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Anaerobic MBR Potentials Visu

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Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactors (AnMBR): Current Status and Future Potentials

C. Visvanathan* and A. Abeynayaka. Environmental Engineering and Management Program, School of Environment, Resources and Development, Asian Institute of Technology, P.O. Box 4, Klong Luang, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand. *Corresponding author. Tel. +66 2 524 5640 E-mail address: Abstract: Anaerobic processes are considered as attractive low cost options to treat high strength wastewater, but with minimum nutrient removal capability. Where membrane bioreactors (MBRs) highly energy intensive technologies, promoted as an attractive alternative for wastewater reuse. Thus combining these two processes is viable when compact process for energy recovery is desired, or when disinfection is required after anaerobic treatment such as cases of water reuse with nutrients. At the moment, AnMBRs are not likely to be able to compete with biofilm or granular anaerobic reactors, due to higher capital and operational costs. However, there are many applications when biofilm or granule formation cannot be ensured, or when total solids retention is an attractive feature. This is indeed the case of many industrial wastewaters, characterize by particulate, high temperatures or the presence of specific pollutants. Total biomass retention may be of interest for these applications, and may facilitate the application of anaerobic digestion within the reactor. Anaerobic MBRs provide an efficient treatment of wastewater, enabling energy recovery, solids free effluent and low sludge production. The fact that nutrients are not removed (N, P) may be indeed an advantage, since treated water could be used for irrigation purposes, enabling the nutrients recovery and reuse. Recently the research and development of AnMBR technology has attracted attention. Different configurations of MBRs (i.e. single stage, two stage) were considered by various researches to achieve certain goals (i.e. treatment of high temperature effluents with thermophilic anaerobic MBR under two stage process while retaining the biomass within the reactor and recovering energy from the wastewater). This paper discusses about the growing potential of AnMBR application in wastewater treatment. Key words: Anaerobic, Membrane Bioreactor, Particulate Wastewater, Membrane Fouling, Energy Recovery, Municipal Wastewater. 1. Introduction Anaerobic treatment process has been applied since early 1900 for treating excess sludge discharged from sewage-treatment plants. This technology has since been developed to treat wastewaters successfully with energy recovery. Nowadays, it is considered as an established technology and it is successfully used for the treatment of many kinds of industrial wastewaters. The success of anaerobic wastewater treatment can be attributed to an efficient uncoupling of the solid retention time from the hydraulic retention time through biomass immobilization, which is usually accomplished through biofilm or granule formation. Separation of biomass from the effluent using membrane technology is another attractive method to retain the biomass within the anaerobic reactor. With the global attention on reducing green house gas emissions and energy recovery form waste, the attraction on anaerobic wastewater treatment over aerobic wastewater treatment has been grown rapidly. Copenhagen Accord (UNFCCC, 2009) emphasizes the need of

reduction of GHG (green house gases) emissions in developed countries and capacity building and technology transfer to developing countries. On the other hand water scarcity makes the necessity of water reuse. Hence the development of technologies which recovers energy and giving suitable effluent for reuse becomes important. AnMBR is a great potential application to achieve the two objectives, energy recovery and better quality effluent for reuse. For higher strength waste waters where the higher organic exists, the energy content is much greater. To recover maximum energy, anaerobic treatment must be applied to the high strength wastewater directly. This should increase the fraction of the potential energy recovered as biogas, and will decrease the oxygen requirement in later part of the treatment. However technical and economic challenges exist, most important being the identification of suitable anaerobic processes for each case. Although practiced for decades, interest in reuse of anaerobically treated effluent has not much drawn attention. Low carbon removal and minimum nutrient removal made the effluent of anaerobic process for further treatment. However reuse applications such as agricultural use where the presence of nutrients is desirable, the necessity of aerobic process for further treatment can be eliminated. Yet pathogen removal, biodegradation of certain compounds has to be achieved prior to the reuse applications. Membrane technology provides the separation of pathogens from effluent and complete retention of biomass allowing higher sludge retention time with effective bacterial cultures which can degrade certain types of recalcitrant constituents. There are some cases the application of conventional anaerobic process is in effective. Wastewaters with particulates or/and high temperature the granule formation and biofilm processes become ineffective. Hence conventional upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) and biofilm associated processes are unsuccessful under these situations. Application of membrane technology which separates the biomass from effluent is an excellent alternative method under those conditions. However, the successful implementation of AnMBR currently faces both economical and technological challenges such as membrane fouling. These paper discuses the advantages of combination of MBR and anaerobic processes to form AnMBR; under what conditions the AnMBR process gives the advantages over conventional anaerobic process; most suitable waste streams to treat with AnMBRs; existing operational and design challenges; and possible applications and research directions. 2. Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment Process 2.1 Fundamentals of anaerobic wastewater treatment process Anaerobic biological wastewater treatment process consists of two main biochemical stages such as acid formation and methane formation. Further the acid formation takes place in three steps hydrolysis, acidogenesis and acetogenesis. First the extracellular enzymes excreted by facultative bacteria hydrolyze the complex organic matters into simpler derivatives which are amenable to utilize by bacteria. Next the simplified organics degrade into volatile fatty acids in acidogenesis process, then to acetate, hydrogen and carbon dioxide by acetogenesis process. Finally the methanogens convert acetate, hydrogen and carbon dioxide in to methane. For methanogens the primary substrate are Acetate, H2 , and CO2 . About 75% of methane production is from de-carboxylation of acetate and the rest is from CO2 and H2 (McCarty and Smith, 1986). Anaerobic symbiotic relationships amongst variety of microbial species are an essential feature of anaerobic stabilization to keep the system balanced. The metabolic pathway of the anaerobic degradation is shown in the figure 1.

Figure 1: Metabolic pathway of anaerobic degradation The two main rate limiting steps in anaerobic process are hydrolysis which converts complex organics into simpler derivatives and methanogenesis. The rate limiting step in anaerobic degradation depends on the nature or the complexity of the waste that undergoes treatment. Further in the overall anaerobic treatment process hydrolysis can be the rate limiting step for wastewater which contains significant amount of particulate matters (Henze and Haremoes, 1983). As illustrate in findings of Pavlostathis and Giraldo-Gomez, (1991) the rate of hydrolysis is a function of pH, temperature, concentration of hydrolyzing biomass, and type of particulate organic matter. In addition the hydrolysis rate in anaerobic process is increased at high temperatures. 2.2 Conventional anaerobic wastewater treatment processes Anaerobic processes consist of several well known advantages over conventional aerobic processes. First, no oxygen is required, so the expense and energy required to supply oxygen into water are eliminated. Second, methane is produced and serves as a renewable energy source. Finally, less biomass is produced. In the absence of oxygen as an electron acceptor, anaerobic microbial systems discard the electrons onto methane instead of using them to grow more microorganisms, leading to low biomass production. Less biomass production on one hand is an advantage due to reduced sludge treatment cost. However the slow growth rates of the methanogenic organisms and the microbial complexity of the systems made the operation of anaerobic s ystems difficult. Biomass retention becomes a critical factor to keep sufficient biomass within the reactor. Yet even with higher retained biomass the lower effluent concentrations achieved by aerobic processes are difficult to achieve with anaerobic process.

Research and development efforts have been directed at retaining a high density of useful microorganisms, in order to achieve rapid and effective treatment. Technological developments in granular sludge and microbial biofilm which retain cells in the reactor have been made in order to maintain the higher biomass. For the granule sludge, the upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) ha s proven useful, while for the biofilm process, the upflow anaerobic filter process (UAFP) and anaerobic fluidized-bed reactor (AFBR) have been developed. At 2002, there were nearly 1600 commercial anaerobic wastewater treatment systems in operation in the world (Kleerebezem, and Macarie, 2003). UASB process is capable of affording self-granulation of anaerobic microbes. Typical granule concentrations vary from to 20-40 kg VSS/m3 in the reactor. UAFP and AFBR apply the biofilm growth on a media to immobilize biomass. Full-scale UASB, UAFP and AFBR reactors are operating at feed COD concentration ranges from 1,000-20,000 mg/L at HRTs of 0.1-8 days in which the COD loads are 3-14 kg/m3 /day, resulting in a COD reduction of more than 80%. Commercial high-rate anaerobic reactors are feasible because biomass is retained. When biomass is retained, the effluent suspended solids concentration is significantly lower than the biomass concentration in the reaction zone. A UASB, for example, has a biomass concentration of 20-40 kg VSS/m3 low suspended solids in the effluent. However wastewaters with particulates or/and high temperature the granule formation and biofilm processes become ineffective. Hence conventional UASB and biofilm associated processes are inapplicable. Similarly the pathogen removal and achievement of effluent quality for water reuse applications is a difficult task with conventional processes. Due to limitations of conventional anaerobic process the growing interest on AnMBR can be seen. The trend is obviously projected on the number of publications on both processes conventional UASB and AnMBR (figure 2). Starting from mid of 2000s the rapid growth of journal publications on AnMBR can be seen. However the studies on UASB was not grown that much. Year 2009 journal publications on AnMBR have overtaken the number of publications of UASB. 60 No. of Articles published in Jouranls 50 40 30 20 10 0 AnMBR UASB


Figure 2: Number of Articles published in Journals on AnMBR and UASB ( 3. Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactors

3.1 Introduction to AnMBR AnMBR process can be basically defined as a biological treatment process operated without oxygen and using a membrane to provide complete solid-liquid separation. Anaerobic MBRs were first introduced in the 1980s in South Africa and till it has less investigated compared to aerobic MBR. But today there is a growing interest on AnMBR and lots of studies are going on. As MBRs could operate independently relating retention times it enable to go for high organic loading rates therefore this became an attractive solution for low to strength industrial wastewater treatment with simultaneous energy recovery and less excess sludge production. Energy recovered in AnMBR process could use for the energy requirement of the plant hence the energy cost of the process could recover which make the use of AnMBR more realistic.
Bioga s B iog as

Rec ircul at io n P ump Perme ate pu mp Feed Wa stewat er A naerobic Bior ea cto r

M em brane Membra ne P erme at e Ret ent ate A naerob ic Bior eact or G as Sparging F eed Wa s tew ate r

Biom ass Waste

Biom ass Waste (a) Ext er nal cross -flow B iog as B iog as ( b) Subme rged

Ret entate Perme ate pump Feed Wa stewat er A naerob ic Bior eac tor M emb ran e F eed Wa s tew ate r A na erob ic Bior eac tor Ret en tat e P erme at e pum p

R eci rcul ation P ump Biom as s Waste

M embra ne B io mas s Was te R eci rcul ation P ump (d ) External s emi dead- end

(c) External gas-lift

Figure 3: Different configurations of AnMBRs. The membrane may be operated under pressure or it may be operated under vacuum. In the first approach, the membrane is separate from the bioreactor and a pump is required to push bioreactor effluent into the membrane unit and permeate through the membrane. This configuration is often called an external cross-flow membrane [figure 3(a)]. The cross-flow velocity of the liquid across the membrane surface serves as the principle mechanism to disrupt cake formation on the membrane. When the membrane is operated under a vacuum [figure 3(b)], instead of direct pressure, the configuration is called submerged because the membrane is placed directly into the liquid. A pump or gravity is used to withdraw permeate through the membrane. Because the velocity of the liquid across the membrane cannot be as

readily controlled, cake formation can be disrupted by vigorously bubbling gas across the membrane surface. For aerobic MBRs, the air used also provides aeration, while for AnMBRs biogas must be used. The vacuum-driven immersed membrane approach may be used in two configurations. The membrane may be immersed directly into the bioreactor or immersed in a separate chamber [figure 3(c). The latter configuration now looks like an external membrane, and will likely require a pump to return retentate to the bioreactor. However, unlike the external cross-flow membrane, the membrane here is operated under a vacuum instead of under pressure. The external chamber configuration is used for full-scale aerobic wastewater treatment plants because it provides for easier cleaning of the fouled membranes, because the chambers can be isolated instead of the membranes being physically removed. Recent studies are conducted in order to enhance the performance of AnMBR. I.e. the configuration (d) in figure 3, the system is operating intermittently under semi dead end mode to reduce the continuous pumping cost and to minimize the harmful effect of sludge pumping. Staged Anaerobic MBR Another reactor configuration is double staged reactor configuration. In two stage digestion hydrolysis, acetogenesis and acidogenesis reactions occur within the first reactor which is known as hydrolytic reactor followed by methanogenic reactor (figure 4). Methanogens operate in a strictly defined pH range while acidogenic bacteria through the production of volatile fatty acids reduce the pH of the tank. Therefore the biological reactions of the different species in a single stage reactor can be in direct competition with each other. In a two-stage treatment system two reactors are operating with the optimized conditions of the respective bacteria to bring maximum control of the bacterial communities living in the reactor.

Figure 4: Single and two stage AnMBR configurations

Acidogenic bacteria produce organic acids and grow fast with higher yield than methanogenic bacteria. In addition methanogenic bacteria require stable pH and temperature in order to optimize their performance. In the past, operation of two phase anaerobic system have been hindered by difficulties in solid liquid separation and maintaining separate and distinct biomass populations in each reactor (Anderson et al.,1986). But membrane coupled bioreactors provided the applicability of two stage anaerobic degradation both with excellent separation and high biomass retention. 3.2 Current status and future potential of AnMBR Characteristic of wastewater can illustrate in two aspects namely the concentration of wastewater and the particulate nature (nature of constituent) of wastewater. According to that wastewater can classified in to four categories namely (a) high strength low particulate (b) high strength high particulate (c) low strength high particulate and (d) low strength low particulate wastewater (figure 5). Among that high strength completely soluble wastewaters are currently treating well in high rate anaerobic sludge retaining reactors such as UASB. Therefore, AnMBR application in this type of wastewater is attractive only if higher suspended solids removal is required for an example in wastewater reuse purposes. However have to compensate some energy produced from biogas, which reduces the net energy gain of AnMBR over conventional processes (i.e UASB). Yet wastewaters with high particulate concentration urge higher SRT as well as compact system with higher biomass concentration for the complete hydrolysis of slowly degrading particulates. The growth and accumulation of granular sludge, in such waste streams is very slow (Fang et al., 1994). Design specifications normally require that operating levels of fat to keep below 150300 mg/L (as oil and grease) while levels in animal processing waste streams can reach 10001500 mg/L (Batstone et al., 2000). This causes poor performances of high rate conventional reactors treating particulate wastewaters.

Figure 5: Application of AnMBRs to different types of wastewater (Liao et al., 2006)

AnMBR provide an excellent environment for particulate wastewater degradation. Therefore there is an extensive opportunity to use AnMBR in that type of wastewater especially from distillery, brewery, potato starch, slaughterhouses, pulp and paper, palm oil mill, tanneries, gelatin manicuring and sludge of wastewater treatment plants. In addition application of AnMBR in high strength wastewater with high salinity and toxicity also highly favorable (Jeison et al., 2008). This is facilitated due to the retention of biomass and ability of adaptation to the extreme conditions. This extreme conditions causes system failure due to lack of biomass as they washout even in high rate anaerobic reactors. There is comparatively high opportunity of applying AnMBR for low strength wastewaters with higher particulate concentration or completely soluble with respect to sludge retention. The energy recovery and reuse of treated effluent are the major interesting considerations of AnMBR in low strength wastewater treatment. The energy recovery from low strength wastewaters is seems to be fairly low. Yet studies of Shizas and Bagley (2004) shown that the potential energy in the organics of municipal wastewater to be up to nine times greater than the electricity needed to operate a municipal wastewater treatment plant. Similarly the reuse options of treated effluent are another eye opening interests. Recent trend of research publications is a good indicator of the applications of AnMBR in both high strength and low strength wastewaters. It indicates a huge increment of AnMBR studies on industrial high strength wastewaters (figure 6). Same time the number of studies on municipal wastewater also has increased in considerable number. For low strength wastewaters the opportunities of reuse is higher. Application of anaerobic process leads low nutrient removal, hence the effluent consists of higher amounts of nitrogen and phosphorous. This opens opportunity for recovering nutrients from wastewater. The reuse applications such as agriculture and horticulture, where the presence of nutrient is an advantage, have vast opportunity in places where the water is limited. However the removal of pathogens plays an important role in such reuse applications. Protozoa (Cryptosporidium and Giardia) cysts and helminthes eggs which are larger in size and persistent for conventional disinfection processes, are easily be eliminated by the membrane separation. Recent studies of Ho & Sung (2009) indicate the AnMBR treating municipal wastewater with COD around 500 mg/L could recover methane up to 48% while the effluent COD is bellow 40 mg/L. Hence the potentials of AnMBR applications on low strength wastewaters with the objectives of energy recovery and water reuse are valued in future. 30 No. of Articles published in Jouranls 25 20 15 10 5 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Municipal WW Industrial WW

Year Figure 5: Number of Articles published in Journals on AnMBR researches related to Municipal wastewater and Industrial wastewater (

3.3 Constraints of AnMBR At the moment, AnMBRs are not likely to be able to compete for the applications where biofilm or granular anaerobic reactors works well, due to higher capital and operational costs. Apart from the high capital cost, operational cost and higher energy consumption of AnMBR, the process consists of operational difficulties such as membrane fouling. Anaerobic process is meant to be operated at higher biomass conditions due to reduced specific biodegradation rate (kg COD/kg VSS .d) under anaerobic process compared to aerobic process. However operation at higher biomass conditions makes difficulties of pumping and increase the membrane fouling. Membrane fouling is one of the major drawbacks in AnMBR application. Once the membrane gets fouled, permeate flux declines and frequent cleaning are essential to do in order get back the flux and to avoid further fouling which deteriorate the membrane. Therefore membrane fouling urges high operational cost as well as replacement cost. When consider the fouling mechanism of AnMBR extracellular polymeric substances and inorganic fouling due to struvite (MgNH4 PO4.6H2 O) deposition need to be given an important consideration. In addition are three basic factors influence the nature and the extent of fouling in MBRs such as biomass characteristics, operation conditions and membrane characteristics (Chang et al., 2002) need to be concerned. Fouling of AnMBR system is taken place mainly due to two reasons such as cake layer formation by biocells and the inorganic precipitation on membrane surface (Bailey et al, 1994). Moreover the combine deposition of these two compounds causes drastic drop in membrane permeability. Further the high MLSS concentration in reactor, size reduction of biomass and the size distribution of biosolid particles have identified as the potential causes for increased membrane fouling. The mechanical sheer stress apply on biomass during pumping has identified as one of the reason causes the size reduction of bioflocs which is attributed to increased fouling in AnMBR. In addition the cross flow velocity applies on biomass too affect in size reduction of biomass. Further sludge characteristic of anaerobic thermophilic condition are more disperse which consequently resulted in less EPS concentration in sludge while higher amount in bulk solution finally leads to sever fouling (Chang et al., 2002). However the biofouling phenomena of AnMBR have not studied widely. The substance causes inorganic fouling has recognize as the struvite (MgNH4 PO4.6H2 O). Moreover this inorganic precipitation contributes the cake layer more harden and leads to prolonged external fouling in AnMBR (Choo and Lee, 1996). In addition Kang et al., 2002 has identified the struvite precipitation inside the pores as the major factor for fouling in inorganic membrane. Similar results have observed by He et al., 2005 in inorganic membrane used for treating high concentration food wastewater under mesophilic condition. In anaerobic membranes where ammonium as well as phosphate ions are existing struvite deposition becomes a critical issue since it could deposit together with bioflocs and make a strong barrier. 4. Conclusions AnMBR has increasing potential and interest on wastewater treatment. Combination of anaerobic process and membrane technology provides certain advantages to overcome the situations where the conventional anaerobic process is ineffective. Especially the wastewaters with particulate matter and/or high temperature create difficulties of maintaining sustainable treatment with conventional treatment. AnMBR is a good option for treating that type of wastewaters with providing better quality effluent. For low strength wastewater such as 9

municipal wastewater the interest of AnMBR is growing in terms of energy recovery and reuse applications. However still there is plenty of research and development space for optimizing the process, such as staged AnMBR, configurations of AnMBR and fouling limitations. Refer ences Anderson, G. K., Saw, C.B. and Fernandes, M. I. A. P. (1986). Applications of porous membranes for biomass retention in biological wastewater treatment process. Process Biochemistry, 21(6), 174- 182. Bailey, A. D., Hansford, G. S. and Dold, P.L. (1994). The enchancement of upflow anaerobic sludge bed reactor performance using crossflow microfiltration. Water Research, 28(2), 291-295. Batstone, D. J., Keller, J., Newell, R. B. and Newland,M. (2000). Modelling anaerobic degradation of complex wastewater. I: model development, Bioresource Technology, 75(1), 67-74. Chang, I. S., Clech, P. L., Jefferson, B. and Judd, S. (2002). Membrane fouling in membrane bioreactors for wastewater treatment. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 128(11), 1018- 1029. Choo, K. H. and Lee, C. H. (1996). Membrane fouling mechanisms in the membrane-coupled anaerobic bioreactor. Water Research, 30(8), 1771- 1780. Fang, H. H. P., Chui, H. K., Li, Y. Y.and Chen, T. (1994). Performance and granule characteristics of UASB process treating wastewater with hydrolyzed proteins. Water Science and Technology, 30 (8), 55-63. He, Y., Xu, P., Li, C. and Zhang, B. (2005). High concentration food wastewater treatment by an anaerobic membrane bioreactor, Water Research, 39(17), 4110-4118. Henze, M. and Harremoes, P. (1983). Anaerobic treatment of wastewater in fixed film reactors a literature review. Water Science and Technology, 15 (8-9), 1-101. Ho, J., & Sung, S. (2009). Anaerobic membrane bioreactor treatment of synthetic municipal wastewater at ambient temperature. Water Environment Research, 81(9), 922-928 Jeison, D., Diaz, I. and van Lier, J. B. (2008). Anaerobic membrane bioreactors: are membranes really necessary. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, 11(4). Kang, J. I., Yoon, S. H. and Lee, C.H. (2002). Comparison of the filtration characteristics of organic and inorganic membranes in a membrane-coupled anaerobic bioreactor. Water Research, 36(7), 1803-1813. Kleerebezem, R., and Macarie, H. (2003). Treating industrial wastewater: Anaerobic digestion comes of age, Chemical Engineering, 56, Liao, B., Kraemer, J. T. and Bagley, M. D. (2006). Anaerobic membrane bioreactors: application and research directions. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 36, 489-530. McCarty, P.L. and Smith, D.P. (1986). Anaerobic wastewater treatment. Environmental Science and Technology, 20, 1200-1226. Pavlostathis , S.G., Giraldo-Gomez, E., (1991). Kinetics of anaerobic treatment: A critical review. Critical Reviews in Environmental Control, 21 (5-6), 411-490. Scopus (2010). Scopus key-word searches. Retrieved from: March 2010. Shizas, I., and Bagley, D.M. (2004). Experimental determination of energy content of unknown organics in municipal wastewater streams. Journal of Energy Engineering, 130 (45). UNFCCC (2009). Copenhagen Accord. Retrieved from: March 2010.


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