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Report of Survey and Coal Mapping

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PT. Alfa Riung Jaya has obtained the approval of the second extension of the mining
business permit for production operations for a period of 10 years based on the decision of
the Regent of Tanah Laut number: 545/30-IUP OP / DPE / 2014 dated December 22, 2014.


The purpose of the investigation activity was to find out the feasibility of coal mining in the
IUP area of PT. Alfa Riung is quantitatively qualitative / coal quality
Purpose of this investigation activity to find out:

 Morphological and geological conditions in the IUP area of PT. Alfa Riung Jaya
 Distribution of coal seams, number of seams and coal reserves and the quality of
 The social conditions of the people around the PT IUP area. Alfa Riung Jaya
 Land use conditions in the PT IUP area. Alfa Riung Jaya
 Supporting infrastructure for the transportation and sale of coal


IUP area of PT.Alfa Riung Jaya is administratively located in Batalang Village, Jorong District
and Damit Village, Batu Ampar District, Tanah Laut Regency, South Kalimantan Province.
Geographically the investigation area is limited by the coordinates of 114⁰ 54 ’37.9 - - 114⁰
57’ 37.8 east longitude and 3⁰ 59 ’59.6 - - 3⁰ 54’ 57.10 south latitude.

The area of investigation can be reached by using two-wheeled vehicles or four-wheeled

vehicles from Syamsuddin Noor airport in Banjar Baru city, South Kalimantan, with a
distance of ± 95 Km and travel time of ± 2 hour.
The geographical coordinates IUP area of the PT. Alfa Riung Jaya can be seen in the table
as follows:
⁰ ′ ″ ⁰ ′ ″
1 114 54 37.9 3 54 11.8
2 114 54 37.9 3 54 57.1
3 114 55 21.8 3 54 57.1
4 114 55 21.8 3 54 38
5 114 57 4.2 3 54 38
6 114 57 4.2 3 54 19
7 114 57 30.1 3 54 19
8 114 57 30.1 3 54 11.6
9 114 57 33.8 3 54 11.6
10 114 57 33.8 3 53 59
11 114 57 -1.6 3 53 59
12 114 56 58.4 3 53 59.6
13 114 56 51.5 3 53 59.6
14 114 56 51.5 3 54 7.1
15 114 56 35.3 3 54 7.1
16 114 56 35.3 3 54 15.2
17 114 56 11 3 54 15.2
18 114 56 11 3 54 24.4
19 114 55 46.7 3 54 24.4
20 114 55 46.7 3 54 11.8

Table 1. The coordinates of the second extension area of the Production Operation
IUP of PT. Alfa Riung Jaya


The investigation activities are carried out within 7 days, from the 10th to the 17th of
February 2019 with the implementers of the activity consisting of:
 Geologist : 1 person
 Local power : 2 people
 Driver : 1 People


The population settlements in Batalang and Damit Villages are partly located in the PT IUP
area. Alfa Riung Jaya. Residents in both villages used part of the land for agriculture. The
agricultural businesses that appear are in the form of rubber gardens and oil palm
plantations. In the former mining reclamation area, the residents tried it as oil palm

In the central part of the IUP areaof PT. Alfa Riung Jaya found an oil palm plantation
company PT. Koperasi Jasa Prima - Cipta Prima Sejahtera with buildings for palm oil mills.

Photo 1. Use of land for Palm oil plantation Photo 2. Rubber plantation by local people
by local people in Batalang village in Batalang Village
Photo 3. Palm oil plantation by local people Photo 4. Supporting building for palm oil
Of former mining site area Mill in investigation area



Based on the shape, altitude and slope angle of the landscape, the morphology found in the
investigation area consists of plain morphological units and weak corrugated hills
morphological units. The morphology of the plain is composed of river deposits. The land in
this morphology is partly used by local people as rice fields and for agriculture.
The weak corrugated hills morphology is the dominant morphological unit in the
investigation area. This morphology has a height ranging from 20-30 meters above sea
level. Morphological units are composed of sandstones and claystones. This morphology
occupies the east and west of the investigation area. The land in this morphological unit is
partly used by local people for farming, plantations, and partly used by the Cooperative
Prima Company - Cipta Prima Sejahtera for oil palm plantations.

Regional Geology

Based on the geological map of Banjarmasin, Kalimantan (N. Sikumbang and R. Heryanto,
1994), the regional investigation area is composed of two geological formations, namely the
Werukin (Tmw) and Dahor (TQd) formations.

The werukin formation is composed of the interkalasi of fine-grained batupair quartz - locally
coarse conglomerates and claystone with interbed of sandstone and coal.
Above the Werukin (Tmw) formation deposited Dahor formation (TQd) consisting of quartz
sandstones, conglomerates and claystones with lignite inserts. the age of this formation is
thought to be Plio-Plistocene.
Image 1. Regional Geological Map of investigation area

Lithology of Investigation Area

Field observations conducted at the investigation area can be seen that the lithology that
composes the investigation area consists of:

- Sandstones are gray-yellowish-gray, hard-to-hard, sedimentary laminated structure,

direction of the distribution of N 62⁰ E - N 66⁰ E with a slope of 62⁰ - 70⁰. These rock
units are found on the walls of the former mining pit.
- Claystone is gray - brownish gray, partly carbonate. These rock units are found in ex-
mining holes with unclear direction of dispersion due to weathering and erosion.

Investigations carried out for 7 days were not found of coal outcrops in the investigation
area. This is caused by morphological conditions in the investigation area consisting of plain
morphology and weak corrugated morphology and the weathering process which is quite
intensive causes rock layers and coal to be difficult to uncover. Mining that had been carried
out several years ago was the cause of the coal that had once been exposed to being

Determination of the direction of coal distribution is carried out by orienting the direction of
ex-mining holes as progress or progress in mining that follows the spread of coal that has
ever existed. In addition to observing and measuring the direction of the mine openings, a
comparison was also made with data on existing coal seam distribution obtained from the
management of PT. Alfa Riung Jaya located in Banjar Baru South Kalimantan.
From the results of observations on mine openings and compared with data from the
management of PT. Alfa Riung Jaya concluded that coal seam in the PT IUP area. Alfa Riung
Jaya has 10 (ten) seams with a distribution of coal seams trending southwest - northeast.
Some of the coal seals are mostly mined. Unam mined coal in the PT IUP area. Alfa Riung
Jaya has 2 (two) seams namely seam A and seam B. Both of these coal seams are located in
the western part of the investigation area.
Interpretation of existing data and the results of observations in the field can be described
as coal seam contained in the investigation area which consists of:
- Seam A with a length of 2300 meters and a thickness of 1.2 meters, spreading N 65 ⁰
with a slope of 70⁰.
- Seam B with a length of 2400 meters and thickness of 1.5 meters, spread of N 66 ⁰
with a slope of 70⁰.
Figure. 2 Spread of coal seam of the investigation area


Coal resources based on reconstruction of data and observations in the field are as follows:

No Thick(M Width Specific Resources

Seam Dip SR Sin β (dip) Lenght (M)
. ) (Down Dip) gravity
SR 1 : 5
1 A 70 1.2 5 0.93969262 12.77013327 1.3 45,819.24
2 B 70 1.5 5 0.93969262 15.96266659 1.3 74,705.28
TOTAL 120,524.52


The transportation of coal from the location of IUP area of PT. Alfa Riung Jaya to the jetty
location of the asam-asam village is using -wheeled 6 (six) dump truck via ± 45 Km of
public roads / asphalt roads and the PT. Istana Karya Mandiri as a port service provider for
± 3 Km so that the total length of the hauling road is 48 Km. For coal buildup using the
stockpile area of PT. IKM (Istana Karya Mandiri) equipped with weight bridges, crushers and
conveyor belts for transportation to pontoons and vessels.
Infrastructure of public road Hauling Road PT. IKM

Weight bridge Stockpile Crusher

Photo 5. Facilities and infrastructure for coal hauling and stockpiling

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