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Journal of African Earth Sciences 151 (2019) 18–35

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Revised (miospores-based) stratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous succession T

of the Minqar-IX well, Shushan Basin, north Western Desert, Egypt:
Biozonation and correlation approach
Magdy S. Mahmouda,∗, Amr S. Deafa, Mohamed A. Tamamb, Miran M. Khalafb
Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Assiut University, Assiut, 71516, Egypt
Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Sohag University, Sohag, Egypt


Keywords: Shushan Basin is recently considered one of the important petroliferous basins in the north Western Desert of
Palynostratigraphy Egypt, where it contains multiple clastic reservoirs. National and international exploration companies are car-
Miospores rying out extensive correlations within the basin to detect the almost similar clastic reservoirs Alam El Bueib and
Cretaceous Kharita formations. Stratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous of Minqar-IX well in Shushan was previously estab-
Shushan basin
lished based on dinoflagellate cysts recovered from a few and widely spaced samples, where clastic units could
Western desert
not be differentiated. However, the current collection of a large number of closely spaced samples enabled the
identification of five informal Lower Cretaceous spore-pollen palynozones (PZ) with high resolution. These zones
are used to recognize unidentified clastic rock units and to provide an intrabasinal biostratigraphic correlation of
the formations. Three palynozones (PZ 1-PZ 3) identify Alam El-Bueib Formation (?Berriasian-early Aptian). PZ
4 identifies Alamein Formation (late Aptian). PZ 5 corresponds to Kharita Formation (middle Albian). Results
reflect the miospores as a powerful stratigraphic tool for dating the largely non-marine sequences, where diverse
dinoflagellate cysts are almost lacking and/or facies-controlled. The use of biostratigraphic correlation of strata
successions with monotone lithologies was helpful in identifying problematic formations, tracing their lateral
facies change, and in detecting an unrecognized hiatus in the studied well.

1. Introduction an exception at some areas of the basin, where it is composed of shallow

marine clastics and carbonates (Hantar, 1990; Said, 1990). The two
The north Western Desert of Egypt still has a significant hydro- clastic rock units (Alam El Bueib and the Kharita) are not usually re-
carbon potential, where new oil and gas discoveries are recorded cognized on pure lithologic criteria, because they were deposited in
(Dolson et al., 2001). Recently, the Shushan Basin is deemed as one of relatively similar continental and shallow marine settings (Hantar,
the important petroliferous basins (Figs. 1 and 2), which contains sev- 1990; Kerdany and Cherif, 1990; Said, 1990), where marine microflora
eral Lower Cretaceous hydrocarbon source and clastic reservoirs (e.g., (dinoflagellate cysts) are scarce (e.g., Mahmoud, 1989) and marine
Shalaby et al., 2013). Therefore, national and international exploration microfauna (e.g., microforaminifera) are almost lacking (e.g.,
companies are currently carrying out a large-scale regional correlation Andrawis, 1990). Therefore, terrestrial palynomorphs (spores and
within the Shushan Basin to distinguish the nearly similar conventional pollen grains) are expected to help in identifying these important, yet
clastic reservoirs, the Alam El Bueib (Berriasian-lower Aptian) and the problematic clastic formations.
Kharita (Albian) formations (Fig. 3). Lithostratigraphically, the Upper Palynostratigraphic analysis of the Minqar-IX well in the Shushan
Cretaceous in the Shushan Basin reflects a general progressive trans- Basin was carried out by Mahmoud (1989), Omran (1989), and Omran
gressive sedimentation (Mahmoud et al., 2017). In contrast, the Lower et al. (1990). They recognized the Upper Jurassic (?Bajocian-Callovian
Cretaceous in the Shushan generally represents a major regressive and Kimmeridgian-Tithonian) and the Lower Cretaceous (Aptian and
phase, which is exemplified by deposition of the similar and mono- Albian) stages (Fig. 4). As seen from Mahmoud (1989), Omran (1989),
tonous coarse clastics of the Alam El Bueib (Berriasian-early Aptian) and Omran et al. (1990), four major rock units were barren and did not
and the Kharita (Albian) formations. The Alamein Formation (Aptian) is yield palynomorphs of biostratigraphic importance. Omran et al.

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M.S. Mahmoud).
Received 19 April 2018; Received in revised form 15 November 2018; Accepted 19 November 2018
Available online 23 November 2018
1464-343X/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.S. Mahmoud et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 151 (2019) 18–35

Fig. 1. Geological map of Egypt showing distribution of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary rocks and the recent sediments (after Egyptian Geological Survey,

(1990) discovered in this well only one formation, the Alamein of the marker pollen grains such as Afropollis jardinus, Cretacaeiporites densi-
Aptian-Albian age depending on a limited number of samples (8) ran- murus, and Elaterosporites klaszii are of great biostratigraphic value.
ging from 10,370 ft (3161 m) to 6740 ft (2054 m). Omran et al. (1990) These studies presented valuable information on the application of
relied mostly on short-ranging dinoflagellate cysts and to a lesser extent pollen and spores in the biostratigraphic resolutions of several uni-
on pollen and spores and considered other miospores as strati- dentified rock sequences, which were generally considered by the
graphically long-ranging, where diagnostic sporomorph taxa were drilling companies as “No Information” similar to that noted in Minqar-
generally scarce. Science that time, several recent publications (e.g., 1X well (Fig. 4).
Schrank and Ibrahim, 1995; Schrank and Mahmoud, 1998, 2000, 2002; The palynostratigraphy in this well is revised by focusing on marker
Mahmoud and Deaf, 2007; Deaf, 2009; Deaf et al., 2014, 2016; Tahoun miospores and by using additional material from the investigated
and Deaf, 2016; Deaf and Tahoun, 2018) proved that a number of Minqar-1X well. Thus, this study aims to: (i) present a miospores-based

M.S. Mahmoud et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 151 (2019) 18–35

The Shushan Basin was developed during the Late Cimmerian Orogeny
as a northeast-southwest trending basin. This Late Jurassic tectonic
event is locally associated with uplift, block tilting and occasional
minor folding (Keeley and Wallis, 1991). The structures in the Shushan
Basin consist mainly of parallel, elongated, titled faulted blocks, which
formed horsts and half-grabens and show erosion of the up thrown
blocks (Fig. 2). The Shushan Basin attains a maximum thickness of
7.5 km of Jurassic, Cretaceous and Paleogene sediments (Hantar,
1990). Like other costal basins in the north Western Desert, the Jur-
assic-Cretaceous transition exhibits hiatuses and unconformities in the
Shushan Basin. These unconformities were probably formed due to the
sharp drop in the global sea level in the late Tithonian (Guiraud, 1998)
that was associated contemporaneously with local uplifting (Keeley and
Wallis, 1991; Guiraud, 1998; Guiraud and Bosworth, 1999; Gentzis
et al., 2018). During the Early Cretaceous, a new stage of rifting started
along the northern African margin and within the intraplate domain
(Guiraud, 1998; Guiraud and Bosworth, 1999).
In the north Western Desert of Egypt, the Cretaceous sedimentary
sequence is divided into two main units, a lower clastic unit belongs to
the Lower Cretaceous and an upper carbonate unit belongs to the Upper
Cretaceous. The lower unit contains two major clastic units the Alam El
Bueib and Kharita formations and an important carbonate bed, which
have a great areal extent, the Alamein Dolomite. This carbonate unit is
considered as an important source rock and provides the reservoir rocks
in three important oilfields in the north Western Desert. The Upper
Cretaceous represents the beginning of a major marine transgression,
which led to deposition of a dominantly carbonate section (Said, 1990).
Generally, the lithology of the Lower Cretaceous succession consists
mainly of sandstone changes vertically into siltstone and shale that are
intercalated with limestone at some levels (Hantar, 1990). The Lower
Cretaceous of Minqar-IX well contains four formations (Fig. 4) de-
scribed according to results of the current work from the oldest to the
youngest as follows:
Fig. 2. A. Location map of Egypt showing the main Mesozoic basins in the north
Western Desert and location of the studied Minqar-1X well and the correlated 2.1. Alam El-Bueib Formation
wells in Shushan Basin (Modified after Shalaby et al., 2012). B. Enlarged map of
Shushan Basin showing location of the studied wells and the main structural This unit was raised to a formational rank by Ghorab et al. (1971).
elements of the basin (Modified after Shalaby et al., 2014). Its type locality present in the Alam El Bueib-1 well, north Western
Desert, Egypt at the interval from 3927 to 4297 m (12,884–14,098 ft).
biostratigraphic scheme of the investigated interval (5440–11250 ft/ This unit is mainly composed of sandstone with frequent shale interbeds
1658–3428 m) of the Minqar-IX well. (ii) identify the clastic formations in its lower part and occasional limestone beds in its upper part. The
more accurately. (iii) present a biostratigraphic correlation of the for- age of this formation ranges from the Barremian to the early Aptian; it
mations within the studied basin. is underlain unconformably by the Masajid Formation and overlain by a
sharp contact of the Alamein Formation (Hantar, 1990; Kerdany and
Cherif, 1990). The environment of deposition was described as shallow
2. Geological setting and lithostratigraphy marine, with a more continental influence toward the south (Hantar,
1990; Kerdany and Cherif, 1990). The Alam El Bueib Formation has a
The sedimentary sequence of the Western Desert is thick and covers thickness of about 1028 m (3370 ft) at depths from 2121 to 3149 m
most of the Phanerozoic above the basement complex (Said, 1990; (6960–10330 ft) in the Minqar-IX well (Fig. 4). Omran et al. (1990)
Figs. 1 and 3). The north Western Desert contains a number of Mesozoic suggested its depositional environment as regressive shallow marine
coastal sedimentary basins (Matruh, Shushan, Alamein, and Natrun). conditions. In Fadda-1 well, the major sandstones of Alam El Bueib
The Shushan-Matruh basin is located 75 km to the southwest of Matruh Formation was deposited during a regressive phase in deltaic to mar-
city and covers an area of about 3800 km2 (Fig. 2). This basin forms a ginal marine conditions (Khalaf, 2014).
major part of the unstable shelf of Said (1990). The geological setting of
the Shushan-Matruh basin is considered as a large Jurassic rift, which 2.2. Alamein Formation
was also further extended during the Cretaceous (El Awdan et al.,
2002). During the Jurassic, several rift basins were formed because of Norton (1967) proposed this unit as a member of the Burg El Arab
the separation of the North African from the European plate (Meshref, Formation, but Ghorab et al. (1971) raised it to a formational rank. This
1990; Dolson et al., 2001). Three basins were formed in the north formation is considered as one of the main hydrocarbon producing units
Western Desert of Egypt (Moussa, 1986). The Natrun Basin represents in the north Western Desert of Egypt. The type section is the interval
one of the largest basins and is located at the northeast of the north between 2489 and 2573 m (8166–8442 ft) in the Alamein-I well, at the
Western Desert. The second is the Matruh Basin; it is located at the north Western Desert of Egypt (Hantar, 1990). It consists of light
northwest and was mostly connected with the Tethys during most of the brown, hard microcrystalline dolomite. The Alamein Formation has an
Early Cretaceous. The third basin is Shushan, it was formed during the Aptian age; it conformably overlies the clastics of the Alam El Bueib
late Kimmeridgian to southwest of the Matruh Basin and contains Formation and underlies unconformably the Kharita Formation
marine and fluvio-marine rocks of Jurassic and younger age (Fig. 3). (Kerdany and Cherif, 1990). In most subsurface sections of the Western

M.S. Mahmoud et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 151 (2019) 18–35

Fig. 3. Generalized stratigraphic column of Shushan Basin showing the Mesozcoic (Jurassic and Cretaceous) and Cenozoic (Upper Paleogene-Lower Neogene)
formations, their sedimentary environments, and the regional unconformity surfaces in the basin (Modified after Aram et al., 1988 and EGPC, 1992).

Desert, the Alamein Formation underlies conformably the clastics of the sandstone with thin shale and siltstone intercalations. The Kharita
Dahab Formation, which is not recorded in the present well (Said, Formation was assigned an Albian age. It rests unconformably over the
1990). This formation was deposited in a shallow marine, low to Alamein Formation and underlies conformably the Bahariya Formation.
moderate energy environment (Kerdany and Cherif, 1990). In Minqar- This formation was deposited in a high-energy shallow marine en-
1X well, the Alamein Formation attains a thickness of about 219 m vironment (Hantar, 1990; Kerdany and Cherif, 1990). In the Minqar-IX
(720 ft) at depths from 1887 to 2106 m (6190–6910) ft, and was sug- well, it has a thickness of about 171 m (560 ft) at depths from 1704 to
gested by Omran et al. (1990) to have been deposited during a minor 1875 m (5590–6150 ft) and was interpreted by Omran et al. (1990) to
transgressive phase in open marine conditions. In Fadda-1 well, the have been deposited during a recurring regressive marine phase in
Alamein Formation was deposited in deltaic to shallow marine settings shallow marine conditions. In the correlated Amoun-1 and Tut-1 wells,
(Khalaf, 2014). the major sandstone unit of the Kharita Formation show shallower
marine and continental conditions, respectively (Baioumi and Lashin,
2003). In Fadda-1 well, the carbonate and sandstone units of the
2.3. Kharita Formation Kharita Formation reflects the general regressive sedimentation but
with more marine influence, where it was deposited in deltaic to
This formation was firstly described by El-Gezeery et al. (1972) and shallow marine conditions (Khalaf, 2014).
its type section is located between 2501 and 2890 m in the Kharita-1
well, in the Western Desert, Egypt. It is composed essentially of

M.S. Mahmoud et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 151 (2019) 18–35

Fig. 4. The lithological column in the Minqar-IX well with sample position, original age dating (WEPCO, 1971), the other palynologically estimated ages of the
different rock units made by Mahmoud (1989) and Omran et al. (1990), the recorded miospores bioevents and the revised ages of the different rock units as deduced
in the current work.

3. Material and methods relatively better than the dinoflagellate cysts. This implies that sedi-
mentological and taphonomic processes acted on a similar manner and
The investigated interval comprised 70 cutting samples from depths magnitude on the palynomorphs of these wells, especially the four wells
3155-1658 m (10,350-5440 ft) of the Minqar-IX well, which is located produced palynofloral of similar composition. Thus, if marine palyno-
at latitude 30° 33′ 17″ N and longitude 27° 53′ 16″ E in the Shushan morphs were affected by taphonomy, this would be the same on all
Basin (Figs. 1 and 2). This well was drilled by the Western Desert Op- wells, and hence, any bias (if any) would slightly amplify the proximal
erating Petroleum Company (WEPCO) in 1971. Samples were treated signal/trend in deposition in all wells in a similar way, bearing in mind
according to the standard HCl (10%), HF (40%) palynological techni- this study intend to study the general proximal-distal trend in sedi-
ques to remove the carbonates and silicates and to extract the organic mentation. A better elaboration of this trend would be ideally mani-
residue (Traverse, 2007). Residue was then sieved through a 10 μm fested by carrying out a sequence stratigraphic analysis, but the
nylon sieve. Two to three slides were prepared from each rock sample sporadic sampling (i.e. distant spacing) and the lack of the gamma ray
and examined for light microscopy and photomicrography using Ax- log of the wells hindered carrying out this detailed analysis. However,
iolab Zeiss and its own digital camera. The recovered miospores show as we are dealing here with formations in an intrabasinal context, the
fair to moderate preservation status, in contrast to the dinoflagellate taphonomic as well as depositional conditions are assumed to have si-
cysts, which show mostly fair preservation. Similarly, the miospores milar effect on organic matter deposited within contemporaneous rock
recovered from Tut-1 and Amoun-1 (Baioumi and Lashin, 2003) and units of relatively similar depositional settings. This is probably sup-
Fadda-1 (Khalaf, 2014) show better fair to moderate preservation than ported by the similar preservation status in the studied Minqar-1X and
the dinoflagellate cysts. About 250 palynomorphs were counted to the other correlated Tut-1, Amoun-1, and Fadda-1 wells as is mentioned
calculate relative abundances of the palynomorphs. All slides and re- above.
sidues are stored in the Geological Museum of the Geology Department
at the Faculty of Science, Sohag University, Egypt. For referencing of
the taxonomic identification, readers are refer to Jansonius and Hills 4. Results and discussion of the revised palynostratigraphy of the
(1976) for the spores and pollen grains, and to Williams et al. (2017) for Minqar-IX well
the dinoflagellate cysts. The ratio of continental to marine palyno-
morphs C/M was calculated by dividing the counted number of ter- In the current work, pollen and spores are found here as a more
restrial palynomorphs per sample to the total count of palynomorphs powerful biostratigraphic tool than dinoflagellate cysts, due to their
(250 grains) and was multiplied by 100. The same was also applied to abundance, good preservation, and continuous vertical distribution.
the marine palynomorph fraction. This is done to enable the correlation However, the dinoflagellate cysts are of minor importance due to
of our C/M with their counterparts in the correlated Tut-1, Amoun-1, fragmentary occurrence and bad preservation. The biostratigraphic and
and Fadda-1 wells. palaeoecological data were previously presented by Mahmoud (1989)
It is important to mention that calculations of the percentage of and Omran et al. (1990). Here, we try to make a high-resolution pa-
continental and marine palynomorphs ratio in the four wells could be lynological dating of the rocks under study, with age re-assessment of
affected by the taphonomic processes. This can be inferred from the the different chronostratigraphic units proposed by the original drilling
preservation status of the recovered palynomorphs, where miospores company (WEPCO, 1971) and to recommend some “informal“ palyno-
recovered from the studied Minqar-1X well as well from the correlated zones depending on the recovered marker taxa and the abundance of
Tut-1, Amoun-1, and Fadda-1 wells show similar preservation status others. It is important to note that taphonomic processes probably af-
fected the composition of the original community (e.g., Bennington and

M.S. Mahmoud et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 151 (2019) 18–35

Fig. 5. Terrestrial and marine palynomorphs total range chart (semi-quantitative) by highest occurrences of the Minqar-IX well as is recorded in the present study.
N.B.: Percentage data in italic of Elaterosporites klaszii (41), Cretacaeiporites densimurus (46), and Afropollis aff. jardinus (48) are deemed here as caved. Th =
Tithonian, Ma = Masajid.

M.S. Mahmoud et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 151 (2019) 18–35

Fig. 6. Compilation of the biostratigraphic range of most of the important Cretaceous marker species in pre-Aptian Dicheiropollis etruscus/Afropollis and the Albian-
Cenomanian Elaterates phytogeographic provinces of North and West Africa and North South America (Modified after Deaf et al., 2014, 2016) (Hochuli and Kelts,

Bambach, 1996). In addition, studied strata are the result of the time- However, tested lowest occurrence (LO) data are sometimes used in
averaging of deposition during hundreds or thousands of years, where case of lack of HO of marker taxa (Figs. 4 and 5).
changes in the ecological conditions of the depositional environment
must have modified the composition of the sedimentary organic matter 4.1. Late Jurassic (samples 1 and 2)
within the sediments (e.g., Kidwell and Bosence, 1991; Behrensmeyer
et al., 2000). Additionally, it is usually difficult to ensure that the first These two samples are located at depths 10,340 (3152 m) and
appearance datum (FAD) and the last appearance datum (LAD) of a 10,350 ft (3155 m), respectively (Fig. 5). The palynomorph assemblage
given species coincides with it is real inception and extinction due to of these samples are characterized by the long-ranging smooth spores
taphonomic biases and/or lithologic facies control. Thus, the recorded (e.g., Triplanosporites, Deltoidospora, and Dictyophyllidites) and the
actual lowest occurrence (LO) and highest occurrence (HO) data are gymnosperm pollen grains (e.g., Araucariacites australis, Exesipollenites,
used here instead of the first appearance and last appearance. The and Classopollis classoides). All these miospores were recorded from the
criterion used to delineate the palynomorph zones is mostly the highest Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous of Egypt (Ibrahim and Schrank, 1996;
occurrence (HO) data of the marker forms to avoid the caving problem. Mahmoud and Deaf, 2007; Deaf et al., 2016; Gentzis et al., 2018).

M.S. Mahmoud et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 151 (2019) 18–35

Cretaceous age (Fig. 4). Additionally, the dinostratigraphy made by

Mahmoud (1989) on these samples suggested an Upper Jurassic (Kim-
meridgian) age. This unconformity surface was recognized by several
authors and represents a major regional unconformity that separates
the Upper Jurassic from the Lower Cretaceous in most of the north
Western Desert (e.g., Kerdany and Cherif, 1990; Keeley and Wallis,
1991; Guiraud, 1998). This unconformity surface represents a major
gap in sedimentation, which resulted from the combined effect of the
Cimmerian orogeny “event” (middle Tithonian-middle Berriasian) and
the main drop in the late Jurassic and early Cretaceous eustatic sea
levels (Kerdany and Cherif, 1990; Said, 1990; Keeley and Wallis, 1991;
Guiraud, 1998). In the Matruh Basin, the same Upper Jurassic (Kim-
meridgian-Tithonian)-Lower Cretaceous (Berriasian-early Hauterivian)
gap was also observed, where the late Jurassic (Oxfordian) Masajid
Formation is overlain unconformably by the early Cretaceous (late
Hauterivian-late Barremian) upper Alam El Bueib Formation (Deaf
et al., 2016; Gentzis et al., 2018).

4.2. PZ I: Impardecispora apiverrucata-Auritulinasporites scanicus

Assemblage Zone (Berriasian-early Hauterivian)

Definition: This zone is determined from the HO of Impardecispora

apiverrucata (30) and just below LO of Dicheiropollis etruscus (40) to the
downward extension of the current zone, where Auritulinasporites sca-
nicus (16) is mostly confined to this zone (Figs. 4 and 5). The present
zone comprises samples from 3 to 22, which are recovered from depths
10,330-9310 ft (3149-2838 m).
Associated taxa: Triplanosporites (1), Deltoidospora spp. (2),
Deltoidospora australis (3), Dictyophyllidits harrisii (6), Araucariacites
australis (31), Ephedripites spp. (32), Exesipollenites sp. (33), Classopollis
classoides (34), Cycadopites spp. (36), Spiniferites spp. (58), Subtilisphaera
senegalensis (59), Subtilisphaera scabrata (60), and Subtilisphaera terrula
(61) (Fig. 5, Plates 1, 2, and 4).
Age assessment and correlation: This zone is characterized by the
occurrence of Impardecispora apiverrucata, which is considered as a
Berriasian-early Hauterivian marker species in Egypt. A comprehensive
emphasis on its Lower Cretaceous affinity has been documented by
Schrank and Mahmoud (1998), where they checked their problematic
Upper Jurassic occurrences. Thusu and Van Der Eem (1985) and Thusu
et al. (1988) also recorded Impardecispora apiverrucata from calpio-
nellid-dated Valanginian rocks in NE Libya (Figs. 6 and 7). Moreover,
the occurrence of the common Northern Gondwana pollen species Di-
cheiropollis etruscus of the known late Hauterivian-early Barremian
(Thusu and Van Der Eem, 1985, Thusu et al., 1988; Uwins and Batten,
1988; Deaf et al., 2016) above the current zone suggest an age not
younger than the Berriasian-early Hauterivian for the present zone.
Given the fact the recorded regional unconformity represents non de-
position and/or erosion of the lowermost Cretaceous in the north
Western Desert of Egypt including the studied Shushan Basin, a ques-
tionable ?Berriasian to more probable Valanginian to early Hauterivian
age is suggested for this palynozones. Consequently, the clastic rocks of
the current zone represents the lowermost (?Berriasian-early Hauter-
ivian) Alam El Bueib Formation in Minqar-1X well according to Hantar
(1990) and Kerdany and Cherif (1990). In Egypt, the current zone is
equivalent for example to Zone II (Berriasian-early Hauterivian) of
Fig. 7. Correlation scheme of the current biozonation of Minqar-1X with se- Ibrahim and Schrank (1996) in KRM-1 well (Fig. 7) and to the lower-
lected Egyptian and related worldwide biostratigraphic zonations recorded in most part of Zone PS I (Berriasian-Barremian) of Mahmoud and Deaf
the Lower Cretaceous of the Northern Gondwana Provinces (Modified after (2007) in Siqeifa 1-X well.
Schrank, 1992; Deaf et al., 2014, 2016).
4.3. PZ II: Dicheiropollis etruscus Taxon Range Zone (late Hauterivian-
However, the occurrence of the Berriasian-early Hauterivian marker early Barremian)
spores Impardecispora apiverrucata (e.g., Ibrahim and Schrank, 1996;
Schrank and Mahmoud, 1998; Mahmoud and Deaf, 2007; Deaf et al., Definition: The current zone is based on the total range of
2016, Fig. 6) in Sample 4 over the unconformity surface, suggests Dicheiropollis etruscus (40) (Figs. 4 and 5). This zone includes samples
samples below this surface are of late Jurassic rather than early from 25 to 31, which are recovered from depths 8590-8280 ft (2618-
2524 m).

M.S. Mahmoud et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 151 (2019) 18–35

Fig. 8. Correlation of the Minqar-IX well with other wells in the Shushan Basin. Datum 1 is drawn at the uppermost boundary of the palynologically dated Alamein
Dolomite Formation in Minqar-1X and Fadda-1 wells. Datum 2 is drawn at the uppermost boundary of a palynologically dated marker dolomite horizon in Tut-1 and
Amoun-1 wells. Correlation is not drawn to a horizontal scale.

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(caption on next page)

M.S. Mahmoud et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 151 (2019) 18–35

Plate 1. Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous spores and pollen grains.

1- Dictyophyllidites sp., Depth: 10,340 ft, no. 3A, Indices: 15/87.5, 2- Deltoidospora toralis. Depth: 9910 ft, no. 13A, Indices: 9.5/90.5, 3- Dictyophyllidites harrisii
Couper, 1958, Depth: 8020 ft, no. 33A, Indices: 13.2/87.6, 4- Auritulinasporites scanicus Nilsson, 1958, Depth: 7300 ft, no. 38A, Indices: 10.6/106.4, 5- Deltoidospora
hallii Miner, 1935, Depth: 9870 ft, no. 14A, Indices: 8/83.6, 6- Auritulinasporites scanicus Nilsson, 1958, Depth: 9870 ft, no. 14A, Indices: 5/82, 7- Deltoidospora sp.,
Depth: 8020 ft, no. 33A, Indices: 11/113.2, 8- Cycadopites sp., Depth: 9690 ft, no. 18A, Indices: 7/90, 9, 19- Ephedripites sp., Depth: 7420 ft, no. 36A, Indices: 14/
102.5, Depth: 7410 ft, no. 37A, Indices: 12.4/108.5, 10- Triplanosporites sp., Depth: 6880 ft, no. 45A, Indices: 9.5/85.
11- Balmeiopsis limbatus (Balme) Archangelsky, 1979, Depth: 7410 ft, no. 37B, Indices: 13/105, 12- Cicatricosisporites sp., Depth: 8280 ft, no. 31A, Indices: 16/97.7,
13- Echinatisporis varispinosus (Pocock) Srivastava, 1977, Depth: 8590 ft, no. 25A, Indices: 7.4/83, 14- Monocolpopollenites sp., Depth: 8590 ft, no. 25A, Indices: 5.5/
104, 15- Exesipollenites sp., Depth: 8390 ft, no. 27A, Indices: 10/111.5, 21- Concavissimisporites punctatus (Delcourt & Sprumont) Brenner, 1963, Depth: 7020 ft, no.
42B, Indices: 24/101.7, 22- Araucariacites australis Cookson ex Couper, 1953, Depth: 9310 ft, no. 22A, Indices: 9.6/91.5.
Berriasian-Valanginian spores and pollen grains
20- Impardecispora apiverrucata (Couper) Venkatachala et al., 1969, Depth: 8280 ft, no. 31A, Indices: 10.6/79.5.
Late Hauterivian-Early Barremian spores and pollen grains
16, 17, 18- Dicheiropollis etruscus Trevisan 1972, Depth: 8590 ft, no. 25A, Indices: 8/97.

Associated taxa: Triplanosporites (1), Deltoidospora spp. (2), Deltoidospora australis (3), Dictyophyllidits harrisii (6), Cicatricosisporites
Deltoidospora australis (3), Araucariacites australis (31), Ephedripites spp. spp. (7), Aequitriradites norrissii (14), Echinatisporis varispinosus (23),
(32), Exesipollenites sp. (33), Classopollis classoides (34), Cycadopites spp. Auritulinasporites intrastriatus (27), Kyrtomisporis spp. (28),
(36), and Subtilisphaera senegalensis (59) (Fig. 5, Plates 1 and 2). Araucariacites australis (31), Ephedripites spp. (32), Exesipollenites sp.
Age assessment and correlation: The current palynozone is (33), Classopollis classoides (34), Cycadopites spp. (36),
characterized by the occurrence of the marker gymnosperm pollen Monocolpopollenites sp. (52), Spiniferites spp. (58), Subtilisphaera sene-
Dicheiropollis etruscus, which has a well-known late Hauterivian-early galensis (59), Subtilisphaera scabrata (60), Subtilisphaera terrula (61), and
Barremian stratigraphic range in the Northern Gondwana (Fig. 6). It Pseudoceratium anaphrissum (64) (Fig. 5, Plates 1–3).
was recorded from palynologically (dinoflagellate) and micro- Age assessment and correlation: This zone is distinguished from
palaeontologically dated rocks in intertropical Africa, southern Swit- the underlying zones by the first appearance of the angiosperm pollen
zerland/northern Italy, NE Libya, and Egypt (Jardine et al., 1974, grains of Stellatopollis spp. The oldest records of this species is widely
Hochuli, 1981, Thusu and Van Der Eem, 1985, Penny, 1986, Thusu accepted to mark the late Barremian (e.g., Penny, 1991; Doyle, 1992;
et al., 1988, Uwins and Batten, 1988, Salard-Cheboldaeff, 1990, Penny, 1992; Schrank, 1992; Schrank and Mahmoud, 1998; Doyle,
Ibrahim and Schrank, 1996, Deaf et al., 2016). In Minqar-1X, the clastic 1999; Deaf et al., 2016) in the Dicheiropollis/Afropollis Phytogeopro-
samples of the current zone represent the middle (late Hauterivian- vince (Fig. 6). The palynoflora recorded from the upper Barremian
early Barremian) Alam El Bueib Formation according to Hantar (1990) upper Six Hills Formation in the Dakhla Oasis, Egypt (Schrank and
and Kerdany and Cherif (1990). Our proposed zone is similar to several Mahmoud, 2002) contain Stellatopollis, among others, characterizing
zones recorded in Egypt, namely Zone III (late Hauterivian-early Bar- the local pre-tricolpate, pre-Aptian phase of angiosperm evolution. In
remian) of Ibrahim and Schrank (1996) in KRM-1 well, Zone PZ 1 (late the north Western Desert of Egypt, more diverse and a perfectly pre-
Hauterivian-early Barremian) of Deaf et al. (2016) in Abu Tunis 1X well served angiosperm pollen grains association was recorded by Deaf et al.
(Fig. 7). In the Northern Gondwana, this zone is similar to the D. (2016) from the upper Barremian of Abu Tunis 1X well. Less diverse,
etruscus Zone described by Doyle et al. (1977) from the pre-Albian of but recognizable angiosperm pollen forms were also recorded by
Equatorial Africa and to the upper part of Zone V and lower part of Ibrahim and Schrank (1996) from the upper Barremian of Kahraman-1
Zone VI (late Hauterivian-early Barremian) of Thusu et al. (1988) in NE well in the north Western Desert of Egypt. In the foraminifera- and
Libya. However, in other more arid regions of the Northern Gondwana dinoflagellate-dated Libyan late Barremian, Stellatopollis spp. was re-
(Fig. 7), Dicheiropollis etruscus was recorded earlier from the Berriasian corded from the earliest late Barremian (Thusu and Van Der Eem, 1985;
rocks of Morocco (Gübeli et al., 1984), Gabon (Doyle et al., 1977), and Thusu et al., 1988). In the dinoflagellate-dated strata of Morocco,
NS America (Müller et al., 1987; Regali and Viana, 1989). This earlier Stellatopollis spp. has been recorded from the late Barremian (Gübeli
appearance of Dicheiropollis etruscus was attributed by Deaf et al. (2016) et al., 1984). Thus, the inception of Stellatopollis spp. was taken to
to palaeoecological factors related to the continuous northeast drift of document the late Barremian age in the Northern Gondwana Realm
the African Plate during late Hauterivian onward, where D. etruscus was (Doyle et al., 1977, 1982; Penny, 1989, 1991; Doyle, 1992; Schrank,
adapted and migrated to arid conditions. Deaf et al. (2016) suggested 1992; Ibrahim and Schrank, 1996; Schrank and Mahmoud, 1998; Deaf
using the independently-dated stratigraphic range of D. etruscus in et al., 2016). Murospora florida is considered a distinctive Aptian spore
Libya and Senegal, because these areas of the Dicheiropollis etruscus/ in the stratigraphy of Egypt (e.g., Mahmoud et al., 2007 and references
Afropollis Province of Herngreen et al. (1996) were nearly located at the therein). In Brazil and equatorial Africa (North Gabon), the occurrence
same palaeolatitudinal position of the palaoetropic during the Berria- of this taxon was used to indicate an early Aptian age (Doyle et al.,
sian-Hauterivian. Thus, contemporaneous successions from these areas 1982; Regali et al., 1974). In northern Egypt, El Shamma et al. (1997,
show palynofloras of similar biostratigraphic ranges than that of the 1999) and Mahmoud et al. (2007) marked the increase in percentage of
palaeosubtropical regions of Africa (Morocco and Gabon) and north Murospora florida in the Aptian. Thus, the highest frequencies of Mur-
South America (Brazil). ospora florida in the upper part of the present zone (Fig. 5) suggests an
early Aptian age for Sample 38 and upward. As a result, the samples
(32–41) containing all marker forms mentioned above are assigned to
4.4. PZ III: Stellatopollis spp.-Murospora florida Interval Zone (late
the upper (late Barremian-early Aptian) Alam El-Buieb Formation ac-
Barremian-early Aptian)
cording to Hantar (1990) and Kerdany and Cherif (1990). The paly-
noflora of our current zone is similar to several assemblages recorded
Definition: It is defined from the LO of Stellatopollis spp. (51) and
from the upper Barremian-lower Aptian of northern Egypt. For ex-
relatively above the HO of Dicheiropollis etruscus (40) to just below the
ample, assemblage of Section 2 (late Barremian) and Section 3 (early
LO of Afropollis aff. jardinus (48), and high abundances of Murospora
Aptian) of Penny (1991) in Mersa Matruh-1 well and Zone IV (late
florida are confined to this zone (Figs. 4 and 5). PZ III encompasses
Barremian-early Aptian) of Ibrahim and Schrank (1996) in KRM-1 well,
samples from 33 to 41, which are recovered from depths 8020-7040 ft
northern Western Desert. Also, in the north Western Desert, the as-
(2454-2146 m).
semblages “A1” (core #15-late Barremian) and “A2” (core #14-early
Associated taxa: Triplanosporites sp. (1), Deltoidospra spp. (2),

M.S. Mahmoud et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 151 (2019) 18–35

(caption on next page)

M.S. Mahmoud et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 151 (2019) 18–35

Plate 2. Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous spores and pollen grains.

1- Murospora florida, Depth: 7300 ft, no. 38B, Indices: 22.3/83, 2- Concavissimisporites variverrucatus Singh, 1964, Depth: 7300 ft, no. 38B, Indices: 15/113.5, 3-
Kyrtomisporis sp., Depth: 7230 ft, no. 39A, Indices: 11.5/100.5, 4- Callialasporites trilobatus (Balme) Sukh Dev, 1961, Depth: 7410 ft, no. 37A, Indices: 7.5/96, 5-
Monocolpopollenites sp., Depth: 7300 ft, no. 38B, Indices: 9.5/88.5, 6- Aequitriradites norrissii Backhouse, 1988, Depth: 7230 ft, no. 39A, Indices: 11.7/106.5, 7-
Balmeisporites longirimosus Kondinskaya, 1966, Depth: 7040 ft, no. 41A, Indices: 15.5/71.7, 8- Planispiral microforaminiferal test linings, Depth: 7020 ft, no. 42B,
Indices: 10/95.5, 9- Classopollis classoides Pflug, 1953, Depth: 7230 ft, no. 39A, Indices: 6.4/88, 10- Classopollis sp., Depth: 6960 ft, no. 43A, Indices: 7.5/85.5, 11-
Cibotiumspora jurienensis (Balme) Filatoff, 1975, Depth: 6220 ft, no. 56A, Indices: 9.7/85.5, 12- Cicatricosisporites sinuosus Hunt, 1985, Depth: 7410 ft, no. 37A,
Indices: 24/97.6.
Albian-Cenomanian spore and pollen grains
13- Crybelosporites pannuceus (Brenner) Srivastava, 1977, Depth: 6200 ft, no. 57A, Indices: 12.4/111.5, 14- Trilobosporites laevigatus El-Beialy, 1994, Depth: 6190 ft,
no. 58A, Indices: 19/82.

Aptian) of Ibrahim (2002) in GTX-1 well and PZ 2 (late Barremian) and are recovered depths 6150-5440 ft (1875-1658 m).
lower PZ 3 (early Aptian) of Deaf et al. (2016) in Abu Tunis 1X well are Associated taxa: Triplanosporites sp. (1), Deltoidospra spp. (2),
similar to the present zone. In the Northern Gondwana Province, our Deltoidospora australis (3), Aequitriradites verrucosus (4), Crybelosporites
zone is comparable to Zone “D” (late Barremian) and Zone “E” (early pannuceus (5), Dictyophyllidits harrisii (6), Cicatricosisporites spp. (7),
Aptian) of Gübeli et al. (1984), northern Morocco, and to Zone VI (late Balmeisporites longirimosus (8), Araucariacites australis (31), Ephedripites
Barremian) and Zone VII (Aptian) of Thusu et al. (1988), northeast spp. (32), Exesipollenites sp. (33), Classopollis classoides (34),
Libya. In addition, Zones CVI-CVII (late Barremian) of Doyle et al. Inaperturopollenites undulates (35), Cycadopites spp. (36), Afropollis sp.
(1977), in the pre-salt deposits of northeast Gabon and the Stellatopollis (43), Retimonocolpites sp. (45), Retimonocolpites ghazalii (47), Afropollis
bituberensis Zone (late Barremian) of Regali and Viana (1989), northeast aff. jardinus (48), Spiniferites spp. (58), Subtilisphaera senegalensis (59),
Brazil can be compared to the lower part of our PZ III. Subtilisphaera scabrata (60), Subtilisphaera terrula (61), and
Subtilisphaera perlucida (62) (Fig. 5, Plates 1–4).
4.5. PZ IV: Afropollis aff. Jardinus-Murospora florida Interval Zone (late Age assessment and correlation: This interval contains a marker
Aptian) elaterate taxon and two marker angiosperm pollen forms, namely
Afropollis jardinus and Cretacaeiporites densimurus. This zone is char-
Definition: It is detected from the LO of Afropollis aff. jardinus (48) acterized by the first appearance of Afropollis jardinus, which is taken in
to just below the LO of Afropollis jardinus (44) and Cretacaeiporites the Northern Gondwana to indicate an early Albian age (Fig. 6). This
densimurus (46) (Figs. 4 and 5). This zone involves samples from 42 to taxon was recorded from the early Albian of Egypt (e.g., Schrank, 1992;
57, which are recovered from depths 7020-6200 ft (2140-1890 m). Deaf et al., 2014). Furthermore, Schrank and Ibrahim (1995) delineated
Associated taxa: Triplanosporites sp. (1), Deltoidospra spp. (2), the base of the early Albian succession of their foraminifera-dated wells
Deltoidospora australis (3), Dictyophyllidits harrisii (6), Cicatricosisporites (KRM-1 and AG-18) in north Western Desert by the lower occurrence
spp. (7), Balmeisporites longirimosus (8), Trilobosporites laevigatus (10), level of Afropollis jardinus and Elaterosporites Klaszii, and Re-
Aequitriradites norrissii (14), Impardecispora uralunsis (15), Araucariacites timonocolpites variplicatus. Afropollis jardinus species was also recorded
australis (31), Ephedripites spp. (32), Exesipollenites sp, (33), Classopollis from the foraminifera-dated Albian strata of Senegal and Ivory Coast
classoides (34), Cycadopites spp. (36), Afropollis sp. (43), Spiniferites spp. (Jardiné and Magloire, 1965; Doyle et al., 1982). In north South
(58), Subtilisphaera senegalensis (59), Subtilisphaera scabrata (60), America, the same taxon was recovered from foraminifera-dated early
Florentinia laciniata (63), Pseudoceratium anaphrissum (64), and Albian rocks in Brazil (Herngreen 1973, 1975; Regali et al., 1974;
Florentinia berran (65) (Fig. 5a and b, Plates 1–4). Regali and Viana, 1989), and from ammonite-dated late Albian-early
Age assessment and correlation: The palynological assemblage of Cenomanian age strata in Colombia (Herngreen and Jimenez, 1990).
this zone contains an important marker pollen taxon Afropollis aff. Thus, the base range of A. jardinus was widely taken to characterize the
jardinus, which is regarded in the “Northern Gondwana Province” in- early Albian in Egypt and elsewhere (e.g., Doyle et al., 1982; Gübeli
cluding Egypt as characteristic of the late Aptian-early Albian (e.g., et al., 1984; Schrank and Ibrahim, 1995; Deaf et al., 2014). However,
Doyle et al., 1982; Penny, 1989; Schrank and Ibrahim, 1995; Ibrahim, the occurrence of the middle Albian marker pollen grain Elaterosporites
1996; Deaf et al., 2016). Furthermore, the presence of the topmost klaszii in the current zone excludes the early Albian and suggests a
occurrence of the diagnostic early Albian angiosperm Afropollis jardinus middle Albian age for the entire zone. Elaterosporites klaszii is con-
(e.g., Doyle et al., 1982; Deaf et al., 2014) in the overlying Sample 59 sidered as a diagnostic marker taxon for the middle Albian-middle
supports an Aptian age for this interval. Thus, the Aptian age assigned Cenomanian in the Albian-Cenomanian Elaterates Phytogeographic
for this dominantly sandstone lithology with frequent shale interbeds in Province of Herngreen et al. (1996). It was recorded in West Africa,
its lower part and occasional limestone beds in its upper part suggests specifically from Senegal and the Ivory Coast from foraminifera-dated
samples 44 to 58 as comprising the Alamein Formation. This zone re- rocks of middle Albian-middle Cenomanian age (Jardiné and Magloire,
sembles the lower part of Zone PS2 of Omran et al. (1990) in Fadda-1 1965; Jardiné, 1967). In Brazil and Columbia, Elaterosporites klaszii was
well, Murospora florida Assemblage Zone of El Shamma et al. (1997), also recorded from foraminifera-dated middle Albian-middle Cen-
Murospora florida Acme Zone of El Shamma et al. (1999), and PSI As- omanian rocks (Müller, 1966; Herngreen, 1973; Herngreen and
semblage Zone of Mahmoud and Moawad (2002) in Sanhur-1X of the Jimenez, 1990). In northern Italy, E. klaszii was also recovered from
Aptian age in the north Western Desert. The present zone is also similar foraminifera-dated upper Albian rocks by Hochuli (1981). Cretacaei-
to the AP.1 Murospora florida Acme Zone (Aptian) recorded by Tahoun porites densimurus appears throughout the entire zone, and its first oc-
et al. (2015) from South Sallum well in the north Western Desert. currence was recorded by Ibrahim (1996, 2002) from the upper Albian-
lower Cenomanian in the north Western Desert of Egypt. The middle
4.6. PZ V: Afropollis jardinus-Cretacaeiporites densimurus-Elaterosporites Albian age of the main clastic unit made up of sandstone with thin shale
klaszii Assemblage Zone (middle Albian) and siltstone intercalations assign samples 59 to 70 to the middle
Kharita Formation. The missed lower Kharita Formation of the early
Definition: The current zone is defined from the LO of Afropollis Albian age in Minqar-1X (Fig. 4) suggests development of palaeotopo-
jardinus (44) and Cretacaeiporites densimurus (46) and just below the LO graphic highs or probably effect of local uplifting in the study area. This
of Elaterosporites klaszii (41) to the upward extension of the current zone zone is correlated with zone IIIe Elaterosporites klaszi-Afropollis-Tri-
(Figs. 4 and 5). This interval encompasses samples from 59 to 70, which colporopollenites of Schrank and Ibrahim (1995) in KRM-1 well and Zone

M.S. Mahmoud et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 151 (2019) 18–35

(caption on next page)

2 (mid Albian) of Ibrahim (1996) in GTX-1 well. It is also similar to 5. Correlation within Shushan Basin
upper Zone PSII (Albian) of Mahmoud and Moawad (2002) in Sanhur-
1X well and to upper part of PZ1: Afropollis jardinus-Tricolporopollenites- As we mentioned above in section 1, lithological correlation alone is
Elaterosporites klaszii Assemblage Zone (early-middle Albian) of Deaf almost not helpful when dealing with monotonous coarse clastic rock
et al. (2014) in Abu Tunis 1X well. units. Thus, biostratigraphic correlation would be more useful. The
temporal and spatial changes in the ratio of continental to marine

M.S. Mahmoud et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 151 (2019) 18–35

Plate 3. Late Barremian angiosperm pollen grains.

4- Retimonocolpites pennyi Schrank and Mahmoud (2002), Depth: 8590 ft, no. 25A, Indices: 10/106.5, 15, 16- Stellatopollis dejaxii Ibrahim (2002), Depth: 7020 ft, no.
42A, Indices: 8.5/92, Depth: 6880 ft, no. 45A, Indices: 14.5/83, 24- Retimonocolpites matruhensis Penny (1986), Depth: 6680 ft, no. 47A, Indices: 21/87.5, 23-
Retimonocolpites variplicatus Schrank and Mahmoud (1998), Depth: 5970 ft, no. 63A, Indices: 9/82.4.
Late Aptian angiosperm pollen grains
2, 3, 6, 19, 20- Afropollis aff. jardinus Doyle et al. (1982), Depth: 6880 ft, no. 45B, Indices: 12.5/103, Depth: 6910 ft, no. 44A, Indices: 8.2/104, Depth: 6910 ft, no.
44A, Indices: 13.6/84.5, Depth: 7020 ft, no. 42A, Indices: 11/89, Depth: 7020 ft, no. 42A, Indices: 4.6/103.5, 8- Afropollis sp. B Doyle et al. (1982), Depth: 7300 ft, no.
25B, Indices: 9.5/92.8.
Albian angiosperm pollen grains
5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18- Afropollis jardinus Doyle et al. (1982), Depth: 5970 ft, no. 63A, Indices: 10/98.5, Depth: 5970 ft, no. 63A, Indices: 10/79, Depth:
6680 ft, no. 47A, Indices: 16.5/106.5, Depth: 5940 ft, no. 64B, Indices: 11/95, Depth: 6150 ft, no. 59A, Indices: 9.2/113.4, Depth: 6150 ft, no. 59B, Indices: 11.6/
110.5, Depth: 5440 ft, no. 70B, Indices: 13.5/117, Depth: 6680 ft, no. 47A, Indices: 13/116.7, Depth: 6200 ft, no. 57A, Indices: 7.5/113, Depth: 6540 ft, no. 49A,
Indices: 13.2/95.
Late Albian-Mid Cenomanian pollen grains
21, 22- Cretacaeiporites densimurus Schrank and Ibrahim (1995), Depth: 6150 ft, no. 59A, Indices: 11.2/100.5, Depth: 5970 ft, no. 63B, Indices: 16.5/95.8.
Albian-Cenomanian spore and pollen grains
1- Crybelosporites pannuceus (Brenner) Srivastava, 1977, Depth: 6910 ft, no. 44B, Indices: 12.6/108.5.

palynomorphs is useful in identifying proximal-distal trend in sedi- Tut-1 and Amoun-1 wells (Fig. 8). Correlation of the middle Kharita
mentation (Steffen and Gorin, 1993; Pittet and Gorin, 1997). However, Formation in Minqar-1 well with its equivalents in Tut-1, Amoun-1, and
it is relatively affected by the taphonomic processes, especially the Fadda-1 wells also indicates shallower settings due east and west at the
biodegradation (Bombardiere and Gorin, 2000). However, as we are area of the later wells. Moreover, the occurrence of a considerable
dealing here with formations in an intrabasinal context, the taphonomic limestone unit at the basal part of Kharita Formation in Fadda-1 in
as well as depositional conditions are assumed to have similar effect on comparison to the major sandstone units in Tut-1 and Amoun-1 sug-
organic matter deposited within contemporaneous rock units of rela- gests the later wells were probably located at more coastal setting. In
tively similar depositional settings. This is probably supported by the fact, the major sandstone unit of the Kharita Formation of Tut-1 and
similar preservation status in the studied Minqar-1X and the other Amoun-1 show shallow marine and continental conditions and exhibit
correlated Tut-1, Amoun-1, and Fadda-1 wells as is mentioned before. C/M of 99.2/5.7 and 93/6.7, respectively (Baioumi and Lashin, 2003).
Thus, the current C/M ratio is used here to establish an intrabasinal In Amoun-1 well, the palynomorphs association is almost dominated by
correlation only. terrestrial palynomorphs, while a few brackish-thriving dinoflagellate
Datum 1 is drawn at the uppermost boundary of the palynologically cysts were recorded from the upper Kharita Formation. In contrast,
dated Alamein Dolomite Formation in Minqar-1X (present study) and in dinoflagellate cysts were almost absent from the Kharita Formation of
Fadda-1 (Khalaf, 2014) wells (Fig. 8). The correlation between the Tut-1 and palynomorphs are entirely composed of spores and pollen
Alam El Bueib Formation in Minqar-1X with its age equivalent in grains (Baioumi and Lashin, 2003). In Fadda-1 well, the carbonate and
Fadda-1 well indicates this formation had a shallower dispositional sandstone units of the Kharita Formation possess a palynomorph asso-
setting in Minqar-1X, where it is composed mainly of alternations of ciation, which reflects the general regressive sedimentation but with
sandstones and shales. However, in Fadda-1, the formation is mainly more marine influence, which is represented by a lower C/M of 90.4/
composed of shales with a fewer sandstone alternations (Fig. 8). This 9.6. The dinoflagellate cysts are largely dominated by the brackish-
shallower setting in Minqar-1X is reflected on a higher continental- thriving and contain a few open marine forms in comparison to those
marine ratio C/M (93/2.6) in comparison to that (78/9.4) recorded in brackish forms recorded from Amoun-1. At southern margin of Shushan
Fadda-1 (Fig. 8). This is further exemplified in Minqar-1X by the very Basin, the middle Kharita Formation of Minqar-1 show a C/M 93.4/7
rare occurrences of the brackish indicator dinoflagellate cysts, but in similar to that recorded from the other marginal Amoun-1 well at the
Fadda-1, the dinoflagellate cysts are made up of brackish and fewer western part of the basin. In Minqar-1 and Amoun-1, the dinoflagellate
open marine forms. On the other hand, the thickness of Alam El Bueib cysts are made up entirely of brackish forms. This possibly suggests the
in Fadda-1 is not as thick as that recorded in Minqar-1X and it is se- western and southern margins of Shushan Basin were shallower, while
parated from the overlying Alamein Formation by an unconformity the marine conditions were probably deeper at eastern margin of the
surface. This suggests that while marine conditions at the eastern basin at Fadda-1 well (Fig. 8). Furthermore, the missed lower Kharita
margin of Shushan Basin at Fadda-1 were relatively deeper than those Formation as is evidenced by the current palynostratigraphy suggests
at the southern margin of the basin at Minqar-1, it was probably tec- local tectonics and/or palaeogeography was superimposed on deposi-
tonically active, where local uplifting may have affected the area of tion of the Kharita Formation during the early Albian. This highlights
Fadda-1 during the late Barremian. Thus, the uppermost Alam El Bueib the importance of using palynostratigraphic correlation of almost
in Fadda-1 was not deposited or at least was deposited and later eroded monotonous rock units, where hiatuses cannot be detected using the
(Fig. 8). lithologic criteria alone.
Correlation of the overlying Alamein Formation also reveals the From the above discussion, we can conclude that a palynostrati-
same deeper conditions of Fadda-1 in comparison to that prevailed at graphic correlation of monotonous rock units is not only helpful in
Minqar-1X. In Fadda-1, the Alamein Formation is mainly composed of a detection of lateral continuity of problematic formations and in tracing
shale units with few sandstone intercalations, which is overlain by a their lateral facies change, but also useful in revealing the general pa-
carbonate unit and shows a C/M of 91.3/9. In Minqar-1X, the Alamein laeoceanographic conditions, and in identifying confidently the un-
Formation is composed at the base of a clastic unit made up of alter- recognizable hiatus.
nations of shales and sandstones and is overlain by a carbonate unit and
shows a C/M of 97.4/3.8. In both wells, the terrestrial palynomorphs 6. Conclusions
are the dominate component, but the dinoflagellate cysts in Fadda-1 are
represented by shallow and open marine forms, while in Minqar-1X, Based on the current study, the following concluding remarks are
only the shallow marine forms occur. summarized as follows:
Datum 2 is drawn at the uppermost boundary of a palynologically
dated (Baioumi and Lashin, 2003) Albian marker dolomite horizon in 1 Five palynozones are identified from the Lower Cretaceous of

M.S. Mahmoud et al. Journal of African Earth Sciences 151 (2019) 18–35

Plate 4. Mid Albian elaterate gymnosperm pollen grains.

1, 3, 4, 5, 6- Elaterosporites klaszii (Jardine & Magloire) Jardine (1967), Depth: 6910 ft, no. 44B, Indices: 12.2/94, Depth: 6150 ft, no. 59B, Indices: 8.7/107.5, Depth:
6150 ft, no. 59B, Indices: 16.5/89, Depth: 6150 ft, no. 59B, Indices: 15.5/115.5, Depth: 5970 ft, no. 63A, Indices: 11/89.9.
Late Albian-Mid Cenomanian pollen grains
2- Ephedripites irregularis Herngreen (1973), Depth: 6540 ft, no. 49A, Indices: 13.5/102.4.
Cretaceous dinoflagellate cysts
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