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Sedimentary Rocks

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Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

How Sedimentary Rock Is Formed

For thousands, even millions of years, little pieces of our earth have been eroded--broken down and worn away by wind and water. These little bits of our earth are washed downstream where they settle to the bottom of the rivers, lakes, and oceans. Layer after layer of eroded earth is deposited on top of each. These layers are pressed down more and more through time, until the bottom layers slowly turn into rock.

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Fragment & Detritus as Building Material of Sedimentary Rocks

Rounded basalt & a part of their thin sections containing olivine, magnetite pyroxene, & plagioclase which are enclosed by glassy materials
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Detritus from basalt (left) and granite (right) which Reef organic skeletal as is consisting mainly of magnetite, cassiterite & limestone building material quarzt

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Sedimentary Rocks
Sedimentary rocks can be divided into three fundamental types based upon the origin of the rock. Clastic sedimentary rocks are formed from the fragments of other rocks or minerals. Chemical sedimentary rocks are formed when dissolved ions carried in solution (usually seawater) are precipitated. Organic sedimentary rocks form from the dead remains of plant or animals.

Clastic sedimentary rocks

Clastic sedimentary rocks are formed in three steps that require: generation of sediments; transportation of sediments; deposition of sediments.

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The basic building blocks of clastic sedimentary rocks are sediments, rock and mineral fragments formed when rocks disintegrate on the earth's surface. Common sediments include mud, silt, sand, and gravel. Rocks physically disintegrate into smaller pieces and the constituent minerals may undergo decomposition to form alternate minerals. The process of disintegration and decomposition is termed weathering and is influenced by the original rock type and climate conditions. Sediment is transported from its place of origin by streams, winds, glaciers and/or ocean currents. A muddy river is an indication that the river is carrying a large load of sediment.

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The velocity of transport may control the size of the sediment that can be carried (the exception is glaciers that carry sediment of all sizes trapped in the ice). Fast flowing streams and strong winds can transport larger grains than slow streams and calm breezes. Transport velocity therefore results in sediments being sorted (arranged) by grain size. Consequently, clastic sediments are divided into large grain size particles more than 2 mm in diameter = gravel, medium grain size (sand, 0.06252 mm diameter), or fine grain size (mud, silt, clay; less than 0.0625 mm diameter).
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Clastic sediments are deposited when the velocity of the transporting medium drops. For example, rivers dump much of their sediment where they enter the relatively quiet waters of an ocean or lake; the landform that is created is a delta. Deposition concentrates sediments of the same size together. As the pile of sediment grows, sediment at the base of the pile becomes compacted, squeezing out water and forcing the grains closer together. Fluids circulating through the pile precipitate minerals to cement the grains together, converting the sediment into a cohesive aggregate, i.e. a rock. The process of compaction and cementation is termed lithification. Mud and clay are lithified to form shale, sand is converted to sandstone, and gravel becomes conglomerate. Conglomerate , Utah, the scale in the image is approximately 6 inches (15 cm) long
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Chemical sedimentary rocks

Chemical sedimentary rocks are precipitated from a solution as a result of changing physical conditions or due to the actions of living organisms. The most common solution is seawater. Vast shallow tropical oceans were the source for much of the limestone that is present at the surface across North America today. Rock salt forms as a result of changing physical conditions (increasing temperature). Minerals dissolved in seawater are precipitated when the water evaporates. Limestone forms when living marine organisms cause precipitation to build their skeletons. Massive limestone coral reefs around the world were built up due to the
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actions of the coral organisms. The actions of microorganisms in seawater change the composition of the water resulting in the precipitation of limestone. The skeletons some microorganisms collect to form deposits of chalk, a type of limestone. The shells of larger organisms may be sorted by wave action to form a clastic form of limestone known as coquina. Close-up of coquina limestone, note shell fragments. Penny for scale.

Organic sedimentary rocks

Organic sedimentary rocks (sometimes included with the chemical sedimentary rocks) are composed of the remains of dead organisms. The most common example is coal, the compacted remains of dead plants that grew in a tropical swamp environment. Massive coal seam in Tertiary rocks of the Powder River basin, northern Wyoming. The seam is up to 200 feet (60 meters) thick in places (note large coal-hauling truck for scale).
Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Simplistically, carbonate depositional environments form in five belts that run parallel to the coastline. These are, tidal flat, lagoon reef, shelf, and basin. After this many other divisions are possible.

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

QFL stands for Quartz, Feldspar, Lithics Sedimentary rocks are classified on the basis of the texture (grain size) of the rock, and composition. The basic classification only concerned texture, using the Wentworth size scale. But any full rock name must specify both texture and composition. Thus, an arkose sandstone is a rock of sand sized particles, with a high percentage of those particles being feldspar. It might seem that an unlimited variety of particles could end up in a sedimentary rock. After all, there are over 6000 known minerals. In addition, any incompletely weathered piece of igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic rock can also be found in a sedimentary rock. A composition classification could become very complicated if all of these different particles were considered. But in most cases rock composition can be defined by four compositional components: >>> >>> >>> >>> Quartz Feldspar Lithic fragments (including rock fragments and mineral grains other than quartz) Matrix (a catchall for the silt and clay grains that cannot be easily seen by eye).

Descriptions of each category are below. You will learn to recognize and identify them as you study the rocks.

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COMPONENTS OF SILICICLASTIC SEDIMENTARY ROCK COMPOSITION Quartz Since quartz, for all practical purposes, does not weather into anything else, and will remain after everything else is weathered or sorted out, it is one of the most important of the four components of sedimentary rock composition. Pure quartz sandstones are rare. Usually quartz is mixed with one or more of the remaining three components. Pure quartz sandstones form only under great tectonic stability when the land is not high enough for rocks to be exposed to weathering, such as during Wilson Cycle Stage A and Stage I. Feldspars are some of the most abundant minerals in the earth's crust. With only a few exceptions all igneous rocks have large amounts of feldspar; e.g. calcium plagioclase in gabro, and sodium plagioclase and orthoclase in granite. Medium to high grade metamorphic rocks also have large amounts of feldspar. Sediments near high mountains frequently have large percentages of feldspar as batholiths and regional metamorphic rocks are uplifted and eroded (Wilson Cycle Stage F and Stage H). Rift systems (Stage B and Stage C) frequently also have large amounts of feldspar. Very simply, if a siliciclastic particle is not quartz or feldspar it is classified a lithic fragment. Lithic means "rock" and all mechanically weathered pieces of another rock, or non-feldspar minerals weathered from a rock, are included here. Frequently they are small, dark in color, and difficult or impossible to specifically identify in hand specimen. The exception to this is conglomerates and breccias. Lithic fragments are especially abundant in volcanic arc systems (Stage E), but are common in most collision mountain buildings (Stage F and Stage H). Matrix is the finer material in which larger particles are embedded. So, in a sandstone the matrix is silt and clay. In a gravel the matrix may be a sand. However, since all minerals other than quartz will eventually weather into silt or clay sized particles, silt or clay is very common in sedimentary rocks.
Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004





A Key For Clastic Sedimentary Rock Identificaton The simplest way to identify clastic rocks from composition and texture is with a key. To use the key you might need several things: A handlens to identify feldspar and lithics, especially with sand sized grains. A metric ruler or grain size chart (link). Some experience in identifying minerals and rock fragments in a rock. Identifying QFL in a rock usually takes practice. One way to proceed is to have hand samples of quartz and the feldspars to compare with. A second option is to go to (or print out in color) Bowens Reaction Series where the minerals are listed, with large scale pictures available for comparison. Recognizing quartz often gives new people trouble; they often want to identify it as feldspar. The problem is quartz can be clear and glassy, or rounded and frosted. It also varies in color from gray, to white, to pink, etc. But, with rare exceptions, most of the minerals in a rock will be quartz since it is the most abundant sand sized particle, and as weathering takes place it just keep increasing in abundance. Feldspars, on the other hand, have cleavage faces (quartz has no cleavage) that can sometimes be seen with careful looking, such as in Ca-plagioclase, Na-plagioclase, and orthoclase. The key is going to drop the rocks into relatively clear-cut categories of arkosic, lithic, and quartz rich, and further subdivide them on grain size.

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

A Ternary System For Clastic Sedimentary Rock Identificaton The classification key used above seems very straight forward - until one begins to look at actual rocks. Then we begin to see that not all rocks are pure sandstone, or shale, but are often mixtures of grain sizes. Likewise, rocks are often not pure arkoses (feldspar rich) but may also have mixtures of lithics too. Thus, we need a classification system that not only can handle the pure rocks, but also all the combinations in between. And it should be easy to use. The universal system used by geologists is based on the ternary diagram. Ternary diagrams are not hard to read, but if you are not familiar with them read the short primer to ternary diagrams. This classification requires two ternary diagrams, one for determining texture, a second for determining QFL. These diagrams are discussed separately below, but are also combined into one diagram. And sometimes we need a chart to help estimate percent abundance

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

QFL Diagram: The QFL diagram is to the right. Observe the following: >>>> Quartz is at the top, feldspar on the lower left, and lithics on the lower right. It is always done this way. >>>> The ternary diagram is divided into 5 fields, here color coded. The boundaries among the fields, left and right, are at the 50% boundary, and up and down at the 75% and 90% boundaries. >>>> As you travel toward any apex the quantity of Q, F, or L increases accordingly, with 100% being, of course, right at the apex.
Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

>>>> Notice that as we travel vertically the amount of quartz in the rock increases, and at the 90% boundary and above the rock has so much quartz the rock becomes a "quartz something", such as a quartz sandstone or quartz conglomerate. >>>> The lower two fields contain rocks that are felspar (red) or lithic (blue) rich. That is, these rocks have more than 25% feldspar or lithics, that is, 25-100% feldspar or lithics. Rocks with this composition have such names as feldspathic (arkosic) sandstone (both terms are used interchangably) and lithic sandstone.

Quartz is at the top, feldspar on the lower left, and lithics on the lower right. It is always done this way. >>>> The ternary diagram is divided into 5 fields, here color coded. The boundaries among the fields, left and right, are at the 50% boundary, and up and down at the 75% and 90% boundaries. >>>> As you travel toward any apex the quantity of Q, F, or L increases accordingly, with 100% being, of course, right at the apex.

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Remember that all feldspar and lithic fragments are going to weather and disappear (to shale or dissolved minerals), leaving only quartz. On the QFL diagram, however, we can only plot the abundance of sand (or larger) particles of various compositions. So, on this diagram, as feldspar and lithics weather the composition of the remaining sandstone migrates toward the quartz apex. No matter where you start on the diagram the sediment is going to evolve in almost a straight line right to the top. One of the things we are very interested in is how close the sediment has gotten along its path of evolution. This is the concept of sediment maturity. Thus, above the arkosic and lithic fields, but below the quartz field are two more fields, subarkosic and sublithic. Rocks in these fields have between 10-25 % feldspar or lithics and are thus farther along in their evolution toward pure quartz than feldspathic or lithic rocks. >>>> In other classsification systems, the boundaries among the fields sometimes differ from this one, and there may be more fields than 5 laid out. It all depends on what the geologist wants to do with them. But for this site we will always have these five fields, in these five places Observe that a composition plotted somewhere in the middle of the QFL indicates a mixed composition. For example, the composition of "A" to the right is about 50% quartz, 35% feldspar, and 25% lithics (ternary with percent numbers). We could just call it an arkose since it falls in the feldspar field, but it would be more accurate to indicate that a lot of lithics are present too. Such a name, following the rules for naming rocks, is lithic, feldspathic, quartz

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Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Observe that a composition plotted somewhere in the middle of the QFL indicates a mixed composition. For example, the composition of "A" to the right is about 50% quartz, 35% feldspar, and 25% lithics (ternary with percent numbers). We could just call it an arkose since it falls in the feldspar field, but it would be more accurate to indicate that a lot of lithics are present too. Such a name, following the rules for naming rocks, is lithic, feldspathic, quartz

Texture Diagrams: The basic texture diagram is to the right. Observe the following: >>>> This diagram is also divided into five fields, but the percentage cutoffs differ from the QFL diagram. >>>> The apexes are sand, silt, and clay. Where QFL apexes remain constant, texture apexes commonly change for different uses. Always check the apexes. Later we will use some different apexes to explore some ideas. >>>> WACKE :-). Sandstone, siltstone, and shale are easy to identify. And even a sandy shale or sandy siltstone is not bad. But the shaley sand and silty sand fields, in practice, are difficult or impossible to distinguish from each other, even under a good microscope. To save ourselves a lot of grief we lump these together under the name "wacke". >>>> If a rock has gravel sized particles then we need a ternary diagram with gravel at one apex, as to the right. The fields have also changed boundary conditions. Observe here that sand has moved to another apex, and that silt and clay have been combined into one category, matrix.

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The apexes are sand, silt, and clay. Where QFL apexes remain constant, texture apexes commonly change for different uses. Always check the apexes. Later we will use some different apexes to explore some ideas. WACKE :-). Sandstone, siltstone, and shale are easy to identify. And even a sandy shale or sandy siltstone is not bad. But the shaley sand and silty sand fields, in practice, are difficult or impossible to distinguish from each other, even under a good microscope. To save ourselves a lot of grief we lump these together under the name "wacke".

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

The apexes are sand, silt, and clay. Where QFL apexes remain constant, texture apexes commonly change for different uses. Always check the apexes. Later we will use some different apexes to explore some ideas. WACKE :-). Sandstone, siltstone, and shale are easy to identify. And even a sandy shale or sandy siltstone is not bad. But the shaley sand and silty sand fields, in practice, are difficult or impossible to distinguish from each other, even under a good microscope. To save ourselves a lot of grief we lump these together under the name "wacke".

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

A couple of simplifying rules (after all names can get quite complex!). If quartz is the most abundant composition it can usually be left out of the name; it is implied then that quartz is present and most abundant. However, if it is not the most abundant it must be included in order of its abundance. And, when a composition is less than 10% we often leave it out too. AND a practical consideration. How do you learn how to estimate percentage abundances? The most common method is to use a percent abundance chart.

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

To name a clastic sedimentary rock we must plot the composition on the QFL diagram, and the texture on the texture diagram, and then combine the two to get the full name. See example below. for a specimen plotted at "A"

Sedimentary structures:

Cross bedding
Layering within a bed is inclined to the main bedding plane to form the cross beds. Steeply dipping parts of the layers are called foresets. It is a common type of sedimentary structure, often present in sandstones and other detrital sediments but also found in limestones and dolomites. Cross bedding mostly forms in response to the migration of sand dunes, sandwaves and ripples in the direction of current flow, downstream or downwind under conditions of erosion and deposition.

When layers within the bed are thinner than 1 cm cross-bedding is then named cross-lamination. Where cross-bedding and cross-lamination occur together examples are named crossstratification. Photo by Dipl. Ing. Ir. Andri S.S. Mubandi

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Cross-bedding formation Cross-beds formed by the migration of bedforms such as ripples, dunes or sand waves as sediment is deposited on the down-current side. Migration of the bedforms results from the erosion of sediment on the stoss side of the bedform and deposition on the leeward side of the bedform. The strength of the current driving the migration controls the size and shape of the cross-bedding. The diagram taken from M.E.Tucker helps to explain the downstream migration of ripples and dunes which eventually give rise to cross-bedding. Cross bedding in a rock represents the former position of the ripple or dune Lee face. The dune formation example shows the erosion and deposition of the wind blown sand particles, resulting in the migration of the lunate crested dune downstream Photo provided by Dr R Suthren

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Classification of cross-bedding
Two basic cross beds are Trough cross bedding produced by three dimensional bedforms (those with curved crests) and the Planar cross beds produced by Two dimensional bedforms (those with straight crests). An individual bed of cross strata is called a set, a group of similar set is a coset. Planar cross bedding - The foresets dip at angles up to 30 degrees or more and may have an angular or tangential basal contact this depends on the flow velocity/sediment transport. Tangential contacts - The lower of the cross bed is referred to as the bottom set. Tabular cross-bedding - The foresets are approximately planar, it results from the migration of straight crested bedforms. See photo shows large scale tabular cross bedding. Cross-bedding is useful as a way up indicator: the angle between the foresets /bottomsets and the base of the bed is smaller than the angle between the foresets and the top surface, which is often an erosion surface. Changes in flow velocity during migration will erode the dune/ripple. When deposition resumes the erosion surface will be present in the cross bedding. This is named the reactivation surface and is commonly found in fluvial cross bedded sandstones from fluctuations in the rivers velocity. A low angle cross bedding results in Antidune bedding. The antidunes form from the undulating bedforms which develop in the upper flow regime. They develop with erosion on the downstream side (lee) and deposition on the upstream side (stoss) under high velocity currents. Antidune bedding is rarely preserved but occurs in beach sands, washover fans and in base surge tuffs. Hummocky Cross-bedding - Bedding formed by wave generated oscillatory flows and combined flows (wave and currents) produced by the passage of storms Aeolian Cross-bedding - Have much steeper angles (25-35 degrees) than that of sub aqueous beds. They are also commonly thicker, several metres thick.

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Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

What is sedimentology? Here are some definitions:

"The scientific study of sedimentary rocks and of the processes by which they were formed; the description, classification, origin and interpretation of sediments" (Glossary of Geology, AGI, 1974) "Sedimentology is that branch of geology concerned with understanding the characteristics of sedimentary rocks originally deposited in sedimentary basins".
Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

One of the most important approaches in describing and interpreting sedimentary rocks is to take a holistic view: Obtain as many different types of information as possible before synthesizing them to make an interpretation. Avoid basing your interpretation on just one kind of information. For example, although the practical this week concentrates on sediment grain size, this should never be used in isolation to interpret depositional environments.

The following list shows descriptive features which are commonly available from outcrop studies, and which should be used in combination to interpret processes and then environment: sediment texture (grain size, sorting, grain shape, grain surface texture, support, packing....) sediment composition (mineralogy, fossil content...) bedding and sedimentary structures trace fossils geometry of the sedimentary body nature of the base of the sedimentary body
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Clast & matrix in megas- & micros- copic view show subrounded-rounded fragments set in fine grained matrix. Microfossil fragment in limestone (right).



sediments in hand specimen

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This scheme may be used for the description of sediment samples in the laboratory or the field. The use of a hand lens is essential if all possible information is to be extracted from the specimen. Composition - describe mineralogy of grains, and attempt to estimate the percentage of each mineral. For carbonate grains, identify grain type (bioclasts, ooids, pellets/peloids, intraclasts, etc.) and estimate percentage of each. Rock fragments give identifying features and name. Organisms or fossils - are they whole or fragmentary? Which groups are present? Colour - note overall colour of sediment, colour of individual components, colour on weathered surfaces Grain size and sorting - estimate both mean grain size, and range of grain size. Estimate sorting. Is grain size distribution unimodal, bimodal, polymodal? Exact grain size of mud grade sediment is impossible to determine by eye. Don't attempt to describe the sorting of mud-grade sediments. Grain shape - sphericity (are grains equant, elongate etc.) roundness and range of roundness surface features of grains (faceting, frosting etc.)

Sediment name - give the sample an accurate name, based on your

description. Name should be based on both compositional and textural attributes. Use appropriate adjectives to qualify the name: e.g. feldspathic medium sand; molluscan shell gravel; angular flint gravel. (N.B. do not attempt to apply schemes such as the Folk and Dunham limestone classifications, which can only be accurately used for thin sections). Deposition - From your description, draw general conclusions about conditions of transport and deposition. Do not try to push this too far - there is a limit to the interpretation which can be made from a single hand specimen. Examples: grain size may allow estimate of energy levels; mineralogical and textural maturity may indicate length of transport and reworking; presence of a particular fossil group may indicate salinity, light level, depth or age. In the case of modern sediments, you may have direct evidence of the environments from which the sample was collected.
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Volcanic breccia & intercalation between sandstone and clay of Taraju area Tasikmalaya, West Java Indonesia. Photo by Andri SSM

Grain size of sediments

The grain-size comparator below uses real sieved sand which has been set in resin and then polished. Credit card style comparators are also available, printed on plastic. The small divisions on the ruler are millimetres. Click on the sediment samples to enlarge

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Composition of terrigenous clastic sediments & rocks Introduction

Four main groups of sediments and sedimentary rocks may be defined:
terrigenous clastics (sandstones, conglomerates, mudstones) - this page 2.Volcanoclastics 3.carbonates (limestones) - biochemical sediments 4.other chemical sediments (e.g. evaporites) What are the terrigenous clastic rocks? They are mixtures of mineral grains & rock fragments derived by weathering & erosion of pre-existing rocks. These processes are just one small part of the Rock Cycle .
Nummulitic limestone, Karangsambung

Volcanic breccia, Tasikmalaya

Tuffaceous sandstone, Tasikmalaya Calcareous lapili tuff, Sukabumi

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feldspars mafic minerals

clay minerals chlorites + ions in solution

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Factors which determine the mineralogy of terrigenous clastic sediments and rocks These include: 1.the nature of the source area(s) (provenance) - which minerals are available to form a sediment? The composition of a sediment may give evidence of tectonic setting. 2.the mode of weathering at the source (mechanical weathering simply breaks up existing minerals for transport; chemical weathering creates new minerals) 3.mode & length of transport and reworking: when these processes operate over a long time, the less stable and less durable minerals are broken down and destroyed, leaving only the more stable minerals 4.depositional environment - physical sorting, and chemical and biological attack may further change the composition of the sediment 5.climate at site of deposition - controls rates and types of chemical and physical processes 6.diagenesis - chemical, physical and biological changes to the sediment after deposition 2. and 3. are particularly important in modifying the mineralogy of the sediment produced from the original source rock. For example, common changes at earth surface temperatures and pressures are:

Unstable minerals include: pyroxenes, olivines, amphiboles, some plagioclase feldspars. In fact, many high temperature and/or high pressure igneous and metamorphic minerals are not stable under the low temperatures and pressures typical of sedimentary environments. Many igneous minerals, particularly the mafic ones and Ca-rich feldspars, are susceptible to chemical weathering: they break down, and are not commonly found in sedimentary rocks. So, if you think you have found pyroxene or olivine in a sandstone, double check your identification!! It is possible to find such minerals in sands and sandstones close to their source areas (e.g. black sand beaches on volcanic islands), but not common. Stable minerals include quartz, K-feldspar, Na-feldspar, muscovite, clay minerals, some 'heavy minerals' (e.g. some garnets, zircon, tourmaline etc.). Mechanical durability is also important. Minerals which are hard, or which have no cleavage, are likely to survive longer: they are more resistant to abrasion during transport. Quartz is by far the most common of these stable, durable minerals, and the commonest component in clastic sediments. It survives because of its resistance to chemical attack (it is soluble only in highly alkaline solutions), and its mechanical durability (hardness 7, no cleavage). The concept of mineralogical maturity: a mineralogically mature sediment or sedimentary rock is one which consists largely of the stable minerals, particularly quartz. Mineralogically mature rocks are those which have undergone prolonged weathering, transport and reworking.
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Cassiterite sands of Bangka-Belitung coast & gold detritus of Kutai placer. Photo by Andri SSM

Components Of Terrigenous Clastic Rocks These rocks can be regarded as having four components:
This is a cartoon view of a sandstone in thin section. It illustrates the four components: grains matrix - mud-sized sediment between the grains. May be primary (deposited at same time or soon after grains), or secondary (formed by diagenetic alteration of grains. cement - chemical precipitates in pore spaces pore space primary or secondary

Tin sand of Bangka-Belitung

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Sandstone of Simenggaris East Kalimantan Cross bedding Tenggarong, Kalimantan

Grain Mineralogy You will already be familiar in thin section with most of the grains that you are likely to come across in sandstones: many of them are also found in igneous rocks. In some cases, it may also be possible to recognize different types of the same mineral, such as varieties of quartz. A problem with sedimentary grains is that, because of transport & abrasion, they rarely show crystal faces, so we often do not have crystal shape or straight or inclined extinction as identifiable properties.

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Microphoto by Andri SSM 2004

So far, we have considered the composition of the grains. Now let us move on to the matrix - the mud-sized sediment between the grains in many clastic sediments and rocks. Surprisingly, it is often possibly to determine the mineralogy of this fine-grained material by careful examination under high magnification. It may contain silt-sized quartz grains, and one or more clay minerals. The properties of the common clay minerals are described in Mineralogy of clastic rocks, and in Clay Minerals. Clays are seen better under the scanning electron microscope (SEM). Clays minerals such as chlorite, illite and kaolinite are of great economic interest because of their effects (usually detrimental) on porosity and permeability of sedimentary rock

Sandstone of Simenggaris East Kalimantan Chemically precipitated material, whether a new mineral, or an addition to an existing mineral, may form a cement, which binds the grains of the sediment together to form a rock.

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Sandstone Classification
Sandstones are named and classified according to their composition. This is usually defined in terms of the percentage of matrix present, and the proportions of the different grain types (commonly quartz, feldspar and rock fragments). We shall use Dott's classification, which involves grain composition and percentage matrix, but ignores cement

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Wentworth Sediment Size Scale

Millimeters >256 64 4 2 1.0 0.5 0.25 0.125 0.0625 0.031 0.0156 0.0078 <0.0039 Class boulder cobble pebble granule very coarse sand coarse sand medium sand fine sand very fine sand coarse silt medium silt fine silt clay Clastic texture terms gravel- coarse grained gravel- coarse grained gravel- coarse grained gravel- coarse grained sand- medium-grained sand- medium-grained sand- medium-grained sand- medium-grained sand- medium-grained mud- fine-grained mud- fine-grained mud- fine-grained mud- fine-grained
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Argillaceous Arkosic Calcareous Carbonaceous Cherty Dolomitic Feldspathic Ferruginous Quartzose Siliceous

A. Rich in carbon or organic matter B. Contains much clay C. Contains iron oxides (hematite/limonite) D. Contains much free silica (rather than silicates as the principal constituent E. Contains much feldspar (found in sandstones, conglomerate) G. Contains feldspar fragments or grains H. Contains quartz as a major constituent J. Contains much calcium magnesium carbonate and some calcite K. Contains chert in nodules or as replacement lenses.
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I. Contains much calcite



Clastic Quartz/Chert Quartz/Chert/Mica/Roc k Quartz/Feldspars/Clay

Chemical Silica Gel Calcite/Dolomite Gypsum Halite Limestone/Dolostone Gypsum Rock Salt

Bioclastic Biogenic Marine Skeletal

Organic Biogenic Organic Carbon

Size/Shape/ Sorting


Crystalline Silica Carbonates Ferruginous Silica Carbonates Ferruginous Silica Carbonates Ferruginous Carbonate None

Coarse grain size >2mm

Breccia/Conglomerate Clean Sandstones Greywacke Sandstones Arkose Sandstones Siltstone Claystone Shale

Gypsum Rock Salt Concretions Concretions Gypsum Rock Salt Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004 Opal/Chert Limestone/Dolostone Anhydrite/Rock Salt Chalk Fossiliferous Limestone Chalk Fossiliferous Limestone Coquina Anhydrite Rock Salt

Medium grain size >1/16-2mm

Fine/Very Fine <1/16mm

Open Fibrous Fossil Remains



Coal: Lignite/ Bituminous/A nthracite

The environment of deposition is responsible for the character of the sediments that are deposited in a region. Sedimentary depositional environments are classified in two main categories: marine and continental. Continental deposits may be either on dry land (such as deserts, gravity, landslides, glacial deposits) or subaqueous (such as lake, swamp, steam bed). Sedimentary rocks found within the chemical group may have precipitated origins, such as cave formations, evaporites, or hydrothermal replacement deposits, such as geysers. Marine includes various oceanic environments, such as deep ocean, shallow ocean, barrier beach, or coastline with pounding waves. Delta, lagoon, and estuary deposits are transitional between marine and continental. Match the type of environment with the definitions on the right.
Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Chert is often grouped under chemical, although it may bioclastic biogenic when siliceous
skeletons are found in the chert or detrital when converted by a compaction (diagenesis). The various origins of chert include: 1) biochemical precipitation or a process by which living organisms induce crystallization of solids from solution (e.g., bioclastic biogenic, surficial deposits in deep to shallow marine environments) 2) hydrogenous precipitation from low temperature water based solutions that become supersaturated with silica (e.g., chemical, vein or cavity fillings in continental or marine rocks, especially volcanics) 3) hydrothermal precipitation in thermal waters as the solubility of silica increases and silica precipitates upon cooling in hot springs, geysers, and seafloor spreading along mid- ocean ridges (e.g., chemical, vein or cavity fillings in continental or marine rocks, especially volcanics) 4) replacement of silica for chemical components of other types present in preexisting rock, such as diagenetic replacement deposits in preexisting rocks like limestone (e.g., chemical, silica replaces calcite in limestone) 5) erosion, transportation, deposition of previously formed siliceous materials (e.g., detrital, diagenetic replacement or compaction of deposits in preexisting rocks like limestone) 6) diagenesis or a chemical conversion of opaline silica into quartz in nodules or bedded (e.g., chemical) Three kinds of sandstone/conglomerate are recognized: quartzose, graywacke, and arkose. Quartzose sandstones are nearly pure quartz (>90%), well sorted and rounded grains, usually lithified by cementation with silica, calcite, iron-oxide, glauconite, with a marine or coastal environment. Graywacke sandstones are a mixture of quartz, rock fragments, feldspar, mica, and more. They are poorly sorted "dirty" sandstones with angular grains, lithified by compaction of clayey matrix with an oceanic trench environment.Arkose sandstones are a mixture of quartz and feldspar, variable sorting, usually angular grains, lithified by cementation with calcite, iron-oxide, or silica, with a continental alluvial fan or river environment.

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Carbonates (Limestones) Micro texture & their constituent

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Graywacke &Arkosic Sandstone Micro texture & their constituent

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Arenite /clean sandstone micro texture & their constituent

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Arenite /clean sandstone micro texture & their constituent

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Oolitic limestone micro texture & their constituent

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Quartz-Feldspar detritus of microscopic view which are associated with granitic-metamorphic terrain.

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Carbonate Reef associated fragments in microscopic view

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Outcrops of Sedimentary Structure

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Outcrops of Sedimentary Structure

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004


Conglomerates - Breccias & their packing texture

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Cross Bedding and Active Sand Dune Sedimentary Structure

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Sandstone microtextures which mainly are associated with granitic metamorphic provenances

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

Compiled from various sources by Andri SSM @ 2004

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