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Patient-Specific Bone Implants Using Subtractive Rapid Prototyping

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Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering

Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering

Conference Proceedings and Posters


Patient-Specific Bone Implants using Subtractive

Rapid Prototyping
Matthew C. Frank
Iowa State University,

Ashish Mukund Joshi

Iowa State University,

Donald D. Anderson
University of Iowa

Thaddeus P. Thomas
University of Iowa

M. James Rudert
University of Iowa

See next page for additional authors

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Recommended Citation
Frank, Matthew C.; Joshi, Ashish Mukund; Anderson, Donald D.; Thomas, Thaddeus P.; Rudert, M. James; Tochigi, Yuki; Marsh, J.
Lawrence; and Brown, Thomas D., "Patient-Specific Bone Implants using Subtractive Rapid Prototyping" (2010). Industrial and
Manufacturing Systems Engineering Conference Proceedings and Posters. 68.

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Matthew C. Frank, Ashish Mukund Joshi, Donald D. Anderson, Thaddeus P. Thomas, M. James Rudert, Yuki
Tochigi, J. Lawrence Marsh, and Thomas D. Brown

This conference proceeding is available at Iowa State University Digital Repository:
Patient-Specific Bone Implants using Subtractive Rapid Prototyping
Matthew C. Frank, PhD, Ashish Joshi
Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering
Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA

Donald D. Anderson, PhD, Thaddeus P. Thomas, MS, M. James Rudert, PhD, Yuki Tochigi, MD,
PhD, J. Lawrence Marsh, MD, and Thomas D. Brown, PhD
Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation
The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, USA


This research involves the development of rapid manufacturing for patient-specific bone implants
using a Subtractive Rapid Prototyping process. The geometry of segmental defects in bone, resulting
from traumatic injury or cancerous tumor resection, can be reverse-engineered from medical images (such
as CT scans), and then accurate defect fillers can be automatically generated in advanced synthetic or
otherwise bioactive/biocompatible materials. This paper presents a general process planning
methodology that begins with CT imaging and results in the automatic generation of process plans for a
subtractive RP system. This work uniquely enables the rapid manufacturing of implant fillers with
several key characteristics including; suitable bio-compatible materials and custom surface characteristics
on specified patches of the filler geometry. This work utilizes a PLY input file, instead of the more
common STL, since color texture information can be utilized for advanced process planning depending
on whether the surface is fracture, periosteal or articular in origin. The future impact of this work is the
ability to create accurate filler geometries that improve initial fixation strength and stability through
accurate mating geometry, fixation planning and inter-surface roughness conditions.
Keywords: Rapid Machining, Rapid Prototyping, Bone Implants, Surface Texturing


Bone implants are used to replace missing pieces or severely damaged sections of bone, whether
due to high energy trauma or after tumor removal in the case of bone cancer. These implants can be made
from artificial bone substitutes, or using natural bone in the form of Allo- or Autografted bone taken from
a donor or the patient, respectively. For example, implants used in bone repair and joint replacement have
been made from solid and porous stainless steel, ceramics, natural coral, allograft and autograft bone, and
different alloys of titanium and cobalt, among others. In any case, there is the challenge of having the
correct shaped implant created from an appropriate material. In surgery, the geometric construction of
these implants is usually done by hand crafting from the surgeon. The field of rapid prototyping and
additive manufacturing has offered several new methods for creating implants, ranging from solid to
porous materials, bioactive scaffolds, etc. There has been limited or no work in the field of subtractive
rapid prototyping of bone implants prior to the current research of this paper. However, there has been
clinical use of machining for the shaping of bone implants prior to surgery. This paper presents work in
the ISU Rapid Manufacturing and Prototyping Laboratory (RMPL), in collaboration with the Orthopedic
Biomechanics Laboratory from the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. Using advanced 3D puzzle
solving software developed by researchers at the University of Iowa and UNC-Charlotte [1], accurate 3D
cad model reconstructions of the missing bone can be created directly from CT scanning of the patient.

The research of this paper attempts to combine the needs for acceptable biocompatible materials
with accurate geometric shapes. The overarching goal is to create implants that will provide initial
fixation strength that is better than hand shaped fillers by the surgeon, while still being able to use the

variety of materials desired. There is previous research that has addressed the issue of fixation with
respect to implant use. The fixation stability of a cemented orthopedic implant and the host bone may be
compromised either due to degradation of the bone cement itself, or there may be modeling and
remodeling of the bone that occurs at the bone-implant interface [2]. Eventually the failure of the implant
occurs either due to stress shielding or host inflammatory response due to wear debris [3-4]. The initial
fixation stability of an uncemented orthopedic implant is affected by the interfacial friction between the
implant’s surface and the host bone. A higher implant/bone interfacial friction not only increases the
implant’s initial fixation stability, but can also keep the interface motion low enough to enhance bone
ingrowth into the implant. This bone ingrowth then allows long-term fixation of the implant [5].
Mechanical interlock between the implant and host bone may be achieved by providing surface textures
or features like threads or grooves that help to maintain the position of implant with respect to the host
bone [6-7].

The ability to create accurate geometries could be achieved using additive RP, except in some
cases where porous materials are to be created and support structures (loose powder, etc.) could not be
removed completely. Otherwise, additive RP would be more capable than subtractive RP for the creation
of complex and/or hollow geometries. However, the more niche area that this paper’s work addresses is
in bio-materials that cannot be created using additive means, such as real bone in the form of Allografts,
or clinically used forms of bone substitutes such tantalum foams (Trabecular Metal®). To this end, we
present a method using Subtractive Rapid Prototyping using a method called CNC-RP, in conjunction
with 3D puzzle solving, for the accurate creation of bone implant fillers.

Related Work

Biomedical implant manufacturing using layer based additive techniques has made significant
progress in creating patient specific implants. Due to the nature of the human body and the way its
components are unique to the specific individual, it is a very challenging task to create accurate fragments
of bone implants that can be implanted during surgery. In previous work, CT and CAD data has been used
to create SLA parts [9-10]. These SLA parts were then used to cast maxillofacial implants out of titanium.
A similar process was used to create wax models from SLA parts for investment casting of craniofacial
implants [11-12]. Conventional CNC machining has also been used to create human femur models;
however, the accuracy of the finished product was limited due to the availability of only two machining
orientations [13]. There have also been substantial studies on the biological effects of surface textures
(roughness) on implants with host bones. In vitro and in vivo studies have provided strong indication that
biological responses to titanium are influenced by surface texture (roughness). In one example, a titanium
implant created using Electron Beam Melting (EBM) had wavy surface structures and rounded
protrusions; multiple crevices and invaginations showed increased bone ingrowth into the implant [14].
Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) has also been used in creating Hydroxyapatite (HA) coated pyramidal and
stipple shaped porous implants made out of Co-Cr alloys. These implants have shown increased rate of
bone ingrowth [15].

Several nontraditional processes such as chemical etching, grit blasting, die sinking EDM, and
ultrasonic machining can be used to produce fine and accurate surface textures. For example, die sinking
EDM can be used for producing accurate surface textures by plunging a graphite electrode on a plain
machined, cast or forged metal implants. However such a process is limited to simple 2-D patterns
because of constrained unidirectional motion of the electrode. The same limitation applies to chemical
etching, which is limited to simple 2-D patterns because of uncontrolled action of the chemicals. The use
of EDM also leads to localized heat stresses, creating a white layer on the part surface which reduces the
fatigue strength of the bulk implant [8].

Rapid manufacturing using CNC-RP
Rotary Indexer
CNC-RP is a fully functional Subtractive
End Mill
Rapid Prototyping system (SRP) using a standard 3-
Round Stock
axis CNC milling machine with a 4th axis for
Axis of Rotation
multiple setup orientations. It features completely
automated fixture planning, tooling and setup
planning including generation of NC code for
creating a p art directly from a CAD file [16-22]. The
use of a rotation axis eliminates the need for re-
clamping of the part as in case of conventional Opposing 3-Jaw Chucks
fixturing methods. For each orientation, all the
visible surfaces are machined and a set of sacrificial (b) (Side View)

supports keep it connected to the uncut end of the

stock material. Once all the operations are complete, (5)
the supports are severed (sawed or milled) in a final
series of operation and part is removed. The setup
and steps to this process are illustrated in figure 1. (6)
The manufacturing of biomedical implants provides a (2)
very well suited challenge for CNC-RP, especially
due to the fixturing issues and the need for specialty
materials, in particular, human allograft bone.
Preliminary trials have been conducted and are
illustrated in Figure 2; where a fragment from a Final Steel Part
human tibia was reverse engineered from a CT scan (4)
and then rapid machined from clinically relevant
Figure 1 - (a) CNC-RP setup; (b) steps b.1-b.4
materials using the CNC-RP process.
expose component geometry while b.5-b.6
expose sacrificial supports
Problem Formulation and Preliminary Studies

A segmental defect filler can have up to 3 types

of surfaces; articular, periosteal and fractured, as (b)
shown in Figure 3. The articular surface is the one (c)
which is in contact with other bones in a moving joint;
the periosteal surface is in contact with other tissue,
while the fractured surface is the one that is created
during the fracture event (trauma). In the prior versions (a)
of CNC-RP, implants would be created with the same
surface finish on all surfaces. However providing a
rougher surface texture on the fractured surface, for (d) (e)
example, could increase the interfacial friction between
the implant and the host and thereby improve its
corresponding fixation stability. This texture could be
imparted onto the surface through machining, rather
than designed in CAD, by using specifically planned
toolpaths on the implant surface (Figure 4). A small Figure 2 – Example implant machining; a) CT
experiment was conducted to measure frictional scan, b) Segmented image c) CAD model, d-
coefficients at the interface of the proposed fractured e) implants in porous metal and bone
bone implant surfaces and natural cancellous bone.

Different intensities of surface textures designated as low,
medium and high were created on one side of 25.4 x 25.4 x 12.7
mm (1 x 1 x 0.5 inch) Delrin cubes (Figure 5). This was
accomplished through 90degree offset parallel toolpath machining
with varying depths and step-overs of a ball-end mill. The results
for the friction test are given in Table 1, showing that friction at the
implant/ cancellous bone interface increased with increase in the
roughness on the Delrin cubes. This should imply that increases in
the roughness of the fractured surface could reduce the
implant/bone interface motion and improve the initial fixation Figure 3 – Types of surf aces on
stability of implants. Smoother surface finishes on the periosteal a bone implant
and articular surfaces would be similarly created by controlling the
step downs during the ball milling

Proposed Solution for new Process

Planning Method

The overall objective of this

research is to automate the process of
custom machining accurate bone implants
Figure 4 – Simulation of created texture on fractured surf ace
made from clinically relevant materials
using CNC-RP while providing surface-specific characteristics. In order to customize the surface
roughness on separate implant areas, we propose the use of a PLY file format, instead of the de-facto
standard STL file typically used in RP. The PLY file format offers the ability to store color information
on the model which will serve as the main identifier for the surface type. In this new solution method, the
PLY file is sliced similar to the STL file, and then setup axis and setup orientations calculations are done
on these colored slice files. The setup orientations are calculated using a set covering greedy heuristic in
conjunction with a new objective function to measure the goodness of a given setup orientation specific to
a surface. As in the previous versions of CNC-RP, layer based toolpaths for rough machining the model
surfaces are executed at each prescribed setup orientation. However, the PLY file format now allows us
to further customize
finishing operations for
each surface type, since
we will now have setup
orientations that are
isolated to individually
cover each surface.
Figure 6 illustrates the Figure 5 – Surf ace texture f riction testing; a) delrin test blocks on increasing
overall process flow for roughness, b) test block on cancellous bone sample during f riction testing
creating custom machined
segmental defect fillers using CNC-RP. The flowchart shows
the path from the initial opening of the surface model within Table 1: Friction coeff icient test
MasterCAM (left column) and the offline analyses of the PLY results f or dif f erent surf ace textures
file color slices in the right column. The flowchart illustrates Slider Coefficient
both previously developed methods and the current, new
methods using PLY files. For brevity, we do not describe the Smooth 0.25
steps of sacrificial support addition, or setup axes decisions. Low 0.35
The major contribution of this paper is focused on solving the Medium 0.44
newly prescribed setup orientation problem as it relates to High 0.48
customizable surfacing.

Mastercam environment Internal “.ply” file handling

Implant material,
Open surface 
Fixation hole specifications
file in 

Drive surface
Load colored 
“.ply” file
Drive and check 
surface (option)

Check surface
Slice “.ply” 
Model support 

Setup axis 
Material definition decisions
Machine definition
Tool definition Machining 
Step down values parameters Ө1

calculations Ө2 Ө3
CNC code

Machined implant

Figure 6 – Flowchart illustrating the automated process planning steps, f rom CT-derived
CAD model to machined implant

In order to calculate the setup orientations required for creating the three surfaces, current CNC-
RP visibility algorithms using set cover method are used [17]. The basic set cover approach is used here,
but with a difference of achieving set cover for each surface individually rather than the whole model.
Thus achieving a set cover for each surface individually would ensure the set cover for whole model
ensuring its 100% machining. An optimization step using a multiple objective function is then used that
chooses the best set of setup orientations aimed at specific surfaces. In order to maintain characteristics
on specific surfaces, the fractured surface is always machined first in sequence followed by the periosteal
and articular surface. Creating the periosteal surface after fractured surface eliminates any surface texture
created on it by fractured surface ball milling routine. Similarly, creating the articular surface after
periosteal eliminates any rougher machining done for periosteal surface ball milling and also the surface
texture created on it due to fractured surface ball milling.

In previous work for CNC-
RP process planning, it was only Ѳ1 Vf Va
deemed necessary that all surfaces of 0
the part model were machined after
all orientations were completed. In Fractured surface
other words, we did not consider a
feature based approach wherein any Articular surface
particular feature of the part needed
to be completely machined from any 90 270
Rotation axis
orientation. In the current problem, Ѳ2
we still avoid the strict connotation
of feature-based process planning,
but we are interested in targeting Periosteal surface
each of the three surfaces
individually. As shown in Figure 7,
although numerous combinations of Vp Va
toolpaths could combine to solve the
set cover problem, the goal is to
target the surfaces and avoid regions Figure 7 – Illustration of visibility to each of the 3 surf aces
on an implant, and regions where visibility intersects
where visibility and accessibility to
more than one surface exists. There are two important issues that need to be addressed. One of them was
avoiding crossover of surface specific tool paths to other surfaces to avoid having undesired
characteristics on other surfaces. Thus if a tool path is designed for creating smoother periosteal or
articular surface, crossover of these tool paths to fractured surface would lead to damage of surface
texture created on the fractured surface. The other issue is avoiding overlap of more than one surface
specific tool paths on each other. This could lead to destructive interference and also redundant machining
on a given surface. In the case of periosteal and articular surfaces, this is merely a problem of wasted
machining time; whereas, destructive interference among fracture surface toolpaths could literally wipe
away the intended surface roughness.

In order to avoid tool path cross over to other surfaces there was a need to find setup orientations
that would generally isolate a given surface and machine it without the tool paths crossing over to other
surfaces. In order to calculate setup orientations specific to a given surface, a multiple objective function
was developed that maximizes visibility of the intended surface while minimizing the visibility of the
undesired surfaces. This would avoid other surfaces having undesired characteristics, and also save
machining time by sparing redundant machining on a given surface. There can also be a case where a
certain percentage of surface is visible but is not accessible because of limited tool length available. Thus
comparing against the maximum tool length available, it can be decided whether a certain visible surface
area is accessible or not. The objective function also helps in minimizing or maximizing the accessible
area of a specific surface.

Modified Greedy Heuristic using a Multiple Objective Function

The multiple objective function developed helps in choosing the setup orientations that a)
maximizes the visibility and accessibility of the desired surface b) minimizes the visibility and
accessibility of the undesired surfaces, c) minimizes overlap of a setup orientation with other orientations
calculated previously. Maximizing the visibility and accessibility of the desired surface helps in isolating
the tool paths on that surface. Minimizing the visibility and accessibility of undesired surfaces helps in
avoiding crossover of tool paths on to those surfaces. Avoiding a new setup orientation near another one

previously calculated reduces tool path overlaps on each other and also the redundant machining of the

The objective function is as follows:  

  V IP ΔӨ  O
Where: V is the visibility of each of the three surfaces:

  α ,  β ,  γ ,

, , : Visible perimeter of the periosteal, articular or fractured surface

IP is the inaccessibility of surfaces visible from a particular orientation:

(IP) =          
Where inaccessibility is given for each of the three surface types:

   = λ X , AX ,

=η X , AX ,

σ X , AX ,

, , : Accessible perimeter of the surfaces based on the maximum tool length used

O is the overlap between accessible perimeters visible from more than one setup angle:

  / / ,,    100

And, ΔӨ is simply the difference between the setup angle chosen Ө and the middle of the visibility range of
the surface it is intended to cover.

In addition to the previous implementation of a visibility algorithm to solve for the setup angles,
we now use this objective function to evaluate the “goodness” of a feasible solution. A feasible solution
is simply one set of setup orientations that will solve the set cover problem for visibility of the entire
implant surface. Now, we iterate among a series of feasible solutions, taking the solution that maximizes
the objective function. Under the assumption that only three types of surfaces exist on a bone implant, the
problem can be tightly bound to a limited set of feasible and likely solutions; hence a semi exhaustive
search can be used. As such, we simply conduct a local search about the middle of the visibility bounds
for each surface type, computing all permutations with small angle increments about the middle of the
visible range.


Figure 8a shows the calculated setup angles aimed at the three surfaces of a fracture implant
from a human Tibia. The implementation was done using C++ with MFC as a user interface. The
developed process planning and algorithms are integrated with MasterCAM. The specifications of the
computer used is 3.2 GHz processor, with OS Windows XP, 4GB RAM. Figure 8b shows a segmental
defect filler created with surface texture on the fractured surface and different finishes on periosteal and
articular surfaces using CNC-RP. The material used is barium sulphate doped polyurethane foam that can
be used as a bone surrogate material. The CNC machine used for creating the bone segment was a 4-axis
Fadal VMC 15.


Figure 8: a) Implementation using C++ b) Textured fracture surface on the machined bone fragment and
smooth articular surface c) Smooth periosteal surface on machined bone segment

Conclusions and future work

The CNC-RP process is shown to be a successful and suitable method for the custom machining
of bone implants. This current work shows that it can be used to provide surface specific characteristics
through targeting of surfaces and then applying parametric changes to machining toolpaths. The texture
on the fractured surface could lead to low implant/host bone interfacial movement and increased inititial
fixation stability. This should also lead to increased rate of bone ingrowth into the implant.
Future work could also include developing the process planning strategy for different industrial
applications where the number and/or types of surfaces present on the model may be more than three.
This would make the optimization routine more difficult to solve; brute force methods would be too time


Financial support was provided by grants from the National Institutes of Health (AR48939 and AR55533)
and Deere and Company (Acct: 400-60-41).


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