recommends cylindrical samples with a height
intrafossil porosity indicates active pressure dissolu- to diameter ratio between 2.0 and 3.0. However,
tion and thus significant burial depth (Hjuler & smaller height to diameter ratios can also give
Fabricius 2009). This parameter ranges from 0, acceptable results (Dzulinski 1969; Thuro et al.
when there is no intraparticle cementation, to 10, 2001). As a result of chalk’s very small grain
when the whole intraparticle porosity is filled by size, smaller samples are still representative. For
cement. In this case the cement is often found in instance, Duperret et al. (2005) used length to diam-
the form of large sparitic calcite crystals. eter ratios ranging from only 1.1 to 1.4. In this study,
the tested samples had a length to diameter ratio
Petrophysical and mechanical properties between 1.2 and 1.6.
Tests were performed on a stiff frame with a
The experimental procedure aimed to determine
servo-controlled loading rate (Fig. 4). Pressure
as many properties as possible from the cored
transducers were used to measure the axial stress
plugs available. Therefore non-destructive testing
(range 0–35 MPa or 0 –493 MPa depending on the
techniques were used to determine the porosity, per-
transducer used). Inductive displacement transduc-
meability, dry and saturated P-wave velocities
ers (range +1.5 mm) were used to compute the
before performing uniaxial compression tests.
axial strains, leading to a full record of the stress –
Porosity and permeability. Porosity was determined strain curves. The UCS and Young’s modulus (the
both by water saturation (wwater) and helium expan- average modulus of the linear portion of the axial
sion (wHe) techniques. In the first method, the void stress –strain curve) could then be computed (Fair-
volume was directly measured by a water saturation hurst & Hudson 1999).
stage followed by a drying stage; the bulk volume
was deduced from the core dimensions. Saturation
and drying operations were performed according Experimental results
to American Petroleum Institute (API) standard The experimental workflow was applied to 35 sam-
methods (API 1998). In the second method, a ples. Detailed results for the petrographic descrip-
Boyle’s law EPS porosimeter was used to determine tion are given in Table 1 and the petrophysical and
the grain volume (API 1998). Those porosity mea- mechanical properties are given in Table 2.
surements correspond to connected pore space.
The gas permeability of the samples was deter-
mined with a Vinci nitrogen permeameter. The Petrographic results
plugs were mounted in a Hassler-type core-holder
at a confining pressure of 28 bar and a steady state The dataset acquired covers a wide range of chalks,
gas flow was established through the samples. The especially tight chalks, characterized by a spectrum
permeabilities were corrected for gas slippage of sedimentary textures, non-carbonate content, var-
using the Klinkenberg empirical correlation (API ious degrees of cementation and compaction. Six
1998). lithotypes could be defined based on sedimentary
features, colour and apparent strength: micritic,
P-wave velocity. Ultrasonic measurement is a non- grainy, marl seam, argillaceous, cemented and silic-
destructive method used to determine the velocity ified chalk. However, rather than the lithotype, it is
of ultrasonic waves in materials. Velocity is influ- the microtexture (i.e. the description of the arrange-
enced by the rock type, density, porosity, water ment of the matrix micrograins observed under
content and defects and is therefore closely related SEM) that is expected to constrain the petrophysical
to the rock properties (Kahraman 2007). In this properties of chalk. For each lithotype, a brief
study, a PUNDIT Plus system with 54 kHz P-wave description of the associated microtexture is given
transducers was used to determine both the dry in the following text. For more details, see Faÿ-
and saturated velocities. The velocities were com- Gomord et al. (2016a), where the impact of micro-
puted from the measured transit time (resolution texture on petrophysical properties is discussed
0.1 ms) and length (resolution 0.01 mm) of the and typical SEM images are shown.
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Fig. 4. Sketch of the uniaxial compression test equipment and parameters determined from a typical stress–
strain curve.

Micritic chalks have a mud-dominated texture Argillaceous chalks are clearly identifiable mac-
(often mudstone, occasionally wackestone) accord- roscopically by their light to dark grey colour. They
ing to the Dunham (1962) classification. Micritic initially formed during the Cenomanian stage where
chalks are mainly composed of coccolith fragments, specific sedimentological conditions occurred (with
leading to a micro-rhombic matrix texture, with rare a great detrital input, as described by Deconinck &
authigenic calcite crystals. Contacts between cocco- Chamley 1995; Faÿ-Gomord et al. 2016a), leading
lith fragments are mostly punctic and the interparti- to petrographic characteristics somewhere between
cle porosity is well preserved. those of marls and chalk. Thin section observations
Grainy chalks are grain-dominated and display show that the clays are dispersed in a brownish
a packstone texture. Macroscopically, they cannot matrix. The texture of argillaceous chalk varies
always be distinguished from micritic chalks, as from mudstone to wackestone, where the grains
they also correspond to pure chalks. However, mostly include forams, bioclasts and calcispheres.
they show a higher foram and bioclastic content Under SEM, argillaceous chalks are easy to identify,
in thin section, giving rise to their packstone with clay flakes dispersed in the matrix; mechanical
texture (Dunham 1962), with 32 –43% of grains compaction tends to align the flakes on a parallel
occurring in a micritic matrix. Under SEM, the plane to the bedding.
micritic matrix of grainy chalks is similar to that Cemented chalks exhibit a mudstone texture,
of micritic chalk. with 5– 8% grain content, and the grains are either
Marl seams in chalks are mostly interpreted cemented with sparite crystals or are micritic. All
as the result of pressure solution resulting from cemented chalks show similar microtextures with
burial diagenesis (Lind 1993). Marl seam chalks coalescent grain contacts, many authigenic calcite
have a mudstone – wackestone texture, with the crystals and grain overgrowths. Deeply buried
percentage of grains ranging from 6 to 17%. Fluo- chalks show a higher disintegration of coccoliths
rescence microscopy highlights the presence of and seemingly more grain overgrowths than early
intraparticle porosity inside calcispheres, forams cemented chalks.
and various bioclasts. Unlike other chalk litho- Outcrops of silicified chalk are scarce, but these
types, there is no one typical texture associated chalks have been described in the Ekofisk and South
with marl seam chalks. In clay-rich seams, the Arne oilfields in the North Sea (Jakobsen et al. 2000;
microtexture is dominated by clay flakes, which Lindgreen et al. 2010; Gennaro et al. 2013). Only
may show a preferential orientation. A few milli- one sample of silicified chalk was investigated in
metres away from the clay seams, the texture is this study, from a 30 cm thick bed from Brunneval
not dominated by the clay content and microtex- (Normandy, France). The rock still had a chalk tex-
tural features include authigenic cement crystals ture with distinct bioclasts, but its strength was
and grain overgrowths, which do not develop in increased compared with the surrounding chalk.
clay-rich seams. Marl seams seem to develop Patches of amorphous silica were present in higher
preferentially in nodular chalk and are affected porosity zones, whereas lower porosity zones
by early diagenesis and the clays concentrated appeared completely silicified, with chalcedony
between the nodules. within what used to be the chalk matrix.
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Table 2. Petrophysical and mechanical properties

Lithotype Sample Diagenetic wwater wHe k Grain VP dry VP sat UCS E

no. index (%) (%) (mD) density (m s21) (m s21) (MPa) (MPa)
(g . cm23)

Micritic CH01 1 44.14 41.90 3.18 2.70 2742 3298 7 9469

CH02 0.5 43.01 44.60 4.48 2.71 2434 2921 4 1224
CH04 0.5 41.38 42.40 2.85 2.71 2563 2919 5 –
CO01 1 42.31 42.90 5.83 2.70 2873 2924 5 2585
NH03 2.5 26.69 28.50 1.84 2.71 4931 4256 – –
RA01 1.5 – 45.90 5.95 2.70 2594 2541 4 1187
Grainy BG01 1 – 37.80 3.09 2.68 2704 2961 5 5455
CM02 1 39.18 39.70 3.67 2.70 3525 3550 8 9607
CM06 1 42.41 43.60 4.32 2.71 2602 2728 4 358
ETR33 2 30.48 33.80 13.30 2.70 2813 2966 3 1068
SS01 1.5 36.65 40.20 3.10 2.68 2930 2723 4 1345
Argillaceous CB02 3 26.4 21.60 0.10 2.69 3544 2154 – –
CB04 4 – 18.80 0.06 2.69 3544 3111 – –
CB06 3.5 – 23.40 0.11 2.68 3095 2476 20 40 542
CB07 5.5 20.96 21.40 0.13 2.70 4752 4265 21 53 062
CB09 4 24.09 22.10 0.08 2.68 4310 3012 29 22 442
CB10 6 23.83 18.90 0.10 2.70 3553 2481 24 35 799
CB11 3.5 – 23.80 0.10 2.69 4797 2863 – –
CB23 5 23.29 21.00 0.06 2.68 3976 2806 27 –
CB24 3.5 19.03 18.20 0.08 2.67 4536 3724 24 26 401
CB25 4 22.34 20.10 0.06 2.69 3795 2753 – –
EA01 5 15.39 14.20 0.06 2.72 4762 3788 – –
Marl seam CB13 3 32.85 31.40 0.30 2.68 3696 2343 15 2674
CB16 4.5 23.68 20.70 0.19 2.71 4107 3739 – –
EA02 5 16.86 14.50 0.25 2.70 5618 4274 24 38 958
ETR21 1 36.37 36.40 1.32 2.70 3494 3269 12 7855
ETR47 1.5 38.94 40.40 2.68 2.68 2964 2592 10 –
SC02 3.5 33.03 33.00 0.48 2.68 3229 2447 – –
SC03 3 24.62 25.40 0.40 2.69 4630 3788 19 14 090
Cemented CB14 6.5 26.89 27.10 0.43 2.70 4090 3514 20 –
FA15 6.5 15.81 17.60 0.10 2.71 7232 6653 20 50 789
FA39B 7 15.20 16.20 0.14 2.71 6944 6716 30 23 444
FH11 7.5 15.98 19.30 0.16 2.71 6526 6200 31 41 935
SC01 6 23.69 23.80 0.44 2.70 5208 4673 21 23 021
Silicified BR01 8 26.21 26.40 0.04 2.45 4550 4960 51 25 076

E, Young’s modulus; k, empirical Klinkenberg permeability; UCS, unconfined compressive strength; VP dry, dry P-wave velocity; VP sat,
saturated P-wave velocity; wwater, water saturation porosity; wHe, helium porosity.

Petrophysical and mechanical results chalk samples were tight, as well as the deeply bur-
ied cemented chalk samples from Flamborough
As shown in Figure 5, the porosity determined either Head (UK samples FA15, FA39 and FA11), the
by water saturation or helium porosimetry gave nodular marl seam chalk sample from the base of
very similar values, ranging between 14 and 46%. the Turonian at Cap Blanc Nez (CB16) and the silic-
The porosity in marl seam chalk ranged between ified chalk sample (BR01). As the permeabilities are
14 and 40% due to variations in the intensity of low, fracture porosity is absent and the porosity is
compaction in those rocks. associated with interparticle voids. Therefore the
The measured permeabilities ranged between measured connected porosity can be considered as
0.04 and 13 mD. Following the definition of the the total porosity.
JCR group, we defined tight chalks as having a Mercury injection capillary pressure measure-
matrix permeability ,0.2 mD (Bailey et al. 1999) ments were performed on the same samples.
and therefore almost half of the samples tested They showed pore throat diameters ranging from
in this study (16/35) can be considered as tight 25 to 1100 nm (Faÿ-Gomord et al. 2016a). The larg-
chalks based on this criterion. All the argillaceous est pores were found in micritic (510 nm) and
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Fig. 5. Correlation between water and helium porosities.

grainy chalk (760 nm), whereas the smallest pores Overview of lithotypes and associated
occurred in argillaceous (100 nm) and silicified diagenesis index
chalk (25 nm). The pore size distribution was gener-
ally unimodal. Six lithotypes were identified within the dataset:
UCS tests were performed on dry samples. micritic, grainy, marl seam, argillaceous, cemented
Despite the variety of sedimentary and diagenetic and silicified chalks. They were associated with
systems investigated in this study, the mechanical typical ranges of the diagenesis index. The lowest
behaviour of chalk under atmospheric conditions diagenesis indices (,2.5) correspond to micritic
was generally characterized by brittle failure. A and grainy chalks. The loose matrix texture, punctic
wide range of values for the UCS was observed, contacts between grains, rare authigenic calcite
from a few MPa for micritic and grainy chalks crystals, a lack of coccolith grain overgrowth and
to several tens of MPa for argillaceous, cemented intraparticle cementation encountered in these
and silicified chalks (Fig. 6). The computed Young’s microtextures showed the limited cementation of
moduli varied between 350 and 53 000 MPa. The the chalks.
upper limit may seem high, but the type of chalk The marl seam chalks exhibited a wider range of
investigated in this work can be very different diagenesis indices (1–5) because of their heteroge-
from traditional pure chalk. In some cases, plastifi- neous nature (clay seams and surrounding chalk).
cation was observed before failure, mainly in the SEM observations indicated a wide range of micro-
grainy and argillaceous chalks. textures relating to the intensity of the burial pres-
sure solution or the initial sedimentary clay content.
The highest diagenesis indices were found
Discussion in argillaceous, cemented and silicified chalks. In
the argillaceous chalks the contacts between cocco-
This study investigated the impact of diagenesis on lith fragments were reduced and very limited
the petrophysical and mechanical properties of grain-to-grain contact dissolution or grain over-
chalk. This will contribute to our understanding of growths developed as a result of the dispersed clay
the effect of diagenesis on the storage capacity, flakes in the matrix. The matrix appeared to be
transport mechanisms and mechanical behaviour more compact in the argillaceous chalks than in
of tight chalk formations. It may also be helpful the micritic chalks as a result of compaction by
for identifying outcrop analogues. The following clay-rich chalks, resulting in tighter particles with
discussion focuses first on the typical diagenetic a higher degree of coccolith disintegration. In the
indices associated with the six lithotypes. The rela- cemented chalks, the high diagenesis index can
tionships between the petrophysical and mechanical be explained by the coalescence of grain contacts,
properties are then investigated and related to diage- the development of many authigenic calcite crystals
netic considerations and lithotypes. and grain overgrowths. For the silicified chalk
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Fig. 6. Uniaxial compression curves for the various lithotypes. The sketches show the typical microtexture(s)
associated with each lithotype.

sample, the insoluble residue increased to 76%, with areas within the cross-plot: micritic and grainy
silica dispersed in the chalk matrix and developed as chalks showed the highest porosities and permeabil-
a cement in forams and calcisphere chambers. ities, whereas argillaceous, cemented and silicified
chalks were less porous (,30%) and less permeable
(,1 mD). The porosity–permeability values are
Relationships between petrophysical and related to the intensity of the diagenetic processes
mechanical properties because the highest porosities and permeabilities
are associated with the lowest diagenesis indices.
Porosity– permeability relationships are often con- Figure 7a also compares the data with porosity–
sidered in petrophysical studies, particularly to permeability values in the JCR database. These
establish correlations within one given formation data are from North Sea chalks (the Tor, Hod
(Tiab & Donaldson 2004). The relationship is not and Ekofisk formations) and their analogues. They
straightforward because high-porosity rocks may are generally in good agreement with our values,
show very low permeabilities and highly permeable although there is more scatter in the JCR data.
rocks may have a low porosity. Among the studied The P-wave velocities of both the dry and
samples, covering a wide range of chalk microtex- saturated samples ranged between 2 and 7 km s21
tures, the porosity and the logarithm of the perme- (Fig. 7b). The saturated P-wave velocities were gen-
ability followed a linear relationship (Fig. 7a). The erally higher than the corresponding dry values in
defined microtextures corresponded to typical the micritic, grainy and silicified chalks; water filled
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Fig. 7. (a) Porosity– permeability plot of data from this study classified by lithotype and comparison with porosity–
permeability data from the JCR database. (b) P-wave velocities measured on saturated and dry samples. (c) P-wave
velocity v. saturation plot. CM2 is a grainy chalk; CB09, CB10 and CB24 are argillaceous chalks. FH11 is a
cemented chalk. (d) Relationship between dry and saturated P-wave velocities and porosity.

voids are more difficult to compress than air-filled The evolution of P-wave velocity with fluid sat-
voids and tend to increase the P-wave velocities uration has already been observed for pure chalk
(Bourbié et al. 1986). (Schroeder 2002), emphasizing a minimum velocity
However, for almost half of the samples, the dry at partial saturation. In that case, the dry velocities
P-wave velocities were higher than the velocities were lower than the fully saturated velocities. Mur-
in the saturated samples; this mainly occurred in phy (1982) observed higher dry velocities for the
the argillaceous and marl seam chalks, but also in Massillon sandstone (23% porosity). The presence
cemented chalks. To better understand the physical of clay minerals may explain the difference between
mechanism for this, the P-wave velocity was mea- dry and saturated P-wave velocities. Longitudinal
sured at various saturation values for several sam- waves show lower velocities in dry clays than in
ples. Figure 7c shows that the velocity was at a saturated clays. Ghorbani et al. (2009) have shown
maximum for dry rocks and rapidly decreased for a desiccation-driven hardening when measuring
a small water saturation. At high saturation states, the elastic wave velocities of clay rocks.
the P-wave velocity stabilized or slightly increased, As clay minerals were not found in all the
but did not reach the value of the dry material. samples, other parameters were also investigated.
The introduction of water to a dry sample first A point to consider is the relationship between
increases its density, resulting in a decrease in the P-wave velocities and porosity. Gregory (1976)
velocity (Gassmann 1976; Bourbié et al. 1986). proposed three characteristic behaviours for the
With increasing saturation, the apparent rigidity P-wave velocity –saturation relationship of consoli-
of the material decreases as well as the velocity. dated sediments depending on their porosity. Low
Beyond a limit of saturation, water compressibility porosity sediments (,10%) exhibit dry P-wave
is important and tends to harden the material, as pre- velocities that are much smaller than the saturated
dicted by Gassmann (1976). velocities, with a sigmoidal evolution. For medium
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(10–25%) to high-porosity sediments (.25%), the parameter governing the mechanical strength of
P-wave velocity decreases when a small amount of chalk. The mineralogical composition (e.g. silica
water is introduced; the decrease is steeper for and clay minerals) also has a non-negligible effect
more porous sediments. An increase in velocity at on the mechanical behaviour of chalk (Monjoie
higher saturation levels is also observed and linked et al. 1985; Schroeder 2002).
to the compressibility of the fluid. Gregory (1976) The features observed and rated through the dia-
observed that the difference between dry and genesis index are the result of both eogenetic and
saturated P-wave velocities depends on the porosity, mesogenetic processes affecting chalk; they quan-
but did not propose a mathematical relationship. For tify the diagenetic alteration of chalk. During eogen-
the chalk samples tested in this study, Figure 7d also esis, a low sedimentation rate may result in the
suggests a relationship between porosity and the early formation of indurated surfaces on the seafloor
difference between dry and saturated P-wave veloc- and thus the early cementation of chalky sediments.
ities. A linear correlation was attempted, but the Later, mesogenetic processes occur during burial
complexity of the chalks produced scatter in the diagenesis and lead to the formation of cements,
data (R 2 ¼ 0.423). either by grain overgrowth or authigenic calcite
In terms of mechanical behaviour, a linear rela- crystals in the matrix. Hence the diagenesis index
tionship is generally considered to show the influ- is a means of quantifying cementation, which
ence of porosity (or intact dry density) on UCS strengthens grain contacts and increases the UCS
(Mortimore & Fielding 1990; Duperret et al. 2005). (Fig. 8b). This cross-plot indicates a higher correla-
This study confirmed a correlation between porosity tion coefficient between the UCS and the diagenesis
and UCS (Fig. 8a). However, the data, as well index than between the UCS and porosity. Several
as previously reported data, showed some scatter factors can reduce porosity, such as the presence
from the straight correlation line, meaning that of clay minerals, but these factors do not necessarily
porosity alone cannot be considered as the intrinsic reinforce the microstructure, whereas cementation

Fig. 8. (a) UCS data from this study as a function of porosity, classified by lithotype, and comparison with
previously reported UCS–porosity data. (b) UCS as a function of diagenesis index. (c) Relationship between
Young’s modulus and porosity, according to lithotype, and comparison with data from the JCR database. (d)
Relationship between Young’s modulus and UCS.
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strengthens the mechanical properties of chalk. This a critical porosity estimated to be 50 (Bhakta &
result is also important because it emphasizes Landro 2013) or 70% (Fabricius 2007) for chalk.
how features observed at the SEM scale influence Fabricius (2003) proposed the iso-frame model,
mechanical behaviour, whereas the depositional which considers mixtures of suspended solids in
facies, as observed from thin section, only poorly the spherical pores of a solid. This modification
constrain the petrophysical and geomechanical estimates that not all the grain materials take part
properties (Faÿ-Gomord et al. 2016a). The micro- in building the frame in the Hashin–Shtrikman
texture, essentially defined by the non-carbonate model and some will stay in suspension in the
content and the degree of diagenesis, controls the pore space. In other words, part of the solid is in
mechanical properties of the sample. suspension in the pore fluid and this suspension is
The microtextural families were associated with embedded in the supporting frame of calcite and
specific mechanical behaviour (Fig. 6). The micritic silicates (Fabricius et al. 2005).
and grainy chalks underwent less cementation The relationship between Young’s modulus
during diagenesis and were the weakest and more and the UCS was also examined (Fig. 8d). Our
deformable materials in the dataset. It has previ- results were less clear than previously reported
ously been shown that the presence of clays in results (Schroeder 2002), which were limited to
chalk from deposition enhances chemical compac- pure chalk. The idea of a constant brittle failure
tion (Mallon & Swarbrick 2002, 2008; Fabricius strain in the shear mode (1r ¼ 0.002) seems to be
et al. 2008). This is why argillaceous chalk has a valid for micritic and grainy chalks and some reser-
higher diagenesis index than pure chalk (micritic voir chalk (JCR database), but argillaceous and
or grainy) with a similar burial history. Argillaceous cemented chalk are far from this trend. If diagenesis
chalks are therefore stronger and stiffer than plays a part in the deformability of these chalks,
micritic or grainy chalks. In cemented chalk, the other factors will also affect the deformability,
coalescence of grain contacts and the development such as the occurrence of clay minerals, pore size
of many authigenic calcite crystals and grain and shape (Faÿ-Gomord et al. 2016a). It can explain
overgrowths explain the high diagenesis index the scatter in the cross-plot for argillaceous, marl
and subsequent high compressive strength. Cemen- seam and cemented chalk samples.
tation is controlled by a range of factors; texture,
burial history and fluids (Schroeder 2002; Hjuler
& Fabricius 2009) can all affect the mechanical Conclusions
The Young’s modulus was found to be an expo- Chalk is usually defined as a pure, highly porous and
nential function of porosity (Fig. 8c). The data in low-permeability carbonate rock. This definition
this study are in good agreement with values in only gives a limited insight into the wide variety
the JCR database, but cover a wider spectrum of of existing chalk materials. Considering the increas-
chalk types and properties because the tested mate- ing interest in unconventional reservoirs, including
rial was not limited to reservoir chalks. Engstrøm tight chalk formations, this study broadens the sedi-
(1992) used a similar correlation for Danish chalk mentary and diagenetic systems investigated and
and proposed an extrapolation towards the Young’s showed how diagenesis can affect the petrophysical
modulus of pure calcite (224 800 MPa) for zero and the mechanical properties of chalk by studying
porosity: the relationships between these properties and the
associated microtextures.
Several outcrops in NW Europe were sampled
E = 224 800 e−0.112w (1)
and characterized. The petrographic description
included the assessment of a diagenesis index that
where E is the Young’s modulus (MPa) and w is quantified diagenesis using seven criteria. Each
the porosity. This principle was also applied in criterion was observed on SEM micrographs of
this work and gave good results for a wider dataset. the samples at various scales. Petrophysical and
Effective media models have been proposed to mechanical tests were also conducted, including
explain the relations between elastic properties the determination of porosity, permeability, P-wave
and porosity. The modified upper Hashin–Shtrik- velocity and UCS tests.
man model (Nur et al. 1998; Walls et al. 1998; Six lithotypes were defined: micritic, grainy, marl
Anderson 1999) considers a mixture of hollow seam, argillaceous, cemented and silicified chalk.
spherical shells of one component filling the space, They were characterized by a typical range of values
whereas the other component fills the spheres. A for the diagenesis index. The determined petrophys-
first end-member corresponds to zero porosity and ical and mechanical properties cover a wide range
the elastic properties are those of the solid phase of values, with half of the samples being considered
(mainly calcite); a second end-member depends on as tight chalks. A linear relationship between
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Mechanical constraints on kink band and thrust development
in the Appalachian Plateau, USA
Statoil ASA, Forusbeen 50, 4035, Stavanger, Norway

Abstract: The internal deformation of the Appalachian Plateau décollement sheet has a distinctive
style involving kink bands and thrusts. In areas where the décollement sheet is underlain by thin
salt, the dominant structures are thrusts developed at shallow levels, underlain by a series of
steep kink bands that terminate downwards at the Silurian salt décollement. Where the salt is
thick, large asymmetrical anticlines developed with hinterland-verging kinks on their back-
limbs that deformed the entire supra-salt sequence. In order to understand the constraints on defor-
mation, we have used analytical mechanical modelling based on the maximum strength theorem.
The simplified model consists of three layers: two are fluids and the third, intervening layer is a
stratified competent material. The model is compressed horizontally and the predictions made
are based on the kinematic approach of classical limit analysis. Two modes of deformation are
investigated: the thrust and the kink band. The modelling shows that kink bands dominate defor-
mation at large burial depth. At shallower depth and small regional bedding dip, the dominant mode
is thrusting. In areas of open folding it is predicted that through-going hinterland-verging kink
bands will form at a critical limb dip angle of about 108.

Supplementary material: Technical details of the mechanical theory behind this article are
available at

The Appalachian Basin, in the eastern United States, Devonian, loading by the Acadian mountains
is well known for hosting organic-rich shale units caused the development of a foreland flexure that
with prodigious hydrocarbon potential (Fig. 1). defined the Appalachian Basin. The basin was filled
The recent surge in production activity in the region with a laterally continuous shale-rich sequence
has led to the acquisition of large quantities of sub- punctuated by ramp carbonate development (Fig. 2).
surface data, including both 3-D seismic and well The sequence includes marine organic-rich shales
data. Interpretation of the newly available data such as the Marcellus shale and the Geneseo shale,
from Pennsylvania has shown that the contractional which form prominent detachment horizons, i.e.
structural style is quite distinctive and includes bedding parallel faults (Evans 1994; Aydin &
large-scale folds, thrusts and kink bands underlain Engelder 2014; Gillespie et al. 2015). In the Upper
by an evaporite décollement (Mount 2014; Gillespie Devonian, progradation and filling of the basin led
et al. 2015). The structural deformation poses diffi- to the development of the Catskill delta and the
culties for steering of horizontal wells in the sequence became more sand prone (Ettensohn 2008).
organic-rich shale and so it is important to be able The succeeding Alleghanian Orogeny was of
to predict the occurrence of the different kinds of Late Carboniferous to Permian in age (Lash &
structures. We have used analytical mechanical Engelder 2007; Ettensohn 2008), but constraint of
modelling based on the maximum strength theorem the cessation of the orogeny is poor because the syn-
in order to understand the constraints on deforma- orogenic sediments have been largely eroded by
tion, and to develop a predictive understanding of later uplift. Alleghanian shortening is expressed in
the variations in structural style. the well-developed folds and thrusts of the Valley
and Ridge province. In the Appalachian Plateau,
Stratigraphy and tectonics towards the foreland, the macroscopic contractional
deformation is weaker, with the development of
A giant saline basin developed in the eastern United large open folds, kink bands and thrusts, and the
States during the late Silurian, with the development deformed rocks are underlain by the Salina Gp
of evaporites including basinal halite and marginal evaporites that form an effective décollement. The
gypsum (the Salina Gp evaporites). During subse- sequence above the décollement is therefore
quent deformation the evaporite sequence respre- referred to as the Appalachian Plateau décollement
sented a mobile layer, or décollement. In the mid sheet.

From: Turner, J. P., Healy, D., Hillis, R. R. & Welch, M. J. (eds) 2017. Geomechanics and Geology.
Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 458, 245–256.
First published online June 12, 2017,
# 2017 The Author(s). Published by The Geological Society of London. All rights reserved.
For permissions: Publishing disclaimer:

Fig. 1. Structural map of Pennsylvania showing the anticlinal axes within the Appalachian Plateau décollement
sheet (grey lines, from Faill 2011). Contours of Salina Group halite shown from Rickard (1969). Zone of thickest
halite is the zone of highest amplitude folding.

Fig. 2. Simplified stratigraphic section from the Appalachian Plateau, Pennsylvania, showing some of the main
units. The halite of the Salina Gp has very variable thickness owing both to primary lateral variation and to salt
tectonics. Compiled from the Shoemaker Well (Cathcart & Myers 1934) and Mount (2014).

Analysis of fluid inclusion data indicates that the deformation is taken up by a series of planar thrust
maximum burial depth of the Marcellus shale in ramps with mean dip of 218 and which verge
the central Appalachian Plateau was about 5.2 km towards the foreland. The lower termination of the
(Evans 1995) and occurred during the Alleghenian thrust planes frequently coincides with the position
Orogeny. It is estimated that 3.1 km of the overbur- of convergence of paired kink bands (Fig. 3). How-
den has been eroded. ever, the details of the interaction between kink
Borehole data from Pennsylvannia indicate that bands and thrusts cannot be readily resolved.
the Devonian sediment of the Appalachian Basin On a regional scale, the transition between
has regional dip of 0.58 to the SE. This regional thrusts and kink bands appears to occur at fixed
dip had its origin in the Acadian and Alleghanian depth and cuts across stratigraphy. Thus in the fore-
foreland flexures. The regional dip of the sediment land, where the sequence is shallower, the transition
at the present day surface is approximately zero. occurs typically at the Marcellus shale. Further
The overall taper of the wedge is therefore very towards the hinterland, the sequence is deeper and
low, an observation that has been attributed to the the transition occurs higher in the stratigraphy, typ-
very weak décollement formed by the Syracuse ically at the Geneso shale, immediately above the
Salt (Chapple 1978; Davis & Engelder 1985). Top Tully horizon (Fig. 3). The transition depth is
at about 2.1 km below the present day surface.

Structural style Areas of thick salt

The subsurface structural style within the Appala- Where the salt is thicker than about 150 m, in the
chian Plateau décollement sheet has been deter- more central part of the evaporite basin (Fig. 1),
mined from 3D seismic data and well data structural style is very different. Here, large open
including core, borehole image logs and geosteering anticlines are developed that fold the entire pre-
data (Gillespie et al. 2015). The structural style var- served sequence of the Appalachian Plateau
ies significantly according to the thickness and décollement sheet (Frey 1973; Wiltschko & Chap-
facies of the underlying evaporite (Mount 2014). ple 1977; Scanlin & Engelder 2003). The folds are
salt cored and have wavelength of c. 11 km and
Areas of thin salt amplitude of up to 500 m, although amplitude
diminishes towards the foreland. Between the anti-
In areas of the décollement sheet underlain by thin clines are flat areas of low structural elevation that
salt, the dominant structures are thrusts developed represent areas underlain by salt welds, i.e. areas
at shallow levels, underlain by a series of steep in which the salt has been partially or totally evacu-
kink bands that terminate downwards at the Silurian ated (Wagner & Jackson 2011). Within the areas of
salt décollement (Gillespie et al. 2015). The kink thick salt there is little sign of smaller-scale kink
bands have a mean dip of 618. The kink bands bands that are observed in areas of thin salt.
verge towards both the foreland and hinterland and
typically are reflected downwards (Cobbold 1976) Vergence of anticlines
at the level of organic-rich shale to form box syn-
clines that protrude into the underlying salt The anticlines in areas of thick salt are asymmetri-
(Fig. 3). Above the kinked units, contractional cal and typically verge towards the hinterland

Fig. 3. Seismic cross section from area of relatively thin salt (pink), showing thrusts (red lines), kink bands (yellow)
and the approximate depth of the transition between kink bands and thrusts (dashed white line). Evidence that the
steep structures are kink bands comes both from seismic data and from well data. Seismic section in depth domain,
vertical exaggeration ×3. Seismic data courtesy of Geophysical Pursuit and Geokinetics.

(Sherrill 1934, 1941; Gwinn 1964). Detailed exam- surfaces and small-scale duplexes (Bosworth 1984;
ination shows that the steep limbs are formed by Nickelsen 1986; Evans 1994: Aydin & Engelder
giant kink bands that extend from the salt up to 2014; Gillespie et al. 2015). Bedding-parallel slip
the present day surface (Fig. 4). The vertical offset surfaces occur through the shale, but are most abun-
(or throw) on the kink bands is up to 1 km. The ori- dant in the organic-rich facies. The high intensity of
gin of the hinterlandward vergence in the Appala- bedding-parallel slip in the organic-rich shale may
chian Plateau décollement sheet has been long be due to either high pore fluid pressure induced
debated. Willis (1894) and Chamberlin (1931) by organic matter cracking (Evans 1994; Aydin &
suggested that the asymmetry arose from under- Engelder 2014) or the low frictional strength of
thrusting. Bain (1931) and Cathcart & Myers organic-rich shale (Crawford et al. 2008; Rutter
(1934) argued that the vergence was the result of et al. 2013; Kohli & Zoback 2013).
gravity gliding towards the hinterland. However, Bedding-parallel slip is a common feature of all
Sherrill (1934) dismissed this possibility on the core; however, it becomes more intense in strongly
grounds that there is little or no sign of extension deformed regions, closer to the Allegheny structural
in the foreland, as would be expected in a gravita- front. In an example core from the Marcellus shale
tional system. More recently, Mount (2014) sug- (Fig. 5), the bedding dip changes abruptly from
gested that the asymmetrical folds developed as 278 to 638 across a very sharp hinge; this is inter-
the result of buttressing above local stratigraphic preted to be the upper fold axial plane of a large
pinchouts of the salt. Our own interpretation of kink band. The paired axial planes of kink bands
the seismic data is that, although there are distur- are termed the kink planes (Faill 1969). The shale
bances in the reflectors underneath the asymmetri- is divided by numerous bedding-parallel slip sur-
cal folds, these are the result of seismic velocity faces marked by polished slickensides and shear
effects rather than being due to local stratigraphic fibre veins. Within the kink band the average spac-
pinchouts (Fig. 4). ing of the bedding-parallel slip surfaces measured
perpendicular to bedding is 2.5 cm.
Observation of small-scale structures
Accommodation of deformation in the
Small-scale structures are described below that give
kink planes
insight into the mechanisms that control structural
development within the Appalachian décollement A small example of a kink band in a carbonate-rich
sheet. facies of the Marcellus shale shows that the kink
band is internally made from a series of clockwise
Bedding-parallel slip rotated blocks (or lithons) that are separated by
bedding-parallel slip planes (Fig. 6). The deforma-
Examination of outcrops and core from the Devo- tion within the kink band is similar to a deck of
nian shale has shown that there is abundant evidence cards that is tilted, causing slip between the cards.
of bedding-parallel slip in the form of slickensided Within the kink planes, individual lithons pivot

Fig. 4. Seismic section in region of relatively thick salt showing asymmetrical anticline with a kink band (yellow
dashed lines) on its southern, hinterland, limb. Black tadpoles give structural dip at outcrop and from borehole
image log. Data in time domain, but scaled so that vertical and horizontal scales are approximately equal. High
beneath the kink band (arrowed) is a velocity pull-up. Seismic data courtesy of Geophysical Pursuit and

accommodated by pressure solution in this case.

Thus the kink plane is accommodated by a combina-
tion of dilation and volume loss.

Model development
To understand the mechanical controls on the defor-
mation within the Appalachian Plateau, we have
used an analytical mechanical method based on
limit analysis. Limit analysis has its origin in civil
and structural engineering. Its main principle is to
construct lower and upper bounds of the load that
a structure can sustain using either a static or a kine-
matic approach. The static approach is based on the
construction of statically admissible stress fields
providing a maximum load which a structure can
sustain. Souloumiac et al. (2009) applied limit anal-
ysis to an accretionary wedge under lateral compres-
sion to study the onset of thrusting. Cubas et al.
(2008) and Pons & Leroy (2012) investigated accre-
tionary wedges applying the external approach,
which uses a kinematically admissible velocity
field to determine the minimum load which is
required for a specific failure mode.
Fig. 5. Core from a vertical well in the Marcellus
The chosen approach in this paper builds on the
shale showing a kink plane (dashed line) and multiple
bedding-parallel slip surfaces. Image used with theoretical work by Maillot & Leroy (2006) and
permission of Core Lab Marcellus Joint Industry extended by Kampfer & Leroy (2009), which inves-
Project. tigates the onset and the development of a kink fold
with the help of the maximum strength theorem. The
maximum strength theorem is the external approach
about points such that triangular veins occur on one of limit analysis as described by Chen & Liu (1990)
side of the pivot point, and there is compaction of and Salençon (2002). The main ingredients for this
the lithon and the wall rock on the other side of theory are mechanical equilibrium and the condition
the pivot point. The compaction is thought to be that the material can be described with a convex

Fig. 6. (a) Small kink band in core from carbonate-rich part of the Marcellus shale. (b) Cartoon to show the rotation
of the lithons within the kink bands and the opening of triangular veins within the kink planes. Circles represent the
transition from dilation to compaction along the kink planes. Image in (a) used with permission of Core Lab
Marcellus Joint Industry Project.

strength domain. More theoretical details of this from the right towards the left with the force Q in
application of limit analysis are given in the order to compress the multilayer in the frame (Fig.
Supplementary material. 7a). To keep the setup simple enough to be solved
analytically, the multilayered system consists of
three layers. Two are fluids and surround the third,
Application to the structures of the which is a layered competent material. The lower
Appalachian Plateau fluid represents the evaporitic décollement and the
layered competent material represents the cohesive
We have applied the analytical method to answer rocks of the décollement sheet, while the upper
the following questions: fluid represents unconsolidated synorogenic sedi-
ment. The competent layers are tilted towards the
(1) What controls the depth at which thrusts and right sidewall, which enables the activation of bed
kink bands develop? parallel slip. The tilt angle n is further referred to
(2) Why are large folds characterized by a single as the sheet dip.
large kink band on the back limb? The individual competent layers of the rock are
Applying the maximum strength theorem, two assumed to be separated by weak interfaces whose
modes of failure – thrusts and kink bands – have frictional strength is described by the Mohr –
been investigated for a multilayered structure Coulomb criterion. In addition to cohesive and fric-
exposed to regional compression as determined by tional strength, the competent material has a limited
the burial depth (Ho) and the sheet dip, treated as a strength in compression owing to a compaction
geometrical imperfection (angle n in Fig. 7a). A mechanism. The compaction pressure, P*, is the
detailed explanation on the construction of admissi- strength under a hydrostatic load, and in porous
ble velocity fields, derivation of the equations and a rocks it is also known as the grain crushing pressure
discussion of the onset and development of thrusts (Wong et al. 1997). The compaction pressure can be
and kink bands can be found in Kampfer & Leroy experimentally evaluated and closes the failure
(2009) and Kampfer (2010). envelope for rocks exposed to compressive stresses.
The setup for the analytical approach consists of At the compaction pressure, deformation may be
a stiff frame and a right sidewall, which is pushed accommodated by mechanical collapse of void

Fig. 7. (a) Set-up with tilted multilayer surrounded by an inviscid fluid above and below; (b) thrusting and (c) kink
band mode of failure, with red arrows indicating virtual velocities. The red dotted line in (b) is the conjugate thrust
orientation; yellow dashed lines in (c) are the kink planes. (d) Close-up of a single layer of the kink band. The green
and blue regions represent regions of opening and compression/compaction along the kink planes. The red circles
mark the transition from compaction to opening. The black arrows along the bedding planes indicate
bedding-parallel slip, which is activated during the kink band development owing to the rotation of the lithons.

space in the matrix structure, grain crushing or rotation. The left-most part of the block can only
pressure solution. move up- and downwards and the right-most part
Sonic logs show that the carbonate units Tris- has an additional horizontal component. Kinematic
tates and Helderberg Groups are stiffer than the concepts are then used to describe the complete
overlying formations. It can be assumed therefore set of velocities within the compressed system.
that these carbonate units had a controlling influ- Once the virtual velocity fields have been
ence on kink initiation. Steep pressure solution described, they are used in the maximum strength
cleavage is a common feature of the limestones of theorem to obtain the least upper bound of the tec-
the Appalachian Plateau (Engelder & Geiser 1979) tonic force for the onset of thrusting and for the
and structures in the Helderberg Group are accom- onset of a kink band. The lower of these two forces
modated by intense stylolites (Marshak & Engelder is used to determine the dominant failure mode. This
1985). Therefore pressure solution is another comparison in terms of forces can be made for any
possible compaction mechanism. Pressure solution combination of regional dips, overburden, height
can be translated into a strain rate-dependent com- of the structure, number of interfaces and even for
paction pressure using Rutter & Elliott’s (1976) determining the geometry, as the setup is shortened.
deformation mechanism map for calcite. In the following, we highlight the results of the onset
In the following study, two modes of large-scale of thrusting and kinking as a function of sheet dip
deformation under compression are investigated: and overburden. A more detailed parameter study
the thrust and the kink band. The thrust (Fig. 7b) has of the analytical model is given in Kampfer &
a single failure plane, which divides the solid, lay- Leroy (2009).
ered structure into a left and a right part. The setup
restricts any horizontal movement of the left side
of the faulted layer. Therefore, the kinematically Parameters
admissible velocity is only in the vertical direction,
and may be upwards or downwards. The right-hand The parameters used in the analysis are given in
side of the fault can move upwards or downwards Table 1. The stack thickness chosen (Hs ¼ 300 m)
but also has a horizontal component, equal to the corresponds to the stratigraphic interval between
velocity of the sidewall. The velocity jump from the top of the Salina Gp evaporites and the Tully
the right- to the left-hand side of the fault is defined Limestone (Fig. 2). This used is an estimate of the
as the velocity jump vector, which is used for calcu- thickness of the mechanical unit undergoing kink-
lating the dissipated energy for creating the thrust ing and does not represent the thickness of the
plane. entire sedimentary sequence. The spacing between
The kink band has two hinges (the kink planes), adjacent bedding parallel slip surfaces observed
shown in Figure 7c. For each layer along the kink in the core in Figure 5 was c. 2.5 cm. As the Marcel-
planes there is contraction and/or dilation (Fig. lus shale typically has a higher frequency of
7d), owing to the rotation of the lithons. Therefore, bedding-parallel slip than other units, this is thought
the velocity jump vector is oriented perpendicular to to be an underestimate and so the spacing was set
the kink planes. In addition to the deformation in the to 5 cm.
kink planes, we account for bedding-parallel slip, The compaction strength of the stratified forma-
indicated by the shear arrows along the bedding tion is quite uncertain and a value of 300 MPa was
planes (Fig. 7d). Care needs to be taken of the trans- chosen in order to provide a match between the tran-
lational movement of the three individual blocks as sition depth between kink bands and thrusts in sim-
well as of the velocity jump vector owing to lithon ulation results and seismic observations.

Table 1. Parameter values used in the setup of the limit analysis

Symbol Parameter Value Unit

Hs Stack thickness 300 m

Spacing between slip surfaces 0.05 m
wi Friction angle across the interface 15 degree
ws Angle of internal friction of the solid 30 degree
w* Compaction angle 89 degree
C Cohesion 0 MPa
P* Compaction strength 300 MPa
r Density 2300 kg m23
e Initial strain 2 × 1027 2

Results failure is required. However, compaction in the

kink planes expends a lot of internal power. At
The bounds for the thrust and the kink band are now large depth, thrusts need to lift a lot of overburden
compared in the space spanned by the sheet dip and and it becomes more economical to introduce the
the burial depth. The resulting deformation mecha- otherwise power-intensive compaction, rather than
nism map (Fig. 8a) indicates that, at low initial developing thrusting that would involve power-
dips, a critical depth exists at which there is a tran- intensive lifting.
sition from a deeper zone of kink bands to a shallow Kink bands are only possible at shallow depths if
zone of thrusting. The value of the critical depth is the critical sheet dip is exceeded. This is because,
relatively insensitive to initial bedding dips. The above this sheet dip, the angle between the orienta-
deformation map also shows that, above critical tion of the bedding planes and the tectonic force is
dip of about 108, the kink band is the favoured sufficient to allow bedding-parallel slip to occur
mode of deformation at all burial depths and thrusts and opening along the kink planes is activated.
are not developed. The dip of the kink planes is predicted by limit
The kink mechanism requires accommodation analysis. For a burial depth of 5.5 km and a sheet
structures along the kink planes in order for layer- dip of 0.58, representing the regional dip of the
parallel slip to be activated. The accommodation décollement, the predicted kink plane dip is 648.
structures are represented by gradients of deforma- According to the analysis, the kink planes steepen
tion along the kink planes (Fig. 7d). At low sheet gradually upwards, developing dips of up to 748 at
dips accommodation is not possible with opening the surface (Fig. 9).
mode failure alone, but some compaction mode Limit analysis determines the optimum orienta-
tions for the thrust plane with respect to the horizon-
tal axis (angle u, Fig. 7b), which is p/4– ws/2 (ws is
the friction angle of the bulk material) when the
layers are horizontal, corresponding to 308 in this
case. This is the same solution one obtains from
the Mohr circle construction. As a sheet dip is intro-
duced, the angle of the failure plane is reduced by
approximately n/2 (Kampfer & Leroy 2009).

Parameter sensitivity
Figure 8b presents the results of a simple parameter
study. The stack height was changed to 2Hs, the
individual layer thickness was doubled and the ini-
tial strain was changed to 1 × 1029. The individual
graphs for the results cannot easily be distinguished
from each other. However, doubling P* (long
dashed line) causes a linear increase in the transition
depth between thrusts and kink bands. Hence, the
critical depth of the transition from thrusts to kink
bands is very sensitive to the value of P*.
The displacement of the right sidewall of the box
in Figure 7a towards the left introduces compression
to the layered structure. At small enough displace-
Fig. 8 (a) Deformation mechanism map, showing the ments of this wall, there is a limited possibility for
dominance of thrusts compared with kink bands at low a change in the geometry when the kink band is
regional dip and shallow burial depth. At depth larger included and therefore the deformation mechanism
than 5000 m and sheet dip of ,108, kink bands maps look identical. Once the displacement of the
dominate. The dotted line defines a minimum burial sidewall reaches a normalized value of 1026, the
depth such that the shallow part of the structure does locus of the kink band in the deformation mecha-
not crop out. (b) Variability of the results when nism map starts to extend, which means that it
changing Hs to 2Hs (short dashed line), doubling the
individual layer thickness (dotted dashed line), becomes increasingly easy to initiate kink bands
doubling P* (long dashed line), changing to 1 × 1029 compared with thrusts. In this study we use a very
initial strain (double dotted dashed line). The influence small value of displacement, which means that we
of these parameter changes is small so that the curves are comparing the forces at the very early stage of
superpose, with the exception of the curve for P*. layer parallel shortening. The onset of the kink

Fig. 9. Calculated relationship between kink plane dip and burial depth for a sheet dip of 0.58. Error bars show the
dip of kink bands from areas of thin salt measured from depth converted 3-D seismic data (+1 standard deviation,
n ¼ 36) and the estimated depth at time of deformation (+1000 m).

band as a function of the initial shortening and the bands represent strain localization, the strain rates
further development of deformation is presented in estimated from regional cross-sections are far
Kampfer & Leroy (2009). lower than strain rates within individual structures.
If we assume that the kink bands are the main com-
ponent of shortening and that they represent only
Discussion 1% of the section length, then the estimated strain
rate within the kink bands is of the order of
The value of P* ¼ 300 MPa was chosen as a match- 10213 s21.
ing parameter resulting in a transition depth of about In areas of thin salt, there was no large-scale
5–6 km, which accords with our empirical estimate buckling and initial dips were of the order of 0.58.
of the transition depth at the time of deformation. This regional dip was established during the flexing
Some discussion is required of the physical mean- of the foreland in the Acadian and Alleghanian
ing of this parameter. The strongest units of the events as a result of the orogenic loads. The low dip
sequence are the carbonates below the Marcellus constrains the deformation to the left-hand side of
shale, which probably controlled the initiation of the deformation mechanism map, where thrusts
the kink bands. Therefore, the compaction strength occur above kink bands, separated by a critical
can be interpreted assuming that calcite was the depth. The mechanical modelling is therefore con-
dominant mineral phase. At temperatures of less sistent with the observed change in structural style
than 4008C, the dominant deformation mechanism with depth in areas of thin salt (Fig. 3). In detail,
of calcite is pressure solution and the compaction the exact position of the transition also depends on
strength of calcite is a function of the strain rate the presence of available detachments in the form
(Rutter & Elliott 1976). Using the deformation of organic-rich shale units. The predicted angle of
map of Rutter & Elliott (1976) it was found that dip of the kink planes is in good agreement with
the compaction strength of 300 MPa used in the the measured kink plane dips, assuming a depth at
model corresponds to a strain rate of 1 × 10213 s21. time of deformation of 5.5 km (Fig. 9).
Estimated regional strain rates from tectonic The presence of a thick mobile layer is a pre-
fold belts with evaporitic décollements and pre- requisite for the development of décollement folds
served synorogenic sediment are in the range of (Stewart 1996), and so décollement folds are best
6 × 10217 to 5 × 10215 s21 (calculated for the developed where the salt is thickest (Wiltschko &
south Pyrenees, Spain, Fars, Iran, Salt Range, Paki- Chapple 1977). Yet why did the structural style
stan and Tien Shan, China from Vergés et al. 1992; change from open sinusoidal folding to kinking?
Cotton & Koyi 2000; Scharer et al. 2004; Mouther- As the folds developed, their limbs reached a dip
eau et al. 2007) and therefore much lower than the of about 108, at which point the kink band mecha-
value estimated from the model. However, as kink nism was favoured at all depths. A kink band

Fig. 10. (a) Regional sketch section through the Appalachian Plateau showing the development of weak
contractional deformation above the salt (black unit). (b) Initial development of open buckle folds in area of thick
salt; regional dip nR, back-limb dip nB. (c) Development of a through-going kink band once the back limb develops
a critical dip.

therefore developed that propagated throughout the the fold and a hinterland-ward vergence was estab-
entire décollement sheet. Owing to the regional lished (Fig. 10). Observations of the maximum
foreland flexure, the hinterland-ward limb reached (un-kinked) limb dips of folds of Pennsylvannia
the critical angle before the foreland-ward limb. indicate that they are in the range of 1–108
Therefore the kink initiated on the back limb of (Fig. 11). The lack of limb dips of greater than 108

Fig. 11. Histogram of maximum limb dip on folds from the Appalachian Plateau in Pennsylvannia, based on Kindle
(1904) and Wiltschko & Chapple (1977), n ¼ 14. Local steep dips (.458) related to kink bands were excluded.

is entirely consistent with the results of limit We would like to thank Scott Wessels for insightful
analysis. discussions. Silvan Hoth and Alexander Rozhko are
A limitation of the analysis presented here is the thanked for their helpful and detailed comments on the
assumption the surface topography was horizontal manuscript. Jaume Vergés is thanked for information
on shortening rates in orogenic belts. Comments from
at the time of deformation. In a mature orogeny Terry Engelder and an anonymous reviewer significantly
the surface topography will tend to dip towards improved the manuscript.
the foreland owing to over-filling of the basin. The
sedimentary geometry may alter the symmetry of
the deformation (Duerto & McClay 2009). A more References
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Opening-mode fracture systems: insights from recent fluid inclusion

microthermometry studies of crack-seal fracture cements
Stellar Geoscience Limited, Dublin, Ireland
Bureau of Economic Geology, Jackson School of Geosciences, The University
of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78758, USA

Abstract: Overpressuring, tectonic stretching and thermoelastic contraction are all processes that
can drive the formation of opening-mode fractures in the subsurface. Recent studies on crack-seal
quartz deposits in opening-mode fractures have yielded fluid inclusion microthermometric data,
which for the first time allow us to constrain the pressure–temperature conditions under which
these fractures formed. Here, we utilize the results from studies in the Lower Cretaceous Travis
Peak Formation in the East Texas Basin and the Upper Cretaceous Mesaverde Group in the
Piceance Basin to construct stress history models based on mechanical properties, burial history
and tectonic setting to evaluate the various driving mechanisms for opening-mode fracture for-
mation. Our results show progress towards separating and independently evaluating these mecha-
nisms. Although high fluid pressure and tectonic stretching can play a major part in the formation of
opening-mode fractures, our results suggest that the persistence of fracture growth during uplift
could have been strongly influenced by thermoelastic contraction associated with exhumation
and cooling. For sandstone reservoirs, thermoelastic contraction will be more pronounced for
stiffer, high Young’s modulus rocks with higher quartz contents. These models can therefore be
used to provide additional insights into the distribution of opening-mode fractures in exhumed

Opening-mode fracture systems have an important Fjær et al. 2008). Hence the opening-mode failure
bearing on regional fluid flow in the subsurface. criterion is given by
Constraining their origin and distribution is of
great interest in the fields of hydrogeology, petro- s3 = S3 − Pp = −T0 (1)
leum geology and economic geology. In nearly
flat-lying rocks, these natural fracture systems are where S3 is the magnitude of the least compressive
generally characterized by regionally extensive principal stress and Pp is the pore fluid pressure.
sets of sub-parallel vertical fractures that form as a Rock is much weaker in tension than in compression
result of brittle deformation in the Earth’s crust and the tensile strength is typically only of the order
(e.g. Pollard & Aydin 1988). Natural fractures of a few MPa (e.g. Lockner 1995; Fjær et al. 2008).
form and propagate when failure criteria are met The tensile strength of rock can also sometimes
and these failure criteria are defined in terms of be assumed to be zero because of the presence of
states of stress. In situ stress in the subsurface is typ- pre-existing flaws within an appreciable volume of
ically described using three principal orthogonal rock mass (e.g. Zoback 2007). When considering
compressive stress components: vertical stress vertical opening-mode fractures, it can be deduced
(Sv), minimum horizontal stress (Shmin) and maxi- that they must form when the least compressive
mum horizontal stress (SHmax). Different stress principal stress is horizontal. Hence vertical open-
regimes are defined on the basis of the relative mag- ing-mode fractures in the subsurface form orthogo-
nitudes of these principal stresses (Anderson 1951): nal to the Shmin direction in an extensional faulting
extensional faulting (Sv . SHmax . Shmin), strike- or strike-slip faulting regime. In summary, if the ten-
slip faulting (SHmax . Sv . Shmin) and contractional sile strength of the rock is assumed to be negligible,
faulting (SHmax . Shmin . Sv). Opening-mode frac- the failure criterion for vertical opening-mode frac-
tures form in the subsurface when the effective least tures in an extensional faulting or strike-slip faulting
compressive principal stress (s3) across a plane stress regime can be simplified to
becomes tensile (i.e. negative) and exceeds the ten-
sile strength (T0) of the rock (e.g. Jaeger et al. 2007; Shmin = Pp (2)

From: Turner, J. P., Healy, D., Hillis, R. R. & Welch, M. J. (eds) Geomechanics and Geology.
Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 458,
# 2017 The Author(s). Published by The Geological Society of London. All rights reserved.
For permissions: Publishing disclaimer:
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When assessing the likelihood of opening-mode

failure in the subsurface, it is important to also con-
sider whether shear failure of the rock will occur
before the opening-mode failure criterion is met
(Hillis 2001, 2003; Olson et al. 2009). In general,
shear failure will occur before opening-mode failure
at greater depth; the transition from one failure
mode to another occurs at greater depth for stronger
rocks and under conditions of lower effective max-
imum compressive principal stress (i.e. higher pore
pressure and/or lower magnitude of maximum
principal stress). A more detailed discussion of
this is provided in English (2012) and the discussion
here will be restricted to opening-mode failure.
Using equation (2), and acknowledging that sta-
ble conditions exist when the minimum horizontal
stress (Shmin) is greater than the pore fluid pressure
(Pp), it can be deduced that there are two different
categories of mechanisms to drive opening-mode
failure in the subsurface: (1) increase Pp and (2)
decrease Shmin. Increased pore fluid pressure is
generally accepted to be the primary driver behind
the formation of opening-mode fractures at depth
(Hubbert & Rubey 1959; Handin et al. 1963;
Secor 1965, 1969; Engelder & Lacazette 1990;
Lacazette & Engelder 1992). Elevated pore fluid
pressures in the subsurface can arise via a number
of different processes, including disequilibrium
compaction, kerogen transformation and gas gener-
ation, hydrocarbon buoyancy, smectite dehydration,
smectite to illite transformation, lateral compressive
stress, aquathermal expansion, chemical compac-
tion, osmosis and hydraulic head (Bradley 1975;
Osborne & Swarbrick 1997; Swarbrick & Osborne
1998; Swarbrick et al. 2002). In general, the most
significant overpressure-generating mechanisms
are associated with increasing burial depth and tem-
perature. However, a number of recent studies have
demonstrated that fracture formation can also occur
during periods of rock uplift and exhumation (Perez
& Boles 2005; Becker et al. 2010; Hooker et al.
2015; Lander & Laubach 2015; English et al.
2016; Laubach et al. 2016). Driving mechanisms Fig. 1. Location of study areas. (a) SFE2 well located on
that would act to decrease the minimum horizontal the western flank of the Sabine Arch in the East Texas
Basin (modified from Becker et al. 2010); (b) MWX and
stress gradient during exhumation include thermo-
SHCT wells located in the Rulison Field in the southern
elastic contraction due to cooling (e.g. Voight & Piceance Basin (modified from Fall et al. 2012).
St Pierre 1974; Haxby & Turcotte 1976; Narr &
Currie 1982; Warpinski 1989; English 2012) and
extensional lateral horizontal strain (e.g. the ‘paral- fractures in the subsurface. These pioneering studies
lel uplift’ model of Price 1966; Haxby & Turcotte allow us, for the first time, to constrain the pres-
1976). A more detailed review of each of these sure– temperature conditions under which these
mechanisms is provided by English (2012). fractures formed. Quartz bridges are isolated, pillar-
Recent studies on the Travis Peak Formation in shaped deposits within the opening-mode fractures
the East Texas Basin (Fig. 1a; Becker et al. 2010) that accumulated contemporaneous with fracture
and the Mesaverde Group in the Piceance Basin opening (Laubach 1988; Laubach et al. 2004b, c;
(Fig. 1b; Fall et al. 2012, 2015) have yielded Lander & Laubach 2015). Bridges contain multiple
sequences of fluid inclusion microthermometric cement bands bounded by fracture surfaces and sur-
data from crack-seal quartz cement in opening-mode rounding fluid inclusion assemblages parallel to the
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fracture walls. Cross-cutting relations visible in

cement textures are consistent with incremental
crack-seal opening. High-resolution scanning elec-
tron microscopy– cathodoluminescence images can
be used to identify cross-cutting relationships and
hence establish the sequence of incremental quartz
cement growth within the fracture fill (see example
in Fig. 2).
Homogenization temperatures from each stage
of the fracture fill are gathered using fluid inclusion
microthermometry analysis and hence the thermal
history recorded within a single fracture fill can be
established. These thermal records are then com-
pared with independently derived burial and thermal
histories for the formations in question to place the
fracture fill record in a temporal context. Using
Raman spectroscopy of fluid inclusions, the fluid
pressure conditions during the fracture fill history
can be broadly constrained based on gas concentra-
tion estimates and equation-of-state calculations.
Taken together, these analyses allow for the recon-
struction of the pressure– temperature–composition
history of fluids present during opening-mode frac-
ture formation.
Here we integrate geomechanical and in situ
stress data with the timing constraints from previous
fluid inclusion based studies of the Travis Peak For-
mation (Becker et al. 2010) and the Mesaverde
Group (Fall et al. 2012, 2015) and discuss what
each of these datasets tells us about the driving
mechanisms for opening-mode fracture formation
in the subsurface. In particular, we review the extent
of overpressuring recorded during initial opening-
mode fracture formation in each of the two study
areas and investigate what role, if any, thermoelastic
contraction had in the formation and growth of
opening-mode fractures during exhumation and Fig. 2. Examples of how fluid inclusion assemblages
cooling. are sequenced within cement bridges using the
procedure described in Laubach et al. (2004c). (a)
Quartz bridge (Br) simulation model from Lander &
Travis Peak Formation, East Texas Basin Laubach (2015) showing east– west oriented
opening-mode fracture within a quartz grain (G); black
The Lower Cretaceous Travis Peak Formation was is porosity; red is rapid quartz accumulation in gap
deposited during a thermal subsidence phase in the deposits; blue is slow accumulation in lateral deposits;
yellow square shows the location of the bridge texture
East Texas Basin (Fig. 1a), part of the northern examples shown in (b) and (c) along the contact
Gulf of Mexico Basin, following Late Triassic to between rapidly accumulated gap deposits and more
Middle Jurassic rifting (Buffler et al. 1980; Pindell slowly accumulated lateral cement (modified from
1985). The Travis Peak Formation is c. 600 m Lander & Laubach 2015). (b) Cathodoluminescence
thick and the present day depth to the top of the for- (CL) image of gap deposits (Gd) and lateral quartz
mation ranges from 1800 to 2900 m (Laubach deposits (Lq) within a quartz bridge; ML, median line
1988). The Travis Peak sandstones are typically where fluid inclusions (visible as oblong, bright areas on
quartz-arenitic in composition, with quartz contents CL image) are trapped (modified from Laubach et al.
.95% (Table 1; Dutton & Diggs 1990; Plumb et al. 2016). (c) Annotated CL interpretation where red lines
with inwards-facing ticks represent the walls of the gap
1992). Extensive quartz cementation reduced the deposits (Gd) that define the crack-seal texture. Note
matrix permeability of much of the Travis Peak For- cross-cutting relations within the gap deposits and the
mation to ,0.1 mD (Dutton 1987; Dutton & Diggs progressive overlapping (yellow, tan and blue lines) of
1990; Jackson & Laubach 1991) and the presence of the lateral quartz (Lq) deposits (modified from Laubach
partially sealed opening-mode fractures is locally et al. 2016).
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important for reservoir permeability (Laubach

Plumb et al. (1992)

1989, 2003).

Pollastro (1984);

Pollastro (1984);
Pitman et al.

Pitman et al.
The north–south-trending, basement-cored
Source Sabine Uplift is the major structural feature within
the basin (Laubach & Jackson 1990; Nunn 1990).


About 550 m of stratigraphic section were
removed from this uplift at the beginning of the
Late Cretaceous (Halbouty & Halbouty 1982; Jack-
son & Laubach 1988) and subsidence resumed at




c. 90 Ma with the deposition of the Austin Chalk

(Fig. 3a). The onset of dry gas generation in the
underlying Bossier shale in East Texas is interpreted



at c. 57 Ma (Dutton 1987). Maximum burial of

the Travis Peak Formation occurred during the mid-

dle Eocene (c. 41 Ma) just prior to a period of ero-

sion that removed c. 450 m of stratigraphic section










Table 1. Representative X-ray diffraction data from the Travis Peak and Cozzette sandstones





















Fig. 3. Burial and thermal history models for the study

areas. (a) Travis Peak fracture fills in the SFE2 core,
adapted from the burial history for the nearby Ashland


SFOT1 well (modified from Becker et al. 2010). (b)


Mesaverde fracture fills in the MWX1 and SHCT cores

(modified from Fall et al. 2012).
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(Dutton 1987; Dutton & Land 1988; Jackson & Lau- temperature of 198C, the corresponding present
bach 1988). The estimated magnitude of Cenozoic day and peak palaeotemperature gradients are 37
exhumation is based on the maturity of Eocene sub- and 398C km21, respectively. Independently, the
bituminous coals of the Wilcox Formation that are temperature at maximum burial is estimated to be
presently at or near to the surface (Mukhopadhyay c. 1508C based on the present day geothermal gradi-
1989). The exact rate and duration of the Cenozoic ent (388C km21) and the burial history models from
exhumation is unconstrained by stratigraphy, but a nearby well (Ashland SFOT No. 1 in Dutton 1987;
the rates and durations used by Becker et al. Figs 1a & 3a).
(2010) are compatible with quartz accumulation The decrease in formation temperature from
models dependent on thermal history (Lander & 154 to 1308C is interpreted to have resulted from
Laubach 2015). exhumation from maximum burial depth. The
Natural fractures within the Travis Peak Forma- interpretation that the fracture system remained
tion are described as being vertical sub-parallel in thermal equilibrium with the host formation
opening-mode fractures that are oriented normal to throughout its crack-seal opening history is sup-
bedding (e.g. Laubach et al. 2009; Becker et al. ported by (1) the lack of sporadic thermal pulses
2010). These fractures generally trend ENE and in the fluid inclusion record and (2) the internal con-
are sub-parallel to the maximum horizontal stress sistency of the salinities within the fluid inclusions
direction (SHmax), to regional fault trends and to the and their similarity with the present day formation
continental margin (Laubach et al. 2009, 2004a). water salinity (Becker et al. 2010). Pore fluid pres-
Fracture intensity is observed to vary as a function sures in the vicinity of SFE2 are close to hydrostatic
of lithology and the greatest intensity is observed present day values (Bartberger et al. 2002); a reser-
in the quartz-rich channel sandstones of the lower voir pressure of c. 34 MPa has been reported from
Travis Peak Formation that are characterized by SFE2 at c. 3000 m depth (Thiercelin & Plumb
a higher Young’s modulus and lower Poisson’s 1994; Walls & Dvorkin 1994), giving a pore pres-
ratio (Laubach et al. 2009). Published static and sure gradient of 11.7 kPa m21.
dynamic measurements (Thiercelin & Plumb 1994; Scanning electron microscopy –cathodolumi-
Walls & Dvorkin 1994; Laubach et al. 2009) for the nescence mapping and fluid inclusion analyses
lower Travis Peak Formation in Staged Field Exper- from the SFE2 fracture fill have identified a system-
iment well no. 2 (SFE2) from along the western atic change in temperature and methane concentra-
flank of the Sabine Uplift (Fig. 1a) indicate that rep- tion during the opening of individual fractures
resentative values for Young’s modulus and Pois- (Becker et al. 2010). The thermal history recorded
son’s ratio can be taken as 62 GPa and 0.15 in a single fracture fill ranges from initial tempera-
respectively. The Biot–Willis coefficient for these tures of c. 1308C up to c. 1508C and back down to
sandstones is estimated at 0.55 (Thiercelin & c. 1348C (Fig. 3a). The pore fluid pressure during
Plumb 1994) and the coefficient of internal friction maximum burial is estimated at c. 55 MPa based
(mi) is estimated at 1.4 based on limited core data on methane concentrations in the fluid inclusions
(Thiercelin & Plumb 1994). The unconfined com- (Becker et al. 2010), giving a pore pressure gradient
pressive strength is of the order of 100 MPa, of 15.9 kPa m21. The methane concentrations are
although values for the lower Travis Peak sand- observed to systematically vary with the homogeni-
stones are commonly .200 MPa (Thiercelin & zation temperatures of the fluid inclusions, indicat-
Plumb 1994). In contrast with the opening-mode ing that the pore pressure decreased continuously
fractures commonly observed in the sandstone, from c. 55 to 35 MPa as the formation temperature
sub-parallel fractures with evidence of shear move- decreased from 154 to 1308C (Becker et al. 2010).
ment and ,458 dips are present in the mudstones Based on these observations, Becker et al. (2010)
(Laubach 1988). This indicates that shear failure interpreted that opening-mode fracturing initially
preferentially occurred in the weaker mudstones occurred during hydrocarbon charge and overpres-
and opening-mode failure preferentially occurred suring at close to maximum burial, followed by
in the stronger sandstones (English 2012). incremental crack-seal fracture opening events dur-
Becker et al. (2010) have described sub-milli- ing subsequent exhumation and cooling (Fig. 3a).
metre-scale quartz cement deposits in two natural An independent quartz accumulation model repli-
opening-mode fractures in lower Travis Peak For- cates the quartz bridge as well as quartz cement
mation core from a depth of 3000 m in the SFE2 abundances and internal textures and morphologies
well. The present day temperature at 3000 m depth in the sandstone host rock and fracture zone using
in SFE2 is c. 1308C, whereas the peak palaeotem- the same kinetic parameters while honouring fluid
perature is estimated at c. 1548C based on fluid inclusion and thermal history constraints (Lander
inclusion data (Becker et al. 2010). The maximum & Laubach 2015).
burial depth (at 41 Ma) is estimated at 3450 m for As this area is characterized as an extensional
this interval (Table 2). Assuming an average surface faulting stress regime, the vertical stress (Sv) is the
Table 2. Summary of geomechanical parameters for the Travis Peak and Cozzette sandstones

Stratigraphic unit Travis Peak Cozzette Data source

Basin East Texas Piceance

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Well SFE-2 MWX and SHCT wells
Lithology Sandstone Siltstone/sandstone
Present depth (m TVD) 3000 2409 TP, Becker et al. (2010); Cz, Fall et al. (2012)
Magnitude of exhumation (m) 450 1433 TP, Dutton (1987), Dutton & Land (1988);
Cz, Nuccio & Roberts (2003)
Maximum burial depth (m) 3450 3842 TP, 450 m overburden; Cz, 1433 m overburden
Temperature (8C) 130 127 TP, Becker et al. (2010); Cz, Warpinski & Lorenz (2008)
Peak temperature (8C) 154 180 TP, Becker et al. (2010); Cz, Nuccio & Roberts (2003),
Fall et al. (2012)


Pore pressure Pp (MPa) 34.1 43.4 TP, Thiercelin & Plumb (1994) (SFE2 3014 m);
Cz, Warpinski et al. (1985) (MWX2, 2406 m)
Pore pressure gradient (kPa m21) 11.4 18.0 Calculated
Pore pressure at maximum burial 55 85 TP, Becker et al. (2010); Cz, Fall et al. (2012) (mid-range of
depth (MPa) estimates from SHCT1-9061.8)
Pore pressure gradient at maximum 15.9 22.1 Calculated (Cz similar to Green River Basin, Spencer 1987)
burial depth (kPa m21)
Vertical stress (Sv) (MPa) 72.3 57.2 TP, Thiercelin & Plumb (1994) (SFE2: 3014 m);
Cz, Warpinski et al. (1985) (MWX2: 2406 m)
Vertical stress gradient (kPa m21) 24.1 23.7 Calculated
Sv at maximum burial depth (MPa) 83.1 91.1 TP, 450 m overburden; Cz, 1433 m overburden
Minimum horizontal stress 41.9 47.1 TP, Thiercelin & Plumb (1994) (SFE2: 3014 m);
(Shmin) (MPa) Cz, Warpinski et al. (1985) (MWX2: 2406 m)
Shmin gradient (kPa m21) 14.0 19.6 Calculated
Young’s modulus (GPa)* 62 30 TP, Thiercelin & Plumb (1994) (SFE2: 3012 m);
Cz, MWX Project Team (1987) (MWX1: 2408 m)
Poisson’s ratio* 0.15 0.23 TP, Thiercelin & Plumb (1994) (SFE2: 3012 m);
Cz, MWX Project Team (1987) (MWX1: 2408 m)
Biot– Willis coefficient 0.55 0.5 TP, Thiercelin & Plumb (1994) (SFE2: 3012 m); Cz, assumption
Unconfined compressive 260 94 TP, Thiercelin & Plumb (1994) (SFE2: 3012 m);
strength (MPa)* Cz, MWX Project Team (1987) (MWX1: 2408 m)
Coefficient of internal friction 1.4 1.2 TP, Thiercelin & Plumb (1994) (SFE2: 3012 m); Cz, assumption
Quartz content (%) 98 66 TP, Plumb et al. (1992) (SFE2: 3030 m); Cz, Pollastro (1984)
(MWX2: 2394 m)

Cz, Cozzette; TP, Travis Peak.

*The mechanical properties given here are from a Cozzette siltstone in MWX1, which contains one of the fractures studied in Fall et al. (2012). The Cozzette sandstones typically have a Young’s modulus of c.
35 GPa, a Poisson’s ratio of c. 0.23 and an unconfined compressive strength of c. 150 –200 MPa (MWX Project Team 1987).
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maximum principal compressive stress. The Sv (Nuccio & Roberts 2003). Thermal history model-
magnitude at a present day depth of 3000 m in ling of the MWX1 well indicates that significant
SFE2 is c. 72 MPa (Thiercelin & Plumb 1994), giv- gas generation from the Cameo coals within the
ing an average gradient of 24 kPa m21. Assuming Mesaverde Group began at 50 Ma during burial
that the 450 m of eroded stratigraphy had the same and ceased at 6 Ma during uplift and exhumation
average density, the Sv at maximum burial of (Fig. 3b) (Yurewicz et al. 2005).
3450 m is estimated as 82.8 MPa. The subvertical The low-permeability Mesaverde Group sand-
orientation of the opening-mode fractures indicates stones frequently contain open subvertical natural
that the minimum principal compressive stress was fractures in the subsurface (Lorenz & Finley 1991;
horizontal during fracture formation. The present Lorenz & Hill 1994; Hooker et al. 2009; Fall et al.
day minimum horizontal stress (Shmin) magnitude 2012, 2015). Although a number of different types
at 3000 m depth in SFE2 is c. 42 MPa based on of fractures were observed in cores from the
the estimation of closure stress from small volume MWX and SHCT wells (Fig. 1b), vertical opening-
hydraulic fractures (Thiercelin & Plumb 1994). mode fractures are the most abundant and exert the
This present day Shmin magnitude corresponds to a dominant control on reservoir permeability (Finley
gradient of 14 kPa m21 and a minimum horizontal & Lorenz 1989; Lorenz & Finley 1991). The natural
to vertical stress ratio (Shmin/Sv) of 0.58. These val- fractures are oriented normal to bedding and the
ues are similar to the average values (14.1 kPa m21 dominant strike is WNW– ESE (Lorenz & Finley
and 0.59) from a series of 13 different stress tests 1991), which is sub-parallel to the orientation of
conducted in the SFE wells (Thiercelin & Plumb the present day maximum horizontal stress (War-
1994). A summary of all the key geomechanical pinski & Teufel 1989). The fractures are predomi-
data for the lower Travis Peak Formation in the nantly found within the sandstone and siltstone
SFE2 well is presented in Table 2. units and often terminate at boundaries with adja-
cent mudstones (Lorenz & Finley 1991), most likely
due to contrasts in the mechanical properties. The
Mesaverde Group, Piceance Basin Young’s modulus for the sandstones and mudstones
generally ranges from about 20 to 40 and 10 to
The Piceance Basin is an intracratonic foreland 30 GPa, respectively, and Poisson’s ratio is typi-
basin in northwestern Colorado (Fig. 1b) formed cally in the range 0.15 –0.30 (Lorenz et al. 1989a).
during the Late Cretaceous to Eocene Laramide The compressive strength (at 10 MPa confining pres-
orogeny (Johnson & Nuccio 1986). Rapid subsi- sure) of the siltstones and sandstones is in the range
dence resulted in a thick Upper Cretaceous to Palae- 100–300 MPa, with the mudstones having lower
ogene sedimentary sequence including the Upper strengths of 50 –150 MPa (Lorenz et al. 1989a).
Cretaceous Mesaverde Group, which is 1280 m Fall et al. (2012, 2015) investigated fluid inclu-
thick at the Multiwell Experiment (MWX) site in sion assemblages within crack-seal quartz in open-
the southern Piceance Basin (Law & Johnson ing-mode fractures in the Mesaverde Group across
1989). The Mesaverde Group at this location con- the Piceance Basin. Herein, we focus on the data
sists of the Corcoran, Cozzette and Rollins Sand- from the Cozzette sandstone at a true vertical depth
stone members of the Iles Formation and the of c. 2409 m in the MWX and SHCT wells in the
overlying Williams Fork Formation. The sandstones southern Piceance Basin (Fig. 1b) because there is
of the Iles Formation are typically subarkosic in a multitude of additional geomechanical data avail-
composition with quartz contents of c. 65% (Table able for these cores. The present day temperature in
1), while the sandstones of the Williams Fork For- the Cozzette sandstone in MWX is 1278C (Warpin-
mation tend to have lower quartz contents (46 – ski & Lorenz 2008) and the peak palaeotemperature
62%) and are arkosic to litharenitic in composition at the base of the Mesaverde Group is estimated at
(Pitman et al. 1989). The Mesaverde Group sand- c. 1808C based on fluid inclusion data (Fall et al.
stones are characterized by low porosities and mat- 2012). Maximum burial depth (at 20–10 Ma) is
rix permeabilities in the microdarcy range (Ozkan estimated at 3842 m for this interval (Table 2).
et al. 2011; Stroker et al. 2013) and the presence Assuming an average surface temperature of 108C,
of regionally extensive natural fractures (Finley & the corresponding present day and peak palaeo-
Lorenz 1988; Lorenz & Finley 1991) is important temperature gradients are 49 and 448C km21,
for reservoir productivity (Lorenz & Finley 1989; respectively, and these gradients bracket the esti-
Lorenz et al. 1989b). Subsidence and burial contin- mate of 468C km21 used by Fall et al. (2012).
ued until c. 20 Ma, when the formations reached The peak palaeotemperature estimates from the
their maximum burial depth, and regional uplift fluid inclusion data of Fall et al. (2012) are broadly
occurred from 10 Ma to present (Fig. 3b) (Yurewicz consistent with the MWX-1 thermal history model
et al. 2005). The amount of exhumation and erosion of Nuccio & Roberts (2003) and with fluid inclu-
has been estimated at 1433 m at the MWX1 well sion homogenization temperatures of 150–1758C
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reported from previous studies in the MWX area a function of lithology within the Mesaverde
(Barker 1989; Lorenz & Finley 1991). The decrease Group in the MWX area and that the Shmin gradients
in formation temperature from 180 to 1278C is inter- approach lithostatic in the mudstone intervals (War-
preted to have resulted from exhumation from max- pinski et al. 1985; Teufel 1986). A summary of all
imum burial depth. Present day pore fluid pressure the key geomechanical data for the Cozzette Sand-
gradients in the MWX area increase gradually stone Member of the Mesaverde Group in the
from 9.9 kPa m21 (hydrostatic) at the top of the MWX wells is presented in Table 2.
Mesaverde Group to c. 18 kPa m21 (overpressured)
at the base of the Mesaverde Group (Spencer
1987). Fluid inclusion data from the Cozzette Mem- Role of overpressure in fracture formation
ber and the Paludan Interval of the Williams Fork
Formation in the MWX/SHCT wells (Fall et al. It is clear from the studies of natural fractures in
2012) record a palaeotemperature increase from the Travis Peak Formation (Becker et al. 2010)
c. 145 to 1808C and then a decrease to c. 1408C and the Mesaverde Group (Fall et al. 2012, 2015)
over time (Fig. 3b). The palaeo-pore fluid pressure that significant overpressure in these basins played
is estimated to have ranged from 55 to 110 MPa a part in reducing the effective stresses during the
based on methane concentrations in the fluid inclu- initiation and growth of opening-mode fractures in
sions, indicating that fracture opening occurred the deep subsurface. In both cases, fluid inclusion
under near-lithostatic conditions during maximum data indicate that the formation water was saturated
burial (Fall et al. 2012). The observed lack of sys- with respect to methane during fracture formation
tematic trends of pressure v. temperature or time and, although disequilibrium compaction may
has been interpreted to reflect dynamic conditions have played a part in developing some initial over-
with episodic gas charge from deeper source rocks pressure, gas generation and charge from adjacent
along fractures and faults (Fall et al. 2012, 2015). or underlying source rocks during deep burial is
Based on their data from across the Piceance interpreted to have been the primary trigger for the
Basin, Fall et al. (2012, 2015) suggest that overpres- onset of opening-mode fracture formation (Fig. 3;
suring and fracture formation were intimately asso- Becker et al. 2010; Fall et al. 2012, 2015). The dra-
ciated with gas charge during maximum burial matic increase in pore fluid volume associated with
conditions (at palaeotemperatures .1408C). primary gas generation, or secondary cracking of oil
The present day horizontal stresses in Mesaverde to gas, has been acknowledged as a possible mech-
Group sandstones in the MWX area are anisotropic, anism to generate regional overpressure (Barker
with the ratio of minimum and maximum horizon- 1990; Osborne & Swarbrick 1997; Swarbrick &
tal stresses to vertical stress being 0.82 and 0.96, Osborne 1998) and hydrocarbon generation has
respectively (Teufel 1986). This indicates that the been proposed as the primary mechanism for gener-
area is currently characterized by a transitional ating the overpressure observed in the deeper parts
extensional faulting to strike-slip faulting stress of a number of Rocky Mountain basins, including
regime. The Sv magnitude at a present day depth the Piceance Basin (Spencer 1987).
of 2406 m in MWX-2 is c. 57.2 MPa (Warpinski Opening-mode fracture growth occurred at a
et al. 1985), giving an average gradient of palaeo-pressure gradient of c. 16 kPa m21 during
23.8 kPa m21. Assuming that the eroded stratig- maximum burial of the Travis Peak Formation
raphy had the same average density, the Sv at (Becker et al. 2010) in a relatively ‘relaxed’ exten-
maximum burial is estimated at 91.1 MPa. The sub- sional tectonic setting with an interpreted Shmin/Sv
vertical orientation of the opening-mode fractures ratio of 0.66 (Table 2). Fracture growth continued
indicates that the minimum principal compressive during exhumation and cooling, even as the palaeo-
stress was horizontal during fracture formation. pressure gradient dropped down towards normal
The present day minimum horizontal stress (Shmin) hydrostatic conditions (a present day pore pressure
magnitude at 2406 m depth in MWX-2 is c. gradient of 11.4 kPa m21). This indicates that there
47.1 MPa based on instantaneous shut-in pressures must also be an additional driving mechanism for
from small volume hydraulic fractures (Warpinski opening-mode failure in the Travis Peak sandstones.
et al. 1985). This present day Shmin magnitude cor- The palaeo-pressure data from the Mesaverde
responds to a gradient of 19.6 kPa m21 and a mini- Group in the Piceance Basin is more complex,
mum horizontal to vertical stress ratio (Shmin/Sv) of but indicates that opening-mode fracture growth
0.82. These relatively high Shmin gradients (com- occurred at palaeo-pressure gradients in the range
pared with the Travis Peak study) are probably 16 –24 kPa m21 during maximum burial (Fall
driven by the high pore fluid pressure gradient at et al. 2012, 2015). In any event, the present day pore
these depths (18.0 kPa m21) and the associated pressure gradient of 18 kPa m21 in the Piceance
pore pressure– stress coupling. It is worth noting Basin (Spencer 1987) is higher than any of the
that the minimum horizontal stresses are strongly palaeo-pressure gradients interpreted in the Travis
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Peak study. The amount of overpressure required to volumetric shrinkage of rock during exhumation
create vertical opening-mode fractures not only and cooling can act to reduce the magnitude of the
depends on rock properties (Poisson’s ratio and horizontal stresses. By contrast, Fall et al. (2012,
the Biot–Willis coefficient), but also on the ini- 2015) observed that opening-mode fracture forma-
tial magnitude of the minimum horizontal stress tion in the Mesaverde Group sandstones in the
(English 2012). All else being equal, tectonically Piceance Basin generally ceased after uplift from
relaxed basins require less overpressure than more maximum burial conditions, and interpreted that
compressive basins to generate opening-mode frac- opening-mode fracture growth stopped when hydro-
tures at depth. Therefore one possible explanation carbon (and overpressure) generation in the basin
for the higher palaeo-pressure gradients recorded ceased. Why might there be a difference between
in the Mesaverde Group fluid inclusions in the these two areas?
Piceance Basin, a foreland basin formed during Following the approach of English (2012), stress
the Laramide orogeny, is that this basin was sub- history models can be used to assess the possible
jected to higher horizontal tectonic stresses than role of thermoelastic contraction in the formation
the extensional East Texas Basin. of opening-mode fractures during exhumation and
On a regional scale, horizontal in situ stress cooling from maximum burial conditions. These
magnitudes in the Earth’s crust are believed to be models are based on the assumption that the rock
limited by critically stressed faults and the ratio of behaves as an isotropic and linearly elastic medium
the maximum and minimum effective stresses are and that the calculated minimum horizontal stress
frequently observed to correspond to a crust in fric- path is a function of the elastic properties of the
tional failure equilibrium, with the coefficient of rock and any temporal changes in overburden stress,
friction in the range of 0.6 –1.0 (Zoback & Healy temperature, pore pressure and horizontal strain.
1984; Townend & Zoback 2000; Zoback et al. For the purposes of the model, the mechanical
2002). Although frictional sliding on optimally ori- properties of the rock are assumed to be locked in
ented faults should always occur before opening- at maximum burial and do not change during exhu-
mode failure in the subsurface (English 2012), the mation. The starting point for the model is at the
formation of opening-mode fractures in the subsur- onset of exhumation from maximum burial depth
face necessitates that in situ stresses can locally and temperature. In the cases under consideration
(spatially or stratigraphically) or temporarily violate here, opening-mode fracture growth is demon-
the frictional sliding criterion. It is noteworthy, strated to have been occurring during maximum
however, that the present day in situ stresses in the burial conditions and, hence, the initial stress state
Travis Peak Formation in SFE2 correspond to fric- for the model lies on the opening-mode failure crite-
tional failure equilibrium along optimally oriented rion (i.e. Shmin ¼ Pp). No far-field horizontal strain
faults with a coefficient of friction of c. 0.88. Recent is modelled during the exhumation event (i.e.
movement along the eastwards-trending Elkhart/Mt 1hmin ¼ 1Hmax ¼ 0). The tensile strength of the
Enterprise Fault (Fig. 1a) (Collins et al. 1980) also rock is assumed to be negligible because natural
supports the interpretation that faults oriented at fractures already exist at the starting point of the
low angles to the maximum horizontal stress direc- model. Inherent uncertainties in this approach
tion are critically stressed in this region. These crit- include: (1) the variation of elastic properties with
ically stressed fault systems may have played a part differential stress and confining stress; (2) the vari-
in facilitating the bleed-off of overpressure from the ation of elastic properties due to further diagenesis;
SFE2 area after the cessation of hydrocarbon gener- (3) uncertainty in burial, thermal and pore pressure
ation (see discussion of how exhumation can lead history; (4) uncertainty in tectonic stress history
to critical stress conditions in English et al. 2017). and the possibility of far-field extensional or com-
pressive horizontal strain; and (5) the extent of vis-
coelastic relaxation over geologically long time
Role of thermoelastic contraction in periods (English 2012).
fracture formation According to linear elastic theory, the change in
horizontal stress (DSh) due to a change in tempera-
Opening-mode fracture formation in the Travis ture (DT ) is given by:
Peak Formation in SFE2 initiated during over-
pressured conditions at close to maximum burial E
depth. However, the fact that these fractures contin- DSh = a T DT (3)
ued to grow as the pore pressure gradient reduced 1−n
down towards hydrostatic conditions suggests that
there must have been an additional driving mecha- where n is Poisson’s ratio, E is Young’s modulus
nism active during exhumation. English (2012) and aT is the coefficient of linear thermal expansion.
attributed this to thermoelastic contraction, whereby Typical values for the coefficient of linear thermal
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expansion for sedimentary rocks are of the order of the pore pressure and this may reflect the return of
1 × 10258C21 (Fjær et al. 2008). The value of aT the in situ stresses to a state of frictional failure equi-
for silica (c. 10258C21) is an order of magnitude librium after the end of the exhumation event. As a
higher than that of most other rock-forming miner- result of compressive effective stresses acting on
als (Zoback 2007) and the bulk value of aT appears natural fractures in the present day subsurface,
to be a function of the silica content in the rock cement deposited in the rock mass during fracture
(Fig. 4a) (data from Griffith 1936). Available data opening and bridges spanning between the fracture
from clastic sedimentary rocks also indicate that walls are both of paramount importance in keeping
the bulk rock aT is highly dependent on the quartz these Travis Peak fractures open and permeable
content, with values ranging from 1.2 × 10258C21 (Laubach et al. 2004a).
for quartz-rich sandstones and quartzites down to An exhumation stress history model has also
0.7 × 10258C21 for more argillaceous lithologies been generated for the Cozzette Sandstone Member
(Fig. 4b) (data from Wong & Brace 1979; O’Connor of the Mesaverde Group (Fig. 5b) using the proper-
et al. 2001; Hoffmann 2006; Stück et al. 2011; ties outlined in Table 2. In this case, the field of
Siegesmund & Dürrast 2011). stress paths resulting from the assumed range of
The Shmin exhumation stress path for the Travis aT used in the model straddles the opening-mode
Peak Formation has been modelled previously by failure criterion. Although there are significant
English (2012) and the full details of the model uncertainties in this model, particularly regarding
are presented therein. A slightly modified version the assumed evolution of pore pressure during exhu-
of the model is presented in Figure 5a using the mation, this model indicates that there are scenarios
properties outlined in Table 2. If the thermoelastic in which the thermoelastic effect is not sufficient
effect is excluded from the model, the conditions to drive continuous opening-mode failure during
for opening-mode failure would cease immediately exhumation. This is in part due to the lower Young’s
at the onset of exhumation. However, if thermoelas- moduli of these rocks compared with the Travis
tic contraction is incorporated into the model (the Peak sandstones (Table 2). As the Cozzette sand-
range of stress paths shown correspond to a range stones have lower quartz contents that the Travis
of aT from 0.7 × 1025 to 1.1 × 10258C21), the pre- Peak sandstones (Table 1), the appropriate coeffi-
dicted effective minimum horizontal stress becomes cient of linear thermal expansion is more likely
increasingly tensile during exhumation, despite the to be in the 0.8 × 1025 to 0.9 × 10258C21 part of
reduction in the pore pressure gradient. Therefore the range (Fig. 4b), although the data to constrain
thermoelastic contraction provides a mechanism this are not currently available. The prediction is
for driving the continuous crack-seal fracture open- that the more quartz-rich sandstones with a higher
ing in the Travis Peak sandstones documented by Young’s modulus are more likely to have experi-
Becker et al. (2010). It is noteworthy that continu- enced continued opening-mode fracture growth dur-
ous opening-mode failure during exhumation is pre- ing exhumation. This is consistent with the
dicted for the entire range of aT used in the model. observations from the Cozzette sandstone samples
This is in large part due to the high Young’s moduli from the MWX-1 and SHCT wells (Fig. 3b).
of these rocks. As the lower Travis Peak Formation Sandstones of the overlying Williams Fork
sandstones are composed of c. 95% quartz grains Formation of the Mesaverde Group tend to have
(Table 1; Dutton & Diggs 1990), the appropriate even lower quartz contents (Pitman et al. 1989)
coefficient of linear thermal expansion is probably and lower Young’s moduli (Lorenz et al. 1989a),
closer to the 1.1 × 10258C21 end of the range which suggests that continuous opening-mode
(Fig. 4b). fracture growth during exhumation is less likely in
As a result of the high strength of the Travis Peak these stratigraphic units. Of particular note, sand-
sandstones, opening-mode failure will occur before stones of the Paludan Interval of the Williams
the Mohr –Coulomb shear failure criterion is met Fork Formation have quartz contents in the range
(Fig. 5a). English (2012) also modelled stress 29 –55% (Table 1; Pitman et al. 1989) and Young’s
paths for weaker mudstone units within the Travis moduli in the range 20–25 GPa (Lorenz et al.
Peak Formation and concluded that shear failure is 1989a). It appears that exhumation-related fractur-
likely to occur first in rocks with a lower strength; ing is less well developed or continuous in these
this prediction is consistent with observations from rocks compared with the underlying Cozzette sand-
core samples (Laubach 1988). Any tensile effective stone (Fig. 3b).
stress generated during exhumation will be continu- In both the Travis Peak and Cozzette examples,
ously relieved by opening-mode fracture growth our results are compatible with previous results,
and the Shmin stress path is predicted to follow the implying that high fluid pressure probably played
pore pressure curve (i.e. the opening-mode failure a key part in initiating and sustaining opening-mode
criterion in Fig. 5a). As discussed ealier, the present fracture growth. However, our results suggest that,
day magnitude of Shmin is significantly greater than during uplift, the persistence of fracture growth in
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Fig. 4. Controls on thermal expansivity of rocks. (a) Coefficient of linear thermal expansion for a variety of rocks
as a function of the percentage of silica (data from Griffith 1936; modified from Zoback 2007). (b) Coefficient of
linear thermal expansion for a variety of clastic sedimentary rocks as a function of the percentage of quartz (data
from Wong & Brace 1979; O’Connor et al. 2001; Hoffmann 2006; Stück et al. 2011; Siegesmund & Dürrast 2011).
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the Travis Peak Formation in East Texas and in the

Cozzette Member in the Piceance Basin could have
been strongly influenced by thermoelastic contrac-
tion during exhumation and cooling. In other basins,
sequenced microthermometric data and isotopic
information have been used to infer a dominant
role for tectonic stretching and unloading (Hooker
et al. 2015). Elsewhere, fracture cement deposits
record episodic opening separated by long stretches
of time when fractures were quiescent, with late-
stage reactivation correlated with uplift and exhu-
mation (Laubach et al. 2016). Geomechanical prop-
erties and in situ stress data integrated with the
timing constraints from the geochemical evidence
for timing allow the various driving mechanisms
for opening-mode fracture formation to be evalu-
ated. Overpressuring, tectonic stretching and ther-
moelastic contraction can all drive the formation
of opening-mode fractures. Our results show pro-
gress towards separating and independently evaluat-
ing these mechanisms.

Characterization and the accurate prediction of nat-
ural fracture systems is challenging. Recent pro-
gress in unravelling the timing of fractures using
cements deposited contemporaneously with fracture
opening more closely constrains the pressure– tem-
perature conditions under which these fractures
formed. These data allow for a more meaningful
application of stress history models to investigate
the main driving mechanisms for fracture formation
and the geomechanical controls on their distribu-
tion. In both examples reviewed here, in agreement
with previous work, high fluid pressure probably
played a key part in initiating and sustaining
opening-mode fracture growth during burial, but
our results suggest that the persistence of fracture
growth during exhumation and cooling could have
Fig. 5. Stress history models during exhumation from been strongly influenced by thermoelastic contrac-
maximum burial conditions assuming linear elastic tion. For sandstone reservoirs, thermoelastic con-
behaviour. (a) Sandstones of the Travis Peak traction will be more pronounced for stiffer, high
Formation in the SFE2 well in the East Texas Basin. Young’s modulus rocks with higher quartz contents.
(b) Sandstones of the Cozzette Member of the This concept can be tested further in other exhumed
Mesaverde Group in the MWX/SHCT wells in the
southern Piceance Basin. The initial Shmin magnitude
basins where fluid inclusions within crack-seal
for the sandstone model is taken to be on the tensile fracture cement deposits record the pressure–tem-
failure criterion (i.e. Pp ¼ Shmin) on the basis of the perature history of the fracture fluid during fracture
existence of opening-mode fractures at maximum opening.
burial in both studies. The grey shaded area represents
the predicted stress paths using a range of coefficients SEL’s work is funded by grant DE-FG02-03ER15430
of linear thermal expansion. A stress path to the left of from the Chemical Sciences, Geosciences and Biosciences
the tensile failure criterion on the graph predicts Division, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Office of
continuous opening-mode failure during exhumation. Science, US Department of Energy and by the Fracture
The models are especially sensitive to the coefficient of Research and Application Consortium. The manuscript
linear thermal expansion and Young’s modulus (see has benefited from input from Siegfried Siegesmund
equation 3). No far-field horizontal strain is included in and from the constructive feedback of two anonymous
these models. reviewers.
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Geomechanical characterization of mud volcanoes using

P-wave velocity datasets
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Manchester,
Manchester M13 9PL, UK

Abstract: Mud volcanoes occur in many petroliferous basins and are associated with significant
drilling hazards. To illustrate the type of information that can be extracted from limited petrophys-
ical datasets in such geomechanically complex settings, we use P-wave velocity data to calculate
the mechanical properties and stresses on a two-dimensional vertical section across a mud volcano
in the Azeri-Chirag-Guneshly field, South Caspian Basin. We find that: (1) the values of the prop-
erties and stresses calculated in this way have realistic magnitudes; (2) the calculated pore fluid
pressures show spatial variations around the mud volcano that potentially highlight areas of
fluid recharging after the most recent eruption; and (3) the information obtained is sufficient to pro-
vide helpful indications of the width of the drilling window. Although calculations of this kind may
be readily improved with more sophisticated petrophysical datasets, the simplicity of this approach
makes it attractive for reconnaissance surveys designed to identify targets worthy of further inves-
tigation in developing our understanding of mud volcano geomechanics, or which could be used to
help formulate drilling strategies.

To date, around 6500 mud volcanoes have been and activity of the plumbing systems beneath them
identified worldwide, both onshore and offshore are clearly important factors to consider when for-
(Judd 2005). They are primarily developed where mulating strategies for field development and the
mudstone sequences are overlain by thick and siting of the facilities.
rapidly deposited sands from modern and Tertiary For these reasons, among others, mud volcanoes
deltas – for example, the Volga in the South Caspian have been systematically studied worldwide to
Basin (SCB), the Baram in Borneo, the Niger in develop an understanding of: (1) the controls on
West Africa, the Mississippi in the USA and the their internal structure and geomorphology (Hov-
Mackenzie in Arctic Canada (Allen & Allen 2013). land et al. 1997; Dimitrov 2002; Deville et al.
Their occurrence is generally associated with an 2003; Evans et al. 2007; Soto et al. 2011); (2) the
active tectonic setting, rapid sedimentation and structural controls on mud volcano locations (Rob-
high rates of gas generation (Milkov 2000). erts et al. 2011; Bonini 2013); (3) fluid/sediment
As pathways for fluid release from deeply buried flow under mud volcano complexes (Planke et al.
and overpressured sedimentary successions, mud 2003; Calvès et al. 2008); (4) the factors influencing
volcanoes in petroliferous basins are important fea- the severity of mud volcano eruptions (Lerche &
tures to consider in reducing the risk and uncertainty Bagirov 1999; Kopf et al. 2009; Contet & Unterseh
within different parts of the exploration and produc- 2015; Hill et al. 2015); and (5) controls on the geo-
tion cycle. Their feeder pipes may rupture the seal chemistry of the erupted fluids (Azzaro et al. 1993;
and allow hydrocarbon fluids and entrained sedi- Bristow et al. 2000; Guliyev et al. 2001; Mazzini
ments to migrate up through the sealing sequences et al. 2009; Feseker et al. 2010; Feyzullayev &
(Cartwright et al. 2007; Hong et al. 2013). This Movsumova 2010; Carragher et al. 2013; Oppo
does not necessarily imply total failure of the seal et al. 2014). In offshore areas, numerous multi-
because it is the timing and efficiency of mud vol- scale near-surface geological studies have been
cano eruptions relative to the timing of petroleum performed to mitigate the risks to seabed facilities
charging that defines the failure level of the seal that are associated with mud volcano activity and
(Cartwright et al. 2007). In many cases petroleum its accompanying hazardous phenomena, such as
accumulations are discovered because of seal the presence of shallow gas, slope failure and pock-
breach and the subsequent leaking of hydrocarbon- marks (Contet & Unterseh 2015; Hill et al. 2015;
rich fluids to the surface at the sites of mud volca- Unterseh & Contet 2015). Yet the extent to which
noes (Clarke & Cleverly 1991). Nevertheless, the drilling in such zones has to be avoided because of
presence of mud volcanoes and the scale, geometry risks related to mud volcanoes remains unclear.

From: Turner, J. P., Healy, D., Hillis, R. R. & Welch, M. J. (eds) Geomechanics and Geology.
Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 458,
# 2017 The Author(s). Published by The Geological Society of London. All rights reserved.
For permissions: Publishing disclaimer:
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Among the challenges posed by the compli- as the basin subsided, generating a sedimentary suc-
cated geology in and around mud volcanoes is the cession that is .25 km thick (Lerche & Bagirov
prediction of local pore fluid pressures, which has 1999). A cover sequence, up to 10 km thick, consist-
significant implications for drilling (e.g. borehole ing of sand– silt– shale intercalations was deposited
blowouts and instability). Understanding these during the Pliocene and Quaternary. The main
manifestations of localized fluid flow from a geome- source rock for the extensive hydrocarbon reserves
chanical perspective requires an analysis of the fluid within the basin is the Maykop, a kilometre-thick
and pressure distribution, the deformation history, sequence of organic-rich mudstones deposited dur-
the distribution of fractures and the state of stress ing the Oligocene and Early Miocene (Abrams &
around the mud volcano. This, in turn, requires com- Narimanov 1997; Jones & Simmons 1997). The
prehensive petrophysical datasets and sophisticated main producing unit, both onshore and offshore in
data analysis. However, within these geomechani- the SCB, is the overlying Productive Series depos-
cally complex areas there remains value in adopting ited during the Late Miocene to Early Pliocene.
a simpler reconnaissance-type approach to identify This succession is composed of alternating, region-
targets for more detailed investigation and key fea- ally extensive, fluvio-deltaic sandstones, separated
tures that require better understanding. by laterally extensive lacustrine shales. The lacus-
We use P-wave velocity data available in the trine shales act as major pressure seals within the
public domain to estimate the mechanical proper- basin (Javanshir et al. 2015).
ties and stresses on a two-dimensional vertical sec- Rapid sediment burial within the SCB has led to
tion across a mud volcano structure located in the small geothermal gradients (13–188C km21), set-
Azeri part of the Azeri-Chirag-Guneshly (ACG) ting the hydrocarbon generation depth at 5–10 km
field in the SCB. The aim of the study was to deter- in the western shelf and continental slope and at
mine whether useful geomechanical information 6–14 km in the deep-water region (Guliyev et al.
can be extracted from such a limited dataset. 2010; Feyzullayev 2012). The presence of low-
permeability seals coupled with the high rate of
gas generation means that there are abnormally
Geological setting high pore fluid pressures within the mudstone
Regional geology units. Pore fluid pressures in the shales enclosing
the regionally developed reservoirs are estimated
The SCB, offshore Azerbaijan (Fig. 1a), is a deep to exceed hydrostatic pressures by a factor of c.
Tertiary basin characterized by mobilized overpres- 1.8, whereas in the sandstones within the basin the
sured sediments that cause instability on the basin difference is a factor of c. 1.4 (Bredehoeft et al.
margins and in deeper strata. The initiation of the 1988).The high rate of sedimentation and gas gener-
basin corresponds to closure of the Tethys Ocean ation in the basin resulted in the slow removal of
as a result of Arabia– Eurasia convergence (Morton pore fluids from the compacting mudstones during
et al. 2003; Kopf et al. 2009). Subduction of burial and this has led to a high level of under-
the Arabian plate under Eurasia to the NNE gener- compaction (Buryakovsky et al. 2001). These geo-
ated an accretionary prism during the Mesozoic – logical conditions, coupled with the active tectonic
Early Tertiary. Following the closure of Tethys regime, present a wide range of geological hazards
(c. 20 Ma), continuing convergence and uplift for oil and gas operations (Lerche & Bagirov
to the north led to folding of a thick Oligocene to 1999). These include: mud flows and gas emissions,
Holocene sequence deposited in front of the pre- which can damage rigs and production equip-
viously active accretionary prism (Jackson et al. ment; hydrate dissociation, which is hazardous for
2002; Stewart & Davies 2006; Santos Betancor & drilling activities; and the presence of submarine
Soto 2015) (Fig. 1b). Along the northern margin of banks, which are dangerous to marine traffic. In
the basin, anticlinal structures developed within the addition to the natural hazards present on the seabed
NW–SE-trending Absheron-Balkan deep-seated and at shallow subsurface depths, significant chal-
structural uplift, which is the offshore extension of lenges for drilling processes are presented at greater
the Caucasus fold belt (Fig. 1a). depths by deep earthquakes and areas of large
The sedimentary succession in the basin (Fig. 2) fluid overpressure.
mainly consists of Cenozoic clastic sediments
deposited within three large delta systems: Kura ACG field
from the west (sediments from the Lesser Cauca-
sus), Amu Darya from the east (sediments from The ACG field complex is located within anticlinal
the Balkans) and Volga from the north (sediments structures on the northern boundary of the SCB at
from the Greater Caucasus and Urals) (Bredehoeft water depths of 95 –425 m (Fig. 1a). The cores of
et al. 1988; Smith-Rouch 2006). These were depo- these anticlines contain mobile shales from the
sited at remarkably high rates (up to 2.4 km Ma21) Maykop sequence; the depth to the top of this
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Fig. 1. (a) Bathymety of the Caspian Sea and topography of the surrounding countries showing the location of the
offshore South Caspian Basin and the Azeri-Chirag-Guneshly (ACG) structure. Map extracted using GEBCO_2014
Grid – a global 30 arc second interval grid – and processed in ArcMap. (b) Simplified tectonic framework for the
offshore South Caspian Basin (modified from Stewart & Davies 2006).

sequence is c. 5 km in the ACG. Mud volcanoes cones, which are stacked vertically, but share a com-
have formed where this mobile shale has exploi- mon root system (Stewart & Davies 2006). The
ted zones of weakness, resulting in the expulsion eruptive mud originates from the Maykop and
of mud and fluids, including hydrocarbons, at the is composed primarily of montmorillonite clay
seabed. These mud volcanoes are developed within with some volcanic ash (Buryakovsky et al. 2001;
three anticlinal culminations: Azeri, Chirag and Evans et al. 2006). Geochemical evidence suggests
Guneshly (Hill et al. 2015). Of these, the Chirag that the fluids within the mud volcano plumbing
mud volcano is the most extensively studied (e.g. system also derive primarily from the Maykop
Lerche & Bagirov 1999; Stewart & Davies 2006). (Mazzini et al. 2009; Kopf et al. 2009), but with a
The key geometric parameters and mechanical contribution from the Productive Series (Lerche &
conditions of the Chirag mud volcano are illustrated Bagirov 1999; Javanshir et al. 2015).
in Figure 3. This mud volcano is located at a water The pore fluid pressure gradients in the area
depth of 120 m and contains several buried mud are typically 0.012 MPa m21 (Buryakovsky et al.
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Fig. 2. Simplified stratigraphic column of the South Caspian Basin. Nomenclature: S, source rock; R, reservoir; C,
cap rock (compiled from Yusifov & Rabinowitz 2004; Smith-Rouch 2006; Javanshir et al. 2015). NKG,
Post-Kirmaky Shaly Suite; NKP, Post-Kirmaky Sandy Suite.

Fig. 3. Schematic diagram showing the geometry and key geomechanical properties of the Chirag mud volcano.
EV, eruption volume; GG, geothermal gradient; HPE, highest point elevation; IOD, illitization onset depth; IT,
illitization temperature; MCV, mud cone volume; MCT, mud cone thickness; Per, permeability; Por, porosity; PPG,
pore pressure gradient; SD, surface diameter; SSTD, sediment source top depth; TH, thickness; WD, water depth.
Superscripts in brackets refer to the references: (1) Evans et al. (2006), (2) Buryakovsky et al. (2001), (3) Stewart &
Davies (2006), (4) Evans et al. (2006), (5) Davies & Stewart (2005), (6) Feyzullayev & Lerche (2009) and
(7) Evans et al. (2008).
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1995). Fluid overpressure in the area is generally in magnitude of the given quantity over a given
associated with disequilibrium (gravitational) com- change in depth.
paction. The smectite –illite transformation occurs Given the limited dataset, the elastic rock
at temperatures of 75–1508C, corresponding to properties were approximated as isotropic through-
depths .7 km (Feyzullayev & Lerche 2009). out the study. The matrix density (rmatrix ¼ 2600
Based on the eruption statistics for onshore mud kg m23) in Table 1, equation (3) was approximated
volcanoes in Azerbaijan, it is estimated that the assuming that the rock is an aggregate of clay min-
mean waiting time for weak eruptions of the Chirag erals consisting of 32.5% montmorillonite, 43.5%
mud volcano is 95 years and the mean waiting time illite, 17.5% kaolinite and 6.5% chlorite, which is
for average and strong eruptions is 272 years applicable for the NW SCB at a depth range of
(Lerche & Bagirov 1999). High-resolution geophys- 1 –2 km (Buryakovsky et al. 1995). The pore fluid
ical imagery is currently being used to monitor density (rfluid) was approximated as 1000 kg m23
hydrocarbon seepage, mud flows and the formation (Tozer & Borthwick 2010). The horizontal stress
of slope failure scars to provide a better understand- formula (Table 1, equation 11) makes the com-
ing of the activity of this mud volcano (Hill et al. monly used approximation of zero horizontal strain
2015; Unterseh & Contet 2015). (no lateral expansion) which, together with the
material isotropy, means that the local horizontal
stresses are approximated as the same in all
Modelling background Fracture pressure (Table 1, equation 14) repre-
Analytical and empirical correlations used sents the pressure in the borehole that is needed to
cause fracturing of the formation. Assuming zero
in this study tensile strength, fracture pressure is given by the
Several analytical and empirical correlations be- minimum horizontal stress.
tween P-wave velocity and mechanical properties/ In an attempt to put bounds on the real variation
in situ stresses have been developed that allow the in horizontal stress, the approach of using stress
latter to be estimated from the former (e.g. Zoback polygons, introduced by Zoback et al. (1986) and
2007, pp. 113 –116; Mavko et al. 2009, pp. 386– Moos & Zoback (1990), was implemented. Stress
388). The empirical correlations are intended to polygons show the permissible ranges of horizontal
represent the average behaviour of a wide range of stresses at a given depth for a given pore fluid pres-
lithologies and so their usefulness is limited by sure for each of the three Andersonian fault regimes
how sensitive the correlated property is to the dif- (Fig. 4). The 1upper and lower bounds of the maxi-
ferences in lithology encountered in the region of mum and minimum horizontal stresses on the stress
interest, as well as to any other variable that has polygons are constrained by the following relation-
not been accommodated within the fitted equation. ships derived from the Coulomb failure criterion
With this caveat, such correlations are being used assuming that one of the principal stresses is vertical
to develop increasingly sophisticated geomechani- (Zoback 2007):
cal models, particularly when more comprehen- Normal fault:
sive input data – such as pre-stack depth-migrated
seismic inversion, S-wave velocities and borehole sv − Pp
≤ [(m2 + 1)1/2 + m]2 (18)
information – are also available to provide addi- sh − Pp
tional constraints (e.g. White et al. 2007; Sengupta
et al. 2011; Gray et al. 2012). Strike-slip fault:
In this study, we had only a very restricted data-
set (primarily P-wave). The unavailability of more sH − Pp
≤ [(m2 + 1)1/2 + m]2 (19)
comprehensive datasets imposes limits on the extent sh − Pp
to which we can validate our model results. How-
ever, the results can be viewed as representative Reverse fault:
for the context and methodology can be readily
applied and tested for more sophisticated dataset sH − Pp
≤ [(m2 + 1)1/2 + m]2 (20)
in the Caspian and beyond. Therefore our comments sv − Pp
in this respect are based on whether or not the model
results seem realistic given the geomechanical con- where sv is the vertical principal stress, sH is the
text of the ACG. maximum horizontal principal stress, sh is the
The empirical correlations used to infer physical minimum horizontal principal stress, Pp is the pore
properties and stress states are listed in Table 1. fluid pressure and m is the coefficient of friction.
Gradients of overburden, pore fluid pressure and The diagonal line (sH ¼ sh) in the diagram is inter-
fracture pressure have been evaluated as the change sected by vertical and horizontal lines that constrain
Table 1. Analytical and empirical correlations used in this study

Equation Property Units Equation Note Reference


Elastic parameters

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1 Shear wave velocity Vs km s21 0.8621Vp 2 1.1724 Mudrock line for clastics Castagna et al. (1985, equation 1)
2 Bulk density rb kg m23 aVpm Amended Gardner’s equation (Gardner Quijada & Stewart (2007, table 2)
et al. 1974) for shales, where
a ¼ 516.2 and m ¼ 0.1869
3* Porosity f (rmatrix − rb )/(rmatrix − rfluid ) rmatrix ¼ 2600 kg/m3 and Avseth et al. (2010, p. 57, equation 2.10)
rfluid ¼ 1000 kg/m3. Explanation
follows Table 1
4 Theoretical porosity ft f0 e−bsv f0 is the pre-compaction porosity; Rubey & Hubbert (1959, equation 16)
b ¼ 0.0421, f0 ¼ 0.4 Buryakovsky et al. (2001, p. 353, 374)
5* Shear modulus G GPa rb Vs2 Mavko et al. (2009, p. 81)

6* Lamé’s constant l GPa rb Vp2 − 2G Mavko et al. (2009, p. 81)
7* Poisson’s ratio n Mavko et al. (2009, p. 81)
(Vp2 − 2Vs2 )/[2(Vp2 − Vs2 )]
8* Young’s modulus E GPa Mavko et al. (2009, p. 82)
G(3Vp2 − 4Vs2 )/(Vp2 − Vs2 )
9* Bulk modulus K GPa Mavko et al. (2009, p. 82)
rb (3Vp2 − 4Vs2 )/3
In situ stress and pressure
10* Overburden stress sv MPa rw gzw + rb g(z − zw ) rw and zw are the density and depth of the Zoback (2007, p. 8, equation 1.6)
water, respectively
11 Horizontal stress sh MPa sv n/(1 − n) In these calculations, we approximate sH Iverson (1995, equation 4)
to sh, where sH and sh are the
maximum and minimum horizontal
stresses, respectively. Explanation of
their permissible magnitudes is given
in the text
12* Hydrostatic pressure Ph MPa rwgz Zoback (2007, p. 28, equation 2.1)
13 Pore fluid pressure Pp MPa sv − (1/b) ln(f0 /f) Pressure existing in the pores of the Rubey & Hubbert (1959, equation 16)
formation; derived from equation (4)
14 Fracture pressure Pf MPa Pp + (sv − Pp )(sh /sv ) Explanation is given in the text Matthews & Kelly (1967, p. 99)
Strength properties
15 Friction angle f 8 sin−1 ((Vp − 1)/(Vp + 1)) For shales Lal (1999, equation 17)
16 Cohesive strength t0 MPa √ For shales Lal (1999, equation 17)
5(Vp − 1)/ VP
17 Uniaxial C MPa For shales, worldwide Chang et al. (2006, equation 14)
compressive 1.35Vp2.6

Vp is in km s21.
* Relationship is analytical.
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for which a structural model exists in the public

domain. This is located within the Kurdashi-Araz-
Deniz (KAD) anticlinal structure on the western
margin of the SCB at a water depth of 30 –770 m.
The calculations were performed for depths of
500 and 1500 m below the seafloor. These were
selected from a seismic section across the mud vol-
cano (Soto et al. 2011) to represent points on the
structural crest and flank of the mud volcano,
respectively (Fig. 5).
Hamilton (1979) established a generalized rela-
tionship between acoustic wave velocities and
depth in marine sediments. This relationship was
used to obtain the P- and S-wave values for the
crest and flank locations (Fig. 6).
Fig. 4. Stress polygons defining the upper and lower The SCB is characterized by abnormally high
bounds of the principal horizontal stresses in different formation pressures and several previous studies
fault regimes (modified from Zoback 2007). have attempted to characterize shale compaction
within the basin. The porosity– depth curve com-
piled by Bredehoeft et al. (1988) (Fig. 7) was used
the stress ranges for the different fault regimes. to obtain porosity values for the calculations.
Stress polygons are always above the diagonal line The input parameters for the calculations are
because sH ≥ sh. listed in Table 2. The material properties and
In regions of excess pore pressure (overpres- stresses listed in Table 3 for the crest and flank of
sure), the differences between the magnitudes of the mud volcano were obtained using these input
the principal stresses are small and therefore small parameters and the equations listed in Table 1.
stress perturbations can lead to a change from one These are compared in Table 3 with typical ranges
fault regime to another (Zoback 2007). of these values for the material properties of clay
minerals and poorly consolidated sandstones and
Feasibility calculations mudstones, and with the stress states previously
reported in the SCB. Our calculated values are
To establish that the equations listed in Table 1 consistent with those reported previously and so
return realistic values of material properties and we have confidence that the empirical correlations
stresses within a SCB context, we evaluated these detailed in Table 1 are not significantly affected
properties and stresses on an SCB mud volcano by local factors specific to the SCB.

Fig. 5. Vertical seismic section of a mud volcano from Kurdashi-Araz-Deniz (KAD) structure in the offshore
western SCB (modified from Soto et al. 2011). ACG, Azeri-Chirag-Guneshly structure.
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Fig. 6. Generic P- and S-wave velocity v. depth curves in marine sediments (modified from Hamilton 1979).

Two-dimensional model (4) generating the 2D synthetic seismic line and

writing it as a SEG-Y file;
Input parameters and procedure (5) importing the SEG-Y file into PETREL for
calculations and visualization.
The mechanical properties and stresses on a two-
dimensional (2D) vertical section across an ACG The resulting P-wave velocity section is shown in
mud volcano were modelled by digitizing the Figure 8. Values of density, porosity and mechanical
P-wave velocities presented on a full waveform properties (elastic properties and strength), together
inversion image published by Selwood et al. with the magnitudes of the principal stresses, pore
(2013). The seismic line was 10 km long by 5 km fluid and fracture pressures were calculated from
deep in an unknown orientation across one of the the P-wave velocities within the PETREL software
mud volcanoes in the Azeri part of the ACG field. package using the equations listed in Table 1; they
The digitization process involved: are presented here as sections showing the 2D varia-
tion of these values. In addition, a vertical pseudo-
(1) importing the image into MATLAB; well (RM-1) located on the structural crest was incor-
(2) reading red (R), green (G) and blue (B) values porated into the 2D model to assess the modelled
and replacing these RGB triplets with a single parameters in one dimension along the well trajec-
value per pixel; tory. The calculations were performed for an average
(3) replacing each pixel value with the corre- water depth of 120 m, which is the average water
sponding velocity obtained from the colour depth in the Azeri field given by the bathymetry
bar key to the image; data of Hill et al. (2015).

Fig. 7. Shale compaction curve in NW SCB (modified from Bredehoeft et al. 1988).
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Table 2. Feasibility model input parameters clay minerals and hence the coefficients for shales
were used. Figure 10 shows the variation in bulk
Structural Depth P-wave S-wave Porosity density across the 2D section and along the pseudo-
position (m) velocity velocity (%) well. The values of bulk density are consistent with
(km s21) (km s21) the bulk density values calculated at the correspond-
ing positions on the KAD mud volcano. Relatively
Crest 500 2.015 0.638 30 small bulk densities persist to greater depths in the
Flank 1500 2.591 1.076 17
vicinity of the mud volcano feeder system, pre-
sumably because the lithologies are in a brecciated
and/or fluidized state.
Results Theoretical and inferred porosity values (ft
and f, respectively) were computed along the
As the physical properties were calculated solely crestal pseudo-well RM-1 using Table 1, equations
from P-wave velocity information, the spatial varia- (3) and (4) (Fig. 11). The theoretical porosity
tion of these properties matches that of the P-wave curve assumes a normal compaction trend. The pres-
velocity data (Fig. 8). The empirical correlations sure transition zone, defined as the depth interval
listed in Table 1 do, however, provide the magni- between when the inferred porosity curve starts to
tudes of the material properties and how these mag- deviate from the theoretical porosity profile and
nitudes vary across the mud volcano in the study when the rate of decrease of inferred porosity with
area. The variation in elastic properties along the depth significantly decreases (Swarbrick & Osborne
pseudo-well is illustrated in Figure 9. The values 1996), lies between 620 m below seafloor (mbsf)
of these elastic properties at a depth of 500 m and 2600 mbsf at the crestal pseudo-well RM-1.
below the seafloor are similar to those obtained at Values of pore fluid pressure and fracture pres-
this depth on the structural crest of the KAD mud sure were calculated along the pseudo-well RM-1
volcano. (Fig. 12). Estimated pore fluid pressures over the
Bulk density values were estimated using the depth range 2– 5 km are about 1.4–1.8 times hydro-
method of Quijada & Stewart (2007) (Table 1, equa- static pressure, in agreement with previous esti-
tion 2). They suggested that, in their equation, mates of shale pore fluid pressure within the SCB
different values of the constants a and m are appli- (Bredehoeft et al. 1988; Javanshir et al. 2015). On
cable for sands (a ¼ 224.9 and m ¼ 0.2847) and the 2D section relatively small pore fluid pressures
shales (a ¼ 516.2 and m ¼ 0.1896). In this study, are seen to persist to a depth of 620 mbsf in areas
the lithology was assumed to be an aggregate of close to the mud volcano (Fig. 13) and these perhaps

Table 3. Modelled values of elastic properties, state of stress and rock strength on the crest and flank of a mud
volcano from the KAD structure

Estimated parameters Structural position Previously published values

Name Units Crest Flank Range Reference

Elastic properties
Bulk density kg m23 2140 2243 1580 – 2600 Mavko et al. (2009, p. 458, 459)
Shear modulus GPa 0.87 2.60 0.2– 5.5 Horsrud (2001, p. 71)
Lamé’s constant GPa 8.69 15.06 0.07– 13.26 Islam & Skalle (2013, p. 1400)
Poisson’s ratio 0.44 0.40 0.35– 0.50 Schön (2011, p 162)
Young’s modulus GPa 2.52 7.25 3.2– 9.5 Prasad (2002, p. 3)
Bulk modulus GPa 7.53 11.59 6 – 12 Vanorio et al. (2003, p. 325)
Stress and pressures
Vertical stress MPa 13 35 10 – 35 Buryakovsky et al. (2001, p. 402)
Horizontal stress MPa 8 22
Hydrostatic pressure MPa 5 15 4 – 14 Buryakovsky et al. (2001, p. 402)
Pore fluid pressure MPa 6 16 12 – 20 Buryakovsky et al. (2001, p. 152)
Fracture pressure MPa 11.57 28.41
Rock strength
Friction angle 8 19.67 26.30 21.75– 38.09 Kohli & Zoback (2013, p. 5115)
Cohesive strength MPa 3.58 4.94 0.3– 38.4 Schön (2011, p. 256)
Uniaxial compressive MPa 8.35 16.05 7.5– 13.9 Schön (2011, p. 258)
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Fig. 8. P-wave velocity data generated from the full waveform inversion image published by Selwood et al. (2013).
The feeder pipe of the investigated mud volcano is highlighted.

represent areas that have not yet fully recharged unconsolidated state of the sediments in this
following recent eruptions. area. At depths greater than c. 2500 m, the friction
The friction angle increases with depth, but angle values are in good agreement with the fric-
with anomalously small values in the volcano vent tional properties given by Byerlee’s law (Byerlee
area (Fig. 14), perhaps reflecting the relatively 1978; Schön 2011).

Fig. 9. (a) Profiles of elastic rock properties and (b) acoustic wave velocities along the RM-1 pseudo-well. Markers
indicate the magnitudes of these properties obtained on the structural crest of the Kurdashi-Araz-Deniz mud volcano
analysed in the feasibility modelling.
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Fig. 10. (a) Vertical cross-section across the Azeri-Chirag-Guneshly structure showing the variation in bulk density
obtained using the method of Quijada & Stewart (2007) with their parameters for shales. (b) The variation of bulk
density with depth along the pseudo-well RM-1. The depth variation using the parameters of Quijada & Stewart
(2007) for sands is also shown for comparison

Fig. 11. Variation in inferred porosity and theoretical porosity along pseudo-well RM-1 showing the top and base of
overpressure at 620 mbsl and 2600 mbsl, respectively.

Fig. 12. Variation in overburden stress and pressure along pseudo-well RM-1.
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Fig. 13. Vertical cross-section across the Azeri-Chirag-Guneshly structure showing the variation in pore fluid
pressure. This highlights the relatively small pore fluid pressures in the shallow unconsolidated sediments and in the
vicinity of the mud volcano.

Discussion which is defined as the ratio of pore fluid pressure

to hydrostatic pressure. The study area has an abnor-
Fluid flow mality factor of c. 1.2 in the first 620 mbsf, c. 1.5 in
the depth range 620–2600 mbsf and c. 1.8 from
The spatial variation of fluid overpressure provides 2600 to 5000 mbsf. As well as decreasing upwards,
information about the direction of fluid flow near fluid overpressure decreases from the flanks towards
the mud volcano. Fluid overpressure is plotted in the structural crest of the mud volcano, implying
Figure 15 as the overpressure abnormality factor, that a component of the regional fluid flow is

Fig. 14. (a) Vertical cross-section across the Azeri-Chirag-Guneshly structure showing the variation of friction
angle and (b) the variation with depth of the friction angle along pseudo-well RM-1. The marker on the pseudo-well
curve indicates the friction angle obtained on the structural crest of the Kurdashi-Araz-Deniz mud volcano analysed
in the feasibility modelling.
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Fig. 15. (a) Vertical cross-section across the Azeri-Chirag-Guneshly structure and (b) along pseudo-well RM-1
showing the overpressure abnormality factor. Arrows indicate the inferred direction of fluid flow.

being directed laterally from the flanks to the crest. An analysis using stress polygons provides fur-
These observations support the suggestion that the ther constraints on the stress state. These have
perceived drive for the mud volcanoes in the off- been calculated at three different depths along
shore SCB involves lateral as well as upwards pres- the pseudo-well RM-1 using equations (18– 20). So
sure transfer. They also point to the possibility of that the three stress polygons can be compared on a
using P-wave data, particularly if supported with single plot, following Zoback (2007) the stresses
direct fluid pressure measurements, to assess fluid obtained using equations (18–20) have been nor-
flow pathways within the stratigraphy. malized by the depth at which each was obtained
and so are presented as MPa m21. The input values
Contemporary stress regime of vertical stress, pore fluid pressure and the coeffi-
cient of friction are those at the given depth in the
The orientation of the present day stress field is com- pseudo-well RM-1, while the minimum and maxi-
monly assessed using earthquake focal mechanism mum horizontal stress values have been obtained
solutions and borehole stress orientation measure- by manipulating equations (18) and (20), respecti-
ments. However, it has also been noted that when vely. The values obtained are listed in Table 4 and
sH = sh, mud volcano calderas have a tendency the resulting stress polygons are shown in Figure 17.
to be elliptical, with the long axis oriented parallel We find that the stress polygons shrink with increas-
to sh (Bonini 2012). While analysing the bathyme- ing depth as the overpressure increases. This finding
try image from the Azeri side of the ACG field (Hill is consistent with the notion that the principal
et al. 2015), we observed that both the mud volcano stresses tend to become closer to the vertical stress
calderas present in the region of interest are ellipti- in magnitude with increasing depth in overpressured
cal (Fig. 16a). In each case, the long axis of the cal- areas and hence that relatively small changes in the
dera is oriented NW –SE, parallel to the orientation stress field can lead to a shift from one Andersonian
of the Absheron–Balkan uplift zone, while the short fault regime to another (Zoback 2007).
axis is oriented NE– SW. This implies that sh is ori-
ented NW –SE and sH is oriented NE–SW. This is Implications for drillability
consistent with focal mechanism studies performed
over the basin (Ritz et al. 2006; Jackson et al. 2002), Pore fluid pressure and fracture pressure, together
with borehole breakout data in the World Stress with their corresponding depth gradients, are central
Map database (Heidbach et al. 2008) and with the considerations when establishing safe drilling strat-
direction of maximum regional compressive stress egies. Although a knowledge of the actual magni-
inferred from the NE–SW-directed subduction of tudes of these pressures is important for drilling
the South Caspian basement beneath the Abshe- activities, a knowledge of their gradients is more
ron–Balkan uplift (Fig. 16b). practical because the required drilling mud weight
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Fig. 16. Regional horizontal stress states in the Azeri-Chirag-Guneshly (ACG) field. (a) Elliptical mud volcano
(MV) calderas drawn on the ACG bathymetry image of Hill et al. (2015). The inset figure is a conceptual diagram
of stress states around an MV located in the structural crest of a larger scale antiform (modified from Bonini 2012).
On the structural crest, outer arc extension means that the vertical stress is locally probably the greatest principal
stress. (b) World Stress Map displaying borehole breakouts from the ACG overlain by a rose diagram of borehole
breakout directions; the data are shaded according to confidence in their quality (with A being the highest quality).

is estimated in pressure gradients. The pore pressure bounds on the fracture gradient itself is generally
gradient characterizes the minimum (or the lower good practice when using estimates of fracture
bound) mud weight and the fracture gradient indi- gradient. The lower bound is defined as the frac-
cates the maximum (or the upper bound) mud ture closure pressure, which is best measured by a
weight (Eaton 1969). Identifying upper and lower leak-off test, whereas the upper bound indicates a

Table 4. Input parameters and calculated minimum and maximum values of sh and sH used to construct the
stress polygons shown in Figure 19

Depth (m) sv (MPa m21) Pp (MPa m21) m sH (MPa m21) sh (MPa m21)

620 0.0235 0.0123 0.3718 0.0356 0.0177

2600 0.0236 0.0174 0.5957 0.0369 0.0194
5000 0.0238 0.0200 0.6445 0.0328 0.0211

Stress and pressure values are normalized by the corresponding depth.

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Fig. 17. Stress polygons at three depths in pseudo-well RM-1 showing the decreasing permissible ranges of
horizontal stresses with increasing depth.

point at which there is mud loss from the borehole to variation of pore fluid and fracture gradient that
induced fractures (Zhang 2011). Estimating these occurs at 620 and 2600 mbsf correlate with the top
bounds requires a knowledge of the magnitudes of and base of the pressure transition zone identified
the horizontal stresses, the tensile strength and the in Figure 11
thermal stress induced by the difference between We have attempted to define the safe drilling
the mud and formation temperatures. As we do not window (where the drilling window is defined as
have these parameters, we have used a method the difference between the fracture gradient and
reported by Matthews & Kelly (1967) (Table 1, the pore fluid pressure gradient) using our results
equation 14) to determine the fracture pressure (Fig. 19). We observe that above a depth of c.
and its gradient. This method provides a value sim- 300 mbsf, the drilling window gradients are as
ilar to the lower bound on the fracture gradient. Fig- small as c. 0.003 MPa m21 on one flank of the
ure 18 shows the pressures and gradients estimated mud volcano, whereas on the other flank the gradi-
for the crestal pseudo-well RM-1. The large fluctu- ents are larger (up to 0.012 MPa m21). The model
ations in the pore fluid pressure gradient at shallow identifies some areas with large drilling window
depths (.500 mbsf ) are probably artefacts arising gradients that are close to the mud volcano feeder
from the resolution of the P-wave velocity and pipe. These may represent zones of fluid recharging
how this affects the calculated porosity used to esti- and so may be transient features. Fluid venting pipes
mate the pore fluid pressure (Table 1, equation 13). are known to extend down to around 2 km beneath
However, the changes in the slope of the depth the seabed in the ACG (Javanshir et al. 2015),

Fig. 18. Variation of pressure gradients along pseudo-well RM-1.

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Fig. 19. Vertical cross-section across the Azeri-Chirag-Guneshly structure showing the width of the drilling
window. The safest areas to drill are those with the widest drilling window.

which almost marks the base of the pressure transi- alignment of highly anisotropic minerals and (3)
tion zone (2600 mbsf) in this study. The areas below compositional banding, we can expect that the
the pressure transition zone are characterized mechanical properties of a fractured, well-bedded
by drilling window gradients of 0.004 MPa m21, sequence rich in clay minerals will be anisotropic.
which decrease to 0.002 MPa m21 with increasing Hence considerable confidence could be added to
depth. We interpret these values as estimates of the findings presented here if data that allowed
the drilling window for deep overpressured sections mechanical anisotropy to be quantified (e.g. ampli-
where well-consolidated sediments reside. tude v. offset, vertical seismic profile, multi-,
wide-, rich- and full-azimuth seismic data) were
available. Nevertheless, even with the limited data
Limitations of this study available, these findings are consistent with the
Key sources of data for full geomechanical model- geodynamic context of this part of the SCB.
ling include seismic and borehole data, while geo-
logical and drilling data are used for calibration
purposes. Geological and seismic data provide Conclusions
regional-scale information for the entire section
(overburden, underburden and zone of interest), A 2D P-wave velocity dataset was used with empir-
whereas drilling and borehole data aid in focusing ical correlations between P-wave velocity and vari-
on a zone of interest with greater accuracy and ous mechanical properties to build a geomechanical
higher resolution. model of the area around a mud volcano in the SCB.
The analysis in this study is built almost entirely The key findings are:
on P-wave velocity and is therefore sensitive to † realistic values of elastic and brittle strength
how tightly constrained the empirical correlations properties together with fluid pressures can be
between P-wave velocity and the various mechani- obtained using the empirical correlations;
cal properties and stresses are. A key limitation † sections showing the spatial variation of pore
imposed by the nature of the data is the lack of fluid overpressure around the mud volcanoes
opportunity to incorporate mechanical anisotropy. calculated from P-wave velocity data have con-
Given that the most significant causes of mechanical siderable potential for constraining models of
anisotropy are (1) oriented fractures, (2) the textural fluid flow around these structures;
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† preliminary estimates based on seismic veloci-

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Page numbers in italics refer to Figures. Page numbers in bold refer to Tables.

Acerno reservoir 191, 193, 195 timing 172

Algeria see Berkine Basin; Hassi Messaoud field; summary 173
Illizi Basin beef, hydrofracture 3
Alleghanian Orogeny 245 Belgium, Mons Basin chalk 228, 229, 230–231
Amonton’s law 143, 157 Benevento field 188, 189, 190–194
Andersonian faulting Berkine Basin 90, 90
mechanics 156–159 burial history model 91
post-faulting regimes 16, 17, 18 stress conditions 104– 106
regimes 257, 277 Berkine field 105–106
stress system 10, 91 Biot coefficient 125
Appalachian Basin 245 block tilting 155
Appalachian Plateau 245, 246 bookshelf faulting 155
deformation borehole breathing 213
modelling 249–250 Bowen Basin 33
application 250– 251 domains 34, 37, 39
parameter sensitivity 252– 253 mechanical stratigraphy 41–44
parameters 251 oilfield impacts 44–46
results 252 setting 31, 32
results discussed 253– 255 stress measurements 35–36
summary 255 stress model (1D wellbore) 39– 41
seismic sections 247, 248 stress orientation 36–37, 39
stratigraphy 246 Raleigh analysis 38
structural style 247– 248 wells 37
small-scale features 248– 249 Brazil see Santos Basin
Australia see Bowen Basin; Otway Basin; Surat Basin Brent field, stress depletion 20–22
Azerbaijan see Azeri-Chirag-Guneshly field brittle failure 131, 132, 157
Azeri-Chirag-Guneshly field 274– 277 extension v. compression 134, 135
Chirag mud volcano comparative failure conditions 135–136
geometry 276 contrasts in failure sensitivity 136
modelling behaviour edge of failure 137
methods 280 –281 failure loading paths 137– 138
results 281–283 maximum sustainable overpressure 136–137
results discussed 284– 288 results discussed 138–139
summary 288– 289 bulk density 278, 281, 283
stratigraphy 276 bulk modulus 278, 281, 282
tectonic setting 275 Buonalbergo seep 192
Burunga Anticline 34, 39
Baram delta 273 Byerlee friction 157
Basin and Range Province 156 Byerlee stress states 132– 133, 148
fault history study
methods Caprese reservoir 193, 195– 196
locality example 161– 163, 164, 165 carbon capture and storage (CCS) 181
palinspastic structural restorations 160–161 carbon dioxide
results capture and storage 181
drain rate 166 characterization of sites 181–182, 182
duration of extension 166 case study for Italy
extension timing 167 carbon dioxide geofluids 182– 183
fault characteristics 162, 163 flow in formations 183, 185
fault spacing 166 –167 map of seeps 184
mean slip magnitude 166 migration mechanisms 185–186
percentage extension 166 seep case studies 186
problems of tilting 165– 166, 168 geological settings 186–187
synextensional magmatism 167 leakage pathways 187–188
tilting per unit of slip 166 properties modelling 187
results discussed reservoir classification 187
interpreting hierarchy of factors 167– 169 results 188– 190
synextensional magmatism 169–171 Acerno reservoir 191, 193, 195
tilting and spacing 171–172 Benevento field 188, 189, 190 –194

carbon dioxide (Continued) stress evolution 19–20

Caprese reservoir 193, 195– 196 stress modelling 12, 13
Frigento reservoir 188, 193, 194– 195 stress regime analysis 10–12
Monte Taburno reservoir 189, 193, 194 compressive strength tests, tight chalk 233, 234, 237,
Muscillo reservoir 189, 193, 194 239–240, 239
results discussed Contursi reservoir 191
data synthesis 203–207 Coulomb failure criterion 148, 157, 158, 277
leakage and risk management 199–203 Cozzette sandstone
reservoir characteristics, leaking v. sealing geomechanical parameters 262
196– 199 opening-mode fractures, thermal history 263– 264
summary 207– 208 Cusiana fault 10, 11
carbonates, earthquake nucleation 3 Cusiana field
Catskill delta 245 stress evolution 19– 20
cement, impact on strength 22, 23 stress modelling 12, 13
chalk reservoirs stress regime analysis 10– 12
Ockley accumulation (North Sea)
appraisal data 117 Daghinsky Formation 23, 24
appraisal wells 118– 121 deformation boundary approach 9– 10
faults and fractures 122 –124, 124 Denison Trough 31
geological setting 113 –115 detachments (low-angle normal faults) (LANF)
geomechanical analysis character 143
Biot coefficient and effective stress 125– 126 first reported 143
horizontal stress direction 126 Santos Basin study
pore pressure 124 –125 geomechanical modelling 144–145, 147
stress magnitudes in situ 125 numerical simulation 149– 150
location 114 parameters 147, 149
matrix properties 121– 122, 121 results 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151
porosity cycles 115 results discussed 150 –152
seismic section 116 diagenesis index, tight chalk 231, 232, 236– 237
stimulation and testing 117–118 differential stress 131
stratigraphy 115 domino-style faulting 155
structure 115, 123 drilling window 213, 214
summary and discussion of data 128
fracture designs 127–128 earthquakes, in carbonates 3
fracture propagation 126–127 East Texas Basin
chalk, tight Travis Peak Formation
microtexture variation 227–228 geomechanical parameters 262
regional study natural fracture pattern 261
methods of analysis role of overpressure 264
petrographic 229, 230, 233 thermal history 261, 263
petrophysical 233 opening-mode fractures, role of overpressure
results 265–266
petrographic 233– 234 setting 259– 261
petrophysical 235– 236, 235 effective normal stress 132
results discussed 236 elastic deformation, causes 7
lithotypes and diagenesis 236–237 elastic properties 282
petrophysics/mechanics 237– 240 values for modelling 278, 281
sampling setting 228–229, 230–231 exhumation
summary 240–241 fault reactivation and fluid flow 107–108
Chirag mud volcano fault-bounded traps 108
geometry 276 role in stress history 268
modelling behaviour stress evolution 106–107
methods 280– 281 exhumed basins, prospectivity problems 89
results 281– 283 see Illizi Basin
results discussed 284– 288 extensional faulting
summary 288– 289 Andersonian –Byerlee mechanics 156– 159
coccolith studies 231, 232 fault interactions 159–160
cohesive strength 278, 281 pore fluid pressure 159
Colombia see Cusiana field principal stress trajectories 159
compaction rock composition variation 159
causes 7
curve 280 facies variation, impact on strength 22, 23, 25
compressional stress studies failure angle 2
Cusiana field fault blocks, stress estimation 9–10

fault valving 3 Hod Formation, Ockley accumulation

faulting appraisal data 117
classification 10, 91, 257, 277 appraisal wells 118–121
geomechanics of 143, 156– 159 faults and fractures 122– 124, 124
initiation 155, 157 geological setting 113– 115
stress states driving 132–135 geomechanical analysis
faults Biot coefficient and effective stress 125–126
hard v. soft linkage 159 horizontal stress direction 126
interaction of 159 –160 pore pressure 124– 125
Flamborough Head chalk 228, 229, 230 stress magnitudes in situ 125
fluid flow location 114
mud volcano studies 284– 285 matrix properties 121–122, 121
subsurface 90 porosity cycles 115
fluid inclusions seismic section 116
role in microthermometry of crack-seal quartz 258– 259 stimulation and testing 117– 118
Mesaverde Group 263 –264 stratigraphy 115
overpressure history 264–265 structure 115, 123
thermoelastic contraction history 265–266 summary and discussion of data 128
Travis Peak Formation 261, 263 fracture designs 127– 128
fracture closure pressure (FCP) 92 fracture propagation 126– 127
fracture development 18–19 horizontal stress 278, 281
opening-mode fracture systems 257 Hunter Bowen Orogeny 31
case study hydraulic fractures 126
Travis Peak Formation hydrofractures 3
geomechanical parameters 262 hydrostatic pressure 278, 281, 283
natural fracture pattern 261
role of overpressure 264, 265– 266 Illizi Basin
thermal history 261, 263 burial history model 91
setting 259 –261 exhumation stress characteristics 103–104
failure criterion 257 fluid flow 90– 91
microthermometry on quartz 258–259 geomechanics 93, 95
role of shear failure 258 maximum horizontal stress azimuth 97–98
fracture pressure (FP) 213, 278, 281, 283 maximum horizontal stress magnitude 100–103
historical models 214 –215 mechanical properties 93– 94
Brackles & van Eekelen 216 minimum horizontal stress magnitude
Eaton 215– 216, 216 98, 99, 100
Matthews & Kelly 215, 216 pore pressure 94
implications for drillability 285 –288 vertical stress magnitude 96– 97
new model 216–219 location 90
case study testing Indo-Australian Plate 32
Gulf of Mexico 222 instantaneous shut-in pressure (ISIP) 92
North Sea 222– 224 Italy
Scotian Shelf 219– 222 carbon dioxide geofluids 182– 183
summary of performance 224 flow in formations 183, 185
France, Cenomanian –Turonian chalks 228, 229, 230– 231 map of seeps 184
friction 155, 157 migration mechanisms 185 –186
friction angle 278, 281, 284 seep case studies 186
Frigento reservoir 188, 193, 194– 195 geological settings 186 –187
leakage pathways 187–188
geofluids, impact of 2 properties modelling 187
geomechanics 1 reservoir classification 187
chalk studies see Ockley accumulation also chalk, tight results 188–190
correlation with P-wave velocity 277 Acerno reservoir 191, 193, 195
exhumation effects see Illizi Basin Benevento field 188, 189, 190– 194
role in oil field development 7– 8, 8, 9 Caprese reservoir 193, 195–196
geostress see stress Frigento reservoir 188, 193, 194–195
Gippsland Basin 49, 51 Monte Taburno reservoir 189, 193, 194
Gjallar Ridge 152, 152 Muscillo reservoir 189, 193, 194
Griffith–Coulomb failure 148 results discussed
Griffith cracks 2 data synthesis 203 –207
leakage and risk management 199– 203
hard linkage of faults 159 reservoir characteristics, leaking v. sealing
Hassi Messaoud field 90, 91, 104–105 196– 199
burial history model 91 summary 207–208

kerogen, conversion to hydrocarbons 3 Niger delta 273

kink bands, Appalachian Plateau 248– 249 Nile Delta, fracture pressure gradient 215
modelling 249– 250 normal faulting
application 250– 251 regimes 131
parameter sensitivity 252–253 stress system 10, 15, 16, 277
parameters 251 North Sea
results 252 Brent field, stress depletion 20– 22
results discussed 253–255 fracture pressure model testing 222– 224
summary 255 Ockley accumulation
Kurdashi–Araz– Deniz structure 279 appraisal data 117
appraisal wells 118–121
Lamé’s constant 278, 281, 282 faults and fractures 122–124, 124
leak-off test 213–214 geological setting 113–115
limit analysis 249 geomechanical analysis
low-angle normal faults (LANF; detachments) Biot coefficient and effective stress 125–126
character 143 horizontal stress direction 126
first reported 143 pore pressure 124–125
Santos Basin study stress magnitudes in situ 125
geomechanical modelling 144– 145, 147 location 114
numerical simulation 149–150 matrix properties 121–122, 121
parameters 147, 149 porosity cycles 115
results 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151 seismic section 116
results discussed 150– 152 stimulation and testing 117– 118
Lunskoye field, case study of strength variations 23– 24 stratigraphy 115
structure 115, 123
Mackenzie delta 273 summary and discussion of data 128
maximum strength theorem 249 fracture designs 127– 128
mechanical earth model (1D wellbore stress model) fracture propagation 126– 127
39– 41 numerical modelling
Mesaverde Group Cusiana field stress 12
opening-mode fractures sandbox modelling 12–15
role of overpressure 264–265, 266, 268
thermal history 263– 264 Ockley accumulation
setting 263 appraisal data 117
Mexico, Gulf of appraisal wells 118–121
fracture pressure model testing 222 faults and fractures 122–124, 124
East Texas Basin, Travis Peak Formation geological setting 113–115
geomechanical parameters 262 geomechanical analysis
natural fracture pattern 261 Biot coefficient and effective stress 125 –126
role of overpressure 264 horizontal stress direction 126
thermal history 261, 263 pore pressure 124–125
opening-mode fractures, role of overpressure stress magnitudes in situ 125
265– 266 location 114
setting 259–261 matrix properties 121–122, 121
microthermometry, opening-mode fracture systems porosity cycles 115
258– 259 seismic section 116
Mesaverde Group 263 stimulation and testing 117–118
role of overpressure 264–265, 266, 268 stratigraphy 115
thermal history 263– 264 structure 115, 123
Travis Peak Formation 265– 266 summary and discussion of data 128
Mississippi delta 273 fracture designs 127–128
Mohr diagram 157, 158 fracture propagation 126–127
low-angle normal faults 148 oil fields, impacts of development 7
Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion 91, 92 opening-mode fracture systems 257
Monte Taburno reservoir 189, 193, 194 case study
mud volcanoes Travis Peak Formation
development 273 geomechanical parameters 262
modelling behaviour natural fracture pattern 261
Chirag geometry 276 role of overpressure 264, 265– 266
methods 280– 281 thermal history 261, 263
results 281– 283 setting 259 –261
results discussed 284–288 failure criterion 257
summary 288–289 microthermometry on quartz 258–259
Muscillo reservoir 189, 193, 194 role of shear failure 258

Otway Basin crack-seal 258–259

geological history 53– 54 relation to thermal expansivity 267
setting 49, 51, 51, 53
stratigraphy 50 Raleigh analysis 38
structural elements 52 reservoirs
study of contemporary stresses 54– 55 carbon capture and storage 181
basement rocks 71–74 characterization of sites 181–182, 182
constraining maximum horizontal stress case study for Italy
magnitudes 69 carbon dioxide geofluids 182– 183
maximum horizontal stress orientation 55– 61 flow in formations 183, 185
results map of seeps 184
minimum horizontal stress magnitudes 65– 69 migration mechanisms 185–186
neotectonic compressional seep case studies 186
deformation 74–79 geological settings 186–187
pore pressure magnitudes 61–63 leakage pathways 187–188
possible states of stress 69– 71 properties modelling 187
vertical stress magnitudes 63– 65 reservoir classification 187
results interpreted 79 results 188– 190
conflicts resolved 81 Acerno reservoir 191, 193, 195
post-rift setting 80 Benevento field 188, 189, 190 –194
syn-rift setting 80– 81 Caprese reservoir 193, 195–196
summary 81–82 Frigento reservoir 188, 193, 194– 195
overburden stress 278, 281, 283 Monte Taburno reservoir 189, 193, 194
overpressure 132, 133–135, 213, 285 Muscillo reservoir 189, 193, 194
generation of 2– 3 results discussed
role in opening-mode fractures 264– 265 data synthesis 203–207
leakage and risk management 199– 203
P-wave velocity reservoir characteristics, leaking v. sealing
correlation with geomechanical properties 277 196– 199
modelling mud volcano properties summary 207–208
Chirag geometry 276 pressure depletion during production 19–20
methods 280– 281 reshear criterion 157–158
results 281 –283 reverse faulting, stress system 277
results discussed 284– 288 rock strength see strength
summary 288– 289 rock surface friction coefficient 155, 157
relation to depth 280, 281 Roma Shelf 32, 34, 39
tight chalk 233, 237– 238 rotational planar normal faulting, alternative names 155
passive basins, stress analysis 9 Russia, Lunskoye field 23–24
permeability studies
chalk 119, 122 S-wave velocity, relation to depth 280, 281
tight chalk 233, 235, 237, 238 Sabine Uplift 260
phyllosilicates, role in faulting 159 Sakhalin Island, Lunskoye field 23– 24
Piceance Basin Salina Group evaporites 245, 246
Mesaverde Group salt tectonics
opening-mode fractures Appalachian Basin 245, 247, 253, 255
role of overpressure 264– 265, 266, 268 Santos Basin 145, 151, 152
thermal history 263–264 sandbox modelling, thrust fault system 12– 15
setting 263 Santos Basin (Brazil)
Poisson’s ratio 35–36, 278, 281, 282 fault system study
pore fluid factor 132 geomechanical modelling 144–145, 147
pore fluid pressure 132, 213, 278, 281, 283, 284 numerical simulation 149–150
chalk 119 parameters 147, 149
implications for drillability 285 –288 results 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151
role in extensional faulting 159 results discussed 150–152
role in opening-mode fractures 258 geological setting 144
porosity 278, 283 location 145
chalk 121 seismic section 145
tight chalk 233, 235, 237, 238, 239 structure 144
pressure, values for modelling 278, 281 Scotian Shelf, fracture pressure model testing 219–222
principal stress trajectories, role in extensional scratch tests 24
faulting 159 seismic activity, upper crust 131
seismic waves see P-wave; S-wave
quartz shale, compaction curve 280
in chalk 121 shear failure, role of 258

shear modulus 278, 281, 282 domains 34, 37, 39

shear wave velocity 278 mechanical stratigraphy 41–44
shearing, causes 7 oilfield impacts 44–46
silica, relation to thermal expansivity 267 stress measurements 35– 36
soft linkage of faults 159 stress model (1D wellbore) 39– 41
South Caspian Basin 275 stress orientation 36–37, 39
Chirag mud volcano Sussex, Turonian– Cenomanian chalk 228, 229, 230 –231
geometry 276
modelling behaviour Taroom Trough 31, 33, 34, 39
methods 280– 281 Tea Cup porphyry system 161– 163, 164, 165
results 281– 283 Terzaghi law 91, 125
results discussed 284– 288 thermal expansivity 267
summary 288– 289 thermoelastic contraction, role in opening-mode fractures
geological setting 274 265–266, 268
stratigraphy 276 thermometry see microthermometry
tectonic setting 275 thrust faulting 10, 131
strain boundary approach 9– 10 Appalachian Plateau 245, 246
strength properties, values in modelling 278, 281 deformation
strength testing 22– 23 modelling 249–250
Lunskoye field case study 23– 24 application 250–251
stress parameter sensitivity 252– 253
Andersonian 257 parameters 251
case studies results 252
Bowen Basin 35– 36 results discussed 253–255
Brent field 20–22 summary 255
Cusiana field 10– 12 Cusiana field
Otway Basin stress evolution 19–20
study of contemporary stresses 54–55 stress modelling 12, 13
basement rocks 71–74 stress regime analysis 10–12
constraining maximum horizontal stress sandbox modelling 12–15
magnitudes 69 tight chalk see chalk
maximum horizontal stress orientation 55– 61 tilting 157
results controls on 155
minimum horizontal stress magnitudes Travis Peak Formation
65– 69 geomechanical parameters 262
neotectonic compressional deformation natural fracture pattern 261
74– 79 role of overpressure 264
pore pressure magnitudes 61–63 thermal history 261, 263
possible states of stress 69– 71 opening-mode fractures, role of overpressure 265 –266
vertical stress magnitudes 63– 65 setting 259– 261
results interpreted 79
conflicts resolved 81 unconfined compressive strength (UCS) tests, tight chalk
post-rift setting 80 233, 234, 236, 237, 239 –240, 239
syn-rift setting 80– 81 uniaxial compressive strength 278, 281
summary 81–82 USA see Appalachian Plateau; Basin and Range; East
changes during oil field development 7– 8 Texas Basin; Piceance Basin
defined 131
description 1, 91, 157, 257 Valley and Ridge Province 245, 246
driver of faulting 132– 135 veins, role of 3
evolution during production 19– 20 vertical stress see overburden stress
history models 268 vesicles, mechanical strength 2
magnitude estimation 9 –10 viscous deformation 132
normal faulting systems 15 volcanoes, stability of 2
numerical model 12 see also mud volcanoes
passive basins 9 Volga delta 273
post-faulting regimes 16, 17, 18 Voring Basin 152
processes controlling 1– 2
thrust faulting systems 12–15, 16 Walloon Fairway 32, 34
trajectories and role in extensional faulting 159 wellbore stress model (1D) 39– 41
values for modelling 278, 281
stress polygon 15– 16, 17, 279 yield strength profile 147
analysis for mud volcano 285 Yopal fault 10, 11
strike-slip faulting stress regimes 10, 131, 277 Young’s modulus 9, 35– 36, 278, 281, 282
Surat Basin 32, 33, 34 tight chalk 240

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