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Lec 5 Implant Treatment

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0ral Surgery

5th Stage
Lecture 5

Implant Treatment: Basic Concepts and Techniques

Dental implants have given the profession and the patient an extremely
predictable and effective means of tooth replacement. The partially
edentulous patient can now undergo replacement of a single tooth or
several missing teeth with implant retained crowns and enjoy the function
and esthetics they had with their natural teeth. The completely edentulous
patient no longer has to live with compromised function and the reduced
confidence that traditional full denture wearers have historically
experienced. Dental implants can offer the edentulous patient comfort,
function, and confidence with either fixed prosthetics or implant-retained
removable prosthetic options.
The history of modern implant dentistry began with the introduction of
titanium implants. In the 1950s, Per-Ingvar Brånemark, a Swedish
professor of anatomy, had a serendipitous finding while studying blood
circulation in bone that became a historical breakthrough in medicine. He
coined the phenomenon osseointegration and developed an implant
system with a specific protocol to achieve it predictably. The first patient
was successfully treated in 1965.
Implant Geometry (Macrodesign)
Numerous implant systems with various geometric (macrodesign) designs
have been developed and used before the current implant systems in use
today. Previous implant designs included blade vents (narrow, flat shape;
tapped into bony trough prepared with rotary burs), press-fit cylindrical
(bullet shape; pressed or tapped into prepared hole), subperiosteal
(custom-made framework; adapted to the surface of jawbone), and
transmandibular (long rods or posts; placed through the anterior
mandible).Some of these implant systems were initially stable and
appeared to be successful over short-term periods (e.g., 5 years) but failed
to remain stable, became symptomatic or loose, and failed over longer
periods. Lacking predictability, these implant systems are no longer used.
Since the time of the Brånemark studies, millions of patients have been
treated worldwide using variations of these techniques with implants of
different geometries and surface characteristics. Similar research including

that of André Schroeder in Switzerland in the mid-1970s contributed to the
success of endosseous dental implants.
The serendipitous finding of Brånemark was that when a hole is prepared
into bone without overheating or otherwise traumatizing the tissues, an
inserted biocompatible implantable device would predictably achieve an
intimate bone apposition, as long as micromovements at the interface were
prevented during the early healing period.
Currently, most endosseous implants have a cylindrical or tapered,
screwshaped/ threaded design. The disastrous results with other implant
configurations were largely responsible for the evolution toward the current
popular designs.
The most common implant design being used today is the screw-shaped or
threaded cylindrical implant. A threaded implant design is preferred
because it engages bone well and is able to achieve good primary
stabilization. Even systems that started with cylindrical press-fit
(nonthreaded) designs progressively evolved to a threaded geometry. The
(longitudinal) shape of implants may be parallel or tapered. Although a
majority of all implants have been parallel walled, the use of a tapered
implant design has been advocated because it requires less space in the
apical region (i.e., better for placement between roots or in narrow
anatomic areas with labial concavities). Tapered implants have also been
advocated for use in extraction sockets.
Implant Surface Characteristics (Microdesign)
Implant surface characteristics (microtopography) have been shown to
positively influence the healing process. Accordingly, modification of
implant surface characteristics has been a major area of research interest
and development. Modifications in surface energy, chemical composition,
and surface topography are known to influence cellular activity and tissue
responses, leading to enhanced osteogenesis. At the molecular level,
modified implant surfaces increase adsorption of serum proteins, mineral
ions, and cytokines, which subsequently promote cellular migration and
attachment. Implant surface characteristics can also aid in the retention of
a fibrin clot, thus providing a migratory pathway for the differentiating
osteogenic cells to reach the implant surface. Today, implants are treated

with a variety of technologies to modify surface characteristics (microscale
or nanoscale) to enhance bone formation.
Additive Processes
The additive process modifies the microstructure/macrostructure and
chemical nature of the implant surface by adding materials or chemicals to
the existing surface. Several methods are used to add materials or
chemicals to the implant surface, such as inorganic mineral coatings,
plasma spraying, biocoating with growth factors, fluoride, and particulates
or cements containing calcium phosphates, sulfates, or carbonates. The
addition of materials, such as hydroxyapatite, to the implant surface has
been shown to enhance or accelerate the initial bone cells, adaptation or
proliferation. In general, additive surface modifications tend to increase the
surface texture greater than subtractive surface modifications, resulting in
topographically “rougher” implant. Surface roughness can also be
increased by oxidizing or adding an oxide layer.
Subtractive Processes
The subtractive process modifies the microstructure and chemical nature of
the implant surface by removing or altering the existing surface. The
roughness of implant surface can be modified by machining, acid etching,
blasting, or a combination of these processes to enhance the amount or
speed of osseointegration. Implant surfaces that are modified at the
microscopic level with techniques such as acid etching are thought to
promote favorable cellular responses and increased bone formation in
close proximity to the surface.
Implant Surface Chemical Composition
There have been unsuccessful trials with oral implants made of carbon or
hydroxyapatite. The lack of resistance, because of material properties, to
occlusal forces led to frequent fractures. The so-called noble metals or
alloys, however, do not resist corrosion and have thus been abandoned.
Today, the majority of oral implants are made of commercially pure (CP)
titanium or titanium alloys. Titanium is a reactive metal that oxidizes within
nanoseconds when exposed to air. Because of this passive oxide layer, the
titanium then becomes resistant to corrosion in its CP form. Some alloys,
such as titanium-aluminum 6%, vanadium 4% (Ti6Al4V), are known to

provoke bone resorption as the result of leakage of some toxic
components. The oxide layer of CP titanium reaches 10 nm of thickness. It
grows over the years when facing a bioliquid. It consists mainly of titanium
dioxide (TiO2).
Hard Tissue Interface
The primary goal in implant placement is to achieve and maintain an
intimate bone-to-implant connection. This concept is known as
osseointegration. Histologically defined, osseointegration is the direct
structural and functional connection between organized, living bone and the
surface of a load-bearing implant without intervening soft tissue between
the implant and bone. Osseointegration clinically is defined as the
asymptomatic rigid fixation of an alloplastic material (the implant) in bone
with the ability to withstand occlusal forces.
The osseointegration process observed after implant insertion can be
compared with bone fracture healing. Implant site osteotomy preparation
(bone wounding) initiates a sequence of events, including an inflammatory
reaction, bone resorption, release of growth factors, and attraction by
chemotaxis of osteoprogenitor cells to the site. Differentiation of
osteoprogenitor cells into osteoblasts leads to bone formation at the
implant surface. Extracellular matrix proteins, such as osteocalcin,
modulate apatite crystal growth. Specific conditions, optimal for bone
formation, must be maintained at the healing site to achieve
For osseointegration to occur in a predictable fashion, several important
factors are required:
1. A biocompatible material (the implant)
2. Atraumatic surgery to minimize tissue damage
3. Implant placement in intimate contact with bone
4. Immobility of the implant, relative to bone, during the healing phase
Titanium is the material of choice for dental implants. Titanium is
biologically inert and therefore does not elicit a foreign body rejection
reaction from host tissue. For the implant to have intimate contact with

bone, the implant site must be prepared with a precise technique. All
implant systems have specially designed drills that are used in a specific
sequence to remove bone as atraumatically as possible. The drill sizes are
matched to the size and shape of the implant being placed, creating the
precision necessary for developing initial bony contact and stability.
Atraumatic surgical technique in an aseptic environment is critical to
minimize mechanical and thermal injuries to bone. This involves using
sharp, precision osteotomy drills run at slow speed with high torque while
maintaining gentle, intermittent pressure and providing copious irrigation.
Irrigation can be accomplished either externally or internally using special
handpieces and burrs with internal ports. The goal is to maintain bone
temperatures below 47°C during implant site preparation. Any variance
causing temperatures to exceed 47°C is likely to cause bone necrosis and
failure of osseointegration.
Initial stability of the implant must be achieved and maintained for formation
of bone at the implant surface. Stability at the time of placement is
predicated on the volume and quality of bone that intimately contacts the
implant as well as the length and diameter of the implant.
During the time required for osseointegration to occur, it is imperative that
immobility of the implant be maintained. A mild inflammatory response
enhances the bone healing, but moderate inflammation or movement
above a certain threshold is detrimental. When micromovements at the
interface exceed 150 μm, the movement will impair differentiation of
osteoblasts and fibrous scar tissue will form between the bone and implant
surface. Therefore it is important to avoid excessive forces, such as
occlusal loading, during the early healing period.
New bone formation follows a specific sequence of events. Woven bone is
quickly formed in the gap between the implant and the bone; it grows fast,
up to 100 μm per day, and in all directions. Characterized by a random
orientation of its collagen fibrils, high cellularity, and limited degree of
mineralization, the biomechanical capacity of woven bone is poor. Thus
any occlusal load should be well controlled or avoided in the early phase of
After several months, woven bone is progressively replaced by lamellar
bone with organized, parallel layers of collagen fibrils and dense
mineralization. Contrary to the fast-growing woven bone, lamellar bone
formation occurs at a slow pace (only a few microns per day).
Clinically, both primary stability and secondary stability of an implant are
critical to success. Primary stability, achieved at the time of surgical
placement, depends on the implant geometry (macrodesign), as well as the
quality and quantity of bone available for implant anchorage at a specific
site. Studies using resonance frequency analysis (RFA) have reported
decreased implant stability in the early weeks of post-insertion healing.
Secondary stability, achieved over time with healing, depends on the
implant surface (microdesign), as well as the quality and quantity of
adjacent bone, which will determine the percentage of contacts between
the implant and bone. For example, areas such as the anterior mandible
have dense cortical bone and provide rigid primary stabilization and good
support throughout the healing process. Conversely, areas such as the
posterior maxilla have thin cortical bone, and large marrow spaces provide
less primary stability. For this reason, the posterior maxilla has been
associated with lower success rates compared with other sites with greater
bone density and support.
Once osseointegration is achieved, implants can resist and function under
the forces of occlusion for many years.
Soft Tissue–Implant Interface
Historically, most basic science and clinical efforts were spent on studying
the bone-implant interface of osseointegration. Considerably less attention
was given to overlying soft tissues. In contemporary implant dentistry,
however, this subject is being researched with great zeal. Driven primarily
by the need for satisfactory esthetics as well as maintenance of a soft
tissue seal or barrier against bacterial invasion, soft tissue has become a
major focus of interest.
It is critical to understand both the striking similarities and the obvious
differences between the peri-implant soft tissue and periodontal soft tissue.
Peri-implant and periodontal soft tissues do share a number of similarities
and only subtle differences. Each emerges from alveolar bone through soft
tissue. Soft tissue consists of connective tissue covered by epithelium,
which is continuous with an epithelium-lined gingival sulcus, the apical-
most portion being lined with junctional epithelium forming an attachment.
From that point down to the level of alveolar bone, both types of soft tissue
possess a zone of dense connective tissue. This zone of supracrestal
connective tissue is responsible for maintaining a stable interface between
soft tissue and the implant and acts as a seal or barrier to the oral
environment. It is the orientation of the connective tissue fibers adjacent to
an implant that differ from a natural tooth. This zone of connective tissue
has been measured to be 1 to 2 mm in height. Clinically this becomes
important when examining the health of peri-implant soft tissue. Probing
depths in a healthy implant would be approximately 1 to 2 mm less than the
total measured dimension from the crest of the sulcus to the alveolar bone
crest. The other obvious difference between teeth and implants is that teeth
have a periodontal ligament with connective tissue fibers that suspend
teeth in alveolar bone. The implant, however, is in direct contact with bone
without any intervening soft tissue. This difference has a dramatic impact
on the biomechanics, proprioception, and prosthetic consideration for
implants versus natural teeth. Because an implant, unlike a tooth, does not
have cementum, most connective tissue fibers run in a direction more or
less parallel to the implant surface.
Questions emerged decades ago, as it did for the natural dentition, about
the need for keratinized tissue to surround implants. Keratinized mucosa
tends to be more firmly anchored by collagen fibers to the underlying
periosteum than non-keratinized mucosa, which has more elastic fibers and
tends to be movable relative to the underlying bone. In clinical studies
evaluating intraoral implants, with or without peri-implant keratinized
mucosa, no clinically significant difference in implant success was reported.
However, when there is a lack of keratinized tissue, patients tend to
complain about pain and discomfort while performing oral hygiene
procedures or other functions in the area. The symptoms are alleviated by
increasing the amount of keratinized (firmly bound) tissue around the
implant(s) via soft tissue grafting.
Biomechanical Considerations
Once the implant is properly placed, the long-term success is heavily
dependent on restorative biomechanical factors— that is, how the stresses
imposed on the functioning implant or prosthetic unit or units will be
controlled or distributed. The axiom is simple: The load-bearing capacity of
the integrated implant has to be greater than the anticipated load during

function. If applied loads are greater than the load-bearing capacity, it is
likely to lead to mechanical failure, biologic failure, or both. Mechanical
failure may present simply as porcelain fracture or as a loosened or
fractured prosthetic screw (the screw that attaches the abutment or
framework to the implant). The most devastating mechanical failure occurs
when the force is destructive enough to actually fracture the implant fixture.
A biologic failure can occur when the functional load exceeds the load-
bearing capacity of the implant-bone interface. This initially presents
clinically as bone loss around the platform of the implant. If the loss is
severe enough and the provocation is long enough, the bone loss may
progress around the entire implant and result in complete failure of the
implant. The clinician must remember that an implant-retained restoration
lacks the “shock absorbing” periodontal ligament that a natural tooth-
retained restoration possesses. The periodontal ligament allows slight
physiologic movement of teeth, and in the absence of microbe-induced
inflammation, natural teeth can move and adapt to the forces without
pathologic bone loss. This, however, is not possible with an
osseointegrated implant.
The load-bearing capacity of implants is qualified by several factors,
including the number and size of the implants, the arrangement and
angulation of the implants, and the volume and quality of the bone-implant
interface. The same factors that maximize initial implant stability in hard
tissue continue to be important. Thick cortical bone and dense trabecular
bone surrounding a long, wide-diameter implant that is positioned to be in
line with the functional load, would offer the greatest load-bearing capacity
and the best prognosis for long-term success. Conversely, a short, narrow-
diameter implant placed in an area of thin cortical bone and less dense
trabecular bone and in an off-axis angulation would have far less load-
bearing capacity and a poorer prognosis for success. The angulation of the
implants as it relates to the occlusal plane and the direction of the occlusal
forces is an important determinant in optimizing the translation of the forces
to the implants and the surrounding bone. Loads directed through the long
axis of the implants are tolerated very well. Slight off-axis loads are usually
not clinically detrimental, but loads applied at angles greater than 20
degrees or more can result in load magnification and initiate bone loss at
the implant-bone interface. Again, if excessive loads persist, bone loss will
continue and will likely lead to implant failure.

The number of implants placed in multi-tooth edentulous spans affects the
load-bearing capacity of the implanted prosthesis. If there is a three-tooth
edentulous span, the fixed prosthetic options would be to place three
implants with three splinted crowns, three implants with three single-unit
crowns, two implants as terminal abutments for a three-unit fixed partial
denture, or two adjacent implants with a fixed partial denture with a
cantilevered pontic. The load-bearing capacity decreases with each
successive option.
Straight-line or linear arrangement of multiple implants should be avoided
as this provides the least biomechanical advantage and is the least
resistant to torqueing forces caused by off-center occlusal and lateral
loads. Implants should be placed in a more curvilinear or staggered
Connecting a single integrated implant to one natural tooth with a fixed
partial denture will effectively create an excessively loaded cantilever
situation. Because of the immobility of the implant compared with the
mobility of the natural tooth, when the loads are applied to the fixed partial
denture, the tooth can move within the limits of its periodontal ligament.
This can create stresses at the implant abutment junction up to two times
the applied load on the prosthesis. Additional problems with a tooth to
implant-supported, fixed partial dentures include breakdown of
osseointegration, cement failure on the natural abutment, screw or
abutment loosening, and possible failure of the implanted prosthetic
Detrimental forces can be applied iatrogenically by placing non-passive, ill-
fitting frameworks on implants. When the screws are tightened in an
attempt to seat the ill-fitting framework, compressive forces are placed on
the implant-bone interface. This excessive force can lead to bone loss and
potential implant failure.
Preoperative Assessment and Treatment Planning
The ultimate goal of dental implant therapy is to satisfy the patient’s desire
to replace one or more missing teeth in an esthetic, functional manner with
long-term success. To achieve this goal, clinicians must accurately and
comprehensively assess the dentoalveolar condition as well as the overall
physical and mental well-being of the patient.
Chief Complaint
What is the problem or concern in the patient's own words? What is the
patient's goal of treatment? How realistic are the patient's expectations?
The patient's chief concern, desires for treatment, and vision of the
successful outcome must be taken into consideration.
The patient will measure implant success according to his or her personal
criteria. The overall comfort and function of the implant restoration are often
the most important factors, but satisfaction with the appearance of the final
restoration will also influence the patient's perception of success.
Furthermore, patient satisfaction may be influenced simply by the impact
that the treatment has on the patient's perceived quality of life. Patients will
evaluate for themselves whether the treatment helped them to eat better,
look better, or feel better about themselves.
The clinician could consider an implant and the retained prosthesis a
success using standard criteria of symptom-free implant function, implant
stability, and lack of peri-implant infection or bone loss. At the same time,
however, the patient who does not like the aesthetic result or does not think
the condition has improved could consider the treatment a failure.
Therefore it is critical to inquire, as specifically as possible, about the
patient's expectations before initiating implant therapy and to appreciate
the patient's desires and values. With this goal in mind, it is often helpful
and advisable to invite patients to bring their spouses or family members to
the consultation and treatment-planning visits to add an independent
“trusted” observer to the discussion of treatment options. Ultimately, it is the
clinician's responsibility to determine if the patient has realistic expectations
for the outcome of therapy and to educate the patient about realistic
outcomes for each treatment option.
Medical History and Medical Risk Assessment
A thorough medical history is required and must be documented for every
dental patient. As with any patient planning a surgical procedure, the
patient must be assessed preoperatively to evaluate his or her ability to
tolerate the proposed procedure, heal, and to have a favorable prognosis.
There are only a few absolute medical contraindications to implant therapy.
Absolute contraindications to implant placement based on surgical and

anesthetic risks are limited primarily to patients who are acutely ill and
those with uncontrolled metabolic disease. Often these contraindications
are limited in duration; once the illness resolves or the metabolic disease is
controlled, the patient may become a good candidate for implant therapy.
Relative contraindications are concerned with medical conditions that affect
bone metabolism or the patient’s ability to heal. These include conditions
such as diabetes, osteoporosis, immune compromise (e.g., human
immunodeficiency virus infection, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome),
medications (e.g., bisphosphonates—oral and intravenous), and medical
treatments such as chemotherapy and irradiation (e.g., of the head and
Some psychological or mental conditions could be considered absolute or
relative contraindications, depending on their severity. Patients with
psychiatric syndromes (e.g., schizophrenia, paranoia) or mental instabilities
(e.g., neurosis, somatic symptom disorder), those who have mental
impairment or are uncooperative, or those who have irrational fears,
phobias, or unrealistic expectations may be poor candidates for implant
treatment. Certain habits or behavioral considerations such as smoking,
tobacco use, substance abuse (e.g., drugs and alcohol), and parafunctional
habits (bruxing and clinching) must be scrutinized as potential
contraindications as well. Smoking, in particular, has been documented as
a significant risk factor resulting in decreased long-term stability and
retention of implants.

Dental History
A review of a patient's past dental experiences can be a valuable part of
the overall evaluation. Does the patient report a history of recurrent or
frequent abscesses, which may indicate a susceptibility to infections or
diabetes? Does the patient have many restorations? How compliant has
the patient been with previous dental recommendations? What are the
patient's current oral hygiene practices?
The individual's previous experiences with surgery and prosthetics should
be discussed. If a patient reports numerous problems and difficulties with
past dental care, including a history of dissatisfaction with past treatment,
the patient may have similar difficulties with implant therapy. It is essential
to identify past problems and to elucidate any contributing factors. The
clinician must also assess the patient's dental knowledge and
understanding of the proposed treatment, as well as the patient's attitude
and motivation toward implants.
Intraoral Examination
The oral examination is performed to assess the current health and
condition of existing teeth, as well as to evaluate the condition of the oral
hard and soft tissues. It is imperative that no pathologic conditions are
present in any of the hard or soft tissues in the maxillofacial region. All oral
lesions, especially infections, should be diagnosed and appropriately
treated before implant therapy.
Additional criteria to consider include the patient's habits, level of oral
hygiene, overall dental and periodontal health, occlusion, jaw relationship,
temporomandibular joint condition, and ability to open wide.
After a thorough intraoral examination, the clinician can evaluate potential
implant sites. All sites should be clinically evaluated to measure the
available space in the bone for the placement of implants and in the dental
space for prosthetic tooth replacement. The mesial-distal and buccal-
lingual dimensions of edentulous spaces can be approximated with a
periodontal probe or other measuring instrument. The orientation or tilt of
adjacent teeth and their roots should be noted as well. There may be
enough space. Conversely, there may be adequate space between roots,
but the coronal aspects of the teeth may be too close for emergence and

restoration of the implant. If either of these conditions is discovered,
orthodontic tooth movement may be indicated. Ultimately, edentulous areas
need to be precisely measured using diagnostic study models and imaging
techniques to determine whether space is available and whether adequate
bone volume exists to replace missing teeth with implants and implant
How Much Space Is Required for Placement of One or More Implants?
Alveolar Bone
Assuming an implant is 4 mm in diameter and 10 mm long, the minimal
width of the jawbone needs to be 6 to 7 mm, and the minimal height should
be 10 mm (minimum of 12 mm in the posterior mandible, where an
additional margin of safety is required over the mandibular nerve). This
dimension is desired to maintain at least 1 to 1.5 mm of bone around all
surfaces of the implant after preparation and placement.
Interdental Space
Edentulous spaces need to be measured to determine whether enough
space exists for the placement and restoration with one or more implant
crowns. The minimal mesial-distal space for an implant placed between two
teeth is 7 mm. The minimal mesial-distal space required for the placement
of two standard-diameter implants (4-mm diameter) between teeth is 14
mm. The required minimal dimensions for wide-diameter or narrow-
diameter implants will increase or decrease incrementally according to the
size of the implant. For example, the minimal space needed for the
placement of an implant 6 mm in diameter is 9 mm (7 mm + 2 mm).
Whenever the available space between teeth is greater than 7 mm and less
than 14 mm, only one implant, such as placement of a wide-diameter
implant, should be considered. Two narrow diameter implants could be
positioned in a space that is 12 mm. However, the smaller implant may be
more vulnerable to implant fracture.
Interocclusal Space
The restoration consists of the abutment, the abutment screw, and the
crown (it may also include a screw to secure the crown to the abutment if it
is not cemented). This restorative “stack” is the total of all the components

used to attach the crown to the implant. The dimensions of the restorative
stack vary slightly depending on the type of abutment and the implant-
restorative interface (i.e., internal or external connection). The minimum
amount of interocclusal space required for the restorative “stack” on an
external hex-type implant is 7 mm.
Diagnostic Casts and Photographs
Mounted study models as well as intraoral and extraoral photographs
complete the records collection process. Study models and photographs
are often overlooked in preoperative history taking, but both contribute
significantly to the assessment and treatment planning phases of implant
Study models mounted on a semi-adjustable articulator using a face-bow
transfer give the clinician a three-dimensional working representation of the
patient and provide much information required for surgical and prosthetic
treatment planning.
Elements that can be evaluated from accurately mounted models include
the following:
1. Occlusal relationships
2. Arch relationships
3. Inter-arch space
4. Arch form, anatomy, and symmetry
5. Preexisting occlusal scheme
6. Curve of Wilson and curve of Spee
7. Number and position of the existing natural teeth
8. Tooth morphology
9. Wear facets
10. Edentulous ridge relationships to adjacent teeth and opposing arches
11. Measurements for planning future implant locations

12. Visualizing force vectors, both present and planned
Medicolegally, the mounted study models are preserved as an exact
reference of the preoperative condition.
Intraoral photographs are equally important. They allow visual evaluation of
the patient’s soft tissue (e.g., quantity, quality, location, texture, color,
symmetry). Extraoral photographs provide views of the patient from many
different esthetic perspectives. Elements that are easily assessed are as
1. Facial form
2. Facial symmetry
3. Patient’s degree of expression and animation
4. Patient’s appearance (e.g., facial features, facial hair, complexion, eye
5. Smile line
6. Incisal edge or tooth display
7. Buccal corridor display
8. Potential esthetic demand
Hard Tissue Evaluation
The amount of available bone is the next criterion to evaluate. Wide
variations in jaw anatomy are encountered, and it is therefore important to
analyze the anatomy of the dentoalveolar region of interest both clinically
and radiographically.
A visual examination can immediately identify deficient areas, whereas
other areas that appear to have good ridge width will require further
evaluation. Clinical examination of the jawbone consists of palpation to feel
for anatomic defects and variations in the jaw anatomy, such as concavities
and undercuts. If desired, it is possible with local anesthesia to probe
through the soft tissue (intraoral bone mapping) to assess the thickness of
the soft tissues and measure the bone dimensions at the proposed surgical

The spatial relationship of the bone must be evaluated in a three
dimensional view because the implant must be placed in the appropriate
position relative to the prosthesis. It is possible that an adequate dimension
of bone is available in the anticipated implant site, but that the bone and
thus the implant placement might be located too lingual or too buccal for
the desired prosthetic tooth replacement. Bone augmentation procedures
may be necessary to facilitate the placement of an implant in an acceptable
prosthetic position despite the availability of an adequate quantity of bone
(i.e., the bone is in the wrong location).
Soft Tissue Evaluation
Evaluation of the quality, quantity, and location of soft tissue present in the
anticipated implant site helps to anticipate the type of tissue that will
surround the implant(s) after treatment is completed (keratinized vs.
nonkeratinized mucosa). For some cases, clinical evaluation may reveal a
need for soft tissue augmentation. Areas with minimal or no keratinized
mucosa may be augmented with gingival or connective tissue grafts. Other
soft tissue concerns, such as frenum attachments that pull on the gingival
margin, should be thoroughly evaluated as well.
Debate continues about whether it is necessary to have a zone of
keratinized tissue surrounding implants. Despite strong opinions and beliefs
about the need for keratinized mucosa around implants versus this mucosa
being unnecessary, neither argument has been proved.
Some studies have concluded that, in the presence of good oral hygiene, a
lack of keratinized tissue does not impair the health or function of implants.
Others strongly believe that keratinized mucosa has better functional and
aesthetic results for implant restorations. Keratinized mucosa is typically
thicker and denser than alveolar mucosa (nonkeratinized). It forms a strong
seal around the implant with a cuff of circular (parallel) fibers around the
implant, abutment, or restoration that is resistant to retracting with
mastication forces and oral hygiene procedures.
Radiographic Examination
Several radiographic imaging options are available for diagnosis and for
planning of dental implantation. Options range from standard intraoral
projections (e.g., periapical, occlusal) and extraoral projections (e.g.,

panoramic, cephalometric), to more complex cross-sectional imaging (e.g.,
computed tomography [CT], conebeam computed tomography [CBCT]).
Multiple factors, however, influence the selection of radiographic
techniques for any particular case. Such factors as cost, availability,
radiation exposure, and the type of case must be weighed against the
accuracy of identifying vital anatomic structures within a given bone volume
and being able to perform the surgical placement without injury to these
structures. Areas of study radiographically include the following:
1. Location of vital structures
• Mandibular canal
• Anterior loop of the mandibular canal
• Anterior extension of the mandibular canal
• Mental foramen
• Maxillary sinus (floor, septations, and anterior wall)
• Nasal cavity
• Incisive foramen
2. Bone height
3. Root proximity and angulation of existing teeth
4. Evaluation of cortical bone
5. Bone density and trabeculation
6. Pathology (e.g., abscess, cyst, tumor)
7. Existence of anatomic variants (e.g., incomplete healing of extraction
8. Cross-sectional topography and angulation (best determined by using
CT and CBCT)
9. Sinus health (best evaluated by using CT and CBCT)

10. Skeletal classification (best evaluated with the use of lateral
cephalometric images)
Radiographic images allow for quantifying dimensions or for taking
measurements. Traditional radiographs must be calibrated for potential
magnification. Magnification on a traditional panoramic image can be as
much as 25%. One way to determine magnification is to place a metal
sphere near the plane of occlusion when taking the radiograph. By
comparing the radiographic size with the actual size of the sphere, the
magnification can be determined. Digitally acquired periapical, panoramic,
lateral cephalometric images and CT and CBCT scans have bundled
software applications that allow for very accurate measurement.
Critical measurements specific to implant placement include the following:
• At least 1 mm inferior to the floor of the maxillary and nasal sinuses
• Incisive canal (maxillary midline implant placement) to be avoided
• 5 mm anterior to the mental foramen
• 2 mm superior to the mandibular canal
• 3 mm from adjacent implants
• 1.5 mm from roots of adjacent teeth
CT and CBCT image data files can be reformatted and viewed on personal
computers using simulation software. This allows the diagnosis and
treatment planning processes to be more accurate with regard to
measurements and dimensions. Critical anatomic structures can be
visualized in all three coordinate axes so that their superoinferior,
anteroposterior, and buccolingual locations can be identified.
Key Fact
The American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology recommends
panoramic radiography as the initial evaluation of the dental implant
patient, supplemented with periapical radiographs as needed.

Surgical Treatment Planning Considerations
Surgical treatment planning takes the diagnostic data that have been
gathered and combines them with the surgeon’s clinical judgment to
determine the potential surgical options. The surgeon must be mindful of
the proposed prosthetic goals, typically driven by the number of implants
required in suggested locations for a specific prosthetic design. Because
implant dentistry is often a team endeavor, it is advantageous for the
surgeon to have a reasonable understanding of the prosthetics and for the
restoring dentist to have an understanding of the surgical aspects of
implant placement.
After evaluating all of the previously described information, the surgeon
must determine the prognosis of implant placement based on specific
limitations as a result of anatomic variations, bone quality, and bone
quantity in different areas of the jaw. The anterior mandible is usually tall
enough and wide enough to accommodate implant placement. Bone quality
is usually excellent, typically the densest of any area in the two arches.
Primary surgical concerns in this area include proper angulation of the
implants and avoiding the mental foramen and mandibular canal. Implants
should be placed at least 5 mm anterior to the most anterior portion of the
mental foramen, avoiding the anterior loop of the mandibular canal.
The posterior mandible limits the length of the implants based on the
position of the mandibular canal that traverses the body of the mandible in
this region. Ideally, the tip of the implant should be at least 2 mm from the
inferior alveolar nerve (IAN). It is important to consider the buccolingual
position of the nerve as well. The width of the posterior mandible must also
be considered. If the nerve is located very near the buccal cortex, a longer
implant could be placed, with the implant extending lingual to the IAN, even
though the implant extends vertically past the nerve. CT or CBCT can be
helpful in making this determination. The mandibular canal also precludes
any posterior implants from engaging the inferior cortical plate, which could
lessen the initial primary stability of the implant. The attachment of the
mylohyoid muscle helps maintain the bony width along the superior aspect
of the ridge, although this can often be deceiving because a deep lingual
depression, “the lingual undercut,” usually is present immediately below
this attachment. This is a critical area to be examined and palpated during
the clinical examination.

In planning the implant placement, if primary stability is questionable,
increased time for osseointegration may be considered. The clinician may
also want to consider “over-engineering” the case by using more implants
(e.g., three implants replacing three teeth, vs. two implants replacing three
The posterior maxilla poses two specific concerns related to implant
placement. The first is the quality of bone in this area. As previously
discussed, bone quality in the posterior maxilla is typically the poorest of
any area, limited by thin cortical bone at the ridge crest and the least dense
trabecular bone. This often results in less implant stability at the time of
placement. For this reason, more time (6 months or longer) may be
required for osseointegration to occur in this region. The second concern is
the proximity of the maxillary sinus to the edentulous ridge. Often, as a
result of bone resorption and increased pneumatization of the sinus, a
limited height of bone remains for implant placement. If an adequate height
of bone is present, the implant should be placed, leaving 1 mm of bone
between the sinus and the implant. If there is inadequate bone height, then
either a “sinus bump” or “sinus lift” procedure would be necessary to
augment the height of bone.
The anterior maxilla, even though it is the most surgically assessable area,
may be one of the most difficult regions for implant placement. This area,
even when healthy teeth are present, usually has a thin buccal plate. After
tooth loss, the resorption of the ridge follows a pattern of moving apically
and palatally, only exacerbating an already tenuous anatomy. The residual
ridge anatomy results in a ridge that is narrow and angulated such that
ideal implant positioning may be impossible and the esthetic outcome may
be compromised. The nasal cavity and the incisive canal are vital
structures that also define the anatomic limitations of anterior implant
placement. Implants should be placed 1 mm short of the nasal floor and
should not be placed in the maxillary midline.
Final Treatment Planning
The final stage of treatment planning involves consolidating all of the
clinical and radiographic information in combination with surgical options
and limitations to produce the best final result of the prosthetic treatment.
The positioning and angulation of implant placement is critical to the

biomechanical stability and esthetics required for long-term success. To
facilitate ideal implant placement, surgical guides are frequently utilized.
The surgical guide template is a critical factor for implants placed in an
esthetically important area because even slight variations of angulation can
have large effects on the appearance of the final restoration. The
construction of the surgical guide template is nearly indispensable in
patients for whom it is necessary to optimize implant placement to ensure
correct emergence profiles in the anterior esthetic zone. The four objectives
of using a surgical template for the partially edentulous patient are as
follows: (1) delineating the embrasure, (2) locating the implant within the
tooth contour, (3) aligning the implants with the long axis of the completed
restoration, and (4) identifying the level of cementoenamel junction or tooth
emergence from soft tissue. This template can be constructed by using a
diagnostic wax-up over the preoperative cast to construct a clear resin
template with a guide hole. This provides the surgeon ease of access to
bone and uninterrupted visual confirmation of frontal and sagittal positions
and angulation. Although underlying bone may dictate some minor
variation, the surgeon must stay as close as possible to the template during
implant placement. With the aid of computer technology, accurate “virtual”
treatment planning can be accomplished. CBCT data are used to produce
a three-dimensional reconstruction, which offers the ability to view
anatomic structures in cross-section. The ideal prosthetic position can be
simulated and the position and angulation of the implant determined. A
computer-generated splint can then be constructed with guide sleeves
matched to implant drill sizes. This allows precise placement of the implant
at the time of surgery. The ultimate result should allow the surgeon to place
the implant optimally in bone while maintaining the angulation that provides
the best foundation for the final restoration.


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